#Swiss hound
dogpapersnippets · 3 months
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Nettie (schweizer laufhund) published 1948
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rocadog · 1 year
The #SwissHound, also known as #SchweizerLaufhund or #ChienCourantSuisse is an enthusiastic hunter and lively, gentle and loving companion dog breed. Here are TOP 10 interesting facts about the Swiss Hound
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bas-rouge · 2 years
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doginprogress · 13 days
A Collection of Very Interesting Ibizan Hound Mixes
Ibizan x Rhodesian Ridgebacks (affectionately nicknamed beezerbacks)
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Ibizan x Doberman (dobeezer)
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Ibizan x Malamute/IW/low-content wolfdog
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Ibizan x Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (and a touch of Pharaoh, DNA tested)
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drvscarlett · 14 days
About You Pt 16
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
A/N: this is rollercoaster ride is about to reach its end, only 4 more to go. i wanna thank everyone for reading this. let me know what you think about this one!!
About You Series
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2013, Winter break (December)
The idea of having a kid seems unreal for Sebastian. He never thought much about it before since he thinks its still something for the distant future. Yet here he is now only a few weeks away from the birth of his daughter.
Having a daughter scares him a lot. No number of self-help books or even a parent’s advice could give him a guide to how to raise a kid well. He has seen how nasty boys could be and he will be damned if they approach his daughter. It was funny that he is already so protective and filled with love for someone that he hasn't met yet.
Sebastian shakes his thoughts away as he focuses on painting the walls of the nursery.
He had been making use of the winter break to renovate this new place that he bought in Switzerland. Ever since the season ended, he had been in contact with Hanna about how to do this whole thing. Sebastian was the first to suggest to buy a house that could provide privacy for the kid. He didn't want her face to be scattered across the news or be hounded by photographers hence why he opted for Switzerland.
Hanna was not due to go there until the week before Christmas so here he was nesting the place. He had babyproofed every corner and he bought some furnitures that the baby might need. It was honestly a lot of heavy lifting and tinkering but Sebastian is slowly making a home out of this place.
The buzz of his phone interrupts him and he places his brush down. He confusedly answer the call upon seeing the caller ID.
"Mark? What's up?" Sebastian didn't know if Mark misdialled him or maybe Mark knew the things that happened. He prayed his best that this must be a misdial "Do you need anything?"
"I have been trying to message you for hours, where are you?" Mark sounds exasperated at the other line.
"I'm sorry, I’m here in the swiss alps busy painting the walls and picking up stuffs" Sebastian sheepishly admits.
There was a silence at the other end of the line. A hesitation from Mark's end to break the news to him. He hears a heavy sigh from the Australian.
"So you have no idea what is going on?" Mark asked.
"You sound like something bad happened”
“I need you to get to the winter vacation home of the Schumacher” Mark ordered “Something terrible happened to Michael and the kids are left there with Y/N. Corinna went to accompany Michael and now the kids as well Y/N are being harassed by the media for questioning”
“I’ll be there”
His hands were quick to get his car keys and he was off driving to their location. He knew that the last time that he saw Y/N he promised to give her space. However, this situation calls for something different. He has to help her even just for Mick and Gina’s sake.
He drove as quick as he legally can to the Schumacher vacation house. It was a good idea that he was just about 20 minutes away from them because the scene in front of him is catastrophic. The view of reporters with their cameras and their phones crowded the window and the door. It was a suffocating sight to see. Sebastian could only be livid at the amount of ruckus that these so called journalist are causing additional emotional stress of the kids right now.
“Get away, get the fuck away” Sebastian announced as he parked his car.
The attention immediately shifted to the Red Bull driver. These media have no sense of privacy or whatsoever and it irritated him to the core.
“Sebastian, any comments about Michael? Is he okay? Is he in critical condition?”
“What do you think would happen to Michael?”
“Is there any news or updates about Michael?”
“Just please back away and let us have some privacy for the family. “Sebastian shouted, warding them off “You are scaring the children. Get your shit out of here”
Some reporters scattered away after seeing the temper of Sebastian. Others were still staying. Sebastian made his way to the front door by typing the code and he prayed it was still the usual. The moment that it beeps open, he hurriedly went in and slammed it shut before the reporters could get a scoop of what’s happening inside.
“Seb!” Mick was quick to run to greet him “I swore I heard your voice and you're here”
The little Schumacher was immediately latched to him. Sebastian gave him a comforting hug upon realizing that Mick was hiding his face and starting to cry. He couldn’t put into words how long Mick would have been holding those tears to be shaking in tears right now.
“It all happened so fast and I couldn’t do anything.. And then these reporters came out and they were crowding everywhere”Mick continued to explain.
“It’s alright, I’m here buddy. No one’s going to hurt you”
“Y/N said Mama and Papa arrived at the hospital but Papa is not yet awake” Mick recounts “I ‘m scared because what if Papa never wakes up or what if Papa wakes up and he has no memories of us?”
“Your papa will be alright buddy”Sebastian assures.
He has seen Michael survive so long in a dangerous sports, surely this simple accident won’t bring him down. Sebastian understood how shocking the whole experience can be for the kids and so he just allow Mick to be held for a few minutes more.
“Mick, I hate to do this but I think we have to go and change your location”Sebastian pointed out “There are reporters outside your home and they won't go away. I’ll help you move into a more quiet place, is that alright?”
The sniffling Mick nodded in understanding.
“Where’s Gina and Y/N? We have to go get them”Sebastian asked
“They’re in the bedroom. Y/N has been trying to calm Gina down and I think Gina fell asleep”
Mick lead the way and carefully opened the bedroom door of Gina. There Gina was sleeping soundly on the bed as Y/N was waiting on her cellphone. The two of them seems to be crying for hours already judging by the messy state that they are in.
“Seb, you’re here”a soft acknowledgement by Y/N.
“Mark called and I couldn’t leave you three by yourself” Sebastian explained “Can you pack a bag and we can go somewhere more safe?”
The female Webber nodded. It was a good thing that they haven’t unpacked a lot yet since they just arrived yesterday morning. They can easily pick up the stuffs that they brought so they won’t waste any more time.
“Good. Let’s get some jackets to cover the face of Mick and Gina” Sebastian instructed “The media out there are like hyenas waiting to get a statement”
“I’ll handle that but Gina just slept..”Y/N replied,
“I’ll carry Gina and cover her with the jacket. You and Mick should go together”Sebastian offered.
