nastylittleghouls · 2 months
Dewdrop: *chewing on grass* Mountain: Dude....the fuck? Dewdrop: *stops chewing* Oh please! We all saw you bury that turkey bone from dinner the other day! Mountain: Fair enough Mountain: Wait.... Mountain: *narrows eyes and growls* You saw?! Aether: *sighs* Mount, it's alright. No one is going to steal your bone.... Mountain: Damn right you won't! *jumps to his feet* Everyone close your eyes! I'm going to move it! Swiss: *dreamily* That's my man
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forlorn-crows · 1 month
swiss and mountain zooted out after a joint or two, lazy and naked in bed. swiss has been playing with mountain's hair and rubbing his horns for the past twenty minutes, and the earth ghoul may as well be a purring puddle.
but the one hand not trapped under his side starts to wander: over swiss' thighs, his tummy. playing with his hair and twirling it around his fingers. and he just cant help but do the same to the hair between his legs, either. his long fingers a little dumb from the weed, poking at his soft cock now and again.
swiss just laughs breezily, letting mountain play as he wants. and after a while, he abandons his hair in favor of his cock, petting along the smooth skin and playing with the wrinkles around the head of it. chirping happily when it twitches, just a little.
whatcha doin' there, clover? swiss teases, not caring in the slightest.
nothin' mountain rasps. just playin w' it. 's soft.
the multi ghoul hums. feels nice. covers mountain's hand with his own to make him cup his length. throbbing in interest under his palm. swiss sighs contentedly and takes his hand away again, tucking it behind his neck and closing his eyes.
through the pleasant haze in his brain, mountain gets the hint and starts to squeeze him gently. no goal to get him off, or even get him more than chubbed. just to feel. just to touch.
can play w' me all you wan', baby.
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iamthecomet · 4 months
𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘺 𝘋𝘢𝘺 𝘌𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯: 𝘏𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴
Rating: G Pairing: Mountain/Swiss Word Count: 611
Mushy May by @forlorn-crows Divider by @ghuleh-recs
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It’s a simple thing. One he hadn’t ever though too much about. He didn’t mean to take it for granted–didn’t even realize had. Not until right after the first show without Aether. 
Not until he was back stage, hand empty, did Mountain realize how much this ritual meant. How much Aether slipping up next to him and sliding their sweaty hands together mattered. He clenches his fist as he stands backstage. He hesitates there as the rest of the band filters out, files deeper into the venue toward dressing rooms and showers. 
Mountain stands and watches the house lights come up. He watches as people pull away from the barrier,walk out of the pit. Grinning, sweaty. Casting hopeful glances back toward the stage like maybe it isn’t over…maybe there’s more. 
Mountain knows the feeling. Without Aether’s fingers laced with his–it feels incomplete. Like there is something missing. Like he is still up there waiting for the show to start. Aether’s warm hand on his is the signal of the end. A show well done. 
He didn’t even realize it had become a ritual until it was gone. 
He wipes his sweaty hands on his thighs. And watches the room empty. He’s wasting time. He doesn’t know what he’s waiting, for, why he’s suspended. It’s like Aether has always been the thing that pulls him away from this. That reminds him that the show is over, it’s shower time. That gentle tug on his arm, the smile–grease paint having migrated up into his teeth most of the time. 
Mountain closes his eyes, and allows himself to pretend for a moment that everything is normal. He’ll be ok, once he’s used to it. But right now it all feels jarring. Every part of this. Tour feels like deja vu, and he’s gotten used to that. But this one doesn’t.
He breathes. He listens to the fans leave, waits for the strange silence that falls over a venue after everything is over. A quiet he spends most of his days on tour longing for. 
Someone slips their hand into his. Warm dry fingers slipping between his. Calloused pads of fingers pressing against his. His eyes open, he finds Swiss. Maskless. Showered. Glamored to look fully human. Offering him a smile that looks a little sad on the edges. 
Swiss tugs on him, just a little. “You ok, big guy?” 
Mountain nods, he lets himself be uprooted. Lets Swiss pull him away from this spot he was grounding himself in. The venue is dark around them. He has no idea how long he’s been standing there trying to make sense of his own head. 
“You sure?” Swiss presses. He tugs again and Mountain lets himself be pulled closer, lets the smell of Swiss–of home–wash over him. Swiss squeezes his hand, Mountain squeezes back. He feels something in his chest release, he’s ok. 
They’re all ok. He’ll call Aether later and they’ll laugh about it. He will get used to this. Change is inevitable. It is not always bad. 
He lets those mantras wash through him as Swiss pulls him backstage. “You want to talk about it?” 
Mountain shakes his head. There’s nothing to talk about. “Just getting used to everything again.” 
“Thought you were going to grow roots and plant yourself there,” Swiss jokes, but Mountain catches the real worry there. 
“I’m ok. I just–it’s ok. Really. I’ll be fine.” Mountain turns and kisses Swiss. It’s soft, lingering, appreciative. 
“What was that for?” Swiss asks, worried smile going lopsided with mischief. 
“For coming to get me.” 
Swiss squeezes his hand again. “I always will, you know that.” 
Mountain squeezes back. “I know that.” 
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miasmaghoul · 11 months
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*ahem* edelweisss, edelweisss . . .
Swiss leans in the doorway to the common room, arms crossed over his chest, tail idly swishing behind him. He's been here for a few minutes now, left his book dog-eared on his bed with the intent of grabbing a snack. He'd found the kitchen occupied, though, and the smile he wears is exclusively thanks to the sight before him.
The kitchen is a mess; the small island is occupied by an ancient stand mixer and a few dirty bowls, while the counter lies covered in open containers, half-empty ingredient bags and not-small pile of used measuring spoons. The scent of sugar, citrus and something floral hangs heavy in the air, and Swiss can feel the heat of the oven from across the room.
At the center of the mess, though, lies what holds Swiss' attention.
Mountain's humming, swaying in front of the stove along with the album playing on the common room turntable. Something jazzy Swiss recognizes but can't name off the top of his head. Whatever it is, Mountain is clearly lost in it while he rather vigorously stirs something Swiss can't see. What he can see is the smattering of floury handprints covering Mountain's jeans, and the streak of something pale yellow that's somehow ended up in his hair. Swiss can only imagine how much worse Mountain's front must be, but there's one more detail that keeps him from wondering too hard.
The few delicate white flowers that have made their home at the base of Mountian's antlers have Swiss' eyes crinkling. He'd know those pale petals anywhere.
Swiss pushes off the doorframe and drags his feet just loud enough to announce himself. Sneaking up on Mountain in the kitchen doesn't usually end well. He sees the other ghoul's ear flick, sees him pause in stirring, and Swiss feels safe to speak.
"Thinkin' about me, grasshopper?"
Mountain peers at his over his shoulder, raises an eyebrow. Swiss gestures at his head as he strolls into he room, and Mountain rolls his eyes as though he can see his own antlers. He makes a chuffing sound and resumes his mixing, but Swiss doesn't miss his little smirk.
"Might be," he replies with a half shrug. "It's happened once or twice, against my better judgement."
Swiss laughs as he hops up onto one of the bar stools at the island, one leg tucked up under himself. He rests his elbow on one of the few clean spots by the mixer - the remnants of whatever Mountain has in his hair sits in the bowl closest to him, so Swiss picks it up and gives it a sniff.
