#Story based on art
elisajdb · 9 months
A Relaxing Bath
A gift for @songochiox based on her sweet art
Goku was tired when he came home. He wasn’t physically tired. He was mentally and emotionally burnt out. For three months, he has been on Beerus’ planet. It was exciting at the start, but now it felt like a boring routine. Train. Chores. Train. More chores for a new lesson that felt the same as the previous one. Without the chores, it reminded Goku of his time in Kami’s Temple with Mr. Popo and Kami. It wasn’t as lonely. Vegeta was here. He was a good sparring partner who kept him on his toes but Goku didn’t care for his company now.
He needed to feel the familiar breeze from Mount Paozu. He needed to see his animal neighbors. He needed to see his lovely wife cooking in the kitchen. He needed to see his sons. He needed to listen to Gohan explain about a book he didn’t understand. He needed to sit with Goten playing a video game he didn’t understand. He needed to play with his granddaughter.
He needed to go home.
And that’s what he did. He left Vegeta and Whis in the middle of a morning lesson and teleported to his dark bedroom on Earth.
He forgot about the time difference between Beerus’ planet and Earth. The clock by the bed read 2:30 am and his wife was in a peaceful sleep. Goku slipped off his boots quietly, removed his gi and crept to bed. He pulled back the covers, climbed in and snuggled against Chichi’s sleeping form.
“Not tonight, Broly. I’m still exhausted from Vegeta.”
Goku’s eyes popped open. “What?”
It was too dark to see but Goku could feel Chichi’s body shaking in laughter. He wasn’t amused. “Not funny, Chichi.”
“Then why am I laughing? Ow,” she laughed in faux pain feeling Goku’s hand slapping her bottom. “What are you doing here anyway?” Chichi sleepily asked. “It’s almost three.”
Goku thought that was a strange question to ask. “I live here, Chichi. Why were you thinking of Broly?”
“I need some company while you are galivanting in space and Broly’s….”
“Cute?” Goku finished for Chichi.
“I was gonna say Broly, Vegeta and Piccolo are great company when you are away but Broly is cute.” Chichi expected Goku to make a comment saying that wasn’t funny and give her another playful slap on her backside before being smothered by his kisses with Goku showing Chichi she will never entertain Broly, Vegeta and Piccolo while he’s away but when Goku didn’t respond, Chichi reached for the lamp to turn it on and roll over to face her husband. He was frowning. He looked cute and she would tell him that if she didn’t know he was angry.
“Does it bother you I said that? I was kidding.”
“I know, but I don’t like it. I don’t like you think Broly’s cute.”
Chichi didn’t laugh but she did smile. I can’t believe he remembers that. It was over two years since Goku brought Broly home for a visit. He wanted to show the Saiyan what Earth was like since during his last visit, he nearly destroyed it in rage. Broly stayed with Goku and Chichi where she fed both men and was impressed with Broly’s appetite. It was bigger than Goku’s. He was also very naïve, more naïve than Goku. He asked Chichi many questions that amused her and listened intently to Goku and followed his words as he considered Goku more knowledgeable and experienced than him.
“I didn’t mean anything by it.”
“You never said Vegeta’s cute,” he accused her. “You never said anyone’s cute except me.”
Chichi could see a man and think he’s attractive but never openly say it. Saying one is attractive didn’t mean she wanted them. Her thoughts of Broly’s looks were a compliment and nothing more. “Maybe I thought he’s cute because he reminds me of you. He’s naïve and very strong and his eagerness to learn new things is cute and sweet like you when we married.”
That didn’t satisfy Goku. “You make it sound like I’m still not cute and sweet.”
“You are and you’ll always will be cute.” His pout was so cute. The way his brows furrowed was cute. She kissed him. “Don’t you believe me?”
“I do.” He really did and he never worried about Chichi’s faithfulness to him but he couldn’t explain why he was acting this way.
“You’re very wound up.” Chichi caressed his face. “Are you ready to tell me what happened on Beerus’ planet?”
Was that what was bothering him? Maybe it was.
“I’m fine.”
He didn’t look fine. He looked sullen. “You are early. You normally come home when it’s lunch or dinner and another month from now. Did Whis hit you with his stick again?” Goku shook his head. “Did Vegeta almost beat you?”
“No.” Goku laid his head against Chichi’s breasts. “I just wanna be home, Chichi.”
“You are home, Goku.” Chichi tenderly stroked Goku’s hair. “And….” she sniffed, “you need a shower.”