The three launched into their plan. Sebastian leads the way with a sleeping Gina on his arms. Mick was holding Y/N’s hands tightly as he kept his head down with the oversized jacket covering his whole face. His other hand was holding Sebastian’s jacket. Y/N carried the bags.
The moment the door opened, the media could not stop their flashing lights and questions. Sebastian did his best to navigate his way back to his car. He could feel Mick’s hold getting tighther as the intrusive questions continue.
Thankfully, they made their way back to the car and Sebastian managed to drive as far as possible from those pesky media.
“Everyone good?” Sebastian checked
“Yeah”Mick answered “Can’t believe Gina is still asleep with all the ruckus”
“You’re sister can sleep anywhere because her lullaby used to be those loud F1 cars”Y/N managed to joke.
From the mirror, Mick cracked a smile. It was something rare for today and the two adults felt at ease to see him smile. It didn’t take him a long time before Mick joined his sister and dozed off. The poor kid must have been extremely exhausted with everything that happened.
 Sebastian went back to focusing on driving back home when he noticed Y/N twisting her necklace. It was unmistakable that it was the same necklace that he gifted her all those years ago. He could never forget the meaning of why Y/N continuously touch or twist that necklace.
“You don’t have to worry Y/N, everything will be alright” Sebastian comforts.
A heavy sigh escapes her lips. Sebastian knew that this was as difficult for Y/N as it had been for the kids. Y/N has always been like an honorary Schumacher especially when Mark was not on speaking terms to her. This is incredibly tough on her to stay behind and be a strong figure for the kids.
“Corinna just sounded so broken when I talked to her and I’m just scared to want to know the truth” Y/N confessed “I don’t know how much longer I could stay strong for Mick and Gina”
Sebastian pulled the car over once Y/N starts crying. He cannot focus on driving knowing that she is by his side and in tears. He gave her tissues and allowed her to cry.
“Michael will pull through. He is tough anf strong”Sebastian reassured “You have to be strong because Corinna will be looking at you for support. Gina and Mick also looks up a lot to you”
If this was old times, he would have held her at this moment. He would have assured her as he gives her a comforting shoulder to cry on.
“Can I hold you?” He hoped for a positive answer but he didn’t want to overstep boundaries. He has already been overstepping with the way that he appeared when they agreed that they should figure things out for the moment.
And it surprised him when Y/N reached out to embrace him. The silent tears were muffled by how tight Y/N have been embracing him. He just lets her and he prays that things would be alright.
2014, Winter break (January)
The fireworks outside boasted different colors in the night sky. Sebastian assumes that it was quite a distance away from his home because the sounds of the fireworks and the celebrations weren't too loud. He hums with his cup of hot chocolate as he watches the magnificent display at his window.
"Seb?" Hanna waddled in. With a few weeks to go, she was having a lot more difficulty walking around the house "I heard some noises"
"Its New Year" Sebastian gestured at the firework display.
The pregnant woman muttered a small "oh". She must have lost track of times thats why she forgot that it was a new year.
"Happy new year then Seb." she greets "Hope you have a great one"
"Happy new year hanna"
"I'm gonna go and rest but if you want some company for the new year then I can—"
Sebastian shakes his head sideways. He knew that it was difficult for Hanna to walk a lot these days and staying up late might be bad for the baby.
"You go on and rest, have a great night Hanna"
Sebastian watched as Hanna retreated back to her room. Once she was gone,his gaze returned to the view outside. He reminisces the things that happened in 2013 and who would have thought that this is how he ends up in the following year. There were plenty of things, good and bad,that forever turned his life a whole 360.
He can't help but plague his thoughts of Y/N. This time last year,they shared New Years eve together with the Vettel household. He was holding champagne instead of hot cocoa. He was still sharing dreams of a future with Y/N.
There were plenty of questions of what this year may hold to their relationship. Sebastian would like to be a positive thinker and assume that they will work this out. However,he isnt sure if it will be that easy for them to overcome. He knew his priorities would also change with his daughter.
Speak of the devil. Her name appeared brightly on his phone screen. It was a photo of them on Christmas when he confessed. The bright smiles on their faces was perfectly captured.
"Hello?"Sebastian picked up the call.
There was giggling at the other end, an obvious sign that the girl was drunk.
"I am here and im up and about hehe”
"Jesus are you drunk? Where are you?"Sebastian asked.
He was worried. Y/N was not the type of person to drink excessively, she always know her limits. Sebastian wondered if she was somewhere safe or how would she be able to get home? Was she with friends or not?
"I ammmm perfectly safe hereee in my home"Y/N slurred.
A breath of relief for Sebastian "You're by yourself?"
"Yuppp,drank two bottles of this chocolate whiskey cream thing"
Sebastian smiles at their parallelism. Even now they are still matching with their drinks, of course. The only difference Seb has the non-alcoholic version while she has the alcoholic kinds. Its weird how they seem connected even if they are not speaking to each other a lot.
"Its just so fucking difficult. Its like a shitstorm man. Like is God testing me to be his strongest shoulder because I swear I am one event being a sacrificial lamb. Just take meeee. Take meee"
There goes Sebastian's theory. Y/N would never drink not unless she has unsaid feelings. It was her way to copenwith the things she bottled in. Sebastian sits in the couch as he listens to her rants.
"First was that horrific Multi 21. Made my life shittyyyy. Second, Michael. Fuck that brain trauma is traumatizing even the children. GOD WHY IS IT UNFAIR"
All that Sebastian wanted to do was be by her side and comfort her. She was breaking down and Sebastian is helpless on the other side of the phone. He is miles away and he can’t just leave Hanna by herself. It was a complicated situation—a common occurrence to describe them these days.
“And then I lost you.. I think that sucks the most because I think I can deal with everything but then why do I have to lose you too? I know this sounds selfish but I never wanted you to go and I wanted to work this out but fuck I’ll be so selfish to deprive your child of a father. My conscience can’t handle that”
“You didn’t lose me, we’re still working this out” Sebastian reasons out “I told you I will prove myself to you right? I told you I will come back as someone worthy of you”
It was that promise that keeps Sebastian steady on his feet. He was doing his best to figure out his life and to take on this new responsibility. He made it a point that his child and Y/N will always feel like a priority, people who will always feel loved by him.
