#Sunflower autism awareness
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Just a cute little autistic sunflower 💜
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kingredking · 1 month
I just got my sunflower lanyard!🌻
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For those who don't know:
The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is a simple tool for you to voluntarily share that you have a disability or condition that may not be immediately apparent – and that you may need a helping hand, understanding, or more time in shops, at work, on transport, or in public spaces. (text taken from their official website)
Sadly, the organisation isn't being represented in my country yet (except for some airports). I decided to get one to "ease my shopping experience". I'm easily overwhelmed by external sensory stimuli and tend to stim and tic during these experiences as well as it might influence my ability to talk.
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wtftarot · 3 months
PAC: The Sun
The Sun stands as the counterpart to the Moon. Representing clarity, the Sun leaves nothing in shadow. It speaks of blessings and growth. What do you need to learn from the Sun today? Let's fuck around and find out.
As always this reading is meant for entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice in any way. Remember, use common sense, and don't be a dumbass.
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Pick the Sunflowers, the Kid or the Horse and head on to your reading.
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The Sunflowers page cups Rx, Justice, 7 swords, the Fool, three cups, the hierophant Rx, temperance rx
A lot of things are lookin hazy for y'all, huh group one? The energy here is super interesting. First, y'all are entering an era that will redefine what you think it means to have a balanced life. You'll figure out what it means for you specifically. Which is awesome but that's not the focal point of your reading. There's something here that feels very sneaky, not in a harmful sorta way, more like a heist. It's like you're heisting yourself back. I fuckin love that. I think y'all may have lost yourself or a part of yourself somewhere along the way. The cards aren't saying how or why, which I feel is significant. While whatever happened had its impact, it's so much less important than this, than you, finding yourself again. Now you're scheming and plotting ways to get yourself back and it's beautiful. There's so much excitement and joy here. You may still have to hide them because of circumstances outside of your control but you're not burying them. You should feel absofuckinlutly no shame about it, fyi. You had to adapt, that's all. Now though, you are plotting and planning yourself towards a life that you don't have to adapt yourself to. The clarity you're getting is clarity of self. Things in your life feel a little hazy and off because they kinda are. You only "fit" your life as it is now because you lost those parts of yourself. Things were always 'off'. You edited yourself to what the situation called for. So, as you find yourself, you won't 'fit' the roles in life you used to. You're stepping into a life that gets you. A life where those parts of you are celebrated. Moving forward you may not get many satisfactory answers from sources outside of yourself on what to do. That's cause this is a time where you are creating the answers. You may find yourself doing a lot of inner-child work in the next few months. Deconstructing outdated teachings, or just seeing through bullshit you once thought to be true. Your awareness of when you are or are not acting in favor of your true self is being heightened. Now, this all feels like the inner-shift that has to happen before the external changes. So, you may wanna seek out some alone time or journal your thoughts cause I'm willing to bet you'll be having some epiphanies or ah-ha moments. This is awesome, babe. It's gonna be beautiful to see.
random ass vibes: Cats, 8,888, the wizard of oz, My Chemical Romance, shout out to all y'all with adhd/autism. religious upbringing? Red, "you can't buy happiness- steal it", goldenrod, something about acrylic nails? first time getting them? owls.
The Kid
The Sun rx, Nine of Swords Rx, Four of Cups Rx, Page of Wands, Knight of Cups, Eight of Wands Rx, Nine of Wands Rx, King of Swords Rx
This reading was interesting as hell to do. The short version is: Y'all are intuitive, you're just not letting yourselves simply BE intuitive. You try to force things or second-guess others and it's fucking you over. 
