#Sweet & spicy wintertime
fang-and-feather · 8 months
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Ikemen Vampire - Leonardo x Reader
Words: 1,042
Summary: A break on a cold day, before tackling the big task of cleaning the library, in your boyfriend’s arms, cozy under your favorite blanket, was just what you needed. You didn't expect taking the "warming up" that far. Not that you were complaining.
Rating: Explicit/NSFW
Tags: Semi-Public Sex, Non-Penetrative Sex
For Week V of Ikemen Prompts at @ikemenprompts, prompt(s): Library and Sweet & Spicy Wintertime hosted by @xxsycamore, prompt(s): Touching under the blanket and favorite blanket
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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You loved Leonardo, but sometimes he was just exasperating.
You shouldn’t be surprised to find him sleeping on the library’s floor. What should have been a high stack of books was now tumbled to the floor beside him, others open around.
But finding him in random spots like this hadn’t been so common during winter. It almost looked like he had better sense for once.
Of course he didn’t, and before you was the proof. As if you needed one.
Sighing, you gathered all the books and set them aside, before returning to his room and grabbing a blanket.
“You really should sleep in your room, you know?” You chuckled, kissing his forehead as you adjusted the blanket over him. “Not that you care. But for me, seeing you this vulnerable makes me want to take advantage of you.”
You leaned in to kiss him, but before you could, Leonardo opened his eyes a crack, giving you his usual smile.
“Then why don’t you, cara mia?” He asked, his husky, sleepy voice making you shiver.
The blanket fell aside as he reached for you, tugging on your arm, making you tumble forward, right into his embrace, before he threw the blanket over both of your bodies.
“Leonardo! I have to get back to work.” You finally managed to protest, trying to push yourself to stand up and leave, but he wrapped an arm loosely around your waist.
“Well, I think it’s about time you get a break. You work too hard, sometimes.”
“I’m not working too hard. And you were only pretending to be sleeping?”
“No. I woke up to the around of your sweet voice saying such naughty things.” He caressed your lips with a thumb. “And you’re cold. That’s enough reason for you to take a break. We don’t want you getting sick, do we?”
He turned you around so you were sitting on his lap and adjusted the blanket to keep both of you warm.
You gave in then. A break was just what you needed. In your boyfriend’s arms, cozy under your favorite blanket. Maybe a quick nap. You should have known that last part was out of question now that Leonardo was awake.
Instead, what you got was a hand groping you while the other hugged you to him.
“Leonardo. Here’s not the place for this.” You tried to protest. But it sounded unconvincing even to you. “Anyone could walk in.”
“No one will come here when they know you will be cleaning.”
“Sebastian could.”
“I think he’ll be a little too busy with you being here to supervise.” Like always, you couldn’t argue with him. Leonardo had already thought of everything. “Besides,” he added, teeth grazing the tip of your ear, “no one would even notice, as long as you stay quiet.”
Easy for him to say when you were the one who had him nibbling on your ear, as well as a pair of hands sneaking under your clothes, one cupping a breast, and the other tracing patterns on your thig.
You had to bite back a moan when he pinched your nipple, and a whimper still escaped when he rubbed over your clit with the heel of the other hand.
Despite his words, Leonardo seemed intent on making you anything but quiet.
“Seems like you’re warm already, cara mia. Do you want to stop?”
He was such a bastard sometimes! He started this, and he already knew your answer. In any other place you would have attempted to take over. Turn the tables on him. But here you just wanted this to be quick.
Didn’t mean you wouldn’t do something later.
“I want you to stop teasing me already.” You reached back with both arms and tangled your hands on his hair, pulling his head closer to your neck.
Sometimes you had such an urge to have him bite you, despite knowing he wouldn’t. What you got was him sucking on your skin, leaving marks you probably would have some difficulty hiding. Which you wouldn’t mind if they hadn’t been made while you should be working.
His hand on your breast moved down, light touches tickling your skin, making you squirm, while the other hand finally pushed your underwear out of the way, fingers making direct contact with your clit, then slipped down to tease your entrance before moving back up again.
“You’re so wet already. Is it just me, or does the risk of getting caught excites you?”
You couldn’t contain your moans for long, as his hands explored more of you, making every inch of skin tingle and burn. A louder whimper came out when his hand moved down your other thig, and an even louder moan when it moved back up, fingers twisting your clit lightly.
“That’s it, cara mia. Let yourself go. Think of nothing but me, and let me hear you.”
Your grip on him tightened as he brought you to your climax, his hands still teasing you until it subsided and your body went limp.
“Good girl.” Leonardo adjusted your position and the now-messed-up blanket to cuddle you to his chest and keep you warm. Not that the heat between you was cooling down already. “It feels better now, doesn’t it? Rest a little, and you can get back to work a little warmer.” He kissed your forehead.
From searing hot to sweetly warm. The shift would feel strange coming from anyone else, but with Leonardo, you just accepted it and snuggled into his chest.
“What about you?”
You could feel how wound up he was, and it was only right you helped a little. You weren’t so tired that you couldn’t.
“As much as I would love your help, if I get started now, I’m not going to let you go for the rest of the day.” He chuckled, kissing you. “I’ll get my books and go back to my room when you go back to work. Maybe take a bath. But if you find me sleeping again, I wouldn’t mind you ‘taking advantage’” Leonardo winked at you, making you blush.
You knew if you found him sleeping in his room for once, it would be on purpose, but that wouldn’t keep you from doing just that.
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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eventinelysplayground · 10 months
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This is another challenge entry. This one is for @kissmetwicekissmedeadly challenge sweet & spicy wintertime. I haven't really written smut before but I figured why not give it a shot. I picked the prompt gift wrapping distractions. I also managed to get everything from the bonus challenge in there, mainly because I misread it the first time and then it became a personal challenge. This is definitely NSFW or for minors, as for other warnings well it features Gilbert so he's kind of his own trigger warning. Also hope it's ok but I used the little banner on the challenge it was too cute not to.
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Emma shook out the soft and fluffy blanket and spread it out on the floor of Gilbert's room. She smoothed it out a bit while thinking about how It had quickly become her favorite one after moving to Obsidian. Once she was done with the blanket she left twice and quickly returned each time, once with a tray packed full of homemade cookies and hot cocoa and the second time arms full of colorful paper and knitted items. She knew Gilbert was busy with work tonight so she thought it would be the perfect opportunity to wrap up some Christmas gifts.
Gilbert finished his work early though and that's how he found her. Sitting cross legged on the blanket cookies and hot cocoa nearby while she hummed to herself carefully wrapping presents.
Gilbert: Little Rabbit I'm back.
Emma: Gilbert! I thought you'd be busy most of the night working?
Gilbert: I thought little rabbit would be lonely without me so I finished up quickly.
Gilbert walked over and sat down behind Emma on the blanket. As he began to study the wrapped gifts in front of her Emma reached for the plate of cookies and held them out to him.
Emma: Here Gilbert try some of these they're cookies I only make at Christmas time.
Gilbert studied the cookies, one looked like just a regular cookie. The other was round and covered in white sugar.
Gilbert: Is this a snowball?
Emma: That's right! This one is similar to a regular cookie but I use eggnog instead of milk. I think you'll like the snowballs they're really sweet.
Gilbert popped the cookies into his mouth one after the other.
Gilbert: You're right I do like those the best. The other ones are good too though, you made them after all.
A faint blush creeped onto Emma's cheeks.
Gilbert: I'm not really interested in the cookies though.
Gilbert grabbed the first wrapped gift he could reach and turned it over in his hand.
Emma: They aren't much just little things I made for you and Walter and Roderich.
Gilbert: You made gifts for other men?
Emma: Well I didn't have a choice, you won't let me go into town and buy anything so I had to make them. I can't not have anything to give for Christmas after all, especially for you Gilbert.
Gilbert: I see, so who's is this then?
Emma: That's for Roderich, I knitted him a pair of warm gloves. And that one over there is yours. I haven't wrapped Walter's sweater yet, it has a snowflake on it.
Gilbert picked up the present Emma had indicated was his and placed it to the side, then with a smile on his face he unwrapped the pair of gloves.
Emma: Gilbert I just finished wrapping those!
Gilbert: I don't like the idea of you giving gifts to anyone but me little rabbit.
Gilbert grabbed Emma's chin and held it firmly in his fingers staring into her eyes. After a moment a mischievous grin crossed his face.
Gilbert: I'm in a good mood today though so I'll allow it this time. On one condition.
Emma: What is it?
Gilbert: You have to wrap them up, if you can do that then they can have the presents.
Emma: So I just have to wrap them?
