#Sydney is a secret genius
yannaryartside · 3 months
Sydney Adamu: the chemist of the kitchen
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I keep coming back to this moment, to this second in “Brigade”, not only because is one of my favorite Sydcarmy moments but also because it could give us a clue about Sydney’s future.
So, Sydney didn’t know about this dish previously. The camera made a point on focusing her face just minutes before, to show her thinking about Carmy was saying. Why do that if not to highlight the fact that Sydney was hearing about all this for the first time? There is also the possibility that the dish Sydney ate at Carmy’s restaurant was the one they were talking about. But even that, she had to figure out, how they made that particular texture. A discovery that took a chef, with more accreditations that she has ever had, an entire year to figure out. Hence the complete and utter impression that she knowing how to do it had on Carm. He has recognized her skills before but this was some other level shit, the first time he could suspect she could get to his level. There is a motif between Syd and the Vel fat, somebody pointed out that Carmy was buying some when he met with Claire for the first time in the season, as a signal that he was thinking of Syd and doing a dish that would interest her.
Now, I want to highlight the fact that Sydney’s discovery was on a chemical process, hence why it took this other chef some much time to figure it out. For them it was likely the result of repeated experiments in order to, maybe, get the right combination out of luck. The fact that Sydney made this discovery, even if she was thinking about it for a while before, is likely the result of mental analysis, not experiments, how could she have experimented with all this fancy ingredients Carmy had, all on her own?
Some fic writers had speculated that Syd may have a stem related degree, maybe in pure chemistry, man that would be so cool. Maybe she got burned out in becoming a chemist or just recognized her true passion.
All of this to say I think it would be cool if her knowledge becomes the base for creative process in the future. Maybe experiment or analysis will help her to come with ideas. Kinda “lessons in chemistry” type of thing. It will get her a voice that is distinct from Carmy’s.
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fahye · 9 months
book recs: aug-sept '23
THE BAYOU by arden powell -- queer horror novella! this is set in 1930s louisiana and like all good horror it's about horrible unburied secrets haunting you. but also gators and summer flooding and guilt and, uh, letting a hot mysterious man/fae/?other? rail you in a church. superb. no notes.
TELL ME I'M WORTHLESS by alison rumfitt -- MORE QUEER HORROR! TRANS HORROR!! this is a haunted house book but the haunting is modern british fascism and the house is made of TERFs. the writing is fantastic. it's like being trapped in a small room with someone who is screaming loudly and endlessly, but like, in a good way.
THE SECRET COUNTRY by pamela dean -- this is an oldschool portal fantasy that somehow manages to combine excellent diana wynne jones vibes with my most common stress nightmare, ie. the one where you're in the Show but you've been so busy choreographing for the Show that you've forgotten to learn your own lines. baffling. very enjoyable.
KNOCKOUT by sarah maclean -- listen. listen. this series is about a historical vigilante girl gang, and this is the romance between a lady explosives expert and the exasperated policeman she wants very much to bang (heheh. bang.) very miss fisher vibes and also, somehow, very Fuck The Police (...heheh.) I adored it.
AN ISLAND PRINCESS STARTS A SCANDAL by adriana herrera -- a very horny and fun f/f histrom about a venezuelan artist in paris and the duchess she is, again, extremely determined to bang. I love this series of adriana's, with all its glorious historical detail about the various latinx delegations to the grand paris exhibition.
THE SPIDER AND HER DEMONS by sydney khoo -- YA fantasy about a chinese-malaysian australian girl who is also, inconveniently, a spider demon. this has an aro-ace heroine and heaps of very cool and creepy body horror and made me desperate to go back to sydney and eat banh mi in cabramatta. a+.
WHITE CAT, BLACK DOG by kelly link -- so you know how kelly link is an absolute genius master of the short story form? you know how the best fairytale retellings are both chattily straightforward and bonkers weird? YEAH. my god this collection is so good.
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sc0tters · 1 month
Welcome to todays random au thought that is honestly spurred from random shower thoughts:
“You know how to ball, I know Aristotle.”
Maddie and Mat - I mean that woman is a NURSE
Emmy and Rutger - we’ve already established that she’s a genius
Emma and Jacob - this girl is literally doing her masters next year…
Tilly and Willy / Sabrina and Adam - these are literal song writers
“She’s BARBIE, and he’s just Ken”
Gracie and Elias - I feel like this is self explanatory
Blair and Trevor - ^
Charlotte and Jake - he thinks she’s perfect in all essence of the word
Mila and Jack - she’s birthed two kids, what has he done? This is a joke
Camille and Sidney - same energy as above
Sydney and Matt - idk, this made me laugh
Booktok girls
Adelia and Jeremy - she’s a slut for a good book
Allie and Luke - she literally has to get her books pried from her hands
Rouge and Quinn - she is a woman of many secrets.
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2offayyo-kzt · 1 year
I'm going to explain why 'Brain Scramblies' is my favorite episode of wwdits and a genius TV episode :
Simply because this episode is funny as hell and there are a lot of subtle references, I decided to list the ones I noticed from the most explicit to the most implicit :
Charmaine's name origin ¦
So her name is obviously taken from the movie Ocean's Eleven.
It's the name of a prostitute who helped the protagonists of the movie to get a badge from a technician who works in the casino.
She stole it from one of the technicians 'Edward' by using her charms (him being drunk and crazy in love with her)
In the same way that Sean fell madly in love with Charmaine in the show.
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'Inferno' by Dan Brown ¦
In one of the rooms that Nadja ruins to find the Jade necklace that belonged to her mother, we see on a bedside table a book "Inferno" by Dan Brown.
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This is the beginning of the Wikipedia summary : "Robert Langdon wakes up in the middle of the night in the hospital, almost amnesiac and having suffered a concussion. Nevertheless, all his other intellectual and psychic functions remain intact. Disoriented, with a head injury, he has no memory of the last 36 hours. He does not know why he is in Florence and where the object that the doctors discovered in his belongings came from. A dream torments his mind, that of an old veiled woman wearing an amulet around her neck..."
'The Golden Lily' by Richelle Mead ¦
After Sean has his brain in a pudding state and falls back in love with Charmaine again, this is one of the sentences he says to her :
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"You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen."
It is the exact beginning of a quote from the book "The Golden Lily" written by Richelle Mead, which talks about vampires.
"You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen walking this earth. You have no clue of how beautiful you are or how brightly you shine"
Brief summary of the book :
"Sydney Sage is an Alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets-and human lives."
This may have been the only way Sean could explain to his wife, in a fucked-up state, that the neighbors are vampires.
(The idea that Sean reads teenage romance vampire fiction is killing me 😭🤣)
'The Vampire Diaries' ¦
Sean's declaration of love is full of references, here is a new one :
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He pronounced this while offering the Jade necklace : "It's a token of my undying love", an almost similar phrase was uttered in episode 2 of season 8 of the Vampires Diaries.
