#Spencer is like ah interesting ANYWAY
Oh my god Ew Ew Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew
Kate and Rossi: ew
Spencer: holding the bug that was in A DEAD BODY OVERNIGHT by a pair of tweezers: we need to deliver the profile
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t1red-twilight · 4 months
oblivious pining headcannons
summary: you and spencer are so unbelievably unaware.
content/warnings: gn!reader, fluff, idiots in love, cursing
notes: i’m so lonely (rip)
word count: 0.4k
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- spencer is blissfully unaware and in denial that anyone could ever like him romantically
- this is driving the team INSANE.
- because you are interested. very much so, in fact.
- you have his coffee order memorized, and you even bought the creamer he likes for the office
- “i made you coffee:)”
- “this is perfect! thank you? how’d you know what i like?”
- “i bought that creamer you like!”
- and derek just kinda stares in bewilderment. “these idiots are so fucking dumb. oh my god.”
- hotch has taken to being cupid (middle school teacher style)
- you are assigned to share rooms with each other, and you accept no questions asked. (like when teachers put kids who have crushes on each other next to eachother on the seating chart)
- “it’s just because we are close friends!” no. it is not.
- spencer always saves you a seat on the jet.
- gets pissed when anyone tries to take ‘your spot’
- loverboy™
- staring at each other when you think nobody is looking
- lingering touches
- this becomes magnified when one considers that spencer is a germaphobe
- emily was watching in disbelief as spencer was showing you something about the geographic profile. you were practically nestled into his side; very much in his personal bubble. “morgan, come here.”
- “oh my god. so much for ‘bacteria transfers instantaneously.’”
- going out of his way to be near you
- he approaches you whenever you enter a room
- he doesn’t say anything most times. just kinda stands next to you
- you’re the only one to listen to his tangents
- “you didn't finish talking about narcissistic tendencies earlier, spence.”
- “oh! so narcissistic breakdown can be identified through-”
- he points out your little quirks to other people
- “they do that when they’re nervous. i hope they're okay”
- now that i mention it
- CONSTANTLY checking in on you.
- “are you okay?”
- “i’m still good to come over right?”
- “text me when you get home, okay?”
- he’s hyper aware of your little tics and can read you like a book:(
- like he is so perceptive and will then proceed to check in on you (as stated previously, he does quite a lot)
- researches your interests so he can talk to you about them lol
- eye contact 24/7 (i’m a sucker for puppydog eyes</3)
- team is lowkey disgusted by your sickly-sweet interactions
- minus rossi. who will just say something about his third wife and be like “ah. young love.”
- he holds your hand all the time. will wiggle his fingers to get your attention
- anyway it's just really sweet
- you're really sweet with each other.
- and even though it's excruciating to watch, the team encourages you two that you should just ask the other on a date
- and when you do, it's a quiet win for everyone.
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discotitsposts · 5 months
You’re lucky you’re cute
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reader and reid flirting at the party of a mutual friend
she/her pronouns used
some mature themes and choice words used. overall supposed to be lighthearted and silly
i love this photo so much
You were getting ready for a party a good family friend of yours was hosting. You had known David Rossi since you were a little kid and it’s rumored you were somehow related. Rossi treated you like his own and had been there for you your whole life. He had even helped you out of a few legal jams you’d found yourself in high school.
He had seen you first learn to walk, started school, hugged you while you cried on his expensive suit when you went through your first breakup, and graduate high school. Now you were going through academy training to work at the FBI. You wanted to be just like David.
You had never met anyone on his team in the BAU except Hotch. He had told you about everyone though. You were most excited to meet Penelope she sounded like a ray of sunshine. You were very intrigued by the mysterious Dr. Spencer Reid. He sounded very interesting. According to Rossi he could read 20,000 words per minute and had an eidetic memory. How amazing is that? Being a bit of a smarty pants yourself you definitely wanted to talk to him.
You had also learned he was apparently wildly handsome from what some girls at the academy had said. Though you’d never seen a photo of him, he sounded fantastic.
On the drive to Rossi’s mansion you listened to your favorite music. Singing every lyric to kill your nerves. You parked and it seemed everyone else had already arrived.
You ring the doorbell and Rossi opens it. When he sees you he smiles proudly and yells “Principessa! Sei bellissima!” He hugs you and brings you in to meet the team.
“You know Aaron, this is JJ, Emily, this is Derek Morgan.” You shake each persons hand as he says their name.
“Ah, the infamous Derek Morgan.” You say. “Nice to meet you all.”
“Pleasures all mine, gorgeous.” Derek winks at you. Emily punches his arm. “Leave her alone weirdo.” She scolds.
A brightly dressed woman with beautifully styled blonde hair runs into the room carrying two wine glasses and speaking excitedly.
“Is she here yet? Oh hi!!” She pulls you into a big hug.
“You must be Penelope! I’ve heard so much about you. All of you. What about the infamous Dr. Reid? Is he here yet?” You nonchalantly ask.
“She’s developed a little bit of a crush on our good doctor.” Rossi spills.
“I have not!” You pout, embarrassed by this very true fact.
Everyone chuckles. The doorbell chimes loudly through the foyer.
“Uh oh, it’s your future husband.” David teases.
“Keep it up and I’ll pour your vintage scotch down the drain.” You retort. Rossi puts his hands up in defeat and goes to answer the door.
“Here’s the one I want you to meet! Spencer, this is our little star of the FBI academy!” Rossi boasts. Dr. Reid smiles and waves at you. You reach your hand out to shake his and he frowns. They were right. He’s literally so handsome I can barely think. You think. Barely.
“I don’t shake hands. Too many germs. It’s actually safer to kiss.” He tells you.
“Ok, come here then.” You reach out and pucker your lips. Spencer slowly backs away and clears his throat.
“Oh my god, wait no I was joking.” You quickly attempt to retrace what you said. Ever so embarrassed you quickly change the subject. Spencer smiles shyly.
“Anyways, um David told me you have an eidetic memory. I think that’s really fascinating. I actually couldn’t wait to meet you and have a conversation with you. I really really want to get to know more about you! Not that I was obsessed with you before even meeting you, definitely not the case. That would be weird. You’re really cool, I mean you seem cool because how would I know that. I never met you before. Although I was expecting more of a mad scientist look to be honest. You’re really attractive though, I mean your face is scientifically perfect I mean… you know what I’ll be right back” You ramble on and realize you’re embarrassing yourself. It’s not your fault. When you look at Spencer’s face your brain goes to mush.
You excuse yourself and try to run away to the safety of a nearby restroom. Someone grabs hold of your wrist despite the estimated germ count.
“I’d love to get to know you too.” Spencer’s smiling at you.
“You don’t think I’m a crazy rambler?” You ask, worriedly.
“I’m a bit of a rambler myself.” He chuckles and leads you to a nearby couch. You two end up talking for over an hour about everything. He tells you about his mother, his life in Vegas, and how he’s banned from multiple casinos which made you laugh so hard. You tell him stories of Rossi when you were growing up. The time Rossi had choked on some of his pasta when babysitting you and had spat it out through his nose. This makes Spencer crack up.
“Guys look.” Morgan motions to you two talking and laughing. Everyone else at the party looks over.
“I had a feeling they would get along.” Hotch breaks into a smile. Rossi however is scowling.
You leave to refill your root beer and David walks over to Spencer.
“Hey Rossi, she’s really fun to talk to. Thank you for inviting me tonight. I’m having so much fun.” Spencer smiles up at him.
Rossi plasters on a fake smile. “Are you?” Spencer nods happily. Rossi’s face grows serious and he leans in, “Good, because if you hurt her, just remember, I would know exactly how to get away with murder.” Rossi smiles at Spencer and pats his back and walks back to the party. Spencer swallows nervously.
“Wasn’t planning on it.” He whispers to himself.
“Wasn’t planning on what?” You walk back in and hand him an extra root beer.
“Nothing. Thanks.” Spencer smiles and opens his root beer.
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“So tell me more about when you got kidnapped by a cult leader?” You ask eagerly.
“Well this guy, his name was Benjamin Cyrus. We infiltrated his cult by pretending to be child protective services. Me and Emily got caught in the middle of crossfire. SWAT shot at them, they shot back, and put us all in danger.” He tells you everything about that case. You watch in awe at the way he talks. “Rossi actually brought them fried chicken with a microphone bug in the bucket.” Spencer laughs recalling the silly detail.
“Mmm sounds delicious.”
Rossi has been keeping his eye on you two. You look really happy but he likes having Spencer terrified of him. Your back is to Rossi and when Spencer makes eye contact. Rossi points at you and then Spencer and makes a cutting motion on his throat. This makes Spencer nervous. You notice him turn pale and turn around. You see Rossi is just playing cards with Aaron.
Penelope goes around passing out liquor to everyone. “Bottles for everyone!” She cheers over and over slurring her words. Morgan wrangles her to sit back down, stumbling, also intoxicated. You down your bottle and Spencer watches in shock.
You get crazier and Spencer goes to put the bottle Penelope had handed him, back in the kitchen. You’re dancing or trying to anyway. Spencer accidentally bumps you and you pull him down with you. The bottle in his hand breaks and splashes all over you both. Rossi hears a loud crash and comes into the kitchen.
“What the hell happened in here!” Rossi shouts noticing the red liquid trickling everywhere and you, in a now-red stained dress.
“We fell.” You and Spencer say at the same time.
You giggle, “Jinx!”
“You know the origin of the jinx was actually-“
“Clean this up brainiac!” Rossi cuts him off and hands Spencer a sponge.
“Yes sir.” Spencer falls to his knees and starts scrubbing. You notice the room felt hotter as he did so. Was it the weather or the sight of Spencer working hard?
“I’m sorry you got red wine all over you. You looked really nice. Not that you don’t look nice anymore. You look beautiful. I just feel bad your clothes got stained now.”
“Of all the days to wear a white dress. You’re lucky you’re cute Dr. Reid.”
You pick up a different sponge and help him clean.
“You don’t need to help.” He starts.
“It was partly my fault. Plus I know he’s gonna come in here and try to see if he can see his reflection in the tile. If he can’t,” You make a cracking sound and air-motion bending something, Spencer presumes to be, his neck if the red wine doesn’t come up.
“The guys so rich he can afford someone to professionally clean.” Spencer laughs at this.
“I know! One time when I was seven I accidentally spilled some jam and he told me if I didn’t clean it, all the jam in the world would disappear and I could never eat it ever again.”
Spencer opens his mouth in shock, “That is so mean!”
“It worked though.” You say while scrubbing the floor harder. He laughs so loud. Something he noticed he hadn’t done in a long time.
You decide to push his buttons a little since practically none of the wine got on him. You flick some water and soap at him.
“Hey!” He splashes you with some water back.
You stand up and discreetly grab the water sprayer on the sink and turn it on full blast. Spencer yells and with no way to defend himself, tries to stop the water with his hands. Penelope and Morgan run in and you spray them. Everyone’s laughing so hard you don’t see Emily come up behind you with a bucket of water. She throws it on you and you scream.
Hotch and Rossi walk in and shake their heads in disbelief.
“I’m disappointed in you all,” Hotch starts. Everyone stops and fearfully looks at him. “for not including me in the fun!” He grabs the water sprayer from you and splashes Rossi. While you’re all fooling around you notice a groundbreaking discovery. Spencer’s lilac purple shirt is completely see through and soaked. His nipples are even hard from the cold water. Hot damn.
You show up behind him and squeeze his hand and pull him to one of the bedrooms. You both lean in and kiss softly. You attack his lips with kisses and soon the kisses mesh together and become messier. He’s moaning into your mouth while you attempt to rip his shirt off.
“Wait.” He stops you. You pull away confused. “If Rossi’s upset about some red wine won’t he be more upset if we get… you know what on the bed?”
“Cum?” You ask. Spencer makes a disgusted face at your choice of words. “Nah only if he comes through with a black light.”
“No I meant the…stains.” He points at your dress, his face completely red.
“Oh this?” You motion to your now red dress. You reach behind you and untie your dress, letting it fall to the ground. You stand in front of him completely bare. Good thing you chose to not wear anything under it this evening.
You start to hum a song while you stalk towards him. When you push him back on the bed you hear a loud knock at the door.
“AHHHHHHHH” Spencer screams while covering his crotch with a blanket. You simply pick your soaked dress off the ground and sloppily put it back on. Rossi continues pounding his fist on the door.
“Tie me.” You command.
“Huh?” Spencer looks up confused and disoriented. You motion to the back of the dress and Spencer ties a cute bow with the strings. His nimble fingers moving as quickly as they’ll allow. He thinks Rossi’s fist might soon break through the door. You calmly walk to the door and carefully turn the knob.
“Hello.” You smile sweetly.
He simply crosses his arms and glares at Spencer. “Both of you, out. Now. I don’t even want to think about what you were thinking of doing in my guest bedroom young lady.” He wags his finger at you. When Spencer stands up to leave, Rossi stops him with his hand.
“Remember what I said I’d do if you hurt her. She’s like a daughter to me.”
“I-I-I won’t David, I was actually going to ask your permission. If I ma-maybe could take her on a date?” Rossi’s eyebrows raise at Spencer’s request, as if to say, tell me more. “I think she’d enjoy a film fest, they’re playing some old monster movies down at the drive in, some are in Russian, but that’s alright because I could translate to her. I’ll have her home by 11:30 I promise.” Spencer’s stumbling over his words nervously.
Rossi bursts out laughing, “Kid she doesn’t live with me anymore. She’s an adult. You don’t need my permission. Hope you two have fun. I was only worried about my sheets!” He runs to the bed fixing the creases you two had made.
After that he asked you if you’d like to go, of course you said yes. That Saturday night you two had so much fun and fell in love even more.
the end :)
pls pls tell me some of u thought this was even a little bit funny
actually pls tell me if u enjoyed this at all
i’m laughing so hard writing the part about his nipples help
fun fact when i wrote the part about reader wearing a white dress i was listening to this
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pipsuwu · 2 years
Pretty Boy
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A/N: Yes, I did make this gif, but Tumblr dot com has fucked the quality :’) anyways....It has been YEARS since I have written fan-fiction (the last time I wrote fanfiction it was 2018). If you like it, feel free to let me know. If it is absolute dog shit, feel free to let me know. Enjoy, you horny bastard. MINORS, DO NOT INTERACT.
Summary: You and Spencer have no clue what you are to each other until you confess to him...  Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader 
Genre: Smut                      
Warnings: Foul Language, Sub!Spencer, dirty talk, praise kink, scratching, marking, temperature play, Spencer being referred to as “Princess”, there are a lot of pet names, light dacryphilia, light overstimulation, asphyxiation, 
Word Count: 3,496 
“Would you please stop looking at me like that?”
You shift your gaze, suddenly deciding the wall to your right was far more interesting to look at. When was the last time the wall was painted? The paint is chipping away at the corners…
“Does it make it hard to focus when I do ‘look at you like that’?” you ask, “Just curious…”
“It’s a bit difficult to talk to you when you practically f-fuck me with your eyes,” he says, looking down at the table you’re both sat at. He has been fidgeting with his hands the entire time the two of you have been talking. He was the one who asked you to come here with him for lunch… he did say the two of you needed to talk, but… he hasn’t been able to get to the point. You look back at him, he still has his gaze down to the table before him.
“Does that make you nervous?”
“You mean do YOU make me nervous?” Spencer sighed, looking back at you briefly before deciding he could not handle eye contact with you at this time.
“Well, do I?” you asked, matter-of-factly. “Do I make YOU nervous?”
“Honestly? Yes, but also no, I do not know quite how to articulate it… what are we?” He looked up at you, holding eye contact this time.
Ah, so that’s what this is about…You knew this would come up. You and Reid had an… interesting relationship to say the least. The two of you met 6 months ago while he was out with some of his coworkers at a bar, apparently he had crashed some form of “girls’ night” with his bald handsome friend/coworker/wingman? (It wasn’t Spence’s plan, he made sure to ramble on about it being all baldy’s idea) Long story short, he ended the night talking with you at the bar for over an hour rambling on about anything and everything he could think of while you just listened to him. God, he is so cute when he rambles…Anyways, you snuck your number in his blazer pocket before he left and it was not long before you two were talking…but the labels in your relationship are a bit unclear even after 6 months of talking. You two hang out, go out together, he comes over to your place, you go over to his… It's typically just to watch horrible documentaries while he rambles off statistics and you listen to him. And then there are the times you two have kissed…okay, you two were practically eating out each other’s faces, but that is not only a newer development it is also besides the point…
“I don’t know what we are, Spence… we’ve never really talked about that. Our “friendship and/or relationship”-if you could even call it that-is a bit odd.”
“Well, let’s talk about it,” He replies, after drawing in a deep breath and furrowing his eyebrows.
“Our “friendship and/or relationship”-if you could even call it that,” He says using his air quotes before putting his hand down and reaching the other to pick up his drink and take a sip, you see his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallows, he has a really pretty neck… oh right, you’re supposed to be having a conversation…You look up at his face again while he takes another sip.
“I like our “friendship/relationship”…? But I would be lying if I said I did not want to…uh fuck you.”
He chokes slightly, coughing from a harsh intake of air. His mouth stretches into a thin line as he processes what you just told him. He nods, biting his lip before he clears his throat.
“Too much?” You ask, chuckling nervously stirring your very watered-down drink with the paper straw you were given.
“Th-Thank you for your uh honesty, I guess,” He looks down at the table again before meeting your gaze.