There is a message that you may be spending too much on different divination tools when you don't need them. This reading is cool and frustrating. I had to walk away from your cards because every time I tried to read them, the message was muddled and contradicting itself? I'm writing this a day later because now that I'm not trying to force it, it's flowing like the goddamn Mississippi. I didn't even plan to get back to your reading yet. It's like 6,7 am? I was just drinking my coffee and the reading became clear. Which is the whole ass point of your reading. Everyone has different intuitive psychic skills and different skill levels but if y'all chose this group? Y'all are pretty fuckin psychic. Or you could be if you got over some self-doubt and shit. When I said you're not letting yourselves be intuitive, I mean you may be relying too much on divination tools and signs instead of your intuition. You can strengthen your intuitive gifts, and learn to interpret them more accurately but you can't force it. It seems like you've become so focused on trying to pick up on things psychically, that you're not even living in the moment anymore. Which leads us to the other side of this coin. When you're determined to know and see more when there's nothing there, you can start to take your anxieties for hits cause they're the only thing you got. It's sorta like how when you're looking into a dark space, and you start seeing things that ain't there. Which understandably makes you freaked out, then when the anxieties don't come true you doubt yourself cause your "intuition" was wrong. Truth is not everything is a sign or a hit. Sometimes a number's just a number and a bird's just a bird. A bad feeling in your gut is just your gut feeling bad. Truth also is sometimes true psychic hits are kinda dumb, most of the hits I get regularly are just my cat needing something. It's okay if your intuition is just when produce is on sale. You ARE psychic. You're also human. All of this is confusing and that's okay. We're always confused until we figure things out. This all came out with the Sun in reverse because y'all expect your intuition to be clear the way your other senses are clear. You're looking outside of yourself for something that dwells inside of you. The advice here is to learn to trust your inner instincts. I keep hearing "Play psychic games". Scry out what animals you're going to see the next day. Try to intuit what suit a card is before you turn it over. Being psychic isn't (always) foreshadowing doom, it can be super fun. Try to get readings on non-serious topics. Let your intuition flow and play.
y'all have no random ass vibes because you need to stop relying on external confirmation of your intuition.
The Horse
This reading may be triggering, I'm not sure if feelings of not deserving love are a trigger but just to be safe. If you struggle with depression, anxiety, or the like please seek professional help. I'm just a chick with a computer and a deck of cards. Remember, don't do anything to compromise your safety.
I took some time between readings, and leading up to your reading horses kept popping up everywhere. I knew this reading would be different. I did pull some cards, but they feel unnecessary because y'all's guides are just talking to me. Why are y'all so convinced you won't get a happy ending? Mind out of the gutter, please. Thank you. You seem to be utterly convinced that you will never have a solid, safe, joyful life? "None of that is for me" is what I keep hearing. It's like there is one way to be happy, one sort of life that leads to happiness, and if you do not conform to that you're just doomed to die alone in squalor? There's this energy of I cannot do things my way and be happy. I can't be myself and loved. I just heard " I don't get to.." As in I don't get to be myself. I don't get to be loved. I don't know who made you feel that way but they better fucking hope I never see them. Or better yet, hope that future you never meets them. Cause sweetie, this reading? It's about your comeback. And HOLY FUCK YALL THIS WILL BE A HELL OF A COMEBACK. There's this overwhelming feeling of happy, unbridled defiance rearing its head in you. If you haven't felt it yet, you will soon babe don't worry. This may just be a heads-up. Defiance in the face of every fucking thing that makes you feel like you'll never get what you want. SPITE. That's what yall are embracing. I FUCKING LOVE THIS ENERGY YALL. SPITE IS MY ENTIRE LIFE PHILOSOPHY. This may be sort of a "villain era" for you. You're gonna be spitting in the face of everything that made you feel like you'd never be enough. YOU ARE ENOUGH. I want to be clear, you're not going to wake up and suddenly be immune to all the bullshit you've been told. You are however going to wake up and decide to live in defiance of what people have told you. That's why it'll feel sort of villainous, you may not feel like you deserve happiness (yet, give it time). BUT is 'deserving" it going to stop you? HELL NO! This is giving happiness is the best revenge. Those fuckers saying you can't be you and loved? They're gonna have to sit and WATCH YOU. And you get the pleasure of shoving your success, your happiness DOWN THIER FUCKING THROATS. Sometimes, you have to move towards things before you feel deserving or ready, so you can learn to feel deserving and ready. It's gonna take some work and strategizing, (y'all may wanna chat with some of the people in group one) I am so fucking pumped for y'all. If y'all don't feel this energy yet, you will soon I promise. In the meantime, maybe make a happy-upbeat revenge/spite playlist. Cause above all, this is about being HAPPY.
Random ass vibes: Danger Days, snakes, cats, 666, y'all may wanna look up Hopepunk, zombies,
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bugsysaboy · 7 months
Kite Headcanons <3
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No content warnings, sfw
-has the worst appetite known to man /hj
-he usually just eats soup
-he can easily be thrown off by the texture of certain foods (certified jello hater!)
-although, honestly, if he's hungry enough he'll eat anything.
