#Synchrony Bank
avivanwilson · 2 years
Lowes Credit Card Login
Synchrony Bank For Lowes Credit Login, Payment Guides step by step and customer services information. If you prefer to shop at Lowe’s, the Synchrony Bank Lowe’s Advantage Credit Card might be a very useful tool. Let’s look at how to log in and make a payment right now.
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txttletale · 1 year
i mean i can guess at a lot of it - maybe all of it - but could we hear the sid meier's civilization opinions you have so hinted at?
fuck yeah you can. alright so an easy one off the bat is that sometimes it is just manifestly racist in pretty obvious, surface-level ways. like, i think kongo's civ ability in civ vi (that they are preternaturally good at getting religiously converted) is a pretty good example of what i mean--that and a bunch of stuff from the older entries.
but (as ever) that sort of thing is significantly less interesting to me than the broader assumptions about reality baked into the game's core premises. so let's talk about some of those!
first of all, there is (unsurprisingly, it's a pretty loaded term) so much ideology packed into what 'civilization' considers 'a civilization'. like, let's talk about some of the things that are true about 'civilizations' in sid meier's civilization:
they settle cities
they each consist of one culture which is contiguous both geographically and temporally across thousands of years
each of these cultures is represented by one continuous state with complete top-down control
they 'progress' through a linear set of 'eras', with corresponding 'advances' in technological development & aesthetics
over the course of these eras, they expand territorially to exploit natural resources
they have standing armies
they have innate & deterministic competencies (unique units & buildings in earlier games, civ abilities in V onward)
other than the aforementioned unique units, they develop a certain set of universal technologies and institutions (ie, all civilizations will have access to and build a 'bank' or 'library' building)
they have 'hard' (rigidly defined, mutually exclusive, militarily enforced) borders
so--! off the bat, looking at the very first point--what about the mongols? what about the shoshone? what about the scythians? there is a clear normative ideological implication to say that in order for these historically nomadic peoples to be depicted as a 'civilization' they must be depicted as settling urban population centers--and it is the same normative implication that the rest of these points have, which is a very narrow view of what a 'civilization' is, a colonialist (at best) view of what lies outside 'civilization'
#2 and #3 have unfortunate synchrony with a lot of real-world national myths that obscure vast amounts of violence and destruction of culture in order to create a national identity--the idea of one coherent 'ancient greek' culture, for example, would have come as a very great surprise to the spartans and athenians. the idea of 'france' having a shared set of cultural traits would have definitely not been welcome to the bretons, normans, occitans, or any of the other regional identities that were violently suppressed over centuries to create the modern french nation-state.
#4--especially as combined with #7 and #8--really lays bare a lot of the colonialist assumptions at the core of the game. for example, if you play as the inca in any civ game, you'll have to research 'writing' and 'the wheel', technologies that the incan empire never relied upon, in order to 'advance'. this 'advancement' follows (a pop-history version of, obviously) chiefly the technological development of Europe and later the USA--this is falsely universalised out. and the idea of linear progression through levels of technological 'advancement' is very very explicitly a colonialist one--the idea that the peoples of subsaharan africa, the americas, australia, etc. were 'less advanced' than europeans was a key ideological pillar of colonialism!
it also very much plays into the 'Vanishing Indian' myth. for example, the aztecs get their unique unit in vi (the jaguar warrior) at the start of the game, in the 'ancient era'--at the same time that the gauls get theirs, the 'gaesetae'--and replacing the same unit! now in real life, the 'gaesetae' and the aztec triple alliance were well over a thousand years apart -- the jaguar warrior is more contemporaneous with the real-world basis of the 'conquistador' unit than it is with the gaesetae! in civilization vi, the major cultural innovations of 'the aztecs' are over and done with long before the innovations of 'rome' are--which must be a very great surprise to the millions of nahua people living in mexico now--and moreover is part of the mythologization of indigenous peoples as 'of the past', as precursors who vanished to make way for settlement, rather than people who were violently suppressed and still very much exist in the present day!