"What's on the menu today, peaches?" Swiss swipes a fingers through a blob on the side of the bowl. Gives it a cursory sniff.
"A lemon and lavender cake," Mountain supplies, just in time for Swiss to pop his finger into his mouth and find out for himself.
The batter is delicious, sweet and tart and wonderfully smooth. Delightful on all counts. Swiss isn't surprised; Mountain is as good a cook as he is a messy one, and judging by the splotch of egg yolk Swiss can see on the ceiling this has been particularly inspired session.
"Fancy," he says, gathering another bit of batter. "If you need someone to taste when it's baked, my mouth ain't busy."
Mountain snorts, and together they say,
"For now."
Swiss playfully tosses a dirty tea towel at his back, and Mountain catches it without even looking. Tucks one corner into his pocket while his tail meanders towards the fridge.
"Already baked," he says, nodding towards the appliance while his tail tugs it open. The middle shelf holds three identical rounds of cake, the loveliest shade of yellow speckled with what must be flecks of lavender. "You'll have to wait for the finished product, I already trimmed them down. For quality control. You know how it is."
Swiss nods sagely. He slides from his stool and wanders over to the stove, humming when Mountain's tail sways up to greet him, the tufted end caressing his jaw. Swiss leans against the counter, and now he can see what Mountain is working on.
"What's, uh," he waves at the odd arrangement on the stove - a pan beneath what appears to be the stand mixer's bowl, which must contain whatever Mountain is tirelessly stirring. "What's this all for, then?"
"Frosting," Mountain tells him, lifting what turns out to be a whisk. "Eventually."
Something thick and gooey drips from the whisk and immediately gives Swiss several indecent thoughts.
"Don't say it looks like cum," Mountain says before Swiss can so much as open his mouth.
"Wasn't gonna," Swiss lies, tongue poking out between his fangs. Mountain gives him a look. "I wasn't!" Swiss insists, pushing away from the counter. He slips behind Mountain instead, wraps his arms around the taller ghoul's waist. Swiss kisses the back of his shoulder. "But I was gonna ask if that was why you were thinkin' about me."
Mountain barks out a laugh.
"Gross," he complains, but his tail wraps around Swiss' calf all the same. "But you're actually half right." Swiss makes a questioning sound, and Mountain points a thumb behind them. "Look at the recipe."
Swiss will, eventually. He indulges in holding Mountain first, just for a moment. Presses his nose to his sweat-damp shirt and breathes in the the homey scent of warm earth and something herbal. It blends beautifully with the lemon and sugar surrounding them, makes him feel a little fuzzy around the edges. He gives Mountain a squeeze, and stands on his toes to kiss the back of his neck before he lets go; another soft, white blossom pops up behind Mountain's ear.
Mountain picks up humming again while Swiss hunts for the recipe he mentioned. He piles dishes as he searches, stacks bowls and gathers measuring spoons. He finds it after a minute, an index card stained with vanilla and sticky with egg.
"A-ha," he holds up the card triumphantly, a light dusting of flour raining down from it. "Let's see what got you growing me."
Swiss wipes the card on his pants, and recognizes its looping, cursive script as Cumulus' handwriting. Lemon lavender layer cake with -
"No fuckin' way," Swiss says through a laugh. He looks up to find Mountain watching him with a glimmer in his eye. "That's all it took?"
"Yep," Mountain sighs, turning back to the task at hand. "That's all."
Swiss stares at the back of his head for a beat, and then the goofiest smile cracks his face. He tosses the card to the counter and returns to his place at Mountain's back, wrapping him up just a little tighter this time.
"Lucifer, you're a sap," he teases, but they both know it's true. Swiss reaches up and plucks one of the flowers decorating Mountain's antlers, spins it between two fingers. "Not that I'm complaining about bein' on your mind."
"Neither am I, edelweiss," Mountain rumbles. He briefly abandons his dutiful whisking to turn and knock their horns together. "Neither am I."
Mountain ducks down just enough for Swiss to catch him is a leisurely kiss, one that tastes like summery sunshine, and then he's gone again. Leaves Swiss grinning dumbly at the back of his head while warmth trickles into his belly. He settles against the taller ghoul's back, and in no time at all the pair of them start to sway to the music as one.
"So," Swiss murmurs into his shirt after a long moment, "what's a Swiss meringue buttercream, anyway?"
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coffeeghoulie · 9 months
wrote most of this at the laundromat waiting for my clothes, enjoy some incredibly domestic swissalps
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There's a clang, and bright laughter behind him, and Mountain doesn't quite mind that he hit his antlers on the bottom washer knowing that it made Swiss laugh.
He groans, straightening and rubbing his temple, turning to glare at the multighoul, cheeks flushed. There's no heat in it, not when he's not really hurt, just his pride. Swiss's laughter is contagious, fangs flashing in the dingy fluorescents of the Abbey laundry room. It's in the basement, the opposite side of the building than the ghoul den, and the ghouls draw straws as to who makes the trek with everyone's dirty laundry once a week. This week, it's him and Swiss hauling clothes and detergent and dryer sheets.
"Stop laughing," Mountain cackles, shutting the washer door and hitting the start button. Cirrus's clothes start spinning, the barrel filling with water and soap.
"But it's funny," Swiss says, hipchecking Mountain affectionately as he pours detergent into a load of Aeon's laundry. A lot of stolen hoodies, a lot of mismatched socks. "You're alright, though, maple?"
"Yeah, I'm good," Mountain confirms, reaching up to the washer above the one he hit his head on, that chimes as it finishes a cycle, Rain's clothes ready to be sorted onto the drying rack or thrown into the dryer.
There's music playing, a radio station that neither of them really listen to, but some of the Siblings like. Other than that, they fall into a meditative silence, moving between the washers and dryers lining each wall, working on getting ten ghouls' worth of laundry done.
"You ever try not to get dirt on your overalls, big boy?" Swiss teases, holding up said overalls. They're grass-stained at the knees, and the rest of them are more brown than blue denim.
Mountain snorts, shakes his head. "You try working in the greenhouse with ten other ghouls to grow enough to feed the Abbey. You're a little Earth, why don't you come down and join us? Eventually you'll stop caring so much about a little dirt."
Swiss rolls his eyes, tossing the overalls into a washer. "You know I'm more fire than anything, edelweiss," he says, finishing unloading Mountain's laundry into the barrel, pouring detergent into the little tray on top. "It's why I'm so hot," he waggles his eyebrows, play-seductive.
Mountain throws his head back, brushing the auburn waves that escaped from his bun out of his face. "If I had a nickel for every time you've used that specific pick up line since I've met you, I'd have enough money to buy the Abbey."
Swiss snorts, starting the washer. "It worked the first time, didn't it?"
"More like the fifth," Mountain says, tail flicking against the concrete floor as Swiss wraps his arms around his waist, standing up on the pads of his feet to hook his chin over Mountain's shoulder. Mountain leans back, careful not to hit Swiss with his antlers or cut himself on Swiss's horns, and rubs his cheek against his braids.
"Still worked though," Swiss purrs into Mountain's ear. It flicks, bapping Swiss on the nose, and both of them laugh.
