#Stephan Chase
abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
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dandylion240 · 1 month
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Shaking his head Eli shrugged “whatever.” 
“Everyone knows she’s mine,” Stephan repeated “I was going to ask her out.”
“You snooze, you lose,” Eli said, feeling almost delirious. He knew what was coming even as he said it. He felt all the air come rushing out as Stephan’s fist plowed into his stomach. Why had he felt the need to antagonize Stephan even more? He must be delirious.
The bell rang and students scattered to get to their next class. Stephan shoved Eli backwards releasing his hold on him. “This isn’t over,” he mumbled as he hurried away presumably to his next class.
Eli sank to the floor, his head throbbing and his vision swimming. Oddly beneath the pain he still felt elated like he was invincible.
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bronzebluemind · 7 months
are we really discussing that pius was chosen? he was the best german in the trainings, so that’s reason enough🤷‍♀️
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igotanidea · 1 year
Cinnamon: werewolf!Jason Todd x reader
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Request: Yes, by anon ;)
Happy birthday to the one and only Jay Todd!
“Out of everyone, it has to be him, why!?”
“Are you jealous, Grayson?” Damian raise an eyebrow at his older brother. Much to everyone’s surprise, the blood soon spend last half an hour listening to Dick ranting and complaining about how unfair it was that out of the entire batfamily it was Jason who get the ability to turn into a wolf. And to make the situation even worse, he was an alpha.
“Jealous?! No! Of course not! Definitely not! Maybe a little…..?”
“If anything he envies Jason that little beta girl, he’s been seeing…….” Stephanie chimes in, chuckling at Dick’shock.
“A…. a beta? So what, he’s got a girlfriend now? Why don’t I know it?!”
“Are you three having fun gossiping about my life?!” Jason leans on the doorframe clearly annoyed at his siblings talking and discussing his private matters.
“Plenty.” Damian smirks vindictively
“You have a girlfriend?!” Dick looks at Jason with the biggest doe eye possible, trying his best to get any information out.
“Screw you Dickhead…..”
“Come on, Jaybird, don’t be like that!”
“I’m not telling you shit!”
“Pleeeeaaasseeeeee…….” Dick grabs his little brother, clinging to him, dead set on not letting go before retrieving as little as the scraps “You never tell me anything anymore….”
“Yeah… wonder why is that…..” Stephane mutters sipping on her slushie
“You’re insufferable, Grayson……”
“I’m just your wonderful, caring, older brother……”
“Nosy, intrusive, controlling, gossiping…..” J
“Hey! That is….. a bit true…..” Dick pouts “but still caring!!”
“I’m done with you. I’m going out…..” Jace mutters turning towards the door
“Can I watch you turn?!” Damian yells after him, his love for the animals taking over as the youngest Wayne rushes after Jason, hoping to see him transform into that beautiful, majestic wolf. “Todd!!”
However, what comes in package with being a werewolf is speed and even Damian with Robin skills could not compare with the rate of transformation. When Damian reached the door, Jason was already gone, the only trail of him being the imprint of foot on the path leading to the manor.
Jason refused to answer any of Dick’s question not because of how intrusive they were, but because he was afraid to be forced to put a tag on what he had with Y/N.
She was… something.
And he felt something for her.
Even if he wasn’t sure what it was.  
It was not normal for an alpha to get connected to beta. The rule was simple as it was. Alpha paired with omega. ALWAYS. So Y/N was an anomaly. On every possible field.
And now his wolf instinct made him run to her. Her scent were calling him.
She always smelled like cinnamon.
Maybe it was because of her human profession, since she was a baker and her show-off dish was cinnamon rolls and apple pie. Or maybe not. Honestly he wasn’t sure of anything, but the animal in him felt that smell and craved her.
So he run. As fast as his furry body and four strong legs allowed him.
He needed her.
And he could feel something was wrong.
He found her in the forest next to her house, her white fur shining in the light, as she laid her head on the paws looking …. sad. Like a beaten dog.
But the second she sensed him, she put the head up, looking his direction tilting it at him in the same gesture she did in her human form. And it made him feel again, wanting to do something, anything to cheer her up somehow.
Maybe he could try chasing her around? That was something that would make him feel better, surely, but Y/N was a lady in every meaning of the word. As surprising as that sounded, she hated getting dirty, avoided getting dirty, always cleaned her fur after stepping into the mud. Like a royalty. Which was even more shocking considering the fact, that as a baker she had flour everywhere on her face and clothes and hair. Maybe that was why her fur was white.
“Hey, Jace….” She called to him telepathically
“You good, Y/N?”
“just tired. Busy day at the bakery. Needed to get out of the human form and just feel instead of think.”
“Explains why you’re in the forest.”
“You look like you needed escape too.”
“Oldest brother getting intrusive.”
“Oh, yeah, family troubles….” If she was a human he would chuckle at that moment.
“Speaking from experience?”
“Wanna run?”
“All right…..” he walks towards her and nudge her nose with his playfully, nuzzling his head into his, hoping whatever it is on her mind will subside when he make her feel.
“I know….” he plops on the ground, paws in front of him waving his tail a sign for her to lay next to him. He knows. He knows exactly what she needs. He can feel it. And he lets her. No matter how out-of –character it may seem for him. He signed up for this. He signed up for her. And to be completely honest (not that he would admit it to Grayson, of course) he likes those silent moment with her. Only them in their wolf forms, out of the civilisation, out in the open, feeling, hearing, sensing. It’s nice and peaceful and quiet and he feels like he can be himself when she’s next to him, so close.  And it was enough. It was perfect.
Couple hours later, still in his werewolf form he walked her back home, not that she needed escort, but he wanted to do this. Or maybe he didn’t want to part with her.
Acting like a gentleman he turned around when Y/N turned back into human, grabbing a shirt from behind the door to cover herself. She had a twig in her messy hair, her eyes were big and shiny and her heartbeat was significantly faster than it should. Side effects of transmutation.
He should go.
He really should go.
But the way she kept standing on the threshold looking at him made him stay, unable to make a single move.
They both felt the connection.
Wolf and human.
Human and wolf.
Two wolfs. Two humans.
