#So that it’s a bit more… expressive????
sttoru · 22 hours
ahh i just cant stop thinking of sukuna's fav concubine getting injured from the other concubines but she hides it because shes scared of being weak (in sukuna's eyes) and/or a burden ☹️☹️
 𝝑𝑒 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. true form!sukuna x concubine!female reader. fluff, sprinkle of angst n comfort. size difference. reader gets called ‘brat, woman, little one’ — ig this is a bit early in their relationship
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“i’ve arrived, my lord,” you announce your presence once you step into sukuna’s quarters. the dimly lit room removed all the stress you currently had in your system—the knowledge that you’re safe in his space causes your shoulders to drop.
sukuna turns his head to look at you while he’s laid back on his bed, topless. all four of his eyes roam over your body, which isn’t anything unusual for you. he always does that.
“tch. took ya long enough,” the king of curses scoffs before gesturing for you to come closer, making that familiar motion with his fingers, “when i order y’ to come, you’re supposed to drop everything and rush to be at my service, woman.”
you hurry over to his side of the bed with a nod. “my apologies,” you mutter. you can’t tell him why you’re late, because hell would break loose within these walls. and also because you’re scared of what his reaction would be.
before being called over, you were in the kitchen, peacefully trying to get a snack, when two other concubines entered the room. you tried ignoring them, but that didn’t seem to be the smartest move. it wasn’t long before they threw derogatory remarks at you.
of course, you stood up for yourself and yelled some back. that’s when one of them pushed you backwards, causing the skin near your hand to get slightly burned by the fire on the stove.
if it weren’t for the maids around that went to report the ruckus to uraume, god knows what more would have went down in that kitchen.
“oi,” sukuna grabs your jaw and lifts your head up. he can immediately notice the vacant look in your eyes, which is unusual for you. you snap out of your trance and set the nasty memories aside—ignoring the impulse to scratch the injury on your wrist.
“i’m sorry, my lord,” you say again before slowly undoing your obi. you figure that is why sukuna had called you over, to do your job as his concubine. you halt your movements when you realise that undressing meant that he’s going to see the wound on your skin.
you hesitate. that same instant of hesitation doesn’t go unnoticed by the king of curses. a large hand of his moves to stop both of your wrists from pulling off your robes.
“. . .i’m giving y’ three seconds of my time,” sukuna narrows his eyes after allowing you to speak up and tell him what’s on your mind. he hears you whimper in pain when he holds onto your wrist, your facial expression clearly uncomfortable. “spit it out,” he impatiently huffs. he wants to hear you say what’s wrong.
you desperately shake your head, biting your bottom lip. you don’t want to tell him—even though you know you’re obligated to.
denying an answer to sukuna was your next big mistake.
“fuckin’ brat,” the pink-haired man grunts. he yanks your arms up to his face, harshly pulling down the sleeves of your kimono. all four of his red eyes immediately fall onto the wound on your wrist. you obviously hadn’t treat it yet, even though you should have done so long ago.
there’s tension hanging in the air almost instantly after your little secret gets revealed. sukuna’s grip on your hands tightens which causes you to flinch. you close your eyes and expect the worst. you can already hear the insults he’ll throw at you—how he’ll call you useless, weak, stupid and all that.
“look up at me,” his voice rings out in a firm tone. you don’t want to anger him more than he already is, so you obey. you open your eyes and glance upwards, your worried gaze meeting his.
sukuna takes a deep breath to contain the bubbling rage inside of him; a rare sight indeed. he doesn’t want to unnecessarily lash out at you when it isn’t needed. however, he can’t deny that itching urge in his chest, to get mad at whoever caused your skin to get tainted like that.
sukuna stares at you with an intimidating glare. when you expect him to yell profanities at you, the unexpected happens.
“who did this to you?” he asks, voice strained like he’s trying to hold himself back.
you blink a few times. the king of curses sounds pissed off, and when he’s in that kind of mood, you know he’s not to be played with. you look the other way and try to think of a proper answer.
will you snitch and cause unnecessary bloodbath, or will you spare the lives of the concubines who hurt you and lie?
you’re scared of being seen as useless by sukuna if you tell him the truth. if you lie, he’ll probably call you weak and stupid as well. it’s a lose-lose situation, you conclude.
you swallow the spit that has gathered in your mouth before parting your lips.
“m-miko,” her name echoes in his ears. you decide to be honest, because you know that there’s no fooling the ryomen sukuna. a second of silence follows and when you look up at him, he stares back at you with furrowed brows.
“ah,” you then realise that he doesn’t know his concubines by name. he has way too many women at his disposal and doesn’t find them worthy enough to remember.
however you have heard from uraume and the others that he does know your name—only yours. it makes you feel special.
you try to describe the concubine you’ve tussled with, “s-short blonde hair, uhm, mole under her right eye.. brown colored eyes—“
sukuna thinks for a moment before clicking his tongue once he faintly remembers who that’s supposed to be. without a word, he stands up and wraps one muscular arm around your waist, sweeping you off your feet and carrying you under his armpit like some package.
his voice is loud enough to make the walls shake and it carries a clear hint of pure rage. everyone in the estate should have heard him by now, which means that they know what is going down in a couple seconds.
sukuna sounding this angry only means one thing; someone is going to die today.
the servants hurriedly scurry around, deeply bowing as he walks past them in the hallway with you still tucked underneath his arms. you let yourself be carried while your heart beats uncontrollably fast in your chest.
you feel your hands shake a bit. seeing someone like sukuna be this mad for your sake—to the point that he’s ready to turn the entire area upside down—is somehow thrilling. though, you can’t help but feel sick because of your own thoughts.
someone is going to die and there you are, cheesing about the king of curses.
you see the white-haired chef appear from a corner, their steps hurried. they glance at you and then back at their master. it’s like they immediately connect the dots.
“treat her in my quarters. don’t let her leave until i come back,” sukuna commands without even looking at uraume. he’s staring ahead, with an ominous aura emitting from his body, one that somebody can sense from miles away.
he puts you down next to uraume before glancing your way one last time. he lets out a deep sigh as he sees the worried expression you’re making. he lowers his head to your level so you’d be face to face.
“and you,” his warm breath hits your cheeks and sends a shiver down your spine. you gulp as sukuna’s hand reaches up to firmly tug at your earlobe, “i’ll deal with your ass later, yeah? i’ll make you feel what it means to hide stuff from me, little one.”
that sentence makes you even more nervous. you know you won’t be able to avoid the punishment sukuna has in mind, so you simply nod. “understood,” you reply in a squeaky voice. you don’t have the guts to disobey him—he’s already out to kill someone and you don’t want to be the next victim.
sukuna straightens his back again and continues his journey towards the concubines’ quarters. every heavy step makes the floors and walls shake, a sign of his unstoppable rage that’s about to be unleashed.
you feel slightly puzzled. you didn’t expect this outcome when you revealed your injury to the ruthless man. you expected to be belittled and mocked for not being able to prevent a wound from being inflicted on your body.
instead, there he goes, off to get revenge in your stead. you feel a twisted sense of satisfaction after seeing sukuna be this protective over you. actions like these demonstrate more than his dull words can do, even if it may seem like he doesn’t care about what could happen to a human like you.
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fangirl-dot-com · 2 days
🤨Everyone is Convinced that You Aren't Together
*part of the reverse trope series*
Pairing: Logan Sargeant x FerrariDriver!Reader Genre: Fluff/SMAU Warning: Name calling? Summary: What is your love language? Acts of service? Quality time? Physical touch? Let's just say that you and Logan have a very different type, and no one thinks that you could actually be together.
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“Hey dickwad!” 
The sound of the not-so-nice name had people in the main hospitality turning in your direction. However, the person whose attention you were trying to get kept on eating his lunch, making you more semi-annoyed than you already were. 
You huffed rather loudly before sitting down across from him and whoever he was eating with. The table, comprising of Lando, Oscar, and Alex, was filled with pairs of wide eyes except for two. When the blond still didn’t look at you, you reached over and grabbed a fry off his plate. 
Then, and only then, did he finally look up to glare at you. Oscar just kept eating. 
“Did you seriously just take my last fry?” Logan questioned, eyes squinting in a glare. 
You raised an eyebrow in retaliation. “Yes. And?” 
“It was my last fry, fat ass.” 
“Like I said: yes, and?” 
Logan huffed, knowing that this was a losing battle already from the start. He put his head back down and started to finish his chicken sandwich. You had momentarily blanked at what you were there for, before quickly remembering. 
You looked to the man on your left. “Are you using this?” 
Lando, with wide eyes, shook his head as he watched you take his spoon. You reeled your hand back and threw it at Logan. When it hit him in the head, he looked back up at you. 
“What the actual heck was that for, whore?” 
You shrugged. “I remembered why I was here.” 
Logan rolled his eyes. “And you decided to throw a spoon at me?” 
“Yes. You forgot your jacket again at the hotel.” 
Alex, who had been in fear of a giant argument breaking out, watched as Logan’s eyes visibly softened. He had been confused for the entire thing. 
“Did you bring it here?” 
Then Alex watched the glare of annoyance come back to the blonde’s eyes while you smirked. 
You turned around at the sound of your teammate’s voice. 
“Yeah, Charles?” 
Charles could see that Alex and Lando were getting uncomfortable at the table and wanted to subtract you from the equation (even if that meant taking you away from your boyfriend). He could sense Logan’s “playful” glare from outside the hospitality. 
“We have a meeting in five minutes.” 
“Oh shit.”
You quickly stood up and rounded the table, stopping right in front of Logan’s chair. The American looked up at you. Lando and Alex watched as you stooped down. A sigh of relief was on the cusp of Lando’s lips, hoping that you’d kiss the American before you left. 
However, you just flicked his forehead. “Don’t forget to drink water, bitch.” 
With that you left with Charles on your right, conversation already flowing due to the race that weekend. 
Alex and Lando looked at Logan with wide eyes and were still surprised to see a pretty neutral facial expression as he ate a bite of his sandwich. Next to him, Oscar seemed unbothered as well. Logan was just finishing his sandwich when his eyes landed on something by Lando. 
“She left her water bottle after telling me to remember to drink water. What a cunt.” 
With a sigh, Logan stood up, grabbed the bottle and his plate, and walked over to the door. He put his dish in the return station before walking out the door. Alex’s and Lando’s eyes were glued to Logan’s figure before he went out of sight. After they turned to Oscar who was looking at his phone. 
The Aussie could feel the pair of eyes on him, but decided against it. There were a few moments of silence before George came over and sat in Logan’s empty seat. 
“Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” he asked, fork stabbing his food. 
Lando blinked a bit. “George, would you call Carmen a cunt?” 
George’s face twisted in disgust. “No?” 
“Would Carmen call you a bitch?” 
The Briton shook his head. “I hope not.” 
Lando’s head hit the table in a thunk, making George turn to Alex. “What’s wrong with him?” 
Alex rubbed his face. “What’s wrong with Logan and Y/n is the better question. They must be messing with us, because there is no way that they’re together.” 
George took a bite of his salad. “They are a bit . . . odd. Pretty mean to each other if you ask me.” 
“They’ve been like this for forever. It’s nothing new,” Oscar finally decided to add his piece. “It’s their love language.” 
Lando scoffed. “Like words of affirmation?” 
“More like words of insults. I could never insult Lily like that,” Alex muttered, taking a sip of his drink. 
Oscar rolled his eyes. “Y/n grew up with brothers and so did Logan. It’s romantic teasing if anything. You saw how Logan grabbed her water bottle. He probably took it to her.” 
Lando held his arms out. “But she didn’t bring his jacket! Is it one sided love from Logan?”
The Aussie just huffed, before he turned around. “Benny, did Y/n bring Logan’s jacket by Williams this morning?” 
The personal trainer, who had been silently laughing at the whole ordeal, smiled. “Yep. And she brought him his protein shake since we were out.” 
Oscar pointed. “See? And Ferrari doesn’t even carry those types of shakes.” 
Benny shook his head. “Nope. She would have had to go out to get it.” 
Lando was still unconvinced. “There is still no way. Maybe they can be best friends, but a couple? It’s not happening.” 
Alex winced. “I think I have to agree with Lando on this one.” 
Oscar wanted to refute once again, but he noticed it was time to go. He only hoped that maybe this weekend, Lando would be able to see that you and Logan were together. He knew that the fights between you two were good jests, and the insulting nicknames started from an inside joke that he didn’t even know the extent of. 
When it came time for the drivers’ parade, Oscar pointed out how you and Logan were practically joined at the hip. He took his designated spot to Logan’s left, while you stood to the right. He gestured for Lando and Alex to join him. 
But with a group, it seemed like you and Logan wanted to amp your antics. 
You waved to the crowd with a dazzling smile; however, your words to Logan were not as nice. Your elbow connected with Logan’s side. 
“Think you can actually finish the race today, loser?” 
Lando winced at your harsh words. Alex just stared with wide eyes. Oscar just sighed.
Logan kept his smile sharp as he also waved. His finger shoved your face back. “You think you can maybe win a race, asshat?” 
From behind you two, Max and Lewis had their mouths open as Charles giggled. The Monegasque was well aware of yours and Logan’s fun nicknames as he had heard many phone conversations since you became his teammate. 
Max leaned over to Charles. “Did she really just say that?” 
A nod from the Ferrari driver confirmed that the Dutchman did, in fact, just hear you say that. Not wanting to hear any other comments, everyone else left you two to be. But doing so, they missed Logan’s arm wrap around your waist and your head resting on his shoulder. 
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The race, for you, went surprisingly well. You had, once again, finished second behind Charles, who had managed a second race win of the season in Barcelona. Max finished the podium placers. You had been too busy to try to find Logan right after the race, but you wished deep down that he had at least finished. 
After the podium, you had been on your way to media when Ellie, your PR manager pulled you to the side. 
You cocked your head. “Is everything all right?” 
The girl bit her lip nervously. “Well, Logan finished in points today. It was P8 actually. But he had some issues with Lance during the race.” 
Well, that had your blood pressure rising. 
Your eye brows scrunched. “Did something happen?” 
Ellie looked down at the floor, not wanting to be on the receiving side of your anger. Everyone knew that you, and only you, could mess with Logan about his racing. 
“Stroll mentioned something about Logan’s racing style and made some snide comments.” 
You took a deep breath before turning to walk toward the media pit. “I’m guessing you have something for me to say?” 
The poor girl tried to keep up with your bigger strides as she thrust her phone near you. You had barely glanced at the words before deciding that you didn’t want anything to do with what Ferrari had written out. 
You were a bit out of breath as you approached the microphone. You licked your lips before glancing over at Ellie, a pitiful look on your face. You wanted to say sorry for what you might say during the interview. 
“I’ll say what I want,” was picked up by the mic, making the journalist wince a bit. 
You looked at the journalist as you put your hat on. The man tried to smile before he asked you some questions about your race. He could tell that you were disinterested in the questions, so he steered the interview in a different direction. 
“We watched Logan, your boyfriend, finish the race in P8. It was a really nice race on his part. Have you been able to watch the finish?” 
You shook your head. “I wanted to see him after the race but I had to be on the podium. I’m sure he did a very great job, and I’m proud of him getting points.” 
Both Ellie and the journalist saw a sliver of a smile on your face. Too bad it was about to disappear. 
The man clinched his teeth before speaking again. “After what Lance Stroll said on the radios and after the race, do you have any plans to speak up on that?” 
Your head cocked in a slightly annoyed manner; smile wiped from your face. Around, you, some drivers went silent as they waited for your words. Charles had been behind you, waiting for his turn. He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face, and his eyes kept glancing to your back. 
Oscar, who had been talking to Alex, also went quiet before they were called to do their own interviews.   
“I can’t speak on something I haven’t heard him say. Do you want to do the honors of telling me?” 
Your hands rested on the barrier, shoulders hunching. Everyone was bracing for impact. 
“He said some choice words over the radio, and then said, ‘Sargeant is lucky that his driving style is cowardly. He’s a dumb ass for trying to pull that move, which inevitably ruined my race. He’s just a total idiot. Next year will be nicer for sure’.” 
You pursed your lips as you mulled over Lance’s words. He was definitely insinuating that Logan wasn’t going to be on the grid next year. Something that no one knew for sure. Your eyes flickered around, trying to find some shade of green. However, you couldn’t see any, and maybe that was for the best. 
You gave a very fake smile as you said your response. “Well, Lance is just a cunt, and he can learn to keep his mouth shut. I haven’t seen anything about his contract renewal, so he should really focus on his races. I can show him cowardly if he would like?” 
Your smile was sickening as you slightly threatened the Canadian. It was then that you decided the interview was over as you thanked the man before turning around to leave. Ellie gave him an apology as she trailed behind you. 
On the way to Williams, you had managed to lose Ellie. On the inside, you were apologetic for how you acted today, but Logan needed you. You really weren’t expecting to see Lance on the way, but somehow fate was in your favor, and against his. 
Oscar, who had finished, was behind you and saw the moment you made a bee-line for the Canadian. 
“Oh shit,” he muttered, picking up his pace to possibly stop you from hitting the brunet. 
When he got there, your finger was pressed against Lance’s chest as you berated him in front of the paddock. 
Alex and Lando, who had joined Oscar in trying to gently redirect your attention, were wanting to start laughing as how scared Lance was. They had finally started to drag you away, but you were still not done with Lance. 
“And if you think that you’re safe on the grid, then you’re a bigger dumb ass than I thought. You better watch out Stroll. Your head is getting too big for your body. A beau cave is what you are, and yes, I can speak French you insolent fool!” 
Oscar snorted as they finally got you into the Williams garage, Lance out of sight. You were puffing still as you tried to calm down. 
“Are you done now?” a voice sounded, making everyone’s head whip around. There Logan stood, now out of his race suit and into more comfortable clothes. 
You pouted. “Yes.” 
Logan affectionately rolled his eyes as he walked over. He put his arm around your shoulders and brought you in. “You didn’t have to do that you know. Ferrari might get mad.” 
You huffed again, sticking your head into Logan’s chest. “No one gets to call you dumb ass except for me.” 
The American hummed before kissing your forehead and then your lips. 
While you two were caught up in the moment, Alex and Lando had their mouths open. Oscar had a smirk on his face as he looked at two others. 
“Now do you believe me?” 
Lando blinked for a moment. “I do now.” 
Alex rubbed his chin. “They’re actually quite cute.” 
You knocked yourself out of Logan’s arms before punching his shoulder. Logan gawked at you as he rubbed the hurt spot. 
“What the hell was that for you bitch?” 
“That was for getting points and not telling me you swine!” 
