#Starbucks Series
artsyunderstudy · 1 year
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Happiest of birthdays to my favorite boy.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 5 months
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Dirk Benedict - Battlestar Galactica (1978)
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sunflowerdigs · 6 months
If Mobius and Loki don't come tearing in on a (single) jet ski to rescue the Avengers in at least one of these upcoming movies, what even was the point?
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jayflrt · 6 months
we need an uncut of the goons in stoners guide watching the baby shark movie and one of them (probably sunghoon) going dude i swear that fish looks just like me
i'm sorry bae i didn't watch the movie 😔 but i made these for u 🙏
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aantinous · 1 year
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I think you should throw the book away.
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bleaksqueak · 3 months
While i work I've been listening to an LP of the Telltale Walking Dead Games (the ones with clementine, I do not care about the others lmao). Ages ago when I played these I was well aware/amused that part of season 2 takes place in Parker's Crossroads/Parker's Run because I grew up right next to it and the detail stood out to me. But I never caught the line of "We'll head to parker's run. It's just up the road from here" until just right now. So I had a sort of "wait, where the fuck are they supposed to be right now?" (search)
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ARE YOU SHITTING ME LMAO So by process of elimination, since it's the only city with anything even remotely resembling a large home supply store, that would mean they're in my literal hometown. My tiny hometown in the middle of nowhere that's never in anything that barely anyone knows of. How in the fuck lmao
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thistuesdaynight · 8 months
prongsfoot fluff microfic drunk prongsfoot first kiss, unrequited wolfstar, light angst this plot bunny would not go away. It might even become a little series? idk we'll see what happens.
"James," Sirius hisses, voice straining. "Come on, mate. Help me out here."
James couldn't stop giggling.
He often felt like that after drinking, like everything in the world was just so funny, how could he not laugh along? And he certainly was drunk tonight. He and Sirius had gone out together, taking shots like there was no tomorrow. But the bubbly, bouyant feeling in James' chest may not have been from the alcohol, but from Sirius' arm around his middle.
"I had such a good night," James sighed, delighted to be here with his best mate in the whole world feeling drunk, and happy, and invincible.
He loved how he always felt invincible when he was with Sirius.
"That's great, Prongs, but could you pick up your feet?"
Sirius was just as sloshed as James, but James always tended to get floppy when he was drunk. They swayed up to the front door of the house, pressed together hip to hip, Sirius holding onto James' waist, and James was buzzing from the warm point of contact.
After dropping them twice, James finally managed to get the keys into the lock. However, the door was finicky, and in his addled state, he couldn't twist and unlock it properly.
"Bollocks," James cursed. "Bloody door."
"Here," Sirius murmured, reaching over him.
Sirius took the keys from James' grasp, brushing over his fingers and sending goosebumps up his arm. It must have been the cold night breeze. Sirius leaned in closer to maneuver the sticky lock, invading James' space.
James traced the line of Sirius' jaw with his gaze, desperately wanting to know what it felt like under his lips. From this close, James could count the freckles on Sirius' ear, blow warm breath across his neck, and breathe in his scent of spearmint and eucalyptus.
He was captivated by the curl of dark hair currently falling over Sirius' brow, which was furrowed in concentration as he fiddled with the door. What would it be like to brush the hair from his face? To take those soft pink lips with his own…
With a great heave, Sirius finally got the door unstuck and the two boys tumbled forward into their front room, the door slamming behind them. They landed in heap of tangled of limbs, James on his back, and Sirius half on top of him, his curls hanging into James' face. James dissolved into hooting laughter, guffawing from the ridiculousness of it all.
"Prongs, shhhh!" Sirius shushed him with a hand over his mouth, but he was holding back giggles of his own, face flushed red with mirth. "Shh, Remus and Pete are sleeping."
James tried to respond, but Sirius still had his hand over his mouth, which caused them both to erupt into barely contained sniggers, grinning like idiots.
"What were you going to say?" Sirius giggled, moving his hand down so that James could speak, but keeping a finger on James' bottom lip.
"Who cares if they're sleeping! They should have come out to celebrate with us."
James and Sirius liked to go out sometimes to celebrate on random Fridays, just to commemorate the start of the weekend. Peter and Remus valued their sleep too much to go out with Sirius and James every weekend.
"Nah, it's better like this," Sirius whispered, his gaze roaming James' face.
