#Solar Rooftop Calculator
its-mysun · 1 year
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Solar Panel Calculator
Calculate your electricity bills with MYSUN solar calculator, solar rooftop calculator and install the solar panels based on the solar power potential. The MYSUN Solar Calculator is an online advanced tool developed by the solar experts at MYSUN to help you quickly determine the potential savings that you can make when you go solar.
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photoelectricseo · 2 years
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Photoelectric-the use of solar energy has not been opened up because the oil industry does not own the sun.
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sunnovation4567677 · 2 years
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
SO-LAR-FUCKING-POWER. Or, as the appearance-obsessed image consultants want us to refer to it now, "photovoltaic energy." Yeah, okay, nerds. A lot of people have been shit-talking solar in the press, because they're afraid that individuals will set up their own power generation facilities in their backyards, roofs, sheds, community centres, what have you, and start pumping out electricity. That will make the big electricity corporations sad, so they've paid all these handsome people to come on the news and yell about it.
Let me put it this way: if there were a magic machine in the sky that shot out a bunch of candy bars every day, like an absolute shitload of Milky Ways, and you were hungry, would you run out into the backyard with a bucket? Or would you feel bad about it because Bob Milky Way, up there in his hateful Cadbury tower, is no longer able to perpetuate his existing business model?
Personally, I've gone big-league on solar, mostly because the utility company disconnected my house after decades of non-payment. Now, I can't afford the new stuff: even the cheap panels that the proud people of China throw onto AliExpress are too costly for my budget. What I've done instead is dig through the landfill (after hours, of course) for several hundred solar desk calculators.
These calculators are electronic devices that we used to use before smartphones in order to compute numbers. And they ran on the sun, because replacing batteries is annoying. After breaking open the calculators, I looped their solar cells together in series, and eventually built a big enough panel to cover my entire roof.
When I say it like that, it sounds easy, and this is the myth of engineering progress: it was actually a lot of stop-and-go stuff, bumps in the road. Rooftop fires. Wiring fires. I fell off the roof a few times. The cops came by at one point and were idling in front of my house, waiting to see if I'd come outside so they could bust me for stealing all those calculators from the dump. In the end, though, I am now able to charge my phone for free, and even run my coffee maker if it's a particularly sunny day. That coffee is the best-tasting coffee I've ever had, because it tastes like billionaire tears.
And I won't stop there, either. Things are going to improve dramatically at the old Switch Family Solar Array as my bougie neighbours throw out their old panels in order to upgrade to the latest and greatest. Pretty soon they'll be paying me to take them – I have it on good authority that the dump charges you like minimum $20 this weekend. If you flip to the last page in my investor deck, you'll notice that I have projected to be able to run my refrigerator by 2025. You better get in on this shit, or we'll bury you with the coal.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Excerpt from this story from Grist:
California’s utilities regulator adopted new rules for community solar projects on Friday, despite warnings from clean energy advocates that the move will actually undercut efforts to expand solar power options for low-income customers.
The state’s biggest utility companies advocated for the new rules.
Community solar projects are generally small-scale, local solar arrays that can serve renters and homeowners who can’t afford to install their own rooftop solar panels. They are one part of the state’s overall strategy to eventually run the power grid entirely by renewable energy.
The California Public Utilities Commission’s 3-1 ruling preserves and expands programs that will allow any ratepayer to subscribe to a pool of projects and receive a 20 percent rate reduction, said Commission President Alice Reynolds. But it also reduces future compensation for solar providers and residents.
The commission calculates the benefits derived from distributed, small-scale solar power projects, which provide a “service” by sending clean energy to the power grid and reducing transmission costs by serving nearby communities. Solar developers are compensated for the value of the benefit their project provides.
The formula adopted this week essentially reduces the value of distributed small-scale renewable energy in the future, providing less of an incentive for new community solar projects to be built.
In the near term, the subsidies and incentives that help promote community solar installation will remain in place, paid for by a recent $250 million grant California received under the federal Solar For All program.
One of the concerns for solar advocates is what happens after that pot of funding runs out and the financial incentive to develop solar evaporates.
“The foundations of a sustainable program should not be built on one-time money,” said Derek Chernow, Western Regional Director for the Coalition for Community Solar Access.
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beautiful-songbird · 22 days
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1 - Floating Stars [Rapunzel]
← Prologue | Chapter 2 →
Pairing: Rapunzel x Eugene
Word Count: 0.8k
Summary: What if Tangled had been a fantasy book instead? (basically my spin on Tangled)
The stars were a curious thing, Rapunzel had always thought.  Little dots that littered the night sky in such a way that formed patterns and shapes.  It fascinated her.  She’d lay on the roof every night and stare at the sky, and each night, the stars shifted a bit.  She’d begun to draw them in her journal each night, and she noted when the stars were back in their original place again.
