hellcifrogs · 11 months
Hey, everyone with desktop access, go to your blog settings -> enable custom theme -> edit theme -> go nuts and have fun!!
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mikuedits · 4 years
mod rin’s handy-dandy websites list!!
ive been doing this whole kin aesthetic thing for a while now, and i figure ive got some resources to share!! so heres a list of websites that are useful for this type of thing.
i hope these help!! if you use em could you please reblog to share? i wanna make sure these get around tumblr a bit if they’re actually useful.
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remove.bg : removes backgrounds from images!! the algorithm works insanely well, big recommend from me.
www8.lunapic.com/editor/ : too many options to list here. an extremely useful tool for all sorts of things!!
pinetools.com/invert-image-colors : inverts colors!! i dont think it works on gifs, but ive got another website for that stuff. i used this cuz i couldnt find a white 3x3 grid anywhere,,,
resizeimage.net : the url says it all. instructions are laid out on the website so just follow those and viola!
ezgif.com : all sorts of fun features for editing gifs!! it mutes the colors a bit but for simple edits it works wonders.
photomosh.com : glitch effects!! its fun its easy and its free.
pixabay.com : stock images!!! great for aesthetics n stuff. im fine with using google images myself, but i know some people arent. its also just a good website to look around if ur out of ideas!!
coolsymbol.com/cool-fancy-text-generator.html : fonts!! its exactly what it says on the tin. a few popups every once and a while but nothing virus-y and not frequently enough to get annoying.
alt-codes.net : copy/paste symbols!! works for stimboard credits, plain aesthetic text, and pretty much everything in between. from what i can tell these show up on most devices. there are TONS of em so check it out!!
aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Aesthetics_Wiki : very helpful if you’re out of requests. hit random page and find an aesthetic to work off of!!
tineye.com : find the source of images/gifs/whatever. i especially recommend this if you want to find the source for fanart you found online!!!
incontrolclothing.com : FASHION SETS!!!! new clothes added every week and old ones constantly restocked, so your selection is fresh for whenever you need it!! plus its just super cute if you want something for yourself too.
piccollage.com : this is an app btw!! it sounds informal and it usually is but hear me out... tbh, its a great place to start. hell i use it for the majority of my requests, and they look no different than the photoshop ones!! long as u use the freestyle thing and make ur edit juuuust above the watermark so u can crop it out. only annoying thing is the shadows but thats easy to work around.
picrew.me : need ideas for editing tricks and add-ons? new artists to check out? a base for fashion sets? then i suggest checking out picrew!! not only is it a super fun character creator website, but its also a goldmine for inspiration!! ngl ive made 1350 of these and saved them all to my phone,,
some helpful images that can be hard to find,
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... and thats about it!! i hope you find these helpful. feel free to add on with your own resources!! ill check em out and other people could benefit from em too.
- mod rin
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bates--boy · 3 years
The notifications had slowed down. The well of notifications had started to dry; instead of drowning in tags and mentions and new comments, only a handful of new ones popped up onto his phone screen per day. It was too bad that Peter had been feeling off lately, and couldn’t enjoy the relief that came from his rant becoming obscure as he swiped the alerts away. Maybe it was a little demoralizing to clear everything away one by one and finding, as far as he was aware, not a supportive message. Then, again, he had... how many days’ worth the alerts? Peter’s finger stopped just as a familiar name came up next
Naseem          Tue 6:34 PM Don’t do this, Pete. Please take the pills.
          Tuesday? That was yesterday, right? Peter checked the calendar. 
          ...Four days ago. So, this has been going on for...
            Peter squeezed his sore eyes shut as he tried to sort out the passing days. It was all melting together, flowing as one especially when the nights were coming sooner, but he was sure that the time was close. In a couple of days, Peter will hit them up, maybe invite them over, let them see that they were wrong, and talk it out so they could put this all behind them. In the meantime...
            Peter set the phone facedown on his bed and flipped open to a fresh page of his lyrics notebook.
            My soft mouth can make you hard             When you flash that black credit card             Let you lick coke off my feet             And let you shake me in your sheets
              Peter lifted his pen from the page so the ink wouldn’t bleed. He drummed the top of it on his blanket as the writing lapse set in. He needed to get at least the bare bones of a verse down before he made his trip to the library and return the books Mike recommended to him. But did he want to see Mike before the day of reckoning? He didn’t want Mike to mistake the late night attempts at writing with some sort of declination (and truthfully, Peter was certain that the sight of the other man would set his blood boiling instantaneously), so he would need to rewash his face and slather the makeup on, and get a lot of caffeine in him to wake him up.
             Should he also bring his writing notebook with him? Not to show Mike what he’s been working on, because he knew that Mike didn’t really give a shit, but Peter knew that the best revenge was productivity, like take up a seat at the library and write until the pages were full of his lyrics. Mike will probably gossip with Ashira about how well Peter was doing, and Ashira would tell Naseem, and Naseem, forever his advocate, would help smooth things over with the others and Peter can return with as little hassle as possible. Then they could get back to songwriting and scheduling tours, and...
              Peter picked his phone back up and opened his browser. Tapping on the saved URL of The MizFists’ website, Peter went to the tour list they had set up.
              Right on top was a banner:
              He nibbled his bottom lip and pressed the banner’s link. It annoyingly opened a new window to another page that Peter was not aware of: a news page separate from the updates for their merch and tickets.
              From the Crew to You: We’re Sorry
We understand, as we try to be as close to our fans as possible, that this news may lead to disappointment, but it’s a decision we have to make for the good of one of our crew members: one of our own has become ill and it is imperative that he takes care of himself. This means that we have to hold off on collective shows. Solo acts will still go on, but collective shows aren’t the same when one of our family is down for the count. Tickets will be refunded or fully valid for possible later dates. We thank you for understanding.
And we wish Attrossity a full recovery so he may come home.
              It was a PR stunt. Peter knew it was a dumb and weak PR stunt, because no one who had been following this would believe that his tirade -- no, self-defense against that writer came from some sickness. Bruised pride? Maybe, and that was all. 
              It would have been easier to believe if the photos hadn’t loaded in that moment.
               A picture of Pakiza and Mike holding crayon-scrawled signs: Get well soon! With their knuckles, adorned with hearts drawn with black and red markers, raised to the camera.
              Adel and Tarsha placing cards under his windshield wipers-- probably worn by the weather by now because they surely must have known that Peter rarely drove his car.
              An older photo of Naseem and Peter, sitting across from each other with notebooks open and hands raised in mid animated conversation.
              It was a weird PR stunt, but it worked, because Peter laid his phone back on the bed and stared at it, feeling so stupid.
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 3 years
The problem with having followers in this fandom are the anons you get. Any tips to deal with them?
I've got a few-
Anon's Opinions Mean Very Little- An anon is just one person at a keyboard, at most they bring a friend or two along (usually they pretend to be multiple people agreeing with each other). Don't take their opinion on anything from fandom things to page admin as law. Consider what they're saying, talk to other large 'blrs to get their opinions, and then weigh it to decide where you stand.
If you reblog an opinion, either say what you don't agree with or take responsibility for every word- I've seen people reblog posts, face a backlash, and then claim they didn't agree with all of it and besides, they only reblogged it isn't like they wrote it. But that's now how people read these sites. If you reblog, you are standing behind the post. The responsibility is not just on the author, but on you too for boosting their work. Good or bad, if you reblog it you stand by it. **That is only to the post itself, sometimes anons deep dive into source blogs and say you can’t reblog a post about like Supernatural from them because they have an opinion on Stargate the anon finds problematic... Just... delete them for their own sake.
Tumblr exists in a bubble- Opinions on this site may seem like the end all be all of the universe, people treat things as gospel... but I've found many things labeled "Controversial" that when I dug into it outside of tumblr I've found specific mentions that the thing is only controversial ON tumblr. So if an anon attacks you for something, remember that first bullet point up there- anons opinions mean very little. Do your own little research, decide where you stand.