#5, #6, and #9 all fall under the same umbrella of both backdating and universalizing the model of the Western capitalist nation-state to all of history and the world. 'national borders' as they're currently understood didn't exist for most of human history--standing armies especially were an extreme historical rarity until the last couple of centuries--Western capitalism is certainly not the first social model to result in colonialism and extractionism but the particular attitudes and manifestations of this are certainly, again, unique to a specific part of the world in the last couple centuries. all these things are universalized out to apply to every single civilization in the game from the moment of their existence, something which some of the people depicted in these games have complained about!
ultimately this is all downstream of the concept of 'civilization', developed as it was as an intentional imperial project of 19th-century anthropology and history! and especially as formulated in samuel huntington's very bad and racist book 'the clash of civilization', which seems to have had a pretty major impact on the civ game's outlook on history (see edward said's critique of it)
and of course, once we get out of that, there's a lot to talk about--how the world of civilization is filled with indiscriminately violent 'barbarians' (!) who, unlike your fellow 'civilizations' have no technology or culture of their own, existing only to be massacred--how the game is structured around the assumption that one civilization will eventually 'win'--but this post is already long enough, so i'll leave those deeper critiques as an excercise to the reader.
oh, and--because a lot of people misinterpreted me on my silly little minecraft post and argued against a much stronger and less justified position that i did not in fact take--i do not think that sid meiere's civilization causes colonialism or imperialism!
in fact, i do not even think that 'colonialist ideology' causes colonialism. the order of operations (as it always does) flows down from historical and material conditions: it is economically advantageous to engage in colonial and imperialist exploitation -> ideological justifications are developed; the exploitation is narrativized and mythologized -> these narratives and mythologies embed themselves in the cultural imaginary and are replicated in media objects produced from that culture. i am never making the opposite case--if you argue with me as if i am you are shadowboxing.
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clumsyraccoon · 5 months
Kusakabe Atsuya x GN!reader
"You and Kusakabe decide to go on a little fishing trip to the sea."
Some fluff inspired by the lovely interaction I had a while back with an anonymous Kusakabe enjoyer <3 Anon, if you're still out there thank you for the sweet headcanons! ❤️
Words: 1.213
TW: mention of fish death
It’s calm and quiet, like you both like it.
The sea is serene, lazy waves lulling you almost to sleep, the distant cries of the seagulls becoming a background noise, dangerously near to have the effect of those ASMR videos and put you in a good slumber. You try for the fourth time to understand the line of the book you’re reading, but with a sigh you admit defeat and put the bookmark between the pages before closing it.
Clear blue sky, gentle breeze. The perfect conditions for a Sunday fishing trip to the sea.
You take off your sunglasses while turning your head the other inhabitant of the boat: Kusakabe has been silent for a good hour now, gaze lost in the depths of the blue sea and trademark lollipop in mouth, while the line of his fishing rod moves in synchrony with the rhythm of the waves. You tilt your head, not sure about what is going on inside his own, but you keep your mouth shut and just admire him from your deck chair: he has abandoned his formal attire, a simple white t-shirt where there was his button-up shirt, and a pair of comfy sweatpants instead of his suit trousers. Even in the way he dresses, he is completely detached from his sorcerer persona: when fishing, he is no more Kusakabe Atsuya, Grade 1 Sorcerer and second-year teacher of Tokyo JuJutsu High. When fishing, he’s just a man enjoying his hobby.
Fishing has always been his way to wind down and relax, the perfect hobby for the kind of solitary man he is: he loves to venture to rivers or lakes and just be there, only him and the fishes (if he is lucky), patiently waiting for one to take the bait. No thoughts, head empty. Or too many thoughts and the urge to somehow release them. And as so precious as it is for him, very few are the people allowed to accompany him, and only every now and then: his old man, his sister and Takeru, you. The first time he shyly and hesitantly asked you, you almost felt guilty in saying yes, as if intruding in something so personal and important for him was something you weren’t allowed to. But he was the one asking, so the guilt was fast dissipated and you felt like the biggest honor has been bestowed upon you. He invited you to go fishing with him. He trusted you.
He has his usual spots, mostly hidden and unknown parts of rivers and lakes he has found over the years in his missions’ wanderings, places far away from the city where he can forget for a while the kind of world he lives in. First time, he took you to a lake up in the mountains, water so cold you thought it was impossible for any form of life to live there. Second time it was by a river, comfortably sit under a big tree on the bank, the soft breeze coming from it the perfect thing to cool down in that particularly hot summer day. For today, the both of you wanted to try something more audacious and ended up in that little rented boat out in the sea, a fresh new book for you and a brand new sets of colorful lures for him.
You focus again on the present and your gaze returns to him, shoulders slightly hunched, his broad back in full display, the perfectly fitting t-shirt doing his physique justice almost better than the shirt. He doesn’t move much and you start to worry a bit, torn between instinct to check on him and the fact that you know he needs those moments of complete detachment from the world. You decide for a middle ground, moving closer with your chair, just enough to make him feel your presence: you are there, near him, ready both if he ever needed something or if he wanted you to leave him be.
But it is not long before something starts to change: the fishing float trembles and with a plop! it goes underwater. Kusakabe immediately tenses, concentration completely devoted to the right moves he has to perform in order to have a successful catch. The fishing line is being tugged fiercely and the man at your side jumps up from his little plastic chair, sending it flying behind him. Your body reacts by reflex and tenses as well, you heart racing in your chest, apprehension taking over you as if you were the one fishing.