“Will this year be better seb?”
“I hope it will be” Sebastian was wistful “It’s a start of new year, anything could happen”
The skies darkened once more as the embers of the fireworks disappeared. It was only the moon out there together with the stars sprinkled like specks of dust. Sebastian remembered that old childhood tale that if he wishes on the right star then his wish would come true. Hopefully the right star guides his wish today.
2014, Silverstone Circuit
The sun was up but the weather was a bit chilly for the second day of testing. Undoubtedly, this was a good weather to see the car go around the circuit. Y/N has already found her place somewhere outside the McLaren motorhome. She have been watching the cars and familiarizing herself with the new drivers on the grid.
It didn’t take long for her to enjoy her alone time because some drivers were sneaking up on her.
“Mind if we join you?” Jenson made his presence known. He was joined in by Nico and Lewis “You look like you have a good view of the whole testing”
“I can’t shoo you away even if I tried” Y/N replied
“We know”
The drivers settled down next to her. It felt comfortable to be around the McLaren-Mercedes trio. With Mark leaving the grid, she had to admit that these three have been putting an extra effort to include her in whatever they do ever since the testing season started. It was quite wholesome for them to do that.
“How’s the car?” Y/N asked
“Could be better” Jenson shrugged “It’s kind of basic but I hope we can add something to it before Bahrain”
“But were alright with ours. It’s a car that can compete” Lewis pointed out. Nico was nodding his head in agreement “I think we may have a chance against Red Bull this year”
“You always say that every year”Jenson complains.
“Uh huh but this year is finally that year”Lewis proclaimed.
The new regulations were also starting this year and Y/N could tell that there might be a couple of shift. Besides that, there is a new Red Bull driver and no one really knows if the kid will settle to be a 2nd driver or would challenge Sebastian.
Their attention went back to the circuit. They exchanged some oohs and aahs as they hear the car pass by. However in their mind they were all assessing whats the real speed of every car or how good is the driver behind the wheel.
“That’s Daniel Ricciardo”Nico watched as the Red Bull with a shiny number 3 passed them by “The kid is going to be eaten alive by Seb”
“Yeah, I remember how often he DNFed last season. It’s a crazy gamble to put him in the Red Bull seat” Lewis agreed.
Jenson looks slightly pissed by the mention of Sebastian’s name. He wasn’t done with what Sebastian did to Y/N. Even if Y/N have tried to reason out that she will give Sebastian a chance, Jenson was not included in the forgiving Sebastian party.
“Ricciardo had a bad car last year but this year he has the same equipment as Sebastian so maybe give the kid a chance to do something great”Jenson boldly speaks.
“Jenson” a warning from Y/N. There was no need for anyone to know that they have a bad blood with one another. It was an incoming headache for Y/N if Jenson keeps this attitude for the entire season.
The two Mercedes driver looked at the situation in front of them with raised eyebrows. They have heard about the rumored altercations between Sebastian and Jenson in COTA but they were never able to find the perfect timing to ask them what’s that about. It seems like they are just granted an opportunity to ask about it.
“Sooooooooo, that’s a lot of anger for Seb” Nico tiptoed about the topic “Any particular reason why you aren’t in good terms?”
“He is an asshole” was the quick remark of Jenson.
Lewis nudged Y/N as if asking her to elaborate further. Y/N just sighed because she would rather bury herself in a hole than tell the story.
“It’s nothing, its just a minor hiccup for me and Seb”Y/N downplayed.
“Wait hold on, what is this hiccup?”
“Yeah, how long have we been out of loop?”
Jenson took it as a go signal to tell the whole story. It was crazy to see how Lewis and Nico’s reaction started to take different turns. Where Lewis was mad, Nico was getting teary eyed from the whole thing.
“And that’s why I’m still trying to convince Y/N that Sebastian is an asshole” Jenson concluded.
“Damn right she should” Lewis was quick to agree. Jenson gives him a high five because finally someone was on his side and maybe Lewis could help him convince Y/N that giving Sebastian a chance is a bad decision.
“But I think this isn’t something that Sebastian intended”Nico rebutted “He said it himself this was a one time thing and he was drunk”
“Drunk or not, you should never cheat”Lewis fought back.
“You are not thinking this through Lewis”
The sounds were drowned once more by the bickering by the two Mercedes drivers. For Y/N, it was like the battling voices inside her head have been personified by them. She had been doing her best to avoid these types of confrontation especially when there is the Schumacher family that needs her a lot. However, now that she is back at the F1 garages and the races will start soon, she can’t really escape the whole thing.
Jenson moves closer to Y/N. He opted to ignore the fighting duo as well, even if he was the reason for the argument in the first place. Jenson knows that when Lewis and Nico starts arguing then it will take a really long while before they settle anything in peace.
“You haven’t eaten anything yet”Jenson was worried. He knew she was missing from the garages since breakfast and now its nearing 2 in the afternoon but she didn’t have a bite of anything yet. “I sneaked out something for you”
A shiny red apple appeared out of the pockets of his hoodie. It made Y/N smile for the sweet gesture. Although, her mind seems to be playing a déjà vu at her when she remembered how oranges were her favorite fruit, and a certain driver would often give it to her.
If her smile faltered, Jenson didn’t notice with her gracious acceptance of the apple.
 “Thanks J,  you are an angel”
But Y/N never took a bite of the apple. It just rested in her hands, and they continued to watch the cars going around.
2014, Albert Park
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Vettel warns against people invading the privacy of the Schumacher family and friends
In the first media of this season, Sebastian Vettel has made it clear that questions about Michael Schumacher will not be entertained. This comes to light after several media has ambushed interview, Y/N Webber, the assistant of Jenson Button, as soon as she arrives at the paddock. During the process, some media have harmed Y/N to stop her for questions. Y/N was the only person, outside of the Schumacher family, that has been present during the accident.
Sebastian has been very strict that the instructions from the Schumacher family were clear that they wanted privacy for the moment. He said that those who will still be pressing for questions will be instantly banned from the paddock. Jenson Button shared the same sentiments, he warned that he will not tolerate this kind of behavior and will sue those who will attempt to do this again. This has received agreements from Jules Bianchi, Nico Rosberg, and Fernando Alonso. The drivers have stated how the media has been quite tactless and did not care for the well-being of the people that they are ambushing.
