#theo raeken reader insert
statticscribbles · 1 year
Summary: Commisson; Male reader/Theo Raeken, Theo has to know the effect he has on everyone, right?
TW: Smut
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You don’t look up from where you’re reading, Scott had given you a whole list of books and journal entries and text messages, and far too much to catch up on now that you were in the pack. You can almost feel Theo Raeken standing over you. 
When you’d first met him, before you knew about all the supernatural things happening, before you knew what he had become from the doctors, you assumed that he was just cocky and though the was better than everyone else. After learning what had happened, what he’d asked for you assumed it was possible some sort of guilt complex but the longer you spend around him the more you realize he’s just being cocky. 
Stiles had been the one to grumble to you about it first and you’re about to commiserate with him but then he scoffs about how Theo’s bisexual and he only does it since he discovered that the type of guy he likes also likes him back and he’s flirting.
“He’s flirting?” You watch Theo wiping the weights down with a towel.
“Yeah, he’s a cocky asshole, he learned it from Jackson fuckin’ Whittenmore.”
“Lydia’s lizard boyfriend?”
“Mhm, they’d get along better if they didn’t have doctor issues.” Stiles laughs a little and you join, knowing enough to be aware the joke is funny, in a traumatic way, which it feels like most everything is.
You don’t mean to pay more attention to Theo after that but you can’t help it, you’re attracted to him, and having confirmation that he’s actually into guys, that you could have a chance with him. You know he knows because you think he’s been showing off for you. You try your best not to make it obvious and don’t even ask Stiles if you’re being obvious, worried if you have to ask his answer will be yes.
“What do you want, Raeken?” Theo laughs, he knows he’s riled you up enough, knows you’re going to snap at him. He laughs more when you stalk over towards him.
“I may be human but there are things I can do that you’ll never expect.”
“Prove it.” You knew he was going to say it and you smirk a little.
It's clear he's not expecting you to attempt to shove him into the wall. The key word is attempt as you end up barely moving him.
"Better luck next time, pretty kitty." You scowl at the nickname trying not to blush at all. Theo had given it to you after Scott had mentioned how you'd stuck around all of them like a stray cat, after you'd been exposed to the supernatural underworld that covered Beacon Hills. He’d ended up shoving you into the wall instead, shoulders shaking in silent laughter as he moves his hand from your shoulder where he’d shoved you.
He’s watching you and tilts his head like he’s studying you. You’ve never seen him look at you this long and you wonder if this is what Scott meant when he’d mumbled how you’d kept Theo in line.
Theo laughs out loud and you huff a little. He closes his mouth and resumes watching you. You press your lips to his, surprised when he actually stays quiet. You can feel the spike of nerves, that you had gotten it wrong, that he might not be interested in guys that somehow Stiles had lied or Scott had been wrong and you’re about to say sorry but he just smirks and laughs more.
“What’s funny?”
“Well you finally got me to stay quiet, I was hoping if I laughed you’d do it again, or should I do something else?”
“What if we did something else?” You smirk a little and are expecting something to happen but Theo just steps back from you.
“Yes? We, as in us doing something together?” You wink and he waits for you to continue.
“What?” You frown a little as he keeps his eyes darting around your body.
“Didn’t think you sucking me off would be considered an ‘us’ thing, since you’re the one doing all the work.” He grins as you blush at him.
“Or would you rather me suck your dick, do all the work?”
“We can’t use the bed, Scott has a ban on supernaturals in his bed unless it’s him.”
“Why would we do ANYTHING in Scott’s bed!!!” You scowl and Theo bites at your neck.
“Hm okay I see why we would…” You trail off as he rocks his hips against yours and you can feel his dick pressing on your thigh.
“So, you want to break the rules? I thought you were supposed to be reformed and all that.” You tease and Theo growls into your ear.
“Only if we break the bed.” He tugs you towards Scott’s room. 
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supercap2319 · 6 months
Theo wiped the sweat off his forehead with his jersey, showing his bare skin as he headed towards his locker, only to find Y/N leaning against it. "Hello, Raeken." He flashed him a smile.
"That's not creepy at all, dude. Come for a free peepshow?" Theo gave him his signature cute half-smirk.
"This is the guy's locker room, and last time I checked, I was a guy. Besides, I told you I'd find out what you're up to." Y/N said.
"So, you decided to stalk me in a smelly locker room?"
"I will admit, this place isn't ideal, but it's better to know now, then have you stab us in the back again."
"What makes you think I would?" Theo asked.
"You're Theo, fucking Raeken. It's what you do. I mean, you did try to hurt my friends. What makes you think you wouldn't screw us over again?" Y/N looks at him.
"You're right, I could. I could be hatching a plan to ruin all your lives like before, or..." He pushed Y/N against the lockers and got closer to him until they were close enough to kiss. "I could kill you."
"Go ahead. I'd like to see you try."
Theo smirks. "Maybe later."
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
God His Thighs - Theo Raeken x Reader
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Pairing: Theo x Reader
Prompt: Theo Raekens abs!
“Why is he here?” You snarled angrily as you looked Theo up and down with distaste.
Scott sighed as Stiles nod in agreement. Liam however seemed less judgemental than usual, which you internally pouted about. Alec the newest member of the pack looked between you and Theo with curious eyes.
“We talked about this Y/N. You know Theo’s changed and I’ve decided to let him ease into the pack so we don’t cause a rift. I don’t trust him yet but I’m getting there.” Scott huffed as he looked between you and Theo. He turned to Derek with a pleading expression which he took as a green light and began talking.
“Peter was just as bad as Theo and you accepted him.” Derek added softly, shooting you a pantie melting smile before awaiting your response.
“Peter is Malia’s dad and plus…He’s nice to stare at.” You smirked as Peter shot you a grin.
“Don’t boost his ego more than it already is.” Derek mumbled, his face twisting into one of disgust and mental pain.
“An Theo’s not nice to look at?” Lydia snorted causing Stiles to shoot Theo a glare.
“Oh if you got rid of his personality and he was just a body and face I’d fuck him all over the room. However he’s a sociopath.” Jackson snorted at the words before looking over at Theo.
“Well I like him.” He said with a grin, earning an eye roll from his boyfriend.
“You would Jackson he’s got muscles that I’m pretty sure they are firmer and bigger than Derek Hales. Though I still think Derek’s more attractive I mean his pale green eyes and stubble do things to m-”
“Yes I think that’s enough of that.” Peter groaned his face pulling into an almost symmetrical face of disgust which you had now named a Hale thing.
You glanced at Theo but when you looked at him his eyes were cast down and he was fidgeting with his fingers. You frown and looked at Liam for a minute who subsequently shot you a dirty look that screamed ‘shut the fuck up’.
“What’s wrong with you?” You sighed dramatically.
“Theo saved my life more times than I can count, even when he said he wouldn’t. You should be nicer to him.” Liam snapped but Theo looked at you with wide eyes before casting them back to the coffee table.
“Fine I’ll give him a chance. Only because his thighs literally slay my world.” You muttered childishly, only to look up Theo trying not to smile. Which very much caught you off guard.
Scott finished the pack meeting, you all decided to watch a movie with the pack. Alec was chatting happily with Liam, whilst Stiles and Derek were debating on some things you didn’t really pay attention to. Lydia was sat happily cuddled up to Stiles talking to Malia who was animatedly talking about her date with Scott a few nights ago. Peter was sat watching Malia with a smile which brought a smile to your face. While Ethan and Jackson were laughing about something on their phones.
You and Scott shuffled around the kitchen grabbing snacks and drinks when he threw his arms around you. You shot him a grin as you stirred yours and Ethan’s cups of English tea.
“He’s not that bad once you get to know him.” Scott muttered glancing over at Theo who was sitting further away from the pack, his eyes cast down looking like he wanted to join the conversation but didn’t dare.
You honestly didn’t really hate Theo. You only acted like you did to mask the fact that you want him to fuck you all over every room in every house in Beacon Hill’s. You looked up at Scott and to tell him why you really hated him but decided that since Theo would hear that actions were better.
“I don’t hate him for the reason’s you think.” You mumbled softly which he raise an eyebrow at.
You turned to Theo who still had his head down and made grabby hand in his general direction. Scott burst out laugh understanding what you meant, though he looked a little disgusted probably because you were like his best female friend, since you showed up with Ethan and Jackson a few months ago.
“I hate myself more than I hate him.” You groaned dramatically earning another chuckle from Scott.
“Okay well instead of fighting it why not try embracing it. If anyone can keep him in his place it’s you ‘sweetheart’.” His English accent sucked but he liked to mock you occasionally which you only saw as affection.
“Okay ‘Lindo’.” You muttered sarcastically but Scott only looked more confused. He may be classed as half Spanish but he literally knew no words of Spanish.
“Derek what did she just say to me I feel like it was an insult!?” Scott yelled from the kitchen causing everyone to look up.
“I didn’t hear.” Derek mumbled with a frown.
“Lindo? I think?” Scott mumbled his face now resembling that of a confused puppy.
“She called you a pretty boy.” Derek snorted but high-fived you as you walked past him.
“Aww that’s so nice.” Scott preened clearly not getting that you were mocking him.
“Idiot.” Stiles and Alec said in unison which made you look at them both. You tried to bite back the words wanting to escape you but when Alec and Stiles shot each other a skeptical glare you snapped.