James looked up at Sirius, his pale skin glowing in the moonlight, smiling down at James like he was the only thing in the world. James felt that same bubbly effervescence in his veins, and he didn't care whether it was the alcohol or not.
"Yeah, Pete can't hold his liquor for shit."
Sirius sniggered, laughing so hard that his whole body was shaking from trying to stay quiet. He swayed forward, resting his mouth on his fingers, which were still on James' lips. Sirius' warm breath whooshed over his tongue, and James tried to drink it in. Sirius tipped forward even more, until he was giggling into James' mouth, grazing his tongue, and smiling against James' bottom lip.
And every touch, every breath, every connection sent electricity humming through James' veins.
James surged upward, meeting Sirius's tongue with his own, moving his lips over his, and inhaling his scent like it was oxygen. He kissed Sirius so hard that the other boy fell back until James hovered over him, devouring Sirius' mouth like it was his last meal.
It was Sirius.
His Sirius, and they were kissing. His best mate, but they didn't feel so friendly any more.
Their noses knocked together as they pressed impossibly closer, sharing heat and breath, and this- this was better than being drunk, James decided.
Sirius Black was his own personal drug.
He needed him more than anything. More than everything.
James took Sirius' bottom lip between his teeth, pulling back slowly, enjoying the keening moan that left Sirius. He placed his lips on Sirius' throat, tracing it with sloppy, open-mouthed kisses, and it was better than he'd imagined.
"Wait," Sirius said, out of breath and chest heaving. "We can't."
The words didn't register, and James continued his ministrations underneath Sirius jaw, because he wanted nothing more than to swallow him whole and be swallowed in return. But Sirius pushed on his shoulders. "We can't, James. You're drunk. We're drunk."
James pulled back, dazed and wanting nothing more than to have Sirius Black under his hands and in his mouth once again. "Drunk?" James pouted, petulantly.
"Yes, James," Sirius sat up on his elbow, pushing James out of the way to do the same. "We're drunk. We're not thinking straight."
James looked at Sirius, the angles and planes of his face, the smoothness of his skin, that mane of raven hair that James wanted to tangle his fingers in and never let go.
"Nope, not straight at all," James murmured.
Sirius gaped at him for a moment, letting out a surprised chuckle. Then he surged forward to capture his lips once again.
It was like Sirius couldn't help himself. He hummed into the kiss, reaching up to card his fingers through James' hair. Sirius gave a gentle tug on the strands, and James felt it all the way to the base of his spine, moaning wantonly into Sirius' mouth.
"Fuck, James," Sirius groaned, the noise only spurring him on.
Sirius moved to put a knee between James' legs, and the pressure was so exquisite James thought he would combust right there. He let out a whine, grabbing at hips, clothes and skin, clutching Sirius closer.
The light turned on then, a voice breaking them from their hormone cloud. "Prongs? Padf--"
Remus stood in the hallway in his pajamas, squinting from the light, and probably from the confusing scene in front of him. James bit his lip, wanting to laugh again, but when he looked closer, he realized that Remus wasn't confused, he was horrified. Frowning, James looked to Sirius, who was flushed and anguished.
Sirius pushed off of James, sitting up and allowing a rush of cold air to slip between them.
"Remus," Sirius said, guilty and pleading.
Remus said nothing, face stony. He just turned and went back to his room. Sirius buried his face in his hands, while James watched on, bewildered, his drunken buzz going silent.
Read Part 2 here!
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prof-hidgens · 6 months
I’m boycotting Starbucks but damn the coffee at Beanies is absolute garbage. At least my student works there so I’m not getting spit but I’m not sure about others
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alannacouture · 9 months
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So say we all
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maskedflug · 1 month
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A while ago I went to a convention and tried to make some stickers, let's say Cutes, obviously I didn't sell a peep because I was new to it haha, but anyway I put my stickers here, maybe I will put more later, what do you think? (He knows they probably won't get back to him.)
