#So they team up with humans to capture him xD
dragonridernoobie · 3 months
Hi, can I have a succubus reader who decided to give Asmodeus crystals to the prime team (which gave them the opportunity to turn into people), and how would they react to these gifts and the fact that the reader is a succubus? (Like from Helluva boss)
Good luck!
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(What do the crystals look like for each team member)
Ngl, had to look up what a succubus was because I had no fucking Idea what that was XD. But I hope you like it, also I only did 6 autonots since that is the max of characters I do.
TFPAutobots X DemonReader
The autobots found reader on the decpticon warship. The decpticons found a cursed relic and decided to fuck around and they found out. When the autonots took in reader, they definitely had a lot of trouble dealing with reader. They were worse than miko! They kept pranking everyone, stealing, liying, and just making life hell. The autobots where annoyed but miko suggested that they use this as their advantage. Que the autobots sending reader to fuck with the decpticons when they are out numbered.
After dealing with the reader for about 2 years, the reader wanted to return the favor because the autobots were so nice to them. They disappeared without letting anyone know, and it scared everyone. After 4 or 5 days, the autobots find reader leaving a portal while holding boxes. They were about to yell at reader but reader stopped them before they spoke and said so causally, "I got you guys a gift."
Optimus looks down at reader when they said that.
He just sighs and explained that they should bot disappear for days without telling anyone.
Reader says they are sorry but gives them a tiny box.
When he opened it, he was confused by the shiny rock.
"I don't believe I understand this gift."
Reader laughs at his confusion but explains that it's a magic stone that can turn him human whenever he pleases.
They also explained they got it from somone who owes then a favor.
Let's say optimus was very surprised. Obviously, he did not believe it since there is no way a robot organism can turn to a completely different organism.
When reader explained to optimus they must feel the magic and walk toward it.
Optimus dident believe reader but decided to humor reader.
Man, the look he has when he opened his eyes and he was looking up at reader.
When he looked down and saw himself as human, you bet ya he became Orion Pax once again.
After he let his old self out for a bit, he quickly got his composer and thanked reader for this magnificent gift.
Ratchet yells at reader for lea ing without telling anyone.
He says they could have been captured by the decpticons, found out by humans, killed, or worse!
Reader waits for him to stop ranting before handing him his small gift.
Ratchet just scoffs and yells at reader that this is no time for gifts.
When reader begs him to open it, he decided to do.
When he sees a shiny rock, he just confused
Reader explains it's a magic rock that can turn him human.
He doesn't believe it. Not even in the slightest.
When ratchet starts ranting about how turning a living robot into human, the stone glows and Boom! Ratchet is human.
Congrats, you broke him.
He just stands there, confused as fuck while staring off in space. Trying to understand the fuck happened.
Once he understands what happened, he dose not like the stone.
Humans feel wierd.
You understand.
When you returned, he picked you up and gave you the biggest hug possible without crushing you.
He was so happy that you're back and that you dident die and he was so worried and those decpticons where horrible and he feared the worst and and and...
Ya, he was worried sick.
When you explained that you got him a gift, he was slightly scared.
Since you're last "gifts" where pranks.
When you handed him his present, he was confused by the small box.
When he opened it, he was even more confused by the rock.
When you explained that it was a magic rock that can turn him human.
Thank you, miko, for showing him movies because he was super excited.
He listened to you when you explained on how to use it.
He turned into a human and was freaking out.
Like, why does he have fur! Why does he have clothes, where did they come from!?!
There are so many questions, but you thankfully answered them all.
After he calmed down, he asked you to prank miko with him >:)
Arcee told you off like a angry mother.
She told you never to do that again, or she would tie you or trap you somewhere.
After he calms down, you hand the gift to her. She takes it confused but when she opened it, she actally liked the pretty rock.
When you explained it was magic, she dident believe you.
When you told her how to use it, she still doubted you.
She decided to try it since she has nothing better to do.
When she found herself human. She surprisingly dident freak out.
She looked over herself and commented that she looked nice as a human
She thanks you for the gift and she is definitely gonna use it to mess with jack.
Wheeljack was the least worried.
He knows you can escape the decpticons if you wanted to.
So when you returns, he just greets you normally.
When you offer him the gift, he takes it while saying thank you.
When he sees it's a rock, he was confused.
When you explained that it turns him human, he actally excided.
So when you explained how to use it, he definitely took full advantage of this gift.
He thanks you again and goes to experience human life.
He hated it.
He loved movie theaters
Car races.
And fighting random humans.
Optimus wasent happy with the last one.
When you returned, he greets you slightly panic but also calmed.
He would ask you where you went and if you saw some nasty cons.
When you explained you where in hell, he has no comment.
When you offer him the gift, he is excited and then confused.
Why a rock? I mean, he guess he could throw a rock at a decpticon to confuse it or something
When younexplaied that he can turn human with this stone, he is confused.
He decided to trust yiu and follow you're instructions.
When henopened his eyes and realized he was a human. This dude would be screaming.
Not in excitement, more of fear that he is stuck human.
Once he realized he x an switch between autobot and human.
This dude is causing pain by pranks.
You just got a partner in crime.
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
Bonjour Factual! Hope your day- whatever time it is when you're reading this- is going well so far! I Really liked the new art of the gang during the warmer times of year- like others have said, the smile you gave Grimace, while funny and cute, also perfectly portrays just how happy he is to feel included and helpful!
And speaking of Grimace, I agree with your thoughts from my last ask ( thanks for answering as always, by the way ). Although it would be awesome for him to mega evolve, Gigantamax, or dinamax- story wise I can't really think of a way for all the necessary pieces to fall together, unless you do an ark where Grimace is tragically captured by a human for a time, and exposed to the necessary conditions to change unwillingly- perhaps as an experiment of sort? Though you are correct that he would have to be descended from certain Gengar populations to even have the genes- though perhaps that's the reason he's sought out to begin with? Just an idea.
As for my main ask today- I actually have one pertaining to your Mario AU, if you don't mind! Just out of curiosity, have you ever considered giving the giant eel-like Mawrays a place in your world?
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They've been popping up a lot lately in Mario media- and I was wondering what you thought of the frightening creatures? And if they appeared in your AU, would they be an entire species of deep sea dwelling terrors? Or a single, legendary sea monster, like the one seen in the movie? And if they are present, have the bros ever had a harrowing encounter with one? What would they do to survive!?
Oh, and on the topic of giant sea monsters- I do have a secondary, unrelated question- what are your thoughts on the Godzilla franchise? I've been getting back into it lately and was wondering if you've ever found any interest in it? Do you have any favorite movies or monsters from the series? Or is it not a series that interests you? Just wondering!
(and I'll admit, I've found that binging Godzilla movies is always fun when I'm feeling down! Hope you're feeling okay today!)
(Grimace in warmer times post)
Hello!! :DD My day is going a bit rocky, but its still a lot better than I was expecting it'd go. So that's nice! <XDD And thank you! I'm glad you liked that drawing!! :)))
As for your last ask, I've done a lot of thinking since then. :0 And while dynamaxing and/or gigantimaxing still seems a little far fetched for my team.. thanks to this asker, I found the key to making him mega evolve! Enchantment seeds! :DD In one of the mystery dungeon games, if a Pokémon used an Enchantment seed they'd mega evolve for a short time! No need for trainers, key stones or Gengarite! :DD
I have a HUGE comic in mind about how Grimace finds the Enchantment seed, why he eats it, and how it effects him afterwards leading up to his mega evolution. The only problem is that this comic is ENORMOUS. So I'm kiiind'a on the fence about making it.. <XD..
Now! As for your Mario question. First of all that thing is terrifying- so I think it'd fit right into my Mario universe! <XDD Its easy to imagine that giant eel being a species as opposed to just one. Although one eel could have found a goldmine of super food and slowly grew to be giant. Yoshi style XDD I think that would all fit pretty well! I cant imagine Mario or Luigi would encounter the big one though. I picture it living wayyy out in the depths of the sea. They might hear haunting stories about it consuming passing ships though.. 👀
Now the Godzilla franchise.. if I'm being honest, I don't actually know much about it <:0 I know of Godzilla, King Kong(??) a huge moth, Mothra was it? A uhh... gold..? 3 headed dragon..? And I could have sworn there was a second Godzilla but bigger and all black in there somewhere-
My general opinion is that I liked the first...? Movie when it was just Godzilla. This huge hulking creature that emerged from the ocean. No one knows what it wants, what it is, or how to defeat it. Humans vs Godzilla. That type of movie was/is the most entertaining to me <XDD
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tobiasdrake · 3 months
Digimon Adventure 01x13 - Angemon Awakens! / The Legend of the DigiDestined
Previously on Digimon Adventure: Takeru learned how Digimon Babies are made and then arranged a sumo match over it.
Now, six out of seven Chosen Children are on their way back to Infinity Mountain while Devimon plots to assassinate Takeru, the one child left behind.
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We open right where we left off: The corrupted Leomon has arrived at the Village of Beginnings. Uttering his mantra of "Defeat the children," he draws his sword and descends upon the nursery, eager to drench it in human blood.
The babies down below, playing with Takeru, are the first to notice him. They all stare up the cliff and quiver in terror, giving Takeru and Patamon the cue to look up and see him too.
To defend Takeru, Patamon lets off his Air Shot. Leomon blocks the attack, but it forces him to take a knee for a moment to defend himself, delaying his advance. Patamon takes that as an opportunity for Plan B: Run like hell.
Takeru and Patamon take cover in the nearby jungle.
Patamon: Leomon is normally a good Digimon. If we can just get rid of the Black Gear inside of him....
Unfortunately, we don't get to pursue that train of thought as Ogremon reveals exactly what Devimon meant by "stacking the odds".
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He's snatched up one of the baby Poyomon as a bargaining chip.
Ogremon: Can you hear me, kid!? You're hiding somewhere like a scaredy-cat, aren't ya? Come out and show yourself! If you don't, this one here's gonna get it!
Over in the dub, he says:
Ogremon: Hello! You've got company! You're a nice little kid, aren't ya? Get your hide out here so I can get a good look at ya! 'Cause if you don't, your little friend here's gonna squeak his last squeak.
"Squeak his last squeak" is fantastic phrasing. I love it. Perfectly captures the threat he's making while accommodating it to the context of the scene. A+ dub team.
Patamon takes a moment to consider the awful situation in front of them.
Patamon: If I drive out the Black Gear inside Leomon, he'll fight Ogremon for us. But... If I fail... Would I be able to protect Takeru by myself?
Hard tactical considerations taking place here.
Over in the dub, he's... he's whining? Whining seems like the word for it.
Patamon: Poor Leomon. I know he wouldn't attack us if that stupid Black Gear didn't have him under an evil spell! He'd come over to our side. If we could only figure out a way to help him. I gotta protect T.K. from Ogremon! But he's so big and I'm not....
Dub Patamon is venting about how bad this situation sucks.
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Whoops, time's up. Guess we're dying here. Leomon raises his sword to stab down into Takeru, then lets out a battle cry of "FOX FIRE!!!"
Wait, no, that wasn't him. A rush of blue flames erupts from the woods and forces him into evasive maneuvers, announcing the cavalry's arrival.
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Leomon's forced to back off from Takeru to evade the first shot of Fox Fire. As Yamato splits from Garurumon to go check on Takeru, Leomon blocks a second burst with his sword, expertly splitting the flames around himself.
As the two emerge from the woods, wrestling with one another before separating, their brawl is revealed to Ogremon. He's so shocked, he doesn't even notice Taichi plundering his hostage.
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(The audacity of this child. XD Ogremon could snap his spine in half with his bare hands! This is what Crest of Courage means.)
Once he realizes he's been had, Ogremon whirls on Taichi. But it's too late. Taichi's got the Poyomon now, and Greymon's ready to engage Ogremon. Greymon lets off a Mega Flame to kick the fight off proper, but Ogremon dodges.
To his credit, Ogremon's no pushover. After dodging Mega Flame, he closes distance and lands a crushing blow with his club to the top of Greymon's skull. As he lands, Greymon tries to counter with a tail whip; It's honestly unclear if the blow connects or if Ogremon backs off fast enough to dodge.
Seeing as this ambush has turned into a battle, Devimon sends seven Black Gears out from Infinity Mountain to hedge his bets.
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Over at Leomon's fight, he dodges a lunge from Garurumon, slashing him along the flank. Garurumon turns and lunges again, this time hitting his mark.
Ogremon scores another solid hit with his Haouken, straight to Greymon's face. Greymon recovers and lets out another Mega Flame, which Ogremon deftly evades.
(Honestly, Greymon and Garurumon are getting worked over in this fight. You can feel the difference between Ogremon and Leomon - two seasoned Adult-stage warriors who've tested their skills against one another in battle countless times - and the two Partner Digimon who only hit Adult-stage for the first time this week. It was one thing when we could mob them 6v2, but these two are incredibly formidable 1v1.)
In an interesting choice, the dub cuts the footage of Ogremon bashing Greymon in the skull as well as cutting Ogremon's Haouken. We only see him either dodging or being hit by the tail whip, and then him narrowly evading another Mega Flame. None of the hits he lands make it in. So while Leomon and Ogremon seem to be carrying their fights in the original, the dub makes it seem like Greymon has Ogremon on the ropes.
But it offers no similar puffing up to Garurumon for his fight. The shot of Leomon avoiding Garurumon's lunge and then slashing his flank is preserved, so Dub Garurumon seems to be having a harder fight than Greymon is.
Suddenly, Devimon's backup arrives. The Black Gears pour into Leomon, causing him to grow dramatically in size and power. Yamato yells at Garurumon to get out of there, but it's too late; It only takes a single ultra-powered Juuouken to put Garurumon down for the count.
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"GARURUMON!!!" Yamato screams in horror. Meanwhile, in the dub, Matt unhelpfully calls out, "Are you okay?" Peachy, Matt. Thanks for asking.
Turning to back up Ogremon, Leomon lets off another Juuouken, one-shotting Greymon. The shot hurls him backwards into the Village of Beginnings.
With the kids' defenders out of the way, Devimon speaks telepathically to Leomon, giving him a simple command: "Defeat the Chosen Children. Start with the smallest."
At this point, we're getting pretty dark so the dub dials it back. Dub Devimon only tells Leomon to "bring me the DigiDestined" rather than to vanquish them all. Gotta treat this like Devimon's trying to take prisoners so nobody pays attention to him visibly trying to stab them.
