#Steam Deck carrying solution
berriethewizard · 1 year
Indecision - Champion of Blood au
Shuffling, a thud, and the slightest hitch in breath. These sounds rouse Ganondorf from his slumber. He stays still, the perfect picture of sleep, his brain rapidly piecing together the scene on the other side of his eyelids. Someone has crawled through his window, into his bedroom up so high in his desert tower, and subsequently hit the deck. He listens as they pull themselves up, leaning against the wall as they slowly rise to their feet, and even slower make their way towards the bed. Ganondorf does not move, does not ready a spell in between fingertips - he knows who this is. By the gait, and the pure energy and magic surrounding them.
Link. His little champion has returned home at last.
Ganondorf fakes a slow waking, reaching a hand out for Link’s own as he shuffles in the bed. It reaches a cold, shaking limb. He frowns, pulling on the arm slightly, and Link tumbles into the bed with no resistance. He - less gracefully than he probably could have if he opened his eyes, which he does not - manoeuvres Link until he’s entirely in Ganondorf’s arms, pushing warmth back into his body. He pays no mind to the fact Link is still fully clothed, boots pushing sand into the sheets in a way he will chastise himself for later, and instead focuses on his champion, and his sleep.
Until Link starts to wiggle.
“Stop, daffodil, it's an absurd hour.” Ganondorf grumbles into his hair. Link keeps wiggling. He finally lets him go when he begins slapping him on the chest with a flat palm, loosening his arms just enough for Link to roll out of them.
He didn't intend for Link to then tumble onto the floor.
Ganondorf finally opens his eyes, squinting into the dark to assess the situation. Link is firmly on the floor, not making any move to get up, caught between holding his middle and his leg and breathing measured stuttery breaths. When Ganondorf summons a low light to hover above them, he sees spots of blood on the sheets.
He sighs, accepting his rest is in fact disrupted, and moves to kneel besides Link on the floor.
“What happened to you, hm?” He gently cards his fingers through Link’s hair. Ganondorf tucks his fringe away from his eyes, but Link answers with a shake of his head and displaces them again. “Would you be opposed to a bath?”
A teary eye peeks out from between white hairs. Anger wells up inside Ganondorf, a very familiar want for revenge rearing its head. The way he picks Link up is the polar opposite of what boils in his chest.
He requests to the guard posted outside his room a replacement for his bedsheets, and for fresh clothes to be brought to the baths for Link, and carries him in that direction with as little jostling as possible.
The baths are kept warm by enchantments, and the steam gently rises from the water and fills the room with humidity when Ganondorf enters. Link only marginally fidgets when he’s laid down on the tile by the edge of the pool. His eyes closed, brow furrowed in pain - completely trusting Ganondorf to handle him gently.
Ganondorf would not consider himself gentle. A king can be caring, kind and merciful, but gentle? A king’s job is to love his people fiercely, fight for them with powerful hands and steadfast words. If he were gentle, he would be a coward. He would be trampled under those who do not deign to give him dignity. However as he pulls apart Link’s garments to assess his wounds, he watches himself become this juxtaposition to the king he claims to be. He shushes Link when the fabric tugs at his bloodied stomach, cradles his head when he checks his scalp for injuries, dips his hands in the water and saturates it with healing magic, not because it’s the easiest solution, but because he knows Link dislikes the taste of potions and the itch of dry magic against his skin.
Perhaps it is because Link calls himself broken so often that drives him to this odd behaviour. Perhaps he’s simply more possessive of him than previously thought. Either way, he is not a king in this moment, so he supposes it's alright to have this weakness - just under the moonlight hours.
Water and body prepared, he taps Link’s shoulder until he opens his eyes, and urges him into the water wordlessly. He watches as he slips in over the lip into the heat and healing magic, and Ganondorf is glad he did not elect to join Link, for the blood that spreads out around him from the open wound in the water reignites his anger tenfold. His hands clench at his bent knees, sparking with lightning without his control, and he imagines ripping apart whatever caused it with brutal efficiency over and over.
When he finally takes a deep breath and looks back towards Link, the wound is completely healed. There’s nothing the magic can do for his knees, simply the heat of the water soothing them, but he’s floating in the bath with a relaxed expression and loose joints. He rests his chin on a propped up hand and watches Link float.
Ganondorf stays like that for twenty minutes, half dozing and half tracing the shapes of Link’s body with his eyes, before there’s a rippling of water and Link is making his way back to the edge of the pool. He rests his arms on the lip, and rests his head on top of them. When Ganondorf meets his eye, there’s a rare look of mischief on his face.
“What did you call me?” Link’s quiet, raspy voice soothes any remaining anger gripping Ganondorf’s soul. The words, however, confuse him.
“When you were half asleep. You called me something.”
Ganondorf tries to recall his sleepy mumbling. He doesn’t remember saying anything in particular, just that little flower he saw in his reading last week popping into his head–
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He pointedly looks away from Link, warmth rising to his face. He refuses to look at the smile that he knows is there, taunting him.
“I think you do.”
“I do not. The magic in the water hasn't gotten to your obvious concussion, you should dunk your head under it.” Link just laughs quietly.
Silence mingles with the steam in the room, Link looking at him and Ganondorf not looking back.
“...I liked it.” Link whispers. He betrays himself and takes a glance, and Link is playing with the pools of water that slipped over the lip of the bath with a stray finger. He’s blushing too.
Thoughts race through his head like a molgera chase. Link lying in a medical cot in an outpost when he was first found, beaten and bloody at the behest of the Hyrule crown. The first time Ganondorf challenged him to a duel, eager to push the limits of their new spy and glean his true intentions, blades singing. The first time Ganondorf had Link in his own bed, quaking and desperate, physical markers littered all over his body marking the hylian as his. He thinks about his pounding heart when Link is injured in battle, when he’s late returning from a mission, the sparks racing across his palms in anger, in possession… in protectiveness.
Ganondorf contemplates the implications of his feelings for all of three seconds before he stands and retreats out of the room with a swift “I’m going to retrieve your clothes.” He catches Link’s huff of breath behind him and walks faster.
Startling the poor servant on her way to deliver the needed garments was not Ganondorf’s intention, but his stalking towards her in his state of emotional turmoil creates the effect nonetheless. He makes sure to slow his pace and reassure her that no error was made on her part, and nods his head thankfully when she hands the clothes over. Best not to let his own violent feelings bleed over into fear in his people.
Link is sitting on the edge of the pool drying his hair with a towel when he returns. He has his legs still dangling in the water, curling around his calves as the rest of him dries off. Ganondorf stands in the doorway, captured by the stray drops of water tracing Link’s back muscles as they fall from his hair, lamenting that the magic in the water took away the marks he placed upon his pale skin before Link departed. He makes a silent vow to remedy that injustice at the nearest opportunity. An opportunity that isn't being woken up in the middle of the night by a bleeding out champion, that is.
He clears his throat to get Link’s attention, and gestures with the pile of clothes when Link turns to look back. The towel is left over his head haphazardly as he wobbles to a stand, feet puddling water around him, and the bubbling feeling of fondness prompts Ganondorf to ask, with more of a tender touch than he'd ever thought possible,
“How are you feeling?”
He sees the way Link’s eyes light up ever so slightly, pushing that blank grey back for a single moment, and something happens to his heart.
“Alright. No more blood, just bad bones.” Link signs, before grabbing the clothes from him and fumbling to put them on. The servant only brought his loose outer layers, late hour that it is, and he slips them on quickly enough while Ganondorf tries not to explode. Then, they're back off to bed.
Ganondorf rolls the budding revelation of his feelings around in his head long after Link has fallen to sleep against him. It pulls back and forth, oscillating between excitement and fear. The beautiful, broken thing in his arms, all his - to consume or to cradle, no world in which both is possible.
He eventually falls asleep, arms holding Link close, mouth pressed to the crown of his head. Indecisive.
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cuprohastes · 1 month
Gen X have become Boomers
I just read this article which is so out of touch with reality I can only assume it’s been written to get Amazon Affiliate money.
TL:DR The author says that once they had to carry a heavy laptop for a job, and it’s scarred them for life. Ugh. Laptops right? With their monochrome LCD screens, and spinning hard drives.
So hey, why not use a Steam Deck‽
They’re small, powerful and run Linux!
All you need is a mouse, a full size keyboard, a dock to plug it all into, a USB monitor, and then OpenOffice. And a $90 sound bar.
OK if you’re using Open Office you’re a masochist. That thing is buggy and will crash on you way too often. Use Google Docs if you have to
OK so all you have to do is bring a suitcase along, haul this all out, wire it all together - Shouldn’t cost you more than $700, and voila, up to 45 minutes of computer time!
Take that Chromebook, with your built in keyboard, 8 hour battery life and under-1kg weight!
Or if you’re truly desperate: Buy an iPad. You know what you get with an iPad?
Pages and Numbers, and a pretty solid notes app that can link between notes, and keyboard and mouse support.
Or buy a windows laptop.
All of which are better than trying to turn a Steam Deck into a mobile computer solution, because I have one here and it suuuuuucks at anything that isn’t a game.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Tuesday 10 December 1833
9 20
12 5
calm last night till 12 and then blew tremendous and rained hard, and very stormy night  washed a little but still have never had my clothes off since coming abroad  breakfast in my own cabin the other too hot - on deck from 10 ½ to 2 ¼ high wind and the water very rough, but fair and the deck dry at 10 ½ am - Eugenie then asked to go on shore with the captain and was absent about 1 ¼ hour - great many sea gulls grey backed and black backed with white bodies and some altogether a sort of fawn-colour and come blue-backed black-winged crows hovering over and alighting on the water - the breakers beating 20ft. high against the Small-brack on the coast a little westward from the town -  at 12 20 the Monarch of Hull (a large steamer that left Hamburg on Wednesday at the same time as the Sir Edward Bankes) passed us, obliged to return to H- for coals having no depot here - our steam co. has now 1,000 tons here - our carpenter says the Jolliffe left 2 passengers (gentlemen) in Heligoland [Helgoland] - can only land there on the north side –
Cutter, Smack, sloop, one master.
Schooner, galliot, brig, two masters
Cutters and smacks are the same sort of vessels made for sailing those belonging to government called cutters; those to the merchant service called smacks – a sloop is cutter-rigged but has a thicker larger hull for carrying goods.
Schooners and galliots have no yards on their masts (no cross-beams fixed to them) and brig have yards – a schooner has her shortest mast 1st or nearest the bowsprit and is made for sailing –
a galliot has her longest mast 1st and is better for riding at anchor. e.g. the pilot-boat off here is a galliot; and it is a Schooner that is stated off here to see that all vessels from the south of Europe do quarantine – dinner at 2 ½ to 3 ¼ - no talk – on deck ½ hour then a little rain sent me down – ½ asleep in my cabin – till on deck again from 4 20 to 5 40 – then looking at my maps till tea at 7 in about 20/.. hour – neither like the heat nor the company for longer than necessary – our party consists of Mrs. Kruger whose mother was a black (African) and her father an Hanoverian, and her husband commands a 1,400 ton ship (belonging to Mr. Brand of London who has 16 ships) making 2 voyages a year to Archangel, and having accommodations for passengers Mrs. K- lives at Hamburg brings over 2 little pale girls, aet. 2 and 3 or 3 and 4? who cry and roar at times and take much looking after at dinner – of my maid Eugenie – of an American merchant who rarely speaks and then says nothing worth hearing – of the mail guard, who was 6 years on the Gothenburg station as something on board one of the packets from Harwich, and did not get over sea sickness for the 1st 4 years, and who would talk if not awed by the silence of the rest? – and of the captain who sometimes seems to affect a certain air of commanderly reserve and of myself who today after 1 or 2 insufficient answers to my observations said no more – reading – skimmed over the Portfolio till 9 ¼ and writing out today till 10 ¼ at which hour F46° a light shower at 2 ¼ pm and one or 2 afterwards otherwise fair, finish, very windy - have had Eugenie in my cabin till tonight that I have got rid of her - sent into the man cabin with Mrs. Kruger and am comfortably by myself – vid. Portfolio p. 76 Albumen (white of eggs) remarkable for the preparatory of making leather supple, and a solution of it in water used therefore by leather dressers – a physician has used it successfully (externally) in cases of contraction and rigidity of the tendons – sat up reading my Gotha almanac till 11 ¾ -
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Tips on effective high pressure cleaning
Using the variation of water faster than it would be used when cleaning by hand combined with special nozzles and rotary brushes that remove dirt which is more effective than just using a regular cleaning tool can become - high pressure cleaning, also called power washing. Driveways and sidewalks up to the decks and siding; mainly, high pressure cleaning can rupture all of them out and ennoble the outlook of buildings and structures. Nevertheless, to accomplish the best work and protect the surrounding area, researchers need to adopt excellent techniques and equipment, respectively. Here are some tips on mastering the art of effective high pressure cleaning:Here are some tips on mastering the art of effective high pressure cleaning:
Choose the Right Equipment:
The choice of pressure washer to be used to carry out the task is paramount to high-quality output. Remember the dimensions of cleaning and including different surfaces and grades of soiling. In the case of vehicles or car windows, the water pressure can be adjusted to between 1,500-2,000 PSI, but the water pressure will need to be more between 3,000-4,000 PSI if applied on driveway or other large surfaces. Furthermore, select the right size of nozzle and the correct spray pattern for your job and then control the pressure and the angle as suits your needs.
