#Stiles is doing everything right but also wrong
hedwig221b · 1 year
I cannot stop thinking about how one of my wips feels like The Happiest of All on steroids (at least to me).
Full disclosure, the Rant is incoming (no spoilers). I just have to share this with someone and this is my blog damnit I do what I want.
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I'm going to put Derek though an emotional grinder like goddamn. I'm going to have him shaking with tremulous hope but also have him on edge from everything Stiles is doing.
Stiles is going to face the reality of his actions and the truth about who he is and where he stands with it and what love will force him to do.
Stiles' big decision is going to be a lot more difficult for him to make than I thought. I'm writing him and with each page I'm like holy fuck this is going to be so painful for you, kitten.
THoA was, like, a little haha plot, a silly "what if". This motherfucker feels more complex. Lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling kind of complex. Sterek is still unhinged, obsessed and all that jazz, I can't write them any other way, but holy shit.
There's more smut. With Feelings. They're so horny.
It all started with an anonymous simple haha question. I hope you, anon, will read it when it's done and realise what kind of monster you've created.
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When I think Derek Hale I think insecurity. Unstable. Unhinged. Derek Hale.
I don’t think “got his shit together” at all!! So in this Ted talk I will explain why I prefer when authors write him as the insecure one, and Stiles as the secure one.
Derek Hale was 19. Truly he was a kid in charge of a bunch of slightly younger kids. A kid who hadn’t had any responsible adult in his life since he was 15 (16?) y/o. I do not know how you can look at this kid and think “oh yeah he’s got his shit together”
The guy who went around biting teenagers the second he became an alpha with NO hesitation. As if that was a totally rational and responsible decision to make. The guy who fell for any woman who gave him the slightest attention. Even if they were evilness.
Because ultimately Derek just wanted someone. A pack. A family. Whether that was in the form of a bunch of teenage werewolves (teen wolfs full name hurhur) or an evil girlfriend. He just needed SOMEONE. Because he was lonely. He was lonely and insecure and probably felt like everything he touched went wrong. Because it did!!! And he probably hated himself for that. Probably blamed himself for everything. For Paige (even though that was peters fault), for Kate (Kates fault. Grown ass woman), for Boyd and Erica (NOT DEREKS FAULT!!!), for everything. Hell, probably even for Laura. And it doesn’t help that Scott and Stiles ALSO blamed him for Laura at first.
Stiles on the other hand, he was pretty secure. Sure, at first he was a little insecure when Scott had just became a werewolf and he felt a little less-than. But he got over that quickly. Over it enough that he rejected Peters offer for the bite. He was hard headed, stubborn, and smart. And he knew he was smart. He knew what he had, his skills. He trusted his instincts ten times out’ve ten. He was secure with himself. He knew when something was off, and he was persistent in trying to get everyone else to listen to him. Because if everyone just listened to him, they would be fine. Because ten times out’ve ten, he was RIGHT!!! And he knew it!!! And he was secure enough with himself to go after the most popular girl in school, despite her having a boyfriend (which I NEVER even questioned the morals of, because he didn’t. Because he seemed so sure in that decision. Because he was SECURE in himself!!!)
Derek Hale might have been aware that he was beautiful on the outside, but that doesn’t mean he was secure within himself. That man is filled to the brim with guilt. Guilt over things that aren’t even his fault. There’s no way he doesn’t absolutely hate himself.
Stiles might have guilt over void, but he knows that wasn’t him. That he tried everything to stop void. He knows he isn’t a killer, and that everything he’s done has been for the greater good. He is secure in every decision he makes. And I know that because that’s practically what he told Scott. Some people are human, some people have to get their hands a little dirty sometimes. He knows that. He is secure in that thought process.
Stiles Stilinski is secure, hard headed, persistent. Derek Hale is insecure, unstable, and uncertain. These are facts. So why are you all writing it the opposite???? I don’t want it the opposite. I want Derek to be pathetic and wet. I want Stiles to be fucking confident, assured, SOLID. Because that’s what Derek needs. He needs someone solid, because he hasn’t had that since he was 15. He deserves that.
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stereksimp · 3 months
Derek hated the mouthy, sarcastic, asshole that stuck his nose in business that had nothing to do with him. Like when he was looking for Scott because he got shot but couldn't find him, and Stiles found him first.
He did convince Scott to actually help him, which kinda kept him alive. He was still an asshole the whole time.
Stiles also stuck his nose in the Kanima business. So when he got in the way when the Kanima was attacking them, protecting the kid got him paralyzed in 8 ft of water.
He did hold him up for over 2 hours, and even when they were going under the last time, he didn't let him go. The kid would have drowned right along with him, but Stiles would have died without him, so it had to be self-preservation.
After when they were all talking the in parking lot and he said that the Kanima was a werewolf that went wrong and Stiles called that an abomination over a werewolf, he started seeing the loyalty in him.
Then Scott betrayed him. He worked with Gerard, and that kid is not smart enough to come up with that plan himself. Stiles had to have been in on it. He betrayed him as well.
He was still paralyzed, grapling with what just happened when that damned jeep crashed through the wall and smashed into the Kamina. Stiles figured out how to save Jackson, and when everything was settled, Derek started to leave but overheard Stiles talking to Chris about Erica and Boyd. He left before the conversation finished.
When he got back to the train station, Boyd and Erica were there curled up together. When they saw him, they whimpered, and Erica rushed him.
Erica: Where's Stiles? What happened to him? *tears running down her face*
Derek: *a low growl in his voice* he's fine. What happened to you guys.
Erica tries to speak, but she's crying too hard to get words out, so he looks over to Boyd for answers.
Boyd: Gerard and Allison took 5 when we were in the basement, Stiles was thrown down the stairs. They tortured him, but he didn't say anything.
Derek: *stunned* What.
Derek: Boyd, take her and stay here. I'll be back.
Derek peals out of the lot and makes his way to Stiles' house in record time. The Sheriff is gone, so he slips into Stiles' room to find him wrapping his ribs. A growl rips its way out of him as he crowds Stiles.
Derek: *running his hands all over Stiles* You... didn't know. Scott. Gerard. You. Safe.
Stiles: woah woah woah slow down, big guy. What is going on? I need you to use full sentences here.
Derek's growl tappers off into a whine.
Derek: You protected Erica and Boyd. You got hurt protecting us. You didn't know what Scott planned. You...
Stiles: *Anger laces his voice* I would never do that to you. We may not always get along but to take away your choice like it is unacceptable. Are Erica and Boyd all right. Chris said that he released them when he found out.
Derek just silently grabs the first aid kit and goes about patching Stiles up .
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ruewrote · 19 days
𝑏𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑦𝑜𝑢.
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PAIRING: stiles stilinski x fem!reader WARNINGS: none GENRE: FLUFF SONG INSPIRATION: can i call you tonight? by dayglow WORD COUNT: 479
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There weren't many moments like these anymore, the ones where you and stiles would see each other the majority of the school day and then you’d continue to facetime each other as soon as you got home.
Sometimes helping with homework, but most of the time you guys just yapped about anything and everything, what happened that day, what either one of you was looking forward to. A Lot of the talk was about what lego set you wanted to build together next.
Hours go by and you’re still on the phone, the talking slows down almost to a halt, now just existing in each other's presence. The silence was comforting, there was no such thing of a social battery when it came to stiles.
You’d often find it draining being around other people, your anxiety at an all time high whether that be with your other friends or strangers. It was strange, how you didn’t have to speak one word between the two of you and he already knew what you wanted or knew how you felt.
Like right now, the chaos had died down, you’re laid in bed, your phone propped up against a book on your bedside table, watching stiles type on his laptop. Either doing homework or playing a game. You watched sleepily as you snuggled into the pillow that was tucked under your chin.
Even after a week or two of not talking all that often you were finally able to really look at him. The circles underneath his eyes were a little bit darker, a tinge of worry spread through your chest as you continued to look over him.
His eyebrows lightly furrowed, biting his lip as he narrowed his eyes down at the screen, concentrating. That made you chuckle, grabbing his attention. His eyes flickered over to his own phone.
“What are you laughing at?” he jokes as he takes in your surroundings.
“Your face.”
“My face?”
“What’s wrong with my face?” he questions, self consciously rubbing one of cheeks.
“Nothing, just missed it.” his eyes soften at your words. A flash of guilt crosses his features.
“I missed you too, ya know.” 
You nod as you look away from your camera, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden. Your attention is quickly back on your screen when you hear the sound of his shutting and the sound of his own sheets shuffling.
Minutes passed, not one of you talked, fighting sleep was becoming a struggle now, well that was until you heard him speak, “sleep, i'll still be here in the morning, i promise,” his words were as truthful as the last time that he spoke them, he was also finding it hard to keep his eyes open too.
“Goodnight…” your eyes flutter shut,
“Sweet dreams.”
Just as you fully fall into slumber you hear,
“I love you."
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comments and reblogs are appreciated ♡
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© ruewrote 2024.
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ilovewriting06 · 8 months
Permanent Fix
The sound of the bell makes me frown as my handsome, beautiful, and wonderful boyfriend pulls away from our impromptu make out session. I whine when he fully slips away, "No, come on Stiles. I can only take so much of this torture."
He raises an eyebrow with a smirk, "What torture? I haven't done anything to you."
I throw my head back against the wall maintaining eye contact with Stiles, "That's the point, Babe. You look so good today, like absolutely drop dead gorgeous, good. I don't know why, I mean I do, because you're hot, but I also don't, I don't understand what it is about you today that makes me want to climb you like a tree."
Stiles' face turns a dark shade of red as he chews on his bottom lip, "Babe, I swear, if you keep talking I'm going to do something that we'll both regret. I don't think your mom will take it well if we get busted for having sex in an empty classroom. Plus your mom scares me."
I lean forwards and rub my cheek on his practically purring, "You sure it's not my brother you're scared of, hmm? Are you scared of Mister True Alpha?" He lets out a shaky breath and grabs my shoulders holding me away from him, "Alright, okay, we really have to stop. You're brother has a super sniffer 3000, and can smell us"
I pout and whine again, "I have one too! And I can smell your arousal, and that absolutely delicious vanilla and cinnamon scent you have. It makes me want to do things, unholy things. Stiles, I have this really deep rooted urge to fuck you, and I don't know why, but it hurts. It's all I can think about."
His eyebrows furrow and he tilts his head to the side like he's studying every detail that I have before he steps back completely, "So, how long have you been a werewolf?"
I shrug with a confused frown, "I don't know, almost a year I think. Why?"
He narrows his eyes and hums before asking, "Is this the first time you've felt like that since then?"
I shrug again, "Uh, I have for the last few days, but it wasn't this bad, this time it's taking everything in me to not just shove you on the floor and ride you."
Stiles lets out a strangled noise before shaking his head slightly before asking another question, "Right, okay, and this time, do you like have an overwhelming urge to get pregnant. Like, I dunno...do you want a baby?"
My mouth drops and I let out a squeak, "A...what?! What the hell, Stiles?! Why is that important?"
"Just answer the question, yes or no."
My mouth opens and closes a few times and I shift on my feet for a few seconds before mumbling out the answer, "I...yeah, I-I guess, but I've always wanted kids, especially with you, but I guess you could say it's a little amplified today."
Stiles' eyes widen and he steps back nodding a few times, "Right, okay, yeah, so, we're leaving school, like right now." I furrow my eyebrows before allowing him to drag me through the halls and out to his precious jeep. He helps me in before running to the driver's side and climbing in.
I look at him and blink a couple times as he starts the jeep, "Not, that I'm complaining about the idea of going home and having sex, but I have a feeling that isn't going to be happening? And you left our bags in there."
He pulls out of the parking lot and glances at me, "Put on your seatbelt, and yeah I know, I'll just have Scott get them for us."
I quickly put on my seatbelt as I speak, "Won't he be suspicious as to why we skipped the last three periods of the day? And what are we telling our parents? Cause they'll be pissed we skipped."
Stiles lays his head back on the seat and nods, "Yeah, well I think they'll let us off this time and Scott's probably gonna throw a fit and almost puke when he figures out why we skipped."
I sit up and look at Stiles with a smile, "Are we going to have sex?! Did you actually let us skip school so we can fuck?"
Stiles snorts and shakes his head, "No." He hesitates to say something else and it has him kind of worried. "What? Stiles what's wrong? Am I dying? Are you mad because I admitted that I want to have your baby...well babies."
He shakes his head and lets out a deep breath, "No, I...god this is not how I expected my Tuesday to go. Y/N/N, I think you're in heat, or at least going into heat."
"What. the. fuck. Stiles Stilinski, I am not a dog, werewolves don't have heat cycles."
He doesn't answer as he parks the jeep but when I look up I notice we're at Deaton's. I level Stiles with a glare as he pulls me into the back of the clinic as I continue my previous argument, "Stiles, werewolves don't have heat cycles! I'm not in heat, nor am I going into heat either."
"Actually, werewolves can have heat cycles, but it isn't a common occurrence."
I screech and turn to my right to see Deaton holding a cat like some creepy ass villain from some 80's movie. Stiles who was surprisingly not scared by Deaton's presence, stops to stand in front of Deaton and pulls me to his side before gesturing up and down my body, "She's in heat. I don't know how, or why, but she is and I'm worried if we don't figure something out it'll get worse and she'll be in more pain than she already is."
I elbow him in the ribs and hiss, "What the fuck Stiles, you literally brought me to the vet?"
He ignores my comment and looks at Deaton as Deaton tilts his head in consideration before humming, "And what makes you think that Mr. Stilinski."
Without missing a beat Stiles answers, confidence in his words, "She wants a baby."
I step away from Stiles before growling, "Seriously! That's what this is about, and you had to share it with Dr. Doolittle? If you don't want kids that's fine but you don't have to do it in front of somebody, in fact I would appreciate if you would tell me that in private."
Stiles' eyes widen and he steps forwarding flailing his arms, "No! I mean yes, fuck, I want kids. I do, but something's off about you today. I've practically had to fight you off me all day and you're extra growly at literally anyone that even breathes in my direction." I go to object bit he continues, "You stabbed Scott in the hand for patting my shoulder, and then practically threatened to kill Erica because she sat by me for a whole two seconds to ask a question. And I thought you were just in a mood and horny, but, but then you said that I smelled like vanilla and cinnamon."
The more information he gives me the more confused I get, "What? You're mad because I think you smell like vanilla and cinnamon? I don't see what the big deal is, you smell like my two favorites things."
"That is the big deal, Y/N!"
Before either of us can utter another word Deaton steps in, "I think Mr. Stilinski has a valid argument." I stare in disbelief before he continues, "Perhaps it would be better if we sit down, this could be a long conversation."
"There are myths and legends that claim that when a werewolf meets their mate and they're mature enough their mate will carry a specific smell, usually consisting of two or more smells that the werewolf loves. In this case Stiles smells like cinnamon and vanilla to you while to Scott and everyone else he doesn't. To them he smells like sandalwood and citrus. They're only considered myths because there has been very little documented proof, only being a handful of cases. The chances of meeting your mate are extremely rare, close to a 1 in 1,000 chance."
I grab Stiles' hand and he rubs the back of my hand with his thumb as I ask, "What does that have to do with me possibly being in heat?"
Deaton smiles and continues, "Heats are as rare as mates simply because a werewolf doesn't go into heat unless they're with their mate. After meeting their mate a werewolf won't go into heat until their wolf determines that they're ready and that their mate is ready. Once the wolf decides that it's ready, the werewolf goes into heat. Usually the first few days of a heat cycle aren't bad but the longer the wolf goes without being mated the worse it gets and a lot of heat cycles can last for a month a time."
The room is filled with silence for a few seconds before I sigh, "Okay, I have so many questions."
Deaton nods his head for me to continue so I ask my first question, "So, I'm supposed to live in increasing agony for the foreseeable future, unless Stiles gets me pregnant?"
Beside me Stiles chokes on his spit as Deaton chuckles, "No, that is one way, but it's only a temporary fix. Once your child reaches about a year old your wolf will demand another and you'll endure more heat cycles until you're pregnant again. However, there is another way that's a permanent fix."
I run a hand through my hair, "What's the permanent fix?"