Kusakabe slowly yet steadily starts to move the fishing rod from left to right, in order to wear out whatever fish hooked itself on it. Enough strength to drag it around, but not too much or the line will snap.
Leeeeeeeeft and riiiiiiiiight
leeeeeeeeft and riiiiiiiiight
Almost hypnotized you follow his movements with your gaze, hands clenching your shorts. His forearm muscles so tense you can almost count the fibers and the veins. A single droplet of sweat rolls down the side of his face, eyebrows knitted in hyper-focus.
“C’mon, you motherfucker…” he murmurs through clenched teeth, that threaten to snap as well.
The intense battle between him and the fish continues for a while, struggle for catching against struggle for escaping, before Kusakabe suddenly jerks the fishing rod back and the biggest and most gorgeous tuna you’ve ever seen emerges form the salty waters. The time seems to freeze. Kusakabe’s wide eyes. The fish iridescent scales under the sun. Your hands pressed over your gaping mouth.
When the tuna lands on the boat with a loud thud and starts to squirm around, time starts to flow normally again and Kusakabe acts quick on instinct, quickly seizing and immobilizing the fish with both hands until it completely stops moving. Eyes still wide from surprise and emotion turn towards you “It’s...it’s a tuna...”
His face transforms and the biggest smile you have ever seen on him forms on his lips and reaches up to his eyes, face blazing with the light of the sheer joy he’s experiencing.
His smile hits you in the best possible way, astounded by the fact you have never seen him smiling like that. Your heart seems to physically enlarge by the amount of love you’re feeling that exact moment: able to witness him like this, with no other preoccupation than to prepare the portable fridge with all the ice cubes in it, you feel blessed. This is his Domain, where he is the most comfortable, where he doesn’t have to fear for his life, and where you are now included as well.
Turning on his feet, he closes the short distance between the two of you and big, muscular arms, toned by years of katana training, sweep you up from your feet in a sudden motion like you weight nothing. Your arms find their way around his neck and you both giggle uncontrollably like idiots, his excitement and happiness being immediately mirrored by your own. Kusakabe swings you around a couple of times, before putting you back on the ground, his smile still shining bright.
One of his hands intertwine with yours and he gives you a peck on your forehead.
“I’ll treat us with some Torotaku-maki tonight”
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theraccoonslair · 3 months
Characters: Kusakabe Atsuya x gn!reader
Synopsis: You and Kusakabe decide to go on a little fishing trip to the sea.
Words: 1200⁓
Note: Some fluff inspired by the lovely interaction I had a while back with an anonymous Kusakabe enjoyer <3
It’s calm and quiet, like you both like it. The sea is serene, lazy waves lulling you almost to sleep, the distant cries of the seagulls becoming a background noise, dangerously near to have the effect of those ASMR videos and put you in a good slumber. You try for the fourth time to understand the line of the book you’re reading, but with a sigh you admit defeat and put the bookmark between the pages before closing it.
Clear blue sky, gentle breeze. The perfect conditions for a Sunday fishing trip to the sea.
You take off your sunglasses while turning your head the other inhabitant of the boat: Kusakabe has been silent for a good hour now, gaze lost in the depths of the blue sea and trademark lollipop in mouth, while the line of his fishing rod moves in synchrony with the rhythm of the waves. You tilt your head, not sure about what is going on inside his own, but you keep your mouth shut and just admire him from your deck chair: he has abandoned his formal attire, a simple white t-shirt where there was his button-up shirt, and a pair of comfy sweatpants instead of his suit trousers. Even in the way he dresses, he is completely detached from his sorcerer persona: when fishing, he is no more Kusakabe Atsuya, Grade 1 Sorcerer and second-year teacher of Tokyo JuJutsu High. When fishing, he’s just a man enjoying his hobby.
Fishing has always been his way to wind down and relax, the perfect hobby for the kind of solitary man he is: he loves to venture to rivers or lakes and just be there, only him and the fishes (if he is lucky), patiently waiting for one to take the bait. No thoughts, head empty. Or too many thoughts and the urge to somehow release them. And as so precious as it is for him, very few are the people allowed to accompany him, and only every now and then: his old man, his sister and Takeru, you. The first time he shyly and hesitantly asked you, you almost felt guilty in saying yes, as if intruding in something so personal and important for him was something you weren’t allowed to. But he was the one asking, so the guilt was fast dissipated and you felt like the biggest honor has been bestowed upon you. He invited you to go fishing with him. He trusted you.
