sexilene · 1 month
weekend shopping haul! 🌸🐁
started my morning yesterday with a little breakfast at a bev hills cafeeee and had sum hot chocolate ☕️
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then i drove to century city to smell some perfumes and i think marc jacobs perfect is going to be my next purchase its sooo spring ugh!
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andddd today i went around west hollywood and decided to stop to get a few goodies lol
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🤍 lush bath bomb - lakes
🤍 two charlotte tilbury lip liners in pillow talk and icon baby
🤍 ghirardelli bunny dark chocolates with caramel
🤍 kiss nail glue
🤍 baby lips! (i love this stuff lolz)
🤍 britney spears cd
🤍 a shell from the beach
🤍 dove deodorant (i thought the flowers and the smell was pretty lol)
🤍 dr. jart cryo rubber mask (lovveeee foreva)
🤍 matcha and cherry blossom pocky! (i got hungry 💞)
i also got my nails done! (don't mind how shiny my fingers are i just hate when my hands are dry so i immediately covered them in hand creme 🥰)
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187um-killa-trill · 15 days
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buhtercups · 3 months
I'm totally breaking down and getting some fandom merchandise soon.
I already let my husband Topaz know and he rolled his eyes and said "fine." He did remind me he did buy my stuff recently and I reminded him this is stuff I want to treat myself to.
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autobot2001 · 4 months
A Nice Day Out
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfriction Fandom: Transformers Rating: E Warning: None Pairing: Drift X Jamie (OC) Description: Drift and Jamie have a nice day out.
Day 13; @fluffyfebruary: splurge @fluffbruary: choice | snuggling | furry
Drift takes Jamie into town. He knows Jamie isn't a fan of shopping. He has other plans after checking out a few stores he thinks Jamie will like. Drift also plans on going to the park. Crosshairs smiles, seeing his two friends leave. Not caring if he looks weird. Drift knows Jamie would love going to a bakery. He hopes they'll have things for a picnic by the time they're done shopping. It's the day before Valentine's Day, but he doesn't mind.
Despite its size, the two find things they like at the bakery. Jamie smiles seeing the bakery has the white chocolate macadamia nut cookies Jamie likes that are hard to find. She also spots one of her other favorite cookies, biscotti. Drift smiles, already prepared to buy a lot of cookies. He also wants to buy cake slices. Even if he had to buy an entire cake, he would. Drift knew Jamie would be concerned about how much he's spending. Due to this being a small bakery, he's easily spending a lot. "It's fine," Drift assures Jamie, "so we're splurging. It's not like we're spending this much every week." He tells Jamie to pick what she wants. Her choices are things be also likes. Drift isn't surprised that she wants to get enough for their friends back at the house.
Drift left Jamie in his alt mode while he went into a flower shop. He's happy the bouquet wrapping is hiding the flowers. With no one watching as he walks toward his alt mode, Drift puts the bouquet in his subspace. He hopes to take them out while at the park. The last stop before the park is getting lunch. Drift orders take out to pick up. Jamie likes the idea of lunch at the park. Drift laughs at Jamie, hoping to find ducks. "As always," he smiles.
When the two get to the park, Jamie wants to find the ducks right away. "No, then they'll come try to steal our food," Drift comments, "come on, I know a suitable spot." Drift takes Jamie towards a large oak tree.
Lunch isn't anything special. Drift got two chicken tender dinners. He sits with the three trunk behind him. Jamie sits next to him. Drift knows the silence is unusual for a date. He knows it's one of many things in their unique relationship. Drift knew there'd be leftovers, but Jamie ate a lot. He watches Jamie lie her head on his leg. "Come on, let's go find the ducks before you fall asleep."
The two hear quacking as they approach the pond. Drift gets some bread out of his subspace. Immediately, ducks run toward the two. "Bad ducks!" Drift yells as he tosses some bread, making Jamie laugh, "ok, good ducks." He gives Jamie some of the bread. The ducks enjoy a nice lunch. Drift gets the bouquet out of his subspace as Jamie finishes feeding the ducks. "I got you something," he says. Jamie turns to face him, "it was considered an odd order." Jamie sees the bouquet of red roses and sunflowers and smiles. She takes the bouquet from Drift, allowing him to bend down and kiss her. Jamie didn't think he'd pick her up. "I'd be doing this even if you were only a couple inches shorter," Drift smiles, "I love you." "I love you, too." Drift wasn't expecting Jamie to say the same, knowing why Jamie won't say they're together. The two go home and kick their friends out of the living room.