“Jason…..?” she trailed, taking a step forward, reaching for his fur and stroking it gently, causing him to lean into his touch. Neither of them seemed to care that the neighbours might be surprised to see a giant wolf in front of the house in the suburbs.
He knew it was not easy for her to show herself to him in her human form. It could only mean one thing. She needed him to take care of her. She needed to feel his warm, big, strong, animal body next to her. His warmth, his presence, his soft, silky pelage.
“Stay?” she whispered. “I really need some company tonight. And I had the door rebuilt to make sure you fit in inside. Please?” she looks into his eyes and it’s like as if she was reaching straight to his soul.
He can’t leave her.
Even if his sibling would tease him in the morning about not coming home for the night.
He can’t leave her.
He’s more than happy to lay on the floor in her leaving room having her arms wrapped tightly around him, making her feel safe and taken care of. Serving as her pillow.
Feeling her.
Feeling the cinnamon smell.
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Cold Feet
Rating: G
Word Count: 2216
Tags: Davenport Homestead, Assassin's Creed III, American Revolution, Canon Compliant, Happy Ending, Light Angst, Mild Hurt/Comfort, "The Wedding" Mission
Summary: Connor convinces Myriam to start her new life with Norris. Set during "The Wedding" Homestead mission between the chase sequence and the wedding scene. Hope you guys enjoy!
Connor would be the first to admit that he knew little to nothing about colonial wedding customs. Aside from a few comprehensive history and culture lessons from his teen years when he first traveled to Achilles, Connor knew nothing about the complexities of colonial weddings. Father Timothy had been kind enough to explain a few key details, such as “giving” Myriam away at the altar (which Connor was more than happy to do for his old friend), but details slipped Connor’s mind from time to time over the next several days of intense planning and preparation.
But there was one thing that Connor was sure they did not include: chasing the bride in question through the snow-covered trees minutes before her wedding.
The day began with as much chaos as one would expect. Before the roosters began to crow, nearly every member of the Homestead bustled about preparing for the joyous celebration. Oliver and Corrine worked hard preparing their finest wines for the occasion while preparing the livestock meat and crops gathered by Warren and Prudence – and of course, little baby Hunter, who cooed excitedly against his mother’s back. Once finished organizing the food, Prudence and Corrine joined the ladies in adorning Myriam in fine, comfortable fabrics suitable for the huntress. Ellen poked needles into the sides to ensure the stitching was up to par, while Diana and Catherine squawked at Connor and Norris for accidentally stepping near the bride’s suite (which Connor did not dare remind the ladies was his home). 
In the meantime, Big Dave and Lance worked tirelessly to adorn both the inn and the church with banners and decor fit for the Homestead’s very first wedding. Big Dave lifted the chubby woodworker up to pin the wooden posts on the side of the inn, waving to Terry and Godfrey as the lumberers warned Norris of the horrors of marriage to come.
“You’ll ne’er be right ‘bout anythin’ again, ya hear me, boy?” Godfrey teased as he slapped his palm against Norris’s back.
“Aye, and forget about havin’ the covers to yerself! You’ll be shiverin’ like a leaf!” Terry explained. Norris merely laughed and shook his head.
In the church, Dr. White and Achilles aided Father Timothy in preparing his short sermon, arranging the pews, and finishing the final touches hours before the wedding. Even the Assassin recruits were more than happy to help with the preparations. Stephane set to work in the kitchen alongside Oliver to cater the large meal ahead. Duncan, ever the Catholic, assisted Father Timothy in rehearsing his sermon. Jacob offered his wisdom for marriage while he straightened Norris’s hair, while Dobby stood guard outside Myriam’s dressing room in case of wandering eyes from stray men. Clipper and Jamie helped Mr. Faulkner and the crew of the Aquila find their drunken ways to the church, all while Connor wandered about and assisted where he could.
So, given the day’s chaotic events, it was not surprising to Connor as he announced happily to the pacing Norris that all was in order that Myriam was “missing.” After all, the ladies had only just left her room. How much trouble could the huntress find herself in?
Apparently, thought Connor as he raced through the trees and leapt through the branches, quite a lot. 
“Leave me be!” Myriam shouted as she jumped to the next branch, a stray branch slowing her down as it caught on her white dress. It was not enough to stop her, but it was enough for Connor to come within speaking distance.
“Why do you run?!” Connor replied, his voice echoing through the forest with concern lacing his tone. He swung to the next branch, careful not to slip and even more careful to ensure Myriam did not.
“Leave me be!” Myriam exclaimed. She crossed over to the next tree in an attempt to throw Connor off her trail. “I’m no housewife!”
Connor’s brow furrowed. While he could not necessarily speak for the entire Homestead, “housewife” would be one of the last descriptors attributed to Myriam. She was a huntress, and a respectable one at that. Through his confusion, Connor quickly ducked through another tree and sprinted across the large, sturdy branch. “No one thinks you are one!”
Myriam slid down a fallen tree, stumbling into the snow before whirling around to face Connor. “That’s what all of this means!”
A silence passed between the two as flurries of snow cascaded around them. Myriam sighed, grabbing her crown of flowers and tossing it to the ground. She sunk to the snowy ground and hid her face in her knees.
Quietly, Connor knelt beside Myriam. Lifting the flower crown into his hands, he joined her in the blanket of snow. He said nothing, only silently thumbing the daffodils adorning her crown. The two sat for a moment while gazing over the rushing river, watching as it cascaded over weathered rocks. Myriam reached forward and threw one into the water. When it sank to the bottom of the river, she huffed angrily through her nose.
“I don’t want to be some housewife that sits around waiting for her husband to come home,” she explained, tossing her hands into the air in frustration. “That’s not who I am. I’m not… I’m not some lady wanting to be kept pregnant and barefoot!”
“No one thinks you are one,” Connor repeated gently. Myriam shot a glare at the hulking man, Connor shrinking in on himself in response despite his size. 
“That’s what this means! This whole wedding! Shoving me into this stuffy dress, preparing me to take vows, giving me away!” She stood, pacing by the riverside. She gave Connor an apologetic look. “No offense. If I want anyone to give me away, it would be you.”