Oscar smacked his forehead. “And we’re back.” 
logansargeant has posted
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liked by sargeant4president, y/nferrari, logan2sargeant, and 74,039 others
logansargeant finally putting it the points! thanks you all for the love and support 💙
see all comments
y/nxlogan the couple that stays together, slays together
americanf1fan YEE HAW LET'S GO 🦅
y/nferrai I love you bitch, I ain't neva gonna stop lovin you bitch
logansargeant love you too ass hat 🎩
alex_albon I liked you two better when you were nicer
oscarpiastri let them love the way they know best
y/nferrari awww thanks loser 😗
oscarpiastri HEY
y/nsworld Logan and y/n are the power couple of the grid
y/nferrari has posted
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liked by y/nsworld, daddysmoney, logansargeant, and 1,204,395 others
y/nferrari another day, another p2, another day of Logan calling me a fat ass (but I love him) ❤️
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y/n.nation the caption is everything
logan4president the matching team colored hearts was a nice touch
Ferrari you'll get Charles in Austria 💪
charles_leclerc no she won't 🥰
logansargeant but you're my fat ass 🤤
y/nferrari maybe you'd get more points if you stop staring
logansargeant maybe you'd win a race if YOU stopped staring at charles's or max's ass
maxverstappen1 I knew it 😌
y/nferrari SHUT UR MOUTH
trustthefund I'm still worried about Lance, he looked shooked
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @myxticmoon @cherry-piee @blueberry64857959 @glitterquadricorn @lizzypiastri @sam-is-lost @spilled-coffee-cup @ilove-tswizzle @the-untamed-soul @allenajade-ite @starssfall @torchbearerkyle @judespoision @halfdeadsage @juniper-july19 @severewobblerlightdragon @thatgirlmj @gods-menace @ineedafictionalman @namgification @dark-night-sky-99 @samantha-chicago @2pagenumb @treehouse-mouse @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @kagatinkita @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @awekbachira @vellicora @skepvids @sunrizef1 @stan-josie @fanficweasley @hiireadstuff @barcelonaloverf1life @c-losur3 @graciewrote @bruhhhhhhhhehhhhhhh @tallrock35 @ashy-kit @kat-s2 @minkyungseokie @lozzamez3 @leslieis-crying @adventuresofrose @lighttsoutlewis
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radiant-reid · 2 days
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Summary: JJ never knew you were dating one of her teammates and that you broke up because of her, but seeing him at JJ's wedding years later changes things.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (Angst then smutttt)
Content Warning: 18+ Smut (oral- f receiving, fingering, unprotected sex, a little bit of a breeding kink)
Word Count: 2.1k
"So, how's mystery boy?"
After skipping your usual Tuesday night plans twice, thanks to JJ being away on cases, you're finally back in your best friend's living room having a glass of wine and a cheese platter.
It's been an abnormal amount of time to go without seeing each other since you both ended up in DC after moving out of East Allegheny to different colleges. Even with men in the mix now, you both make it a priority to see each other as often as possible. However, her busy schedule and frequent flights to New Orleans have meant you've spent some time apart.
Unknown to her, she knows the so-called mystery boy. Very well, in fact. "He's well." You say slyly, unable not to grin widely.
JJ throws her head back dramatically. "Come on, Y/n! Some detail would be nice."
"It's good." You try again. "He's the sweetest. I'm very happy."
She smirks, letting you know an interesting question is coming your way. "How's the sex?"
It never takes more than a glass of wine for her to be that loose. You don't miss a beat in your answer. "Fabulous."
"Okay, so can I meet him soon?" She pushes like she has been for quite some time.
You wonder what she would think. What would her expression do if you were to say his name out loud right here? Maybe it's not that deep but getting with JJ's closest colleague is dangerous. It was a concern at the start, a reason not to start, but you fell in love with Spencer Reid quicker than you could ever imagine.
"Sure, JJ." You agree, trying to look positively about it. You can only assume she's thinking about the worst possible scenario about your mystery man. He's a criminal or he's far too old for you or he's an ex you promised not to get back with. There are too many options.
She looks triumphant. "Yes!"
You just smile, sending the conversation in a different direction by asking about her boyfriend. He sounds like a great guy and you can tell she's happier than ever before.
Three months ago you met Spencer Reid. It was JJ's birthday and your duty as her best friend to throw her a fun surprise party. That took some coordination with a friend from work. Firstly, that was Penelope, but in order to lure JJ, you needed Spencer Reid. He was a little slow with replying to your texts, but lovely. And after you met him, you were hooked.
Spencer was perfect. Gorgeous, funny, intelligent. His incredible shyness had you confused when he asked you out for dinner the next morning.
Too many espresso martinis provide an explanation for why JJ has no recollection of you flirting with him all night.
You see Spencer as much as you can, but similar to JJ's, his schedule often doesn't allow for consistent visits. So whatever time you do have, you make the most of it. He's still the most amazing boyfriend you've had. Kind, caring, witty, fun, and playful.
He gets whisked away on a case to Miami not long after being home. You didn't know things would be so different the next time you saw him.
He goes quiet on you. You know their cases are intense but you haven't heard from him in an entire week and that's not right.
Can I come over? He finally texts you and you're guessing he's back in DC.
It sounds a little ominous and the message sends a chill down your spine. Sure. I can't wait to see you. There isn't a reply and you sit in limbo in your apartment for almost an hour before he knocks at the door.
You smile when you open it, although you're slightly annoyed there was zero communication or ETA from him. "Hey, Spence, how was it?"
"You knew." He says in a cold, accusatory tone. It's nothing you've ever heard from him.
"Sorry?" You repeat, moving to the side so he can come into your apartment.
He steps in, barely looking at you. "About JJ and Will." He explains.
A little frown takes over your expression. Surely he's not angry that he only just found out. An awkward laugh leaves your lips. "Sorry, Spence. She didn't want anyone knowing."
"I'm your boyfriend!" He exclaims. "You're not supposed to lie to me."
"I didn't." You join the offensive, crossing your arms. You're not enthused about what he's accusing you of. It wasn't even your secret to tell him.
He looks disappointed, face dropping. "Come on." He sighs. "How am I meant to be with you if you don't trust me enough to tell me who our friend is dating?"
"It wasn't my secret to tell." You try to talk some reason into him, pushing down that sick feeling in your stomach telling you that he's breaking up with you.
Spencer shakes his head, his decision- as much as it's killing him- completely made. "I can't do this."
His words make your world come crashing down and you almost can't believe it. You slump to the couch while he makes his way to the door with sad, slow footsteps.
He's looking at you, waiting for you to ask him to say. "Can we not tell JJ?" You ask softly.
"Fine." That's the last thing he tells you before walking out the door, shutting it firmly.
That's it.
The last thing Spencer tells you.
Then he's gone from your life. You talk about him less to JJ and she picks up on what happened and stops asking about him.
You expect to see him when Henry's born, or even at a point in his life. Somehow, you don't. Your schedules never line up and then JJ switches jobs. There's a myriad of reasons but it doesn't happen. You both go on with separate lives.
And then JJ and Will are getting married. You get a frantic call from your best friend's soon-to-be-husband who whispers secret plans to you over the phone. It's perfect, you know JJ will adore the simplicity and elegance of a backyard wedding.
You're there as soon as you can be, helping set up Rossi's backyard so it's gorgeous for the most gorgeous person you know.
You're the maid of honor, of sorts. And you don't get a chance to ask who the best man is before JJ arrives and the ceremony begins.
You strike out as soon as you spot a tall brunette. A tall brunette who made you the happiest you've ever been with a man. And he's still just as handsome.
His eyes bulge when he sees you but he keeps a straight face and clenches his teeth while the ceremony continues. You're mostly focused on how beautiful JJ looks and how sweet their wedding is, but you can't help your mind drifting to Spencer.
You hadn't seen him dressed up like this when you were dating and the tuxedo is a perfect look on him.
"Y/n." He comes up to you when you're getting yourself a glass of champagne.
"Spencer." You reply. His tone doesn't let much about how he's feeling on. All you get is a glimmer of shock.
He stands against the table. "Maid of honor?"
You shrug, a little confused at his question. "You know, I'm surprised I haven't seen you all these years." You admit, letting some honesty slip.
"It was slightly intentional." He offers.
You don't let it offend you. "Best man?"
"I think that means we're supposed to sleep together."
You nearly spit out your sip of wine. There's no way the shy Spencer Reid you once knew just said that.
"We've done that." You reply, trying to keep a straight face after the out-of-pocket comment.
Spencer tilts his head to the side. "You're right."
You really don't know how it happens. Maybe it's a few too many drinks. There's definitely not enough alcohol in your bloodstream to solely blame that. Spencer Reid is as hot as they get. And it's been... longer than you're willing to admit since you've had sex. Even longer since it was good sex.
So there isn't anything telling you to stop when Spencer pushes you up against the door of a room in Rossi's house, lips firmly against yours.
Your dress is hiked up around your waist while his fingers trace up and down your thigh before he even thinks about locking the door. Both of you are far too wrapped up in the moment to think securely.
His hands are quick to the zip of your dress, sliding it down effortlessly and letting it pool at your feet. He takes a moment to look at you and you have to admit, you're a little worried about his reaction. You don't doubt Spencer Reid can pull beautiful women.
"God, you're gorgeous." He says softly, juxtaposing the way he's practically clawing your clothes off you.
"Are you going to compliment me or fuck me like you promised you would?" You ask him, waltzing over to the bed and sitting on the edge.
Spencer smirks at your smart mouth. "You asked for it."
He's kneeling on the floor in front of the bed in seconds, with no regard for his suit pants being wrinkled, just on his knees. There's a sense of urgency that doesn't allow for the time for him to take your panties off so he opts for shifting them to the side.
There's also no time to waste as his tongue melds with your folds, tracing patterns. No one has ever come close to giving head like Spencer does. It's truly mindblowing, the pressure of his tongue and the suction method he uses. You're instantly in bliss, head thrown back against the covers as you moan.
You've lost it when his fingers enter you, pushing past with little resistance. "Holy shit, Spencer. You're incredible."
"Sing my praises." He says against your pussy.
You do. Not even possessing the ability to be embarrassed about it.
And you don't stop. You're withering and moaning on the bed, tugging his curls while he continues pleasing you. Eventually, it's too much. His fingers pumping in and out of you combined with his tongue wrapped around your clit have you finishing in no time.
"Still as good as I remember." As if he couldn't get any hotter, he sucks his fingers into his mouth.
Spencer rises from his knees, now much taller than you. You tug your underwear off before unclipping your bra. "Fuck me, Spencer." You reach out for his belt buckle, toying with it. "Please."
Spencer has lost the shy, timid nature he had the first few times you had sex and he quickly takes off his belt and pants. Once his suit jacket is tossed across the room, Spencer pulls your legs to the end of the bed, making sure you wrap your ankles around his waist. His hands rest on either side of your head and you're precisely where you want to be.
"You're so hot." You tell him with a smirk.
He grins, spreading your legs and inching inside you. The look on his face is an instant confidence boost. Clearly, he's a man in bliss, head thrown back and tongue parting his lips.
"Fuck." He pants.
You agree, barely able to speak from how hard he's pounding you and how good it feels. Although it's annoying to admit, you've never had as good sex as with Spencer.
Your hands wrap around his forearms, noticeably bigger than last time. "Spencer." You moan. "Please. So good."
He caresses your chest, paying attention to your boobs like he hadn't before. "Y/n." He groans, not slowing his pace up. His hips snap against yours with each thrust, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing throughout the room. "Can I?" He asks.
It's unlike you to have even let him start without protection but you're not thinking straight enough. All you know is you need Spencer. "Please."
He finishes as deep inside you as he can get, leaning down to kiss you softly. You're breathless like he is when he flops down next to you.
One of Spencer's palms touches your cheek, forcing you to look at him rather than the ceiling. "Hey, pretty girl." He says softly and it makes your heart flip in a way it shouldn't. "Can I take you on a date, Y/n?"
The smile creeping onto your face can't be helped. "Yes. Please."
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uzurakis · 2 days
Can you do like (if you want of course 😎) where like reader pushes them (jjk men) away when they tryin to give you a kiss cause you felt their mustache growin? Pretty pweaseeee😍😍😍
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featuring: fushiguro megumi. gojo satoru. itadori yuuji. geto suguru. nanami kento.
n. this is such an adorable prompt ughhh i love writing every single one of these, hope u do too!
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the moment his skin touched yours, you instinctively pulled away, feeling the scratchy sensation of his growing stubble.
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI. “really? you’re rejecting me because of a little stubble?” megumi asked, slightly (and playfully) offended. he raised an eyebrow, sassiness came out from his mouth. “now you’re being dramatic, babe.”
you laughed, rubbing your cheek where his stubble had grazed it. “it’s just . . really scratchy, megumi.”
he sighed, shaking his head with a smile. “then does it really bother you that much?”
“yeah, kinda. but it does look good on you. but, again, no kisses, ‘gumi.”
“fineeee,” he slightly complained. “i can shave it off if you want.”
“you don’t have to do that just for me,” you replied, feeling a little guilty for making a fuss.
your boyfriend chuckled softly and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “if it makes you more comfortable, i don’t mind. i’d rather you enjoy my kisses than avoid them.”
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ITADORI YUUJI. “aww, come on! i just wanted a kiss!” itadori whined, his expression turning adorably pitiful. he stuck out his lower lip in an exaggerated pout.
“nu-uh, not until you shave, yuu,” you explained, wiggling your index finger.
he looked genuinely confused and a bit skeptical. “are you seriously serious though? it’s that bad?” he rubbed his chin thoughtfully, clearly doubting your reaction.
“mh-mmm” you hummed, still smiling at his cute pout.
itadori sighed dramatically, his shoulders slumping as if you had denied him his greatest wish. “i guess i’ll just have to shave then,” he said, still pouting but with an amusing glint written over. “just wait here, i’ll be back in a flash!”
well, at least you know itadori yuuji would do anything for your kisses . .
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GOJO SATORU. “ughhh, satoru, your damn stubble!”
gojo’s eyes widened as a small chuckle fell from his lips, intentionally. “oh, come on, it’s not that bad,” he said, a grin spreading across his face.
“it is!” you insisted, laughing despite yourself. “it’s like kissing sandpaper.”
his grin turned into a challenging smirk. “oh, really? let’s see if you can resist me now,” he teased, leaning in closer.
you tried to back away, but gojo was relentless. he put on an exaggerated, over-the-top seductive voice, drawing out his words dramatically. “you can’t resist me foreverrr,” he purred, inching closer with each word.
you couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, but still, you tried to push him away gently. “satoru, stop! your stubble, seriously!”
but gojo wasn’t having any of it. he continued to lean in, his lips hovering just above yours. “c’monnn, just oneee kissss,” he pleaded, and once more, you have to succumb into his charms.
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GETO SUGURU. suguru’s expression immediately shifted to one of exaggerated drama. he clutched his chest as if mortally wounded. “okay, i see how it is baby,” he declared, standing up and moving to the other side of the room with a dramatic flourish. “my stubble and i will just be over here.”
you couldn’t help but laugh at his theatrics. he stood in the corner, pretending to sulk, but you caught the glint of a smirk as he glanced back at you over his shoulder. “so my stubble has betrayed me . . ” he said, voice dripping with playful sarcasm.
rolling your eyes as you tucked in a smile, you continued. “oh, come on, suguru . .”
he turned back towards you, his fake sulking replaced with a cheeky grin. “guess i’ll have to make up for it later, huh?” he said, winking at you with a smile.
despite your earlier complaint, you felt a flutter of anticipation at his words. you couldn’t deny that deep down, you wanted to kiss him, stubble or not. “we’ll see about that,” you replied, trying to keep your tone light.
“or you simply have to get used to it, baby.”
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NANAMI KENTO. “hmm, i knew i should’ve shaved this morning,” he said, a hint of self-mockery in his voice. he looked at you, testing the waters with a tad wit. “does this mean no more kisses until i shave?”
you laughed softly, still feeling the lingering itch of the hairs. “maybe just a little less enthusiastic with the kisses until then,” you teased, giving him a light push.
nanami’s smile widened, and he made a mental note to remember to shave next time. “noted,” he said with a nod. the man leaned back slightly, still holding your gaze. “but surely, there are other ways i can make it up to you?”
you raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “oh? and what did you have in mind, kento?”
he leaned in closer, voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “well, i could start with a back massage,” he suggested, his fingers already moving to gently knead your shoulders. whatever happened next, perhaps you've already forgotten about nanami’s stubble-trouble.
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nateezfics · 2 days
i hope requests are still open, can you please do atz with a breeding kink?
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PAIRING — ateez x reader
GENRE — smut, romance, established relationship, boyfriend!ateez, parent!wooyoung, fem bodied!reader, sub!reader, soft dom!ateez
WARNINGS — smut, unprotected sex//creampie (wrap it before you tap it, folks!), breeding//impreg kink, cum play, cum eating, oral (f receiving), overstimulation, choking, shower sex, dirty talk//sexual language, intentional lower case and small font, intentional word abbreviations
SUMMARY — ateez breeding you.
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a sharp thrust, and then another. the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the room, accompanied by the harmonies of moans and curses. the grip around your throat tightened, and all you could do was surrender your body to the pleasure coursing through you.
lips were at your ear. “you’re squeezing my cock so fucking good, baby,” hongjoong whispered, voice raspy with exertion and desire. his hips were brutal and grip firm. “gonna make me cum. gonna fill this pussy up so full. would you like that, huh?”
your nails dug weakly into his back as you tried to hold onto the last vestiges of your coherence. the lack of proper air and the promise of his hot seed had your mind reeling. you managed a nod and small whimper.
hongjoong smirked and lifted his head to peer down at you, enjoying the fucked out expression on your face. “i’ll breed this little pussy of yours, and you’re gonna take every last drop, yeah?”
his cock struck a chord deep inside and you spiraled into ecstasy with a hoarse whisper of his name. your own high urged him to his own, and just like he promised, he filled your hole with his seed, and you cried as you felt its warmth.
“you take me so good. so fucking good, baby.”
