#Symbolic poetry
kaywrites23 · 5 months
I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
I flew to him like Icarus to the sun.
I was too blinded by his hypnotizing light to realize I was about to be burned and cast away as if I was nothing.
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asjjohnson · 6 months
A parable came to my mind this morning.
There is a tree. And branches occasionally break from this tree.
Nature can be harsh, and a branch can break from many things: maybe weight, or high wind, or freezing rain, or a creature gnawing through the branch. But, whatever the cause is, it still leads to the branch being disconnected from the tree.
A branch has no way of reconnecting itself. It can only lie there and die of thirst.
There is a gardener, who carefully trims the branch and reattaches it to the tree, wrapping it so that it will not fall off again.
If the branch doesn't reach for the water in the tree (no matter what the gardener does for it), it will still suffer of thirst, wither, and die.
But if the reattached branch reaches for the living water of the tree, it will live, strengthen, and grow together with the tree.
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andrews-songs · 2 years
Spin the World
New #poem, Spin The World, available on my blog Pan de Bare #poetry #rave #raveculture #ravepoetry #techno #technopoetry #dancing #dancepoem
Spin the world, DJ – How can one manproduce so much noise? The lights meltmy ears/my soul.My feet fly withmessenger’s wings. Spin the world, DJ:How can one circleimply so many memories? (The liquor lightsmy throat/my groin.My hands twirl lapiswands: summoning.) The world spins, DJ;forever patient,the watcher watches. [I jumped up on the speaker,felt the bass pump my soul. Butin my ecstasy,…
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qiinamii · 11 months
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quite the poet, quite the inspo
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l0ve-sicc · 1 year
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crane wives go crazy
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acrashedjournal · 1 year
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our theory is that there is a god, and he is hungry. Carmen Maria Machado
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Art by Lucas Garcete
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 10 months
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writers-potion · 8 months
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lovegrowsart · 7 months
something something orpheus and eurdiyce and katara doesn't look back at aang in the cave of the two lovers but she does look back at zuko when she leaves him in the crystal catacombs and love is about looking back its about turning around and seeing them even if it's for the last time
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thesymbolsofparadise · 6 months
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Art by Lucas Garcete
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parlapina · 9 months
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theminecraftbee · 10 months
also you know what feeling something about how, given that cleo is the person with the inexplicably huge wolf pack this season, for once it's not a lone wolf who has it. hell, with the wolf spawner, they even share it. don't even know what to do with that just. staring at it with some kind of emotion. they shared it. they shared the wolf pack. the thing that had almost always previously been associated with a weird loner who replaced friends with dogs they shared it--
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tenrose · 11 months
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bloomxng-per4wxnkle · 1 month
Came across a post on pinterest about peonies- how they bloom for 100 years and are thus used to symbolise happy and long marriages. And I can't stop thinking about how Wei Wuxian tossed these peonies at Lan Wangji during his first life.
And I'm also thinking about how Lan Wangji pressed one of those peonies into the notebook on which Wei wuxian transcribed the Lan clan rules, on the page which explains the significance of the Lan clan forehead ribbon...
And just like how peonies are said to bloom for a hundred years, Lan Wangji's love for Wei Wuxian never withered even after all those long years...
Edit: okay guys, I just saw an old post on tumblr about the audio drama. In the AD, when Wei Wuxian tosses peonies at Lan Wangji, the music that plays in the background is called 'silent confession'
The post is from @/xinyuenii in case anyone's wondering
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Writing Notes: Symbolism
Symbol - anything that hints at something else, usually something abstract, such as an idea or belief
Literary symbol - an object, a person, a situation, or an action that has a literal meaning in a story but suggests or represents other meanings
2 Types of Symbols
A general symbol is universal in its meaning
Even if the symbol were removed from a work of literature, it would still suggest a larger meaning
Example 1: While the sea symbolizes the universal voyage from life to death in The Odyssey, it retains this association independent from literature. The "sea" is a general symbol.
Example 2: In poetry, a "rose" often is not only a flower, but also a general symbol for romantic love.
A specific symbol is not universal in its meaning
It acquires a specific meaning based on how it relates to the content of a novel, poem, etc.
The symbol's significance exists only within the context created by the author
Example 1: A hunting cap in The Catcher in the Rye has no universal meaning, but within the novel it is worn backwards and symbolizes a looking back at childhood.
Example 2: A pair of eyes on a billboard in The Great Gatsby has no universal meaning, but within the story symbolizes the eyes of God watching humanity.
Tips about Symbols
The story itself must furnish a clue that a detail is to be taken symbolically. Symbols nearly always signal their existence by emphasis, repetition, or position.
The meaning of a literary symbol must be established and supported by the entire context of the story. The symbol has its meaning in the story, not outside it.
To be called a symbol, an item must suggest a meaning different in kind from its literal meaning; a symbol is something more than its class or type.
A symbol may have more than one meaning. This does not mean that the symbol can mean anything you want it to because possible meanings are always controlled by the context.
4 Steps When Writing About Symbolism
1. Determine what objects, characters, or actions are symbolic
To identify a symbol, note if an object seems to:
appear repeatedly
have an unusually vivid quality
be described with language conveying much emphasis
have more significance than its literal reality would suggest
2. Determine symbolic meanings
Carefully examine how the symbol functions in relation to the story
Ask yourself what idea is represented by the symbol
3. Classify the symbols
Classification may reveal opposite relationships, such as symbols of good and evil, life and death, or eternal and ephemeral
Or symbols may fall into isolated categories, such as destruction, innocence, or sexuality
4. Classify the meanings of a symbol
Determine how much depth a particular symbol has and classify its possible meanings
While your paper may focus on only one major symbol, you may be able to divide it into two specific meanings and two general meanings
If these writing notes help with your poem/story, do tag me. Or send me a link. I'd love to read them!
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