-autism be damned, my boy can work a grill campfire.
-anxious as FUCK in restaurants. He's too awkward to order and will just s t a r e for too long unintentionally at the waitstaff.
-also will be awkward about starting his meal and will just hork it down when no one is looking. (Look, he grew up on the streets, eating fast so no one takes his food is just a hold over.)
-you know that meme that's the person doing the half a heart with their hand and the other person has a thumbs up? ...yeah.
-ACTUALLY THAT BEING SAID he's really handsome when caught off guard, but when he's actually engaging in conversation with someone he's kinda funny looking? Like he'll suddenly be aware of how he's carrying himself and maintaining eye contact and he will over correct.
-This man has no game!!! This man can neither pull nor flirt! 29 years old and even the idea of holding hands gets him flustered.
-on top of this if he's romantically interested in someone he's really prone to just avoiding them.
-dad jokes and puns all day everyday
-also he can actually be pretty chatty, like don't get me wrong when he's really focused he'll probably just shut up but during downtime? Around a campfire? He loves to spin a yarn or talk about his work.
-He also loves to hear about what others are passionate about!
-gets a general feel for people really quickly- he'll open up to people he gets good vibes off of pretty fast, but others he's more iffy on he may keep things cordial. This can, however, lead to snap judgements about people that might not be always correct.
-excellent pickpocket, now that he has a stable income through being a hunter he won't use this ability often...
-okay might do it to prank someone
-...or humble them.
-Met Ging when he was 15 and Ging was 18
-if he sets an alarm he somehow always manages to wake up just before it goes off
-hammock conoisseur 😌
-if he was in the real world he'd be Russian. (This is literally just based off of vibes and some edit an artist made of Kite running to Russian hardbass.)
-thinks it's really funny to say "have you considered..." to someone and when they ask him to elaborate he just says "...just... have you considered."
-loves sunflowers, loves sunflower seeds
-likes to keep a spare scarf handy in case someone needs it
-makes the crazy slots noise when he's really trying to concentrate
-favorite candy is saltwater taffy
-I like to imagine that he got the idea for crazy slots because of a boardwalk carnival in the town he grew up in. The carnies knew that Kite could win any of the games they had, no matter how rigged, it was uncanny.
-...probably used the plushies he won as pillows, maybe with the smaller ones he'd let his dogs play with.
-Favorite author is Dovstoevsky
-legitimately does not remember where he got his hat from, it's just kinda always been there, you know?
-he's not super focused on material goods and he doesnt really like receiving gifts (exceptions are made for anything handmade or a really cool rock.)
-...call him pretty and he'll fold
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artisxan · 1 year
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[ID: ArtisXan's logo, a brown circle with a digital drawing of a sunflower inside of it. Written on top in white script font reads "ArtisXan". /id]
Welcome To ArtisXan!
ArtisXan is a small business owned and operated by queer, disabled, neurodivergent, trans individuals. We sell a wide range of items, including discreet and fun chewlrey made of body-safe silicone intended for use by teens and adults.
Xan has been crafting since they were in middle school. They shifted focus from knitting to digital art. The chewelry business started when Xan found that having a body-safe silicone necklace was a great way to help them stop biting their nails, but could only find bulky designs that stood out. They used their own style to start assembling necklaces that were subtle and matched their aesthetic while still providing the physical stimulus of the larger designs. Since then, they have expanded from necklaces and bracelets to keychains, zipper pulls, and pens.
Quick Links
Find us on other sites!
Etsy artisxan
Patreon ArtisXan
Instagram @artisxan
Tiktok @artisxan
Meet the Makers!
Xan (they/them)
Cas (he/him)
This chart shows just some of the beads we have! The Squish and Durability chart is a good way to determine what bead is best for your fidget style. The higher the durability, the better the bead holds up to biting.
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[ID: An illustrated chart showing lineless art of a range of beads in rows on 2 scales of 1 to 10. The first scale is labeled "Squish Scale", with a box reading "1- Most Squishy 5- Medium Squish 10- Most Firm", and the second is labeled "Durability Scale" with a box reading "1-Least Durable 5- Medium 10- Most Durable". /id]
Our themes and bead designs include:
Moon and stars
Moths and butterflies
Fandom themes
Our Flag Means Death
Pride flag patterns
Rainbows everywhere
They, He, She, Ze, Fae, Fey, Ve, Ey, Zie, and custom pronouns
Disability pride
Neurodivergant/mental health
Autism acceptance
Rare condition awareness
Accessibility device compatible decor: stickers, clips
Water bottle reminders
Video Gaming
Self love and acceptance
Magic and Fantasy
Geometric and abstract jewelry designs
Who is this good for?