The moon seemed to have its own cycle.  While the stars seemed to take an eternity to return, the moon would shine in the sky again every twenty-nine days, and it moved through the sky at a speed the stars did not.
There was one night every star cycle when the biggest and brightest stars appeared, and those were her favorite nights.  These stars almost seemed to float towards the sky, and she wondered how these stars could move so quickly.  The normal stars didn’t move with any kind of speed.  In fact, she couldn’t even see them move.  These stars did move, though, and then they were gone not too long after.
She drew these stars in her journal as well, and she dreamed about them when they were not there.  They called to her in a way the other stars could not seem to, and she yearned to touch them.  They seemed more tangible than the other stars, like if she could get high enough, she could touch one.  Her tower did not seem high enough in those moments, even though there were times that she looked off the edge and wondered how long it would take her to reach the ground if she jumped off.
On the nights that the stars did not appear, either because of the clouds or the rain, Rapunzel sat in her room and painted the walls.  The sky repeated itself on the walls, where her favorite constellations shone.  There were not many stars that made shapes, but there were a few she had come to recognize.  There were stars that joined to make a ladle, and there was another that vaguely resembled the dogs in the picture book her mother had read to her as a child.
In her journals, she began to see a pattern.  The stars would re-align roughly every three hundred and sixty-five days.  The moon’s cycle did not match this, and it irked her.  The moon would complete roughly twelve and a half cycles in that time, and so the moon did not look the same from the end of one star cycle to the next.
Rapunzel began to count the days based on the appearance of the brightest stars in the sky.  As they appeared once every star cycle, and the number of days between each event matched her calculation of the star cycle, she started her year on that day and counted to three hundred and sixty-five.  It matched but for every fourth year, when it would be three hundred and sixty-six days.
From these calculations, she constructed her own version of the solar calendar, and she wrote the days on her wall in an order that made sense to her, in rows of twenty-nine to match the moon cycle.  The moon cycle did not follow these dates from full moon to full moon, but she felt it appropriate to fix the calendar so, with seventeen extra days at the end of the year and eighteen extra days every fourth year.
By the time she was twenty-two, she was confident in her calendar, and on the first day of each calendar year, she lay on her rooftop expectantly, waiting for the brightest stars to appear.  They always appeared right after the sun set fully, and they were gone within the hour.
Rapunzel was careful to keep these things secret from her mother.  Her mother detested the outside world, and she spoke of it as though it had caused her great despair in her life.  Rapunzel had once asked how many star cycles her mother had lived, and the woman had given her such a look that she knew never to mention the star cycles again.  Her mother did not seem inclined to stop her from tracking the stars, but she hid the calendar anyway, writing it on the wall beneath her bed, where she was sure her mother would never look.
The older she grew, the more the outside world intrigued her.  Though her mother spoke scathingly of it, she heard the birds sing and watched the trees grow, and she thought perhaps her mother exaggerated a bit.  Still, she did not dare leave the tower.  She could only dream of what the outside world looked like, and she could only dream of touching the stars.
Series M.list
A/N: *ahem* yep definitely meant to post this today and not two days ago yep
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future installments!
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tipsypixel-sims · 1 year
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The next big thing Finley wanted to tackle was Pinaccle Peaks' power supply. And she knew just the Sim who could help her!
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"Sure I know how to build a wind turbine! I'm gonna run some calculations to determine how many we're gonna need. You're also gonna have to build an electrical substation. With material costs only... yes... around 20.000§ should do..." - Fergus was already drawing the blueprints in his mind.
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Together with their aspiring city planner the three of them startet the planning-process.
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Caleb: "Are you sure three turbines will produce enough energy for all of the residents?"
Fergus: "Of course. It was me who did the math, Caleb. I'm sure."
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Fergus: "When choosing the building grounds it's important that it's somewhere we can easily add more wind turbines as our population grows. I'm sure next year we're gonna need chaging stations for electrical cars as well, I'm currently working on a prototype."
Finley: "Mhm, sure... Wait! Where are you working on this prototype? Are you paying attention to fire-protection measures?!"
Okay, next project: firesafe researchfacilities.
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Finley: "I appreciate your help Fergus, but do you really think a space suit is necessary to build the wind turbines?"
Fergus: "Not really, but I thought I might as well ask!"
Finley: "Okay, well It's a No then."
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With fall coming to an end so did the construction of the windfarm and electrical substation. The town funds were pretty much depleted, but everybody was happy to finally have more electricity than what their rooftop solar and photovoltaic cells were producing.
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leviathangourmet · 1 year
New Yorkers looking to escape the winter chill by driving to Daytona Beach, Florida, would use about 40 gallons of gasoline to traverse the 1,000 miles in a Chevrolet Impala.
