#Sun/Moon x reader
lilttlefloffu · 7 months
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I'm not dead, I'm just depressed, but hey!, I did a Moon!
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celestial-jesters · 25 days
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it's still mermay, right? :P
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kabra-malvada · 1 year
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"Don't come any closer... please... I- WE don't want you to see us like this..."
You take in a deep breath and take in the humid rust and ruble coming out from every corner around you. Slowly you take another step making the water puddle under your feet make way for you, he- they flinch further into the corner trying to make themselves as small and invisible as they can, although the small creaks and metal rumbling only serves to make their shaking more noticeable they seem too concerned to just not be seen.
They choke up their plea and it almost comes out as a sob that echoes just the slightest bit amongst the water droplets falling from the sealing. You take another step decisively earning yourself small cries from the amalgamation of an animatronic in front of you, they start to become louder with every inch you approach them.
"Please. Please. PLEASE-"
Their wails are suddenly cut off by your hand reaching the top of their head, at first they refuse they deny themselves the enjoyment, the comfort of your touch... this... is this ok? You are not... mad? aren't you... disgusted by them? No this can't be right, it must be another cruel dream like every other night, how could you possibly like them like... THIS?
"Guys... Please, let's just go home..."
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Did someone said ANGST? :'D
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bilolli · 1 year
Fun times with your caretakers:
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Not so fun times:
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draconic-ichor · 6 months
POV Your giant burnt animatronic is lonely:
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Moon version
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blogforfanfic · 1 year
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Y/N post Security Breach
guess you could say that the animatronics really left a mark on them. several even.
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amethystapple · 7 months
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An idea from @bamsara ‘s Solar Lunacy fanfic that I’ve had since last year
This has become my comfort fanfic! They are silly guys!
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scarlett-ink · 2 months
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Eclipse of the Valley Chapter 1:
The Eclipse
You are in desperate need of a change of pace, an out of the mentally draining life you found yourself in. With the combined inspiration of a total solar eclipse and letter you probably waited too long to have opened, you find yourself moving to the tiny community of Pelican Town nestled in Stardew Valley.
But what happens when there's more magic to this town than you thought, and you realize that you weren't the only one to move into the farm? With nowhere else for your surprise, animatronic roommate to go, it seems like he'll be staying with you for the foreseeable future and he isn't as alone as he first appears. Hopefully, you'll be able to come to terms with your new roommates and maybe if you play your cards right you might just get them to open up to you.
(Please ignore how bad the pixel art is it was my first time ever trying it)
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red-goat · 2 years
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HEYYYY @castercassette I did sum more aaaaaa-
So I hope u likey ;///;
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Here are the close ups:
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Cowboy Sun and Moon will forever live rent free on my head, taunting me about my taste in man. And I will gladly take it ;;
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rapha3liii · 1 year
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Heres my Sundrop & Moondrop designs! + a little y/n on the side from my fic :] Pls click for better quality!!
Forgot to put it on the page but I gave Sun a cute little tooth gap because how cute is that :]
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lilttlefloffu · 1 year
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AAAHH I DIDN'T REALIZE THE TIME, better late than never, I was testing Clip studio a bit and I made this doodle
⚠️- Please don't repost!--⚠️
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rg-bugs · 9 months
Lost in the moon
Sun/Moon X reader
Word count: 2521
You decide to check out the daycare where you meet Sun, after the daycare closes you leave. But you gets lost and don't exit the Plex in time and get looked in. You end up meeting Moon and try asking him for help
I got lazy with the ending cuz this fic took me nine days to write and I've had enough with it, so enjoy
You stroll around the pizza plex enjoying the overpriced pizza, arcade games and various attractions that the place has to offer. At one point you got lost in the pizza Plex, but you got help from one of the glam rocks and at the same time you also got the chance to take a picture with them, which in all honesty was quite nice of them. Though you're terrible with names. (But you do remember them being a chicken with green earrings). Was it Sheikah? Sheek? Oh It was Chicka! Chicka the chicken! Even if your day was filled with exciting activities, you could not help yourself but to feel disappointed and isolated. Even surrounded by people constantly throughout the day, it fell short of what you had hoped for.