“You guess?” You question him, giving him a confused look.
“I don’t even know how to respond to that.” He quips, you can tell he’s thinking about what you said, but words are escaping him.
“So you don’t know if you feel the same?” you ask, tilting your head. He shakes his, before a look of panic crosses his face.
“I mean no, as in I do not know uh how I feel,” He felt the need to clarify, you smile and nod your head.
“That’s okay, Spence, you can take your time figuring that out if that’s what you need.”
He looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t quite have the words. Until his face just went blank. Completely neutral.
“Let me think about it alone,” He says after a moment, to which you nod.
The check gets paid, split as usual, and then you both go your separate ways. You go to your apartment, changing into a baggy t-shirt and your underwear the minute you get in. You decide to watch some random cooking show on the food network as background noise for a nap on your couch.
The nap was going swell until hours later, you got a call from none other than the pretty boy himself. It has barely been 3 hours… you answer the phone.
“Hey uh Spence-”
“Open the door,” He interrupts, you sit there for a moment, processing what he said.
“P-Please open the door,” He stutters out, you hear him sigh on the other end of the line. You nod, even though he cannot see you. And then, you get up and open the door for him.
He doesn’t dare step into the apartment, only focused on you standing in front of him.
“It has barely been 3 hours,” You say, your head tilted as you scratched your scalp.
“You said to take my time, I took as much of it as I needed,” He starts, pausing to take a deep breath.
“Can you come in before we have this talk awkwardly in the doorway to my apartment,” You shift to the side, so he can enter the apartment space. He presses his lips together before nodding, he starts taking off his converse and socks by the door before walking to the couch to sit down. You close the door and grab an iced drink for the both of you from the kitchen, before joining him on the couch.
“You said you wanted to f-fuck me?” He said it in the form of a question, his voice so quiet you could barely hear him. You just look at him quizzically.
“Maybe I want you to fuck me,” He states before clearing his throat, “I like the time we spend together, but I do not think we can be ‘friends’... at least not platonically.”
“Maybe..” You repeat back to him.
“I shouldn’t have said maybe… I-I want you to fuck me,” Spencer’s ears start turning red when he stutters out the confession. You smile softly at him, amused.
“Right now.” He says it while shifting around, fidgeting, his hands rub over his thighs back and forth. You raise your eyebrows. He looks down at his thighs. You grab his face gently, turning him back to face you. Your free hand moves his hair out of his eyes. You sigh softly.
“Are you sure?” You asked him, you wanted certainty.
“Yes, I am completely sure,” He says, nodding a little. He doesn’t break eye contact for a second.
“Okay, Pretty boy,” you respond practically in a whisper, stroking his hair gently before letting go of his face. He takes the drink I gave him and takes a sip before taking off his scarf and tossing it to the side.
“What’ll the safe word be?” you ask, while watching him take off his blazer and setting it with his scarf.
“Safe word?” He asks, eyebrows furrowing.
“Yeah, a safe word, in case you want to stop,” you state before taking a sip of your drink.”Is that a problem?”
“No, how about ‘potassium’?” He asks, looking back at  you,  you pause, nodding. He started loosening his tie. You get up, grip the collar of his button up, and tug him towards you. You start unbuttoning his shirt.
“Wait, potassium?” You ask, causing him to pause. He just nods slowly. You look in his eyes for a minute before booping his nose, nodding back to him before moving your hands back to his shirt. “Potassium it is,” you state, his shirt joins his clothes, and you tug on his belt. Spencer lets out a little gasp, looking you in the eyes, biting his lip a little. The belt gets undone and tossed with the rest of the clothes. You then unbutton and unzip his pants, your eyes never leave his. Even as he steps out of his pants, shuffling them to the pile of his clothes. He moves his hand to the bottom of your shirt, looking down at it while he starts to fidget with the hem in his hands before looking back up to meet your eyes. You look down before looking back up at him, nodding a little. He gets the hint. He takes off your shirt, dropping it on the floor, before gently leaving a chaste kiss on your lips. Your hand moves to run through his hair before gripping the hair at the back, tugging a little causing a low whine to come from Spencer. You deepen the kiss, biting his bottom lip. He moans lightly, bringing his hands up to rest on your shoulders. You tug on his hair again harder this time, moving your lips to lightly kiss his jaw before pulling away. You pull your hand out of his hair, lightly pushing him to sit down on the couch before straddling his lap. You sit back, admiring the view. Spence is already panting, he looks up at you through his lashes, his lips are red, and so are his ears. He is so pretty… You run your fingers through his hair gripping it to pull his head back, he closes his eyes. You start running your tongue up his neck, he shudders, humming to himself. You start marking his neck, biting and nipping at the sensitive skin. He moans lightly, his hand slipping in your hair and gripping it lightly causing you to groan. You leave hickeys and bite marks in a path towards his chest. His breathing gets heavier and heavier. You lick up his chest, before swirling your tongue around his right nipple. He gasps, his grip in your hair getting harsher.
“Y-Y/N,”He stutters out your name.You pause before moving to the other nipple, swirling your tongue around it, sucking lightly. He huffs out a heavy breath, groaning lightly. You occupy yourself kissing and marking his chest until you see Spence sliding the hand that isn’t still gripping your hair for dear life into his briefs. You grab his wrist swiftly and bring it up to his face. He lets go of your hair.
“Okay, Princess, I don’t recall saying you could touch yourself,” You state sarcastically.
“Princess?” He questions.
“Do you not like it?” You ask.
“I-I like it a lot...actually” He replies, he can barely look you in the eyes while admitting it. You smile at him, before tightening your grip on his wrist.
“Princess… don’t touch yourself right now, I want to take care of you.”
“Th-Then can you touch me?” He asks.
“You have to be a little more specific, Pretty boy.”
“Can you touch my cock, please…”he is incredibly embarrassed, even asking, you can tell by the tone of his voice, he avoids even looking you in the eyes after saying it. And you bite your lip, shutting your eyes for a second, nodding at him.
“You asked so nicely, so why would I say no?” You drop his wrist before giving him a light kiss, he deepens it, biting your lip and groaning into your mouth when he feels your hand grip the base of his cock. You move your hand along his cock, your grip tight. He groans and whines in your ear. You rest your head on his shoulder before biting down. Your hand gradually picks up the pace along his cock, squeezing tighter every so often, while he pants and moans practically right in your ear. He moves his hands to your shoulders, gripping his nails into your skin and dragging them down your back. You let go of his shoulder with your teeth and moan in his ear, arching your back. Your pace immediately quickens in response.
“Shit, Spence,” you curse, shuddering a little. He whines, continuing to dig his nails in your back.
“I need to c-cum,” He stutters out, his cock twitching as you quicken the pace even more. He stutters out moans, his face contorting in pleasure, sweat drips down his forehead, and on his chest. He seems lost in trying to reach his high. You reach to grab your drink, and take in enough drink allowing an ice cube in your mouth. Spence fails to notice, his eyes squeezed shut, as his back arches slightly. Muscles in his body twitching as he gets closer and closer to cumming. You dip your head, holding the ice cube between your teeth, running it over his chest, his eyes immediately open, as he whines, shuddering at the cold while his cock twitches and his body tenses up.
“F-fuck,” he stutters, bucking his hips up practically fucking your hand, in uneven thrusts. “I need to cum please.” He says a groan following. You lift your head taking the ice cube out of your mouth.
“I’m not going to stop you,” You state, smugly, slowing the pace you have on his cock, watching him come undone. His head immediately fell back, his hips frantically bucking up to meet your hand, as his eyes tears up moaning loudly. You slow your hand down to a complete stop, not wanting to overstimulate him too much… yet. You pull your hand away and lick his cum off your hand. He looks up at you through watery eyes, letting out a light groan at the sight. You were still holding the ice cube, so you decided to just suck it into your mouth letting it melt on your tongue. You briefly leave to get something to clean with before joining him back on the couch. You clean him up before giving him a light kiss letting him recover. You straddle him again, getting in his lap, and he groans. You look at him confused before lightly shifting on his lap. Oh.
“You’re hard again.” You say, shifting your hips again. He grabs your hips trying to get you to stay still, you grip his hands and take them off your hips. You get up and take off his briefs completely, throwing his briefs in the pile of his clothes. He reaches out for your underwear, tugging on the band of it while looking at you. You place your hand over his and help him tug it off leaving it on the floor. Straddling him again, he kisses you. He grabs your arm, mumbling under his breath while tugging on your arm. You raise your eyebrows, not understanding what he wants.
“What is it, Pretty boy?” You ask, making direct eye contact. He avoids eye contact, opting to instead look at your body. You take your hand and place it under his chin lifting his face. He looks at you, almost pouty, you can tell he doesn’t want to say it. Yet he musters up the courage anyway.
“C-can you sit on my face?” He asks, his voice is hushed, he looks embarrassed that he even asked. You have a shit-eating grin on your face right about now.
“…Lay down.”
“Thank you,” this man will be the death of you for fucks sake. You get up so he can lay on his back, once he does you straddle his chest and run your hands through his hair. Every angle is Spencer Reid’s angle, but looking at him like this… he’s so pretty. He runs his hands over your thighs, squeezing them impatiently. He’s begging you with his eyes at this point. You take a deep breath before moving up, positioning yourself over his face, you do not get to finish taking your sweet time as Spence uses his grip on your thighs to pull you down onto his face.
“Someone is very–oh shit, that’s really nice—impatient,” You observed, as he wasted absolutely no time fucking you with his tongue like an absolute madman. The moans coming from you are absolutely obscene and it’s giving Reid quite the ego boost, he’s trying not to smile. You have to stop yourself from practically riding the man’s face. He has barely even started and you already feel your orgasm about to hit you like a tsunami. Your legs are shaking, your breathing rapid, and your hands need something to grab onto so naturally you chose to put them in his hair.
“Th-That’s it, Princess, you’re r-really good at this,” You are tugging on his hair, taking deep breaths, feeling him dig his nails into your thighs and your ass. The closer you get the more you tug on his loose curls. “Shit, Spence, I-I need to—” In order to try and attempt to finish that sentence, one would need to be able to focus. That was practically impossible as Pretty boy had the audacity to look you in your eyes and dig his nails into your ass scratching all the way down. You feel like you just got the air knocked out of you as your orgasm hits. He keeps going, trying to hold your shaking legs as you cum. He keeps going and you eventually move off his face, straddling his chest, trying to recover. You hold both his hands, intertwining your fingers with his.
“I wanted to keep going,” His big ass puppy eyes meet yours as he pouts slightly.
“Don’t pout,” You lean down, resting one hand on his chest, the other reaches back and wraps around his cock. His eyes widen, a moan escapes him, as your thumb gently circles the tip.
“F-fuck me,” he cries out. You give him a soft smile.
“As you wish,” You line his cock up and sink down on it slowly. He groans, grabbing for your hands again to hold them while he takes deep breaths.
“Are you okay?” You ask him and he nods a little.
“I’m—I a-am—I am…wonderful” He can barely get out the words, whimpering in between syllables. His eyes squeeze shut as he takes deep breaths. He is squeezing your hands firmly. His hips fuck up into you and your breath hitches. “P-Please, fuck me.” He says, opening his tear-filled eyes. You do not feel the need to respond verbally, obliging him. You roll your hips before quickly lifting up and moving swiftly back down. He groans, moving his hands to your hips, gripping them. He thrusts up while you continue to set a steady pace. He moans, digging his fingernails into your hips. You moan on top of him, placing your hands firmly on his chest. You feel a little overstimulated, your hips stutter and your legs shake slightly. Tears start running down Spencer’s face, he cries out, soft whimpers leave him as he looks up at you. You move one of your hands, gently wiping the tears from his flushed cheeks before leaning down and kissing each cheek, picking up the pace despite your shaky legs and stuttering hips. Your fingers dig into his chest, scratching lightly and rolling your hips. Feeling a hand leave one of your hips you tilt your head in confusion as you feel Spencer’s hand grab your right wrist. He tugs at the wrist and you allow him to guide your hand to his neck. Your eyes widen and your eyebrows raise, nearly stopping the rolling of your hips against his cock. Experimentally, you wrap your hand around his neck, pressing against the sides of his neck to restrict his airflow, but making sure you do not choke him improperly. His cock twitches and his head falls back onto the couch cushion, his mouth opens, but no words come out and his hips stutter upwards, meeting your pace.
“Shit!” You curse as you cum, continuing to ride out your orgasm. Your hand squeezes his throat a little harder, causing Reid to grip at your wrist, digging his nails into your skin. He cums inside you, moaning and sighing out a light,’fuck’ as he relaxes on the couch, tears streaming down his face. You removed your hand from his throat resting it on his chest.
“Was it worth it, Pretty boy?” You asked, wiping his tears away. Spencer only nods, breathless.while tracing the scratch marks he left on your ass.
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silver138 · 4 months
Perfectly Flawed - Chapter 3
word count - 1.4k
warnings - cursing, bad flirting attempt?
Summary: Lina (tries) to flirt.
Waking up before my alarm for a change, I get out of bed take a shower, and dress. After putting on my makeup and straightening my hair, I grab the first two books of The Dresden Files and toss them into my bag. "You're up early. You that excited for work, Lina?" I turn and see Val in the doorway to her room, yawning and scratching her head. I just shrug and smile at her. "If you give me, like, 20 minutes, I can take you to work today..." she starts, turning around to walk back into her room.
"Ah, no, that's ok! I-I don't mind taking the metro! It-it's...kinda nice..." I say quickly. She stops and turns around, walking towards me with a smirk on her face.
"OK, spill it, who is he?" she says, leaning against the kitchen counter.
"I-I don't know what you mean, Vallie. Can't I just be in a good mood...and-and want to take public transportation? OK, yeah, that sounded lame, even to me..." I mutter.
She raises her eyebrows and says, "Well, I'm glad you realize what you said was bullshit. Anyway, the guy?"
"I-I...why do you think I like someone? Isn't it possible I've just made a bunch of friends, and that's why I'm excited?" I offer.
She snorts and says, "While I know you're a fuckin' ray of sunshine, this is exactly how you act every time you get a crush. You did it with Carl, you did it with Jim..."
"And they weren't interested and became my friends, so..." I counter.
"Uh-huh. Sure. Well, who's the new 'friend', then?" she says.
I sigh and say, "Spencer Reid. Um, Doctor Spencer Reid."
She walks over and nudges my shoulder with hers, "Hey, hey, a doctor, huh? ...Wait, a doctor works with the feds?" she asks.
I nod, saying "Yeah, he's got, like, 3 PhDs. I'm not sure in what yet, I could probably ask him when I see him..."
She raises her eyebrows and nudges me again. "So, what does this Doctor Spencer Reid look like? He cute?" she says, walking back to the counter.
I give a shy smile and say, "I-um, yeah, I think so, at least. Definitely my type..."
Val nods and says with a smile, "Ah, gotcha. Scrawny and tall."
I huff and say, "I wouldn't say scrawny. Slender, maybe..."
Val hums and says, "Mmm, well, if I know you, you're off to buy something for breakfast, getting two so you can say they 'accidentally' gave you an extra one and offering it to him. Oh, or are you lending him something to borrow?"
I open my mouth to protest, but she just gives me a look, and I look down as I put my shoes on and say, "Um, both. I'm also lending him books to read."
"Wow, going in with both barrels, you are smitten, huh Lina?" she drawls.
I look up and shrug at her. As I grab my bag and coat, she turns to go into the bathroom and says over her shoulder, "OK then. Have fun and be careful, Lina. And good luck with your doctor," I snort and head out the door, making my way to the closest place I can get what I need for my flirting tactic, which would be a Starbucks. After getting two chocolate chip muffins and a small mocha, I make my way to the metro, hoping I didn't miss Spencer.
Luck must have been on my side that day because as the metro pulls up and I board, I see Spencer sitting and he waves at me. I smile and sit near him, saying, "Heya Doc- Spencer. How're you this morning?"
He shrugs and says, "I-I'm fine, how are you?"
I reply, "Oh, I'm ok. I brought the books, too. Do you know for sure you'll have enough time to read them?"
He gives a small smile and says, "As long as we don't get called in for a case, yeah. We mainly do paperwork in between cases."
"Doesn't that get boring, though?" I ask.
"Believe me, after working on cases, paperwork is a welcome drudgery," he says.
I give a slight nod and continue. "Do you type it up, or have to write it out by hand?"
"Um, I mean, both, technically. While they've been trying to get everything backed up digitally, we can still write it by hand if it's one we've recently finished. I'd rather do it by hand, honestly. I can write faster than I can type." Spencer says.
"I can understand that. I prefer typing, but that's mainly because when I type, other people can actually understand what I'm trying to write!" I joke with a small laugh.
Spencer gives me a small smile and says, "Studies have shown that having messy handwriting can be an indication of higher intelligence, that you're thinking so much and so fast that your hand can't keep up."
I smile and say, "Huh, that makes me feel a bit better about my chicken scratch. Thanks, Spencer."
He flushes and gives me a warm smile. "Y-you're welcome. Um, this is our stop, we should get going."
Exiting the train, we make our way into the BAU building. As we step onto the elevator, I bite my lip and think, OK, let's see if it works this time... I open up the bag with the muffins and look inside. "Huh, they gave me two by accident. Hey, would you like this extra muffin? It's chocolate chip." I say, holding out the muffin toward him.
He looks at me and says, "A-are you sure?"