Don't answer unless you want to deal with it- General rule of thumb, responding to one negative anon will generate 2 additional anons. Even if you're pointing out how toxic that anons take is, they'll pull friends in to send messages too (or again just send with alternate writing voices) and make it look like they have bigger numbers. Deleting messages is deeply satisfying to you, and aggravating to them. It's your best tool.
Don't argue with anons, just delete them- This goes to the above point, but also it's just exhausting and you'll end up hating the fandom you're part of eventually. I've had an anon ONCE apologize for mis-reading a post I made (I admitted first that my wording wasn't clear to what I was saying). That was my first year on this site. 10 years ago. Statistically you're not changing their mind, you're just wasting your own time.
Don't let anons- or even face-first blogs- dictate page admin- I get messages every now and then from people telling me how I *should* have answered asks or what I *should* be doing in my page management. First off, the ones who come out URL-first are always smaller and relatively new blogs, and secondly, anons opinions do not matter in arenas of page admin. If you notice a theme in messages check with tumblrs whose opinions you value and respect and decide for yourself if change is needed.
It's not your fault people follow you- IDK if it's still happening, but there are flair ups of people who either demand you follow back or who say that your follower size makes you responsible for promoting the works of smaller pages with lower follower counts. Neither of those things are true. One of my favorite things to say is that the bad decisions in life that led to someone following my blog is their ill fortune. You don't have to use your followers for any causes unless you want to. And if you do it once, people will demand you do it over and over again. I've seen people chased off the site because their favorite fics lists didn't include people with no followers who only have 1 note. Your job isn't to be anyone else's PR rep. If you want to make that your thing, go ahead, but don't let some anon try to convince you that you're somehow responsible for the entire fandom's experience.
Your language is not everyone's first language, and what you're reading isn't always what is meant- Sometimes you get a message that is super blunt and reads like a challenge or an aggressive message, but the person who wrote it didn't intend for that at all. I've noticed that my non-English-as-a-first-language followers tend to message me on Anon more often because they aren't confident in their language skills and are afraid of making a mistake. If you get a message that seems blunt or confrontational, don't automatically assume the negative. Be patient in your answer, and give them the benefit of the doubt. You'll never apologize for responding to a hateful message in kindness, but you will if you reply to a kind message with hate. Save yourself the trouble of apologizing.
But also don't be afraid to apologize- If an Anon sends you a message calling something out and you honestly consider their opinion and come to the conclusion that they are right and you were in the wrong, just say so. Obstinately holding to something for the sake of not admitting you were wrong is stupid. Admitting you were wrong and having the maturity to own that is wise and mature. And don't use the word 'but'. As Drew Barrymore said in 'Santa Clarita Diet'- "'Buts' are for assholes."
The deep, dark secret of tumblr is this: Overall, anons are kind people who are shy, friends who want to cheer you up and think a kind word from a stranger might carry more weight than one from them, or people who are a bit nervous but still want to reach out. We bitch about the rude anons but they are the overwhelming minority. The vast amount are simply kind and curious at heart. And for those who aren't, just be kind and courteous back at them, it pisses them off to no end :)
Oh, one more: If you lose your temper, you lose. Approach everything with patience and maturity, hold the high road as much as you can, and don't let anyone say you're unreasonable.
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welshdragonrawr · 4 years
For the “let’s get personal asks”.... all of them?? Please?? I’ll do anything 🙈 ~🍑
Anythiiiiing? That’s a mighty offer. I’ll try to keep these short and simple cuz there’s so many and poor moots will end up suffering a long post on their dash. But if anyone wants a long-winded elaboration on anything, feel free to ask.
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? This Is Me Trying by Taylor Swift, Landslide by Stevie Nicks, In the End by Linkin Park, Perfect Places by Lorde, Funeral by Phoebe Bridgers, Wasteland Baby by Hozier
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Sarah Paulson
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.However. Kits is glowering at me. I’m only too aware that...
4: What do you think about most? Life
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? Your latest [redacted] phone bill is ready. Check it out in your [redacted] account
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? With 
7: What’s your strangest talent? Writing? It’s my only talent
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence) Girls are incredible. Boys are alright.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? Yes
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? About a month ago
11: Do you have any strange phobias? So many, not sure if they’re full-blown phobias tho
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? No
13: What’s your religion? What’s the name for respecting aspects of a lot but not following one specifically?
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Walking?
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Fleetwood Mac
17: What was the last lie you told? I haven’t got you anything yet
18: Do you believe in karma? Yes
19: What does your URL mean? I used to live in Wales and I’m too stubborn/attached to change it
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? Insecurity/Loyalty
21: Who is your celebrity crush? Sarah Paulson
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? No
23: How do you vent your anger? Writing
24: Do you have a collection of anything? Books
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Neither Phone I think
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Yes and No
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? Metal scratching glass/Sarah Paulson’s voice
28: What’s your biggest “what if”? What if I had never gotten seriously ill when I did
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yes and Yes
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Phone/Blanket
31: Smell the air. What do you smell? Jacket potatoes cooking
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? [Redacted] Hospital
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? East?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Hozier?
35: To you, what is the meaning of life? To make the most of the miraculous fact we’re here at all 
36: Define Art. Truth, Beauty, Horror and History 
37: Do you believe in luck? Yes
38: What’s the weather like right now? Grey and overcast
39: What time is it? 1pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? No, so no
41: What was the last book you read? Thin Air by Michelle Paver
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? No
43: Do you have any nicknames? So many
44: What was the last film you saw? The Princess Diaries
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Just cuts and bruises so far luckily
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? Yes
47: Do you have any obsessions right now? Sarah Paulson
48: What’s your sexual orientation? Lesbian
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? Yes
50: Do you believe in magic? Sometimes
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Sometimes
52: What is your astrological sign? Scorpio
53: Do you save money or spend it? Save
54: What’s the last thing you purchased? Car accessories for a xmas present
55: Love or lust? Love
56: In a relationship? ‘It’s complicated’
57: How many relationships have you had? 3 I think?
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Yes
59: Where were you yesterday? At home
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Flowers
61: Are you wearing socks right now? No
62: What’s your favourite animal? Otter
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? Kindness
64: Where is your best friend? Too far away
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. @serawalkerwrites, @sisterxwinters, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @thefandomlesbian, @awildgothappeared
66: What is your heritage? Not much
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? Reading in bed
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? Why don’t you ask him?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? Yes
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Yes
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Help the dog
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? a) certain people b) visit my loved ones c) yes
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. 
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Shake it Out by Florence and the Machine
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? [Redacted]
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Communication, Kindness and Care
77: How can I win your heart? Be Kind
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? Sometimes
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Deciding to message the ones who’ve become my closest friends
80: What size shoes do you wear? 5 (european size)
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? Don’t really know, probably something literary
82: What is your favourite word? Fernweh
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Loved ones
84: What is a saying you say a lot? Keep on keeping on
85: What’s the last song you listened to? This Is Me Trying by Taylor Swift
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? Purple/Red/Blue
87: What is your current desktop picture? Drunk Princess Leia (cover art from Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher)
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? He who shall not be named
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? What are you truly afraid of?
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? Go back to sleep probably
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Telekinesis?
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? Some time with my Aunt
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Onset of chronic illness
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? Florence Welch
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Florida for reasons
96: Do you have any relatives in jail? No
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? Yes
98: Ever been on a plane? Yes
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? Be kind to one another. This world is a shitshow right now. Choose to be a good plot twist in it.
That was long, so congrats to anyone who actually sat through/read all that.
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roderickslaton · 4 years
Rank YouTube Videos Using GSA Search Engine Ranker Easy
Table of ContentsHow To Build Your Own Auto Accept List With GSA SER GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - Updated 2020 Impressive GSA SER manual Amazing GSA Search Engine Ranker video tutorials GSA Search Engine Ranker Tutorial - from Asia Virtual Solutions
Yep, my math is incredible also (GSA Search Engine Ranker reviews). The third and last strategy you can utilize is merely utilizing all of the target URLs from the 2nd strategy as keywords in Scrapebox's Harvester. The principle is easy. Considering that these are most likely Tier 2 or perhaps Tier 1 backlinks, they will be connected to by other backlinks as well.