Gilbert: It's simple isn't it? I'm sure you can do it.
Emma had an uneasy feeling about the way Gilbert's eye was sparkling but she decided to just push it aside for the moment and not waste the opportunity and set about cutting some more colorful paper. Just as she had finished cutting the paper that's when she felt them, Gilbert's soft lips on her neck.
Emma: Gilbert what are you…
Gilbert: You're supposed to be wrapping little rabbit, don't let me distract you.
Gilbert planted another kiss to Emma's neck and then another. Emma shook her head in an attempt to refocus. She laid the gloves down on the paper, at the same time Gilbert undid the top buttons of her blouse.
Slipping his fingers under the fabric he slowly and gently ran them over her nipples causing them to harden. As his fingers continued to slowly roam over her breasts Gilbert's lips trailed over Emma's ear and down her neck where he lingered planting the most delicate kisses possible.
Gilbert’s fingers stopped their movement long enough to undo Emma's corset and remove it along with her blouse. Once removed Gilbert wrapped an arm around her waist while slowly running his free hand all over her. He slowly traced the curves of her hips, her waist and then slowly back up to her breasts all the time still planting soft kisses along her neck and shoulder.
Emma: Gilbert…
Gilbert said nothing to Emma instead he gently cupped her breasts stroking her hardened nipples with his fingertips.Emma squirmed under him, her body aching for Gilbert's familiar rough touch but instead only receiving light and gentle ones.
Gilbert: If you keep getting distracted we'll be here all night. Keep wrapping little rabbit.
Gilbert whispered the words huskily in Emma's ear and she let out a soft whimper. She slowly reached out for the red ribbon when she felt Gilbert's hand traveling lower.
Gilbert shifted her skirt and slowly ran his hand down her thigh and between them, her hand stopping it's movement and hips bucking up towards him. Gilbert's hand however was perfectly content to slowly wander between her legs never going where she craved it most.
Emma swallowed hard and reached again for the red ribbon determined to not let Gilbert win. She managed through labored breaths to wrap the gloves again although it took three times as long as it should have and it looked a mess. All the while Gilbert continued to slowly and gently caress her breasts and between her thighs, that mischievous grin on his face the whole time. When she reached out for the Sweater Gilbert took it as a sign.
Gilbert's fingers finally touched her right where she had been craving this whole time and Emma jolted. The touch was almost feather light and Emma let out a small moan.
Gilbert: Just one present left little rabbit, surely you can do it can't you?
Gilbert's fingers again passed lightly right over her clit as if to accentuate his words.
Emma: Gilbert.
Answering to her moaning his name, Gilbert moved his fingers downwards slowly stroking them along her slick opening before slowly tracing back up it and out to her thighs again. The brief moment was not enough and Emma clenched and rubbed her legs together desperate for any type of friction.
She groaned in frustration and Gilbert let out a small laugh. Emma managed to cut the paper to size and place the sweater while Gilberts hands continued to roam over her body. She was growing more and more desperate for him and his normal touch. She decided to hurry through the rest of the wrapping but Gilbert wouldn't let it be that easy. Just as she had gathered the ribbon to tie up the sweater Gilbert's fingers slipped inside her now soaking wet opening and she gasped.
Gilbert's fingers stayed absolutely still and when Emma tried to move her hips Gilbert grabbed her firmly and held her in place with his free hand.
Emma: Why?
Emma's voice was barely a whimper as she turned her head to the side. Gilbert only smiled at her.
Gilbert: Is something the matter little rabbit?
Emma: You know exactly what's the matter.
Gilbert: I'm not a mind reader.
Gilbert moved his fingers that were still inside Emma ever so slightly and she gasped.
Gilbert: You're so close to being done and so wet, I would hurry up if I were you.
Emma: Then you'll give me what I want?
Gilbert: That depends, what is it that you want?
Emma: I want you Gil.
Gilbert: You have me already.
Emma: Gil…
Gilbert: Tell me what you want little rabbit.
Gilbert emphasized his point with a bite to Emma's lower lip and her whole body shuddered.
Emma: I want you to take me Gil. I want you to make me feel good like only you can.
Gilbert: Aren't I making you feel good now?
Emma: Yes but…
Gilbert: But what?
Emma: You're normally much more... rough with me and that's what I crave now.
Emma was blushing from her toes to her ears and Gilbert's smile widened. She hadn't wanted to let him win but she couldn't take it any more.
Gilbert: All right little rabbit once you finish wrapping that present I promise to take all of you as hard and fast as you're craving it.
Gilbert thrust his fingers deep inside Emma once before quickly taking them out. The shock left Emma momentarily stunned but she quickly recovered and hastily finished wrapping the sweater. By the time she had finished and turned to face Gilbert he had his shirt undone and pants partially down and Emma practically leapt into his lap.
Gilbert grabbed her by the hips and forcefully pulled her closer to him. As Emma removed his shirt his mouth traveled down her neck nipping as he went and Emmas head fell back as she moaned. Gilbert's hands moved from her hips up to her breasts squeezing them. His warms lips traveled down to one breast then landed on her nipple sucking hard.
Emma: Oh Gil…
Gilberts teeth tugged on her nipple before releasing it only to move onto the other and do the same. Emma could feel his cock twitching beneath her every time she moaned. She didn't want to wait any longer; she wanted him inside her.
Emma raked her fingernails up Gilbert's back and he let out a groan of pleasure before kissing her, his lips fierce and hungry. She grabbed onto Gilbert's shoulders for balance and then lifted her hips up to position herself. As soon as she felt Gilbert's hard cock slide into her she let out a cry of pleasure. Emma moved herself quickly and deeply up and down Gilbert's length, her pleasure only intensifying from the way Gilbert so expertly moved his hands and mouth over the rest of her giving her the sweet pleasure pain she craved everywhere they went. Her breathing grew more raged and her pace picked up as she felt her climax within reach. Gilbert sensed it too and he kissed her left breast before sucking on it hard.
Emma: Oh Gil…yes.
Emma's pace became erratic as the climax came over her until she no longer had the will or energy to move and she collapsed against Gilbert's chest. Gilbert stroked her hair then whispered in her ear.
Gilbert: That's not enough for me.
Suddenly the room spun and Emma was lying on her back on the blanket. Gilbert finished removing his pants then climbed on top of Emma planting kisses on every inch of her he could reach. He captured her mouth in a demanding kiss while his hand slid down between her legs and began stroking hard. Emma writhed and tried to close her legs, the sensation too much for her after hitting her peak but Gilbert wouldn't let her. He suddenly broke their kiss and forcefully thrust into her making Emma let out a yelp.
Gilbert's mercy was spent and he kept thrusting into her hard and deep. Emma didn't mind though she knew exactly the type of man she'd fallen in love with and she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a deep kiss.
Hours later Emma lay in Gilbert's arms satisfied and sore.
Gilbert: By the way little rabbit, this scarf looks a bit too big for me don't you think.
Emma: That's because I made it so we could share it, wait when did you open that? Now you've ruined the surprise!
Gilbert: Hehehe I see so you were thinking of a gift to keep me tied to you?
Emma: Well not exactly, I just wanted to be close to you.
Gilbert ran his thumb over the scarf then turned to Emma and smiled.
Gilbert: You know half the fun is opening the gifts. You're going to have to wrap it again, I'll even help you.
Emma reached over and snatched the scarf away from Gilbert.
Emma: No thank you, I do a much better job without any distractions!
Gilbert grinned at Emma mischievously before popping a cookie into his mouth.
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hellcatinnc · 9 months
Let Me Keep You Warm
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Warning This includes: NSFW/SMUT (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: nsfw, mature themes, consensual, smut, chuuya nakahara, Bungo Stray Dogs, BSD, chuuya x reader, quirofilia, underwear, alcohol, smoking, big cock, making love, sensual sex, cunnilingus, submissive
Word Count: 1,269
Prompt List Words Used: Cold skin, warm hands, pair of warm gloves
Feature: Chuuya x Fem! Reader
It was a cold night and no matter what you did you couldn't seem to warm up. You had your blankets thrown across you the fireplace roaring and snow falling outside. You needed your sweet Chuuya but he was out doing a mission for the Port Mafia tonight leaving you alone. You hated this time of the year for this reason but still refused to move to a warmer state because you would be too far from him. You two had only been dating a few months but he drove you crazy. you hunkered down on the couch with a book under those covers determined to stay up until he got there, he always came over after work every night. After a few hours you had fell asleep and the book had fallen to the floor.