“Okay am I the only one who thinks Alec looks like a love child produced by Scott and Stiles!?” You exclaimed and everyone looked at you with wide eyes.
“Oh thank god! I thought I was the only one!” Lydia sighed as if she was thoroughly relieved with this new information.
“No I think we all thought it.” Peter snorted as he glanced at Stiles and Scott who were still frozen in place.
After a minute they were both on Alec like he’d won the lottery. They stared at him, then at each other. This kept going for a good while which Alec clearly wasn’t happy about, as he was trying to watch the movie that just began playing.
You sat down in the only available space, which unfortunately was next to Theo. You placed the popcorn on your lap unfortunately you kept spilling it because the couch was full and you may be a wolf but you still weren’t as strong as other wolves meaning you couldn’t steady yourself as well as others. So when Alec and Liam began play fighting you got shoved about.
Theo noticed and without a word he stood up, which made you frown thinking he was moving elsewhere but suddenly you were picked up like a doll and moved over to where he was sat seconds ago. He sat back down where you were and put his arms round the back of the couch behind you.
You looked at his arm about to speak up when you noticed his arms muscles were clenched as if he was trying to stay still. That’s when you noticed he was making sure you didn’t get shoved about or touched by him or the other boys as Liam was evidently shoving against Theo. You smiled to yourself before that quickly came to a stop when Theo couldn’t hold off any longer.
He was suddenly touching you, well more like you were pressed against his side which cause a blush to form on your face. He looked down and frowned in an apologetic way before he stood up and grabbed both Alec and Liam by their collars.
“Right if you two wanna play fight that badly go over here! You could have hurt Y/N! She’s still new to this whole werewolf thing!” Theo scolded and suddenly the movie was paused and Scott was checking on you.
“I’m fine Scott. Theo moved me before I got hurt.” You muttered with a blush which he smiled at.
“Thanks Theo. I didn’t even register because those two do it all the time.” Scott sighed as he grabbed both boys’ necks and dragged them off upstairs silently.
Theo sat back down this time further away so you wouldn’t have to touch him. You grinned and decided you may as well start bonding now. You threw your legs over his lap and looked toward the TV which was now playing again. You could see Theo in the corner of your eyes, looking at you with wide eyes before he started smiling and turned to the movie as well.
After 5 minutes Scott and the boys came downstairs, with Scott looking satisfied and Liam and Alec looking like scolded little kids. Liam moved your legs and went to sit next to Theo but you growled at him softly.
“If you move my legs off his comfy ass thighs I’ll end you.” Liam froze for a second before slowly putting your legs back.
They looked around the room for another seat when you let out a sigh and stood up. You placed Alec down first, laying him across the couch. You placed Liam between his legs so he was laid with his back against Alec’s chest and then you laid down between Liam’s legs then threw yours over Theo. He shot you a grin before placing his hands on your shins.
“This has to be the comfiest position ever.” Liam chuckled, earning a few looks from the pack who burst out laughing as they saw you all.
“It’s like fucking puppy pile…but more…organised.” Derek muttered in thought before he shot you a grin.
Everyone continued watching the film in silence before putting on another but eventually you fell asleep without a care. However when you came to you were shocked to feel your head being lifted onto something soft.
“Have you got another blanket?” You heard Theo’s voice asked quietly.
“She’s a werewolf.” You heard Derek’s voice snort.
“Yes but even I think it’s freezing in here.” Scott’s voiced added.
“Lydia and Stiles took the other blankets because there room is one of the coldest.” Derek sighed grumpily.
“Maybe you should just stay here so she can take in your body heat instead.” Scott giggled earning a huff from Theo you were unsure of whether it was from distaste or embarrassment.
“She’ll be angry if she finds me cuddling her tomorrow morning.” Theo grumbled the embarrassment clear in his voice. You decided now was a good time to sit up and rub your eyes. The boys stared at you as you shot them a pout.
“Where’d my leg pillow go?” The blanket fell off your shoulder causing you to shiver. Theo looked at you and raise his hand giving you a little wave so you knew where he was in to your current dazed stated.
“Hand.” You commanded as you held your right hand out.
“Is that a dog joke?” Scott snorted but you shot him a glare before turning to Theo who looked a little unsure.
“Fine don’t come cuddle maybe I’ll go stay in Peter’s bed with him.” You huffed playfully, however as soon as you tried to leave the living area Theo picked you up and put you back on the couch. You turned to Derek and Scott who were looking rather amused. Your room in the newly built Hale house was still being decorated so you honestly had nowhere else to sleep except with Derek or Peter.
“Goodnight Derek. Night Scott.” You said with empathises on the night so they knew you wanted them to leave.
They left with a chuckle, leaving Theo standing there awkwardly and you sitting on the couch with a grin. You grabbed his hand and pulling him down to the couch making him sit down. You shot his a smile before speaking.
“How would you like to do this?” You chuckled, your own words amusing you to no end.
“Ermm I don’t know…” Theo replied awkwardly as he scratched the back of his neck.
“Well you’ve obviously cuddled with someone before so what’s comfiest for you?” You giggled softly but as soon as you saw his cheeks darken under the moonlight your eyes widened. Instead of mentioning that he’d obviously never cuddled a woman before, you decided to take the initiative.
“How do you usually sleep?” You asked softly which made him look up at you.
“On my front.” He answered easily.
You instructed him to lay down before situating yourself on your front. He guessed what you wanted him to do and laid his chest over half your back, his arm slung over your shoulders you felt comfy but soon Theo started shuffling about which made sigh loudly.
“What is it?” You snapped, humour clearly evident in your voice as you turned your head to look at him.
“I usually sleep without a top on…” He murmured awkwardly which caused you to erupt into a fit of giggles which earned a few chuckles from him.
“Take your top off then situate yourself and I’ll lay wherever is comfortable for you.” You snorted before sitting up and nudging him off you.
He took his top off and waited as if he was thinking about something. He laid on his front and faced the outside of the couch before glancing at you.
“Dammit I thought I’d be able to sleep on your pecks.” You pouted playfully earning a snort from the man laying down. You climbed over him and laid down on your front, half on Theo half on the couch. Your unconsciously threw your leg over the back of his thighs before your arm was thrown over his back. You sighed happily and closed your eyes and before long you began to drift off.
“Why is Y/N sleep on the couch with a half-naked Theo?” You heard a voice whisper.
You tried to sit up but opened your eyes when you realized you couldn’t, you saw a rather large bicep and shoulder. You scanned around only to see you’d somehow laid on your back during the night and Theo had laid himself half on top of you.
You grinned and looked up to see a few pair of eyes. You glanced at Lydia who had an amused smirk on her face. You gave her a thumbs up and an eyebrow wiggle. You looked at Theo’s face that was right next to yours, close enough that it you wanted you could kiss him which, right about now didn’t sound like a bad idea but still you decided against it.
You scanned his face noticing how sexy he looked sleep. No not angelic. Sexy. His hair was slightly messy and his lips were slightly open but he had a slight frown on his face which added to the sexiness. Suddenly his eyes started opening and you smiled but continued staring.
“Why are you staring at me while I’m sleeping?” Theo grumbled, his eyes closing again.
“Cause your big ass biceps are trapping me and I had nothing else to do.” You dead panned causing a few people downstairs to laugh.
“I’d say sorry but it’s the morning and you’re already objectifying me so I think I can safely say I don’t need to.” Theo voice was husky with sleep which made you shiver but before he or anyone noticed you were manhandled and flipped over. You were now laid on Theo’s chest which you couldn’t exactly complain about like at all…ever.
“There. You’re free.” He chuckled but you looked up into his now open eyes and shot him a cheeky grin.
“Nope I honestly think I’m glued here.” Jackson and Ethan burst out laughing but you just sent them a thumbs up as you looked over to the couple.
“Well as entertaining as that is. I need coffee.” Theo snorted, as he ran his hand through his messy hair. You stared at him for a few minutes in silence, letting him silently know you had zero intention of moving. When he finally realized he rolled his eyes and moved your arms to his neck before he sat up.
“Still not gonna move?” He chuckled which you nodded in reply to.
He nodded back and grabbed the back of your thighs earning a squeak from you. However you still clung to him as he stood up and made his way to the kitchen. He let go of your thighs leaving you to cling to him like a koala bear, as he grabbed a cup.
“Theo put a shirt on.” Stiles complained his face most likely contorting in disgust.
“I would however it appear Y/N and I are stuck together.” Theo said seriously which you tried not to giggle at.
“Oh my god! Is it a witchy thing?! Did someone cast a spell on you two and now you’re like magically glued to one another!?” Stiles screamed in distressed.
Scott and Derek walked into the room and Scott burst out laughing as he moved to look at you over Theo’s shoulder where your head was resting. You gave him a satisfied grin which only made him laugh harder.
“No more like Y/N is clinging to Theo because she wants to lick his abs.” Lydia snorted as she poured herself a coffee.
“That is not totally untrue!” You exclaimed happily as Theo sat at the breakfast bar.
You sat back slightly so you could look at him, your legs swinging back and forth and the side of you and Theo. He placed a hand on your lower back to make sure you didn’t fall which made you smile.
Scott handed you a plate of waffles before sitting down next to you and Theo. Theo cut up the waffle for you and handed you the fork before going back to drinking his coffee. You stared at Scott in shocked but he just gave you shrug.
