woerm-town · 3 days
hey now do not make me say atsushi is a character i relate to largely
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nightsilver · 7 days
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thank you sooo much :’D here you go!
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waflof · 18 days
My eyebrows are villainous
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visohyenadraws · 29 days
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Ya this slogan was real and I love it, would you vote for him? 🦅🇱🇷🗽🔵🫏
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deviousdayz · 1 month
Such is such a good word
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wiirocku · 2 months
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Hebrews 12:1 (NIV) - Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
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trashbaget · 3 months
one upped myself today ! called him a butthole when i said bye
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64albear · 3 months
Thinking an overwhelming amount about Neo Metal Sonic.
Like, please tell me, Why in the world am I crushing for a damn robot???
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freackthejester · 4 months
Note for future biographers from the 40th century; not being Even a little bit suicidal is out of the norm at my job.
Like, it's the most money you've ever made to have fun and you are miserable) why?
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Such a cozy corner from @house_1a
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gilburt-ellam-1999 · 4 months
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Such a fun easy craft to do with kids. Makes a great #Christmas gift! #diygift #diykids
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lateseptemberdawn · 5 months
Men's blatant refusal to ever accept their mistakes or even just the mere possibility of perhaps committing a mistake is such an abhorrent concept to them it's insane. Like accepting your faults is so easy. Just say, "yes, that was a mistake, I will not do it again" and simply move on but no. Even the smallest of thing needs justifications and validations and a whole explanation as to why it isn't a mistake and would be the perfect thing to do in some other parallel universe. Like it's exhausting. It's toddler behaviour "no mon I didnt break it it fell I just swiped the air" proceeds to cry but in men's case, proceeds to throw a mantrum. I'm so done with this species.
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wiirocku · 2 months
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Isaiah 41:4 (NLT) - Who has done such mighty deeds, summoning each new generation from the beginning of time? It is I, the LORD, the First and the Last. I alone am He.”
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ohnoidontexist · 5 months
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rewwwwww · 6 months
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the eclipse as viewed from portland, oregon
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thewatercolours · 6 months
Priorities (King's Quest Ficlet, 1 of 2)
Just disregard the order form I’ve tucked this into. I don’t actually need any toe salve. It’s just it’s hard to say who might be watching. I can’t write straight to my guards at the castle, and since you and Chester get the most mail of anyone in Daventry (except the Merchant, I guess,) I thought this note could slip by more discreetly. Please pass this on to Royal Guard Number One and ask him to have a look at it when he’s alone. Thanks so much. Hoping it’s not too many months till I see you and all the people in town again.
Number One,
I have to keep this short. I reached Arkney just before the new moon. The word in town is that Acorn and Whisper were in the group that arrived in a prison wagon two weeks before (or at least, it’s my best guess it was them, just from the descriptions.) The last anyone saw of them, they were being brought to the local castle on orders from Count Carolus, just like you guessed. We tried scoping out the castle from the outside, and Amaya even managed to sneak a peak inside the inner courtyard and got a pretty good guess about the layout of the place. But no sign of our friends, or whether they’ve been moved somewhere else. Amaya tried the “visiting nobility” scheme you suggested three days ago. They wouldn’t see her. Our timing turned out to be terrible. Lady Carolus was having a baby that day. So we’re taking another shot, and this time it’ll be me, since they’ve already seen Amaya. I’m trying the peasant thing. It’s easier to disguise myself dressing down than up. I’ve spent the last couple of days making inquiries about work around Arkney, just to make it seem believable. Tomorrow I’ll knock at the Count’s back door and see if there’s a position available. Here’s hoping. I better finish this up, but first: the tavernkeeper says servants and guards at Castle Carolus are not usually allowed outside the precinct without special permission . It’s like its own little world. So I might be hard to get a hold of, if they actually hire me. It would probably be better if you wait for me to make contact first, but if you absolutely have to, send it care of Bagley at the Lily and Throne tavern, and sign it “Mary Lou.”  I’ve told Bagley that my long lost love’s name was Mary Lou, and the search proved hopeless. He seems like enough of a romantic that he’d find some way to get it to me. Do everything you can to disguise that it’s from Daventry. And like I say, don’t reach out first if you can help it, even if it takes months. Whisper and Acorn deserve the best chance we can give them. 
Crossing my fingers,
PS - I have complete faith in your ability to take care of the kingdom while I’m gone, this time and every time. Don’t beat yourself up.
PPS - Don’t write unless you have to, but if you have to, you might as well put a packet of salt and pepper in with the envelope. They’ve never heard of seasoning here.
(Part 2 here)
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