There are still no news in regards to the update about Michael Schumacher's health. If there are news, the paddock is quiet about it. It is everyone's best hope that Michael is recovering from that horrific accident.
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Mark Webber makes a surprise comeback at the paddock.
Hours before free practice started, the former Red Bull driver, returns to the paddock. However, this time around, he is just a casual watcher on the sidelines as he has already hung up the race suits for the 2014 season.
What makes the comeback surprising is when asked who invited him, the Australian said that he was there as a guest of Sebastian Vettel. Surely, after all the drama from the infamous Multi 21 incident, everyone can't believe that they seem close as buddies now. Mark couldn't help but agree because he was just as shocked when Sebastian called him.
"I really appreciate that Sebastian is a good person and decides to place our difference aside. I was very worried for my sister when I heard what happened to her yesterday. Seb was quick to help me reach her and assures me that she is taken care of."
2014, Sepang International Circuit
"You are a tough man to find Vettel"
All that Sebastian was to have a night for himself and get some rest at his hotel room yet Jenson Button stans before him. It seems like the universe has other plans for him tonight. With the jetlag, Sebastian was in no mood to dodge a punch.
"Can we just talk about this tomorrow? I just arrived and I want to catch some sleep"Sebastian tried to reason out.
Jenson placed a hand in front of his chest, "I just need a quick word with you and then I'll leave"
"What do you want?"
"Mark told me what you did."Jenson started "He told me that you told him everything that you did. You asked for his forgiveness. You let him punch you. You even confessed how hopelessly in love with Y/N"
Even Sebastian was surprised by his actions. Years ago, he vehemently denied that he has any romantic feelings for Y/N in front of Mark and their team principal. Now, he was ready to admit the truth. Maybe it was a helpful factor that Mark is retired and can no longer kill him in the circuit.
"Yeah and what about it?"
"Is this some kind of strategy or some trick? What are you playing at?" Jenson questioned. His tone was a warning to Sebastian that if he is trying any games then Jenson wouldn't mind a repeat of COTA last year.
"There is no game here. I'm just being honest" Sebastian admits.
The hotel lobby was quite empty and quiet. There were no one who got curious by the rising voice of the McLaren driver. Sebastian placed his bags down to explain himself.
"I get that you don't trust me and I know how much you hate me for what I did to Y/N. But I am doing my best to show her that I'll be a better person and a person who is worthy of her. If I have to crawl to hell and back for the Webber's forgiveness before being able to court her then so be it. I know that I made a mistake and this is me owning up to it. I want to be a better person because I don't know what she sees in me but she still gave me a chance. She deserves better and I'm trying to do that"
The intense gaze between the two of them prevailed.
Jenson was assessing how much bullshit was said by Sebastian however he could see how much genuine Sebastian is. After all, Mark has sent him here to verify if Sebastian is fooling around or if he is serious about Y/N. Jenson could hate Sebastian all he wants but it doesn't change the fact that Sebastian truly loves Y/N.
"Okay, I'm leaving now"Jenson curtly ended the conversation.
There was nothing left for him to say. Even if he wanted to punch Sebastian, his job is done and now he has to inform Mark that Sebastian is dead serious and most of all fully in love.
He could just miserably laugh as he realized his heart has taken another wound that could never be healed.
2014, Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya
Martin Brundle was walking down the grid as per usual. He was looking for someone to interview today since there was still a few hours before the race starts. The garages were filled with mechanics rolling around equipment and some VIP celebrities who are keeping their head low.
The thought of the current leader, Lewis Hamilton pops in his mind but the Mercedes driver is nowhere to be found. Martin thinks about a driver to interview when he collides with a driver in a racer suit.
"Oh sorry Martin, I didn't see you there" Sebastian apologizes. The Red Bull driver was focused on peelung the orange that he has in his hand that he wasn't looking on his pathway.
"Seb could we have a quick word for you for Grid Walk?" Martin knew that opportunities like this shouldn't be taken for granted. He was asking for someone to interview and then the Gods made him collide with last year's world champion, Sebastian Vettel.
The German driver seems to be in a hurry but he was not someone that turns down Martin, "sure, go on and ask"
The cameras have been quick to work and recenter the two of them into the frame. Sebastian grinned at the camera as he holds the microphone with his free hand.
"So what do you think of people saying that you have been in a drought for wins?" Martin asked.
It was something that may get on the nerves of the driver but Martin asked questions that people wants to know. However, the Red Bull driver just smiles and there were no ill show of feelings.
"I'm still competing and I still get my podiums. I just need to work better and we're doing our best to get better"Sebastian answered.
"You seem like a change man. You used to be so mad when you don't win"
"I still am Martin" Sebastian chuckles "However, I don't beat myself a lot as I used to. I tend to be happier and focus on what's important in my life"
"And that important thing would be?"
Now there was a coy smile for Sebastian. It was the usual teasing antics that the media has been used to, "Well that is for me to know and you to find out Martin"
"Appreciate you being here today Sebastian"Martin concludes "Sebastian Vettel everybody"
"Cheers Martin"
The cameras stopped rolling and Sebastian was quick to run to where he was going.
Martin noticed how Sebastian made a beeline towards the McLaren garage, where someone embraced him. He was usually good recognizing faces in the paddock but the woman was shielded away from the view of everybody. In Martin's thoughts, this was a clear indication that Sebastian was keeping this relationship private.
But it was clear that this woman is someone important for Sebastian to trespass garages for. Martin didn't miss how Sebastian handed the peeled oranges to her. It didn't take a lot for Martin to realize that this was the important thing that Sebastian was talking about.
"What a young love for the world champion" Martin muttered under his breath.
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tinyozlion · 4 months
Gundam Wing: Minutia and Trivia
On my long and winding way down research rabbit holes, I often stumble on bits and pieces of trivia that I find quite interesting, but don't really fit anywhere in my usual commentary on Gundam canon and are far too niche and inconsequential to merit a post of their own. HOWEVER. Since I know in my heart that you, dear reader, are also the sort of person for whom background details of the absolute least consequential variety are a source of delight and inspiration, I am compiling some of my discoveries here, and perhaps if I find more, there will be follow up posts. This one happens to be, in a very loose sense, mostly about Romefeller, OZ, and its Special Eyebrow People, because that is where my brain worms are currently converging. Here is my collection of useless trivia. I lay them at your feet like weird pebbles. Look at them. They're neat.