These are especially useful for people who need items to fidget with, pick at, chew, squish, pull, or stretch! All the chewelry is made using materials that can be cleaned and are body-safe. Any item can still be a choking hazard, so these are not intended for young children or individuals who may be at risk for swallowing objects.
Are these chewable? 
Yes! All of the beads we use on the fidget chewelry are made from food-grade silicone and can safely be chewed! 
Where can I buy these? 
You can find all of them on Xan's Etsy store! It is under the same name as their TikTok and Instagram (ArtisXan)! Their work is also in physical stores in Wisconsin.
Can I use these even if I'm not diagnosed, or am not neurodivergent? 
Absolutely! Chewelry is not limited to any specific need or diagnosis. You can wear it just because you like the way it looks, or feels!
Do you make the beads yourself? 
With two exceptions, our beads come from other suppliers. We don't have the facilities to make our own beads. We buy them from a combination of distributors and also directly from manufacturers. However, we did run a kickstarter to make two custom beads in collaboration with an artist who works with body-safe silicone! These are the morel mushrooms and the moon phase beads.
Are the other designs yours?
Yes! The stickers, art prints, pins, and other items are designed by Xan!
Can you make custom pieces?
We can customize some of our items, yes! We are happy to work with people to make pieces they'll be happy with, such as personalized pronoun chewelry! We are restricted to the beads we have and the prices may vary but we will always do our best to find what works best for you!
Will you ever make [insert bead shape here]? 
We work hard to find pieces that suit Xan's brand and what people request! But we can only make things that manufacturers have created so we have a somewhat limited scope of options. However we are always looking for new beads and frequently find ones that hadn't been out before! 
Why is [insert piece] more expensive? 
Some of the beads we use are more expensive than others and so to offset the price we have to adjust the price a bit! We do our best to make sure that all the pieces are still within an affordable range for as many people as possible! And we do weekly giveaways to give more people a chance to get pieces even if they can’t afford them. 
Can you make it without the small bead at the bottom or string it differently than shown?
Absolutely! Feel free to leave a note when you purchase to let us know you'd prefer a knot at the end, or for the main bead to be strung sideways without a knot or bead below it!
Why are are some of the pride necklaces different than the flags?
Some flags use so many colors, or so many shades of the same color, that we can't get enough of the beads to make the flag exactly, or to make the flag at all! For the Sunset Lesbian Pride and Aromantic pride, we have not been able to find body-safe beads that match the rest and come in different shades of orange, pink, and green, so some colors get combined for those designs. We keep an eye out for bead colors though!
Why don't you have a pride flag/pronoun necklace for [blank]?
Either we haven't had anyone request them, no one bought them when we did sell them, or they are ones we can't feasibly make. For example, we love the Progress Pride Flag but if we tried to make it we would run out of space for all the colors and it would be way too expensive for people to buy! (We do have a Progress Pride focus bead though!)
You can always contact us if there is a pronoun you want to use, or to ask if we could make a flag. We are willing to try!
What kind of bead should I get?
It depends what you want to use it for! The higher durability beads are best for biting and can take more heavy-duty fidgeting. Squishy beads are better for twisting and pinching. Textured beads are good for picking and rubbing.
How often do you make new designs?
We release new items and themes on a regular basis. Patreon and Discord users can get previews of what is coming out soon, and even suggest ideas. The chewelry depends on what we can source, but we continue to look for new beads. Xan designs stickers and other art frequently, and now that we have had a successful kickstarter we are open to the idea of making more unique beads.
Just a few of our items for sale:
Pride Fidget Jewelry Necklace (Currently 27 options!)