Eventually, everyone's laundry is in a wash cycle or drying, the delicates sorted and hung up. Mountain sits down in one of the chairs tucked in the corner, setting a timer on his phone and tucking it back into his pocket. Swiss leans up against the wall of dryers, hands in his pockets. "Do you think we have enough time to go back to the den, or is it not worth it?"
Mountain hums, thinking. "By the time we make it back, we'd probably only have five minutes before we had to come back. Don't want anybody stealing our laundry."
"Or having the good intention of switching it over but not knowing which of Dew's shirts are air dry only and we'd have to face the spitfire's wrath," Swiss jokes, and Mountain snorts under his breath.
"So, we have forty minutes to kill," Mountain breathes, leaning back against the chair, his knees drawn up, the chair too low to the ground for a ghoul with legs as long as his. "What do you wanna do?"
The song playing on the radio ends, and a ballad starts, something low and slow and steady, and Swiss pushes himself from the dryers, taking two long steps to stand in front of Mountain. His hands are outstretched, gently taking Mountain's, running his thumbs over the callouses on his palms, drumstick and garden tool alike.
"Dance with me, maple?" Swiss asks, gently tugging, and Mountain goes, letting Swiss haul him to his feet, a warm smile on his face.
Mountain grins, leaning down to rub his cheek against Swiss's stubble. He rests his arms on Swiss's shoulders as the multighoul wraps his around Mountain's waist, playing with one of his belt loops as they begin to sway to the music. Neither of them know the words, but they sway there, waiting for the laundry.
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hearthtrob · 7 months
thinking about a sweaty shirtless mountain in his garden with his hair tied back and tending to his plants with swiss who is also shirtless and sweaty.
oh and perhaps they have soft sex on a table inside the greenhouse
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lilypadlys · 2 months
Heart of My Love
Swissalps fluff. Sat down to write smut and somehow it became hurt/comfort fluff. Ended up being cute though so I don’t really mind.
Swiss has a panic attack but Mountain helps him calm down and then they cuddle
Mountain flinches as he’s torn from his book by a loud banging on his bedroom door.
“Come in!” He calls, setting his book down. He’s sure it’s not Dew or Phantom, the latter hasn’t learned to knock and the former refuses to. Maybe Aurora with an exciting story or a panicked Cumulus? Hell, even a horny Rain. Instead, to his surprise, It’s Swiss.
“Hey Swiss what's…are you okay?” Mountain is taken aback by Swiss’ distressed expression.
Swiss shakes his head and his breaths are frantic. “I-I…please…” He stutters as if he can’t force the words out.
“P-please…help.” Swiss manages as he shudders and hyperventilates. Tear tracks smudge his cheeks and fresh tears threaten to fall.
“Oh Shadow. Hey, it's okay. How about you sit down and-”
Swiss drops like a rock right there. Mountain winces as the multi ghoul’s knees connect with the floor harshly. Swiss looks up at him with a frantic light in his eyes.
“Whoa, hey. It’s okay. Slow down.” He gently laces a hand in Swiss’ locs and the multi ghoul visibly relaxes at the contact. He kneels down to Swiss level. He lowers his voice to a soothing tone. “Hey, look at me. I’m here. I’m going to help. I just don’t want you getting hurt okay?”
The wild look in Swiss’ eyes ebbs in favor of a relieved one. He nods best he can.
“Are words hard right now?”
Swiss nods.
“That’s okay. Shhh, I’ve got you. Let's start by just focusing on your breath okay?”
Another nod.
“Just breathe in. Yeah, just like that. Now hold it for a second. Then breathe out. Good job.”
Mountain gently coaches Swiss through his breathing until his frantic breaths and hiccups become slower and more even.
“There you go. Just breathe for me.” Mountain scratches Swiss’ scalp gently. “Anything else I can do to help?”
Swiss shrugs half heartedly.
“Need a hug?”
Swiss answers by leaning forward and pressing himself into Mountain’s chest.
“Alright, I’ve got you.” Mountain holds Swiss firmly but gently. “This okay?”
“Y-yeah.” Swiss croaks out, the sound muffled by his face being pressed to Mountain’s chest.
Mountain nuzzles Swiss’ head as he rocks back and forth gently. He begins to hum softly. He smiles when Swiss begins humming along as well, recognizing the melody.
Mountain takes a chance, beginning to sing for real.
“There’s a darkness at the heart of my love. That runs cold. Runs deep.”
Swiss shakily joins in, his voice gaining strength as he goes.
“The darkness at the heart of my love.“
“For you.”
They sing the last line together and Swiss raises his face to make eye contact with the earth giant as they do.
“Hey Shadow. Back with me?”
“Y-yeah. I’m okay.” He sniffles and swallows. “I was trying to nap. I had one of my nightmares again.” Swiss sighs, breaking eye contact.
“Oh no. Bad one?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. Not your fault.”
“I wish I could help more.”
“It's okay.”
“Wanna sleep in here tonight?” Mountain offers because he knows Swiss feels bad about asking sometimes.
“Of course Shadow. Wanna go get your pillows? It’s not quite time for bed yet but we can watch a movie until you're ready to try going back to sleep.”
“That sounds good. Thanks Mounty.”
Mountain kisses him on the forehead.
“Of course Shadow.”
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st-danger · 1 year
Tiny dick = tiny knot
Dews knot being smaller than mountains normal girth
Mountain fucking Swiss and then dew fucking him right after, trying desperately to knot him but it’s impossible to catch
Mountain stretches out on the bed, basking in the afterglow and the view; of Swiss on his knees and elbows, back arched and creating a beautiful line. Behind him, working rough fingers in and out, Dew.
Just playing a little pretend. Playing at the idea of that small pink cock being difficult to take after Mountain just emptied his balls inside of Swiss. That cute little cock will slide in easy, and so will his knot. The three of them already know this- it's just fun to watch Dewdrop struggle with things.
"Go ahead and put it in," Swiss says, pushing back against Dew's fingers, trying to get them deeper. Mountain can't help but smile when Dew takes his hand back immediately, grabbing the bottle of lube at his side, and slicking himself up, quick jerks on his cock. There's the tiniest hint of a bulge at the base. It's going to swell up more, but not near enough, and Dew will be begging before too long.
He slides in nice and easy, hands digging into Swiss's hips. Mountain can't help his dick from giving a twitch at the pained expression on Dew's face. It's too soon for him to get hard again, but the mix of relief and agony writ large on Dew's face has his cock making an effort regardless.
"Get a hand on yourself," Dew breathes, settling into a faster rhythm than Mountain would have expected, but Swiss is groaning for it instantly, not having cum while Mountain was inside him. The room fills with slick squelching, heavy breathing.
Dew's cock is covered in Mountain's cum. It's dripping out, down Swiss's thighs. It's all so terribly wet, and Dew is humping away frantically. Desperately.
"Can't wait, can you?" Mountain murmurs. "Feels good inside, doesn't he?"
"Need- fuck, I need to, cum," Dew spits, "knot you." Underneath him, cruelly, Swiss giggles, and he must squeeze down, because Dew is crying out then.
"Go on," Swiss encourages, over the slap of skin on skin. "Go on and fill me up."
"If you can," Mountain adds.
They know he can't.