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1. The Daily Kingdom Newspaper
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It's quite likely that this has already been done, but in the grand spirit of this blog, I have decided to take the path of highest effort for the stupidest reason, and transcribed this paper. This page of After Colony news, ostensibly from July 14th, A.C. 195, appears to be reporting on events that happened towards the end of World War II. It's apparently been a slow news day for the Sanc Kingdom press for several centuries. I found myself getting kind of wrapped up in the stories and was disappointed I couldn't turn the page and find out what happened next. (I mean, I know what happened next, broadly speaking.) Of particular interest were Henri and Camille Dreyfus, Swiss chemists who made a lot of innovations during both world wars. ...They were also apparently noted OZ supporters? Well, what can you expect from a big industrial supplier of*checks notes* acetyl intermediates.
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2. The OZ doggy
Pictured below: Treize's well-heeled hunting pet
and a dog is there too *BA-DUM tsch!*
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This spotty and behaved hound is a real breed of hunting dog, the German Short-haired Pointer, or GSP! Did you know this, dear reader? I did not know this. This is new Dog Lore to me.
from the wiki: "It is a pointer and retriever, an upland bird dog, and water dog. The GSP can be used for hunting larger and more dangerous game. It is an excellent swimmer but also works well in rough terrain. It is tenacious, tireless, hardy, and reliable. German Shorthaired Pointers are proficient with many different types of game and sport, including trailing, retrieving, and pointing pheasant, quail, grouse, waterfowl, raccoons, opossum, and even deer."
Seems like a perfect bird-hunting companion for Mr. Treize. She'll probably go retrieve the beautiful red phoenix he murdered. I've decided she's named Oscar (after the Rose of Versailles) and she is a very good girl. Braver Oscar! Braver Hund!
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3. Luxembourg Castle
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This is Treize's abandoned Disney castle in Luxembourg. I owe the background artists of this scene an apology, for in my heart I assumed this was a random assemblage of spare castle-parts they found at Ludwig II's rummage sale. Reader, I was wrong:
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THIS is Schloss Viandin, a restored castle in Luxembourg. Look at this place, it's gorgeous! You can hardly tell there's a secret mobile suit bunker in the basement. Frankly, I'm jealous I'm not being confined there, Treize! Stop sulking in the catacombs and go relax in the pretty princess bed until you feel better. Gaze upon the signed picture of Patrick Swayze; let him inspire you.
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4. Romefeller's Secret
This one comes to us from the Battlefield of Pacifists manga, which, I've learned, is pretty good actually. (I mean it's not GOOD good, but it contains some interesting stuff). Now, come: I am taking you with me on this journey:
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I feel extremely vindicated knowing that there's semi-canonical support for my theory that the Romefeller aristobrats are Austrian. I knew it. I KNEW IT. According to this manga, Romefeller was officially founded in Vienna-- the wording is a little ambiguous in this translation, but if Romefeller had members joining it in 1862, then it had to have existed in some form since then-- which means that the "Glorious Year" of 1956 is something other than its founding date. So what exactly happened in 1956? As I am a hack and fraud, and have been one all my life, I have looked to wikipedia for guidance. Mostly what was happening was the Cold War, colonialism, uprisings, Elvis, research and debate over artificial intelligence, both the hard drive disk and the snooze-button alarm clock being invented, Japan joining the UN, and wait what's this--
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...My god...
It's all coming together.
Eurovision is a plot by Romefeller.
The evidence is all here. There is simply no other conclusion we can come to.
--For this, and many other reasons that are well beyond the scope of a fandom blog, you should probably boycott them.
I rest my case.
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5. The Romefeller Coat of Arms
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I'm no vexillologist, and my heraldic experience is limited to adoptable pixel dragons, but what I am is an insane person with too much time on their hands. And so, to the best of my ability, I have blazoned the Romefeller coat of arms:
Supporters: Two Unicorns Rampant 
Crown: Purpur Crown of Peerage or Lord of Parliament  
Escutcheon: Heater with Two Engrailed Wedge Top - party per pale (halved vertically)
Blazon: Sinister (Right): Argent, Bend Sinister Sanguine; Dexter (Left): Bleu Celeste, Charged with a Ringed (or Celtic) Cross Argent 
Motto Scroll: UPRTUN or UPRTVN
--I don't know what UPRTVN is meant to stand for, but there are truly SO many ways you could play Latin Mad Libs and get a reasonable-sounding answer. At a stab, knowing Romefeller's priorities and values, I would guess it probably contains a, you know, "Unity/Peace/Rule/Tradition/Victory/Necessity", "Unity Through The Rule of Tradition Is Our Victory", or some such deeply worrying thing. Take your pick really.
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6. "Herbst" / "Autumn"
The Rilke poem Treize quotes in "Frozen Teardrop" is not terribly difficult to find online, but if you're not sure what you're looking for it can be difficult because he has multiple poems about Autumn, and Autumn Day is perhaps better known; also the internet is absolutely filthy riddled with despicable bots and farmed content that has lost its attributions, so you do have to dig to find where different translations have come from (bless this very Web 1.0 page for carrying on the lord's work in basic html). Here is the original in German, and two complimenting translations:
Herbst -Rainer Maria Rilke Die Blätter fallen, fallen wie von weit als welkten in den Himmeln ferne Gärten; sie fallen mit verneinender Gebärde. Und in den Nächten fällt die schwere Erde aus allen Sternen in die Einsamkeit. Wir alle fallen. Diese Hand da fällt. Und sieh dir andre an: es ist in allen. Und doch ist Einer, welcher dieses Fallen unendlich sanft in seinen Händen hält.
This translation by Horst A. Scholz (linked here so I don't get into trouble) is the most spare and one-to-one translation into English I've found-- I always appreciate having a comparison between the very literal meanings and a more creative reconstruction when I'm reading translated poetry.
Meanwhile on the other end of the spectrum, this translation by Robert Bly is very freeform and agnostic; for my own purposes, I think the use of "Space" instead of "Heaven" happens to fit nicely with the themes of Gundam:
Autumn -translation by Robert Bly The leaves are falling, falling as if from far up, as if orchards were dying high in space. Each leaf falls as if it were motioning "no." And tonight the heavy earth is falling away from all other stars in the loneliness. We're all falling. This hand here is falling. And look at the other one. It's in them all. And yet there is Someone, whose hands infinitely calm, holding up all this falling.