Reciting his new order, Leomon turns on Takeru. Patamon lets off Air Shot after Air Shot after Air Shot, but Leomon wades through his attacks as if they weren't even there. He snatches Patamon out of the air and--
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--then more cavalry arrives. Togemon calls her attack, letting out a "Chiku Chiku Bang-Bang!" but she doesn't do the move. Instead opting to let air-dropping a giant cactus on Leomon's back be the full move and belly-flopping him into submission.
Technically, that counts as a Needle Spray; It's just a different delivery mechanism.
Takeru snatches up Patamon from the ground.
Takeru: Patamon! Are you okay!? Patamon: Takeru... I have to protect you.... (eyelids droop, body limpens) Takeru: Patamon! Hang in there, Patamon!
No dice, Takeru. Despite his encouragement, Patamon passes out right then and there in his arms.
Again, we're getting pretty dark for the dub so they recontextualize this scene to avoid having Patamon lose consciousness from battle damage.
T.K.: Patamon! You gotta take it easy, buddy. Patamon: I'm sorry. T.K.: What for? Patamon: I was just trying to protect you. (eyelids droop) T.K.: And you were doing great! Don't feel bad, little guy!
Hang in there, little buddy. Those Air Shots you've been firing have been great for moral support!
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Kabuterimon delivers Koushiro and Mimi to the fight, dropping them off with Taichi. They have game-changing intel to deliver.
Koushiro: Use the powers of the holy device, the Digivice! Taichi: The holy device? Mimi: These things! Koushiro: These devices have the power to eliminate the darkness! Taichi: Come to think of it....
Taichi suddenly remembers when his Digivice purified Leomon before, back at Infinity Mountain. He understands now.
The dub, of course, talks around the "holy device" terminology.
Izzy: We have the consummate solution to all of our problems. Tai: That's cool, but what are you talking about? Mimi: Check 'em out! Izzy: They call them Digivices. They have the capability to completely obliterate the Black Gear. Tai: Then let's give 'em a try! We have no other choice right now; We have to take a chance and stop him!
Naturally, Tai's last line talks over the Leomon flashback.
Meanwhile, Leomon is back on his feet and advancing on Takeru. Yamato stands between them, shielding Takeru with his own body. Suddenly, Taichi calls out, approaching with a confident swagger.
Taichi: Leomon! You're after us, right? Come and get me. Yamato: Taichi? What are you doing!? Leomon: Defeat the Chosen Children!
Leomon turns, his attention drawn to Taichi. Just as planned.
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Seeing what's happening, Yamato gets the idea and joins in. Together, Yamato and Taichi use their Digivices to purge the Black Gears from inside Leomon.
Ogremon watches in shock as the tide turns against them. Then Koushiro pulls his attention, just before Kabuterimon slams him with Mega Blaster. The shot hits him dead-on.
The dub blunts the impact of both of these moments. Watching Tai purify Leomon, Matt simply says, "Y'know, these things pack quite a punch," as if he already knew how this worked. Meanwhile, we have Ogremon's line.
Ogremon: N-Not good! Those little brats!
This gets replaced with:
Ogremon: How'd they do that? Rotten kids.
Delivered with all the emotion of finding a frisbee on your roof.
Once Leomon's been purified, Ogremon concedes defeat and retreats.
Ogremon: You're joking. I can't fight all of them at once!
Ironically, the dub rewrites this to make Ogremon tougher.
Ogremon: Ha! Those little fools are kidding themselves. They don't know who they're dealing with! They're gonna find out sooner than they think.
Oh, I think they have a pretty good idea. Devimon by this point has been well-established.
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With Leomon now purified, he can at last explain the plot to five of the seven children lost on File Island. Jou and Sora can go screw themselves, I guess.
Leomon: A rumor started long ago. It said the world will be consumed by evil and Chosen Children from another world will arrive to save it. Now, File Island is being overrun by a great darkness. That's when you appeared. Taichi: So that's why you call us the Chosen Children. Yamato: But you have no proof. Leomon: The Chosen Children are said to have the power to enable Digimon to evolve, just like you all. Koushiro: If that's true, then perhaps if we destroy the darkness, we won't be needed in this world. Mimi: What do you mean, Koushiro-kun? Koushiro: In other words, we may be able to return to our world. Mimi: Really!? Yamato: But, to do that....
Over in the dub, the ancient rumor has more specificity to it.
Leomon: According to ancient legend, our world will be taken over by a strange dark force that will change good Digimons into bad ones. Our ancestors have predicted that a group of children called the DigiDestined will appear from another world. When they arrive, they will come to possess superpowers that will eventually save our world from destruction. I believe their prediction has come true. File Island has been seized by an evil power. We're in danger of destruction, and now you've appeared. Tai: Whoa, that's amazing! But tell me: How can you be sure we're the kids you're talking about? Matt: Yeah! Do you have some proof that we're the same ones? Leomon: It's been foretold that the DigiDestined have the ability to make Digimons Digivolve. You've done that, and it's all the proof I need. Izzy: I, for one, hope that it's true. My theory is that we'll be released after we save the island. Once our purpose is served, there's no other reason for us to remain. Mimi: And I'll finally be able to change these clothes! Izzy: That's right! If Leomon's information is correct, we'll be heading straight for home. Mimi: I can't wait! Matt: How can we make it happen? We're not even sure who's causing it. What if it's a force that's too big for us to handle?
XD Don't agree too hard that Mimi's clothes are nasty, Izzy.
The original prophecy is vague as to the precise nature of the dark power and its effects on the world. We're just assuming, from our limited perspective on File Island, that Devimon is the dark power being described.
The dub version is clearly talking about the effect the Black Gears have on Digimon. Nonetheless, they throw in Yamato's line to hint that Devimon may be a symptom rather than the cause all the same, so it's a bit more awkward but we're not wholly committing to Devimon being the problem.
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For the first time, the kids have marching orders.
Leomon: You must defeat Devimon, who is the source of that evil power. Taichi: Let's do it, guys. We have to defeat him or we won't survive here. Koushiro: You're right. Plus, we have the power of the holy devices! Mimi: I'll do my best! It's scary, but I want to go home! Palmon: We'll do what we can to help you, Mimi! Tentomon: Our stamina's recovered. Agumon: I'm ready to fight any time you are! Gabumon: Let's go to Infinity Mountain, Yamato! Yamato: Agreed. We have no other choice. Leomon: I will help you as well. Taichi: YES!!! It's decided!
Taichi is gung-ho about wasting this motherfucker.
Over in the dub, we have:
Leomon: You see, Devimon is the main cause of all this evil. To save the island, you're going to have to defeat him. Tai: Let's go for it! Everyone: (unintelligible grunts of dissent) Tai: Come on, everyone! Why not? If we don't defeat him, it'll never be over! Izzy: Fine with me! Besides, it's impossible for us to lose with the Digivices Mimi: First thing on my list when I get home is to do some killer shopping! Palmon: For that to happen, we have to get you back home. Tentomon: If we all work together, we're sure to win. Agumon: I'm ready any time you are, buddy! Gabumon: How about it, Matt? Are we up to the challenge, my friend? Matt: It's gonna be tough. When you get down to it, we have no other choice. Leomon: Alright then, troops! Let's get down to it! Tai: Far out! It's a done deal!
There are two main differences between these versions. The first is that the dub has everyone grunt in dissatisfaction when Tai initially wants to go fight Devimon.
The other is Mimi's line, which is changed from her joining in the Let's Do This fanfare to a Valley Girl bit about what she plans to do afterward. Which still signifies her agreement. And at least nobody makes fun of her or yells at her for it.
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Leomon rows the kids back to Infinity Mountain in a boat. From there, they all begin their climb.
The dub gives Leomon some extra dialogue as they're rowing.
Leomon: Devimon is very powerful. He's brought nothing but trouble to File Island. We must be careful.
At the top, Devimon prepares to defend himself against the children's counterattack.
Devimon: It appears I'll have to fight them myself now. Before he appears.... Ogremon: Please give me another chance! Devimon: Yes, I'll let you fight... As a part of me. Death Claw!
Devimon snatches Ogremon up by the throat, choking him. Then he disintegrates Ogremon into a set of eight Black Gears.
(That's how he makes Black Gears!? Horrifying.)
The dub completely alters the tone of this scene.
Devimon: Perfect! That traitor Leomon is leading them directly into my trap. He's been very valuable to me! Ogremon: I guess so, but I'm loyal and better looking-- Devimon: Listen to me! You will pay them one final visit. Ready?
They edit out the footage of Devimon grabbing Ogremon by his throat, though they keep the part where he disintegrates into Black Gears. The body horror is fine, but no choking allowed!
In the original, this is presented as Devimon's last-ditch Hail Mary. His back is against the wall and violent retribution is coming straight at his doorstep, so he conjures all the power he can muster for one final throwdown.
The dub plays this like he's still in control of the situation and meant for this to happen.
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As the Gears levitate and surround him, Devimon exclaims in a booming voice:
The gears implant themselves in Devimon. From outside the island, we see even more Black Gears flying in from all around, as if he's summoning Black Gears from across the shards for this battle.
Similar to before, Dub Devimon's super confident that he's got this.
Devimon: AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hear this, DigiDestined: My power is infinite! Your hopes and dreams are useless! I am the supreme master of this island! If you dare to defy me, I will unleash the powers of the universe and conquer you! You can't escape!
Not sure what "powers of the universe" he's referring to but it's certainly intimidating, to be sure.
As the Black Gears concentrate at File Island, we see Sora and Jou on their approach. They notice the Gears massing too.
Sora: What's that? Birdramon: The powers of evil are gathering. Jou: What? Ikkakumon: The fight must be starting. Sora: Let's hurry! Jou: Yeah!
Sora's giving the commands now, I see. Now that he's prayed Bakemon to death, we don't need to pretend to respect Jou's leadership anymore.
I kid. But over in the dub, the disrespect for Joe is real.
Sora: Oh no, what's that? Birdramon: Big trouble's brewing. We'd better get ready for action. Joe: Black Gear! Ikkakumon: This is going to be the big one, Joe. It's time to show your true self. Sora: You feeling okay, Joe? Joe: Just a little seasick.
I love this exchange for reasons that probably aren't intended. Joe unhelpfully calls out "Black Gear!" as if we all can't see the countless Gears flying to Infinity Mountain from every which way. Which then prompts both Ikkakumon and Sora to be like, "...y'okay there, champ?" XD
It's so inadvertently condescending. Surely not the intent of the dub, but it made me laugh.
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As the kids climb higher, Devimon suddenly reveals the nature of his Hail Mary. This is what he's been doing with the Black Gears. He grows to colossal size, towering over the mountain.
Mimi: What is that!? Koushiro: Is that Devimon!? Palmon: Why is he so big!? Koushiro: Could this be an illusion like the one he made earlier? Leomon: No. (The kids turn to Leomon) Leomon: He's grown larger using the powers of evil.
Holy shit, who knew the Black Gears could do that!? Well, everyone, if you've been paying attention. Sizeshifting is a well-established ability of the Black Gears now being pushed to the extreme.
The reaction in the dub's a bit more... confused.
Mimi: What in the world is that!? Tai: It must be Devimon! Palmon: I didn't expect him to be such a big guy. Izzy: Bad guys always seem to think bigger is better. Leomon: 'Fraid not! (The kids turn to Leomon while gasping in surprise) Leomon: The power that Devimon possesses is immense, so be careful!
...I have no idea what he was contradicting here when he said "'Fraid not!" The kids react like that was a game-changing revelation. But. Like. What is he saying?
Is he saying bad guys don't thing bigger is better? Because Devimon demonstrably does.
Is he saying bigger isn't better? Because he follows that up with a warning about how dangerous Devimon is. "Ha, he's ACTUALLY a wuss. Anyways, he's supremely dangerous and you should try not to die." Doesn't really make sense that way either.
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Flying down from the mountain, Devimon lands in the woods at its base. Before they can evolve their Digimon, he turns and showers the kids in an ongoing stream of dark energy pouring out of his right hand.
Leomon raises his sword to attack, but Devimon has two hands. There's enough dark energy stream to go around.
Devimon: Brainless. You are all destined to be destroyed here.
Dub Devimon takes this as an opportunity to brag.
Devimon: You are fools! Don't expect me to play silly games with you; I'm far too wise for that!
Okay, but hear me out: What if we challenged you to a children's card game? No? Okay.
Fortunately, the artillery arrives, with Devimon suddenly taking six Harpoon Vulcans to the face.
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"Oh wow, somehow I completely forgot about that." ~Devimon, probably.
While Devimon's reeling from the missiles, Birdramon keeps up the assault, pummeling him with Meteor Wing from above. Sora races up the mountain, screaming at the rest of the team to evolve while they have the chance.
They take her up on that without hesitation. As each Digimon evolves, their kid cheers them on.
Taichi: Go, Greymon! Yamato: We're counting on you, Garurumon! Koushiro: Please, Kabuterimon! Mimi: You can do this, Togemon!
The dub kids gradually get more and more distracted as the moment goes on. XD
Tai: Yeah! Go, Greymon! Matt: Let's turn this guy into pudding! Izzy: My biology teacher would love this! Mimi: I do like the way our colors match!
Tai's the only one who read the script. Matt improvs and does a solid job of it. Izzy gets distracted by science. And then Mimi takes Izzy's screw-up as permission to stop trying too. XD
As soon as the team's evolved, this turns into precisely the 6v1 that Devimon was so worried about earlier. However, in his giant form, Devimon's able to defend himself. The team pummels him with Mega Flame, Fox Fire, Chiku Chiku Bang Bang, and Mega Blaster. Devimon fights back, slamming Garurumon into Greymon, knocking Togemon off the ledge, and swatting Kabuterimon from the sky.
He yells at them that their attacks are useless, but he sounds hurt and frustrated as he does. When he shows his back to swing at Kabuterimon, seasoned veteran Leomon seizes the opportunity to strike where he's most vulnerable.
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It does not go well. This is what Devimon was referring to when he said Ogremon would fight as "part of [him]".
(He's like the Venom symbiote now. Viruses are fucking weird.)
Ogremon: (emerges) Not so fast, Leomon! Leomon: What. Ogremon: (club) You thought his back would be a weak point? Well, I won't let you near him!
The tiny "Nani?" that emerges from poor confused Leomon is comical.
Ogremon re-enters Devimon's back, then emerges from the back of his shin to follow up on Leomon.