You ate a few pieces of waffle before shooting Scott an evil grin whose eyes narrowed in worry. You raised your free hand a pinched Theo’s nipple hard making him open his mouth say ‘ow’, but before he could you shoved a fork full of waffle in his mouth. After he finished chewing he frowned at you.
“I can’t tell if I should find what you just did sweet and endearing or extremely savage.” Theo sighed before holding his cup to your mouth letting you have a sip of his coffee.
“I can’t tell if that was sweet and endearing or just a way to shut me up.” You retorted childishly, after swallowing the coffee.
“Both.” Theo mocked, earning a laugh from Derek and Scott.
Eventually you decided to go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and shower. Much to your own dislike that meant letting go of Theo. You chuckled at the thought of your weekdays being like this from now on.
Obviously Theo wasn’t offered a room in the Hale house yet because people were still warming to the idea but eventually you knew they would. Until then you could always offer him a place in your room which will be finished by tomorrow.
You hopped out the shower and made your way to Lydia’s room where all your clothes were. Unfortunately luck was not on your side because you bumped into Theo who stared at you with wide eyes before looking away.
“Make me a cup of tea I’ll be down in a minute.” You snorted before making your way to Lydia’s room.You quickly got dressed in a pair of high waist Nike skinny joggers and a matching sports bra before drying your hair and tying it up.
 You made you way downstairs in thought, you had tried to find your matching cropped Nike hoodie but it wasn’t in Lydia’s room. You looked in the front room and asked everyone if they’d seen it but they all answered no which only made you pout.
“Theo have you seen my hoodie?” You asked as he passed you a freshly made cup of tea.
“The light grey Nike one?” He asked as he put the sugar, milk and tea bags away in their rightful places.
“Yeah.” You answered before taking a sip.
“Its on the coat hook, where you put it yesterday, after you got back from getting your nails done with Lydia babe.” He responded easily as he closed the fridge door. His domestic response however isn’t what made you start choking on your tea. It was the fact that he’d called you babe.
“Babe?” You coughed out as you tried to regain your composure.
“Did I say babe?” Theo asked with wide eyes, clearly not realizing he’d said it himself.
“Oh yeah you totally added babe on the end of that sentence.” You replied awkwardly before taking a sip of your tea.
“Sorry.” He muttered before grabbing himself a water bottle from the recently closed fridge.
“Its fine I don’t mind just shocked me.” You chuckled softly before sitting at the breakfast bar.
Theo nodded clearly still shocked by what he’d done but if you were being honest, you didn’t mind. In fact it felt nice to hear him say that, not that you’d tell him that. Theo lent against the counter looking rather deep in thought until he turned to you with a slight frown.
“We should go on a date.” There you were again choking on your tea.
“Am I going to get to drink my tea up am I going to choke it down instead?!” You snapped with fake anger, amusement and embarrassment seeping through the room.
Theo shot you a pantie dropping smirk before taking a sip of his water. He didn’t respond so you took it upon yourself to answer his rather unexpected question.
“Isn’t it a little pointless to go on a date?” You asked skeptically. Theo’s eyes went from amused to sad in seconds quickly coming to the conclusion that someone as perfect as you wouldn’t date a monster.
“We already know each other so I don’t see why we can’t just be together.” You muttered shocking not only Theo but yourself as well.
“Well…how about we at least have a movie date at home…I mean so we can hang out or something.” Theo replied, his cheeks dusted with a light pink.
You stood up and walked over to him with a smile. You stood on your tip toes pressing your lips against his in a very short chaste kiss, which felt oddly normal and domestic. You pulled away and took a sip of your tea before speaking.
“If you wanna go on a date ‘babe’ we can.” You retorted playfully before making your way out the kitchen into the living room. Leaving Theo thoroughly shocked and frozen in place.
You sat in the living room for a few minutes sipping your tea before you heard Theo’s water bottle drop on the kitchen floor. You grabbed Ethan’s hand and placed the cup of tea in it before you heard Theo scream.
“Y/N you can’t just kiss a person like you’ve done it your whole life then walk off!?” Theo shouted angrily his footsteps getting closer. You hopped off the couch and over Liam who was laying on the floor before turning to see Theo coming into the room.
“Now babe there is no need to make a big deal about it.” You scolded playfully as you jumped over Alec when Theo walked towards you. Everyone in the pack was staring with amusement as they watched to see how this would play out.
“Y/N when I get a hold of you I swear to god.” Theo huffed, a smile working its way to his face.
You squealed as he ran towards you hoping over the boys laying on the floor. You ran round the couch and used Scott who had just walked downstairs as a shield. Scott looked between you two then to Theo.
“What’d she do?” Scott asked with his arms crossed.
“She told me there no point in dating we may as well just go out then kissed me like she’d done it her whole life then left.” Scott raised an eyebrow at you then at Theo before grinning. Your eyes widened as you realized he was on Theo’s side. You tried to run however before you could, Scott grabbed the back of your sports bra and picked you up by your waist. He placed you in front of Theo with a grin.
“Here’s an early birthday present.” Scott joked before walking off.
Dear god…Your Alpha just totally fed you to the wolves…or wolf in this case.
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Rules For Theo Raeken Appreciation Event’s
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- this post applies to all events held
- there’s no need to sign up for this event, simply tag your creations with the appropriate tags that will be found on the event’s info post then @ this blog @theoraekenapperciation
- all works must be Theo centric/Theo positive, feel free to include other characters but keep the focus on Theo
- please keep things respectful — no bashing of other creators works, ships, or characters will be tolerated
- any and all ships are welcome
- for rarepair prompts — any pair that has less than 600 fic’s posted on ao3 is considered a rarepair, it can be platonic, romantic, poly, nsfw, any type of pairing you please
- please no fandom crossovers, au’s are perfectly fine but keep things as only teen wolf characters
- please no reader insert or oc works
- must be 18+ to post nsfw/dark topics [applies to all creations]
- dark topics are welcome as long as they are tagged with proper warnings & they must have a readmore line
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justauthoring · 2 years
Commissions Are OFFICIALLY Open
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Hello, my name is Olivia and I’ve been on Tumblr for over five years. I have always written completely free content on here as it’s always been a hobby of mine that I’ve adored and loved doing as a way to keep my mind off of things.
However, now 21, I would love to be able to turn this hobby into something I can put more focus and attention to. I am currently trying to save up for University which I will be attending in this Fall and it would mean the absolute world to me if you all could help me out.
There will be three slots open for now and I will keep this post and my pinned post updated with however many or if any slots are open.
It will be $10.00 per 1K words.
If you’d like to see examples of my works, you can find all my main masterlist HERE and my older pieces HERE.
You Can Request:
500 words ($5.00)
1,000 words ($10.00)
2,000 words ($20.00)
3,000 words ($30.00)
4,000 words ($40.00)
5,000 words ($50.00)
6,000 words ($60.00)
(Possible discussion of more is available)
I Will Write:
OC x Character
Character x Character
Self-Insert x Character
Fandoms I Will Write For Are:
Attack On Titan
My Hero Academia
Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaisen
Chainsaw Man
Fairy Tail
Tokyo Revengers
Blue Lock
Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Teen Wolf (Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey)
Stranger Things (Steve Harrington)
Cobra Kai (Eli ‘Hawk’ Moskowitz, Miguel Diaz, Robby Keene)
What I will Write For:
Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Death, Angst, etc.
Specific Pronouns
SFW, NSFW, Smut, etc.
Dark Content (within reason)
What I Won’t Write For:
Illegal Ships (underage/adult, incest, ect.)
Certain Kinks (just ask)
All commission inquiries will be made through my email. Do not message me through Tumblr, I will not respond. Any questions and if you’d like to request, please reach me at [email protected].
Half of the payment must be made first. Once received, then I will get started on a rough draft. When that’s done, I will send it to you to show proof of work, to make sure everything’s going the way you want and then you will send the rest of the payment. The piece will not be finished until the rest of the payment is received.
All payments will be made through PayPal (CAD$) or online banking E-Transfer (information will be provided upon request of commission).
When sending in a commission, you must answer these questions:
How many words do you want?
Is it SFW or NSFW?
Is it character x character or character x OC (reader)?
Any kinks, tropes, or specifics?
Fluff or Angst?
What fandom do you want?
What character or characters do you want?
(If you want a OC or self-insert) Description of OC or reader.
Once all of this is sent, I will reply with a estimate for price, what the first half payment will be and how long I expect it will take me. I will also send updates if you want along the way on how your piece is going, if it’ll take longer or less time then I estimated, ect.
Please understand that I am currently still working so there might be a bit of a wait for your piece. 
I also have the right to request or deny any request that I am not comfortable writing.
I can’t wait to see what you all send in :)
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raekensluver · 3 months
. ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. 𐦍༘⋆ but it goes away for a minute when i'm with you, breathing. ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. 𐦍༘⋆
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ATAR‧˚₊⋅ ୨୧ ⋅₊˚‧ !
18+, she/her. theo’s raeken's darling. all characters talked about on this blog are 18+. send me your thoughts or just come chit-chat anytime!
this is an 18+ blog only. minors dni, you are responsible for your own media consumption.
' °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𐦍༘⋆
love what I write? please reblog and/or leave comments/asks! your feedback is what keeps me going. thanks a bunch!
note - all of my fics are reader insert, i don't use y/n. i also don't write for real people, only characters !!!
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©raekensluver 2024- do not translate, copy or claim any of my writing as your own.