As the sun's light begins to dissipate, you find yourself meandering through the expansive building, observing as people gradually depart as the bustling crowds disperse. With less than an hour left until closing you start to make your way to the daycare. It was the only place you hadn't looked at yet today. And in addition, since the daycare closes an hour earlier than everything else, you believe that there will be an absence of strangers staring daggers at you, and wondering why a random adult is there, though you thought of it more reminiscent of a curious child exploring.
You don't do too well with copious amounts of crowds surrounding you for the entire day. So you need a quiet place to sit down for a bit to get your self level headed from the day. You know the two characters that work in the daycare, Sun and Moon. You have seen their posters here and there plastered on the walls. If you were going to be honest for a little while you thought that their names were Sundrop and Moondrop, but no, it's the candy they advertise.
You enter the daycare and you start to hear funky but kinda nice music. you start to bop to it slightly, and it makes you feel slightly better. You tread quietly up to the metal fence next to a slide where it said ´slide in to fun!´. You looked down at the play area and at first glance you saw two large jungle gyms connected with a bridge and a ball pit. Man you wished this was the daycare you went to when you were a kid, because this looked amazing this could easily be any kids dream come true. But your train of thought was interrupted by the feeling that it felt like something was staring at you but you can't pinpoint where it's coming from, so you just shrug it off as anxiety. You make your way down to the lower level of the daycare to sit on one of the benches to rest before you start making your way out of the Pizza Plex.
You have your back turned away from the big daycare doors as they fling open and you freeze in shock as you hear a loud chery voice behind you. "Why hello there friend! All the kids have already been picked up. So what concern do you have here to be here at such a late hour?" You berated yourself for forgetting that there are two daycare andents, of course they'd still be active. You turn your torso around slowly to face who is behind you, having both legs firmly rooted into the floor. As you turn you see a very tall robot with eyes that are chalk white and triangles around his head designed to look like sun rays. He had a big smile, and hands stretched to his sides and stood there with a mighty posture looming over you.
"I-" you took a deep breath to try to get the words out of your mouth as he stood there patiently with both of his hands clasped together. "I just wanted to get away from the crowds for a bit. I didn't mean to disturb or anything- I can leave if you want me to." At that last part you lift up your hands in a nervous mock surrender. "Oh no you are welcome to stay, we were just curious as to why you were here. We thought that maybe you took a wrong turn and got lost or something." He started to sway on his feet rocking back and forth, seeming to hold back his excitement that would explode like a balloon any second now. He suddenly stops standing on his tippy toes; "Oh how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Sun! And what would yours be?" turning his head to the side out of curiosity. Your body fully turned towards him and were more relaxed. This seems to have pleased Sun. You told him your name, plain and simple. You did wonder however, he said"we "a bit earlier, but there was only one animatronic in front of you. You wanted to ask him where Moon was. Maybe he was inside cleaning or was just shy.
"Where is Moon? I would like to say hello to him too." You say it a bit too nonchalantly. He lets out a nervous chuckle and plops down from being on the tips of his toes. "Well he’s only out when the pizza plex is closed as security. Sorry to disappoint." He slouches down a bit but quickly perks up and says. "BUT! I can say hi to him from you, does that sound good?" He starts to fidget with his hands. It was nice to converse with Sun and it helps to distract you from the day. Your legs were aching from exhaustion and you just wanted a place to collapse and catch your breath "Yeah i think that would be nice. Well I'm going to go and sit down somewhere now. It was nice meeting you." You wave him goodbye as you turn away. "Goodbye! The pizza plex closes in thirty minutes!" He waves goodbye and the bells on his wrist jingle. You give him a thumbs up without turning. You feel a small gust of wind hit you as he closes the heavy doors in one swift motion.
You have your gaze on a seat with a table, you speed walk towards it and slump down. Resting your head on your arms as you let out a sigh of fatigue. You allow your mind to wander and overanalyze everything that you've done today to every minute detail, like how you fumbled on that mini golf ting and lost your grip on the golf club and it fell into the indoors river, or how you could not control the gocart properly and jerking forward trying to workout how it works, or how you needed the staff to get you out of a labyrinth designed FOR KIDS! Your spiraling thoughts were broken by the speaker announcing that they close in five minutes and something about a free drink voucher that you could get.