You smelled what you thought was wine and cigarettes when you opened your eyes and Chuuya was there sitting across from you on the couch, with his glass of red wine and a cigarette that was burning down to the very end. He looks up and your eyes meet his soft growl in his voice "Hey babe". He tilts his hat to you while you slowly rub your eyes and sit up. You pulled the blanket up on you starting to shiver. He was wearing his gloves the ones you can't help find so sexy and turned on especially when he touches you with them. You have yet to tell him about this new found kink because you're not sure how he will handle it. You clear your throat wanting to tell him the thought of him touching your skin with his gloves on gave you such a submissive feel like he was your master. Not only does the thought of this burn into your mind but the look on your face has him curious to what your thinking since your face is now flushed bright red.
He finished his cigarette putting it out in the ashtray and gulping down the last of his wine, he shoots you a sexy smirk before walking over and sitting beside you. He reaches over taking your hand in his and then you feel those pair of warm gloves touching your cold skin. He had one hand on each side of your hands trying to stop you from lightly trembling. The more he tightened his hands around yours and the gloves engulfed your hands you felt your body begin to react. As he continues to rub his gloved hands over your bare skin you let out a soft moan. "Babe, Do you get turned on when I touch you with the gloves?" You nod in delight with desire and lust in your eyes. He gets a mischievous look on his face and he smiles wickedly.
He leans in kissing your lips tasting of wine and cigarettes but you have gotten used to that taste. He slides his tongue in your mouth and runs his gloved hands down your body exploring. Normally he has removed them by now but he knows it turns you on so he is keeping them on for now. He slides your top off over your head and lets his gloves softly rub over your nipples getting them nice and hard. Your wetness grows as he touches you with those gloves, not only is it the feel of them but the very visual of him wearing them and still wearing his hat the whole mafia look made you so hot and bothered and only your sweet Chuuya could pull off this sexy look. He notices your breathing is already ragged and heavier than usual he lifts your chin up to him. "Let me keep you warm tonight, Baby!" His words so soft and sensual in your ear, you can't resist you want him and you know you do.
He picks you up and carries you upstairs to the bedroom, your wearing nothing but your sweet panties and shorts and the cool air touching your skin as he walks through the house makes your nipples even harder. Your cold yet his body heat is starting to warm you up like never before. He lays you on the bed sliding off your shorts then he softly rubs against your panties, he normally can tell how wet you are but with the gloves he has to be inventive of a new way to check. He looks at you and gives you a wink before he spreads your thighs sliding between them sliding your panties off your legs with his teeth. He teased you being so close your core excited you. He took the panties and put them to his nose smelling them. "Mmm your juice smell amazing babe, I look forward to tasting them." He makes you blush like never before he runs his gloved fingers across your chilled skin as he finds himself back down to your thighs licking your juices off each thigh.
Your body trembling from pleasure as he wastes no time sliding his tongue deep in your fuck hole, lapping it up like a dog. You moan and your body writhes as he laps more. Your body tenses up and you can feel your muscles as they release and you squirt in his face as he continues to lap like a dog. He sits up looking down at you as he unbuttons his pants and starts to remove his clothing he leaves the hat he knows you love on and his gloves. "Remove the gloves right before sliding into me." You managed to get those words out when your so engulfed in passion you can barely think. He smiles and does as you command he gets right at your entrance sliding just his fat head in making you gasp he then slides the gloves off so delicately and he does it in slow motion so you can enjoy it. As he slides them off each finger he can feel you tightening around his cock and drowning it in your juices. Soon as the the gloves are off he pushes in deep making you mewl at his massive cock filling every inch of you up leaving you nice and full feeling.
Before long all you can hear is yours and his moans, groans, whimpers and the smacking of your skin as he thrusts in and out of your cunt. Your cold skin warmed up now by his warm hands and warmer cock thats deep within your very regions. Tonight he isn't rough he has let you feel every inch of him letting you savor his touch, his feel, his gloves. For tomorrow you are in for him fucking your body until he breaks you. Chuuya can be sensual as he needs be but then he can be rough but he never lets you down with pleasing you and satisfying every need. Groans get louder as he feels himself coming to the very peak his voice deepens and becomes raspy as he unloads every drop of his sticky semen deep inside your very womb. He lays back on the bed pulling you into his arms and pulling the covers on to you two. You need a shower but its too cold so you will sleep with all his cum dripping out on to the sheets tonight. Some find it dirty but the very thought you can feel it in you all night makes you even hornier the next morning. You fall asleep with the scent of sex, sweat, and yours and his juices strong in the air, but your definitely warm inside and out now.
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bunnis-monsters · 3 months
Character Name: Momo
Age: 20
Species: Bunny Hybrid/Werebunny
Height: 5’5
Likes: his mate, pastel colors, being naked, mating, springtime, sweets, cuddles, kisses
Dislikes: being teased too much, storms, wintertime, being ignored, being abandoned, spicy foods, people touching his mate
Short backstory: Momo was the runt of his litter. His mother abandoned him out in a field, leaving him to be eaten by whatever creature came his way. Thankfully, he was found by a female bunny!hybrid that had recently lost her own litter, and she raised him as her own until she passed away when he was 13.
Due to these circumstances, Momo has severe abandonment issues and fears that one day you’ll leave him, either by breaking the mating bond or dying.
He’s super clingy because of this, always wanting to be by your side, curled up in your arms.
Note: I will be writing the story of how he met you in the future, it’ll be linked below.
How you met Momo
Picrews of Momo:
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xxsycamore · 10 months
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❄️🎄 SWEET & SPICY WINTERTIME 🎄❄️fluffy smut prompt list/content creation challenge!!
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What better way to celebrate the beginning of the cold season than with some fluffy smut prompts?
If you want to, you can tag your work with #sweet & spicy wintertime in order for it to reach more people interested in this prompt list ❤
This prompt list is open to any and all fandoms of course, but I’ll only be reblogging (from my main, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly under the tag #SSWT rbs) works written for the Ikemen Series games. If your work is such, make sure to tag me - I’ll be more than glad to see and reblog your work! Additionally, ikemen works will be featured in a nice little collection that can be found here - Sweet & Spicy Wintertime MASTERLIST - i'll be updating it periodically until January 20th! But don't let any due dates mess with your creativity - you're free to write winter works next June or whenever you want to! (if you'd rather I don't include you in the masterlist, let me know!)
Use the list as you'd like! You don't have to make 10 pieces, you don't have to follow their order either. Just have fun!
All other content-related rules are up to you as a creator - just make sure not to interact if you’re a minor!
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Here's the prompt list once again:
Touching under the blanket
Canceling plans to snuggle and fuck
Cold skin, warm hands
The recipe says "Add a pinch of love"
Hot cocoa tastes better when shared
Gift wrapping distractions
In front of the fireplace
Long winter nights spent awake
Quickies at the holiday party
Naughty Christmas wish
❗And here's a little bonus challenge for you: Mix and match those ten wintery-themed items with the prompts above and have them make an appearance somewhere in your work 👀
pair of warm gloves
cup of hot cocoa
(shared) knitted scarf
red ribbon
favorite blanket
a single snowflake
homebaked cookies
I wish you happy creating and stay warm if you're someplace cold!! 🧣🧤❄️
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new-november-moons · 10 months
AHHH thank you for the tag @ashstfu, ily <3
last song – "there is a light that never goes out" by the smiths
favorite color – orange & yellow
last movie – glass onion
last tv show – a nearly normal family
sweet/spicy/savory – sweet!!
relationship status – single (thank GOD)
last thing i googled – gifts for sports lovers
current obsessions – star wars, writing novels, kate bush, family history, musical theater, janelle monae, wintertime
tagging: @redfive--standingby, @motherfuckingmoth, @its-raining-frogs, @when-wax-wings-melt, @godriots, @onceuponamillennia, @trenchcoat-of-bees, @seraf-mina, @heavilycaffeinatedmuffin, and @thehappybaker 🧡
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scummy-writes · 8 months
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A Pinch Of Love - A Gilbert/Silvio/Reader fanfic
Rating: Mature/Explicit (minors dni)
Words: 1089
Tags: Modern au, cooking together, cum tasting/drinking, cum cookies, spit tasting references, references to blowjobs, biting, cooking with cum, poly relationship
This is for @xxsycamore's Sweet and Spicy Wintertime prompt list! I am late as usual when I try to join a prompt thing, but I still had fun! As soon as she dropped this I knew I had to write gilbert being a fuckin weirdo (affectionate). Thank you, Mo, for making this event!!
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It wasn't unusual for Gilbert to keep you company in the kitchen, idly sitting at the nearby table while you switched between reading recipes to mixing in ingredients. What was, however, was Silvio joining the two of you.