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[ID: Photo of 9 necklaces in pride flag designs. The beads on each necklace are in order of the stripe they represent. From left to right, top to bottom is lesbian, gay rainbow, polyamourus, bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, Sapphic, aromantic, and asexual. The polyam flag necklace has a golden star bead at the base. The bi-, pan-, and polysexual necklaces have a black star at their bases, and the Sapphic necklace has a white flower base bead. The sunset lesbian and aromantic pride necklaces have multiple shades represented by one bead. /id]
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[ID: Five pronoun necklaces lined up. From top to bottom the necklaces are "THEY/THEM, SHE/HER, HE/HIM SHE/THEY, HE/THEY" A circular black bead takes the space of the slash. The letter beads are white cubes with black letters. /id]
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[ID: Four styles of morel mushroom items on a marbled background. From left to right are a pen, a key chain, a zipper pull, and a necklace. The morel bead is a pale base with a warmer tan to create the textured mushroom cap. The brown pen has a morel and a sunflower bead above the grip. The keychain has a sunflower, a light green leaf, and a morel on a black cord. The zipper pull has a morel by itself, and the necklace has a morel and a round black bead base.  /id]
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[ID: Eleven moon phase design items. Clockwise from the upper left are keychains in silver, gild, and blue, necklaces ins silver gold, and blue, a pen in silver, three zipper pulls in blue, gold, and silver, and a holographic silver sticker in the same design as the focus bead. The focus moon bead is circular, with a stylized sun at the center, surrounded by the moon in eight phases. The keychains have a black crescent moon and silver star on either side of the focus bead. The necklaces have a round silver base bead. The pen is black, with a silver star, a black crescent moon, and a silver focus bead above the grip. /id]
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[ID: Photo of a hand holding a sticker of a leaf-patterned yellow water bottle with a black top. Black text over the bottle reads "Emotional Support Water Bottle" /id]
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moralesmilesanhour · 10 months
Why do you like miles so much? (This isn't meant to come off as rude or condescending, I'm genuinely just curious!)
I don't think I could ever fully explain why I'm hyperfixating on something, but I will try:
When I was first made aware of there being a black Spider-Man I didn't realize they weren't just talking about the suit 💀 I think I was like, in middle school or something? When I first "read" (watched a YouTube video of) his comic. Needless to say it made me very sad cuz his momma died but this was my first real encounter with an established black superhero that I can remember, so that set the foundation
Cut to 2019. I just finished or was about to finish 8th grade, I think? I went to a charter school for the majority of my academic life. Now, Spiderverse comes out and I'm hype asf because hey look black Spider-Man and they're actually animating a comic book movie! So my parents take me to see the movie.
I'm in the theater. I'm excited. The movie starts and BOOM! Miles speaks Spanish just like my classmates do! They cut to Visions Academy and the interior looks exactly like my school! There's a mf bodega and the streets look almost exactly like Crown Heights!! They even briefly addressed the fuckass gentrification coffee shops.
Even though I'm not a boy, I looked at what they did with Miles for Spiderverse and I saw a mirror. Not only is the art extremely inspiring to this day, but they did amazingly well with capturing such a specific experience being a black child in a gentrifying Brooklyn in almost every way possible.
TL; DR: Category 5 autism event. I still can't listen to Sunflower without tearing up a little it is BAD for me
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sunflowerwilds · 1 year
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🌻 my entry for tommygk's autism awareness collab event from the charity guild! 🌻
this blog is more so dedicated to my personal art and projects than my other socials but since my pokesona was involved with this piece i felt like posting it here!
we were each given a set canvas to work on with an assigned color and could draw any pokemon or digimon we wanted. so i drew shaymin! red with sunflowers <3 [finished collab here]
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starkcanvas · 1 year
If Suntan is Sunny's Yee to Kel's Haw,
Sunburn is Sunny's Malewife to Aubrey's Girlboss,
and Sunflower is Sunny's Autism to Basil's physcosis,
then what is Kel X Aubrey?
Ooooh, this is a very good question... 🤔
And the only answer I can think of is- and please don't be mad at me xD
Kelbrey/Baseball is Aubrey's brains to Kel's brawn xD
Yes, yes, I am aware that Kel himself is smart (at times lol) but you gotta hand it to him: If someone else is the brains with a plan, Kel's the brawn that'll get shit done lol he's a bundle of energy
In serious situations, tell him what to do or give him some sort of taks with physical labour (within reasonable standards), and I believe that boy's got enough muscle strength to do it lol
And yeah, Aubrey's got her own brawn as well but I feel like that just comes in the form of her nailed bat lol it's literally an rpg item. I get the feeling that if it's "unequipped" Aubrey's physical stat drops a good bit. But she's got a lot of streets smarts and with how much she has, I think it adds to her book smarts :D
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trinketfairy · 1 year
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[Image ID: A picture of a collection of items laying on a tie dye rainbow blanket. The items are as follows: a brown teddy bear, an iPad with an AAC app, a pair of wireless Bluetooth earbuds, a sunflower lanyard with a collection of communication cards attached, and a few stim toys / End ID]
Happy Autism Acceptance/Awareness month! In celebration, I decided to take a photo of some of the things that help me cope with autism in this world
Of course we have my plushies, as they're my main special interest that I've had since I was a very young child, and I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon! I love how comforting they are, and I also love having physical representations of certain memories, people, characters, places and animals- in this case, the one shown was a gift from my partner from our first Christmas together as a couple, which is my most prized possession.