You lift up your head and blink away the sleepiness. You start making your way to the exit of the daycare, not paying attention to where you were walking. You wander and take a turn and… you are not at the entrance gate. You definitely took a wrong turn somewhere to end up at the theater. You couldn't do one thing correctly today it seems. The way back had stairs not a corridor. You start to backtrack back to the daycare slightly panicking. Now speed walking out of the theater and going towards the stairs. You hear a concerned voice "Hello again! I can tell that you're lost, it’s just to go up those stairs and take a left and there's the entrance gate, it's impossible to miss it. You only have like two minutes so you better run" You turned to look at the door that was slightly cracked open and Sun's head was peeking through looking worried. Wow that's a way to rub it in that you had the sense of direction of an egg (or like Zoro from One piece).
Your mouth turns into a line as you have to bite your tongue to not say something snarky like ´yeah, no shit sherlock´ or ´wow this is life changing information´ he was just trying to help you. So instead you opted for a simple thanks with a tired smile and told him ´goodnight, rest well.´ "I hope you do too, it looks like you need it. Goodbye!" he slid back in and closed the door. You really must have looked tired, and you were tired too. You just wanted to get home and sleep. You continued to speed walk up the stairs and took a left. You hear the lights turn off in an ominous voom. You stand still so your eyes try to adjust to the sudden darkness you found yourself in. You eventually got adjusted to the dim neon lights that came in different arrays of colors.
At that moment you realized that the Plex had closed. You looked at the entrance and saw the shutters were down. You were too tired to panic, you were just pissed at yourself now. “Great, Now I'm stuck in here. Unless I get staff to help me”. You opted for Sun's help because you knew at least where he was. You sigh and turn on your heel harshly. As you approach the entrance you don't hear the music playing, it's way too quiet for your liking. You see that the daycare is pitch black, but you continue. You aggressively walk down the stairs and yell out "Sun are you there? I got locked in and I would like to go home and sleep. Please can you help me?" You are met with silence. You were starting to get annoyed (not at Sun just that you didn't want to go into the play area looking for him). You go up to tug on the door and it won't budge, it's locked. You remember that he told you that Moon is security and maybe he was nearby, ( you assumed he would probably have the daycare as his starting point).
You let go of the handle and groan as you pinch your nose bridge, feeling as you felt an annoying headache creeping in. "Moon! Are you nearby? I kinda need help" you yell out.
No answer. You hear a soft jingle of bells. "Where are you?" you mutter under your breath thinking it is Sun making the noise. As you look to the side trying to see movement through the darkness in the play area. No luck, nothing is there. You hear a raspy voice next to your ear whispering "Behind you."
"MOTHER OF JESUS!" You screamed out. You jumped, turning around to see the fucker, whispering in your ear, next to you. It was a blue and white animatronic, it had a wire from its back to the ceiling, hanging upside down like Spiderman does. It has red eyes and a starry night cap with a big sharp smile on its face. Ah this must be Moon. You were eye to eye, just staring at him while he chuckled in amusement. You tried to muster up courage and put on your best smile, but you still sounded shaky in your voice. "Um… are you Moon? If so, can I get some help?" He pauses and his eyes turn pitch black, his head flips around to be right side up with his body still upside down. His smile flattens and eyes are wide open and he is too close for comfort. You swallow the lump in your throat. You took a deep breath and said "I got lost and now I'm locked in." You had your arms crossed and had your weight on one leg as the adrenalin had started to dissipate, as you look in his eyes you can see red pupils staring right back.
His body started to get down to stand on the floor, the wire detaching and going up to where you can't see it, but his face remained in the same spot. He let out a small chuckle and started to smile again as he rose to his full height. He was just as tall and intimidating as Sun was. Looking down at you he said "You are an intriguing one." You paused for a bit, you were confused at his response "Thank you, I guess?" tilting your head to the side. He turns around and starts walking away from you, but stops when he realizes that you're not following and he gestures to follow him. You start to follow him, pleased that you're getting help.