Deaton grabs a book off of his shelf before handing it to me, "You mate, but don't go into it lightly, it's a lifelong commitment. It's not like marriage, you can't change your mind and get a divorce, it lasts forever, or at least until one of you dies."
I flip through the pages of the book before looking back at Deaton, "How does it work? The whole mating part?"
Deaton points at the book before sitting down, "Everything you need to know is in there, the pages you need are marked. I assumed you would need it soon." The doorbell out front rings and Deaton stands again, "Read through it while I see to my patient and if you have any questions I'll answer them the best that I can."
As Stiles and I read through the marked pages my eyes widen as I get to the actual mating process. "I have to bite you?" Stiles looks at me and nods when I get to the next line, "You have to bite me?! How the hell does that work? You don't have pointy teeth, you have dull teeth."
"He does have pointy teeth, if the occasion calls for them." I jump and turn to the door to see Deaton walking further into the room.
"What do you mean?"
Deaton takes his seat in front of us before explaining, "Think about it, why did your wolf choose now to be the time to be mated? What's changed in the last few months?"
I narrow my eyes as I think about it but Stiles is the one that speaks first, "I did." I look at Stiles before looking at Deaton to see him nod in agreement, "You did, you embraced your spark. I do believe it was two months ago that you got a good handle on it, allowing you to perform a few docile spells and simple magic."
I lay my head on Stiles' shoulder and rub my cheek on his shirt and listen as Stiles pieces everything together, "My spark recognizes her as our mate, doesn't it?" I notice Deaton nod out of my peripheral before Stiles continues, "So, my spark will provide the bite for the whole mating process. It'll give me wolfy teeth until the bite fest is over."
I whine low in my throat as I look up at Stiles from where my head lays on his shoulder. From this angle the light shines just right on the side of his face that it looks like he's glowing, and his jaw line looks absolutely delicious. I can feel my wolf pacing inside demanding that we take our mate. For some reason now that I know what my wolf has apparently known the whole time, that Stiles is our mate, it makes the urge to fuck him ten times worse because all I can think about is all the different positions that we can try.
Stiles looks at me before looking at Deaton, "So, pretty sure she's slowly getting further into heat." I rub my face in his neck and wiggle closer as I fight the shift that begging to get out.
Stiles and Deaton talk some more but I'm not registering a thing they say. I gain some of my senses back when Stiles shifts and runs his thumb over my cheekbone as he looks in my eyes, "Hey Baby, come on we gotta go. I'll make you feel better I promise."
Once Stiles finally managed to snap me out of the sex filled haze I was in we went back to my house and made a few phone calls after packing for a week long trip. Now his dad, my mom, Scott, and the rest of the pack will be here in a few minutes so we can explain to them that we'll be MIA for a week.
Apparently when I was zoned out at Deaton's, Deaton explained that for the mating process to fully take affect it'll take 3-4 days of pretty much nonstop sex and apparently a ton of biting on my part. Something about the incessant urge to claim him or something, put the only one that his spark will allow to scar over is the mating bite, which despite popular belief can be anywhere on the body and not just the neck.
I jump slightly as the sound of my mom's car pulls into the driveway, followed by Noah's cruiser. I scoot closer to Stiles as my leg jumps up and down. The soothing hand on the back of my neck helps me calm down a little bit but I still feel jittery. Stiles and I had talked about what we wanted to do and we decided that we've loved each other since we knew what love was and we were always planning on getting married. Turns out the Sheriff had given Stiles his mother's engagement ring a few months ago and told Stiles to give to me when 'the timing was right,' Stiles had apparently already gotten it resized.
We had already been all in with each other for four years, only two of which Scott knew about, his stupid werewolf nose busted us, but we decided that doing the whole mating bite ritual or whatever you want to call it didn't really change anything. It just gave every supernatural creature the knowledge that we were mated and it gave my wolf reassurance that he was ours and we didn't have to have his child to keep him around. Seriously, what is my life?
By the time our parents walk in I'm practically sitting on Stiles from how close I was. They took one look at us and our nervous demeanor before Mom spoke, "Oh God, you're pregnant aren't you?" She turns to Noah and continues, "I knew this was going to happen."
I look between Noah and Mom before looking at Stiles and then back at Mom, "Actually, I'm not. Although it's not for lack of trying on my wolf's part. She's practically begging for a baby." At this moment I had never been happier for our parents to know about the supernatural because it made this conversation so much easier.
Within seconds Noah and Mom are sitting across from us when Noah looks at Stiles, "Is this a meeting to tell us you're planning on having a baby?"
Stiles' mouth opens and looks at me. I scowl, "Of course, the one time your speechless is the time I need you to run your mouth." I turn to Noah and shake my head, "No, not exactly, but we're going away for about a week."
Their eyes widen but before they can speak the slamming of car doors alert us that the rest of the pack is here. The front door opens as Scott practically sprints in, "Oh thank God, I though someone died."
The rest of the pack spill into the living room and pick various places to sit, stand, or lean against a wall around the room. When everyone's settles I take a deep breath and look at Stiles before turning to see everyone anxiously waiting, "Have any of you heard of werewolf mates?" As I was anticipating everyone looks confused before shaking their heads. "Okay, what about a werewolf heat cycle?"
This time Erica speaks, "Oh, my God! Is that why you smell like you're so desperate you'd fuck anything with a dick?"
I blush and sink further into Stiles as Scott, Lydia, Isaac, and Mom yell, "ERICA!"
This time Stiles is the one to speak since I'm sitting on his lap rethinking all of my life choices, "Okay, first of all, that's rude and second of all, yeah pretty much."
I frown and feel a mixture of anger and hurt as I look at Stiles before sliding off his lap and onto the couch before putting multiple feet between us, "So, you think I stink too? If that's the case what are we doing this for? You can't reverse it, it's permanent. Maybe you need to rethink your decision." Part of me knows I'm overreacting especially since Stiles can't even smell my arousal, but my wolf has like 80% of my control right now and she's butt hurt at the comment.
Stiles sits up straighter than a ruler before reaching out for me, "Baby, no, I don't need to rethink it, I want to do it. Trust me, I am more than ready for that level of commitment."
Mom cuts in this time with a suspicious lilt to her voice, "Okay, it's really sounding like you guys are planning on having a baby, or getting married."
At her statement we look at her and Stiles finally spits out what we've been trying and failing to say, "Okay, no to the baby part and kind of to the married part. Y/N/N and I have to go away for a few days because she's in heat and don't you fucking dare make any jokes about it because she has very little control right now and if she mauls you, that's your fault. Anyways, werewolves only go into heat once they've met their mate, in this case, yours truly," he enunciates that part by pointing at himself before continuing, "and the longer they go unmated the stronger and more painful the heat cycle gets. There are only two ways to resolve the issue, one is we have a baby, but that isn't a permanent solution because once the baby is a year old the cycles will start again until she has another baby. The second option is if we mate. Uh, I'm not going to go into details because those are some things I never, ever, not in a million years want to openly discuss with our parents and her brother, or anyone else for that matter. Let's just say, it's a very intimate tradition."
I grab the book of the coffee table and hand it to Mom, "The pages about it are marked if you want to fully understand but if you'd rather not get all the nitty gritty details all you have to know is on the first page that's marked."
Her and Noah flip to the first page and read it with Scott peeking from behind the couch. After a few seconds Noah look's scarred, Scott looks like he's about to pass out, and Mom just looks intrigued and a little nervous, "This says you have to give the mating bite to each other, but Stiles isn't a wolf."
I nod before crawling back into Stiles' lap, "He's not, but he is a spark. His spark recognizes me as their mate so in the moment his spark will provide the werewolf teeth that are needed for the mating process. From the looks on Noah and Scott's face I assume you got to the part as to why we have to be gone for a week?"
She slowly nodded before handing the book back to me only to be intercepted by Erica snagging it from her grip. Erica scans through the marked pages before whistling, "Yeah, definitely see why you gotta leave for a week. You'll be having loads of fun, multiple times."
I roll my eyes before walking over to her and taking the book out of her hands with a sigh, "Erica, can you not make jokes about it? It's something serious. Yeah, we get to have sex a lot, but it's a forever thing. It's not like marriage, we can't change our minds later and divorce, which even if it was it wouldn't happen, I've been in love with him since I was like seven so that wouldn't happen, but still. We'll be even more connected than we are now and it'll kill us to be away from each other for more than a day. I'll be able to feel his emotions, and he'll feel mine. It's going to take us a few days to balance everything and get used to the changes so it isn't all hot sex and love making there's other things we have to learn to balance out before I'll be in control of my wolf again. To be honest she's practically salivating at the mouth to beat the shit out of you because she thinks you're making fun of her or something."
Erica deflates a little and a small whine is barely audible as she apologizes, "I'm sorry Y/N/N, I can smell how stressed and nervous you two are, I was just trying reduce some of your stress." I smile and squeeze her bicep in a comforting manner before turning to everyone, "Okay, anyone that isn't blood related to us needs to scram. We need to go over the finer details with Mom and Noah, and Scott has to stay so if he passes out Mom can deal with it."
Everyone chuckles except for Scott who pouts, "I'm not gonna pass out, it's just gross. It's like helping my sister and brother plan on how to bone each other for the next week."
I roll my eyes as I usher everyone out, "Jesus Scotty, you aren't helping us plan anything it's just nice to have the support of my brother."
After everyone left and the only one's left were Mom, Scott, and Noah I make my way back over to Stiles before curling up into his lap finding that it helps calm the stupid wolf who is currently rolling around like an idiot with her tongue out.
After sitting in silence for a few minutes Noah clears his throat, "So, are you guys leaving tonight? If it gets as painful as the book says it was I feel like the sooner you left the better."
Well, that wasn't expected. Stiles looks at his dad with wide eyes before finding the words he's trying to say, "Y-you aren't going to try and stop us? We can't technically go anywhere without permission from you and Mel, but I was expecting you to try and talk us out of it."
This time Mom leans forward and shakes her head with a soft smile, "I read the first page and the way they described the pain of prolonged heat cycles I'm okay with it as long as Noah is. I mean, I know you two are sexually active." She's cut off by a dramatic gag from Scott who she rolls her eyes at before continuing, "I know you plan on getting married, I've seen the ring, and he asked me for your hand in marriage when he was ten and I gave it to him then so I'm not going to change my mind now. I'd sign the papers for you to get married tomorrow if that's what you wanted because Stiles is less than a month away from being 18 and you and Scott are only a few months younger than him so you're pretty close to 18 too. Add on the supernatural angle of it and there is no chance that either of you will split up. I knew that without even knowing about the whole werewolf mate crap. So if you want to do this I'll support you the whole way."
I sniffle and squeeze Stiles' hand as Noah sighs, "As much as I don't want my only child to grow up so fast, I agree with Melissa. Knowing you two you probably have somewhere to go and you two are pretty much married as it is, although I sense that Y/N will practically be living here wants you two get back, so there will be some boundaries which is really just one, please, for the love of God, no PDA in front of me."
I perk up at the permission to pretty much live with them before turning to straddle Stiles but before I can say anything to him I realize this position probably wasn't the best idea when I rub against his abs just right. I realize that any and all control I had was about five seconds away from saying hasta la vista and booking a one way ticket to the Bahamas and that if I plan to not break the no PDA rule we have to leave.
I stand and straighten my shirt acting as if nothing happened before grabbing Stiles' hand and pulling him up, "Okay, Mom, Noah, nice talk but I think it's time we go. We'll be staying at a private rental house type thing a few towns over, probably forty-five minutes away so if you need us, uh, I guess call me, but ONLY if it's an emergency."
Before they have time to answer I give them a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before patting Scott on the shoulder and booking it out the door as I yell, "I'll be in the jeep. Stiles make it quick, I beg of you."
Not even ten seconds after I get in the jeep Stiles is running down the stairs and flinging his door open and climbing in. No words are spoken as he starts the jeep and takes off down the road.
I take a deep breath and nod, "Okay, I see why you said we had to leave school early. I want to apologize in advance because I can't promise that there won't be ripped clothes once we get inside and I want you to know that I really, really love you and I want to do this. I want to spend forever with you and I really want to see that ring now."
He chuckles before grabbing my thigh gently, and somehow it grounds me instead of working me up even more, "I actually have the ring with me because I was thinking that maybe we could go ahead and start planning a wedding. Assuming you want to."
I smile and grab his hand, "Is this you asking me to marry you? In a very untraditional way?"
"Maybe, do you want me to ask you to marry me?"
I nod once and answer without hesitation, "Yes."
He chuckles and squeezes my leg, "Okay then, Y/N light of my life, the woman I want to spend eternity with, will you marry me?"
I squeeze his hand even tighter accidently as excitement courses through my veins, "Yes. Absolutely, si, ja, oui, and any other way you can say yes. I've dreamed of marrying you since you kissed me under the slide in second grade. God you were a good kisser back then for only being 8, but damn you've upped your game, in the last two years since all this bullshit started."
I smirk at the blush that climbs up his neck and spreads across his cheeks, "So, how long till we get there because I'm not going to lie the thought of having sex with my fiancé is making this feeling worse and I am desperate."
He groans and shudders, "About ten minutes but I can make it in five."
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Bad Brother - Scott Mccall
Scott x fem!reader sister
Warnings: none
Word count: 582
Requested:TW imagine the reader is Scott sister and you always have your drawing book sketch book and the pack take a look at it and Scott sees ur depressing art work and forbidden love work and realises he hasn't been he best brother ever. @cokecola4211
Authors Note: Thanks for liking the Mal one so much that you requested this again but with Teen Wolf
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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“Shoot! Y/n/n were gonna be late! Come on.” Maila shouted after seeing the time on Stiles' watch. She jumped up grabbing her bag and y/n’s wrist, pulling her along with her to the class they were gonna be late for.
“Wait-” Stiles called after them but they were already to far away to hear him. “Maila’s sure in a rush. Y/n forgot her sketchbook.”
“Shit. She’s gonna freak. I’ll make sure she gets it.” Scott picks it up. He could tell that a lot of the pages had been used up just by looking at the sides. Throughout the day he hadn’t been able to find his sister to give it back to her, but his will also broke when he couldn’t take it anymore and peaked. But what he found made him keep looking and the more he looked the more concerned he got. The more he realized he hadn't been a good brother.
Later that day after school once Y/n came home she entered their home and sat down in the kitchen where her mom was getting ready to leave for work.
“What's wrong, sweetheart?” Melissa asked upon looking at her daughter and seeing her mood.
“I lost my sketch book at school.” Y/n whined as she rested her head on her folded arms. Not at all happy that anyone could just look in it.
“I’m sure you’ll find it at school tomorrow. Go to the Office tomorrow and see if they found it. “ Melissa suggested hoping that it would help. Y/n was very attached to it so she was sure her daughter was very stressed.
“Yeah.” Y/n grunted that's all she could do.
“I’ll see you and your brother tomorrow.” she told her as she walked over kissing Y/n on the head before leaving to start her long night shift.
“Bye mom.” Y/n could out as her mom shut the door.
With that Y/n decided to grab a snack and headed up stairs to her room. She was alone in there for a while doing homework before Scott came knocking on her bedroom door leaning against the door jam.
“Hey.” he said once, getting her attention. “Found this today. You left it at lunch.”
Y/n looked up and noticed he was holding her missing sketch book. “Thanks. I was worried someone took it.” She replied as she entered her room and handed it to her.
There was a moment of silence before Scott spoke. Trying to figure out what exactly he wanted to say. “Y/n.”
“Hmmm” Y/n hummed not looking up at him.
“I know we’ve been busy the last couple years with all the supernatural stuff-”
“You looked in it didn’t you.” Y/n cut him off, holding her sketchbook tightly to her chest.
“Yeah.” Scott nodded, admitting shamefully. “Y/n, you can talk to me. About anything and everything, at any time. You know that right?”
Y/n shrugged. “We’ve just been so busy and you’ve been dealing with Alpha stuff-”
Scott shook her head as he moved to sit on Y/n’s bed next to her. “I’ve been a terrible brother and I’m sorry. Can we promise we’ll talk more when somethings bothering us?”