“fuck,” seonghwa groaned, hands pushing your thighs into the mattress and putting your pussy on full display. he was awestruck at the sight of you, your sex pretty and swollen and leaking his cum. “you’re so dirty.”
your cheeks grew hot at his words and at the feeling of his eyes examining your most intimate area. “s-stop staring.”
one of seonghwa brows quirked as he regarded you, a look of disbelief on his handsome face. “stop staring? how can i stop when your pussy is so beautiful.” his palms skated across your inner thighs until his thumbs were at your pussy, spreading your folds open to watch as his cum gushed out. “your pussy always looks the most beautiful after being fucked and bred so good.”
you didn’t have much time to process what he did next. his face dove between your thighs and his tongue licked a stripe up your slit before you could react, a choked moan falling from your mouth at the contact. “seonghwa!”
seonghwa laughed against you while he reveled in the mixed taste of you and him. “we can’t let all this cum go to waste, now can we?” his tongue was plunging between your folds in the next second, pushing all of his cum back into your hole.
your hands dug into the sheets while your spine arched uncomfortably. there wasn’t much you could do to brace yourself against his powerful thrusts except to take every bit of what he was giving you. you cried out as his cock churned your insides and battered that sweet spot repeatedly. you’d already cum a few times, overstimulation having you on the brink of pleasure and pain.
your slick and his seed dripped down your thighs; you were so full you were literally spilling, but yunho was determined to fill you up even more. “you can take some more, can’t you? this pussy was meant to be bred.”
you whimpered into the mattress as your body shook. “s’much, yunho. so full. can’t take anymore.”
yunho laughed at your small voice. “yes, you can. you can take one more load. i just can’t stop until i’ve properly bred you.” his voice was soft, a stark contrast to the way his hips pistoned into your backside hard enough to shake the bed frame. “you’re gonna look so pretty all round with our kid inside you.”
you yelped when he leaned over you, the size of him overwhelming you. his cock reached deeper at this angle, and it felt like there were wildfires on every nerve of your body.
“now, be good and take some more, baby.”
“god, baby. you’re milking me so fucking good.” yeosang had you trapped in a mating press, your knees by your head. his cock was throbbing inside you; he was so close to cumming, and with the way he battered your sweet spot, so were you.
“yeosang, you’re so deep!” in this state it was impossible for your brain to comprehend much of anything outside of the way he filled you to the brim and stretched you wide. you were delirious, so drunk on his cock. “‘m gonna cum…”
he huffed, hot breath fanning your cheek. “yeah? you’re gonna cum? me too, baby. where do you me to cum?” there was an urgency to his voice.
“inside me, please.”
yeosang groaned, cock twitching at your plea. “inside you? want me to fill you up?”
you wanted, no, needed to be full of him in every sense. “y-yes! fill me up! i can take it, i promise.”
you were both reaching your ends at once, unraveling together with sighs and curses. your walls spasmed around him, coaxing every last drop of milky cum out of him. and you took every bit until you were leaking around him.
yeosang panted as his forehead rested against yours, cock still throbbing from the aftershocks of pleasure. “fuck, i love when i get to breed you like this.”
“god damn it.” your cunt had a tight grip on san’s cock, pulling him in like you never wanted to let him go. he bottomed out again and stilled, cock twitching with need to release while he was trying so hard to keep that from happening just yet. “god, this pussy of yours, baby. gonna get us in trouble.”
you whined at his stillness. you pushed your ass back into him to urge him to move, desperate for the orgasm that was now slipping away. “just cum inside me, san.”
he groaned and groped your ass while he attempted to hang on to his sanity. “cum inside you? want me to breed you, is that it?”
you shouldn’t have found him breeding you so hot. it was a dangerous game, but you wanted to play nonetheless. “yes, sannie. please.”
you were beginning to flutter around him, obviously aroused from the thought of his cum filling you up. san resumed his pace, fucking your tight pussy until you were unraveling around him. he fell apart right after you, spilling into you with a low groan falling off his tongue. and later when he watched the way his seed dripped from your hole, he knew he’d found his new addiction. “fuck it. one kid won’t hurt anyway.”
“you want more?”mingi’s deep voice reverberated inside the steamy shower, as did the wet slaps of his hips against yours. he held you in place against the shower wall, your legs wrapped around his slim waist.
you moaned into his ear just as your hands gripped at his soaked hair. “please, mingi. i want more.”
he groaned at your cute voice. “are you sure your little pussy can take more? you’ve already taken so much…”
“fill me up again, please. i want your cum.” you were so delirious on his cock, begging for him as if he hadn’t fucked you full of his cum twice already.
mingi nipped at your neck as his cock twitched, your pussy clamping down on him so tight he felt like he could’ve lost his mind. you had milked him of everything he could give, but here you were, crying for more. and how could he resist you when you sounded so cute? “you’re so desperate for my cock and my seed. you’re so fucking,” a sharp thrust, “adorable.”
you clawed at his back as he drove into you deeper, harder. you were slipping and sliding against the wet wall, but mingi held you in his embrace securely even while his thrusts grew more erratic by the second.
“okay, baby. take my cum. take all of it like the good little cum slut you are.”
“oh my god, wooyoung,” you huffed just as he bent you over the countertop, your dress hiked up and panties pushed to the side as he entered you. “we gotta go pick up the kids from my parents. we can’t – fuck – be late.”
wooyoung’s hips were swift and sharp, driving his cock into you so good it had your back arching. he took you over the kitchen counter, too fucking pussy drunk to even attempt leaving the house just yet. “need to fuck you first. need to fill you up.” he felt like he was a dog in heat with the way this primal need overwhelmed him.
you moaned as he hit that perfect spot inside you. he was fucking you in a frenzy, in a way that was going to have both of you cumming as quickly as possible. “wooyoung, ‘m not gonna last.”
wooyoung’s cock throbbed. “fuck, baby, neither am i,” his hands locked around your hips as he used them for leverage to fuck into you harder. “gonna fill you up, okay? gonna put another baby inside you. how does that sound? would you like that?”
your eyes rolled into your skull. “yes, f-fuck!”
wooyoung emptied himself inside you soon after, and the feeling of his hot cum inside you tipped you over the edge. he let you ride out your high, groaning as your cunt sucked him in and took every last drop from him. “just like that, baby. milk my cock.”
a deep plunge, a firm palm on your lower belly. “god, baby. you’re so full. how does your little pussy take me so well every time?” jongho’s thick cock stretched you wide with every dip of his hips, his palm feeling the bulge in your belly.
the pressure of his hand on your abdomen accompanied by his cock reaching deep inside had you at a loss for words. you were dumb with pleasure; the only thing that mattered to you was him.
jongho enjoyed the sight of you speechless from the pleasure. he pressed into you more firmly, and the whine that escaped you was immediate. “gonna cum inside you, gonna claim that womb of yours. think you can take it all, baby?”
you mewled at the meaning of his words, at the idea of him claiming you fully and completely. your cunt twitched with excitement, signaling to him you were already so close to falling apart. “y-yes.”
he smiled down at you lovingly. his eyes watched his hand as it remained firm against your lower belly. “you’re gonna look so beautiful pregnant, belly round as it grows to accommodate our baby. tell me, you gonna let me fuck you when you’re pregnant, hm?”
you groaned. god, he was ruining you. breaking you down. you didn’t utter a word this time, just offered him a whimper and nod of your head.
jongho picked up the pace, his hand leaving your belly to grasp a hold of one of yours, interlocking your fingers. “good, now lay back and let me fuck you full of my seed.”
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AUTHOR’S NOTES — “créme de la penis” lmao.
TAG LIST — @abiaswreck @charreddonuts @hongthoven @httpseungmxn @itza-meee @jungkookieprincess @jaerisdiction @kitten4sannie @lilie-dctl @mjyungi @marievllr-abg @maltesejjong @mylovelymito @nebulousbookshelf @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @staytinyinmybpack @svintsandghosts @thesafecafe @wolfgurl2600-blog @5starduca
NETWORKS — @kflixnet @wonderlandnet
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carmelcoco · 2 days
sun in houses.🍋
Disclaimer. these observations do not have to resonate with everyone and everything, all expressed in this post is based on personal experience and research.
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𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These folks are super optimistic and known for their creativity and self-expression. Their main goal in life is to inspire others. They can sometimes be a bit narcissistic, but we'll get to that later. Their sense of self is tied to their physical appearance, so they often dress really well—sometimes even overdress. They always want to look their best and are very confident, never second-guessing themselves. This confidence can come off as too strong sometimes. People with the sun in the 1st house often see themselves as the main character in their story, with everyone else as side characters. They like helping others, but they tend to give what they think is best rather than what the other person actually needs. It's like, "I think you deserve this, so I'm giving it to you" that's it. For some reason, people always find them inspirational. They give off a positive vibe, and even if they're not feeling confident, others will still see them that way. They inspire a lot of people and find their own light when they dive into their personality. Their ego is pretty visible, and they show it in their actions. Their zest for life really shines through in everything they do.
Positive Aspects
Self-confidence and leadership abilities
Charisma and magnetism
Strong sense of identity and self-expression
Ambition and drive
Negative Aspects
Ego and arrogance
Tendency to be domineering
Potential for health issues related to the head and eyes
Struggles with authority figures
𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
People with the Sun in the 2nd house get their self-worth from money and possessions. This placement often makes them love art and have a great sense of style and aesthetic. They might also become a bit materialistic. They are very confident and know their worth, carrying an air of elegance. These individuals often have careers that allow them to be creative and express themselves. They can come across as possessive and a bit controlling. This placement usually brings great success, and they’re the type to always have extra cash on hand. They also tend to have a raspy, authoritative voice. People with the Sun in the 2nd house might have a rich family history, or if their family history isn’t great, they still glorify it. They can sometimes lose touch with reality. Their fathers might be government workers, teachers, artists, etc. They find inspiration and satisfaction through money, food, music, and luxury. Money and expensive things can really inspire them and give them hope. They might compete with people who have more money, always wanting the best or better than others. Since the Sun represents ego, they might show off their wealth and material things as a way to express their pride and value. They sometimes find it hard to separate their personality from materialism.
Positive Aspects
Confidence and Self-esteem Boost
Financial Stability and Success
Strong Communication Skills
Leadership Qualities
Negative Aspects
Ego-related Challenges
Tendency Towards Materialism
Communication Conflicts
𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
People with the Sun in the 3rd house are chatterboxes, always up for a conversation. They love talking and learning new things. Their sense of self comes from their mind and intelligence. If they don't know something, they feel dumb, so they’re always seeking knowledge. They’re the type to make a slideshow just to prove a point. These folks are usually well-liked by peers, schoolmates, and colleagues. They easily influence others and often set trends. They tend to overthink and their brains are always buzzing. They might not have the best relationships with siblings or struggle to communicate with them. Their ego comes from how they communicate, and they’re some of the most courageous people you’ll ever meet. They could become journalists, news reporters, writers, poets, or social media influencers. They find inspiration through books, writing, reading, and talking to others. They want people to see the light through their words. Their ego shows through writing and communication, and they often want the last word. They have a natural talent for remembering things and encouraging people with their speech. They can gain a lot of followers on social media. Their will to live is shown through their thoughts and thinking. They find the most inspiration through their ideas.
Positive Aspects
Enhanced communication skills
Strong willpower and determination
Sibling relationships and bonding
Negative Aspects
Tendency towards ego-driven communication
Overly competitive nature
Possible challenges with neighbors and short-distance travels
𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people are secretive homebodies who prefer staying inside and are likely to work from home. They find their sense of self through their home, family, and close friends they consider family. They love decorating their house and making it look nice. They are very private and dislike when others pry into their personal lives or ask about their family. Sun in the 4th house folks are in tune with their intuition and emotions. They are very protective and loyal, expressing themselves comfortably only around people who feel like family. This placement often means their mother played a significant role in their upbringing, possibly because their father was absent or less involved. These individuals often face struggles early in life, but their mother has a big influence on their creativity. They also enjoy cooking. They find inspiration in their family or the home they create for themselves. They protect and support their family and friends, often being the one who brings positivity and unity to their family. They are very attached to their home and dream of a beautiful domestic life to feel secure. Their personal growth and future success are closely tied to their memories and early experiences.
Positive Aspects
Confidence and Self-Assuredness
Strong Sense of Identity and Self-Esteem
Favorable Relationship with Father and Authority Figures
Success in Real Estate and Property-Related Matters
Emotional Stability and a Nurturing Nature
Strong Connection to One's Roots and Heritage
Negative Aspects
Overbearing or Dominating Behavior in the Family
Struggles with Balancing Personal and Professional Life
Tendency to Be Overly Controlling at Home
Possible Conflicts with Father or Authority Figures
Challenges in Maintaining Privacy and Personal Boundaries
Risk of Ego Clashes Within the Family
𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Super creative and goofy, these people shine by expressing themselves in front of others. They might be a bit of a show-off, with a class clown vibe. They love dares and are social butterflies with unique personalities. Extreme extroverts, they thrive in creative projects and always get involved in activities. Think of the popular jock who is also well-liked by teachers and bosses. They take good care of their bodies and might be into sports. With the sun feeling right at home here, they have a super creative mind and a love for history, politics, and ancient sculptures. They aim to excel in education, often topping their class while being entertaining. Their sense of self also comes from their children, and they'll raise them with all the best things in life. These folks have a talent for performing and are full of positive energy. They find joy and motivation through hobbies, playfulness, childhood, and romance. Often very attached to their childhood, they try to keep that spirit alive. They're noticeable and their talents stand out, often becoming well-known. They love sports and are quite dramatic, making great party organizers, especially for kids' birthdays. Just be careful not to become too self-absorbed with this placement.
Positive Aspects
Creativity and Self-Expression
Confidence and Leadership
Love and Romance
Parenthood and Fatherhood
Negative Aspects
Ego and Stubbornness
Risk-Taking and Impulsivity
Challenges in Love and Relationships
Issues with Children
𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Sun in the 6th house people are super focused on health, diet, and daily routines. Their sense of self comes from their work and routine. If they mess up their routine or work, they feel lost. These folks are total workaholics and are known for their dedication. Good health is crucial for them, and they’re the type to always have hand sanitizer on them, reapplying lotion, sunscreen, and stuff like that. They hate getting sick. They often beat their enemies and can make friends feel competitive. They love helping others and might be doctors, therapists, or into social services. Their parents might be doctors too. They’re great at solving arguments and fights, but their dad might blame his failures on others. You find your light through routine, health, and body care. Loving yourself as you are is key, even if you’re critical of your imperfections. You do things that are good for your body and get lots of energy and inspiration from animals. Your ego shows up a lot at work, so it’s best to find passion in what you do. You can inspire others with a healthy lifestyle or sports.
Positive Aspects
Strong Work Ethic and Dedication
Enhanced Sense of Duty and Service
Ability to Overcome Obstacles and Enemies
Leadership Qualities in the Workplace
Negative Aspects
Tendency Towards Perfectionism
Potential for Conflicts with Coworkers
Health Issues Related to Ego and Pride
Overemphasis on Work Leading to Neglect of Other Life Areas
𝟕𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
These people are all about friendships and relationships. Their sense of self comes from their connections with others. They're the type to have a wild dating life and might even date or marry someone famous. They usually have great relationships with those around them, though some might find them a bit rude or call them "bitchy" for no reason. They often date or marry someone who mirrors their own personality. They struggle to have fun alone and seek validation from others. Sometimes, people project their insecurities onto them, causing problems in their dating life. They might feel incomplete without a partner. Finding light through relationships is key for them. Getting along with everyone and inspiring others is important. A special relationship is essential, as it complements their personality. Being alone or finding inspiration outside relationships can be tough. They are strongly influenced by others' opinions, whether from a partner or at work. They pride themselves on their negotiating skills and bringing peace. They often motivate others with their relationships, showing that beautiful connections are possible.
Positive Aspects
Enhanced self-expression
Strong sense of identity in partnerships
Leadership qualities in relationships
Negative Aspects
Potential for ego clashes in partnerships
Dominance and control issues
Struggles in maintaining balance
𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
People with Sun in the Eighth House have a magnetic and mysterious vibe that draws others in effortlessly. They're the kind who can just be breathing, and people will be intrigued. They have a special, almost secretive quality in everything they do. They love researching the occult but keep it hidden from others. This placement makes them very private about their interests, talents, and personal life. These folks don't just invite anyone into their inner circle; they only trust a few people deeply. They often have love-hate relationships, everyone adores them, and the next, they might face sudden dislike. They go through many transformations and might change jobs frequently. Careers like politicians, researchers, or paranormal investigators suit them well. Their true personality is often hidden. They find meaning in things that are deep, hidden, or behind the scenes. Their ego shows when they're jealous or overlooked. They seek to understand their own depths and come to terms with their inner power. They like control and are fascinated by the human psyche, aiming to create emotional transformation. They gain self-acceptance by seeing others clearly and finding their inner strength.
Positive Aspects
Very Self Aware
Profound Understanding Of Human Psyche
Resilient Like a Phoenix
Negative Aspects
Issues Related To Controlling
Trouble Sharing Emotions
Trust Issues
𝟗𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
People with Sun in the Ninth House are often heavily influenced by their fathers, either having a great or terrible relationship with them. There's no middle ground. They tend to be very righteous, always lecturing others on what's right and wrong, but they don't like being lectured themselves. They have a set of rules they never break and are very interested in different cultures and religions, often becoming quite religious. These individuals hate being put in a box. They crave expansion and freedom, much like a black hole that can't be contained. They love to travel and might have jobs that involve a lot of travel. They often work with foreigners or foreign concepts and can come across as know-it-alls. Travel is a big inspiration for them. They see life as full of opportunities and love discovering new places. They can teach others a lot and have many interesting stories to tell. Traveling helps them learn and is good for their soul, especially places by the water. Their belief in life is best seen through their passion for living. They make excellent teachers and inspire others. Understanding themselves comes from exploring the world, and they intuitively seek deeper meanings and experiences that help them grow as philosophers.
Positive Aspects
Confidence and Leadership Abilities
Strong Moral and Ethical Values
Favorable Relationship with Father or Authority Figures
Negative Aspects
Overconfidence or Arrogance
Tendency to be Dogmatic or Rigid in Beliefs
Conflicts with Authority Figures
Religious and Philosophical Inclinations
𝟏𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
This placement is like striking gold. People with Sun in the Tenth House are often very popular, even if they don’t realize it. At school, college, or work, everyone seems to know them, even if they haven't met. They are trendsetters and inspire others. One big thing about them is that they can't stand taking orders. They hate being bossed around, so they need to find a job where they’re in charge. No matter what they do, they usually succeed. However, this placement can also bring a big ego, attracting some opposition. But these people handle it well. They have great leadership skills and often end up influencing many people in any group. They are driven to achieve their ambitions and often find themselves in executive positions. Motivation and inspiration might come later in life, and they often seek their identity through the approval of others, especially their parents or father. This placement drives them to have a strong influence, get recognized, and make their dreams come true.