Then we have my AAC app, which I'm still pretty new to using, but knowing I have the option to communicate this way helps a lot. Translating my thoughts into spoken words and producing speech has always felt difficult for me, but I didn't know until recently that there were other options for me to use, which I'm very thankful for.
Listening to music is another big special interest of mine, so my wireless ear buds have become a must for me to have on me all the time. Whenever the world becomes too overwhelming, I like being able to tune everything out and focus on my favourite music.
My sunflower lanyard is something I haven't had the chance to use a ton since my country has yet to officially recognize it, but I think it's going to be very helpful for when I start traveling on my own, which is a goal that I'm working hard towards!
And lastly, there's a few of my favourite stim toys that I always have in my bag whenever I go out just in case. I have a ton more in a bin that I keep at home though, they're one of my favourite things to collect!
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woahtics · 1 year
i (finally) bought a sunflower lanyard to wear around but where i live it's not normalized and most people think it's for autism..
i wish invisible disabilities, in my case specially tourette syndrome, had more visibility and awareness spread around :(
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rainbowxocs · 1 month
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TW: Child Neglect.
Name: Meari Sutkina. (メアリー 素敵な)
Nicknames: Mini Are (ミニアレ), Mob (モブ), Copycat (模倣者).
Age: 16.
Pronouns: She/Her. (In English.)
I Pronoun: Watashi (私) (A neutral pronoun that is seen as formal and polite.)
Sexuality: Lily (Yuri,百合,Lesbian.)
Gender: Cis Girl.
Species: Human.
Disorders: Social Anxiety, Depression, CPTSD, Insomnia, Autism.
Religion: Cultist.
Club: Sewing Club. (Leader.)
Grade: Year 10, Highschool.
Lives in: Okutama, Japan, 2024.
Languages: Japanese.
Height: 5’2”
Race: Asian.
Ethnicity: Japanese.
Accent: Yamanote.
Vehicle: Green Bicycle.
Weapons: Pepperspray.
Alignment: Neutral.
Text Color: Green.
Main Hobbies: Sewing, Bunraku, Ventriloquism, Reading, Writing Fanfiction, Photography, Crochet.
Favorite Drink: Kombucha, Sunflower Tea.
Favorite Fruit: White Strawberries.
Favorite Meals: Melon Bread, Instant Ramen, Fruit Salad, Finger Sandwiches, Jam and Toast.
Favorite Desserts: Hanami Dango, Jello, Sugar Cookies, Scones, Finger Cakes, Macaroons, Strawberry Frozen Yogurt.
Favorite Flower: Cherry Blossoms.
Scent: Green Apple Detangler.
Awareness: Aware (Effect: Negative.)
Birthday: May 10th 2008. (Taurus, Rat, B.)
Fun Facts: She looks up to Are allot because she wants to restore the timeloop. Little does she know Are doesn’t.
Special Interests: Puppetry.
Stims: Uses her Puppets to Stim, also likes soft things and toys.
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Stimboard: LINK
Moodboard: LINK
Fashion Board: LINK
Comfort Objects: Her collection of puppets, Her childhood toys, Calico Critters, Tea Set.
Kimiko Sutkina, Tetsuo Sutkina. (Parents.)
Hikari Sutkina (Sister.)
Friends: Baburu Gamu (BFF).
Romance: N/A.
Patrons: Are Yoru.
Brief Personality: Meari is very.. quirky.. ever since the time loop ended she has become more and more unhinged, she wants the sense of routine that she got back then, but unfortunately that time is long gone. She often talks about her devotion to the curse of okutama, which tends to push her classmates away. It makes you wonder why someone would want to go back to that kind of torturous existence in the first place.