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stattic-writes · 4 years
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graktung · 3 years
Theo: dammit there’s no lights in here-
Liam & y/n: don’t worry, we got this…
*stomps sketchers so they light up*
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way-2-bored · 3 years
Stiles: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me? Scott: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it. Theo: Three of us saw it, Scott. How do you explain that? Scott: *points at Y/N* Sleep deprivation. *points at Theo* Paranoia. *points at Isaac* Delusional personality disorder.
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Breed Me
Summary: Theo Raeken/Reader Smut, where Theo see's reader with a baby and realizes he wants to start a family with her
TW: Smut
”Theo, something is bothering you, ever since we got back from spending time with my family. Was it too much?”
“Sort of..” He hisses a little and rolls over onto his stomach, pushing his face into the pillow on the couch.
“Theo, what’s going on?” You grin leaning over him and he mumbles something into the pillow and you roll your eyes.
“Well I’m going to bed, so if you want to come and tell me what’s going on, I’m happy to listen, otherwise I’m happy to do other things.” You drag your hand down his side as you walk back to your bedroom. You’re not even in the doorway before he’s pushing you against the bed.
“Want you Y/N.” A faint growl reverbs in his chest as he pushes your shirt up, you pull it off easily and he’s already trying to pull your skirt off and unbuckle his pants at the same time.
“You have me Theo, I’m yours.” You moan into this neck, his mouth biting against your shoulder; as his fingers rub against your underwear. You wonder if maybe he was feeling insecure, your family had thrown a party for your older sister’s engagement and you knew a couple of her fiance's friends had been flirting with you.
“I’m only yours Theo, I’ll do anything you want.”
“Anything?” He questions a little and you nod making sure to look him in the eyes, you watch his face flush a little.
“So the flirting was bothering you?” You can’t help but giggle a little and Theo rolls his eyes.
“I know you’d never look twice at any other guy, especially those humans your sister kept trying to push onto you.” He licks his lips, kissing you before you pull back taking a breath in.
“Then what’s bothering you so much you’re trying to fuck me to distract yourself.”
“Seeing you there.”
“With my family?”
“Yes, with.. Just, wanted to, just..” He huffs and presses his face into the pillow next to you, he’s still holding himself up, and you prod at his arm so he has to roll off of you and you grin a little as his face while he’s still scowling, trying to fight a smile off.
“Theo, nothing you say is going to make me think less of you.”
“I uh, I liked seeing you, when you had to babysit..” he trails off and you can feel the heat radiating off of him with how embarrassed he is.
“You liked seeing me? Was it what I was wearing?” You tease a little, slowly getting an idea of what Theo’s interested in.
“Sorta, but that wasn’t the.. Don’t make me say it Y/N…” He pouts a little when he realizes you’ve caught on.
“I won’t know what you’re talking about unless you say it..”
“I wanted that to be our kid.”
“You want a family? With me?”
“Yes, god yes that’s all I want.”
“Then do it. I already said I’ll do anything you want.”
“That’s serious Y/N we-”
“Please get me pregnant Theo.”He coughs a little at how direct you are but you just nod to him and he swallows, suddenly just as nervous as the first time you had sex with him.
“You know there’s no going back from this, right?”
“I know, but I really think McCall and his pack should get a run for their money.” He doesn’t laugh instead kissing you so you can’t say anything else but his name.
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supercap2319 · 6 months
"So, the traitorous, backstabbing sociopathic chimera bitch is now a jockstrap?" Y/N asked. "Is this some way to get Liam's attention?'
He had been on his way to meet Liam and Mason after Liam was done with lacrosse practice, only to discover Beacon Hills' new high school football team. And who just happened to be on said team? Theo, fucking, Raeken.
Watching him run around in tight football pants as he played the role of quarterback and called out plays, throwing the ball to open teammates before their eyes locked together. Theo gave him one of his famous half-smirks before continuing the practice.
Y/N wasn't sure why he stayed and watched, but when it was time for a break, Theo approached him. "Well, Scott says I should get involved in school. What better way than sports? Full body contact in a homoerotic fashion. And why would I want to impress Liam?"
"Aren't you guys boyfriends?"
"No. Just good friends."
"You're thinking of wrestling. And I don't by this cute school boy act. I know you're up to something, Raeken, and I'm going to find out what it is." Y/N warns.
Theo smirks. "Lucky me. I look forward to having your eyes all over me." He pops his mouthpiece back in with a wink as he jogs to the other players.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
As Long As You Love Me - Theo Raeken x Reader
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Pairing: Theo x Reader
Prompt: As long as you love me by Justin Bieber (requested by Steph)
Warning: Just fluff cos I’ve gone soft
Thank you to my amazing Beta who always makes herself available to edit for me! Thanks @lets-imagine-fanfics
You stared from the car you were hiding behind, at Theo’s truck, with a frown. The cops were about to knock on his window once again for sleeping in his truck but this time you couldn’t stand by and watch it. You strolled over to the car raising an eyebrow at the annoyed looking cop.  
“Is there a problem officer?” You asked calmly, your voice quiet as not to wake Theo up.  
“He can’t sleep here.” He stated with a frown.  
“He was waiting for me.” You retaliated, cheekily which seemed to have pissed him off.  
“Shouldn’t you be at home? It's 1 am, kid” He huffed angrily.  
“I’m 19 and FYI my parents are dead.” You snapped, crossing your arms across your chest.  
The officer huffed before he walked back to his car. You quickly got into the truck with a scowl set in place. Theo shot up and stared at you with tired eyes, you rolled your eyes and started the car up before driving off.  
“Y/N what are you doing here?” Theo questioned, his confused voice sounding adorable.  
“I’m taking you to my house.” You muttered casually as you kept driving. He sat up straighter, his eyes widening quickly as he looked out his truck as if trying to find any way to escape this fate.  
“You m-mean the house you share with your brother, Derek, and your uncle Peter who are members of Scott McCall’s pack, who hate me?” He questioned though you knew he didn’t need an answer because he knew the answer was yes.  
“Uncle Peter isn’t really a part of Scott’s pack, it’s more like he helps for Malia’s sake.” You stated, trying to distract him from what he probably assumed was his impending doom.  
You arrive at the house Derek and Peter had bought recently. It was a big house with about 7 rooms and a double garage but that was mainly because sometimes the pack stayed over when they weren’t away for college.  
You pulled up into the garage before getting out of the car, knowing this house would soon be a war zone. You grabbed Theo and walked out of the garage into the house but as soon as you did Derek had Theo pinned to the wall.  
“Derek, let him go!” You yelled as you tried to pull your older brother off of him.  
“Why is this sociopath in my house!?” He growled angrily, his forearm pushing against Theo’s throat.  
“Because I brought him here, now if you don’t let him go I’m going to scream so loud the neighbours will call the cops!” You demanded childishly.  
“You’re not 5 anymore that won’t wo-” Before he could finish you took a deep breath and began screaming. Derek quickly let Theo go and covered your mouth. He let go when he felt you smile under his palm.  
“He’s staying with us for a while. He’s been sleeping in his truck and it’s not safe. Werewolf or not.” You stated before standing in front of Theo.  
“Why is that our problem!?” Derek screamed causing you to flinch.  
“Because no one deserves to live like that and he’s no worse than Uncle Peter!”  You yelled angrily, however that was when Peter decided to make an appearance.  
“I resent that statement.” He chuckled softly as he approached Theo with a glare.  
“However if the kid needs a place to stay and he’s a friend of my favourite niece, then let him stay.” He added with a sickeningly sweet smile.  
“Thanks, Uncle Peter, Love you!” You giggled whilst dragging Theo off before Derek could protest. Theo was quiet as you dragged him to the spare room across from your bedroom.  
“Why are you doing this?” Theo asked quietly as you dropped his sports bag on the floor.  
“Because I believe everyone can find redemption.” You stated softly and you spun around to face him.  
“Even me? Who killed his own sister?” Theo grunted, his eyes cast down in shame.  
“Yes.” You replied gently.  
“Why?” He huffed anxiously, his eyes looking up to you.  
“Because I’m looking at your face right now and all I see is guilt. You want to start again and try to be a better man. I’m willing to help you.” You whispered, a sad smile working its way to your face.  
Theo didn’t say anything else just kept his eyes to the ground as you explained there were towels in the cupboard in his en-suite bathroom. You told him to wash up and come to the kitchen, after explaining where the kitchen was.  
You walked out the room without another word, before walking downstairs to get started on food. You knew it was late but you wanted to make sure he ate properly before he slept so you heated up some homemade tomato soup you made then fried up some grilled cheese.  
By the time Theo wandered it to the kitchen, food was being plated up. He was wearing a pair of dark grey skinny joggers and a black tank top. You nodded to the breakfast bar stool before cutting the two grilled cheese sandwiches in half.  
You placed the bowl of soup and grilled cheese in front of him with a caring smile on your face. Stroking the back of his head before moving away to make yourself a cup of fruit tea. He stared at the food with wide eyes before he looked up at you. You nodded letting him know you’d made it for him and it was okay to eat.  
He began eating, slowly at first but it seemed when he’d realised how hungry he was, his pace sped up. You stared at him with a smile whilst sipping your tea. You were a year older than Theo and for some reason, it felt like you had to look after him. He was broken and currently trying to earn trust from the pack. He’s earned, Mason's, Corey’s and Liam’s but the rest of the pack was a little more difficult, hence the reason he didn’t tell the pack he was homeless because he didn’t want sympathy. He wanted trust.  