He has his usual spots, mostly hidden and unknown parts of rivers and lakes he has found over the years in his missions’ wanderings, places far away from the city where he can forget for a while the kind of world he lives in. First time, he took you to a lake up in the mountains, water so cold you thought it was impossible for any form of life to live there. Second time it was by a river, comfortably sit under a big tree on the bank, the soft breeze coming from it the perfect thing to cool down in that particularly hot summer day. For today, the both of you wanted to try something more audacious and ended up in that little rented boat out in the sea, a fresh new book for you and a brand new sets of colorful lures for him.
You focus again on the present and your gaze returns to him, shoulders slightly hunched, his broad back in full display, the perfectly fitting t-shirt doing his physique justice almost better than the shirt. He doesn’t move much and you start to worry a bit, torn between instinct to check on him and the fact that you know he needs those moments of complete detachment from the world. You decide for a middle ground, moving closer with your chair, just enough to make him feel your presence: you are there, near him, ready both if he ever needed something or if he wanted you to leave him be.
But it is not long before something starts to change: the fishing float trembles and with a plop! it goes underwater. Kusakabe immediately tenses, concentration completely devoted to the right moves he has to perform in order to have a successful catch. The fishing line is being tugged fiercely and the man at your side jumps up from his little plastic chair, sending it flying behind him. Your body reacts by reflex and tenses as well, you heart racing in your chest, apprehension taking over you as if you were the one fishing. Kusakabe slowly yet steadily starts to move the fishing rod from left to right, in order to wear out whatever fish hooked itself on it. Enough strength to drag it around, but not too much or the line will snap.
Leeeeeeeeft and riiiiiiiiight
leeeeeeeeft and riiiiiiiiight
Almost hypnotized you follow his movements with your gaze, hands clenching your shorts. His forearm muscles so tense you can almost count the fibers and the veins. A single droplet of sweat rolls down the side of his face, eyebrows knitted in hyper-focus.
“C’mon, you motherfucker…” he murmurs through clenched teeth, that threaten to snap as well.
The intense battle between him and the fish continues for a while, struggle for catching against struggle for escaping, before Kusakabe suddenly jerks the fishing rod back and the biggest and most gorgeous tuna you’ve ever seen emerges form the salty waters. The time seems to freeze. Kusakabe’s wide eyes. The fish iridescent scales under the sun. Your hands pressed over your gaping mouth.
When the tuna lands on the boat with a loud thud and starts to squirm around, time starts to flow normally again and Kusakabe acts quick on instinct, quickly seizing and immobilizing the fish with both hands until it completely stops moving. Eyes still wide from surprise and emotion turn towards you “It’s...it’s a tuna...” His face transforms and the biggest smile you have ever seen on him forms on his lips and reaches up to his eyes, face blazing with the light of the sheer joy he’s experiencing.
His smile hits you in the best possible way, astounded by the fact you have never seen him smiling like that. Your heart seems to physically enlarge by the amount of love you’re feeling that exact moment: able to witness him like this, with no other preoccupation than to prepare the portable fridge with all the ice cubes in it, you feel blessed. This is his Domain, where he is the most comfortable, where he doesn’t have to fear for his life, and where you are now included as well.
Turning on his feet, he closes the short distance between the two of you and big, muscular arms, toned by years of katana training, sweep you up from your feet in a sudden motion like you weight nothing. Your arms find their way around his neck and you both giggle uncontrollably like idiots, his excitement and happiness being immediately mirrored by your own. Kusakabe swings you around a couple of times, before putting you back on the ground, his smile still shining bright. One of his hands intertwine with yours and he gives you a peck on your forehead.
“I’ll treat us with some Torotaku-maki tonight”
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alloffer2023 · 1 year
Empire Today’s TV Jingle Is Nothing Short of Iconic—But Is It Actually Worth Buying Their Flooring?
Empire Today, which some may know as simply Empire, is a long-standing flooring company with decades of experience selling and installing various types of floors. The company boasts transparent, all-inclusive pricing estimates, available next-day installation, and unique flooring designed to minimize noise. But is Empire Today a good option for customers looking for a flooring company? This Empire Today review will explore the ins and outs of the flooring installation company so customers searching for “Empire flooring near me” can determine whether it might be the right fit for their needs.
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Empire Today Review: Claims
Empire Today offers a wide range of flooring options, free in-home estimates, a nifty room visualizer tool, and several customer service options to help customers meet their flooring goals. But does it live up to its reputation?
About Empire Today
Empire Today started in 1959 as a family-run home furnishing business in Chicago, Illinois. The company was originally called Empire Plastic Covers, but changed its name in 1965 to Empire Home Services to better describe its mission. The company kept that name until 2003, when it was rechristened Empire Today after being sold to new owners.
