#Space Enigma
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#Universe #SpaceEnigma #Cosmos #Astronaut #YouTubeChannel Welcome to the captivating realm of Space Enigma, where the mysteries of the cosmos unfold before your very eyes. As you embark on this cosmic journey with us, be prepared to witness a convergence of knowledge and imagination as we fearlessly delve into the enigmas that lie within our vast universe.
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attleboy · 4 days
can you draw Pomni in a liminal space?
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kept thinking about this ask so... pomni on the bus for tonight
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original image here! it should link to the source now :D
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nie-narzekam · 1 month
All the girls know his fame, men curse his name
And they talk about him like he’s magic
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He’s stolen hearts like they’re horses
And horses* when hearts can’t be found
*Or uranium and space rocks
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He knows he’s a fool to get caught up with you
He can’t let go of love once he’s had it
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He knows that his story is tragic
But he can’t rest ‘til he’s next to you
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(Josh Ritter, “Next to the Last Romantic”)
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enigma-im · 11 months
Don't Stop 'Till You Get Enough
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Alien x F!Human Warnings: alien sex, space force, weird alien sex, sex cocoon, zero gravity sex
Word Count: 5,599
Brother works at Space Force, so it's not uncommon for aliens to stop by. Though this one is a bit cute.
I can only stare at the tall dark figure hiding in my kitchen. It seems that's all the figure can do as well. Trapped in a standoff. My heart races a mile a minute, never expecting to have company so late at night. I slowly reach for the light switch, careful with any sudden movements. As the room becomes clear I finally see what's standing on the other side of the kitchen island.
"Oh," I gawk. Before me is an incredibly tall alien, equipped with long lanky limbs, odd head-shape, and spikes barely visible behind their back. An honest-to-God alien is standing in my kitchen. "I'll take it you are looking for my brother," I ask as I casually walk over to the fridge.
It's the alien's turn to gawk," Uh, yes. Is he here?"
I look through the fridge for the pitcher of sweet tea, spotting it on the top shelf. "No, he is on his way back from his friend's place though. Should be in within the hour if you wanted to wait around. Up to you."
I set the pitcher on the table and then reach for a cup on the hook. I look up to the alien as I pour, hinting at him to answer.
He stumbles," Right, if that's ok with you. I'd hate to impose."
I wave him off," No worries. It's part of the gig living here. You aren't the first or the last alien I'll see around here. Though you are here very late." I sip from my cup, lounging against the counter.
"So sorry, It was very important. Otherwise, I would have waited until morning. I know how long humans sleep but I believe I got the math a bit wrong. Do you always sleep at night or every other day," He rambles. I smile into my cup, he's cute.
"Every night, though it's a give and take on what time of the night," I shrug," ten at night is one of those give and take times. I was actually heading to bed now."
He startles at the answer," Oh then I am so sorry! Please, don't let me keep you. I know how important sleep is for your kind."
I snicker," Don't be sorry. You will never find me passing up an opportunity to speak with an alien while in my PJs." He leans over and looks me from head to toe, eyes wide and mouth parted. Am I being checked out right now? I poke a foot forward to show off my slippers.
"Well you look professional enough for me," He shrugs," you wouldn't mind keeping me company then?"
"It would truly be my pleasure," I hang at the end waiting for a name. He doesn't pick up on it. "I'm Liya, by the way," I prompt instead.
"Hello, Liya," he practically purrs," My name is Pavo L'tun'ku, 2nd in command of human relations aboard S.L. Quain."
"Oh, I didn't know we were doing all that," I half tease. I straight up, setting my cup down," I am Liya Woodard, in charge of the distribution of goods across the entirety of the USA." I relax and reach for my cup with a smirk," How was that?"
He leans onto his forearms," Little too formal but I appreciate the effort."
"Oh hush, I was just coping you," I joke back.
We get to chatting for a bit before my brother makes his way home. Pavo goes regal at his entrance, as does my brother. It's like watching someone talk to the president. I could almost see the red tape go up for appropriate interspecies conversation that aligns with government protocol.
"Woodard," Pavo greets," Excuse this interruption but your expertise is needed. There is an issue regarding a certain rebel group at one of our events."
"Very well," Thomas answers all professional, it almost makes me laugh, " give me just a moment to change and we will leave post haste."