Preparation is Key:
During your pre-cleaning process, remember to plan out the work zone and take safety measures to ensure that any surrounding surfaces and plantings are not damaged. Get rid of the useless stuff, like debris, loose objects, or any other obstacle that can be the barrier for the orderly cleaning process. Put sensitive plants and power outlets away from the path of a flood, which may lead to debris and water polluting them. Also, ensure that you keep outdoor furniture away from overspray, which may affect them. Similarly, concentrate on cleaning off the grime as much as possible using the brush or water before you make use of the high pressure cleaner.
Use the Right Cleaning Solutions:Use the Right Cleaning Solutions:
In several cases, only water will not provide enough of the needed power to eliminate the hard stains or accumulation. Why don't you choose the use of those cleaning solutions or detergents especially produced for the high-pressure cleaners in such cases? It is the best you can do to use the environmentally-friendly products if they are available to you and follow the manufacturer's instructions on the dilution ratios and the way you apply the product. Using the solution provided, evenly apply this on the surface and let it stay for the recommended time before rinsing it with the washer.
Maintain Proper Technique:
Being an operator of a high pressure wash, it is a must to practise the right skill set to eliminate possible surface damage and to achieve a complete clean up. The distance between the nozzle and the surface should be kept uniform and the cleaning should be done by a steady, sweeping motion which helps to avoid streaking and uneven cleaning. Keep the nozzle away from the surface with one or two inches of distance to prevent it from being scratched, and control the intensity of the steam at angles so as not to harm any seams or other fragile surfaces.
Work in Sections:
Working in small sections at a time and then in the systematic motion throughout the whole surface, will ensure your work is complete and not cross out any spots. Begin work from the top and underneath, making sure each line overlaps the previous one for a truly clean result. Have periods of rest to verify the performance and upon detection of difficulties, readjust the method or pressure.
Rinse Thoroughly:
Finally, wash and flush the surface with clean water so as to get rid of all the rinsing materials like cleaning solution, dirt, and other dirt. Apply a swirling motion at fixed distance from and pull out your rinsing sleeve early enough to discourage streak formation. Take special attention in crevices, corners and all hard-to-reach areas and make sure all of them are completely cleaned.
Safety First:
Safety unconditionally comes first when undertaking high pressure washing jobs. Always keep proper personal protective equipment (PPE) including safety goggles, gloves and tough boots at hand to avoid flying dangerous objects and chemical splashes. Safety first, electric -related hazards and safety measures to avoid slipping, tripping and falling over on the surface of the flooded areas. Know very well the purpose and safety materials of the pressure washer, and never do it directing your flow to you or anybody else.
Becoming skilled in high pressure cleaning is not a simple job and it is necessary to have the right equipment, adequate preparation, good technique and safety measures for the job to be performed well.. The use of appropriate equipment, correct cleaning solutions, good technique, cleaning in sections, thorough rinsing and keeping safety measures as a topmost priority can do wonders for your cleaning activities resulting in professional quality outcome and safety of surfaces and no opportunities of damage. High-pressure cleaning no matter the type location if the vehicle or industry, following these guidelines will enable you to accomplish the best results within limited investments.
For More Info: commercial cleaning near me
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govindhtech · 5 months
New SSD Stick: The Potential of the SK Hynix Tube T31
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M.2 on SSD Stick SK hynix Tube T31 Review
Sk hynix’s Tube T31 blurs the barrier between flash drives and external SSDs more than before. The South Korean storage giant calls its drive “a portable and high-speed USB SSD,” yet it features a “thumb-drive” form factor and a 10 Gbps USB-A connection that will be known to flash drive owners from the last 20 year.
Perhaps most crucially, the Tube T31 outperformed all other flash drives, including Kingston’s Data Traveler Max, in most tests. Despite not reaching 20 Gbps like other external SSDs, it’s the quickest USB-A flash drive they’ve tested and a solid contender on the Best Flash Drives list.
Only the Tube T31’s bulkiness and lack of a 2TB model bother me. If the 1TB model they tried cost $5-10 less, it would be easier to recommend. As of this writing, the SK hynix drive was selling for $85 on Newegg, $4 cheaper than the 1TB Kingston Data Traveler Max and $6 less than Transcends 1TB ESD 310C, two of the prior fast flash drive recommendations.
Tube T31 Specs
Product512GB1TBPricing$69.99$84.99Interface / ProtocolUSB-A 3.2 Gen2USB-A 3.2 Gen2Sequential ReadUp to 1,000 MB/sUp to 1,000 MB/sSequential WriteUp to 1,000 MB/sUp to 1,000 MB/sDimensions3.64 x 1.20x 0.55 inches (92.5mm x 30.5mm x 14mm)3.64 x 1.20x 0.55 inches (92.5mm x 30.5mm x 14mm)Weight35 grams35 gramsWarranty3 years3 years
Exterior Design
Tube T31 package describes it as a vacuum tube-light bulb hybrid. The drive’s rounded edges and solid plastic case feel more like a beautiful lighter or a USB Wi-Fi dongle in the hand.
The drive’s matte-black plastic shell is basic except for the SK hynix logo and regulatory text on the rear. It appreciate that it’s comfy, familiar, and subtly quirky. It fits easily in most pockets because to its 0.55-inch thickness and rounded edges.
A metal shell would be great, but years of using other drives have taught me that plastic holds up better to minor bumps and scrapes. The manufacturer claims the drive can withstand two-meter falls.
Inside Tube T31
A metal spudger along the Tube T31’s exterior seams made entry easier. Remove the cover to reveal a 42mm M.2 SSD. That’s between the best Steam Deck SSDs’ 30mm size and the usual 80mm size for desktops and laptops. It’s an HFM001TD3HX015N EA PCIe 3.0 drive with a JMicron JMS583 USB bridge controller on the other side of the PCB.
SK Hynix placed metal plates on each side of the drive and controller, bridged with a small thermal pad, for cooling and structural rigidity. Even though an x2 controller and 10 Gbps USB-A interface slow the PCIe x4 disc, this solution performs well, as we’ll see in the next section.
Comparing Products
The 1TB SK hynix Tube T31 is pricey on Amazon at $99 (and $79 for the 512GB variant). Newegg’s 1TB T31 costs $84.99, undercutting the Kingston DatanTraveler Max and Transcend’s 1TB ESD 310C. The prior high-speed favourites, those two competing drives, will be intriguing to compare against the T31.
Since the Buffalo SSD-PUT is only 600 MBps, I expect the T31 to perform better. Since the Buffalo drive is typically on sale for $60–$65 for 1TB and less than $100 for 2TB, it’s a favourite for most people. Currently, the 1TB Buffalo drive costs $89.
A novel storage device, the SK Hynix Tube T31 combines the lightning-fast capabilities of an M.2 SSD with the portability of a USB flash drive.
Here is a brief summary of its main attributes:
Extreme Quickness:
Has an integrated M.2 NVMe SSD with read/write rates of over 1,000 MB/s, which is much quicker than conventional flash drives.
Superior in speed even compared to external SSD.
Has a plastic casing that resembles a big USB flash drive with a protective cap over the USB-A socket.
It’s heavier than a normal flash drive because of the inbuilt SSD, and it may block nearby USB ports on your device.
Lacks a lanyard loop, which may make it difficult for some users to carry about.
Additional Points to Consider
512GB and 1TB capacity options are available.
Generally solidly constructed and feels durable.
There is no mention of data security encryption or associated software.
On some devices, USB-A connectivity may limit its speed in comparison to more recent USB standards.
All things considered, the SK Hynix Tube T31 is a fantastic choice for consumers who value mobility and quickness while doing things like moving big files or playing games from an external drive.
But other people might find its larger form size and absence of USB-C to be disadvantages.
SK Hynix’s choice of a PCIe 3.0 x4 SSD, x2 controller, and 10 Gbps USB-A port is strange. Internal drives and USB-C ports can be speedier. Faster speeds may have required more complex or robust cooling. It’s true that 10 Gbps USB-A ports are more frequent than 20 Gbps (USB 3.2 Gen2 2×2) ports (which are backward compatible). Perhaps the firm prioritized compatibility and convenience over performance.
Luckily tested no faster USB-A “flash drive” or “SSD stick” than the Tube T31. It’s easy to recommend for a portable drive without 20 Gbps speeds or a capacity beyond 1TB. Its size may impede nearby ports. On a PC, you probably have a few empty USB-A ports.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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stopeatingwhales · 3 years
playing cards x damon albarn
THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE OMG OK. hope you guys enjoy it!!!! I love arrogant damon sorry not sorry <3
Pairing: 1995 damon albarn x reader
Warnings: alcohol use
Word count: 2.339
@damonfuckingalbarn this is 4 u!!!! <3
“Have this, you’ll like it far much more than what you’re drinking.”
Diverting my gaze from the beverage encapsulated in my palm, I met my view with the mysterious voice that had beckoned in my direction. “Excuse me?” I said, first landing my glare on his ethereal orbs, spheres that were so magnificent that I had to attempt a double-take; the idiosyncratic shades, merged together to create a masterpiece of different blues, as if they were small fragments of the water from most pure oceans, exemplifying the ideation of eyes that engulf you in at the instant - simply gazing into his orbs was the token I had needed to be entirely enthralled by his presence. Perhaps his gaze was too intense, too enticing, leading me on to trail my stare to admire the more gorgeous head of hair, which looked as if it hadn’t been brushed, though that portrayed its attractiveness. His face was beaming toward my direction, taking me aback slightly as I quickly ditched the sight of his face, drifting my sight to gawk at the two drinks clasped by his hands. “That looks like shit.”
A small scoff escaped his throat, evident that he was not expecting the abrupt attitude that had beckoned upon my lips. Slightly embarrassed at my dramatic remark, I adjusted my posture, accentuating such confidence that I had seemingly demonstrated so diligently with my demeanour. “Just try it.” he replied, placing one of the glasses on the dark wood counter, pushing it towards my direction lightly to prevent it from slipping off the glossy counter. Leaning my torso closer to the counter, I spent a couple seconds examining the contents of the unknown drink, it being something that I had never set my eyes upon.
Placing my original drink on the countertop, I nervously grasped the ambiguous drink that he had offered me, glancing back at him with an unsure expression illustrated on my features. In a way to reassure or encourage me, he nodded his head, resulting in me then taking a small sip to ease myself into the new flavour. Before the liquid had merely touched the back of my throat, I spat the contents back out into the glass. “That’s minging!” I choked, my face scrunching up in disgust. Focused on each move I was making, I felt his eyes continue to gawk at me as I attempted to rid the awful taste that lingered on my tongue by taking a lengthy sip of my pint, swallowing down the contents gleefully. Connecting my stare with his, I once again analysed his features, almost like my mind trying to discover what had been the true ideal that his beauty had enthralled me so rapidly just gaping at him. Perhaps I had over-emphasised his gorgeousness too much, though my doubts were denied as soon as my view had set upon his face once again. He had a smirk carefully illustrated at the side of his lip, curving the top of his cheek slightly, his face sculpted so delicately it urged the want to caress your finger against his skin, it conveying the impression that it was so soft, accentuating the prettiness of his facial features. Something inside me was itching towards the fact that he was somebody I knew, or at least somebody that I had seen somewhere, until it had clocked that he was from television, more specifically Top Of the Pops, last night. "You're that singer from that art school band, aren't you?" I questioned, my vision squinted together as I challenged my active recall abilities. “Damon isn’t it?”
"Wow, you know your music!" he laughed, edging his arm to rest on the counter. The stare orchestrated between us remained, as I left my mind to ponder over the common-knowledge of how men were like in bands. Aware of what he was going to solicit, and knowing that he would think it was going to be extremely easy, I had to prepare myself not to fall for it, no matter how good-looking or tempting the concept engulfed in my brain made it out to be. "Want to go out for dinner tomorrow?"
“No, sorry.” I bluntly replied, breaking the poignant eye contact to down the rest of my drink, slightly forcing the glass containing the beverage he had offered me, back to him. If I had my eyes lingering on his for any longer, I’d end up doing something I’d highly regret the next morning.
“Why not?” he quizzed, bewildered by my sudden response. Clearly he had never had a woman decline his offer before, or was definitely not expecting it after he had gone head to head and won against the second biggest band in the country the night previous. So arrogant.
“Because I don’t want to?” I replied, slightly amused by how perplexed he had gotten. Darting my eyes around the dimly-lit room, my gaze fixated on a booth consisting of boys that, from my vague memory, believed were his band members. Knowing that he was still looking at me, I allowed a smirk to fall on my lips as I thought of what to say next. “I've actually got my eye on that guy over there," I mumbled, pointing towards the familiar booth of boys, my index finger lingering on the tall, lanky boy, whose hair looked as soft as the petals of a newly-bloomed rose. Granting my finger to saunter for a while, it directed enough time for Damon to swivel his head around to see whomever I was speaking about. "Alex, isn't it?"