Positive Aspects
Increased potential for career success
Leadership qualities and authoritative demeanor
Strong sense of ambition and drive
Favorable reputation and recognition in the public eye
Negative Aspects
Potential for ego clashes in professional life
Overemphasis on material success at the expense of personal life
Struggles with authority figures and power struggles
Challenges in maintaining work-life balance
𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
Whenever I come across this placement, it reminds me of the oldest child in the family. Most of the eldest kids I know have this setup. It can be quite a tough one because these folks often have a big ego and struggle to give credit to others. Making and keeping friends isn't easy for them either. They might end a decade-long friendship over a small mistake, and they can be pretty self-centered. Even though they get recognized for their work, they don't value other people's opinions much and are stingy with giving credit. No matter how much someone does for them, one slip-up and it's over. This placement can also strain relationships with their social circle and siblings. Problems with authority figures, especially the father, are common. But hey, it's not all bad news! The Eleventh House is about wealth, so it can bring financial success and a long life. It also tends to make people great leaders. These folks are motivated by their dreams, goals, and friends. They find joy and inspiration through their friendships and are usually open-minded. They're quick to adapt to new groups and situations, so they fit in everywhere. You might notice them posting a lot on social media, often sharing things that inspire others. Seeing their profile might even make someone else feel better or give them hope.
Positive Aspects
Increased Social Influence and Networking
Leadership Qualities within Social Circles
Charitable and Philanthropic Tendencies
Negative Aspects
Ego Clashes in Group Settings
Tendency to Dominate or Control Social Groups
Challenges in Maintaining Close Friendships
𝟏𝟐𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
This setup can turn someone into a real creative genius. But it might also spell trouble with their dad. There's often some kind of clash or distance between them, or the person might even live far away from home. These folks are masters of secrets. They could be banned from two countries, and you'd never know! Okay, maybe not really banned, but you get the idea. People with Sun in the Twelfth House have tons of hidden talents that they keep under wraps. They're also destined for life abroad, where they might find more fame than in their own homeland. They're not the type to stick around one place for too long. Their childhood might have been lonely or not so great, maybe even super privileged to the point of missing out on normal kid stuff. But here's the cool part: they're amazing at stuff like writing songs, poetry, or scripts because their imagination is off the charts. They're inspired by all things hidden. They feel safest when their true selves are under wraps. They're most productive when they're alone, usually at night. Spirituality, dance, music, art, deep thoughts, meditation, and yoga are their jams. Since the Sun symbolizes the ego and identity, and the Twelfth House is all about the boundary between reality and the unknown, these folks might struggle to figure out who they are and what life's about. But once they find themselves and start believing in their abilities, watch out world! They'll be unstoppable.
Positive Aspects
Increased Spirituality and Introspection
Strong Intuition and Psychic Abilities
Potential for Hidden Talents and Creativity
Ability to Overcome Obstacles and Hidden Enemies
Negative Aspects
Loss of Self-Identity and Ego
Tendency Towards Isolation and Seclusion
Health Issues Related to Vitality and Energy
Challenges in Expressing Oneself Openly
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this post was created by @carmelcoco on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits.
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rafecameroninterlude · 17 hours
pogue!sweetheart!reader meeting rafe for the first time? 🍰
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warnings: jealous rafe, topper calls you ‘doll’, a lil bit of flirting, slight fluff
“girl scout, two o’clock.” kelce cleared his throat, topper and rafe following his gaze. you stood at the receptionist desk, chatting with the director about your plans for the week. “is she really a girl scout?” rafe’s eyes trailed down the soft curls of your hair, stopping just above the neckline of your top.
“nah, we just call her that because she sells cookies and shit. ‘really good by the way, highly recommend.” kelce leaned back in his seat, forgetting all about the cards in his hands as you started making your way towards the three of them. rafe would be lying if he said the way his friends ogled you didn’t bother him.
“hey! what game are you guys playing?” you sat your basket down on the hardwood table, eyes flickering over to rafe. “just some solitaire.” topper shrugged, removing the cloth that covered your treats. “what do you got for us this week, doll?” if rafe was bothered earlier, he was even more so now.
you smiled, tilting the basket so they can all steal a peek. “shortbread and chocolate chip.” rafe didn’t care to look at anything else other than your face, his gaze sweeping over your features. “i’ve never seen you before.” he finally spoke up, his voice immediately drawing your attention.
“uhm, i don’t think i’ve seen you either..” you extended a hand, “what’s your name?” rafe didn’t hesitate to return your gesture, taking your hand in his. “rafe, and yours?” your heart skipped a beat when you felt his thumb stroke your skin. “y/-” kelce chimed in before you could answer his question.
“i’ll take two of each. and one of you.” rafe’s head shot in his friends direction, his grip on your wrist tightening. laughing nervously, you brushed off kelce’s remark. “actually, he’s not taking anything. i, however, would like the whole basket.” shaking your head, you waited for rafe to say he was kidding.
“oh! you’re serious-” rafe got up, taking the basket in his free hand as he led you two outside and away from his obnoxious buddies. “what the hell!” topper shouted. without protesting, you allowed rafe to take you to a more secluded space, your dainty heels clicking against the pavement.
“is everything okay? i-” rafe stopped in front of the country club’s garden. “do you have a boyfriend?” he blurted, making you stumble over your next few words. “uhm, well! no, but..” taking his wallet out of his pocket, rafe took a couple hundred dollar bills before cutting you off.. again.
“not that it matters if you do, cause i’ll just take his place.” the certainty in his voice made your face flush with a new profound sense of shyness. he placed the folded bills in your palm, a smile forming on his lips at your smitten expression. “how are you so sure that you’ll be my boyfriend?” you asked.
“because i always get what i want.”
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hoshifighting · 3 days
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Synopsis: Nerd!Jeonghan finds himself desperate when one of the jocks takes his cell phone form his hands, the cell phone that is open to your conversation, afraid that the jock will expose your privacy. Jeonghan, the good boy, ended up at the principal's office.
This is a part 3 of Nerd!Jeonghan – Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Warnings: The jocks are bullies, suggestive content, nudes.
Ever since you and Jeonghan had sex, things had changed between you two, but in a good way. He was more confident, sending you more messages, and taking the initiative to talk to you. During class, he'd often text you after finishing his work, and you'd share secret glances, especially when the messages were funny.
Today, you were texting him after your P.E. class while he was in the middle of his lesson, eyes glued to his phone. Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed his phone. It was one of the jocks—again.
Jeonghan's heart raced, especially because the phone was open to your contact. He didn’t want the guy to invade your privacy, especially considering the intimate photos you sent him sometimes.
“Why so worried, Jeonghan? Did Y/n send you something I shouldn’t see?” the jock sneered, dodging Jeonghan’s attempts to reclaim his phone.
The more the jock scrolled, the more Jeonghan’s anxiety grew. He began reading out loud one of the compromising messages: "Can't wait to see you tonight, my love, I was thinking about you all day and—"
Before he could finish, Jeonghan’s fist collided with the jock’s face, making him stumble back in shock. The class went silent, everyone’s eyes on them. Jeonghan grabbed his phone from the jock’s loosened grip and bolted out of the classroom into the hallway. The jock, now fuming with anger, chased after him.
When you left the locker room, you noticed a commotion. Jeonghan’s name was on everyone’s lips, and that made you worry. His name wasn't often mentioned, so if it was now, something serious must have happened.
You began searching for him around the school, your anxiety growing with each passing minute. Just then, your phone buzzed with a message from Jeonghan: I’m in the principal’s office.
You opened the door to the principal's office and stepped inside. The principal glanced up at you, her expression stern. James and Jeonghan sat in front of her, and to your surprise, Mina, one of your friends, was also there.
"What happened?" you asked, looking at the principal.
Before Jeonghan could speak, the principal explained, "Jeonghan punched James during class. It was quite a disturbance."
You were shocked. "Jeonghan punched someone?"
Mina chimed in, "He punched James because he was reading out loud from Jeonghan’s phone. He was invading his privacy and being a complete jerk about it."
You turned to the principal, concern etched on your face. "You're not giving Jeonghan a suspension, right? This would go on his college record."
The principal sighed. "I was going to, but Mina showed me a video she recorded of the whole incident. It clearly shows James provoking Jeonghan. So, Jeonghan is released."
James stood up, but the principal quickly added, "No, James, you stay. We need to discuss your behavior."
As you all left the office, you turned to Mina, gratitude evident in your eyes. "Thank you so much, Mina."
"No problem," she said with a smile before heading off, leaving you and Jeonghan alone in the now empty hallway.
Without saying a word, you hugged Jeonghan tightly. He hugged you back, his embrace comforting and warm. As you started walking home together, you finally broke the silence.
"I can't believe you punched him," you said, a mix of amusement and disbelief in your voice.
Jeonghan chuckled softly. "I couldn't let him keep reading our messages out loud. He was invading our privacy, and I just… reacted."
"You did the right thing," you assured him, squeezing his hand. "But I'm glad Mina had that video. A suspension would have been terrible."
"And those photos..." Jeonghan began, his voice a bit shy. "They're only mine to see." He avoided looking directly at you, his cheeks tinged with a light blush.
You couldn't help but smile at him, feeling a warm flutter in your chest. You gave his shoulder a playful bump with yours. "Of course, Jeonghan. Those photos are just for you."
Jeonghan let out a small sigh of relief. "It feels good to hear that. I never thought I'd actually punch someone, though."
As you continued walking, the conversation turned lighter, and you both talked about your plans for the weekend, upcoming assignments, and your favorite shows. The atmosphere was easy and comfortable, a stark contrast to the earlier chaos.
When you finally reached your house, you paused at the doorstep, turning to face him. "Do you want to come in for a bit? Maybe we can watch something or just hang out."
Jeonghan hesitated for a moment, then nodded, his eyes lighting up. "Yeah, I'd like that."
You opened the door and led him inside, the familiar surroundings of your home bringing a sense of comfort. As you both settled onto the couch, you leaned in close, feeling the warmth of his body next to yours. The TV played softly in the background, but your focus was entirely on each other.
As you both sat on the couch, the soft glow of the TV casting a warm light, you noticed Jeonghan glancing at you with a curious expression.
"Why are you spacing out?" he asked, his voice gentle but inquisitive.
You should say it? Should you say, that after the worry passed, the simple fact that Jeonghan went so far –as to punch someone because of you–, made you ten times more attracted to him? Was it a good situation to feel that way? Definitely not.
But you can't forget the scene you saw on Mina's cell phone, a confident Jeonghan punching someone in the face, risking everything, afraid that someone would see the risky nudes you send him.
You bit your lip, feeling a flush of heat rise to your cheeks. "It's just… seeing you punch James was very… hot."
Jeonghan scoffed, a playful smirk forming on his lips. "Hot? Really?"
You sulked, playfully pushing his shoulder. "Don't judge me."
He leaned in closer, his smirk turning into a soft smile. "I'm not judging you," he whispered, his breath warm against your skin.
You met his gaze, your heart pounding in your chest. You leaned in, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered, "You standing up for yourself like that, so confident and strong… it was really sexy. Made me want you even more."
Jeonghan took a sharp breath, his eyes widening slightly.
"I'm wet."
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godsfavdarling · 3 days
That's my girl
my masterlist
pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
words: 1.1k
summary: Spencer helps you use your first sex toy
warnings: inexperienced!fem!reader, use of vibrator, smut but also fluff! and comfort! (tell me if I forgot something)
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You were curled up on the couch, nervously twisting your fingers together, while Spencer sat next to you, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your thigh. The box in your lap felt heavier than it was, an embodiment of your uncertainty and excitement. 
You had been dating Spencer for a few months now, and while most people would have probably already gotten to stuff like this, you and Spencer took your time. It was frankly a bit annoying to you, but Spencer insisted on taking things slow, not only for your sake but his own. 
Every time you doubted, he reminded you that there was no rush. "We've got time," he'd say.
Recently, you started talking more about sex and stuff of that nature. When the topic of masturbation came up, you got flustered. It was honestly embarrassing at this point. How could you still, as a grown woman, not know how to do it? Obviously, you knew how. But...
Spencer noticed your discomfort and squeezed your hand gently. "Hey," he said softly, his voice a soothing balm to your anxiety. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Everyone has their own pace, and there's no right or wrong way to explore your own body." His eyes were full of understanding and warmth, making you feel safe.
"I'm here for you, no matter what. We can figure this out together, and there's no need to feel pressured or judged. I care about you, and I want you to be comfortable… and happy." 
And that's how you found yourself on the couch with Spencer and a box, containing your first toy.
"You didn't have to buy it for me," you said, your voice a mix of gratitude and nervousness.
"I wanted to," Spencer replied, his tone gentle and reassuring. "As long as you still want it."
"I do. I just… I don't know…"
"What?" he prompted softly, his eyes never leaving yours.
You took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts. "It's just... I'm not sure where to start. It feels kind of intimidating, you know?"
Spencer nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I understand. It's something new and unfamiliar. But we can take it slow. There's no need to rush into anything."
You looked down at the box in your lap, feeling the weight of both the object and the moment. "What if I mess up? Or it doesn't feel right?"
Spencer's fingers traced soothing patterns on your thigh. "There's no such thing as messing up. This is about discovering what feels good for you. And I'm here with you every step of the way, if you want me to be."
The sincerity in his eyes melted some of your apprehension. "You'd really help me? Even with this? Spencer…"
"Of course," he said without hesitation. "I care about you, and I want you to feel good. If that means helping you explore this, then I'm all in."
You felt a rush of gratitude and affection for Spencer. His support and understanding meant the world to you.
"Thank you," you whispered, leaning into his embrace. And the thought of him using it on you sent a thrill down your spine.
You nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Okay. So... how do we start?"
Once in the bedroom, laying down, Spencer turned to you and began undressing you slowly, his hands gentle and reverent. He removed your shirt, his fingers grazing your skin and sending shivers down your spine. He kissed your shoulders as he slid your bra straps down, each touch and kiss making you feel more at ease.
You mirrored his actions, unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it off, feeling the warmth of his skin against yours. The intimacy of undressing each other felt otherworldly.
You felt his hand glide down your body, caressing your breasts, your nipples, your stomach. Every touch was electric, setting your skin ablaze.
He took his time, making sure you were completely at ease and fully aroused. When he finally slipped your panties down, he kissed your hip bones tenderly, then trailed his lips back up, making you tremble with anticipation.
When his hand finally reached your inner thighs, you gasped, feeling the anticipation build to an almost unbearable level. Spencer picked up the vibrator, showing it to you one last time.
"Are you ready?" he asked, his voice thick with desire.
"Yes!" you breathed. "Please."
He turned it on, the soft hum filling the room. Slowly, he pressed it against your clit, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through your body. You moaned, clutching the sheets as he expertly moved the toy, finding the perfect rhythm to drive you wild.
"That's my girl," he whispered, his lips brushing against your ear. "You're doing so well."
His free hand continued to explore your body, tweaking and pinching your nipples just the right amount, sending jolts of pleasure straight to your core.
He trailed kisses down your neck, sucking lightly, leaving a path of fire down to your breasts. His mouth enveloped a nipple, his tongue flicking and swirling, while his hand massaged the other breast, heightening your pleasure.
You writhed beneath him, the dual sensations overwhelming you. The vibrator against your clit and his mouth on your breasts were driving you closer and closer to the edge. You felt your hips buck against the toy, seeking more friction, more intensity.
"Spencer," you gasped, your voice laced with desperation and desire.
He lifted his head, his eyes locking with yours, dark with lust. "You like that, don't you?" he murmured, his voice a seductive purr. He increased the pressure and speed of the vibrator, your body responding with a torrent of moans.
"Yes, oh God, yes," you cried out, your body trembling with the mounting pleasure.
His mouth moved lower, kissing and nipping at your stomach, his tongue tracing circles around your belly button. Every touch, every kiss sent shivers through your body, intensifying the sensations. He kissed his way back up, his free hand never ceasing its exploration, teasing and squeezing your breasts, pinching your nipples.
You could feel your climax building, an unstoppable wave of ecstasy. Spencer sensed it too, his eyes never leaving yours as he increased the intensity just enough to push you over the edge.
"Let go for me," he urged, his voice like silk. "I've got you."
His words were the final push you needed. Your body tensed, and then the wave of pleasure crashed over you, sending you spiraling into a powerful orgasm.
You cried out, your body trembling uncontrollably as the waves of ecstasy washed over you.
Spencer held you close, whispering soothing words, riding out the aftershocks with you until you were both breathless and spent.
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lerclan · 2 days
duct tape | lando norris
type: written + smau at the end
pairing(s): assistant!reader x lando norris
summary: youve been landos assistant for a while now and you were asked to do the most embarrassing thing ever, but it wasnt you that was the most embarrassed in the situation; it was your boss.
warning(s): a funny and POORLY edited photo of lando norris done by me (i was cackling making it 💀)
fc: luisinha oliveira!
"you want me to WHAT???" you spit out your drink.
"kiss him." the photographer, elise, says as you stare at your friend, eyes quite literally bulging out, "come on y/n..."
"you act like i kiss random people for fun." you say as you take a proper sip from your water.
"but hes not a random person?" she fires back as you roll your eyes.
"still. hes my boss and looking at the situation in general, thats quite embarrassing to do." you feel your face heat up, "how about we find someone else? i bet i can call someone with really luscious lips." you take out your phone and start scrolling through your contacts.
"no," she lowers your phone as you look at her, "he said he wanted YOU to do it."
"ME???" your jaw drops as elise starts laughing at your reaction, "youre lying."
"no im not!" she puts her pinky up as you intertwine your pinky with hers, "pinky promise."
"why me though?" you asked her curiously.
"i told him about the idea and how the stylist would do the kiss marks but he said he had the perfect someone to do the kiss marks and said your name." she explains as you give her a look, "okay to make it easier for you, hes gonna have duct tape covering his mouth. its for the aesthetics." your look immediately disappears and is replaced with a relieved expression.
"oh, you shouldve told me that earlier." you say as you finally smile, "that sounds a little bit easier to do."
"my bad, kind of forgot about it till i told you the story. woopsies." you laugh at her as she chuckles cheekily, "lets go to the set, its almost time for him to be ready."
you both arrived at the set and you noticed your boss all geared up next to an f1 car.
"i thought the set would be more scandalously themed, but this is so much better than what i anticipated." you let a breath out as elise laughs at you.
"do you think im a pornographer or something? gosh have faith in your friends innocence." she rolls her eyes jokingly and it was your turn to laugh now.
landos head instantly turned to your direction as he heard your laughter. he didnt know if you had agreed to the suggestion, but he hoped that elise didnt bring it up since he was feeling a little embarrassed now for acting impulsively with suggesting you to do the kiss marks instead of the stylist.
with how caught up he was in his thoughts, stressing over his impulsive move, he didnt realize that you guys were in front of him.