Jamie wanted to change into pajamas while Drift makes their tea, get the desserts out of his subspace, and put the Flowers in a vase. "Fun afternoon?" Crosshairs asks. "Yes," Drift smiles, "I think Jamie considered today a date. I just don't think this is a change we've been waiting for—." "Nope, I'm not letting you ruin the good day. You know she loves you." Drift sighs and finishes making the tea. He warms up chocolate chip cookies. Once the plate and cups are on a tray, he heads to the living room.
Jamie waits on the sectional, with the blanket from the back of the sectional around her. Drift puts the tray on the coffee table and moves it closer to the sectional. "Now it'll be easier to get out cups and the cookies," Drift comments as he crawls onto the sectional and sits beside Jamie. He puts the blanket on his shoulders. They pick nothing special to watch but still enjoy their time together. Drift pays attention to the time, hoping to get Jamie outside to watch the sunset. More worried about Jamie falling asleep than missing the sunset. He wouldn't be disappointed as he's enjoying snuggling with Jamie.
They make it out in time to see the sunset. Jamie sits on Drift's lap. "I still can't believe how beautiful the sunsets are here," Drift comments. He is unprepared for Jamie to push him down to the ground. She lies on him, her small hands on his cheeks. Drift smiles, and the two kiss.
"I told you this was a good idea," Crosshairs whispers as Sunstreaker takes pictures. "I wouldn't call spying on a couple a good idea. No matter how good these photos are and, we know Drift will love them." "Yet here you are." "I'm telling him this was your idea. Also, can't Jamie sense we're here?" "She can't tell what we're doing." The two leave before getting caught.
The night is as usual, with friends and watching TV. As the friends thought, Jamie ends up falling asleep. Drift takes Jamie to bed, and the terror twins go to bed. Crosshairs stays up a little longer.
Crosshairs walks into the bedroom an hour later, seeing Drift and Jamie sleeping close together. He smiles, happy they had a good day together.
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princessmelinoe · 8 months
I bought a new soft/muffled gaming keyboard and this shit is ASMR to my ears
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mrsmoonlightsblog · 2 years
‘Misogyny still exists in today's society’ 
This essay is written as an expression of anger and frustration towards how women of today’s society are treated.I am disgusted at the normalisation of some behaviours exhibited towards women. I am frustrated at the fact that women are discriminated against in every work of life. They are either seen as too hysterical, too dumb or not strong enough. Women are objectified in many different ways and under- represented in many industries. Decisions they should have over themselves are stripped away from them because a man feels like they know more than a woman. However I find this very ironic because in 2021, a study took place and it was found that 80.6% of girls have a grade C/4 and above whereas boys have about 73.6%, who get  grade C/4 and above in their gcses. This implies that intelligence isn't based on gender, yet knowing that many industries are male dominated, you would say this system already favours a man over a woman. 
As a feminist, I have seen many women talking about their experiences with men and how they feel towards them. Instead of being comforted or congratulated for speaking up, they are always hit with some type of backlash with the title ‘it’s not all men’. We know its not all men that do these acts, in spite of that, its enough men to make women scared to go outside at night in fear of sexual harrassment or even rape.Its enough men to make women feel paronoid everywhere they go or even for this requirement of speaking about these situations.Its really revolting how men feel the need to make themselves feel better and not responsible for how their female counterparts are treated. They dismiss the fact that these women are just talking about their trauma and that they just want support to get through it.Yet in these sensitive situations, they somehow victimise themselves and disregard what the actual victims are saying. This adds to the fact they feel that they have power over what women say; This then leads to many men feeling offended by what we are saying  because they’re starting to feel their 'power' over us women decrease. 
The obligation men feel they need to have to argue with every point a feminist has, is very ludicrous. Most of the time their arguments aren’t logical. For example, they would say, ‘Why would I support women’s rights when men still have to pay the bill at dinner?’. The thing men don’t realise is that feminism fights for women to have the same rights as men which includes financial independence required to split that cheque. And it is not coincidental that a lot of these arguments are illogical; this is because their explanations don’t come from carefully considered reason but panic. A sense of terror that feminists are driven to take away something from men yet that isn’t the point of feminism. We just want gender equality.