Connor rose and nodded his head. “None taken. But what is it that causes you to believe that you will become a housewife?”
Rubbing the bridge of her nose, Myriam groaned before settling her hands on her hips and staring out into the river. “I… I don’t know!” She tossed her hands in the air again, rustling her hair and pacing back and forth. “I don’t belong inside a house cooking and cleaning and caring for a husband and an entire brood of children. I belong in the open air, in my hunting blinds, with my rifle in my hands!” Her hands formed the gesture of her weapon in question. Then, they fell to her sides. “If I marry Norris… I’ll be leaving behind all of my freedom that I worked so hard to gain.”
Stepping closer, Connor laid a hand on Myriam’s back. “That is not true,” he murmured quietly. “You know that better than I. Norris wants only for you to be happy.”
“Do I?” Myriam asked. Her voice faltered and she turned her nose to the rushing river. “What if, when we get married, all he wants is for me to sit at home and… I don’t know, wash his feet?”
Connor unintentionally wrinkled his nose. At the very least, the gesture provided a quick laugh for the two hunters. The uncomfortable silence returned soon after, broken only by the sounds of quiet chirping and rustling bushes.
“Norris did not fall in love with a housewife,” Connor finally spoke up. He met Myriam’s gaze with his own, gentle eyes. “Why would he expect such?”
“All men do,” Myriam sighed. 
“I do not.”
“You are not all men.”
Connor glanced down at the flower crown in his hands, thumbing over the white petals. “Perhaps I am not.”
Myriam pinched her nose again. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend–”
“No, it is alright,” Connor assured her. His brows furrowed in thought while Myriam squinted into the horizon. Then, a candle sparked in his mind. “How much do you know of my people, Myriam?”
“I don’t see the point of your question,” Myriam remarked tersely. When Connor gave a serious expression, she sighed. “But to answer it, not much.”
He moved in front of Myriam. “I think you would like it very much. For my people, it is the women who lead. We may have chiefs and war councils, but these men are voted upon by our women. Clan Mothers lead the village. We trace our ancestry through our mothers. For women, marriage is not just a union of the husband and wife, but of the village to the couple.”
Myriam raised a brow. “Your point?”
Placing the flower crown upon her head, Connor continued. “You are not a housewife, but even if you were, it would not change who you are. You are a skillful leader and hunter. Norris knows this. He marries you because of it, not in spite of it. He admires you for who you are. You need be nothing else. And by marrying Norris, you unite our friends as a whole, too.”
Silently, Myriam adjusted the crown and tucked stray strands of hair behind her ears. “Do you really think so?”
“I know so.” He cracked a rare smile. “Besides, you are a better shot than Norris. If anyone will be the housewife, it will be him.”
Myriam snorted. “The bad part is that I think he would enjoy being a housewife.” Her shoulders shook as she began to laugh. “Could you imagine? Me, coming home with a pipe of tobacco sticking out of my mouth, my rifle on my back, and hares in my hands while Norris cooks and cleans?”
Connor chuckled, then gently led Myriam towards the path leading to the church. “But you cannot imagine such a fate until you are wed.”
“No,” Myriam smiled, “I suppose I can’t.” As they reached the church, Myriam turned to Connor with a mixture of fear and excitement.
“I’m scared.”
Connor nodded. “I know.”
“What do I do?”
“What do you do when you face a cougar?”
“I shoot it. Are you suggesting I shoot Norris?”
“No, but I am suggesting that you face him like you would any animal.” He laid his hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently. “You are a strong, cunning woman, Myriam. He loves you deeply. He would not be marrying you if he had no intention of respecting you.”
Myriam inhaled sharply. “How do I get over it?”
“The fear?”
“No, the weather – what else would there be?”
“You won’t,” chimed a gentle, soft voice. Prudence and Ellen emerged from behind the church. Ellen offered Myriam her bouquet of flowers while Prudence wrapped a white shawl around her shivering shoulders. Prudence patted her cheek. “When I married Warren years ago, I was terrified of our future. But you learn, in marriage, that you are both equally frightened.” She giggled along with Ellen and Myriam.
Ellen took Myriam’s hands in her own. “My marriage was an unhappy one,” she confessed. Connor looked on solemnly, catching Ellen’s somber gaze for a mere second before Ellen mustered a smile. “But I can offer this wisdom: a good husband will cherish his wife for her talents, her wit, her love, her devotion, and her faith. Norris practically worships the ground you walk on. He will make a fine husband.”
Myriam sniffled. “Fuck,” she cursed. “I can’t believe I’m crying like some… some old hag!” Prudence and Ellen laughed, rubbing Myriam’s shoulders before holding her tightly.
“Besides,” Prudence cooed, staring over Myriam’s shoulder into Connor’s watchful gaze, “once we have you and Norris married, we can finally focus our attention on finding Connor a wife.”
Cheeks flushing, Connor brought his fist to his mouth and cleared his throat. “That will not be necessary.”
“Oh, hush, Prudence,” Ellen giggled. “We mustn't scare him from the prospect yet.” She turned back to Myriam, kissing her cheek. “We have to go back inside, but we will support you no matter what.” Prudence nodded in agreement before waving goodbye, giggling alongside Ellen as they hurried into the church.
Myriam rubbed her arms and faced Connor, walking with him up the steps. “You will be there every step of the way?”
“Every step,” Connor assured.
“How do you feel?”
“Terrified. Like I want to run away again,” Myriam chuckled breathlessly. Connor hummed and looped his arm with hers.
“I will be there regardless. I am sure Norris will be as well.”
Myriam smiled. “Thank you, Connor.”
“You do not need to thank me. You are my friend.”
She stood on her tiptoes, pressing her frigid lips to Connor’s freckled cheek. “No, but I will. Thank you.”
Blushing, Connor cleared his throat and led Myriam to the entrance of the church, where the guests began to rise as they spotted the bridge.
“Prudence and Ellen are right, though. We must find you a bride,” she whispered, doing her best to ignore the endless amount of eyes upon her and Connor. 
Connor chuckled, patting her hand. “I can only hope she is not as fast nor agile as you.”
“Ha, ha. Who knew you had such a sense of humor?”