You’d learned he was asleep in his truck about a week ago when you’d followed him after he’d attended a pack meeting. You had wanted to ask him if he wanted to get coffee with you and Lydia to try and get Lydia to warm up to him but when you’d seen the sleeping bag you’d stayed there all night to see if he moved, which he didn’t. That was until the cops told him to leave. This kept happening every night for a week, but tonight you couldn’t bear to see it anymore.  
Theo finished his food quickly then glanced at you with a shy smile on his face. He picked up his dishes and dragged them to the sink before turning on the tap and picking up the sponge on the side. You grabbed his hand to stop him and nodded to the dishwasher in the corner, he loaded them up with a blush evident on his face.  
“Come on let's go to my room and blow dry your hair you can’t sleep like that.” You chuckled before grabbing his hand and dragging him to your room. You sit him on the floor in front of your vanity table chair, before sitting behind him.  
“I can do it…” Theo muttered quietly and had you not been a werewolf you most likely wouldn’t have heard it.  
“Let me.” Is all you said before you began drying his hair slowly, taking your time for reasons unknown to you but somehow doing this felt almost natural.  
You finished drying his hair, brushing through it so it didn’t get knotted, then stood up making your way to stand in front of him. He looked up at you, his longish hair falling into his eyes slightly. You gave him a smile before turning around but before you could you felt Theo grab your hand slowly.  
You turned to face him and as you did he rested his head on your stomach, wrapping his muscled arms around your waist.  You should have found it strange that Theo Raeken was hugging you but all you could think about was how sweet and endearing it was.  
You thread your fingers through his now dry hair as your other hand cupped his jaw and stroked his cheek. Suddenly you felt a wetness soaking into your shirt, shocking you to the core. Theo hugging you was one thing, but to have this poor man crying into your shirt was heartbreaking.  
You took his arms off you causing him to look up with a broken frown, clearing thinking you weren’t going to comfort him but you put those thoughts to a stop when you held out your hand and pulled him up. You pulled him over to your bed and laid down motioning him to do the same.  
When he laid next to you, you pulled him over and wrapped your arms around him. His head resting on your chest as he continued sniffling and crying. You ran your fingers through his hair, never speaking a word just holding him.  
When he finally stopped crying and you heard his breathing even out, you figured he was sleeping so you somehow pulled the covers over you both and you fell asleep soon after with Theo Raeken wrapped tightly around your body.  
When morning came Theo was somehow still laid on your chest, which caused you to chuckle silently. Someone opened your bedroom door and in walked Scott McCall whose eyes widened at the sight. You motion for him to be quiet as you detangled yourself from Theo who thankfully stayed asleep. You dragged Scott to the kitchen before he started yelling.  
“ARE YOU CRAZY!? HAVING HIM STAY HERE IS ONE THING HAVING HIM SLEEP IN YOUR BED IS ANOTHER!” Thankfully you knew Derek would be out by now and Peter would be spending time with Malia since it was a Saturday.  
“He was crying and I comforted him he fell asleep hugging me so I let him! Unlike you, I believe people deserve a second chance!” You yelled back causing Scott to growl.  
“He could’ve hurt you.” He sighed angrily, his yelling ceasing for the time being.  
“He wouldn’t hurt me.” You retaliated equally as angry.  
“How would you know?” He growled moodily.  
“Because I trust him.” You huffed before turning the coffee machine on.  
“You trust him?” Scott asked seriously his anger fading slowly.  
“Yes. I just wish you would too.” You muttered gently, as you thought back to all the time he’d proved himself recently.  
“You like him.” Scott sighed like it was the worst scenario he’d even thought of.  
“That’s none of your business.” You snorted as the coffee machine beeped.  
“If he makes one wrong move you’d tell me?” Scott asked softly, you sent him a nod before pouring and him a cup of coffee.  
You both chatted for a little longer about pack things before Theo wandered into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and looking like a lost little puppy. He didn’t seem to notice Scott as you held out your coffee cup for him. He took it and drank the rest before pouring another one and drinking a little then passing it back to you.  
“What are there no other cups in this house?” Scott snorted, startling Theo who accidentally caught his head on the corner of the cupboard he’d just opened.  
“Oh my god! Honey are you okay!?” You exclaimed worriedly as you shot out your chair to check on him.  
“I’m okay…” He muttered shyly as he rubbed his head and glanced at Scott.  
“Good morning Scott…” He added, nodding his head at Scott in greeting.  
“Good morning Theo.” Scott responded with a deadpan face. You picked up an apple and threw it at his head, totally taking him off guard and hitting him in the head.  
“I’m gonna make some omelettes. What do you want in yours, Scott?” You asked cheerfully as he rubbed his head from where the apple had just hit him.  
“Bacon, cheese and mushrooms.” He huffed as he put the apple back into the fruits basket. You glanced at Theo who answered quietly.  
“Bacon, cheese, and onion…Please.” His manners earned his a very vibrant smile from you as you began getting ingredients from the fridge.  
You were cutting up the mushrooms as Theo sat down next to Scott, not daring to look at him. You flicked glances between the two boys before letting out a wince. You accidentally sliced your finger while you hadn’t been paying attention but suddenly Theo was out his seat and cupping your cheek. You glanced down to see black veins appearing on his arm.  
“Theo, you don’t need to take my pain. I’m fine. See already healed.” You chuckled softly as you showed him the healed cut. He nodded softly before going to sit back down, however, they hadn’t realised Scott was watching the little display of affection with a frown.  
He now realised you might be right to a degree but what he’d also figured out, that was clear as day, Theo’s humanity laid in your hands. Scott smiled at the look Theo gave you as he watched you work on cutting the vegetables again. That was the look Scott always gave Allison if she’d ever hurt herself.  
You served up the omelettes and placed sauces in front of the boys so they could choose. You dug into your breakfast barely registering that Derek or Stiles walked into the kitchen until Stiles spoke.  
“Why are you having breakfast with an enemy?” Stiles whined childishly.  
“Shut up Stiles before I rip your throat out…with my teeth.” You growled as you chewed on a piece of omelette.  
“God, you can tell you two are siblings.” Stiles sighed dramatically. Theo looked like he was about to leave when you pulled him to sit back down. You ran your hands through his hair softly before tucking a stray piece behind his ear.  
“Eat your food and ignore him.” You muttered gently, as you shot him a caring smile. He gave you a nod before he began eating his food silently.  
“Did you just tuck a piece of hair behind Theo Raeken ear…and he didn’t maul your hand off?” Stiles muttered sarcastically and before anyone could blink you had Stiles pinned to the nearest wall.  
“Y/N, let him go!” Derek shouted angrily as he tried to pry you off him.  
“NO! I get you don’t like him! I get you don’t trust him! But right now you’re in my home and he is a guest who is doing nothing but eating his breakfast! LEAVE HIM ALONE!” You roared your eyes glowing golden.  
“Scott do something!” Derek snapped as he tried to yank you off of Stiles again.  
“She’s right.” Was all Scott had to say for you to let Stiles go and walk off to check on Theo.  
“WHAT!?” Derek growled, confusion taking over his face.  
“I think Theo has changed and I don’t trust him but I’m willing to try.” Scott stated as he passed Theo a cup of coffee earning a thank you and a head duck from the other man.  
“You’re serious?” Derek’s eyebrows went from furrowed to his hairline in seconds.  
“Earlier Y/N cut her finger with a knife while cutting veg up…Theo ran to her so fast to take the pain.” Scott smirked as both you and Theo blushed.  
“She’s a werewolf…a born one at that?” Stiles’ eyes widened at this new information.  
“Exactly.” Scott snorted as you and Theo ducked your head down awkwardly.  
“Maybe he did it to impress you?” Stiles supplied like it was the only thing that made sense.  
“He looked at her…Like how I looked at Allison and how you look at Lydia...” Scott muttered awkwardly as your head shot up and Theo looked like he wished the ground would swallow him…again. Stiles eyes almost bugged out his head, glancing at Derek who looked like he wanted to kill Theo.  
“He’s no worse than your uncle and I forgave him. Though I tried to trust him however the Deadpool happened so now I tolerate him instead.” Scott snorted sarcastically, earning a hi-five from Stiles.  
“Fine! But one wrong move and I’ll make you wish you were back in hell.” Derek growled before sipping his coffee casually.  
Theo nodded and started to clean up everyone plates, scraping them and loading them in the dishwasher. Stiles’ eye was twitching like he was trying to control a sarcastic remark which made you cover your hand to hide the giggle that came out.  
You grabbed Theo’s hand as Scott was leaving and waved goodbye as you walked up the stairs with Theo being tugged along. You got into your bedroom and turned to him with a smile which he returned. You grabbed a hairbrush and pulled down to your vanity table chair. You brushed through his hair before styling it quickly. He glanced at you in the mirror and began talking.  
“C-Can I do your hair?” He asked softly causing your eyes to widen in shock. You gave him a nod before he stood up and placed you on the chair.  
His hand played with your S/L  Y/H/C hair for a while, causing you to smile before he started running the hairbrush through your hair gently. His small smile as he stared at your hair stirred butterflies in your stomach.  
Once he’d brushed it, he grabbed a clip from the side and pinned up two-thirds of your hair, before grabbing your straighteners, at this point you were internally freaking out. He grinned at you through the mirror before he began straightening your hair gently.  
