#Spones Day 2023
ritathecat · 1 year
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I just wanted to draw them with curly hair... for science
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noxequusart · 1 year
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kaklord · 1 year
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caillousweave · 1 year
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Day late for Spones day and it's still just a WIP😔
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sponeszine · 1 year
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We are dedicating June 26th as Official Spones Day in celebration of the Spock/McCoy relationship!
Plenty of other ships in Star Trek and other fandoms have a dedicated "day" to celebrate their ship, and we thought, "why not make one for Spones?" This date was chosen by the We Go Together Zine committee as it is the day in between June 1 (the release date for The Search for Spock) and July 22 (the release date for Star Trek: Beyond). Those movies were also number 1 and 2 in our "favorite moments" poll, so it is no coincidence those releases had a huge impact on the Spones community across generations.
I for one am planning on celebrating by posting a Spones fic 👀
For info on events that will be happening June 26, check out this link here: https://www.tumblr.com/sponeszine/716135793320673280/hello-spones-community-we-have-two-big?source=share
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dahyeltal · 1 year
I’ll be finishing three to five WIPs for Spones Day on June 26th! 🎉
Here are the summaries of the three I know I’m posting:
It's Pride, Y'all!
It’s Pride time on the Enterprise and it’s the first Pride McCoy and Spock are sharing quarters. Spock’s fans always decorate his door for pride, in the correct flags and colors, and this year they decided to decorate McCoy’s as well. Unfortunately, they pinned him as gay. Very gay. And McCoy is bi. Very bi. He has a fit, it’s misconstrued, and McCoy spends the next day being a walking bi pride flag and tackling misconceptions.
Take Me Home Tonight
McCoy spots a handsome Vulcan at the bar during their mandatory shore leave. Tall, shaggy haired, bearded, and looking damn pretty. He’d always had a crush on Spock, but he might actually stand a chance with this stranger who looked just like him. Unfortunately, McCoy feels more and more guilty as this stranger reminds him more and more of Spock and runs away...right into a bar patron who didn’t appreciate being run into. McCoy wakes up in his own bed with the stranger caring for him, looking and acting even more like Spock. (Author’s note: Bet you can’t guess why the stranger reminds him of Spock.)
Khan escapes again with his family and Spock and Kirk are determined to go after him. McCoy, who seems to be the only one thinking rationally, argues that Khan took a non-military ship to the neutral zone and, more importantly, Starfleet told them to stand down. They push him to agree to go after Khan and McCoy gives them an ultimatum: “If you two go after him, I’m done.” They go, McCoy’s done, but years later when xenopolycythemia threatens to take McCoy, everyone comes back. Including Khan.
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aerialworms-art · 1 year
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Spocktober + Trektober Day 2 - Hiding Injuries
Yeah, this is the reason I'm so behind on these prompts, doing a six panel comic in a day was NOT a smart idea 😅
(ID under cut)
[Image ID: A black and white six panel comic featuring Spock, Bones, and Jim Kirk from Star Trek: The Original Series.
Panel one: A wide shot inside a cave. Bones is kneeling in front of Jim, who has collapsed against a wall. Further into the cave, Spock stands with his back to them, his right arm across his chest. He says "We cannot stay here long. Take the Captain back to the ship."
Panel two: A closeup on Bones and Jim. Jim is unconscious, a bleeding gash on his forehead and the shoulder of his shirt torn. Bones is holding his face, but he's turned to look at Spock, aghast. He says "What, and leave you behind? Are you crazy? No way!"
Panel three: A closeup on Spock, from behind. We cannot see his face. He says "That is an order, Doctor. I will hold off our attackers."
Panel four: From offscreen, Bones says "But Spock--" Spock's head turns slightly, so we can see his eyebrows are furrowed and his mouth is downturned. He orders "LEAVE." in all caps.
Panel five: A wide shot again, although this time Spock is closer in the frame, visible from chest upwards. He is still holding his arm across his chest, and a slight disturbance in the fabric around his hand is visible. His face betrays no emotion. Behind him, Bones lifts Jim, who is still unconscious. Bones mutters "Goddamn stubborn Vulcan--" then says out loud, "C'mon, Jim."
Panel six: The same shot. Bones carries Jim out with Jim's arm over his shoulders. Spock removes his hand from his side, revealing a wound in his chest. He looks down at the blood on his hand impassively. As Bones carries Jim out, he grumbles "liable to get himself killed--"
Above the comic, the artist has written "Trektober" and "Day 2 - Hiding Injuries". Below, they have written "@aerialworms" and "Spocktober". /End ID]
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tigereyes45 · 1 year
A Trektober piece I wrote for Day 12: Meet-cute. It's my first Spones centric fic.