Switch that gas guzzler out for an electron-eating EV and the equation changes. A Tesla Model S traveling the same distance would need power generated by about 2,500 cubic feet of natural gas, 286 pounds of coal or 33 minutes of blades spinning on a giant offshore wind turbine to make the same journey.
Gas Guzzlers to Electron Eaters
Electric vehicles have a wide range of fuel mileage options
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As electric vehicles slowly become a bigger part of the global automobile fleet, questions about mileage and fuel efficiency are going to become more apposite. While there are multiple variables that can affect electric vehicle energy consumption, a Bloomberg NEF analysis illustrated some ballpark estimates to give drivers a better picture of what’s happening underneath the hood.
Taking that same 1,000-mile road trip in an electric vehicle that needs 33 kilowatt-hours of energy to travel 100 miles, like a Tesla Model S, would require about 286 pounds (130 kilograms) of coal to be burned at the local power plant. Modern coal plants only convert about 35 percent of the fuel’s energy into electricity, and about 10 percent of that electricity could be lost as it travels along power lines.
Even with all those losses, the electric vehicle road trip is still better for the climate than driving a gasoline-powered car. Burning that much coal would release about 310 kilograms of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, compared with 350 kilograms by the 40 gallons of gasoline. Even though coal tends to emit more pollutants than oil for the amount of energy it generates, the efficiency of the electric vehicle, which recharges its battery with every brake, more than makes up the difference.
Natural Gas
A natural gas power plant producing the same amount of electricity would need to burn about 2,500 cubic feet of the fuel, enough to fill a small apartment in Hong Kong or a master bedroom in Dallas. Gas plants are more efficient than coal, typically converting about half the fuel’s energy into electricity. It’s also much cleaner, emitting just 170 kilograms of carbon dioxide for the 1,000-mile journey.
When it comes to charging electric vehicles with solar power, size matters. A typical 10-kilowatt rooftop array would need about seven days to create enough electricity for a 1,000-mile journey, as clouds and darkness mean it only operates at about 20 percent of its capacity on an average day.
Scale up to a photovoltaic power station, though, and it would take a matter of minutes, not days. At a modest-sized solar field like the 25-megawatt DeSoto Next Generation Solar Center in Florida, the average daily output would produce enough electricity for a 1,000-mile drive in less than four minutes.
Wind is a similar story, with different sizes of turbines producing different amounts of electricity. Take the Vestas V90-2.0 MW, an 80-meter tall behemoth that can be found swirling on the plains of West Texas, among other locations. Just one of these turbines, and wind farms are usually planted with dozens of them, produces enough electricity in a day to power a 1,000-mile trip every 33 minutes.
Calculating carbon emissions from wind and solar is a bit trickier. Neither emit any carbon dioxide in the course of producing electricity on a daily basis. But unless they’re paired with adequate energy storage -- and most existing renewable generation isn’t -- carbon-emitting generation has to make up for them whenever the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing.
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sunleadblogs · 3 days
How to Get the Best Energy Quote for Your Home | Save on Costs
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This Blog was Originally Published at:
How to Get the Best Energy Quote for Your Home | Save on Costs
With the increasing price of energy and its burden on househols budgets, one thing is now more important than ever: finding ways to lower energy expenses. Among the best ways to start is by getting an accurate energy quote for your home. Whether you change energy providers or install solar panels, being precisely informed on how much you’re going to pay will enable you to make the right decisions and avoid potential costs later on. So how can you ensure that the price you receive in a quote is correct and cost-effective?
Several factors that influence the energy quote include the size of your house, as well as your current consumption, and what kind of provider you will end up choosing. Do you know about those additional costs like installation fees or other savings via government incentives? In this article, we’ll tell you about some of the most important strategies that will help you get accurate quotes for both, home and commercial property. These tips will also ensure you secure the best deal for your energy needs and save on money!
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Understanding Energy Quotes and their Benefits
When planning to switch to renewable energy sources, one of the best options we recommend is solar energy. Solar panels can be easily installed on the rooftop and need less maintenance. Also, its cost has significantly decreased over the past ten years. Before installing solar panels, knowing how much energy your house consumes would help in getting an accurate energy quote.
What is an Energy Quote?
An energy quote or solar quotation (when you install solar panels) gives you an estimate of what you will likely pay to install the solar panels and how much you will save. It is calculated based on your usage, provider rates, and installation costs.
What is a Commercial Solar Quote?
A commercial solar quote is an estimate for the costs of solar energy system installation on commercial properties. It includes the price of equipment, installation, maintenance cost, and potential savings over time. Do you know studies have shown that commercial businesses can save up to 30% on their energy costs by switching to solar energy? So, if you are considering an energy switch for their commercial properties, solar is undoubtedly the best choice.
Why should I get an energy quote?
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Accurate Budgeting: A detailed energy quote will help you budget for installation and ongoing costs, in particular with regard to expenditure on the equipment by installation and maintenance. This leaves you not unprepared for any surprise or bill, hence allowing you to more effectively keep your budget in control.