"[...]will you do me the honor of wearing this engagement ring, as a token of my love"
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It's a proposal from Stephan, a vampire, and then the couple kiss in the same way that Charmaine and Sean kissed after he offered the necklace.
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One of my favorite references, probably the most speculative :
'Mama Lucha' ¦
When he 'first' sees Charmaine, he exclaims this :
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I found no meaning for this word, we could say that it's a compliment he invented thanks to his fried brain.
However, I think he exclaimed "Mama Lucha !", because after some research, it wouldn't surprise me if Sean, a hugefan of heist movies, is actually referring to this woman : "Luz María Endara Altamirano" better known by the alias 'Mama Lucha'
There is little information about this woman but in short she was "an Ecuadorian extortionist, who was prosecuted for the crimes of tax evasion and treason."
After her death it is said that : "In the San Roque market, where one of her houses is located and where she used to live, there is an atmosphere of amnesia. Most of the shopkeepers say they do not know her, they do not know who she is."
Might be a reference that in this episode Sean became amnesiac.
Even funnier, it is just possible that Sean just noticed that his wife shares a slight resemblance with the emblem of the supermarket Bodega Aurrerá also called "Mama Lucha" :
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Btw a lot of the lines Sean says are similar to phrases from the 1999 series ' The Sopranos' like "get the fuck out of here" or "who's that piece of ass"
Synopsis : "Tony Soprano, a gangster living in New Jersey, suffers from panic attacks and must secretly see a psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Melfi. Tony has problems with his family: he is in conflict with his wife Carmela, his two children, Meadow and Anthony Junior, his mother Livia and his uncle "Junior"
Well I know nothing about the show and I'm going into bullshit, but from the synopsis, Carmela could be Charmaine, Livia could be Joan (Sean's mother) and once Sean mentioned his uncle "Fulvio"
Tony & Carmela :
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Finally ! the post is over, all this to conclude that the writers of wwdits are geniuses 🙌
Please feel free to reblog this post, to make discover to the greatest number the fucking pure genius of wwdits 😌
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
Hi! I love your analysis posts! So, I have a question: What kind of music do you think the Octonauts (And any Octo agents you want to add) would listen to, and what are their favorite song?
merci beaucoup <33 I have very little actual musical "knowledge"; I just like specific songs that go beep bap boop a specific way, but I'll try my best here—and as for their favourite songs, I'll just name some songs that remind me of them, if that's okay 👍
Barnacles likes accordion of course, so he'd probably enjoy anything that incorporates it. I can see him liking most genres tbh, he's not super picky—but he definitely likes folk and classical, and he LOVES sea shanties—almost more than Kwazii 👀
Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf
Born For Greatness - Papa Roach
Leaving London
Ship In A Bottle
Abandon Ship* (*pretend it's Kwazii singing to him)
They're all from an album by Steffan Argus, and you need to listen to them in order because they tell a story, and the whole thing is so Him fr.
See also:
Bones In The Ocean - The Longest Johns
—if you'd enjoy some Manitoba angst vibes.
Kwazii claims he ONLY listens to the jauntiest of shanties... but the secret truth is that he is pretty picky about them, and about music in general. He has auditory sensory issues, and one off note makes him want to curl up and perish, which is why he gets so upset when the Captain plays anything. As for his REAL taste: basically just Cosmo Sheldrake-core, his own singing, and anything Peso or the Vegimals play/sing.
Every Cosmo Sheldrake song ever, actually; but I recommend Come Along and The Moss the most.
The Villain I Appear To Be - Diamond Jack
Fish In A Birdcage - [band has the same name as the song]
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters And Men
I will not explain any of those- just listen to them and know that I Am Right /lh.
I forget the context, but I remember saying at one point that Shellington enjoys things that are organized and rhythmic (actually, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure the context was someone sharing their headcanon of him having a music stim with me—so there ya go 👍) so I can fully see him enjoying either electronica, or orchestra. Two very different things, but I rest my case.
Told You So - Nathan Evans
Tardigrade Song - Cosmo Sheldrake (I know I said every CS song belonged to Kwazii, but shh- this one's Shellington's.)
Line Without A Hook - Ricky Montgomery. just based on vibes tbh.
Tweak likes chiptune because I like chiptune and she is just like me fr /hj. Okay but actually she does LOVE electronic music—and any music that's like,, not made with traditional instruments?? Yeah. She likes chaotic music, and likes to jam out to folk with Barnacles because it feels nostalgic to her.
Bottom Of The River - Delta Rae
Crazy = Genius - P!@TD
Curses - The Crane Wives (this is also a Calico Jack song somehow- it fits both of them lol)
Pieces And Parts - Sydney Zarlengo
Sweet Hibiscus Tea - Penelope Scott
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men BUT it's a duet between her and Barnacles /p
See also:
The Last Shanty - Derina Harvey Band
—for some Manitoba!Tweak vibes.
Dashi listens to nightcore. She also got Peso into it. Honestly I feel like the two of them are both into pretty much anything—Dashi has a preference for pop, and Peso definitely likes symphonies, ballads, and anything that's chill and lofi.
Dashi also listens to hard rock and heavy metal in her spare time, and it disorients the heck out of whoever witnesses it randomly come on in her shuffled playlists. However, the only type of music I can't see Peso liking, is really loud music; like rock or metal—so they're the exact same and polar opposites at the same time 😂
I ALSO always think of Dashi when I listen to Marina—no idea why lol—might be her accent 😅
I don't have many songs for either of em- but here's what I've got:
Cold Cold Cold - Cage The Elephant
Anxiety Song - Human Petting Zoo
Right Hand Man - Something Rotten
Hermit The Frog - Marina. just vibes once again.
Dude exclusively listens to oldies, classics, and like,,, Beethoven probably, BUT! I feel like any one of the Octonauts could ask him to listen to anything and he would. He unironically enjoys Kwazii's music.
Octopus' Garden - The Beatles
They all have ridiculously contrasting tastes; they all probably enjoy the same kind of music as their respective Octonaut counterparts—but aside from that, they mostly just make their own music so they can all be happy.
Get Back Up Again but SPECIFICALLY the version from Disney's Trolls. trust me on this.
(some) Agent songs under cut:
Calico Jack me beloved:
I headcanon that he wrote his own theme song, so he likes shanties for sure; but I feel like as the years went by and he grew as a person, his music and general interests toned down a lot—so now he's more into ballads, and very Lord Huron or Hozier-esque music.
(all the following songs are angsty but they also hit HARD ykwim?? aye 👀 /pos)
Never Love An Anchor - The Crane Wives
Farewell Wanderlust - The Amazing Devil
Problems - Mother Mother
Metaphor - The Crane Wives
Flight Of The Crows - Jhariah
(oh look a non-angsty song–)
That's Life - Frank Sinatra
Natquik my beloved²:
Barnacles 100% got his music taste from him, I cannot be told otherwise. That's all I have to say about him.