"lando? landooo???" you say waving your hands in front of his face.
"oh–yes? hi?" he says as he finally snaps out of it.
"you were zoning out. what were you thinking about this time?" you asked as he smiles.
"nothing in particular, just a little nervous on what to do in this photoshoot." he admits mostly.
"youre gonna do good, boss. dont worry about anything! just do what you usually do, your fans are gonna love it no matter what." you comfort him with a smile as he reciprocates the same expression.
you guys stare into each others eyes for a bit until elise finally interrupted you both.
"ahem! love birds can you guys contain yourselves for a sec–" you slap her shoulder lightly as she laughs at it as landos face turns a bit red, "i was just kidding!! anyways...im just here to tell you that y/n agreed to the idea, so ill be back with some duct tape and red lipstick." she walks off and you were left with lando.
"so...you agreed???" he asks as he feels his face heating up more from the fact that you agreed.
"yeah, at first i thought i was kissing you straight up...which is a very hard task to do considering our positions, but she told me you were gonna have duct tape over your mouth; so its like an indirect kiss. which i can mostly do." you answer his question with a small chuckle as he feels his face heat up more, "are you good, lan? youre looking kinda...red?? ish???"
"yeah, no, im fine. this is fine. im perfectly normal." he says quickly as you eye him out.
you reached for his forehead and noticed it was a little warmer.
"are you sure? you feel a little warm." you say as you start to panic thinking about his schedule for today.
"y/n, i am perfectly fine. its just the suit..." he lies as you look at him with doubtful eyes.
before you could pester him more, elise came back with red lipstick and duct tape just like she said.
"here, put this on your lips and also tape his mouth shut." she says as you grab the items.
"it will probably do us a favor if his mouth is taped shut." you joke as he rolls his eyes at you.
"gosh whats that supposed to mean?" he side eyes you as you laugh.
"it means..." you drag on as he looks at you, waiting for you to answer his question.
"it means wha—" his sentence gets cut off by you taping his mouth, "hmf mhmhf!!" he tries to talk but it comes out muffled.
"what did he say?" elise asks as you both laugh at his attempt.
"he probably said 'you muppet!', to insult me or something." you answer her, mimicking landos voice.
"sounds like him alright. perfect impression!!" she says as you take a small bow.
you put the duct tape down and opened the lipstick so you could put it on, kiss him, and get done with it already.
"you ready, lan?" you ask him as he puts his hands up to rip the tape off his mouth half way.
"no–wait. i need like a drink or something..." he comes up with an excuse as he feels his face get hot again due to the situation he put himself in.
"come on lando..its a quick peck and boom were finished!" you reassure him feeling a little flustered as you realize what youre actually doing, "come here."
he dodges you as you glare at him.
"WAIT. PLEASE GIVE ME A SECOND." he yells out as you roll your eyes getting impatient.
"okay fine." you go back to the spot you were standing in.
you look at him grab a bottle of water to drink and he starts fanning himself.
"are you sure youre good?" you asked as he nods his head quickly.
"dont worry about him, y/n. hes just feeling a little flustered because hes getting an indirect ki—" elise gets cut off by an empty water bottle getting thrown at her, "what the hell LANDO." she throws the water bottle back at him.
you laugh at their little squabble until the water bottle hit you and now theyre the ones laughing at you.
"I ALWAYS CATCH STRAY BULLETS I SWEAR. cant laugh in peace anymore..." you say as they laugh harder, "ANYWAYS, lando come here and let me kiss you." you feel your face heat up as soon as you realized what you really said.
"yeah let her kiss you lando." elise chimes in with a little melody.
"not like that–you know what–gosh whatever come on lando, you have places to be after this." you say finally grabbing his arm as he gets closer to you.
"okay, just do it..." he says as he grabs your arms and puts it around his neck, "WAIT WAIT WAIT AAAAHHHH!!" he yells out as he sees how close you guys are.
"LANDO MAN UP GOSH." you finally grab his face and kissed him on both of his cheeks, his forehead, and his lips. directly. completely forgetting the fact that his mouth was not taped shut.
you both dont notice that you guys were kissing lips directly until you both heard a camera click. you guys pulled back and thats when you noticed his lips completely covered in red.
"OH MY GOOOOSHHHH!!!!" elise squeals out as your eyes widen.
"I AM SO SORRY LANDO. I FORGOT YOU DIDNT HAVE IT ON–" you get cut off by lando.
"no, no. its totally fine, y/n...youre good. simple mistake. im completely normal and youre completely normal." he smiles at you, ready to explode from holding in a scream, as you smile back out of relief.
"also...ELISE DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW." you jump her as shes fighting for her life.
you suddenly feel somebody pull you back, which was lando with a huge grin.
"elise, let me see the photo." he says as you look at him.
elise unlocks her phone and pulls up the photo of you and lando kissing, which was a pretty cute angle and photo. you cursed her photography skills.
"you should totally send me that." he says as your jaw drops, "what? its a cute photo of us." he says not knowing where the confidence suddenly came from.
"before y/n dies from a heart attack, have her kiss you again. WITH the tape on this time." elise says as you felt your eye twitch, jaw still on the floor.
you eventually snapped out of shock and reapplied the lipstick so it was more pigmented and you kissed him again, with the tape over his mouth. you looked up at him and realized that he was smiling. you didnt know why, well you had a hint but you didnt wanna act on it.
lando quickly finished his photoshoot and now it was time to go to another place for an interview. you both entered the car and you were met with silence until he spoke up.
"sooo...do you maybe wanna go out for dinner tonight?" he asks breaking the silence as you look at him.
"arent you hanging out with carlos tonight??" you question him as he cheekily smiles at you.
"not–" he takes out his phone and texts carlos something and looks up to look at you, "anymore."
you laugh at his little act and smiled warmly.
"id love to have dinner with you, lan." you met eye contact as he smiles from ear to ear.
he grabs your hand and intertwines them together, keeping it that way till you both arrived at the interview place.
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Liked by y_n, mclaren, elise_amor, and 1,272,183 others
landonorris dropping in with a kiss 💋
tagged: eaphotography
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mclaren our driver has never looked better! 🧡
landonorris thanks, mclaren!!! 🧡🧡🧡
user4 real question tho...who gave him those marks? 🤨🤨🤨
user5 probably the stylist or something
eaphotography nuh uh
user5 HUHH???
eaphotography 🤫🧏‍♀️
user7 im so jealous of the person that did that 😭😭😭
carlossainz55 wow is that why you were busy mate?
landonorris no? 🙄
carlossainz55 elise sent me a photo, are you sure? 😒😒
landonorris SHHHHHH
elise_amor LMFAOOO
user9 photo? 🤨
user10 what if this was a soft launch or something 😻😻😻
landonorris yeah..that would be totes..crazy...👀
user10 IT IS?!?&2&:
user10 I AGREE W YOU
user12 how??
user11 i saw them kiss last night at this one restaurant
y_n @/landonorris YOU SAID IT WAS A BLIND SPOT...
landonorris woops...cats out of the bag ig ☺️☺️☺️
user11 OH MY GOSH!/!/&2&:
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Liked by elise_amor, landonorris, carlossainz55, and 26,173 others
y_n bro cannot keep his mouth shut. BRING BACK THE DUCT TAPE.
tagged: landonorris
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y_n youre lucky youre cute ❤️
Comments on this post have been limited
authors note(s): iaheiqhehwjq i hope this was good cuz i absolutely had no plot line 💀
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loveclerc · 9 hours
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ IN PLAIN SIGHT !
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pairing : logan sargeant x fem!reader
summary : apparently the public doesn’t know you and logan are married, even though you never tried to hide it.
genre : narrative/smau, fluff, tiny bit of angst, established + private but not secret relationship, hamilton’s goddaughter!reader
warning(s) : qatar 2023, toxic bird app, ignore timestamps
word count : 1,755 words
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It wasn’t common knowledge that Logan Sargeant was married, and has been since 2020, even though he never tried to hide it. He had never, not even once, taken off his ring, but fans just brushed it off as … Well, nothing. They didn’t even know it was there.
All the drivers knew. It wasn’t specifically said out loud, but it was obvious enough, even if the couple wasn’t the type for PDA.
You, as Lewis Hamilton’s goddaughter, were most of the time at the Mercedes garage. You were often filmed, expression tired and uninterested, but theories about you were debunked by Lewis himself. “A ray of sunshine when at home,” he’d said in an interview once.
People knew you were married — the ring you wore on your finger was proof enough. Fans dug and dug, but the very place that held their answer was the one they failed to scrutinise. Your husband, as you often joked with Lewis, was hiding in plain sight.
Qatar was hot. Really, fucking hot.
And that was what you said aloud before Lewis snapped at you for cussing.
“Sorry, Lew,” you replied with the least amount of respect you could. “Are you not dying of heat? You’ve been out in the sun all afternoon.” You held a fan close to your face, tiny droplets of sweat collecting on the edges of your face.
Lewis shook his head, but a smile was evident on his face. “It is very hot, but there’s nothing much I can do, hm?” His voice was soft but clear, and his face was shiny with perspiration. “Anyway, shouldn’t you be in the office? I remember you complaining about an increased workload.”
You threw a vulgar gesture his way and asked him to not-so-kindly piss off before you disappeared behind a corner. The echo of Lewis’ laugh trailed behind you as your destination changed from the air-conditioned office to the Williams garage.
Familiar faces greeted you as you made your way along the stretch of road lined with every team’s garage, as well as ones you didn’t particularly like to see. A reporter you found rather intrusive approached you, and you tried your best to speed up to avoid him, but to no avail.
“Hello, YN! Hot day in the paddock today, no? Where are you heading to this sunny afternoon?” the reporter attempted a conversation, no doubt with the intention to slide in some personal questions, but you shook your head.
“Sorry, I don’t have the time right now,” you muttered, rushing away and into the welcoming arms of the Williams mechanics. Silently, you awaited the vicious comments on Twitter.
A smile was thrown every way — as long as someone made eye contact with you, you greeted them with a tilt of your lips. The least you could do was be friendly when they’d given you, and your husband, so much more than you would have imagined.
Cameron, one of the pit crew, pointed you in the direction of the drivers’ rooms, knowing well what, or who,  you were here for. You thanked him and waved him goodbye.
As you opened the door to Logan’s room, you heard something metal drop on the ground. “Shit— Ow,” came out from the cracks of the door. You smiled, widening the gap.
Logan’s head turned to you immediately. His current position was quite awkward: he was bent over, fingers wrapped around a grey piece of something at his toe, his head perked up. He cleared his throat and stood up tall, putting the metal piece safely aside where it couldn’t drop onto anyone else’s toe, then pulled you in and shut the door at the same time.
His lips were on yours the moment they were close enough. The familiar scent of Logan engulfed you as your arms snaked around his torso, connecting at the back, as if locking him in your embrace. You pulled back enough to laugh, “You injure your toe and suddenly you’re so clingy? I don’t see the correlation.”
“Shut up,” Logan mumbled, placing his hand at the back of your head to pull you back in. You gave in, mouth moving in tandem with his, an action you were so used to.
Then someone came knocking at the door — fortunately they didn’t open it, or else they would’ve seen the intimate interaction right before their eyes. “Logan’s needed!” Alex’s voice sounded, and it was only then that the married couple pulled away, albeit reluctantly. “I don’t know what the two of you are doing but James is asking for both of his drivers.”
You laughed, the sound music to Logan’s ears, and detached yourself from his torso. “Go,” you ushered when he didn’t move. “I’ll be here when you’re done.” A reassuring smile coated your lips, one that Logan found too endearing to say no to.
“You better be,” he muttered, pressing a kiss to your temple before leaving the room. You heard a cheerful Alex slap his hand on your husband’s shoulder, guiding him to where their team principal ordered them to meet. Their animated conversation faded into the back of your mind as they walked further and further away.
Sitting on the comfortable sofa chair, you pulled your phone out to scroll through some social media apps.
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A few laughs escaped your lips at some of the replies. You knew better than to let the hate comments get to you, so you simply scrolled past without much thought, because you knew they were false anyway.
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Liked by nicolashamilton and 735,932 others
yourusername call me when it’s twenty degrees and below
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lewishamilton Can’t believe you didn’t match with me …
yourusername you’re the one who didn’t stick to the theme of WHITE 🤨
user not even trying to be secret. i hear you girl
ynfan the husband has once again made an appearance
user2 how is it even possible that her husband’s identity has never been found? she’s so famous??? and is lewis hamilton’s goddaughter???
user3 exactly! are fans really that respectful or are they just really good at hiding
user4 my guess is the second ... f1 fans are not respectful lol
ynfan2 me whenever the husband appears: 😠
lissiemackintosh Stunning! 💞 ♥︎ by author
ynfan3 TWENTY DEGREES??? that’s like. freezing. (i don’t have 4 seasons)
oscarpiastri Your hubby left his cap in my car
yourusername he’s so forgetful sometimes 😆 he’ll get it from you later!
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Alas, race day arrived. The only thing you weren’t looking forward to was the intense heat. The temperatures were rising around the racetrack, more so in the cockpits. At least you had shelter and air-conditioning; the drivers would have to suffer through more than an hour of unusual heat. No doubt would there be immense weight loss.
As always, you worried for Logan. You worried for his performance and another failed chance to prove himself to his team, his fans and everyone else watching him. You knew, and were reminded every race, that your husband was put into an F1 car too soon. Perhaps one more season in F2 would give him sufficient experience — but dwelling on what could have been was always one of your weaknesses. And so you brushed away the thought.
The race started in the blink of an eye. You were stationed in the Mercedes garage, opting to show some support for your godfather, whom some netizens believed to harbour contempt for his own goddaughter, despite everything he’s said. But even as your body stood amongst what could be the night sky, your mind was with the sea of blue.
It was over before it even started. Lewis was out, after contact with his teammate, right as they entered the first turn. You retracted into yourself, already able to see the many opinions on social media. At least, you told yourself, he didn’t need to suffer through the heat. The terrible, rising temperature that was already burning you from inside out.
Lewis joined you soon after and made no comment or complaint on the incident that had just occurred minutes ago. You decided not to bring it up, either.
As the race continued, your heart rate remained mercifully stable. You let yourself stifle a snicker when George complained on his radio about the clash, and Toto told him to focus. The retired driver beside you made no reaction whatsoever.
The rest of the grand prix was relatively calm (for you), except for the occasional mild shock and stress from overtakes or near-contact. Until there were around ten laps left. When Logan expressed his illness but still continued pushing.
“Shit,” you mumbled, turning to Lewis, who already had his attention on you. “I knew he was sick. He kept sniffing and coughing and drinking water.”
Your godfather looked as worried as you, judging from his furrowed eyebrows. “He needs to retire,” was all he said, albeit lowly to avoid unwanted attention.
You pressed your lips together. “I’m going to Williams,” you softly declared, moving to take off your headset and pass it to a nearby mechanic. A smile graced your lips as you silently made your departure. All you could think about was your husband.
A few Williams mechanics came to greet you from the back of the garage, each of them whispering for you to convince Logan to retire. You could only give your word that you’d try to.
Only moments later was James Vowles notified of your arrival. Nodding, he put aside his headset as a mechanic guided you to the pit wall, a gentle smile on his face. The two of you exchanged a silent agreement.
Putting the headset on, you realised it was far too big to accommodate your head size. So you settled for holding on to one side, the mic readily balanced in front of your mouth.
“Logan,” your voice sounded through his radio in the sweetest tone possible. You received no response. “Lo, there’s no shame in retiring. Your health is more important than points. Please don’t faint behind the wheel.”
Silence. Then some static and heavy breathing, and his voice came through weakly, “I’m going back to the pits.”
A relieved sigh hit every individual stationed at the pit wall. When you passed over his headset with a smile, James’ body relaxed visibly, the tension between his brows eased.
“Thank you,” he whispered, evidently worried for his driver.
You shook your head. “Anything for Logan.” And you left, aiming for the pits, where the mechanics were waiting for the American’s arrival.
You watched silently as Logan’s coworkers helped him out of the car, supporting his weak body into the garage. A few steps forward and you were right in front of him, reaching to take his helmet off, and by extension his balaclava.
His eyes were glazed, his breathing ragged. His lips parted slightly. Then suddenly, he fell. Right onto you, making you lose your balance and almost sending you into the ground. Luckily his mechanics caught him by the arms, pulling him up and carrying him away, likely to the medics.
Sighing, you followed them, eyes closely watching the suited man between them. Logan tried so hard to make the team proud, he disregarded his own health and what his body could take.
As medics rushed over with a stretcher, you caught paparazzi snapping no-flash pictures from the sides. But you didn’t care. Your focus was on the unconscious love of your life.
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Liked by yourusername and 9,050 others
f1gossip Spotted! Logan Sargeant and YN LN sharing an intimate moment after leaving the paddock.
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user5 you’d think after all this hiding, they’d want to be talked about by the public
ynfan4 hello f1 gossip page! what is my wife doing here?
f1fan what is your wife doing with my husband 🤨
ynfan5 i see … they’ve been cheating on us
ynfan4 and who are you???
ynfan5 yn’s wife 🫥
f1fan2 he really deserves that hug after today 😔
user6 the matching rings ��
f1fan4 so disappointed in us 😭 he’s always been wearing it apparently
ynloghehe so cute am I right 😛
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Liked by daltonsargeant and 78,100 others
logansargeant Man that was tough, unfortunately couldn’t take the finish but thanks for the support from my team 🫶🏻 (And wife, now that you guys have realised)
Extreme dehydration and feeling sick building up to the race didn’t help - next up back home 🇺🇸
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f1fan5 gws logan!! we’re all here for you
f1fan6 you were so close to points but glad you put your health first :)
ynfan7 this conversation in the comments is bringing me to tears 😭😭😭😭😭
user7 yn and logan my otp forever 😭🫶🏻
yourusername please don’t faint on me again. you’re heavy :(
logansargeant You vowed you’d be with me in sickness and in health
yourusername I guess I did 😔🤚🏻
logansargeant That’s right. You’re stuck with me FOREVER
ynfan8 that’s my wife 🙁 at least she’s got a good man
lewishamilton Please keep her in the Williams garage 🙏🏻 She’s a menace ♥︎ by author
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Liked by landonorris and 1,519,933 others
yourusername hehe 😙
View all 5,285 comments
oscarpiastri Still surprised how no one realised
f1fan7 is he calling us stupid
oscarpiastri It was so obvious???
ynfan9 wait then why would she cover his face in that story with oscar if they never tried to hide it
logansargeant Ahem ... I blinked
logansargeant BABE NO
liamlawson30 HAH y’all are suckerz I went to their wedding 😛
f1fan8 never thought i’d see liam lawson using the word suckerz ...
ynfan10 they look so cute omg i wish i had their relationship ♥︎ by author
f1fan9 oscar piastri i fear you are correct ... we are stupid
yourusername @ charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc I’m not the only stupid one now!!!
landonorris Please don’t start PDAing everywhere now
yourusername this is a formal announcement that after this post, I will resume my dark and mysterious persona with no boys on my page.
logansargeant Okay, wow, I didn’t know we were being mean
user8 i realise they never once commented a heart or ily they just been bickering 😭😭😭
jensonbutton Visit soon?
yourusername obviously. we miss your pups :(
logansargeant DON’T LISTEN TO HER!!! I miss you Jenson 😢
frederikvestiofficial Wedding day was one for the books (post those pictures pleaseeeee 🙏🏻) ♥︎ by author
user9 WEDDING PICTURES SOON???? ♥︎ by author
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the people have spoken and but they shall receive late 😔 I’m in love with this private but not secret concept by the way though I think it’s a little messy
taglist : @mael1pastry @embrosegraves
reblogs and feedback are appreciated !