Compare Options: Getting energy quotes from multiple energy providers allows you to compare different options. You may then decide based on the services and rates they are offering. It offers better value for money.
Understand Incentives: There are various rebates, tax deductions, and other incentives provided by the central or state government for those switching to renewable energy. You can know about them through energy quotes and reduce your overall costs by getting this information before.
Want to know how or why to maintain solar panels? Check out the 6 Benefits of Regular Solar Panel here!
6 Things to Know Before Getting Energy Quotes
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1. Know Your Goals:
Define what you hope to attain with your energy choice. Is it cheaper rates, more sustainability, or higher energy efficiency? Knowing this will guide you while choosing an energy provider.
2. Choose Energy Type
Decide on whether you want solar energy or any other form of renewable energy. This would dictate what kind of quotes to ask for and which types of providers to consider, thus determining your long-term energy strategy.
3. Research Providers
Conduct a research on the different energy providers and their deals. Find reviews, service plans, and pricing structures of different providers to get one that suits your needs best.
4. Assess Your Consumption
Analyze your previous energy bills to understand your usage patterns. This would also enable you to communicate better and get the right energy quote according to your usage.
5. Check Incentives
Identify what government incentives or rebates there may be available — perhaps related to energy efficiency or the installation of a solar system. These can dramatically reduce the overall cost so should certainly be considered in your evaluation.
6. Get your Home’s Information
Gather information about the size, location, and your home’s energy requirement. Providers will appreciate this to give you the exact quotes pertinent to your situation and needs.
How to Request Energy or Commercial Solar Quotes?
Getting energy or commercial solar quotes is quite easy to do. Simply follow the few simple steps below and you will be able to get accurate and site-specific quotes for your needs.
Prepare Your Information: Collect relevant information regarding your consumption of energy, the area or size of your property, and other specific goals you may have for energy. It helps providers deliver relevant quotes based on your unique situation.
Contact Several Providers: Call several energy providers or solar installers to request energy quotes. Make sure you clearly state your needs and ask for estimates that include all important things like installation costs, maintenance, and any other miscellaneous charges to make proper comparisons.
Ask the Right Questions: Ask relevant questions from your providers. This will all help you gauge their expertise and clearly understand the full scope of the services offered. Here are the top three questions to ask :
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What should energy quotes include?
When requesting an energy quote or a commercial solar quote, it is vital that you know what to look out for so you will be able to get a complete and accurate estimate. Here are five key things every energy quote should contain to assist you in making an informed decision.
Cost Breakdown: The quote should be able to break down all costs regarding, equipment or installation, and additional costs that may come in. This helps to know exactly what one pays for every step.
Potential Energy Savings: Estimate the savings someone would make concerning energy costs over time, particularly with solar alternatives. This helps to project return on investments.
Warranty Information: Ensure the quotation details warranties on both equipment and installation so that in case something goes wrong later, you are covered.
Installation Timeline: The quotation should detail the date to start the installation and when you can expect it all to be complete.
Incentives and Rebates: Incentives, tax credits, or rebates available that could lower the total cost should be identified. Providers should include this in the quote if this is applicable.
Compare Different Energy Quotes
The next step is getting energy quotes from multiple energy providers and comparing them properly to get the best deal. Also, not all quotes are equal, and understanding the key factors involved helps you in making the right decision for your home or business.
Check Total Costs Versus Hidden Fees
Remember that if the energy quote is too cheap, there’s probably something hidden/wrong. Reputable companies may charge a higher upfront fee but pay off in the long run with either lower maintenance or cheaper equipment. Obtain a full cost breakdown and prevent nasty surprises down the road.
Look on Long-term Savings
Calculate how much savings you will have years from now using the quote on long-run savings, especially on solar energy. Or, you ask how much you can save on your energy bill. Some quotes run higher initially but will offer much more savings in the long term either because of energy efficiency or being renewable sources such as solar.
Verify the Reputation of the Provider
Don’t just look at the numbers. Look at the reputation of the providers. Look at the customer reviews, testimonials, and case studies. A provider who is well-known for quality service and reliable installation makes a big difference in your experience.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
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Not verifying the credentials of the provider can result in services or installations that are not reliable.
If you don’t properly compare quotes from different providers, you may have to pay higher costs.
Ignoring one’s home’s energy requirements, one may end up using inefficient or costly energy resources.
Ignorance of a customer’s review may leave you oblivious to the issue related to either a service or product.
Lack of knowledge of funding options can easily attract unforeseen expenditures or save less in the short run.
Final Thoughts: Making the Best Energy Choice for Your Home
Getting you the best energy quote for your home is the key to making an informed decision that saves you money and improves energy efficiency. Knowing your energy needs, comparing those quotes with each other carefully, and avoiding common mistakes will allow you to easily make the right change to your energy solution without costing you a dime.