Constellations - The Oh Hellos
Snow - Ricky Montgomery
December - Ricky Montgomery
New Discovery - The Crane Wives
Runaway - Aurora
plus bonus:
Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In - Will Wood
Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
—to satisfy my personal "I think Natquik deserves to go feral" needs.
Ranger Marsh my belov–:
Exclusively listens to folk and country, and actively refuses to branch out his horizons.
Cicada Days - Will Wood
Swarm Swamp Swim - Cosmo Sheldrake
Birdhouse In My Soul - They Might Be Giants
On one hand, I really like headcanoning that he likes to sing when he's alone—and is actually pretty good; but on the other hand... I think it'd be hilarious if he had unbelievably bland taste in terms of what he enjoys listening to 😂 He has no real preference, so he just lets whoever he's with control the radio. For their sake.
Hold It In - Jukebox The Ghost
I shall not/cannot explain why that song reminds me of him but it does so much-
and I don't have any more for him, RIP ✌️😔 I could probably find some easily if I looked, but I'm lazy ┐⁠(⁠‘⁠~⁠`⁠;⁠)⁠┌
He has weird taste too; but unlike Tracker, he has the most alternative underground music taste you can imagine, and he WILL subject you to it. He eats bugs in a universe of talking bugs, and I think it'd be funny if all of his interests were on the same wavelength lmao. He's just a weirdo (affectionate).
Just like Tracker I probably could find more songs if I actually tried to look—but for now all I have is this:
Water Island - My Singing Monsters
I found it on tiktok and it's literally His Song™ ever fr.
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coolsomejet · 11 months
iTunes uploaded a clip of Space Camp, and I already posted it to my main blog. Let's break it down, shall we?
A new plot factor has emerged - Jet's favorite TV show character is revealed to be "Great Galacto," a "space hero." Jet is inspired by this character to surf on waves in outer space. Based on the description of the character, it reminds me of Flash Gordon for some reason.
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The animation here is gorgeous. It's to be expected, since this movie is co-produced by Universal and Dreamworks, which would give it a bigger budget. The colors here, such as pink, purple, and blue, make it even prettier. Hey.....
As Jet is surfing, he records a letter/song to the Great Galacto Fan Club. The song appears to fall into the ska genre, and the lyrics are this:
Dear Great Galacto, It’s Jet Propulsion, your greatest fan Writing to tell you, if I can How much of my life goals are owed to your Great Galacto space hero ?? (I can't make out what he says here) Bravery, toughness, self-reliance A student of the laws of science Never afraid to take that chance And always ready for a song and dance Mentally, and physically fit A solo act, and proud of it Stronger, faster, healthier To the great unknown, excelsior!
All this time, Jet based his entire personality on the Great Galacto. He even admits how much of his "life goals" are owed to the character. "Bravery, toughness, self-reliance" - these are all some of Jet's personality traits, since he is fearless and always finds a way out of any problem.
"A student of the laws of science" - a law of science is a statement, based on repeated experiments or observations, that describes or predicts a range of natural phenomena. As Jet sings this line, he can be seen juggling planets, so I guess the "laws of science" in this case would refer to gravity.
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"Never afraid to take that chance" - Jet, multiple times throughout the series, acts before he thinks.
"And always ready for a song and dance" - Jet also bursts into song at the drop of a hat throughout the song.
"Mentally, and physically fit" - Jet is definitely physically fit, since he can run fast, and he somehow never gains weight despite how much he eats. The mentally fit part is questionable though. Jet is a genius, there's no doubt about that. He can name most of Jupiter's moons, quickly calculate how many Earths can fit into the sun, is a decent inventor, and during this line, he plays chess. However, he's also an idiot, since he can't keep his identity a secret at all. But we love him just the same.
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"A solo act, and proud of it" - I don't quite understand this line. I don't think Jet is a "solo act." He loves having his friends around, and even if they aren't there, he's always with Sunspot. It's implied that he hates being alone in a few episodes. In "Jet 2," he goes into despair when he thinks that Sean and Sydney don't want to be his friends anymore, and in "My Three Suns," he has a bad daydream where he's left all alone in a void, to be "it" forever. I think that this line will come back somehow. Maybe in the movie, Jet will try to do something by himself, only to later need the help of friends.
"To the great unknown, excelsior!" - Jet also seems to have lifted his "excelsior" catchphrase from Great Galacto. The phrase itself is Latin for "onward and upward," which he states in "Treehouse Observatory."
Great Galacto seems to be like a masculine, Bortronian counterpart to Commander Cressida (I'm assuming that Galacto is male/masc because his name ends in an "o," which is usually considered masc). Both are space heroes, both have alliterative names, both star in TV shows, and both are idolized by one of the main characters. Sydney idolizes Cressida, and Jet idolizes Galacto. Maybe this will be brought up in the movie. Who knows?
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authorspirit · 6 months
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Sydney Lambert (born Sage)
Romantic, loves outdoors, clumsy.
Renaissance sim.
Sydney Lambert is the mother of twins Graham and Melody and wife to Jay Lambert. Though she looks stern, she actually is more of a worried mother who is scared of not doing the right thing, rather than an actual severe person. It showed in the education provided to her children, whom she would always support no matter the path they chose. But she did unintentionnally favored Graham, considered a genius by the family, and forgot Melody who always seemed more independant in her eyes.
Sydney Lambert was a humble lifeguard working at a Sulani beach when the eyes of a prince met hers. She comes from humble backgrounds and being a lifeguard was not her ideal job - but it helped that she was born a mermaid. Jay Lambert is the fourth child of the then monarch Dahlia Lambert. Even if the chances of him succeeding someday were slim, it still meant a lot of pressure for her to marry into such a family. Thankfully, Jay is not a very severe person. He always tended to do his thing on his own but was still close to his mother. Dahlia was always sweet to Sydney, so the pressure Sydney felt was always coming from herself. This made her always agreeing with anything concerning Jay's family so of course she would agree to live with Jay's mom until her death. Things are not so bad as Jay is technically a duke and that makes her a duchess. But this inner pressure she puts on herself has become greater than ever since her daughter Melody announced her unexpected pregnancy. Melody was only a teen, close to graduate high school and she had a secret boyfriend that is already at uni?! Damage control was needed and Jay agreed: the boyfriend has to live with them and take responsibility. But can Sydney even trust that boyfriend coming out of nowhere?
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what-yadoking-likes · 7 months
Part 2 of this self-indulgent, unfinished trope-y MESS.
[Link to Part 1 here]
The place they were infiltrating was a sprawling estate in a quiet part of town. Parts of the building had stood for hundreds of years, claiming special recognition as a site of national importance. As such, it was very rare indeed that the owner deigned to throw open the gates and let people in - even if those people had been meticulously selected from a secret pool of elite - and filthy rich - VIPs. 