Y/n smiled, it was weak but it was enough to encourage Scott. So he pulled her into him, hugging her. Something they hadn’t done in a long time it seemed.
“Yeah, I think I can do that.”
Taglist: @padawancat97
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mummybear · 4 days
My Brother's Best Friend - Chapter 7 - The Mating
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Words - 4034
Warnings: Swearing, Mating, Smut, P IN V, Oral (Female Receiving), Dirty Talk, Possessive Stiles, Protective Stiles, Marking, Biting, Think That's everything.
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Reader/You/Sadie, Mentions Of Alan Deaton, Liam Dunbar, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Mellissa McCall, Scott McCall.
A/N: Hey guys, Sorry about the wait, I'm still really struggling with writers block but I had a few productive days and managed to finish this chapter and start something new for Dean, so we're getting somewhere at least! Hope you're all good and enjoy this! :)
Please do not copy my work or anyone else's. I have had more than enough of that the past few years, please try writing for yourself. Thank you.
Chapter 7 - The Mating
There’s an amazing softness beneath you, when you slowly become aware of your surroundings. It also happens to be when a sudden desperate whimpering from beside you pulls you all of the way out of any remaining sleepiness. You keep your eyes shut, all too aware of the unbearable thumping in your head. However, when you feel someone brushing the hair from your forehead, you can’t help but lean into the familiar touch immediately. Moaning contentedly when those same fingers skim your bare shoulder, your eyes snap open though when your skin practically sizzles on contact. You very quickly realise you’re face to face with Stiles, and his eyes flare purple. 
Once you manage to centre yourself, you can feel the worry rolling off of him in waves, almost as if it were your own emotion, though you’re starting to find it a little easier to tell the difference between your own feelings and his.
“Stiles, what’s wrong?” you whisper, your voice a little hoarse from sleep as you roll your body into his. 
Stiles remains silent as he reaches over to grab a bottle of water from the bedside table, almost like he’s trying to lean away from you. He doesn’t answer either, he merely responds to you in one worded grunt as he hands you the bottle. 
You roll your eyes but take the bottle from him, swigging a little of the liquid, all too aware of his eyes as they start to burn a hole into the side of your head.
“There, are you happy now? Bossy,” you snap a little annoyed with his attitude.
“Not yet. Eat,” he replies, softly but firmly with a sigh, handing you a sandwich before he runs his long fingers through his hair once again. 
Stiles helps you sit up and get as comfortable as you can, which is for some reason particularly difficult. Before finally leaving the room. You sigh to yourself as you start eating, settling back against the pillows, doing your best not to read too much into his actions or the silence that fills the moments. Clearly he’s worried, which you can understand, all things considered. So you try to rest while you eat. Though, you’re really hoping he won't be long in returning. 
You rest back against the pillow after placing the plate on the side. Grabbing the pillow from beside you, the one that Stiles had been using, so that you can hold it close and inhale his scent. 
You let out a needy whine as the need to have Stiles mate with you returns, like a burning wildfire, and you moan as your hips roll against nothing. Biting your lip hard as you breathe out a shuddering breath. Running your fingers through your hair while trying to get your breathing under control. 
You’d only ever experienced this extreme longing once before, earlier today, in Deaton’s office. 
Right before Stiles had to be physically ripped away from you and you were practically dry humping him in front of everyone. You stare at your closed door, fingers tightening in the sheets beneath you, as your breathing quickly becomes more rapid. Pulling off the duvet so that the cool air can soothe your naked body, you can feel the heat as it rolls away from you. Your chest heaves when you hear the floorboards creaking just outside your bedroom, your hearing like all of your other senses are on high alert. Your door creaks open and his scent hits you like a truck. You let out a shuddering breath as your legs drop open.
Stiles walks into the room unbuttoning his jeans as he makes a few long strides towards the bed, his eyes locked on your body.
“Do you need anything else?” Stiles questions you stiffly, as he tosses his t-shirt across the room.
“Just you, I’m so beyond ready for you.” You reply in a breathless moan, licking your lips as he pulls off his jeans and boxers, leaving him completely bare.
He fists his cock and pumps up and down a few times as he looks you over, a cocky smirk pulls at his lips, one you’d only seen on him a handful of times, as his eyes drop to look at your pussy, watching it drip just for him.
“Goddamn, that pussy is so fucking wet. You want this, baby girl?” he rasps, tugging at his cock as he kneels on the foot of the bed.
He crawls towards you on his hands and knees, and a shiver races up your spine.
“Is this really about to happen?” you whisper in awe as he stops between your spread legs. The awe of so many years waiting leaves you more than a little anxious, suddenly and your confidence slips slightly.
The smile that spreads across his lips is almost predatory, but you don’t mind being his prey, not even for a second.
“You bet your ass it is. About damn time too, if you ask me.” 
You grab his wrist as he reaches for your face and you look into his eyes, and he goes back to looking worried again.
“Stiles… Are you sure you want this? I know, we’ve talked about this a lot at this point. It’s just that I’ve known that I wanted you…and this, for years. You’ve only had a few days to decide, I don’t want you to wake up one day and resent me. This is forever… if we do this. I can’t stand the thought of you hating me,” you whisper, suddenly feeling vulnerable, you glance down at your hands now resting on his chest. You’re annoying yourself with your rambling, but you can’t have him coming to regret this one day.
“Sadie, look at me,” Stiles commands and it washes over you like a calming balm. Almost like he’s somehow controlling you with a gentle nudge of your chin, you lift your eyes to meet his eyes once more. He cups your cheek gently, “you won’t be able to understand this right now, but maybe one day you will, if you decide to become like me. This pull that I feel towards you isn’t completely sexual. Don’t get me wrong, there’s that part of me, a big part right now, that wants to claim you, possess you…” he growls out the last few words and you can’t help but smile when he shakes his head a little, like he’s clearing the fog. 
“Sorry,” he clears his throat, before continuing, “this will sound cheesy but you’re here,” he takes your hand and rests it over his heart. “I can feel you, it’s so deep rooted and pure, you centre me, you’re my other half. You make me feel more in control than I ever have.” 
“You’re cute when you ramble,” you can’t help but giggle as a tear slides down your cheek. You cup his cheeks, letting your fingers slide into the hair at the back of his head, you gently tug and he groans, letting his forehead drop down onto yours.
“Cute enough that you’re convinced?” he rasps against your lips, before he kisses away the tear.
You reach out and link his fingers with your own, letting them drop down either side of your head as you lay back, Stiles follows you, his forehead never leaving yours.
“Please, I’m ready,” you whisper against his lips.
“Whatever you want, my little Minx.” He rumbles, his voice like a caress in all of the right places. 
Right before his lips descend on yours, much more gently than you’d been expecting. Your fingers tighten their grip as Stiles lowers his body on top of yours, the feel of your skin pressed so tightly against his sends sparks across your skin. 
When he starts to nip at your collar bone you grip his body tightly. 
“No foreplay, Stiles. Please, I can’t wait anymore.” You whimper desperately clinging to his back, doing your utmost to pull him closer.
Stiles chuckles, softly brushing his fingers over your hip, “we can’t rush this too fast, at least let me make sure you’re ready for me.”
His tone is deep and husky, causing shivers to run over your entire body.
“Trust me, I’m ready.” You smirk at him as his lips brush the place his fingers have just left. You arch against the feeling.
“Hmm, let me check anyway. You can never be too sure,” he grins, forcefully tugging your legs over his shoulders, causing you to giggle as you run your fingers through his hair. 
He looks up at you and licks his lips, those chocolate brown eyes flashing purple for just a few seconds, before he dips his head and his tongue slowly laps at your clit. His fingers tighten on your thighs when you try to push into the feeling, desperate for more contact. You can’t hold in the whimper when he slides two fingers inside you, and his tongue starts to lap faster as he curls his fingers inside you.
Your muscles begin to clamp down around the intrusion as shivers race through your body. You give his hair a harsh tug, causing him to hiss against you, before a growl begins low in his throat. 
“Stiles, please!” You beg, continuing to claw desperately at anything you can reach as you feel the first flutters of your orgasm.
“Stay still, Mate.” Stiles growls his demand roughly, in a voice that no longer sounds like his own. He sucks on your clit a little harder and begins to scissor his fingers, before adding a third finger. You squeal at the tight fit, and throw your head back and grip the headboard behind you as you roll your hips against his onslaught. 
“Hold it. Don’t you dare come, little Minx. Save it for my cock.”
You squeeze your eyes shut tight and feel the blissful burn of your orgasm begin, right before Stiles pulls away completely. Your eyes snap open, anger burning through your veins until you watch him slip his fingers between his lips, sucking the taste of you from them as his other hand wraps around his thick cock and strokes it with firm tugs.
“Naughty girl,” he smirks, releasing himself and dropping so his body covers yours with his hands either side of your shoulders. You feel his cock nudging at your entrance and you whimper, arching your back, desperate for him to fill you and mark you as his. 
You bite your lip and nod at him as you hook a leg over his hip, and you both groan in unison when the bulbous head of his cock nudges at your entrance.
“Look at me,” he whispers softly as he gets down on his elbows and his lips graze yours.
Your mouth drops open and you suck in a deep breath, as the head of his cock is pushed inside of you, his thumb grazes your bottom lip and he licks his own lips as he pushes inside a little further.
“Oh god, Stiles,” you whine, throwing your head to the side and offering him the side of your neck.
“Mmmm, such a good girl. Your pussy is so fucking tight, fits like a glove, baby girl.” He withdraws almost all of the way, before slowly pushing forward and filling you a little more than the first time. You can hardly breathe, lost in a state of ecstasy, as his lips brush soft kisses along your neck. He licks over the place he wants to mark you several times, and you feel his rumble of pleasure before you hear it.
The pain is ebbing away and you're starting to feel more pleasure than you thought was possible, you hook your other leg over Stiles’ other hip and dig your heels into his firm ass. Stiles practically snarls as he snaps his hips forward fully filling you, before you can comprehend what’s happened an orgasm rips through you, one so powerful you almost don't feel his fangs and teeth as they sink into your neck as a possessive rumble fills the room. You don’t realise you’ve screamed until you hear banging at your bedroom door.
Stiles gently pulls away, seemingly uncaring of the shouting at the door as he laps at the mark on your neck, practically purring like a kitten as his hips begin moving, with long and deep thrusts. 
“Fuck off!” You half shout, half moan. 
Your fingers sink into the skin of his back as he bares his neck to you. You don’t even know if it will work if you mark him as human, but when you look at his skin you could swear you see the perfect place to bite him, almost as if it’s calling to you. 
Stiles moans as you lap at the skin, inhaling deeply before you sink your own teeth into his neck, groaning at the taste. You feel him shudder above you as he releases inside you. Before his knot latches inside you tightly, locking him with you for the next few minutes at least. You smile to yourself as you lick at the mark you’ve left behind briefly, hearing the contented noises of your mate. Stiles pulls the sheets over your bodies as he curls protectively around you.
“Mine. My Mate.” 
You giggle as he squeezes you tightly and nuzzles your mark once more, kissing it softly, before he buries his face in your hair and slips a leg between yours. Almost as if he needs as much skin touching as possible. He wraps his arms around you and you sigh as the rightness of the situation settles over you. Snuggling back against his chest, you can feel his pride at being your Mate and you can’t help but grin.
“Thank you for waiting for me, I’m sorry I took so long, Minx,” he whispers almost sadly.
“I would’ve waited forever for you, Stiles Stilinski,” you reply just as quietly, wrapping your arms around the arm you can reach. 
“Now sleep,” you rasp feeling the tiredness already catching up with you.
Next Morning
You wake with a start, a moan tearing from your lips as Stiles laps at your clit, before he sucks it between his lips with a rumbling moan. You let out a squeak when your door starts to slowly open, feeling Stiles chuckling against you, but he refuses to move no matter how much you push at his head. In fact, he makes matters worse by gripping your thighs tightly and pushing them wide. You bite your lip hard when he doubles his efforts, and Liam comes into view. 
Suddenly Stiles moves, his body so quick to cover yours and he glares at the man currently in the doorway.
“Mine. Don’t look at her. Get the fuck out, now.” He snarls in a voice similar to the one he used on you yesterday, it almost reminded you of an Alpha voice, but surely that couldn’t be right. 
Liam flinches, but you had to give him his due, he held his ground and instead of leaving he dropped his eyes to look at your floor. 
“Stiles, stop it. He knows who I belong to, baby. Breathe,” you murmur calmingly, carefully stroking his cheek, as he moves his eyes to yours and leans into your touch. He huffs and moves just slightly to rest his head against your chest.
You can’t help but whimper when his cock nudges at your entrance, “what do you want, Liam?” you ask shakily, since you're sure whatever reason he’s in here must be important. From what you understood, mated couples shouldn’t be disturbed for the first few days of mating. 
Liam seems to swallow hard, “Scott was worried after yesterday, he wanted me to check if you two needed food or anything? Especially with how bad Sadie was yesterday.” He practically whispers, seemingly only addressing Stiles.
‘Is this fucker trying to say I can’t look after my mate.’ 
“Nobody is saying that, Stiles,” you sigh, softly running your fingers through his hair.
Stiles suddenly sits up, still covering you but he stares at you shocked, and by the look on Liam's face something strange had just happened, something that you’d clearly missed. Maybe it was a werewolf thing.
“Thanks Liam, we’ll be out in a minute,” Stiles whispers brokenly as he continues to stare at you in awe.
Liam leaves, and Stiles is beginning to make you nervous as you watch each other silently.
‘Can you hear me?’ Stiles asks and you gasp in shock, because although you hear his voice as clear as day his mouth didn’t move. 
“What’s happening?” you ask, suddenly extremely worried. 
“I didn’t say any of that outloud, Baby. Deaton did say this was possible. He told me, right after you passed out, but he also said it would only happen after you became like me. We have a mindlink baby, you can hear what I’m thinking and I can hear you.” 
“Wait, what? That’s a thing?” you question in confusion, considering you’d never heard your brother speak of such things before.
“It’s extremely rare. Usually it’s unheard of, I guess my mystical ass got a few extra perks,” he grins at you wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You giggle then suddenly you wonder ‘can he hear you?’
“Oh I can hear you, dirty girl. Want me to finish what I started?” he growls as his cock is pushed slowly back inside you.
You cry out in pleasure when he begins to thrust hard and fast, as if from nowhere and without any warning your body reacts instantly. You shiver as your body quickly heats at the sudden invasion, but he moves his fingers to your clit and begins circling the small tight bundle of nerves in firm circles, in time with his movements.
Stiles groans when you suddenly stop him, with a gentle hand on his chest, he’s reluctant to stop but he rolls onto his back. Especially once he realises what’s happening. He quickly helps you sit up, managing to keep his cock still buried deep inside you, so that you can’t help but whimper at how he’s somehow so much deeper at this angle. His eyes lock on yours as you get comfortable, and the connection between you sizzles like a live wire.
“Take it slow, Baby, you’re so fucking hot and I’m so damn deep, I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“You worry too much, Stiles, we were made for each other. I can more than handle you,” you moan out as you rest your hands on his chest and give an experimental roll of your hips, letting your nails dig into his skin, enjoying the way his grip tightens on you. Feeling a mix of pleasure and pain smash into you as you angle your hips just right. Arching your back as you continue to move, you try to push through it, keeping your eyes locked on Stiles’.
“Fuck you’re sexy, so damn beautiful.”
Your pussy starts to flutter and clamp down tightly around him at his words, “good girl, right there,” Stiles groans, his eyes locked on yours. You bite your lip and keep up your pace, feeling as though your body has a mind of its own as you chase your orgasm. Stiles grips your ass roughly with his long fingers, as he slams his hips up to meet yours and you still can’t quite believe how deep he is.
The sound of skin slapping against skin is intoxicating, as Stiles sits up wrapping your hair around his fist, tugging until your back arches and your breasts push out. He quickly latches onto one of your nipples and gives a firm suck, softly dragging his teeth over the sensitive flesh when you let out another loud cry of pleasure. Your orgasm is so close, that when he pulls away from your breast and presses his face in your neck and drags his nose over your claiming mark you violently shiver.