Switching my focus back to look at him, I noticed his jaw clench at my remark, his orbs dawdling over the three boys who had been engrossed in conversation. Feeling the smirk on my face widen, I relished in the sensation of battering his ego - even if it was just slightly. A small laugh escaped his throat as he locked his gaze with mine, clicking his tongue as he sneered, understanding what I was trying to do to him. It was a forced chuckle, most likely portrayed out of annoyance,  “Look, I just think you’re really pretty, alright?”
Chewing on my bottom lip, I felt my stomach ignite at his frustration towards my obnoxiousness. Butterflies were blooming in my stomach as a certain heat flushed over my cheeks, my body mindful that I couldn’t keep up with such a persona for a much longer time. As well as this, it would potentially drive him away, which at this rate I didn’t want him to do, so I thought of the best possible solution to bring his hopes up, reaching to the ground underneath the barstool to grasp my bag, taking out a deck of cards. “Let’s play snap.” I exclaimed, beginning to shuffle the card deck.
“And you just carry those around do you?”
“It’s fun to play.” I replied, splitting the deck and then sliding him his share.
“Can I just get you a drink?” He groaned, though a small smile had perched on his lips at the irregularity of the situation. A girl is asking him to play cards after she simply rejected him, at a bar.
“You already did, Damon, and it was shit.” I spat back, fixing my eyes on his once again. He looked slightly offended at the insolence I demonstrated towards his efforts, which, for some reason, sank my heart a little. “If you win this game, I'll give you a second chance.”
“Deal,” He beamed, the signature devilish grin of his painted on his lips once again. “Might as well get you that drink now.” he added, his arrogance seeping through his teeth.
As we began placing our cards in the middle of the table, one after another, the environment was tense as to when two cards of the same origin would land upon each other. It was funny, I had gone out tonight to blow off steam from the stresses that work had offered me the past week, and somehow I had landed myself playing a game of cards with undoubtedly the most famous musician in Britain at the moment. “I’m not falling for it, you know.” I said, avoiding his gaze.
"Then why are you doing playing cards with me, love?" he interrogated, the sneer on his lips evident by his lustrous tone. He was right; his obvious pretentiousness, and egocentrism only edged me towards loving his company just that much more, which had disgracefully increased my attraction to him, but of course I wasn’t going to admit that, hell, I was adamant that I wasn’t going to fall for it, even though that was exactly what I had been doing this entire time - sinking down a hole of allurement from his persona that panned something inside of me that I wasn’t able to pinpoint on. Pop star effect, I suppose.
Completely silenced by his comment, I felt a certain radiance tease it’s way to my cheeks once again, edging me into humiliation even more to the fact that he could tell the effect his words were having on me - the sly grin on his features was felt in the tension shared between us. In an endeavour to shy away my embarrassment, I dragged out my packet of Marlboro cigarettes, snatching one from its packaging and lighting it before placing another card down on the deck that had been piling up since we had started. Inhaling sharply, I allowed the cancerous smoke to escape my lungs, my body adorning the relaxed feeling that seeped through after. “Can I have one?”
“Why not? Your pack’s full!”
Pausing my movements before taking another hit from the roll of tobacco, a smirk lingered on my lips as I let my head rest on my palm, keeping my body upright. "Why? Those songs of yours not selling much?" I mocked, blowing another whiff of smoke into his face, the stunned expression held on his face only exhilarating me more in what felt like... control, though from the way he had been acting, I knew that such power was not going to last for a long while. "Put a card down, for goodness sake."
Scoffing, he followed my demand, though the card he placed down was the exact same as the one I placed down before, ensuing his hand slamming suddenly on top of the card deck, my mouth agape as I realised that he had won. “Look who won!”
A beam covered my face as I shook my head, watching him grab the attention of the bartender, asking for another drink that once again, I hadn’t heard of before. Once the bartender was done preparing the beverage, Damon passed it over to me, another grin captured on his expression. Sighing, I discarded the remains of my cigarette before taking a sip of another, unknown drink, the feeling of déjà vu hitting me as I had enraptured myself in the same situation when we had first spoken. "For fucks sake Damon, this tastes worse than the last one."
"More for me then, isn't it?" he grinned, my mind now aware that he had simply ordered such an appalling drink to agitate me. Be that as it may, he was aggravating, and took delight into making one’s time horribly spent, there was something about him that kept me latched onto him. Perhaps it was his glowing features, which were so enticing that it blinded me into thinking that he was the only other person in the room, and the only other person that I could set any fragment of attention towards.
"Stop pissing me off, you twat." I mumbled, looking at my bag as I placed the card deck back inside, it not proving much use to the situation anymore.
"You could quite easily just walk away, if I’m pissing you off this much.” he said, his head tilted to the side as his eyes lingered on me, practically forcing me to connect our gazes once again. “Doors just there, love." he uttered, beckoning his hand towards the timber door that divided us between the streets.
"Why would I leave when I'm getting free drinks?" I asked, trying to maintain whatever control I had over the situation, which had been deemed to have slipped out of my grasp at this given moment. The tension between us had been alleviating faster than it had been before, as we began reaching the climax of the encounter.
"You're not liking them though, are you?" he replied, face beginning to draw dangerously close to mine, his eyes flicking from my eyes to my lips every couple of seconds, contemplating how to end the situation. It was fully in control with him now; I was merely wrapped around his measly little finger, and he knew it. Our noses grazed ever-so-slightly on one another's as I felt his breath fan onto my cheeks - all I had craved for at this point was to attach my lips onto his, my breathing quickening as the realisation of just how close our bodies were to one another. "Just admit it, you're loving this." he mumbled.
"Am not." I whispered, my eyes staring at his lips as shuffled closer and closer to mine. We were both aware that what I had said was a lie, but my stubbornness wasn't ready to let that slide yet. Just as I thought we were going to connect lips, he darted his head away rapidly, the movement so swift I hadn't come to realize until a couple seconds afterwards, my cheeks now reddened to the point that I was almost convinced I had a fever.
"You fell for it, lovely." he grinned, placing a white slip on my lap, decorated with numbers to which I assumed were in relation to his telephone number. "Let me know when you're free!" he exclaimed, before waltzing off to the booth where his friends had, leaving me completely stunned, and exactly where I knew would be - absolutely encapsulated by the man known as Damon Albarn.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Batboys with Visually Impaired S/O HC (Blind) (Request):
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·      He knew you in the circus
·      You were blind but could predict parts of the future and basically had this kind of third eye thing
·      Your gig was to describe people and basically be a psychic
·      He thought that you were really cool and also had a big crush on you even when he left the circus
·      The next time you two met was when you were in the league
·      You recognized his energy and he saw you and ran to hug you
·      The two of you started hanging out a ton and then dating
·      He’ll literally deck anyone that dares make a comment about your vision
·      He thinks that you’re really cool and tells you all of the time
·      If you ever need any help with anything he’ll be there for you
·      He’s a mama bear
·      Very supportive of you
·      Makes just really nice comments about you which leaves you blushing all of the time
·      If you tell him NOT to go out for patrol one night, he won’t even question it he’ll just not go
·      Helps you wherever he can but if you tell him to back off he will
Jason Todd:
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·      I accept the head cannon that he was color blind and then got his full spectrum vision or whatever you chose to call it back when he was resurrected which isn’t really bad but still
·      You were probably blinded from an accident or just overtime so you’d dream and see things but when you awoke you couldn’t
·      You talked to him about the dreams a lot and he’d listen like he was preparing for exams to save the world or something
·      He loves when you talk about it even if it’s just aimlessly rambling on
·      Helps you with anything you need
·      He thinks that it’s really cool how you’ve adapted
·      Also, just being able to live life to the fullest so well
·      You’ve learned how to use your other senses and he really admires it
·      Thinks it’s pretty damn awesome
·      Has told you that in the past
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·      So, Timmy boi knew that the thing that you wanted most was to see a sunset or something like that
·      You had heard so much about them in books you had listened to or read in brail
·      They sounded wonderful
·      You could get around really well and he was very impressed by that
·      But he really wanted you to be able to see a sunset
·      What you didn’t know about him was that he was working on a piece of tech to let you see again
·      They were contacts and glasses that you could put in that had this advancement that would let you see
·      He didn’t want you to know about it until the right moment and tested it a TON before letting you have them so that you weren’t disappointed at ALL
·      When he did let you have them you literally were sobbing
·      He was crying too
·      You got to see your first sunset and it was amazing
·      And seeing Tim for the first time
·      You got him to start selling them and together started a brand for it
·      Changed the world with them, ya know, as Timmy does
Damian Wayne:
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·      He was infatuated by you
·      You were so different
·      Grateful for everything and adaptive
·      He thought you were a wonderful person
·      That was when he had the idea
·      The Lazarus Pit
·      He thought that it might help and after consulting Todd and a few other people in private, he knew that it was worth a shot
·      He took you there for an “adventure”
·      He was not going to tell you what was happening in case it didn’t work
·      And then it did
·      You came back from out of the water a blinked a few times, squinting from the light and then screamed
·      He was by your side the entire time and felt really bad for startling you but he was relieved that this entire thing worked and wasn’t just for nothing
·      You thanked him so many times he had to tell you to stop
·      He also took you on a trip around the world so that you could see everything
 Duke: (source: @vaxildvn )
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·      He’s chill with it and admires you a lot
·      You probably did music or something and that’s how you two let
·      Lofi kind of alternative sound
·      He really liked it and then you played at one of the Wayne galas and he got to meet you
·      You two sit and listen to music all day sometimes
·      You really like making the music because sometimes you visualize things
·      Describing what you see to him
·      He’ll get you whatever you need
·      He also totally understands that you don’t need someone to help you with EVERYTHING but is there if you do need help
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·      Tbh he’ll also probably develop tech to help you
·      This time it’s just something for you for a bit
·      He doesn’t go and sell it for a little while but will probably eventually
·      You’re very grateful for them and are asking about how they work all of the time
·      He likes that you’re curious
·      If you don’t want to wear them all of the time he totally understands
·      Sometimes you just want something that’s more ... comfortable for you
·      Just something that makes you feel more in your own skin
·      He wants you to be your best self no matter how cliché it might be
Glasses/ Contacts S/O (I wanted to add this one just because it fit fine):
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·      You met each other growing up as part of Young Justice
·      You were one of the best fighters on the team and also a nerd
·      You two were probably hacking buddies
·      He actually didn’t know that you had glasses since you always wore contacts
·      The first time he saw them he told you he liked them a lot which made you blush some
·      You started wearing them in the cave more and more
·      Sometimes he’ll try on your glasses but is really careful not to break them
·      “Wow Y/N/N, you really are blind.” “And you really are a dick.”
·      He’ll tease you about it some but if anyone makes a comment, he’ll throw fists
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·      He thinks your glasses are cute
·      Calls you a nerd sometimes
·      In return you call him thunder thighs
·      He won’t ever touch your classes or contacts unless you ask for them
·      He makes sure that you have what you need
·      He will personally back hand anyone that makes an off comment about them
·      Carries eye drops with him in case you forget yours
·      Always makes sure that you have enough contacts if yours are disposable
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·      He doesn’t tease you about your glasses or whatever
·      He does however think that it’s funny when your glasses fog up from steaming coffee
·      He may or may not have glasses and contacts from staring at a screen for so long
·      That depends but if he has them, he’ll also have an extra of everything for you
·      You two share the struggles of glasses
·      Fogging up
·      Getting marks on them
·      SMUDGES
·      If you ever break yours, he probably has a backup pair for you
·      It’s just a precaution
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·      Doesn’t touch your glasses
·      He doesn’t want to break them or leave a mark on them
·      He’ll compliment you all of the time
·      Really loves how you look in them
·      Doesn’t let anyone give you grief over them
·      He really does think you look beautiful though
·      He thinks that it’s funny when you’re watching something and the glass part of your glasses turn white because of the reflection
·      Makes sure that you have all of your appointments in order
·      Gets you the best eye doctor
Duke:  (source: @vaxildvn )
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·      He’ll compliment you on them all of the time
·      Gives you cute nicknames on based off of it
·      Ya know, if that’s really possible
·      He’ll carry an extra pair of contacts around for you just in case something happens to them
·      Thinks it’s funny if you have to use nerd wax to keep your glasses from sliding down your nose
·      He might try on your glasses (with permission) once and then not do it again
·      He’ll also carry an extra cloth to clean the glasses
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·      He’s kind of indifferent about it
·      I mean they’re glasses and contacts
·      They’re normal
·      He will compliment you on them sometimes though
·      Especially if you get a new pair
·      Makes sure that you always have everything that you need when it comes to glasses and contacts
·      Extra solution? Check
·      A new carrying case? Check
·      Nerd Wax? Check
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Tides of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 22
Tides of the Dark Crystal because Amri just got pulled into the water, perhaps by some manner of white whale but probably not.