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GSA Search Engine Ranker Tool And Review – AVS
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With SERengines supporting more and more Web 2. 0 platforms and the level of customization, GSA Search Engine Ranker has long gone beyond XCr. However, hello, if that doesn't encourage you, this will while GSA SER is a one-time payment (), SEnuke XCr costs $147. Nope, not a one-time each month! And really, I believe that while it truly is excellent, it's not a bad link building tool at all, GSA SER is a lot more affordable, and you can do practically anything with it.
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keeroo92 · 5 years
Tumblr Tips You Probably Already Know
So I don’t know about you guys, but for me learning how tumblr works was a pain in the ass. I thought it might be handy to share a few tricks I’ve picked up the last few months for anyone who needs them. Bear in mind I’m still extremely new at this, and not all blogs would benefit from my amateur advice. I’m posting this just in case one of you guys are as frustrated and annoyed as I was at the beginning.
First - Adding a “Keep Reading” divider
Why to do it -  If you post a lot of longer stories, viewers will be forced to scroll through the entire post to see anything further on their feed. While this might seem like a good way to get people to read your work, it can become a hindrance if people don’t have the time to read and are forced to either suck it up and scroll, or unfollow you.
How to do it -
When you are preparing to post (Text post) just hit “Enter”. You should see a few icons on the right of where you’re currently typing, like this.
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The icon on the far right will insert a divider that can be dragged to anywhere you like, and when you post it will create one of these -
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Readers will need to click to view the full post. I don’t know if there’s a way to create these with any other type of post, but it’s something I learned after an Anon asked me to please use the tool. (Thank you Anon!!!)
My personal preference is to also list the word count above the cut off, so that my readers have a rough idea how much time they might need to finish reading. If you aren’t sure what your word count is, you can paste your work here and find out - https://wordcounter.net/
Some programs have something like this built in as well.
Timing your post
Why to do it - Like any site, tumblr has peaks and valleys of activity. I did a little bit of poking around and found that the most active time of day is between 4pm and 10pm Eastern. If you are trying to maximize the number of people who see your post, it may help to post during this window.
How to do it - I’m pretty terrible about dong this, but when you’re preparing a  post, you can schedule when it appears by clicking the drop down menu on the post button, here.
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A small menu should open, like this.
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The schedule can be annoying to work with, since it requires a specific format of date. Again, I suck at this, but I’ve noticed if it doesn’t like what I put in the post only refuses to submit.
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The post will not even minimize, so you won’t lose your work. (I still recommend keeping a copy elsewhere just in case!!!) Here’s what it looks like -
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This menu will also appear when you reblog a previous post, so you can schedule your reblogs with ease.
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Opinions vary on whether reblogs actually do any good, but that’s for you to decide for yourselves. Both these scheduling features can be extremely helpful if you won’t be able to post for a few days (vacation, illness, etc.) but you don’t want your blog to stagnate.
Creating a Masterlist
Why to do it - Once you have a few pieces of writing posted, you want people to be able to find them, right? A Masterlist puts links to all your work in one place, like a Table of Contents. Someone just finding your blog can go through everything you’ve written to date and binge it all at once, or just a few to decide if they really want to follow you.
How to do it - Here’s a link to an in-depth tutorial. I’ll summarize below as well.
Start with a new text post. You’ll want to have an idea of how to organize your stuff in advance. I chose to do mine based off of the main pairing, but I’ve seen others go by the date of the post or type of post. You can do it however you like.
Next, list out everything you can think of. It’s fine if you don’t have a full list, you can always go back and add more later. Make sure you put everything in the right category.
Now the annoying part - linking! Every post you make has its own page, and you’ll need to copy the full URL. There’s a million ways to do it, but I just scrolled through my post history with a tag filter on and opened/copied each one in turn. It can be time consuming if you have a lot of posts, though.
Once you have the URL copied, find the line on your masterlist you want to use and highlight it.. Here’s an example.
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Now, click on the little figure eight thing I circled. It’ll open a spot for you to paste the URL, like so.
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Once it’s in there, click “Done” on the right side of the bubble to save the link. It’ll add a blue line under the text to show where people can click to follow the link. Repeat this until you’ve got each item linked up!
Go ahead and post it, and grab the URL for the masterlist itself. Navigate to your profile and click the little painter’s palette to edit your blog’s appearance. Mine is in the upper right corner, I don’t know if that’s standard.
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On the left side of your screen, a new window should open where you can change all kinds of settings. Scroll down to find the custom link section. I’m not sure if every theme has this feature, so you may need to pick a new one to do this. Here’s what mine looks like.
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Make whatever changes you like, but make sure you hit “Save” at the top of the window. You might want to check your profile to make sure it looks the way you want it to, but that should be all you need! Be sure to update your masterlist regularly. If you ever discover a line is missing the blue line underneath to show it’s a link, that likely means the link is broken. Generally, you can fix this by redoing the URL paste step above.
A few handy sites -
If you feel a bit overwhelmed by the number of fannish words you aren’t familiar with, you can find most here. Great way to deepen your understanding and also make sure you’re tagging the right genre’s!
This site is amazing. They have all kinds of editing tools, too many to list in one post. The main idea here is if you want to analyze your writing, this site does it for free. There’s a 500 word limit unless you want to spend a little money, but IMO it’s worth trying out. However, it can’t tell you your style or identify deliberate grammatical errors. Take it’s advice with a grain of salt, and don’t blindly do everything it says. You will lose what makes your writing unique if you do.
HOLY PROMPTS, BATMAN!!! Seriously, this blog has so many amazing ideas it’s ridiculous. If you want to find a new plot or crazy AU, this WILL give you ideas!
A great tool for breaking through writer’s block! This site allows you to set a timer and word count, and program sounds to make should you reach/miss your goal. Not for everyone, but I like it for when I have tons of ideas but just can’t settle on one. Best part is it doesn’t delete your work after the time runs out, so you can copy it anywhere you like!
This blog is fantastic for any random questions you might have regarding fanfic. They answer things from how to write a chat fic, to how to write an ASL character, to where to find references on how to write a car chase. Truly amazing stuff!
And last lil thing - HAVE FUN!!!!
(Also, sorry if this whole post reads unkindly or in a condescending tone, that is NOT how I mean any of this! I’m not perfect and still have so much to learn, honestly just wanted to share on the off chance it’s useful to someone else.)