Ogremon: I've become one with Devimon-sama! There's no way I can lose to you now! HAOUKEN!!!
Ogremon blasts Leomon with a far more powerful Haouken, which emerges as a black beam made of darkness energy instead of the purple ki blast it usually is. The shot hits Leomon dead in, rocketing him into the forest behind him.
The dub cuts the first exchange, with Ogremon bashing Leomon. Ogremon emerges from Leomon's back and then we're down on the ground for Ogremon's second line. Also, despite Leomon trying to make this a sneak attack, Dub Leomon announces his presence.
Leomon: RAAAARGH You're mine now! Ogremon: (emerges) YAAAARGH!!! Leomon: YOU!!! Ogremon: You got no chance against the likes of us, kitty-cat!
Then the beam of Ogremon's darkness-infused Haouken strikes Leomon, but without Ogremon calling the attack.
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Up above, Devimon's caught Birdramon out of the sky. He throws her onto the cliffside, landing directly on top of Greymon and knocking them both down the cliff.
(This is the second time in this fight Devimon's used another Digimon to club Greymon specifically. If Taichi were a more toxic player, chat would be full of obscenities about "ok tm8" and "git gud or uninstall" right now.)
Devimon next turns his ire on Ikkakumon, picking him up from the spot near the woods he's been firing from. Kabuterimon chooses that moment to recover and return to the air, so Devimon serves Ikkakumon straight into him.
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Having bought himself a moment to breathe, Devimon turns on Takeru and Patamon down on the ground.
Devimon: The smallest Chosen Child. As long as you are gone, I have nothing else to fear. Death Claw!
It hasn't been established yet why Devimon's so afraid of Takeru. The dub pegs it as part of the legend.
Devimon: Now to get rid of you. Then I'll have nothing to fear. They say the smallest will destroy me but I'm not going to let that happen. Don't move; Make it easy on both of us.
Devimon extends his Death Claw towards Takeru and Patamon on the ground, but just then his breathing moment ends. Yamato and Garurumon arrive to save Takeru, with Garurumon lunging and biting onto Devimon's arm. This quickly escalates into a full-blown dogpile.
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(I love how we have one Digimon on each of his limbs, one on his face disorienting him, and then Togemon's like "My body is a knife; It doesn't really matter where I stab, shit's gonna hurt regardless.")
Devimon releases a radial pulse of dark energy, sending both the Digimon and kids hurtling back, badly injured. Just like that, this fight has reached its conclusion, as neither Children nor Partners have strength left to even pick themselves off the ground.
Taichi: ...Greymon.... Greymon: ...S... Sorry, Taichi.... Togemon: I wanted to send you back to your world, but.... Kabuterimon: My power.... Ikkakumon: Fuck! Taichi: Guys.... Yamato: Ta... Takeru!
Yes, Ikkakumon curses. The word used is kuso, which is the general-purpose Japanese angry swear word. You're allowed to say kuso in kids' cartoons.
Meanwhile, in the dub, obviously Ikkakumon does not shout "Fuck!"
Greymon: Whoa, that guy knows how to take it out of ya! Togemon: I can't move. Even my needles feel numb. Kabuterimon: Now is probably not a good time to take a nap. Ikkakumon: Mrrrrrrrgghhhhhh.... Tai: This is bad.... T.K.: MATT!!! Devimon: You will be mine. Matt: Hey! Get ready to run!
Not only does ikkakumon not shout "Fuck!" but I guess they washed his mouth out with soap 'cause he can only groan wordlessly.
Also, back from Episode 1 by popular demand, it's "Get ready to run" in a situation where there's clearly no escape avenue available. Meanwhile, Devimon is once again talking like he intends to take prisoners.
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As death closes in on Takeru, Patamon lets off Air Shot after Air Shot in desperation but his attacks are useless.
Patamon: It's no use. There's no way my attacks can work! (crying) Why am I the only one? WHY CAN'T I EVOLVE!?!? Takeru: PATAMON!!! Patamon: TAKERU!!!
Patamon throws himself in front of Takeru just as Devimon's hand closes around them both.
Yamato: TAKERU!!!
The dub plays this almost completely straight, with the exception of changing Yamato's line.
Matt: Hang on, pal!
"Hang on" to what, Matt? He's being crushed to death. XD Trying to find things these characters can say that won't sound like one of them is about to die hideously. This is a very dark episode.
Fortunately, the light has arrived.
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Mimi: What? Koushiro: That's... Sora: The light of evolution!!!
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At long last, Patamon's evolution is revealed: Angemon, an Adult-stage Vaccine-type Digimon and the very thing Devimon was so afraid of.
Jou: Patamon evolved! Sora: Angemon...? Yamato: Takeru's... Digimon...? Mimi: He looks like an angel.... Takeru: Patamon evolved! Devimon: You! I was so close! Angemon: I will annihilate your powers of evil. COME TO ME, OH HOLY POWERS!!!
Meanwhile, the dub's still trying to keep this light despite nearly all the characters being wasted on the ground and unable to stand.
Joe: Hey, Patamon finally Digivolved! Sora: That's super cool! Matt: Not bad! That little guy really had it in him! Mimi: Nice hair! Good color. T.K.: I wanna take him home with me! Devimon: What's this? Another foolish attempt? Angemon: The forces of good are more powerful. Even you can't stop us! I'll destroy you and bring peace to the island!
The kids have conferred and decided that Angemon's a solid 8.5 out of 10.
I jest, but I fully understand why they're doing this. This episode is so dark. Way too dark for the FOX Kids censors.
The big difference here is Devimon's reaction. Again, in the original, this was a last-ditch Hail Mary play. Devimon's last remaining hope of victory was to snuff out Takeru and Patamon before this could happen. Here, Devimon sees the writing on the wall. He knows it's over.
But Dub Devimon meant for Leomon to bring the kids here as part of a fiendish trap. So he remains arrogant and boisterous, unaware that the tables are about to turn one final time.
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Reacting to Angemon's summons, those holy powers do indeed come to him. Every holy device on the field reacts, sending a ray of sacred energy up into him. He channels the energy used to evolve the kids' Digimon, taking so much from each and every Digivice that the Partner Digimon all revert to Child-stage.
Devimon: W-What are you doing!? Stop that! If you do that, you won't get off so easily either! Angemon: There is no other way. Even if this destroys my body-- Takeru: ANGEMON!!! Angemon: Devimon, your evil powers have grown far too much. You must be erased from this world.
Because of the dialogue change, it's not quite as clear in the dub that this is something Angemon is doing to the kids' Digivices intentionally. It seems to happen out of nowhere. As a kid, I was always confused about what's happening here.
Devimon: That light is so bright; What are you doing to me!? Stop it! I'm not going to allow you to take my power away; You'll have to fight me! Angemon: I'm afraid I have no other choice! If I can help others, my fate is unimportant! T.K.: ANGEMON!!! Angemon: Your powers have gotten far out of control and must be extinguished! I am ready to fight for peace!
Of course, as confusion goes, it doesn't help that the dub makes it seem like Angemon's doing some sort of energy drain to try and weaken Devimon.
Ogremon desperately emerges from Devimon's chest to defend him and clonks straight into Angemon's holy... um....
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Okay. This makes it all the way into the dub unedited, too.
I was not prepared for that. Laughing for probably three minutes straight. Goddammit, Digimon.
Struck by Angemon's holy staff, Ogremon withdraws all the way through Devimon's chest, vanishing and leaving a gaping hole where he'd been. The staff shrivels away after use, disintegrating and sending all of the stored holy power into Angemon's right fist.
Devimon: Oh no.... Takeru: ANGEMON!!! Angemon: I'm sorry, Takeru. Devimon: I'll crush you to death! Angemon: HEAVEN'S KNUCKLE!!!
With no other options to fall back on, Devimon tries to simply close his hands around Angemon in one last desperation move. But Angemon counters, releasing every ounce of sacred energy he's channeled from the Digivices all at once.
Meanwhile, traumatized dub writers frantically scribble out Angemon's pre-self-destruct apology and replace it with heroic assurance.
Devimon: Now you've done it! T.K.: Be careful! Devimon: Ahahahahaha!!! Angemon: I'll get him. Relax. Devimon: Come here, pretty boy! Angemon: I'll stop you!
So that's a 9.5 out of 10 from Devimon.
Heaven's Knuckle rips through Devimon. The eruption grows, engulfing the entirety of Infinity Mountain.
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As the energy engulfs Devimon, he and Angemon both slowly disintegrate.
Devimon: Stupid! That was stupid of you, Angemon! What was the point of exhausting your energy here? The powers of darkness aren't confined to File Island alone. Across the sea, there are Digimon who have far greater powers of evil than I do! This is the end for all of you! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Devimon fades into nothing) Takeru: Angemon! Angemon: Takeru. I'm sure we'll meet again, so long as you wish for it. (Angemon, too, fades into nothing) Takeru: ANGEMON!!!
Would somebody get this poor child some therapy?
Devimon dies with a smile on his face, assured that this will prove to be a Pyrrhic victory for the Chosen Children. Only time will tell if he's right.
The dub exchange is mostly the same, with one key exception.
Devimon: You have used up all your power! That wasn't very smart, Angemon. Now you are no use to anyone! You can't get away from the dark forces; Evil is everywhere, so don't savor your victory. There are other Digimon that are just as powerful as I am; Some of them are even stronger! I wonder what you'll do when you run into them? You haven't won at all! What a waste of time! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Devimon fades into nothing) T.K.: Angemon! Angemon: T.K. I'll come back again... If you want me to. (Angemon, too, fades into nothing) T.K.: ANGEMON!!!
The key difference is the world on the other side of the ocean, which the show has mentioned a few times by now. Dub Devimon eschews telling the kids of greater powers beyond the ocean, opting instead for a more general "Evil is everywhere".
(If I'm understanding Devimon's plans right: Devimon used File Island as a cover to manufacture Black Gears, converting the whole island into transport vehicles to disseminate those Gears globally in the process. As the weakest in his faction, this was Devimon's plan to even the playing field.
We've seen the Black Gears work fine on Digimon even up to Perfect-stage; No clue about Ultimate-stage, but being able to control stronger Digimon is a great way for a weaker Digimon to claim supremacy.)
As Angemon dies, a few of his feathers drift down to the ground. Glowing with energy, they mold into the shape of a Digitama.
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Tentomon: It's a Digitama. Takeru: Is it Angemon's? Gabumon: Angemon is starting over again from an egg. Palmon: That's right! As long as he evolves properly, you'll meet him again! Takeru: (embraces the Digitama) I'll take good care of you.
I like that Palmon specifies, "as long as he evolves properly". As previously noted, Digimon have branching evolution paths. How they evolve is determined by their circumstances. That's going to be a plot point in a few episodes' time.
Alright, dub; How do you approach the topic of reincarnation?
Tentomon: What do you know, it's a Digi-Egg. T.K.: Do you think it could be Angemon? Gabumon: I know it is. He's just resting for a while to regain his strength. Palmon: But don't worry! You'll see him again when he Digivolves. T.K.: I will make sure to take really good care of him! (embraces the Digi-Egg) You saved my life, Angemon.
Credit where it's due. They softball the topic with "resting for a while" but the intent of the scene remains clearly implied. Angemon died and has been reborn inside this egg.
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Looking out over the sea, the kids notice that the island shards are all returning to their proper place on File Island.
Meanwhile, Ogremon wakes up down in the forest with one question on his mind.
Ogremon: Where's Devimon? Did they defeat him? Leomon: (standing right next to him) They did. Do you want to fight some more? Ogremon: N-NO MORE!!!
Ogremon runs screaming into the woods, bringing an end to the last piece of this conflict.
Dub Ogremon, on the other hand, is getting ambitious.
Ogremon: With Devimon out of the way, I can take over now. Leomon: (standing right next to him) Hello, you forgetting about me? Ogremon: LEOMON!? GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! Why can't the bad guys ever win?
That first line of his is awfully big talk for a guy who can't throw a punch without it being censored out of continuity.
Meanwhile, up at the top of the cliff, the kids discuss where to go from here.
Yamato: He said that there are more powerful Digimon across the ocean, didn't he? Jou: I thought we'd be able to go back to our world. Mimi: Do we have to keep fighting? I don't want to! Taichi: But we have to. No matter who the enemy is.
The dub kids have the same conversation, but a bit snippier.
Matt: What's with those other evil Digimon across the sea!? Joe: Yeah, I thought we were going home! Mimi: I don't want to have to fight again! Ohh, I think I broke a nail.... Tai: Well, according to Leomon's legend, we gotta do it! Remember: He said we're the DigiDestined!
Justice for Mimi's nail. Probably happened when Devimon hit them all with that radial burst.
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Before the kids can discuss any further, a set of rocks suddenly falls away to reveal this strange holographic emitter. It powers on, displaying the image of what appears to be an old human man who greets them all as the Chosen Children.
But his is a story for another episode.
Assessment: For what is essentially the season finale for the File Island arc, this episode had a lot of disparate plot points to bring together. It's hit-or-miss on that.
Takeru's desire to find a better way to deal with Devimon doesn't bear any fruit - Though the idea of "uniting our hearts" certainly does. More pressingly, I have no idea how both Taichi & Yamato and Mimi & Koushiro knew which island shard to come find Takeru on. They were riding shards of their own and heading back to Infinity Mountain. How and why did they hop off their shards and go to the Village of Beginnings instead?
Also, Taichi and Yamato were bringing Yukidarumon and Mojamon to the fight too. I guess those two fucked off and went home. Between that and the previous episode's temporal continuity error with Leomon, the File Island arc falls apart in some ways here at the end.
Still, it pays off the Digivice plotline well. The fight with Leomon and Ogremon is fantastic, serving to set up the fight with Devimon. It fills in as a reminder, both for the sizeshifting properties of the Black Gears previously seen with Meramon and Mojamon and for the holy power of the Digivice. These two mechanics end up driving the final battle.
As for the dub... they did what they could. This episode is so dark. They had no hope of matching that intensity while keeping it censor-friendly.