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moonstruckme · 2 days
hi i have a request that you're obviously under no obligation to answer but i saw that you did a royal au for sirius and i was wondering if you'd be open to doing another?
something like they're in a secret relationship and they're at the same ball and trying to act like they're the picture of good behavior but sirius is being subtly flirty and a menace?
Thanks for requesting sweetheart! Slight deviation, they're not together but this takes place just a bit after the first one <3
prince!Sirius x princess!reader ♡ 2.2k words
Seeing as balls are generally marketed as the pinnacle of refinement, you hadn’t expected this to be so loud. 
Every time the hum of conversation rises, someone keeps telling the musicians to play louder too, until people have to raise their voices and it starts over again. A victor-less battle. You have an inkling that it might all be easier to handle if you had just a bit more wine, but you’re on your best behavior for your new family.
You try not to wrinkle your brow, leaning closer to the man in front of you as the violins crescendo. “Sorry?” you ask, politely as you can. 
A flicker of irritation crosses his face. You try not to wince. He tells you the title of his job again. 
“Ah.” You nod, trying to look as though you understand the importance of this jumble of fancy-sounding words. “That’s so interesting. What does that entail?” 
He’s thrilled you’ve asked. As the man launches into a thorough description of his day-to-day duties for the kingdom, you contemplate how surprisingly relevant a competence in lip-reading might be to your new role as princess. Is this something you’re going to have to do all of the time? You haven’t been able to make out half of what this man has said since he made his way over to you. 
It’s pointless anyway. As soon as you notice Sirius Black standing behind him, you’re gone. 
It’s been hardly a week since your illicit meeting with the Black heir. You’d munched on chicken nuggets, traded complaints about palace life and your wildly different upbringings. When a guard had come to fetch him back to his parents you’d hid behind the door, and to the best of your knowledge you’ve both pretended the meeting never happened ever since. 
Now, he’s dark and gleaming under the light from the chandelier. He smiles dashingly at someone shaking his father’s hand, standing beside both of his parents and slightly in front of another boy you suppose must be his brother. You haven’t actually seen anyone in his family before now, but the connection isn’t difficult to draw; they’re eerily similar. Pitch black hair and pale skin stretched tight over delicate bones. Most horrifying of all, they’re wearing identical shades of black, the homogeneity of the men’s suits too precise to be incidental, except…
Sirius’ suit jacket shimmers with a silver sheen in certain lights. 
Your lips curve before you can stop them. You hardly know him, but already this seems typical; he has to be different. Has to set himself apart. It’s less tiresome than it ought to be. 
As though your thoughts have been broadcast across the room, Sirius’ head turns minutely in your direction. His eyes catch you and hold you.
It’s lucky the man standing in front of you doesn’t seem to notice how your gaze has wandered. He chatters on, unaware that your palms have slickened or that your heart has started pittering fiercely inside your chest. Sirius says something to his companions and peels off. He starts towards you. 
You look back to your conversation partner, managing a nod of faux comprehension just before he reaches you. 
You let your eyes flare as he stops beside the two of you, willing some surprise into your expression, but your voice comes out even more startled than you intend when you hiccup out, “Your highness.” 
“Your highness,” Sirius says back, the faintest of smirks curving his lips as he inclines his head to you, then the man in front of you. “Lord Chamberlain.” 
Shit. How does he know this guy’s name and you don’t? 
Lord Chamberlain looks nearly as caught offguard by the prince’s notice as you are. “Your highness.” He puffs up. “I didn’t realize we would be enjoying your presence this evening.” 
“Yes, my brother was supposed to be the only one accompanying my parents on this visit.” Sirius sounds even more polished than the last time you spoke with him. There’s an easy grace to his posture, an inherent knowledge of the tiny moves that allow one to conform to the etiquette of this culture which you’re still struggling to grasp yourself. But his eyes flash when they meet yours, a glimpse of that waggish boy you met in the sitting room. “However, during my last visit I found an interest in your lovely kingdom I’ve not had before.” 
Lord Chamberlain begins to prattle on about the perfect astuteness of the prince, the many, many attractive qualities of your kingdom, few of which would be quite so perfect if not augmented by himself…Sirius nods with practiced diplomacy, waiting only for the man to take a breath before he turns his attention fully to you. 
“I hoped you might join me for a dance,” he says, leaning closer so he doesn’t have to raise his voice over the music. “The next one is about to start.” 
“Oh I’m not supposed—” You cut yourself off, eyes darting to the courtier monitoring you from the edge of the room. You imagine you’re not supposed to say what you’re not supposed to do. “I’m really not much for dancing.” 
“Come on.” Sirius’ expression is teasing. “It’s rude to turn down an invitation from your guests. Isn’t it, Lord Chamberlain?” 
Lord Chamberlain looks as though if Sirius proves that he knows his name another time he might be in danger of swooning. 
“Yes,” he chokes out. His eyes when they meet yours are something akin to desperate. “Princess, it’s good form.” 
You catch yourself chewing the inside of your lip, stopping as you look back to Sirius. You don’t think he would tattle on you for violating whatever atavistic rule requires you to dance with him, but Lord Bootlicker might. 
“All right,” you say. Far less polite than society allows, you’re sure, but Sirius grins nonetheless. 
“Excellent.” He takes your hand, leading you away. “Always a pleasure, Lord Chamberlain.” 
The other man stands where you left him for a handful of moments, looking dazed, before beelining towards a server carrying refreshments. 
“I don’t know any of the dances,” you hiss at Sirius as he guides you onto the floor. “I’m supposed to be staying away from here.” 
“It’ll be fine,” he promises you, with the sort of confidence only a silver spoon can imbue. “If you just follow in the direction I lead you, your dress will cover up any missteps and I promise not to squeal if you step on my toes.” 
You try to give him a droll look, but you can already feel it happening. You’re succumbing to his charms again. 
There are only a few other partners around you, but here in the center of the room the noise seems even more overwhelming. Conversations overlap, laughter rings out, and music echoes off every wall in the large room. And just in front of you, still holding your hand, Sirius Black is watching you with his flagrant intensity. Even his eyes are too loud. 
He leans close to your ear, breath fanning over your cheek. “Scoping out your dancing competency wasn’t really my aim,” he says. “I only wanted to get you close enough to have a conversation without shouting.” 
You fear your thoughts must be bare in your expression. That afternoon in the sitting room was certainly memorable for you, but you were far from expecting Sirus to single you out afterwards. For all his talk about the novelty of you, he seems like the sort of person to have interesting interactions wherever he goes. 
“Put your hand on my shoulder.” 
You blink. “Huh?” 
Sirius grins, and you realize your slip. No matter how the courtiers you’ve been assigned have drilled into you excuse me, sorry, pardon?, Sirius undoes all your practiced manners with ease. 
“Your hand,” he says again, “goes on my shoulder.”
Just as you settle it tentatively atop of the faintly shiny material of his suit jacket, the music starts. Sirius places a sure hand on the small of your back and grins when you jolt. 
“Easy,” he murmurs, taking your other hand and tugging you gently to the side. Everyone else steps that way too, and you let him lead you through the first steps of the dance. “I won’t bite. Not in front of your grandmother, anyway.” 
You press your lips together to hold in a laugh, eyes finding your grandmother, the Queen, watching you from across the room. She’s smiling faintly, but the courtiers with her look less than pleased. 
You swallow, turning your attention back towards Sirius. “They’re upset with me,” you say. It’s a relief to speak at a normal volume. You know your proximity means he’s the only one who can hear you. “I told you I’m not supposed to be dancing.” 
“They’re not upset that you’re dancing, they’re upset you’re with me,” he replies easily. He guides you into a turn that curls you into him, his arm laying across your chest for just a moment before he turns you back out. “I have a bit of a repute.” 
This, of all the things you’ve learned about Sirius Black, is the least surprising. 
“So, you’re trying to ruin me, then?” you ask, half teasing. 
Sirius grins sharp as a knife. He leans close. “Sweetheart, I want to ruin you in all sorts of ways. That’s just not one of them.” 
Your momentary confidence drops right down to your stomach. If you thought you’d be able to play with Sirius and keep up, clearly you were wrong. 
“We’re going to do a spin,” he warns breezily, saving you from any response. He lets go of your waist, holding your joined hands aloft and using them to guide you away from him and into a twirl.
Only, you go for it too quickly. You’re back in his arms while the other partners are still going through their slow turns. Sirius’ laughter barks out of him loud and sharp before he catches himself. 
“Oh my god,” you mumble, resting your forehead on Sirius’ chest and shutting your eyes in mortification. 
“Hey, it’s alright.” Sirius is still shaking with quiet laughter. His hand is friendly on the small of your back. “That was stunning. All the other ladies wish their skirts had fanned out the way yours just did.” 
“Is skirt fanning really the object of the dance, though?” 
“It’s eye-catching,” he maintains. You can hear the smile in his voice. “You can make anything lovely. Now stop hiding before one of your keepers has a stroke.” 
You remove your face from his chest hastily. Your eyes flit to the courtier at the room’s edge before you return them to Sirius, cheeks burning. 
His look softens. “Don’t fret, gorgeous, you’re not the only one who’s committed a faux-pas just now. That laugh earned me a proper glare from my mother. As soon as the dance is over, they’ll throw us into the dungeons together.” 
“Well, at least it’ll be nice to have someone to talk to down there.” You bite down on a smile. Sirius, you’re beginning to notice, has a way of making all your worries about fitting into polite society feel silly. Nothing feels very serious when he’s around. Ironically enough. “Do we really have a dungeon?” 
Another startled chuckle goes through him. This one is quiet enough not to raise any eyebrows, more’s the pity. “Not one currently in use. It’s a relic, with a door going out to the street so tours can go through.” He smiles, borderline sheepish. “I went on one when I was twelve.” 
“You did?” You can’t stop the smile that leaps up on your face now. It shouldn’t be so easy to picture Sirius as a child, but it surprisingly is. A bit shorter and skinnier than he is now, skin and bones and night-black hair darting around and causing trouble. It’s an odd feeling to think that he explored your family’s palace long before you could, somehow both twinging and reassuring at once. “Is there a reason you’ve been here so often?” 
Sirius looks genuinely surprised at that. “No one’s told you?” At your bemused look, he blinks, seeming to compose himself. His hand flattens on your back. You hadn’t realized he’d been gripping you. “Our families have been friends for literal centuries. My great-great-great-aunt was close with your great-great-whatever, and we’ve never let our claws out of each other.” He gives you a conspiratorial look, leaning closer. “I can’t attest to the relationship between the current ruling generations being quite so amicable, but we cling to each other nonetheless. Trade relations and all that. All that is to say,” he backs up, gifting you with a smile, “we really will be seeing a lot of each other.” 
“Oh.” Your chest flutters with an unidentifiable feeling. You don’t know if you can handle seeing much more of Sirius Black. Every time you meet, it’s like he whittles away all your weeks of training and posture correction with a look. You’ll never make any progress if he’s constantly around to trip you up. “That’s nice.” 
“You’re doing remarkably well,” he notes. You look up, for a moment worrying that he’s read your mind (he seems prone to doing that), but Sirius goes on. “I don’t know what you were talking about earlier, you’re a natural at this. My toes remain unsquished.” He gives you a secret smile. You return it wobbily. “There’s another spin coming up,” he says with a teasing glint in his eyes, “think you can handle it?” 
Honestly? You think you’re already dizzy enough. 
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starsofang · 3 days
pirate poly!141 x f!reader tw: NSFW, MDNI, violence, death (minor characters), bits of gore, 141 are mean pirates, kidnapping
When a group of unhinged pirates invade your small village, you're whisked away from your peaceful home and thrown on to a voyage out at sea. Forced to obtain a new role as their medic, you have no choice but to accept your fate as you join their forces and aid them in their treacherous travels.
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The village was tranquil as you stepped through it, bare feet threading through the soft grass, hands wrapped around the handle of a woven basket. It was peaceful, as it always was, without the souls of townsfolk to burden you. They didn’t dare bother you with the witness of elders around, keeping any torment to themselves until nightfall when the small vendor shops had closed up for the evening and the old folk returned to their homes.
You basked in the warm summer rays that shined down on you as you walked past the various shops. Really, they were far from any real shops, only showcasing simple merchant carts with limited supply for the village to gather, but it was a small village, and everything you needed was for mere survival. You weren’t a greedy woman, and you were plenty grateful.
Stepping up to one of the merchants, you offered a polite smile to the older woman sitting behind it, bowing your head in greeting.
“Hello, Mary,” you addressed, and she perked up from where she stood, occupied with counting together the sum of coins she’d earned throughout the day. She reflected her own smile to you, standing a bit taller. A wrinkled hand lifted to brush strands of her gray hair that had blown astray in the light breeze, revealing her radiance.
“Afternoon, dove,” she greeted in return. “What’s on the agenda for today?”
“Just need a few more herbs, is all,” you shrugged, shifting your eyes away from hers to pick around her cart. Mary always had plenty on hand, and usually snuck you a few extras when you weren’t looking.
“Ah, I see. Well, you know the routine, dove. Feel free to pick as many as you need,” she encouraged. You smiled graciously, collecting a small variety of herbs and plants to place in your basket.
It was a different decision every week, seeing as you often performed trial and error with them in the comfort of your home. Despite many in your village disagreeing with your efforts, you were attempting to learn more about medicines. The village was in desperate need of a proper healer, and a female one at that. The male in current practice was much too biased and reckless, though you were sure to get a mouthful if you were to express the concern.
So, you took it upon yourself. Living in the village rather than out on the mainland, it wasn’t a simple teaching. Resources and education were much more difficult to come by, and it wasn’t deemed necessary information for women to have. It was exactly the reason why you were seen as a bit of an enigmatic outcast to all – all except Mary, of course. Perhaps she simply pitied you.
“This will be all for me, Mary,” you declared, setting the basket on top of her cart. Reaching for the small pouch that rested comfortably on your hip, you dug through it, collecting a few bronze coins and setting them in the old woman’s frail hand.
Mary accepted, placing the coins in her own pouch and throwing you a kind smile. “You sure, dove? Nothing else I can do for you?”
“I’m sure,” you confirmed with a nod. “Still in the experimentation phase, I fear.”
“You’ll get there,” she assured, clasping one of your hands between both of hers and giving it an encouraging shake before releasing. “Perhaps I’ll come visit you one of these days. An old lady like myself could use a few tweaks.”
This elicited a light laugh from you, shaking your head as you grasped the basket. “You look as healthy as a babe, Mary. But yes, please do. You know my door is always open for you.”
The two of you said your sweet farewells before you set off down the grassy trail once again. You passed the other merchants, who didn’t welcome you with the same kindness Mary had, but didn’t scare you away with shrewdness either. It was a typical routine, at this point, for others to look down on you. A woman, unwilling to marry and bear children and instead, studying medicine. A true scandal, some might say.
The walk back to your home was done so without issue, but when your humble abode came into sight, tucked away on the farther side of the village for more private practice, the faces of recognizable men came into view. This was just as frequent as the judgeful side eyes you received, but much more inconvenient.
“Afternoon, dove,” one of the men greeted with a slimy smile, the nickname the village had given you slipping off of his tongue like rotted poison. Dove, a name of something so beautiful, given out of mere pettiness. You were free like a bird, yet you should’ve been confined to your cage. Something pretty to look at, but proving no use. “Never quite got back to me about my courtship.”
Right. You had ignored it on purpose. Though deemed as strange and grotesque by the townspeople, this particular man hadn’t quite gotten the hint. Lucius was his name, fitting, seeing as he was as close to the devil as they came. Conceited and boastful with no decency of leaving you be.
He was awfully determined in wanting to fix you, to make you the housewife everybody expected you to be, just like the other village women. It was common practice, seeing as women didn’t do much other than simply that. While some were quite content with that lifestyle, you sought out more. You didn’t want to be chained down to a simple man who had nothing but arrogance to offer, nor a man you weren’t in love with.
“Yes, that’s quite right,” you confirmed dryly, stepping up to your home. He blocked the doorway, barricading you from entering.
“It’s quite rude for a lady to reject,” he interjected, a devilish smile plastered on his face. You blinked up at him with a look of indifference. “I am only asking for an answer.”
“I believe I’ve told you no plenty of times,” you sighed, adjusting the basket on your hip. “I am simply not interested.”
He sucked his teeth together, glowering down at you from where he stood. It was clear he wasn’t pleased with the answer, but unfortunately for him, it was all he was going to get. You were solid with your decision, and god forbid you did change your mind on being a wife and mother, it would not be with him.
“Can’t change your mind at all, dove?” he asked in fake sweetness, reaching for your hand that wasn’t holding the basket. He took it in his grip, much too tight for your liking. “Perhaps I can help change it if you give me one night.”
You scowled at his underlying tone, pulling your hand from his grasp and resting it on the knob of your door. You pushed it open, stepping inside before turning to him. “Please do not humor me with such indications. I am not interested, nor will I change my mind.”
Abruptly closing the door on him, you settled inside of your home, breathing a low sigh of relief. You could hear his faint chuckles with the other men present, their footsteps soft against the grass as they took their leave. He never took things too far, such as forcing his way into your home or worse, forcing himself on you, but you feared that day may come the longer you rejected his advances.
You set your basket on your desk, slouching down in the old chair you’d spend days upon days occupied in. Your journal sat open with ink scattered on the pages in your scribbled handwriting, brief sketches drawn about of the varying herbs you worked tirelessly on. Above you, jars lined the shelves with fading labels, filled with makeshift medicines of all kinds.
With the village and its people now out of sight and out of mind, you resumed your studies with the fresh herbs, focusing on what your heart truly desired.