You rake your nails over his chest as he bites into your newly marked skin, lapping at it forcefully, causing your pussy to clench around him and more slick to run down his length. He pulls back to watch as both of your breathing increases, “My Alpha, please, gonna come,” you all but squeak, watching him closely as his eyes glow purple.
‘Mmm, I can feel it,’ he purrs inside your head, before you know what's happened he flips you both, so you're trapped beneath him. Getting up on his knees, he grips your thighs and pushes your legs back against your body. Forcing himself so much deeper than before, you practically scream as an orgasm rips through your body, Stiles’ fingers dig into your skin as your eyes fly open to lock onto his once more, feeling as his knot begins to catch inside you.
‘Your eyes are purple’ Stiles states with so much emotion, you feel tears begin to form in your eyes and you don’t know why.
Stiles lets out a growl as he finally knots you and you feel his warmth push inside you, he carefully releases your legs and you let them drop to the bed as Stiles’ body covers yours. Your chests heave against one another as he lays in your arms.
“Once we catch our breaths we should probably go down and speak to everyone, at least for a little while,” you whisper regretfully, hearing him let out a huff of annoyance. 
“Fine. Although, just to be clear I would love nothing more than chaining you to this bed and fucking you all day,” he rasps, kissing your sensitive flesh of your mark.
“Trust me, I would let you. But we need to make sure everything is okay. I don’t think they would interrupt just because Scott was concerned I hadn’t eaten,” you whisper running your fingers through his hair softly.
“You’re probably right, but please stay close, Minx. I don’t know how I’ll react to unmated males being near you at the minute, but I could guess.”
You carefully push his head up, so his eyes meet yours once again, “just try and remember, I’m wearing your mark, though even if I wasn’t, I have no interest in anyone who isn’t you.” You promise gently cupping his cheek. Stiles softly kisses your lips as he slowly pulls out, and you can’t help but let out a noise between a gasp and a whimper at the feeling.
“Sore?” he asks softly, you can hear the concern, but you can’t stop the laugh that bubbles up because he sounds very pleased with himself right now.
He sits up carefully with a shit eating grin plastered to his face, “shut up,” you laugh finally sitting up yourself. You take his undershirt which he hands you, before you pull on a fresh pair of painties and some loose fitting pants.
Stiles tosses on his plaid shirt and pulls up his underwear and jeans, tugging you to his side before you can leave, he wraps his hand around yours. He presses a soft kiss to your forehead and then you leave the safety of your room, doing your best not to wince with every step. When you come to the bottom step your mother and Scott are just walking inside, before you can go to hug them, Stiles pulls you back to him as Liam stands to help them with the groceries. 
You turn to look at him, finding those purple eyes glaring at everyone who isn’t a family member, “Stop it. You know I’m safe here.”
Stiles snaps his eyes to yours and shakes his head, and you can feel everyone's eyes on the two of you.
“It’s not them. None of them. Someone’s close, someone who doesn’t belong.” 
Everything happens so fast, Stiles locks eyes with Scott and sure enough you watch as your brother’s eyes begin to glow that deep red.
Stiles moves to stand by Scott, handing you off to Lydia and Allison. Liam steps in front of you as your mother stands beside you all.
“Stay here,” Scott and Stiles whisper in unison, moving as one to head out the front door.
Tags: @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @lilulo-12 @charmed-asylum @defenderrosetyler @emilyshurley @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @akshi8278 @peaches007 @stylesismyhubs @peachyyybabyy @fantasy-myth1 @death-unbecomes-you @coffeebooksandfandom @magssteenkamp @screamxqueenx94 @brien-odylan @riseandshinelittleblossom @ceceliaking-18 @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @missindecision @deans-number-one-fan @onethirstyunicorn @flintthegoodboyo @ilovewriting06 @sexualtensiongrowing @you-dont-know-me-got-it
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iamasimperyk · 1 year
Better than him -Void Stiles
Warnings: Angst, fluff, cusses, not proof-read
Summary: You have a crush on a boy, but he does weird things. Good for you, there is another boy whose eyes you caught
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You were tired. So fucking tired. Tired that the boy you love didn't show you the same love. You tried everything, and it went good, till it suddenly didn't.
The two of you started texting one day, but then he told you he was dating someone else. You got sad but eventually got over it till he began to stare at you everywhere he saw you. It was a never-ending story, and you hated it.
You didn't know if he wanted something from you or not, but it wasn't normal to stare at someone all the time, right?
"He is watching you again," Lydia mumbled before she took another bite of her salad.
You took a big breath and turned around, just to be met by his brown eyes.
"Gosh, what's wrong with this boy. I thought he was dating." You huffed as you turned around to Lydia again.
She just shrugged, "I have no idea, but we have much bigger problems right now. Stiles is still possessed."
Stiles. He was your best friend, at least till the nogitsune possessed him. You wanted nothing more but to get him back.
"I know, and I will also help you with the nogitsune, even if I am just human." You mumbled, munching on your food.
It was 9 p.m. and you just took a shower. A few hours ago you had a pack meeting where Scott explained his plan. Your job was to stay at home because it would be too dangerous for you.
Of course, you started to argue with them, trying to let you help them. But it didn't help, and now you were practically locked inside your house.
You were drýing your hair when you saw a shadow in the corner of your eyes.
A little scream left your mouth before you locked eyes with the nogitsune.
"Hello, there." He said with a smirk.
"W-what do you want?" You asked, scared that he would try something.
He chuckled, but took a step closer, "I must admit I thought they would be wiser than hide you here."
You didn't understand what he wanted and why he was here.
"You know, I am always a little- upset when this boy looks at you the way he does," Void told you.
Now you were even more confused, " Why would you?"
"Little dove, I have watched you since I first laid my eyes on you. You are magnificent." He said, looking right into your eyes.
"Nogitsunes can't love, so cut the bullshit." You started to get angrier.
But his smirk just got bigger, "We feed off emotions. I have to say, I love the pain and chaos between you and that boy, but I would prefer your desire and lust."
You were speechless. Void Stiles, the one who possessed your best friend, loves you?
"So, what do you say, dove?" Void smirked.
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takaraphoenix · 1 month
Camping & Bonding (Part 4)
Tags: m/m, Erica Lives, Boyd Lives, Jackson Doesn't Leave, Pack Mom Stiles, Pack Feels, True Mates, fluff, hurt/comfort, camping, mutual pining, m/f
Main Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Side Pairings: Scott/Allison, Boyd/Erica, Jackson/Lydia
Teen Wolf Characters: Mieczysław 'Stiles' Stilinski, Derek Hale, Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd III, Isaac Lahey, Jackson Whittemore, Lydia Martin, Cora Hale, Scott McCall, Allison Argent
@writersmonth Prompts Part 4: season + school
Summary: Stiles thinks the pack should go camping, as a bonding exercise. Much to his surprise, Derek agrees with his plan. So the pack goes off into the mountains to camp together.
This Fic on AO3 | This Fic on FFNet
Stiles Summer Stories 2024
Part 4: The Confession
They brought enough eggs to make twenty omelets. While the wolves went on their morning run to also hunt a little meat on the side of those eggs, Stiles went to forage for mushrooms and herbs with Lydia and Allison. A little walk of their own. It was nice. Chilly, but beautiful. The orange and red and yellow leafs. And every now and again, they saw the pack running by in the distance.
When the three of them returned to their camp side, they started prepping everything for breakfast before the wolves returned from their hunt. Once again, Derek dropped a dead animal in front of Stiles, which was going to keep freaking Stiles out. Just because he knew how to take them apart didn't exactly mean he enjoyed the sight of dead animals, especially not when they were unceremoniously dropped metaphorically in his lap.
"Good hunt," Stiles offered when the Alpha kept staring at him. "Now go wash up. Seriously."
And since when did Derek need this much affirmation? Still, it was kind of cute to see that preening Derek did at the praise before once again rounding up the pups to herd them to the creek for a quick wash. Shaking his head, Stiles waved Allison over to help him take apart the catch of the day.
"We could save some cuts for lunch, we brought enough bread to make sandwiches," Stiles suggested. "I was thinking we could go on a hike, so take them with us. Yes, we. All of us. Stop groaning, Lydia. It will not kill you, I promise you that."
Not that Stiles himself was the biggest fan of hiking. But he knew the pups needed the exercise and he knew this would be a great way of bonding. Plus, he'd heard the view was breathtaking.
"You do know what Derek is doing though, right?" Lydia asked, while stirring the omelet.
Stiles looked confused at her. "Uhm, currently? Taking a bath, I guess?"
"No, Stiles," Lydia heaved an exasperated sigh. "You look so confused every time Derek drops the hunt in front of you. I thought it was weird yesterday."
"Yeah, it really was weird, right?!" Stiles threw up his hands. "Thank you, Ly-"
"No, your reaction was weird," Lydia furrowed her brows. "Like you didn't know what he was doing. And now again. You don't know what he's doing, do you?"
Stiles paused, looking at her. "What… What do you mean? What is he doing?"
"How do you not know that, I thought you researched werewolves to the smallest detail."
"Don't sound so accusatory," Stiles glared. "How am I supposed to know everything. There might be things even I missed. Or didn't deem important at the time due to the massive volume of research to be done. Also school. Like. There are more things than the supernatural that I have to do too, studying and helping Scott study, and take care of my dad, and the household, and the pack-"
"He's courting you, Stiles," Lydia blurted out to interrupt him. "He's bringing you the game he caught himself, and don't think the wolves haven't noticed how much you two smelt like each other this morning. Jackson froze up and told me. You two weren't just sharing a tent."
"We shared some body-heat," Stiles defended with a blush. "But that's not-"
"Stiles," Allison offered him a small, nearly pitiful smile. "You're the only one who can sway Derek. Don't get me wrong, he listens to everyone's opinion, he learned to do that. But… but you are the one who can convince Derek of any of our ideas and who always has his ear and trust. You're his second, Stiles."
At that, Stiles huffed out a laugh. "No, I'm not. Peter is Derek's left hand."
"Not his left hand," Lydia heaved an exasperated sigh. "His second. His second half. The co-leader of this pack. The only one to outrank the left hand. How do you not see it."
Stiles froze and stared at the girls a little dumbly. He wasn't Derek's mate. He would know if he was Derek's mate. They'd known each other for well over a year now and they had been… close, for months. And Stiles was the one who figured these things out! Erica and Boyd. Jackson and Lydia. Allison and Scott. Heck, Allison and Scott were how Stiles had figured out that mates were a real thing, he had put that together. He would know if he was someone's mate.
Something had happened while the wolves bathed. When they returned, Stiles was… jittery. Even by Stiles standards. Derek frowned as he watched his mate cautiously.
"Training," Derek growled after breakfast. "Pair up. Erica and Jackson. Cora and Isaac. Boyd and Scott. Don't groan at me. You have predictable patterns that your usual go-to sparring partners know. Switch it up. Now go."
"Sourwolf," Stiles huffed annoyed as soon as the betas got up. "Don't growl at the pups."
He had his arms crossed and he was glaring at Derek, making the Alpha falter a little. Damn it, he needed to have better control. But when Stiles was upset – and especially when Stiles seemed upset with him – it still messed with Derek. Perhaps because Stiles was his anchor, Stiles calmed him, so when Stiles was upset, his anchor was the reason for Derek's own upset feelings.
"You flinched away when I touched you earlier."
How much Derek hated admitting these things. He crossed his own arms, trying to brace himself, glaring at a point behind Stiles – where the betas were training with each other and decidedly pretending they couldn't hear Stiles and Derek's conversation. Allison and Lydia were pretending to be busy with the clean-up. Stiles stared at him in bafflement.
"I didn't…" Stiles trailed off and then sighed. "I didn't mean to. I was just really in my head and you startled me. But, Der, c'mon. Even if I flinched, that should not make you lash out at the pups! They didn't do anything."
"They didn't," Derek agreed, with a heavy sigh. "I'm… sorry. I just… It messes with me when you… When something is wrong with you."
"Why," Stiles frowned at him.
Derek remained stubbornly silent. He couldn't tell Stiles. He shouldn't tell Stiles.
"Why," Stiles asked again, more pointed, his eyes narrowed. "I need you to tell me, Derek."
"Why do you need to know," Derek growled. "It doesn't matter."
"It does!" Stiles threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. "If it affects our pack, then I need to know, so I can figure out what to do to avoid it!"
"I don't like when you're upset, or hurt, or – or when anything is wrong with you."
Stiles stared at him like the air got knocked out of him. "They're right."
Derek tensed at that, hunching over a little like he was bracing himself. "Who was right."
"The…" Stiles motioned over to Lydia and Allison. "The girls! They said that I'm your mate. That's what kept me so distracted during breakfast. Because surely that can't be, right. 'Surely, Derek would have told me at literally any point during the past months that we've been friends, that I've been in his pack. There's no way he would have kept something like that from me. Even if he doesn't want me, he knows how important the trust between us is to me, he would have told me the truth,' while I replayed pretty much every single interaction between us since I joined the pack, I kept thinking that. And I guess I'm fucking wrong, huh."
The more he talked, the more bitter and louder his voice grew. He turned away from Derek, a sneer on his face. The cold autumn breeze carried over a scent of misery and Derek's inner wolf whimpered because he knew they were the cause of it.
"I could have been okay with you not wanting me, Derek," Stiles turned to look at him with a devastating look on his face. "You know I can handle rejection. But this… this is about more than you and me. If I'm your mate, I'm the Alpha mate. That… That's really fucking important information regarding our entire pack and I should have known that. You should have told me."
Derek didn't know what to say, or how to say it, not that he got a chance to, because Stiles barreled on. "I deserved to know. You know how weird the past months were for me? I kept cuddling up with my classmates, I fucking nuzzled Jackson at school the other week. I genuinely started to think I was losing it but no. No, I'm the Alpha mate, of course have I been more in tune with the betas. Which also, explains why I keep thinking about them as the betas! Part of me has gotten really fucking worried that I kept mentally excluding myself from them, like, what, was I not seeing myself as pack, what was my problem? But no. No, my problem was that I'm not a beta. I just didn't know it. Because nobody fucking told me."
Stiles was radiating frustration and anger and hurt and all Derek could do was watch and listen quietly, knowing his mate needed to vent. He always talked a lot, especially when he was being emotional. Maybe it'd help him to get it out of his system.
"I would have been fine, Derek," Stiles whispered, and the whispering scared Derek much more than the yelling. "I was in love with Lydia for years and I was fine when she rejected me and got back together with Jackson and we're friends now. I would have been fine if you just told me that you don't love me. We could have led this pack together. As friends. Even if you don't want me."
Suddenly, it felt much colder than it had any right to, and it had nothing to do with the season. The blood in Derek's veins froze as Stiles' words – all of his words – finally fully sank in and context was webbed between them. Stiles was angry because Derek hadn't told him. Stiles… expected rejection. Because of Derek's actions, or rather his inaction, Stiles thought he wasn't wanted.
"Can I… talk now?" Derek asked softly. "Can I explain why I didn't tell you?"
With a sarcastic smile, Stiles made a gesture that indicated 'the floor is all yours'. Derek took a deep breath, trying to mentally prepare himself to talk about his feelings. The feelings he hadn't shared for good reason so far. But that had hurt Stiles, the last person he wanted to hurt, and now he had to fix this somehow, he had to make Stiles stop hurting.
"I want you, Stiles," Derek looked his mate directly in the eyes, wanting for Stiles to see how serious and sincere he was. "I want you more than I ever wanted anything, I want you so much that it scares me, because if I… if I had you, I could lose you again. I would lose you again."
Stiles stared at him in confusion. "That doesn't even make sense. If you don't have me, you can't lose me. Well, great, but you're also not having me, so what's the big difference."
"The difference," Derek growled and ground his teeth together hard. "The difference is that every good thing I ever dare hope to have dies or is otherwise forcibly taken from me, Stiles. P… Paige died. My family died. Laura died. Boyd and Erica were taken and tortured because they were part of my pack. Everyone I love gets hurt because of me. And the thought that someone hurts you, takes you away from me – from the pack, from your dad – all because of me? I can't… I would much rather not have you than lose you for good, Stiles."