— >Research, research, research: Get multiple quotes, check the provider’s credentials, and do your homework on what other customers think of the provider.
— >Plan ahead: Know your energy usage, goals, and available incentives to get the most accurate quote and one that is beneficial for you.
— >Ask questions: Clarify all costs, warranties, and financing to avoid unwanted surprises and earn maximum savings.
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pvmarketofficial · 6 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Installing Solar Panels in the Dubai
With solar energy becoming increasingly popular in the UAE, many homeowners are opting for solar panel installations to cut down on electricity costs and promote sustainability. Below is a guide to help you through the process of installing solar panels in Dubai.
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1. Assess Your Energy Needs
Begin by analyzing your current energy consumption to estimate the size of the solar system required.
Review your utility bills to calculate your daily average energy usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh). This will help you decide how many solar panels you need.
2. Select the Appropriate Solar Panels
Given the UAE’s hot and sunny climate, selecting the right type of solar panel is essential:
Monocrystalline Panels: Known for their high efficiency, these panels are a top choice for rooftop installations in hot climates like the UAE.
Polycrystalline Panels: These are more affordable but slightly less efficient than monocrystalline panels.
Thin-Film Panels: Though less efficient, these panels can handle heat better and may be more suitable for areas with limited space.
3. Familiarize Yourself with Local Solar Programs
Dubai’s Shams Dubai initiative supports homeowners who want to install solar panels. The program allows homeowners to feed excess energy into the grid and get credits, which helps reduce electricity bills.
Ensure you register with the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) or other relevant authorities, as this is a key step in taking advantage of available benefits.
4. Choose a Qualified Solar Installer
It’s important to hire a certified, experienced installer who understands local regulations and has expertise in solar panel installations. A professional installer will evaluate your roof, calculate your energy needs, and assist with the approval process.
Request multiple quotes and check reviews to select the best installer for your project.
5. Site Assessment and System Design
The installer will conduct a site visit to assess factors like roof orientation, shading, and available space. This is critical for ensuring that the system generates as much energy as possible.
After the assessment, a custom solar system design will be created based on your home’s energy needs and the specific conditions in the UAE.
6. Apply for the Necessary Permits
Your installer will help you apply for the required permits from DEWA or other local electricity authorities. These permits are necessary to ensure your system complies with local safety and building standards.
7. Solar Panel Installation
Once the permits are in place, installation can begin. Depending on the complexity of the system, this process typically takes a few days to a week.
The panels will be mounted, inverters installed, and the system connected to your electrical grid or battery storage if applicable.
8. Final Inspection and System Activation
After installation, the system will be inspected by the relevant authorities to ensure everything is installed correctly and safely.
Once the system passes inspection, it can be activated, allowing you to start generating solar energy for your home.
9. Maintenance and Monitoring
Many solar systems include monitoring tools that allow you to track how much energy is being produced and consumed in real time.
In the UAE’s dusty environment, regular cleaning of the panels is essential to maintain their efficiency. Scheduling periodic maintenance will ensure your system operates at its best.
10. Consider Financing Options
While solar panel installations can require a significant upfront investment, there are various financing options available in the UAE. Some companies offer leasing options, and certain government initiatives make it easier to invest in solar energy.
Evaluate the long-term savings on your electricity bills to justify the initial cost of the installation.
By following this guide, you can smoothly navigate the process of installing pv modules in Dubai. Harnessing the power of the sun not only helps reduce your energy bills but also supports a greener and more sustainable future.
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evaskaenergydelhi · 12 days
Cost of Commercial Solar Panels & Installation
Commercial solar panels are increasingly popular as businesses seek to reduce high electricity costs. These on-grid solar systems connect to the utility grid and consist of solar panels, inverters, and other accessories. By installing commercial rooftop solar plants, companies can reduce or eliminate their electricity bills by up to 100% for over 25 years.
The installation of a commercial solar system includes multiple components:
Solar Panels: Prices start at around INR 40,000 per panel, depending on type and model.
Solar Inverter: Converts DC electricity into usable AC electricity.
Solar Battery: Stores excess energy for use when grid power is unavailable.
Panel Stand: Holds solar panels securely on the roof, ensuring proper positioning and protection.
The cost of installation covers material procurement (such as mounting structures, cables, inverters, and lightning arresters) and includes a 5-year post-installation AMC contract.
Going solar can lead to significant long-term savings for businesses. The cost of a solar system is often calculated based on price per watt of power produced, similar to real estate's price-per-square-foot. Each installation is unique, and a free site analysis can help determine the exact cost and return on investment for your business.
For the best commercial solar solutions in Faridabad and Gurgaon, Evaska Energy offers expert services and competitive pricing, making them a top choice for businesses looking to go solar.