Years later, when Connor would find himself fidgeting in front of his betrothed’s longhouse, Myriam would loop her arm with his, kiss his flustered cheek, and walk him into the longhouse with the same kindness he had shown her before.
Luckily for Connor, his wife did not run into the trees. How fortunate he was indeed. 
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Ser Stephan of Harring’s Town Part 3
Tag list cap is 20.
Also guys, this part is going to hurt. A lot. I’m sorry.
Part 1  Part 2
“You come to a clearing,” Eddie said. “It’s small mostly surrounded by trees. To your right you can see the beginnings of a mountain path. Everybody make a listen check.”
Everyone but Steve rolled low to mid-range. He rolled a natural twenty. Eddie tore off a piece of paper and jotted down a note. He handed it to Steve. He lets him take time to read the note.
“So what are you going to do, Steve?” Eddie asked after a moment.
“Can I tell how many there are?” Steve replied.
“Roll for a knowledge forestry check,” Eddie said.
Steve rolled and it was a fifteen. “Fifteen plus...two. So seventeen.”
Eddie smiled. “You can’t tell for sure but there are more of them then there are of the party.”
Steve frowned. He looked down at his character sheet. “I run screaming from the clearing, banging my shield to draw them off.”
“There is a snarling gasp as a pack of wolves come out of the trees to chase Steve. Roll for initiative.”
“Steve!” Lucas yelled. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“Yeah,” Erica protested. “You can’t just take them out on your own.”
“Your character might die,” Will told him.
“Screw his character dying,” Mike hissed. “If we don’t get in on the battle, we don’t get the XP or any of the loot.”
Steve shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “You told me to do what I would do in any given situation. This is what I would do. To save the party.”
He looked down at his hands.
“But not like this, dude!” Dustin protested.
Steve looked up at him and said, deadpan, “I know it’s what I would do because I’ve done it.”
Dustin was suddenly on his feet. “Don’t you dare. Don’t you fucking go there man. It’s only a game. You can’t do it. Not like this. Not again.”
Eddie held up his hands. “Whoa, whoa!” Everyone turned to look at him. “It appears I’ve accidentally sent off a landmine here. So why don’t we take a break. Cool our heels for a bit. I’ll talk to Dustin and Steve separately and see if we can’t find a solution that doesn’t involve trauma mining.”
“Where should we go?” Dustin asked as the rest of the group filed out.
Steve cleared his throat. “The pool area has a small room to the side that we can go to.”
Eddie nodded. “Lead the way.”
Steve did.
“I’m going to talk to each of you separately and then together,” Eddie said once they got to the ‘viewing’ room. “Who wants to go first?”
Dustin and Steve looked at each other.
“He can go first,” Steve mumbled. “I need a smoke.”
Eddie and Dustin nodded.
Once Steve was firmly ensconced in a lounge chair, Eddie turned to Dustin. “What the honest fuck?”
So Dustin spilled the beans on the junkyard and the demodogs. And how Steve had locked them in the trailer so that he could lead the beasts away from the kids.
“Okay,” Eddie said. “That would have been nice to know. You guys are going to have to sit me down and tell me everything you have gone through, because I am serious about the trauma mining. Because there is a difference between me discussing it with you before hand and you guys being prepared emotionally for it and what just happened just now.”
Dustin nodded.
“Go get Steve,” Eddie said, cocking his head at the door to the outdoor pool.
Dustin got up and shuffled outside. Eddie watched as they exchanged words and then hugged. He breathed a sigh of relief. At least he didn’t have to broker a truce between them.
Steve opened the door. “I didn’t mean to ruin the game. Session. Whatever.”
Eddie stood up and took Steve’s hand, leading him over to the sofa. He sat down and tugged on his hand to get Steve to sit, too.
Steve sat down, but didn’t let go of Eddie’s hand. Eddie gave it a squeeze.
“You didn’t ruin anything, I did,” he said softly. “But only because you guys have only told me the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what you all have been through. And frankly I’m amazed any of you are still sane at this point.”
Steve chuckled. “I don’t think I ever was.”
Eddie started rubbing Steve’s knuckles with his thumb. “The best people are always the least sane. Look at me!”
Steve really laughed.
“But I think we leaned a little too far into doing what you would do,” he continued. “I understand that you want to protect them, but these aren’t the kids. These are trained adventurers. We have a wizard, a ranger, a paladin, a druid, a fighter, and barbarian, that’s you.”
Steve nodded. “It’s just I have a hard time imagining it, I guess. I see those faces and I‒”
“Can’t help but want to protect them?” Eddie finished.
Steve hung his head. “Yeah. I know it’s a game. But this time it just...fuck!”
“Trauma mined the wrong scar,” he finished again. He reached up to cup Steve’s cheek.
Steve leaned into Eddie’s touch and sighed. “Can we have a do over? Go back to before I fucked up?”
Eddie smiled. “Sure thing, baby. But let’s get Dustin in here before he freezes out there.”
Steve nodded, but he didn’t want Eddie to let of his cheek. He sighed when Eddie stood up and opened the door to call to Dustin.
Dustin came in and sat down next to Steve.
“Have we learned a valuable lesson about not telling your DM everything?” Eddie asked cheekily.
Dustin and Steve looked at each other and then nodded.
He led the way back to the group and everyone sat down.
“All right, everyone had a chance to calm down?” Eddie asked.
He got a bunch of nods.
“So Steve has asked for a do-over,” he continued. “His mom instinct took over and forgot he was traveling with adventures and not his kids.”
Steve nodded. “I’ll try to treat your characters like I treat Eddie or Robin or Nance or even Jonathan and Argyle. You know, adults. But I’ll mess up sometimes. So just tell me, don’t yell at me. Or I will stop.”
The kids looked at each other and all nodded in agreement.
“All right-y,” Eddie said rubbing his hands together gleefully. “What do you want to do, Ser Stephan?”
“Hey, guys,” Steve said to the party, “you know how the woods only get quiet when there’s a predator around?”
“Everyone roll knowledge forestry checks,” Eddie said.
This time the game proceeded as normal. The party did the smart thing and slowly backed out of the clearing.