In front of him, Stiles crumbled. The anger and hurt melted away to make room for the most heartbroken look Derek had ever seen. Stiles walked up to him, with careful and slow steps, as though he was approaching a cornered animal. Once he stood close enough, he reached both hands out for Derek's face, gently cupping it and leaning closer.
"You big, dumb idiot," Stiles heaved a sigh. "Look at me. Look at me. I'm the human who runs with wolves. I got hunted by a less than sane Alpha. I got tortured by an evil hunter. I regularly get attacked and nearly killed by whatever evil lurks in Beacon Hills. And I'm still standing. You are not getting rid of me that easily. You are not going to lose me that easily. I love you. You and me, we save each other. That's what we do, Derek, and that's what we'll continue doing."
He leaned in, more and more, until Derek could feel the ghost of Stiles' breath against his lips and for once, he didn't hold back. He wrapped his arms around his mate and pulled Stiles into a kiss filled with all the emotions he'd tried to reign in these past months. Stiles practically melted against him, warm and firm and there. Right there, in Derek's arms.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
authors who won't tag their fics properly PISS ME OFF!!! one time i read a buddie fic where buck had sex "onscreen" multiple times with an OC, and even developed feelings for the OC to the point where he was like, "if eddie didn't exist, I could really fall in love with OC" - and there was no Buck/OMC tag?!?!?! like. wtf?? i don't click on a buddie fic to read about buck screwing some OC the author is in love with?!? i muted that author. also, sorry this seems to be an increasingly controversial take in buddie fandom, but i also get pissed off when people refuse to tag for sexual stuff including Top/Bottom, and even act judge-y in their author's note/comments about people who DO want stuff like that tagged. all like, "It shouldn't matter" "it's not important" - ok if it's not important, then just please take one second to tag it so people can read what they want to read, and avoid what they want to avoid?? now i just mute authors who won't tag sufficiently.
i don’t understand people’s apprehension to tagging what is included in their fics… like i’m not claiming ot be perfect at it myself like im sure ive made mistakes but like i try my best to be as clear about everything as i can be. and i have read similar buddie fics where it feels like eddie/omc are the main ones and they’re played as this sort if “right person wrong time” think but eddie/omc aren’t tagged and im like ?????
if im reading a buddie fic unless i explicitly search for sad/unhappy or hopeful ending that fic better end with them being madly in love with each other as if there is no one else in the world but so many fics have these elements of them almost “settling” for each other snd im like a) how ooc is that, and b) do you even ship them atp???
and i definitely understand your frustration over the position tags for smut fics— personally i don’t care either way when it comes to buddie but there are other ships where i am picky about the kind of smut i read (i can think specifically of an old sterek fic i read that was a slow burn and it ended with one smut scene and it was top!stiles which… yeah that might be some people’s preference but it wasn’t mine and so i had to skip the whole chapter of that fic)
unfortunately i think people just like to bait their tags so that they get more views and it’s like…. there’s nothing wrong with wanting your fic to reach a wide audience, but if you’re writing purely for hits/clout then your already writing for the wrong reasons imo 🤷
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usermischief · 4 months
I still think that post-season 3, Stiles should’ve gotten all sorts of little leftovers from the Nogitsune and been deeply unsettling, mostly for angsty reasons and also I cannot believe that everyone moved on perfectly fine after seeing their friend’s body crumble to dust in front of them and having their possessed friend as an enemy for a while before, but also because there is potential comedy of a visiting wolf/other supernatural person meeting everyone and then meeting Stiles, deeply unsettling and not quite breathing and still paler than he was pre-Nogitsune, playing a game of Go with Kira in a new interest that makes everyone else nauseous to think of the origins of, and going “what the hell is that?” The Beacon Hills gang, who’ve mostly adjusted to this by now, say that’s Stiles, he’s their friend. So there’s a banshee, a bunch of werewolves who apparently do not feel their skin crawl around their friend, maybe some Chimeras depending on if season 5 has happened, and the creepiest person in town, who is normally not doing anything particularly jarring but still makes people uncomfortable for no reason anyone can see. I think it would be a little funny after a while to watch new people meet Stiles and everyone else has either adjusted to this being their reality, did not know Stiles before everything, or is pretending to deal à la fake it til you make it, so they’re all “bro that’s just Stiles, calm down.” But I think there should also be angst throughout still, where they can remember a time when Stiles didn’t elicit this reaction or they think of when they had this reaction to him (Liam thought Stiles was the weird friend of his lacrosse captain who he vaguely recalls went missing once pre-bite, then had to resist the urge to shudder whenever he saw Stiles after his bite until he adjusted)
Oh, they dropped the ball hard with this one. They should've committed to being part "horror" TV show. Stiles could've had the ultimate uncanny valley effect - and it would've been even better if Stiles were aware of it.
But, you know, he tries to act like his normal self - hyper, loud, talks a lot. But then there are these moments where he forgets or doesn't have the energy, so he just doesn't move and he's just staring at them. Everyone is always super unsettled when that happens. His friends know that, technically, Stiles isn't a danger to him, but they can't help but be creeped out by that. People who don't know Stiles simply go "nope" and decide to turn the other way. Other packs are on high alert when the news spread, a human surviving a nogitsune? That doesn't sound right.
So they kind of want to snoop around. They see Stiles, and he looks like a gust of wind might break him apart, but there is something about him that's just not quite right. Nobody can put a finger on it, and they decide to leave them alone. It's better that way.
And Stiles is fully aware of all of that. Of fucking course, he uses it to his advantage. His intuition has always been spot on when it came to people. I mean, he even noticed that something was wrong with Matt. But like, thanks to the nogitsune it's not just his instincts anymore. Chaos, strife, pain. He gets a whiff of anything shady, and he's just... going full Derek, creeping around in the shadows, not even trying to hide that he's stalking them.
Everyone leaves. Nobody wants to fuck around and find out. Beacon Hills has never been this peaceful.
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fuji09 · 3 months
I'm seriously sick of people using the jokes and sarcastic remarks about killing Jackson as a justification for Scott to believe Stiles would actually murder someone.
Scott knows Stiles, they are brothers, they know each other better than anyone else. Scott knows Stiles doesn't actually want to kill anyone. He knows Stiles doesn't mean it. He knows Stiles' defense mechanisms and he knows Stiles jokes and makes sarcastic remarks to lessen the tension.
He knows Stiles would be eaten away by guilt if he killed someone. He feels guilty about his mom's death! He knows Stiles isn't capable of murder.
Now the nogitsune being a reason, I can totally understand, because both those boys have PTSD from that. Scott being overwhelmed by everything? Eh, not really a good enough reason to believe his best friend would actually murder someone, in my opinion, but I can see how it can add to the nogitsune trauma.
Stiles lying a lot? Also not a good reason. Most of the lies Stiles tells is to protect Scott and keep the supernatural shit a secret and also to protect his dad from the supernatural shit as best as he can. Stiles is always lying for others, even at his own expense and at the expense of his relationship with his dad.
How Stiles treated Scott during the full moon while he was handcuffed to a radiator? Also a stupid reason for Scott to believe his best friend is a murderer! Scott was acting like a total dick, he made out with Lydia when he knows Stiles has been in love with her since the 3rd grade, and Scott was super aggressive. Yes, I know it's because of the full moon. I get that. But also Stiles wasn't torturing Scott. In fact, while sitting there he was taking all the shit Scott was saying to hurt Stiles.
Stiles made dog jokes and he tried to keep Scott contained so he didn't hurt anyone. But how Stiles treated Scott while beyond hurt and betrayed by his best friend? Yeah, no, not a justification in believing Stiles was capable of murder. Stiles had every right to be hurt and angry with Scott.
The biggest issue was they both were not communicating clearly. With Hayden dying inside the vet clinic, this was definitely not the time to have this "talk". But Scott chose to do it right then. Stiles didn't start it, Scott did. Scott literally blocked Stiles from going inside the clinic and Stiles is bewildered.
I'm not blaming this entire interaction on Scott, so don't come at me, both boys were at fault for the miscommunication.
Also Stiles didn't trust Theo to tell Scott the truth. Stiles knew no matter how Theo spun it, Scott would be upset about it. The only one who trusted Theo was Scott. And yeah, Theo saved some of them and helped them, but Scott should have known Theo was lying when he said Stiles kept hitting Donovan over and over again even once he stopped moving. I know Scott was a teen, I know he had a lot of his plate, I know he had trauma, but he also knows Stiles.
Stiles got defensive because he felt judged, he was hurt, his whole world was crashing down because what was happening was exactly what he knew would happen if Scott ever found out, his biggest fear of losing Scott seemed to be happening right before his eyes. Being rejected by his brother and having his guilt validated caused him to spiral.
They should have to waited to talk. Have Stiles explain everything then Scott would realize Theo lied. But drama and angst is necessary for this show apparently.
This isn't to start anything, I've just seen more and more posts about how Stiles was all in the wrong and Scott did nothing wrong and it's annoying. Is Stiles my favorite character? Yes, but I can acknowledge when he fucks up just like when any other character fucks up.
Both boys were bad friends to each other multiple times. But honestly Scott believeing Theo is so out of character for him. Scott knows his best friend, his brother, there is no good reason for Scott to see Stiles as a killer.
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christinesficrecs · 10 months
hi christine. i wanna start by saying thank you sooo much for all your help. you really are a blessing in the sterek fandom❤️
do you have any fics where stiles gets pregnant by derek but he leaves bh and then years later he returns with the child?
thank you so much!
Thank you!! 💗 Here are a few fics like that. Also, there are more pregnant stiles ones in this tag.
let’s see where this thing goes by EvanesDust | 5.4K | Explicit
When Derek moved to Beacon Hills on a whim, he never expected to see Stiles again. He certainly never expected to find out that he was a father, and after a rocky start, he never thought that they’d be a family. But six months later, Stiles and Derek have moved in together and are raising their son, Jake.
They’ve planned for the future, but after Stiles reminisces about his pregnancy, Derek realizes he doesn’t know if Stiles wants more kids.
The answer is yes.
…or the one where Stiles and Derek are parents and discuss having more kids. Featuring fluff and smut, with a side of breeding kink.
if it’s meant to be, it’ll be by DeancebraArt, EvanesDust | 27.5K | Explicit
Following a chance encounter with an irresistible and alluring omega, Derek wakes up in bed alone, with no way to contact the man he met the night before. Over the course of the next year, Derek finds himself wondering: how can he miss someone he doesn’t even know? And, more importantly, how can he find him again?
After a one-night stand with a mysterious alpha werewolf leaves Stiles pregnant, he resigns himself to raising his child as a single parent. It’s not until the man he’s been pining over for the last year shows up at his doorstep, does he realize there might actually be something more complicated than raising a child on his own: love.
You’ll Grow Into Your Skin by crossroadswrite | 11.8K
“So funny story,” Stiles winces, “Remember when I joked you couldn’t get me pregnant?”
Derek nods his head. He remembers pretty much everything from that day.
“Right,” Stiles bobs his head, stops himself and does a little ta-da gesture towards Jacy, “Surprise?”
Tiny Houses by  ohmyjetsabel | 77.1K
“So this is what Stiles does. He lies in Scott’s bed and waits for Melissa to say she’s found someone to get it out of him, to cure him of the wrongness and the bad, and he dreams.
God, he dreams.
He dreams of fire and swollen bellies and that scene in Alien, of giving birth to jackals through his urethra, the whole horrific nine yards. His head is a terrible place to be, he can’t imagine his stomach is much better, why anyone would want to put a thinginside of it.”
Over the Moon by  i_kinda_like_writing | 32.8K
Stiles and Derek spend a night together, and Derek, thinking he’s protecting Stiles, tells him it was a mistake. Stiles leaves Beacon Hills. He also leaves behind 6 letters to say goodbye to the pack. From his letters, the pack thinks he’s killed himself. Meanwhile, Stiles is in NYC, living with Jackson, going to Columbia, oh, and he’s pregnant.
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mrsstruggle · 1 year
The Lost Child - Chapter 34 // Teen Wolf x Marvel AU
Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen years later and her family believes she is dead. Then how is she living in Beacon Hills?
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Death/Injury/Grief/Torture, Possible Grammar Mistakes (please let me know if there is anything else)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Reader, Steve Rodgers x Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff, Vision x Wanda Maximoff, & More To Come
Previous Pairings: Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Scott McCall x Allison Argent
Words: 5.5k
Note: Sorry this is so late!
Additional Note: While this is a Teen Wolf x Marvel AU, not everything is true to the shows/movies/comics. I had to change things for the story.
One Last Note: Y/N was adopted by Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I did this so more people can see themselves in this story.
***I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel or any related characters. This is a work of fanfiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.***
The Lost Child Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
Everyone was quiet as they made their way through the woods toward the hunter's safe house. The only sound that could be heard was the crunching of leaves and sticks beneath their feet. Y/N knows it's wrong, but she wishes she was Allison right now so she wouldn't have to deal with everything.
Stiles doesn't like the silence but it's taking everything in him to break it. He's worried that if he starts talking then he won't be able to stop. He's also not sure if he wants to accidentally piss off anyone who's in charge of protecting his life.
As much as he's annoyed at everything that has happened and that has come to light, he also can't help but have a little fanboy moment inside his head. He's about to head into battle with the Avengers. The last time they stormed a place he had been sidelined. Now, he's walking through the woods, about to go into a little war with the hunters, with the Avengers suited up next to him. It's like a dream he always had but also mixed with a nightmare he always had.
He watches Y/N from the back of the group as she and Chris lead them to the safe house. He doesn't like that he's been paired with Liam and Peter, but it could be worse. He could be paired up with Peter Hale. He wouldn’t make it out alive if that were the case.
"Are we almost there?" Peter Hale asks.
"Why? Do you have somewhere better to be?" Scott questions.
"Yes. I was thinking about asking your mother out again."
"Wait, what?" Sam looks between Scott and Peter, confused about what he just heard. How old is this guy and why does it seem like he only hangs out with teenagers? He knows Peter is Derek's uncle, but he also dated one of these kids' mothers?
"Ignore him." Derek rolls his eyes at his uncle. He just wants to get this over with. He's tired of having to deal with the Argents and the Avengers. He wants to go home, wrap Y/N up in a warm blanket, and not leave their bedroom until they have to. This past week has caused him too much stress and he's over it.
Y/N comes to a stop and waits for the others to stand around her, "We'll split up here. Remember, Sam, Bucky, and Malia, you'll take the right side. Kira, Natasha, and Wanda, you'll follow them but then split off to the north side. Scott and Steve, you're going to the left side. Stiles, Liam, and Peter, you'll follow them. You're in charge of killing the Anuk-Ite, so good luck with that."
Chris takes off his backpack before unzipping it and holding it out to everyone, "Everyone take a walkie-talkie. I'm sure these aren't as advanced as some of you are used to, but they'll do. I've already set them to the correct channel but it's channel 7 if you mess it up."
"Radio in if you feel the Anuk-Ite so Stiles and them know where to go. He has the mountain ash to kill it so don't try killing it yourself," Y/N says while everyone grabs a walkie-talkie. "Also, radio if you need help. While we have an idea of what we're up against, there could be more and some of you have never had to fight these types of creatures before. They are very different from your space aliens."
"Anything else?" Stiles asks.
"Yeah, don't die."
"How are you not a motivational speaker?"
"Okay, let's go before they do this for another twenty minutes," Scott says, walking away from the group to the left where Y/N told him to go. Steve presses a quick kiss to Bucky's lips and murmurs something under his breath to him before following Scott.
"Radio in when you're in place!" Y/N yells out to Scott.
The rest of the Avengers watch as Y/N and Stiles lock their pinky fingers and promise each other they won't die. Y/N doesn't know it, but she's done that since before Pepper gave her away. Anytime they'd go on a mission she'd make them promise they were going to come back. She believed that pinky promises were a binding promise and that there was no way you could break them. It's little things like that that let them know that the girl they knew is still there, just a bit different.
"One last thing," Y/N sticks out her hand toward Chris. Chris pulls out a bulletproof vest from his backpack and hands it to Y/N. She quickly pulls it over Stiles' head and straps it around him before he has a chance to protest. "Just in case."