Last times on book: Amri and co are on a quest to unite all the Gelfling against the Skeksis. They’ve succeeded with the Sifa at Cera-Na and the Dousan of the Wellspring but while they were avoiding ever going to Ha’rar, All-Maudra Mayrin was killed by the Skeksis. Her daughter Seladon has become the new All-Maudra and spoke out in favor of loyalty to the Skeksis. In Ha’rar, the protagonists run into Tae of the Sifa and regrouped with her. While they were supposed to be sleeping on the problem, Amri instead fell off a boat because he heard a sea monster.
Chapter 22
Amri meets a new friend, unless he doesn’t, and then has an epiphany after getting friendly with a city street
So Amri is not drowning for the second time in the book despite being in some deep water. The first time it was because Naia was there sharing oxygen with him. This second time he’s just not drowning for some reason. He ponders aloud if he’s dead.
The creature he saw in the water is swimming around him, not giving him a good look, but untangling the rope that Amri tangled himself in like an idiot.
Pretty friendly sea monster.
The water filled his mouth, but he didn’t drown. He turned when he saw movement, but the creature that circled him, long and streamlined, was always just out of sight. It swooped through the thick water, giving scant glimpses of its long tail and powerful limbs that propelled it through the water as easily as a bird in flight.
The sea monsters responds to Amri pondering mortality by telling him he’s not dead.
“Um... am I going to die?”
“That is a strange question.”
The sea monster’s voice (and general unhelpful way of answering questions presumably) pricks at Amri’s memory.
“Are you a Mystic?” he asked.
“Hmm... I am pretty mystical.”
Which is what Amri had said about urLii to Kylan and Naia back in the previous book!
Amri has enough of the vagueness or wondering whether he is or isn’t dead and just goes “I’m gonna go” because the whole conversation is like this. The Mystic asks Amri to wait and finally swims into sight.
Amri recognizes the multi-limbed individual as definitely a Mystic and guesses that they’re also the water spirit who is reputed to light the coast side lanterns.
But when the Mystic swims closer, Amri realizes what really seemed familiar about them. The Mystic’s eyes remind Amri of skekSa’s.
“Are you skekSa’s opposite?” Amri gasped.
“Opposition is a falsehood. Like day and night -- convenient words, but only part of the truth. For there exists such a thing as dawn, and also dusk. All phases in the turning of the spheres. I am merely a swimmer of the seas.”
It’s she!
They don’t name names here but its urSan the Swimmer!
Because in the game of not quite opposites between the Skeksis and the Mystics, skekSa said ‘i’m going to sail on top of the water haha’ and urSan went ‘ok i’mma swim everywhere’ and jumped into the ocean.
I can’t get over how great a concept that is. Just a urRu swimming everywhere.
Mystics are so ponderous on land but urSan is zooming around underwater. Maybe their problem is that they’re meant for the water.
She apparently also knows magic that negates the coldness of the water or the need to breath which explains why Amri is definitely not dead.
Amri asks if the Swimmer is here to help the Vapra, somehow believing “in the past, the Mystics had come to their aid when they had needed it most.”
“You already know how to help the Vapra,” the swimmer said, echoing his intonation so it was like hearing his own voice bubbling back at him.
“So you’re not going to help.”
“A compass is nothing without a ship.”
“Then point me in the right direction!”
“I already have.”
Because, yeah, that’s about the average level of helpful the urRu tend to be.
I mean, it is helpful, in the sense of you eventually figure things out. And Amri tries.
He keeps trying to puzzle through while the Swimmer keeps offering vague answers.
Amri complains that he doesn’t know anything about the Vapra or their city and that the Swimmer should be speaking to Tavra.
“I am speaking to whom I should be speaking. To the Shadowling that brought a song from deep caves to an oasis lake. Tell m, what is the difference between the waves of the sea and the waves of the sand?”
“What is the difference between crystals of stone and crystals of water?”
“Crystals of water?” Amri asked. Then he remembered. “You mean ice?”
“Deatea. Fire. Deratea. Air. Kidakida. Water. Arugaru. Earth. Four words with one center sound. Four elements with one central heart. Water becomes steam. Is that not air? And then it burns. Is that not fire? Dawn becomes day becomes dusk becomes evening becomes night. Becomes dawn once again. Where does one end and the other begin? Is there such a thing?”
This would be great for my fantasy setting with the elementalism magic system.
Its good stuff. I’m not sure where its leading. The solutions in these books tend to surprise me because they’re pretty magical.
Amri still doesn’t get it either and is now so confused that he’s seriously considering that he is drowning.
“But I’m a Grottan,” he called desperately. “I don’t know anything about waves except that I’m scared of the ocean. I don’t know anything about the daylighter world except that I’m clumsy at walking in it!”
You’re not clumsy at walking. You’re clumsy wearing shoes.
That’s pretty inspirational actually.
Not helping the unreality Amri feels, bubbles obscure the Swimmer and then propel Amri to the surface where he suddenly wakes up and finds himself on the deck of Onica’s ship, being shaken awake by Naia. Not wet at all from a dip in the ocean but a bit damp from snow melting on him.
Uh. Huh. Weird.
Naia is touching him to make sure he’s okay and they have a mutual blushy moment about that.
They go inside and Naia makes him a nice hot cup of... uh, water. Do people just drink hot water? There’s so many herbs in this boat.
“I had the strangest dream,” he said. It tasted like a lie. It couldn’t have been a dream, could it? He stared at the bundle of herbs in the center of the table, cold and dormant in the clay bowl. He shook his head. “Must have been a dream.”
He tells Naia what he dreamed, trying to be quiet but waking up everyone anyway. It seems more and more dreamlike the longer he’s awake and he’s pretty sure that the herbs that Onica used to try to Far-Dream earlier gave him a weird vivid dream.
Silly of him to think a Far-Dreamer would say a dream is just a dream.
“Even if it was a dream, that doesn’t mean it’s not important,” Onica replied. “Do you have any idea what it means?”
Amri blushed. “You’re the Far-Dreamer. Aren’t you supposed to be the one that knows...” Even as he spoke, he thought of what the Mystic had said. Dawn to day to dusk. Being a Far-Dreamer didn’t mean it was her responsibility to know everything there was to know about dreams. Perhaps he had been putting too much stock in titles.
You already know how to help the Vapra.
And this time he does already knows, it seems, because he suddenly darts out into the night, dismissing Tae’s concerns about the Skeksis since they can’t see very well at night.
Naia catches up with him and Amri feels comforted by having her at his side.
Shiiiiiiip tease.
They hike together into the city in silence where Amri does a thing.
Amri leaned down and pulled and pulled the straps off his sandals. Naia stood by and watched, hand on the hilt of her dagger. Ready to protect him from anything, even as he did something she didn’t totally understand. He tried not to worry what Naia would think of him, acting like a Shadowling in the middle of the Gelfling capital. He couldn’t worry about it. He had to be who he was.
He tossed the sandals aside, letting his back curve to the shape he had tried to hard to straighten. Barefoot, he crouched on the frozen stone pathways, and for the first time, his fingers and toes tasted the street of Ha’rar.
I’m of mixed feelings about this.
A revelation that Amri should just be himself does fit. His super move has been letting Tavra take over his body so she can do what she does do. But they don’t really do that enough that you have to start worrying about Amri wishing he were another person.
There was that bit where Tavra told him he couldn’t rely on Grottan tricks.... uh, and then his Grottan tricks don’t come up so much. Oh, Amri. Why won’t they let you be the weird alchemy boy?
He has had repeat things about being unfamiliar with shoes and walking without crouching but he wasn’t doing that to fit in socially. He had to wear sandal shoes because walking so much was doing a number on his feet. He had to walk not crouched because that was messing with him adapting to walking with sandals.
And in fairness, he puts the sandals back on after this so he doesn’t freeze his feets while walking back. So, the practical benefits of wearing shoes are recognized.
So I don’t know about Amri hadding to be who he was but I’m glad that he is.
Anyway. Amri has ground sense. Talking to sand and talking to rocks. Now, thanks to the Swimmer, he has realized that water is a beautiful spectrum and he can talk to ice too.
He gets a good feel for the vibrations of Ha’rar. The whole thing.
From the street to the Vapra homes to the citadel, the ocean and the cold blue mountains. It was all connected, intertwined somehow. As if some perfect, pure mineral laced the entire city in a web of crystal, originating from a source high in the mountains that looked down on Ha’rar.
Amri actually presses his ear to the ground to hear even better. And he hears how the song of Ha’rar differs from the mineral of the Dousan Wellspring or the rocks of the Caves of Grot.
This was fluid, like the sea or the lakes or rivers. Clear and pristine. Diamond-hard, carrying the thousand sounds of the city from one end to the other.
It was crystal, but not of stone.
No, I lie, I’m still lost.
What did you learn, Amri?
It was so simple, now that he knew. Now that he’d listened.
Dangit. Just tell me.
But he doesn’t. Cruel, cruel POV protagonist. Withholding plot.
“We have to get Tavra and Kylan to the trees of the Waystar grove,” he said. “I know how to send a message to the Vapra of Ha’rar.”
Fine, I guess I’ll read another chapter of the book I was already reading!
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asfaltics · 3 years
and yet we went on reading
�� Flim, sb. Obs. Sc[otch]. A whim; an illusion.       1   in the manufactory of these flimsy things       2 had hung a basket of fodder underneath for these flimsy things       3                                                 Poor indeed are their prospects of continued protection, if they rest upon these flimsy things alone.       4   will you never learn to choose good, useful, lasting articles, instead of these flimsy things that do good to no one, and that a breath       5 took hold of these flimsy things, Oh!       6 the discomfort, the positive misery of these flimsy things       7   wretchedly printed on bad paper, with few or no literary expenses, these flimsy things drag on       8 “These flimsy things don’t last long, they soon break,” said he. “Of course they do!” declared Madame Guibal, with an air of indifference. “I’m tired of having mine mended.”       9 In all her looks the words we see, These flimsy things are not for me And I with them do not agree.       10   of these flimsy things       11       the ice floes ran in under and cut out these flimsy things.       12                         about 12 inch in being evident that these flimsy things are depth, which projects over the top of the difficult       13                           He knew “Well, it’s a good deal warmer than when to leave a man unhindered and to these flimsy things” he said, lifting the       14 attempt to hit some of these flimsy things, you will put your screwdriver through them.       15 You undertake to fix some of these flimsy things and you put a screw driver into them and they go to pieces.       16   You undertake to fix some of these flimsy things and you put a it in the same condition although I know       17                                                                         Lucy gave her skirts a toss “I am getting tired of these flimsy things, and am trying to wear them out”       18 “I must get some more,” he said, “stronger than these flimsy things.”       19   First of all, I know now what it means to travel “light.” These flimsy things       20 These letters, these unintelligible flowers, these bits of lace and of paper, what are they? Around these flimsy things what is there left ?   And yet we went on reading. But something strange is growing gradually greater...       21 “Why, if I put these flimsy things on now they’d be in holes before I ...”                                                                                     Thorough Young Lady enters. Thorough Young Lady — “Good morning... I’d like a dozen”       22   They had seen it as a whim, Agnes knew; a flimsy, floating thing which scientists might examine under a microscope. But if that were what it was she was full of them.       23  
sources (all but the last pre-1923)