While you busied yourself with the batter, they sat at the table clad in their pajamas- a requirement that you insisted on for today's festivities. Because for the first time, all three of you could be together for Christmas.
Not a baker himself, Silvio sat by Gilbert and offered his help in other ways: such as smacking Gilbert's hand away from the shakers of sprinkles and icing that littered the table.
“Will ya stop that?”
Gilbert ignored him, successfully swiping a shaker with snowflakes and pearl sprinkles inside, popping the lid open. As he poured some onto his palm for easier eating, Silvio rolled his eyes.
“If ya eat everything before we can even decorate, what's the damn point in us takin’ the day off fer this?”
For the sake of your sanity, you ignored how Gilbert prodded and teased Silvio back, focusing on the next step in your process.
“Gil? Can you tell me what else comes after the spices?”
He lazily swiped on your phone, reading out the next set of directions for you, “the recipe says to add a ‘pinch of love’.”
You muttered a hum, amused with the cutesy addition, but in the background you heard Silvio click his tongue. A warning sound towards his growing annoyance. Peeking at them, you saw Gilbert's lips quirk into his telltale smile. His eyes flicked between giving your mouth, and Silvio's, a slow once over, and you knew what he was going to suggest. An implemented habit that he had been trying to instill in the both of you: spitting.
Silvio stared. Unblinking, slowly furrowing his brows as Gilbert's smile widened.
“The damned coffee wasn't enough fer ya?”
“Hehe, and what if it wasn't? What if I'd like you both to-”
“Don't drag ‘er into this!”
“If you'd rather, we can try a different ingredient.”
Silvio went to speak, but instead caught how Gilbert's eyes trailed down his torso, settling between his legs for a moment before flicking back towards Silvio's gaze.
“Ain't no fuckin’ way, these cookies are fer all of us.”
“Hmm? I've never complained about how either of you tasted before. Surely-”
“No. I ain't doin’ that.”
The chair was pushed back as Silvio stood up, gaining distance between him and Gilbert by leaning against the fridge instead. Still keeping his promise by spending time with the two of you, but avoiding further teasing.
In theory.
Because when you laughed and shook your head, intending to turn back to focus on mixing, you heard the shuffling of chairs. Light steps, a few curses slipped under a sigh. All enough to stop you once more, peeking over your shoulder to see Gilbert facing Silvio. He stared Silvio down with a smile, moving his cold hands to Silvio's hips.
Watching how Silvio slowly relented to Gilbert made you awestruck, in ways. Both men were stubborn in what they wanted, yet out of the three of you, Silvio hardly confessed to his wants unless he felt in control of them.
Which led him to being pressed up against the fridge, turning his head away from the both of you, cheeks flushed as Gilbert teased his fingers along the waistband of Silvio's gray pajama bottoms. Unable to admit to his more ‘odd’ desires once again.
Gilbert gave no slack, like you did. Instead he doubled down on his teasing, always itching to have Silvio speak out on the pleasures he sought.
“I thought you liked to watch?” He teased, but when Silvio made no further movement, he just simply shrugged.
Slowly, Gilbert hooked two fingers on his waistband, easily pulling it down just enough for Silvio's hardened cock to slip free, eliciting a shuddering sigh from both of them.
“Hehe, you always fuss about how gross I am, but look at how hard you are.”
“That's just-ngh…”
At his cock finally being touched by Gilbert ghosting his fingers along the length, Silvio finally looked over at Gilbert- only to have his cheek pressed back against the fridge.
“Who said you could look after lying like that?” The words were a playful chide, but Gilbert still kept Silvio's head in place as he murmured in his ear, “it's only good boys who get to watch.”
His body tensed as Gilbert flattened his tongue against his neck, licking a wet stripe along the length, ending with a bite between his shoulder and neck. Hard enough to mark, to bruise, but not draw blood.
There were complaints on the tip of Silvio's tongue, ready to fly out, but you didn't miss the way his cock twitched, especially as Gilbert trailed his fingers along the underside.
“Hey,” Gilbert called to you, voice no longer holding the warning edge it had for Silvio, “make sure he behaves?”
There was no need for clarification, not when Gilbert finally let go of Silvio's chin to ease onto his knees, taking time to mouth kisses down Silvio's abdomen to rile him up further.
So you set your mixing spoon aside, moving to face Silvio, to hold him in place with kisses and bites, your hand snaked under his shirt to tease his chest. Despite how many times the three of you had been intimate, his ears still blazed bright, trying to hold back his moans when Gilbert's lips reached the base of his cock.
Soft crackling emitted from the fireplace as the three of you sat together on the couch, watching the first of many holiday movies for the day. Blankets were haphazardly shared between you, with Gilbert claiming more even when his spot was closest to the fire. Through the layers, Silvio's hand sought yours, fingers twining together.
On the coffee table lay the cookies you all had a hand in making today, decorated clumsily with icing. Some of the shaped cookies were clad in eyepatches, others with jewelry or coin, while others had rabbit ears and hearts for decorations.
Gilbert, eyes still on the television, reached for another. He acted oblivious towards Silvio's staring, turning towards the man and offering a cookie.
“Want one?”
“Those are all yours.”
“Technically, they all have a piece of us in them, so-”
And once more, the bickering began anew. Yet through all of Silvio's sighs, he still had an arm snaked around Gilbert's shoulders, sharing what warmth he had.
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steeples hands. I really just wanted to write the endscene, but I needed context and. Well. Cum cookies (cumkies, if you will.)
You saw the tags. I don't really wanna hear any complaints if you didnt like it, please and thank you.
If you enjoyed it, please feel free to say so! I do like thinking about gilbert being a lil fuckin weirdo honestly.
Taglist (Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed!):
@yarnnerdally @katriniac @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bakaneko-chan @skoetiepoetie @bestbryn @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lokis-laugh @queengiuliettafirstlady @candied-boys @keithsandwich @bubblexly @ridiculouslly-ridiculous @drewadoodle @drachonia @portrait-ninja @mimi-but-main
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A lovely recipe
A lovely recipe
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Jean D’Arc x OC (Julia Lesser vampire)
Prompt : 8. Long winter nights spent awake & Home baked cookies
Part of : Sweet & spicy wintertime hosted by @xxsycamore            
Tag: Baking date Fluff
Word Count : 1.044
Author’s Note: A winter night suddenly turn into a baking date as two lovebirds found themselves busy in the kitchen, as the night goes on the mood in the air shift into a romantic atmosphere that push them into each other arms to show off their love. 🥰
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @nightghoul381 @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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It was a quiet winter night Christmas approaching sweet sugary perfumes enveloped everything in their scent carried by the wind along white billows smoking slowly from the chimneys of the houses scattered all over town and well into the countryside.
Amidst the forest stood a mansion decorated with lights and ornaments of all kinds filling every corner of the majestic garden,  a scene straight out from a snowglobe, the residents’ clapped mirthfully, happy and proud of the wonderful spectacle  stretching before their eyes.
“Argh.” A frustrated sound resonated in the kitchen as she tried for the umpteenth time to glue the gingerbread wall to the plate with the light help of melted sugar, with not much success judging by her mood.
His lover, ever careful about her feelings, entered in the forbidden place the kitchen was for him, but right now the advice, that sounded more like a threat, from Sebastian fell on deaf ears as her well being was the main focus of his concern.
His warm hand landed on her shoulder taking her out from her thoughts, his soft voice a caress she welcomed with a smile so bright to outshine the sun.
“What is wrong Julia ?”
“Thank you for your kind thoughts, to be honest it is not a big deal.”  Her green eyes sparkled with relief as she looked up at him, her cheerful attitude warming up the atmosphere of the cozy kitchen, taking in the sight of his eye crinkle with affection as she caressed his hand with her own.
“It did not seem so to me.” She chuckled softly while he took a seat next to her around the table, looking intensely at the plate she was working on.
“I imagine it did not. It is only that This gingerbread house just WON'T stay up!" She explained, tentatively putting back together the walls of the half built house standing still in the center of the plate, while the colorful sugary decorations scattered unruly all over the places.
“Maybe you should use more melted sugar under the gingbred base.” 
“I already tried …” She stopped mid sentence, looking back at his lover,  seriousness in his earnest eyes as he tried with his gloveless hands to carry on his plan, an endearing sight she couldn't help but gaze fondly at smiling at herself.
“What did you say ?”
“To add more sugar.”
“I hear that part.”
“Under the Gingbred base.”
She smiled at him and he swore in that moment it was like the sun had risen a second time that day all for him. 
A bitter needle tasting of failure and ignorance poisoned his heart as a light resigned and disappointed shadow fell on his gorgeous features.