Today, the company offers its services in more than 70 locations nationwide and is one of the best-known names in the flooring industry. It’s also known for its distinctive Empire Today commercial featuring a catchy jingle and a character known as “Empire Man.” The first TV commercial aired in 1978, and Empire Man was a live-action character; however, today he is portrayed in cartoon form instead. Thanks to the jingle featured in the ads, customers have likely heard of Empire Today even if they have never used the company for their flooring needs.
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However, Empire Today is more than a jingle and a fun cartoon character. The company offers numerous types of flooring, at-home consultations, all-inclusive pricing quotes, and in some cases, next-day installation.
Cost, Offers, and Financing
With so many flooring options to choose from, the final cost of flooring installation with Empire Today can vary depending on the size of the installation space and the type of floor chosen. Empire Today provides customers with free quotes after they meet with a representative who will help them find a flooring option that will work for their needs and budget. However, the company doesn’t list any prices on its website, which can make it hard for customers to estimate the total cost before scheduling an in-home estimate. This may be off-putting for some customers, but it will result in a more accurate estimate based on the customer’s precise requirements.
Empire Today does offer two financing options through Wells Fargo Bank and Synchrony to help homeowners pay for their flooring project. Customers who choose 12-month financing may qualify for a 0 percent interest rate, though if the customer does not pay in full by the 12-month mark, they will be charged interest on their balance. Customers on this financing plan can choose to pay in the way that makes the most sense for them, whether that’s in monthly installments or several lump-sum payments. There is also a 48-month financing option that offers interest rates from 11.99 percent with fixed monthly payments. Using this option, a customer financing $2,000 will pay $53 per month for 2 years, with a total amount of $2,528 including interest.
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seamoraea · 1 month
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1. Moon River is going to be just fine. She is on a fresh round of antibiotics and not showing any signs of discomfort, apart from mild lethargy. She does have Lyme Disease. Despite never missing a dose of Frontline, and it is from a tick. It happens. It does happen. It will happen again to others no matter what precautions are taken. Please continue to do everything you possibly can to prevent it happening to your pets!
2. We SOLD the bag. Overdraft is scary, but not only did we sell the bag, Huntington Bank came through and worked with us to get us through payday tomorrow. We've also opened a Care Credit account with Synchrony Bank (thank you @zoeflake) to help ensure that we never fall into this spot again.
3. With these three things occurring on the same day, we were able to pass on the proceeds from the sale to another family in need (a very sweet kitty) and will continue to pay it forward still!
So. Thank you. For all of your words, kindnesses, and support.
We are eternally humbled by and grateful for it all 🤍
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ahscotty · 1 year
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Drabbles for @masonhewittappreciation 2023: Day 6 - Outsider POV
Mason/Corey & Coach. That time when they should have used Corey’s invisibility powers. Thanks @spikeface for beta :)
‘Oh fuuuck, yessss…’
Finstock’s head jerks up. That time was unmistakable. Goddammit.
Sighing heavily, he rises from his desk and strides out into the darkened locker room.
The sight confronting him when he rounds the second bank of lockers is unsurprising, though admittedly one of the more pornographic of the variations he’s witnessed over the years. It is at least athletic, he notes. Corey Bryant and his preposterously well-mannered boyfriend. 
‘You two!’ Finstock bellows.
Their heads turn in synchrony - twin looks of horror on their faces - before they collapse into an ungainly heap on the tiles. Ridiculous.
‘Go home! NOW!’ 
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zaraillustrates · 2 years
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I was commissioned by Synchrony Bank to create an illustration and animation for their Money Matters blog. The article explores key issues for grandparents to consider when navigating money and grandchildren. © Zara Picken 2022 www.zarapicken.com
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itsalwaysagirl · 1 year
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zerisfelin · 2 years
I'm going to set something on fire I swear to God
Rant under the cut
All of my name change stuff is in the middle of being updated and I keep getting emails saying it's complete or whatever, but I just got one for a credit card and this is literally the third institution that has somehow messed up my middle name and misspelled it. My middle name didn't even change. Only my last name did
I spent 45 minutes on hold to fix it with capital one and they only fixed my savings account and not my credit card so now I have to do that again and now my other credit card with a different bank is misspelled too.