"Why have I never been given one of these before?" Stiles scoffs.
"Just be grateful you're getting one now. Now go."
Chris, Derek, Peter Hale, Tony, and Y/N watch as the others run off to where they're supposed to be.
"What else do you have in that bag?" Derek asks, eyeing the backpack in Chris' hand.
"You don't want to know," Chris zips his backpack up and puts it back on his back.
"We're in place." Scott's voice rings out of their walkie-talkies.
Y/N sighs as she tries to mentally prepare herself for the fight ahead, "I think I could sleep for a week after this. I'm surprised I haven't gotten a call from my boss yet saying I'm fired for being gone for so long. I swear I didn't have this many vacation days."
Derek moves to stand in front of Y/N to meet her eyes, "I'm sure they've seen the news and will understand why you haven't been in for a while. Scott said Melissa was covering for you so I'm sure it's fine."
"I'll have to get her something nice for covering for me this long."
"And she'll tell you that you don't owe her anything." Derek pulls Y/N close and presses a kiss against her forehead. He knows how stressed she is about everything because he's also stressed about everything.
"We're in place." Bucky's voice rings out from the walkie-talkies.
"How do you want us to get into the house?" Y/N turns to Tony at his question. She almost forgot the others were there with her and Derek.
"We need to wait until everyone has lured out as many hunters as possible then we fly in," Y/N says.
"You can fly as well?" Tony's eyebrows shoot up in shock. Did he miss something in the files Hydra made about her? Can werewolves fly?
"No, you'll have to either carry me or I can get on your back."
Tony goes to respond but Kira's voice cuts him off as it rings out through the walkie-talkies, "We're in place."
"Okay," Y/N looks around at Chris, Derek, Peter, and Tony, "you ready?"
Chris tightens the knife holders on his thighs and double-checks the gun in his hand, "Ready."
"Ready," Tony says as his suit builds around him.
"Can we finally get this over with?" Peter asks, inspecting his claws.
"I'm going to climb up into a tree until I think it's time for us to hit the house. You should do the same." Y/N says, looking at Tony. "I'm their biggest target and if they know where I am then they'll forget about the others. We've got to hide a bit first."
"I'll follow you," Tony replies.
Y/N looks back at Derek, "Be safe and kick some hunter ass. I love you."
"I love you too," Derek says before pressing a hard kiss on her lips, as if he's scared he won't see her again.
Y/N pulls away and walks over to the nearest tree, "You know what to do babe!"
Derek, Chris, and Peter watch as Y/N starts to climb up the tree and Tony flies up into the one next to her. Derek waits until he can no longer see her figure before transforming into his beta form.
"Now we can get this over with," Derek says, letting out a loud roar to let everyone know it's time to go and to let the hunters know they're here.
Steve tightens the shield around his arm before looking up at the sound of a roar.
"What was that?" Peter asks, looking around making sure nothing is coming at them. He's dealt with a lot of weird things being in the Avengers, but he's never heard something like that before.
"That was Derek," Stiles states.
"You stay here and wait for someone to radio you," Scott tells Stiles, Liam, and Peter.
"Where are you going?" Liam asks.
"We're going straight towards them. Let's go." Scott nods at Steve to follow him.
Steve huffs a bit in frustration as he follows Scott. He doesn't enjoy being told what to do from a teenager. If it was Y/N here, he would follow without question. She might have been gone for 15 years, but he'd still trust her with his life.
Scott slows as he gets closer to the safe house. He can already hear a few hunters loading their guns and sharpening their knives. He listens to their panicked voices as they talk about the roar they heard and how they know they're being attacked. If he focuses hard enough, he can also hear Stiles, Liam, and Peter bickering behind them.
"Let's stop here. We don't want to get too close." Scott says. "We need to lure them out here." Scott tries to count the number of hunters standing outside of the house in front of them.
"I got it," Steve states, throwing his shield out toward the hunters. The shield hits three hunters, knocking them to the ground, before coming back to Steve.
"That's one way to do it," Scott mumbles, watching as the hunters look their way. He quickly ducts behind a tree as the hunters slowly make their way towards them.
Steve ducts behind another tree as they wait for the hunters to come closer. He can hear the ground crunch behind him letting him know where they are. He waits until he can see the end of a gun before jumping out and knocking the hunter back into two others.
That's when all hell breaks loose.
Scott jumps out from where he's hiding as all eyes are on Steve, throwing the hunter closest to him into a tree—knocking him out. Bullets start to fly as Steve and Scott attack. Scott is surprised he hasn't been hit by any bullets yet as he knocks out another hunter.
Steve throws his shield toward the hunter's legs, the vibranium metal breaking their knees and shins as it hits them. He quickly knocks them out as they hit the ground one by one. It's not long until they've taken out all the hunters that attacked them.
"Is that it?" Steve asks, knocking out the last hunter.
"I doubt it. The others must have the rest of the hunters distracted or the rest of them haven't left the safe house." Scott says, looking around for other hunters.
"We should move in," Steve says, moving towards the safehouse before Scott sticks out an arm to stop him.
"Not until we're told too."
"There's no one over here. We should move in."
"Not until Y/N tells us too."
Steve doesn't understand why they can't just move in. They easily took out the hunters. He doesn't understand why they were acting like they were going to be a challenge. The hunters are down on their side, and they have a clear shot toward the safe house.
Scott's head quickly turns as he starts to smell something in the air, "Do you smell that?"
"What?" Steve doesn't know what Scott's talking about.
"It smells like..." Scott's voice trails off as his eyes widen as he looks behind Steve.
Steve quickly turns around to see four large creatures standing behind him. They look like men wearing bones and an animal skull for a mask. "What am I looking at?"
Sam and Bucky are standing back-to-back as they fight off the hunters around them while Malia holds off more of them.
"How many of these guys are there?" Sam asks, slamming another hunter onto the ground.
"I don't know but they're pissing me off," Bucky says. His arm comes up to block the bullets being shot at him from a hunter on the ground. He rips the gun out of the hunter's hand and knocks him out with a quick kick to the face.
Bucky turns to find another hunter to attack to see the hunters fleeing from them.
"Why are they running?" Sam asks.
"Something's coming," Malia states, her eyes closed while trying to listen to her surroundings.
Bucky tries to listen and see if he can hear what she hears. He closes his eyes for a second. It sounds like something is running toward them. He opens his eyes and stares into the woods in front of him. Something is charging at them.
"Get down!" Bucky tackles Sam to the ground as a deer jumps out from the trees and almost tramples over them. It runs past them almost as quickly as it appeared. It looked rabid.
"What the hell?" Sam mutters, staring at where the deer ran off.
Bucky looks down to where Sam is in his arms from when he tackled him. Disgusted, he scrambles up off the ground and away from Sam.
"Did you smell that?" Malia asks.
"Robo boy's cheap cologne? Yeah, I smelled it." Sam says, wiping the dirt off his suit as he stands up from the ground.
"No, the deer. It smelled like fear."
"Fear?" Bucky asks. He thought that something was running at them but what if it was running away from something? He slowly pulls out his walkie-talkie while his eyes dart around. "We found the Anuk-Ite."
"On our way," Stiles' voice rings out from the walkie-talkies.
"Are you sure?" Sam questions Bucky.
"Yeah, I'm su–" a pained scream from the woods cuts him off. He pauses, his head whipping toward the sound.
"Bucky! Buck!" someone is screaming out for him. He moves to run into the woods, but Malia moves in front of him to stop him.
"What are you doing?" Malia asks.
"Do you not hear someone screaming?!" Bucky yells, angry that she's preventing him from finding whoever's yelling for him. He swears it almost sounded like Steve.
"The only person screaming right now is you," Sam says.
"What?" Bucky looks between Sam and Malia. Can they not hear what he's hearing?
Sam stares at Bucky for a second before realizing what's happening, "Close your eyes! Close your eyes now!"
"Why am I closing my eyes?!" Malia yells, her eyes now shut tight.
"It's the Anuk-Ite. Whatever happens, don't open your eyes."
Sam, Bucky, and Malia stand still as they wait for something to happen. They're hoping Stiles gets here soon to kill the thing.
"How could you?" Bucky quickly whips his head around, his eyes still shut tight, as Steve's voice whispers in his ear. "Why?"
"I don't understand..." Bucky whispers, confused about what's happening.
"I told you to finish him." Bucky's head whips around again. He knows that voice. It belongs to the man responsible for turning him into the Winter Soldier, Arnim Zola.
"Buck...no," Steve's voice whimpers. "This isn't you."
"You have your orders, soldier! Kill him!"
"You can't stop him, Steve. He's no longer the boy you used to know. He never will be. He has always been the Winter Soldier, and he always will be."
Bucky's closed eyes tighten as he repeatedly mutters to himself, "This isn't real. It's not real."
"Buck..." Steve's voice is quiet. Bucky can feel a soft hand caress his cheek. It feels like Steve.
"I'll do it." That sounds like Y/N's voice but harsher. It sounds like when she was pretending to be under the hunter's and Hydra's control.
"Ah, my perfect soldier. Always ready to do what you're told." Zola's voice sounds closer than it was before.
"She's not your soldier," Bucky growls. Y/N will never be Hydra's soldier.
"I think you're forgetting who you are. Let me remind you. Longing. Rusted. Seventeen. Daybrea–"
"Shut up!"
"It's who you are! Now, finish your mission!"
"No!" Bucky is trying to remind himself that this isn't real but it's getting harder too.
"Let me." Y/N's voice is now coming from in front of him. "Just admit it. You couldn't save yourself, you couldn't save me, and you couldn't save Steve."
"Wh-what are you talking about?"
It goes quiet. Maybe it's over?
As Bucky brings a hand up to his face to wipe away the overwhelmed tears that were slowly falling from his eyes, he hears someone being stabbed in front of him. His body goes rigid as he hears someone start to choke—possibly on their own blood.
"Hail Hydra," Y/N's voice whispers in his ear.
Bucky quickly opens his eyes toward the ground in shock and confusion. His eyes move slightly in front of him to a knife sticking out of someone. Not just someone. He'd recognize that uniform anywhere. Steve.
Bucky's eyes shoot up to Steve's face only to be met with the glowing purple eyes of the Anuk-Ite. His body immediately turned to stone.
"Buck, you still good?!" Sam calls out, unaware of what just happened. He can't hear Bucky, but he can hear Malia. She sounds like she's apologizing to someone until she goes quiet. "Malia?"
"Malia?!" Sam can hear someone yelling for her.
"Uncle Sam?! Uncle B?!" Peter rushes into the area where Sam, Bucky, and Malia are. Liam and Stiles run in behind him.
"Oh my god..." Stiles stares at Malia's frozen figure. She looks like a statue from Medusa's lair in the Percy Jackson movie.
"Please tell me you're real?" Sam asks.
"The Anuk-Ite's gone," Liam says.
Sam opens his eyes to see Peter staring at a Bucky statue. Stiles and Liam are also crouched down next to a Malia statue.
"What happened?" Peter turns to look at Sam.
"I-I don't know. One second it was here and now it's not. I'm not even sure when this happened." Sam gestures to Bucky. Why didn't the Anuk-Ite go for him? He could hear Bucky talking to someone—most likely whoever the Anuk-Ite wanted him to talk to—and he could hear Malia, but nothing ever happened to him.
"Now what?" Liam asks.
"They still need people attacking on this side," Stiles says. They need people to weaken the hunters from every side.
"I can still do it but I don't know if I can do it alone," Sam states.
"I'll stay," Liam volunteers. "I can help on this side while you two get the Anuk-Ite."
Stiles looks hesitant but agrees, "Make sure nothing happens to them." Stiles looks between Malia and Bucky and wonders how much longer he has before their current state is permanent.
"Where do you think it went?" Peter asks.
"I don't know."
"What the hell are these people?!" Nat yells out, barely missing the edge of the blade that swipes at her.
"They're Oni!" Kira yells back. She's trying to hold off four Oni while Natasha and Wanda fight the other three.
"I thought we're supposed to be fighting hunters?!"
"I thought the same thing!" Wanda yells.
Natasha ducks as one of the Oni swings their sword at her. She's able to remove the sword from the Oni's hand as the sword lodges itself in the tree next to her. Nat quickly pulls the sword away from the tree and watches as the Oni pulls another sword out of nowhere.
"We're going to die here." Nat mumbles, readying herself to continue fighting.
As Kira blocks the Oni's swings, she can see the glint of a weapon coming from within the trees behind them. "I think the hunters have finally decided to join them!" She hears something firing.
Wanda and Natasha turn to see several hunters running toward them. Most of them seem to be carrying guns while the others seem to be holding knives. Nat can count about thirty hunters.
"You guys take the hunters! I've got these guys!" Kira yells at them, her eyes starting to glow.
"You sure?!" Nat asks.
Wanda and Natasha break away from the Oni and charge toward the hunters. Nat throws the sword in her hand on the ground and pulls out her Glock 26s. As the hunters start to shoot at them, Wanda uses her powers to rip a tree out of the ground and throw it through the group of hunters — knocking several to the ground.
Nat ducks behind a tree as bullets fly past her. The bullets slowly come to halt as she reloads her guns. She can hear footsteps getting closer to her. It sounds like five different people are coming toward her. Nat puts one of her guns back in its holster as she takes a deep breath.
As the tip of a hunter's gun comes into view, she grabs the front of the assault rifle while throwing her elbow into the hunter's face. He lets go of the gun as she knocks him out with the butt of her Glock. Adjusting the assault rifle in her grip, she turns and shoots down the other four hunters.
"I thought we weren't supposed to kill any of them?!" Wanda yells out to Nat.
"I don't remember agreeing to that!" Natasha yells back.
Wanda throws another hunter back as she watches Nat take down more as well. Looking back at Kira, she notices a glowing figure around the young girl as she fights off the Oni.
Kira can feel her anger and frustration growing as she continues to fight. She can also feel her control starting to slip. The fox spirit around grows bigger and bigger the longer she fights.
As she feels a blade cut through her right thigh, her fox quickly grows before launching itself at the seven Oni. A blinding light shoots out as the Oni are killed, hindering the hunters. Kira can feel her fox getting more powerful with each Oni it takes out.
With her back facing the light, Natasha uses the distraction to shoot down the rest of the hunters. Looking over at Wanda, she can see her crouched behind a tree blocking the light with her hands. As the light disappears, she turns around to find Kira kneeling on the ground and no Oni around her.
"What happened?!" Nat yelled toward Kira.
"I killed them!" Kira yells back, pressing down on the wound on her leg as it starts to slowly heal.
"Why didn't you do that earlier?!"
"I don't really have control of it!"
"Did you have to kill all of them?" Wanda asks Natasha, looking at all the dead hunters behind them.
"Did you want me to wait until they killed one of us?"
Wanda rolls her eyes at Nat's response. She could've put them all to sleep but it's too late for that now. She walks over to where Kira is now sitting on the ground.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. My leg should be good in just a minute." Kira replies.
"I wonder if everybody else also has to deal with more than just hunters?" Nat mumbles, sitting down next to Kira.
Sitting up high in a tree, Y/N watches as Derek, Peter, and Chris battle the hunters down below. She can hear her radio go off and Scott's voice asking for help. It takes everything in her to not jump down and help after one hunter's knife gets a little too close to Derek's throat.
"Is this what you deal with here in Beacon Hills?" Tony questions, watching as more hunters seem to come out of nowhere.
"Yeah, but hunters have always been the least of our worries," Y/N replies, her grip tightening on the tree in anger as more hunters appear. She could easily use her powers from here and take them out but then Kate would know where she is.
Tony feels at a loss for words. Watching the hunters down below, he can't believe this is what his daughter has been with. He doesn't know why this didn't hit him before. He was so caught up in everything else, he hasn't taken a step back to notice how calm she and her friends seem to be about everything.
Since the Avengers have been in Beacon Hills, they've dealt with hunters, Hydra, and more. He knows to an extent what Y/N dealt with when she was with Hydra, but what else has she dealt with?
Friends of hers have apparently died and he has no idea why. Was it because of hunters? Was it because of something else they've faced? Or was it something that has nothing to do with this little world she lives in?