He barely registered her shifting closer to him until he felt her soft hands cupping his face, her fingers brushing tenderly on his cheeks as she stared up at him, her gaze reflecting the deep love and adoration of his eyes while a gentle smile curled her lips she, without hesitation, melted on his hushing every insult he was ready to throw his way.
The sweet taste of cocoa and honey invaded his palate as he eagerly deepened that kiss, feeling her fingers gripping softly his shirt to steady herself.
Reluctantly they pulled away, he kept her close as she murmured few inches from his lips
“Je t’aime comme tu es Jean, s'il te plaît, ne change jamais, sois toujours avec moi mon tigre car il n'y a rien ni personne au monde que j'aime autant que toi.
“Je t’aime aussi Julia, du fond de mon cœur. Je t’aime tout de toi et cela ne changera jamais, maintenant et pour toujours. Je t’aime beaucoup que les mots ne suffisent pas pour m'exprimer.”
She took off his eyepatch, before ever so softly brushing her lips over the scar on his eye, lost in the bliss of his smile she did not notice they were under a mistletoe, a slight suggestive smile curled his lips as he looked up eliciting her to do the same.
A soft growl escaped his lips at the gorgeous view of her green eyes crinkled with affection and desire, warming up her cheeks with a lovely rosy blush, affection and sensuality flickering in his moonless eye as he took her face in his hand melting his lips on hers.
A sweet kiss conveying all the love and desire they felt for one another, passion engulfing them both as she end up sprawled on the table pinned in place by his strong body as he kissed her again and again, while her fingers clutched on his shirt before travelling into his raven lock deepening the kiss.
She moaned softly as he entwined his tongue with her swallowing her soft mewl at the gentle rolling of their his moving in sync with one another.
Reluctantly they pulled away he leaned his forehead to hers, caressing her cheeks revelling in the tender affection glimmering in her bright green eyes pouring over her gentle smile mirroring his own.
“Je t'aime du fond du coeur ma princesse.” His voice low and husky with sultry implications, a blazing passion they would have given in that night, earning a dreamy sigh from her lips at the smoldering sensuality in his blue eyes while a sensual smirk curled his lips.
“Je t’aime plus que tout mon héros.” 
Gently he took her in his arms, leaving soft unhurried kisses on her soft raven lock making her giggles, her laugh melting his heart whole while her achingly tender kisses on his cheeks set his skin ablaze with passion fuelling his desire.
He laid next to her on the bed, cradling her face in his hands caressing her cheeks before merging their lips together once more, pulling away briefly only to set the atmosphere for the lovely moment they would have indulge in, ready to show off their love to one another with only the aster as audience.
Oblivious to the curious glances of the stars peeling at them from the clouds, while birds and animals spread the gossip of the fairytale written right before their eyes, forged in love and affection, nurtured each day as hearts grow fonder, for nothing could stop the ever might power of love.
Je t’aime comme tu es Jean, s'il te plaît, ne change jamais, sois toujours avec moi mon tigre car il n'y a rien ni personne au monde que j'aime autant que toi. - I love you as you are Jean, please do not ever change, be still with me mon tigre because there is nothing and noone in the world I love as much as you.
Je t’aime aussi Julia, du fond de mon cœur. Je t’aime tout de toi et cela ne changera jamais, maintenant et pour toujours. Je t’aime beaucoup que les mots ne suffisent pas pour m'exprimer. - I love you too Julia from the bottom of my heart. I love everything of you and this will never change, now and forever. I love you so much wirds aren't enough to express it.
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Mo!!! I just got done randomizing prompts and suitors for your Sweet and Spicy Wintertime event and I am really excited to write for it so I just wanted to say thank youuuuuu ^u^ I'm going to be writing for two new characters that I have never written for but I am so excited to give it a shot!!!
AAAAAH?!?!?! AAAAAAA!!! THAT'S GREAT NEWS!!! IT'S GOING TO BE A GREAT WINTER WITH YOUR FICS!!! I FEEL LIKE IM RECEIVING XMAS GIFTS!! oh i wanna know i have to know which characters you're talking about 😭😭😭!!!!! Omgmgogm have fun ghoulie!!!!LOVE YOU!!!
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nwbeerguide · 11 months
Portland Cider Company toasts Winter with some Cranberry Mule Cider & Santa's Sauce.
image courtesy Portland Cider Company Press Release CLACKAMAS, Ore. … Whether naughty or nice, cider drinkers will be delighted to discover Portland Cider Co.’s latest wintertime releases. The brand-new Cranberry Mule Cider and fan-favorite Santa’s Sauce are launching just in time for the holiday season.  Cranberry Mule is Portland Cider’s newest creation, offering ripe cranberry flavors over subtle apple notes with bright, juicy lime and a hint of fresh ginger. It pours a gorgeous ruby hue, adding a vibrant sparkle of color to any festive occasion. Delicious as a cocktail stand-in, or alongside your favorite wintertime foods. Available in 12-ounce 6-packs. Santa’s Sauce, a taproom favorite for almost a decade, is returning this winter in limited 16-ounce cans. This festively spiced cider is made with Northwest apples, and infused with cinnamon, cardamom, and a touch of cayenne pepper. It’s spicy and warm, pairs well with roasted turkey and sweet potatoes, and is perfectly suited to holiday desserts like gingerbread, eggnog cheesecake, or apple pie ala mode.  “A sparkling pint of cider is becoming the holiday beverage of choice for more and more people,” said Jared Moe, Vice President of Sales at Portland Cider Co. “Each of these releases are festive and fun, perfectly crafted to encourage folks to ‘Pick Cider’ this season as they plan their winter holiday festivities.” Pick Cider® for the Holidays is a craft cider industry initiative sponsored by the American Cider Association, hosting their annual conference - CiderCon - in Portland, Oregon in January 2024. A member since 2016, Portland Cider Co. is excited to see the return of the conference in their city.  Cranberry Mule cider is available in 12-ounce six-pack cans through the end of the year throughout the cidery’s distribution footprint in Oregon, Washington, Colorado, and most of California. Santa’s Sauce cider is available for a limited time in 16-ounce four-pack cans throughout Oregon & SW Washington and on draft at the cidery’s three pub locations. Cider fans can locate any Portland Cider using the company’s Cider Finder online. # # #  About Portland Cider Company Portland Cider Company was founded in 2013 to bring hand-crafted, award winning cider to the Northwest. The company recognizes Portland and her bold spirit as the inspiration behind their innovative ciders, and promises the cleanest, tastiest, and most enjoyable cider-drinking experience the city has to offer. Including the new Westside Pub, Portland Cider has three taproom locations in the Portland Metro Area, where they encourage all to visit, sample, and expect more from the cider they drink.   PortlandCider.com  @portlandcider (FB,  IG, X) @portlandciderhouse (FB & IG) from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/476bxEf
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fang-and-feather · 8 months
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Ikemen Vampire - Isaac x Reader
Words: 1,018
Summary: With Isaac feeling more freely possessive of you on his birthday, you let or plans for the night aside to have your own private celebration
Rating: Explicit/NSFW
Written for Sweet & Spicy Wintertime hosted by @xxsycamore prompt(s): Canceling plans to snuggle and fuck
Originally planned as a last minute idea for Isaac's birthday, I only finished it now. I wanted to write it further than I did, but with the amouth of time I have been spending out of my house, I don't know if I would even finish it this month...
Anyway, Happy (very late) Birthday for Isaac!! Still with all my love despite me missing it back in the day
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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“Isaac, can you help me with my dress?” You asked as your boyfriend entered the room.
You had a party to attend, and any delay would make you late. Isaac, though, didn’t seem concerned.
He walked behind you and dropped a light kiss on the back of your neck, making you shiver.
“Isaac! We’ll be late for the party.”
One of his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling your body closer to his as he kissed you again.
“What if I don’t want to go?”
The way his voice, right by your ear, sounded so needy, you already felt like agreeing to anything he wanted.
“You’re the one who agreed to go when Conte gave us the invite.”
Isaac sighed, giving your skin a few more kisses, hold tightening slightly before he answered.
“I know… But it just doesn’t feel right sharing you any more than I already had to today.”
Isaac didn’t usually admit to such feelings, avoiding seeming too clingy, and you could rarely resist him when he was being that open about wanting you all to himself for the rest of his birthday. Especially *because* it was his birthday.
You didn’t resist when his free hand carefully removed your dress as he peppered your skin with more kisses as more of you was exposed to his touch.
He released you just enough to let the dress pool at your feet and make quick work of getting you off your undergarments, as if he couldn’t wait. Or he just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t change your mind.