They still had to fight some of the wolves but it wasn’t the whole pack, so everyone survived.
When they were done for the night and began to divide up the loot and hand out XP, Will spoke up.
“While you and Dustin were talking to Eddie, me and the rest of talked.”
Steve looked over him. “What about?”
“We keep forgetting that you aren’t as well versed in this game as we are, and we reacted badly,” Lucas said.
“We spent so much time trying to get you to play with us,” Erica said, “that when you finally agree, we treat you like crap. And that’s not fair.”
“So we’re going to try and be better,” Mike said. “Because when you get into the game, it’s actually a lot of fun.”
Steve smiled. “I appreciate it, guys.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Tag List: @itsfreakingbats @marvelousforlife @flanbott  @tauntedperfume @garden-of-gay @azure-and-gold
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roses-r-rosie3 · 2 years
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Who I write for:
• Dc Universe 🔵
- Barry Allen (The Flash)
- Bart Allen (Impulse)
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- Clark Kent (Superman)
- Conner Kent (Superboy)
- Damian Wayne (Robin)
- Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
- Jason Todd (Red Hood)
- John Constantine
- Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
- Roy Harper (Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow)
- Tim Drake (Red Robin)
- Wally West (Kid-Flash)
• Descendants 🍎
- Ben Florian
- Chad Charming
- Jay
• Fear Street 🧙‍♀️
- Kurt
- Nick Goode
- Tommy Slater
• Marvel Universe 🔴
- Adam Warlock
- Billy Maximoff (Wiccan)
- Bucky Barnes (Winter Solider)
- Chase Stein
- Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
- Druig
- Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk)
- Ikaris
- Johnny Storm (Human Torch)
- Kingo
- Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
- Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099)
- Peter Parker (Andrew’s Spider-Man)
- Peter Parker (Tom’s Spider-Man)
- Pietro Maximoff (QuickSilver)
- Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic)
- Stephan Strange (Dr. Strange)
- Steve Rogers (Captain America)
- T’Challa (Black Panther)
- Thor Oddinson
- Tony Stark (Ironman)
• Mortal Kombat 🐉
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- Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero/Scorpion)
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- Kung Lao
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- Syzoth (Reptile)
- Takeda
- Tomas Vrbada (Smoke)
• Percy Jackson 🔱
- Grover Underwood
- Leo Valdez
- Luke Castellen
- Percy Jackson
• Scream 🔪😱
- Billy Loomis
- Chad Meeks Martian
- Danny Brackett
- Wes Hicks
- Mickey Alteri
• Wolf Pack 🐺
- Everett Ross
- Harlan Briggs
What I feel comfortable writing for:
• Bondage
• Overstim/Edging
Stuff I feel if-y to write for:
• Age Gap
• Cheating
• Daddy Kinks
• Poly relationships
• Spit Kinks
• Threesome
What I will not write for:
• Any female characters
• Any Irl celebrities
• Piss/shit kinks etc
• Rape/Non-consensual
• Sex slave type of stuff
Common Questions
Are F!Readers allowed to read my stories?
- Absolutely! Just don’t fetishize it!
Can ppl reblog my stories
- Yes!
Can I request more than once?
- of course!
Why Don’t you write for FTM/MTF?
- I personally do not know how that feels like so I don't think I can really do your request justice and I don’t really feel comfortable writing for that
(If you have any more questions you want to ask me, feel free to message me!)
Get to know me!
• I am Asian
• I am a kpop Stan, and most of my stories are named after a kpop song or a line in a kpop song (don’t judge me)
• I usually take a really long time to make fics so don’t be concerned if I haven’t made you’re request
• Artists I listen to: Aespa, AleXa, Ariana Grande, Baby Monster, Beabadoobee, Bibi, Blackpink, Conan Gray, Dream Catcher, (G) I-dle, GOT The Beat, Itzy, Ive, Jini, K/DA, Kiss Of Life, Lana Del Rey, Laufey, Lee Chaeyeon, Le Sserafim, Little Mix, Lyn Lapid, Madison Beer, Mad Tsai, Mamamoo, Mave, Melanie Martinez, New Jeans, Nmixx, Olivia Rodrigo, Poppy, Red Velvet, Sarah Cothran, Soojin, Stayc, Taeyon, Taylor Swift, Twice, and XG
• I change my pfp every 5 seconds💀
• I watched scream, Fear street, wolf pack, lab rats, literally any marvel movies/shows, some dc movies/shows, and a lot more!