1 Joseph Wright (1855-1930), The English dialect dictionary (London, 1898) vol. 2 : 405 2 OCR cross-column misread (on forged bank notes, and banks), at The Black Dwarf (“A London weekly publication, edited, printed, and published by T.J. Wooler”; January 13, 1819) : columns 21-22 “The Black Dwarf (1817–1824) was a satirical radical journal... published by Thomas Jonathan Wooler, starting in January 1817 as an eight-page newspaper, then later becoming a 32-page pamphlet. It was priced at 4d a week until the Six Acts brought in by the Government in 1819 to suppress radical unrest forced a price increase to 6d. In 1819 it was selling in issues of roughly 12,000 to working people such as James Wilson at a time when the reputable upper-middle class journal Blackwood’s Magazine sold in issues of roughly 4,000 copies.” wikipedia on Thomas Jonathan Wooler (1786-1853), also see wikipedia 3 OCR cross-column misread, at “Mrs. Perewinkle’s Visit to Boston,” by “Muhitable Holyoke,” in Frank Leslie’s New Family Magazine 3:2 (August 1858) : 161-167 (162) 4 ex The Chronicle (“An insurance journal”) 10:18 (October 31, 1872) : 274 on the mismanagement of The Globe Mutual Life Insurance Company under Frederick A. Freeman, its president, and/or other members of the Freeman family (including Pliny Freeman). 5 ex Out of the world, by M. Healy vol. 2 (of 3; London, 1875) : 27 asides — this would be Mary Healy Bigot (1843-1936), daughter of the painter George P. A Healy (1813-94 *) A brief entry on Mary Healy is found at A Database of Victorian Fiction, 1837-1901; rather more, including an extensive list of her publications (journalism, fiction, translations, &c.) is found at her French wikipedia page — “Mary Healy utilisa le pseudonyme de Jeanne Mairet, mais aussi celui de « Madame Charles Bigot » et de « Mary Healy-Bigot ». On trouve des écrits non seulement publiés en français (souvent par Paul Ollendorff), mais aussi en anglais et en allemand. Elle produisit aussi de nombreuses traductions avec parfois l'aide de sa soeur Edith Healy.” in his autobiography is to be found the reason he (and later his daughter after the death of her husband Charles Bigot (1840-93 *)) would move to Chicago — George P. A. Healy, his Reminiscences of a Portrait Painter (Chicago, 1894) : 57 6 ex Alex(ander). Mackenzie, The Life and Speeches of Hon. George Brown (Toronto, 1882), in Chapter 19, The reform convention of 1867. Resolution of thanks to Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown’s reply : 113 7 ex correspondence to the editor (on the subject of “new restrictions in dress”), by “Freedom,” in The Meteor (“Ed. by members of Rugby School”) 175 (May 18, 1882) : 60 8 ex John Bull’s Neighbor in Her True Light : Being an Answer to some recent French criticisms. By a “Brutal Saxon.” Veluti in Speculum. (Third edition. London, 1884), in Chapter 11, The French Press: its Vanity—Le Temps and London Telegraph contrasted—Des Debats—Le Figaro—Le Clairon—Press Laws—Fear of Actions for Libel—Want of Freedom : 87 9 ex conversation about a fan, in Émile Zola (1840-1902 *), The Ladies’ Paradise : A Realistic Novel (London, 1886) : 74 aside — The novel is set in the world of the department store... (wikipedia) 10 “The Village Wedding,” in Poems by Chas. F(rederick). Forshaw, LL.D. (Bradford, 1889) : 28-33 (30) 11 from Act 2, Scene 4 of John Lesslie Hall (1856-1928) his Judas : A Drama in Five Acts (Williamsburg, Virginia; 1894) : 73 aside — “also known as J. Lesslie Hall, was an American literary scholar and poet known for his translation of Beowulf” (wikipedia); (some) papers at the College of William and Mary 12 ex “He saved others” (from Brotherhood Star), at Herald and Presbyter (“A Presbyterian family paper”) 68:46 (Cincinnati and St. Louis, November 17, 1897) : 15 in full — “When ice was running in the North River at New York, a ferryboat was crushed in, under the water line. An employe was sent down to stop the leak, or hold it until the boat could be run into the slip. Bedding, clothing and anything available were passed to him, but the ice floes ran in under and cut out these flimsy things. The boat reached the dock. Passengers were all hastened ashore. The boat was raised up by chains, so that the break was above the water, but the man did not come up on deck. They hastened below and found a bruised body of an unconscious man, pressed close against the opening. Careful nursing brought back life, but broken health and a disfigured body were his. ‘Even Christ pleased not himself.’” 13 OCR cross-column misread at J. B. Fulton, “Faulty Concrete Construction,” in Fireproof 3:6 (December 1903) : 31-33 (32) 14 ex OCR cross-column misread, at Francis Prevost (H. F. P. Battersby, 1862-1949 *), “The Siege of Sar,” in Ainslee’s (“A magazine of clever fiction”) vol. 12 (January 1904) : 1-44 (22) 15 ex Arthur H. Elliott, “The Gas Range in the Kitchen” In Light, Heat and Power 5:12 (February 1906) : 942-946 (944) self-described as “A monthly magazine devoted to the fields of illumination, and also combustion for producing heat and power, wherein the elements employed are natural, artificial, acetylene, gasolene, or petroleum gases.” 16 ex “The Gas Range in the Kitchen," in report of Elliott paper, in The Metal Worker, Plumber and Steam Fitter (March 3, 1906) : 52 17 same as no.s 14 and 15 above, but OCR cross-column misread, at Arthur H. Elliott, “The Gas Range in the Kitchen,” Progressive Age (Gas-Electricity-Water), 24:4 (February 15, 1906) : 96-99 (97) 97 Paper delivered at the First Annual Convention of the National Commercial Gas Association, held at the Cadillac Hotel, New York City, January 24th and 25th, 1906. 18 ex Mrs. Mary Dudeney. All Times Pass Over (London, 1909) : 75 (snippet view only, but entire at hathitrust) aside — little is found, biographically; author of poems, stories, even songs as Mary Du Deney (BL catalogue); are these of the same Mary? — “A novelty appeared in Judge Allen’s court in the shape of a woman, Mrs. Mary du Deney, who sought solace and mental refreshment in a book while her fate was being decided in a divorce proceeding. After reciting the grounds upon which she sought the divorce, the lady was lost to the world until the Judge cut the knot and she again felt the thrill of single blessedness.” (Los Angeles Herald (23 December 1900) : here); and   ◾ “...Old Lady Was Swaying, Fatal Collision with Cyclist At Bridgwater. Returning a verdict of Accidental Death at the inquest on Thursday on Mrg. Mary Du Deney. aged 85, of 2. Holmes Buildings. St. Mary-street, Bridgwater, who died in the hospital on Tuesday...” (Taunton Courier, and Western Advertiser (20 September 1947) : here) 19 ex William Caine (1873-1925 *), The Devil in Solution, (nicely) Illustrated by George Morrow (London, 1911) : 68 (snippet view only, but opens to same page at hathitrust 20 from this longer passage — “First of all, I know now what it means to travel ‘light.’ These flimsy things which the Japanese make are wonderfully serviceable. For instance, I purchased a silk Japanese raincoat which sheds rain perfectly, and yet when not in use I carry it in the pocket of my light overcoat.” ex “Japanese Milling, and Weather,” in Rosenbaum Review 2:39 (Chicago; September 15, 1917) : 8-10 asides — devoted to grain trade; at some point title changes to The Round-Up; published by the J. Rosenbaum Grain Company; this would be Joseph Rosenbaum (1838-1919), whose interesting life is sketched by Arba Nelson Waterman, in “Historical Review of Chicago and Cook County and Selected Biography," found here   ◾ perhaps more interesting is the editor of Rosenbaum Review (and its successor Round-Up), J. Ralph Pickell (1881-1939? *).   ◾ see, for example — “Senate Asks Jardine of Chicago ‘College’” ¶ Secretary Jarine was asked Friday, June 25, by the Senate to explain his connection with the Roundup College of Scientific Price Forecasting of Chicago. ¶ A resolution making the request was offered by Senator Caraway (Dem. Ark.), and adopted. Caraway said the secretary had accepted appoitment as a member of the faculty of the college to teach students “how to speculate and get around the rules of the grain futures act which he administers.” ¶ The resolution asked the Secretary to state whether his information on grain futures markets was obtained as a result of his official connection with the department of agriculture, and what compensation he has received from the college. ¶ The Roundup College school for price broadcasting [sic, should be “forecasting” ?] was held at the Congress Hotel four weeks ago. Secretary Jardine was announced in publicity as the principal speaker. The school is run by J. Ralph Pickell, listed in the telephone book with offices at 1848 West Washington Boulevard and 328 Ashland Boulevard. It is said, however, that the offices have moved to Western Springs, Ill., near Chicago. ¶ Pickell at the time the school was held, said about 500 students would be in attendance. Each student, he said would pay $50 for the course. ex The Illinois Agricultural Association Record (July 1, 1926) : 3 21 ex chapter 23 (the last) in Henri Barbusse (1873-1935 *), Light (Fitzwater Wray, trans.; 1919) : 301 several scans of the same at hathitrust 22 ex Fashions for Men (this passage) and The Swan (in one volume, subtitled Two Plays by Franz Molnar (both comedies in three acts; English texts by Benjamin Glazer); (Liveright, 1922) : 117 Ferenc Molnár (1878-1952), at wikipedia 23 ex Rachel Cusk, Saving Agnes (1993; Picador 1995) : 2
subject to change, corrections, &c.  
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lihikainanea · 4 years
Vibe of the Week 06/08
First off, I am happy to announce that the very second Live Tarot Hour will be this Friday, 11 September. It’ll start at 8PM ADT, 7PM EST, 5PM PT, and gah just figure out your time zone from that. I really enjoyed the last one we did, and it’s great practice. I’ll post the rules later on this week, most will be the same as last time but this round I’ll be accepting questions in advance--that was selfish of me last time, for all my bubs in wayyyyy different time zones who weren’t awake when it started and couldn’t submit a question.
As always, you can blacklist #tarot or #Lei does tarot if you don’t want to see.
Now, on to business.
Ah, dat Full Moon vibes from last week. Real talk it gave me some crazy energy, just some weird things I couldn’t shake, and kicked off a whole week’s worth of odd dreams and weird premonitions and dug up a whole bunch of shit from my past and threw it at me.
Including Photographer Boy, if we can count him as being part of my past? He seems to stay pretty...current. And he was being real sweet to me over the weekend, and just being the Good Dude I know he can be, and like a moron that somehow erases all the copious times he was a dick. Ugh, Lei you’re smarter than this.
Double ugh, I’m mad at myself.
In any case, last week we spoke about action, but also about the need to kind of....hold off. That maybe now is not the time to go after that big thing, because there are too many little things happening for you, maybe you’re not in the frame of mind or heart that you NEED to be in to go after what you’re going after, and have it work out. The universe works in many ways and often times if she sees us running headfirst into a wall, she might hold us back a bit. It’s for our own benefit.
You may have noticed, too, that in English I tend to have trouble with homonyms. Nose and knows. Seize and cease. I know the difference between all the there/they’re/theirs but the apostrophe one still fucks me up because I think it’s possessive instead of they are. In any case, I ended the reading last week on a resounding note that what is truly meant for us will be there, waiting to be...ahem...ceased. Oops. I obviously meant seized (I think?) and I’ve corrected it now.
The decks this week: Moonology for Oracle, and the Wheel of Fortune for Tarot.
The Oracle of the week is the Supermoon:
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I didn’t pull this one, it jumped out at me as I was shuffling.
Look, can I just say that it does wonders for my confidence as a reader, as the granddaughter of a great woman and a steward of part of the great family history, when I FEEL my intuition tell me something is off, and then it gets proven right? Look, intuition is hard. My intuition is hard. I just tend to think very differently from the masses and it’s incredibly frustrating, because I’ll see something and observe it my way and everybody else seems to be on a different page and it’s just...you feel crazy. I feel like I spend at least 1/3 of my life going “Are you all PRETENDING not to see this? This is a joke, right? Or shit, you really think that? Oh fuck...”
I KNEW something was supercharged with that damn moon last week.
The affirmation: Emotions are running high
Words to meditate on: emotional balance, yin and yang, peace, quiet mind, look closer at the obvious, opportunity.
That thing last week, that the universe told us to back the fuck up on for a sec? This may be the week we’re allowed to charge forward and pursue it. The Supermoon is supercharged, emotions are high but they’re positive--this is a rare moon, one that tells us that the answer is right under our nose. There’s opportunity here, rare opportunity, whether that’s the solution to your challenges or something new and exciting altogether. The Supermoon is when a new moon or a full moon happens at the moon’s closest point to Earth--so the universe is rooting for us, she’s with us on this. Don’t blow anything out of proportion, don’t fucking ignore the obvious in search of something better, and just keep putting one foot in front of the other because your path now leads you to something real exciting.
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HAHAHAHAHAHA. Everybody say hi to my grandmother, kids. Because she’s definitely smirking over my shoulder for this reading. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii Lei’s grandmother, definitely the HWIC and one of the most powerful matriarchs of the Stregoneria in Sicily.
Good to see you again, Nonna.
1) Ten of Wands
2) Eight of Wands
3) Five of Wands
4) Queen of Wands
5) Knight of Wands
Overarching theme: the Moon (Major Arcana).
Hahahahahaha oh god I’m still laughing.
All Wands this week. Wands are the action cards, the “go out and get’er done” Suit, the fire Suit in all its glory and horror, so it looks like the universe has opened the barriers that she put around us last week. Not only did she open the barriers but she gave us a one hour pep talk, she brushed our hair, she told us how pretty we were, she poured 397587568458 tons of sugar down our throat, blasted gangsta rap, got us all ragey, showed us the target, slapped our ass--and then she opened the barriers.
Full steam ahead. 
Look, keep the overarching theme of the Moon in mind. Keep your fucking eyes open, and--like the Oracle says--look for the obvious, it’s right in front of you. The Moon speaks of deception, of hidden ways, of secrets, of dual personalities. Of trickery. Bear in mind that interactions you may have this week, people you may encounter--they may be trying to trick you, they may be trying to deceive you. Don’t let this hinder your interactions and don’t close yourself off, just keep this tidbit in the back of your mind so that there are no surprises.
I think the reason why the universe held us back last week is simply because we just had too much. The ten of Wands speaks of a need for reduction--reducing workload, reducing emotional stress, in general just....letting things go. Let it go. It’s too heavy, there’s too much, and it’s just impossible to carry. Trim the fat and just bring it back to the basics--surround yourself with a few people who make you feel good. Reduce your amount of stuff. Know when you’re beat at work, and ask for help. Reduce the space in your mind that you give to worry and anxiety and increase the space you give to things that make you feel good. We had too much last week, and the universe saw that we were just too exhausted to go after what we wanted but we are too stubborn to not go after it, because we are taught from a young age that opportunity is rare and we need to take it.
Opportunity is only as rare as you make it. When you look for opportunity, you will find it. Stop looking, then you stop finding.
