#Super Competent
valorificat · 1 year
Super Competent - cartea scrisa de Laura Stack
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Laura Stack este un nume cunoscut în lumea productivității și eficienței personale. Ea este renumită pentru abilitatea ei de a-și organiza eficient timpul și de a-și gestiona responsabilitățile într-un mod super-competent.
Stack este un autor de succes, un speaker motivațional și un expert în productivitate. Ea a scris numeroase cărți care au devenit bestseller-uri și i-au ajutat pe oameni să-și îmbunătățească productivitatea și să-și atingă obiectivele personale și profesionale.
Unul dintre cele mai bine vândute cărți ale sale este "Super Competent”. Această carte este un ghid esențial pentru oricine dorește să devină mai eficient în gestionarea timpului și a responsabilităților lor.
Pe PrintreCarti.ro poti achizitiona carti la preturi mici si poti alege dintr-o gama larga de carti din orice domeniu de activitate.
Cea mai mare forță a cărții este că oferă o abordare compresiva și practică a productivității. Stack împărtășește șase chei pe care le consideră esențiale pentru performanța super-competentă:
Identificarea priorităților - ne învață cum să stabilim obiective clare și să identificăm ce este cu adevărat important pentru noi. Ea ne încurajează să ne concentrăm pe lucrurile care aduc cele mai mari beneficii și să ignorăm sau să delegăm responsabilitățile care nu sunt atât de importante.
Planificarea strategică - ne arată cum să ne organizăm activitățile într-un mod strategic și să planificăm cu grijă fiecare pas pentru a ne atinge obiectivele. Ea ne învață să ne folosim timpul în mod eficient și să ne prioritizăm sarcinile astfel încât să le finalizăm într-un mod rapid și eficient.
Focusul și concentrarea - subliniază importanța concentrării și eliminării distragerilor. Ea oferă sfaturi și tehnici pentru a rămâne concentrat și pentru a evita procrastinarea și alte obiceiuri care ne pot încetini.
Eficiența în comunicare - ne arată cum să comunicăm eficient cu colegii, clienții și membrii familiei. Ea ne învață să fim clari și conciși în comunicare și să evităm pierderea de timp în discuții inutile sau în e-mail-uri lungi și ineficiente.
Crearea și optimizarea sistemelor - ne îndrumă să creăm sisteme eficiente pentru a ne organiza și a ne realiza sarcinile într-un mod consistent. Ea ne încurajează să identificăm modele și rutine care funcționează pentru noi și să le îmbunătățim constant pentru a deveni mai eficienți.
Re-energizarea și gestionarea stresului - recunoaște importanța auto-îngrijirii și a gestionării stresului pentru a deveni mai eficienți. Ea oferă strategii pentru a ne menține energia și a ne relaxa în mod regulat, astfel încât să fim pregătiți să facem față provocărilor cu maximum de performanță.
A cumpara carti dintr-un anticariat de carti reprezinta o solutie mult mai ieftina si mai la indemana decat varianta achizitionarii din librarie sau imprumutului de la biblioteca.
Asadar, cei care vor sa isi imbunatateasca nivelul de trai, sa isi dezvolte unele calitati si abilitati sunt sfatuiti sa faca investitii in carti de specialitate cu ajutorul carora sa treaca mai usor peste provocarile vietii.
Ceea ce face "Super Competent" atât de valoroasă este abordarea realistă și practică a lui Stack. Ea înțelege că nu există o soluție unică pentru toți și că fiecare persoană are propriile sale nevoi și obiective. Prin urmare, ea oferă numeroase sfaturi și tehnici pe care cititorii le pot aplica în mod individual pentru a-și îmbunătăți productivitatea.
Laura Stack este un exemplu strălucit al unui profesionist super-competent. Ea reușește să își evalueze și să își optimizeze eficiența personală într-un mod care să o diferențieze și să o plaseze în topul speakerilor și autorilor din domeniul productivității.
Anticariat de carti | PrintreCarti.ro
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În concluzie, Laura Stack este un nume respectat și recunoscut în lumea productivității și eficienței personale. Cărțile ei, în special "Super Competent", au ajutat mii de oameni să-și îmbunătățească productivitatea și să-și atingă obiectivele personale și profesionale.
Abordarea sa practică și relevanța sfaturilor sale o fac o resursă valoroasă pentru oricine dorește să-și îmbunătățească performanța și să devină mai eficient în gestionarea timpului și a responsabilităților.