Thomas scoots past and quickly bolts up the steps. I look over to Pavo who has relaxed a little.
"Excuse this interruption but your expertise is needed," I mock Pavo, even standing the way he did. He glares over at me half-heartedly.
"Shut up," He smiles. I laugh.
Thomas is quick, already downstairs before I can chat with Pavo a little more. To my dismay. Thomas grabs his keys from the hook and looks back at me.
"I'll be back tomorrow, Uh," He looks around," Be good?"
"Be good? You be good," I scoff. He rolls his eyes before heading for the door. Pavo looks around and then points at me.
"Be good," he mimics Thomas.
"See you around, Pavo," I tiredly wave. He gives me a big ole alien smile full of teeth before heading out. I smile to myself, feeling a little giddy. I head to bed, not before thinking back.
He really was cute.
It's a while before I hear anything of Pavo. It's surprising when I do hear about him through my brother. We are sitting in for dinner, which is rare, and we are discussing our day when he pauses and glares at me.
Pointing his fork at me he says," You ruined my professional relationship!"
I gawk, pointing at myself in question.
"Yes, you," he chuckles," Pavo won't shut up about you."
I jokingly twirl my hair as I lean forward on the table, "Do you, like, think that he, like, likes me?" I say in my best high schooler voice.
"ew,," he cringes, reaching over and stealing from my plate," For making me hear that."
"rude," I answer, missing stealing back my food by a hair," So what's up with Pavo, why is he bugging you?"
He sighs," It's every day. He thinks he is being casual about it but the man is super obvious. I don't know what voodoo you put on him but the guy is smitten. Before I tell him anything I wanted to make sure you are cool with meeting him again."
I snicker," is big brother setting me up on a date?"
He fake gags," Disgusting. Horrific, downright awful. Consider it this way, I'm trying to keep Pavo out of my office so I can work."
"and keep him in my pants, got it," I nod. He pretends to vomit, though it looks very convincing.
"Nope, conversation over," He stacks up his dishes and heads to the kitchen," This never happened!"
I bite back a laugh," I appreciate you butting into my love life but I'd appreciate if you didn't"
"Well keep your love life out of my office," He yells back. He comes back into the dining room, holding the doorframe. "He is coming over tomorrow for a meeting, and he may have some extra time because he is getting here an hour early because I may or may not have given him the wrong time. I'm not saying I did, but you do owe me two tickets for my movie date next week with Rebecca."
I sigh," Send me the info and I'll get it to you." I want to argue but the idea of seeing Pavo again is too grand.
"Nice, you have dishes right," He runs off before I can answer," Thank you!"
Such a putz, but I can't focus on that. It seems I have a mini-date tomorrow.
I dress midway between casual and date night. It was a very hard combo to pull off but I'm working with the 'hot but cool' angle. However, none of this could matter because he is an alien who hasn't a clue what is considered "trying to look cute" flirting is. Ugh, this is hard.
I wait in the living room, trying to seem as relaxed as possible. I even practice little greetings in my head like an idiot. Thomas comes down the stairs in his service uniform, looking proper. It is interesting to think this wild teenager could grow up to be this proper young man, helping lead the charge in cross-universe communication with alien life.
"Hey, dipshit, he will be over in 10, stop looking so tense," He leans over the back of the couch and boops my nose.
Well, almost a proper young man.
The doorbell rings shortly after, and Thomas answers. I can hear Pavo from the living room and I can't help but get all giddy. I scold myself for the reaction, I had one conversation with the guy! Relax!
As I hear their voices near I stand from the couch, regretting the choice immediately. Stand when guests are over? It's not even technically my guest, but I guess it's polite.
Pavo rounds the corner and is now in sight. In the daylight, I can tell his body isn't black but a very dark purple. He doesn't have skin but a carapace, a hard shell protecting his body. He is very bug-like though he lacks any pinchers or antennae. His face is human-ish, his eyes are large, and his wide mouth. Spikes go along the back of his body, coming from his head and back. They are short but some stretch out long enough to bend and crick in different ways. It's almost like branches.
When Pavo sees me he pauses, eyes wide and a smile up his cheeks. He looks me over and with a jolt his spikes elongate, nearly catching Thomas in the face.