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bma-2020 · 5 years
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Okiedok here’s the delio. I have a list of all the blogs from the last six months who’s actively either responded to a meme i sent, responded to a message ive sent, replied to something regarding mally herself, has actually written with me, written a starter for me from my liking a starter call, has at least liked a starter i wrote for them to awknowedge it exists, all that jazz, i have a lot of open field so it’s not just a possible tumblr didnt let them no option anymore, because i send memes to everyone who posts them that i see. I reply to most peoples ooc posts. I like most starter calls I pass by. I try my darndest to actually interact bc i know how it feels to be ignored and its… i’ve been called one before so i’m using the word, thats fluffing cunty behavior, and honestly if you complain about not being interacted with but never even try when i try with you, ya being cunty, end of. I gotta list. That list only entails Mally because she’s who I care about the most. I’m probably gonna start instilling a new rule in all my blogs that if you ignore Mally and/or Darcy( @tasedandconfused ), since I would say they’re my two main blogs tho darcy gets ignored even more than mally does, probably bc i denied canon and left it entirely we know fandom hates that, if either of them is ignored then… Ya out of luck, I’m gonna unfollow you. I’m debating soft blocking everyone who ignored me on both of them but I don’t want to like be mean and deny the chance to eventually try again but at the same time i shouldnt feel bad for taking a stand and saying this is bullsheet, idk my anxiety says im awful for giving a fluff about myself but also i should give a fluff about myself probably, ive nearly died in the last three months, my brain almost exploded, i just had three root canals on one corner of my face, i have to potentially get surgery on my inner ear which i cant even afford, i dont got time to deal with only being used for like smut memes or like as a resource blog or utter bs like that, i dont got time for it. So new rules here. 1: If Mally or Darcy are not acknowledged, written with, responded to, viewed as more than just their fluffing bodies? ya dropped, im unfollowing, potentially soft blocking, which means blocking and unblocking for those not in the know, on all accounts I follow you on. Every single one. I know most of my muses are on sideblogs but despite not being able to send memes from sideblogs you can block people from sideblogs fun fact, i will do that if i have to. 2: I’m gonna be posting SCs, PCs, memes, etc. I like and respond to plotting calls, starter calls, i send memes, all of that. If I don’t get any response within.. I’m giving one week for people who don’t run on a queue and a month and a half to people on a queue based system, if i dont get anything within that time like at least an im being like ‘its posted’ or ‘its queued i wanted to let you know in case tumblrs a fluffbutt’ (i do this sometimes if i dont get even just a like on the starters i post so i at least know people saw it since i know tumblrs bs, i wait until the day they’re active to do so in case theyre busy yknow) basically i need acknowledgment at all. No you can’t claim this is abt follower count bc when you unfollow someone they inevitably unfollow you too, thats gonna drop my following, not as quickly as soft blocking would but i wanna be fair i guess, which leads to: 3: I’m basing this on your activity too, like if i like a think and you’re gone for a month after that its fine, im not gonna unfollow you unless you never come back or youre online and posting others just not mine because that tells me youre specifically ignoring me and im gonna drop you for that end of. I’m done with the bullsheet im done w the dillish behavior, i love friendship but if im giving and never receiving thats extremely one way and not gonna work. I check through my follow list weekly and i go back about five-10 pages on someones feed before i unfollow them to see their actual activity and see if theyre here or if its a q so. I’m thorough basically. 4: You dont have to be active with me on all your blogs, i mean i’d prefer it but thats hard as fluff so essentially if you have like five blogs and are just like trying w me on two or three thats fine. Ten blogs, four or five with at least a plot formed is cool. Multis just one muse is all I’d need. I’m not gonna unfollow the blogs youre not writing w me on if you at least write w me on some. Again, specifically Mally and/or Darcy. If you ignore both of them, we’re done. I havent been active on darcy because of being ignored and its a huge butt mess and im just tired i wanna use my babies, you don’t get to have my ‘better’ muses like i know a lot of ppl only follow me for my boys or my villains, you don’t get them if you ignore my baby. But, there is a limit there too. 5: If you never respond to a meme or thread even once with Mally or Darcy, or post a starter, i reply, its never replied to again after a month, I’m unfollowing and/or soft blocking for that too. Bc that means youre just raising my hopes to fluff with me or get someone else and honestly, youre even more cunty than than the people just flat out ignoring me if you do that. And this isnt a specific person, this is five of the people actually on my list. Yes, my list is also annotated with specifics again I was very thorough on this yesterday, I hyperfixated I’ll admit it, I’m in a fluffing depressionary bubble and being told to get over it because people want something they dont deserve to have to. I am a believer that people deserve good things but if youre purposefully being cunty… no you dont. 6: No I’m not releasing my list, maybe I will and I’ll omit the urls because I don’t want people being buttholes to each other too but otherwise, yall not seeing it im not giving a callout because… really thats just unnecessary here. I don’t think yall are toxic people or something i just think yall are unintentionally being cunty. And no I don’t mean everyone that follows me i mean the ppl that add up to what i’ve documented so far and fit the bill of butthat that i’ve shown, its behaviors yall gotta check before ya wreck. Yes there will be some people who have priority, everyone has those people, I write w kathryn on other platforms since she doesnt go on here as often but when Kathryn returns from war here (if she does cause she also agrees most ppl on this platform are cunty, i feel really bad saying that word so often but im gonna keep doing it i recently deleted an ask saying I was a huge cunt for not sending someone smut memes when I didn’t even follow them or know they existed so, again the travesty of this place is nutballers) same with owly, alex is here too, my most active partners are always going to be priority because theyre the ones who show the most interest and the most care. I understand that with others as well which is why I have the timeframe set up, because I want to be as open and shizz as possible while atill being firm i guess. I don’t want to have extreme double standards like its impossible for double standards not to exist at least a little bit but I want to avoid a golden chest full of them I guess. 7: I don’t have a seven rn, this was an even number and it bothered me. Seven is nust my warning that I’m bittery writing this on mobile so formatting is not real but i tried my dandest to make this look like something people might actually mind. I dont want to be butty, i dont want to be awful, i dont want to start drama or have drama but that shizz comes around anyways so i might as well make my space as okay for me as i can cause im supposed to avoid stress so my brain doesnt almost explode again, like again i almost fluffing died i dont need ppl fake being my friend or anything, i want stuff to be real and clear. I want to be happy to be on here again and have fun like i used to since my health is plummetting and I’m not allowed to go outside near plants by myself anymore because i welt up. I have plants outside my work place and im surrounded by chemicals all day long I’m welted from here to new york constantly and never comfortable in my own skin because of it and constantly see people online acting like these actual real problems are pretentious because ‘its an excuse’ when, im a fluffing sagittarius, do you know how much i want to magically be a millionaire so i can pay for friends and my own medical stuff and go on traveling and adventures, be outside probably not camping bc as a pagan i know thats a death sentence but like be outside, lay on grass, go back to swimming because i used to swim competitively and due to health reasons i can barely even go in a pool anymore because theres too much sunlight which, bit plot twist i know, im fluffing allergic to vitamin D and the rays of the sun, so go figure, attempts to be healthy kill me more, i also cant eat most plants and am constantly dying from just eating food, they dont know whats wrong with me. i cant fix it by going ve/gan for a month inf act i tried and it almost made my heart stop thanks society. These arent excuses these are the lives of disabled and diseased and to a lesser but still very real point, ethnic lives every fluffing day. This is real shit and its murder and online and gaming? It may be all I have soon since I can’t just go out and make new friends cause, again, I’d fluffing die. I get sick going to the mall or the movie theater, I miss theme parks so much but have to minimize it to weeks i dont have work so i dont get fired for having a welt while working in the beauty industry. I may have to get a degree online and change my field entirely because of my illness that nobody understands. People even make fun of it constantly online and I wish I could just drop online entirely because of how unbelievably ableist the entirety of the world is, i wish i could drop humans in general for their ableism, but i cant. I don’t have choices in most cases, but throwing away people who maybe purposefully maybe unintentionally thats why i’m giving you this warning and will be repeating this warning for awhile, this is where i have choice. I have to use what little choice I have in life while I can since everytime i go to movies or a concert or a theme park i almost die because of not having an immune system that functions or being in certain air qualities pr being near plants or unclean people, I may not have much time and I gotta do whats best for what little mental health I have, and if that means dropping people i care about and really want to write with and do things with but who ignore me then, i guess so be it.
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moonlit-imagines · 5 years
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(Updated October 12, 2023)
**nobody has permission to repost my work**
How To Request <- READ THIS!!! Has request examples!!!
Gif Imagine/Headcanon Request Info <- this clears up a common issue with requests, please check it out if you plan on requesting!
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The Basics
READ THE PINNED POST BEFORE YOU REQUEST. It has all of the information about blog essentials like requests open/closed and events, etc.
Send the character’s full name (+ fandom) and a prompt/idea to go off of.
Add the relationship between character(s) and reader (platonic, romantic, familial, etc.). You don’t have to say one of those, using terms like “sibling, child, best friend, dating, boyfriend, wife” and such are perfectly fine, just use some kind of indicator so I don’t have to guess!