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phlurrii · 1 year
I know a lot of us are sus of Circe and as much as I love and adore her I do think she is bait
My currently theory and hope is that she doesn't realise she's bait and isn't doing it intentionally, she might have been sent to a more research area of team rocket than lil twoeys alterations lab area as while her state is tampered with she's still like pure mew while twoey has had other dna spliced into him, I suppose it makes sense one for studying the pure if altered genetic strain and one for further alterations perhaps enhancements depending on the dna added into twoey
You've mentioned she only knows as much as her human people and if they're just more of a research leaning group then they of course wouldn't really be told much just told to study Circe and her growth and abilities until she's been sufficiently studied enough and put into a job or used for further experimentation using her dna to make MORE mewtwo potentially planned to use the information collected from the twoey experiment to splice and enhance Circes offspring of course with no twoey that research isn't available.
The higher ups who know about Meau from like security tapes I assume because how else do they know what Meau did saving mew and twoey likely know the genetic connection and assume Meau will come for her extra grandchild and maybe told the research devision bits and pieces so that it would be repeated so Circe would realise there's others out there and reach out for help.
Maybe the research devision kind of pressured Circe to do it hence Circe desperate language is Circe is being manipulated and made to manipulate twoey to get Meau as desperation increases emotional driven responses rather than logical ya know it'd push twoey to have to tell Meau and then subsequently Meau to act to get her other grandchild as clearly they're distressed. It might be that the research devision has pure intent and wants to purely study Meau out of fascination but seeing as they're likely connected to team rocket it wouldn't end well with other areas trying to capture and detain Meau for experimentation and control no doubt.
If they are semi innocent just perhaps manipulating cohersing Circe to bring Meau to them it might play into that animation of Meau telling a human they will never hurt her again. A human researcher tries to tell her they just want to study and understand her and they never intended any harm for her. And it just brings back memories of the people who didn't act and didn't want harm to come to her and yet still stood by. "You never intended to harm me?" and yet look at what you've done to my family. You didn't hurt her physically but you've hurt what she cares about which is worse. She was alone too long to have everything taken from her ya know? Deranged feral Meau moment plz my beloved
Idk these are my thoughts and rambles about it I think Circe is innocent but still bait or being cohersed and maybe knows it but like what else can she do really? I'm just hoping she isn't intentionally doing it but then again if she doesn't know Meau is her grandmother... Might be misplaced spite of why did you save them but not ME?! Why was my mother and that two worth saving?! Idk hm thoughts and rambles lmao. The braincells be going this morning
Eheheh,,, there’s a lot of thought in this, I will say this theory right here is the one to pay attention too. Can’t which part, but it’s definitely something to watch ;3
Also dw we will be getting a very liberating deranged Meau moment for this arcs animatic XD
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tesnuzzik · 1 year
Hellow! I subscribed to you a long time ago. Back in the days when you published the Dragomatsu comic. I still adore this AU of yours. As far as I understand, you are no longer planning to work on this project. Could you briefly tell us what events were going to happen next in this comic?
Hi! Thank you for still following me even though I didn't update anymore <3 It's true, I'm not going to continue working on the comic. I'm currently working on an original comic (close to finishing the first page), doing two at the same time would be impossible;; (and the Dragonmatsu comic would have been much to big to ever finish anyway). I don't mind telling what I was planning with it though! (It's been a while and I didn't write everything down, but I'll do my best to try and remember). I'll try to keep it as short as possible;; xD --- From the final page I posted: Jyushimatsu would get taken away by the knights at the announcement, and Osomatsu rushes to try and bail him out (this is when he'd meet (the old version of) my oc Fenric for the first time). Jyushimatsu ends up getting away with a warning, mostly because the king wants to keep peace with the dragons. After this chapter, I had a whole story planned out where Jyushimatsu would get very ill, but no doctor would be willing to help except Dekapan (who's not fully recognized as a doctor with his weird magic potions). It turns out Jyushimatsu was poisoned by an angry villager, making the Matsus more aware that some humans *really* don't want them there (Oso starts turning really protective because of this as well). At some point, the king gets sick and passes away, and the prince takes over. He hates dragons due to trauma (if you look at the panel where he's upset in chapter 3, you can see that he misses a finger). Vitharr (the big red haired oc dude) decides to use that to his advantage and makes a plan where he will frame the Matsus for setting off a fire during the coronation festivities, turning most of the village against them and having the new king abolish the laws protecting (half)dragons. Vitharr ends up getting a position among the knights (And general Muno leaves, as she doesn't agree with what is happening), but he leaves his old crew behind who decide to try and capture the Matsus before he could (and get the reward). They end up causing the Matsu's house to burn down, but the Matsus escape and decide to flee the village.
This would be the end of the "first part" of the story, after this the Matsus would wander a dangerous forest while being hunted down by Vitharr (who was forced to team up with Fenric, a mage with an obsession with dragon magic). They would discover much more about their powers, where they came from, etc. Osomatsu grew to distrust humans, Karamatsu would have a bunch of old trauma to work through, Choromatsu and Todomatsu would have a lot of issues adjusting to the new situation (in their own ways), and Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu's powers would end up clashing and causing issues in their relationship. I didn't write most of the latter stuff down so I don't remember all of it ;w; I think I had plans for the Matsus to all meet a full dragon of their own element at some point? Like the test comic I made with Karamatsu and the dragon in the big whirlpool... If you want to know about more specific stuff, just let me know! It's fun to go back to an old project like that sometimes, haha!
(edit!) Here are two unfinished pages for chapter 3
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
What about a SCP AU? SCP!Munakata and Fushimi as one of the agents. I imagine Munakata will be something like he can always give you an answer for whatever questions you ask him.
AU where Munakata really is a cryptid XD Imagine Fushimi as this grumpy, overworked SCP agent who probably has a tendency to constantly get wrapped up in SCP cases with weird powers, like he ends up stuck with a dalmatian who can trap your consciousness within its sentient spots for three weeks and he didn’t even get a raise for it. He’s considered a very good agent though, Fushimi knows how to handle dangerous situations and he’s good at figuring out weird and abstract problems that are useful for containing even some of the stranger SCPs. 
One day he’s sent to deal with a particular SCP that seems to be a normal human, no one is really sure if he’s dangerous or not because none of the agents sent to deal with him have ever returned, though none of them died. Fushimi thinks it must be due to all those idiots letting their guard down and he decides to sneak into Munakata’s workplace office. He’s surprised when he enters to see some of the ‘missing’ agents working there, like does this guy have mind control abilities. When he shows up in Munakata’s office Munakata is waiting, wondering if another one has been sent after him. He assures Fushimi that he isn’t dangerous, it’s simply that he convinced all the other agents to work for him. Fushimi clicks his tongue like so it is another mind control one and Munakata says to the contrary, he only talked to them and they chose this all on their own. 
Fushimi wonders if Munakata is planning something nefarious and Munakata says he is not, and encourages Fushimi to ask more questions. Munakata’s ability after all is that he can answer any question asked of him, regardless of what that answer may be or if anyone else in the entire world even knows the answer. Even questions like ‘what should I do with my life?’ or ‘What is my purpose?’ can be answered by Munakata with full confidence. Fushimi snorts and wonders if that’s really a power, like aren’t you just making things up. Munakata says he is not, but Fushimi is welcome to believe that if he wishes. Imagine Fushimi decides to test this by asking questions but then Munakata turns it around on him, responding honestly to everything Fushimi asks but also bringing up his own questions, wondering if Fushimi’s satisfied with his current position and with the world as it is now, and has he ever thought of this world being something he could change. 
Fushimi finds himself on the defensive for the first time ever when dealing with this kind of SCP, like normally he would let these sort of questions bounce off of him but somehow it’s like Munakata can see so much farther than Fushimi himself. And the more they talk the more Fushimi finds himself drawn to Munakata, this person who has a special power but clearly has something beyond that, not just the ability to answer questions but a strong charisma and insight that Fushimi’s never felt before. He wonders if this is how Munakata took all those agents and Munakata says he simply offered them a more intriguing position where they could be more useful. He adds that Fushimi too seems a useful person. Fushimi hesitates, suspicious, and Munakata says if he dislikes the offer he is welcome to leave, but he should tell his superiors that if they want to capture Munakata they need to send a different agent — Munakata has no interest in those with no talent, so if they want to contain him they need to stop sending such skilled people that he can use. Fushimi wonders if Munakata’s trying to flatter him and Munakata says he is not, he’s only expressing his interest. He holds out a hand to Fushimi and says it is his turn to ask a question: as he said before he needs a person of talent, so would Fushimi like to join his team. 
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outoutdamnspark · 2 years
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I feel like I did see someone else mention submas twins as selkies, but I cannot for the life of me remember who it was. But YES. Just. Sweet seal men, in awe that you, a human, have returned their coat to them - which, unbeknownst to you, means you’re now married. Congratulations!
Or even just them pining for you every time you go visit the beach during your vacation; them deliberately dropping their coat nearby for you to pick up.
Even better, if you want some angst or a bit of action, one or both of the selkie twins caught by a lab, (could be run by legit marine biologists, or by some evil team wanting to capture and sell mythical creatures to the highest bidder) with you as one of the scientists/an intern. You can bond with them, gain their trust, and depending on the direction you want this to go, you can help reunite them, or they decide to stay near the shore just to visit you when you go do research - OR! You can help break them out of the facility and back into the ocean. Maybe you hide them until they can get back home; maybe they have to help you go into hiding to evade the evil Team. Gotta keep their new mate safe!
As for the Marble Carver au, it’s like the story of Pygmalion, the man who carved a woman from ivory and fell in love with her, so Aphrodite made her come to life. Except it’s submas~
I have a soft spot for Emmet, but it could be either twin as the Pygmalion stand-in. (Or hell, it could even be the reader insert, carving themself a husband.)
I was originally thinking just a short, cute, romantic au, but then I realized it could also be kind of angsty if we want to say the carver is trying to bring a dead/missing loved one back to life, (like a fusion of Pygmalion and Orpheus.)
Another option is to add elements of horror to it - like some kind of Ib (fucking adore that game) fusion, or maybe the “scrapped” carvings are alive as well, but aren’t actually... you know. Right. Just, something a liiiiiittle uncanny.
Maybe Emmet tries to bring Ingo back by carving him a new body but something else takes it over? Or one of the boys tries to resurrect their dead s/o, to a similar effect. Or it is them but it isn’t. Or the entire other way around, with the s/o trying to resurrect one/both of the boys - or even just a dark version of the myth where they carve the statue and it comes to life but it’s not a happy ending.
I just. Have so much to write and I can’t choose what to do first. XD
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muppenthings · 2 years
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(Start) (Previously) (Next)
CW: imprisonment(?) being tied up at least
Merry heads out an hour earlier for their meetup. Tide was always waiting for them, perhaps he was already there. Merry hopes so; they want to meet him as soon as possible.
Nearing the location, they notice that Tide's missing. With a sigh, they swim the last stretch before letting the full harvest bag slowly drift to the bottom, taking them with it. The mer makes themself comfortable on the kelp bed; now they can only wait.
With nothing to do but observe their surroundings, they notice changes in the kelp beds, scattered around their meeting location. Merry squints at them; they look bumpy. Almost as if-
A large silhouette appears from a far, distracting them from the sea floor. Tide.
He's quick to notice them, looking briefly surprised to see them there so early. When his eyes land on the harvest bag, his expression softens,
"Hey Merry, you don't need to-"
He suddenly freezes, turning his attention to the sea floor.
And the ocean boils with movement as numerous Ocean mers dart out from pockets underneath the kelp beds.
Two of them are in Tide's face before he can even react, emptying pouches of octopus ink. The giant instinctively reels back with a snarl, temporarily blinded. Meanwhile, a different group uses the distraction to swiftly wrap several large nets around his tail; pinning his fins down and throwing his balance off.
Before Merry can yell at them to stop, strong arms wrap around their midsection, pulling them away from the scene. Merry turns their head to protest, only to be stunned into silence. It was Coral. Coral was dragging them to a waiting group of mers further away. Among them was Elder Jewel.
Hissing angrily, Tide swipes after the circling mers; the water had cleared enough for him to see again. But the Ocean mers are far too quick for him, he knows this. His panic builds; he needs to get away now or they'll completely ensnare him. With the nets around his tail hindering full movement, he won't be nearly as fast or steady. Tide still attempts to move forward.
The mers acts fast and he gets several jabs to his gills. No blood is drawn, but the prods are hard enough to make him yelp and reflexively bring his arms down to shield them.
Which is exactly what they want.
Another blinding cloud of ink to his face while others are quickly circling him, wrapping thick ropes and more nets around his arms and torso, pinning his crossed limbs to his chest.
He desperately tries to tear the binds apart, but he quickly realizes that they're made by humans. They won't easily tear without the aid of something sharp and he can't position his hands or mouth to them.
Tide feels them pull the nets tigher around his tail; hooking the ends into another. He can't even move his tail anymore.
There's no escape, so he does the only thing he can do in the moment.
He allows his body to sink to the bottom, protecting at the very least his softer belly and gills from further attacks. The Ocean mers are still circling around and above, armed with more pouches of ink and ropes, spears at the ready.
"He's subdued," one of them announces.
He snarls defiantly at them before his eyes lands further ahead of him. A group of Reef mers are gathered at the bottom; observing his capture no doubt. He instantly recognizes one of them, an old mer has their hand on their shoulder. Merry gazes back at him, eyes wide.
Tide feels the all too familiar sting of betrayal.
"You set me up."
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Unpopular Transformers Opinion, but I think that despite TFA’s flaws... It handled most its characters better then TFP did! 
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TFA Optimus, Bumblebee and Bulkhead have actual personalities, unlike their TFP Counterparts. 
TFA Optimus and Bee both have strengths and flaws, thus making them more interesting characters! 
TFP Optimus is seen as this stoic, perfect bot that is always right (even when he’s wrong) and TFP Bee’s whole thing is that he the ‘rookie’ of the team, he likes Raf (for understanding his beeps for some reason) and is sad that he can’t talk anymore. (Even though the other Autobots can understand his beeps.) 
I know that TFP Bee can only beep and it’s not his fault that we don’t know his true personality, but TFA Bee still wins. 
TFA Bulkhead was tired of being seen as a big, clumsy idiot that destroys things, so he becomes an artist and a repair bot to create/fix things instead.  
TFP Bulkhead has similar insecurities, but nothing is ever done about it and this problem is forgotten later. 
You couldn’t have given him a different hobby? 
You couldn’t have made him an architect or nature lover, like TFA Prowl was? 
Also, TFP Bulkhead’s main traits are being a pushover and being hesitant to rescue people that are jerky (even if they aren’t evil)... which aren’t great traits to remember a heroic character.  