He wears the sweetest little frustrated expression when he starts jackhammering, head thrown back and brows knitting together, and the three of them are so aware he's hurtling towards a climax that is going to be so unsatisfying for him. His sweet little dick, his pudgy little knot- like it could really catch on anything after Mountain's carved his way into Swiss's body. Swiss has stopped touching himself and instead uses both hands to brace on the bed so he can shove himself back against Dew. Slyly, Swiss glances back, meets Mountain's eyes, and the two of them share a secret little smile while Dew loses himself, eyes screwed shut, gasping and-
"No, no, no," Dew starts sobbing, hands digging into Swiss's hips, trying to hold him close. "Fuck- no, oh- it's not- squeeze, squeeze it, squeeze me, fuck. "
He tries to hold Swiss to him, keep him seated, but it's so easy for him to slide off of that cute bump. Barely a knot, but still needing pressure around it. Anything.
He gets nothing, catches on nothing. Is held in by nothing. and Swiss bounces on it while Dew cums pathetically, unable to stop himself, and miserable, begging Swiss to clench down on him.
"What a cute clit," Mountain says, and Swiss laughs.
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ghoul-slime · 1 year
80 with some mountain/swiss? if you'd so kindly write it :)
Mountain/Swiss with a little bit of mean Swiss and some boot kink (as a treat). Also still taking prompts!
Swiss knows what he looks like up on that stage. How his uniform pants hug his hips in just the right way, how the vest cinched tight around his waist accentuates his broad shoulders and chest. The way he grinds into his mic stand, strokes his rain shaker like it's an extension of himself.
Swiss loves putting on a show, and tonight, Mountain feels like the show is just for him. Swiss has been watching him all night long, eyes shining and brilliant white fangs on display. Every thrust of his hips and flick of his tongue were aimed directly at Mountain’s kit, and Swiss made sure he knew it. Every time Mountain glanced at Swiss’ platform he’d been staring back at him, shooting him that signature too-wide grin normally reserved for the crowd.
Mountain sweats through his uniform faster than usual that night.
At bows he feels Swiss press up against him and take his hand. And he doesn’t let go as they walk off stage, dragging him past the techs and through the venue to the dressing rooms. Mountain is still sweating as Swiss pushes and pulls him, bullies him onto the dressing room couch with his long legs spread. Distantly, Mountain notices that his own boot laces are still untied.
“You’ve been watching me all night, big guy” Swiss laughs, “Pretty sure you’ve been drooling.”
Mountain sputters, wanting to point out that Swiss had been leering at him all night, but the thought is snuffed out when Swiss leans in to kiss him, shoving his tongue into his mouth, wet and hot and licking in deep. He tastes like cannabis and grease makeup.
Mountain is hard in his pants immediately.
Swiss breaks the kiss, straightening back up and grinning down at Mountain again. Hungry. 
He’s still grinning when he lifts one foot to press between Mountain’s legs, digging directly into his crotch with the toe of his boot. Mountain moans ragged and deep as Swiss increases the pressure, bending his knee and leaning in as he presses the thick rubber sole of his boot onto Mountain’s straining cock.
“What? Does that feel good?” Swiss teases, feigning surprise as Mountain whimpers an affirmative, hands scrabbling at the fabric of the couch as Swiss eases the pressure.
Mountain clenches his eyes and nods frantically when Swiss presses in again. This time he twists his foot, dragging the toe of his boot down Mountain’s cock before pressing in one more time with his heel. Mountain can feel the entire sole of his boot pressing against the length of his twitching cock, and he opens his eyes to see a dark, wet patch blooming at the tip, soaking through the fabric.
“Think you can cum like this?” Swiss asks, sounding genuinely surprised. Mountain nods again.
He’s expecting Swiss to take pity on him, press back in with his boot and finish him off right there in his pants, making a mess of his uniform and the dressing room couch. Instead Swiss pulls away completely, leaving Mountain shaking, looking up at him through damp lashes. 
He’s ready to start begging when Swiss hauls himself into Mountain’s lap. Suddenly it’s a blur, Swiss grinding into his lap, dragging his own clothed erection up and down Mountain’s leaking cock as he humps relentlessly against him. The couch creaks with their weight as Swiss attaches his mouth to Mountain’s neck, eagerly nipping and sucking with filthy, wet sounds. Swiss snakes a hand into Mountain’s hair, licking across his Adam’s apple, mouthing thick and slick into his ear, dragging the sharp points of his fangs up the length of his pulsing jugular as he twists and grinds. Treating Mountain’s lap like a mirror image of his mic stand on stage.
Mountain feels the heat coil in his gut, balls drawing up tight and ready to bust when Swiss backs off. He cries out at his ruined orgasm and Swiss only grins down at him, black grease paint nearly completely smudged off, remnants of it staining his fangs. Mountain knows his neck must be a fucking wreck, streaked with black and peppered with bruises, shiny wet with Swiss’ spit.
“Too bad,” Swiss laughs, and pats Mountan’s cheek with the palm of one big hand. He stands, adjusting his own straining cock in his pants and turns to leave with a sway of his hips. 
Mountain can only stare, chest heaving and erection flagging as Swiss makes for the door of the dressing room.
Before he leaves, he looks at Mountain over his shoulder, sporting another wicked grin. 
“Rooming with Aether tonight, think maybe you should ask to swap hotel keys with him.” 
Swiss blows him a kiss and as the door closes, Mountain can hear Swiss laughing to himself all the way down the hallway.
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hellboundwrites · 10 months
Ghouls ships and how they love
Mountain and Swiss : Past Love
Their love started with all the good intentions. It bloomed with curiosity, admiration... and even at times, devotion.
When Swiss joined the band, it was Mountain who showed him around. They walked through the whole building, passing rooms and rooms of history and artifacts, yet Swiss had all eyes on his guide. It made Mountain rather uncomfortable at first, this suave behavior Swiss already had fresh out of the Pit. But he learned to lean into it and take it as the compliment it was. It wasn't every day he felt even a little bit desired by someone else.
The first person you meet in a new place is often the one you cling to. Although Swiss did not cling to Mountain by fear of letting go and being left alone to fend for himself - he was the same confident ghoul he is today. It's just that Mountain had that older spirit, and Swiss had found that layers and layers under his calm façade, a wilder side of him existed. He wanted to unlock it. To see what was behind that secret door Mountain kept close.
Their love happened. Force of habit. Friendship and undeniable attraction just became something more with time and proximity.
They were worlds apart and to everyone, they made a really odd pair. When Swiss enjoyed going out and showing off his moves, Mountain preferred doing literally any indoor activity at his disposition. But eventually, they found their rhythm. Or so they thought.
As much as Swiss liked spending his afternoons in the greenhouse with Mountain, or watching him cook in the ghouls quarter, it frustrated him that he could always see this light flicker in Mount's eyes when they were doing more active things. Like he was tempted to run with Swiss, but always stayed behind. He'd bring him into clubs and would try to dance for him, but except for a genuine smile, Mountain would never join him. He'd look from far away. To Swiss's eyes, Mountain always looked like he wanted to, like something held him back.
From Mountain's perspective, watching Swiss having fun was a delight. It could be contagious at times. But partying became repetitive. After a handful of times, Swiss quickly became the only aspect of it that he honestly enjoyed. However, most of the time he just wanted to spend a nice evening at home, being domestic and actually having a conversation together. He wanted to know the softer sides of Swiss, too. Not just the bright and loud ones. There was no big secret on his part. He wasn't shy or intimidated, contrary to popular belief, but simply interested in other things. He guessed that Swiss liked this lifestyle only because it was so new to him, but his desire to live every minute like it was the last only persisted as months passed.