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Everything Goes On Pt. 4
[Aether leaves. Not suitable for younger audiences. Previous Part Here.] Below the cut.
"...What do you think about getting married?"
It had been a lazy summer afternoon, and the two of them had practically glued together by their sweat soaked skin as they lounged by the lakeside.
Dew's lips had look so soft as they hung open, a look of confusion on his face.
Aether remembers them tasting even sweeter as he kissed him.
"I said," he chuckled, peppering kisses across his face until Dew squirmed at the attention, "What do you think about getting married?"
Dew laughed.
"No way." he'd said, breathless, "We're not even bonded yet, getting married seems so..."
"No, getting married sounds..."
Aether spins the ring he bought for Dew round on top of his dresser.
It's the last thing of the other man's things he'd found lying around in their bedroom, having gotten lost beneath the bed after it fell off of Dew's nightstand ages ago.
For the longest time, Aether had thought he'd misplaced it on purpose.
He hadn't been big on wearing it around to begin with, so even though Dew had seemed sincere when he apologized for not being able to find it... he hadn't believed him.
He hounded Dew about what he did with it for ages, insisting he wasn't mad, just disappointed.
The constant prodding had eventually worn Dew down enough that he cried and pleaded with Aether to believe him.
He didn't.
But he eventually let it slide, buying Dew a new ring and tell him to never take it off.
All the while though, Aether couldn't shake the feeling that Dew was lying to him.
And now he's standing here with clear proof that he didn't.
Aether watches the ring slow and begin to wobble.
"Sure, what the Hell?" the Dew in his memories smiles, flushed down to his chest, "...But not until we're bonded!"
Aether feels a twinge in his chest.
"I'm sorry I said all of that." he tells the air, "...I'm sorry I ever said I loved you."
Dew doesn't come to say goodbye to him with the others when he leaves that afternoon.
Aether hadn't expected him to, but a small part of him had hoped, maybe, he'd get to see him one last time before he left.
The car ride to the airport feels less fun than he remembers, it's not the same without Dew fidgeting in the seat next to him, checking and rechecking his carry on to make sure everything's inside.
Zipping and unzipping pockets just to peek inside at his wallet, his passport, his phone...
Aether spares a glance at the empty seat beside him.
Thinks about how Dew hated riding in the backseat because it always made his stomach turn sour, but how he'd fight through it just to spend more time cuddled up next to him.
Dew makes himself scarce once he sees Aether get into the car.
He'd decided to watch from the window, not wanting to come out as say goodbye, but not wanting to miss seeing him leave.
Swiss of all people had tried to talk him into it -seeing Aether off- but when Dew remembered what the multi-ghoul had said about him...
"I don't have anything left to say to him, so..."
And yet he still had courage enough to watch from a distance.
Courage... or, maybe, he's simply too numb to feel the pain of watching the love of his life leave him, possibly for good.
Copia will be summoning Aether's replacement soon enough.
Sunny's, too, though she won't be leaving for another month at least.
Dew wonders if it's not too late to tack on an extra summoning ritual and send him back to Hell for good measure.
He glides his fingers along the wall as he makes his way back downstairs to the dorms.
In another world, he's leaving the abbey with Aether.
They're going to start their life together, properly this time.
They buy a little house in some place in the middle of nowhere, somewhere where they have a yard so they can have a dog or seven, and a cat.
"Why so many dogs and only one cat?" Aether would ask him.
"Because the cat's the boss." he'd say.
It'd be a fat orange thing, like Garfield, but he'd name it something silly like Tomato.
"But it's orange, not red." Aether would tease.
Dew would get fake mad and pout about it every time, but at night Aether would snuggle that same cat and call it his little Tom-Tom and give it kisses, because, really, the cat is the boss.
Instead, Dew is standing in the doorway of his old bedroom, trying to imagine what the empty room looked like when it was still full of their things.
He leans on the doorframe and catches something shiny sitting on the dresser, illuminated by the light of the hallway.
He'd recognize the plain gold band anywhere.
Dew decides then that there's only one thing he can do...
Walk away.
Mountain has known Dew for a very long time, albeit only a smidge longer than he's known Aether, and if there's one thing he's come to learn about the ghoul over the years, it's that for all his rage, for all his fire, his sadness leans more to the cooler side of things.
His grief is a steady stream.
It does not stop.
It can be diverted, as one might change the flow of a river, but in the end the water will always follow the path of least resistance.
The one that leads Dew to isolate himself.
Mountain can hear him.
Moving about in his room.
It's hard not to, the wall between their dorms is terribly thin, sometimes Mountain thinks he can see his shadow through the drywall.
Of course, he tries not to listen.
Closely that is.
Dew talks to himself.
Never anything... worrying.
Just, little things.
"Where is my pen?"
"Did I blow out my candle?"
"It's in my bag. My wallet is in my bag."
And then there's the door.
Dew opens and closes it exactly three times before he leaves his room.
He can hear him twists the handle.
Can hear the soft click of the latch slotting itself into place, followed by the slide of it out of the hole.
It's repetitive, but it's consistent and doesn't bother Mountain in the slightest, not really, knowing it makes him feel better.
The hiccups though...
That's the thing that worries him.
When Dew first arrived, he had a habit of forcing himself to let out little bubbles of air from his throat.
More of a nervous burp really, but nine times out of ten the little air bubbles would catch and make him hiccup.
He'd do it so often it would give him headaches from the constant jump in his throat.
Once he found a different outlet for his anxiety, he stopped.
But now that he's living next door to Mountain, the older ghoul can't help but wonder if he ever really stopped, or just got better at hiding it.
For obvious reasons, he'd never been privvy to the goings on in Aether and Dew's bedroom, but he has to imagine how many of Dew's habits continued behind closed doors.
How many of those self soothing rituals had Aether witnessed and thought of as a bother?
How often did he tell him to stop?
Did he ever get annoyed by them or tell him he needed to hide the way he fidgeted in public?
A hiccup draws Mountain from his thoughts.
Sharp and painful sounding at this point.
Mountain gets up and grabs one of his water bottles from the space under his nightstand, heading to the bathroom to fill it with cold water from the tap.
He closes the lid and slides on his slippers before going over to knock on the wall.