"Whoa," Thomas yelps.
"Hello again, Liya," Pavo greets, ignoring Thomas.
"Hello Pavo," I answer back," Long time no see."
"Long time indeed, I see you have upgraded from professional sleepwear," He teases.
"This old thing," I shrug," I think my oversized t-shirt works a bit better but I was told I may be entertaining guests today."
"you wouldn't mean me, would you," He asks, leaning against the couch. Behind him, I can see my brother miming choking, then pretending to stab himself with a knife. The drama queen.
"I'm going to set up," Thomas interjects into our conversation," Feel free to anything you want in the kitchen, just ask my sister here."
Pavo straightens," Oh, yes, thank you."
Thomas leaves us to our own devices, it feels like our chaperone left. I look Pavo over, watching the sun gleam off his shell. His uniform is interesting, bright white.
"Would you care for a drink," I break the silence.
"Yes please," He steps closer. I lead the way into the kitchen.
"Anything you want? I really don't know what would be edible for you," I ask, cringing a bit at the delivery.
"I was incredibly curious about the drink you had the other night, it smelled sweet," He answers, pointing to the fridge.
"Sweet tea," I ask, though it's pointless. How would he know the answer? "Let me grab you a little sample. Though a fair warning, it's incredibly sweet. Practically icing."
"Oh, even better," he takes a seat at the island as I grab a drink," I've been lured in with your human sugar. It's been incredible. I had those, umm, what's the name? The small brown bars with a wafer inside."
"Kit-kat or Twix," I ask as I pour a small glass. ," I ask
He clicks deep in his throat," Yes, that's it! The Kit bar." He grabs the glass I push to him, taking a small gulp timidly. In a moment he shoots back the whole thing. Setting the glass down he closes his eyes and savors the sweet syrup.
"Like it," I ask.
"Love it," He grins. Slowly opening his eyes he nudges the glass forward, "More, please?"
We chat a little between cups of tea, him chugging the rest of my full pitcher. He tells me about his home that he hasn't seen in years. I tell him about my life at college before I got my job. It's pleasant. If I didn't know any better though, I'd say his spikes we growing. About an hour later they had grown a few inches, making him look large and intimidating. Like some sort of tree monster outside my childhood window. Though that one was just an old oak while this one is a charming alien.
Thomas steals him away, not before Pavo extends an invite to his ship sometime. Invited onto an alien's ship, that sounds like a great start to some interspecies relations.
Thomas had managed to set up communication between Pavo and me. We chat on some app Thomas downloaded onto my phone. It's wonky and not the best but what's a girl to do? Pavo and I flirt a bit, though it never goes any deeper. Despite my best attempts, he just doesn't get into anything more sexual. I could be pushing too hard or their species just doesn't work that way. Maybe he doesn't even have sex?
Today though is the day to finally get on his ship. All the approval has been submitted- thank you, Thomas- and we begin a tour of his home away from home.
We meet at the airlock between his ship and the Space Hub for Earth. I'm escorted by some officers and we all greet each other on the bridge. When I see Pavo we both light up. His back branches are stretched out, looking truly like a tree now. He jerks a little as his spikes snap outwards tearing some of his uniform in the process. The officer next to me winces at the crack sound that comes softly from him. Almost like the quiet sound of someone popping their fingers.
"Hello, Liya," Pavo greets, grabbing my hand and giving a firm shake," I believe this is correct."
I shake his hand back," Little formal for friends but it works for now."
"Friends," he asks," are we friends?"
"For the time being," I hint. He smiles before greeting the two flanking me.
With that out of the way, I'm free to venture into the unknown. I feel like a pioneer, one of the few to venture into an alien's ship. I'm sure sometime in the future there will be museums for this sort of thing. 'Explore space right from earth' sign over a decommissioned spaceship. I chuckle to myself.
Pavo eagerly shows me around, explaining how this was his own personal ship that only a few of the higher-ups get. It attaches comfortably to the main HQ but can detach for personal exploration, pretty much an RV for space. A really spacious RV.
He shows me the dining room, the living space, the exercise room, and we pass by his bedroom. We don't look in as it's casually mentioned.
As we walk down the halls I slow back to catch a look at his back, all the spikey branches protruding out. I feel tempted to reach out and touch but worry about being taboo.