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kwebtv · 2 months
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Secret Army - BBC One / BRT - September 7, 1977 - December 15, 1979
War Drama (43 Episodes)
Running Time: 60 minutes
Bernard Hepton as Albert Foiret
Jan Francis as Lisa "Yvette" Colbert (series 1-2)
Christopher Neame as Flight Lt. John Curtis (series 1)
Angela Richards as Monique Duchamps
Clifford Rose as Ludwig Kessler
Michael Culver as Maj. Erwin Brandt (series 1-2)
Juliet Hammond-Hill as Natalie Chantrens
Valentine Dyall as Dr Pascal Keldermans
Ron Pember as Alain Muny
Eileen Page as Andrée Foiret (series 1)
Robin Langford as Cpl. Veit Rennert (series 1-2)
Timothy Morand as Jacques Bol (series 1)
James Bree as Gaston Colbert (series 1)
Maria Charles as Louise Colbert (series 1)
Gunnar Möller as Hans van Broecken
Marianne Stone as Lena van Broecken (series 1-2)
Henrietta Baynes as Yvonne (series 1-2)
Stephen Yardley as Max Brocard (series 2)
John D. Collins as Insp. Paul Delon (series 2-3)
Hazel McBride as Madeleine Duclos (series 2-3)
Nigel Williams as François (series 2)
Paul Shelley as Maj. Nick Bradley (series 2-3)
Neil Daglish as Wullner (series 2-3)
Trisha Clarke as Geneviève (series 2-3)
David Neilson as Jelinek (series 3)
Terrence Hardiman as Maj. Hans-Dietrich Reinhardt (series 3)
Michael Byrne (series 2) and Ralph Bates (series 3) as Paul Vercors
Stephan Chase as Capt. Stephen Durnford (series 3)
Hilary Minster as Hauptmann Müller (series 3)
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ive had some people ask me when x character is gonna be showing up SO i decided made a list of all the remaining matchups and when they're scheduled to be posted!! all of these are in this blog's queue right now --
April 24:
ryme vs lucian vs georgia vs professor elm
mallow vs saguaro vs kabu vs marley vs roy
mela vs grant vs lisia vs emerald
olympia vs bianca vs chrysa vs molayne
April 25:
charon vs agatha vs raihan vs tyme vs zisu
blaine vs trevor vs arven vs nanu
cheryl vs ritchie vs steven vs serena vs scott
shelly vs sordward & shielbert vs tucker vs professor kukui
April 26:
candice vs sonia vs eri vs quillon
crasher wake vs leaf vs bugsy vs hop
elio vs lt surge vs volo vs opal
wikstrom vs iscan vs professor cerise vs katy
April 27:
chili vs marnie vs danika vs sidney
greta vs adaman vs lucas vs allister
selene vs flint vs cynthia vs gaeric
elaine vs byron vs liko vs wulfric
April 28:
bede vs juliana vs fantina vs stephan
faba vs roark vs may vs professor turo
lian vs noland vs matori vs siebold
dendra vs sorrel vs cheren vs alexa vs kamado
April 29:
kris vs bea vs sophocles vs nate
chase vs professor sada vs flannery vs peonia
winona vs drake vs barry vs AZ
volkner vs jasmine vs cogita vs salvatore
April 30:
miriam vs matt vs piers vs professor laventon vs gardenia
clay vs alain vs thorton vs glacia vs max
brycen vs ren vs green vs ethan
ortega vs palina vs samson oak vs morty
(end of round one)
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stormiclown · 2 years
Ladies & Gentlemen : Head-cannons
[Someone suggested I should this so here we are]
-Stephan was definitely chased around by people who only wanted to be his friend to get a leg up in higher class society, so he always avoided them and made himself seem unpleasant. He’s likely never had any real friends before Francois DuPont.
-His type is artistic people with multiple talents. He won’t entertain anyone who is all talk and no effort as shown when he rebuffed Lila and shut down Adrien.
-For their first date, Stephan would most likely take Marinette to an amusement park, fashion museum, or a fancy night dinner.
-If Stephan were to ruin Adrien’s life, he would do it socially as his father would frown at trying to ruin Gabriel’s company. But he has no qualms about trying to outshine the company.
-Stephan’s father was the one who taught him everything about social manipulation and intimidation tactics. He had to get his attitude from somewhere.
-Stephan loves Marinette’s designs, but loves modeling them for her even more.
-Marinette is his first girlfriend and the first person he’d ever been curious about. Whenever they spend time together, they usually go to parks and hang out at her internships.
-Before going to Francois DuPont, Stephan only used manipulation for himself and only his vindictive side if he was provoked or disrespected first. Now with Marinette and his friends, he’d use his social charm to protect them from others.
-He’s an Aquarius, that’s for sure.
-For model work, he is actually very active to the clothing designing process more than the modeling part, though does enjoy it.
-Any person who tries to harm Marinette can say good bye to their social life. Messing with Stephan is basically like committing social suicide.
-Marinette is unaware of the threats toward Adrien and finds Stephan to be amazing.
-She secretly resents Adrien for never standing up for her whenever Lila started on her BS.
-Despite his morally grey methods, all of her friends support their relationship because deep down, Stephan is a good person.
-I can imagine him being the new Cat hero if Adrien were removed from the team.
-In his conquest to destroy anyone who is a threat to his plans or happiness, he has shown resourcefulness and wits, as shown when he patiently (found) compiled a bunch of clips of Chat Noir’s less than noble moments and used his platform to promote the evidence in order to shake Paris’ faith in the hero. Yeah, his reach is wide spread. I wouldn’t get on his bad side.
-He’d have no problem getting Lila blacklisted from the fashion and photography industries if she tries anything funny.
-Lila may be a charming liar, but Stephan is a charismatic genius, capable of wrapping an entire school around his fingers, charm an entire city as the new hero, and bring about social demise to anyone who tries to cross him.
-He is a very attentive and caring boyfriend who is always willing to listen and can pick up on any questions that show if Marinette is upset.
That’s all I have for now. I might add more later.
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ratgingi · 2 years
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a bunch of cringe ass losers . the little bit of info they have under cut
the first two are datables and the second two are nondatables from their routes, their names are kara siefert, cora lite, oakey jaff, and stephan gale respectively, im only gonna give info on the datables bc im lazy ok
kara (she/her) + unlabeled but will date you regardless of head choice
-was a pageant kid who got too old to do pageants which resulted in her parents losing interest in her as a person, nowadays shes an aspiring popstar chasing fame.
-shes very mean and standoffish and comes off as spoiled but she just was more just a victim of neglectful parents. she left her parents house and now lives with oakey in dialtown and the two have a familial bond but its unclear if theyre actually related or not.
-shes been teased with the name egghead before and Will become violent if referred to as such. the ribbon she has on the pearl necklace was the first blue ribbon she ever won. oakey has a picture of him, kara, and his late wife at one of karas very first recitals in the locket he wears.
-you find her in the casino at the bar where she assumes youre a fan of her and after you say you dont know who she is she becomes offended and determined to make you recognize her, eventually leading to her agreeing to take you to the funfair
cora (she/they) + lesbian, will only date you with a typewriter head
-is a college dropout who spends most of their time in her apartment, they work at a gas station with stephan (the two are roommates as well), you meet her in the apartments where they mistake you for a pizza delivery person and fall apart after you flirt with her
-has a younger sibling who lives in a different state and occasionally comes to visit, hes trying to become a professional gamer and sometimes she joins in on his games and has appeared on his channel a number of times
-Really wants a girlfriend as theyre incredibly lonely . her guy friends help her practice flirting and shes actually very good at it but the second shes around a gal they find attractive she becomes a complete mess
-used to nervously play with the joystick on her head like one would play with their hair. she did this so much that it eventually just fell off and they lost it somewhere in the apartment
-a bit clumsy, their screen is Incredibly scuffed up but so far shes managed not to completely break it or anything. there have been some close calls though. steph has tried to help her but he is Also clumsy and unlike them has actually broken his head in several places
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dandylion240 · 3 months
Will Jolene listen to the prickings of her conscience or will she continue to try to cover up what she did? Will Eli ever find out the truth? Perhaps these questions will be answered in time. The next chapter of Chasing Shadows is available on my WP Blog if you want to read it now otherwise it'll be added to the queue.