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 days
Danny holding a glowing jar: What is this? Clockwork: Oh, that's some human soul I won in a poker game with a few demons. Danny:A human soul? What the hell did you bet that was the same value as a human soul? Clockwork: Your hand in marriage Danny: I BEG YOU FINEST PARDON?! Clockwork: Relax, I won, didn't I? Now I have a neat soul in a jar. Danny: Who does this even belong to? Clockwork:A child. Danny: .....you're giving this back. Clockwork: What? Why? The child wasn't even using it. Danny: I'm taking the soul back. What's the child's name? Clockwork: *Sigh* Fine, ruin my fun. The boy is called Subject 514A. Danny: What kind of name is that? Clockwork: He's a clone of another human child that was experimented on and was never given a personal name. Hence, Subject 514A. His body is currently deteriorating as we speak. If he stays in his current dimension, Death will claim him. Danny: WHAT!? We got to do something! Clockwork: I can't in his current dimension. Death has jurisdiction there as Fate has set that child's life to end. Danny: .....you set this jar out to appeal to my Savior complex and help you get back at Death and Fate didn't you? Clockwork: I KNOW THOSE TWO CHEATED AT CARDS! So I figured stealing one of their little humans and moving him into a nearby dimension a few years ahead would drive them up a wall. They have no power there since the timeline is my jurisdiction! Danny: And I wouldn't let anything happen to Subject 514A, meaning that the world would accommodate the Ghost King and the child under his care. You're using me a pawn in your petty game. Clockwork: You're still going to take that boy and raise him. Danny: Yeah, because I have the body to be a perfect DILF, but that's beside the point! I mean if he's a clone would the orginal be in the new dimension? Clockwork: Yes, but Bruce Wayne would be a full-grown adult with multiple children of his own instead of a sixteen-year-old adolescent like Subject 514A. Danny: Great, a teenager in angst. why not. Clockwork watching Danny leave through a portal to grab his new son: All according to plan. Soon, Wayne will assume Danny is raising his unknown, ill son, and my ship will sail once they get to know each other. he ha he ha he ha.
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horror-aesthete · 9 months
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snowdrop-yoongi · 5 months
my favorite thing about baek hyun-woo's portrayal is that he isn't even a loser. he's an incredibly cool and competent lawyer who also happens to act like a loser
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Taylor's use of fear tactics is like, just consistently so fucking funny. She tries so hard to appear menacing and scary and because of it she just becomes a one woman horror movie and I love her for it. Like that one fight with the merchants in 11.3, she surrounded a group of people with swarm clones that slowly approached them and closed the distance, and one by one the people tried to run through and collapsed under the bugs, and then she purposefully let the last guy go. And then for no reason other than being a dramatic dumbass, she herded him into alleyways and had him run until she had a swarm clone materialize at the end of the alleyway he was in, and then another one behind him when he turned around, and then she had them both slowly move towards him while growing ominously with more bugs.
His head whipped around as he realized he had no escape routes left, and then he screamed, a primal, despairing sound.
C'mon Taylor, you fucking broke him. What the hell girl. She says its to send a message and have the fear build her reputation, standard stuff that she stole from Bakuda and justifies as ok because she's the one doing it so its fine, but still what the hell! Would it not be terrifying enough to just fucking drown them all in bugs? Why did you need to put them in the horror movie situation? She's so fucking deranged, she does this shit constantly too. Has her bugs ripple in her hair to make it fan out like wind is blowing, the swarm voice, everything she does is so dramatic because she thinks she needs to be scary to survive even when she's already incredibly terrifying without even trying. I swear to god no cape puts as much thought into their presentation as Taylor does.
Oh also that whole fight where she put the guy in Bug Clone Stalking Hell took place while she drank a cup of tea, and she cared more about the fact that the tea was bitter than the fact that she just broke some poor bastard's mental stability in half with bugs. So much wrong with her.
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dooblebugss · 2 months
Is it weird/bad that I often HC hornet as not being the best at like, taking care of herself? Rest, eating, tending to wounds, etc
Like she grew up in a zombie apocalypse where dreams were bad and supplies were scarce. I really don't think she got a lot of sleep during that, or had the best nutrition going on
Idk is that bad? Is that weird?
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to-be-a-dreamer · 24 days
I do acknowledge that the Marvel writers were, to a certain extent, trapped in production hell when it came to adapting Clint Barton into the MCU and I do appreciate the glimpses of his comic personality that they managed to sneak into the MCU. Some of my favorites include but are not limited to:
“Look the city is-is flying. The city is flying. We’re fighting an army of robots. And I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense”
When faced with a completely unknown opponent who’s clearly some kind of enhanced the middle of a fight: “We haven’t met yet, I’m Clint.”