With the help of Joy and Sydney, Hoxton and Wolf had found their way onto this exclusive guestlist. It was incredible, Hoxton admitted to himself, as he saw the hours of work that had gone into compiling a detailed backstory they could recall at a moment’s notice if required to do so to allay any suspicions about their worthiness to attend.
“You come from money, so you’re alright,” Sydney said, pointing a finger in Hoxton’s direction, “you-” this time, she pointed at Wolf, “-are Hoxton’s love match.”
“She means that she couldn’t think of a convincing way to make it seem like you came from money, Wolf.”
“His love match?” Wolf pointedly ignored Dallas’ comment, though extended a vulgar gesture to the crew chief that made Hoxton chuckle to himself, “so how’d we meet?”
Sydney’s eyes flashed with something Hoxton could only describe as pure mischief. She looked like a little scamp in a children’s fairy tale that would dupe a poor, unsuspecting main character of their worldly possessions. 
“Oh, well, you’re soooo generous,” she said, making a gagging expression and rolling her eyes, “and little Wolfie here is a tech genius! You were a donor of the company he worked for producing innovative tech solutions for the modern household, and you met at a fundraiser. You both went to take the last champagne flute off a waiter and it was love at first sight.” Sydney sighed long and loud, as if it were the most romantic tale she had ever heard. Joy snickered at her side, gaze darting between Wolf and Hoxton as if expecting them to collapse into each other’s arms at a moment’s notice.
Sydney continued: “After a whirlwind engagement you were married in Wolfie’s hometown at a quaint wooden church seating about twenty. You have since amassed a tech empire spanning Europe and Asia, and now you want to crack America. You’re at the party to mingle, make connections and scout the hottest locations for your US-based HQ.”
It was all very detailed. 
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maaagnetize · 1 year
Cobra Pose: Yoga Mat Mysteries by Susan Rogers & John Roosen
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 Book Summary:
Australia is a surfers’ paradise … but this nefarious surfing on the ‘net’ … will destroy the global financial system.
It’s not just a rippling ‘scam’ job. Has Australia been infiltrated at levels they’ve never known?
 Elaina Williams uses a Cobra Pose in her Yoga studio to boost her energy – she will need it! Elaina’s father, Edward, is in trouble. He’s disappeared.
 As a solicitor and now yoga instructor, Elaina drags Ric, a man she’s fallen for, into the bursting web of techno-thrilling intrigue.
 Ric Peters has just returned from a disastrous trip to Indonesia. Ric bills himself as a photojournalist. Elaina suspects he shoots more than just photographs. Ric has insight into the journey he and Elaina must take. He knows Elaina isn’t ready for what’s going to happen. There are too many moving parts for him to control.
 Time is running out before The Cobra and The Wolf strike with their heist. They are extending their fangs towards Australia’s ‘golden coastline’ to bite into and destabilise financial institutions worldwide.
 The sparkling sub-tropical city of Brisbane, Queensland, is the epicentre of this hacking tsunami of the century! But these hackers are good at hiding. They make a living out of it. They are submerged Phantoms leaving no tracks.
Can the burgeoning amateur sleuth Elaina piece this puzzle together before her father’s fate is sealed? How far is Ric willing to go in deciding to save Elaina … or Australia?
 Cobra Pose is the suspense-thriller and second novel in the Yoga Mat Mysteries series. This book is filled with a snappy plot, dynamic prose, witty dialogue, and slow-burn chemistry. You’ll love Susan Rogers and John Roosen’s atmospheric whodunit. Click Cobra Pose to stretch your sense of adventure today!
 Buy the Book – Amazon
Elaina Williams and Ric Peters are back at it in the second installment of the Yoga Mat series, Cobra Pose. This time, things hit even closer to home when Elaina’s father, Dr. Edward Williams goes missing. After Elaina doesn’t hear from her father in a week, she calls Ric up to enlist him in helping her find the doctor. In a note he had left her, he had said he was going bushwalking but did not leave any dates or other information. Elaina leaves her staff at Yoga Boronia to run the business and goes from Sydney to Brisbane with Ric to find her father. Knowing that her father is adept at technology, specifically cyber-security and data protection, Elaina starts to put the clues together and realizes her father may have been kidnapped by someone who has a use for his skillset.
 There are so many well-thought-out parts to this book as in the first book. I love the relationship between Elaina and Ric although at times it seems that Ric is distracted and gives Elaina mixed messages. His obsession with only the best coffee and his taking up of tea draw humor into the book because Ric is such a masculine character. It is clear they both still care for one another. The scenery the characters pass through as they complete their adventure is descriptive yet not overbearing to the point it will bore the reader. The clues that Dr. Williams leaves Elaina are realistic, yet make the reader feel like there is a Nancy Drew element strewn throughout. The kidnappers who have different backgrounds each have very specific characteristics as well and the dialogue between the characters brings them to life. Elaina’s Uncle Max intercepts his way into the story when Ric and Elaina run into him after searching her father’s house. As Max’s dual identity reveals itself, the big guns are called in to help. Both Ric and Max’s backgrounds are very secretive, however, it is clear that they have resources at their disposal. I also love how a dummy yoga studio is created to bait the hackers/kidnappers. Genius!
 With the latest Australian cyber-attacks occurring, this book delves into the topic of cyber hacking and the reason that cyber security is so important, both personally and in business. Cobra Pose is a cat-and-mouse game full of action, adventure, and danger. With twists and turns throughout the plot and a tearjerker moment that puts readers into a final stage of suspense, authors Rogers and Roosen have put together yet another fantastic thriller.  
Reviewed By: Kristi Elizabeth, San Francisco Book Review
  About the Authors
What do a woman, who used to train military personnel how to shoot straight, and a man, skilled at eradicating all sorts of hazardous materials safely, have in common? Both were designated law enforcement officers and they have now written two ‘knock ’em dead’ books … together!
 John Roosen started his career as a biologist, served as a commissioned naval officer and environmental emergency specialist in the United States, and has lived and worked in Australasia, Antarctica, the Americas and the Middle East. At a moment’s notice, he would respond to chemical and refinery plant explosions, deal with rocket fuel plant meltdowns and dismantle illegal drug labs. With Susan, John delivered international security and safety training against terrorism to ports in the Pacific. As a change-up, John switched careers to chasing pirates and duelling with a con artist extraordinaire on a remote South Pacific island. In between, he organised jungle expeditions and deep-sea scuba diving. However, John’s experience extends beyond responding to cataclysmic disasters and includes mastering the intricacies of making soufflé omelettes without burning the edges.