After a few minutes, he hadn’t burnt you or your hair so you deemed it safe to relax. He continued working until he’d finished all your hair, brushing through it to make sure it wasn’t knotted. You smiled at his work before standing up and hugging him.  
The last hug you had was about comfort and you’d held Theo however, this hug was purely because you wanted to and this time it was Theo’s strong arms that engulfed you. You took in his scent and the emotion radiating the room. Happiness and content covered the room from both parties.  
You pulled back and stared into his eyes. But your eyes soon widened when you realised Scott was right. There stood Theo Raeken staring down at you like you were the most beautiful thing and person in the world.  
One of Theo’s hands let go of your waist whilst the other hung on for dear life. His hand cupped your cheek slowly, giving you every chance to escape but all you could do was stare at him in shock and amazement.  
You clutched his tank top material that covered his chest as he drew closer to you. His eyes flicking down to your lips before looking into your eyes. As he drew closer, you closed your eyes and then suddenly felt it. His warm soft lips were on yours.  
It was a soft and innocent kiss which was okay with you because you needed baby steps. So you kissed back just as softly pouring all the good feeling he’s ever given you into the kiss. After a few open-mouthed kisses, he pulled back with the biggest happiest grin you’d ever seen on Theo.  
“I like you.” He announced his smile still in place.  
“I should hope so. You just kissed me.” You giggled, placing a kiss on his cheek. 
“I like you too.” You added as you pulled away from his cheek.  
“Oh well if that’s the case…We should totally go out on a date.” He exclaimed cockily causing you to burst out laughing.  
“There’s my overconfident Theo. I wondered where he’d gone since you’ve been so subdued.” You laughed, patting his cheek affectionately.  
“A date sounds good.” You added as you cupped his cheek.  
“Perfect.” He whispered before leaning in for another kiss.  
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we-do-be-writing · 3 years
A Warming Spell
Theo Raeken x Reader
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It was snowing so hard already that you could barely see the road you were driving on. It was a white-out blizzard that had started too suddenly for you to prepare. So, now you were practically crawling along the road, trying to get home.
'Of course the pack meeting had to go late.' You thought, regretting your choice to leave the McCall residence instead of staying the night.
The roads were getting icier as time went on and you were starting to consider pulling over and waiting the snow out. Your car had everything you needed to keep warm for a short while with the car off, and you had a half tank of gas in case you needed to keep the car on. You knew it wasn't environmentally friendly to keep the car running, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Your choice was suddenly made for you when you saw a truck on the side of the road, covered in a couple inches of snow. You knew it could be dangerous to stop and talk to a stranger in a snowstorm, but your moral compass had to check and see if they were okay.
You pulled off to the side of the road, parking behind the truck. You got out and made your way through the snow to the back of the vehicle. You dusted the snow off of the license plate and immediately felt your stomach drop at the one you saw.
'Theo Raeken's truck.' You thought to yourself. Part of you was tempted to get back in your car and leave the cruel chimera here. He had been horrible to the pack and put you all through hell. However, the other part of you forced your body to move forward and check the vehicle further.
Looking in the back of the truck, you saw Theo curled up in a ball with his jacket acting like a blanket. He was shivering, which assured you that he was alive at least a little, but you couldn't tell if he was awake or not.
You knocked sharply on the door and saw Theo's body flinch, but he didn't move much. He looked almost stuck in the position, frozen solid. You whispered an unlocking spell onto the handle of the door and then clicked it open.
Theo shivered harder when the outside cold seeped in, and although you saw him struggling to move, his body wasn't cooperating.
"Theo, it's Y/n." You didn't really know what else to say. Theo tensed up at the sound of your voice.
"Leave me alone." He chattered out, his voice almost incomprehensible.
"Absolutely not." You replied, reaching into the truck and attempting to pull him into a sitting position.
"Let me go!" He screamed ... or tried to scream. You could tell that he was forcing his body to move and that each movement sparked pain.
"Theo calm down, I want to help you." You say, holding onto his shoulders with your hands. You almost pulled back at the feeling of his freezing body.
"You don't want to help me. You don't trust me. None of you trust me," he said through chattering teeth, "and I don't trust you."
"Well, you're not wrong, but I can't just let you freeze here. Even if you are a supernatural being, there is a very likely chance of you freezing to death in this weather." You explained, slowly backing away from the truck. Theo stayed put, even with his eyes pleading to you.
"At least come sit in my car and warm up a little." You offered, holding both of your hands out. Theo sighed softly, his head nodding slightly. You reached back into the truck, taking his body into your arms and walking back to your car. You set him in the passenger's seat and then closed the door and walked around to your side.
"You are surprisingly strong." Theo mumbled, curling in on himself.
"I used this." You said, pulling out a strength charm that you always kept with you. You turned the heat in the car up and grabbed some blankets from the back seat. Theo thanked you, but his body was still shivering and tense.
"Let me see your hands." You pulled on his arm, turning him to face you. He let you move him, and you took his hands in yours. You stopped for a second to look at them. They were purple and even though he was warming up, there was the possibility that his fingers might freeze off.
You brought his hands closer to your mouth, breathing a warming spell into his palms. Instantly, his body shivers at the temperature change and he lets out a gasp.
"You couldn't have done that before?" He questioned.
"I'm not the best at temperature spells, and it helps if my body is the same temperature that I'm trying to mimic." You explained, setting his hands back down. He nodded in understanding, bringing his hands closer to his body again. You saw his body relax into the seat and eventually you were met with the sound of him sleeping.
A quick look at your gas tank had you slightly panicking. It was starting to go down and now you needed the warmth of the car for Theo. You took a look at your phone, specifically the maps app, and saw the gas station only a little down the road.
"Theo," you said, shaking his shoulder, "I need to get gas. Do you mind if I drive down to the gas station?"
He shook his head sleepily, and you take that as your signal to go. You slowly pulled back onto the road even though the snow hadn't let up much. Eventually, you make it to the gas station and pull into one of the spots. As you got out to get gas Theo's hand wrapped around your wrist with a tense expression on his face.
"What's wrong?" You asked, taking his hand in yours. You watch his face turn to surprise at the soft gesture.
"Where are we?" He asked, looking around his surroundings.
"The gas station? I asked you if you were okay with me driving down."
"I don't remember that." He mumbled, searching his memories.
"Well, you were half asleep," you laughed out, "let me get some gas, then we can talk."
He lets your hand go and you go out to fill the tank up. Once it's all done, you get back in the car and close the door.
"Personally, I think our smartest option is to stay here until it stops snowing." You said, looking through the windshield at the white sheets of snow. You saw Theo shift uncomfortably in the corner of your eye, so you continued,
"Since your truck is snowed in, there's low visibility, and the roads are icy. Plus, we can always refuel if we need to since we're at the gas station."
"That makes sense." Theo sighed, leaning back against the seat.
"And when the snow clears, what do you want to do?" You questioned before adding, "you're welcome to stay at my home for a little bit, until the roads are cleared."
"You'd let me into your house?" Theo asked in surprise.
"I just saved your life and I'd like to believe you don't stoop low enough to kill the person who saved you." You shrugged, grabbing another blanket from the back seat for yourself.
"Okay." Theo said before settling down against the car door. You raised an eyebrow at him but said nothing as his breathing started to even out again.
He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping, and now you weren't regretting your decision to help him. You softly brushed his hair out of his face before covering him more with the blanket. Even if you might get reprimanded by the pack for this later, you were content with your choices of the night.
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the-and-sign-anon · 3 years
Honesty Hour
Theo Raeken x reader
Word count: 2,203
“Not a chance.”
“Being a part of the pack means helping.”
“Why can’t Scott do it?”
“He’s looking for a solution, along with Lydia, Stiles, Malia, and Liam.”
“What about Parrish?”
“And you two can’t do it because...?”
“You’re the only one strong enough to keep her in one place and mean enough to put up with her.”
Theo groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. Mason had been trying for ten minutes to convince the chimera to keep an eye on you. After a less than pleasant run-in with a witch, you’d been cursed. At first, no one could tell what it did to you. 
Then you started talking. 
You didn’t seem to have any filter now, simply rambling on about whatever was on your mind. You were telling everyone exactly what you thought in the most blunt way possible. It was bound to get you in trouble and they had to figure out how to deal with it. In the meantime, Theo was the only one who could watch you. 
“How bad is it, really?”
“She made Corey cry after five minutes. If you don’t keep an eye on her, she’s gonna start talking to the wrong person and get punched.”
“I’d love to see her get punched.”
Mason narrowed his eyes. 
“Try again.”
“I will try to keep Y/N from getting punched.”
“Great.” Corey appeared in the corner with you beside him. “Have fun.”
The boys ran off to help their friends research while you stared blankly at Theo. He stared back at you with a questioning look. 
“You look better with longer hair.”
“...thank you?”
You walked past him and sat on the couch at Scott’s house. The pack was holed up at Stiles’ house and they didn’t want to let you go home for fear of what you might say to your parents. 
“I never liked you, you know. Even when you were being nice to the pack the first time, I just knew you were bound to bring problems with you.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.” Theo muttered under his breath and joined you on the couch, sitting on the opposite end. 
“I always wanted to ask why you wanted to destroy the pack so bad.”
“We’re not talking about that.”
“Why not? Is it because you think the pack will frown upon you discussing the trauma you inflicted on all of us?”
“I didn’t think you could get any more annoying, but that witch managed to prove me wrong.”