"Hic-Hey-hic-ow..." Dew replies, wincing, "So-HIC-orry."
"Meet you in the hallway?" Mountain suggests, "I have something to tell with that."
Mountain shuffles outside, meeting Dew, who's standing half in, half out, of his room.
"Here." Mountain holds the water bottle out to him, "It's cold."
Dew takes the bottle and stares at it.
"What's in h-hic-ere?"
"Magic potion. Eye of newt, leg of frog, with a sprinkle of mint." Mountain deadpans, laughing a little when Dew gives him a dubious expression, "Just water. But like I said, it's cold. It'll help."
Dew unscrews the lid and take a long sip, gasping for air when he finally stops drinking.
"You don't need to chug it..." Mountain says, watching him breathe, "So, uh... What have you been up to in there?"
"Copia gave me..." he takes another long drink, "...songs to work on..."
Dew nods.
"Anything you can share?"
Dew shakes his head, mouth full of water, and then swallows it down all at once.
"You really have to learn how to drink slower." Mountain hums, "Little sips or your hiccups will never go away."
Dew sticks his tongue out at him, but complies.
"...How are you..." Mountain starts, "How are you feeling today?"
Dew twists the cap back on the water bottle, rolling it back and forth in his hands.
"I'm not really." he says, pointing at himself when Mountain tilts his head, "...'s a numb kinda day."
Mountain scratches the back of his head.
"Want to go for a walk? Fresh air might help..." he offers, "And it's not as humid as it's been the last few weeks so..."
Dew holds the water bottle out to Mountain.
"I... I appreciate the offer, Mount, but... Well, the siblings have already been talking shit about me since they found out about the break-up, and I think... I think if they saw me hanging around anyone solo they might assume..." he trails off, "I... maybe some other time. We can go out with the others, assuming they don't hate me for making Aether leave..."
"Thanks for the water, Mount." he says, stepping back inside of his room, "...I really do appreciate it."
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dogpapersnippets · 3 months
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Bello von Burgdorf (schweizer laufhund) published 1948
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holmesillustrations · 7 months
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Left: “A large rock clattered down.” Final Problem, Sidney Paget, The Strand Dec 1893/Jan 1894 Characters: Holmes, Swiss Guide, Watson
Right: “"His name," said the cabman, "was Mr Sherlock Holmes."” Hound of the Baskervilles, Sidney Paget, The Strand Aug 1901 - Apr 1902 Characters: Cab Driver, Watson, Holmes
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dooffan · 5 months
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I posted this before, but this is my Cyberchase OC. I created him in 2002. But, this is his re-design.
Name: Cyber-Hound
Master: The Hacker
Friends: Buzz and Delete
Enemies: Motherboard, Dr. Marbles, Matt, Inez, Jackie, and Digit
Powers: Has numerous weapons and tools in his body (He's like a Canine Swiss Army Knife), Can impersonate anyone, Good at disguises
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Movie: Back to the Future
I would love to see some fan-art of him.
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oppaihun · 10 months
Okay one more gamer boy Swiss thought but he’d totally play COD Zombies for the singular fact that you can summon hell hounds as friendly helpers. And as soon as he gets what he needs for that he’s running to the closest dog house on the map chanting “CAN I PET THAT DAWG?!”
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odysseywritings · 8 months
What Would a Point and Click Adventurer Do?
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(tw cult, dark comedy)
The mysterious island, with its beautiful sparkling ocean and pink sky, held the next important item for Sierra Lucas. Shiny jewelry, strange tools, a taxidermied head, and so much more filled her endless inventory. But a missing slot was reserved for the elusive pink rat, held captive in a luxurious building with an eight pronged sigil and a capital S in-between two overlapping squares.
Sierra rapidly walked to the front, aimed her lips at the golden complex, and said "Golly, these guys aren't short on donations."
Her eyes bugged out and saw the building's security. Sierra needed to be stealthy and clever to distract the armed guards. She sifted through her inventory, saved her progress in a diary titled 'Bomb,' and hoped for the best. She was ready to chuck the bomb until the sizzle alerted the guards and she turned into Swiss cheese.
Thankfully she loaded back to before that horrible event, and went for another item, this time throwing a gem in front of the guards. The two bickered about who saw it first, became impetuously angry, and riddled the other with bullets. She quickly sauntered by and entered the building.
The interior was immaculate and large, yet the the doorways stretched out to cartoonish degrees and she felt she could see the other rooms and a staircase from how compact everything looked. The members were deathly nervous and smiled with gruesomely gummy grins while their eyes shifted like a compass. Any information from them about the pink rat was irrelevant.
"A pink rat? Why, that's the silliest thing I ever heard! Next you'll say it's behind that door there! Oh, and if you see our leader, would you tell him how good I was at lying?"
Sierra continued to browse the gawdy, Escher-esque pastel nightmare house until she saw a door labeled "Get out!" It seemed to be enough for an obedient population.
Sierra opened it and found the cult leader trying to seduce a younger follower. She didn't want to create a scene, so she pulled out her inventory again, and tried finding the subtlest way to dispatch him.
She jabbed 8 poisoned needles into him and he convulsed on the floor. Sierra smiled like a gleeful child.
"You know what they say, it's the dose that kills you, so I brought every dose just in case. Just like Dad taught me!"
Grateful for the rescue, the follower helped Sierra find the pink rat, sad and bored in its little cage as it played a tiny harmonica. Sierra briskly acquired the rat and headed off and wore the leader's clothes.
"My people, you are under new management! Leave now or I will smite and sic my lawyers on thee!"
Most fled but the higher ups chased her and wanted to silence her for seeing too much. The fake religion wouldn't stop until she was dead, and she knew they'd target her to the ends of the earth. She managed to get outside and block the door with the dead guards, but the cult heads kept banging to get out. With little to lose, she poked and prodded the rat for help.
The pink rat squeaked and raised its skinny forelegs out as if to pray. The door was sealed shut with divine rodent energy with a large rat stamp of approval. Sierra sighed in relief and kissed the rat for its help. She could continue her adventure without those duplicitous charlatans hounding her.
Yet her curiosity got the better of her and went through different saves and loads to see what would happen. She decided to throw ordinary table salt on the building and it exploded into a smoking pile of rubble.
"I had a feeling that would work! And no one important died!"