Source Link: https://www.evaskaenergy.com/blog/cost-of-commercial-solar-panels-installation
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The Value of a Solar Design Course for Electricians
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The demand for solar energy systems in Australia has increased. This has created a need for skilled professionals in solar installation and design, making a solar design course Australia valuable for electricians.
Understanding Solar Technology and System Design
In a solar design course, electricians learn about solar technology and system design principles. They gain insight into different types of solar panels, inverters, and other components, and how these elements work together to harness solar energy and convert it into usable electricity.
The course covers aspects such as sizing solar arrays, calculating energy production, and determining the optimal panel placement for maximum efficiency. Electricians also learn about factors that can impact system performance, including shading, orientation, and local climate conditions.
Mastering these concepts enables electricians to design solar systems that meet clients' energy needs and budget constraints, allowing them to provide accurate quotes and better results for their customers.
Compliance and Safety Considerations
There is a strong emphasis on safety and compliance in a solar design course. Electricians learn about Australian Standards and regulations, as well as how to properly install solar equipment and follow safety procedures.
The course places significant emphasis on understanding the electrical requirements for connecting solar systems to the grid and ensuring compliance with all local and national codes.
Safety training includes working at heights, handling high-voltage equipment, and dealing with the unique dangers of rooftop installations.
Expanding Business Opportunities
Completing a solar design course can create new business opportunities for electricians. With the rising demand for solar energy, there is an increasing need for skilled professionals capable of designing and installing these systems.
By adding solar design and installation to their service offerings, electricians can attract a broader range of clients and take on more diverse projects. This expansion can lead to increased revenue and business growth. Moreover, specialising in solar energy can set electricians apart from their competitors and establish them as experts in a rapidly expanding field.
The knowledge gained from a solar design course also enables electricians to offer more comprehensive energy solutions to their clients. They can provide guidance on energy efficiency, battery storage systems, and other related technologies that complement solar installations.
Staying Current in a Dynamic Industry
The solar energy industry is constantly evolving with new technologies and techniques emerging. Taking a solar design course helps electricians stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.
Participants learn about cutting-edge solar technologies, such as bifacial panels, thin-film solar cells, and advanced inverter systems. They also gain insight into emerging trends, like solar-plus-storage solutions and smart energy management systems.
By staying current with industry advancements, electricians can offer their clients the most efficient and cost-effective solar solutions available. This knowledge also positions them to take advantage of new opportunities as the industry continues to grow and change.
Overall, electricians can gain valuable skills and business opportunities by taking a solar design course. This can help them meet the growing demand for solar energy solutions in Australia and thrive in the renewable energy sector.
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
The growth of customer-owned solar and batteries can help to reduce wear and tear on the grid and save ratepayers money.
How much money? A new paper from University of Texas at Austin researchers shows savings of about 40 percent.
The lead author, Nick Laws, has experience translating his area of research into terms that regular people can understand. If he’s at a backyard picnic, he said, he’ll begin by pointing at overhead power lines.
“If you look at these wires and poles around us, they’re actually, in most cases, very old,” he said. “A lot of times the hardware on the grid is near the end of life.”
The paper is the culmination of his doctoral dissertation, completed in December, about extending the life of grid hardware by reducing the stress caused by periods of high electricity demand and long-term growth in demand. He and his colleagues looked at how best to encourage companies and individuals to invest in energy systems that help to diminish demand on the grid.
The utility-speak term for these systems is “non-wires alternatives,” which can include rooftop solar, community solar and battery storage.
It also includes electric vehicle charging systems, but only if the equipment is connected to the grid in a way that allows a grid operator to pause charging or draw electricity from the car’s batteries at times of high demand.
Another important resource is demand response, which usually applies to factories and other major electricity users who agree to reduce their power use at times of high demand.
Laws’ paper simulates the effects of electricity demand on a neighborhood-size part of the grid over 20 years.
His model found that the costs of providing electricity would be $7.2 million per year if there was no battery storage or other customer-owned resources to reduce demand. This takes into account many variables, including high market prices of electricity during times of strong demand and the need to buy new equipment such as wires and transformers.
Next, he looked at the costs if there were optimal incentives to get households and businesses to invest in demand-reducing tools. He estimated the costs, including the incentives, at about $4.2 million per year.
The savings, which would be passed on to consumers through their utility bills, is about $3 million, which is about 40 percent.
“It lowers the cost for everybody,” Laws said.
I want to call attention to my use of the term “optimal incentives” above because that’s a vital part of the analysis. Much of the paper considers how to calculate incentives, which would involve the utility or grid operator paying customers for using equipment that reduces electricity demand. The price would vary based on how valuable that reduction is.
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sunnyenergysolar · 2 months
The ultimate guide to calculate solar power - Sunny Energy
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The ultimate guide to calculate solar power — Sunny Energy
While switching to solar energy seems easy, it’s quite tricky for homeowners to calculate how many solar power panels are needed due to various factors such as energy consumption patterns, roof space, and sunlight conditions.