I nod and say, "Yup!" He gives me a small smile and takes the muffin from me.
"Thank you," he says quietly.
Giant smile on my face, I look down and say, "You're welcome, Spencer." YES, it actually worked! The elevator opens up to our floor, and we walk into the bullpen.
Spencer looks around, saying, "It looks like Garcia isn't here yet, d-did you want to sit at my desk and wait for her?"
"I-yeah, I'll sit with you and wait, if that's cool. I can give you the books, too." I say as calmly as I can while trying to cover up my giddiness. We walk over to his desk and he pulls up a spare chair to sit in while motioning for me to sit in his chair.
As I sit down, I pull out the books I've brought and place them on his desk. Looking at Spencer, I ask him, "OK, so, you can read really fast. But can you remember it all?"
He nods and says, "Yes, I remember everything I've ever read."
"Really? Everything? Is it ok if I test that by asking you questions about the books when you're done, right? For science?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows slightly.
He chuckles and says, "I think I can do that. For science."
"So, um, do I-do I just...come by your desk at lunch, or..." I start, trying and failing to not sound awkward.
"I-y-yeah, I don't think it'll be a problem if we take our lunch at the same time," he says. Hearing footsteps, we both turn to see Penelope walk over, folders in her hands.
"Hey, Lina. You keeping our Boy Genius company?" she says, a sly smile on her face.
Flushing slightly, I ask, "That's ok, right? Like, I'm allowed?"
Giving a gentler smile, she says, "Yeah, that's fine, as long as there's downtime. However, I'm gonna have to ask you to come with me now, today I'm going to show you what we do when there's not a case."
"See you at lunch?" I say to Spencer, who gives me a small smile and says, "Yeah, I-I'll see you then, Lina." Grinning, I stand up and Penelope and I walk together.
"So," she starts, a Cheshire Cat grin on her face. "How was your morning, Lina?"
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Ouija? Oui Oui
Criminal Minds. Garvez 2,220 words, Clean, Ao3 This is a Halloween story that took a while... over a year, in fact. Stranded in a spooky old house on a stormy night, the team become involved in a game of Ouija, and someone is set on calling Luke out. Is it real, or is it some elaborate prank?
“Really? Rain?! It couldn’t have been an overly clear sky and sunny 75 keeping us grounded in Los Angeles?!” Penelope jiggled as she pouted, holding on to the curtain, watching the storm pelt the ground outside. 
From the kitchen entry Luke watched on, grinning at her antics. 
They weren’t really in Los Angeles, not in the city proper anyway. They were in one of the rapidly disappearing, still out of the way, not-quite booming agricultural towns. It was a town so small and remote there was no cause for lodgings, never had been. The people who came here were family and farm workers. Being here was never an accident, and it was certainly not a vacation. If you were here, there was a purpose. 
Their purpose had come to a close with an exceptionally rare “good” ending; no lives lost, all missing found. But a freak storm and the only road out washing away left the team stuck. As a result, they had graciously been put up for the night by the sheriff in the old victorian farmhouse owned by her family.
It was drafty, and creaky, and kind of creepy, but it had enough beds to sleep the whole team and all the comforts of a home, so Penelope couldn’t really complain. Still, she would have liked it better if they’d been tucked up cozy on the jet back to DC rather than stuck there. 
Sensing her discomfort, wanting to lighten things up, distract her, Luke did what he seemingly did best and reached to push for her buttons. Calling forth some of his early undermining, he goaded her from across the room, “You think perfect weather would prevent us from getting home, Garcia?” He watched her body perk, biting his cheek, smirking as she rounded. 
“Oh what, are you a Meteorologist now?” Penelope shot back, turning to face him. 
Sighing, JJ cut them off, “I’m just bummed we don’t have anything to play…it seems like it’s been a lifetime since we were all together for a game night.”
“Come on, we have Scrabble. Don’t think we can play with six people and 34 tiles?” Emily teased.  
Spencer’s head cocked considering it, “We could do teams” 
A silence fell as everyone looked around noncommittally, not interested in trying, but not wanting to offend him. 
After a minute Tara’s eyes lit up, an idea sparking. “It is a perfect night for a seance, you believers could prove us skeptics wrong….Let’s commune.”  
“We don’t have a Ouija board and none of us are mediums,” Penelope pointed out. Though she agreed some light (or heavy) messing around would take the creep factor of their current surroundings off her mind, she didn’t mind that they couldn’t play some spooky ghost game, real or fake…
“Ah! But we do have scrabble tiles! We could make one,” suggested Emily. “All we really need are the alphabet and some kind of planchette- we could use an empty glass. When my mom was working in Italy, some friends and I broke into an abandoned villa on the edge of town, we drank stolen wine and one of them made a spirit board from scraps of journal paper and an upside down wine glass; we got tipsy and tried to contact the ghost of a cat.”
Tara grinned, “Sounds settled then, unless you’re all too chicken…” 
JJ frowned thoughtfully, considering it, then agreed, “Not the kind of game I was thinking of, but why not.”  
“The anecdotal evidence gleaned from the experience could be fun,” said Spencer, “count me in.” 
Looking to Luke and Penelope, Tara questioned, “So?”  
“Yeah, no, my mother would kill me for ‘intruding on his holy plan.’ ” Luke laughed, walking past the group towards an empty arm chair. 
“Aww, I won’t tell mommy if you don’t,“ she teased back. 
“Nope. Sorry, Tar. Say what you want, but we deal with the dead too much already, I don’t plan on tempting it. I’ll sit this one out, read a book.” 
“Come on, Luke, it’s just a game.” JJ, coaxed.
“Actually, that’s still debatable,” said Spencer, “it had to be “proven” to work at the Patent Office before its patent was allowed to proceed; and today, even psychologists believe that it may offer a link between the known and the unknown.” 
“Thank you, Spencer.“ 
Penelope, who had initially been teetering on the ‘no’ side of the fence as well, suddenly had a do-daring change of heart at Luke’s insistent refusal. Looking between the two men, she smirked as if having won something and announced brightly, “Unlike scaredy-cat Luke, I’m in.” 
Luke scoffed, smiling, and shook his head, then put up both hands.“I heard you had been practicing,” wiggling his fingers, and winked at her before turning to unzip his backpack. 
Penelope glared, but said nothing, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of cluing the rest of the team in on what he was referring to. “Let’s just start.” 
The tiles clattered to the table scattering, deft hands quickly arranging them alphabetically in two arcs of 13. Everyone but Luke having taken a place kneeling around the table, Tara called out one last time, “Last chance Alveeez”
Luke, mind made up, simply held up the book he’d plucked from his bag, “I’m good, have fun.”  
For a moment everyone sat, not really sure who or how to get started. 
“What’da we ask?” 
“Well, we should start with hello, then something simple, like…Is anyone here?” suggested Emily, digging back into her memory.
As the question was stated the lights flickered and the temperature dropped, JJ glanced to Tara, a wry smile exchanging between the two, “Looks like a yes already.” 
A light nervous hum pulled from Penelope’s lips, “Jennifer Jareau, Know that if I can’t sleep tonight, you won’t be either-“ 
Emily rolled her eyes disapprovingly at the pair of instigators, “It’s just the storm, Penelope.” 
“She’s right,” agreed Spencer, “A house this old is bound to have some bad or broken wiring. It’s likely faulty and therefore more likely to get a short in inclement weather.” 
But as his words were assuaging the creeping feeling growing across her skin, all hands on the base of the glass felt the cup start to glide from letter to letter. Slowly, the cup dragged across the tiles, “H-E-Y” 
Stopping, Emily laughed, “Hey? Wouldn’t you know, A modern ghost.”
Just as smooth, “Y-O-U- B-E-T”  emerged under the flowing cup. 
Suspicious, skeptically amused looks were traded around the table. 
“Good or bad?“ “Do we know you?” toppled, one over the other.
The makeshift planchette remained still, as if whoever were in control were thinking, then whipped to L, down horizontally to U, up and over to K, then zipped backward, finishing on E. Reading it, all eyes went to the man sinking into the chair, into the book in his hands. 
“Luke?” Spencer stated, perplexed, glancing from face to face around the table. This was undoubtedly a prank. Spencer tried to read their micro-expressions, decide who it could be. Tara had been the one most insistent that Luke join, but Emily was good at covering things up, JJ was a proven good liar, but she was about as likely as Matt to pull someone in to a game they said they didn’t want to play. It obviously wasn’t Penelope unless she was really playing up the misdirection. Everyone’s fingers touched the base of the glass, so he couldn’t rely on proximity to help in deductions. 
Barely looking up from the book, Luke called, head inclined, “Look, I told you I’m not-“
Before he finished, all hands on the glass were pulled back in a repeat of the pattern, “L-U-K-E,” this time Tara called out the letters as they covered them. JJ’s mouth dropped open and her fingers briefly lifted. Emily, much like Spencer, was now discretely inspecting her friends.
Closing his book, Luke indulged them, calling over his shoulder, “Ha ha, very funny. Are you all enjoying yourselves?”
Confused, uneasy faces slowly shook their heads, denying they had been the one, “-It’s not me“ Tara insisted, “It’s not us,” repeated JJ.
Penelope, now believing it absolutely was some elaborate prank she wasn’t in on, called out sweetly, continuing, “Do you know Luke?”
“H-E-Y- B- E- A- U- T- I- F- U- L-    Y- E- S”
“Ooo, familiar and flirty,” she cooed
“Yeah, too bad he’s dead,” JJ said through a smile. 
A huff and the obvious sounds of shifting legs drifted from Luke’s direction. Emily’s brow furrowed, challenging, “Friend or foe?” She still wasn’t sure who it could be; if it was a game, or if this was real. The air in the room felt electric, she was no stranger to some unexplainable things, but Tara was right, this was a perfect opportunity for some spooky fun, something she absolutely did not put past either JJ or Tara indulging in at Luke’s expense.  
“N-O-M-A-T-C-H” was smoothly guided as a response.
“Nomatch?” Spencer said to himself, head tilting, puzzled.
“Uh, I think it’s ‘no match?’ ” JJ clarified. 
Luke had been trying to ignore them, immersing himself with the Bennet sisters training as Zombie killers (the modern YA takes on classics were a guilty pleasure), but icy air suddenly settled on his shoulder, a hand resting just so. 
That was different. 
The second the letters were read out it pulled his attention like a string tugging from his ear, the minute the words were spoken Luke’s hair stood on end. 
‘No match,’ why did that sound familiar? 
The thought was interrupted by Tara, sitting up on her knees, calling over, “Maybe it’s one of your old ranger buddies looking for a light”
In a flurry, their hands ripped back and forth, “N-O- M-A-T-C-H-  F-O-R-  P-E-N-E-L-O-P-E-  H-U-H”
As they reached the L Penelope let go, a sick shiver chasing down her spine. While she didn’t mind helping mess with Luke, she did not appriciate being included this way. 
Luke’s head snapped up from the book, his eyes catching hers from across the room.
They were fucking with him, fine, but not Penelope, not- 
The corner of his mouth twitched, he remembered exactly why those words were familiar, and seeing her look, though he knew she’d never heard him say it, knew she was looking to him for an answer. If Luke had bothered to look at the other sets of eyes on him, he would have found a similar piqued curiosity coming from around the room, evidence that, no, no one here was doing this. 
Emily cut to JJ and then across to Tara, looking for any sign that one of them might be the one pulling something, but there was no tell, faces just as surprised as her own. 
Spencer stated with a grin what he felt was the obvious joke the prankster had in mind, “It’s definitely someone very familiar with your relationship with Garcia.” 
Smiling briefly, then schooling his features, Luke glanced down, watching as the hands still on the cup moved easily, “N-O-  W-O-R-D-S-  C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-O-R”
He didn’t want to be a part of this. He actively had chosen not to be a part of this. And yet, here he was being dragged in to it. Forced into it. It was just like Phil to put him on the spot and not drop it. Luke heated at the truth to the implied accusation. 
Phil knew. 
He’d likely known all along. And now, even dead, he was taunting him over it. 
Luke’s eyes narrowed, but his mouth quirked, and his head twisted in disbelief, slowly the word falling out on a breath, “-sorry.”  But he didn’t say it to her, he didn’t say it to anyone in the room- any body in the room anyway. 
“N-O-M-A-T-C-H” Each hand felt the tug and pull, each thinking less and less that it was another leading the message. 
His head shook, staring at the tiles, this couldn’t be happening. More importantly, he couldn’t let her know it was happening. “I know-“
“D-O-N-T- B-L-O-W- I-T” 
The glass stopped, Penelope tugged her hand away, protectively cupping it to her chest with the other. JJ looked from Emily to Tara, then from Penelope to Luke, “…You…wanna fill us in?”  
Penelope looked to JJ, Luke’s gaze cast down then flowed up and over the faces around the table. Slowly, his shoulder raised, “What? I was playing along. Just…messing around, right?”
“So -you- were joking? Even though you refused to join us? I don’t buy it-“
“Yeah, I thought you believed in this whole ghost-afterlife-supernatrual-unexplainable. I mean, you think the BAU is haunted.”  
“Okay, 1. the BAU is haunted, Rossi agrees, and 2., what? I’m supposed to accept that the one person you couldn’t con into playing was the one person with a visitor from the other side? I may believe in ghosts, but I’m not that easy.”
He was lying, of course, but none of them needed to know that. As long as he insisted he was playing along, no one could say he wasn’t. As long as it was a game, he wouldn’t have to tell Penelope why he’d lied to her about Phil, he wouldn’t have to admit why he lied to Phil about Penelope, and he wouldn’t have to think about why he didn’t want them together, even back then…
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heartofmorioh · 3 months
OC writing under the cut
"Hold on," Kobayashi said. "Can you stay after hours tonight? I need these papers graded as soon as possible."
"No can do," Zelda said, catching the doorframe on her way out. "I have to meet someone."
"Your little girlfriend?" Kobayashi replied, his eyes flitting up to the ceiling.
"She's not my girlfriend," Zelda said, turning back and leaning against the door. "I'm just interested in her because she's a client. And because she sleeps above her covers - four feet above her covers."
Kobayashi looked up from the papers he was stacking, confusion written all over his face. It was Zelda's turn to roll her eyes.
"Ghostbusters," she said. "Now, seriously, I gotta go. Good luck with the papers, Dr. K!"
She was gone before he had a chance to respond, checking her watch as she made her way down the hall. She was supposed to meet Holden at seven o'clock, supposed to wait for her outside the theatre and meet her when she got out of rehearsal. She had an hour to spare, but the theatre was on the opposite side of town from the college, and even if she took the underground, she'd still probably be scrambling at the last minute.
"Holden!" Zelda shouted, wind whipping at her face. She waved. Holden caught her eye and waved back.
"Who's he?" Spencer asked, nudging Holden. She held back a grin, crossing her arms.
"Oh, she's just a friend," said Holden. "I mean, really more of a colleague."
"She?" Spencer snorted. "Looks like a dude."
"Ah, yup," Holden said. "Will you excuse me? I need to go talk to her."
She left Spencer's side to greet Zelda.
"Who was that?" Zelda asked, straightening her tie. She stared at the man Holden had been walking with. He had a mess of reddish-blond hair and watery blue eyes. He was carrying a clarinet case and looking mildly annoyed as he sat down on the ledge of the fountain outside the theatre.
"Oh, he plays a few rows in front of me," Holden said, rolling her eyes. "Thinks he owns the world now because he got promoted to first chair. He's a bit of a prick, though."
"Guys," Zelda said, shaking her head. "Anyway, how was rehearsal?"
"It was alright," Holden replied, smiling and looking down. "But you didn't come all this way to ask about my rehearsal, did you?"
"Ah," Zelda said, looking away. A blush was creeping up her cheeks. "Guess not. I found something pretty interesting in my research."
"Did you?" Holden hummed, picking a piece of lint off her sweater.
"Yeah," Zelda replied. "Can we go back to your apartment to talk?"
"Sure," said Holden. "It's within walking distance from here."
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hyp3r4ct1v3-h0rn3tz · 8 months
YEESSSS im gonna talk about nobody's favourite sleep deprived conspiracy theorist, Austin Nash! he's the one i keep accidentally calling Autism.
So Austin is a young man in his junior year of high school, and he has One Friend. i will get to the friend later. he has a sister who doesn't like him and barely associates with him and goes by a different surname because even being associated with him would (she thinks) RUIN her reputation. he does not believe the moon landing was real, he DOES believe in aliens, and he is CONVINCED that the government is Probably after him for spreading 'truth'.
Austin Nash is, obviously, VERY paranoid. he is also prone to sleepwalking, night terrors, and most other parasomnias. These things combined with the fact that he's . yknow. a highschooler. make for a Very Sleep Deprived young man. but you already knew that, i described him as such. i just wanted to mention the parasomnia thing because i think parasomnias interesting. Fuck you
Anyway, he also has a VERY extensive Corkboard Collection. like he puts a bunch of pictures on the corkboard and connects them with red string and then just keeps it like that. Some of them are about. like. people! who exist!!! one of them is about someone who goes to his school and is dating his sister and is frequently found in their House and also may or may not be an alien. sure hope that doesn't cause issues.
Speaking of aliens, Austin fucking HATES aliens. at least, that's what he says. he's constantly yammering about how we need to stop aliens from coming to earth because they'll do Some Nonspecific Thing that is Bad, but he gets this big dumb charlie brown-esque smile on his face when he watches alien movies. he thinks about some fucked up extraterrestrial murdering him like other people think about. like. holding hands with their crush.