And you know that old adage, that an arrow needs to be pulled back before it is launched forward? That’s where we’re at. The Eight of Wands is the most dynamic card in the deck, moving forward at fast speeds. It bears in mind the need to keep lines of communication open--and the Five of Wands, a battle, warns us of the consequence if we don’t. The Five of Wands is the bar fight that we don’t know why we’re in. The Five of Wands is us getting drunk and belligerent as shit, starting something with somebody who didn’t even look at us funny but we thought they did. Calm down--emotions are high, remember? Don’t start shit. It’s not worth it, and you’re likely wrong in the situation anyway. 
Communicate instead. You know people may be trying to deceive you, which already gives you the upper hand. You don’t need to smash a pool cue over their head.
Balance, kids. The Queen of Wands is there to reinforce that message. Dis bitch--I love dis bitch, she’s so much better than the Queen of Cups--love and sensuality, fire and ice, the balance of fiery passion and emotional balance that results in this incredible, never-ending burning ember that will just keep smouldering. And the thing with an ember is it can turn into a full fledged fire at any second, and it can also light other fires. You’re on the right path, kids. And not only are you on the right path, people are watching and you’re inspiring them too. Be loyal to yourself, know your path, and off you go.
And remember--dat Moon Major Arcana Energy, echoed here in the final card of the Knight of Wands--do not seek vengeance over those who deceived you. But don’t forget, either.
TL;DR: Deception is at play this week, evidenced in the Moon and ending in the Knight of Wands. Be aware--don’t let it make you bitter, but be aware. Communication is key as you surge forward here, and it can help you avoid a lot of conflict that doesn’t have to happen if you’re just open and honest. Don’t ignore the obvious, make sure you create an environment where you can succeed, eliminate that which you do not need--and rage on, you fucking flame of awesomeness.
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title: What We Lack Part 11 Pairing:  Kacchako, Deku/Melissa, Todomomo Rating: T Word Count: 4,111 Read on Ao3 Summary:  
They’re the last people anyone expects to have a child without a quirk.
Neither of them can fully wrap their heads around it, but Ochako knows Katsuki is struggling far more than her.
Thank you to @its-love-u-asshole for beta-ing
Full fic under the cut
Shouhei's room was practically empty. His bed stayed in the corner, but all the posters and figures were taken down. The sound of tape echoed as he sealed another box shut, wiping his forehead.
Sayuri leaned against the doorframe, biting her lip.The whole situation in front of her was surreal. It made her chest ache, more than she cared to admit. "You're almost done," she said, holding back the awkward lump forming in her throat.
"Yup!" he said, and turned towards her, immediately frowning. "Don't give me that face."
"What face?!" she said, turning away from him, her cheeks completely flushed.
"You look like you're trying to hold back a giant shit," he snorted, standing up to sit on his bed.
"EW Shouhei!?" she snapped and stormed over to him, punching him in the side of his arm. Still, she took a seat next to him on the bed, twisting her lips.
"You gonna miss me?" he teased, nudging her.
"No! That would be stupid! You're not even that far! Knowing you, you'll come home every weekend," Sayuri teased.
"No way!"
"True," Sayuri teased, tapping her finger against her chin. "You'll be too busy making out with Yuuta!"
"What the hell!?" he said and pushed her, turning away from her, his face all red.
"It's okay if you're in love Shouhei," she teased some more, giggling to herself.
She hated how much she knew she was going to miss him.
"Shut up," he snorted. "Maybe if you're nice, I'll come visit for a weekend."
She folded her arms, her cheeks flushing. "I don't care if you do... but it might be nice to see you from time to time or... whatever..." she muttered, rolling her eyes.
"Yeah. I'll be pretty busy, working at being a hero and shit," he said, glancing to the side. "But you know it's my damn job to make sure you're safe, so... if need something you can always call or text me."
Sayuri glanced to the side at the empty wall. For a long time, Shouhei had a poster on the wall of their parents. It was an action shot of the two of them fighting together, looking as badass as they actually were. He made some jokes about how lame it was when he hit middle school, usually around Arata and Yuuta, though Sayuri knew the twins had posters of their own parents too. She wondered if Shouhei planned on hanging it in his room at his dorm.
For some reason she had a difficult time imagining it.
"Sayuri?" Shouhei snapped her from her thoughts and she turned to look at her brother. He could be harsh, like their father, but his sharp brown eyes were often filled with such kindness, just like their mother.
"Huh?" she blinked and nodded slowly. "Oh.. yeah, I know. I can take care of myself Shou."
"Oi..." he muttered. "I know you can. I just want you to know... you can always call me," he said softly. It was rare she heard her brother speak to her with such quiet gentleness.
"I know..." she said and turned to him, wrapping her arms around him tightly. "You better kick their asses at U.A, for both us!"
He grunted, shocked by the physical affection, but was quick to return the hug. "Hell yes, you know I will."
"Well, well, well, what's this I see? Are my two children being affectionate with each other?" Ochako giggled, leaning at the doorway.
Both Sayuri and Shouhei snapped quickly away from each other. "Ew gross!" Sayuri scoffed. "No way."
"Disgusting," Shouhei snorted, sticking his tongue out.
"Right, of course," Ochako said, and knelt down in front of the bed, wrapping her arms around both of her children. "You're too cute. We'll have plenty of family weekends together, okay? You'll be seeing each other plenty!" She nuzzled her pink cheeks against both of them.
"Does this mean you're not going to cry when you leave me at the dorm?" Shouhei asked, choking while she kept her hands wrapped around him.
"No," Ochako sighed. "I almost cried looking at the two of you together in this empty room!" she said, leaning her head to the side.
"Mom..." Shouhei groaned, but both of them hugged her back.
"It's not like... we'll never see him," Sayuri muttered. "U.A. isn't very far from here-"
"It's too far!" Ochako whined and clung to Shouhei. "But... I'm still proud of you... proud of both of you," she said, pulling back. "Even if my Mom instincts aren't ready to let you go," she laughed and kissed Sayuri's forehead. "At least I get my precious girl for a few more years."
"Mom!" Sayuri snorted and gently pushed on her cheek.
"Okay, okay... I'll stop smothering you. We need to get going anyway. Sayuri, can you go get your father? I think he's out back... and Shou, we need to get these last few boxes in the car. " She stepped away and pressed her hands together, activating her quirk on a few of the boxes, carrying them with ease out of Shouhei's room.
"Okay," Sayuri said, standing up from the bed.
As she made her way to the backyard, she fully expected to see her father in the yard, setting off tiny explosions or doing something active. When he stressed, he usually worked off steam in the only way he knew how. After 13 years of living with him, Sayuri was used to her father's emotional habits.
She slid the door open, surprised to find him sitting on the edge, staring quietly out at the grass.
"Dad?" she asked; for a moment, she felt bad breaking the silence. He seemed peaceful and even she was well aware that was rare for Bakugou Katsuki.
"Mmm... what is it?" he grunted, turning to look at her.
"Mom said... we're ready to go... but, uh, are you okay?"
Katsuki flopped back against the deck, folding his arms under his head. "Yeah, kiddo, why the hell wouldn't I be?"
Sayuri pursed her lips and stepped outside, sliding the door behind her. She took a seat next to him. "Are you a little sad Shouhei is leaving?"
"Mmm..." he grunted, pushing himself up. "Would be kinda stupid to be. He's not gonna be far away and I want him to grow the fuck up."
She snorted. "Yeah. I bet. He's an idiot."
"Oi! Don't talk about your brother that way."
"But you just-!"
"It's different when it's me. I'm your father!" he said, huffing out.
"Yeah, yeah," she grumbled, folding her arms over her chest. "I... am going to miss Shouhei being around all the time..." she whispered quietly, swinging her legs over the side of their deck. "I know he's going to be close by but... it's different... you know?"
Katsuki's hand gently pat the top of her head, messing up her blond hair. "I know..."
"It's okay if you're... gonna miss him too," she said quietly.
"Mmm. Your brother is a strong kid and I want him to succeed and do well," he muttered. "Hell I know he'll succeed and do well. It is gonna be a little fucking weird seeing his room all empty and shit."
"Mhm..." Sayuri nodded.
Katsuki smirked, turning towards her. "I get to have you for a few more years at least."
"Yup," she smiled. "You're stuck with me."
"Good. I'm not letting you out of my damn sight!" he teased, pulling her towards him as he tickled her sides.
"No, Dad! Stop!" she laughed. "We have to leave! Mom is gonna get angry!"
"Don't make excuses!" he said, slowly letting up on his grip, but he kept Sayuri in his arms, staying quiet for a moment.
"It's fucking difficult..." he muttered. "Watching you two idiots grow up. I love it and hate it."
She blinked, looking at her father's red eyes. He looked tired, more shaken than he wanted to let on. She knew her father loved training with Shouhei, pushing him to his limits. She could always hear the two of them laughing and yelling in the backyard, working on their quirks. She was always jealous... and now she couldn't even be a sparring partner for her father, not in the way he would want her to be.
"I'll just live at home for the rest of my life I guess," she sighed dramatically.
"Yeah," he chuckled. "That's the only damn solution."
"Mhm. Then Mom can do my laundry forever."
"Don't fuckin' count on that, baby girl," he said, pushing himself up. "The last thing your Mom needs is anymore stress. Let's get going."
"Sure," she said, following his lead. "Dad," she called out, pausing before he opened the door. "I love you..." she muttered, her cheeks flushing as she spoke.
Katsuki smirked. "Love you too, baby girl."
She really hoped her dad wasn't taking Shouhei leaving too hard. She knew her mom was going to cry, but maybe her dad wanted to too? She sometimes wished he didn't keep his feelings inside so much, maybe then she wouldn't have felt like she had to as well.
Arata set down the final box in his dorm, wiping his brow. Now would've been the perfect time to start training, with his body all heated and intense. He'd sent his parents to help Yuuta, since the idiot had managed to pack far more than him. Besides, Arata was perfectly happy to unpack on his own. He wanted to set up his room how he liked it.
The class B dorm was located right next to the class A one, but for some reason, Arata felt like it was miles away.
Good. He preferred to focus rather than have Yuuta bugging him all night.
Even though Yuuta had always been right down the hall... this was different and strange, and for once he was actually independent?
He stared at a box on his floor, knowing he should start unpack, but for some reason his body felt heavy, like he was weighed down by some unknown force.
"Knock, knock!"
Behind him his mother's voice startled him and he turned to face Momo. Her long dark hair was pulled up into a large bun and she smiled at him. "Can I come in?" she asked, still standing in the door frame.
He supposed this was one time he couldn't exactly say no to his mother.
"Yeah," he said and moved one of the boxes off of his bed.
"You know, your father had a traditional style room when we were in high school," she began, taking a seat on the side of his bed. "My room was taken up by mostly my bed," she laughed. "I'm happy to see you and Yuuta have more... balanced rooms."
Arata honestly thought his room looked very plain.
"Did you finish Yuuta's room?" he asked.
"Almost," Momo nodded. "Your father is finishing up a few things but, they're mostly done. I wanted to come check on you. Though it seems I didn't have to."
"Yeah, everything here is fine," he said. He didn't need his mother's help to set up his room. He wasn't a child anymore, and he wanted to prove that to her and his father.
Momo glanced at the two unopened boxes now on the floor that Arata had left. "I could help with those," Momo said, pointing to the two.
"It's fine. I'll do them later probably," Arata shrugged.
Momo glanced down, scraping her teeth over her lip. "Mhm. Okay..."
He hated being awkward with his parents, he really did... but he couldn't keep letting them hold him back from achieving what he wanted.
"Your father and I were thinking we could go out to dinner one last time, just the four of us?" Momo said. "Since my precious boys are moving out," she laughed. "It's going to be very quiet at home without you two. Ochako is lucky she gets to have Sayuri still!"
Arata winced, feeling bad for turning down his mother so often. "I dunno, I'm not that hungry. I kinda wanna read ahead in text books and check up on what we're going to be talking about this year..."
"Oh..." Momo sighed. "We'd really appreciate it if you came to dinner. I don't want to force you, but... this is your family. You know how important family is to your father, to me."
Arata pushed his teeth against his lower lip, the guilt rolling under his skin. He did know, and he especially knew how mad his father would be if he found out Arata was training with Endeavor... so many times had Shouto reassured him of so many things... So many times in the past month had he shut his door and not let Momo in. He could see from the look in her dark eyes it hurt far more than maybe even he realized.
He swallowed. "I just..."
"Arata," Momo began, turning her gaze towards him. Her dark eyes were sharp and focused on his gentle blues. "I don't... wish to make assumptions about what you are feeling. Being a teenager is... difficult," she began, gently placing her hand over her chest. "I had no idea how to utilize my quirk when I was your age and... I had very little faith in my own abilities. Your father was one of the first people to believe in me and actually help me see what I could do."
Arata stared back at his mother. She was a powerful force. Her creation quirk was unique and incredible... seeing her make practically anything she wanted had always been amazing to Arata. He didn't deny her strength, nor did he deny his father's... and both of them were so humble about it. He could recall times out shopping where his mother would sign autographs for little girls who wanted to be just like her.
He honestly couldn't imagine her being insecure and nervous. It just... didn't seem to suit her. She was so poised and collected all the time, and she certainly handled herself better than his father did on occasions.
