#Support black women
troythecatfish · 4 months
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malkahpariyz · 11 months
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The quote above is what I have been saying forever to these men who have an issue with me being an outstanding leader of a woman… and it is refreshing to finally here it come from a man’s mouth.
It’s a lot of DUMMY men out here who truly think we should be following them as women when they are quite literally ignorant, lost, and mislead men... and they get mad at us and assassinate our womanhood the moment they realize we are MORE than them and we are more capable of leading ourselves and others in the proper directions exponentially more than they are. They are mad at us because we know better and are better than any and everything they are about & anything and everything they have to say or do. They are mad at us because they are less than the man they should be. They are mad at us, because even as women, we stand to be more equipped and capable than even them, as a man. You are not too strong woman, these men are too weak for you. These weak men are offended by you because EVERYTHING YOU ARE reminds them of what THEY ARE NOT… but yet are supposed to be as a man, but are not, because they are not proper or real men… and they seek to take their faults and insecurities out on you, and instead of admitting to themselves that they are shitty leaders, they accuse you of being too much of a leader for them to handle or like or want in a woman.
Something these weak men should know: We absolutely are submissive. We are just not submissive to anything DUMB WRONG OR WEIRD or whatever we know better than already. We submit to the men who are actually fit to lead women like us who already know how to lead ourselves properly and refuse to be led astray. If we know better than you we know better than you. If we are more equipped than you, we are more equipped! And we are not going to pretend like we are not just for your egos sake. Y’all mad at us because we are not about to submit to anything less than us or beneath us. And we do not follow behind any advice, statements, or commands that WE KNOW FAR BETTER THAN (and trust me we do know better than it and it’s confirmed that we do know better than it)…and we not about to pretend like we don’t just for your sake. We are not about to play dumb or follow blindly for anybody. Period.
Ladies, it’s time for us to realize that the only men that have issues with us are the ones who are BENEATH us. When you find a man who is ACTUALLY fit to lead you, he will have no issue with the incredibly strong leader you already are. In fact it will impress him and turn him on.
Hear this ladies, and say it with me: These weak men are the only ones who have an issue with you being strong. These dumb men are the only ones who have an issue with you being intelligent. These lost men are the only ones who have an issue with you having found yourself. These men who don’t know God properly are the only ones who have an issue with you knowing God and His words, more well and more accurately than they do. These men who are disconnected from God and can’t hear His voice are the only ones with an issue with what God has told YOU. These broke men are the only men who have an issue with you being rich. These talentless men are the only ones intimidated or jealous of your talent. These misled men are the only ones who have an issue with you being a proper leader. These loser men are the only ones with an issue with you being a winner. These men who ain’t going nowhere in life are the only ones who got an issue with where you are going in life. These unmanly men are the only ones that feel emasculated by you.
Continue to be a lioness Queen, soon your King will be in effect.
- The Modest Blog
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anonymousaccount1015 · 7 months
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A proof of concept (not my original art used, just the skin tone).
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breadtheft1796 · 7 months
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gloria obianyo as cordelia in king lear almeida theatre, london (x)
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(For the record. I'm not attacking Keith Lee. He's an amazing creator, and as a foodie I love what he's doing for small businesses.)
But I just want to point out what Black women have been saying (and whether Keith Lee knows it or not, what he's calling these big companies out for).
A Black woman has an idea. He loves her idea, replicates it, giving her credit. And the big company comes in and supports HIM and not the Black woman that originally had the idea.
This happens all the time for Black women creators. Whether the idea is picked up by a Black man, white woman, or white man. Black women never get their credit.
(Keith Lee did everything right. He gave the Black women their credit in his videos. He's calling out the big businesses for snubbing them.)
Anyways. I don't have any input. There's nothing I can add that Black women haven't already said. I just wanted to point out that it happens.
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I'm about $500cad short for rent this month due to bills and groceries so I'm taking art commissions!
Examples of past work:
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My pricing is negotiable as I just really need the help! (Please)
I really can't be late in paying rent again this month and I have nowhere to go if I'm kicked out. I'm in a very scary situation and I have nothing and no one to help me
Please dm if you'd like to help or reblog if you're able!
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Help Tinu, a black female disabled activist if you can. Just $5 can make a big difference. I donated 5.
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melanatedmedia2 · 5 months
Hey Tumblr! Black women in the US are at a higher risk of dying from pregnancy-related complications. Let's address this issue during Black Maternal Health Week. We can eliminate racial disparities in maternal health by addressing systemic racism and poverty and supporting access to quality healthcare services. Join us in advocating for policy changes and supporting community-based organizations working towards improving maternal health outcomes for Black women.
Black Maternal Health Week: Addressing Racial Disparities in Maternal Health
Maternal health is an essential issue in the United States, and Black Maternal Health Week is a week-long initiative aimed at addressing the racial disparities in maternal health outcomes. The week takes place every year from April 11th to April 17th, and it is an opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges faced by Black women during pregnancy and childbirth. The Centers for Disease…
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vixenpen · 3 months
Imagine giving someone engagement just to be racist. Hennyway, here are so bad black girlies for y’all timeline 😊
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Can’t forget the vixen herself 😊 @nerdysandwichfart also, baby, when you wanna get up the courage to show your face we can talk. Until then, nothing a cave dwelling troglodyte says about me or my culture phases me 😂
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ghost-37 · 2 years
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
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// Credit: p0tatoo_zay
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theprincientist · 2 years
POV: You're On Your Business & You Own Your Business.
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If you don't own a black business, then support a black business.
In a capitalist society consumption is a weakness where nothing we buy is ours.
If we don't own the resources we are dependant.
Don't forget. If you don't own a black business, then support a black business.
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Y’all better pay very close attention to how these rappers react to this verdict and act accordingly.
Stop supporting these artists who show their disdain and lack of concern for black women 👋🏾
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breadtheft1796 · 6 months
gloria obianyo | when social distancing had you figuring out songs from cheetah girls 2, 01.04.2020
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kcyars19992 reblogged 
31m ago
Nov 4, 2022
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Y’all don’t care about black women
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Help a chronically ill black female artist stay housed!!!
Please help me, I am a 22 year old black woman who is struggling to support herself due to ptsd, adhd and severe chronic pain from an undiagnosed illness.
I am willing to draw anything for $30 usd or more as I really need the funds quickly to pay the rest of my rent.
I am only a couple of hundred dollars short.
Below are some examples of my work
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Please dm for inquiries or you can support me directly on my paypal
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