Austin is, like most conspiracy theorists, very isolated socially. He only really has one person he'd consider a true ally, a confidant, a Friend... a silly rabbit even. Spencer Melton, an almost-equally sleep deprived boygirl who lives and dies by the bit. THAT'S RIGHT WE'RE DOING TWO!! TWO OCs IN THIS POST AH AH AH
Austin views Spencer as some kind of genius and regards him with the utmost respect and maybe a little attraction but whatever. Spencer views Austin as "The guy who feeds into my improv addiction." She hasn't believed a single thing she's said to him, like the earth being a cylinder and the moon being a hologram. Austin has no idea that he's just taking the piss and treats this with so much seriousness that it seems like a joke.
Spencer can often be found doodling little pictures of Gar from Invader Sing, drinking Ghoul Energy Drink, and listening to My Compound Affair. She has Probably too much merchandise of Greetings Cat and The Sad Pink Bear That Kills People. He is a Bona fide scene kid within the little universe my ocs live in.
so that's like 7 paragraphs of Those Guys. thank you for letting me talk casper ily/p 💯‼️💥
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kiralamouse · 11 months
Leverage: Redemption & Dracula
Look, it's not my fault that I was listening to @re-dracula and realized that Christian Kane would make a spectacular Quincey Morris. And then started imagining Aldis Hodge as Arthur Holmwood, because the way they play off each other. And then started imagining that it was instead a fusion universe with Eliot Spencer doing the Quincey role and Alec Hardison (... wait, it's another AH as AH, kismet!) and here's what I've got so far:
Eliot as Quincey Morris, Quintessential Cowboy (self-evident connection)
Hardison as Arthur Holmwood - Hardison's good at the kind of earnest naïveté and honor of our romantic hero, and also good at missing half the action because unrelated obligations call him away. :P
Parker as Jack Seward - Here's where I'm starting to warp the matchups a bit. I considered Parker for Lucy and the rest of the trio as her suitors, but let's face it: 1) Parker is never gonna be a sweet ingenue, 2) Parker interacting with Renfield et al and having trouble understanding the motives of both neurotypicals and neurodivergents alike, and missing behavioral hints? Perfect.
So I decided to ditch Lucy as a romantic interest. (Let the trio be romantically interinvolved as in Leverage.) Instead, random previously unnamed foster child of Nana's is going to be Lucy Westenra the vamp victim. Hardison/Holmwood would still likely have the strongest connection, and Parker/Seward would be a good awkward devotee and Eliot/Quincey would be a good paternalistic protector.
That leaves a great opening for Breanna as Mina Murray. Someone also closely connected to the Lucy character, someone very clever whom the others both rely on for research and shelter re: field work.
(Breanna's SO can be Jonathan. We can invent a new SO if we like. I ship Mina/Jonathan too hard to accept some other relationship here, especially since none of the Leverage crew scream Jonathan vibes.)
Sophie as Abraham van Helsing - Someone with a lot of intelligence, diverse experiences, tragic personal life but warm found-family relationships? Check. Also a mentor to... okay, too many characters to be a strong parallel to the Dracula canon, but it works for me far, far better than the Leverage!Jack coming back as a Dracula expert. Or really any broad-range expert who plays parent to the whole group.
Harry as Peter Hawkins - There is a lawyer RIGHT THERE in the Dracula text. Someone to be a wealthy backer only distantly connected to the narrative. Or possibly in this version more actively connected.
That's the only fusion stuff I'm committed to, but I do have an evil idea for Drac himself.
Nate as Count Dracula II. In this version, Nate was missing and presumed dead but turned out to have been vampired and, Natelike, destroyed the one who destroyed him and then drank and sulked. Without a support network, it probably wouldn't even need Eeevil Vampire Corruption to make Nate go supervillain.
Anyway. I was pleased with how the character/relationship correspondences worked. I'd love to see if anyone else enjoys it.
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jovenshires · 1 year
genuinely so curious as to when you realized you found spencer attractive, like what video awakened you to that white boy /gen /lh
LNDKFNSKRNLKFKFLENLKNRL i love this question thank you
okay so. i must preface this with i have a Type. like i could make you a comp of men im ravenously attracted to who you'd look at and be like 'ah i see. i see where spencer agnew fits here.' if he's got a bunch of tattoos and he has a specific niche interest that is my shit!!! now lbc i have other types in men but like. this is a prominent and reoccurring one. but anyway, what i'm saying is, it was kinda inevitable!
im trying to pinpoint a specific moment bc he's been my fave during like. my whole hiatus from here. like i know i made him my icon a couple of times even when i wasn't really posting...
the earliest active 'oh no maybe he's making me mentally ill' moment i can remember having is "throw throw burrito! (board af)" bc. he's so silly lil guy here! don't get me wrong the long hair era is one of my least faves (i Will speak my truth im sorry stan community) but like. c'mon. look at him. he's so cute here. anyway my spiral started a long time ago it's really only gotten worse <3
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*pulls up through the smut drivethrough*
Uhh yeahh can i get a uhh
😈 dom Spencer with some 🛀 shower sex and an age gap, and maybe Spencer's a great dom but he is insecure about his tum and his happy trail bc his sub is so much younger and he thinks he needs to be more in shape, so hes more nervous about shower sex (idk some mental hangup) but she happily shows him how much she loves him and his fuzzy tumm❤️❤️
Ah Smurph, coming at me with the good shit! 😁 this is NSFW Minors DNI.
Summary - Spencer starts feeling his age when he gets a much younger sub.
CW - mentions of BDSM clubs, mentions of restraints, age gap between consenting adults, mentions of semi-public sex, Dom! Spencer, sub! Reader, slight sugar daddy, daddy kink, use of “good girl”, praise, Spencer’s insecure thoughts, oral (m receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, swearing.
WC - 4.3k
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Not my gif
Age had snuck up on Spencer like an unsub lurking in the shadows. One minute he’d been in his early twenties, fresh from the academy on his first day at the BAU and the next he was staring forty in the face.
Somehow over fifteen years had passed him by in the blink of an eye along with a lifetime of trauma.
Age was just a concept, he knew that, he knew he was only as old as he felt. But unfortunately for Spencer Reid, he’d always felt older than his age.
He’d had to grow up fast after his dad had left and he’d been solely responsible for his schizophrenic mothers care.
With his genius level IQ, he’d always been younger than his peers and tried desperately to fit in with his older classmates.
He was twenty two when he’d been recruited by Gideon to join the BAU and always felt older than his years given he was a great deal smarter than his much older teammates.
Honestly Spencer had never really given his age much of a second thought. Aside from when he turned thirty and had a mini crisis about what he was doing with his life until Prentiss had talked him off that particular ledge.
For the most part, Spencer was happy aging, it was an undeniable part of life after all.
But then he met you.
Spencer had always been to a certain degree or another interested in the world of BDSM. It started as a curiosity, an introduction coming in the form of a few cases with the BAU.
Over time, the curiosity peaked into more of a fascination and then it became a full blown obsession.
He never acted on it, not publically anyway. Sure, one glance at Spencer’s internet history would tell you exactly what he was into but he never quite had the confidence to act upon it.
But after he spent three months in Milburn, Spencer’s whole life changed. He stopped caring what other people might think of him; tomorrow was not guaranteed. One day he’d been helping his mom and the next he was in prison. Why waste time denying the things that bring us pleasure?
So that’s how Spencer stumbled across The Crucible. Needing a way to blow off steam after his stint in prison he’d taken to the dark net which he’d heard all about from Garcia.
The Crucible was a monthly members only event held in a private social club just off DuPont Circle that catered to those interested in the BDSM lifestyle. Spencer had been particularly intrigued by the line on their website that promoted a dress to impress party, however rest assured nudity is always welcomed and accepted.
He spent weeks mulling it over in his head, fantasising what could await him at such a place. Surely The Crucible was a place all his wildest dreams could become reality?
So one night he donned his best suit and without second guessing himself, he made the pilgrimage across town. He completed a membership form and happily parted with the admittance fee.
As he entered that first night, excitement coursed through his entire body. Anticipation of what might await him made him feel as though he was on fire.
He knew from that first night he had found his rightful place in the world. The Crucible offered him the chance to be his authentic self, no judgement, no question.
And after prison, Spencer sorely needed a safe place he could revel in his darkest fantasies.
There were rules to be followed in The Crucible, it wasn’t just a complete free for all and Spencer found those rules comforting as he nervously entered a party for the first time.
There were absolutely no cellphones. All technology was strictly checked at the door so the patrons could enjoy their nights in the knowledge that their privacy remained intact.
It was imperative that BDSM etiquette was adhered to. It was completely off the cards to interfere with anyone involved in a scene. Watching was encouraged, touching without prior consent was forbidden.
The house safe word was Red, or Yellow for caution. Due to the nature of the loud music pulsing through the venue they also had an alternate non-verbal agreement: two closed fists equalled consent, one open hand meant caution and two open hands signalled stop.
Any play or scene considered high risk had to be approved by the venue ahead of time. Medical play, including anything that opened skin or caused bleeding was strictly confined to the medical play area.
Everything belonging to The Crucible used during play must be cleaned after use with the cleaning supplies provided.
Spencer liked rules and order, and it made his debut into this world all the easier for him.
His first few parties he hung out on the sidelines, observing scenes and drinking in the atmosphere.
After three parties he indulged in his first official scene at The Crucible.
It didn’t take him long to start growing a picture of what he liked. He certainly liked to be the dominant, having full control over the woman he was sharing a scene with.
The more control the better for Spencer.
It drove him wild to have his partner restrained and at his full mercy, begging him to give them release. He loved the power he got to exert over them while they whimpered and pleaded with him.
His innocence kink didn’t come to light until he met you.
He’d been playing at The Crucible for close to a year, as long as he wasn’t away on a case he was there every month.
The night you strolled in while Spencer was sipping a glass of water at the bar, time stood still.
You wore a white cocktail dress that skimmed high up your thighs and dipped low enough for him to get an eyeful of cleavage. You paired it with a pair of white stockings that reached your knees and white patent heels.
You were young, much younger than him. Much too young for the way he wanted to completely destroy you only to piece you back together.
But maybe you’d like that. Maybe you’d like having an older man who knew exactly how to please a woman take charge and turn you into a quivering fucking mess.
Just thinking of all the ways in which he could corrupt you made him painfully hard as he watched you sashay across the room towards the bar.
You’d been confident beyond your years when he spoke to you and your attraction for him had been apparent right from the start.
And when you leaned in close to him, placed your delicate hand on his shoulder and whispered “I want you to destroy me, Doctor Reid,” Spencer had damn near had a heart attack.
He’d taken you for the first time that night while others gathered to watch. And he destroyed you just like you so politely asked him to.
He’d edged you to the point of tears, had you begging him pathetically to let you come and when he finally did allow you to, you screamed his name so loudly it pierced through the music.
But it wasn’t just you who had been ruined by him that night; he in turn was ruined by you.
He knew after that one night he’d never be able to be with another woman who wasn’t you.
And luckily for him, you’d been happy with that arrangement.
Your first trip to The Crucible had been your last as Spencer made it clear that he wanted you to be his submissive and no one else.
He was the perfect dominant. He destroyed you in the bedroom over and over again, with his hands, his mouth and his cock.
But he always took great care of you afterwards. He massaged lotion into any marks he’d left behind on you, helped you hydrate and held you while you came down.
He showered you with gifts from expensive lingerie which he always inevitably tore off you, to any manner of sex toys.
He got you your own collar, a baby pink leather cuff joined at the throat with a metal heart. It meant you belonged to him.
Spencer was absolutely smitten with you. He adored everything about you. But there were times when you made him feel so insecure about his age.
You were in your early twenties and most of the time he counted his lucky stars that someone so young and beautiful would even look at him.
But sometimes you made him feel so, so old. Not deliberately, of course not, but sometimes Spencer just didn’t feel good enough for you.
He had hang ups about his body, especially after he left prison. He’d always been incredibly skinny, but the last few years he’d found himself not able to metabolise as fast as he could in his twenties and early thirties.
His stomach bore the brunt of his weight gain, his once flat tummy now rounded and paunched. His formerly slender thighs were now thicker too.
His clothes hugged that little bit tighter, his belly sagged slightly over his belt when he sat down. He knew this day would come, it was all part of the aging process.
And if it weren’t for the fact you were so much younger than him he might not have cared so much.
But he was worried it was only a matter of time that you left him for someone younger, someone in better shape than he was.
He often wondered if you noticed the positions you had sex in were designed so you wouldn’t notice the weight around his stomach.
He was very rarely on top, preferring to either have you ride him so he could suck his stomach in beneath you or fucking you from behind.
He always slipped a shirt on right after, never prolonged being topless around you. Maybe you’d noticed, but if you had you’d never said anything.
Excitement coursed through every nerve ending in your body whenever your phone buzzed with Spencer’s assigned text tone.
You always found yourself clamping your thighs together just hearing that sound.
He was flying back to DC tonight after a case had taken him out of state again and wanted you to come over.
Since the moment you’d laid eyes on him propping up the bar at The Crucible you’d never been able to say no to him.
You’d found yourself at the event that night after growing tired fumbling around with drunk frat boys who thought they knew how to please a woman.
Spoiler alert: they never did. In fact the first time you ever come by someone else’s hands, it was Spencer’s that night at The Crucible.
He certainly knew how to please you. He was old enough and experienced enough to be able to make you come repeatedly, often until you were so sensitive you couldn’t stand to be touched anymore.
He took care of you, he worshiped the ground you walked on. He treated you the way a man should treat you.
It was supposed to just be sex, you knew this. But somewhere between the mind blowing orgasms and the kindness he showed you afterwards, you’d fallen for him.
You’d never told him, probably never would. You were just grateful for every moment you got to spend with him.
You dressed in one of the lingerie sets he brought you under your clothes and got a cab across the city to his apartment. You toyed with the metal heart on your collar as you considered what might await you tonight, pressing your thighs together in the back seat of the cab.
He’d given you a key to his apartment months ago when he’d had to leave for a case right after a scene. He’d told you to stay as long as you liked and lock up when you left.
He’d had you keep it so you could stay in his apartment when he was away if you chose. He liked you being there, he liked coming home to the scent of you on his bedsheets.
A few times the two of you had engaged in phone sex and it drove him while to know you were in his bed while you touched yourself for him.
You let yourself in his apartment tonight, at first not sure he was home yet until a small sliver of light coming from under the bedroom door informed you he was.
You hurried towards the bedroom, throwing the door open only to find the room empty.
His shirt, jacket and slacks were folded neatly on the bed and then you heard the sound of the shower running from the bathroom.
You pressed your thighs together again at the thought of him naked and wet behind that door. For whatever reason the two of you had never indulged in shower sex before and that seemed criminal to you.
You quickly stripped out of your clothes until you wore nothing aside from your collar. You were already wet with anticipation as you crept to the bathroom door.
He was rinsing shampoo out of his hair, head tilted back and eyes closed. His exposed neck looked so fucking kissable right now.
You took a moment to just watch him, realising suddenly you’d never really had much time to take in his naked form.
He looked like a goddamn oil painting, the water droplets rolling gracefully down his milky flesh sending shivers down your spine.
You let an involuntary hiss slip from between your parted lips and it must have been loud enough to be heard over the running water as Spencer’s eyes snapped open and landed on you.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he swallowed, glancing over your naked body. “I-I didn’t realise you’d be here so s-soon.”
He stumbled over his words which wasn’t like him. Spencer was always so confident, so sure of himself.
Before you could speak he suddenly turned around so his back was to you and you saw his arms snake around his own waist.
“Uh…I’ll be out soon. Just wait in the bedroom.”
“Why would I wait in the bedroom?” You laughed, taking a couple of steps closer to the shower.
“Please?” He whimpered a little, a sound you’d never heard from him. “I w-won’t be long.”
You frowned a little at the timid tone of his voice. The way his hands clutched his sides as though…as though…
…as though he was trying to hide himself.
You couldn’t help yourself when you stepped in the tub behind him, hands moving to rest on top of his own.
Spencer let out a shaky breath, his whole body rigid at your touch.
“What’s wrong?” You placed a kiss to his shoulder blade, speaking against his skin.
“Bad day. I just need a minute.”
But it was more than that and you knew it.
You had your own body issues, who didn’t? And you knew the signs Spencer was exhibiting. He was insecure about his body.
“Spencer?” Your hands wandered around his front, brushing against his tummy as you pressed your chest to his back. “You don’t want me to see you, baby?”
He sighed and deflated a little in your arms as the water ran between you.
“I-I…I’m not as skinny as I used to be when I was y-younger.”
“You think I won’t find you attractive?” You pressed your chest harder against him, fingers running up to his chest.
“You’re so young and beautiful, Y/N. I don’t want you to realise you can do better.”
Your heart melted. Did he seriously not know how much you loved him? Granted you’d never said it before but you thought it was obvious.
“Spencer,” you whispered. “Let me see you baby. Really see you.”
You gently guided him around by his shoulders and his eyes were large and fearful. His wet hair fell on his forehead and you brushed it back, kissing his lips softly.
You stepped back a little to admire him in all his glory. How could he think you wouldn’t love every inch of him? How could he think he was anything less than perfect?
You ran your fingers over his sides, up his ribs and back down again. Spencer was chewing on his bottom lip.