Nonetheless, I wouldn’t fully blame men for the fact they feel some type of entitlement towards women and their bodies because society has literally conditioned them that way from young. Society deems men to be providers, show a lack of emotion and to be a ‘man’. This makes up the ideology of ‘toxic masculinity’. From young, men are taught psychologically that they own the world and everything in it - including the women. This is how the principle that women are men’s property or toys develop in their mindsets. If you have read the bible or passages in it, then you are able to see that there are numerous cases of misogyny within the book. One case of misogyny is in Number 26; inheritance was given to the different families within the 12 tribes of Israel and there was one family where they had all daughters. An exception was made where they would eventually get their inheritance once they had married. This story intensifies the idea that women aren't seen capable of handling ownership of a family and feeds into the toxic masculinity that men must be head of the household. Henry VIII  life is a prime example of how men are seen as the superior while women are seen as inferior. He mistreated the women in his life all for the son he so dearly wanted. Men in the tudor era must have adopted some principles from him since he was to be seen as a role model to all men. This conveys that the mistreatment of women has always been intertwined with society one way or another and its form has changed as society develops.
When you look at a videogame, female characters are displayed with very minimal clothing, which expresses the internalised misogyny and sexulisation that women are only meant to be there to please men and their desires. This is concerning because children will adopt these harmful views from a young age. Subconsciously, they are conditioned to think that women are inferior because in these games female characters are disrespected in many different ways. So slowly they will apply these beliefs into real life situations causing them to do inappropriate acts towards women thinking it's acceptable.
As a corollary effect, objectification of women's bodies sets in. To most men, they only see women's bodies as their reproductive organs or what pleasure they can gain from, disregarding the fact that women are humans who have emotions, aspirations and dreams. Just because they have the capacity to make children does not mean that they should be belittled to those functions. Objectification is very dehumanising and actions of it is not a compliment to women. Street harassment is not a compliment to women. Many women face this fear, anxiety, impotence, anger, frustration, misplaced embarrassment and shame from these actions. This is one of the things I think some men do not understand, the men who ask  ‘what's the big deal about street harassment’, the men who say they would love it if it happened to them, or suggest you should just take it as a compliment. It’s not that simple. It’s a horribly drawn - out affair. The process women have when they go out: scanning the street as they walk; the constant alert tension; the moment of revelation and the sinking feeling as they realise what is about to happen. Countless women have written about the defence mechanism they put in place such as walking with keys between their knuckles just to feel safe or wearing their earphones so they can keep their head down and ignore it. The whole process of going out  - particularly at night - can become fraught and difficult.
Another issue women undergo is discrimination within workplaces. There is an underrepresentation of women in different workspaces.The fact that America hasn't yet had at least one female president, being one of the world's superpowers, is an example of this. This shows the subtle implications that men feel like some jobs are too much for a woman to handle. However gender shouldn't be the reason you cannot get a job but your utility to that role. Many men blame it on the supposed uninterest women have in  STEM subjects. However, you should think of it like this. Take a baby, bring it up in a world that screams at it from every angle the certain subjects they should be into and to stay away from the others. Then at the age of fourteen or so, ask them what subjects they want to study. Of course they would choose from the options that they have been given the clear signal they can take, to avoid the unnecessary disappointment they feel like would add to society. 
Women aren’t earning high enough positions or aren’t easily promoted like men because they still see pregnancy as some sort of selfish little jaunt at an employer’s expense. The argument goes that small businesses and corporations shouldn’t be expected to face financial consequences just because women willfully  bounce off to procreate.Contrary to that popular belief, men are somewhere involved in that process as well. Women aren't gleefully knocking themselves with a nine month holiday, they are continuing the human race. Nevertheless, it is unreasonable to let businesses suffer financial cost because of this.This is problematic for business because we haven’t yet sufficiently provided the necessary financial and organisational infrastructure to facilitate this process.
In conclusion, women shouldn't be restricted in their way of life so they can be prevented from horrible situations such as rape.Yet even in doing so, it does not work either way because in many cases women are raped and assaulted by people they know or are close to. We shouldn't reprimand women for their actions but punish the perpetrators for their actions instead. Young boys and men should be taught how to treat everyone equally - including women. It always starts with the younger generation because they copy what the older generations do and if they are taught that mistreatment of women is wrong then women wouldn't be hurt anymore. Women should be able to live their lives however they want to. They should have the right to do what they want as long as they abide by the laws of the land.Young women should be able to grow up not feeling scared to walk alone on the streets. Women should not be seen as second class citizens or beings inferior to men. The ideology of toxic masculinity should be broken down because  it adds to the fuel of the abuse women face on a daily basis. Men and women should be able to coexist together equally. 