In this blog we will talk about how many solar panels homeowners need, calculate solar power, and how Sunny Energy a leading Arizona solar company can help you install solar panels.
Factors you should know before you calculate solar power
Calculating the number of solar panels needed involves several factors:
1. Your home’s average energy requirements:
This refers to the typical amount of electricity your household consumes over a given period, often measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). To determine this, review your past energy bills, considering seasonal variations and changes in your lifestyle. For instance, some homeowners go solar to run their AC cooler in the hot summer months, which increases energy usage that should be accounted for when determining panel needs.
2. Current energy use in kilowatt-hours (kWh):
Your electricity bills provide valuable data on your current energy consumption. The kWh usage is a key metric to understand how much energy your household requires daily, monthly, or annually. This is a baseline for sizing your solar panel system.
3. Climate and sunlight in your area:
The amount of sunlight your location receives plays a crucial role in solar energy production. Arizona, known for its abundant sunshine, is particularly favorable for solar power generation. Consider the climate conditions and the average number of sunlight hours per day in your specific region to estimate the solar potential.
4. Efficiency of the solar panels under consideration:
Solar panel efficiency measures how well a panel converts sunlight into electricity. Higher efficiency panels generally produce more electricity for a given surface area. When selecting solar panels, consider their efficiency ratings to ensure optimal energy conversion and maximize the power output of your system.
5. Physical size of the solar panels:
The physical dimensions of solar panels are essential when determining how many can fit on your rooftop or available installation space. The size of the panels, combined with their efficiency, influences the overall capacity of your solar system.
6. Roof tilt and orientation:
The tilt and orientation of your roof significantly impact solar energy production. Ideally, panels should be positioned to receive the most direct sunlight. Proper orientation can affect solar energy production by as much as 50%.
How many solar panels do you need?
Before embarking on your solar energy journey, it’s crucial to understand your home’s energy requirements. To calculate solar power needed, following factors affect a homemakers decision making:
1. Your home’s average energy requirements:
This refers to the typical amount of electricity your household consumes over a given period, often measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). To determine this, you may review your past energy bills, considering seasonal variations and changes in your lifestyle. You also should think about what adding solar might do to your energy consumption. For example, some homeowners go solar so they can run their AC cooler in the hot summer months. That means you’ll use more energy which you should account for when determining how many panels you need.
2. Current energy use in kilowatt-hours (kWh):
Your electricity bills provide valuable data on your current energy consumption. The kWh usage is a key metric to understand how much energy your household requires daily, monthly, or annually. This is a baseline for sizing your solar panel system.
3. Climate and sunlight in your area:
The amount of sunlight your location receives plays a crucial role in solar energy production. Arizona, known for its abundant sunshine, is particularly favorable to calculate solar power generation. Consider the climate conditions and the average number of sunlight hours per day in your specific region to calculate solar power potential.
4. Efficiency of the solar panels under consideration:
Solar panel efficiency is a measure of how well a panel converts sunlight into electricity. Higher efficiency panels generally produce more electricity for a given surface area. When selecting solar panels, consider their efficiency ratings to ensure optimal energy conversion and maximize the power output of your system.
5. Physical size of the solar panels:
The physical dimensions of solar panels are essential when determining how many can fit on your rooftop or available installation space. The size of the panels, combined with their efficiency, influences the overall capacity of your solar system.
6. Roof tilt and orientation:
How your solar panels are oriented towards the sun are affected by roof tilt and orientation of the sections available for solar panel placement. This orientation can affect solar energy production by as much as 50%.
Solar panel calculation
There is no one size fits all solution to know how many solar panels a home needs but we can calculate solar power. The solar power needs of every home is different. To calculate solar power get an appropriate estimate of the number of solar panels required for a home one needs to understand various variables.
It might seem complicated but an experienced solar consultant can help you with the following. We’re sharing because we believe the best customers are educated ones.Solar companies now use sophisticated solar production calculators that take all of these factors into account when designing and estimating savings of your solar system.
Install solar panels with Sunny Energy
A trusted solar panel installer like Sunny Energy considered as a leading solar power companies in Phoenix can help you with these calculations and with the next step — designing the appropriate system. Our experienced team will guide you through the installation process, ensuring a seamless transition to clean, renewable energy.
Sunny Energy’s installation process:
Site assessment: Working for solar company in Phoenix and expert solar installer assess your property to determine the most efficient placement for solar panels.
Customization: As a leading Arizona solar contractors we create a customized solar panel system based on your energy needs and property specifications.
Quality installation: Sunny Energy is the best solar company in Arizona and our certified technicians ensure a precise and efficient installation, using top-notch equipment.