"Hey," I say instead," what's with the spikes?"
He pauses, glancing over his shoulder at me and then at his branches," Oh theses? It's kind of hard to explain."
"They aren't like, some puberty thing, right," I tease.
"No, nothing like that. It's normal given the circumstances," He answers.
"Well puberty is completely normal," I joke. He shakes his head at me, beginning to walk again.
"Come, I want to show you something." I follow him down the winding halls to a room we haven't seen yet. He enters a command and the doors open. I walk inside, eager to explore this new space. Though I'm let down. I look this way and that, seeing nothing of interest. Really nothing of anything. It's just a large open room. There is a large window that stretches from the floor past the ceiling. It's gorgeous, being able to see Earth just coming into view.
"Oh wow," I whisper. I walk ahead, completely enamored with the view. The stars are so plentiful, Earth is so big. I can see the swirls of clouds over the continents, the white of the Arctic, the blue of the sea. It's all so humbling, I feel so small.
I hear some clicks behind me, and before I can investigate I feel my stomach drop. Weightlessness overtakes me, my feet slowly rising above the ground. I twist to look over at Pavo who is also floating.
"Zero gravity room, though the whole ship could be zero gravity. This room is made specifically for that," Pavo answers. He twists to push off the wall and launch towards me. I can't stop the giggle bubbling out of me as he gets closer. Before he can reach me I push up towards the ceiling. He thuds against the window, growling playfully.
"why does someone need a zero gravity room," I ask as we continue our game of chase. He jumps up to me and I quickly pick a direction and throw myself to it. I bang against the door oh so gracefully.
"It's for health and pleasure," He answers," we spend some time in water, our body is used to a certain level of weightlessness. Though space has way less gravity than water, it still feels similar. So in an easier way of explaining it, it feels like home."
Pavo scrambles to get to where I am, scratching against the wall to stop his momentum when I high-tail it in the other direction.
"Homesick room, how cute," I tease. I get trapped in the corner of the room, the only way out is up. As I spring upwards, Pavo catches me. I'm held tightly against his hard body, laughing with him as we float to the ceiling.
"Got you," He smiles triumphantly.
"that is true, but the real question is...what are you going to do with me," I flirt. He purrs at the insinuation, leaning down to brush his head against mine. I close my eyes and take a leap, kissing him ever so softly. He pauses, confused but excited. He makes his own attempt at a kiss, pressing his mouth to mine stiffly.
"Is that correct," He asks.
"relax a little," I advise. Wrapping my arms around his neck, nestling them around his branches, I kiss him like I mean it. He kisses less stiffly than before, though he can't help being so hard. His arms fall from my back to around the back of my thighs. He squeezes and massages my thick legs, pulling me closer.
"you're so soft," he groans into my mouth," so pliant."
"Don't make it sound so bad," I joke. His chest rumbles, his back spikes pop, a low clicking sound emits from his mouth. He reaches behind me and anchors us to the wall before he attacks my mouth again. I give him a little treat, sliding my tongue on to lick him. He stumbles a bit, recovering quickly to nearly choke me with his tongue. I have to lean back to catch my breath, though the thrumming in my body proves how much I enjoyed that.
No longer having access to the new toy called my mouth he begins attacking my neck. I can hardly keep my eyes open as I'm seduced by this big alien. I scratch at his back, gripping onto his branch. He responds by biting me, a little harder than needed. I grab the spike from his head to yank him back.
"Soft skin, remember," I scold. He looks drunk, his eyes lidded and mouth open. He looks me over, squeezing my legs again.
"By the heavens, I want to devour you," he whines. A zap goes down my spine in fear and pleasure.
"Not literally, right," I ask just in case. He doesn't answer, instead flopping his head down to bite up my neck. He sneaks a hand between us to stretch my shirt. I hear the thread snap as he stretches the collar over my shoulder. His entire mouth slobbers over me, sucking and licking every bit of skin. I glance behind him, seeing the branches have stretched out into the room. The few close to the wall have begun to take root, spreading out around the wall like vines.
Well, that's interesting.
Pavo bites a bit hard again to my dismay, I can feel a few of his teeth pierce my skin. With a yelp, I tear him back to properly scold him. He looks debauched, utterly drunk and horny.