The other one is my health insurance which still isn't fixed because every time I'm on hold for over an hour until I give up
My middle name isn't even spelled weird. It's Dolores. Somehow it's become Deloris and Dolorres. Synchrony bank at least spelled it right but they didn't capitalize it. Maybe that doesn't seem like a big deal but it really bothers me because it's my beloved late grandmother's name and it's the THIRD TIME it's been messed up when it didn't even change
This is such a nightmare I just want to pack my boxes and move in peace I'm so tired of being on hold for hours every day
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charliehendrix1967 · 2 days
synchrony bank. fraud cover up
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synchrony bank. cover up fraud
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govindhtech · 7 days
Apple Cash, Pay & Maps Will Get New Features In This Autumn
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Apple cash
With the autumn release of watchOS 11, visionOS 2, tvOS 18, iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia, and watchOS 11, Apple is adding brand-new features to the services that customers love. Hikes in US national parks and personalised walking routes in Apple Maps are among the updates. Other features include the option to pay with rewards or in installments with Apple Pay, new accessibility features in Apple Music, and a revamped Apple Fitness+ experience that aims to maximise the app’s extensive collection of exercises and meditations.
According to Eddy Cue, senior vice president of services at Apple, “so many of our users rely on Apple services throughout their day, from navigating their commute with Apple Maps to making easy and secure payments with Apple Pay to curating playlists with Apple Music.” “We’re thrilled to add even more features to our services, such as the ability to use Apple Maps for hiking in national parks, Apple Pay for rewards or installment access, and Apple Music for SharePlay to enjoy music with loved ones.”
Additional Ways to Use Apple Maps to Travel the World
Hikes and personalised walking routes are among the additional ways to explore the environment that Apple Maps offers. With filters for length, height, and route type, users can peruse thousands of treks in US national parks and store them for use at a later time. With a few clicks, users can even design their own personalised walking itineraries to organise everything from a quick workout to a comprehensive walking tour of a new city. They can also make comments about their favourite walks in national parks, personalised walking routes, and other locations to a brand-new Places Library.
Apple Maps on the iPhone 15 Pro displays a user’s personalised walking path around San Francisco’s Presidio.
Apple Maps on the iPhone 15 Pro displays the Congress Trail Hike route.
Apple Maps on the iPhone 15 Pro displays the user’s Places Library.
Image Credit to Apple
Apple Pay Offers More Flexibility
When customers check out online and in-app, Apple Pay offers even more options and flexibility. When making a purchase online or in-app on an iPhone or iPad, users can monitor and redeem rewards and access installment loan possibilities from approved credit or debit cards. These functionalities can be used by any bank or issuer that accepts Apple Pay in recognised markets.
Starting in the United States with Discover and Synchrony, and expanding to all Apple Pay issuers with Fiserv, users will be able to receive points for purchases made with Apple Pay. The following countries will see the introduction of Apple Pay installment access from credit and debit cards: Australia through ANZ; Spain through CaixaBank; the United Kingdom through HSBC and Monzo; and the United States through Citi, Synchrony, and issuers with Fiserv. When they check out with Apple Pay, users in the United States will also have the option to apply for loans directly through Affirm.
By simply scanning a code on their iPhone, users can securely complete payments with Apple Pay on any computer or third-party web browser2. Furthermore, by only tapping their card against the back of their iPhone, consumers can add compatible credit or debit cards to Apple Wallet with Tap to Provision.Image Credit to Apple
How to use apple cash
Use Apple Cash to Tap to Cash
By holding two iPhone devices together and using Tap to Cash, users may transfer and receive Apple Cash without exchanging phone numbers.For instance, you can utilise Tap to Cash to purchase something at a yard sale or to reimburse someone at supper.
Upgraded Event Passes via Apple Pay
The most significant update to event tickets in Apple Wallet yet is a gorgeous new design that enhances the fan experience. Key event details, like a venue map and parking information, can be easily accessed by users with Tickets in Wallet. Other helpful features include in-seat food delivery, suggested playlists from Apple Music, local weather forecasts from Weather, and simple access to location sharing, which makes it easier for fans to find their friends when they get there.
An Updated Apple Fitness+ User Interface
Apple Fitness+, the acclaimed fitness and wellness programme with workouts and meditations that are open to everyone, has been revamped in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and tvOS 18 to help customers make the most of its extensive workout library, maintain motivation, and be consistent with their fitness regimen.
For You, which offers tailored suggestions; Explore, which assists users in finding new activities and sources of inspiration; Library, which facilitates the organisation of favourite exercises, meditations, Stacks, Custom Plans, and stored programmes; search, which yields fast results for particular activity kinds, trainers, durations, and favourite musicians; and the now prominent awards and streaks reminders are just a few of the new features. Personalised Fitness+ recommendations show up in the Summary page of the iPhone Fitness app, allowing users to locate their next amazing workout or meditation right next to their Activity and Workout data.
Apple Music: Collaborative Listening and Increased Accessibility
More users will be able to share control over music playing from HomePod, Apple TV, or any as Bluetooth-enabled speaker thanks to enhancements to SharePlay with Apple Music, which will increase the enjoyment and benefits of listening together. To add to what’s playing, participants do not need to be Apple Music subscribers.