Monitoring and maintenance: Sunny Energy is considered as a top-notch solar power companies in Arizona provides ongoing monitoring and maintenance services to maximize your system’s performance.
Make the switch to solar with Sunny Energy and join the growing community of eco-conscious homeowners enjoying the benefits of clean, renewable energy from a leading solar power companies in Arizona. Contact us today to embark on your solar journey or get started right now with a quick solar quote.
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epowerie · 2 months
Going Green with Solar Power for EV Home Charging in Ireland
Imagine fuelling your electric vehicle (EV) with the power of the sun. For environmentally conscious homeowners in Ireland, this dream is not only possible but also practical and beneficial. This blog post explores the compelling reasons to combine solar power with EV home charging, a growing trend that’s transforming how we think about energy and transportation.
Climate change and sustainability are hot topics globally, and Ireland is no exception. Homeowners and EV enthusiasts are increasingly looking to reduce their carbon footprints and make eco-friendly choices. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by combining solar power with electric vehicle charging. This fusion offers numerous benefits, from environmental impact to financial savings. In this blog, we will guide you through the ins and outs of solar-powered EV home charging, helping you understand its importance, benefits, and the steps to get started.
The Growing Trend of Solar EV Charging in Ireland
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Statistics on EV Adoption in Ireland
Ireland is witnessing a significant rise in the adoption of electric vehicles. According to recent reports, the number of EVs on Irish roads has more than doubled in the past two years. This surge is driven by growing environmental awareness, government incentives, and advancements in EV technology. With the Irish government aiming for nearly one million EVs by 2030, the trend is set to continue upward.
Growth of Solar Power Installations in Irish Homes
Parallel to the rise in EV adoption is the increasing number of solar power installations in Irish homes. Solar panels are becoming a common sight on rooftops across the country, thanks to falling costs and improved efficiency. In 2020 alone, there was a 30% increase in residential solar panel installations. This growth is fuelled by homeowners’ desire for sustainable living and energy independence.
Benefits of Solar-Powered EV Charging
Environmental Impact
One of the most compelling reasons to combine solar power with EV charging is the environmental benefit. Charging your EV with electricity generated from the sun significantly reduces your carbon footprint. It cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier planet. For the environmentally conscious homeowner, this is a major win.
Financial Savings
Solar-powered EV charging can lead to substantial financial savings. By generating your own electricity, you can cut down on your energy bills. The initial investment in solar panels and an EV charger may seem steep, but the long-term savings make it worthwhile. Additionally, government grants and incentives can offset some of these upfront costs, making it even more affordable.
Energy Independence
Relying on solar power for your EV charging needs also grants you energy independence. You become less dependent on the grid and more resilient to energy price fluctuations. This not only provides peace of mind but also ensures that you are using a sustainable and renewable energy source.
How Solar EV Charging Works
Overview of the Technology
To set up a solar-powered EV charging station at home, you’ll need several key components, including solar panels, an inverter, and an EV charger. Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity. The inverter then changes this DC electricity into alternating current (AC), which can be used to power your home and charge your EV.
Steps to Set Up a Solar-Powered EV Charging Station
Assess Your Energy Needs: Calculate your household and EV charging energy requirements.
Site Evaluation: Determine the best location for solar panel installation.
Choose Solar Panels and Inverter: Select high-efficiency, durable solar panels and a reliable inverter.
Install the System: Hire a professional to install the solar panels, inverter, and EV charger.
Connect to the Grid (optional): Depending on your setup, you may want to remain connected to the grid for backup power.
Choosing the Right Solar Panels and EV Chargers
Key Factors to Consider
When selecting solar panels and EV chargers, consider efficiency, durability, and cost. High-efficiency panels generate more electricity and are particularly useful in Ireland’s varied weather conditions. Durability ensures that your investment lasts for many years. Lastly, compare costs to find a solution that fits your budget while meeting your energy needs.
Top EV Chargers Compatible with Solar Power
Several top EV chargers are compatible with solar power, including:
Zappi by myenergi, a smart charger that maximises self-consumption of solar energy.
Wallbox Pulsar Plus, known for its compact size and advanced features.
Solar-powered EV home charging is a powerful step toward a sustainable future. The combination offers significant benefits, including environmental impact, financial savings, and energy independence. For environmentally conscious homeowners in Ireland, this is a perfect opportunity to make a positive change.
Considering making the switch? Contact ePower for a consultation on installing a solar EV charging system tailored to your needs. Join the green revolution and power your EV with the sun today!
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somenergysystems · 2 months
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Calculate your Savings from Solar
The best investment you can do now and gain the benefits of electricity bills saving that will last for 25 years. Solar rooftop systems make it happen by using the sun’s energy. The best part is the subsidy you can avail of if you install it on your homes. Be a part of this system.
Contact us now: Call: 6352010650 Visit: www.somenergysystems.com
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