”So, where is Sun? He was in the daycare a few minutes ago.” He turns to look at you and what sounded like him taking a sharp inhale to say something, but he stops himself from doing so. He looks displeased. He thinks for a moment as both of you walk up the stairs and take a turn. “We share the same body, if the lights are on Sun is out, if the lights are turned off I am the one who is out.” He states begrudgingly. You think to yourself that that's quite cool at first, but you realize it must be torment to be in the same body. “Can I ask one more question?” you look up at him, he looks annoyed “why are you asking persimmon now? You didn't before” he said with bewilderment. “Is it like a nap for the one who is not active?”
As you have almost reached the doors he stops for a bit now being behind you and says "Didn't your parents teach you not to trust strangers?" He chuckles. "Oh har har funny joke, it’s obvious that you are Moon right. right?" You turn back to look at him and you see nothing. You hear the creaking noise of the shutters opening. But at the moment you don't care, you were wondering where (THE FUCK) Moon went, and he was avoiding the queston. You look around yourself up at the ceiling and consider walking around and looking behind things, but you were technically trespassing at this point so it's good to not stay any longer. Especially with what he just said, and you ain't taking any chances. You probably pissed him off with that question. You cup your hands around your mouth and yell out "Thank you Moon! Goodnight." And that was it, you opened the glass door and out of the Pizza Plex.
The metal shutters don’t close immediately until youre a small distance away. You look behind you to watch it close and you see an upside down head peeking thru with completely red glowing eyes. As the shutters slowly descend you see Moon waving you goodbye, a bit surprised to see him you wave back until you can't see each other anymore. You might come back and visit, those two were intriguing too. But for now you just need to get home and sleep.
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kabra-malvada · 1 year
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Haha, ya thought I forgot abt this project? Well hell nah, I've been working hard on that steampunk project in secret >:3
I am inlove with this project but I will not say much bc that'd be spoilers 🤭
Highjacking this post to promo my commissions here 💖
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istuilu · 9 months
DCA corpse bride au
-Sun and Moon are brothers and y/n is their childhood friend
- They are both in love with y/n but they only have eyes for Moon
-on the day of Moon and y/n's wedding Moon disapeared mysteriosly and is presumed dead.
-In Moons absence y/n and Sun become closer and they fall in love with him.
-on the day of y/n and Sun's wedding y/n is very nervous because of what happened before and can't get the vows right, they go to the woods to pratice and ends up acidentaly marrying Moon's corpse, who looks kinda like what he does in ruin
-y/n loves Moon and is happy to see him but doesn't want to leave their life and Sun behind, making he go through what they did and Moon is very jealous about that he is not mean about it but not understanding either
-at some point y/n scapes to the living world and goes to find Sun
-when Moon finds out they go after y/n absolitely filled with jealousy and anger that conpletely vanishes once he sees Sun, they are both a sobbing mess when they hug eachoteach other.
- In the end y/n marries both because it's my au and I make the rules
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crowbirdart · 1 year
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Ngl most of what I do besides work is read fanfiction. And BOY HOWDY do I love these celestial themed robots.
After opening like 15 tabs of fics I found @pure-plum’s @weal-and-woe fic and it hit me right where my heart is.
I’m a layout artist by trade so I don’t draw a lot of characters, but @pure-plum YOUR WORK IS AMAZING HIIII
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bilolli · 1 year
Okok so new stupid idea for an AU
What if Y/N won an enormous amount of money at the lottery but after one year they have to stay an undisclosed range of time at the hospital because they continue to collapse and the doctors don't have any idea of what's the metter.
What if Y/N is tired of no answers from the doctors and being in the same room of other really ill people (because it's not good for their mental state to see them eventually die in front of them) and decides to use the money they won to "book" a room at the most advanced and famous hospital of their side of the world: Faz Co Hospital.
What if in said hospital they offer an emotional aid figure as a part of the basic therapy and you have to choose from a list full of sentient robots a companion.
What if you choose the "Celestial duo" (because lmao it is a Y/N x DCA AU) and spend a lot of time with them.
And then emotional damage begins.
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