One request per ask
I take requests, not suggestions. (ie. don’t simply say “can you write something for [character]?” “what about something fluffy/angsty/soft for [x]?”)
Do not ask me to choose between characters/prompts/fic types (this includes saying “x is up to you” or anything along those lines).
Include an imagine type in your request! (one-shot, headcanons, gif imagine, preferences, etc.) If one isn’t added, I may pick one at random, deny it, or delete it.
I do not write: polyamory, specified autistic!reader, most mental illnesses/disorders (excluding anxiety), NSFW material, real people, crossovers, OOC content, pregnancy, cheating, intentional large age gaps, yandere.
(some of the above i am not equipped to write for, some i find morally wrong, some i just have no interest in)
Continuations of fics will only be available if my post gets 100 notes within ~24 hours of posting. Please do not try to request continuations of older work.
Do not request anything that replaces a character with y/n. I’m not going to rewrite a story with little differences.
I typically try to write for a gender neutral reader, unless the story requires specification for some reason.
I’d like to stay inclusive, so avoid pushing unnecessary reader types for fics! (ex. twin!reader, fem!reader, son!reader, shy!reader, innocent!reader, etc.) This means that it should only be added if it’s important to the request!
Do not spam me with requests, please be reasonable! (3 requests max a day, it’s still spamming if you send several a few minutes/hours apart!)
Do not send a physical description for the reader.
I will only take requests sent by ask, but if you have a question beforehand about the request or it’s over the character limit, you can DM me your request. (Please send me an ask with your url if this is the case so that I don’t forget!).
PLEASE read the How to Request post if you need to see examples of requests and such.
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Please respect if requests are closed, they will be reopened very soon. I will not hold your request until they reopen.
Don’t tell me how to run my blog.
I am not responsible for your feelings or shielding you from spoilers/triggers. I will do my best to tag things accordingly, but do not attack me for doing something you don’t like or forgetting.
You can ask if I got your request, but don’t ask me if I’ve started writing it or when it’ll be done.
Stressing this one. You may not request the same/nearly identical scenarios for different characters. This applies to fics I have just posted for you or requests sent at/near the same time.
Please check the status page if you’re unsure of what I’ve watched so far! (You may unknowingly send a spoiler)
Writing for minors is tricky, but I try to do it ethically! If a character is played by a minor, I’ll only write fics that are platonic, familial, or crushes.
Gif imagines do not get continuations, that defeats the purpose of them. The best I can do is a different fic type inspired by the original.
Random writing prompts/dialogue prompts will not be accepted unless I post or reblog a prompt list.
I can deny any request for any reason. Some topics can be inappropriate/sensitive, or I’m uninspired by the prompt.
You can always ask for tips and advice! But don’t ask me to write parts of your fics or make you anything for your fics. This includes OC aesthetics, playlists, and fics!
Special events are designated for special times! (ex. song prompts) They’re listed below!
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I do gif imagines, one-shots/drabbles, headcanons, preferences, aesthetics, etc.
Message me/send an ask if you have any questions!
Special Events (only when announced): Ships, Song Insp., Playlist Shuffle, Playlists, Aesthetics, Fake Texts, Social Media AU, 5 Words, Writing Prompts, Love Letters, Holiday Fics, Alphabets (Fluff/Angst/NSFW), etc.
Read the pinned post “Blog Info” to stay updated on everything regarding this blog!
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angelixii · 6 years
1-140 (anything you haven't answered already) - Felix
Oh, hello! Thanks for the ask!! 💕
3 fears - Spiders (I get frightened when I think about them) heights (slightly) and the public (anything like murder, kidnapped, ya know stupid people)
 3 Things I love - Music, Idols, and animals
 2 Turns on - ig Hats (like snapbacks) and glasses
 2 Turns off - oof I don’t really know.. ig self absorbed or a fudge boy
 My best friend - C: @straykids-sk (wuv you)
 How tall am I - 5′2
 What do I miss right now - My cat that passed away :c (her name was P.J)
 Favourite color - Blue, red, and sometimes green
 Do I have a crush - no not really
 Favourite place - my home
 What am I listening to right now - theres a website called asoftmurmur.com and it has noises like rain or waves and stuff like that
 Shoe size - pretty sure 10 in US womens
 Eye color - brown
 Hair color - light-ish brown
 Meaning behind my URL - I chose Felix cause hes my bias wrecker and hes angelic C:
 Favourite song - Theres like a million but 5SOS’s She Looks So Perfect wil always be a favorite (idk why)
 Favourite band - Ill just chose Stray Kids cause I don’t wanna write them all out
 How I feel right now - kinda tired but ig ok
 Someone I love - Ill say my best fren Georgia (@straykids-sk) cause i wuv her
 My current relationship status - single and i kinda wanna stay that way for a while
  My relationship with my parents - We all live in the same house and its just us (I have one other sister but she moved out. But shes here a lot tho) and we all get along well
 Favorite season - probably Spring c:
 Tattoos and piercing I have - none and I don’t really want any
 Tattoos and piercing I want - ^^^
The reasons I joined Tumblr - Georgia wanted me to and I thought it would be fun (I was right c:)
 Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - no :/
 Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - oh heel no she my best fren I would never
 How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - when I have school like 20 minutes at max
 Have you shaved your legs in the past three days? - I did today
 Where am I right now? - at my house on my laptop c:
 Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - reasonable level cause I’ve always had ear problems and they are sensitive (even tho I always have my earbuds in)
 Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - yup
 Am I excited for anything? - not that I can think of no
 Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - nope :/
 How often do I wear a fake smile? - not THAT often
 If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - oooof I don’t think I could answer that question
 What do I think about most? - probably k-pop
 Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - Definitely behind
 What was the last lie I told? - It was kinda a joke but “i’ll do it because im the good child”
 Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - Eh depends on who it is but facetiming/video chatting
 Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - ghosts kinda and aliens, I mean sure we’ve barely discovered space, who knows whats out there
 Do I believe in magic? - sometimes yeah
 Do I believe in luck? - I mean yeah
 What’s the weather like right now?- theres nothing really going on
 What was the last book I’ve read? - uhhhhhh fully on my own (not in class)? The Maze Runner Scorch Trials
 Do I have any nicknames? - Kassadoodle, Kassidilla, Kassy
 Do I spend money or save it? - I’m trying to save as much as I can rn in my little money jar c:
 Can I touch my nose with a tounge? - nah
 Favourite animal? - Lions and Fennec Foxes
 What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - uhhh im pretty sure saying goodbye to Georgia on video chat
 What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - oo um I cant really think of one rn :/
 What is my favorite word? - yeet
 My top 5 blogs on tumblr (not in any order)
 If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - I probably wouldn’t say anything cause im shy and afraid people would judge me on what I say c:
 Do I have any relatives in jail? -not that I know of
What is my current desktop picture? - a pic of Bts
Had sex? Bought condoms? Gotten pregnant? Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Had job? Smoked weed? Smoked cigarettes? Drank alcohol?
no to ALL those questions C:
Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - nope don’t think I could ever
Been overweight? - …
Been underweight? - no.