You snorted and gave him a lazy smile. 
“It’s not hard to prove you wrong. You’re a painfully pessimistic person. Two of the easiest things to do are prove you wrong and surprise you.”
You sat up and got to your feet a few seconds later. 
“I want to go for a walk.”
“Bold of you to assume I was asking.”
You headed for the door and Theo rolled his eyes, but followed you anyway. You made it about three streets over before something caught your eye and you started walking right into the street. Theo quickly checked for cars and followed you, trying to convince you to stay out of the road. 
“Y/N, come on. Where are you even going?”
“I saw a squirrel.”
“I want to follow it.”
You reached a tree and started climbing. Theo had to admit he was a little impressed by how fast you got up, scaling the branches like you’d been born for it.
“When are you coming down from there?”
The tree creaked and swayed as you swung around the trunk, reaching for more branches but simply shaking them to drop leaves on Theo. 
“No, grumpy! I like it up here!”
A minute later, you heard a branch break. In an instant, you were falling, sure you would land on the hard ground and break a bone. But Theo caught you, bracing himself to hold your weight and groaning softly at the impact. You instinctively wrapped your arms around him and had your eyes closed tight. 
“Y/N, I told you to stay on the ground.”
“Well, I’m still not on the ground, am I?”
You swung your feet in the air as if to prove your point and Theo fought the urge to simply drop you into the dirt. Instead, he turned around and made his way back to Scott’s house. You kept your arms around his neck the whole time, swinging your feet and throwing your head back to sing some terrible song off-key that you could only remember half of the words to.
He locked the door behind him when he got you inside, letting you wander back to the living room and sprawl out on the couch. When Theo tried to take a seat, you lifted your legs and plopped them on his lap once he sat down. 
“Any updates from the pack yet?”
Theo checked his phone and yours, which Mason had confiscated from you and handed off to him. 
“Nothing yet.”
“I’m bored.”
“Well, you’re not climbing any more trees, so figure something else out.”
“I want to talk.”
“I’m not talking about why I wanted this pack.”
You furrowed your brow. 
“I didn’t ask why you wanted the pack. I asked why you tried to tear it apart.” You sat up on your elbows and nudged him with your foot. “You wanted the pack? For yourself?”
Despite his better judgement, Theo nodded. 
“Yes. I wanted the McCall pack, but I had no use for Scott.”
You thought long and hard about what he meant. 
“I don’t get it.”
“What do you not get, Y/N? I was a twisted kid who did the Dread Doctors’ bidding so I could have a pack of my own.”
“Why me, though?”
You shuffled to sit back against the armrest. 
“I can put together why you wanted the others. Malia is incredibly violent, even though she’s learned a lot. Liam has extraordinary anger issues literally diagnosed by a doctor. Lydia is just straight up terrifying, especially as she got more control over her powers. Even Stiles I get; ever since he was Void, he’s been different. That kind of thing doesn’t go away. But why me? You didn’t try to kill me to get rid of me.”
Theo didn’t answer for a long time. He looked deep in thought and you, even without a filter or impulse control, knew he needed some time to say whatever it was. To pass the time, you ran your hands over the couch cushions to make patterns and tapped your feet on the opposite armrest to some beat only you knew. 
“I couldn’t have killed you even if I wanted to.”
“I’m human; we’re notoriously easy to kill.”
“I don’t mean that. When I was getting to know the pack; seeing how you all worked, who trusted who with what, and how I could make the cracks spread…” Theo seemed to brace himself for what he said next. “I found myself liking you. I could and would have killed everyone else if they proved they’d never be on my side, but I would have let you go every time. I’ve betrayed pretty much everyone I’ve ever met, but you’re the one I regret the most.”
You stared up at the ceiling and let his words sink in. He couldn’t look at you, but he was waiting for whatever blunt insult you had ready. 
“You like me.” A bright grin settled on your face.
“Not like-”
“You like me! I’m your friend!” 
Theo could do nothing but watch as you stood up and threw your hands in the air in a grand triumphant gesture. 
“I didn’t say-”
“You said you felt guilty! I made you feel guilty! Best day ever!” You grabbed his hand and yanked him to his feet. To his mild surprise, you didn’t comment on the fact that you both knew he could have stayed sitting if he tried. “We’re friends, Theo. We are. Because you feel bad when you upset me. That’s a very human thing to do, you know. You’re not a total monster after all!”
Though someone else might have taken your blunt comments as hurtful, thinking you really only saw him as a monster, Theo knew you well enough to understand your meaning. You were teasing him, giving him a hard time like you did with all your friends.
Scott called with a solution shortly after dark. By that time, you’d told Theo a series of horribly embarrassing stories about yourself, things you’d never have told anyone without being cursed. He had managed to find you dinner, which you very loudly wailed about wanting. The young chimera was more than ready for a break from you, though he had to admit he had enjoyed parts of your day together. 
“Time to go, Y/N.”
“Stiles’ house. The pack is set up there to get you back to normal.”
You grabbed his keys from him and tried to run to the truck, but he grabbed your hood to stop you and took the keys back. 
“Yeah, you’re not driving.”
“I’m a very good driver.”
“Not today. You walked right into the street to look at a squirrel this afternoon. I don’t want you behind the wheel of my truck.”
You pouted in the passenger’s seat all the way to Stiles’ house and Theo had to let you hold his arm to get you to walk inside. 
“How’d it go?”
Scott welcomed you both into the house and quickly shut the door behind you. You looked around the room and saw the sheriff passing through to the kitchen. 
“Sheriff, you look exhausted. Did Stiles read your personal emails again?”
“How do you think it went?”
Scott winced while Liam and Mason directed you to the middle of the room to sit on the floor. 
“Sorry. We really didn’t have a better option. We were all swamped with research the entire day.”
You looked up at the alpha and smiled. 
“You’re just lucky Theo loves me.”
“I never said love. That was never on the table.”
You snickered as everyone else shared deeply confused looks. They’d expected one of you to kill each other by the end of the day and Malia even bet on Theo sending you over on your own and letting you get hit by a car or something on the way. None of them guessed you’d be messing with him while he looked at you with a tired little smirk. 
“How quickly can we get this over with?”
“It should be fairly easy. We have everything we need, we’ll just have to get Y/N to stay still.”
You nodded dutifully and sat cross legged with a serene expression. Not ten seconds later, you were fidgeting and clearly preparing to stand up. 
Stiles, Lydia, and Mason were getting things ready while Malia tried to keep you still. You kept trying to move and play with things, so Theo sighed and sat down next to you. In an instant, you were engrossed in flipping his phone over in your hand. 
He’d seen you do it a dozen times around school or during pack meetings, which he had attended a few times. You would hold it by the edge, toss it up, and catch it upside down. When you got into a groove, you could do it so fast he could barely track it. The distraction worked well enough until Scott announced they were ready.
“Okay, so we aren’t sure if you’ll remember anything from today, but we’ll see. Deaton helped us find this, but he hasn’t done it before himself, so it’s a bit of an experiment.”
Theo shuffled away with his phone and gave you a pointed look to sit still while they started. The process of removing a curse was strange and smelled like a wet forest. None of them knew how, considering they used a dozen different spices and oils, none of which smelled like forest. It took about ten minutes and you fell fast asleep afterward. 
Lydia drove Malia home, Mason and Corey went to watch a movie with Liam at his house, and Scott and Stiles agreed to let you sleep off the magic on the couch. They settled you on the cushions and tucked a blanket around you. Theo was leaving as well when you lazily reached for him. 
“You’re my friend too, Theo.”
You squeezed his hand once, then let out an obnoxiously loud snore and rolled over. He couldn’t fight the soft chuckle he let out or the little smile on his face as he waved to the boys and left. Neither of them had any idea what you'd gotten up to all day, but they figured it had to be a good thing that Theo had been so relaxed with you then. 
You definitely remembered your day with Theo and took every opportunity to tease him about it, but he found he didn’t mind. Snarky little comments from you were part of why you were friends in the first place and he decided it was worth counting you among his few friends.
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imagineseclipse · 5 years
Theo Raeken x Reader-You saved me.
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You stood tall next to Lydia Martin in the empty McCall house. The whole pack stood in silence, everyone was afraid of opening their mouths to speak; everyone was afraid in general.
The hunters that Gerard and Munroe had recruited would do anything for your blood, for all of your blood. Even if the tiniest drop of McCall pack blood was spilt there would be celebrations. Anyone who was associated with you and your friends were in grave danger.
You had tried so hard to protect Beacon Hills, never did you think that you’d be protecting yourselves against them. In their eyes you were the enemies.
Theo Raeken’s eyes wandered around the room, he stood awkwardly alone in the corner- keeping his distance. He knew that he didn’t fit in just yet, he’d only just returned and he figured that it would take time for him to regain your trust.
As Scott opened his mouth to make an announcement Theo’s eyes landed on you, his breath was drawn in as his pupils ran over your facial features. You were different.
When Theo returned from hell he made a vow to himself that he would steer clear of you and Stiles as you were the ones who figured out his devious plans in the beginning. He knew that you would give him problems.
However to his surprise you were the only one who wasn’t treating him like an outsider, you stepped forwards for him.
“We can’t just let him loose into Beacon Hills”Scott shook his head as you all surrounded Theo who was covered in dust and rubble.
“Well I’m not babysitting him”Malia scoffed, a small growl leaving her lips.
“Count me out”Liam muttered.