TFA Ratchet and TFP Ratchet are similar (also TFP Ratchet is my fav of the TFP Autobots), but I like TFA Ratchet a little bit more, cause TFP Ratchet was a bit racist against humans/organics... 
TFA Ratchet was grumpy with everyone including the humans, but he’s more angry that the human fans won’t leave him alone sometimes, instead of just being angry with their existence in general like in TFP (Ratchet actually has more reasons to hate humans in TFA, then in TFP! XD)... 
TFA Arcee is basically more like a plot device then an actual character, but I still like her more then in TFP... Why?... Well, TFA Arcee’s personality is more like in G1; meaning that she’s kind and has an almost motherly personality. Also, despite being a damsel-in-distress in Ratchet’s flashback, she’s very brave and intelligent (she was a teacher once); she stays calm despite losing her leg during a battle and getting captured by Lockdown and she’s willing to give up all her memories, so the Decepticons wouldn’t get the knowledge in her mind and the Autobots would win the war. She’s also probably very trustworthy and badass, considering that she was trusted with this knowledge in the first place and she wasn’t shown with any bodyguards near her...so she was probably battling Decepticons and delivering the info all by herself, until she lost her leg... And she managed to find a hiding place away from the Decepticons with only one leg, until Ratchet found her, which is still pretty impressive... 
No offense to TFP Arcee, but she basically acts like a female version of Ratchet sometimes. She can be quite grumpy and strict. There’s nothing wrong with female characters like that, but Ratchet is already the grumpy bot and he does it better... Why couldn’t they make Arcee a stoic nature-lover, like TFA Prowl? The TFP Creators already copied the TFA Bots and gave Prowl’s motorcycle mode to Arcee, so they might as well go all the way! 
Or why couldn’t they give TFP Arcee a motherly personality, like the other Arcees? A female character can be motherly and still be badass! It would’ve been a great way to balance out the ‘dark’ parts of the TFP Series! Also, Arcee and June would get along instantly and probably become BFFs! 
Sari Sumdac isn’t perfect and I have conflicted feelings over her future techno-organic stuff as well as her overpowered Allspark Key (because on one hand it’s awesome, but on the other hand it feels like the TFA Creators are trying too hard to make Sari better than the other human allies, also her being a cyborg somewhat ruins the specialness of her friendship with the Autobots... because she’s one of them, instead of a complete human)... 
But Sari is still one of the better main human characters, despite her being a walking dues-ex-machina or plot device sometimes (both Sari and her father Prof. Sumdac have been done dirty in TFA, for different reasons)... 
Like TFA Optimus and the other characters, she has strengths, flaws and an actual personality... 
And Sari is definitely better than all the main humans in TFP combined:
Both Sari and Raf are dues-ex-machinas sometimes... but again Sari has a proper personality to balance herself out, while Raf is just the quiet and genius stereotype that loves being helpful. 
Both Sari and Miko are adventurous and energetic girls, but can also be immature and childish brats... But the difference between them is that Sari is only a brat sometimes and it usually involves her overpowered key and Sari gets cut some slack because she’s a little kid, however Miko is a 15-year old teenager and yet is somehow even more bratty then 7-year old Sari and Miko can’t even use an overpowered key as an excuse. (Sari also has fashion sense.)
Both Sari and Jack are considered the ‘Chosen Ones’... but again, Sari has a proper personality and fashion sense... Jack was supposed to be the ‘leader’ of the human team, but he rarely feels like a leader (Cody from Rescue Bots was a better leader then him and Cody is younger than Jack)... He’s also supposed to be the ‘Sane One’ that doesn’t want to be part of the Cybertron War’s craziness, which is interesting to see, but only lasts for like a day... 
TFA Megatron is an intelligent and surprisingly civilized Decepticon as well as one of the saner Megatrons (which results in almost every Decepticon being crazy and making him silently suffer for it)... 
TFP Megatron was trying too hard to become the ‘evilest’ Megatron, that he ends up looking like an idiot half the time! TFP Megatron is probably one of the dumbest Megatrons (in my opinion)... Dude thought that stabbing a shard of frozen evil god blood in his spark was a great idea! And he almost destroyed himself, without Starscream’s help! (Starscream only needed to cut off his life support!)  
TFA Starscream rivals G1 Starscream in feral craziness (but TFA was a bit smarter at first, with his Megatron betraying plans)! 
TFP Starscream, I have conflicted feelings for... On one hand he was such a badass during the starter episodes, but then TFP makes him more and more wimpy/cowardly over time, on the other hand I feel kinda bad for him because he was actually a decent leader (he helped the Decepticons harvest energon, without the Autobots or humans seeing them for 3 years) and he actually cares about the Decepticons’ survival at first... He probably wouldn’t have tried to betray/end Megatron if Megatron (or anyone) had showed him a little respect/gratitude or Megatron didn’t attack/yell at Starscream over every little thing! 
The first time TFP Megatron beats up Starscream, Starscream was actually trying to help the Decepticons by attempting to get information on the Autobots (and he almost got it)! 
Then Megatron pretends that he’s gonna destroy Starscream to scare the poor flier, just because Starscream missed mining out some energon (or was hiding it for himself)... 
Why does Starscream deserve to be attacked for those things? 
As for Soundwave... Okay, I’ll let TFP have that one. 
TFA Soundwave is okay and I like the concept of him being a kid’s toy... But I feel like they could’ve done more with him! And I feel like Bumblebee should’ve been his rival instead of Bulkhead, since Bumblebee is actually the jealous-type... or maybe Bee and Bulkhead share the Soundwave Rivalry! (Also, the TFA episode ‘Human Error’ was a mistake...) 
Meanwhile, TFP Soundwave is the most badass and competent villain in all of TFP! 
It literally took banishing him to another dimension to defeat him! 
Plus, he actually looks like a demon! 
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metfell · 3 years
tommy is a zigzagoon. he is the human from the future. he wakes up on the beach and is found by tubbo, who is a skiddo bc my heart demands it. tubbo has his special artifact, and convinces tommy to become part of an exploration team with him, after fighting off george (abra) and sapnap (pangoro).
they make it to the guild, run by techno (emboar) with phil (corviknight) as the chatot of this au. the two meet the fellow guild members: fundy (nickit), jack manifold (pawniard, niki (houndoom), puffy (mega ampharos), billzo (pancham), aimsey (sentret), freddie (sandshrew??? this ones up for debate let me know), and a little half shiny zorua named ranboo.
dream is our team skull skuntank and dusknoir and darkrai, because while i wouldnt have liked it all being one man in the main game, having it be dream in this au makes it so much more premeditated, which is VERY c!dream. hes on the dream team with george and sapnap, and he is an albino zoroark (ALSO I JUST SAW THE HISUIAN ONES HELLO?? YEAH HES THAT. THATS COOL AS FUCK I HADNT SEEN IT YET). he doesnt know who tommy is at this point by the way, but he does know its fun to bully him and tubbo, and so they hop on the expedition for fogbound lake.
meanwhile tommy and tubbo quickly bond, and when they head out to fogbound lake, they are teamed up with ranboo. they become quick friends, but ranboo is not a part of the team yet. we will get there trust me. eret is the guardian of fogbound lake, and is a galarian articuno. they summon an illusion of kantonian articuno to fight, and tommy and tubbo defeat it. eret tells them and the rest of the guild about fogbound lake, and to keep it a secret.
news breaks out about time starting to stop in various parts of the region, and they say that there's an umbreon on the loose, stealing the time gears. yeah. thats wilbur. they all start working together to apprehend wilbur, going to the northern desert to meet foolish, who is a galarian zapdos (but he can still shoot lightning trust me. i make the rules.) he tells tommy and tubbo that wilbur is heading to niki (galarian moltres) in the crystal cave.
before leaving, dream talks to tommy and tubbo, and learns who tommy is. he smiles under his mask.
they head to the crystal cave, and they manage to trap wilbur. wilbur has no idea who who tommy is because he isnt the human he knew from the future, and tries to attack and kill tommy. they capture wilbur though, and dream moves to take him back to the future, but not before grabbing tommy and tubbo as well, dragging them in.
they wake up trapped in the future, and the scene plays out exactly the same as canon. they are tied to posts with rope and sableye slash their way through it slowly. wilbur breaks them out, and theyre on the run again. wilbur learns who tommy is, and breaks down, shocked at what has happened to his partner in crime, and horrified that dream essentially made them try to kill each other. wilbur tells them that the time gears needed to be stolen, to be put back in the temporal tower in order to fix time, before it ends up like the bleak future theyre in. the three of them run and hide from dream and his sableye, and make it to karl, a celebi, who can take them back. however, before they can escape, we meet dialga, aka dream xd. xd shatters the first portal, and dream nearly has them, before karl martyrs himself for them, opening up a second portal, and sending them back to the past.
the three are in hiding now, not wanting to let anyone from the guild know about their presence out of fear of being arrested when time is of the essence. but they soon realize that they cant do it without the help of the guild, and go to phil and techno for help. after they gather all of the time gears, techno and phil bring them to brine cave, which is where i have combined a second plot thread together: crescelia is now also the role of lapras, and is kristin. she saved techno years ago when the two were exploring the cave, and phil calls in a favor from her. kristin takes them to the hidden land, where i decide to make make my first plot difference. because the idea of separating wilbur from tommy breaks my fucking heart, im having karl aka celebi come through the time hole and drag dream through. yes its not as impactful as when grovyle lets go of his partner, and hands you over to your new one. but consider: they are brothers your honor.
the three of them then go to temporal tower, and fight xd. they defeat him, and even though time is saved, because tommy and wilbur were never meant to exist now- what with the future being prevented- they start to disappear. and ill put in a direct quote from when the main character in pmd dies and just. ough.
Player: Thank you for everything [Partner]. I'm glad we got to train together at the guild. I'm glad we got to go on adventures together. I'm glad... I got to know you. I'm so lucky I got to be your friend.
Partner: I feel the same [Player]! To me, you're more important than anything!
Player: Yes, I feel the same way. Even after I disappear from here, I will never forget you. [fades away]
so tubbo returns home, tommy and wilbur gone. he wants to continue being a guild member, and so he forms a new team with ranboo. the two grow close, and one of the pokemon they end up fighting together is a dubwool named schlatt, who had rigged his base with blast seeds. crushing them, tubbo got caught in the crossfire, his body permanently covered in scars from the explosion. ranboo helps him recover, and the two grow so close that they do indeed get married, fall in love, and end up with a mimikyu that mimics a tepig that they named michael.
months later, tubbo goes back to the beach where he and tommy first met, and breaks down, missing his friend. xd (who was freed from the corruption once time was fixed) sees this, and feels regret. he brings back tommy and wilbur, and the two sob, embracing each other once again.
not going into the postgame plot because this post is already massive ill do that another time LMAO
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How To Train Your Dragon Saga
In the beginning, I was never really interested in watching the movie and never even bothered to watch the trailer, since we thought it was one of those cliche failure movies (and Dreamworks hasn't really had a very good track record of good animated movies at the time), but after being bombarded with tons of Toothcup fanfics and fanarts and after very high recommendations by my friend Jello13 from dA, I finally got down to watching the movie. Boy, was I glad I took my friend's recommendation to watch this movie, and the subsequent sequels after that, because after 3, 4 friggin' times, I still fucking LOVE this movie!!!
Here's my findings of the saga:
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Apparently this movie was based on a children's novel written by Cressida Cowell which focuses on the 2nd book in a 10-volume book franchise. There are certain deviations between the real Hiccup and Toothless and the storyline as a whole, but after reading the summary of the original story, I think I like the movie version better. In fact even the writer said so in her blog that she likes the deviation as the movie captured the core essence of her story and it was amazing to see her story to be interpreted this way.
The storyline and the pacing is very good, and the sarcastic humour and slight optimism of Hiccup despite people thinking he's anything BUT a Viking is very intriguing. I love his catchphrases like "I'm way too muscular for their tastes. They wouldn't know what to do with all...this" and "Thank you for summing that up" and his famous line "You just gestured to ALL of me!" is just some of the LOL-worthy lines the talented Jay Baruchel who voices Hiccup does.
I was totally shocked to find out that Gerard Butler plays the role of Stoick, Hiccup's old man! I have never expect him, who is known for his brawniness and action-packed persona, made famous in the movie 300, would actually play a voice-over for a cartoon character. After finding out, spotting his voice and hearing the familiarity was much, much easier.
And of course, the creme de la creme of the entire movie: TOOTHLESS!! He is just so, so, so, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo uber cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute~~~~!!!!! When I read about him in fanfics and caught glimpses of him through fanarts, I was thinking, "Hey, this dragon is quite cute." Now amplify that feeling by a gajillion times more. That's how I feel about Toothless. He started off a little vicious with his snake-like slit for eyes, trying to act strong and tough like the dragon he was, but the moment he let his guard down a little, he got these pair of big doe eyes that is just so MOE and SQUEE-worthy. And of course I finally learn how he got his namesake: with retractable teeth that he can materialize at will
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My most favourite scene of the entire movie would be this scene where Toothless finally was at peace with Hiccup and allowed him to touch him. The way Toothless tried to copy his drawing, and then growled whenever Hiccup stepped on his drawing, then Hiccup moved to avoid the lines in tune with the music until finally they were so close they were allowed to touch was just so AWW-worthy. And the music score was perfect too, especially the title of that score: Forbidden Friendship. Isn't that just sweet?
The part where Hiccup and Toothless slowly develop that bond while trying to get Toothless back on his flight feet again was also very interesting as they slowly worked together and forget each other's differences to reach a common goal, while at the same time trying to learn about each other, and Hiccup using that knowledge to good use (the eel and the scratching of the neck part was really epic), making him the life of the team, much to his crush, Astrid's chagrin.
I also love the part where Hiccup tries to convince everyone during the final exam of killing a dragon that dragons are not what they think they are, and tried to pacify the Monstrous Nightmare only to be interrupted by Stoick and having Toothless coming to the rescue (damsel in distress much, Hiccup? XD) and revealed their relationship. It felt really sad and my heart just broke when Hiccup shouted Toothless for him not to kill Stoick and Toothless looked at him with his doe eyes, then Hiccup tries in vain to stop everyone from hurting Toothless, and that argument which led to his disowning, and earning back his role as a son by proving his worth and Toothless' reputation, though a cost of his leg. I was wondering where would be the scene where he looses his leg, since I read that he had a prosthetic in fanfics, but turns out it happened in the near end of the movie, and literally mirrored Toothless' missing left tail fin.