Momo sighed, standing up to take Arata's hand. "Whatever you're going through, I will never force you to talk about it." She gently brushed her hand through his hair, her fingers trailing through the red and black pieces. "But know, that your father and I... and your brother are always here for you, no matter what." She brought her hands around Arata's cheeks, cupping his face. "I know you're going to do great things here." She pressed her lips against his forehead. "I love you. You and Yuuta will always be my precious gifts."
The lump that pressed against his throat hurt, especially when he tried to swallow it down. He didn't want to cry in front of his mother, especially when he didn't know why he would. It wasn't like he would never see his parents again... and he wanted this. He wanted to be away from them and be given the chance to prove himself.
He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back. He could give her that... it wasn't as if he didn't love his mother. "I love you too..." he mumbled shyly.
"Alright..." she whispered, and he noticed the way her eyes glistened with tears threatening to fall. "I-I better let you get back to it!"
"Mom..." he muttered. "Don't cry... it's not like Yuuta and I won't see you."
"I-I know, sweetheart. I just hate thinking about the house being so empty."
"Dad's still there," he said, his cheeks flushing. He couldn't deal with his mother crying over them leaving.
"It's different," she said.
Arata sighed. "Okay, okay... I'll come to dinner. Let's just get you out of here so you stop crying."
Momo blinked, staring at her boy, a smile pulling across her face. "You want to come to dinner?"
"Yeah... Lemme guess, Dad wants soba."
Momo giggled and hugged Arata again. "Yes. But you do too, don't you?"
"It doesn't sound bad..." he grunted.
After shutting them out constantly for the past month, one night with his family couldn't be too bad.
"And you know you can come home whenever you want?"
"Yes, Mom," Shouhei sighed. "This is the fourth time you've said it."
"Well... I get nervous!" she said. "If you're unhappy, I don't want you to think you can't come home or change schools or anything like that! You don't have to stay because your father and I did." Ochako rushed through her words, tears bubbling at the corner of her eye.
"Mom, please don't explode. That's Dad's job," Sayuri sighed, folding her arms over her chest.
"Okay, okay. I'm calm, I promise," she said, leaning against Katsuki.
The Bakugous had shared a nice family dinner out, enjoying a grand meal of curry. But now they were dropping Shouhei back at the dorm and Ochako could barely get out her goodbye.
She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. "I just don't wanna let you go yet, Shou," she whimpered.
"Mom, seriously... I'll be fine," he said, shaking his head.
"I know, you say this, but..." she whimpered.
"You better be fucking good! I don't wanna get anymore phone calls about you causing fucking problems with the Half and Half twins!" Katsuki snapped.
Shouhei groaned, stepping away from his mother. "I won't okay," he glared, and turned towards Sayuri, guilt flashing through her brown eyes. They usually only got in trouble trying to protect her.
He could tell being at the school made her uncomfortable. There were plenty of different classes at U.A. so really Sayuri could attend if she wanted to... but he knew deep down inside she wanted to be a part of the hero class... standing with him.
She'd be quiet ever since they got to the school, and admittedly, Shouhei was a little worried about her going back to that damn middle school without him there. At least she had Kazu...
He thought to mention it to his parents, but the last thing he wanted to do was worry them more.
"I love you, Mom," he said, hugging her one more time. "You too, Dad... and Sayu I guess..."
He stepped over to his sister and hugged her one final time. "Don't do anything stupid," she teased. He rolled his eyes, pulling away from her, and he really wanted to tell her to be safe. He didn't like leaving his parents, but especially his sister...
"Okay, I'm sure I'll see you in a few weekends or something," he shrugged, trying to be casual about it, but leaving his family was... surprisingly difficult.
"Of course! You can come home anytime you like," Ochako said, smiling as she gently rubbed his head. "Now go kick some ass!"
"Hell yes!" he cheered.
Waving goodbye, he made his way back to the dorm room. A few others were still moving in and saying goodbye to their parents. Shouhei couldn't believe these people would be his friends over the next few years.
But he especially couldn't believe that Yuuta's room was so damn close to his. Finally, they could hang out all the time, just as they had dreamed of when they were little kids.
He smirked, tucking his hands into his pockets as she gently rapped on Yuuta's door. No one would be around to bug them. Arata wouldn't be there... no parents... even with a curfew, Shouhei was thrilled.
The door creaked open and Yuuta's face immediately lit up. "Shou!" he said, opening the door wide for him.
"Hey Yuuta," he said, stepping inside, letting the door shut behind him. He was smiling so wide, his cute cheeks slightly flushed. Oh, it took all of his effort not to grab his cheeks and pull him in for a kiss.
"Did you just get back from dinner?"
"Mhm..." he said. "Did you? Did Arata go with you guys?"
"Yes and shockingly, yes! I think he was feeling pretty guilty since Mom was sort of crying and stuff," Yuuta giggled. "I was going to make a joke that he's weak to her crying... but... all of us are."
"Yeah, my mom cried too. For a second I thought my dad would cause he had this weird scrunched up look on his face, but he didn't," Shouhei snorted.
"I really don't think I can imagine your dad crying..." Yuuta said, his eyes wide, blinking while he thought about the scenario.
"Trust me, I only saw it a few times as a kid," he admitted. "I think he was crying over Sayuri and shit... It was... weird."
"I'll bet... I can't think of a time I ever saw my dad cry."
"Mmm Shouto is really stoic."
"Yeah," Yuuta laughed. "Kinda like Arata! He was really quiet at dinner, but I think my parents were happy he at least came this time."
"Yeah... have you asked him what his deal is?" Shouhei asked, tilting his head.
"Mmm... Kinda... he wouldn't really talk to me. He just keeps mentioning how he wants to get stronger and stuff," Yuuta sighed. "I don't get it. He's plenty strong as is! He's stronger than me for sure," Yuuta said. Shouhei couldn't count how many times he'd heard Yuuta say that. He disagreed, but he knew Yuuta would get all flustered and say Shouhei was wrong.
But right now, Yuuta just looked sad. Knowing him, he probably missed his parents a lot, and with Arata acting so distant... maybe everything just felt far away.
But Shouhei was right here.
He wrapped his arms around Yuuta and pulled him onto his bed, the two of them collapsing down onto the plush surface. "Hey... you know what though..."
"Hm?" Yuuta blushed, tilting his dark eyes to look at Shouhei.
"I get to do this as much as I want now." He leaned down and brushed their lips together, kissing him gently. He cupped at his cheek and gently sucked on his lower lip. Yuuta's soft sigh against his lips only spurred him on and he rolled closer to Shouhei.
"I don't mind... that..." Yuuta whispered, his cheeks flushed. Shouhei just adored how shallow Yuuta's breathing grew when he kissed him, like he actually took his breath away.
"I'm excited to be living this close to you," Shouhei said, smiling against his lips. "Maybe I can just stay in your room," he smirked.
"S-Shouhei!" Yuuta gasped, gently pushing on his chest. "We could get in serious trouble for that!"
His black eyes looked so nervous, his round cheeks flushed, and Shouhei couldn't help but laugh. "Calm down, Yuu... I wouldn't actually stay over. I'm not gonna get you in fuckin' trouble," he snorted.
"Oh really?" Yuuta giggled, shaking his head. "I find that hard to believe."
"I promise I'm not gonna do anything you're uncomfortable with," he said, cupping his cheeks to kiss him again.
He'd known he'd been crushing on Yuuta for as long as he could remember actually having feelings for someone. They were friends, but he could never stop thinking about how cute Yuuta was. How when he got nervous, he was adorable, but there were other times he was strong and badass, ready to defend Sayuri with him. Whatever nerves he may have had went out the window when it came to justice and being a good person.
Yuuta always went above and beyond. He was going to be a perfect hero, Shouhei just knew it. And Shouhei loved him, even if he wasn't quite ready to tell him that yet.
"I know you wouldn't," Yuuta whispered. Against Shouhei's hip, his hand felt warm, though Shouhei was well aware of how cold Yuuta's flames could be... how incredibly blue and lovely they looked.
He couldn't wait to train with him.
"I can't believe we're actually here... at U.A!" Shouhei chuckled, pecking his lips again as he snuggled close to him.
"I know!" Yuuta laughed, though Shouhei could sense the slight hesitation in his voice.
"Hey," he said, peering down at him. "No matter what happens... we have each other, okay?" he said, pressing his lips against his gently.
"Yeah, I know... I'm really happy we're here together," Yuuta said, smiling as he kissed Shouhei back, wrapping his arm around his neck.
"Me too..."
No matter what, Shouhei would be supporting Yuuta, and honestly, he was happy to have Yuuta there as well. School was starting tomorrow and the first night away from home was, admittedly, a little scary... but with Yuuta here, Shouhei felt a comfort he prayed to never be without.
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cherylblsom · 6 years
The Definition of Perfect - Ch.3
(A/N): After 27 years I am finally providing you with an update!!
Pairing: Cheryl Blossom x Toni Topaz
Word Count: 2,521
Warnings: just some swearing 
Read it on AO3
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
“So what did you wanna tell us T?” Fangs asks, he’s sitting on the couch in his trailer, Sweet Pea is perched beside him with his feet up resting on the coffee table. Toni is standing in front of the pair, she’d been pacing back and forth when they’ve arrived and had finally stopped to look at the pair. 
“Yeah, what’s the hot gossip?’ Sweet Pea chimes in, flashing one of his signature smiles in Toni’s direction. “Let me guess, Cheryl finally convinced you to write about her for your journal entry in the magazine”
“No and how did you even know about that? Whatever doesn’t matter, moving on…” 
“Ohh” Sweet Pea nods as if understanding ”You need sex advice? Now listen I don’t know a whole lot about-“
“Sweet Pea shit UP” Fangs cuts in, he lands a soft blow to his friend’s shoulder before turning his attention back to Toni, she offers him a grateful smile before opening her mouth.
“Cheryl and I, well I guess Cheryl technically, is pregnant…” she says slowly as she watches their faces closely to gage their reactions.
“Oh my god Topaz!! That’s awesome” Fangs replies, a huge smile pasted across his face.
“No shit!! I’ve been waiting for this” SweetPea says, his face lighting up in response. “Tell me you’re naming the baby after me. Sweets jr?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, they’re naming it after me” 
“Fangs c’mon we all know that your name just doesn’t have as much baby potential I mean think of-“
“Oh and your name does? You’re nuts if you-“
“GUYS!!’ Toni says loudly, stopping the boys dead in their tracks and causing them to look up at her with wide eyes. Growing up with these two had taught her early on how to stop their bickering, even if it was just playful at the moment. “It’s twins”
“One for both of us” they say in almost perfect unison before falling back into the couch laughing. 
“Oh my god” Toni groans, rolling her eyes in response to her best friends. “I hate you two”. She walks over to the couch and flops down between the two boys who immediately pull her into a tight bear hug from both sides. 
“You know we’re stoked for you Topaz” SweetPea says, his voice shifting to a more serious tone. “It’s what you two deserve, a family to call your own”
“What do you mean by complication?” Toni asks slowly, Cheryl is gripping her hand tightly and shifting her eyes between Toni and the doctor as she awaits a response. 
“What’s wro- oh FUCK” Cheryl practically screams as another contraction hits her full on, she squeezes Toni’s hand so hard she’s afraid it might break. 
“It’s just that one of the babies is in the wrong position, sort of turned sideways. It’s not uncommon for twins actually, and can be an easy fix” the doctor finally responds once Cheryl has been coaxed through her contraction.
“So what does that mean exactly? And why didn’t the other doctor pick up on this?” Toni asks. She can feel how hard Cheryl’s heart is racing just by the pulse from her wrist and she gives her wife’s hand a reassuring squeeze to try and calm her.
“Well she most likely would have on your next visit but since Cheryl went into premature labour the doctor didn’t get a chance to see their positions. Usually we would turn the baby now but since it’s behind the other one we will have to turn the baby after the first one is delivered”
“Is that even possible?”
“Yes, but it can be risky and if we can’t do it in time we would have to rush Cheryl into an emergency C-Section. The other option is we just go with a C-Section to begin with and deliver both babies that way” 
“What’s the better solution?” 
“That’s not a decision I can make for you, both options come with their own set of risks but I can promise you we will do everything we can to keep everyone safe. And if you decide against the C-Section I would strongly advise an epidural since turning the second baby will result in an increased level of pain”
“Toni.. I- I don’t want a C-Section. It wasn’t the plan…” Cheryl’s voice says quietly, she turns her head to catch her wife’s eyes with her own. 
“Neither was going into labour a month early, but maybe this is safer for the babies”
“No.” Cheryl says more forcefully then she meant to, but there was no way in hell she was letting anyone, especially a doctor she doesn’t know, cut into her. 
“I’ll leave you two to discuss. But the contractions are getting closer and she’s already 5 centimetres dilated so we don’t have a ton of time” Dr. Roberts says slowly, she nods at Toni before exiting the room and letting the door click shut behind her. 