Sometimes, from the dark corner of the bar where he'd stood, he'd see a guy approach his partner with hungry eyes. And even if Swiss always declined the men's propositions, Mountain couldn't stop the feeling that someone else would make him happier.
Sex was great. But for that too, they weren't very cohesive. Swiss was able to get him out of his head and introduce him to a whole new world in this category. But Mountain could honestly live without it all. Having the man he loved close to him, intimate, would've been enough. Mountain often felt like he had to put on a show and perform to match Swiss's energy. Many times, he feared that whatever he'd give Swiss wouldn't be enough to maintain the already fragile relationship they had. If he couldn't keep up with Swiss or even challenge him and bring something new to the table, would Swiss still desire him ? And for how long ?
Eventually, their love turned out to not be enough. After weeks of failing to share good moments together or even simply managing to communicate, they had to sit and talk things out. And maybe Mountain should've broken the news a bit differently. But he was so desperate.
You're too much for me, Swiss
It wasn't how he had intended to say it. But it felt true. All this time he had longed to touch the vulnerable side of Swiss... but that day, seeing how these words hit him, all Mountain wanted was to erase the pain he had inflicted on him. Mountain had been wrong, vulnerability didn't suit Swiss at all.
During their mutual mourning, love, they learned, doesn't die. It simply changes. Some keep a sour memory of their love. Swiss and Mountain though, made the choice to save the remains of it. They stayed close, but only in friendship. They have to live together, after all.
Now even after years have passed, they keep leftovers of their love. Crumbs that could never compare to what it really should've been like. Some days the words still affect Swiss like a knife in the heart. Some days the regret eats at Mountain and he wonders if he should've just danced with Swiss. On these occasions he wishes he could go back and love Swiss properly, like he deserves.
There are things that only the two of them know. Happy memories, intimacy, scents, touches, words... those will link them both forever. It's easy to fall into nostalgia and hopes of new chances. But they know that their love was misshapen. They both grew their two halves of it in their own direction. The crumbs often tell Mountain that maybe it was the wrong time, that he still has chances. But when he sees Swiss fall again for someone new, he lets it happen. It's only then that he understands.
He understands that even if he tried his hardest, neither of them deserved someone who had to make an effort. And it wasn't anyone's fault if they couldn't make it work. Swiss and Aurora embrace each other wholly, without having to try at all. They're a perfect match, and that's all that matters in the end. One day, maybe, he'll have that too.
They know their love is not like everyone else's around them. It's strange. It's an archive, but it's theirs. This love is about loving the other with the most profound respect and wishing them the best. But most importantly, it's about knowing that not all love can fit, and we cannot shape people into what we want them to be.
It's about letting go.
Part 1. Rain and Dewdrop
Part 2. Cirrus and Cumulus
Find me on AO3
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nastylittleghouls · 2 months
Swiss: Are we done with the replanting? Mountain: Yeah. Looking for toads in the mulch now Mountain: What do you think?
Tumblr media
Swiss: You are so hot! 🌶️
Mountain: Swiss. Focus....
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forlorn-crows · 8 months
there's some cuteness in here, i swear it. mountain is a goober after all. but it's mainly nasty. @rrriver also requested rimming with dealer's choice of ghouls, so here we are (did you think it'd be swissalps, river? probably one out of two you thought it be lmao)
nasty ghouls under the cut. rimming and oral and fingering and fucking (oh my). top mountain came out to play today.
Swiss keens, tosses his head back. Mountain’s tongue is so good, so wet, so hypnotizing, he can’t form anymore coherent thoughts. Anything close to a thought fizzled out as soon as the earth ghoul pinned him down to the bed with only a hand on his sternum and a few honeyed words. 
“Mount—unholy shit, baby,” he groans when the muscle dips inside. Gripping his cock in a tight fist when it leaks a bead of pre onto his stomach. Mountain hums—loud and rumbly on purpose—and digs his fingers into the multi ghoul’s spread thighs, pushing his knees closer to his chest. Really spreading him out nice and wide so he can lick deep.
“H-how do you get so far in there,” Swiss damn near whines. He starts to jerk in earnest, wet strokes that make his thighs jump and his toes twitch. 
Mountain chuckles. He sucks on his rim lightly before pulling away, displaying his lengthened, unglamoured tongue as he licks his lips. He cradles a fang with the split end, making it flutter teasingly when Swiss cranes his head up to look. 
And promptly lets it thud back down with a strained noise as his hand polishes the sticky tip of his cock.
“All the better to taste you with, darling,” Mountain lilts. Relishing in the desperation wafting off his partner. 
“Fuck,” the multi-ghoul says intelligently. “That’s hot, baby, that’s fuckin’ hot.”
Mountain hums and returns to his task. Alternating between spreading him with his tongue and kissing around his hole. Even daring to smooth his thin fingers along the apex of his thighs, running through coarse curls until the digits press and tickle his balls. 
It’s enough to drive Swiss crazy. He bites his lip until it threatens to bleed and pulls at himself without a care for pacing. Precum wrung from the slit with every involuntary clench, every stroke slicker than the last. 
“Oh fuck, Mount, you’re gonna—hmpf gonna make me cum, feels so good,” Swiss babbles. Mountain can feel him twitch under his tongue, cheeks clenching as he nears the point of no return. A spike of urgency and need runs up his spine, and he pulls away with a string of saliva still connecting his tongue to Swiss’ hole. 
“Don’t,” he says gruffly. “Don’t cum. Not yet.” He presses against the space his tongue created, slipping a finger inside just up to the first knuckle. Swiss gasps, hand stilling. “Want you on my cock,” Mountain breathes. 
“Oh,” Swiss chokes out. Risks another squeeze to his cock before nodding and pulling away. Mountain slips that finger all the way inside, folding his lanky body over him to kiss him softly, deeply. Gripping the fat over his hips as pumps the digit in and out. 
“There, Mount, yeah,” he groans. He loops his arms around Mountain’s neck, tangling his fingers in his mousy brown curls. Wraps a leg around him too, losing himself in the prep. Whining at the taste of himself on his tongue. 
“You feel how hard you make me?” the earth ghoul purrs, nudging their cocks together as he slips a second finger in. “Can’t wait to get you on it. Bounce you til you’re shaking.”
Swiss moans, long and wanton. Mountain huffs a laugh against his lips when he clenches around the stretch, the deepest parts of him caressing his fingers with a firm seal. 
“Gimme another, I can take it,” he begs, rocking into his hand. 
“Eager,” Mountain teases. “But I like you like this, edelweiss.” He rubs their noses together. “Begging.” Kisses the corner of his mouth. “Desperate.” Another kiss at the hinge of his jaw. “Wet.” He whispers that right into his ear, rolling their hips together and crooking his fingers into the spot that makes him melt. 
“Satanas, help me,” he wheezes. His tail betrays him, thumping against the bed in an eager rhythm. 
The earth ghoul sucks the lobe of his ear into his mouth, humming when Swiss arches and groans loudly. “Shh, just open up for me. Let me treat you right.”