Tony stares at Y/N as he thinks of something to say. He has so many things that he wants to say and so many questions he wants to ask but now is not the time.
"I can practically hear you thinking from here," Y/N looks up and locks eyes with Tony. "I know you have a lot of questions and so do I. I don't really know how long you're going to be here in Beacon Hills, but I'd like to start over after all of this is done."
"We can stay as long as you want. You can come back with us too...i-if you want. I-I mean I know you're a lot older now, but we kept your rooms the same as you left them. Well, we have a cleaner that cleans them once every two weeks."
"Yeah, one at the compound and one in our old home. We haven't lived there since you...disappeared. I still kept it though just in case."
"Even after you thought I was dead?"
"You're not the only person we've known to be presumed dead to still very much be alive. I didn't want to give up hope. No matter how little it became."
Y/N doesn't know what to say to that. She looks back down to watch the others fight off the hunters. Most of the hunters are down so now is a good time to get to Kate.
"We should go now," Y/N looks back at Tony.
"How are we doing this?" Tony asks, not sure how to carry Y/N.
"Can I just get on your back?"
Tony flies off the tree and hovers in front of Y/N with his back turned toward her, "Let's go."
Y/N pulls herself away from the tree and climbs onto Tony's back. A small smile appears on her face as it reminds her of the piggyback rides her dad, the sheriff, used to give her all the time as a kid before they lost her mom. As Tony takes off toward the safe house, she wonders if Tony or the others ever used to carry her like this when she was younger.
Y/N holds on tighter to Tony as he crashes into the middle of the house. Once Tony has landed on the ground, she hops off his back and surveys her surroundings. They landed in what appeared to be the living room but there was no one around. There's no one shooting at them, charging at them, or even watching them. They are completely alone.
"Why is no one here?" Tony asks, his blasters ready just in case.
"I don't know..." Looking around Y/N can see weapons and ammo everywhere. On the wall, she can see pictures of herself and all her friends. There's even some of the Avengers. There's a large blood stain on the floor but there is nobody. Whose blood is it?
It's also quiet. Too quiet. If she listens in, she can hear the others fighting, but it's quiet in the house. Kate must be hiding somewhere. If there's one thing Y/N knows about the Argents, it's that they love a good basement moment. That's probably where Kate is hiding out. And if she's hiding then she knows she's outmatched. She knows they're losing.
As she turns to look at Tony, a body flies through the living room window. Y/N jumps back and is ready to attack until she notices who it is.
Isaac groans in pain but makes no move to get up off the floor, "Hey Y/N."
"H-how? What?"
"Scott told me everything so we came to help."
As Isaac goes to answer, a girl with a crossbow steps through the broken window, "Isaac?!" She starts shooting toward something Y/N can't see.
"Who are these people?" Tony asks Y/N.
"He's a friend and she's..." Y/N pauses as she thinks of a way to describe who Braeden is, "she's a friend of Derek."
Isaac snorts, "Yeah, a friend."
Y/N kicks Isaac's arm at his comment, "What's happening out there? How'd you go through the window? Why haven't you got up?"
"I can't really move."
"What do you mean?" Y/N crouches down next to Isaac in concern.
"We aren't the only ones who know a kanima apparently."
Y/N rolls Isaac onto his side and looks at the scratch on his neck. She can see some of the venom still dripping from the wound.
"Who else has been affected by it?" Y/N asks, laying Isaac back down on his back.
"Scott was protecting a guy on the ground with a shield when I found them," Braeden replies, walking over to them.
Tony curses under his breath, "Should we help them?"
"Kira and two other girls are currently helping Scott."
Y/N turns her head to the broken window as she hears a loud roar. It sounded like Scott but she's not sure.
"Is it just the kanima they're fighting?" Y/N asks.
"No, there's Berserkers as well. Four of them."
Y/N stands up and looks at Tony, "Stay here and help them. I've got Kate."
"You're not going alone," Tony states. He's not going to abandon his daughter. He's here to protect her.
"They need your help more than I do. If the kanima takes more of them down, they will all be dead. Help them."
Tony hesitates for a moment before agreeing, "Fine, but then I'm coming back to help you."
"Fine. I'll probably be in the basement. At least that's where I'm assuming she is."
Tony looks like he's going to hug her for a moment before flying out through the broken window. Y/N can hear when he finds the others.
"So that's your dad huh?" Isaac says with a small smirk on his face.
Y/N rolls her eyes and huffs, "Shut up." Her radio sparks to life and she can hear Chris Argent calling for Stiles. The Anuk-Ite must be near them. Y/N turns to Braeden, "I've got Kate. Make sure he stays alive."
Y/N flicks her claws out as she checks all the doors to see if any lead into the basement. When she opens the fourth door, she sees stairs leading down into another room. She walks down slowly until she reaches the bottom.
Looking around, the stairs seemed to have led her to a hallway instead of a room. There are four different doors, and she doesn't know what's behind any of them. There's a long ugly rug that runs throughout the middle of the hallway. It looks out of place in the modern-looking hallway.
She's about to open the first door when she notices the end of the rug is flipped up as if someone tripped over it. That's when she notices something behind it. Moving the rug with her foot, she finds an escape hatch.
Y/N bends down and opens the hatch. Not seeing anything dangerous, she jumps down into what seems to be a tunnel. Looking down at the ground, she can see a single set of footprints leading away from her.
She follows the footsteps until she gets to the end of the tunnel. She notices a small ladder leading up to another hatch. Y/N climbs up the ladder and slowly opens the hatch. It takes her a second to realize where she is. She's next to an old lake her mom used to take her and Stiles to during the summer.
Climbing out of the tunnel, she looks around for Kate. She knows she's here, but she can't seem to see her.
"Kate! I know you're here!" Y/N yells out.
As she moves to look around, a bear trap snaps around her right ankle. Screaming out in pain, Y/N falls to the ground.
"I was wondering when you would show up, but I'm surprised you showed up alone." Y/N whips her head around to see Kate slowly walking up to her with twenty other hunters and two Berserkers behind her.
@vicmc624 @mrspetxrs @freyathehuntress @fheresm @stefans-wife @llamaproblem @taketimeandappreciate @youralphawolf72 @ornella0910 @shedsblood @ts1mp0ne @beautifulgrungekid @emily-roberts @danielle-leah1997 @itmejado @me-unitentionally @iv3t @james-bucky-barnes-bitch @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @darkenwolfie @inyourmomsworld @lokiandbuckywife @xx-narcissa @elite4cekalyma @thecrazytealady @ladyjenjay @misshale21 @cevans-winchester @fayhay14 @wtfcas @spencerreidsbookclub @depressedsleepysloth @hinata7346 @randomhoex @mirakeul @n1ght5h4d3-24 @allthingsavenger-y @belovacc @speedy-object-dream @pepelachanel @dark-night-sky-99 @missnyxsblog @xoxoloverb @ilearnedthatfromethepizzaman @kingshitonly @isnt-itstrange @twsssmlmaa @navs-bhat @zealouspostwitch @saahmi @distantsighs @jayxxace @a--1--1--3 @cutelittlepurplesouls @mermaid--dreamer-blog @maliagurl @peterpangirl21 @kneelforloki @slutformaddyperez @teenybean @small-town-wayward-daughter @labellapeaky @dabria14 @geeksareunique @emma-is-a-nerd @teen-wolf-fan @zzsloth @burn1ngw00d @esposadomd @natashamea18
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 1 year
King of My Heart Chapter 17 - Suzie, Do You Copy?
Author: @stiles-o-dylan24​ Pairing: Steve x Summer Byers (eventually) Word Count: 4.8k Warnings: mentions of previous fight, language SERIES SPOTIFY PLAYLIST
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It officially takes two months since Starcourt was built for them to open and shut down almost every store that used to be thriving downtown.
Melvald's is one of the few that is left that hasn’t closed or moved to a new location inside the mall so mom still has a job… she however spends her days marking items down to an even lower clearance price because it’s just a matter of time before the store also closes for good.
Mr. B at the movie theater I had been working at stayed open for as long as he could until the movie theater in the mall opened and he had a week straight of no customers coming in to watch a movie.
It wasn’t long after that he had to let the few of us still employed go and I’ve had to desperately look for another job so I can keep saving up money for the art school program at Columbia… that I was put on the waitlist for. Which is fine if I actually think about it since we don’t really have a way to pay for me to go right now.
I was able to find a job as a lifeguard at the community pool a few days after I graduated from high school. It’s been going great the last three weeks after I finished all my training and certifications to actually be in charge of saving people from drowning.
Well it was going great until today when four new lifeguards finished their training and were officially hired on.
I’m just getting done with the morning shift when I see the new group walking around and getting the welcome tour of where everything is.
I cross my arms over my chest, not even able to help my glare when I see exactly who is a part of this new group. It’s been about eight months since I watched him pick on Lucas and start a fight with Steve for absolutely no reason other than he’s insane and other than graduation I have stayed as far away from him as I could.
Billy stops right in front of me, smirking with those evil eyes of his “Well hello again, Byers.”
“Don’t call me that” I keep my glare fixed on him and he chuckles, jerking his head back “You don’t want me to call you by your name? Did I say it wrong?”
I narrow my eyes towards him even more “No, it may be my name but you’re not allowed to call me by it– not like that anyways” I grumble and he raises his brows “So what should I call you then?”
I roll my eyes and move to step past him while I answer “Do me a favor and just don’t talk to me, you know, like ever.”
I walk into the front entrance of Starcourt and head towards the escalators, stepping onto the steps that go down to the next level. I head to my right after I get to the bottom of the escalator and I walk around a group of people before I walk through the entrance of Scoops.
Steve looks up from the ice cream bins he’s restocking and throws his arms up and out to his sides, smiling wide “The mermaid is finally here!”
The few people sitting at the tables and booths inside look over towards me and I throw him a sarcastic look as I walk up to the front counter “I don’t swim all day so I’m hardly a mermaid.”
“Well there’s always tomorrow” he shrugs and drops his arms back down to his sides. I chuckle, though I my face drops when I see movement in the back room “Who’s back there?”
“Oh, new girl– just started today” Steve answers and, new girl herself walks out of the back room. She startles and stops walking when she sees me and I narrow my eyes ever so slightly in thought as I try to place where I’ve seen her before.
Steve makes a noise and moves his arm to indicate both of us “Oh okay hey, Summer this is Robin– Robin this is–
“Summer, yeah hi–” Robin smiles, nervously looking between us before she directs her words towards me “Um, we actually had a class together last year–”
“Buckley” I snap my fingers and point towards her “Robin Buckley– we had Click’s morning history class together” I finish, quietly sighing in my relief that I figured it out because that would have driven me nuts all day, and she smiles “We did–” she shakes her head quickly, stammering “I ca– I can’t believe you actually remember me.”
“Wait we did?” Steve asks, also having been in the class, and we look over at him, noticing his confused face. He raises his brows at the look I throw him, looking between us and raising his hands up to his sides “Sorry, guess I wasn’t paying attention in that class.”
“You weren’t, you were always late” I mumble and Robin snorts, agreeing and elaborating “Walking in late and coming into class with bagel crumbs on your shirt.”
Steve glares at both of us while we laugh and shakes his head “Well I’ve blissfully forgotten that part.”
“Convenient since the memory doesn’t show you at your best” I jab and he laughs sarcastically towards me “Very funny.”
Customers walk in and Steve makes sure Robin has it sorted before he walks back over towards me “New girl is a quick learner”
“Robin” I say and he nods, repeating slowly “Yeah– Robin is a quick learner.”
I frown at him “She has a name and it’s not new girl” and Steve rolls his eyes “Oh my god, yeah I know her name– I was just– never mind…” he crosses his arms over his chest and leans back against the counter.
“Anyways, how was work today? You’re here earlier than usual” Steve remarks and I groan, walking back a few steps and falling back into the empty booth behind me “Yeah my shifts are going to be shorter because they hired even more lifeguards” I cover my face with my hands and grumble behind them “I think I have to quit.”
“Quit?” Steve repeats and moves forward so he can sit down next to me “But you said you have the best shift in the morning with all the older people before the families all get there.”
I drop my arms down and cross them in front of me on the table “Yeah but they’re switching me out and putting me on the afternoon shift and I won’t be alone…”
“Ooh ominous” Steve jokes when I trail off and I throw him a look, sharing the somber news responsible for my mood “Hargrove also just got hired on as a lifeguard at the pool– finished his certifications yesterday.”
Steve’s face falls and he scoots closer towards me in the booth, dropping his voice a little “What is that douchebag doing getting a job as a lifeguard with you?”
“So he can hit on anything in a bikini?” I offer and Steve’s face lets me know he was being serious and I shrug in response “He’ll do anything to not have to wear a shirt and I’m being serious, he was eating up all the attention he was getting and he was only there for five minutes before I left.”
Steve is silent with that and just glares at a spot over my shoulder. I sigh and lean back in the seat “I don’t know what to do– I need a job but I don’t think I can work with him, especially after what he did last year.”
“Yeah” Steve mumbles, running his hand up through his hair which I’ve noticed he’s doing more and more lately and I soften my face towards the side of his. Steve clears his throat and looks at me, causing me to quickly look away– even though it was pretty obvious I was staring at him and I inwardly grimace at being caught.
“Why don’t you get a job here?” Steve offers and I quickly look over at him, scrunching my face up like he’s crazy for saying that’s what I should do “Because this stupid flashy mall opening and shutting down everything downtown is the reason I had to even get a stupid new job to begin with.”
Steve rubs his hand over his mouth, nodding a few times before he lays his arm across the back of the booth “Right I know that but the hours here are pretty good and the pay is a dollar fifty more than what you’re making at the pool.”
“Of course it is” I grumble lowly and cross my arms over my chest to be one step away from pouting.
Steve laughs quietly to himself, however I can see his shoulders shake and I switch to glaring at him “What’s so funny?”
“You know you want to work here, I mean–” he laughs once, moving his hands down his navy shirt with a red tie outfit “Just look at this uniform” he stops moving his arms and flicks his hands up, winking at me “So sexy– I know you agree, plus” he reaches up and takes his white ahoy hat off and reaches over to set it on top of my head “This is the real winner of the ensemble– brings out those green eyes of yours.”
Steve lifts his hands up in a shrug, silently saying he rests his case before he sets his hands on the table.
Even with the mood I’m in, I can’t help but laugh. I chuckle, softly shaking my head at him succeeding in lifting my mood a little “Even if I wanted to attempt to be okay with working at this stupid flashy mall– Robin was just hired…”
Steve doesn’t waste a second to scoff at my reasoning, lifting his hand off the table slightly “Owner wants to hire another person because we’re so swamped during the day and because I’m such a phenomenal employee–”
“You’ve worked here for a month” I interrupt and Steve keeps talking over me like I didn’t say anything, “He told me to scout for potential applicants and recruit if I found someone who was seriously looking for a job.”
I look at him like it’s too good to be true, however, he just smiles “Job’s yours if you want it.”
It’s been almost a week since I got the job at Scoops and hung up my lifeguard swimsuit and whistle. While I was boycotting giving the mall a chance because they killed our downtown, I’m annoyed to say it’s actually been a lot of fun– probably because of who I get to work with… so the fun being had is not really because of the mall per-se.
Another bonus to this stupid flashy mall is that because it is ridiculously busy our work day flies by. Slinging ice cream to the masses is exhausting if I’m honest, however, I’ve already made more working here in a week than the three I was working at the pool, since I didn’t get paid to get certified that first week.
We’re just over an hour away from being able to lock the doors and start our closing routine for the parlor and I’m manning the front counter with Robin while Steve takes his last break.
I hand over a mint chip cone to a couple that has come in and Robin rings them up while I grab a cleaning rag. I walk around to the front of the counter and wipe a table down, looking up just in time to see Lucas, Max, Will and Mike walk into the ice cream parlor.
Robin sets her hands on the counter and shakes her head “Is that your little brother and his friends again?”
I walk back to the front of the counter and lean back against it, chuckling and crossing my arms over my navy blue sailor’s shirt while I answer her “Yup that’s them– bet they’re here because Day of the Dead is premiering tonight.”
The group walk towards the front counter and when they stop in front of it Mike reaches over and hits the bell, which the purpose of is to get our attention when we’re not at the counter, incessantly.