"whoa," I gasp," you ok?"
His head tilts to the side in answer, "Get your clothes off."
I hesitate," But are you ok?"
He growls," I will be when you get your clothes off."
"Geez," I begin taking my shirt off," so pushy."
He scoffs," so slow." He begins to unbutton his clothes, finding it hard to do as his body is anchored to the wall. He yanks, detaching the vines from the metal. As he yanks his shirt, tearing it completely off his back, the branches begin reaching out to the wall again, gluing themselves once more.
I'm working my pants off when he grabs me, my jeans barely hanging onto one ankle. His torn shirt drifts upwards past us. I look down between us, his pants mostly torn. His cock surprises me, not prepared to see him in all his glory. Holding himself I can't help admire.
There is no way else to say it, his dick is a tentacle. It seems like a few spiraled around each other like yarn to present as one single mass. It's pink and purple, a kind of spray paint space vibe. He squeezes himself, fluid leaking from between each tentacle. It coats his hand, drops drifting off in the zero Gs.
"whoa," I whisper, reaching out to him. He proudly presents, his chest rumbling and mouth clicking. I gently graze my fingers over him, letting a few floating drops land on my outstretched hand. He jerks a little at the feather touch, grabbing my hand and forcing me to hold him. My stomach does flips, he is so soft and squishy. It's like touching a thick cord of fabric, soft but just firm enough to hold shape. I squeeze, wringing out more drops as I pull to the tip. He purrs, his back branches reaching out more and making his body jerk.
Too fascinated with him I don't even notice when he moves his hand into my underwear. His other hand fondling my breast, though they don't keep his attention much as the slickness below. He investigates, poking and prodding as I investigate him. Everything is so different for us both, it's all so tantalizing.
"you're so warm," he groans, reaching in to shove a finger inside. I shudder.
"you're so soft," I squeeze him, relishing in the sounds he makes. I can't help but reach for a kiss, just basking in all the sensations and sounds. His fingers squelch as he puts two into me.
"you're going to take me so well," he nearly whispers," I couldn't imagine someone more perfect."
I kiss him again," you flirt." I squeeze his cock. His fingers stretch and glide, making the coil in my belly tighten and twitch. If only he would touch me where I need him. I buck my hips into him, whimpering against his lips. I forget he isn't a human man, someone who could potentially get the hint. Instead, I reach down and grab his hand. He freezes. I slide his fingers out of me, another shudder going up my back, and guide one of his fingers up. He barely grazes me and it's like lightning.
"What's this," He asks, abandoning my mouth to look between us. I squeeze him in defiance, he grunts.
"Touch me there," I whimper," please."
He needs no more instructions, stroking me timidly before gaining confidence. He is a changed man now, watching me whine and moan as he gets me off. He is enraptured with me, watching and waiting. I can't focus as my inside feels like electricity, like sparks coming from his hand. More. More. More. I'm almost there. I hold onto him, using him as an anchor as he keeps playing me like a fiddle. My legs wrap around his, like snakes intertwined. Just a little more. His cold carapace against my feet, his rumbling purr and clicks, the way he just wants to make me cum. It's all so much.
"Pavo," I yelp," oh, fuck."
I'm gone. I fall into bliss, debauched as he was a moment ago. I scratch at his body, not worried about hurting him. I curl into him, reaching between us to stop his ministration as they become too much. I bang my head into his shoulder, holding him for dear life. He grabs my hair, pulling me back just to watch.
"Beautiful," He grins so wide. I give a half-hearted smile, still lost to the wind. I don't notice when he adjusts me to himself, but I definitely notice when he is poking at my entrance. I sober, looking down as his cock unfurrows. The little appendages search around, grabbing at my thighs and poking at my lips. I take a courageous breath, a little terrified of what's about to happen. He twists back into one, the ends still split to make their way into me.
I choke as he stuffs me, his cock twisting and curling, pulsing within me. I'm having sex with an alien, the thought hits me like a ton of bricks. I look from the display that has disappeared inside me to the creature I've decided to lay with. He looks so beautiful. He can't focus, his mouth opening and closing as the clicking sounds more like pops. He damn near gurgles as his eyes close. He snaps his hips, both of us stuttering on a breath. I twine my arms around him and he wastes no time pressing me close. He cradles the back of my head, his other arm securely around my lower back.