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starfallkaz · 1 year
It’s my birthday today besties. So grateful for another year around the sun <333
I spent my day eating sweet cakes in tea rooms, browsing book shops while it poured outside and drinking copious amounts of mulled wine giggling with my friends. I want this kinda warmth forever and ever, feeling so loved rn
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briannaisadorable · 1 year
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The moon knows all my secrets
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mazys-obsessions · 2 years
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I may have gone a bit overboard and spent like 80 bucks on my last trip at Lush but look how cuTe those bath bombs and bubble bars are. Honestly the Dark Angels face scrub was most expensive at like $17 but I’ve used it in the past and it’s totally worth it. Boyfriend approved also! (Also lush has glow in the dark bath bombs and bubble bars for the season!)
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randowrites · 1 year
Pool Funds
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Boys, there is no barrier to our fortune besides the presidency’s childish spending habits.
In summary,  the  pool entered into the account  remains although its safety is tentative at best.
One final splurge would sign its death warrant and our troop will have to ride off into the amber sunset penniless after-all.
Thank you randomwordgenerator.com
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1introvertedsage · 1 year
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reginamuses · 1 year
My tankard arrived in the post today! 😍😍
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fuzzyizmit · 1 year
Something Nice for Fuzzy
I splurged on myself today. I bought my very first ball jointed doll (I know I 3D printed one, but I have yet to get that one together because I cannot seem to sand the joints right :( )
Here she is! I cannot wait to paint her!
I am so excited!
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kickdrumheart68 · 2 years
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mrsmoonlightsblog · 2 years
Absolute rage consumes me as I write this piece
This essay will contain many topics: mentions of struggling mental health; first hand experience of sexual harassment; thoughts of murder and suicidal thoughts.
Absolute rage consumes me as I write this piece. I am utterly mortified at the realisation that has hit me of what it truly is to be a woman in today’s society. Yes, I have written essays about how disadvantaged women are in society and how badly they are treated. I have had a couple experiences of scary men but nothing that would amount to what I have experienced today.
I have to admit I don’t currently live for myself. For example, what I wear is dictated by the idea that I don’t want to be approached in a way where I’m belittled to just my body parts. Yet, I have just registered in my mind that no matter what you wear you will still be approached in ways you don’t like. Majority of the time, I wear clothes that are a bit bigger on me so my figure doesn’t show and at first I thought it was just my fashion choice but really it was just fear holding onto me from past experiences of being catcalled in leggings and dresses while being in just year 7.
Today, my parents sent me on a mission to find some ice - cream since shops close early on a sunday and we had just cooked horrible waffles, which could not be wasted. Originally, my sister was supposed to go but she didn’t want to because it was raining. So I went and she followed me. I’m walking through the street and someone ran past me. A black man -probably in his 20s. He wore dirty white joggers, a zipped hoodie and shoes. He turned around and started making hand gestures that I’m guessing was supposed to be a warning signal and was saying stuff that would most likely be curse words. I thought nothing of it because it’s just another day strolling through peckham. My little sister was still trudging behind while I walked into the first corner shop.There was no ice- cream so I walked back out to the street and waited for my sister at the crossing.
We crossed the road together and restarted our mission to the next corner shop. I saw the same man again; he stood near a bus stop signal. He walked right past me again and being honest I knew he was saying something to me but all I heard was gibberish. This time I started to pick up my pace cause I was getting anxious. He crossed the street but I still kept an eye on him. He looked at me as if I offended him terribly but I do not know who this man was. He walked off into another street or so I thought. I started picking my pace a bit faster and I looked back to see that he was once again on my tail. I started shaking and called my mother. I told her the situation I was in, she suggested I get into a bus and go to another corner shop a bit further.
The call was cut; I decided to call one of my friends to feel safer and then I walked into the last corner shop on the street. There was no ice- cream so I walked back out. As I walked out the shop, the man following me was clearly looking for me and I didnt realise that till too late. I bumped into him and walked away quickly. If I'm being honest, although I held my sister’s hand, I did not cross the road safely at all. At this point, I was shaking and crying out of fear, so I didn’t care. Fortunately, the bus came at that minute so I hopped on and went to the other corner shops.