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You don’t remember falling asleep. It had been hours of you with a pen in your hand, jotting down useful notes for your studies, and it was no surprise you had succumbed to exhaustion at the comfort of your desk. Your cot in the corner of the room was more a stranger than anything, but with the sight of moonlight still pouring in through your small windows, you debated on moving over to it so you could resume.
Standing from your desk, you rubbed the sleepiness crusting over your eyes, a yawn threatening to tug through your throat. Just as you began your short trek to your bed, a slight tinge of orange caught your eye, peeking in through your window. It was faint, barely knowledgeable.
Curiosity got the best of you, and through your hazy state, you tugged open the front door of your small cottage, daring to see what was outside. The orange grew brighter in view now that the door opening had allowed more light to pool in, and when you rubbed at your eyes once more, you recognized it as fire.
Fire, burning fiercely in the night, eating away at your village. The sounds of terrified screams and chaotic madness became abundantly clear when you stepped outside. It made your blood run cold. All hairs on your body stood straight in warning, beckoning you to return inside, to hide.
As much as you wanted to listen, the first thing to vacate your mind was Mary. In the brush of flames, you needed to know if she was alright, if she had gotten to safety before the angry fire had broken into her own home. Where most of the townsfolk treated you as a mere joke, Mary was the one who had given you kindness when needed.
Your feet moved in a rush to sprint towards the village, the grass damp from the midnight dew and sticking to your soles. The closer you came towards the heart of the village, the louder things grew. It was blood-curling, hearing booming voices bark various orders while others shouted in petrified fear. Mary’s house was on the other side of the village, and in an act of triumph, you aimed for it.
The heat of the flames became more apparent as you closed in on the town center. Townsfolk that you had grown with since a baby were in a frenzy, some bloodied, some weeping. They looked like they had gone through the pits of hell and crawled their way out, only to be inches away from being dragged back in again.
There was no explanation for why the men of your village were wearing the crimson color of fresh blood, or why some were laying in broken heaps on the ground. They were in agony, shrieking in deafening decibels. The healer in you wanted to stop everything you were doing to aid them, but the child in you wanted to reach Mary first.
You did what your heart wanted and ran for Mary.
Approaching her house, the flames had not yet approached. It wasn’t burned to ash, nor was it in shambles. Instead, one large man had Mary in their hold by each of her arms as she attempted to fight him off while another ransacked her home.
“Mary!” you shouted, helpless. The man’s head whipped in the direction of your voice, cruel eyes narrowing in on you. Mary joined him, fearful eyes catching yours.
The sight of the men was foreign to you, but you’d recognize heartless monsters such as them anywhere. They were mere stories shared between the village, often used to scare the children away from the sea for their own protection. The village was so small, nobody had ever worried about the stories happening to them.
Pirates. Cruel, greedy, malicious. Like dogs off a leash, bearing sharp teeth and frothing at the mouth. They raided innocent villages for their supply, leaving it in disarray once they got what they wanted. Sick bastards who deserved punishment, yet slipped away in the roaring waves of the sea before it could be handed to them.
“Let go of her,” you pleaded with the pirate, hands clasped together. You knew you couldn’t fight him off, even if you tried. Mary was just as powerless as you, and old age was starting to catch up to her. She was fragile, and with the way he was handling her, you feared she’d get harmed.
The mysterious pirate continued to stare at you with an unreadable expression. He grunted in annoyance, loosening his grip on Mary but not quite releasing. It did nothing to comfort you, and that feeling grew tenfold when the other pirate stepped out of Mary’s home, locking in on you.
“Grab tha’ one, will ye, Gaz?” the one holding Mary huffed, gesturing towards you with a nod of his head. The other, Gaz, nodded in return, sauntering up to you like death on wheels. You needed to run, to escape, but he was too quick. Before you knew it, Gaz’s arms had wrapped around your waist, hauling you over his shoulder like a doll.
Flailing in his embrace did nothing. His grip was firm, arm locked on to you impossibly tight, and the punches you threw to his back seemed almost comical to him.
“Find anythin’?” the other asked Gaz. Gaz shook his head, releasing a frustrated exhale.
As chaos ensued around you, the two men began dragging you and Mary along towards the heart of the village where you were moments ago. Gaz’s grip loosened on you, before he dropped you to the damp ground carelessly. You landed with a huff, soreness soaring through your back.
Looking around, you realized that many of the townsfolk were in the same condition. Lined up besides one another, pleading for their lives, weeping with ugly snot running from their noses. Mary was beside you, shaken but unharmed from the looks of it. She stared at you with heart wrenching fright, and you wished you could’ve told her things would be okay.
But they weren’t. The village was set ablaze, its people lined up like prisoners with a group of pirates looming over them like reapers prepared for death. The peace from this afternoon had vanished, and there would be no return. Things would be forever different, if they spared your lives.
Gaz and the other pirate stood side by side as they looked over the townsfolk. Another was beside them, face distorted by a ghastly mask that resembled a skull. It sent shivers down your spine. It was as if you truly were looking death in the eye.
A fourth pirate stepped forward, eyes that should’ve been considered kind instead staring down every last villager with heated observation. He was silent as he paced slowly, hands behind his back, the fire casting a doomful glow upon his face.
“My name is Captain Price,” he introduced. His voice was booming with authority. “If you do not wish to aid us, then we do not wish to aid you. The choice is yours.”
Sweat beaded your hairline from both the flames of fire scorching around you, and the anxiety that spiked inside of you. Your eyes locked in on the Captain, watching his every movement, noting the way he stood tall and proud, showcasing the true power he held. The villagers and you were helpless against him and his crew, and he was ensuring that it was obvious.
“We seek a medic. If you cannot provide that to us, then you are of no use to me,” he explained, pausing his pacing. He took in the sight of every grim face. Once he landed on you, you shivered, looking away in a panic. “I will ask you once. Who is your medic?”
Deafening silence filled the air apart from the flickering flames that threatened to consume us whole. Nobody dared to speak a word, nor did they look away from Price. It was as if time had stopped and everybody froze.
Price sniffed, glancing around the villagers. Though he seemed collected in his behavior, you could recognize the impatience from the way his lip twitched and his shoulders tensed.
“The Captain asked you lot a question,” Gaz sneered in defense. Price spared him a glance before returning focus. Still, nobody spoke for the next few moments.
It wasn’t until Price’s hand drifted to his waist, hand coming to rest on a handgun that the air shifted into one of unease. The sight of it made you sick to the stomach. Handguns were a specialty only the wealthy or military could acquire. They were rare and expensive, a luxury to some, but deadly. One click, and your soul was taken right from your body.
Price grasped the handgun, holding it in his hand as if it were a toy. He stepped up to the line of villagers, peering down at them like useless pigs. The sight of the gun had women quivering in fear, tears streaming down their rosy cheeks. The men were men no more, stripped away of their masculinity and replaced with little boys, unable to protect their kin and fulfill their duty as defenders.
The gun was raised, threat building with every inch. The barrel pointed right at the horror-stricken face of the very man who intruded on your home earlier – Lucius. Gone was the cocky mockery of a man, replaced with a whimpering boy who feared death just as much as another. He was shaking, shoulders slouched in attempts to appear small.
“We will try this again,” Price demanded. The cold barrel pressed to the temple of Lucius’ head and you could do nothing but sit and watch, unsure of what to feel. Sure, he kept a sour taste in your mouth simply from being. But to wish death on him for being a hindrance was distasteful. “Who is your medic?”
Lucius wouldn’t possibly rat you out. He was a selfish man who took what he wanted, but surely, he wouldn’t. He wasn’t that cruel.
The coward’s shaky hand lifted to point in your direction. It felt as if he were throwing a sharp dagger at you, the way he exposed the occupation you’d been so meticulously working hard towards.
Eyes shifted towards you, sending an ice cold burst through your veins. They were prodding, dissecting you from head to toe as if you were an experiment for them to test on. It was unsettling, sinking your heart down to the pits of your stomach.
“You’re the medic?” Price questioned. He hadn’t lowered his weapon, keeping it firm against Lucius’ skull, but his attention had shifted to you. His eyes weren’t warm and kind like they were shaped out to be, but rather cold, glossed over with hardened hostility.
“I–” You swallowed. “I am merely a medic in practice. I am not a professional, I do not know proper teachings–”
“Ghost,” he interrupted, whipping his head to look at the masked man. Ghost was a brute of a man, a shadow that would’ve been consumed by the night if not for the illuminating glow coming from the village in flames. “Take her so she can gather her things. She’s coming with us.”
Dread struck you right to the core. You wanted to beg for them to leave you be, to explain that you weren’t what they wanted. You didn’t want to be stripped from your home and tossed onto a ship with no clue of where your next destination was. These men were dangerous, seeping pure rancor and poisoning the very ground you laid on. Leaving with them was a death sentence.
Ghost said nothing, and even if he did, you wouldn’t have been able to hear it from the subtle weeping from villagers beside you. His strides were long as he approached you, and without warning, his rough hand grasped your elbow, hauling you to your feet. The force startled you, throwing you off balance but his grip was tight enough to keep you grounded.
As you were dragged away towards the direction of your home, you could hear an uproar of cries. Terror struck the village once more and you could do nothing but accept fate for what it was. You wanted to turn your head to see what was becoming of your people, but you were scared. Scared of what you may see, scared of what Ghost will do if you look.
You kept your gaze forward, legs moving quickly to match the heavy pace of Ghost, guiding the lion into your den.
Arriving at your home, you were hit with the realization that it would be the last time entering it. Your hard work would vanish, the space you made into your security blanket would be destroyed, burned to ash once the flames settled. It tore your heart to bits.
“Hurry up,” Ghost gruffed, his voice gravelly and hoarse. Just like Price, it was assertive, leaving no room for discussion.
You made haste to pack your essentials into a flimsy satchel. It wouldn’t be able to fit much, and you could only pray they would at least provide you with bare necessities on your voyage to hell. In your satchel went your journal, the cluttered jars of experimental medicines, your favorite quill, and a daring change of clothes. If Ghost thought you to remain alive long enough to have the opportunity to redress, he didn’t express it.
“That all?” he huffed, and when you nodded, he seized your arm again. “Let’s go.”
The sight of your home became a distant memory the farther you went from it. Already your body was pleading to go back, to curl up in bed and pretend that all of this was a sick dream. You regretted not making your cot of more use, sleeping in that damned wooden chair instead.
By the time you arrived back at the town center, it was like witnessing purgatory itself. Bloodshed with the bodies of your people laid across the ground like animals tossed aside. Useless and unworthy, that was how these pirates treated them. Though your people had never been kind to you, this was a fate you would never have wished upon them.
Their faces were unrecognizable as you took them in. Some burned, some beaten so bloody their faces had swelled into ugly monsters, some slain. The sight of the deceased made you want to vomit, bile piling in your throat and threatening to expel out.
Your eyes frantically searched for Mary, aching to know if they had given her mercy. She was a frail woman, withering with her age. She was innocent.
You couldn’t find her familiar face, and you weren’t sure whether to feel relieved or dreadful.
The three other pirates were standing around one another. They were unphased by the actions they had bestowed upon the village, as if it was another simple day. It unnerved you, rattling your bones with burrowing fear. When they noticed the return of you and their crewmate, they wasted no time in guiding you off to the small port in which their ship had been docked.
It was large, wood tainted with brown so dark it could’ve been black. It blended in with the abyss of the sea, which you realized was entirely the point. Unnoticed and concealed.
Ghost didn’t let go of you as he helped you on to the ship, nor did he release once your bare feet connected with the wood. It was just as restricting as before, causing a light pulse to form in your bicep where he held you.
“Take her to the chambers until we figure out the next step,” Price ordered Ghost, nodding his head in the direction of raggedy doors. You could only imagine what lies behind them, waiting for you.
Ghost grunted in response, tugging you with him and having you stumble on your own two feet. The wood was rough and sharp on your soles, slicing tiny splinters into your skin. Shoes weren’t needed in your village unless it was winter, and even then, the grass was always enough to consume them in warmth. Now, you were regretting not owning a pair.
“In you go,” Ghost uttered once he had the door pulled open, shoving you down a small flight of stairs towards the lower section of the ship. It was dingy and unlit, the only light seeping in being the moonlight from a tiny window.
Once inside, you recognized your new home as a cell. Barred and caged in, being tossed inside carelessly. There was nothing but a cot and a bucket to relieve yourself. It was completely empty and void of comfort.
Ghost shut the cell door, locking it with an annoyed grunt. You hadn’t even noticed him pull out the set of keys to open it for you, nor had you noticed when he locked you in. You watched as he thrusted the keys in his back pocket, the only evidence of its presence being the small glint of metal from the moon’s light.
“Wait!” you cried out when he turned to leave. You scrambled on the cell floor, hands wrapping around the cold bars. He paused his walk, throwing you a look of disinterest. “You can’t just leave me in here!”
Ghost snorted in what you dared to say amusement. “Don’t get your knickers in a twist, princess. You’ll be of use soon enough.”
Ignoring your pleas, he stepped up the stairs and returned to the main deck, shutting the door and leaving you utterly alone. Silence filled the air apart from the calming waves of the sea, though it did nothing to soothe you. You were helpless, deprived of any form of escape.
You spent what felt like hours on the floor of your cell, weeping into your own hands, silently praying to a God to release you. When nobody came to your rescue, you knew it was far too late for a miracle. This would be your new life, your new home, for as long as they kept you alive.
Part of you wished they would’ve just killed you instead.
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bro-atz · 13 hours
head to head
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in which: san's lap isn't just for napping...
pair: san/afab!reader
word count: 2k
content: smut, established relationship, nicknames (baby), kinda pwp not really, (justified) somnophilia, oral, sofa sex, unprotected sex (PLS REMEMBER TO WRAP UP IRL!), completely consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
author's note: i woke up from a nap one day... @k-hotchoisan can tell you the rest.... (thank u @yunhoszn for helping me w the banner before i could yeet my phone out a window)
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It was a rainy afternoon. Your boyfriend, San, was sitting in his desk chair and playing video games when you walked into his room, your eyes half closed— the pitter patter of the rain on the windows was making you extremely sleepy, and rainy weather always made you just want to bundle up and sleep the day away. You trudged up to him and rested your chin on his head before letting out a little sigh.
“What’s wrong, baby?” San asked while still heavily invested in his game.
“I’m so sleepy…”
San paused his game and turned around in his chair. He held his arms out, and you immediately moved into his embrace, his thick arms making you feel very secure and even more sleepy.
“Do you want to take a nap?” he whispered.
You nodded and stifled a yawn.
“You can sleep in my bed, baby.”
“…Can you be there with me?”
“I don’t want to take a nap, though—”
“No, just lay in bed with me. You can keep playing your video game,” you told him, hoping that would be enough for him to at least sit next to you while you napped.
“Okay, then can you nap in the living room? That way I can still play.”
You nodded before the two of you went to the living room. San turned on his console and took a seat. You then immediately laid down on the couch, your head resting on your boyfriend’s comfortable thighs. San resumed playing his game, the sounds of his controller clicking slowly lulling you to sleep.
Yeah, right.
You were trying to sleep, and you were so tired that you thought you were actually going to fall asleep the second your head hit his thigh, but you were still awake. You kept your eyes shut as you fidgeted a little, trying to get into a more comfortable position. You were originally facing the tv, but that position wasn’t doing it, so you turned and faced the sofa.
When you faced the sofa, though, you faced San’s crotch. At first, your goal was to scoot away from his crotch so that you didn’t make him uncomfortable, but when you moved your head again, you saw it twitch. Amused, you shifted again, and it twitched again. At that point, you were definitely not asleep, and you desperately wanted to see the expression on San’s face, but you couldn’t without him realizing you were awake.
San, meanwhile, could barely fucking focus. You were getting dangerously close to his crotch, and he was getting harder with every movement. He didn’t think much of it when you laid down on his lap because you had done so in the past, but maybe it was because you were dressed in nothing but a long t-shirt and panties that made this situation slightly different. From the corner of his eye, he could see the shirt ride up a little bit whenever you moved, and at some point, he could see the hem of your black panties peek out from under the shirt. Yep, he was rock solid now.
You wanted to tease him further— since you were wide awake, you figured you’d have some fun. You brought your hands up to your chest and curled slightly into fetal position while whining quietly. You heard San suck in a breath and exhale slowly, his cock pressing against his pants more and more with every passing movement of yours.
San finally broke when you arched your back to stretch it out. It wasn’t just the stretch that got him, no— it was the stretch, the way you pushed your ass out, and the fucking moan that left your lips as you did so.
Carefully, San set his controller aside. He pressed his lips together as he tried to move away from your head so he could go situate himself, but when you whined again, he stayed put. He did the next best thing he could think of and tried to think of things that would turn him off, but that definitely did not work because you were still teasing him, and his cock was twitching like crazy.
At that point, San felt like he only had one option left (if he didn’t want to wake you from your “peaceful slumber”), and that was to take care of it right then and there. Luckily, your head was far enough from his crotch that he was able to slowly pull his stiff cock out of his pants, a slight sigh of relief escaping his body when the tension released slightly. That being said, he was still hard and throbbing, and he needed to do something about it.
You kept your eyes as closed as possible but opened them slightly to see San start to jerk himself off. He was trying his best to keep his breathing quiet, but he would grunt and groan every so often as rubbed himself. His hips were subtly bucking upwards when his hand sped up, so he had to slow himself down to keep you from waking up. You could tell he was getting more frustrated and that he was practically edging himself every time he slowed down.
San looked down at your face. The darkest thought entered his mind, and he immediately tried to push it out, but the thought of him fucking your mouth while you were asleep was just too appealing. Plus, the two of you had set boundaries in the past agreeing that waking up to being fucked was okay— this was mainly because you liked the idea of him eating you out first thing in the morning.
You felt San tap his cock on your cheek, a longer (and still soft) groan leaving his being. He inhaled sharply before gently moving your head and pulling your chin down to open your mouth. Heat flushed through your body when he slid his thick cock into your mouth. San whimpered when your lips got tighter, his breath shuddering. Your mouth felt so good— so much better than his fist— but it still was not enough.
San kept rolling his hips upwards gently as he moved his cock subtly in and out of your mouth, but he was moving so freaking slowly because he was still worried about waking you up. Finally, you decided to cut the act. Well, not entirely. You “woke up,” your eyes fluttering open before slowly looking up to San’s red face. He was biting down on his lower lip, and he looked guilty as fuck.