Without a starting pistol, he is off. Completely secure in place he pounds into me like a desperate man, angling my hips with his arm on my back. I can do nothing but hold on, groaning in his ear. I get to watch the branches on his back snap and jolt outwards. Every single one finds purchase on the walls. They take root, running up and around the walls until they meet each other, making a beautiful lattice on the walls.
"Wow," I gasp between moans. He answers with a pained grunt, burying his head into my neck. His mouth opens to attempt to bite but he thinks better of it, instead sucking on my neck. I appreciate the forethought. He whimpers and whines, every most the lost whore beside my ear. It's a pleasure in itself to have someone so lost in you, so pleasured by your body. I hold him tighter
"Agh," he gurgles. He begins to speak in tongues, the words ever lost to me but the meaning coming through. He is fucked, coming to his end, and only at the mercy of his whims now. Oh, I want him to cum, I wanna feel it.
I snuggle into the side of his neck, the plates shifting as he twists his head away. I find a soft area just below his jaw, right below his ear. I find purchase and bite as hard as I can. He screams, the branches on his back bucking as they dramatically grow. I worry I've hurt him, I was only returning the favor. I pull away, feeling sorry for myself. He growls in answer, punishing me with a hard slam onto his cock. He pushes me back to his neck.
"Harder," he growls through clenched teeth," make it hurt."
Oh my.
I cozy up to him again, finding the same teeth indent I left before, and chomp down. He shouts again, more words I can't interpret. I bite hard, I bite until I hear his plates crack and my teeth sink into the soft part of his skin. He shudders, curling around me and pumping into me in quick bursts.
"Yes," he says like a prayer. Before I know it I feel him shake and sputter, gurgling again as he snaps into me one more time. It's warm and plentiful, I'm sure it's a mess below. Zero gravity surely making it look like a spectacle. Pavo holds me so dear, so spent.
I slowly pry my teeth from his neck, spitting out a few little bits of carapace. Ew. I lean back to look into my new lover's eyes. He barely moves, looking like he passed out. I grab the short spikes on his head, lifting him to look at me.
"Pavo," I panic," is this normal? I haven't a single clue."
He answers with a gurgle. Not helpful. I try to wiggle away from him but I can't move. I look around and see we are cocooned in a growing ball of branches.
"What," I ask as I look around. I try to wiggle out of his arms but he holds on. Tight for someone who is basically asleep. I panic, fighting hard against his grip. Only succeeding in moving up him a few inches.
"Pavo," I snap," let me out."
He groans, happy to just float in this weird ball of his own making.
"Pavo," I shout. His face pinches.
"Hush," he finally speaks," be still."
"Be still? How do you expect me to do that right now? I'm covered in cum, and my sweat is bubbling off of me. I'd like to experience gravity again," I snap. He finally opens his eyes, glaring at me. I glare back. He relents, shifting his arms with great effort. I wiggle away from him, floating up. I navigate around his branches, finding my way to the door. I pause at the controls.
"Press the orange one," Pavo says helpfully. I press the orange button. I fall to my feet, my legs giving out. Then there is a loud sound of cracking like a tree falling. I look up to see Pavo falling from his fort. All the branches snap and break apart from the weight of themselves. He falls onto his back, the ball crashing around him though the fall isn't so loud. More like Styrofoam hitting the floor.
"Ow, "Pavo deadpans. I can't help but laugh. I get to my feet and walk over to him, picking up my pants along the way. Sliding them on I crouch beside him, picking up one of the branches. It's surprisingly light.
"What are these," I ask, turning it every which way. It's porous, with little holes that are barely noticeable.
"My anchors," he answers," it's a whole thing."
"Is it for what we just did," I ask. He shrugs.
" mostly. Though it's not exclusively. Just makes a lot of things easier in the water," he answers.
"Like sex?"
He grins to himself, "Yes, like sex."
I clear a space beside him, lying down to look at the portion of the window that covers the ceiling.
"I have some more questions," I say as I clasp my hands on my stomach. He lazily raises a hand and flourishes to make me continue. "Explain the branches, please."