 Susan Rogers already knew she was a writer at age six, but her life took a major detour when she became a commissioned naval officer. As a designated law enforcement officer, she was boarding ships at sea and conducting structural and safety inspections. In addition, she developed civil defence programs for civilian populations. With John, Susan orchestrated sting operations. Susan also ran extensive weapons training programs and managed emergency responses for natural and man-made disasters. Susan worked in Australasia, the Pacific, the Americas and the Middle East. While posted in Abu Dhabi, she ran health and safety operations for multi-billion-dollar projects along the Persian Gulf. In her spare time, she directed the restoration of a Presidential yacht. In between, she has written several books and revamped a South Pacific maritime service. Susan continues to write: whether braced against the hull of a sailing vessel on a hard tack, during a crossing of the Middle East’s empty quarter in a Mini or bouncing around in a troop carrier in Australia’s outback.
 After writing Surviving Paradise about their life in the South Pacific, John and Susan hatched their Yoga Mat Mysteries series. Dead Man’s Pose is first in the line-up, with Cobra Pose as the second book. Next will be Tree Pose – coming soon!
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
WIP Introduction- Shine Bright Like a Diamond! (Gorgeous Gems #1)
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Genre- YA Contemporary, young adult romance, coming-of-age
POV- first person present tense
Setting- Cleveland, Ohio
Status- outlining
Content warnings- some language & mild sexual content
Synopsis- Sixteen-year old Diamond Hutton has been "Hutton triplet number one" for as long as she can remember. Sometimes being an identical triplet made her feel like more of a circus attraction. She forged her own path when she got into athletics- especially double dutch. Having recently come out to (& with the full support of her best friends), Diamond decides to assert herself when she comes up with the idea that her and her friends should really make a thing at becoming a pro-double dutch team! As the Sista Steppers (and newcomers), Diamond gets more than she bargained for when she finds herself drawn to a girl named Sydney, an out & proud member of the reigning queens of double dutch- The Dutch Divas! As the double dutch competition heats up, so does the spark between Diamond and Sydney. Can two people who are still figuring themselves out figure out how to be together? Will Diamond have the confidence to live her life truly & happily?
Diamond Hutton (main protagonist)
Keisha Jones (Diamond's best friend)- the bubbly, sweet, petite "munchkin" Queen of pink!
Faith Ellis (Diamond's best friend)- the boy crazy expert "weaveologist" that can lay down baby hairs like nobody's business!
Tori Symanski (Diamond's best friend)- the tomboy, assertive "whoop-ass" of the friend group. Secret math genius & confident in her plus-size figure!
Sydney Davis (Diamond's love interest)- the eclectic, sporty extrovert with a smile & laugh to match!
Morgan Kennedy (antagonist & leader of the Dutch Divas)- the blunt sharp-tongued perfectionist that takes no prisoners!
Nia & Darius Hutton (Diamond's parents)
Emerald Hutton (Diamond's sister)
Aquamarine Hutton (Diamond's sister)
Kyanite Hutton (Diamond's younger brother)
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prcphesieslie · 6 months
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Look who just woke up- is that JOHN KRASINSKI? No, I must have been mistaken, that’s JOHN SHEPPARD from STARGATE: ATLANTIS. I heard he is 40 and stuck here just like everyone else. Even in the 20’s, he still gives off a MEMORIES BURIED SO DEEP THEY’RE ONLY EVER SEEN IN NIGHTMARES, MESSY HAIR AND SARCASM HIDING PERFECT MANNERS AND A RICH UPBRINGING, EYES ROLLING SO HARD THEY MIGHT GET STUCK, ENJOYING BEING IN THE SKY MORE THAN BEING ON THE GROUND, SARCASTIC ARGUMENTS AMONG CLOSE FRIENDS impression. But here, they are working as SOLDIER/PILOT. They’re known to be quite PROTECTIVE & LOGICAL, but have a tendency to be SARCASTIC & MASKED on their bad days.
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Gender/Pronouns ::
Cis Man ; he/him
How long have they been in Sydney? 
Ten Years
Which suburb do they live in? 
Personality description :  
Strangers :: Sheppard has the capacity to be polite, but he tends to rub a lot of people the wrong way because of his naturally sarcastic nature. Strangers in the military get a much more put together and polite version of him, but civilian strangers tend to get a more sarcastic, standoffish version of him. He had to play a part for much of his younger years, and he no longer feels obligated to make people like him.
Friends :: Friends get a just as sarcastic version of Sheppard, but it's more playful than it is gruff. They get to see the side of him that isn't so serious, but is just as standoffish. John isn't great at letting people in, so even friends are kept at arms length.
Family/Close Friends :: Those he's closest to are his family even if he isn't great at expressing it. He will do anything for them. They see his playfulness more than anyone else with his knack for teasing and his sometimes dry sense of humor. If anyone wrongs the people he loves, there's hell to pay.
Memories of their real life : 
Sheppard was born into a very wealthy family and by the time he was 14, his father had his entire life planned out for him. He is considered a genius and could have joined MENSA. This is what helped him get into Stanford. However, after he finished his education, he decided to escape his father's plan for his life and join the Air Force. This led to a huge falling out and he left, never speaking to his father again and leaving his little brother to take his place.
Sheppard was a very skilled pilot, but he got into trouble during his time in the military, going against direct orders in an attempt to save his friends. This led to a strain on his relationship with higher ranking personal. During this time, he was also married, but his wife ended up asking for a divorce given how much time he spent on secret missions and the strain it put on their relationship.
Eventually, Sheppard was recruited for the Stargate mission to the Ancient city of Atlantis in 2004, given he possessed the gene to activate Ancient technology. He led the main exploration team and received several promotions during his time on Atlantis.
If you want to read more, you can check out his wiki page here!
What was their fake life like? 
tbd; waiting for plotting!
However, he was serving in America, but moved to Australia for assistance only to wake up with his real memories and has been in Sydney since then.
Label :: The Maverick
Location they work in : Atlantis
Wanted Connections ::
Coworkers from Atlantis
Other Soldiers
0 notes
celiastjamesoscar · 8 months
Hi darling. It took me an hour and a lot of scrolling through ao3, but I found the Clexa fic! https://archiveofourown.org/works/10011560?view_full_work=true That's where I first came in contact with Poes work. I remember I liked it so much that I looked up more of his poems at this time. Fics really teach you much more than school and real life. Love it. Your brother has great taste! Juno is my secret favorite. Lol, yeah, the handcuff scene was brutal. I love Mike's work and how he can combine gruesome scenes with such a beautiful story and make it fit together so perfectly. He's a genius. Netflix or Amazon, it doesn't matter as long as he keeps up his great work!
Lol surprise adopt 😂 That's exactly what we will do. We will lure her in and set her up in a comfortable room until we cam force ourselves onto the set of Scream 7. We will offer her gym equipment to keep her muscles all big and strong. But I honestly don't fully believe that they would exclude Melissa and or Jenna. Jenna because, as bad as it sounds, is a money maker at the moment. People love her. And Melissa because they probably want to keep the Billy connection going and have a new final girl. If they'd cast whole new people it would mess up the storyline and franchise.