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slxsherwriter · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my depraved little corner of tumblr. Here I write for a variety of slasher and horror characters. Primarily will be featuring drabbles with the occasional longer piece. Headcanons will feature from time to time
At the time I do NOT consent for my work to be translated or posted anywhere else.
Below you will find some more information on who and what I write.
MINORS DNI. Due to the nature of these characters and potential content, only 18 and older are allowed.
Characters || Rules || Masterlist || Masterlist mobile friendly || Non-slasher writings blog: @rewritethisstxry
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Alpha/Omega dynamics
What I won’t write:
Rape, rape play, non con
Who I write for:
Michael Myers (primarily Rob Zombie based)
Corey Cunningham
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Rusty Nail
Eric Newlon
Jesse Cromeans
Asa Emory
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Ethan Landry
Mickey Altieri
Jedidiah Sawyer
Tex Sawyer
Thomas Brown Hewitt
Jason Voorhees
Evan MacMillan
Frank Morrison
Caleb Quinn
John Ryder
Leslie Vernon
Ethan Belfrage
Dr. Richard Sommers
Lawrence O'Neill
Lawrence Gordon
Robert Englund characters
Wayne Jackson (A Good Day for It)
Stuart Lloyd (The Last Showing)
Dr. Peter Andover (Fear Clinic)
Professor William Wexler (Urban Legend)
Doc Halloran (Behind the Mask)
Dr. Anton Rudolph (Python)
Jim Bickerman (Lake Placid)
Mayor Buckman (2001 Maniacs)
Warden Kane (The Funhouse Massacre)
Inkubus (Inkubus)
Sheriff Richard Berger (Heartstopper)
Scratch Monahan (Windfall)
Detective Gassner (Criminal Minds)
Mr. Meredith (Natty Knocks)
Tim Wexler (MacGyver)
Vaughn (Hunter)
Lyle Eckert (Walker Texas Ranger)
Costas Mandylor characters
Mark Hoffman (Saw)
The Warden (Death Count)
John Shepherd (Bloodthirst)
Agent Cole Bennett (Night of the Sicario)
Cylus Atkinson (The Horde)
Raymond Crowe (Saints & Sinners)
Jim (Blackout)
Chase Harper (Primal Doubt)
Stephan Lang characters
Norman Nordstrom (Don’t Breathe)
The Party Crasher (The Hard Way)
Miles Quartich (Avatar)
Fred Parras (VFW)
Holt Ramsey (A Good Marriage)
John Korver(Gridlocked)
Tony Cobb (Monkey Paw)
Nathaniel Taylor (Terra Nova)
Richard Brake characters
Winslow Foxworth Coltrane (3 From Hell)
Doom-head (31)
Dean Portman (Doom)
Otis Clairborne (RIPD 2)
William Colcott (The Gates)
Mr. Big (Bingo Hell)
Dr. Henry Augustus Wolfgang (The Munsters)
Norman Tyrus (A Good Day For It)
Bill Moseley characters
Otis Driftwood
Luigi Largo (Repo)
Darryl (Old 37)
Logan Burnhardt (Dead Air)
Frank (Fair Game)
Doc (Shed of the Dead)
Zach Garrett (Halloween)
Jake Spooler (The Practice)
Abner Honeywell (Natty Knocks)
Gimple (Minutes to Midnight)
Captain Harris (Welcome to Horrorwood series)
Farmer Sam (Hayride to Hell)
Bruce (Boar)
Jacob Sutter (The Horde)
Peter Van Hooten (The House of the Witchdoctor)
Deputy Henry Depford (Dead Souls)
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daylight-404 · 2 months
☀️random dumb things the writer recently thought about and/or realised (but it’s all related to the bw anime)
(Read more because this is so long)
— I always hated Burgundy for some reason when I was younger- and my blurry ass memory made me think it was probably about her hating Cilan so much but when I actually went back to the episode she was introduced in, I remembered exactly why I hated her.
She was kinda mean to Ash’s Oshawott. That was the literal reason I hated her so much for so many years. I apologise Burgundy, my dumb child brain just really liked that Oshawott.
— Georgia’s occupation really confused me and honestly still does. You’re telling me that you’ve made it your LIFE GOAL to chase down and defeat just Dragon-type trainers so much so that you literally call yourself ‘the Dragon Buster’? What the fuck happened to you. Did Dragon-types kill your grandma
The only positive I can genuinely give her is that she was understanding to Bianca confusing her with a Zorua multiple times, which seems like a low bar but anything can be somewhat redeeming for them. Plus she’s still around the same age as Ash and Iris, so it’s not like it’s really that bad. There’s definitely been worse.
— Bianca… confused me. Even now I’m still a little confused but I will never understand why they kept Bianca a rival character but still made Cheren into his b2w2 counterpart. I guess Trip was just sort of a stand-in for rival Cheren? But that still doesn’t really explain the exact timeline for the actual show. It’s mid-b2w2 based on the actual events after Cheren was introduced (and never seen again) as N is introduced the episode after— but it’s also not because the gym leaders that stepped down by b2w2 are still running their gyms, if not obvious by Lenora and Brycen— then by Cilan, Cress and Chili. They don’t even step down at the end of the bw anime— it’s just that Cilan goes on his own journey and bumps into Ash a few times afterwards. What time are we in??
— Burgh’s gym is ENTIRELY different in the anime. Not even just to the point where it’s simply that there’s no challenge— the LAYOUT ITSELF is different. No honey walls. No web stuff.. it’s just a big terrarium. Like, his gym wasn’t the only one that changed when brought into the anime but I don’t think any changed nearly as drastically.
— Lenora. Beautiful, stunning, no notes.