Goku opened his eyes. He raised his arm and smelled himself. “I don’t stink.”
Chichi grabbed Goku’s hand and pulled him out of bed with her. “Yes, you do.” She led Goku to the bathroom. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
Goku sniffed himself again. “But I don’t stink.”
Chichi flipped on the bathroom lights. “Did you leave in the middle of training?”
“You stink.” Chichi turned on the shower. “And you climbed your dirty body in bed with me.” Chichi tutted and slapped Goku on his bottom. “Get undressed.”
Chichi accusing him of climbing in bed dirty should make her angry but Chichi smiled at him and the smack on his bottom felt playful. Was she in the mood? If she wanted it, Goku was ready to give it to her but something told him that wasn’t on Chichi’s mind. He pushed his boxers down his legs. “Ain’t you sleepy?”
Chichi was leaning over the bathtub as it filled with water. He saw her reaching for her special lavender bath oil only meant for her to use but it was clear she would be using it on him. “Not anymore.” She smiled at him. “Go clean up.”
“You don’t mind?” Goku knew how Chichi wanted her to sleep.
“I don’t mind.” She kissed him. “Take your shower and I’ll get the bath ready.”
Goku smiled as he knew Chichi understood. When he came home from Beerus’ planet or on a galactic space adventure with Vegeta, all Goku wanted was to be with Chichi. His first mornings home always had him and Chichi relaxing in the bath together with him sharing what he did apart from her and Chichi sharing what he missed with the family. He took his shower and rinsed off any dirt he accumulated during the morning spar. When he stepped out, the bathtub was filled with hot water and his lovely wife sat on the marble naked and rubbing lavender oil on her body.
“I’m done. Wanna smell me?”
“Maybe later.” Chichi rubbed oil on her hands, warming them before massaging the warm oil onto Goku’s back and shoulders. “How does that feel?”
“I hate it.” He laughed at Chichi’s playful smack on his bottom. Her nimble hands moved to his front massaging his chest. He missed these wonderous hands stroking him. He expected Chichi to go lower and grab a part of him that missed her terribly over the months but when she pulled away and said, “Let’s get in,” Goku turned to her expectantly.
“What is it, Goku?” Her voice was innocent but her eyes were playful. “Was I supposed to rub somewhere else?”
Oh, she knew and he knew that she knew. He’ll get her for that later when they are wrestling between the sheets and she’s begging for it, but for now, he will go along with Chichi’s playful mood. “Nothing.”
Chichi was going to get in first so she could lean against the tub and continue to massage Goku but Goku stopped her and got in first. “What are you up to?” Chichi got in and settled herself behind Goku.
Goku dipped his hands in the hot water before pouring some on Chichi’s back and shoulders. “Just wanna massage you like you massaged me.”
Chichi released a soft moan as Goku worked her shoulders and back with his strong fingers. Oh, she would pamper him with food and massages but Goku touched her, too. Days after Goku returned, Chichi would wake up to feel Goku snuggled up to her. Sometimes she would lie with Goku and talk as his hands touched her body. He never spoke. He listened to Chichi and touched her over and over. She never questioned why he did this. She knew it was something Goku needed to do after being away for so long.
“How was your training on Beerus’ planet?”
Oh, that was a signal something was wrong. Training on Beerus’ planet was never fine. Goku had many thoughts about the training from complaining about the chores Whis made him do to sharing how excited he felt about his growth.
“How were things here?”
Goku’s question caught Chichi off guard. Most times he didn’t ask and assume things were fine while she informed him of what he missed. “Pan’s having her Kindergarten graduation in two weeks. Mark is hosting a big party for it. Videl’s trying to talk her father into something simple but you know how he is. I remember the party he had for Videl’s high school graduation. There were more of his friends than Videl’s. She remembered how her Dad used the party for a business thing. She doesn’t want the same for Pan.”
“How about Gohan and Goten?”
“Gohan has a big seminar he’s preparing for. Goten has a school dance.” Chichi laughed as she recalled Gohan’s first school dance. “I remember Gohan being so nervous about it with Videl. Goten is very calm about it. He’s happy to be going stag while Trunks is worried about having a date.”
Goten being in high school was surreal for Goku. “I can’t believe Goten’s in high school. I still remember him as this little boy so happy to have a Daddy.”
“Our little boy’s growing up.” Chichi was happy about it. She was even happier Goku was around to see it but something in Goku’s voice signaled to Chichi what might be troubling her husband. “What bothered you on Beerus’ planet?”