He sighs," It's mostly a sex thing. When we first met I was immediately enamored. I couldn't stop thinking about you. Then I saw you and I couldn't stop myself. I wanted you. So my spikes got ready. My species loves the spikes, it's a whole fertility thing. I was showing them off, looking all big for you."
"You were flirting with the tree branches coming out your back," I joke.
"Sure," he laughs," I knew I had to have you. I never knew it would be like that! I made a nest for you and everything. I wish someone told me it would be so...everything"
"Talking like a virgin," I poke. He doesn't laugh. I look over and he is serious. I sit up," are- were you a virgin?"
He winces," define virgin."
I bolt up, standing and pacing the room. "Oh my god, I took your virginity! I took an ALIEN'S virginity?"
Pavo sits up, stopping me with a hand on my ankle. "Why are you so freaked out?"
"Freaked out? I'm just surprised and I totally did you dirty. If I knew it was your first time I would have made it more romantic. I mean who would guess you were a virgin," I drop my head in my hands, shaking from side to side.
"Well it's to be expected," he shrugs," we only have one person we do it with."
My heart stops, "what?"
"My kind mates for life, I mean most aliens do. It's a survival thing. Doesn't your kind," he asks.
"No," I basically screech, " we do not do that! If we did, definitely not after like 2 dates!"
He stumbles on his thoughts, his face pinching inquisitively.
"I could have sworn you guys mated for life," he collapses on his back," what would you like to do now?"
I ponder that for a moment. What is there to do? He just committed himself to me forever. I have the option to leave but that just screws him over. Also, I still like the idiot.
I groan, walking over and lying down beside him.
"You better pray this will just be a funny story we tell people when we get old," I grumble.
"Don't be so dramatic, everything will be fine," he tugs me closer.
"It better," I cozy into his side," all that's left is telling my brother."
Pavo barks a laugh," I can't imagine the paperwork he has for this!"
Hello! Hope you enjoyed the 2nd October story. After this month I will be on a hiatus once again.
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sneakerdoodle · 1 year
this may be petty but i think it's just a bit silly that both the comic (very openly) and the movie (less so but still deliberately) used Nimona's shapeshifting combined with her immortality as a source of distrust for Ballister, causing him to look at her differently, no longer seeing a vulnerable young person (and that hurting her and hurting their bond) - that in the movie, they had the director use footage of Nimona allowing herself a moment of vulnerability, of being a child reaching out to a child, and tell everyone "see? this monster will PRESENT as harmless and vulnerable and choose seemingly helpless forms to fool you", had the director point at this battered traumatized suicidal teenager falling into the arms of the first adult in a thousand years who chose to protect her, and say "this is deception, it's TRYING to appear vulnerable and young and defenseless" - and she is wrong, and we're supposed to know that the narrative asks us to TRUST what we see despite the things we do not get to fully know or understand -
and now a portion of the fan base is debating whether Nimona choosing a vulnerable young form is disingenuine and inauthentic to her actual degree of "maturity". is just weird!
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achromasloth · 1 year
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Mackenzie and the black hole.
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gay-meowmeow · 8 months
Pete looking at Way:
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deenigma · 3 months
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Jumping on this bandwagon!
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𝔈𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔪𝔞 (յգԴօ) 𝔞𝔯𝔱 𝔟𝔶 𝔇𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔡 𝔄. ℌ𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔶
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azazel-dreams · 1 year
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Enigma Tales: Star Trek Deep Space Nine by Una McCormack
Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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earthlycreates · 4 months
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greendragonqueen · 7 months
How to deal with your period pain and the spicy sadness:
Step 1: Buy supplies to make chainmail
Step 2: Turn on Markiplier or NileRed on the TV (optional extra steps, get blanket and salty popcorn)
Step 3: Fight the chains
Step 4: Achieve Greatness until you realize you bought out all the little links of the color you want at the local craft store of your choice
Repeat steps until you either lose a finger, create chainmail armor, or are no longer in pain.
Good luck!
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dreamer434 · 1 year
a complete story breakdown of signalis- indie xplorer
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theamalgaverse · 2 years
This is a super random question, buuuuut…How does Dewey and Peter the Pumpkin interact each other?
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They actually have quite a good bond!
Dewey was untrusting at first (as always) but as time went on, the two became homies
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pymaridhead · 1 year
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23/08/88 ah shit! Here we go again…
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