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mutt-sys · 4 days
please yap about your favorite era(s) in ghost... or alernative your favorite yaelokre song and why :3
also i would love to hear about some system headmate memories or headcanons they enjoy!
YOU NEED TO MESSAGE ME MORE FUCKER!!!/AFF but I'll do all of it lol, you asked for it so:3
Personally I absolutely adore era ii and era iiii mainly because of the costumes, era ii gives the ghouls a more spooky look and gives them that creepy and "monster like" vibe that really makes the ghouls who they are. Era iiii is just cool looking, I love the masks and the outfits really pull it all together. The suspenders looked absolutely amazing and I love how it all perfectly clashed together and brought it together in one big beautiful mess!!
Personally I absolutely adore hartebeest, it's always been one of my favorites and I love how everyone comes together with beautiful vocals and the vocals towards the end and the chorus is absolutely stunning. More so I also absolutely adore the hound for a similar reason, I love Cole's vocals and how he's very loud with it. Alternatively I'm patiently waiting for Harken to release cause yeah<33
We have a few alters who are "Perme stuck" and forever front stuck. Hyacinthus, Briar, Aether, Ember, Multi/Swiss, Alpha, Ocean and Omega.
Hyacinthus is the host, any/all/ask pronouns, source is a greek myth. (Shout out if you know the one)
Briar is main physical protector, she/it pronouns, source is a brain made cryptid.
Ember is memory holder/memory keeper, she/her pronouns, she is a Dewdrop fictive from the band ghost.
Aether is main caretaker and emotional protector, he/him, source is Aether ghoul from the band ghost.
Multi/Swiss is emotional regulator, he/they, source is Swiss Ghoul from the band ghost.
Ocean is system therapist, he/she/it, source is Rain Ghoul from the band ghost.
Alpha is physical/mental/relationship protector, he/they, source is Alpha ghoul from the band ghost.
Omega is main gatekeeper, he/she, source Is Omega ghoul from the band ghost.
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jekyllnahyena · 11 months
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it's the whole squad! added did more designs and now there's 5 dumbasses! each of them woud prob be a protag in a story, but instead they all have their own missions, just together.
bunch of idiots to be honest. only one of them has a sense of direction, none of them has any medical expertise beyond the most basic first aid and four of them are too weird and/or awkward to hold a casual conversation. all of them are nonbinary. have some info under the readmore, I'm having fun with them
The Hound: chosen by their family to be a sort of swiss knife of a person. Can work as protector, informant and detective and is used to sneaking about. Gets employed by various people for any of these things. No sense of direction, constantly tired and working on two braincells. Would sell people to satan for some peace but took the job to appease their family. Has either incredible or horrendous luck, no in between.
The Mantis: A fabulous grave robber that has, in their opinion, been accidentally chosen by some magical swords as a legendary knight. Always works alone which has lead to the habit of speaking to themselves. Does not know how conversations work and only stays in a place long enough to sell their stuff. They're very rich, but keep the job because it's fun, though now they're supposed to follow some destiny they're trying their damn best to escape from. Wouldn't know morality if it jumped into their face.
The Stallion: The spouse of a severaly ill king, they've chosen themselves to be the one to find a cure. Can speak several languages but couldn't buy something in a market to save their life. Has long since decided to do whatever they want, which tends to be good because they have a very strong sense of justice and morality. Though the marriage was arranged, they love and adore their spouse and ready to unearth the world itself to help them. They have a very fiery temper that they can hide if so chosen, which they rarely do.
The Hawk: Protege of a legendary knight, they've become the best fencer at the most prestigious fighting school of the continent and are supposed to represent a the newest generation of knights of their realm. Their anxiety and inabilty to keep their foot out of their mouth seems to be a hindrance and they've become a very strict rule abiding person as a coping mechanism. A spine of steel, they want to give their all in everything they do and are just plain friendly if terrible at understanding situations that go beyond 'fight'.
The Lion: chosen protector of their realm (and like 2 others), they keep their identity a secret from a very young age as required by tradition. They're a very stubborn, very blunt, incredibly awkward individual that will get literally too pissed to die in combat. Speaks fluent sarcasm and has yet to figure out how to make friends like a normal person. Hates the fact that they have to deal with politics and is too honest to be any good at them. Surprisingly physically affectionate and curses like a sailor.
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sapphic---dragon · 1 year
Hello people! This is a list of the fics I am currently working on! I will try to update it as much as possible, but ya know, I have the swiss cheese brain.
This is just going to be the title and a short summary of the story. Some of them will be different than I have on AO3. And the volumes where the story takes place will be there, mostly to that I can keep organized.
Current works:
In For A Penny -- Peitro had a failsafe installed into Penny after the Vytal Festival. In the event she gets destroyed, her soul is uploaded into a nearby robot body. He did not anticipate her getting uploaded into Yang's arm instead. (During Vol. 9)
Scattered -- Ruby tells Yang that Summer isn't her mom. She doesn't mean to, not really, but the damage was already done. And when they finally have the time to talk things out, Yang's memory is gone. (Post vol. 8, written before Vol. 9 came out)
Home Is Where The Hound Is -- Yang lands a lucky hit on the hound before it can take Oscar. But she reveals something much worse than a talking grimm when familiar silver eyes are revealed. (During vol. 8) (This in inspired by another fic I read called Mine by Najio. I recommend it, almost made me cry)
Completed works:
Athazagoraphobia -- A cave-in leads to Yang encountering a strange grimm. One that makes her see, hear, and think things she never would've before. Did Blake just say she wishes Adam were here instead of her? What? (Post Vol 7, Vol 8 didn't happen)
Feathers -- Blake was worried. Yang and the others were running late. That worry did not go away when they did arrive. In fact, it only grew bigger when she realized Yang wasn't there and instead they held a little yellow bird. (During Vol 8, or 7, I'm not quite sure)
Future works:
(aka sneak peeks aka ideas that have been circling in my head for so long I'll probably publish them)
Not Letting Go -- Yang takes a hit for her sister and ends up critically injured. They have a talk about Yang's lack of self-preservation while they wait for help to arrive. (Post Vol. 9)
Hello, Spring -- Raven should have expected this. Of course, she wasn't clear just because she left Haven. Salem knew she was the maiden, and that meant she was a threat. Raven Brawnwen was a fool. Hopefully, her successor won't be. (During vol. 7)
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