With Apple Music, people who are hard of hearing or deaf can now enjoy music on their iPhones thanks to a feature called Music Haptics. When this function is activated, the iPhone’s Taptic Engine produces smooth vibrations, textures, and taps in sync with the music. Developers may incorporate Music Haptics into their products by using its API, which is compatible with millions of songs in the Apple Music library.
A Better Apple TV Watching Experience
InSight, a feature that reveals up-to-date information about performers, characters, and music from Apple TV+ films and shows in real time onscreen, is now available on the Apple TV app. Users may instantly view the song playing in a scene and add it to an Apple Music playlist, or they can pick an actor to view their history and filmography page.
With tvOS 18, Enhance Dialogue becomes even more intelligent, utilising machine learning and computational audio to provide improved verbal clarity on Apple TV 4K over background noise, action, and music.
With tvOS 18, subtitles automatically appear at the appropriate times, such as when a show or movie’s language differs from the device’s, when users mute, or when they skip back while watching something. This feature keeps users interested in and enjoying their favourite content.
Upgrades to iCloud Mail and a More Uniform Apple Account Sign-In Process
iCloud Mail offers new tools for customers to maintain categorization and manage their mailbox. Primary is used for personal and urgent emails; Transactions is used for confirmations and receipts; Updates is used for news and social media notifications; and Promotions is used for marketing emails and discount codes.The seven iCloud settings have been overhauled to make it easier for customers to follow tailored recommendations to activate important iCloud services, maximise iCloud+, and rapidly check the status of the most recent iCloud backup.
In order to provide a unified sign-in experience across Apple services and devices, Apple ID has been renamed to Apple Account with the release of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, macOS Sequoia, and watchOS 11. This new sign-in method is based on the user’s current credentials.
Read more on gvindhtech.com
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alloffer2023 · 1 year
Empire Today’s TV Jingle Is Nothing Short of Iconic—But Is It Actually Worth Buying Their Flooring?
Empire Today, which some may know as simply Empire, is a long-standing flooring company with decades of experience selling and installing various types of floors. The company boasts transparent, all-inclusive pricing estimates, available next-day installation, and unique flooring designed to minimize noise. But is Empire Today a good option for customers looking for a flooring company? This Empire Today review will explore the ins and outs of the flooring installation company so customers searching for “Empire flooring near me” can determine whether it might be the right fit for their needs.
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Empire Today Review: Claims
Empire Today offers a wide range of flooring options, free in-home estimates, a nifty room visualizer tool, and several customer service options to help customers meet their flooring goals. But does it live up to its reputation?
About Empire Today
Empire Today started in 1959 as a family-run home furnishing business in Chicago, Illinois. The company was originally called Empire Plastic Covers, but changed its name in 1965 to Empire Home Services to better describe its mission. The company kept that name until 2003, when it was rechristened Empire Today after being sold to new owners.
Today, the company offers its services in more than 70 locations nationwide and is one of the best-known names in the flooring industry. It’s also known for its distinctive Empire Today commercial featuring a catchy jingle and a character known as “Empire Man.” The first TV commercial aired in 1978, and Empire Man was a live-action character; however, today he is portrayed in cartoon form instead. Thanks to the jingle featured in the ads, customers have likely heard of Empire Today even if they have never used the company for their flooring needs.
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However, Empire Today is more than a jingle and a fun cartoon character. The company offers numerous types of flooring, at-home consultations, all-inclusive pricing quotes, and in some cases, next-day installation.
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Cost, Offers, and Financing
With so many flooring options to choose from, the final cost of flooring installation with Empire Today can vary depending on the size of the installation space and the type of floor chosen. Empire Today provides customers with free quotes after they meet with a representative who will help them find a flooring option that will work for their needs and budget. However, the company doesn’t list any prices on its website, which can make it hard for customers to estimate the total cost before scheduling an in-home estimate. This may be off-putting for some customers, but it will result in a more accurate estimate based on the customer’s precise requirements.
Empire Today does offer two financing options through Wells Fargo Bank and Synchrony to help homeowners pay for their flooring project. Customers who choose 12-month financing may qualify for a 0 percent interest rate, though if the customer does not pay in full by the 12-month mark, they will be charged interest on their balance. Customers on this financing plan can choose to pay in the way that makes the most sense for them, whether that’s in monthly installments or several lump-sum payments. There is also a 48-month financing option that offers interest rates from 11.99 percent with fixed monthly payments. Using this option, a customer financing $2,000 will pay $53 per month for 2 years, with a total amount of $2,528 including interest.