Ending is a bit cliche where he gets the girl, he is lauded as a war hero and gained the respect of everyone including his father, the dragons made peace with humans and all that, but still it was a very heartwarming cliche scene. One that leaves a smile on your face and a sigh of contentment in your heart.
Speaking of Astrid, not really sure it's because of that yaoi in me, but I never really saw Astrid as a suitable pairing for Hiccup. I know, I'm not usually one for bestiality, but seriously, can't you just FEEL the love between Hiccup and Toothless to the point where you can consider them as lovers? Toothcup (Toothless/Hiccup) pairings are in the rage right now since the movie has been uber popularize, and you cannot deny that sort of relationship exist, right?
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This one, personally I feel, is almost as par as the first one. Not better, not worse, but more or less par. Hiccup and Astrid are still together, but the Toothcup shipper in me just don't feel like they match somehow. Moreso, suddenly out of the blue, Snotlout and Fishlegs were heads over heels with Ruffnut, which I ABSOLUTELY have NO CHEMISTRY feel whatsoever! Even after I've watched their TV series that led to the second movie, I STILL don't get the vibe or the chemistry between those three people. It's like "Wait, what?" moment.
Although that moment when Ruffnut was just totally thirsty for Eret was absolutely hilarious though. I couldn't help laughing and cringing at the same time.
When the moment Hiccup's mom Valka showed up, I was not expecting her to be so... skinny. Stoick said that he made helmets out of Hiccup's mom's breast plate, and it seemed pretty big, but looking at her, she didn't look like someone who was close to being a big bosom woman, but what is continuity anyways? LOL Though Hiccup definitely has inherited her knack for dragons. Guess it's in the blood after all.
I teared up a little when Stoick died, and I felt so bad that their bromance was threatened by this, but thankfully Hiccup still loves Toothless and is willing to forgive him and try to bring him back to his side. Goes to show how deep their bond is, and Toothless ended up becoming the Alpha Dragon was one of the most epic moments in the whole movie.
It also kinda interesting that Hiccup has somehow became pretty hot in this movie. Was pretty surprised at how he transformed from the awkward tiny little runt of a boy to a strapping man LOL
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Plot feels similar to the 2nd one, but the ending was so so SO bittersweet. A fitting ending, but sweet yet painful for me to watch.
My heart broke at the scene wen Hiccup was complaining about Toothless being in love n said "Am I not enough?" and I was like internally screaming "YES! U ARE ENOUGH!! U TWO ARE ENOUGH!! FUCK THAT LIGHT FURY!!"
Throughout the courtship scene btwn Toothless and the Light Fury i was like internally screaming "NO, SHE'S A TRAP! SHE'S A FUCKING TRAP! HICCUP, WHY ARE YOU OKAY WITH THIS?! I'M NOT HAPPY WITH THIS! I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS!!"
I cried like a fucking baby, especially at the end of the movie. It was like I knew it was happening, that they were gonna break up, but I was in denial, then when Toothless hugged Hiccup goodbye, I lost it, waterworks all over. In fact, waterworks all the way to the end at their final reunion ugly-cried like a fucking baby.
It did ended perfectly; perfectly bittersweet and perfectly heartbreaking and I was like "This is it. It's official. It's over. My Toothcup ship has fucking sank!!"
Fuck you, DreamWorks, you have killed my bromance!! Gahh!! I hate and love this movie at the same time!
Overall rating:
HTTYD: 9/10
HTTYD2: 7.5/10
HTTYD: 9/10
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ganymedesclock · 4 years
You know, I've joined the Pokemon fandom only recently and I've noticed that some people in the fandom think it's kind of unethical that Pokemon are captured in balls and then "forced to fight" in Pokemon battles. You seem to like Pokemon, so I was wondering what your thoughts on that are.
I certainly don’t have my finger to the pulse of new content, but, several things of note.
Literally the first episode of the anime, as well as many others since then, have demonstrated if a pokemon doesn’t want to go into a ball they will fight it, and continue to fight it after “being tamed”. Pikachu was given to Ash “already tamed” but utterly refuses a pokeball, constantly. This is not considered abnormal, baffling, or concerning. Even the games, which simplify this for the sake of mechanics, mention at different times that legendary pokemon will challenge you specifically because they are interested in seeing you prove your worth.
In Pokemon Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness, both games feature an enemy organization that manipulates pokemon into a “shadow” state that is described as shutting them down emotionally. A big thrust of the game is capturing and healing those pokemon, so it features relationship values and things that will help them heal- being sent into battle is something that help abused pokemon heal. So exceptionally vulnerable pokemon- who can be pretty much triggered and act violently or aggressively- enjoy battle.
Very much, the narrative presented by pokemon fairly consistently is a bond of souls, of person with partner, and they are working together to overcome adversity. 
I think personally, thinking of pokemon battles as like cockfighting is not really accurate- it’s worth noting that pokemon are really a lot less like animals and a lot more like alternatively sapient people. They are fully self-aware, and in the anime more than the games, you see this big time, but even in the games, friendship values are mechanically a thing! In later generations, pokemon will resist harder attacks, and hit harder themselves, because they enjoy and value the relationship they have with you.
We see pokemon can refuse to evolve, refuse pokeballs, and push their limits in many ways by extent of willpower. People who are abusive or controlling towards pokemon are characterized as worse than filth, and abused pokemon exist, (see: Ash’s charmander being left in a situation that is dangerous for it by its abusive owner before it came to Ash’s possession, and him being unbelievably pissed at its former master) and are met with compassion.
Likewise- pokemon can outright refuse to respect their trainers! In more recent anime, Ash picked up a Gengar that was abandoned by its trainer and, when realizing this, actually attacked that person, and is still rowdy and argumentative with him / lashes out if it feels it was accused of something it didn’t do. In the sun/moon series, the bewear that takes a shine to Team Rocket makes it abundantly clear she has no intention of ever being captured (by intercepting and crushing a pokeball between her paws). 
So basically, if you see pokemon battling, it’s an exercise of informed consent. In less dangerous situations, it can be thought of like a dog competition where a dog genuinely enjoys competing because the physical and mental challenge is stimulating, or even (as pokemon, as noted before, are pretty sapient) more like two people participating in a competition together as a team. 
Look how many fighting types are described as putting independent effort towards training and evolving, and how many pokemon of all types are described as territorial, aggressive, or generally willing to throw hands! Wild pokemon attack you and try to kick your ass! In the wild areas in Sword and Shield, pokemon actively chase you down trying to pick a fight. While we do see pokemon knocked out, stunned or weakened and then pokeballed, you can think of it like two shounen protagonists who only bond after beating the stuffing out of each other to reach an emotional bond- because, given the above factors, if they weren’t like “yes, I respect your power, I think we’re cool now” they could express their ill will or discomfort many ways.
And in another sense, you can look towards other installments of the “mon” genre- the idea of characters bonding with their partners, sometimes literally fusing or teaming together to do a move, is huge in this genre.
Could someone still abuse a pokemon? Yes- again, both anime and games make it clear this is something that happens, it is socially stigmatized by humans and pokemon alike (there’s an entire movie where Mewtwo is fucking pissed at having been made as a living weapon and his anger is depicted as pretty justified even if he needs to not take it out on people who weren’t his creators) and it would leave a mark, and does.
(Ghetsis, in BW2, notably, fights you with a pokemon who knows the move “Frustration” at full strength- the move “Frustration” specifically gains power the more the pokemon hates the trainer, so we can gather pretty clearly Ghetsis is not a nice trainer. Conversely, another “Team boss”, Cyrus, has a crobat, which only evolves from a golbat who has maximum friendship values- so whether or not Cyrus is a good person, his pokemon have a strong emotional relationship with him.)
And I really don’t wanna be the one to carelessly dismiss concerns, especially of depictions of animal abuse. You can raise questions if the pokemon series- in particular the games- are over-focused on battling to the point of depicting less about day to day social life with these guys- I personally really like to think about other elements of the pokemon world- but I also feel like a lot of “pokemon is literally just glorified fantasy dogfighting it’s awful and gross” takes are.... not made in good faith? not looking at the messages sent by the games in detail.
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thalys-artcorner · 3 years
A Cause to be Bothered By.
A oneshot in which Homelander actually gived a damn with the charity event assigned.  Canon divergent that allowed to write...wait for...actual fluff. Bet you didn’t see that coming.
*Note: I don’t wanna say @kayemagistro​ made me do it, but she did provide the initiative xD Based on this post.
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She wasn’t sure how much of a good idea it might be to bring Homelander along, but the powers from above had insisted, and there was only so many strings she could pull before they put her back in her place. It was a miracle already that she had managed to pick her own charity work.
But having Homelander with her? For starters, he loathed charity work. It was a waste of his precious time, devoting attention to causes he did not care for nor did he even bother to look up. He hated the idea of taking care of others, he hated the cameras following, the million questions hurting his senses, and above all, he hated weakness. And wasn’t charity all about weakness? Of helping those not strong enough to make it out on their own?
If that wasn’t enough reason, he was in one of his moods that day. One fo those unstable, volatile, violent moods in which he might even turn around and bite his own leash off just to take it out on those around him, hate them and hurt them so he wouldn’t have to face the consequences of his own emotions. He’d even lashed out at her, not caring in the slightest for the fact that she loved him, forgetting that he loved back. Then again, she had been genetically manipulated so that his powers had no effect on her, just as her own had no effect on him. Not that any of that had ever stopped them from trying in the past.
But the media loved them together, probably because they got to see so little of their relationship. That was another of her personal little triumphs. She’d managed to keep Vought’s media team out of her own relationship after showing them that the public responded better to couples who weren’t flaunting their feelings about every single day. It made them more believable. What little the public got to see of Homelander as a boyfriend humanized him in their eyes (which she knew he hated, and it had taken a whole lot of convincing, fighting and angry sex to finally get it through his thick skull that they had to feed something to the masses). Hence, him coming along to the animal shelter with her, with that cold, shiny fake smile he’d been trained to put on his face like makeup whenever the cameras flashed in their direction.
At least, so far, he looked only irritated, which was a welcome cry far from the usual expression that looked like he was wondering whether if snapping some snotty brat’s arm “by accident” might wriggle him out of the event. Probably because he was not being pestered. She hadn’t chosen an animal shelter charity thinking that he would come along, but because she loved animals. Yet it was turning out to be a smart move. “At least you won’t have anyone asking you for autographs and pictures” she’d pointed out just before coming. She’d received a bad-tempered grunt in response, which was better than some snappy remark.
After the usual tedious talk with the owners of the shelter and the promise of a considerable donation and all those annoying displays that involved actual human contact and during which she was really fearing he might break the glass of water he was holding and throw a tantrum, there came the actual interaction with the actual animals. They were brought to a wide backyard in the center of the kennels, in which they were greeted by a hoard of enthusiastic puppies of all sizes and colors, that demanded pats and kisses and belly rubs. She immediately dropped to her knees and opened her arms wide, letting them jump all over her and whimper and place lots of sloppy, wet kisses on her face. She could almost here Homelander saying “I’m not coming anywhere near you covered in dog slobber”.
She looked around for him and noticed him closer to the kennels, his back leaning against one of the cages and his bad mood strong enough for the puppies to sense it and steer clear away from him, even if the humans did not. Suddenly, his nostrils flared, and he turned around, peering inside the kennel he had been leaning against moments before. She caught sight of a figure lurking on a far corner in the back, it’s beady eyes sad and resentful. She could the white of its teeth as its upper lip curled slightly in a snarl.
“Why is this one locked up?”
Homelander surprised everyone when he spoke up after being unusually quiet during the entire event. One of the caretakers of the shelter stepped forward at a prudent distance and cleared her throat “Oh, that’s one of the newbies, sir. He arrived some time ago, after they found him in a compound that raised puppies to become dog fighters in the pit. He’s been abused pretty roughly for one so young, and he’s very aggressive. We have to keep him locked for the moment, for his own safety and those of the other puppies. Sir”.
“It’s not his fault though, is it?”
“What was that, sir?”
Homelander made a gesture with his hand, brushing off the comment “Nothing”.
She hadn’t missed the whole exchange, but as it seemed he wasn’t going to add anything or elaborate, she returned her attention back to the puppies, smiling and asking questions about them, their stories, their health to the various caretakers, while the cameras buzzed around capturing the best moments of her interaction with them so that later, thousand upon thousands of celebrity sites and talk shows would replay them over and over again, sighing over the shadow heroine who took time off fighting crime to think about the well-being of the innocent creatures nobody else bothered to think about.
She was in the middle of answering a question about the animals she had had back in the farm, when there was a sudden exclamation of alarm from one of the caretakers.
“Sir, please, you can’t open that cage!”
Homelander, without anyone really noticing, had opened the door to the aggressive puppy’s cage, and was kneeling by threshold, looking inside at the snarling animal. She could see his lips moving, all though he was murmuring too softly for anyone else to hear. One of the caretakers stepped forward, and the hero immediately raised a hand in the air to stop her.
“Stay back” he ordered through gritted teeth, his jaw set, a small muscle twitching.
“I told you to stay back”. His voice was hard and authoritarian. And it had that dangerous edge it had been carrying all day. Yet after a moment, his jaw relaxed ever so slightly, and he started murmuring to the dog inside the kennel again.
It was time to intervene.
She rose to her feet and crossed her arms over her chest “Everybody leave us for a moment, please. Take these little fellows too, if you would be so kind”.
For a second, nobody moved. She glared at the owner director of the shelter pointedly, a stare that allowed no argument and that she usually reserved for criminals. It worked, and everyone, including the camera crew, were soon hurrying out, picking up the puppies with them, until the backyard was completely clear, except for her, Homelander, and the puppy inside the kennel. Slowly, she approached them, until she was able to crouch beside him and gently rest a hand on his shoulder.
“John?” she called out now that they were alone.
He didn’t reply, still focused on the dog in front of them. It had stopped snarling, and was now standing a few steps away from them, its belly pressed to the ground as he slowly, warily, crawled towards Homelander’s extended gloved hand. Its black lips twitched from time to time, and its hair was standing on end, but he nonetheless drew closer, until his nose was only a few centimeters away from Homelander’s hand.
“Make way for him” the man whispered, as he too took a step to the side, clearing the doorway for the dog. It hesitated. And then, finally, stepped out onto the grass with unsure footsteps.
