wolfscarr · 4 months
Nightcrawler and Silver Sable. Future Rulers of Symkaria?
So with the recent Uncanny Spider-Man series in having Nightcrawler(Kurt Wagner) and Silver Sable(Silvija Sablinova) getting into a relationship, it had me thinking of the possible future for them as a couple.
Within that future, I was thinking of the very real possibility of Kurt Wagner becoming one of the rulers of Symkaria with Silvija. She's already the Princess of it, so it would make sense then that with Wagner that she could then with his help, make Symkaria thrive and the mini series already touched upon such by Kurt giving Silvija ideas on Symkaria's reliance on mercenary finances.
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This not only paints a picture of Kurt wanting to be with Silvija, but the fact he also wants to help her country and he may even have more ideas. Nightcrawler as many know, always wants to help out others and it's not like he hasn't done so, he's been a teacher, he's been a leader.
But even moreso than that, with this future possibility....it could also open the doors for better mutant and human relations. What better way of doing this, than showing that showing Kurt and Silvija running an entire country and making it better than what it was before?
There's a whole host of potential story writing here for Kurt and Silvija, not just for them and their relationship but on the whole spectrum regarding mutants and humans.
The door is there to really have something interesting. Plus I kinda wanna see how Silvija's father(Ernst Sablinov) would react, to her daughter being with a mutant, I wanna see the two of them bond. I wanna see how the people of Symkaria react to Kurt and the potential possibility of him being their future ruler if he decides to marry Silvija. Which honestly I hope that happens, again...Kurt has been through a whole lot, he deserves to be happy.
But anyway these are just my potential story thoughts that I hope Marvel could lean into, hoping that future writers don't just shove away this relationship because it honestly has a whole host of possibilities!
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edgepunk · 1 year
thinking abt how Earth-1610 Peter Parker was 101% ready to be Miles' mentor, but didn't get the chance while Earth-1048 (Insomniac Games) Peter did get to be Miles's mentor, and they even developed a brother-like relationship
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vamprnce · 10 months
really glad they make a reference to spider geddon in the prequel sm2 comic and basically set up the whole spiderverse thing too, it makes the timeline a lil more clearer
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racefortheironthrone · 7 months
So the F4 cast announcement got me thinking about what comics to read if I get around to that and then about Doom and then I got me thinking... where exactly is Latveria supposed to be? The name makes me think of the Baltic states but I could be wrong.
So yeah, great announcement!
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Pedro Pascal is a bit typecast as playing the Dad character (although that's become "one of those good problems"), but I'm thrilled that Cousin Ritchie is going to be playing Ben Grimm.
Obviously, they won't let Ebon Moss-Bachrach swear as much as he does in the Bear, but he's a fantastic actor and I cannot wait to see him bringing that mix of temper and soulfulness to the part.
I haven't seen much of Vanessa Kirby's work, but I'm looking forward to seeing what she can do with a better script than Napoleon.
And Joseph Quinn is excellent and I look forward to seeing some of "Eddie" Munson's energy in Johnny Storm.
In terms of recommendations for FF comics, I've got you there:
Read the Kirby/Lee run. It's a work of art from beginning to end.
Read the Walt Simonson's run.
This is going to be controversial, but you might want to skip the Byrne run.
Read the Jonathan Hickman run. A serious tour de force.
Alongside the Hickman run, Fraction/Allred is quite good too.
As for where Latveria is, it is indeed Balkan:
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As you can see from the map, Central/Eastern Europe in Earth 616 is quite different and significantly more Balkanized (forgive the pun) compared to Earth 1218 (also known as our universe).