Gotten my heart broken? - nah
Been to prom? - nope
Been in airplane? - nope and I never want to really
Learned another language? - I take required (cause im one of the more intelligent kids in school. I know shocker right?) Spanish classes in school but im on summer break so I dont remember any c:
Wore make up?- nope
Dyed my hair? - nope
Had a surgery? - plenty of ear surgery and had my tonsils removed
Met someone famous? - nope
Stalked someone on a social network? - nope
Been fishing? - no but my dad has always wanted to take me and it sounds kinda fun
Been rejected by a crush? - nope never really had one and if I did I would never have the guts
What do I want for birthday? - ooo idk but i have to wait till next year anyway cause its already passed
Do I like my handwriting? - sometimes when my hand cooperates
Where do I want to live when older? - with my girl Georgia
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? - nope ima good child (yeah ok suuureee)
What I’m really bad at - running :/
What my greatest achievments are - managing to keep straight A’s and I dont even study cause im online so
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me - “u bird cage” - Georgia c;
What I’d do if I won in a lottery - ooooooooof idk
What do I like about myself - uhhhhh heh ig my hair or eyes/eyelashes
My closest Tumblr friend - Georgia (yes I do know her irl but shes honestly the closet tumblr friend I have so)
Any question you’d like? - hmm idk
Are you outgoing or shy? - definitely shy, unless with people im close to then quite crazy
What kind of people are you attracted to? - funny, cute and nice people
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - hA no
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - kinda
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - oof idk
What does the most recent text that you sent say? “ohhhh no XDD” (sent to Georgia)
What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - (I already answered this question and don’t wanna answer again)
Do you like it when people play with your hair? - yes I love when freinds at school did (once we were watching a movie in Spanish and my friend next to me was playing with my hair and I almost fell asleep heh)
Do you think there is life on other planets? - totally
Do you like bubble baths? - I haven’t had one in forever
Do you like your neighbors? - only one cause I think im related to them somehow or they are to like my uncle
Where would you like to travel? - out of this hell hole country c:
Favorite part of your daily routine? - checking my tumblr and stanning talent
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - stomach
What do you do when you wake up? - check my notifications on my phone
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - I wish it was more tan than it is (im quite pale)
Do you ever want to get married? - yeah
If your hair long enough for a pony tail? - yes but I hate pony tails so I never do it (I used to all the time as a kid)
Would you rather live without TV or music? - I rarely watch t.v anymore and listen to music almost all day so
Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - I mean yeah
What are your favorite stores to shop in? - I dont really have one for clothes but I do like Walmart
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - I mean sometimes
Do you smile at strangers? - If the smile at me first yeah
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - not that I can remember no
Ever wished you were someone else? - no (as much as I hate myself no)
Favorite makeup brand? - son;t wear any so I dont got one
Last thing you ate? - a Reese cup
Ever won a competition? For what? - not a big one I can remeber no
Ever been in love? - c:
Facebook or Twitter? - dont have a fb and i barely use twitter anymore but twitter
Twitter or Tumblr? - DEFINITELy tumblr
Are you watching tv right now? - i mean its always on for bg noise and light so ig so
What color are your towels? - all kinds of colors
Favorite ice cream flavor? - either Strawberry with out the strawberries or cookie dough
First person you talked to today? - my mom
Last person you talked to today? - Georgia
Name a person you hate? - C: theres too many
Name a person you love? - once again, theres too many
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - C: theres too many
Do you tan a lot? - I barely go outside so thats a no
Have any pets? - too many
Do you type fast? - I mean kinda yeah
Do you regret anything from your past? - everything XD
Ever broken someone’s heart? - I highly doubt it
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - C:
Is cheating ever okay? - hell no
Do you believe in true love? - I mean sure
What your zodiac sign? - Pisces
Do you believe in ghosts? - why is this question on here twice?
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? (via catscuddlingandyou) - “…but not at all overwhelming, the balance of the different fragrances was subtle and flawless.” Twilight - Breaking Dawn (Do NOt ask me why thats the closest book its not mine and ive never read it and i NEVER plan on it)
oof that took like two hours heh.. its now currently 2:18am. and im very tired
but thanks for the ask anyway love! Im sorry for the wait! I was busy today. But im probably going to go to bed now
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dangoghz · 7 years
legitimate advice for new phandom blogs
hey !! so i know sometimes posts like ‘RULES FOR THE PHANDOM XD’ are made and they’re all like “numba one. dan is a squishy bean respect this uwu” but this isn’t gonna be like that lol. im just going to list a few actual things that might help people new to the phandom learn about and become integrated into the community! of course these aren’t ‘rules’ and u dont have to listen to any of it ofc,,, im not here to control ur blog, just here to say what people normally do. feel free to rb whether u are a new blog or not, ill appreciate it either way!
italicized text is defined in the glossary at the bottom!
1. be interactive! 
here, unique to our corner of timmy darn communism, we have a lot of like virtual traditions that everyone knows. these help you to make friends and also grow ur blog with some new mutuals. here are some examples.
networks: networks, or nets, are a sort of selective gc, usually with a theme or concept that it’s based around, in which all who wish to be part of fill out an application form that determines whether they get in. this is kinda the one with the most work, as u also have to make a group blog and info post, but it’s definitely worth it. i have made my closest friends in nets (such as @phleurnet which i birthed), and a lot of people on here would say the same. if you want to know more or apply, my friend diana runs an update blog @phandomnets! (examples, these are all open btw: x x x)
meetups: meetups are not in real life, don’t worry. a meetup is when someone organizes a specific time at which we all post thing around a certain theme! for instance, on halloween on tuesday, my friend milo hosted a halloween meetup. usually people post selfies but if u are uncomfortable with that, u can post art, music, or anything else related to the theme. a blog called @phandommeetupwatch keeps track of these! (examples, all happening soon/just happened: x x x)
follow forevers: a follow forever is a big celebration post when u reach a follower count milestone, no matter 50 or 5k. u tag all of the blogs you love, and they reblog it to appreciate u! it’s really positive and shows people how their work has paid off. usually people are tagged in alphabetical order, and sometimes people bold their favorites but the stylization is up to u. (recent examples: x x x)
milestone activities: sometimes people do things for their followers when they reach a follower count that involves their followers requesting something! there are many many forms of this type of thing. a common one is blog rates, in which there is a set template and the blogger rates each blog that sends in an ask using the template (info post ex: x; rate ex: x). there are also url edits (x), name/url moodboards (x), and more. u can certainly come up w an idea of ur own, being creative is great!
talk to people: that’s right dude!!! ye!!! u can message a blog u think is cool, or send an ask if u think something they made or are talking about is interesting, or add something sweet in the tags (more on etiquette later) when u rb their post. additionally, sometimes people stir up discourse, and u should participate in it if u want (past discourse examples: x x). u can also send asks when people reblog ask games, which are a list of questions with a theme (new one of mine ex: x). 
2. play around with your blog!
customizing your blog can start giving you what we call a branding, making you distinguished from other bloggers. this can include everything from as simple as using an icon to coding your own about page. 
themes: a blog can be way more appealing if it is aesthetically pleasing. admittedly, i often follow people just because of the smoothness of their mobile theme. a mobile theme is rather easy to construct as u can do it on ur own with a phone. it is how ur blog looks on a phone. although u don’t have to do this, i recommend sticking to two to four colors on ur theme and avoiding stuffing it with a lot of bright things because it can distract from content. additionally, bloggers often make their descriptions short and succinct. (my fav mobiles: x x x.) on a pc, your blog theme can be customized completely on html, meaning there is a lot of freedom. u don’t have to learn to code for this, bc u can find free themes anywhere, just search ‘free tumblr themes’ on google. once again, be creative, but u shouldn’t overload. (my fav pcs: x x x.)
about pages: in order to avoid chunky descriptions but still let people know the key deets about themselves, bloggers create about pages. sometimes these bout pages are uncoded but u can also use html code if u want to. some common things in an about page are interests, maybe personality types/horoscopes/hogwarts houses, original content, and links to other social media. (examples: x x x)
urls: urls are a key part of your blog’s brand. ‘rebranding’ is what people say if they change their url! if u are tired or bored with your url, changing it is an opportunity to change your theme and other parts of ur blog as well. (url change ex: x). 
saved urls: saved urls are basically when bloggers hoard sideblogs in order to reserve the urls used for them. if you ever encounter a blank blog that has ‘saved’ as its title, that’s probably it. sometimes people like to give away their urls, either as a constant thing (ex: x) or by doing a url giveaway (x). either way, it’s a good opportunity to change it up!
tags: in order to keep their blog cleancut and organized, a lot of bloggers have special tags for certain people, certain topics, and/or certain types of media. many people in the phandom particularly have tags for dan and phil that match (strawberries and cream, lune and sole, etc). if they have many of these tags, there can be a page for their tags on their blog. this page can be coded with special html or just a regular tumblr page, it doesn’t really matter. but it’s very useful for those who visit your blog, and makes it easy for u to navigate older posts as well! (examples: x x x)
3. learn to make og content!