The specific ice - cream I was looking for was not in any shops so I went back home. I got sent back out again by myself to just get any ice - cream. At this point, I just felt confused as to what I had just experienced. My phone died. I was walking back home with some random ice-cream in hand. The tears were finally starting to dry. Then all of a sudden, a black car slowed down. I looked over to see another black man, sucking in his teeth and whistling at me telling me to get into his car. Absolute rage consumed me and I was barking profanities at this guy. He finally drove off but he was laughing at me and flipping me off just like I flipped him off. Once again, water works left the windows of my soul but this time I wasn’t just upset. I was furious but I couldn't express it as having a tantrum by hitting the wall and stomping my feet. Instead, I was laughing. If anyone saw me at that moment you would’ve thought I was crazy and delusional. However I just couldn't help myself. 
I guess I’ve finally realised the meaning of being mature,living in this broken society. I can’t report what happened. Even my own parents can't do anything but tell me to get used to it and learn how to defend myself. It’s wicked how this uk government is by caring more about the physical injuries my attackers face through me defending myself, then me being the victim facing this traumatic situation. I googled what the only legal ‘weapon’ I could carry around with me was. I found the results shocking - a rape alarm. The law - makers of this country must be having a laugh. They must be finding some kind of sadistic joy in seeing women suffer. What would an alarm do, especially in a society today that likes to ignore people’s cry for help? I should wait for a strong man to come and help me while another strong man is abusing me - the irony.
 I can really see why they ban weapons though at the same time. If I had a knife in that moment of abosulte rage, I would’ve carved into the face of that stupid,smirking man. I would’ve stabbed him multiple times out of pure anger just to remove that laughing smile off his face. He would’ve looked prettier coated in his own blood, laying back in his car with the life drained out of his eyes. You may think what I’m thinking is absurd or an exaggeration to what happened. But to be honest, this interaction was more than just another catcall. It was the power imbalance expressed during those moments. In these moments, I felt weak and ashamed. I even took seconds to look at what I was wearing to see whether any curves were showing and nothing was. If this experience happened while I was in my suicidal ‘phase’, I would’ve certainly just unalive myself after that experience. I would've finally stabbed myself with a knife, jumped off the edge or walked into a busy road. It was more than just a few gestures expressed, it was just the fact I was a defenceless young woman who had nothing to give but fear. The smirk on both of their ugly faces said that they enjoyed the look of tears running down my face.
It’s easy for me to demand change in the legal aspects. There are already a few laws put in place to ‘protect’ victims but that's clearly not enough because society plays a huge role. For my parents to dismiss my experience as nothing but something I should just get used to is very heart - breaking but I can’t blame them because that’s how society is. Society normalises a lot of detrimental things to the point that people don’t even realise they are victims or abusers to one another. We are taught so many questionable things, that if we even try to question it we are ridiculed, hence the hate for feminism.  Sexual /street harrasment has become so normalised it’s part of society and its a thing every woman should expect happen to them. However, this should not be the case. I should not have to suffer because I am a woman. I should not have to feel that I need to dress a certain way so I wouldn't get the ‘wrong attention’. Even when I proceed to do that, I still get harassed because I’m a woman. A young black woman in a white man’s world. Its certainly revolting realising that i have to go through these experiences over and over again because I’m a woman and if im being very honest, I may go demented if I continue to be on the recieving end on this animalistic behaviour. 
I refuse to be on the receiving end. I refuse to carry on this heinous trend of teaching future generations to just deal with the misplaced anger they feel from these incidents. My anger is completely valid and I'm telling myself right now it was not my fault, it was the fault of the evil society I was born into. I refuse to continue to blame myself for things I did not do. I refuse to be a victim of my own excruciating thoughts letting my panic/anxiety attacks get in the way of living the best I could. I refuse to suffocate because that's what my body tells me to do in these traumatic situations. I want to be happy, what’s so wrong about that. Why has this world forced me into this deep end, just because I am a young, black Nigerian woman who looks and acts mature for my age. Don’t they realise children are growing up too fast because of how twisted society is. It’s not my fault at all and I will keep telling myself this. 
Yet, even at this moment, my thoughts are juxtaposing themselves. I want to tell myself it's not my fault but part of me is reducing myself to rubbish saying I'm the one who caused this to happen. It's not my fault they all say but whose fault is it. I say it's society but saying that seems so ridiculous and unacceptable. I'm second-guessing myself, but confusion litters my mind. However, who am I supposed to blame for these thoughts that dwell in my mind? The fact that the first thing that comes to my mind after experiencing this is murder is very concerning. I could be the next serial killer on an evil vendetta in the future for all I know. However, I pray society does not let us fall down that wicked path. I pray society does not let me carry on suffering from these insane thoughts. 
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