You chuckled at the thought, only to be interrupted as your breath hitched when his fingers brushed a sensitive spot. You swallowed hard when he repeated the motion; your body almost felt on fire where he touched.
“Isaac.” You shivered, his name coming out in a trembling whisper.
“Are you cold?” He asked worriedly. “Come here. Let’s get you warmed up.”
You weren’t cold, but when he scooped you up and walked to bed, you gave up on complaining. This shift from sweet to sexy Isaac still left you awestruck sometimes.
He placed you on the bed, kissing you with urgency, his tongue hungrily exploring your mouth. You closed your eyes and reached for the back of his head, your fingers tangling into his hair in a way that made him moan into the kiss. Then you scooted back, the hand still in his hair pulling him along.
You heard the rustling of him removing his clothes, only to find yourself wrapped in his shirt.
“I don’t want you to catch a cold.” Sweet, but now was not the time. But when you opened your mouth to protest, he silenced you with a soft kiss before adding, with his cheeks growing red “An-And I like how you look in it.”
Your eye widened for a moment before you pulled him back for another deep kiss.
It wasn’t your first time wearing one of his shirts - although the first time it was freely given to you - and Isaac had never told you that. He always only blushed and mumbled incoherently.
So you let him finish putting the shirt on you, without buttoning it, then leaned back to let him have a good look.
“So you like when I wear your clothes?” Isaac blushed harder, but his eyes roamed your body with such hunger that you were surprised he was still holding back and being sweet to you. You chuckled and leaned closer again, a finger just gently caressing his hardening cock. “Maybe I should borrow them more often.”
Isaac pulled you so you were straddling him and hugged you tight, burrowing his face in your neck.
“I take it back… it’s too much.”
You almost laughed. He sounded so needy. So adorable. Holding on his shoulders, you moved as beat as you could to grind against him.
Even muffled, the way he moaned was like music to you, and as his hold loosened a little, you repeated the movement, a little harder.
The third time rewarded you with such a sweet whine, and Isaac bitting you to try and hide it, but not enough for his fangs to punctuate your skin.
“Let me hear you, darling.” You whispered to him. “Or just bite me already. I don’t really mind which.”
“Are you trying to make me lose control?” He practically growled in your ear.
He was really at his edge, and as much as you would love to keep teasing him, it was his birthday. If there was a day for you to be in charge and still be merciful, it was this.
“Just making sure we’re ready, sweetheart.”
Your next kiss was tender, as you moved to let him slide into you, both of you moaning into the kiss as he filled you completely, your walls tightening around him when he was fully sheathed inside.
“I never get used to how good you feel.” Isaac muttered, once again snuggling into your neck, this time trailing kisses all over it.
You held one of his hands, intertwining your fingers, as you guided him to lay down on his side, your bodies ending equally intertwined as you looked for a better position for what was to come.
But despite your bodies’ eagerness, neither of you made a move to go further. Instead, you kissed again. A slow and loving kiss, reaffirming your love in silence.
“Happy birthday, my love.” You whispered. “Hope this will make for a good gift, since you seemed so eager to have me all to yourself tonight.” You gave him a playful smile, moving your body just enough to get a soft whimper out of him.
Isaac nudged you back a little, so he was the one who had a better space for moving, kissing you again and snuggling closer.
“You are always the only gift I need, darling. I love you. Always.” He said, finishing each phrase with a kiss to your skin. “Thank you for loving me.”
His fangs grazed your neck and you knew you would have a great night ahead of you.
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Tag List: @tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya, @eventinelysplayground
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
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nightghoul381 · 9 months
Sharing Warmth ~ Ellis Twilight x Reader
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Another Entry for @xxsycamore's Sweet and Spicy Wintertime Event! I'm having a lot of fun with these prompts so thank you for hosting!!
Pairing: Ellis Twilight x Reader Prompt: Hot cocoa tastes better when shared + shared knitted scarf Genre: Fluff with lots of spice but nothing explicit WC: 775 CW: PDA
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“I think it may have been better if we had postponed our date,” you giggle, taking in the sight of your lover rapidly approaching with a steaming cup.
“You said you wanted to try this café so I wanted to bring you. I’m sorry they didn’t have any seating inside. You must be freezing.” Ellis’ expression is apologetic as he sits beside you on the bench.
“Here, hold the cup. It should warm up your hands a bit,” Ellis instructs, wrapping his gloved, yet still cold hands around yours over the cup.
You feel the warmth spread through your otherwise chilled fingers and can’t help but turn to give Ellis a light kiss on the cheek.
“Ah, Ellis! Your cheek is freezing!” You shout, worry creasing your brow as he chuckles sheepishly.
“It’s a bit cold, but it’s worth it to see your smile,” He insists, letting go of your hands and running one over the back of his neck.
You let out a huff of displeasure, setting the cup on the bench beside you before unwinding your knitted scarf and wrapping it around the both of you.
“There, now we can both be warm,” you declare, picking the hot chocolate back up and taking a sip, letting the rich flavor heat your mouth before swallowing. You happily moan, the drink tastes just as good as Liam had said it would.
You hear Ellis’ breath stutter and you offer him the cup, your faces still quite close because of the shared scarf. He blinks at you, hesitating and you notice that his face is tinted ever so slightly pink.
“Don’t you want to tray some? It tastes so good,” you offer, trying your best to be enticing and snap him out of his stupor.
Instead of answering, Ellis leans forward and captures your lips with his. You feel his tongue prod at the seam, eagerly diving in when you open for him. A quiet, choked moan escapes his throat as he savors your mouth. You feel your head getting fuzzy as his hand moves to your thigh. Heat pools in your belly when his fingers begin kneading the flesh, his gasping breaths sounding needier and more urgent.
Thankfully just then a cold wind whips through the air, sending a sharp shiver down your spine and startling Ellis back into reality.
The two of you sit there, panting for a moment as you try to catch your breath. Finally letting out a sigh you turn to Ellis and see a small smirk on his lips.
“You were right, the hot chocolate does taste amazing. You want a turn to taste?” He whispers, taking a big gulp of the drink and flashing you an inviting glance. As if on impulse, you grab his coat and pull him closer, kissing him deeply. The rich flavor of the drink mixed with the delicious taste of Ellis makes for a nearly intoxicating combination. You lose yourself in his kiss, hardly noticing when his arms move to wrap around you and pull you into his lap. Instead, you take advantage of the new position to deepen the kiss, holding his face in your hands to keep him right where you want him.
Your whole body feels hot, and you gasp against Ellis as he moves his hands to pull your hips flush against his, his arousal obvious and pressing just right against you. You pull back just slightly, feeling his heavy breath warm against your lips.
As you go to lean in and kiss him again you hear a loud clattering sound, shaking you free of your heated moment. You scooted yourself back just a bit on his lap, frantically apologizing for losing your head there and practically jumping him in public. Your apologies are cut short when a soft, melodic laugh fills your ears.
“Your face is all hot and pink. It’s cute,” Ellis murmurs, brushing a stray piece of hair behind your ear. You slide yourself off of his lap completely now, face burning, and wait as Ellis retrieves the fallen cup and brings it back to the café.
When he steps back out he beckons you over to his side.
“Are you happy we came out today?” He asked as you walk back toward the carriage waiting to take you back to Crown Castle. Just remembering the steamy kisses shared between the two of you is enough to have made this trip worthwhile. You nod your head and snuggle close to his arm.
“I am, thank you, Ellis. But I think I’d like to return the favor and do something to make you happy when we get home.”
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Taglist: @aquagirl1978 @themiscarnival @abundance-pathchooser @xbalayage @maries-gallery @randonauticrap @queengiuliettafirstlady @candied-boys
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kittysdiary · 3 years
Kitty in the Springtime 🌸:
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Spring is here and I have most definitely been prepping and getting for the warmer weather + pretty colors so here’s a little look at what I have been up to!
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New Wardrobe:
Shopping and shopping is what I have been doing a lot of lately. Investing in lighter fabrics and expanding my color palette for my clothes has been on my list for months. Some things I have bought include:
•Midi dresses
•Maxi dresses
•High heels + mule heels
•Silk night gowns
• Silk cami pajama sets
•Pastel colored lingerie
•Velour track suit short sets
•New workout clothes
•Skirts, blouses and tweed sets for work
•More accessories (purses, headbands + jewelry)
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Pampering & Beautifying:
Since the wintertime I have upped my beauty and self care routine by investing more in myself and my space around me like:
Scheduling manicure + pedicure appointments every few weeks
Cleaning and organizing my makeup + skincare products
Buying new cosmetic products (more blushes, fluffier lashes, brighter lipglosses and eyeshadow palettes that pop!)