Robin rolls her eyes and says loud enough for her voice to reach the back room “Hey, dingus, your guys’ children are here.”
I scoff towards her and point at Will who’s standing in front of me “He’s my brother not my child” and Robin just lifts her hand up “You guys take care of them more than any adult I’ve seen since I’ve known you so my assessment still stands.”
Max walks over and since she’s gotten a little taller she’s now my height and is able to set her arm across my shoulder, smiling brightly “Can you please help us get into Day of the Dead?”
I throw a look over my shoulder at Robin, silently telling her I told you so when Steve opens the window that’s across the back counter. When he notices the group looking expectantly at him he flops his arm onto the counter, throwing an incredulous look back at them “Again? Seriously?”
Steve swings his eyes towards me and points at the group “Did you tell them this was okay to be a regular occurrence?”
“No” I jerk my head back, countering back instantly “Don’t blame me– you were the one that first said it was okay to do.”
“I rest my case” Robin sighs knowingly and Max snorts, causing me to look at her and see her clear her face of any previous humor, shaking her head a little “I just sneezed.”
I narrow my eyes towards her, watching as she just smiles innocently– however my attention is brought back to Mike who obnoxiously rings the front counter bell again.
Throwing him a look, I make a noise and reach over to take the bell away from his reach “This is to get our attention when we’re not out here, Michael, not when we’re standing right in front of you.”
He rolls his eyes and looks between Steve and I, offering “If we say we won’t do it again will you let us go this one last time? We’re gonna be late.”
I laugh once and argue “Your poor planning to come here and ask us for this favor with plenty of time to make your movie needs to be our problem why?”
“Please, Summie?” Will pleads with those damn puppy dog eyes and I point over towards him “Not fair, William–” I look at Max, who’s looking at me with the same puppy dog eyes and I huff, setting the bell back on the counter. I turn around and head towards the back room door, lifting my arm up to indicate they should follow “Come on, let’s go gang.”
Hearing their whispers of celebration behind me, that they get to see this movie for free now, I lead the group through the door into the back room. Steve has his arms crossed over his chest and rolls his eyes dramatically when we walk past him, which I respond by sticking my tongue out at him.
We walk over to the back door that leads into the service hallways all the stores in the mall use for their inventory deliveries and how we take our trash down to the back dumpsters. I open the door and step out into the hallway, holding it open with my foot and saying “Make sure the coast is clear and have fun!”
With excited smiles on their faces Lucas, Max, Mike and Will walk through the doorway and quickly make their way down the hallway towards the door that will lead them into one of the hallways in the movie theater.
Steve pushes into my side so he can threaten towards their retreating backs “I swear, if anybody hears about this…”
“We're dead!” the four of them answer back in unison and I move my lips between my teeth so I don’t laugh.
Steve huffs, throwing me a look like he cannot believe they just interrupted him like that and I can’t hold it back– I laugh, bumping my shoulder into him so he’ll move and I can shut the door.
“They didn’t even say thank you” Steve grumbles and I chuckle again, lifting my shoulder up in a shrug as we head through the door towards the front counter
“Will probably will in the morning when he tells me all about the movie and I’ll pass it along if he does.”
Steve nods once “Good– thank you, I’d appreciate it.”
I snort and we grab scoopers out of the clean water to get the orders that Robin is getting from the customer at the counter.
About ten minutes later the lights shut off with a click and we can hear the very audible noise the entire mall makes as the power shuts down out of nowhere. I stand up from my lean into one of the ice cream bins and look up at the dark ceiling, Steve, Robin and our two customers in the store doing the same.
“That’s weird” Steve says and walks over to where the light switch is, clicking it up and down a few times.
In between his clicking of the switch Robin sighs from beside me and looks over at him “That isn't gonna work, dingus.”
“Oh really?” comes Steve’s smartass reply before he obnoxiously flips the switch up and down over and over again, increasing how fast he’s moving his hand.
I throw him a look that screams stop it as I reply “Yeah really, the power to the whole mall just shut off but you flipping the switch to our light is definitely going to bring it back”
Just to make me look like a fool the lights come back on right as he flips the switch to the on position. My face drops and I share a look with Robin, who’s looking at me the exact same way, before we look over at Steve and see the smug look that transforms his face. He lifts his hand up and half smiles that I should never have doubted his magical electrician abilities “Let there be light.”
The next morning I’m sitting at the table with mom and Will while we eat breakfast and I try to wake up more before I have to ride my bike to the mall.
I’m just starting to cut up my pancakes when Jonathan comes rushing out of his room and walks down the hallway. Will and I look over at him as mom gets up from the table and walks towards him “Hey, hey, hey– wait up.”
Jonathan finishes buttoning up the top buttons on his shirt and stops to face her “Oh, no, I'll eat at work– I’m late.”
“No” mom mutters and reaches up to wipe of the very obvious mark from a lipstick kiss on his cheek “Your cheek”
Will grimaces and looks at me like he wants to gag and I can’t help the snort that follows. I drop my head down as I finish cutting up my pancakes, hiding my smile by taking a bite.
“All right, all right” Jonathan embarrassingly steps away from her, lightly laughing and offering “I gotta run– see you later” before he turns and heads towards the door.
Mom lifts her arms up in a surrender and turns around, smiling and saying “All right” as she walks back towards the table to sit down again with Will and I.
Will scoffs, muttering “Ugh, gross” as he reaches for the syrup that I hand over to him.
Mom and I share a knowing chuckle and she smiles towards him “Well, I don't think you're gonna think it's gross when you fall in love.”
“I’m not gonna fall in love” Will argues gently, pouring the syrup over his own pancakes and mom nods, conceding gently “Okay”
I finish taking a drink of my orange juice and make a noise as I set my cup back down “You never know, little man– sometimes love just comes out of nowhere and hits you in the face”
“Yeah?” he asks in what I thought was a genuine tone, however, when I mumble my agreement around another bite and look over at him, I see the cheeky little smirk on his face “Hmm, so is that the real reason you stopped being a lifeguard and got a job that allowed you to work with Steve everyday?”
My face drops into a playful frown and I shake my head at him “I have no idea what you’re talking about”
“So we’re just going to ignore what happened at the Snow Ball?” Will continues and I drop my mouth open in shock “I didn’t tell you about that for you to torture me with it”
Will rolls his eyes dramatically, teasing “Oh no you got to dance with the guy you’re in love with, how torturous for you.”
“I’m not in love with him” I argue with as much conviction as I can and he laughs, raising his brows at me while he takes a bite of his food “Sure, Summie.”
I glare at him and mom tries to hide just how funny she’s finding my torment by turning her head away from us.
“Hey” she gains my attention when she gets up and walks towards the fridge “What happened here?”
Seeing the magnets on the ground along with the papers they were holding up, I shrug while Will actually answers her “I don’t know.”
Mom kneels and picks up the magnets, hanging up the coupons again before she picks up Will’s drawing of superhero Bob and stands up. She hangs the drawing back to the top of the front of the fridge and taps it sadly before she walks over to the table and sits down again.
Mom clears her throat and tries to fight off a smile while she asks “So speaking of Scoops–”
I drop my arm down onto the table and throw her a look like she better not start with me too.
Will snorts under his breath and focuses even more on his food while mom lifts her hands up like she comes in peace “How did training go last night?”
I narrow my eyes thoughtfully at her, answering through barely clenched teeth “It was fine– last day of training is today.”
She makes a quiet hmm noise and nods towards her food “That’s good, I know you’ll do great on your last training day.”
“Who gets to train you today?” Will questions, smirking towards his plate and I glare playfully at him while I answer “Robin is training me.”
He looks up at me knowingly and I throw him a look like see you were wrong, you butthead. I grab my plate and head towards the sink, rinsing it off before I walk back to the table and kiss mom’s cheek in a goodbye. I walk by Will and tousle his hair as I rush out “And Harrington” while I run towards the door and grab my bag, just hearing their laughs as I shut the front door behind me.
Once I set my bag down in the back, I clock in and make sure my uniform tie is in place before I grab my hat. I get the white ahoy hat positioned on my head when I barely see a whiteboard with some writing on it sticking out from the side of the back inventory shelves.
I furrow my brows in confusion, pointing over towards it and asking Robin who is in the back room with me “What’s that?”
“Hmm?” Robin mumbles, turning to look at where I’m pointing and from the other side of the open window along the back counter Steve widens his eyes, announcing “Nothing” before Robin joins in with “Oh it’s just a kind of running tally joke I started.”
“Started about what?” I ask and Steve shakes his head “Nothing really” however, Robin chuckles and excitedly runs over to grab it. She turns around and proudly shows me what’s written on the board.
There’s two columns, one named ‘You Rule’ with no tally marks under it and the other is ‘You Suck’ with six tally marks under it.
I read the columns out loud and look expectantly between the two, Robin smiling brightly “Dingus over there said that he could ‘up the tips’ we earn by attempting to charm the ladies that came in.”
“All right” Steve sighs out like he’s embarrassed and I move my humor filled eyes between the two, watching as Robin can barely get through her explanation without laughing “So far Popeye over there is oh for six– the sixth one happening just before you got here.”
“Wow” I breathe out, trying to keep a straight face as I look at Steve “According to the stats that means your charm… kinda sucks, Harrington”
“Yeah I can read, Byers” Steve grumbles and Robin jerks her head back “Since when?”
Steve glares at her and leans his elbows on the back counter “It's this stupid hat. I am telling you, it is totally blowing my best feature.”
“Yeah, company policy is a real drag” Robin sympathizes sarcastically and I sigh, shaking my head in mock pity “The audacity Scoops has hiding those luscious locks of yours under a sailor’s hat”
Robin snorts, laughing into her shoulder while he moves his glaring eyes between us, throwing his hands out to indicate both of us “Easy for you two to say– the hat doesn’t look ridiculous on either of you.”
“You’re trying too hard, Harrington–” I offer, nodding my head towards him “You don’t need to up the charm, just tell the truth when you see a girl you want to ask out.”
“Sum, the only truth I have to share is that I couldn’t even get into Tech and my douchebag dad is trying to teach me a lesson. I’m trying to save up money to go to a college I didn’t get into, even though I only make three bucks an hour, and I basically have no future– so using my charm to get someone to overlook all that is all I have right now.”
“That’s not all you have, Steve” I tell him quietly and he looks at me, softening his eyes and moving to respond when Robin interrupts “Hey, twelve o'clock.”
Steve looks back over his shoulder and we see a group of girls walk into the parlor. “Oh, shit, oh, shit– okay... uh… I'm going in. Okay? And you know what?” he takes his ahoy hat off and throws it through the window into the back room with us “Screw company policy.”
“Oh, my god, you're a whole new man” Robin boasts and I lift my hand up to offer him a thumbs up “Let those luscious locks be free– Farrah says so.”
Steve makes a face like I need to be quiet and I try not to laugh as he ignores me “Right? Ooh,” he mocks, moving his shoulders in a sarcastic little dance move.
In the next second though he clears his face and spins around quickly to face the group of girls that just walked in “Ahoy, ladies!”
They all flinch back startled and gasping as the one girl in the middle widens her eyes with his loud greeting and Steve continues “Didn't see you there– would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I'll be your captain–” he pauses, nodding his head a little “I'm Steve Harrington.”
The chick in the middle continues to look at him with her startled wide eye look, casually chewing her gum before she looks away and visibly sighs like the threat has passed.
Through their giggling and whispers Steve continues “Can I get you guys a little taste of the Cherries Jubilee? No? Anybody?”
Robin and I share a look while Steve continues to list off options towards the group “Banana Boat? Four people, four spoons? Share it in the booth? Anybody? It's hot out there.”
I scrunch my nose up in a grimace and Robin makes a disgusted face, looking from Steve and back towards me. She picks up a whiteboard marker and draws another tally mark in the ‘You Suck’ column, causing me to laugh with the squeak the marker makes when she draws the line with force.
Steve throws a damp cleaning towel through the window towards us and it hits Robin in the side of face, causing us both to laugh even louder as we fall back against the counter.
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A/N: Thanks so much for reading! As always let me know what you thought– comments & reblogs give me life!
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Please do not copy and paste my writing anywhere without my consent. This work is property of @stiles-o-dylan24​ on here and wattpad and stilesodylan24 on AO3.   Stranger Things and its characters aren’t mine, however, Summer and this fanfcition is. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.     No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.
Posted: 12 Aug 2023
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statticscribbles · 1 year
Summary: Commisson; Male reader/Theo Raeken, Theo has to know the effect he has on everyone, right?
TW: Smut
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You don’t look up from where you’re reading, Scott had given you a whole list of books and journal entries and text messages, and far too much to catch up on now that you were in the pack. You can almost feel Theo Raeken standing over you. 
When you’d first met him, before you knew about all the supernatural things happening, before you knew what he had become from the doctors, you assumed that he was just cocky and though the was better than everyone else. After learning what had happened, what he’d asked for you assumed it was possible some sort of guilt complex but the longer you spend around him the more you realize he’s just being cocky. 
Stiles had been the one to grumble to you about it first and you’re about to commiserate with him but then he scoffs about how Theo’s bisexual and he only does it since he discovered that the type of guy he likes also likes him back and he’s flirting.
“He’s flirting?” You watch Theo wiping the weights down with a towel.
“Yeah, he’s a cocky asshole, he learned it from Jackson fuckin’ Whittenmore.”
���Lydia’s lizard boyfriend?”
“Mhm, they’d get along better if they didn’t have doctor issues.” Stiles laughs a little and you join, knowing enough to be aware the joke is funny, in a traumatic way, which it feels like most everything is.
You don’t mean to pay more attention to Theo after that but you can’t help it, you’re attracted to him, and having confirmation that he’s actually into guys, that you could have a chance with him. You know he knows because you think he’s been showing off for you. You try your best not to make it obvious and don’t even ask Stiles if you’re being obvious, worried if you have to ask his answer will be yes.
“What do you want, Raeken?” Theo laughs, he knows he’s riled you up enough, knows you’re going to snap at him. He laughs more when you stalk over towards him.
“I may be human but there are things I can do that you’ll never expect.”
“Prove it.” You knew he was going to say it and you smirk a little.
It's clear he's not expecting you to attempt to shove him into the wall. The key word is attempt as you end up barely moving him.
"Better luck next time, pretty kitty." You scowl at the nickname trying not to blush at all. Theo had given it to you after Scott had mentioned how you'd stuck around all of them like a stray cat, after you'd been exposed to the supernatural underworld that covered Beacon Hills. He’d ended up shoving you into the wall instead, shoulders shaking in silent laughter as he moves his hand from your shoulder where he’d shoved you.
He’s watching you and tilts his head like he’s studying you. You’ve never seen him look at you this long and you wonder if this is what Scott meant when he’d mumbled how you’d kept Theo in line.
Theo laughs out loud and you huff a little. He closes his mouth and resumes watching you. You press your lips to his, surprised when he actually stays quiet. You can feel the spike of nerves, that you had gotten it wrong, that he might not be interested in guys that somehow Stiles had lied or Scott had been wrong and you’re about to say sorry but he just smirks and laughs more.
“What’s funny?”
“Well you finally got me to stay quiet, I was hoping if I laughed you’d do it again, or should I do something else?”
“What if we did something else?” You smirk a little and are expecting something to happen but Theo just steps back from you.
“Yes? We, as in us doing something together?” You wink and he waits for you to continue.
“What?” You frown a little as he keeps his eyes darting around your body.
“Didn’t think you sucking me off would be considered an ‘us’ thing, since you’re the one doing all the work.” He grins as you blush at him.
“Or would you rather me suck your dick, do all the work?”
“We can’t use the bed, Scott has a ban on supernaturals in his bed unless it’s him.”
“Why would we do ANYTHING in Scott’s bed!!!” You scowl and Theo bites at your neck.
“Hm okay I see why we would…” You trail off as he rocks his hips against yours and you can feel his dick pressing on your thigh.
“So, you want to break the rules? I thought you were supposed to be reformed and all that.” You tease and Theo growls into your ear.
“Only if we break the bed.” He tugs you towards Scott’s room. 
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