“Anything, fuck, whatever you want, baby, shit.”
Mountain smiles against his skin. Pushing on the back of one thigh so Swiss exposes himself further. “Good. Just like that.” Swiss’s cock twitches against his when he splays his fingers. Wringing from him another broken groan. “That’s it.”
Mountain may be quick to get all four fingers inside, but he certainly lets the stretch settle in, spreading and thrusting and working him open until he’s panting and almost loose against his hand. 
“C’mere,” he says softly once Swiss starts begging again. Slipping his fingers out and guiding him to straddle his lap. Mountain folds his legs up underneath him, creating a cradle for his body once he sinks all the way down. “Right there, there we are, darling.”
Mountain holds Swiss with one hand on his lower back, placing kisses along his sternum as he lines up the wide head of his cock with the other hand. Teasing it against his slack entrance as the multi ghoul clings to his shoulders. 
“Please,” Swiss whispers. His cock throbs between them, neglected all this time yet hardly flagged at all. 
“I’ve got you,” Mountain assures him. He rubs the tip against his hole, pushing until the head pops in. And he keeps going, easing Swiss down with two hands on his ass, steadily lowering until he reaches the base. Bottoming out with a strained huff and shaky legs. 
“—yes.” Mountain pulls him flush, chest to chest. Tucking his face into the crook of Swiss’ neck and breathing in patchouli and whiskey tinged with need. He just holds him there, warm and balls-deep. Overwhelmed with both arousal and love. 
Above him, Swiss whines. He shifts a little in his lap, grunting when his cock rubs against Mountain’s stomach. 
The earth ghoul holds him tighter. “Okay, edelweiss?” 
“So fuckin’ big,” he groans. Mountain barks a laugh, skating his nails up and down Swiss’ back. He pulls back and gives him a peck on the lips, looking at him fondly and admiring the dark blush on his cheeks and the sweat on his hairline. He smiles and tucks his face back into his neck. 
That is, not before dragging his lips up the prominent tendons in his neck, stopping once more at the shell of his ear and muttering into it, so low it sends a shiver right up Swiss’ spine:
“You can take it.”
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Comet we see scenes play through between the ghouls but can we see the buildup of a scene but at some point in it someone has to make the "mayday" call and the care following? Ghouls and content of your choice.
Safe word use, and some soft big boys (Swiss/Mountain) below the cut.
They've done this a hundred times at least. Played this through. Mountain has been here, face down, ass up, just like this more times than he can count. But for some reason, tonight, it's making his skin feel too tight. He's too deep in his head. Nowhere near subspace. His brain a constant hum of thoughts that this treatment is supposed to silence, but instead, when Swiss drags his claws up the back of Mountain's thighs--a threat for what's next--it makes Mountain feel like he's going to fall apart. He can feel too much of his body. Can hear his heart pounding in his ears. Mountain bites down on his cheek and tries to breathe. To focus. To drop. The sharp slap of Swiss' palm against his ass--and the plug buried inside of him--makes him yelp. Heat builds through his face, his throat burns. "Swiss--" "You love it," Swiss growls. And usually Mountain would nod, dumb already, but instead he shakes his head. He doesn't, not now, not like this. The false edge of Swiss' anger is making him spiral. He digs his fingers into the bed, his breath catches in his throat when he tries to calm down. Panic crawls up his throat. He doesn't know what he needs or what he wants but it's not--he can't-- "Red," he whispers then repeats himself a little louder, the word cracking in his throat. He feels a flash of worry as soon as he says it. Worry that Swiss will be disappointed in him--he's disappointed in himself. He should be able to do this for his partner, should be able to-- Swiss doesn't hesitate. He reaches for Mountain's hips and eases him onto his back so he can see his face. He kneels between Mountain's spread thighs and craddles his face in his overwarm hands. "Look at me, Mount," Swiss says. The demanding tone of his voice gone--like it was never there. Mountain blinks, directs his glassy gaze to Swiss' face. He's going to cry. "'m sorry," he mumbles. He's not aware of the tears until Swiss is wiping them away with his thumbs. "Hey, hey, Sunflower. It's ok." "Wanted to be good for you. But it doesn't--I can't--" "Stop," Swiss says firmly. "You are good for me. So good. Don't worry about that. I want to help, you have to talk to me, Mount. Please?" Mountain takes a deep breath. The panic is starting to fade. Swiss presses one of his hands over Mountain's racing heart and waits. "Don't know what the problem is," Mountain says honestly. He heaves out a breath, feels the world start to come back into focus. "It just didn't feel good. Thought it was what I wanted, but I can't right now. I'm sorry--" "No apologizing," Swiss admonishes. "There's nothing to be sorry for, Sunflower. Tell me what you need. Do you want something else instead?" Mountain looks away, digging his teeth into his cheek. He shakes his head sharply. He's done. Pleasure feels distant, impossible.
"No. Not right now." Swiss bends down and presses a kiss to the base of one of Mountain's horns. "Alright. Let's get you cleaned up then big guy." Swiss moves to pull away, to help Mountain up. No doubt to take him into the bathroom, to take the plug out with gentle hands and wipe him down, get him dressed. But Mountain catches him by the wrist before he goes too far. "In a minute." "You'll feel better after." "I know," Mountain agrees, but he holds Swiss' wrist fast. He tugs until Swiss relents and lays down next to him. Curling his broad arms around Mountain's shoulders. Allowing the earth ghoul to nuzzle his face into the hollow of Swiss' throat and breathe in the spiced smell of him. Swiss sighs, but tightens his grip. Pulls Mountain flush against him, using the breadth of his chest to envelop Mountain with ease. Mountain feels the tension drain from his shoulders. "Just a little longer," Mountain mumbles against Swiss' collarbone. Swiss kisses the top of his head. "Whenever you're ready."
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miasmaghoul · 7 months
could you do swissalps with #10?
From this list.
#10 - desperately
Mountain heaves a shuddering breath as he stares at the ceiling, tracing the seams between the tin tiles. It's all he can do to keep his mind from melting out his ears, a single point of focus outside of himself. Outside of a body that no longer feels like his own, every nerve ending buzzing with something unnatural. Something electric. He's throbbing from head to toe, inside and out, and with every passing second the dizzy feeling caught behind his eyes grows.
A heavy presence settles at his side, carries the scent of rich spice and bitter herbs, and it hits him right in the dick.
"Fuck," Mountain grunts, and the responding gentle chuckle that flows into his ear makes his eyelids droop.
"Someone's feelin' good."
Swiss' tone holds clear amusement, and it takes real effort for Mountain to make his head move. To roll his neck enough to see the other ghoul, to blink up at him and find Swiss' fanged grin. To meet his sparkling golden eyes.
Eyes that are currently flecked with a very specific shade of violet.
"Didn't -" Mountain's voice comes out thick and dull, miles away from his own ears, "- didn't think this's what you meant by practice."
A large hand comes to rest on Mountain's cheek, warm and solid. Swiss' thumb traces the bony ridge there, and the drag of it sends sparks through Mountain's veins. His other hand settles at the center of his chest, catching in the thatch of auburn hair between his nipples. Two fingers glide over sweat-damp skin, down his sternum, ticklish against his already twitching abdomen, and with every passing inch Mountain can feel threads of quintessence sewing themselves into his flesh.