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cthulhu-with-a-fez · 3 months
i started naruto a few years ago and made it to like the second arc in shippuden before stopping so i never made it to the kakashi backstory but....your notes compel me. tell me more.
okay so like take this with several grains of salt because the sum total of my sources here are "my understanding of the plot and characters as synthesized from the Abridged Revised Illustrated Edition my datemate's been writing me over the last two months", a handful of clips, and the only three (3) episodes of this 600+ episode show i've seen in my life, none of the three of which were relevant to the kakashi backstory
h o w e v e r
oh my god. my dude. my man. [holds him up like longcat] there is so much wrong with you and i'm enthralled.
so like here's the thing. here's the big takeaway that i'm understanding. this whole series is an ongoing exercise in generational trauma bullshit and everyone trying so hard to course-correct from their own tragic backstories that they accidentally set up their kids/students to have completely different but still somehow exactly the same tragic backstories, and naruto's chronic case of shounen anime power-of-friendship-itis is, i mean. yes it's him being the platonic ideal of Pure Of Heart And Dumb Of Ass but it's also a direct response to seeing ninja society's perpetual tragic backstory generator and going "this is bullshit, why are we even fighting? tell me what your side is, and i'll tell you what our side is, and then we can figure out how to make our sides the same side so none of us have to fight about it at all!" and honestly i love that but this ain't about him
so like. to explain kakashi we have to explain kakashi's father sakumo first. because sakumo was one of konoha's powerhouses, been on tons of successful missions, well-liked, well-respected, one of the earliest and loudest adopters of konoha's then-new and radical pivot towards a ninja being people first and disposable tools never ideology.
he really, genuinely believed in that.
except then he and his team went on a mission. and it went really, really badly. and he had to choose between completing the mission objective or saving his teammates' lives, and he chose their lives, because those who fail their missions may be scum, but those who abandon their teammates are worse, right?
... no, actually.
just because the ideology had been circulating and people were broadly toeing the party line didn't mean they actually believed in it, and sakumo's mission failure was already causing critical backlash.after sakumo made it back to konoha he was a fucking pariah for it. he was never officially reprimanded, but he didn't need to be if people went out of their way to personally spit at his feet, and... one day young kakashi comes home to find his father's body on the floor, wrists slit and suicide note devolving into begging apologies beside him.
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this, as you may imagine, fucked him up, and didn't exactly predispose him towards believing the party line about the value of life.
he gets put on a genin team that was. basically the alpha build of the sasuke-sakura-naruto team dynamic. because it was him, and rin the healer girl with a massive crush on him who he never gave the time of day, and obito the Loudest High-Vis Uchiha Who Ever Lived who had a massive crush on her, and minato their teacher who was doing his absolute best to try and get them through to understanding each other, which is an Ordeal
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because kakashi at this point has internalized that the party line is pretty lies for the gullible, that his teammates are only there to drag him down, and it drives obito nuts because that's the same exact bullshit that his family keeps spouting that he's rejected as thoroughly as a 12.9-year-old can, how does kakashi not see that it's bullshit? and there's rin who's looking at kakashi like i can fix him?? and getting upset when he doesn't let them in at all or even really visibly care that they're trying, and it's one hell of a dysfunction junction but minato is working on it.
... and then the worst happens. their team is caught out alone and everything goes wrong. rin is captured and obito's body is half-crushed under a rock and one of kakashi's eyes got slashed out and none of them are going to make it out of this, at this rate, until obito calls kakashi closer and tells him to take his eye. take the sharingan. he'd give him both but the other one got squished. kakashi will do more with it than obito ever did, so use it to save rin. please. and here's kakashi in the middle of field surgery on his dying teammate finally, horribly realizing that sometimes the win condition is, actually, protecting your friends, and he's already lost. but he can still try to save rin, it was obito's dying wish.
by the time he found her it was already too late.
the people who'd captured her had tried, poorly, hastily, messily, to seal one of the Tailed Beasts into her, and she was already dying. she had a demon thrashing in her soul that was tearing her to shreds around it and all kakashi could do was mercy kill her
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and she thanked him for it.
and he goes back to konoha, sole survivor of his team, charred by the newfound comprehension of why you have to care and what it feels like to lose what you love and with obito's sharingan in his head and rin's blood on his hands and something in him that was already hanging on by a thread finally snapped.
and the only thing he could think to do, the only way he could even parse that grief through, is to just... make himself into a living memorial to them. he started trying to live as obito. adopt his mannerisms, his interests, craft his entire adult persona around his memories of his friend like a grave offering, and quarantine the bleakly mercenary anything-to-get-the-job-done ice in him off into the hound mask he wore as part of konoha's black ops division, which he joined at the ripe old age of way too fucking young.