“Spencer Reid,” you used one hand to cup his jaw. “You are beautiful. Every inch of you. Let me show you how beautiful I think you are.”
You drew him in for a kiss, waiting for permission before you touched him anywhere else. Spencer moaned a little against your lips and you felt him nodding his head.
Leaving him with one last kiss you were quick to drop to your knees in the basin. He grew hard within seconds, you being on your knees in front of him had that effect.
“Can I show you how much I adore you, daddy?”
Spencer whined, nodding frantically. You were so good at asking his permission and hearing you call him daddy always made him lose his mind.
When you first met he had you call him Doctor in bed. One night while he was edging you for a particularly long time you whined, “please daddy, please can I come?”
The moan that one word had ripped from Spencer’s lungs, ricocheting off the walls, was all the proof you needed that he'd enjoyed the accidental slip of the tongue. You’d called him that ever since.
You held his hips, drawing him closer to you, his throbbing dick begging to be touched. But that wasn’t where your attention lay.
You pressed a kiss to his tummy, right next to his belly button. The skin was soft and warm and wet and a simple kiss made Spencer moan.
You trailed your lips across his stomach from hip to hip, massaging his sides between your fingers.
“You’re so beautiful.” You mumbled against his skin. “So fucking perfect.”
You moved your hands so you could bestow some attention to his love handles. He winced a little as your lips danced over the stretch marks he hated so much.
You looked up at him through your wet lashes.
“Daddy, I adore every part of you. Every part.” You insisted.
The eyes looking down on you weren’t the confident ones you were used to. You could see every one of his insecurities flooding out of those amber eyes.
And you couldn’t help the words that came tumbling out your lips as you continued to kiss his tummy.
“I love you. I love you. I love every single thing about you.” You fingers grazed through the trail of hair that led from his belly button into his pubic hair.
Spencer felt tears pooling behind his eyes.
God how he loved you too.
You sat back a little and he felt your soft breath on his cock and suddenly his animal side took over.
His hand that had been limply hanging at his sides quickly hooked through your collar, roughly tugging you closer to him.
“Put your pretty little mouth to good use, princess.” The head of his dick was right in front of your pouty lips and as soon as you parted them an inch, he was pushing his way inside your mouth.
His other hand gripped your hair, pulling at the roots. You knew well enough by now that you wouldn’t have to do much and that was confirmed when Spencer snapped his hips and his cock hit the back of your throat.
You held onto him, caressing his hips in a strangely gentle fashion while he roughly started fucking your mouth.
You hollowed your cheeks and allowed him to use you like a toy, just the way he liked. You were a toy for him to do with what he wished and that was a role you loved to play.
He was moaning already as he snapped his hips over and over, pummelling the back of your throat while you took everything he had to give you.
His hand on your collar joined his other in your hair and he used it to help pull you back and forth on his length.
“Fucking hell, princess.” He growled. “You are such a fucking good girl. You take daddy’s cock so well.”
You hummed around him at the praise, pressing your thighs together as a wave of pleasure jolted between your legs.
You looked up at him and he was staring back at you, those sad eyes from a moment before now blown out wide in pleasure.
Despite the water from the shower he could tell the droplets at the corner of your eyes were tears. He wasn’t doing it right if you didn’t cry.
Always destroy her. Always put her back together after.
“Your fucking mouth was made to suck my cock, princess, don’t ever forget it.” He slammed into your mouth harder and harder and you continued to hum around him.
You brushed your fingers over his stomach, desperate for him to know how perfect you thought him.
When Spencer came he didn’t warn you but you knew him well enough to know seconds before it happened.
You swallowed his arousal, sucking him through his orgasm until he was physically tugging you to your feet by your hair.
“God-fucking-damn.” He kissed you hard the second you were up and pushed you back against the wet tiled wall.
You kept your hands on his tummy, running your fingers over his skin as he kissed down your neck.
He pawed roughly at your breasts before his hands got lower down your body.
He cupped the back of one of your thighs and lifted it to wrap around his waist, your other foot planted firmly on the shower basin.
His other hand was quick to find your clit and massaged it deftly.
He kissed you again, capturing your moans in his own mouth. Normally he would spend hours bringing you to the brink only to stop right before you came, over and over again until you begged him.
But Spencer was so overcome with emotions right now he didn’t have it in him to tease. He wanted to make you feel as good as you’d just made him feel.
You rocked against his fingers, nibbling on his bottom lip as he brought you to the edge in no time at all.
When you whispered you were close into his mouth you expected him to stop. But he didn’t.
He increased his speed, growing hard again just by the way you felt against him.
Your legs shuddered as you came, moaning against his lips and using his shoulders to stay upright.
His tongue plunged deeply into your mouth as he scooped you up in his arms, pressing you back against the wall while the water from the shower head cascaded between your bodies.
You wrapped your legs around him, gripping his shoulders tightly as he entered you, filling you up in that perfect way only he could.
His head fell to your shoulder, his wet hair tickling your neck as he started lazily thrusting you against the wall.
“You’re perfect, daddy.” You mumbled, digging your fingernails into his shoulders. “You’re so fucking perfect. I love you. I love you.”
Spencer whimpered, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes which he hid by nuzzling against your neck.
He picked up his pace, slamming into you as your back hit the wall again and again.
“Such a good girl. Such a fucking good girl.” He spoke into your neck, peppering the skin with kisses.
Your head rolled back against the tiles supported only by Spencer’s strong hands under your thighs.
You lifted your head again and looked down between your bodies. His stomach looked glorious as it tensed slightly each time he thrust inside of you and then softened again as he pulled back.
How this man thought he was anything other than perfect was beyond you.
“Beautiful. You’re beautiful. You are fucking…fucking…” you were cut off as a moan burst from your lungs and you came again, clenching around him.
Spencer moaned at the feeling, biting down on your neck a little.
He continued to pound into you as you became like a rag doll in his arms. He kept his tight hold on you as he fucked you until he came too.
There would never be a better feeling than Spencer coming inside of you.
He rode out his orgasm, lazily thrusting until he was completely spent.
He kissed your neck and your jawline and finally your lips.
“Do you think you can stand, angel?”
“Think so.” You whined when he pulled out of you before gently setting you down on your feet. He held your shoulders to steady you until he was sure you could stand on your own.
He shut off the shower and helped you out the tub.
The two of you stood in his bathroom, naked and dripping wet, just admiring each other for a moment.
Spencer never thought he’d be able to be comfortable being this vulnerable around you but tonight you’d melted his insecurities away.
As if he needed proof, your hands found his stomach, brushing against his skin before gripping his hips.
“I mean it Spencer, I think you are completely and utterly perfect.” You whispered as a shiver passed up your spine from the cold.
He kissed you briefly before grabbing two towels off the rail. He wrapped one around you before wrapping the other around his waist.
“I’ve never let myself be this open with someone before. Physically and mentally.” He confessed. “I think it’s because…I love you too.”
A dopey smile spread to your face and more tears gathered behind your eyes as Spencer kissed you again.
You’d well and truly torn Spencer’s well manufactured walls to the ground. You’d crashed through them like they were made of paper, something no one else had ever been able to do before.
Being vulnerable scared the shit out of Spencer Reid. But you’d rendered him defenceless, his body and his heart.
You exposed him in the best possible way. And he would forever be at your mercy because
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Quid Pro Quo (S.R.)
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Summary: Spencer is entranced by the law student in his class. Request: professor!spence is absolutely whipped for a law student taking his course, maybe with an elle woods type personality? all very fluffy & soft! Couple: Spencer Reid/GN!Reader (Check CWs) Category: Fluff Content Warning: Professor/Student romance, kissing, *use of the phrase "dolled up," and Reader wears pink Word Count: 2.6k
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There is a strange, powerful, and mystical quality to libraries. Something about the smell of old parchment and dried tears from undergraduates who’d bitten off more than they could chew.
But even more so, it was the knowledge that you were surrounded by thousands of hours of hard labor by strangers. The amalgamation of years of study, experiences, and editing. Each book represented a life unlike every other. In that moment, lost in a sea of carefully curated language and dewy decimal labels, I was looking for one in particular.
And, although I was certain that he probably had his charms about him, it was hard to feel anything but hate about just how compelling the tale of David Rossi could apparently be.
“Shit! How is it gone already?!” I said in what I thought was a hushed tone. I suppose even that would have been too loud for the silent floor of the library, but I couldn’t help it. Not when the empty spot on the bookshelf was taunting me with its pristine, shiny coat of polish.
“Son of a bi—“
“Can I help you find something?”
“Ah!” I shrieked, definitely not in a hushed manner whatsoever.
The man behind me seemed completely unfazed, which was surprising considering how jumpy Dr. Reid could be. I figured from the goofy grin on his face that he’d expected no less from me.
“Hello Professor,” I laughed in lieu of an apology that I gave, anyway. “Sorry, did I disturb you?”
“No, you haven’t caused any problems at all. But is everything alright? You seem…”
His eyes scanned over my normally dolled up appearance to find it particularly lacking it’s usual flair. But it would be hard to describe the look in his eyes to be anything close to disappointment. It was more of a hesitant, bemused interest when he settled on the term, “Frazzled.”
“Well, I’m looking for this book, and the website said it was returned today but now I’m here and...” For flair and good measure, I gestured to the offending bookshelf as I stated matter-of-factly, “No book.”
He laughed but listened intently for the words that were sure to follow my exasperated sigh.
“I heard it was popular but I didn’t think it was that popular.”
Then, like an angel or some other academic equivalent of a divine being, he asked, “Are you looking for David Rossi’s book, by chance?”
“Yes!” I yelled, quick to cover my mouth when I remembered that we were, in fact, still in a library.
As if to play on the joke, Spencer cupped his hand over his mouth before leaning forward to whisper, “I have a copy of it in my office, if you need to borrow it.”
“Oh my god, really?!” I shouted once more. I didn’t bother hiding my enthusiasm anymore, but he thankfully seemed to find it charming rather than grinding. Of course, it’d be hard to complain when the yelling was nothing but the most blatant praise of, “That would be the best! You’re my hero, Professor!”
To save myself from any potential embarrassment from his reaction, I darted straight past him towards his office. With a skip in my step and the sound of his laughter and heavy but careful footfall behind me, I arrived to find the office I’d only been in a few times before.
My anxiety spiked the second I’d cornered myself in the room, surrounded by books that were just like the rest, but felt different somehow. I knew it was because they belonged to him, but I didn’t care. I’d let my naive, lovesick mind differentiate him a million times over.
Because there was something different about him. Something comforting and peaceful about his presence. The first day I’d met him, he’d made note of my appearance in a way that I’d always loathed. He pointed out the plethora of pink, and my mind ran through every possible insult that could follow.
But then he smiled, a simple, heartwarming curvature as he explained, ‘Your wardrobe reminds me of an old friend.’
Although I couldn’t tell if he’d meant it in a literal or figurative sense, it hadn’t mattered to me in the slightest. All I’d heard was that he looked at me and felt at home, exactly as I had with him.
So then why was it so terrifying when he approached me, with a book in his hand and that calming aura in his eyes?
“Thanks,” I muttered, hoping he’d write it off as typical power dynamic awkwardness rather than entitlement.
Per usual, though, he seemed nothing but charmed and charming.
“What do you need it for, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Cite and source,” I grumbled without considering that I’d might need to explain. But the knowing nod he gave assured me that I hadn’t. I did, anyway. It felt nice to complain to someone who could at least empathize. “It’s up to me to make sure that he actually said what they said he said, the way that they said he said it.”
Spencer’s lips curled into his mouth, and I recognized the attempt not to laugh at the way I stumbled over my words despite his best efforts.
Deciding that I hadn’t minded the way it sounded when he laughed, I continued in an even more dramatic fashion, “After all, and I don’t know if you knew this, Dr. Reid, but you academics have a tendency to get a bit slapdash with facts and figures.”
“Do we now?” he hummed, turning to eye the door he’d left cracked open before he took another step towards me. “Since we’re trading insults, I’ll have you know that you’re starting to sound like a real legal scholar with anachronistic language like that.”
Even I was surprised by the giggles that started to flow from my lips. Once he’d heard them, however, I found no reason to hide them.
“Mmm, nothing better than exchanging pretentious, archaic legalese in a stuffy library on a beautiful Friday afternoon,” I sighed happily.
After a quiet, contemplative moment, where the two of us obviously struggled to figure out where we were meant to go from here, Spencer cleared his throat and announced with a wavering voice, “You know… you don’t actually need the book to check the citations.”
I had not known what he’d meant, but I’d had an inkling, and I didn’t want to sound like a fool if I’d been wrong about something so bold.
“What do you mean?”
“I can just… tell you if the page numbers are right,” he said simply.
I waited for the catch. It didn’t come.
“Really?” I snorted when I’d realized I’d been right all along.
“Give me any quote, and I’ll tell you if it’s verbatim, as well as the page, paragraph, and line number. You can even check, and if I’m wrong, you get all the gloating privileges in the world.”
A tempting offer.
“But if I’m right, then I get to help you. Then you’ll be free to… do whatever it is normal grad students do on a Friday afternoon.”
A less tempting offer.
The prospect of leaving him sooner was quite plainly the opposite of what I’d wanted, but I also knew that if I didn’t accept his challenge, then I would have to leave immediately, and that seemed like a worse fate.
I waited. I watched him hold his breath and wiggle his fingers anxiously from within his pocket before I met his nervous, narrowed glance with my own.
“You’re on.”
And off we went. Still cozied up in the confines of his office, the two of us dove straight into the hundreds of citations like there was something to be excited about. In a way, I suppose there was. I knew that I had certainly enjoyed each time that Spencer spotted another book he was familiar with. His lips would pucker, every so often catching between his teeth as he struggled to remember something he’d read years before.
While he was happy about the ever-evolving pursuit of knowledge, I’d just been happy to be able to witness his brilliance up so close and personal. Literally — the two of us had been crammed on a loveseat in his office that really seemed made for one. At first, he’d kept his distance, but eventually his enthusiasm got the best of him.
I hadn’t minded. In fact, I quite liked the way his thigh pressed against mine, warm and pliant all the same. The smell of his cologne was subtle but pleasant because it had smelled like him. And each time he would lose his composure and gesticulate, his hand would brush against mine. Goosebumps followed every time.
But as the night went on, both of us became less animated. It wasn’t an exhaustion like what I was used to; it was a sleepy sort of calm. That serenity that comes with your favorite blanket wrapped around you, or a stuffed animal tucked under your arm.
I turned to the man to my left, unabashedly ogling the visage that seemed chiseled from marble or some other precious stone. I felt hearts fill my eyes, knew that I was being reckless in my appreciation, but I continued, nonetheless.
When he’d caught me, however, I knew that I had to say something. The only thing I could think to say, though, was hardly as eloquent as I’d wished I could be.
“I’ve gotta say, this is the best time I’ve ever had doing this.”
“I’ve never actually done one, but I’m inclined to agree,” he quickly agreed despite the simplicity to the thought. “And thank you, for letting me memorize your Bluebook.”
“It was my pleasure,” I laughed.
I tried to think of any reason to stay. I tried to contrive some scheme to leave something behind so I could run back in moments later, after I’d taken a minute to work up the nerve to say something more compelling than what came next.
“I guess I should… head out, huh?” I whispered. I immediately wished I hadn’t.
“Oh, yes. Don’t stay on my account,” he muttered in a dejected tone. When he saw how sad that made me, however, he forced another smile for me. “I should probably head out, too. Before the maintenance crew comes to yell at me again.”
“Do you want me to stay and defend you?” I offered.
“No. I couldn’t possibly subject you to that,” he politely declined.
“Shoot. Here I was hoping for an excuse to stay.”
Shit! Did I just say that out loud?!
The silence that followed was palpable. The tension even more so. My professor, who had managed to maintain his composure for the entirety of the several hours of close contact, just stared at me like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Sorry—" I started, just as he’d begun, “You don’t…”
We both paused once more, our mouths floundering with unintelligible sounds that absolutely no one would call English.
Spencer was the one who collected himself first, and I would forever be haunted by that embarrassing fact.
“Sorry. I was just going to say that… you don’t have to leave… If you don’t want to.”
I considered the carefully chosen language and forced myself to reframe the question in a way I’d desperately wanted answered.
“… You want me to stay?”
And to my surprise, Spencer’s voice didn’t break when he answered, “Yes. I do.”
It was the clarity with which he spoke that demystified the moment. That strange, anxious undercurrent began to fade, ebbing into the abyss of the unknown ocean in a way that felt like returning home. We both found ourselves stuck staring into the vastness of each other’s irises that slowly narrowed to make way for eyelids and dilated pupils.
I was the one to move forward first, but he certainly hadn’t hesitated to return the motion in kind. We began to drift together with the pulsing tides until we were close enough to one another that I could feel his breath tickling my nose. I listened for his heartbeat in my own but found the noises too similar to tell.
Before our lips ever touched, though, I laughed — a quiet, shy little sound that had certainly been fit for the silent floor of the library.
And I couldn’t help myself. He was just too cute.
“What’re you doing, Professor?”
Spencer must’ve jumped a full inch off the couch in his shock. Just as I’d done when he originally found me cursing at a bookshelf, my professor yelped in surprise at his own impropriety before he broke into a string of nonsensical half-uttered apologies.
“Oh— my god, oh, god. I don’t—I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t—”
Again, without being able to stop myself, I gave into my heart’s calling.