"But you didn’t say no when you found out either," Swiss rumbles, teasing his fingertips through the wiry curls below Mountain's navel. The slight touch is nothing but maddening, and Mountain can't help the soft whimper that escapes him. One that makes Swiss tilt his head. "Besides," he coos, playful, "you know you're my favorite test subject."
Swiss cups his cheek, pours a stronger wave of magick into his boneless form, and the only thing that keeps Mountain from arching off the mattress in the palm Swiss plants on his belly. Nothing could stop his aching cock from spitting against his hip, though, or hold back the baleful cry he looses.
"That's what I like to see," Swiss praises, brushing mussed hair from Mountain's damp brow. "No one else can take it like you can, baby." He leans down and kisses a horn. "I don't have to have a soft touch with you, do I?"
Mountain would shake his head if he could, but it's a hopeless endeavor. The quintessence flooding his system - inelegant by Aether or Omega's standards, in dire need of refinement - has turned his muscles to jelly and his brain to oatmeal, and the only part of his body that Mountain can parse from the rest is the impossibly hard swell of his cock. Every twitch, every pulse, every ounce of thrumming pleasure that courses through that rigid length makes him feel more and more insane.
Swiss may not need to have a soft touch, but Mountain thinks if he stays untouched he'll implode.
"Sw-Swiss," he forces out, drooling from the corner of his mouth. The other ghoul swipes his thumb through the dribble with a happy little giggle. "You...touch...please touch -"
Swiss interrupts him by smearing his wet thumb over his bottom lip, pushes it past his fangs, and Mountain makes a gurgling sounds he'd be very embarrassed by if he had two brain cells to rub together. It's much easier to latch on, to suckle, and the purr Swiss rewards him with makes his toes curl.
"That's my good boy," Swiss breathes, licking his lips. "Don't worry, grasshopper." He leans down to nuzzle Mountain's cheek and the larger ghoul's eyes slip shut. "I'm gonna make you feel so good."
The hand on his belly massages for a moment, drifts south, and the moment callused fingers wrap around his shaft Mountain swears his heart stops. He whines through his nose, thighs trembling when Swiss gives him a loose stroke that feels far better than it has any right too. He barely notices when Swiss pulls his thumb from his mouth, until he feels saliva soak into the pillow beneath his cheek.
Judging by the sound of Swiss' hand, his cock might be drooling even more.
It's less than a minute before he's quivering, claws digging into the sheets and pathetic punched-out gasps filling the space around them. He's never so quick to pop, but the magick makes the sensation of Swiss' measured pulls a thousand times stronger. Make Mountain hyperaware of every pass of his fingers, every bead of sweat that skates down his temples, the way his balls have already snuggled up close to his electrified body.
"Already, huh?"
Swiss sounds delighted and it makes his stomach hurt. Mountain wheezes out something like a yes - it's close enough for Swiss to pick up his languid pace, and that's all it takes to make Mountain's eyes crack open. His hips twitch into that wonderful fist, and there's only one thing he needs to push him over the edge.
"Swiss -"
"I know, big guy," he rasps, leaning in close. He sinks his other hand into Mountain's mussed hair, grips right at the scalp, and rubs their noses together. "Lemme feel you squirt for me."
Swiss yanks his head back, shoves his tongue into Mountain's slack mouth, and the only thing louder than the clack of their fangs is Mountain's pained sob. It's less a kiss than a sloppy meeting of mouths, starved and desperate, but it's exactly what Swiss knew would have Mountain emptying his balls in thick ropes all over his stomach, thighs and Swiss' own fist.
It seems to go on forever - a happy side effect of Swiss' magick - and by the time he's empty Mountain's cheeks are as wet as the rest of him. He shivers through the aftershocks, wincing when Swiss takes a moment to polish the head - he can never resist the opportunity to make it hurt a little.
Mountain finds he doesn't mind it so much when Swiss kisses his tears away.
"Such a good doll." Swiss nuzzles his sweaty temple, kisses the apple of his cheek. "Catch your breath, baby," he hums, letting Mountain's softening cock fall against his sticky belly. "You're gonna need it when I fuck that pretty mouth."
Swiss pushes two messy fingers between his parted lips, and the way Mountain's dick throbs has absolutely nothing to do with quintessence.
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coffeeghoulie · 1 year
Mushy May Day Ten: Mutual Pining/Staring in Adoration
Paring: Mountain/Swiss
Words: 750
Rating: Gen
Contains: Swiss being Swiss on stage, Mountain being down bad
Mushy May prompts arranged by @forlorn-crows
There’s a gif that inspired this of Prequelle Era!Swiss getting on his knees that I unfortunately could not find again but it’s been burned into my brain.
EDIT: I found the clip!!! (and immediately saved it to my phone bc i cannot lose it again lmao)
The new multi-ghoul is, as politely as Mountain can put it, a problem, and he’s only been Up Top for a few months. In the abbey, he’s made himself quite a reputation as a shameless flirt. Siblings and ghouls alike can’t take their eyes off of him, and Mountain is no exception. On stage, they’ve put him right next to Mountain’s drum kit, and it’s a problem.
Mountain’s not blind. The new multi-ghoul, Swiss, is as attractive as they come, and they’ve put him on backing vocals for a reason. He gets along with the new band pack well, barring the bloody fights he and Dew pick with each other. It’s incredibly easy to get him to smile or laugh, and it lights up whatever room he’s in. At first glance, he doesn’t seem like he’s going to be a problem.
However, it’s a problem when Mountain can’t take his eyes off of him during Rituals. He’s grateful that he’s rehearsed every song on the setlist forwards and back until he can play them in his sleep, that he doesn’t need to be looking at his kit when they perform, because Unholy Father, he cannot drag his eyes away from Swiss. 
The way he moves is sin, and Mountain watches out of the corner of his eye as he sways his lithe hips to the music. It’s obscene, the way he ruts against his guitar or his mic stand, the chrome of his mask flashing in the multicolored lights. 
He catches Mountain watching, sometimes. He says nothing, not willing to risk the mics catching whatever comment he might make. His eyes, glamoured a warm brown instead of their usual gold, flash with an expression Mountain might be able to make out if their masks weren’t on. Mountain lowers his gaze to the snare right in front of him until he can feel the weight of Swiss’s gaze leave the side of his head. 
Mountain’s here, Top Side, on stage, to do one thing, and to do it well. He was summoned to help Papa, or, well, in this case, the Cardinale, put on a good show. He’s not here to ogle attractive ghouls. 
He’s focusing on his drum kit when he feels Swiss’s gaze return, stronger than normal. Mountain spares a glance out of the corner of his eye and the steady rhythm of the kick drum falters for a moment as he does a double take. 
Swiss is turned away from the captive audience, his whole body turned towards him, guitar and tambourine placed on their stands. He sinks down to his knees, a singular, smooth movement, leaning back onto his feet before rocking towards Mountain. 
Every thought Mountain has leaves, vaporized, and there’s a spike of want deep in his gut. He shakes his head, hard, turning back to the crowd. Finish the damn ritual, he thinks, willing himself not to turn to his right for the rest of the evening. 
They take their final bows not twenty minutes later, and after throwing their picks and drumsticks into the roaring crowd, they slink backstage. 