You didn’t give him time to move or apologize or anything. You turned so that you were on your hands and knees, and you started sucking him off properly, a long groan leaving him as he flung his head back, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. When he brought his head back, he placed his hand on your head and began guiding you the way he wanted. You went from sucking prim and properly to loud and sloppily.
“Fuck, baby,” San groaned. “Ah— Oh!”
San let go of your head to grip the couch cushions, his hips raising as he felt himself nearing his release. The second you heard his loud, low groan, he came, his cum spurting into your mouth. His breathing was still shaky as he finished completely, and even after you slurped up everything and took his cock out of your mouth, he was still red, erect, and twitching; and it only got worse when you swallowed and cleaned the edges of your mouth with the tips of your fingers.
“I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he whispered.
“I know, Sannie,” you whispered back as you sat up.
“Well, now that you’re up…”
You smiled. You held onto his shoulders and straddled him, a giddy smile spreading across his face as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You slipped your panties off, and you held his cock gently, moving it so that it was lined up with your entrance. Both you and San moaned softly as you sat on his lap, his thick cock spreading you wide and filling you up.
“Baby, you’re so wet,” San teased as he pushed his head into the nook of your neck. “Sucking my cock did that much for you?”
Hearing him sensually mutter and say the word “cock” made you tingle all over. You gripped his shoulders a little more tightly and gave him a tiny nod, making him chuckle. He pressed a soft kiss into your neck before rubbing his nose against your skin and softly humming.
You simply sat on San’s lap with his cock deep inside you as he peppered kisses all over your exposed skin. His hands went under your oversized shirt, his fingers leaving blazing trails along your back. When his hands made their way up to your ribs, he withdrew his hands to lift the end of your shirt up. He held the end to your mouth, prompting you to bite the fabric so your breasts were exposed to the air. San grunted gently when he saw them, a smirk rising to his face. He moved forward slightly, making you lean back so that he had easier access to your breasts. He took one breast into his mouth and sucked hard, your toes curling and your hold on his sweater getting so tight that you nearly tore holes into the fabric.
“Mmm, baby, don’t tear this sweatshirt,” San chuckled. “This is a new one.”
“Oh, really?” you asked slightly sarcastically; as if you didn’t know that information earlier.
“Wait, let me just take it off—”
“No, don’t,” you stopped him. You moved your hands to his neck and said, “You look sexy in it.”
San’s face got a little pinker as he blinked at you in surprise.
“I thought you liked me when I was naked?” he asked in a teasing voice.
“Mmm, I like you in all forms, Sannie,” you replied as you leaned forward, making him lean back into the couch.
San grinned. You tilted his face up to meet yours, and he for sure thought you were going to kiss him, so he was mildly surprised when you started to leave kisses on his neck. You ran your tongue up the side of his neck before leaving a wet kiss, your lips sucking hard on his skin to leave a mark.
While you focused on leaving hickeys all over his thick neck, San moved his hands down to your ass. He moved you up and down so that you were slowly bouncing on his cock, the man stifling soft gasps when you sat all the way down. You held the back of San’s neck and tried to keep your grip on sanity as the friction of his cock rubbing against your tight walls made the tension in your stomach build rapidly.
San couldn’t hold back his groans at some point. You were getting tighter, and he was losing his mind. He squeezed his eyes shut, his breathing getting shallower and his gasps getting higher in pitch. His waist was snapping upwards, making his thrusts way stronger. He was fucking you roughly, but it wasn’t quite enough for either of you.
Suddenly, San pinned you on the couch, and he fucked you way faster, the intensity of his thrusts not letting up in the slightest. You flung your head back and moaned loudly as San thrust into you so far and hard that he hit your cervix. Your thighs trembled as you creamed around San’s cock, the pleasure too much for you to handle.
You got so freakishly tight when you came that San ended up cumming too. He slammed his waist into yours and groaned, his cum spurting inside you. You felt his cock twitch inside you multiple times, before he pulled out; and just like earlier, his cock was still hard and eager.
“Sannie, you’re really pent up, huh?” you couldn’t help but chuckle as you reached for his cock and stroked him gently.
San chuckled as well before leaning down and whispering in your ear.
“Fuck video games— I’m going to play with you for the rest of the day.”
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flowersforbucky · 2 days
bucky barnes x reader
just a nasty little blurb!! this is pure SMUT, porn with very little plot, metal arm hyperfixation, minors do not interact, 18+ only, reader is afab, no use of y/n
cesium: the softest metal
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“You can touch me,” you whisper against his mouth. “I want you to touch me. You won't hurt me.”
Your lips ghost over his, one hand cradling his jawline in your palm and the other pulling his metal hand to your hip.
“This doesn’t have to be a weapon. This can be used for good," your lips trail against the stubble on his chin. "For pleasure."
Finger by finger, he adds the slightest bit of pressure to the soft skin of your waist.
Testing the waters. Trying to convince himself that your words really could be true - that his touch could bring pleasure and not pain.
That he could possibly be anything softer than what they made him.
He waits for the moment that you would flinch away, realization dawning on you that the hand touching you is the same hand that dozens of people had lost their lives by. Realization that it was the same hand that had strangled the life out of Tony Stark’s parents and pulled the trigger on Nick Fury. Realization that it had destroyed lives - lives of people that you love.
But that moment doesn't come. Every one of your actions is reassurance that you want him, from the way that you pepper kisses down his neck and across his collarbones, to the way that you take his metal hand and place it on your lace covered breast.
Your tongue sweeping along his bottom lip is his undoing. One second he's all restraint and hesitation, the next he's using his flesh hand to tip your head back, giving him the perfect angle to latch his mouth onto yours.
He starts softly, kneading you through your bra as you release a sweet moan into his mouth. Your sounds encourage him, giving him enough courage to pull the restrictive fabric of your bra down so that he can take your nipple between two of the cold metal digits.
You break the kiss - already lightheaded due to a combination of the balmy air of the ramshackle Motel 6 room and the euphoric smell of vetiver and sandwood on his skin - giving him the opportunity to latch his velvet soft lips to the pulse point on your throat.
His hands trail downwards, one hand cupping your sex and one popping the button to your jeans as you pull the two of you to the creaky motel mattress.
"Lay on your back."
There's a newfound confidence in his instruction that sends a rush to your core as you do as you're told.
He hovers over you, icy hand dipping into your panties where his fingers stroke your soaked cunt. He slips a single finger into you with ease - you grind against his hand and he knows you want more.
You help him shimmy you out of your pants, his lips immediately trailing open mouth, sloppy kisses across your thighs before finding his way to your center.
His adds a second finger, stretching you open with a scissoring motion. His flesh hand comes up to cup your breast that is still spilling out of your bra and you grind yourself against his mouth and fingers, chasing your release.
“Come on my fingers,” he commands lowly, the vibration of his voice against your sensitive sending you over the edge.
A tight warmth coils inside you, starting in your belly and spreading throughout your whole being. You clench around him, coming undone. He fucks you through your orgasm, his tongue and fingers continuing to perform sinful ministrations until you're limp beneath him.
Still seeing stars, you pull his metal hand to your mouth, wrapping your lips around his fingers and sucking your juices clean off.
“See," you pant. He's staring down at you, pupils lust blown. There's a hint of something in his expression that you can't quite decipher in your post orgasm haze, but you think it might be pride. "Told you so," you pull him down to you, his face an inch away from yours. "Are you gonna let me make you feel as good as you made me feel?"
He lets out a low chuckle, brushing a stray hair from your sweat-slicked forehead.
"Sweetheart, trust me, that was as good for me as it was for you."
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disclaimer: i wrote and posted this foreverrr ago, deleted it sometime later because i ended up hating it, recently stumbled across it on my a03 account and decided to rewrite it so that i like it again! soooo here ya go 🤭
likes/reblogs/comments are always appreciated, it's been a long time since i've posted any writing on here! 🖤
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ellecdc · 1 day
can i request a hurt comfort (with as little hurt as possible)
where barty either gets a letter from his dad or his dad is just a dick and he goes to reader for comfort
thank you
thanks for your request lovie! and also for your patience in my writing it <3
Barty Crouch Junior x Potter!reader who comforts Barty after a moment with his dad
CW: fem!reader, Sirius spends the entire fic being an absolute pain in Remus' ass, I feel like Barty acts a bit ooc in this (more hurt Barty than angry Barty if that makes sense), I'm also not 100% sure how I feel about this piece so I apologize if it reads weird
“You can always add more layers, right? But you can only remove so many.” Peter explained earnestly.
“Not the way that I do it.” Sirius replied salaciously, earning him a jab in the ribs by Remus. 
“No, I think being cold is the worst feeling in the world.” James offered resolutely.
“Wrong.” Remus drawled without looking up from his book. “I’ve never been more miserable than when I’m overheated” 
“You’re miserable 75% of the time, Moons.” Sirius mumbled; though the words seemed to escape his mouth without his permission because no sooner had he said them was he slapping a hand over his mouth and looking at you with a horrified expression.
“Yeah well next time you’re so cold, Sirius, you can try crawling into Peter’s bed for snuggles.” Remus muttered back.
“What’s the count at now, Pete?” James asked quickly.
“That’s the….eighteenth time Sirius has been put in the dog house.”
“This week?” You asked.
“No, just since breakfast.” Peter responded simply.
“How about you, Trouble? Do you think being too hot or too cold is worse?” Sirius redirected.
“Hot.” You replied as you flipped a page of your book, earning you a snicker from Remus, a cheer from Peter, and grumbling from James and Sirius.
“You only voted that way because I’m your brother.” James bemoaned.
Peter looked between the two of you inquisitively. “Erm, wouldn’t that have put you in her favour?”
You, Sirius, and James all chorused ‘no’ as Remus snorted.
“Siblings don’t operate that way, Pettigrew.” Regulus said from behind you, causing the group to turn towards the entrance of the Gryffindor common room to see Regulus and Barty making their way over.
“Hi baby!” James called over, causing Sirius to make a dramatic gagging sound and Regulus to roll his eyes, though no one missed the furious blush that decorated his cheeks as he moved to sit beside your brother.
Barty quietly moved around the sofa to sit beside you on a cushion and let his head fall onto your shoulder.
“Hey bubba.” You greeted quietly, pressing a kiss to your boyfriend's hair.
You heard a quiet ‘hi tres’ as he pressed a chaste kiss to your shoulder before repositioning his head back onto your shoulder.
“Merlin, who kicked your pygmy puff, Junior?” Sirius asked after a beat of silence, causing Regulus to hiss something at him under his breath and Remus to snap his book shut abruptly.
“Alright, you’re done.” He barked at Sirius before he was throwing his now gawking boyfriend over his shoulder and marching up to the boys’ dorm room. 
You craned your neck to look at Barty whose head was still pointed downward as he fiddled with the bracelets adorning your arm.
Your bemused gaze shot to Regulus who pursed his lips before mouthing ‘dad’ at you. 
You took in a deep breath and tapped Barty’s thigh twice before standing and offering him your hand.
You knew it was bad when he never made eye contact with you as he accepted your hand willingly. 
You knew it again when not one word was shared between the Gryffindor tower and the Slytherin dungeons; nor as you whispered the password to the Slytherin common room and made your way to the boys’ dorm room.
And you knew it once more when nothing was said as you and Barty pulled off your uniforms, changed into some comfies and crawled into bed. 
Barty curled up in a quasi-fetal position on his bed as you mirrored it, your body facing his as you brought one of his hands in both of yours to your chin.
“What’s going on, my love.” You whispered before pressing your lips to his knuckles. 
The only response you got was a quick shake of his head. 
You allowed silence to fall over you for a few moments before you couldn’t stand the anguish anymore.
“Barty? Please? Talk to me…” You all but begged.
Barty’s breath hitched slightly before he was pulling you towards him from where you were joined at the hands.
Needless to say, you went willingly. 
“What happened?” You whispered as you tucked his head into your chest, wrapping your arms protectively around your boyfriend as if they could single handedly protect him from any negativity the world tried to throw at him. 
You’d certainly try.
“I don’t know why I let him get to me. I-” Barty started, his voice cracking miserably. “I don’t know why I care-”
“Of course you care, Barty.”
“But I shouldn’t!” And though his volume got louder, his tone never grew angry; not at you, at least. “I shouldn’t; he’s awful Y/N, just terrible. And I shouldn’t care if terrible people hate me or wish I was never born or wish I was dead or whatnot. I shouldn’t care if he wants me to be more terrible like him. I shouldn’t care, it shouldn’t hurt-”
“I don’t know why I ever thought managing to receive all 12 O.W.L’s would be good enough for him.”
“Sweetheart, I-”
“I don’t know why I give a shit what he thinks of me when I know-”
“Because he’s your dad, Barty.” You finally got out, tightening your hold around your quickly spiralling boyfriend as he took a shuddering breath. “Because even if you only managed to pass 3 O.W.L’s, even if you dropped out of school to become a hard-done-by ventriloquist performer; he is supposed to love you and he is supposed to be proud of you. That’s why it hurts.”
Your words seemed to be of little comfort to Barty who simply nuzzled further into your chest which was quickly growing damp with his tears.
“I’m sorry, Barty. You’re not wrong for feeling hurt; he’s wrong for hurting you.”
Barty managed to fall into a fitful sleep as you simultaneously thanked the gods for blessing you with parents like Euphemia and Fleamont Potter and cursing the gods for not gracing such luck onto every child. 
No matter, though; you had a plan.
“Goooooooood morning, Siri!” You greeted as you floated up to your most dutiful fellow trickster.
He simply looked at you sceptically. 
“No way, Trouble.”
“Not happening.”
“I haven’t even said anything!” You whined.
“Yes, but you see, I’m on my best behaviour today.” He explained solemnly as the other three marauders made their way over to the table where you had found Sirius sitting alone. 
“Remus refused cuddling privileges last night, didn’t he?” You asked nonplussed.
Sirius harrumphed and sat back in his chair as Remus, Peter, and James all chorused “Remus refused cuddling privileges last night.”
“That’s too bad…” You hummed noncommittally. “I could really use your guys’ help with something.”
“Yeah?” James asked, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees as he considered you.
“With a prank.” You continued, noticing the way both Peter and Remus perked up at the p word.
Finally, you turned your gaze to the eldest Black brother who was very pointedly looking down at the book he’d been studying from prior to your arrival.
“Against a very old, very bigoted, downright horrid Pureblood family.” You finished.
To both your absolute horror and delight, Sirius finally looked up at that; a rather sinister looking smile taking over his face as he locked eyes with you.
“Well…why didn’t you just say so?”
Remus was in the middle of muttering about how it was horribly unfair that he put in nearly three times the amount of effort into his homework only for his boyfriend to earn the same score as him after having hardly read the book at all just as Regulus, Barty, and Evan took a seat at your table.
“Morning.” Barty greeted you quietly as he cozied up on the bench beside you, pressing a lingering kiss to the side of your head before fixing himself up a cup of tea.
“How is it that when McGonagall calls on you, you’ve not got a sodding clue what she’s been going on about, but you managed to get an Exceeds Expectations on your paper?” Remus grumbled before putting down his cup rather more aggressively than strictly necessary.
“Because, Moons; I’m brilliant.” Sirius responded simply.
“You’re a brilliant pain in my arse is what you are.” He grumbled as Sirius beamed at him. 
“I hardly understand how any of you lot get anything done with all the tomfoolery you concern yourselves with.” Regulus mumbled as he fixed himself some toast.
“Tomfoolery. Merlin’s tits, Reggie, come join us in the twentieth century will you?” Sirius taunted from the other side of James, earning him a withering glare from his brother.
“Speaking of tomfoolery.” Evan started as he looked at you with a mixture of pride and suspicion. “Why don’t we go around the table and share where we all were last night? I’ll go first; Reg and I were studying for the alchemy test coming up. Barty?”
You barely had a chance to give Evan a sideways glance before Barty was scoffing at him. “I hardly think that’s any of your concern, Rosier.”
“Nevermind; Regulus and I left you in the dorms and found you in the dorms immediately afterwards; how ‘bout you lot? Oi! Gryffindors! Where were you last night?”
“Head boy duties.” James offered without looking up.
“Prefect rounds and then bed.” Remus explained nonchalantly.
“Following my boyfriend around during his prefect rounds and then bed.” Sirius continued.
“Pete and I played three rounds of wizarding chess and one round of gobstones before bed.” You said flippantly.
“Who won?” Regulus asked quickly.
“Who won the game of gobstones?” He clarified.
You and Peter said “I did” at the same time before whipping your heads to look at each other.
“In what sodding world did you think you won that, Peter?!” 
“Uhm, how about because you’re a cheat?” Peter scoffed back at you.
“Oh, you’re dead. Rematch, tonight!”
“No, not tonight.” Barty argued.
“Why not?” You asked, turning your attention from your faux adversary to look at your boyfriend.
“He’ll be too busy duelling me for calling my girlfriend a cheat.”
“Don’t blame the poor sod for the fact that those two didn’t have their stories straight before our interrogation, Junior.” Evan said with a smirk.
“What the hell are you on about, Rosier?” Barty challenged.
Evan made a noncommittal sound as he tossed a copy of the Daily Prophet in front of him.
In big, bold letters, the headline read “MYSTERIOUS FIREWORK RELATED INCIDENT ENGULFED HALF OF CROUCH MANOR IN FLAMES” before the story continued on. 
An alleged attack was sieged on Crouch Manor in the late hours of the night when charmed fireworks were set off within the Sacred Twenty Eight family’s home. It appeared that the two current residents of the manor were not home at the time of the attack, so though there were no resulting injuries, approximately just under half of the Manor had been completely desecrated by the time the occupants had returned home. 
You and the marauders were all in various states of shoving food into your mouth, speaking to one another about the weather, and other general forms of innocent behaviour as Barty turned to look at you incredulously.
“What did you do?” He asked breathlessly.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Barty.” You said softly; staring intently into his green eyes that seemed to be searching the very depths of yours. 
“Did you do this for me?”
You scoffed in faux derision. “The only thing I did last night was completely annihilate Pettigrew in a game of gobstones and two rounds of wizarding chess.” You continued to deny. 
“Two!?” Peter exclaimed from a few seats away from you. 
“You’re perfect.” Barty whispered at you before you had a chance to start another verbal row with your co-conspirator. 
You took a moment to examine Barty then; a way you hadn’t done since you last left him.
Since you left him curled up in a blanket, cheeks still damp with tears as he no doubt dreamed of his deep rooted hatred of his father.
But right now, today, there was none of that boy; today his expression only held ease, admiration, and hope.
“Well….perfect would have been if the whole manor had gone up in flames but…I suppose there’s always next time.” You muttered as Barty cackled loudly. 
Yes…you decided you would do it for him a thousand times over if this version of Barty was the one that it promised.
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