Doctor Leonard McCoy has just beamed aboard the Enterprise for the first time, as the new Chief Medical Officer. Of course introductions don't go as smoothly as he would have liked, though maybe this is better.
Preview of story:
”Well if it isn’t Jim Kirk.” McCoy moves to raise his hands, offering his oldest friend a hug.
He half expects Kirk to sidestep it. Especially when the captain looks back and forth between the vulcan to his right and the head engineer at the transporter’s control console. Instead, Jim steps closer and meets McCoy halfway. Well, there’s no escape for him now. Leonard wraps his arms around Kirk’s shoulders, giving him a strong squeeze. Jim’s arms loop under his own, and barely press into his back. It’s a polite hug if anything.
McCoy steps back, fixing a curious look on Jim. He’s seen the made if lower spirits, and never had one of his hugs felt so half-hearted.
Kirk steps back and quickly looks back at the vulcan. “Dr. McCoy this is my number one, and our head science officer, Mr. Spock.”
“Well,” McCoy pushes his worries to the back of his mind. Putting on his best grin, he offers out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Spock.”
With a completely impassive face, Mr. Spock glances down at Leonard’s hand. For a solid thirty seconds, his gaze remains transfixed on the outstretched palm. Then he slowly raises his head again. Cold, emotionless, dark brown eyes stare Leonard down. “It’s not diseased or anything if that’s what yer worried about.”
James lets out a chuckle. “Vulcans are apparently not prone to physical contact with others, doctor.” He clasps a hand around McCoy’s shoulder, guiding him towards the other gentlemen in the room. “And this is our head engineer, Mr. Scott.”
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lenievi · 10 months
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@fuckyeahspones's Twelve Days of Spones 2023 - Winter
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spongynova · 9 months
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A quick sketch from come deliver me back home a sweet fic by @strangenewwords
12 Days of Spones 2023 was so good thank you for all these fics!
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ritathecat · 1 year
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happy spones day!
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treesspeaklatin · 10 months
My fics
Finding; a not so human Xenk discovering human feelings
Half-vampire!Edgin series; enemies to it's complicated
Romance in the time of LoveChat; romance writer!Ed and online dating AU
Xedgin in 100 words; drabble colletion
Edgin Darvis' last heist; breaking up and making up
AOS Spirk
5 wrong kisses (+1 right kiss); aliens made them kiss
It's the most wonderful time of the year; winter holidays and family drama
An elegant solution series; Vulcan Reform arranged marriage
Ri va'ne; cadet!Kirk and Vulcan strip clubs
5 people confused by the relationship between Kirk and Spock (+1 person who understood it); queerplatonic/ambiguous slash
Crawl home to him; not really character death (?), mutual pining
TOS Spirk
A heart even more your own; Persuasion AU
How to find the perfetc partner for your Vulcan, a compendium by James T. Kirk; old (almost) married spirk
Mirror Spirk
A Thorn in his side; Kirk "haaaates" Spock
5 bad days aboard the ISS Enterprise; denial of feelings and humor
Other Trek
Trektober 2023; oneshot collection; AOS-TOS-mirror spirk, spones, mckirk, mcspirk & others
No masters or kings (when the ritual begins); mcspirk aliens made them do it, pining
Fic recs
Spirk 1, 2
Mcspirk 1
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strangenewwords · 9 months
12 Days of Spones - Day 10
Fandom: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) Rating: M (but it could probably be T) Relationships: Spones Characters: Weird writing Style, Implied Sexual Content, It's just punchy, and I blame iggy pop
For 12 Days of Spones 2023.
Leonard and Spock attend a medical conference on Andoria. There's only one bed.
@ncc1701ohno gifted the one bed idea!
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sponeszine · 1 year
20 Day Reminder!!!
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Spones Day is in 20 days! If you are planning on writing a fic, posting art, or something else, please make sure to add it to this collection, which will be opening the day before Spones Day
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i-actually-post-stuff · 4 months
ohh what's the Cabin about?? sounds kinda ominous but could be sweet xD
Okay so, that one has a bit of a funny story!
I have a hard time committing to events because I work pretty slow so when 12 Days of Spones 2023 came around I decided that I would split it into two things: a few individual art pieces to fulfill the prompts, and a fic that covered the other half of the prompts. But then, guess who got busy and never finished it?
But I still liked the concept.
Married Spones (in an AU I have where they're married during the five year mission) get snowed into a cabin when separated from the group on an snow planet away mission, in a pre-warp society.
Once they get settled in it's all fluff! And their usual fun married-couple arguing.
My plan is to post it during the next season of 12DoS. And then I'll work on the prompts for 12DoS 2024 for the next season and so on and so on.
Thanks for asking!
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