With both hands clapping over his cheeks, I pulled him back towards me until our lips met. It took a few seconds, a few clumsy movements before they were able to actually close together. There was a lot of nervous laughter and hands going wild until Spencer finally recognized my touch as nothing close to anger.
Slowly, muscle by muscle, I felt him relax. His lungs, once pumping shallow and thready breaths, filled with enough oxygen to calm raging anxieties. The oxygen filled his blood once more, which all promptly flooded to the cheeks still pressed against my hands.
Once the kiss was over, I let them stick around a few seconds longer. I squished his cheeks that tried to break into a lovesick grin, and I laughed at the silliness I saw.
“Just kidding,” I said. “I wanted you to kiss me.”
Then, as if he’d taken the comment as a challenge, Spencer kissed me again. It wasn’t until I’d immediately started to climb into his lap that he realized the position he was in. His hands that had been stuck in the middle of his desire and his fast-disappearing professionalism, wrapped around my waist and tried to hold me just far enough away that my lips couldn’t reach his.
Not far enough away, however, that I was forced to abandon him entirely.
“Wait!” he squeaked in the most endearing fashion, “No, but… you’re right! W-We shouldn’t… you’re my student. It’s not right to take advantage of that.”
I tilted my head to the side hoping he’d understand the question.
He did. His answer was a bit lacking, though.
“You know… power dynamics…” he mumbled absently, with his eyes drifting back to my lips every few seconds, “and… quid pro quo…”
When I chuckled at his hopelessness, it woke him from his reverie long enough for me to explain, “Quid pro quo requires some kind of perceived benefit in exchange. Considering I already have the top score in your class, the only benefit I’m expecting is a chance to kiss you.”
Without skipping a beat, Spencer answered with more conviction than I’d ever heard from him, “My god, you’re attractive.”
“Thanks!” I chirped, only to be cut off seconds later by his lips on mine.
It was a welcome end to the conversation. A perfect way to spend a beautiful Friday evening. Although we’d stopped swapping pretentious language, the feelings that filled the few atoms that remained were certainly of ancient origin. The kind of thing that people would write stories of for many millennia to follow until we were no more.
“Again, please,” I whispered against his lips when he stopped to take a breath. And when he did, I decided that I still hadn’t had enough.
“Again,” I said, hoping I never would.
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(Tell me what you thought of this fic here!)
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853 notes · View notes
dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 26 - Blood On My Name [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking, guns.
Word Count: 3000
Summary: No one can run away forever.
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There were some days when you just knew it wouldn’t be easy for you, and today was one of them, that was for sure. It was as if after seeing how Spencer had managed to charm your family the other night and how everything was going well in your relationship, the universe had decided to throw in some difficulties to make it interesting.
For starters, you had forgotten to buy coffee the day before so you couldn’t even have your much needed caffeine. After managing to get rid of the sleepiness with a very cold shower and getting ready, you left your apartment to get to your car, and that was when the second problem hit.
It wouldn’t start no matter how much you tried, so you had to take a taxi to your office.
And as if all that wasn’t enough, Spencer had decided to call you with some bad news as well.
“You can’t be serious,” you whined, pressing the phone to your ear as you paced in your office, “Spencer, please tell me you’re not leaving me alone at a party I didn’t even want to go to in the first place!”
“Trust me, I don’t want to.”
“You have a case,” you felt the need to repeat, “Today of all days.”
“We’re flying there in ten.”
You heaved a sigh and plopped down to the couch, nibbling your lip.
“I’m really sorry,” he said softly, “I swear I’d be there if I could.”
You sook your head, “No, don’t be sorry,” you murmured, “I get that. It’s your job. Besides, it’s probably a life or death situation if they called you guys there.”
He hummed in agreement, “Probably,” he said “But are you going to be alright?”
“I mean I’ll probably drink a lot,” you tried to joke, “And miss you for the whole night.”
“I’ll miss you too,” he confessed, “They’re sending some agents to make sure the copycat doesn’t try anything at that party if they even show up, but… Just promise me you’ll be careful.”
“When am I not careful?”
He scoffed a laugh, “Do you want a list? Because I think it’d be a long list.”
“I’m always careful!” you protested, “Also, given our occupations it’s kind of ironic to hear this from you, I’ll have you know.”
You could almost hear his smile, “Just promise me.”
“I’ll be very careful,” you said, “Cross my heart. Besides, it’s Nolan’s company, professor. No one can walk there with any weapon, it’s a security company remember? Even I am leaving my knife at home.”
“Just don’t go anywhere alone, be in the crowd for the whole time—”
“Make sure to stay where security cameras can see me, I know.” You finished his sentence for him, “It’s not my first rodeo. Relax boyfriend, it’s just one boring party. What could possibly go wrong?”
“Don’t say that,” he warned you, “Bad things happen when people say that.”
“I didn’t take you for a superstitious type, professor.”
“I’m not,” he said, “I just don’t want to take any chances. It’s already bad enough that I won’t be there.”
“You’re telling me,” you said, “I was hoping we could hook up somewhere in there, it’s a huge building.”
You heard his chuckle, “You’re incorrigible.”
“Well it’s always Mina and Kenzie who have fun in these things, for once I want to have fun too!” you defended yourself, “Besides, don’t pretend like you don’t like it.”
“Hey, I said nothing of the sort.”
“Reid, come on.” You heard Luke’s voice and Spencer sighed.
“I should go,” he told you, “I love you.”
A smile warmed your face, “I love you too,” you said, “Go save some lives.”
You hung up, then ran a hand over your face, slumping on the couch.
“Y/N?” your assistant knocked on the glass door of your office before peeking her head in, “Hi, are you busy?”
“Not really,” you sat up straighter, “What’s up?”
“You wanted me to remind you when it’s time for lunch,” she said, “Also I sent your dress for tonight to your place, the front desk will get it.”
“Thanks,” you checked the time and stood up to walk to your desk, “Damn it, I’m going to be late.”
“I also called the mechanics, but they said it would take two days for it to be fixed.”
“Today just gets better and better,” you muttered and she tilted her head,
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Hm?” you looked up, “Yeah, sorry. I’m fine, it’s just one of those days. Since the morning everything is going bad, and I was hoping my boyfriend would be with me at this party, but he had something to do so…”
“Maybe he can change his mind?” she suggested, “See, I had this boyfriend once, and he said he wouldn’t show up to my birthday party because we had this huge fight, but then he showed up anyway.”
“Oh it’s not like that,” you shook your head, “There’s no fight, he’s just not gonna be in the city tonight.”
She scrunched up her nose, “That sucks.”
You scoffed a laugh and grabbed your coat and your purse, “It’s fine. Where are we on the Riley wedding flower arrangement by the way?”
“All confirmed, she says she loved it,” she said and you smiled.
“Thanks,” you said as you walked to the elevator with her following you, “I’ll be back in an hour, okay? Have a nice lunch.”  
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Lincoln said as you sipped your rosé, looking around the restaurant you two were having lunch in, “How did you even break down your car?”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“When was the last time you took it to a mechanic to get it checked out?”
“When I bought it?” you said and he let out a chuckle.
“So you have no car for tonight?”
You pulled your brows together, “Tonight? How did you-?”
“You know we run in the same social circle right?” he said, “My dad’s company also does business with Nolan, of course I’m invited. That being said, I wasn’t sure if I would show up, but since here you are, begging me to help you—“
“I’m just eating my food here.”
“I can drive you there,” he finished his sentence as if you didn’t interrupt him and you tilted your head.
“I can just take a cab,” you said, “Or mom could send a car, it’s fine. You don’t have to.”
“Consider it my thanks for your unrequited advices on my relationship.”
“Oh you need more advice?” you perked up and he rolled his eyes.
“You made up with your girlfriend then?”
“It’s complicated.”
“You really need to go to Italy for a surprise visit,” you pointed at him with your fork “That’d be incredibly romantic.”
“Is that right, love doctor?”
Your jaw dropped, “Come on, when have I ever failed you with my advice?” you asked, “If you love this girl, you need to show her that.”
“I’m just gonna play it cool.”
“That’s a terrible idea!” you said, “I know you’re not the romantic type, but you need to at least make an effort!”
He shot you a look “I’m a romantic.”
“Bullshit,” you let out a laugh, “You might be the most emotionally distant person I’ve seen after me, and you’re telling me you’re—“
“I believe that some people are meant to be,” he cut you off, “No matter the circumstances. Consequences be damned, anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t deserve to be in love. I think if you’re in love, you should adore that person every day, and be there for them for better or worse. Whatever sacrifice it takes.”
You blinked a couple of times, shock coming over you, “Linc…”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for the woman I love,” he told you, “Trust me. Nothing at all.”
You just gawked at him for a few seconds before you put your fork down.
“I stand corrected,” you muttered, and he grinned at you.
“Yeah, how does it feel to be wrong?”
“Oh shut up,” you said and stabbed your salad once more, ignoring his laugh.
By the time your lunch with Lincoln was over and you got back to your office, your fingers were itching to text Spencer. Reminding yourself that he was probably busy, you managed to suppress the urge and waited for the elevator doors to open.
Erica was already waiting for you by the door and you let out a whine.
“Don’t tell me,” you said, “You have bad news because today has a grudge with me.”
“I mean it’s not bad, but I figured you’d want to know.”
“Give me some good news, like you saw a puppy today or they named a whiskey after me or—“
“Your mother is waiting for you in your office.”
“I said good news, Erica.” you reminded her and made your way to your office before you opened the glass door to step inside. Your mother looked over her shoulder, sitting up straighter on the couch.
“Hi honey.”
“Hi mom,” you walked to peck her on the cheek, “What’s up? To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I need help,” she said and you hung your coat, placed your purse on the coffee table, motioning at one of the interns for coffee before you leaned back to the table.
“Sure thing, what is it?”
“How do my nails look?” she held up her hand and you pulled your brows together.
“That’s what you need help with?” you asked “You do realize that this is why we have phones?”
“No, I wanted to talk face to face for my next question.”
“Ah, I won’t like that question will I?” you hissed in a breath, “Your nails are fine by the way.”
“It’s just that, I don’t know when Nolan will propose so I booked my nail artist for a month.”
“I want to have your problems,” you muttered as your phone buzzed and you checked the screen, then touched the text message.
From: Spencer
The power of Love borne in my lady's eyes
imparts its grace to all she looks upon.
You couldn’t help the wide smile pulling at your lips as you skimmed Dante’s lines, then thought for a moment and typed in:
See that you bless the day that I took you captive; it is your duty to do so.
You lifted your head, “Hm?”
“Are you listening to me?”
“Yeah, sorry,” you lowered the phone as the intern brought you two cups of coffee. You thanked her, then turned to your mother, “It’s just… Spencer is out of the city again, that’s why— never mind. What did you want to ask me?”
“I think I have an idea about Nolan’s proposal and this…potential marriage.”
You cleared your throat, “Uh, sorry. My client list is full.”
“Nobody buys that excuse honey.”
“I mean can you blame me?” you asked, “You would be the worst bride I’ve ever had to deal with, no offense.”
“First of all, I’ll just have a cocktail, not a wedding,” she said, “It would be inappropriate to have a wedding, considering our ages.”
“Mom!” you protested, “That’s not a thing! Anyone can have a wedding, fuck what society thinks.”
“Very delicately put, but I’ve made up my mind,” she said, “That’s not what I came here for. I decided, I want to be with Nolan and spend the rest of my life with him. So I will say yes when he proposes.”
“A surprise to no one,” you grinned and she shot you a look.
“But considering what people would think, I feel like I need to make a schedule. Do you happen to know when Spencer will propose?”
The coffee you were drinking went down the wrong tube and you started coughing, but your mother sipped her own coffee, patiently waiting for you to stop.
“Say- say what now?” you asked and she shrugged her shoulders.
“Yes, I was thinking I could stay engaged to Nolan until after your future wedding.”
“Mom we’re not— I’m—“ you stammered, “That’s not happening.”
She tilted her head, “Oh don’t be nonsense, you’re in love. Very obvious to anyone who has eyes, he couldn’t stop looking at you throughout dinner the other night.”
“Yeah but….” you cleared your throat, “I don’t think he’s planning anything like that.”
“I’m not going to ask him if he’s planning anything like that,” you cut her off, “I don’t live in Victorian ages, neither do you. I told you, you can get married to the eccentric billionaire puppy with a bowtie whenever you want.”
She rolled her eyes at you. “Unbelievable.”
“Right back at you lady.”
“If Nolan lets you know about when, you will tell me okay?”
“I doubt he’ll let me know, he looks like he’s got it covered.”
“And you’re still planning my cocktail party when the time comes.”
“Mom, no!” you let out a whine, throwing your head back, “Please don’t do that to me. I’m your daughter, you’re supposed to love me!”
“I do love you, that’s why I don’t trust anyone else with my wedding except for you.”
“Don’t trust me,” you said, “I’m begging you not to trust me. Planning Mina’s wedding was bad enough, you’re even a bigger control freak than she is—“
“I say that respectfully!”
She put her cup of coffee on the glass table, then stood up.
“Just remember, I absolutely hate carnation flowers and polyester gives me a rash.”
“Why does God hate me?” you wondered out loud and she kissed you on the cheek.
“I’ll see you tonight honey,” she said and walked out of your office, ignoring your overly dramatic whining. You buried your face into your palms, letting out a groan.
“I really should’ve drunk something heavier than rosé.”
You had picked this dress thinking Spencer would like it, and now that he wouldn’t be there with you, you were two seconds away from changing it. You heaved a sigh, looking in the mirror before you fixed the tulle floor length skirt of the pale pink dress and pulled at the long sleeves adorned with lace. The small screen by the door lit up as it started ringing and you walked there to touch it, then told the doorman that he could send Lincoln upstairs when he told you he was there.  
Soon enough, the doorbell rang and you opened it.
“Hey,” you said, grinning when he did a double take and blinked a couple of times.
“Bad wow?”
“Good wow.”
“Why thanks Linc, you clean up well too. Come in!” you stepped aside so that he could enter the apartment and he looked around as you closed the door.
“Nice place.”
“Thanks,” you said and checked the time before you went to the kitchen island. “You’re early.”
“And you started early,” he nodded at the wine glass on the kitchen island, making you shrug.
“I just have one e-mail to check for confirmation, then we can go.”
“No rush,” he said, leaning back to the wall as you looked at the photos of the wedding venue for your newest client, swirling the wine in your glass.
“You want some?”
“Nah, not yet,” he said, “Work stuff?”
“Mm hm,” you mumbled, “She describes the venue she wants as boho-glam so it’s going to be pretty tough for me to find a lot of options.”
“Your job is definitely more fun than mine.”
“My job is harder than yours,” you pointed at him and he scoffed.
“How is that?”
“Have you ever dealt with an angry bride?” you asked him, “You wouldn’t last a goddamn second. Just the other day, one of them tried to make me give her a list of her wedding dress options too, the one thing I’m not responsible from.”
“I mean can you blame her?” Lincoln asked, “You obviously have a good taste, look at yourself.”
“Aw thanks Linc,” you hit send, and closed down the laptop lid before you reached for your wine glass to take a sip, taking a step towards the coffee table.
“Yeah I’ll almost feel sorry for Spencer for missing it.”
It took you a second. For a second, it was all good and then you stopped dead on your tracks, a shudder running down your spine as your brain comprehended what he just told you. You could feel the goosebumps rising on your arms as you put the glass down, your back still turned to him.
“I never told you I was dating Spencer,” you managed to mumble through frozen lips and he chuckled.
“No you didn’t,” he said, “Erica told me. Family dinner with Spencer, it was on your schedule the other night.”
Your thoughts were like a tornado in your head as your heart started slamming against your ribcage and you turned to him, your eyes finding potential weapons you could use all around the room instantly and he tilted his head.
“So I know that there are about fifty things in this room you can attack me with,” he said, “But just so you know, if you try anything, your niece goes down. You don’t want your precious Lily to have an accident, do you? Because I don’t either.”
That red haze clouded your vision for a moment as your jaw clenched.
“I’m going to kill you,” your voice didn’t even sound like it belonged to you anymore, it was way too cold, way too calm, the shock leaving its place to fury roaring through your veins. A manic smile pulled at Lincoln’s lips and that dangerous gleam which you had seen multiple times in your father’s eyes appeared in his eyes as well before he took a step towards you.
“I missed your fire,” he said as if he was in awe, “So much. It’s been a torture to keep my distance from you. But honestly, Petal,” he tut-tutted, then reached behind him and pulled out his gun to point it at you.
“You should’ve known better.”
Chapter 27 
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years
little mystery
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Warnings: tattoos, alcohol consumption, gambling/betting money, mild swearing (i actually don't think there is any but just in case), baby spence!!, no smut/or implied smut but it reads a little dirty (so i’m gonna rate this 18+ anyway) Word Count: 1.8k Summary: Bets are placed to see who can be the first to figure out the secret location of your tattoo, and what the tattoo is.
A/N: i was browsing pinterest for my next ink inspiration (the whole country is currently in lockdown, but a girl can dream), when i stumbled across a particular tattoo, featured in this fic, and this idea just came to me ah i hope you ENJOY!
“A recent study concluded that people with tattoos are more likely to be so called experience seekers, and they tend to lean more towards rebellious, non-conforming lifestyles.” Spencer stated glancing between the group. His eyes lingering a little longer on you. “Research also shows, people who choose to get tattooed feel a stronger need to claim their identity and stand out from the crowd.”