Investing in my skin and hair care (treatment masks, body exfoliators, soft spa headbands and serums)
Getting new signature fragrances (transitioning from warm/spicy scents to sweet, fruity and floral ones!)
Meditating, reading, journaling, making playlists and listening to informative podcasts
Upgrading my bedroom (painting my accent wall, new candles, buying flower bouquets and more plushies)
Trying new hairstyles with my curly hair (my current faves are half up half down, high ponytails, space buns and pigtails!)
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Hobbies, Work and School:
With new opportunities comes new ways of planning and scheduling myself to get equal time doing what I love most!
Studying, maintaining grades and looking into studying abroad
Networking in business settings, meeting new people and taking care of my makeup boutiques
Setting time to workout at home using workout guides and going to the gym
Getting new hobbies like baking, writing and studying art
Investing in planners, cute stationary products + organizers
Blogging and working on my socials
Getting a calendar to set time aside for meeting with friends so we can go out to brunch and go on shopping sprees
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Hope you enjoyed getting a little sneak peek at what I’ve been up to lately and hopefully you can create your own little spring guide as well! More to come soon babes! 💝
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hellcatinnc · 9 months
Long Winter Nights With You
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Warning This includes: NSFW/SMUT (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: nsfw, mature themes, consensual, smut, restraining, bdsm, dominance, edging, cum control, S&M blood hound (period play), S&M, senpai, master, submissive, orgasm, fingering, masturbation, squirting, akutagawa x fem! reader, akutagawa x reader, rough sex, doggy style, hair pulling, breeding, anal, shower forplay, blow job
Word Count: 2,704
Prompt List Words Used: Long winter nights spent awake, favorite blanket, snowball
Feature: Akutagawa x Fem! Reader
Its been one of them winters snow everywhere, cold night left awake cause you just can't get warm enough. You bit the bullet today and decided to ask Akutagawa to come spend the weekend with you. So its rocky between you two there is no actual label if anything its your flirty and he is aggressive. You were finally able to talk him into staying in your winter home, he just doesn't know you will be there all weekend too. He thinks he is just going there to spend a weekend in pure quietness and you have a ulterior motive. Your now cuddled under your favorite blanket since your hands are still bone chilled from playing in the snow earlier having snowball fights with the snowman you made. Your life is a bit lonely but you have kept it that way since your whole life has been in and apart of the port mafia.
You still remember the day you met Akutagawa his beautiful face, the 2 toned hair, the sexy way he carries himself you were such a sucker for this almost badass meets vampire style he had going on. Since that day you have done anything to get close to him however you don't work under him directly but you were at least able to get it passed around about your home for the winter not sure who you need to thank but somebody got him on board. Anyways your plan was to seduce him over the weekend and have hot crazy sex with him to that he is hooked on the very essence of your pussy that he never wants to let you go. Yes you know its a bit of a stretch but still want to try the worst thing is he will just leave and thats it.
It was about a hour away from the time he was to arrive you decide you have warmed up as much as you can in front of the fireplace now its to be a knock out and hope to catch his eye. You were upstairs when he got there, you heard him downstairs complaining with his suitcase and the stupid cold. You smiled at the way he thought he was alone and was so cute in how he talked to himself. Then you see a young girl that come in behind him and your heart sank. Does he have a plus one in his life you were so sure everyone said he was single. Here you are standing upstairs in a sexy black and red dress ready to pounce him and how are you going to explain this if he has a girlfriend. You tried to figure out how to make this work and were frantic to figure it out fast.
As soon as you saw them go back to the car to get stuff you slid downstairs sliding out the back door and around the side of the house. You were not dressed to be out in this cold but you had no choice, guess you would be staying in a hotel in town and having to walk there in heels was going to make this the absolute weekend. As you thought they had both gone back inside you slowly walked around the side of the house to be faced with Gin who had a blade to your throat in seconds. She had heard you upstairs when you didn't even know and she waited for you outside. Not long after she had you slammed against the outside of the house Akutagawa came out with his power elevated ready to attack. "P-Please!!! This is my house...I didn't mean to scare you two. Please don't hurt me I am with the port mafia too." You begged practically for your life right then.
They gave you the chance to explain that it was your home and you plans fell through last minute so you had no where to go. The great great thing as you were telling them you were leaving so that the happy couple could be alone and Gin started laughing. She told you it was her brother and you were relieved but Akutagawa really hadn't found it funny nor had he really paid much attention to you after finding out the mix up instead he headed back to grab their things and leave. One you realized what he was doing you begged Gin to stop him. It didn't take rocket science on her part to realize you were into her brother so two made a deal. She would talk him into stay while she stayed in town however he would just think she was buying food for the night.
You went back inside while she talked to her brother cause you were so cold. You got inside wrapping your blanket around you again and sitting in front of the fireplace trying to get warm. You heard him enter with the bags again and he sat in the chair across from you at the fire place. She had told him you all were going to have dinner tonight and go from there and wouldn't let him argue so here you two were sitting across from each other in front of the fireplace. You knew he only talked when he had to you just had to figure out how to. You saw him talk to his sister like any other normal person but she is the only one he lets in like that. You eventually decide to take a different approach so you throw back your blanket showing off your long bare legs. You have them slightly open so he can even see you little lacy black panties as well. He still said nothing, he just sat there watching what you were doing with no expression on his face.
After a bit of him watching you decided to get a bit bolder and spread your legs letting him see all of your panties, still no expression he just watched. You slide your fingers down under the thin material barely covering your slit and slowly start massaging your clit. You bite your lip look over at him as you keep rubbing until your clit is nice and engorged, meaning your time to play. You stared straight at him as you started rubbing slow at first then pushing yourself you did it faster. You breath deepened and you started to pant. Before you knew it you had your eyes closed with your back arched really enjoying the feeling of touching yourself all while thinking about him. The thought he was watching was super turning your on. Your wetness grew the more you flicked those fingers across your pleasure button.
You were getting so close to such a sweet orgasm when you heard his sexy voice tell you not to come. You weren't expecting this he leans in whispering in your ear "Beg For It!" You hear these words and your instantly so hot for this man, your even more surprised he has moved your hand and plunged his fingers deep into you before giving you a chance to get used to it. He is a bit rougher than your used to but he aggressively rubs your clit and finger fucks you at the same time. Your body flushes hot you are so over the top in pleasure and just want to release and he is telling you to beg for it. No one has ever edged you before then refused your release so you squirm a bit before needing to say these words because you feel like you're going to burst. "Ple...ease L-Let Meeee Come!!" You think this is enough but its not he tells you that you have to call him Senpai when you beg. Your so turned on by this he wants to be your master and make you want it like you have never wanted anything in your life.
The build up inside of you has you mewling, and whimpering before you moan loudly begging once more for release. "Senpai, PPPlllease Let Meee Come For You!!!" Then you see this wicked smiled come across his face as he leans forward kissing your lips and whispers in your ear "Come!!!" The simple word and you find your body convulsing and squirting all over his hand. No man has ever turned you on like this or brought you to such a brink of pleasure. You are surprised when looking down that his fingers are covered in blood and your juices. He was so rough that it caused your period to start, you were a bit embarrassed but so surprised he wiped his hand on the blanket and proceeded with taking his throbbing slick cock from his pants. He honestly didn't care if you were on your period he was going to fuck you even if it mean things were going to be even messier.
He pushed your legs back putting them on his shoulders as he positioned his cock against your entrance. The head of his cock pulsating as you yearned for it to be submerged in your very core, however wasn't long before you looked up and could tell he wanted you to beg for it yet again. He leans down kissing your lips passionately as he pulls back he softly bites your lips letting you know he is ready for you. Your body on fire and all you can think about is him so deep inside of you. It doesn't take long to make you beg yet again you don't even care if its embarrassing or not you want him and you want him now. "Senpai, I need you inside me please.....!!" He shakes his head no as he pushes his cock a little inside you making you squirm more. He has you right where he wants you and your at his very mercy. You moan and beg, whimpering to his needs... "PLEASE SENPAI, I NEED TO FEEL YOU IN ME!!" After screaming this at him he has a grin across his face.
He runs his fingers up your body make his way up to your nipples he flicks them getting them nice and hard then he starts to pull on them rolling them between his fingers. He has you moaning and into a total mess. When you think this torture is over he reaches down flicking the same fingers across your pleasure button forcing your body to glisten the top of his shaft when you moan and release dribbling out causing his cock to get nice and shiny with your juices. You arch your back and beg him once again screaming it this time louder than before.... "SENPAI, PLEASE SHOW ME YOU OWN ME!" Oh this triggered something in him he needed that control, he ached for it and without another thought he slammed his cock so deep into your wetness and fucked you with such urgency.