Veronica had decided to throw them a baby shower, because of course she has insisted on that. And this was Veronica Lodge they were talking about, so Cheryl was well aware that it would be an over the top occasion despite Toni’s protests and assurance that they just wanted something small. After all, when Veronica set her mind to something there was no changing her mind. But what Cheryl wasn’t expecting was the bombardment of questions Veronica has decided to throw at the pair over just how the event should look and sound and even smell. Every time Cheryl thought there wasn’t possibly any more questions Veronica could come up with another one would fall from her mouth. They were currently seated at the kitchen table in Cheryl and Toni’s house, mugs of tea steaming into the air between them as Veronica typed furiously at her MacBook keyboard. 
“As fascinating at this is…” Toni says, holding herself back from rolling her eyes at Veronica’s ridiculous questioning. “I have a hair appointment, so I’ll leave you to it!” She leans in to kiss Cheryl gently and run her hand over her belly, at almost 6 months pregnant her bump has grown significantly and Cheryl was almost constantly complaining of back pain. 
“I love you” Cheryl says softly, she kisses Toni again before letting her slip out of her grasp, she hears the sound of door opening and closing mere moments later and sighs softly before turning her attention back to her best friend. 
“So flowers! I’m thinking roses, they have a certain… ambience that just screams baby shower to me. Especially yours. Now there’s the matter of colour. White for purity, yellow is typically used for friendship but of course also symbolizes new beginnings. And then there’s the classic red we can’t forget about…” she trails off lost in thought. She has her glasses on which Cheryl knows means business. Veronica hums softly and clicks her pen on her bottom lip before her eyes light up. “What about yellow and red together? That symbolizes happiness and excitement and then of course they have their individual meanings, we could even add in a few white if you want?” 
“You’re the expert” Cheryl says, she laughs lightly in response to her best friend, typical of her to got way overboard for a simple baby shower. But Cheryl had to admit she kind of liked the papering. “I’m just excited to meet them - I have a feeling they’re both girls, did I tell you that?” Cheryl looks up from rubbing her stomach to make eye contact with Veronica. 
“Only like twice a day for the past two weeks” Veronica says, a smile spreading across her face. “I however - disagree, but all will be answered in due time. I’ve been thinking of ways to do the gender reveal and need your opinion” 
“Of course you have” Cheryl rolls her eyes while picking up her mug of tea and bringing it to her lips. 
The day of the baby shower had arrived and by the time Cheryl rolls out of bed she already has 10 text messages and 4 missed calls from Veronica despite the fact it’s only 10:03 A.M. 
“You behave today” Cheryl says, looking down at her stomach. “No making me sick okay? Its a big day” 
The morning was chaotic with Veronica running around decorating the house with every colour of the rainbow and making last minute calls to ensure everything would be going to plan. Cheryl had to hand it to her, the girl knew how to plan an event. When she walks downstairs she’s awed by the beauty of it. Red, white and yellow roses are littered around the living room and kitchen in different coloured vases. Over the doorways hang streamers with hints of colours at the ends and over the couch is a banner that showcases a blue and pink bear with a question mark at the end. To the side of their couch is a table decked out in white and gold ribbons that looks like it's set up for a variety of baby related games. And on yet another table a plate of cookies shaped like bottles and diaper pins and rattles is layed out. The French doors leading to their patio are open and a soft breeze is blowing into the dining room and cooling down the heat emanating from the stove. Their motorcycles are still parked to the side of the patio and Cheryl smiles fondly at them, she hasn’t ridden in months and she didn’t realize just how much she misses it until now. Veronica had even gone the extra step to deck out both their motorcycles in pink and blue ribbons which danced lightly in the breeze. 
“Are you ready to find out what’re you’re carrying?” Veronica says softly from behind Cheryl, she breaks her stare focused on the bikes and turns towards the voice. 
“Of course” Cheryl smiles. “But you know, you never did tell me what you’re doing for the reveal”
“A wise women never reveals her secrets” Veronica replies. The doorbell rings suddenly, casting an echo through the house and Veronica hurries away to open it.
By the time everyone has arrived Cheryl is completely exhausted from welcoming them all and talking about how she’s both and excited and nervous for the new additions to the family. The table near the front door is stacked high with all sizes and shapes of gifts, I guess nobody had listened when the pair said not to spoil them or the babies. Cheryl is currently seated on the couch between Archie and Betty, the cat is settled on her chest, her paws resting gently against Cheryl’s belly. She’s purring softly as Cheryl runs her hand over her back in even strokes. 
“Does she always do that?” Betty asks, a light chuckle behind her voice. 
“Cherry? Oh yeah she loves to cuddle. Especially now with my stomach, it’s her favourite place to nap”
“A personal guardian for the twins” Betty says, she reaches out to pet the cat’s head and smiles softly at Cheryl. 
“Okay guys!” Veronica calls suddenly, emerging from the kitchen with Toni on her heels. “Let’s all make our way outside” 
People make their way out slowly, Cheryl and Toni emerging last. Her back is in an increasing amount of pain but Cheryl would be damned if she let that keep her down today, this was the last big thing happening before the birth of her babies and she wanted to be present for it.  Veronica ushers the pair to the side of the patio where they have a perfect view of their motorcycles and Cheryl raises her eyebrows at her wife who just shrugs in response. Veronica is beaming and Cheryl wonders for a moment who’s most excited about this gender reveal. Sweet Pea and Fangs step up from the crowd and each swing themselves onto the seat of one of the motorcycles, keys in their hands. 
“Ready?” Veronica asks, eyeing Cheryl and Toni. They both nod in response and Cheryl reaches for Toni’s hand to give it a couple reassuring squeezes before turning her attention back to the motorcycles. The boys crank the engines in perfect sync and the bikes roar to life, the exhaust sputters out as a dull grey colour at first before changing to more vibrant colours. The bike Fangs is sitting on is spilling pink exhaust from the tail pipes while the other spills blue and Cheryl’s face lights up as she takes in the moment. 
“SEE!” Sweet Pea calls, noticing his bike is the blue one, “A sign you should name the baby after me!”
Toni laughs in response and rolls her eyes before turning to Cheryl and pulling her against her lips, she kisses her deeply and passionately. Cheryl can’t help the tears that have started to fall down her face in response, she kisses Toni back hard as the pink and blue smoke swirl around them and then dissipates into the air.
Cheryl lets out a loud scream and grips Toni’s hand as she shakes through another contraction, they’re getting increasingly painful and longer as the time drags on. She falls back into the mattress when the worst of it is over and turns her head to look at her wife. 
“I’m not letting them cut into me” Cheryl says sternly. Toni nods in response before reaching to wipe Cheryl’s head with a damp cloth. 
“Then you need to get an epidural. And I know, you don’t want to. And it wasn’t in the plan. But we gotta go off the plan babe, it’ll be okay”
“Toni… I don’t know”
“Cher.. you’re so strong, the strongest person I know. But I can see you’re in a lot of pain and it’s only going to get worse. I promise this will get easier if you agree, and we’ll make sure the babies are safe and sound okay?” She runs her thumb over Cheryl’s knuckles and smiles down at her. A soft whimper falls from her wife’s lips and then she nods slowly in response before clicking the call button to the right of her bed. 
The relief that comes from the drug is almost immediate. Cheryl, who is laying on her side in the bed now, relaxes as it makes its way into her bloodstream and starts to numb her pain. She smiles up at Toni, thanking her silently for convincing her to make this decision. 
“You did so good baby, not much longer now” she leans down to press a kiss to Cheryl’s temple, her eyes flutter close in response and she relaxes further into the mattress dosing off lightly. She isn’t sleeping long before she’s woken up with the pain of another contraction, the doctor had told them an epidural can speed up how fast you dilate but Cheryl hadn’t expected it to be so quick, it was barley 30mins later. Dr Roberts rushes in at the sound of Cheryl’s scream and immediately goes to checking how far long she is. 
“Cheryl… you need to get ready to push” she says slowly. 
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We be specific that your home shows up at its finest, whatsoever times. Refurbish My Home will certainly produce the right Brisbane Deck Builders for you to captivate all year round. At some point the lines will go back to the very same intensity that they had before it. As well as, when all the things else is done, your garbage will be removed as well as your canisters cleaned up and also ventilated. Are you trying to find fairly priced residence cleansing business in Perth Amboy, NJ? House Cleaning Perth are experts in work environment and also commercial cleaning. Information for Grant moneyed employees members transferring from Abroad to Adelaide, South Australia House cleansing costs can also be called for. Look with Telephone book to discover a variety of cleansing - home services in all states in Australia. Domestic cleaning - this covers the cleaning of residences, bungalows as well as flats. We offer a numerous series of firms, accommodating both industrial and domestic needs. We are an area cleaning firm covering up Scotland's Central belt, if you occur to want something completed it does not matter how big or tiny we are the business for you.
Exactly How To Make Certain Your Building Is Safe
For many individuals returning residence from your hard day's work and also tipping their worn out feet onto a soft part of carpeting really feels remarkable. Carpeting certainly boosts any room bringing the room together like a warm and inviting room. You spend significant time in your house as well as likewise at the end of the day would certainly like it to manage your case.
Home window cleaning.
Having windows permit some all-natural light to your workplace can be quite a terrific way to assist the state of mind of your workers, nevertheless, you lose a great deal of this effect if the home windows are filthy. Some cleaning business will enable you to outdoors in this respect by providing window cleaning company that transform your visibly filthy home windows into crystal-clear viewports on the outdoors.
Vacuuming your rugs routinely is the most basic way to ensure that they're clean and absolutely free of bits. If left alone, dust does not only keep to the fibers within the rug, yet it may trigger abrasions that might mess up the fibers. Some people typically move and rake their carpetings, however that is only efficient on surface area dust, not the particles which may be currently embedded deep inside carpeting. If you wish to get an excellent vacuum cleaner, get one with twin electric motors, that include a beater bar that displaces dirt, making it simpler to suction. Bear in mind to schedule 1 day each week to finish your vacuuming.
There are particular kind of firm which focuses on cleaning home windows and also will likewise be impressed which they undertake it properly so when effective as you can. Before working with such firms, you ought to think of doing a bit of study very first regarding just how well they carry out, simply just how much needs to it set you back and also would certainly other people recommend them. Cleaning firms can be quite pricey to some individuals. There are some companies though that offers this type of service at an extremely sensible cost with satisfaction being guaranteed. Employing companies to do the cleaning for you can cost you some cash, it could still transform lives in your home or for your organisation.
One point to keep in mind is the truth that all firms are not alike. Prior to working with a specialist steam cleaning firm, make sure that they'll utilize the strategy you would like. A credible firm can make a home telephone call initially and give a written estimate from the job needed as well as go over the task before ever beginning the position. It is constantly in your best interest to review referrals and endorsements for the company you plan to utilize.
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schultzpearce2-blog · 5 years
Wall Tile Patterns
On the subject of flooring, there are many varieties available out there. Stained ceramic might require substitute due to the issue of removing stains from porous tiles. Our modern carpet tiles allow you to create custom, distinctive area rugs which are as sturdy as they are trendy. It not solely looks clean and stylish, but a tiled kitchen flooring or tile within the bathroom is also very sturdy and easy to take care of. From small bespoke or handmade tiles to large format slick porcelains, statement feature partitions or outdoor function cladding, we're right here as your local tile showroom that can assist you achieve the look you want. Fake accent designs are available in 3 different colours. The cabling from the photo voltaic tiles will probably be concealed within the sloping roof construction and, if the roof void shouldn't be used, the management equipment will be accommodated inside the roof house. We additionally sell an exquisite range of crackle glazed tiles in many various colours and sizes. vitrified tiles for flooring is basically a constructing material fabricated from polyvinyl chloride referred to as PVC. Sturdiness issues in your kitchen flooring. Our photographs showcase frequent backsplash concepts, kitchen backsplash developments, inventive designs, and so much more. In these floorings, the planks are made out of pasted wood or wooden shavings, which are called plywood. A porcelain tile, for example, can take wear and tear and is fully waterproof - a strong alternative for tub tile. These tiles are low embossed for straightforward maintenance and the 4 shade choices arrive in bigger tiles for faster set floor tiles india up with fewer seams. Now's the time to study the perfect and most price efficient steam cleaner for tile floors, wooden and lots of different laborious surfaces. flooring tiles are generally employed for masking flooring, roofs, partitions, showers or different objects equivalent to tabletop. Service Supplier of Wooden Flooring Tiles - Dark Brown Picket Floor Tiles, Wood Finish Ground Tiles, Wooden Floor Tile and Brown Wooden Ground Tiles offered by BS Interspace Solutions, Ludhiana, Punjab. Notion is the famend identify in the Picket Flooring Business in India. In contrast to laminate flooring, wood can also be susceptible to scratches, gouges, stains, and solar bleaching, making it a less desirable materials than it as soon as was. Decoration ideas provided by this straightforward tiling method are countless: Tub partitions, shower bases & backsplashes, kitchen backsplash, countertops, patios, pool surfaces, decks, and fireplaces. Before we go any additional, we wish to declare right here that if one wants to get our flooring carried out with Cappuccino marble tiles, we have wooden tiles for floor to spare out some huge cash from our pockets. Design and Patterns - Included on this are the dimensions, shape, colour and pictures on the tiles.
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