Derek chuckled while taking a sip of his drink. “Kid, not everyone that has a tattoo is an attention seeker or a criminal. Many who get inked lead perfectly normal and stable lives.”
“It’s a form of self expression.” Morgan continued. “It doesn't necessarily mean people with multiple tattoos are wildings. I mean look at Y/N, she’s got like ten and she's far from a non-conformist.”
All heads turned in your direction.
“Ten is an over exaggeration Morgan.” You replied with a light giggle before looking directly at Spencer. “It’s eight. I have eight tattoos.” You said shooting him a smile. A mix of intrigue quickly spread across his features.
Of course, he was aware you had a couple of tattoos. Like the tiny heart on your left index finger. The crescent moon just above your right elbow. Or the rose on the inside of your left bicep. Given that the two of you were similar in age, the young doctor didn't think you would have that many.
Derek rolled his eyes. “Yeah, that’s a huge difference.” He teased, granting Penelope to nudge him in the arm. The bubble blonde then turned to you. “You have eight tattoos?” She asked with a raised brow. “How come I didn't know this about you? I know everything.”
“Because you never asked me and eight really isn't that much. Plus they’re all pretty simple and dainty. Well... actually... all apart from the snake slithering between my boobs.” You responded nonchalantly causing the males at the table to simultaneously choke on their drinks.
The girls all whistled before erupting into laughter at the suddenly red faces of the three boys. Hotch stared silently at the half-empty class in his hands, Derek nervously cleared his throat, while Spencer gaped at you completely wide-eyed.
The image you just painted circulating in his mind.
“Don’t be shy, tell us, any other risqué body art?” Emily chimed once the laughter died down.
“Uhm, there is one but I really don't think it’s appropriate to share.” You answered, a sly smile circling your lips. JJ and Emily both groaned at your response. “Now you have too!” The blonde exclaimed, but you just shook your head.
“Only a handful of people know what it is, and where it is.” Your eyes locked briefly with the brunette doctor sat across from you. Not enough time for anyone at the table to notice, but enough to get him a tiny bit flustered.
“What if we guessed?” Emily enquired, her eyes sparkling mischievously. You giggled. “If one of you manages to guess both what and where it is, I will tell you whether you’re correct.”
“I want in on this little bet.” Derek chimed confidently. “I can get you talkin’ hot stuff.” He shot you a playful wink and took another sip of his drink. Hotch snickered next to him. “I wouldn't be so certain Morgan.” “Oh, and you think you can?” Derek asked sarcastically. “Maybe.” Hotch poised, shrugging his shoulders.
“Right.” JJ clapped her hands. “Let’s make this interesting. Everyone that wants to take part place a ten dollar bet on themselves, and the winner will take the pot.” She turned to you. “We’ll give you the money for safekeeping and once one of us guesses correctly, you can rightfully pass the cash onto that person.”
“Sounds good to me.” You replied with a grin. “But what if none of you guess? Who keeps the money then?” “Do you forget who you work with? We’re FBI agents, profilers, one of us is bound to figure it out.” Morgan stated making you giggle.
“Okay, if you say so.”
“Oh! And whoever wins gets to see this mysterious ink of yours.” Emily added teasingly.
Just like that a pile of cash formed in the middle of the table. You reached out to grab it when a hand slowly slid across with a neatly folded ten dollar bill between two fingers. Your eyes snapped up to meet the determined gaze of none other than the resident genius.
“I want to take part too.” He said, trying his best not to appear jittery. The grin currently embellishing your features swelled, and Spencer took note of the devilish sparkle in your eyes. “Well all right.” You responded, fingers brushing lightly against his as you retrieved the money. An instant spark tingled through both you and Spencer.
The night carried on. You were bombarded with questions that would give the team any sort of clue as to what the tattoo could be, but you didn't budge. It was a lot more fun seeing your friends struggle. The only person that didn't say anything further on the matter was the young doctor sat across from you. In true Spencer Reid fashion, he simply listened and observed.
About an hour later, he accompanied you to the bar for another round of drinks. After ordering for everyone, you quickly glanced at him. “What’s going on in that big brain of yours?” You asked causing him to break away from his thoughts and turn his attention to you. He lightly scrunched his nose.
“I’m just wondering when is the most appropriate time to tell everyone what your secret tattoo is.”
Your mouth parted ever in shock, eyes widened. “There is no way you know.”
“Actually, I not only know what and where it is. I also know when you got it and why.” He stated confidently.
“Alright then, tell me.” You challenged taking a step towards him. Spencer stiffened for a brief moment. Your sudden closeness caused the heat to rush to his face and his heart to skip a beat. All he could do was hope you didn't notice; which of course you did.
With a raised brow and your fingers tapping lightly on the wooden bar, you waited for Spencer to respond. You were about to say something like, ‘See, I knew you were bluffing.’, but he cleared his throat. Regaining his confidence.
“It’s the word ‘bite’ written in cursive on your ehm, on your left b-buttcheek. And you got it your freshmen year of university as a result of a drunken game of truth or dare with your friends. I believe it was either getting the tattoo or shaving your head.” He was, of course, correct. Every word.
You stared at him in disbelief. This you definitely did not expect. Spencer on the other hand seemed quite pleased with himself. It’s not often he’s the one to rattle you.
“H-how, how did you-” You shook your head. “You know what, never mind. I don’t want to know.” Your lips twirled into a smile. “Congratulations doctor.” Without really thinking, you leaned in closer and placed a soft kiss on his cheek causing once again for the blood to rush to his face. Once you pulled away, his hand immediately travelled to the spot.
“What, uhm, what was that for?” He asked and you shrugged. “An extra prize considering it didn't even take you ninety minutes to win. I hope that was okay?” He quickly nodded his head. “Ye-a, yes.” “Good.” And with that you kissed his cheek again.
He couldn't help but grin proudly as the two of you ambled back to the table, each holding a tray of drinks.
“What’s got you so happy, kid?” Morgan asked, drawing attention to Spencer’s expression.
“Spencer just won your little bet.” You replied, placing the tray down and reaching into your purse for the money. Although his win was definitely part of the reason for his increased good mood, it had more to do with the spot on his cheek that was still tingling from your kiss. But he’d never say that out loud.
Gasps of shock echoed through the team. “What?! There is no way he’s won already!” JJ exclaimed. “He cheated. Did you give him extra hints because you have a soft spot for him?” Emily accused, narrowing her eyes.
“Nope.” Your mouth popped. “He definitely won fair and square.” You stated before shifting your body weight to look the young doctor. Smiling, you handed him his winnings. He didn't hesitate to take them, eyes never leaving yours.
“Well pretty boy, what is it?!” Derek enquired eagerly. Spencer waited for you to nod your head before turning to address the team. He revealed the design and location of your secret tattoo in one breath as you watched, finding their reactions amusing.
“How did you figure that out?” Penelope asked.
“A little mystery never hurt.” You chimed before Spencer got a chance to respond, and proceeded to intertwine your fingers with his. His head snapped first down at your glued hands, and then up at your face. He wanted to ask what was happening, completely forgetting what else the winning prize entailed, as you were leading him away from the table.
Morgan and Emily whistled after the two of you, the rest of the group laughing.
It wasn't until you were walking into the bathroom, locking the door behind, that the realisation hit Spencer. He swallowed his breath and opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out.
You quickly noticed the nervous look on his face. “We don't have to do this if you don't want to. If you’re uncomfortable.” You said in your usual kind and caring tone.
“No, uhm, it’s okay. B-but if you don't want to?” He mumbled. “I don’t have to see it if you don’t want to show me, or anyone for that matter. We can just pretend.”
You smiled at him, your hands travelling to the zipper of your jeans. “A bet’s a bet, and like I said, you won fair and square.”
“Y-you, are you sure you don't want to know how I figured it out?” Spencer asked, voice breaking. The palms of his hands began to sweat. He wasn't sure where to look. Did you want him looking directly at you? Or was he supposed to keep his attention on something else until you were ready to show the tattoo?
“A little mystery never hurt.” You repeated what you said earlier to the group and pulled your pants down, just low enough to display the tattoo in question.
Spencer’s gaze landed on the writing. At this point his heart was hammering inside of his chest, and he was sure it would explode any second. His eyes widened as he slowly licked his lips. He was sure this was the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
“Do you like it?” A seemingly innocent question, although the intention behind it was anything but.
Spencer nodded his head. “I-I...y-es, I do.” His eyes gradually moved up your body until they once again locked with your gaze. His pupils now flared.
A mischievous smirk escaped your mouth. “I always knew you had a naughty side, doctor.”
spencer reid taglist: spencer reid taglist: @no-honey-no​, @calm-and-doctor​, @idroppedmygourd​​, @averyhotchner
818 notes · View notes
Emergency Contact
Summary: When Spencer ends up in the hospital again, his emergency contact — who happens to be his boyfriend, Luke Alvez — is called. Too bad he hasn't told the team about him yet...
Tags: whump, h/c, hurt spencer, broken ribs, coming out, relationship reveal, protective derek, team as family, fluff, au: different first meeting
Pairing: Luke Alvez x Spencer Reid // (heavy on the Derek & Spencer friendship, too)
Word Count: 2.6k
Masterlist // Read on AO3 // Bad Things Happen Bingo
Okay, so Emily was not in S11, but for this fic she is, because I wanted supportive Penemily and that's what I gave myself. Other than that, this fills the square "broken ribs" for my Bad Things Happen bingo card. Enjoy the whump mixed with fluff!
Spencer doesn’t mean to get hurt again, but he also isn’t exactly surprised when it happens. If anything, Hotch really needs to stop sending him out to scope places and suspects out by himself. Surely Tobias Hankel proved he’s a trouble magnet in that regard years ago.
The summerhouse the suspect rents is a nice enough place to lay incapacitated while he waits for back-up, he supposes, but he’s not exactly able to lie and enjoy the sunshine when his ribs have been smashed in with a metal baseball bat and he knows the suspect is currently hightailing it down the beach. Not to mention the fact that it’s worryingly difficult to breathe.
Still, it’s better than a dilapidated cabin in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere Georgia, pumped full of heroin while his feet are whipped. Small mercies.
“Goddamnit, Spencer, again?” Derek asks amusedly when he finally arrives and crouches down by his side, but the undercurrent of worry in his voice doesn’t elude him.
“Sorry,” he wheezes, still winded and in immense pain from the ambush. “I didn’t see him coming.”
Derek raises a brow, chuckling slightly. “Yeah, pretty boy, I figured that.” His hand goes to Spencer’s hair as his expression furrows in concern again. “Did you see where he went? I’ll send the others after him while I go with you to the hospital.”
Spencer smiles a little, relieved that he won’t be alone. It’s become a strange sort of tradition to sit in one another’s hospital rooms after the job kicks their ass, and he’s glad Derek isn’t about to break it now.
“I saw him turn right out of the backdoor, but that’s all,” he says breathlessly, before cringing at the effort and folding in on himself even more.
“Okay, Spencer,” Derek says soothingly. “Just relax. The ambulance will be here any second.”
He obeys and closes his eyes as he listens to Derek call Hotch on the radio and send the team in the right direction before coming back to sit next to him on the floor.
“This might be one of the nicer places one of our unsubs has owned, huh?”
Spencer nods, mirroring Derek’s morbid amusement. “Crime pays better than investigating it,” he manages, smiling up at his friend.
He snorts. “You can say that again. With the way the market’s turned in the last couple years it’s more like this is my hobby and my properties are my day job, rather than the other way round.”
Spencer tries to reply, but he moves involuntarily in amusement, and a fresh wave of pain has him wincing again, trying to will the tears away.
“You’re alright, Spence,” Derek says gently, his hand returning to his hair. “Help will be here soon, okay?”
Thankfully, the medics do show up in a semi-timely fashion, and both of them are loaded into the back of the ambulance as the EMTs check him over, Derek’s hand not leaving his person unless it absolutely has to.
“How many times were you hit, Dr Reid?”
He cringes. “Four.” It’s almost embarrassing that the unsub got four hits in, and the only reason there weren’t more is because he was fleeing the scene, not because Spencer was able to fight back. He tries to remind himself that there isn’t much you can do when caught-off guard by a furious arsonist armed with a steel baseball bat, but his ego is still bruised. Albeit not as badly as his poor ribs.
“I’m gonna fucking kill him,” Derek mutters under his breath, his grip tightening on Spencer’s shoulder minutely enough for him to know he isn’t doing it consciously.
Spencer smiles appreciatively, closing his eyes against the pain. The non-narcotic painkillers they’re feeding him through the IV really aren’t doing anything.
“I think you’ve managed to avoid internal bleeding,” the EMT says, all though he tacks on a pointed, “just. But I’m concerned about the possibility of a punctured lung. There’s a chance your trouble breathing is solely pain-induced, but I don’t like the way your chest sounds. The doctors will check everything out when we get to the hospital, and get you all patched up.”
“Hold in there,” Derek says urgently. “I really can’t have you dying on me, pretty boy.”
Spencer smiles as comfortingly as he can through the immense pain in his chest and his mangled breathing. “Trust me, I don’t intend on it.”
The x-ray reveals two broken ribs and confirms the paramedic’s suspicions of a punctured lung, although thankfully, minor enough to not require surgery. He’s set up with oxygen and regular nurse check-ups in a quiet room after the doctor is able to remove the excess air in his chest cavity.
“How are you doing, Spence?” Derek asks worriedly as he pulls up a chair next to Spencer’s bed as soon as he’s allowed to see him.
He pulls away his oxygen facemask to answer. “A bit better,” he says, but his voice is dry and raspy from the oxygen so he certainly doesn’t sound it. “The pain meds are actually working now.”
Derek’s tight, anxious expression relaxes slightly. “That’s at least something.”
Spencer nods tiredly, but before he can respond, a nurse is popping her head round the door. “Dr. Reid,” she says genially, “sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to let you know that we’ve managed to get a hold of your emergency contact, and they’re on their way.”
Spencer’s eyes widen. How could he have forgotten? Granted, he was a little preoccupied with the whole punctured lung, broken ribs thing, but how could he have let it slip his mind that this little accident would lead to the secret he’s been keeping under wraps getting out?
When he’d first met Luke at an FBI gala last year, he never could have foreseen the most intimate and special relationship of his life coming to fruition, but it had. They’d connected on so many different levels, and the chemistry between them felt like something out of one of the fantastical romance novels Penelope reads, and when he’d asked if it was okay for Spencer to put Luke down as his updated emergency contact, he’d been rewarded with a wide, beautiful grin and a firm, heartfelt kiss.
It was serious enough, sure, and they were coming up on having been together for a year, but besides Emily and Penelope — who’d met Luke and developed an amusing, playful rivalry with him — he hadn’t introduced him to anyone on the team.
“On their way?” Derek asks, raising an eyebrow in mild confusion. “Isn’t your contact Hotch? He already knows you’re in the hospital.”
Spencer just stares at him like a rabbit caught in the headlights, completely blanking on something to say. They’re working a local case, so it won’t be long before Luke is bursting into his hospital room armed with cuddles and comfort, and as much as he craves that, he’s too busy panicking about his team finding out to really look forward to it.
Eventually, after watching Derek’s face morph into even stronger, more suspicious confusion, he gives up. They’re going to find out anyway. “I’m dating someone.”
Derek’s face lights up. “Pretty boy!” he exclaims happily, playfully pushing his shoulder as gently as he can. “That’s amazing! Why didn’t you say something? What’s her name?”
Ah. That’s the primary reason he hadn’t told his team about Luke. He’s nowhere close to being ashamed about his sexuality, he accepted himself decades ago, but he’s still not worked up the courage to share that part of himself with his team. Excluding Penelope and Emily who have been together for years (he’s still baffled as to how the others haven’t caught on yet), everyone’s in the dark.
It had started as a basic survival tactic. He’d joined the FBI two years younger than the standard entry age in the early 2000s, and he was far too concerned with just getting by than living outwardly as a gay man. And then, as time went by and he knew his team was accepting and welcoming, he found it too awkward to try and correct people when they assumed he was straight. There just wasn’t ever the right time.
“I’m gay.”
Derek’s happy expression falls and for a split second, Spencer feels a flash of panic. Maybe Derek’s okay with gay people as long as they’re not his immediate friends, as long as he doesn’t playfully call them ‘pretty boy’ and play with their hair when they’re injured, maybe—
“Well, what’s his name, then?”
Spencer looks up from his panic, seeing Derek smiling again, eyes maybe even brighter than they were just seconds ago.
“Spencer, if you think I’m gonna care that you’re gay — if you think any of us will care that you’re gay, then you have another thing coming,” Derek reassures him. “Wait, that isn’t why you didn’t tell us right?”
He suddenly looks distraught at the idea that Spencer might not have felt comfortable coming out to him, and Spencer rushes to correct him. “No! No, I know everyone would be fine with it, I just didn’t really know how to say it. Penelope and Emily know, but only by accident.”
Derek relaxes, chuckling a little. “I’m sure there’s quite a story there.”
Spencer blushes. “Maybe.”
“I’ll find out later,” he says confidently, winking at him, and something in Spencer loosens at the fact that Derek hasn’t changed his behaviour at all. “But I’m more interested in Mr. Sexy Emergency Contact Mystery Boyfriend Man right now.”
Spencer outright laughs at that, before wincing painfully as his ribs twinge, and he has to fit the oxygen mask around his face again and breathe deeply for a couple of breaths before the nasal cannula can suffice again.