“You were the one who brought him back”you exclaimed, rolling your eyes.
“I thought he could help catch one of the ghost riders, and he remembers Stiles”Liam offered as he stood next to Hayden.
You blinked absentmindedly a couple of times before turning to Lydia.
“I’m sorry after what happened I don’t think I should be anywhere near him”Lydia briefly glanced at Theo.
“I’ll do it”you stated.
“What?!”Theo and Scott both chirped up in unison, everyone’s eyes now staring into your soul. Malia suddenly burst out laughing and you rolled your eyes, glaring at her from across the tunnel.
“Oh you’re not kidding”she coughed awkwardly.
“Y/n are you sure about this I mea-
“Guys seriously I’ll do it, I have nothing else to do he’s my responsibility now”you decided, nodding towards your friends letting them know that you weren’t going to change your mind.
Scott let out a sigh before turning to you again, knowing that you were stubborn so you wouldn’t back down.
“If he tries anything-
-he is still here you know”Theo interrupted.
“No one cares”Malia snapped, turning on her heel disappearing alongside Lydia.
“Just don’t let him out of your sight, one funny move and he’s going back down there”Scott warned before sending you a silent nod, placing a set of keys in the palm of your hand.
You understood clearly, nodding in response as you watched Liam and Scott walk away after one last warning glare in Theo’s direction.
“What are we gonna do with you?”you sighed out, pivoting to face a very confused Theo who stood in handcuffs, chains hanging from his arms heavily.
You rolled your eyes slightly, disapproving of the chains. Theo stayed silent, his mouth slightly hanging open at your appearance, things had certainly changed since he’d been cast down to hell.
“First of all let’s get rid of these”you muttered, taking a step towards the boy who stood stunned. He flinched back quickly, moving out of your reach as you lifted your arm, the keys jingling on your fingers.
“What are you doing?”Theo asked quietly, his eyebrows raising.
“Well you can’t stay like this forever, it’s gonna be a killer on the wrists eventually-unless you want to stay like that I mean that’s not a problem”you folded your arms, waiting expectantly-you really weren’t a fan of the underground tunnels.
“Aren’t you worried I’m gonna hurt you, aren’t you scared of me?”he finally breathed out.
“Do you want to hurt me? Do you want me to be scared of you?”you replied quickly, holding the keys tighter.
“N-No I don’t want to hurt you, no to both questions”Theo’s whole aura had changed since he’d returned, something down there had taught him a well needed lesson, however there was a small part of you that felt bad for sending him to hell in the first place.
“Then we have no problem, it’s okay”you sent him a small smile before freeing him from the handcuffs, letting the chains drop to the floor in front of you.
Standing still next to Lydia you could feel a pair of eyes trained on you, a blush unintentionally crept up on your cheeks realising which direction the stare was coming from.
Never for one second did you think that you were going to be fighting on the same side as Theo Raeken, the thought of not fighting against him comforted you a little bit and you didn’t know why.
You finally mustered up the courage to flick your attention over to Theo who stood leaning against the wall in the corner casually. His eyes lingering over you as they lifted to meet yours. His skin started to tingle and the feeling of awkwardness he was feeling before began to fade away.
Your lips twitched up into a smile, and your hand involuntarily lifted, waving him over so that he wasn’t standing alone in the corner. Theo’s eyes widened, hesitating before pushing himself off the wall. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he slowly made his way over to your side.
“You’re gonna want to hear what Scott’s saying right? I mean you are technically part of the pack now”you whispered. Raeken’s stomach filled with butterflies as you accepted him fully, giving him all he ever wanted, a pack. Somewhere he belonged.
“I don’t think you should have brought me here y/n”Theo hummed as he trailed behind you slightly. Looking up at the daunting Beacon Hills High School sign.
“Why do you think that?”you pouted as you turned your head to keep an eye on the chimera who was looking paler by the second.
“People here hate me, and so they should after what I did”Theo shook his head as he stopped walking completely.
You paused aswell, taking a step towards him.
“Okay first of all stop feeling sorry for yourself, secondly so what it’s high school everyone hates everyone”you shrugged, watching Theo narrow his eyes at you.
“Look, yeah you have done some really shitty things, but I mean who doesn’t mess up, and people sometimes do bad things for good reasons I don’t know what the case is with you because I’m not in your brain- but what I do know is that you have the potential to be amazing you just have to want it for yourself. After what happened you still deserve an education, you deserve to live a happy life and show people that you aren’t the bad guy everyone makes you out to be”you were waving yours arms around frantically, letting the words tumble from your lips.
Theo’s lips pressed together, blinking a couple of times trying to register and digest everything you had just said to him. You believed in him, when no one else did.
“Why are you being so nice to me y/n? Why did you step forwards to watch over me after everything I did, after what I did to you”Theo protested.
“Because I know what it’s like to be the bad guy in someone’s eyes Theo, believe it or not I was there the night Donovan died, it wasn’t just Stiles I was there too but you didn’t know because Stiles was onto you and he knew you’d tell Scott- but Scott found out about what we did anyway and I just know what it’s like to be seen as the bad guy”you finally admitted, Theo listening to every word of your confession.
“I didn’t know-
“I know you didn’t, it’s okay I don’t know about your situation either but we’re going to be late we can save the stories for later”you informed him, glancing down at your watch.
“Later?”Theo questioned, jogging to match your steps as you drew closer to the school.
“You, me and a big stack of English literature textbooks, oh and maybe some fries I’m starving”you groaned.
“Y/n it’s halfway through the year, they won’t let me graduate”Theo exclaimed.
“They will let you graduate, I’ll make sure they do, with my help you’re gonna be top of the class”you grinned, holding the door open so that Theo could walk in front of you.
“You really think I can do it?”
“Oh c’mon if you can come up with a master plan to take down a pack full of supernatural creatures and a true alpha I’m pretty sure you can answer a few algebra questions”you snorted, leading Theo towards the library.
Scott’s announcement became muffled as you and Theo stood alongside eachother, the warmth from your bodies engulfing you in a small bubble, you could feel your shoulders brushing against eachother. You smiled up at him once more, making sure that he was okay.
The brown haired chimera opened his mouth to say something then abruptly shut it again, his eyes narrowing, training on your neck. His head fell at an angle as he noticed a bright red dot dancing over your skin.
Your eyebrows furrowed together as you tried to read his facial expressions.
“Theo what’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?”you breathed out, whispering over to him.
The laser beam flashed across your skin once more and Theo’s eyes widened with panic after realising what it was.
“Everyone get down!”Theo yelled, startling the whole pack, you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your body immediately as you heard the window glass shatter, a bullet flew past you but never touched your skin as Theo Raeken gripped onto you, using his own body to shield yours, the two of you were now on the ground.
Scott had already gotten Lydia and the others out but it was too dangerous for you and Theo to escape, instead he’d hidden you both well behind the island in the middle of Scott’s kitchen. That’s where you both intended to stay until the hunters outside stopped shooting.
Theo could feel your body shaking in his arms, his jacket wrapped over your body as the two of you sat huddled together in the ruined kitchen where you were once stood as a pack.
After the bullets died down Theo cautiously lifted his jacket from around you, brushing the hair out of your face. The cold air from the shattered glass window hit you instantly.
“Are you hurt?”you felt his warm hands settle on your chin lifting your face so that he could assess any wounds.
“N-no I’m okay, are you hurt?”you asked quickly, not hesitating for a second.
“I’m fine, I’m okay”Theo nodded, letting you know that he was unharmed.
Silence fell over the two of you, Theo’s arms remaining tight around you.
“Y-you just saved my life, that bullet could have killed me but you saved me”you glanced up at Theo, not realising how close the two of you had become.
“I’m just returning the favour”he mumbled out, your body lifted from against his, turning so that you could ask him what he meant but you were interrupted.
“Y/n, Theo?!”Lydia called out in a state of worry.
“Lydia?”you jumped up, holding onto Theo’s hand so that he had support getting up from the floor.
“I’m so glad that you’re okay”Lydia wrapped her arms around you, squeezing the air out of your lungs.
“It was Gerard and Munroe, they sent them over here luckily no one got hurt and that’s thanks to you Theo, you saved all of us especially y/n, I’m grateful”Scott nodded over to Theo, a genuine smile spread across his face.
“What do we do now?”Lydia questioned Scott.
“Nowhere is safe for us right now, we’re going over to use Derek’s loft it’s secure enough, the others are on their way there now we should probably head over there”Scott informed before leaving with Lydia.
You and Theo stood in silence once again, brushing the shards of glass off your clothes.
“Did you really mean what you said before about me saving you?”you quickly breathed out, choosing a slightly risky time to talk about something so important.
“Of course I did, over these past couple of months you have made me feel so normal and wanted even after I did bad things you were the only one who forgave me-you saved me y/n you gave me my life back and you made it a hundred times better at the same time I don’t think you understand”Theo took a daring step towards you.
“I love you”you finally blurted out after replaying his words.
“Theo, I love you”you repeated, shutting your eyes briefly after confessing something that had been on your mind for a long time.
“And I love you”you heard his voice ring out and your eyes flickered open just in time as he closed the gap in between you both, one of his hands finding your waist and the other settling on your back steadying you as he kissed you for the first time. His lips met yours and you felt your stomach explode with butterflies.
A/N:There was so much more to this story but I decided to end it there idk I might carry it on who knows🤷🏽‍♀️❤️
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