I also switch between cats and dogs constantly. Both are just so cute and cuddly. To me it's impossible to choose between them.
You are a saint for finding that fic, but you honestly didn’t have to. I still appreciate it so much <3 Clexa fics hit different during the colder months for me, and I have no idea why, so I will definitely give that one a read some time soon. Fanfic writers shaped my entire early teenage life, and they will forever have my heart for it. Juno is such a sweetheart and she deserves the word! I started to rewatch House of Usher with my mom! Mike can include just the right amount gore to gross you out, but not enough for you to turn it off. He’s one of the best horror producers out there. I agree; as long as Mike is still creating masterpieces, I don’t care where at, I will be watching!
I bet we wouldn’t even have to lure her, she would probably go willingly. Her dedication and love for Sam is one of the many things I love about her. And the gym equipment too 😭 that’s essential. I love Jenna to death, but I also agree that’s she a money maker for the franchise. Scream VI was the highest grossing installment since the first one back in ‘96. Melissa better stay on because she is the new fave of the franchise, and because I really love Sam’s character. I might be a bit biased, but her character is more rounded than Sydney’s, I still love Syd to death though. It’s going to be interesting to see how the filming of 7 is done, that’s for sure
They are both cuddly and cute, but only one of my cats will actually cuddle. The other one is Leo Usher’s black cat most of the time 😬
Completely off topic, but I get to go into the cadaver lab tomorrow and I’m so exited!!
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imcaso · 8 months
Ranking: The "Scream" Franchise
My ranking of every film in the Scream franchise. More to come.
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6. Scream 5 (2022)
I’m sorry, but I do not get the hype. And I’m calling it Scream 5. 
Now I will say first, the Scream franchise has made all of its success on the unfolding of its soap-opera-esque plots: the psychopath boyfriend, the vengeful mother, the secret Hollywood past and illegitimate child - this is just what Scream does. But the fifth installment cut the knife a bit too deep, so to speak. 
Let’s start with the opening scene, which I will admit I don’t have a fully formed opinion on just yet. The film made the questionable decision to spare its victim of the supposed “first kill.” Perhaps if I liked the rest of the movie a bit more I would feel better about it, but it wound up getting lost in a mix of creative decisions that couldn’t be saved even by the series’ own innate tackiness. Part of me thinks I may be conflating this with Drew Barrymore’s first (technically second) kill in movie number one. The genius ploy behind this was to market the widely-popular Barrymore as the lead of the movie to draw in viewers, only to end up killing her off in the first fifteen minutes. And maybe this is my qualm with the decision to spare Ortega. She too is having her flowering moment in the spotlight, so perhaps I see it as a weak decision to pander to her fanbase like they did. Nonetheless, I do have some good things to say: in accordance to its own rules of horror movies, each installment of the franchise must get bigger and bloodier, and this is something that the first scene did just right. Jenna Ortega got her ass KICKED (her poor hand!)…and then proceeded to kick ass…so let’s give her some credit, as well as some to the creators for giving us such an action-packed scene. 
Now let’s cut into the meat - probably my biggest gripe with the film…the bastard child of Billy Loomis: Sam Carpenter. Don’t get me wrong, I like her as a character, but I can’t deny her likability was weighed down by such an unnecessary background plot. It brought a vibe with it, like that Debbie Downer sketch on Saturday Night Live. Not to mention the writers reached to the heavens to pull off this lore. So you mean to tell me at sixteen years old, Billy Loomis was indoctrinated by Roman Bridger, plotted and committed the murder of Maureen Prescott, then carried out a mass murder of his own friends the next year, and somewhere along the way also had a baby with another student at their high school? Interesting. Like I said before, this is what Scream is known for, but something about it felt so unwitting and was overall very poorly executed. And now they have no choice but to double down and carry on with the story. 
Now you’ve heard my gripe about our first victim, Tara, surviving. And you know I haven’t fully accepted Sam into the Scream family with open arms…so what happens now that they are at the forefront of this story? Something about the two of them feels so…crowded. Like they’re attempting to toss the Sydney Baton back and forth as a way to usher in a new generation of legacy characters. But lest we forget we have spent four whole movies tormented by the potential fates of our OG legacy characters, so I’m not too thrilled being handed off to a group of strangers who I don’t care enough about yet. When you are making decisions three movies ahead of yourself, you risk losing out on the unpredictability of life, real and movie. 
Okay, let’s talk about it now. You know exactly who I mean: Sheriff Judy Hicks…and, yes, our beloved Dewey as well. I said it mere sentences ago, we have spent years with this franchise speculating when we’d inevitably lose one or more of our legacy characters. And I hate to say that it was completely necessary to let one of the big ones go in this movie. 
We’ll start with Judy. For only appearing in Scream 4 and 5, I have to say this one was a little heartbreaking. Had they let her go in the fourth, we wouldn’t have known her long enough to really care. But seeing her thriving as the newly promoted sheriff in the fifth film evoked a love for her I never knew I had. Hicks was arguably the most innocent character in the series, so it was a bit shocking how the deaths of her and her son unfolded. To me, these kills had a darkness to them that we haven’t yet seen in Ghostface (you know, besides the dozens of other brutal murders committed over the last thirty years). But truly, something about how unsuspecting they were, the cruelness of Ghostface taunting Judy on the phone, the surprise attack at the door, and the painful death of her son, idk man it just made me sad face. I wanted to like it, truly. I appreciate when a film can make me feel sour. There’s an art to it. But similarly to how I felt about the opening scene, the rest of the movie simply overshadowed its most promising moments. 
And then there was Dewey, our awkward knight in armor. I’m not going to say he shouldn’t have died. One of the big three needed to, and I would be a bit more fearful for the future of the series if it had ended up being Gale or Sydney. I just can’t say I appreciate the way they did it. Maybe I’m going back on my words literally one paragraph ago, but this moment made me sour. And I only feel that because Dewey was a much more historic character to this franchise, that he should have died with some dignity. Instead, he died alone, on the hospital floor (where tf was the staff?), as the long-lost love of his life rang for him, not knowing she would never speak to him again. What a shame. I have more to say about this after a certain event in the sixth movie takes place, so we’ll get to that later. 
Now that I’ve read this film to filth, let’s talk about the things I did like, sort of: Amber Freeman’s reveal. “I’m not the fucking killer,” Liv cries. Then, raising the gun to her head, Amber replies with a smirk on her face, “I know,” and WHAM! What a powerful moment. Truthfully, the only powerful moment of the entire film. Even so, the killers in this one were nearly the least impressive of the franchise, a bit too on-the-nose. Especially following Emma Roberts’ legendary reveal in the previous film, who’s insane plot to beat herself to a pulp and guise herself as a victim was the most insane we’ve ever seen a Ghostface. Amber honestly felt like the little sister trying to fit into her big sister’s shadow. She was sloppy and impulsive. And Richie did not help to compensate for that. In fact, his performance has been the least memorable of the franchise to me. And back to Amber, why are they always setting that poor girl on fire? 