In addition to Doom's Latveria, we have Symkaria (the dysfunctional micro-kingdom whose economy is largely supported by Silver Sable's mercenary company), Transia (birthplace of Wanda and Pietro Maximoff and home to the High Evolutionary's Island of Doctor Moreau Wundagore Mountain), and a bunch of minor ones like Ruritania (from The Prisoner of Zenda), Carnelia (a post-Soviet state that Tony Stark and Justin Hammer fight over), Belgriun (a totalitarian monarchy that was overthrown by a bunch of Spider-Men villains), Draburg (which showed up in some Sabra comics), and some other small ones that I couldn't find on the wiki.
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maroonmused · 4 months
U ever think about the fact that the MSM games canonically exist in Spiderverse Miles' universe? Imagine Spiderverse Miles seeing Insomniac Peter and recognizing him as "that Spider-Man from my friend's video game"
it takes about 5 minutes for insomniac peter to go from thrilled over meeting another version of miles to mid-existential-crisis because what do shapes have to do with his fighting style…circle triangle what exactly. now that he thinks about it maybe the world does kind of slow down every time he executes a finishing move but he’d just been chalking that up to adrenaline. and sometimes his life does kind of neatly fit into a three-act story but may used to say that’s more of a circle of life kinda thing than narrative convenience…but is it? things have actually been a little fuzzy since the whole doc ock and sable and maggia thing went down….at least until he and miles were fighting rhino. then he took off for symkaria and huh….they did get kinda fuzzy again. almost like it was narratively unimportant. he also feels this weird, nagging sense of anxiety every time he puts off a major task and it’s almost like the world shoves him in that direction anyway. conveniently timed phone calls. an inner monologue that guilt trips him when he lingers. now he’s hyperventilating in the middle of the lobby and 1610-miles is about to join him in the panic session because somebody just recognized him as the guy from those cool animated movies. peter’s still trying to find his health bar because he feels like he might be dying
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frunbuns · 2 months
Insomniac Spider-Man characters as James Acaster
#1 | #2 | #3
Peter after Yuri doesn't laugh at his joke:
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Miles after that one side quest in sm2:
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Peter w Felicia in the DLC:
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Miles trying to stop Peter from coming back early from Symkaria:
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Miles teasing Peter about that board game:
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Silver Sable:
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itsscromp · 11 months
Since you beaten Spider Man 2, and I just recently finished the game. How about us getting k!lled or wounded by Kraven somewhere in the world, and him calling Peter or Mary Jane or Miles that he's coming, very similar how Han Lue from Tokyo Drift d!£d. How would they react, can be platonic, but feel free to ignore this.
Kraven the hunter headcanon
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TBH it took me a little bit to figure out what you said lol, But nevertheless, it shall be achieved, my first angst headcanon if it's slightly okay with you anon, I'm gonna stick to New York as I know nothing about Symkaria.
You were on a mission when Peter told you to scope out a building in Chinatown.
It looked abandoned for such a long time, and only recently it was bought, almost the whole block too.
Sneaking in, you then took pictures of what you managed to see.
Technology and weapons everywhere.
But as you were investigating, you began to hear voices, you were quick to retreat, hiding behind nearby weapon crates.
"Please don't see me. Please don't see me" You whispered to yourself.
Until the voices were gone you then looked at the photos and were satisfied by the evidence you got, you decided to make a run for it.
But as you tried to run, you felt a giant hand grasp your neck.
Tightly, the man began to strangle you.
"H...he...help..." You managed to say.
"Such weak prey... you could've been a good hunt" This man said softly and menacingly at the same time.
He tightened his grip as your face was now turning pale.
SNAP !!!!!
He dropped you like a ragdoll as he had broken your neck, Instantly killing you.
Before this man walked away, he saw your phone ring.
On the screen was Peter.
He then answered it, smirking.
"Y/n, did you get the evidence of the building ??"
"I'm afraid y/n is dead" He said.
Peter felt his stomach drop as he heard the mystery man.
To put salt on the wound, he then sent him a photo of your corpse as well.
"Whoever you think you are Peter Parker... Know this"
"The hunt has begun, you are my next target"
Then crushing your phone, He ordered his hunters to light the fires as the hunt for this Peter Parker, has now begun.