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he uses the sharingan to incredibly brutally efficient effect, copying enemy jutsus and bringing them back until the library's overflowing with them. but in the end, no matter how many he can technically use, they're still just cheap copies. and so is he.
and in the meantime the uchiha are collectively losing their shit about this random outside kid having one of their eyes in his head and getting all kinds of dubious 'glory' with it, and oh, wouldn't you look at that, they have a prodigy too!
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... yeah.
itachi gets shoved through the rank advancements on a timeframe of "whatever he did you have to do it faster and better." and then the kyuubi broke free. and minato and kushina died, and a fuckton of the home guard uchiha died, and suddenly he's the most able-bodied fighter in their clan overnight at age 11 and the uchiha pull strings to get him into ANBU as well.
and kakashi is his teammate.
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kakashi is his teammate and kakashi sees in itachi a whole awful lot of the edges of the way kakashi used to be, sees itachi trying to live up to and embody the absolutely impossible ideal of the perfect ninja, and he tries so god damn hard to nudge him gently towards something, anything, other than that.
but in the meantime, the uchiha have been... scheming. with danzo, Guy With The World's Biggest Chip On His Shoulder About Not Being Hokage, who's been marinating in a paranoia spiral for years. danzo had tried to set himself up as kakashi's palpatine, and tried to get him to assassinate hiruzen, and kakashi hears him out, and turns right around and goes to hiruzen with it instead, and danzo is pissed. the uchiha are pissed. danzo warns hiruzen that they're almost definitely going to try again and they're gonna make the uchihas' little prodigy do it this time, and kakashi silently braces to have to fight and maybe kill his teammate he was trying so hard for, and then...
and then itachi, who'd been watching his clan get. worse. for a long time. finds his cousin shisui, his best friend shishui, bleeding out in the dirt, who tells him everything, tells him danzo tried to have shisui killed for finding it out, and it worked, he's dying, but he's not dead yet, so please. make it count.
.......................................... And Then The Uchiha Massacre.
and now itachi is one more person that kakashi tried to care about who got destroyed.
and then fast forward a little bit further, he's been retired from active-duty ANBU after a decade-plus of service because the sharingan is starting to burn him out, he's starting to lurch to a halt like unwound clockwork without something to Do, and... he gets given team seven. the worst of konoha's gremlin children.
a bitter, disillusioned loner with a chip on his shoulder and the skill to back it up, the healer girl with a crush on him that he never gives the time of day, and the Loudest High-Vis Pest In The Village.
you see where this is going.
kakashi who at this point has been coasting along by bouncing between mask-personae for years is now having to dynamically engage with life again because if he isn't present and actively responding to his team then there's a nonzero chance he'll turn around to find all three of them chewing on the drywall and he cannot default to scripted responses because they don't work on a pack of middle schoolers hellbent on squabbling til the cows come home. and it's kind of good for him?
but also, uh. [gestures broadly towards... Sasuke(TM) and the rest of the plot]
and yeah i'm not gonna get too much further into it because i'm not confident enough in my own comprehension of the timeline to do that XD but like.
hatake kakashi is a scarecrow of a man stitched together out of his dead best friend, a hunting hound, and his dead best friend again, who's spent his entire life behind one mask or another, who over the course of the series keeps surviving shit that by all odds he shouldn't have, or survives specifically because the people he cares about throw their plot armor around him before they die, and he has a personality mostly composed of the crumpled-up pages of the memetically worst-written trashy bodice-ripper novels ever published because obito used to love them and the inexplicable receipts of other people's love for him, and i want to put him in a gas station hot dog roller and perceive him.
thank you for coming to my ted talk XD
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the-reverse-mermaid · 7 months
If you told Hugo a day ago that Varian Ritter would be passed out on his bed at 5am on a Tuesday, he would’ve laughed and asked the informant if it’s drugs they’re taking or drugs they should be taking that they’re not.
If you told Hugo a day ago that the Alchemist would ever reach out to him, the Red Hunter, for help, well– screw it, maybe he would believe you. They were almost-coworkers after all.
(Danny Phantom AU for a late whumptober treat)
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Battlestar Galactica movie poster art by John Solie (1978)
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009)
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jayflrt · 3 months
Im going for a hot loser vibe like stoner sunghoon GOODBYE.
choose your asgts hoon fighter
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casualavocados · 2 years
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BAD BUDDY WEEK - DAY 1: Favorite Character ↳ Pran Parakul & Pat Napat
"But he said I needed someone to support me closely when I walk. I need a boyfriend to help." "Was he being that specific? [...] I'll pretend I believe you then."
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