“Nobody would know. Nobody. Last I saw him an Ultron was sitting on him. Yeah I miss him already that quick little bastard.”
“Unfortunately, he’s still Barton” “Oh that’s terrible” Because he’s a little SHIT
“You’re no match for him Cap.” “Thanks Barton”
Hits a bullseye on the dart board half a centimeter from Tony’s face with absolutely no warning just because he can
In THE maximum security prison getting lectured by Tony Stark: “Blah blah blah…”
Actively lying on the floor after getting his shit rocked by a child: “Yeah you better run.”
Smugly, towards the aforementioned child: “What? You didn’t see that coming?”
Doesn’t tell his teammates that he’s taking them to his secret farmhouse in the middle of nowhere where he has a secret family. Also does not tell his wife that he’s bringing the entire Avengers lineup to her house. Because he’s a dramatic bitch with abysmal communication skills.
Does a stupid little dramatic flourish just to shoot an arrow into the fucking wall in front of literally no one but Wanda. Just for funsies.
Is played by Jeremy Renner, who I can’t Google without learning about his latest life-threatening injury. On brand.
Turns his hearing aids off at a bad musical
“Good thing they call you HawkEYE and not HawkEAR” “Hahaha. Block. Delete.” (100% did not block and delete)
Casually boards the subway after a whole entire car chase
“And the Challenger gets wrecked anyway!”
“How’s my apartment?” “…crispy”
“Sorry Santa!”
“You rely too much on technology” “Well my weapon of choice is a stick and a string”
“I’ve been taking karate since I was five” “Oh so last year?”
“Oh hey… I know you” Casually hands over the most powerful weapon in the universe.
To an actual literal chipmunk after he just jumped out the window of a skyscraper and landed in the Time Square Christmas tree “…hey”
“Clint where are you?” “I’m in the tree!” “What? Which tree?” “THE three!”
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i think my favorite thing about tim and bernard is just how in love tim is with bear. usually in civilian x hero relationships the civilian is always way more in love with the hero than vice versa. but with tim and bernard, tim is sooo fuckin gone for bear, it almost stops being cute and borders on lame. pathetic even.
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 2 months
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Fukutora shitposts + a redraw of that one dumpster battle panel where they look like bugs
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pianokantzart · 8 months
Princess Daisy's capabilities as a ruler being disregarded because she's loud, hotheaded and emotional, leading her to be perceived by many as immature and impulsive.
Luigi's capabilities as a hero being disregarded because he's awkward, nervous and emotional, leading him to be perceived by many as weak and pathetic.
Both of them recognizing the value inherent in each other's feelings while simultaneously seeing the strength and potential in one another that they are unable to see in themselves. Do you feel me?
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kittykatninja321 · 7 months
Can I say something terrible. Can I tell you my vision of one sided pre-flashpoint Jayroy. Imagine Roy Harper at his DILFiest. Who wouldn’t be all over that?It’s post-Mia situation so Roy doesn’t trust Jason and thinks he’s a freak unfortunately this does not stop Jason from simping hard. He’s like 5 seconds away from calling him daddy. They’re forced to work together for convenient plot reasons. “We’ll be fine as long you behave yourself Hood” “you gonna spank me if I don’t? “🧍‍♂️” . He didn’t even mean to say that out loud. Oh it’s awful
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aiweirdness · 2 years
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xamaxenta · 4 days
Got the worst migraine ever anyway acebo fate au that ive been yappin abt with @docxie @meramera-writes
Sabo is the master and Ace is his lancer servant
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always-a-king-or-queen · 11 months
something I really love about the Narnia movies is that all of the posters and film covers portray the Pevensies as incredibly serious and moody
when in reality they're four sarcastic beans who most of the time are arguing about silly things and who probably relish pranking each other a little too much
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clownieboo · 7 months
i always see raridash in response to the rarijack vs appledash discourse where people always like “let them be poly!!” which is like awesome and cool and stuff bc all the mane six are dating anyways but also.
i wanna see raridash in a vacuum. it doesn’t always have to involve applejack grrrgaagah!!!! don’t get me wrong, aj’s my fave, but she ain’t gotta be there!!! rarijack can just be about rarijack and not about resolving silly ship discourse with aj!!
anyways i love them they’re so silly
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melonisopod · 5 months
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Hon we need to get you some Adderall.
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