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redhead-reporter · 11 months
º ✧ 。updates to mj's insomniac canon !
PLEASE ONLY READ IF YOU'VE FINISHED SM2 OR ARE OK WITH SPOILERS (and don't click on my blog either, bc my banner image is a spoiler too)
º ✧ 。yes, it's true - everyone's favorite journalist told jameson to, and i quote "KISS MY ASS" and quit her job at the bugle. no paycheck is worth writing things she doesn't believe in to appease a man she DESPISES. she is now the host of a new podcast called the new normal and occasionally helps peter with administrative work for the emily may foundation º ✧ 。unless otherwise specified ? mj lives in the house in queens with peter. once she got her security deposit back and they sold all her apartment furniture, they used the funds to do a few cosmetic changes - nothing TOO crazy, since they want the house to still feel like itself. but a fresh coat of paint (that they did themselves with a liiiiiittle help from pete's spiderbots), money to repair the broken front window, and a new big bed for the primary bedroom went a LONG way to making it feel like home º ✧ 。mj was always a BADASS, but now it's official - hell yeah she was trained by silver sable while in symkaria, learning not only the language but how to FIGHT (aka drop mfers in close combat with an upgraded stun gun) and ride a motorcycle. though she doesn't plan on entering any amateur boxing matches, both she and peter feel a LOT better about her having the proper tools to defend herself if anything else should happen º ✧ 。mj visits harry at LEAST once a week, sometimes more if she can swing it. she updates him on how life is going, plays new episodes of her podcast before they release to 'get his opinion', reads him books - anything just to keep TALKING to him, to not give up on the hope that one day he'll open his eyes and answer her º ✧ 。of COURSE she has nightmares about the symbiote - feeling like she's still being chased through the tunnel in the dark, feeling those tendrils wrap around her ankle and drag her across the floor, waking in a cold sweat CONVINCED she got consumed by it once more and screaming to be released. who wouldn't? unfortunately seeing a professional therapist isn't exactly in the FREELANCE budget she and pete are on these days, but they do have each other. they're both open and honest about their STRUGGLES and it makes the whole thing easier. º ✧ 。speaking of NIGHTMARES - peter literally dying in her arms? yeah, it's up there vying for top spot on the REPLAYS list. sometimes she can still hear the speech he gave her, how he tried to apologize and say his goodbyes, and it makes her physically ILL. if you thought she was defensive of him before? needy before? LOL MEET NEW AND TRAUMATIZED MJ she quite literally never lets go of him if she can help it º ✧ 。pete might've stepped back from suiting up, but he and mj are still VERY MUCH on team spidey - right now it's mostly in a support role, having miles and ganke (and hailey and rio sometimes) over to the house as often as they can. occassionally they talk shop, trading insights the couple has from their almost DECADE of experience with pete wearing the suit solo, but honestly? mostly it's just to talk about life - how high school/college is going, always feeding the BROKE students like they wish someone would've done for them. taking care of pete's little brother like FAMILY. º ✧ 。when coney island reopened? pete and mj waited HOURS in line to make sure they were two of the first people to ride the speed demon - it's STILL her favorite ride, after all. and YES this is fucking important information to know get away from me
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klecrone · 2 years
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I’m thrilled to share a piece of art that @murkycrush created to accompany a scene from the latest chapter of my ongoing MCU fanfic! I loved the idea of Barnes having a quiet moment where the light catches in the seams of his vibranium hand, and it reminds him of the strange dreams he had of it glowing within the Dark Place. Murkycrush did a fantastic job bringing this scene to life, and I especially love how they approached the color palette in this piece. It’s so lovely, emotive, and packed with emotion!
Please do yourself a favor and check out murkycrush’s Twitter and Tumblr accounts to see more of their beautiful art! I love how much mood and emotion they put into their pieces, and it’s such a treat to include another piece of their art in this story!