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canemucca · 1 month
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Unlocking Funding: The Power of Business Credit
As a seasoned entrepreneur, I understand the importance of having the right business banking solutions in place. In this blog post, we'll explore the key steps you can take to set up your business for financial success.
Establishing Your Business Credit Profile
Net 30 Accounts: Prepare your file by building business trade lines with net 30 companies that can provide you with secured or unsecured charge accounts.
Nav: Nav will give you two business trade lines that report to Experian and Equifax, which are more important than Dun & Bradstreet.
Fair, Figure: This company will report to Experian, Equifax, TransUnion, and CreditSafe, giving you access to your business credit reports and a Fundex score. If you have challenging personal credit but revenue in your business, they can provide you with a business line of credit.
Leveraging your Business Funding Options
Merchant Cash Advance: Companies like Funu can provide you with up to $10,000 in funding with no credit check, as long as you have been in business for at least 90 days and have a minimum of $1,500 in monthly revenue.
Gig Economy Financing: If you work as a freelancer or in the gig economy, companies like Giggle Finance can offer up to $5,000 in funding with no credit check, as long as you meet the same criteria as Funu.
Sam's Club Credit Card: This card from Synchrony Bank can provide you with up to $20,000 in funding with no personal guarantee, as long as you have properly prepared your business credit file with trade lines and funding sources.
Preparing for Success
Remember, the key to unlocking these funding opportunities is to proactively build your business credit profile and leverage the right resources. By taking these steps, you'll be well on your way to securing the financing you need to take your business to new heights.
If you have any further questions about business credit funding or personal credit management, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help you navigate the path to financial success.
YouTube Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yJx7UZiMGg YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwTiSgSSNPiNANoB2cREAAg Related Content: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/680958406188727163/ https://www.diigo.com/profile/judithalvarado0 https://twitter.com/JudithAlva55021/status/1791566021012132081 https://judithalvarado0.blogspot.com/ https://calendar.google.com/calendar/event?eid=MnEzNG9iaXBycjhucmtuY2wxcWdzYXZldnMgY2hhbmV5bGVzbGllQG0 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScBVtxoyx5BKh3UQv7n5D1i30jz1-vRbgzaqUu0F6ee-g_Yiw/viewform https://judithalvarado0.wordpress.com/
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Synchrony Bank is now hitting our son up for $2 for the paper statement monthly it's only $24 a year but it adds up. That was going to go after them for it we are going after them for it and he's going to continue to get the paper because he sends in his payment and they want to threaten the bank account to try and stop the class action and he says he'll do the class action for us and pay off the credit card and cancel it they'll try and keep it going and we'll take it over and it's an agreement and they forced him to do dental work using it we're going after them too there's a couple other things going on these people have smiles on their faces they're running around thinking good stuff everybody is suing them and taking their stuff including robots and ships and devices and they keep smiling saying you'll get to it and it says if we're not in it yet if we won't get to it and he says you're right about something but with you guys it's different but really with you guys you're never going to get there everybody is eating each other and bored it's disgusting that's the end of the line but these people are not reacting appropriately at all you guys are dispensing a lot of s*** and it takes a lot of effort to slow down when you're doing it professionally and that was a clone he said that too and he said I appreciate that and we can work together really I am trying and I'm doing it and he shot at me three times so I want to get bigger and feeding him wrestling and stuff a little bit and he was under the influence of max. And you said that and he said I know how you know they're everywhere and we were surrounded by about 3,000 or 4,000 of them literally people can verify 400 or 500 and he said wow that's bad so he's thinking about it and then when you go down to Edison there are some real higher-ups whales and the complex has special significance and they're messing around with my clan they got the wrong idea on how to make stuff work but that name and that area and the museum and stuff is very heavy and he says this is intense he knows about it and so he went back and he said it to him and he said I know he knows he's kind of crazy guy but he's not going to hurt me it's because the rules we're using off and see it and it's the Max and we need the stuff and he's going we got to watch launch while we can so they're working on it and fairly evil people but they're forced into it it's really gross.
-that was pretty awful and Trump is not getting it he just does not understand you send us a bill because you're f****** dumb and synchrony was a bank of his and they were the mortgage company and now they're the credit card and so we're going to fix your wagon you should not be charging him for anything and you keep doing it we're going to start charging you a lot and you're going to have a hard time getting around you have to pay your way you don't get anywhere we're going to hold you and kill your people and tell and you tell your people what to do or you're gone that kind of stuff works and we don't care about you bud you're an idiot you are a total f****** jerk.
And we know who generated it and some Max health but he's doing it and said so I want him to see some bills when he goes home more than what we're saying we're going to do that right now
Thor Freya
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