Brief Backstory: Meari had a somewhat normal childhood, normal to her anyway. She was always overshadowed by her older sister, her parents heavily favored Hikari giving her all the latest clothes and gadgets and toys, while Meari was left with almost nothing.
Meari was one of the few people who enjoyed the time loop, the consistency of it calmed her when she was in her early years at school. No matter what it was always spring, and even if something bad happened that week nothing truly mattered.
Until, Are broke the timeloop and allowed everyone to be free. To age, to grow, and Meari hated that. Everyone’s body caught up with them and she was suddenly a teenager. Her sister moved out and away from Okutama as a whole, and her parents moved out as well, leaving their other daughter to fend for herself. Which broke Meari a little bit.
She wanted to save her “family”, and have everything go back to the way it was. If she was able to convince Are that the time loop was good, she could go back to normal. She could have her family back, even if they hated her it would all be worth it, of course Meari is a child and doesn’t quite understand that this wouldn’t work in practice.. But what’s the worst she could do..?
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cvcteeshirt · 3 months
If your amusing Tie Dye Be Kind Autism Awareness Kindness Sunflower Puzzle Shirt are turning out funny-on the lookout, the difficulty may be your text. No matt
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kingteeshops · 3 months
Tie Dye Be Kind Autism Awareness Kindness Sunflower Puzzle Shirt
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T-shirts are more than just clothes, they're a canvas for creativity and self-expression – where fashion meets art to redefine your everyday wardrobe. If you are looking for a trendy shirt, don't worry, we have you covered with the design Tie Dye Be Kind Autism Awareness Kindness Sunflower Puzzle Shirt. Or browse through the hottest collection t-shirts and choose one that appeals to you. From vibrant and intricate designs to minimalist and thought-provoking graphics, our printed t-shirts cater to every style and taste. Crafted from high-quality, breathable fabrics, they provide unmatched comfort and durability, ensuring you not only look great but feel great all day long. Whether you're a trendsetter looking to make a style statement or a fan of classic styles, our printed t-shirts will add a touch of personality to your outfit. Up your fashion game and convey your unique style with these versatile and timeless pieces. Tie Dye Be Kind Autism Awareness Kindness Sunflower Puzzle Shirt Don’t miss the chance! Come and grab one gift for you or your friend. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. If you want another color or a different style, you can visit Kingteeshops. Description - Solid colors are 100% cotton; Heather colors are 50% cotton, 50% polyester (Sport Grey is 90% cotton, 10% polyester); Antique colors are 60% cotton, 40% polyester. - Made from specially spun fibers that make very strong and smooth fabric, perfect for printing. - Knitted in one piece using tubular knit, it reduces fabric waste and makes the garment more attractive. - Ribbed knit makes the collar highly elastic and helps retain its shape. - Twill tape covers the shoulder seams to stabilize the back of the garment and prevent stretching. - Machine wash: warm (max 40C or 105F); Non-chlorine: bleach as needed; Tumble dry: medium; Do not iron; Do not dry-clean. Feedback - We try our best to make sure every customer is completely satisfied. - If you are happy with your purchase, please consider posting a positive review for us. This helps us to continue providing great products and helps potential buyers to make confident decisions. - If you are not happy with the purchase, please contact us to resolve the problem. Gildan T-shirts are one of the most popular t-shirt brands in the world Tie Dye Be Kind Autism Awareness Kindness Sunflower Puzzle Shirt. It is made of fine cotton with good quality, which makes the t-shirt feel soft and easy to wear. Gildan T-shirts have a simple design with youthful and varied colors, making it easy to find a pattern that suits your taste. It can also print or sew custom images or text, creating a unique and individual product. Overall, the Gildan t-shirt is a good product with good quality and simple design, making you feel comfortable in any situation. It is a great choice for those who want a simple yet sophisticated t-shirt. You Can See More Product Click Here Read the full article
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tshirtfashiontrend · 3 months
Tie Dye Be Kind Autism Awareness Kindness Sunflower Puzzle Shirt