Chapter 80: "Dark Adaptation" - (Read on Ao3) "Winter of the White Wolf"
Summary: While our ‘pack’ travels enroute to Symkaria, the contents of the missing journals offer more questions, and a secret comes to light…
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spiderman616 · 2 days
hello i need a spidermanism to riff off of for brainstorming purposes what’s a good reason for him to be in a new city. that’s kind of in california . alternately does he deal with much time travel or robots or time traveling robots
this is a super genre convention thing but almost every time he is in a different city there are like 3 ways to go about it. 1 he begged and pleaded jameson to pay for his plane ticket because there was some newsworthy event going on and he needed to fly there and photograph it. web of spiderman does this a lot with peter and joy mercado going to different locations in the world to report on dangerous events and spiderman also happens to fight a supervillain there too. 2 he just uses up all his rent money on a flight/asks someone richer like the avengers or f4 to borrow a jet to fly there himself. this is if he already has some motivation though, like when he flied to latveria to find the truth about his parents or was getting anonymous tips about acts of supervillainry across the globe addressed specifically to him. 3 hes just working with another hero for a teamup and they have access to some sort of transportation. happens a lot with the silver sable issues where he has to hang around in symkaria or whatnot for a while. he has gone to san francisco once back when daredevil and the black widow were situated there for a teamup but i dont quite remember why. perhaps to just hang out? there was also a bit in amazing spiderman where he was going on tour across the country to promote his book of spiderman photos, which is a specific case but they did milk it to have spiderman show up in different locations (which was explained by spiderman being a publicity stunt for the book. awesome).
now spiderman dealing with time travel and robots and such in his OWN series isnt very common. you wont see a spiderman movie or cartoon that isnt mcu or whatnot dealing with that much. but since he has so many crossovers with other heroes and gets trapped in big events he has a ton of experience with time travel and cosmic space and basically any other scifi/mystical setting. he gets around. in terms of time travel though the "tomorrow war" arc from marvel teamup comes to mind, and his crossovers with spiderman 2099 and the one time he met spidergirl also involve it somehow. tldr it doesnt happen a whole lot but if you need it to happen it isnt too hard. new york canonically has a lot more experimental time machines than youd expect, and even without those the fantastic four and dr doom have like 10 between them anyways.
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What makes Latveria stand out rather than just being a generic European country?
The only thing that makes Latveria stand out in canon is that it's ruled by Doctor Doom. Other than that it is a generic European country. American writers don't like to write about real world European countries especially back when the Iron Curtain existed so they would just make up generic European countries as a stand in for what is there irl. There have been loads like this like Symkaria and Transia. Latveria is just the most well known and important in comics because it is where Doom lives and he rules it as a dictatorship.
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spawn-universe · 2 months
Captain America The Amazing Spider-Man #323
1:6 Scale Posed Figure with Scene and Comic - Inspired by The Amazing Spider-Man #323! This 1:6 scale posed figure features an environmental base and backdrop scene. Also included is The Amazing Spider-Man #323 comic book as well as a collectible art card with character artwork on the front and comic synopsis. Guest-starring Captain America! As tensions boil over in Symkaria, Cap provides an assist to Spider-Man and Silver Sable. Will the trio be able to pull a heist of Ultimatum's HQ? More truths revealed about the mysterious Solo.
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Wolverine X-Men #1 - Inspired by X-Men #1! This 1:10 scale posed figure features an environmental base and backdrop scene. Also included is a collectible art card with character artwork on the front and comic synopsis. It's Xavier's X-Men vs. Magneto, the Master of Magnetism! The X-Men's oldest enemy is back and it's going to take everyone the X-Men have to bring him down.
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Deadpool The New Mutants #98 - Inspired by The New Mutants #98! This 1:10 scale posed figure features an environmental base and backdrop scene. Also included is a collectible art card with character artwork on the front and comic synopsis. Introducing for the first time, the Merc With a Mouth, the extra-lethal Deadpool!