“I met him around this time last year at an FBI gala actually,” Spencer manages. “Everyone on our team bailed except Penelope, Emily, and me. He’s called Luke and he works in the Fugitive Task Force. We just clicked as soon as we met, you know? We have this chemistry that I’ve never felt with anyone before, and we started dating pretty quickly. We actually moved in together last month when his lease was up, but we’re thinking of moving to a bigger, nicer place in Mount Pleasant. Luke’s actually had his eye on this one house that went up…”
He trails off when he notices Derek looking at him strangely, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “What?”
“Nothing,” Derek says gently. “You just look happy, pretty boy. When you started talking about Luke you got this happy, dopey smile on your face, and I’ve just never seen you like that. It’s nice.”
“Oh.” He blushes fiercely at the acknowledgement of just how soft he is for his boyfriend, but it’s not embarrassing, he’s just ridiculously happy and head over heels in love.
Still, feeling a little awkward at the attention, he raises the oxygen mask to his face just for something to do.
“Does he treat you well?” Derek asks seriously, suddenly looking like the FBI tough guy he really is.
Spencer grins and nods, pulling the mask away again. “So good. He’s one of those people that looks out for everyone before himself, you know? He listens to my rambles and tangents like he actually knows and cares about what I’m saying, and he insists on making me every meal we’re both home for. Every day off, he brings me breakfast in bed, and he’ll even suffer through my documentaries even though his favourite thing to watch is action movies. He’s the best boyfriend I could hope for.”
“Good,” Derek says fiercely, even though he’s smiling just a little at the thought of Spencer being taken care of. “But if anything ever changes, I won’t hesitate to—”
“Spencer?” Derek’s interrupted by the door flying over, and a very harried looking Luke Alvez rushing towards the bed, seemingly not noticing the man literally threatening his death right next to him. “Oh my God, Spencer, I was so worried, I thought—”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Spencer says, voice still a little weak. Can’t he at least sound convincing when he’s trying to tell these people that he’s fine? “I’m okay, I’ll be out of here before you know it.”
“Are you sure, baby? Do I need to get the doctor? Have they been looking after you, because I swear—”
“Luke,” he laughs, interrupting his worried tangent. “I’m fine, I promise.”
He watches amusedly as Luke sags with relief. “Oh thank God,” he breathes, and it’s then that he appears to notice Derek. “Oh, shit.”
He looks to Spencer with an alarmed look in his eyes, knowing full well that he isn’t out to his team yet, but before apologies can start dripping off his lips, he rushes to fill him in.
“It’s okay. I told him.”
Luke’s face brightens in an illuminating smile, his eyes wide and happy. “You did? I’m so proud of you, cariño.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Derek says, rising from his chair to shake Luke’s hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you in the last ten minutes.”
Luke grins. “All good things, I hope.”
Derek winks teasingly at Spencer. “Oh, better than good. Spencer here seems quite gone for you.”
He blushes again, but Luke just sits on the edge of his hospital bed and takes his face in his hand. “Well, I’m just as gone for him as he is for me. Probably even more so.”
“No way,” Spencer protests as vehemently as he can with an oxygen mask glued to his face again. “I definitely love you more.”
His words are half swallowed by the mask, and half muffled by the gaggle of FBI agents pouring into his room, all talking over one another loudly.
Luke jumps off the bed and stands to attention as they all quieten down, three of them in complete shock, one of them — Emily, recognising Luke — in anticipation of what’s about to happen.
“Uh,” Spencer starts unsurely, eyes flicking between his boyfriend and his team. “Meet my boyfriend?”
There’s a brief pause before everyone jumps into action again: Emily greeting him warmly, JJ introducing herself, and Hotch and Rossi giving him firm, threatening handshakes as a warning that no harm is to come to their pseudo-son.
Spencer knows they don’t have to worry about that, though, not with Luke, and they’re quickly shown that when he takes his rightful place sat on the edge of his hospital bed again, hands smoothing his hair gently.
“Thank you,” he says to Derek, voice soft and sincere as everyone’s sat leisurely around the room, doing their own thing now they’re calmed down after the initial meet and greet, “for taking care of him. I worry about him, you know, and it’s good to see that he has so many good people looking after him.”
“We all do,” Derek replies, looking over at Spencer fondly. “We’re all incredibly overprotective. Residual effects from him joining the team so young, probably.”
“I can see that,” Luke smiles, looking over at Hotch and Rossi, who still have their eyes trained on him, despite having warmed up to him quickly.
“Well between us all,” Emily interjects diplomatically, “I think we have Spencer covered. He has a lot of good people looking out for him.”
Spencer knows they all think he’s asleep, but he can’t help but say something. “I definitely do,” he slurs tiredly, causing Luke to quickly turn his attention to him, pressing a tender kiss to his forehead as he runs his fingers through his hair with the hand not intertwined with Spencer’s. “Love you.”
“I love you too, baby,” Luke murmurs. “And so does everybody in this room.”
Smiling softly and feeling safe as anything, Spencer finally gives into the heavy pull of tiredness, and lets himself drift off to sleep.
I'm such a sucker for coming out fics omg, I hope you didn't mind that element! But God, I've missed writing Ralvez fics. If anyone has any Ralvez prompts then please send them my way because I want to write them so badly but I really find it hard to find plot for them! <3
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @hotchseyebrows @reidology @spencerspecifics @tobias-hankel @goobzoop @marsjareau @garcias-bitch @oliverbrnch @im-autistic @anxious-enby @kuolonsyoja @ropoto
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Collision Course
Summary: You and Spencer were just bound to collide. Only fate could plan a first meeting that unique.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content/Warnings: fluff, minor car crash (no serious injuries), swearing, sexual harassment (specifically cat-calling from a stranger), mentions of eating a lot of food, implied allusion to sex (not specifically stated)
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: this is my one-shot entry for @ellesgreenaway ‘s 1k follower celebration! congratulations! <3 i’ve had this fic in my drive for a while but i never got around to finishing it until now
The metro was down for scheduled repairs today. JJ offered to bring Spencer in but he politely declined. He figured he should drive his car at least every once and a while so it doesn’t just collect rust in his parking spot.
Leaving his apartment 15 minutes earlier than he normally would to account for his rather slow driving, Spencer cautiously reversed out of his space.
He sighed in relief that he had not hit the neighboring cars. Spencer began to pull out of the parking garage. Unfortunately, he was so relieved from his little victory that he forgot to check both ways when he drove out of the parking garage.
Spencer slammed on the brakes but it was too late. He hit a young woman jogging and knocked her to the ground. Luckily, his average speed was that of a snail so he hoped her injuries were not too bad.
Spencer put the car in park and got out, “Oh god, oh god, oh god. Are you okay, miss?”
“I think so,” you were on the ground, assessing your body for any damage.
“Can you stand?” Spencer extended his hand to help you up.
You carefully stood, wincing a little when you put pressure on your left ankle.
“Is there anyone I can call? Do you want me to drive you to the ER?” Spencer frantically asked.
Your eyes widened, “No!” you stated a little too loudly, “Um I mean no thank you. I should finish my run anyways. I have a 5k for Alzheimer’s research coming up and I need to run or else I don’t raise any money,” you politely waved and took off again, much slower this time.
Spencer cringed as he watched you limp slightly every time you stepped on your left ankle, knowing it was his fault you were in pain. He sighed and pulled out his phone.
“Hey JJ, have you left yet? I need a ride, I’ll explain in the car.”
“Pretty Boy, how was your drive in?” Derek asked as soon as Spencer stepped off the elevator with JJ.
“I got about 20 feet and then hit someone with my car and had to call JJ so not great,” he admitted.
“Boy Wonder, you did WHAT? Are they okay?” Penelope gasped.
“She insisted she was fine but then she was limping away. I offered her a ride but she didn’t seem too keen on getting in a car with me,” Spencer explained.
“I wonder why,” Emily chuckled.
So there Spencer was. In the park in his only pair of short athletic shorts and a hoodie.
He had asked Penelope to sign him up for the 5k as a way to sort of make it up to the woman he hit. Plus, obviously it was for a good cause that was near and dear to his heart because of his mother.
Spencer had to take a lot of water breaks, periodically stopping to walk for a bit.
In the distance, he saw you on a bench and he suddenly felt the energy again to continue running to you. As he approached, he saw you tightening an ankle brace around your left foot and to make matters worse, you had a wrist brace as well.
Spencer considered just leaving you alone but he felt the need to apologize.
“H-Hello,” he awkwardly sputtered.
“Oh, hi,” you replied.
“I am so so sorry. Please let me pay your medical bills and any other expenses that I caused,” Spencer apologized.
“Unless you meant to hit me then it’s fine,” you stood from the bench.
“I definitely didn’t and I wasn’t on my phone or anything like that. I just barely ever drive but the metro was down today,” Spencer explained.
“You don’t have to pay my medical bills. I’m friends with a nurse so she did this for free. However, I would allow you to sponsor me for the 5k,” you answered.
“Absolutely,” Spencer nodded, “And funny story, you inspired me to register as well. I got everyone in my office to sponsor me.”
“That’s so great! The money is certainly going to a good cause.”
Spencer saw you smile for the first time since he met you.
“I’ve never been much of an athlete though. I barely passed my fitness test for work,” Spencer admitted.
“What kind of job has a fitness test?” you asked.
“I work for the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI,” Spencer stated.
“Oh shit, you’re a federal agent? Maybe I will sue you and make bank,” you grinned.
Spencer’s face reddened.
“It was just a joke. You can laugh, then that means the incident is in the past and no hard feelings,” you smiled, “I’m Y/N.”
“Well, Spencer, if you ever need a running buddy, I’m more than happy to come along seeing as we both are training for the same thing. But I do have to warn you, this brace is kind of a bitch so I’m a little slower than normal.”
“I can assure you that you will probably still be faster than me with the brace on so maybe it was a good thing for me that I hit you with my car so you won’t be miles ahead,” Spencer grinned.
You laughed wholeheartedly, “See, Spencer! I’m laughing about it so no hard feelings, all is forgiven.”
“I’m just finishing up for the day but I was planning on being here again on Wednesday at the same time if you want to meet at this bench,” you offered.
“Yeah, I can do that,” Spencer nodded.
“See you around, Spencer. Hopefully not in your car though,” you winked and waved.
“Oh god, you’ve fallen in love with the chick you almost killed,” Derek groaned.
“Not love...well, yet anyways. She’s so pretty and easy to talk to and isn’t mean to me after everything that has happened and her laugh is like honey,” Spencer smiled softly, recalling the sound in his mind.
“Okay, lover boy,” Penelope giggled, “Did you get her number?”
“No but we’re meeting for a run tomorrow. We actually met at the park when I was training,” Spencer said.
“So she’s seen you in those short shorts and agreed to another meeting? Maybe you do have a chance, kid, cause you really put it all out there,” Derek smirked.
“Speaking of, I actually need to get more of them,” Spencer sipped his coffee.
“Just go all the way and get spandex. Leave nothing to the imagination,” Derek chuckled as Spencer rolled his eyes.
“Jesus, I’m going to have to hit your right leg this time if I’m going to have any chance of keeping up with you,” Spencer huffed as he bent over his knees to catch his breath.
“Well good news is that was four miles so you definitely will be able to run a 5k because it’s only 3.1 miles,” you encouraged him.
“Technically, it’s 3.10686 miles but I see your point,” Spencer heaved.
“I know a really good smoothie place nearby. Come on, it’s on me,” you grabbed his hand.
Luckily, Spencer’s face was already red from exercising so you weren’t able to see the blush that formed on his cheeks.
“No, it’s definitely on me. I know you said we’re fine but I am forever going to be indebted to you because of the incident.”
“Spencer, really just forget about it,” you assured him.
“I can’t, I have an eidetic memory,” he grinned.
“Ah, I see. Fine, you buy me one smoothie but then we’re even,” you conceded.
You were walking down the street to the cafe when you heard a whistle come from one of the cars driving by.
“Damn, your ass is looking sexy in those leggings,” a man hollered from his passing truck.
You flipped him off and tried to pull your shirt down as much as possible, crossing your arms tightly around your front.
Spencer unzipped his hoodie and extended it towards you, “Sorry, it’s a little sweaty but if you want to wear it, you can.”
You smiled softly and accepted the sweatshirt, feeling more comfortable now.
“I’ve got his license plate number memorized and I intend to file a police report. Unfortunately, reports like these usually don’t go very far but I’ll keep pushing it through. I’ll also call the company that was printed on the side of the truck and ask to speak to his supervisor,” Spencer spoke softly after a few minutes.
“Thanks, Spencer,” you leaned your head on his shoulder and sighed.
“You don’t have to thank me for that. I’m just doing what’s right. He had no right to make comments about your body,” Spencer said, wrapping a gentle arm around your upper waist.
“Welcome to Y/N’s carbo-loading extravaganza!” you opened the door of your apartment to let Spencer in.
“I brought dessert as requested,” Spencer held up a chocolate cake.
“I like how you think, Spencer. Dinner’s all ready,” you smiled.
“Spaghetti, meatballs, and crispy buttery garlic bread,” you pulled the bread out of the oven.
“Looks absolutely delicious,” he complimented.
“Eating carbohydrates before a race boosts the glycogen storage in your muscles allowing you to work out longer,” Spencer informed you.
“Interesting, I never knew the science behind it but I’m never going to complain about eating tons of pasta and bread,” you twirled some pasta on to your fork.
Halfway through the meal, Spencer accidentally got a sauce stain on his pale pink shirt.
“Oh no,” you said as he tried to dab it away.
“That needs to soak right away. I don’t want any casualties at the carbo-loading extravaganza. Give it to me to scrub and I’ll get you another shirt.”
Spencer unbuttoned his shirt and peeled it off. You gulped at the sight of him shirtless, grabbing the shirt and heading to your bathroom sink to scrub it with laundry detergent.
“You can just grab any t-shirt from my room that you think will fit,” you called out to him.
Spencer settled on a light gray shirt with a golden retriever on the front.
“Okay, the stain is out! It’s just soaking now-“ you immediately stopped talking as soon as you saw the shirt Spencer was wearing.
He noticed your eyes were beginning to glisten with tears, “I’m so sorry. I can pick a different shirt,” Spencer was already beginning to pull it over the top of his head.
“No it’s fine, Spencer. That’s just my grandma’s t-shirt. I forgot I even had it.”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you,” he spoke guiltily.
“You didn’t know, besides it looks good on you anyways,” you smiled, “My grandma is the whole reason I’m running the 5k.”
“My mom has Alzheimer’s too so I understand that it’s extremely hard to watch a loved one go through that,” Spencer pulled you in for a hug.
You cried into his chest as he rubbed soothing circles on your back.
After Spencer hadn’t heard any sniffles in a while, he whispered, “Do you have any tea I can make you?”
You nodded and Spencer guided you to the couch, wrapping you in a blanket before turning the kettle on.
Spencer answered the cheerful knocking at his front door early in the morning.
“Race day! Are you ready?” you exclaimed.
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess,” Spencer smiled.
“I promise we are sticking together the whole time because it doesn’t matter how long it takes us as long as we finish,” you held up your pinky.
“Together,” Spencer affirmed, locking his pinky with yours.
The starting line in the park was only a short distance away from Spencer’s apartment so you and Spencer decided to walk there as a little warm-up.
You and Spencer were doing quad stretches when you saw his eyes wander to something behind you and then widen. His face immediately reddening.
“What?” you asked, turning around to see a group of people with a sign that read ‘Go Spencer and his girlfriend!’
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t expect them to do that,” Spencer stammered.
The poor boy was so flustered so you decided to take it easy on him.
“I don’t mind,” you shrugged with a slight smile.
“You don’t?” Spencer clarified, “I’m not very good with words or flirting in general but I would like to see you again after the race is over. Maybe I could take you out to dinner?”
“Yes but my only condition is...I’m driving,” you smirked.
“Oh, you’ll pay for that,” Spencer grinned.
An air horn sounded, signaling the start of the race.
“I think you’re going to have to catch me first, Dr. Reid,” you giggled as you sprinted ahead.
“It’s in sight, Spencer! We can do this!” you pointed to the finish line in the distance.
“Y/N, you’re going to have to carry me. I can’t,” Spencer heaved.
“If you finish this race, I will…” you cupped your hand to his ear and whispered something.
Spencer immediately perked up and started running again.
“Hey, wait up!” you laughed.
You and Spencer crossed the finish line at the same time. Spencer’s legs immediately gave out which caused you to fall too, collapsing on top of him.
“I know I’m really sweaty and gross right now but can I please kiss you?” Spencer whispered.
Your lips were pressed on his as soon as he finished his sentence. You honestly didn’t know how long you had been kissing for but you didn’t look up until you heard one of the race officials shout, “Hey lovebirds! That’s very sweet but other people are trying to cross the finish line.”
“Sorry!” you and Spencer apologized, scrambling to your feet.
“Not really,” Spencer whispered to you and you jabbed him in the side with your elbow playfully, stifling a laugh.
what slightly inspired this fic is one time @samuel-de-champagne-problems commented on one of my posts “i could never stay mad at spencer” and then i thought to myself “same. i couldn’t stay mad at him even if he hit me with his car” and now here we are... 🚙
taglist: (just ask to be added or removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily @jswessie187 @rem-ariiana @hoodpankow @mochionly
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