— I, for a long while, thought Elesa and Cynthia were the same character. Younger me saw two tall blonde women and thought ‘yeah. they’re the same.’ To the point that I thought moments from when Cynthia showed up in the bw anime were part of Elesa’s episode.
— Skyla, first cannons in the gameplay of your gym and then making decisions on whether a challenger would beat you based on their Pokémon’s weaknesses isn’t that bad.. but outright denial of their badge based on that? what did they do to you girl,,,
— I comically do not remember any of the scenes with Clay, Brycen or Marlon. I don’t know why— maybe those episodes are on the disc I currently can’t find?? I also don’t remember any of Drayton’s battle but I do remember him in Iris’s flashbacks.
— Ingo and Emmet canonically naruto running.
— Stephan getting his name constantly mispronounced is so sad, I actually really liked him. Give my boy justice.
— Cress’s stupid posh accent in contrast to Chili and Cilan’s is so dumb. Idiot thinks he sounds cool, clearly. /lhj
— SEVERE LACK OF E4 MEMBERS!!! An exchange between Ash and Grimsley would’ve been so stupid but the entire bw series was ALREADY STUPID!
I have no other thoughts that require shouting into the abyss so just have this from when I was trying to check something on Bianca’s bulbapedia page
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
Kinktober Day 3: Anal - Dr. Strange x F!Reader
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Word: 975 Warnings: SMUT!! Anal Sex, Squirting, SEX, its not beta read
A/N: I literally started writing this and just went to town on it, haha I think this is my longest one yet, I mean it's sex with Stephen Strange how could I not get carried away aha as always I used @the-purity-pen prompts
Kinktober Master List
»»————- ★ ————-««
It was just after your second orgasm of the night that you suggested something that you and Stephan had talked about many times over the last few months but it still caught him off guard. 
“I wanna try anal with you, right here right now,” you say sighing as Stephen gently kisses you. 
“Are you sure my love, it's a big thing,”
“Yes, I wanna see what all the hype is about and who knows maybe we can add it into our daily sexual routine, now grab the lube and let's get started. 
He gets off the bed in order to grab the lube from the side table while you get into position. You take a breath, you are just as excited to try this new experience with the man you love and trust with all your life. 
“Alright, Im going to begin my darling just relax,” he says gently laying a kiss between your shoulder blades, the squelching sound of the lube being squeezed on his finger loud and clear in the quiet bedroom. 
“I trust you, Stephen, with all my heart and life”
With the words of trust leaving your lips steven goes to put his lubed finger against your puckered muscle.
“Ohhh that feels weird but nice” you let out a breathy moan as he continues to rim the hole. 
“Hah, Im gonna insert my finger now darling, gotta stretch you out before I put my cock back in you,” he says as he gently pushes his finger into you, while his other hand gently rubs your ass cheeks. 
You bite your lip feeling his finger enter new territory, curling his finger inside you slightly, the burn of the stretch feels delicious. He continues his escapade of your most sensitive of areas, gently squeezing more lube on his finger and your hole he adds a second one, causing a moan to escape your lips.
“Oh fuck, that feels so good Stephen,” you lower your head into the pillow in front of you while pushing your hips against his fingers trying to fuck yourself on them. The feeling of his thick fingers edging you closer to your sweet release.  
“You think you are ready for my cock now darling?” he says as he rocks his fingers into you
“Oh fuck yes, please Stephen fill me up with your cock, im ready for it baby” you moan out, that's all he needs to hear before the squelching sound of him pulling his fingers out reaches your ear, and you clench around nothing.
He brings his half-hard cock up to your back door entrance and rubs himself in a few pumps bringing his member back to attention. He lubes his cock thoroughly making sure he won't hurt you when he enters. 
He gently pushes the head in, causing you to groan “Is this ok my love?”
The feeling of a cock in your ass is a new feeling that is strange but not unpleasant. 
“No, this is fine, it feels good so far,” You moan a bit more as he pushes more of himself into you, enjoying the sounds that escape your mouth as he sheaths into you fully. He stays still enjoying, he grunts as he feels you clench around him. 
“Y-you can start moving Stephen ah-fuck” 
He starts slow, gripping your hips as he pulls himself halfway out of you before slamming back into you.
“Fuck, baby you feel amazing, I dont think I can last very long,” he moans as one hand slips to your clit, rubbing circles over the small bud. 
“Ah fuck yes Stephen f-fuck yes,” you move your hips back into his both chasing after the sweet high. You can feel a building of tension in your lower belly. Stephan keeps his thrusts fast, balls slapping against his hand as it keeps going to town on your little nerve bundle, you can feel the tension build, just a few more thrusts, and you are both release your essences, you on his balls and your thighs and him in your ass. 
Something new happens as well when a liquid covers Stephan’s sheets, he's never made you squirt before and the feeling is nice. 
“H-holy shit Stephen, I think you made me squirt,” you say with a slight hiss as he pulls out of you, his cum dripping out of you and mixing with your own on his now soiled sheets.
“If I had known fucking you from behind like that would make you squirt, I would have taken you from behind long ages ago” he smirks.
“Keep smirking, we will only be doing this on special occasions” you breathe out, you are breathless due to the wonderful sex you just had plus the fact that it was your third orgasm of the night. You were getting pretty sleepy so Stephen got to work on the aftercare.  
He gets up from his kneeling position on the bed and heads over to his attached bedroom to grab a wash rag to clean you up. 
You gently smile as Stephen takes the rag and wipes up the back of your thighs and gently wipes your puckered hole, you jolt due to the sensitivity of your latest escapades, he then moves on to your cunt and wipes away your essence. He returns to the bathroom to toss the rag in the laundry and comes back with a dry rag. 
“I started a bath for you my love, and ill toss your favorite pair of leggings and sweatshirt in the dryer for you, as well as change the sheets, ill, join you in the bath soon darling.”
Stephen is the best at aftercare, one of the many reasons you love him. You get up from your position and head to the bathroom for your awaiting bath. 
“I love you, Stephen”
“As I do you darling”
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minniiaa · 5 months
in honor of me being stressed at and hanging onto my sanity by a thread this week here are 5 instrumental songs I disassociated to recently
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