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Spider-Man #6 - Inspired by Spider-Man #6! This 1:10 scale posed figure features an environmental base and backdrop scene. Also included is a collectible art card with character artwork on the front and comic synopsis. The Hobgoblin is losing his mind, and it's up to Spider-Man and Ghost Rider to stop his demonic rampage! Will the Webbed Wonder and the Spirit of Vengeance defeat this vile villain?
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Iron Man The Invincible Iron Man #126 - Inspired by The Invincible Iron Man #126! This 1:10 scale posed figure features an environmental base and backdrop scene. Also included is a collectible art card with character artwork on the front and comic synopsis. In Demon in a Bottle Part 7 the mastermind behind the failing Iron Man armor is finally revealed!
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edgepunk · 1 year
it's so interesting to see how itsv!Miles and insomniac!Miles approach the whole Spider-Man thing, it's so different yet so similar. itsv!Miles got straight up traumatized by Peter's death and he's very reluctant to fill in his shoes, because he probably feels like continuing Peter's legacy is disrespectful to him
and insomniac!Miles sees it as an opportunity! he is excited and wants to be Spider-Man ASAP, because he looks up to him and he's friends with him! and then, Peter leaves for Symkaria and he's left alone, realizing that it's not as easy or as glamorous as he thought it would be
they both realized that the Spider-Man legacy is larger than they thought and yet, they found their own way on how continue it while making it their own thing
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So Latveria and Symkaria share a border, so it isn't a surprise that the two have diplomatic relations, but interesting to see Sable call it a friendship as well.
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silverjetsystm · 5 months
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When? { 🔍 }
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Character solidifying! | Accepting
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Nosy. Threw a bit of different verses on this list. Broad strokes. They have a lot of airline miles and passport stamps. A lot of this is [REDACTED] with the files in the system's possession.
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Vengeance of the MK (2009) #4 Writer: Hurwitz; Penciler: Opeña; Inker: Brown; Colorist: Mounts
NYC to visit their aunt
Summer camp, various
"Overseas," once, the less said the better
Marine/CIA Operative/Merc work in Southwest Asia, North Africa, and Central and South America.
Iraq (Fallujah)
Italy (gunrunners and yeeting a grenade at Randall)
Did kick around DC, smuggle a friend up to Canada. Bailed from the CIA because of a disagreement over [REDACTED] brainwashing. it was brainwashing.
Hong Kong, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, France, Symkaria, and Israel was a mix of work and fun. Intelligence, ops, fighting rings, port in every storm~
Bosqueverde (certain coup)
Sudan (particularly a tomb in the far north, close to the Egyptian border).
After Resurrection:
Mostly stay in NYC in Manhattan (where? -hand waves- Wherever the Plot says we're at) and Brooklyn (Gena's Diner. Grant's Long Island Mansion in 616. A Tale of Moon & Scarab's Midnight Mission is in Brooklyn)
Occasionally Egypt. Layla and Marc wed there in their verse.
France for fun...and business
LA and various shooting locations for Grant's work
Chicago, for Marc's father's funeral
Lately, mostly nowhere except for business
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thunderboltfire · 8 months
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Should I add communicative Symkarian to my CV, or something?
(Actually, what they speak in the game is Hungarian with Russian accent, but Hungarian nonetheless.) Long story short: using an actual natural language as a stand-in for a fictional one is a generally acceptable move. However, I rarely if ever see it used in settings as closely mimicking the real world and with so little in-world sense.
Somewhat baffled at this move, I embarked on a wiki to learn something more on why Symkarian is apparently Hungarian, and... Not getting into details, Symkaria as a whole seems to be a worldbuilding dumpster fire that somehow manages to be an alt-hist Hungary lookalike with a fake mustache AND be your run-of-the-mill mini-Russia at the same time. What can I say, hip hip hurray for nuanced (fictional) Eastern European representation.
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