I digress. I’m sad to say, I’ve never been disappointed by a Scream installment like I was with number five. I accept it, I will live with it, but I’m gonna be mad about it! But on the bright side, everything from here can only look up. 
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unendingbooklist · 1 year
Cobra Pose: Yoga Mat Mysteries by Susan Rogers & John Roosen
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 Book Summary:
Australia is a surfers’ paradise … but this nefarious surfing on the ‘net’ … will destroy the global financial system.
It’s not just a rippling ‘scam’ job. Has Australia been infiltrated at levels they’ve never known?
Elaina Williams uses a Cobra Pose in her Yoga studio to boost her energy – she will need it! Elaina’s father, Edward, is in trouble. He’s disappeared.
As a solicitor and now yoga instructor, Elaina drags Ric, a man she’s fallen for, into the bursting web of techno-thrilling intrigue.
Ric Peters has just returned from a disastrous trip to Indonesia. Ric bills himself as a photojournalist. Elaina suspects he shoots more than just photographs. Ric has insight into the journey he and Elaina must take. He knows Elaina isn’t ready for what’s going to happen. There are too many moving parts for him to control.
Time is running out before The Cobra and The Wolf strike with their heist. They are extending their fangs towards Australia’s ‘golden coastline’ to bite into and destabilise financial institutions worldwide.
The sparkling sub-tropical city of Brisbane, Queensland, is the epicentre of this hacking tsunami of the century! But these hackers are good at hiding. They make a living out of it. They are submerged Phantoms leaving no tracks.
Can the burgeoning amateur sleuth Elaina piece this puzzle together before her father’s fate is sealed? How far is Ric willing to go in deciding to save Elaina … or Australia?
Cobra Pose is the suspense-thriller and second novel in the Yoga Mat Mysteries series. This book is filled with a snappy plot, dynamic prose, witty dialogue, and slow-burn chemistry. You’ll love Susan Rogers and John Roosen’s atmospheric whodunit. Click Cobra Pose to stretch your sense of adventure today!
 Buy the Book – Amazon
Elaina Williams and Ric Peters are back at it in the second installment of the Yoga Mat series, Cobra Pose. This time, things hit even closer to home when Elaina’s father, Dr. Edward Williams goes missing. After Elaina doesn’t hear from her father in a week, she calls Ric up to enlist him in helping her find the doctor. In a note he had left her, he had said he was going bushwalking but did not leave any dates or other information. Elaina leaves her staff at Yoga Boronia to run the business and goes from Sydney to Brisbane with Ric to find her father. Knowing that her father is adept at technology, specifically cyber-security and data protection, Elaina starts to put the clues together and realizes her father may have been kidnapped by someone who has a use for his skillset.
There are so many well-thought-out parts to this book as in the first book. I love the relationship between Elaina and Ric although at times it seems that Ric is distracted and gives Elaina mixed messages. His obsession with only the best coffee and his taking up of tea draw humor into the book because Ric is such a masculine character. It is clear they both still care for one another. The scenery the characters pass through as they complete their adventure is descriptive yet not overbearing to the point it will bore the reader. The clues that Dr. Williams leaves Elaina are realistic, yet make the reader feel like there is a Nancy Drew element strewn throughout. The kidnappers who have different backgrounds each have very specific characteristics as well and the dialogue between the characters brings them to life. Elaina’s Uncle Max intercepts his way into the story when Ric and Elaina run into him after searching her father’s house. As Max’s dual identity reveals itself, the big guns are called in to help. Both Ric and Max’s backgrounds are very secretive, however, it is clear that they have resources at their disposal. I also love how a dummy yoga studio is created to bait the hackers/kidnappers. Genius!
With the latest Australian cyber-attacks occurring, this book delves into the topic of cyber hacking and the reason that cyber security is so important, both personally and in business. Cobra Pose is a cat-and-mouse game full of action, adventure, and danger. With twists and turns throughout the plot and a tearjerker moment that puts readers into a final stage of suspense, authors Rogers and Roosen have put together yet another fantastic thriller. 
 Reviewed By: Kristi Elizabeth, San Francisco Book Review
  About the Authors
What do a woman, who used to train military personnel how to shoot straight, and a man, skilled at eradicating all sorts of hazardous materials safely, have in common? Both were designated law enforcement officers and they have now written two ‘knock ’em dead’ books … together!
John Roosen started his career as a biologist, served as a commissioned naval officer and environmental emergency specialist in the United States, and has lived and worked in Australasia, Antarctica, the Americas and the Middle East. At a moment’s notice, he would respond to chemical and refinery plant explosions, deal with rocket fuel plant meltdowns and dismantle illegal drug labs. With Susan, John delivered international security and safety training against terrorism to ports in the Pacific. As a change-up, John switched careers to chasing pirates and duelling with a con artist extraordinaire on a remote South Pacific island. In between, he organised jungle expeditions and deep-sea scuba diving. However, John’s experience extends beyond responding to cataclysmic disasters and includes mastering the intricacies of making soufflé omelettes without burning the edges.
Susan Rogers already knew she was a writer at age six, but her life took a major detour when she became a commissioned naval officer. As a designated law enforcement officer, she was boarding ships at sea and conducting structural and safety inspections. In addition, she developed civil defence programs for civilian populations. With John, Susan orchestrated sting operations. Susan also ran extensive weapons training programs and managed emergency responses for natural and man-made disasters. Susan worked in Australasia, the Pacific, the Americas and the Middle East. While posted in Abu Dhabi, she ran health and safety operations for multi-billion-dollar projects along the Persian Gulf. In her spare time, she directed the restoration of a Presidential yacht. In between, she has written several books and revamped a South Pacific maritime service. Susan continues to write: whether braced against the hull of a sailing vessel on a hard tack, during a crossing of the Middle East’s empty quarter in a Mini or bouncing around in a troop carrier in Australia’s outback.
After writing Surviving Paradise about their life in the South Pacific, John and Susan hatched their Yoga Mat Mysteries series. Dead Man’s Pose is first in the line-up, with Cobra Pose as the second book. Next will be Tree Pose – coming soon!
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bluntshroom · 1 year
Cobra Pose: Yoga Mat Mysteries by Susan Rogers & John Roosen
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 Book Summary:
Australia is a surfers’ paradise … but this nefarious surfing on the ‘net’ … will destroy the global financial system.
It’s not just a rippling ‘scam’ job. Has Australia been infiltrated at levels they’ve never known?
Elaina Williams uses a Cobra Pose in her Yoga studio to boost her energy – she will need it! Elaina’s father, Edward, is in trouble. He’s disappeared.