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T-shirts are more than just clothes, they're a canvas for creativity and self-expression – where fashion meets art to redefine your everyday wardrobe. If you are looking for a trendy shirt, don't worry, we have you covered with the design Tie Dye Be Kind Autism Awareness Kindness Sunflower Puzzle Shirt. Or browse through the hottest collection t-shirts and choose one that appeals to you. From vibrant and intricate designs to minimalist and thought-provoking graphics, our printed t-shirts cater to every style and taste. Crafted from high-quality, breathable fabrics, they provide unmatched comfort and durability, ensuring you not only look great but feel great all day long. Whether you're a trendsetter looking to make a style statement or a fan of classic styles, our printed t-shirts will add a touch of personality to your outfit. Up your fashion game and convey your unique style with these versatile and timeless pieces. Tie Dye Be Kind Autism Awareness Kindness Sunflower Puzzle Shirt Don’t miss the chance! Come and grab one gift for you or your friend. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. If you want another color or a different style, you can visit Kingteeshops. Description - Solid colors are 100% cotton; Heather colors are 50% cotton, 50% polyester (Sport Grey is 90% cotton, 10% polyester); Antique colors are 60% cotton, 40% polyester. - Made from specially spun fibers that make very strong and smooth fabric, perfect for printing. - Knitted in one piece using tubular knit, it reduces fabric waste and makes the garment more attractive. - Ribbed knit makes the collar highly elastic and helps retain its shape. - Twill tape covers the shoulder seams to stabilize the back of the garment and prevent stretching. - Machine wash: warm (max 40C or 105F); Non-chlorine: bleach as needed; Tumble dry: medium; Do not iron; Do not dry-clean. Feedback - We try our best to make sure every customer is completely satisfied. - If you are happy with your purchase, please consider posting a positive review for us. This helps us to continue providing great products and helps potential buyers to make confident decisions. - If you are not happy with the purchase, please contact us to resolve the problem. Gildan T-shirts are one of the most popular t-shirt brands in the world Tie Dye Be Kind Autism Awareness Kindness Sunflower Puzzle Shirt. It is made of fine cotton with good quality, which makes the t-shirt feel soft and easy to wear. Gildan T-shirts have a simple design with youthful and varied colors, making it easy to find a pattern that suits your taste. It can also print or sew custom images or text, creating a unique and individual product. Overall, the Gildan t-shirt is a good product with good quality and simple design, making you feel comfortable in any situation. It is a great choice for those who want a simple yet sophisticated t-shirt. You Can See More Product Click Here Read the full article
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joomma · 2 years
Skeleton Kansas State Wildcats Sunflowers SHowdown 14 in a Row shirt
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Aussie Mom Bleached Aussie Mom Leopard Messy Bun T Shirt tee
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Skeleton Kansas State Wildcats Sunflowers SHowdown 14 in a Row shirt
“In economics, income = consumption + savings. The income an indivual, or a country, produces is either consumed and/or saved. If you , or a Skeleton Kansas State Wildcats Sunflowers SHowdown 14 in a Row shirt, overspends, you or the country dips into savings or creates debt.” I think this answer is true for the firm or the individual but in the whole economy it is no longer true. In the macroeconomy, everytime some person or entity doesn’t spend, some other person or entity has their income reduced by the same amount. And because that person won’t get their hands on that money, they will not have it to spend further, so the next would-be recipient of that spending doesn’t get that income, which they in turn will not be able to spend….. and so on
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Homepage: limotees    jeeppremium  telotee
Gearbloom is your one-stop online shop for printed t-shirts, hoodies, phone cases, stickers, posters, mugs, and more…High quality original T-shirts. Digital printing in the USA.
Worldwide shipping. No Minimums. 1000s of Unique Designs. Worldwide shipping. Fast Delivery. 100% Quality Guarantee. to cover all your needs.
By contacting directly with suppliers, we are dedicated to provide you with the latest fashion with fair price.We redefine trends, design excellence and bring exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashionista.
Gearbloom is established with a clear vision: to provide the very latest products with compelling designs, exceptional value and superb customer service for everyone.
We offer a select choice of millions of Unique Designs for T-shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Posters and more to cover all your needs.
Why do customers come to
Well we think there are a few reasons:
Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price.
We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts.
Estimated shipping times:
United States : 1-5 business days
Canada : 3-7 business days
International : from 1-2 weeks depending on proximity to Detroit, MI.
Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We currently accept the following forms of payment:
Credit Or Debit Cards: We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Union Pay and Apple Pay from customers worldwide.
PayPal: PayPal allows members to have a personal account linked to any bank account or credit card for easy payment at checkout.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Autism Acceptance🌻💖Size Medium Sunflower Puzzle Piece Blue Graphic T-sh.
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