For a long moment, the puppy simply stood there, as if it could not quite believe it was outside, free, and nobody was stopping him or forcing him back to his cage. It looked like a mixed breed, something halfway between a Pitbull and a Rottweiler. How stereotypical. It blinked under the sunlight, and then, finally, sat on its hunches first, and then extended out his front legs, and laid down in the sun.
Then Homelander reached out to him. The animal immediately snapped and revealed its fangs once more, growling. Homelander pulled his hands back, an obviously outraged frown on his face. And for a moment, she feared he might cut it in half. But his expression eventually softened. He peeled off his glove, and reached out again, this time ever so slowly, making sure the puppy was catching every one of his movements and not taken by surprise. The puppy didn’t growl but stared at him warningly. Finally, it allowed the superhero to rest his hand on its back and pet him. The hair along his back stopped raising, and suddenly, its eyes weren’t glazed with anger anymore.
She released the breath that until then, she hadn’t realized she had been holding, still not quite sure what it was that she was seeing. He’d actually taken the time to coax the puppy out of its cage, and instead of lashing out when it had rejected his initial approach, changed his strategy to suit the animal’s needs. She had never seen him go to such effort for someone else, not in a long, long time; except perhaps for her.
Slowly, mimicking his actions, she reached out to the puppy, whispering soothing words to it. It allowed her to pet him too, and while Homelander scratched it behind the ears, she ran her hand along its back.
And then, as if the entire situation wasn’t already unexpected enough, the little fellow flopped onto his back and exposed is dark brown belly to them, demanding belly rubs. Belly rubs!
“John” she called at him again “What the hell are you doing exactly?”
“Aggressive my ass” he finally said, his eyes never leaving the puppy as it started to twitch one of its hind legs “He’s just tired of being locked up in a fucking cage, with people ordering him about and calling him out”.
Suddenly, everything made sense. Her eyes opened in realization, and she breathed out softly “Does he sound familiar to you?”
Homelander finally lifted his face to look at her. His blue eyes were soft, showing genuine emotion for the first time that day. It seemed like his anger had finally subdued. In his gaze, she actually saw the implicit apology for his behavior towards her earlier that day. Homelander never apologized, but she knew how to look for that feeling in his eyes. They could be almost naively transparent when he wasn’t thinking.
“Someone should have bothered to ask him what he wanted. Maybe if they stopped treating him like a potential killing machine, he wouldn’t be all growls and snaps” he shrugged.
The puppy emitted a playful yelp. It sat back up, and stepped closer to Homelander, until it rested its snout on top of his knees and looked up to him. Grateful. Trusting. Every so slightly, its short tail wiggled.
And then, without any explanation, Homelander scooped him up and rose to his feet. She rose with him, still not quite believing her eyes. “I know that look. What exactly are you planning?” she knew that determined set on his jaw when he set his mind on something.
“I think he’s seen enough of kennels to last a lifetime. I’m taking him with us. If these people won’t bother to actually treat him according to his needs, then…” suddenly he stopped, as if he had just realized what he had been about to say. His expression was almost comical as he cleared his throat “Well…he shouldn’t be here anyways”.
She cracked a grin, and took a step closed to rub the puppy’s head. It had started to doze off in Homelander’s arms. The hero, after a moment, reached out and wrapped his free arm around her waist.
“You do realize they’re going to lose their shit back at the tower with a dog running about, right?”
Homelander looked at her, his face serious. He didn’t care. He’d do as he damn well pleased. She knew that look. It said mine. Suddenly, he grinned at her, before looking down at the dozing pup in his arms. “I’d be disappointed if they didn’t. How about you, buddy?”
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I saw in your tags that there’s some old destiel fic you like on ffn. Do you have any recs ? :)
omg I haven’t been on there in years! like last time I read anything on there was like in 2014 lmao xD
32 fics total - I just checked and all of them are still up...there’s like 30+ more that I bookmarked that isn’t on the list cuz I’m not sure if they’re destiel fics or not so I gotta re-read them
all the ones below are fics that I’ve recced before in the past
1. All Angels Need Their Wings - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,784 (2012)
Dean never thought that Castiel would ever return. And when he did, he came in a very unexpected way, a very horrifying way. SLASH Castiel/Dean. Wing-Kink. Takes place in season 7. AU.
2. Heart Trouble - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 74,320 (2011)
Dean's having a harder and harder time of denying what he feels for a certain blue-eyed friend of his. And it's making him a little ornery, and a lot confused.
3. It Hurts - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,963 (2013)
Inspired by the S9 Trailer Cas had watched the angels fall and with them, his self worth. Now human facing the challenges of navigating mortality he also tries to find a place for himself in this new world. It is a hope he has to find without the Winchesters, without Dean. So now he runs, from both Heaven, Hell and from Dean. 
4. Small Problem - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 13,310 (2011)
A cursed artifact has made Castiel miniature, it's amusing for the Winchesters at first until they realize he might stay that way forever. Slash Dean/Castiel Please R&R
5 My Broken Angel - RATING: M | LENGTH: 24,999 (2010)
When Castiel disappears from his vessel, Dean is concerned. But when Castiel reappears and seems to avoid him, Dean is heartbroken. Set mid-season 5. 
6. A Hand - RATING: M | LENGTH: 23,474 (2010)
Dean/Cas, multichapter, slight AU. Dean's busy trying to re-soulify his brother, but Cas needs help. Maybe it's time Dean gave it to him. Ch. 15: Dean glared indignantly. "I find the term 'lovebirds' to be offensive. We prefer to be called 'sex-falcons.'" 
7. Saving Grace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 38,602 (2010)
With everything that was going wrong in Dean's life, it took him a while to realize that the person close to him that really needed the most help was Castiel. 
8. Candy - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 98,068 (2013)
The Fall from Heaven changed everything. The supernatural no longer hidden. Angels roaming the planet. Sam and Dean's immediate concerns were on a smaller scale. What do you do with the former King of Hell? Where is Castiel?... Destiel/Mute!Human!Cas/Angst!Dean
9. Dude, Dean Looks Like a Lady - RATING: M | LENGTH: 20,774 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
Sam's good, Cas has been found, and demons everywhere seem to be on hiatus. Seems like things are looking up for Team Free Will that is until Dean wakes up with his very own vagina anyway. Warnings: Fem!Dean, Destiel, female masturbation and S8 spoilers.
10. Evil Intent, Trials of Love, & Finding My Angel - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 36,729, 70,453, & 59,941 *rape, graphic torture, violence* (2009)
Anna rapes Castiel and uses a method that torments him more than anything imaginable. WARNING: Rape and Castiel/Dean makes sense when you read it . If you don't like then don't read!
11. Cascade - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 (2013)
"And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames!" An 8x23 coda. 
12. Count The Cracks, Hear The Shatters, Feel The Insanities - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
They've walked miles on gravel roads that led to hell and back but the journey never quite ends. This is the story of Castiel and the Winchesters after the angels fell from heaven. Post Season 8. 
13. Damn Straight & Wait Wait Wait - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: about 21,000 (2010)
Humorous Cas/Dean, with multiple POVs. Slight AU. Fluffy. Ch. 5: Sam sat in the Impala in the motel parking lot, praying that three and a half hours at the library had been long enough.
14. Entertaining Angels - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 43,659 *gen/pre-slash* (2008)
A strange boy shows up at Dean and Sam’s motel room. Maybe he needs help, or maybe he’s there to help them—they can’t quite tell. Spoilers through 4.10. Not an OC. 
15. Happy Friggin’ Valentine’s Day - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 22,771 (2010)
SLASH. It all started with Dean's perfectly healthy hatred of frivilous holidays and a much-coveted sack of dust. Poor Castiel doesn't fully understand 'romance' to begin with, and this crash course is most unwelcome. 
16. I’m Just a Love Machine - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 29,200 (2011)
The Impala finally gets the chance to love Dean back. The problem is, Castiel seems to be in its way. 
17. It’s The Great Destiel Shipper, Sam Winchester - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 49,641 (2012)
What's Sam really doing all that time on the computer? Fangirling. Over Chuck's Supernatural books. Now Wincest might be a bit too much to deal with, but Destiel he might be able to get on board with... Especially after being around the two people involved for three days straight. 
18. Pain in the Head - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 78,771 *character death* (2011)
It started out slow. "Since when do angels have headaches?" "Since they become human." Established Dean/Cas. Sort of AU. PG-13. Complete. 
19. Sleep in Heavenly Peace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 45,517 *christmas fic* (2013)
Dean wants to have a nice, peaceful Christmas for once, but it seems like the universe won't let him. Dean/Castiel. Post-8.08 (Hunteri Heroici) AU. First in "Holidays With the Winchesters are Always Fun." 
20. The Shattered One - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 94,021 *grace mpreg* (2012)
When it struck Castiel, it dropped him out of the sky. He set down the first place he could find. He stood in a field in Switzerland, swaying on his feet and staring down at his body, dazed by what it had just done.
21. This Cupid Isn’t Stupid - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 41,572 (2012)
Dean receives a shock when he wakes up to discover Castiel has returned. Why is the angel suddenly back? Why have his powers dimmed? And.. Why are he and Dean joined together by an invisible rope!
22. Wild Horses, Cas - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 23,505 (2013)
(S8 Spoilers (story is set in S9), Sickfic! Destiel, Minor Sabriel). When Cas comes down with a bad case of Pneumonia it leaves Dean feeling more protective over his friend than ever, but will it also lead to Dean's admittance of his feelings towards his friend? 
23. Wrong - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 51,384 (2010)
Angels are not supposed to drop out of the sky into motel rooms, broken and beaten. They're not supposed to bleed like that. It was all wrong. 
24. The Reluctant Contestant - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 50,502 (2012)
AU When Gabriel is hired as a new host for a dating show, Cas has no choice but to follow his brother along as part of the camera crew. Forced at the last minute to be a contestant, he is shocked when Dean Winchester continually refuses to eliminate him. 
25. The Ugly Duckling - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 81,676 (2012)
Castiel: a nerdy, skinny thing with a crush on the the most popular guy in class. Being unpopular isn't easy and it's worse when the homophobic school figures him out. A small struggle to be noticed by his crush is turned into a huge struggle for himself and his dignity. But bullying can get the better of anyone. Slash. Destiel rated M for later chapters. 
26. Nameless - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 77,882 (2013)
AU. Everyone has the name of their soulmate written on their wrist at birth. Well, everyone except Dean Winchester. Complete. 
27. Cufflinks - RATING: M | LENGTH: 61,845 (2012)
The world is full of creatures that prey on humans. It is up to 'Hunters' to fight against the dark. Lucky Hunters rely on the help of angels they have bound to their service. Sam and Dean may be good Hunters, but they have yet to capture an angel. One day, Sam finds an angel and seizes the opportunity to bind the angel to himself. Little did they know what they were getting into. 
28. Angel Training - RATING: M | LENGTH: 95,700, Angel Training 2: Save Us - RATING: M | LENGTH: 76,888, & Angel Training 3: Uprising - RATING: M | LENGTH: 89,512 (2011)
In a world where angels are common and the most privileged or skilled people are able to own one; the world's angelic hierarchy is about to change when Dean Winchester receives a wild and recently caught angel.
29. Chasing Your Shadow - RATING: M | LENGTH: 92,077 (2012)
The prophecy says that when Castiel turns twenty-three winters old, a stranger will come into his life and bring a lot of suffering. But do prophecies always come true? Demon Dean/human Castiel AU 
30. The Holiday - RATING: M | LENGTH: 32,088 (2011)
Castiel and Sam are unlucky in both life and love, so they swap houses for the holidays. Both find the experience highly...interesting. Dean/Castiel Sam/Gabriel
31. And In Your Arms I Shall Find Shelter- RATING: M | LENGTH: 33,824 (2012)
Dean Winchester is a long forgotten painter who suddenly receives an order for a painting from a rich man - Crowley. He is about to start painting when Castiel - his personal reaper visits him. The main question is: Will Castiel give Dean enough time to finish the painting? 
32. Jar of Hearts - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 127,192 (2013)
February being the supposed 'month of love' people seem to forget that it's also one of the coldest times of the year. Valentine's Day themed events in a cafe turned bar is how Dean managed the courage to speak to the locally famous singer and somehow score a date, a relationship, and a man he didn't deserve out of the deal. Destiel college/uniAU some Sabriel 
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wolfs-hunt1 · 4 years
Wolf Kisses 2
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Pairing: Stucky x Shapeshifter reader
Summary: Steve and Bucky find out the truth and end up trying to help (I can’t do summaries, I still have no idea what to write here)
Word count: 2048
Warnings: angsty,  sorry for any typo
A/N: Still not sure where I want to take this XD, but I’m enjoying writing this fic a lot, so until I feel like it isn’t over I’ll keep making some more chapters. Can’t guarantee another one for next monday, because university is about to start, but I’ll try not to take too long.
THANK YOU ALL so much for the suport you have giving this story! I love you all!!!
Tag list is OPEN
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Part 1
Bucky buries his head further into a warm neck, inhaling deeply the foreign scent. Bucky doesn’t remember Steve ever having a mild fruity scent on him. He holds the body closer, long locks of hair getting tangled on his fingers. Ok now his sleep heavy mind knows something is wrong, Steve’s hair was short. His mind starts to wake up more, body stirring slowly until he can stand to open his eyes is the barely-there sunlight.
The sight before him made him real back a bit, hand reaching for the knife he kept hidden under his pillow. A woman was nestled in their bed, previously curling herself around bucky’s body, but once he got away, she curled into Steve’s seeking the warmth they radiated.
“Hey…” he whispers, shaking her shoulder for a few seconds. No answer at all. so he tried again, this time a bit louder “Hey, you…” this actually makes Steve stir in his sleep, arms tightening around the girl’s middle and pulling her head into the crock of his neck.
“What Buck…” he grumbles still asleep.
“Steve wake up.” Bucky sais now more forcefully making Steve open his eyes and look at the girl in his arms, alarmed when he doesn’t recognize her. With all the commotion the girl also wakes up, stretching a bit and looking blearily up at the two towering super-soldiers surrounding her. Then her eyes trail to the knife Bucky’s pointing at her and she scrambles out of the best so fast she gets her legs tangled in the sheets and falls, crawling the rest of the way until her back is flush to the window.
She’s breathing hard, hands raised in defense. She looks so tiny tucked in a ball in the corner of their room. Steve looks at the girl and then the knife and puts a hand softly on Bucky’s arm, silently telling him to put it away.