As a solicitor and now yoga instructor, Elaina drags Ric, a man she’s fallen for, into the bursting web of techno-thrilling intrigue.
Ric Peters has just returned from a disastrous trip to Indonesia. Ric bills himself as a photojournalist. Elaina suspects he shoots more than just photographs. Ric has insight into the journey he and Elaina must take. He knows Elaina isn’t ready for what’s going to happen. There are too many moving parts for him to control.
Time is running out before The Cobra and The Wolf strike with their heist. They are extending their fangs towards Australia’s ‘golden coastline’ to bite into and destabilise financial institutions worldwide.
The sparkling sub-tropical city of Brisbane, Queensland, is the epicentre of this hacking tsunami of the century! But these hackers are good at hiding. They make a living out of it. They are submerged Phantoms leaving no tracks.
Can the burgeoning amateur sleuth Elaina piece this puzzle together before her father’s fate is sealed? How far is Ric willing to go in deciding to save Elaina … or Australia?
Cobra Pose is the suspense-thriller and second novel in the Yoga Mat Mysteries series. This book is filled with a snappy plot, dynamic prose, witty dialogue, and slow-burn chemistry. You’ll love Susan Rogers and John Roosen’s atmospheric whodunit. Click Cobra Pose to stretch your sense of adventure today!
 Buy the Book – Amazon
Elaina Williams and Ric Peters are back at it in the second installment of the Yoga Mat series, Cobra Pose. This time, things hit even closer to home when Elaina’s father, Dr. Edward Williams goes missing. After Elaina doesn’t hear from her father in a week, she calls Ric up to enlist him in helping her find the doctor. In a note he had left her, he had said he was going bushwalking but did not leave any dates or other information. Elaina leaves her staff at Yoga Boronia to run the business and goes from Sydney to Brisbane with Ric to find her father. Knowing that her father is adept at technology, specifically cyber-security and data protection, Elaina starts to put the clues together and realizes her father may have been kidnapped by someone who has a use for his skillset.
There are so many well-thought-out parts to this book as in the first book. I love the relationship between Elaina and Ric although at times it seems that Ric is distracted and gives Elaina mixed messages. His obsession with only the best coffee and his taking up of tea draw humor into the book because Ric is such a masculine character. It is clear they both still care for one another. The scenery the characters pass through as they complete their adventure is descriptive yet not overbearing to the point it will bore the reader. The clues that Dr. Williams leaves Elaina are realistic, yet make the reader feel like there is a Nancy Drew element strewn throughout. The kidnappers who have different backgrounds each have very specific characteristics as well and the dialogue between the characters brings them to life. Elaina’s Uncle Max intercepts his way into the story when Ric and Elaina run into him after searching her father’s house. As Max’s dual identity reveals itself, the big guns are called in to help. Both Ric and Max’s backgrounds are very secretive, however, it is clear that they have resources at their disposal. I also love how a dummy yoga studio is created to bait the hackers/kidnappers. Genius!
With the latest Australian cyber-attacks occurring, this book delves into the topic of cyber hacking and the reason that cyber security is so important, both personally and in business. Cobra Pose is a cat-and-mouse game full of action, adventure, and danger. With twists and turns throughout the plot and a tearjerker moment that puts readers into a final stage of suspense, authors Rogers and Roosen have put together yet another fantastic thriller. 
 Reviewed By: Kristi Elizabeth, San Francisco Book Review
  About the Authors
What do a woman, who used to train military personnel how to shoot straight, and a man, skilled at eradicating all sorts of hazardous materials safely, have in common? Both were designated law enforcement officers and they have now written two ‘knock ’em dead’ books … together!
John Roosen started his career as a biologist, served as a commissioned naval officer and environmental emergency specialist in the United States, and has lived and worked in Australasia, Antarctica, the Americas and the Middle East. At a moment’s notice, he would respond to chemical and refinery plant explosions, deal with rocket fuel plant meltdowns and dismantle illegal drug labs. With Susan, John delivered international security and safety training against terrorism to ports in the Pacific. As a change-up, John switched careers to chasing pirates and duelling with a con artist extraordinaire on a remote South Pacific island. In between, he organised jungle expeditions and deep-sea scuba diving. However, John’s experience extends beyond responding to cataclysmic disasters and includes mastering the intricacies of making soufflé omelettes without burning the edges.
Susan Rogers already knew she was a writer at age six, but her life took a major detour when she became a commissioned naval officer. As a designated law enforcement officer, she was boarding ships at sea and conducting structural and safety inspections. In addition, she developed civil defence programs for civilian populations. With John, Susan orchestrated sting operations. Susan also ran extensive weapons training programs and managed emergency responses for natural and man-made disasters. Susan worked in Australasia, the Pacific, the Americas and the Middle East. While posted in Abu Dhabi, she ran health and safety operations for multi-billion-dollar projects along the Persian Gulf. In her spare time, she directed the restoration of a Presidential yacht. In between, she has written several books and revamped a South Pacific maritime service. Susan continues to write: whether braced against the hull of a sailing vessel on a hard tack, during a crossing of the Middle East’s empty quarter in a Mini or bouncing around in a troop carrier in Australia’s outback.
After writing Surviving Paradise about their life in the South Pacific, John and Susan hatched their Yoga Mat Mysteries series. Dead Man’s Pose is first in the line-up, with Cobra Pose as the second book. Next will be Tree Pose – coming soon!
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authorspirit · 6 months
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Jay Lambert household: previously on.
previous - next
The fourth child of Dahlia Lambert, Jay Lambert, is the youngest sibling to current monarch Aria Sapphire. He was the one who stayed with his mother Dahlia until the end. He met Sydney when he was young and it was love at first sight for both of them. They later had two twins, Melody and Graham. Though they are twins, they could not be more opposite. Graham is the ideal child, a genius, who always gets straight As. The one thing he and Melody agree on is their love for music. Not necessarily the same type, but they do love it. While Graham grabbed all the attention - he didn't do it on purpose but still - Melody was free to do a lot of stuffs. She's more of the extroverted type and likes partying. That is how she met Nasir: at a party organized by older siblings of her friends. But technically... Melody wasn't allowed to go there (I won't give you more info on underage drinking but you can imagine her parents would not allow that). Nasir became her secret boyfriend she would meet at parties. Graham knew about it but kept his lips tight. However, he saw the deteriorating health of his sister: she became nauseous, some foods would disgust her that would not before... On their birthday, he urged her to take a pregnancy test. The result was cataclysmic for Melody: a baby was on the way! Now, because her pregnancy could not be hidden, her parents decided that Nasir would move in with them, to "take his responsibilities". But how will this cohabitation be doing? What decisions await the young couple? And quid of Graham who wil also apply to university?
Just like the previous household, I plan on doing only one rotation with them, maybe another with the twins only.
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