producing original content helps you establish what your strengths are and why people should follow you. it also allows u to contribute to the fanbase, and gives u a chance of being noticed by dnp! and the validation is lovely. there are many options if u want to make something. 
gifs: gifs are an ART here in the phandom, and its mechanisms still perplex me to this day bc ive never tried it. u probably already know what a gif is, but if not, its essentially a short animation made in photoshop that repeats. gifmakers are often distinguished by a unique coloring (example gifmakers: x x x), such as my friend emily’s smooth dark blue tint (x). it can be a long process to learn how to gif but it is very rewarding in the end, from what i’ve heard. (tutorials: x x)
art: there is a very wide range of phanartists, all with such talents, either digital or traditional, that you can draw inspirations from for your own work. you can make cartoons, comics, realism, abstract, nsfw even, or any mix (or none) of the former. artists on tumblr definitely deserve more attention than they get here on tumblr, so be sure to show appreciation towards them! (my fav artists: x x x)
edits: edits are the Graphic Designs of our community and are usually very aesthetically pleasing. they can be centered around a certain event, like a video or something dnp made, or just for fun. the more practice you get making them, the more dexterous u’ll become. they can be a great tool if u like the design aspect of art but don’t want to actually draw. (edit makers: x x)
icons: icons are just the little profile picture that u can insert for ur blog. it’s really easy and fun to make them, kind of like a lazy version of edits. you can make them using photoshop or an app like picsart or medibang, and it doesn’t take a lot of time. more on how to use icons in section 4. (examples: x x x) (my lil tutorial: x)
moodboards: moodboards are nine pictures arranged 3 by 3 that have a certain color scheme. it’s kind of like a collage except the photo feature here separates the pictures for u. there are a lot of innovative moodboard makers that stun me w how pretty it looks or how they arrange the pics. moodboards are also an easy and fun option! (moodboard tags: x x x)
textposts: this is by far the easiest and more common form of content u will find. it’s just writing about dnp in a textpost! if a textpost isn’t very serious, people also call it a meme or shitpost. shitposting is defs on the rise here so its a good business to get into. it’s also a great outlet for ur emotions or personal connections to what dnp do! (example talk tags: x x x)
fics: by far the most famous media to come out of here, phanfiction is a popular form of phan indulgence. u have probably heard of the most scarring ones (list: x), but there is actually a really vast range of it, not just creepy smut! some other genres are fluff, angst, and slow burns. u will discover that, despite the sterotype, not all fanfiction is bad. you can find lovely fics on @phanfictioncatalogue by genre, au, or topic. and, if u need help writing something, many writers would love to help. (a few well-known fics: x x x x x)
4. tumblr etiquette!
i know tumblr might seem like a simple social media (or perhaps not after u’ve read all the above?) but there’s a lot of things that u just....u just don’t do. it’s sort of like virtual manners, and if u don’t follow them, then it’s unlikely that people will like ur blog. once again, this is by no means me forcing u to run ur blog a certain way. it just happens that the types of ppl who break these rules are who we mock in gcs :////////. so yea, here’s some advice.
credits: if u decide to use someone’s art, edit, gif, or icon on the theme of ur blog, check what they require of u before u use it. most content creators strongly ask for credit in the description of ur blog, either by link or like ‘icon/header/art by ____’. it is just a common courtesy to the person who spent time on that, and if u think credit will ruin the aesthetic of ur blog, a) u probably don’t have an aesthetic in the first place and b) learn to appreciate art, binch. 
anonymity: anon asks can be very powerful either negatively or positively depending on how u yield them, so make sure that u are careful with what u send. compliments are always welcome and criticism as well, but blatant rudeness or hate will do nothing. u will only make someone feel bad about themselves and it will not accomplish anything. also, u face the threat of all their friends turning u into a meme. 
sensitivity: a lot of people here are way too easily offended by harmless jokes, a common example in the phandom being when we insult dnp affectionately and people take it way too much to heart. please don’t start drama over something w no real meaning. however, there are times when it is indeed necessary. if u want to criticise a blogger, be respectful of them simultaneously. by all means, if u spot someone being racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, or the like, feel free to call them out on it. but beforehand, make sure that u have done ur research and are educated on the topic, or u could turn out to be blatantly wrong. 
adding to posts: everyone makes this mistake when they start out here and that’s totally okay, but adding to every post u reblog is incredibly bothersome. a rule of thumb would be don’t add anything unless what u say will actually improve the post significantly. if ur additions are along the lines of ‘LOL’ or ‘i relate!!!!’ or ‘philly is a smol bean XD’, learn to use the tags for heaven’s sake. they’re there for not only organization but also for commenting. some exceptions, though, would be if u are mentioned in the post or the op is your close friend. 
respecting privacy: this should already be obvious to u, but respect dan and phil’s boundaries. do not tag them or their main tags (#daniel howell, #danisnotonfire, #amazingphil), in any phanfics, phanart (like specifically with them as a romantic ship), or phan edits. do not talk to their family members, expose their personal info like address or phone number, and do consider that they are real people just like u. we may make things based around phan, but it is kept in a community for us and not for dan and phil’s eyes. this is very important.
5. have fun!
sorry if this is all overwhelming, but i tried to make it as simplified as possible. and also sorry for the sass, i’m kinda tired of all the ding dongs on here and want to prevent further ding dongs from being created. thanks so much for readin and be sure to send me an ask anytime if u have questions! welcome to hell!
timmy darn communism: me being my usual weird self and replacing ‘tumblr dot com’ with random words that start with the same letters
mutuals: someone who you follow and who follows you; usually who u interact with most
rb: shortening for ‘reblog’
discourse: when theres is intense discussion of a certain topic, sometimes phan-related sometimes not, sometimes serious and sometimes silly
branding: the word ‘branding’ kinda started as a joke, but it’s generally what we use to call what someone’s blog reminds them of, whether it be a certain color or a discussion topic; my branding, if u asked a mutual, would probably be impressionism, tea, and baguettes (dont ask ab that one)
html: a simple type of coding used for designing websites! u can learn basic html here or here, it’s way easier and funner than it looks
dnp: dan and phil; we also say ‘deppy’, ‘dip and pip’, ‘the boys’, ‘the rats’, and more
coloring: basically the stylization of a gif, shown through filters, textures, contrast, brightness, etc. 
talk tag: a tag in which all of the textposts that a person makes are sorted into
phanfiction terms
smut: porn fic :/ 
fluff: just what it sounds like, a type of fic that usually has a lot of soft stuff like cuddling, flirting, and looooove
angst: a fic with a lot of drama, usually sad or very emotional
slow burn: a fic where a pairing, in this case phan, slowly falls in love
au: stands for ‘alternate universe’, a fic in which dan and phil are written not as youtubers but in a completely different scenario (ie. bad boy and new guy in high school, university students, space exhibition, anything u can dream up really)
anon: short for ‘anonymous’
op: short for ‘original poster’, aka who made the post
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hydrus · 6 years
Version 310
os x
I had a productive week. A bunch of stuff is fixed, and I finished a first version of multi-file url downloading.
multi-file support
A limitation of the old download system is that it always assumed a single 'post URL' could only ever produce a single file. This week, I have added full support for multi-files-per-post-URL to the new downloader. If a new parser generates multiple 'downloadable' URLs, the file import queue will generate and insert new download objects for each. Tags and associable URLs should all be passed along to the children as appropriate.
As a result, I can finally roll out support for several sites that provide files in this way. I've updated the inkbunny post parser, and added twitter tweet and artstation post parsers, so all these should now be drag-and-droppable onto the client. The twitter parser only supports images--no videos yet. The inkbunny parser may put its multi-files slightly out of order, and in one of my tests it pulled the artist profile picture as well, so it may need some tweaking. IB have a proper API, but it requires some login stuff, so I will look at that again when I have the new login system done.