Bucky looks at her, taking in her appearance, and suddenly stops. Her leg was wrapped in bandages, the same leg the wolf had had her bandages. He looks at her eyes, questions zooming past in his head. ‘what did this mean? who is she? where is the wolf?’
“Ok, let’s calm down.” Steve tried to dissipate the electrically charged room, slowly climbing out of the bed and reaching for some sweatpants to put on. Bucky didn’t move from the spot, gaze locked on her, and making her shrink more into herself. From where he stood it looked like she was trying to melt into the glass. He could see Steve approached her softly, like one would a sacred animal, a shirt in his extended hand for her to take. She pulled the shirt down her head and hips, making sure all her body was covered in the oversized fabric. “What’s your name?” Steve tried to keep his voice soft, but even he was confused with what was happening.
“Y/N.” her voice was gruff and small like she hadn’t used it for months, and she had to clear her throat to make herself heard.
“How did you got here?” Steve asks, sitting in the corner of the bed to seem less intimidating to the poor girl.
“You… you brought me here.” her eyes are cast downwards, but she can still see Bucky’s scowl appear on his face. “I’m sorry….” she whispers.
“What do you mean we brought you here?”
“I'm… I’m a shapeshifter.” once neither of them said anything she continued, “I can turn into a wolf. ”
“Oh… you didn’t have to hide you know?” Steve said.
“Being hurt prevented me from shifting back, so I’ve been a wolf for this past week. I must have shifted back during the night…”
“So you’ve lied to us…” Bucky shoots, making you look up at him startled.
“I didn’t lie, I couldn’t even speak! I was being hunted, I ran for shelter. I didn’t ask for you guys to help me, I appreciate it though, but you can’t accuse me of lying.”
“Buck, calm down, let’s all try and get everything straightened up, without accusing anyone.” Bucky glared at him for a full minute before relenting and getting up from the bed, moving to the bathroom to get dressed.“Why don’t you join us downstairs for breakfast? We can talk better after a cup of coffee.” he offered you a kind simile with those words, and after considering it for a moment you relented and got up, leg still a bit sore.
Steve gave you some gym shorts for you to wear, despite having to tie the laces a bit better so they wouldn’t fall, and Bucky came out of the bathroom, fully clothed and a glare directed at you making you look at anywhere but him.
The kitchen was awfully silent, the only sounds were of the coffee pot dripping, and of the pancakes, Steve was flipping at the stove. You were awkwardly sitting at the stool behind the island counter, Bucky in front of you not saying a word, but you could see the war waging through his eyes.
The atmosphere was suffocating, and making your skin crawl with anxiety. “Look…” you started, “I know I should have said anything sooner, I’m sorry. But the fewer people that know my secret the safer I am.”
“What did you mean you were being hunted?” those are the first words Bucky has uttered in what seems like forever, and so you look at him to give him all of your attention, less he goes back to silently throw daggers at you.
“I… I haven’t seen my family in years. We were a small community of shapeshifters, just living our lives without hurting anyone until they came. Hydra. They burnt our houses to the ground. Killed anyone that tried to protect themselves and captured the rest.” your voice is cracking and so you take a deep breath to ground yourself before you continue. “I managed to run away, and I’ve been running ever since. I’ve been using that cabin whenever I need to recover from any wounds, I had no idea you were going to be there. I… I have been spotted a couple of weeks ago by a poacher. He saw me while I was out hunting, and he started to lay down traps to get me. A giant wolf’s pelt must be worth a lot.”
Steve had plated the pancakes and had put a plate in front of you while you were talking. When you finished and looked at them, he smiled and nodded his head to the place of food in front of you, encouraging you to eat something. You say a small thanks and take small bites from the buttery pancake.
“How did you managed to get stuck on a trap?” Bucky is silently taking in your words.
“After weeks of avoiding him and his traps he started to get more violent. He would hide loaded guns ready to fire with tripwires, he would burry the traps under the snow, he even tried to starve me by scaring away any prey I tried to hunt. In the end, it was the exhaustion of not having sleep in days and my hunger that made me lose focus, I stepped on a trap and panicked, I managed to break the chain and get away from there.
I reached the house to take shelter, honestly, I don’t know what I would do without you guys… I wouldn’t be able to turn back, so I would have just bled to death probably.”
“Hydra killed your family?” his voice is laced with anger and you can see the vein on his jaw thick, his metal fist is closed so tightly that if it were flesh the nails would have pierced the skin.
“They captured most of them. They wanted to use us for their own gains. Once our alpha refused to let them use us, they came back with guns and took them by force. They killed him right in front of me… They killed my father because he refused to stop protecting his pack.” you could feel the tears in your eyes spilling down your cheeks, shaky sobs being swallowed down so you wouldn’t be rendered to a blubbering mess in front of the two guys.
They let her stay up in their apartment, away from Tony and the experiments he had wanted to do to her wolf self. Bucky keeps his distance, he had felt like she had betrayed him, by hiding who she was, but at the same time, he understood why. She was on the run from hydra, for what she knew they could have tracked her to the cabin and took her.
They weren’t so surprised with what she was, Inhumans had been on shields radar for a long time, so having an entire population be able to turn into wolfs wasn’t such a big deal. The fact that hydra had hunted them and captured them, now that was alarming. Bucky had been silently devising an attack plan to try and find where they had been taken to after they were captured to go with a team to recover them. He knew what suffering at the hands of hydra felt like, and he didn’t want them to have to experience more of that if he could avoid it.
Steve had been talking to her all day, asking questions about her life on the run, and her wolf form, and the fact that she’s been living away neer that cabin for weeks now, with the only human contact she’s had, had been the poacher trying to kill her.
He’s startled from his thinking when he feels her hand on his shoulder, silently questioning if she could sit with him on the small sofa. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to keep apologizing.”
“No, no I do need. You two helped me without thinking twice, and I just used you both to keep me safe from the poacher. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I was scared he would just have followed me and would kill me during the night. So I went to try and sleep on the floor of the cabin’s bedroom.”
“Really? I distinctly remember you hopping on the bed and trying to steal the blankets.” he jokes prompting her to shove him lightly with her shoulder.
“It was freezing in there, and you two are human heaters. So yeah, I also took advantage of that. Besides I didn’t hear you complaining, if anything I was almost going to die if you squeezed me any tighter while you were asleep, I might be fluffy, but I’m not a teddy bear you know?” this makes Steve laugh loudly, holding his shaking sides to try and not fall from his perch on the barstool.
“He doesn’t want to admit it, but he really likes to cuddle while asleep!” he wheezes out between fleeting breaths. You look at Bucky in time to see his red cheeks before he turns his face away from the two of you, grumbling something under his breath.
“Well guys, it’s getting late, I’ll take the couch, and then tomorrow you can let Tony know that his test subject has run away, and then I can just sneak out of the tower and I won’t bother you ever again.
“NO!” Bucky says a bit to fast startling both you and Steve. “I mean, you don’t need to leave. If you stay we can help you find your family.”
“Buck’s right. We’ve been hunting down Hydra bases for a while now, and if we do find where your family has been taken we can save them.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope with something you don’t know you can do. We don’t know if they can be save let alone if they are even still alive.”
“Hey…” Steve sais, getting up from the stool and coming to where you had stood up and started pacing, running his hand in your back comfortingly. “Yes, we don’t know that. But if there’s the smallest chance that we can find them, I think we should take it.” his baby blue eyes held a strength you had long thought lost, but they were enough to ground you and give you some hope.
Part 3
Tags:  @hidden-treasures21 @jelly-fishy-babie @thedarkplume @fallenoutofrose @animegirlgeeky @salveangeli @lokilokilokilokilokiloki
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lidoshka · 3 years
I follow you on Deviant Art and I discovered my favorite Voltron fanfictions thanks to your fanarts. How did you find them? I loved, among the others, "Where the light doesn’t reach", "Eternal Night", Discordiansamba's ones and "Desideratum": do you have more suggestions? We could do an exchange of fanfiction reviews if you want. I like long, well-written stories with Keith as a main character, space worldbuilding and deep emotions. With the Galra Keith trope also.
 You started reading Voltron fics because of me? Really?! That’s really cool!
Ahh! Yeah, I totally agree, we need more fanfic recs… in the last few months I’ve been doing art for other fandoms, so I haven’t checked new fics, but I do have some I like here so I’ll start!
Now, I don’t think any of these fics is longer than Eternal Night, but they are still cool, I also added some info of what I remember from each fic:
cobbled glass by ShirosRedKnight (SweetFanfics) One of the first things Keith learns about himself is that he is different. AU where Keith was always part of the Blades of Marmora and the Paladin's of Voltron come looking for the Red Paladin.
[Keith is galra but looks human] [can’t remember any pairing]
It's A New Start Series by Darkscales In which Keith, raised Galra and forcibly drafted into Zarkon's army, escapes from the Empire and proceeds to steal (then subsequently become adopted by) the Red Lion.
[Keith is very galra] [can’t remember any pairing]
 your sharp and glorious thorn by arahir
To end the war they inherited, Keith marries the King he lead an army against
[Sheith] [mostly Keith POV] [Keith being galra but still human-looking]
 Collision Course by winterysomnium Keith gets adopted by the Galra empire rebellion, basically.
[Keith being galra but still human-looking]
 Secret of the Blood by exclamation AU version of season 2. When Keith and Shiro were thrown from the wormhole, they crashed by the Blade of Marmora headquarters and were captured. When the Blade reveal the secret of Keith's heritage, Keith must decide if he can trust these people... and if he can trust himself.
[Keith angst] [can’t remember any pairing] [Keith is galra but looks human]
 The Blade of Memory by exclamation (ß same author as previous one!) Kan has no memory of his life before he was found injured and adrift by the Blade of Marmora. When he comes across a slave that seems to be the same species as him, he decides to rescue him. But saving Matt broke a number of the Blade's rules and helping Matt further would mean going against Kolivan's orders.
[Keith angst…ish] [can’t remember any pairing] [Keith is galra but looks human]
 hound by story_monger (is there any rec list that doesn’t include this one?? XD) Keith has a lot of practice being alone; you might almost say he's good at it. When he finds himself seriously injured and stranded on an unknown planet, he knows he's not alone there
[Keith angst] [can’t remember any pairing] [Keith POV] [beign galra is not part of plot]
 baby, you're a dark star by Thesis When the Lions are separated from the castle, hurled out of the wormhole into distant corners of space, Pidge still finds Allura within an hour. Then Shiro, alone, injured, delirious, asking if they've found Keith yet. They force him into the healing pods and get back to searching. They find Lance, they find Hunk. But they don't find Keith for sixteen months. And now that they have, Shiro is starting to think - maybe he didn't want to be found.
[Sheith] [Keith is galra but looks human]
 Insomnia by GriffinRose They reunite after the Wormhole Incident all in one piece. Mostly. But some scars can't be seen. Keith can't sleep, no matter how hard he tries.
[mostly Keith POV] [being galra is not part of plot…or was it?]
 nothing can breathe in space by idrilka The truth is: what Keith wants or doesn’t want won’t bring Shiro back. The truth is: nothing can breathe in space. (Or: the story of how Keith and Shiro come together, come apart, and come together again.)
[Sheith] [Keith angst] [being galra is not part of plot…or was it?]
 The Heat Was Hot and the Ground Was Dry by justheretobreakthings A glimpse into Keith's year living in a shack in the desert.
[Keith POV] [Keith angst…ish] [has a Spotify list on the last chapter] [can’t remember any pairing]
 Small Heart, Made of Steel by inkfishie The fight with Zarkon, the battle with the Galra fleet, the crash; It came back in small measures. Keith finds himself stranded and alone.
[mostly Keith POV] [Keith angst] [survival stuff] [being galra is not part of plot]
 For Everything a Reason by flyingisland
In Keith's life, the only true absolute was that everyone would always leave in the end.
[Sheith] [very Keith angst] [Keith POV]
 these old bones by achievingelysium
He’s always been fascinated with dinosaurs. Keith isn’t entirely sure why—maybe it’s because their footprints are still here, even after so long. Maybe he’s hearing the echoes of history calling for him. Maybe, just maybe, it’s because he sees himself in those old bones. A Keith character study told in three parts.
[Keith angst…ish] [can’t remember any pairing] [being galra is not part of plot..or was it???]
 The Long Way Back by fio As a gladiator, and now Champion, Shiro has given up hope of ever returning to Earth. But when his captors deliver his 'prize'—an omega, a descendant of both Galran and Altean blood used by the Galra to breed with the strongest aliens they capture—he's offered a chance to escape. There's just one catch: Shiro has to get him pregnant to do it. [Sheith] [it’s 40k words] [smut but I can’t remember in which chapter] [Keith is very galra]
 The Faeries' Midwife by zjofierose the line between dream and nightmare, between asleep and awake, has always been a hazy one for Keith. Voltron makes it all that much worse.
[short] [Keith angst] [can’t remember any pairing]
 Sands and Stars by Neyasochi Keith’s no stranger to shit going sideways, but mistakenly assaulting and robbing a crown prince is definitely the peak misfortune of his considerable criminal career. Suddenly in the custody of the royal guard and slated for a swift and unceremonious execution, he figures his short life is over. Imminently. But then Prince Takashi offers him an alternative.
Part 1 of the Bond and Blade Series
[Sheith] [slow, slow burn] [mostly Keith POV] [Keith is galra but looks human] [It’s medieval!au-ish babe!]
 familiar voices and careful hands by bobtheacorn Keith hesitates, then lifts a hand to pat Hunk's arm. It's awkward returning the comforting gesture, but it seems to help Hunk calm down so Keith is glad that he does it. He keeps reaping the rewards of reaching out to the people he cares about, even if small things are the only ones he can manage right now, and he can't help feeling grateful.
[can’t remember any pairing] [team bonding] [keith angst…ish]
 i never meant (i only wanted) by ADyingFlower It's a lot farther to Arizona from Washington D.C. than he thought it would be. The sun beats down on his scalp and dark clothes as he travels the roads of national highways, occasionally trying to hitchhike when he could. Not often, though. His soles burn into his feet, but he doesn’t dare stop.
[Keith POV] [Keith angst] [being galra is not part of plot…or was it???]
Well, that’s my fav ones about Keith... I didn’t add any WIPS nor any of Discordiansambas’ cause you know those ones already, but just like you I also like long stories with lots of worldbuilding, angsty stories... I love stories where they explore what being a galra hybrid means to Keith!
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