Your body being manhandled and thrashed about in a more violent way than your used to. Its not painful but you can tell he is determined to get his seed so deep in such a fast pace that you can't help but gasp at his erratic movements. He reached back holding your hands to restrain you, as he continues to smash his cock deeper into you with full control. He was owning your pussy, he was owning you all you could do is give into his needs, his whims, you were now his. His orgasm hit its pink flooding your inside and spilling all down your ass. He flipped you over and stuck his prick back into you holding your hips as he fucked you doggy style. Your body was giving him more wetness and he was allowing you the need of releasing as you wanted as he had his way with you.
He reached up grabbing a hand full of your hair giving it a nice tug as he plunged deeper into your fuck hole, he couldn't get enough of you and he was driving you crazy. This was more than you expected but even his roughness was turning you on. You knew he was rough in his line of work you had no idea he would fuck you just as rough. He was fucking you like it had been forever since he had done this and you were getting all that pent up aggression & sexual frustration. You moaned and screamed as he made you his over and over again. Fucking your pussy pounding it hitting your g-spot causing your body to shake with pleasure, as he did it again and again. You lost track of time as he drenched you in his come, your juices, and even your period blood. He didn't care he fucked you raw and continued to fill your pussy full of his seed. He was trying to breed you even though he didn't say it, the urgency he wanted to shove so much of it in you told you this.
After all the groaning and moaning and his balls smacking against your ass, all the coming, the exhaustion was starting to set in but he still wasn't done. He was determined to own all your holes, he slid his very well lubricated cock out of your pussy and slammed it into you ass hole. You had never had someone fill you up in so many way, never owned you like this. Your asshole had never been fucked before and yet he was still rough ass your asshole tightened around his cock he filled your ass up with his hot jizz as well. He was leaving his mark on you and when he was done you were going to have so much of his seed in you that you were sure to be pregnant. When he pulled out of your ass he left you with his come dripping out both holes and he looked proud of himself when he flipped you over and started kissing your lips again.
He laid there beside you holding you after your tryst it didn't take long for you both to fall asleep after having a long winter night spent awake fucking most of it. The morning came and you woke in his arms, you were sticky and knew a shower would help you rejuvenate, but you really didn't want to leave his side. After awhile of laying there looking at him sleep he was so beautiful he began to stir. He opened his eyes and softly smiled at you, this is something you never saw this man do. He brushed the hair back off your face and leaned in kissing your lips ever so gentle, nothing like last night at all. The first thing he asked you which surprised you was if he hurt you. This was so out of character but then the way he looked at you was with love in his eyes, maybe he just needed someone he could connect with like that.
You two decide to get a shower to get all the dried juices off your skin. He suggests you taking one together. You lather each others bodies up and make sure to clean everything from the night before leaving no trace of this hot and sexy rough rendezvous'. To make sure he owned every last part of you, after cleaning up you drop to your knees and take his cock deep in to your throat. You suck making him groan as he puts his hands on your head guiding it down on his manhood. Faster and faster until his seed spills into the back of your throat. This has been such an exhausting 24 hours that you two decide to have breakfast then cuddle by the fire for the next day the rest of the vacation time that is. It was such a great winter vacation, and you two never talk about this weekend ever again once back at port mafia, yet loaded with so many memories. He wasn't the type that could invest in a relationship however you were grateful for the hot time he gave you with alot of firsts and how he owned you like no other ever has or ever will again.
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almanacrat · 3 years
Hi. I know you have a Jake fic running atm but if the mood ever hits you,
I would LOVE a sweet Jake fic. It’s starting to settle into our official winter where I live in 🇨🇦 and I’m v cold, v lonely. But there’s so many fun things happening now that the lake is freezing. Like skating, ice fishing, outdoor markets, tree lightings…
Could be spicy? Could be fluffy? What ever you’re feeling.
Wintertime Wonders
Jake Kiszka x Reader
You held Jake's hand as you wandered through the outdoor market. String lights hung above your heads and the smell of freshly baked goods wafted through the air. Children ran around the market, giggling and squealing as they went. Hot steam rose from a food vendor's cart, the steam making a small cloud in the frigid Canadian air. A flurry of snow and wind swished through the air, causing a shiver to creep down your spine.
"You cold?" Jake laughed at the way your nose and cheeks had turned red.
"No." You fibbed.
"You're a terrible liar." Jake smiled and wrapped his arm around you, making you feel cozy and warm again.
"I am not." You argued back, but to no avail. Jake had spotted something that captured his interest.
"Hey, look! They have an ice skating rink." Jake exclaimed, pointing at the large circular rink with his free hand.
"Oh my god, that's groovy." You replied.
"Do you want to go?"
"I haven't been in years." You were hesitant to ice skate again, but Jake seemed so enraptured with it that it was hard to say no.
"Please?" Jake made little puppy dog eyes at you, which were impossible to resist.
"What the hell" You told yourself. "Let's go."
Jake practically ran to the rink, renting you two some skates and telling you about how he ice skates every winter with his family.
"You need some help." Jake asked as you teetered on the ice.
"Yeah." You admitted in defeat.
Jake took both of your hands in his as he skated backward, helping you with your balance as you drifted across the ice.
"Jakey, you're gonna run into someone." You laughed as he continued skating backward.
"No I'm not. I'm an expert, and I have someone really great who will tell me if I'm about to do so." He smiled back at you, his cheeks as rosy as yours.
You and Jake skated for an hour before deciding to leave the ice. You were able to skate without holding Jake's hand eventually, but still liked to hold it anyway. A tree was being lit in the town square across from the ice rink, and you suggested that you go watch that.
The strings of little colored bulbs were wrapped decoratively around the massive tree, and you could only imagine how wonderful it would be when it was lit. The man lighting the tree gave a small speech before getting ready to plug in the cord to the lights. At the exact time he commenced the lighting, Jake turned you toward him, bringing his lips to yours and enveloping you in a tender kiss. The lights were breathtaking, and they created a shroud of light around the city where the sun was fleeting. 
You and Jake cuddled on the couch at home, sipping hot cocoa and watching trashy rom-coms. The two of you laughed at the poor quality and bad acting, convinced that you could put on a better show. You readjusted yourself so you sat with your back against Jake’s chest while he wrapped one arm around your waist and rubbed your thigh with the other, peppering kisses down your neck. The sweet smell of cocoa permeated the house as you turned on another movie, content to be in Jake’s warm arms on a cold night.
Thank you for the request! 
As always, requests are always open! 
If you request and have a pronoun preference please tell me in your request!
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xxsycamore · 10 months
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Here you can find all the works created for this challenge hosted by me! (Link to the challenge)
I’ll be updating this masterlist gradually as the challenge progresses! (If you’ve created a work in the duration of this challenge and before the deadline - January 20th - and you can’t find it here, don’t hesitate to let me know!) -> all works are explicit unless stated otherwise!
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█ Touching under the blanket
(ikevil) A Little Game - Victor x Reader by @nightghoul381
(ikevamp) A Break to Warm Up - Leonardo x Reader by @fang-and-feather
█ Canceling plans to snuggle and fuck
(ikepri) It's Cold Outside - Leon x Reader by @nightghoul381
█ Cold skin, warm hands
(ikevil) Taste of Desire - Jude x Reader by @nightghoul381
█ The recipe says "Add a pinch of love"
(ikepri) Recipe of Love - Luke x Julie (OC) by @queengiuliettafirstlady
(ikepri) The Secret Ingredient - Nokto x Reader by @nightghoul381
(ikepri) A Pinch Of Love - Gilbert x Silvio x Reader by @scummy-writes
█ Hot cocoa tastes better when shared
(ikevil) Sharing Warmth - Ellis x Reader by @nightghoul381
█ Gift wrapping distractions
(ikerev) Giftwrap Mishap - Zero x Reader by @nightghoul381
(ikepri) Distractions - Gilbert x Emma by @eventinelysplayground
█ In front of the fireplace
(ikevamp) By Firelight - Theo x Reader by @nightghoul381
█ Long winter nights spent awake
(ikevamp) A Lovely Recipe - Jean x Julia (OC) by @queengiuliettafirstlady
(ikepri) Keep Me Warm - Jin x Reader by @nightghoul381
█ Quickies at the holiday party
(ikevamp) Charles x Pureblood Reader by @fang-and-feather
(ikevil) Heightened Needs - Liam x Reader by @nightghoul381
█ Naughty Christmas wish
(ikepri) His Christmas Wish - Clavis x Reader by @nightghoul381
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