As they walk back to the green room, Mountain grabs Swiss by the upper arm, directing the ghoul into a quiet alcove. Swiss goes without a fight, but with a questioning look in his eye. 
“What the hell was that about out there?” He hisses, pressing Swiss into the wall by the shoulders. “What do you want from me, edelweiss?”
The multi-ghoul grins up at Mountain, flashing blunt, human teeth. “You finally notice? I’ve been trying to get your attention for weeks.”
Mountain swallows hard, glancing up and down at Swiss’s face. His grin hasn’t faltered, but it’s not quite as smug, more delighted than anything. “You’re not pulling one on me?” Mountain asks. 
Swiss shakes his head, reaching up and taking Mountain’s face by the mask. “Can I show you what I want from you, maple?” he asks, voice surprisingly soft. 
Mountain nods, relaxing the tight grip he’s had on Swiss’s shoulders. Swiss hums, guiding Mountain’s face down to his. Their masks clink together as Swiss brings their lips together. It tastes of grease paint and the fruity vape Swiss sneaks hits from on stage. It tastes divine, and Mountain wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“Funny, that’s exactly what I wanted from you,” Mountain says as they pull away. 
“Well,” Swiss says, “Tonight’s a hotel night. You wanna spend the night with me?”
Mountain laughs. “Of course, edelweiss. I’d like nothing more.”
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ghoultrifle · 1 year
😈😈😈 #40 with hmmmmmmmmmm either swissalps or rulti take your pick trifle 🖤
⁴⁰⁾ “go on. fuck yourself on my cock/strap/hand.” SwissAlps
ohh this just fit so well with swissalps I couldn't resist! I transed their genders for u <3
The common room was empty save for Mountain and Swiss, the rest of the ghouls long gone to work or sleep. On the TV a shitty action film was playing, “Pfft! They’ve been fighting for twenty minutes now,” Swiss snickered, “that’s a bit excessive don’t you think?” he asked, looking at the stoic ghoul by his side.
Mountain appeared unbothered but his mind was racing, he felt like a duck in water, furiously peddling his mind to keep up appearances. All he could think of was that damn multi ghoul. 
Two nights ago, Mountain was up late, unable to sleep. On his way to fetch a herbal tea from the kitchen he heard a high-pitched whine coming from Swiss’ room, not unusual, he thought, better have a look to see who he’s bagged tonight. The answer was better than Mountain could have ever hoped, his knees almost buckled at the sight before him, as he peered through the slit in the door the multi ghoul had curiously left open.
Swiss was jacking off, sounds about right. But it’s how he was doing it that made Mountain’s mind whirl for days. He was laid back on the bed, feet planted on the mattress as he mewled and whimpered at the sensations of the toy. Inside him was a strapless strap-on, his walls clenching around it as he roughly jerked the bright pink cock, pressure on his engorged clit unrelenting.
Between the slick sounds of the strap moving inside the lean ghoul, Mountain could have sworn he’d heard it vibrating, only adding to Swiss’ blissed out face. His free hand moved to run lasciviously down his chest as his hips bucked up into the stimulation.
Mountain stared slack-jawed at the multi ghoul for what felt like hours, his own wet patch growing by the second. As Swiss stopped to reposition himself against the headboard, the larger ghoul came to his senses, wicking the sweat from his forehead and heading back to his room, herbal tea long forgotten.
His mind was in overdrive, not a single coherent thought able to occupy it as he found himself in a similar position to Swiss, only with just his hands. He quickly brought himself to climax, already close by the time his back hit the duvet, a finger and thumb fervently stroking his t-dick. Mountain made a walk of shame to his bathroom to clean himself up, not only had he invaded Swiss’ privacy but he’d gone and jacked off to it? Disgusting.
So tonight, as the two ghouls sit, Mountain is struggling to keep it together, struggling not to pin Swiss down, fill him up with the toy, and jack him off. Swiss knows, he knows everything. He knows Mountain watched him, he knows Mountain masturbated afterwards, and he knows what’s filling the earth ghoul’s mind right now, weighing him down like concrete. Quintessence has its uses, eh?
Another thing Mountain doesn’t know: Swiss has been playing the long game. He purposefully left his door ajar, he quickly followed Mountain to his room to hear the debauched sounds of the earth ghoul, and most importantly, he’s wearing the strap right now.
Mountain had taken a bathroom break right as the twenty minute fight broke out and Swiss seized the opportunity to fill himself up and wait, draping a blanket loosely over himself to conceal the obvious erection.
The credits started to roll, a cinematic orchestra playing quietly in the background, just quietly enough that Mountain immediately glanced at Swiss when the multi ghoul clicked the strap’s remote, moaning softly as the earth ghoul’s eyes widened.
“Son of a bitch!” He growled, “You planned this, you smarmy bastard!” Mountain playfully slapped the shit-eating grin off the multi ghoul’s face. “At least let me have a look” He whined, pulling the blanket down to reveal Swiss with no underwear on, a puddle of slick dripping off the toy, leaking into the sofa.
The smaller ghoul scoops a handful of slick and brings it to the head of the cock as he begins to stroke in a slow, languid motion. Staring lovingly into Mountain’s eyes, his own rolling back as the toy simultaneously hit his dick and g-spot. Mountain went to place a hand over his mate’s but Swiss flicked it away, “Oh no, this isn’t for you, darling.” His face contorting to that shit-eating grin again as he held out his free palm, middle and ring fingers extended, “Go on. Fuck yourself on my hand.”
The angle was awkward, Swiss not bothering to help his lover, too engaged in his own pleasure to care. Mountain did his best to sink down onto the outstretched fingers, manipulating Swiss like an artist’s manikin to reach the spot that mattered. 
They were both a moaning mess, the wet sounds of toys and fingers echoing in the room. Mountain was fucking himself in earnest now moving Swiss’ thumb to knock over his clit with every thrust he made, his cunt fluttering at the now drenched fingers, close. All he could focus on was the way Swiss’ hand moved over the dick, like he’d had it his whole life, a natural.
Swiss pretended he wasn’t bothered by Mountain’s whines, the older ghoul falling apart just at the sight of Swiss jerking off, but he was coming closer to the edge with every small manoeuvre the ghoul made of his hand, it was torture to pretend he didn’t want to shove Mountain on his back and fuck him nasty. But it was so worth it to watch the earth ghoul cum on his fingers, “Fuck Swiss, your hands are so good. ‘M cumming!” Mountain howled. Swiss could feel Mountain’s walls clenching as he drenched the multi ghoul’s hands in cum, still using Swiss’ hand as a joystick, ramming it in and out as he rode out his orgasm.
Watching Mountain fall apart like that brought Swiss over the edge, just a few more tugs on the silicone and he’s working himself through one of the best orgasms he’s had. Mountain’s hand goes to join his and he can’t deny either of them the pleasure as they both stroke him through his climax.
“Shit, Mounty, wasn’t expecting you to actually get off on that.” Swiss smiled, genuine care in his voice now, “Thought I was gonna have to fuck you but Satan if that wasn’t hot.” Mountain blushed at the statement, his mind still unable to slow down but at least he had the memory of tonight to play over and over.
“You’re gonna have to do that again, Swiss. Surprise me with a different toy next time though.” The earth ghoul muttered, winking as he stood up to head to the bathroom. Swiss was more than happy to oblige.
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