Chichi always knew when something bothered him; really bothered him. He couldn’t always hide it and when Chichi pressed him, he eventually gave in.
Your burden is my burden Chichi once told him. Share with me she’ll always say when she wanted Goku to unload on her emotionally.
“I don’t know. I was on Beerus’s planet for another lesson when I realized I had this lesson before. A lot of my lessons have been repetitive. I’ve been there for three months doing the same thing. I was getting bored.”
“It’s not the first time,” Chichi told him. “You always came back when you got bored. What’s different now?”
The fact it was getting to him and things were changing beyond his control. When Goku returned home after months away, Goten still looked like the child he first saw after he returned from being dead. Pan was a baby. Now after being away for months, Goten and Pan always looked different when he returned. They were growing up and apart from him. When he returned last time, Goten didn’t want to spar with him. He was into his video game. Pan wanted to train with him but it wasn’t the same.
“What’s going on with you, Chichi?”
He was deflecting. Chichi knew that but gave him what he wanted in hopes Goku will confess his troubles to her.
“I’ve taken on more responsibilities from Dad’s kingdom so you’re lucky you caught me home tonight. Tomorrow, I will be spending a few days at Dad’s kingdom.”
Chichi has been his constant support and the one thing in his life who hasn’t change. She has taken on more responsibilities of her father’s kingdom but when he returned home, she was there. When he needed her, she was there. Goku wanted to be there for Chichi.
“How is your Pops?”
“Better than last month. He’s listening to his doctors to slow down but Dad still thinks he’s that big, formidable Ox he used to be.”
Goku remembered that formidable Ox from his childhood. He was so big and intimidating but Goku didn’t let Gyumao’s size deter him. He’s always been strong. He was always there for Chichi, Gohan, and Goten when he wasn’t. Goku admired Gyumao but even Goku noticed Gyumao lost a step over the years. He’s gotten slimmer and lost a lot of muscle. He couldn’t pick up that massive ax of his. When Goku saw him during the last visit, Goku was taken aback at how much older he looked.
“I never thought your Dad would get old.”
“We all are except you and your Saiyan blood.” Chichi didn’t speak it out of jealousy or anger. It was acceptance. Oh, she worried about aging faster than Goku but Goku always showed her she was the one he will always want. It was also an unexpected ego boost to Chichi to walk with Goku by her side where eyes were envious of her catching a younger-looking man.
That unexpected envy also brought Chichi unexpected attention from younger men. She ignored and rejected their advances. It brought out laughs from Goku when he saw the men, and while Goku knew Chichi could handle them, sometimes he did step in when he felt a guy going too far with his pursuits.
“Dad is getting old and I want to be there for him.”
And Goku wanted to be there for Chichi.  “I’ll come and stay with you.” Goku offered.
Chichi imagined Goku sitting in a meeting with her. Five minutes in and Goku will be spending his chair bored. “The meetings will be boring, Goku.”
“I can visit Aki when you have those meetings and then I can come home to you.” He rested his chin on Chichi’s wet shoulder and hugged her body to his. “I just wanna be where you are, Chichi. I just wanna be home.”
The softness in Goku’s voice caused Chichi to shift in the tub. She saw the sincerity in his eyes, smiled and rested against him. She understood what was troubling him. “Are you done?” Chichi asked hopeful. “I can’t expect you to stay home all day but…...” She knew Goku couldn’t. Not this Goku. The Goku before he learned his past could but not the one who embraced the blood of the Saiyan flowing in him.
Goku knew something will happen in the future to cause his departure. That’s how things seem to be but right now, he wanted to be home. “I just wanna be home with you… Gohan, Goten and Pan. I don’t want to miss any more moments.”
And Chichi wanted that, too. Oh, she didn’t like it when Goku left to train on Beerus’ planet or that short stint he was part of the Galactic Patrol but she knew that’s what Goku wanted and needed. He wouldn’t be happy if forced to stay home all the time when there’s a chance for him to get stronger and be the best warrior he can be. Chichi knew she had to let Goku leave and come home on his terms. As much as she hated to see him leave, Chichi knew Goku’ll always come back to her.
Content, Chichi relaxed in her husband's arms; happy his adventures were over for the foreseeable future; happy Goku wanted to stay home with her and their family. “Welcome home, Goku.”
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fighting back? against who? they're so happy—they've been waiting for you.
you are wonderful. don't you know that?
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bonus: they play sims together :)
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the-talon-ted-meem · 3 months
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