And of course I have added a pixiv manga parser, which has been highly requested for a long time. This was fairly complicated, but I think I got all the referral URLs and tags lined up correct. It can even add 1-indexed page tags. Unfortunately, pixiv just changed my test login to the new (currently broken) JSON/javascript layout just today, as I did final testing. If it turns out pixiv have switched everyone over to the broken layout on the very day I finally roll out manga support, I think my head is going to explode, but even if so, I am confident the javascript layout is parsable--it'll just take a bit more work. I expect to have a fix for all pixiv users for v311 if another user doesn't post one sooner.
This multi-file parsing is a first version. There may be bugs, so please let me know. I also don't really like how the initial post URLs' file import objects get counted as 'successful' like a regular file, so I may make a new 'successfully parsed' type to distinguish them a bit and alter the file progress counts appropriately.
The new 'x% in' video thumbnail generation works better and fails better now, including some better workflow and error-reporting when regen is manually started by the user. If you had some videos that failed to import or regen last week, please try them again and let me know if you still have problems.
The multiple watcher now has a 'check now' button.
I added a semi-crazy prototype checkbox to options->gui that puts all your page tabs on the left. It needs a restart to kick in. Test it at your own risk.
The new download system now informs the new network engine of file limits in your 'file import options'! So, if you say 'don't get gifs bitter than 32MB', and the server clearly identifies a newly started download as a gif with size 50MB, the download will be abandoned and a veto/ignored status set immediately! It also works with the regular min/max filesize as appropriate. Let me know if it goes wrong!
I cleaned up some file repository thumbnail sync and display code all around.
Github got bought by Microsoft, so I am considering migrating somewhere else. I only use Github as a file/code host and the workflow of syncing there is easy, so I may or may not go, or may just put it off and see what happens during the transition. I am interested in your thoughts on the whole deal and what you think of the alternatives.
full list
updated the inkbunny file page url class to acknowledge that inbunny pages can have multiple files
updated the inkbunny file page parser to handle multiple file urls (although they may be out of order and possibly sometimes include the artist profile image--this was not super easy)
added a parser for twitter tweets (only images supported atm, but it can handle multiple!) (hence tweet drag and drop now works!)
updated the artstation file page url class to redirect to a new api url class
wrote an artstation file page parser that also handles multiple file urls
updated/added pixiv file page, manga page, and mange_big url classes
updated pixiv file page parsers to be ok with manga links
wrote parsers for pixiv manga and manga_big pages to fetch manga files (with page tags)!
file import objects can now create semi-duplicate children for multi-file post urls and insert them just after themselves in the file import queue.
file import objects can now receive and remember referral urls. this referral url is associated with the file if appropriate. the watcher and simple downloader now uses this in addition to the multi-file post system
jumbled around some parameters and merged the two new file import url commands (import 'file' vs import 'post') into one single simple 'work on this url, thanks' call that is now used across the program
the parsing system's 'content parser' no longer fetches file urls and post urls, but 'download urls' and 'source urls'. this helps some pipeline logic and also lets post urls be download urls
when file import objects parse post urls as the urls to download, it now creates 1-n new import objects, just like if multiple file urls.
improved some file import object file association code
the new parsing system will de-dupe parsed urls
refactored the 'seed' code, which handles all basic file import objects, to the new ClientImportSeeds.py
added a new string transformation type, 'integer addition', for shifting page number tags up and down
fixed thumbnail generation for some videos that failed to do the new x%-in generation--it reverts more reliably just to the old frame 0 method
file reparsing popup now has a stop button
fixed an issue where extremely thin or wide (ratio > 200:1) images would not generate a full-size or resized thumbnail
the file reparsing/re-thumbnailing now reports errors better (including with full path) and does not abandon the larger job as it works
misc thumbnail generation code improvements
improved some thumbnail and file regeneration/moving code when the existing file has read-only status
the multiple watcher now has a 'check now' button
added a checkbox to options->gui that will put new notebook page tabs on the left
for all file download network jobs working in the new download system, the file import options for min size, max size, and max size (gifs) are now applied _during the download_! if the server tells the client the exact file size in the response headers, it will test max and min size before the content is actually downloaded--otherwise, it will test the max size as it downloads. if the server clearly says the file is a gif, the max gif size rules will also be tested in the same way
cleaned up some bandwidth announcement code--now, if bandwidth is due in less time than override time, that will now correctly be the status text
the bandwidth status no longer says 'in in' typo
fixed up some tag repair code from last week
the 'print garbage' debug function now dumps a whole bunch more data to the log
the thumbnail cache should now be a bit more stoic about missing repository thumbnails--it should now just present the hydrus default backup without error popup spam
the repository thumbnail sync will now get as thumbs in blocks as high as 10k at a time, rather than the old 100
hydrus network requests no longer generate web domain network contexts (and so won't have a default one-request-per-second bandwidth limit and should stream through thumbnails a bit faster)
hydrus network services are now willing to wait longer for bandwidth, so big thumbnail queues should keep working even if other bottlenecks pause them for a bit
hydrus network services will no longer sometimes have double-sync popups if synced from the advanced 'sync now' button in review services
changed the default global 'stop-accidents' bandwidth rule of 120rqs per minute to 512MB per minute. this only affects new users, but users trying to sync to large file repos might like to make a similar change manually
doing giant full file delete (i.e. purge from trash) jobs should now be a bit gentler on the gui
improved how the client deletes paths, clarifying in the code when and when not to allow recycle (usually disabled for thumb disposal)
switched the hacky text widgets on the popup system to a newer object. seems to still render ok, so lets see if it fixes some unusual layout issues some users have seen
if the temp folder cannot be created on boot, the client will continue anyway
fixed some url-domain text handling in db storage that was also breaking v309 update for some users
fixed some additional domain generation error handling at the db level
the list of url classes in the system:url panel is now the list of all url classes that are considered associable (before, it was file and post urls)
if a url class now api-links to itself or otherwise forms a loop with n other api url classes, the client will now throw an error (rather than lock up in an infinite loop!)
in the parsing ui, tag parse test results are now cleaned before being displayed
fixed misc url matching error reporting bug
when consulting the current file limit, the gallery page downloader will now try, when it has that number, to consult the total number of urls found it the current search (old behaviour is to only consult the number of _new_ urls, which lead to some bad edge-case workflows)
misc refactoring
next week
I am going to take a light week next week so I can shitpost E3. I will try and keep up with messages, but I'll only do a little fixing work. I will get back to regular schedule on the 16th, which means v311 will be on the 20th. I will make a 'No Release Tomorrow!' post on the 12th.
I am a little ill and completely exhausted, so an easy week is coming at a great time.
I am still really enjoying making hydrus. Thank you for all your continued support!
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ma9l · 5 years
Opinion Series: Instagram and It’s Effects on Depression
1st audience: Influencers
Source 1: Why Social Comparison on Instagram Matters ://ezproxy.uvu.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsgao&AN=edsgcl.586241540
Source 2: Why Instagram is the Worst Social Media for Mental Health https://time.com/4793331/instagram-social-media-mental-health/
Source 3: An Instagram With No 'Likes' Could Have A Big Impact On Mental Health. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/instagram-hiding-likes-mental-health_l_5cd092d3e4b0548b735e50bc?guccounter=1.
How do you do it? How do you always look happy and put together? I would dare say that it’s definitely not an easy task trying to appear like your life is perfect and that nothing is wrong, when in reality you are human just like the rest of us. You have your own struggles that you face, but you can’t bear the thought of losing followers and so you fake a smile to present a pleasing image for the world. What really goes on behind the scenes of Instagram? I’m sure what people see online is not the real you-at least not entirely…
You are the role models of the future. Teenagers adore you so much so that they want to be like you, which is great and all, but not when it leads to feelings of depression and insecurity. “Research has shown that people compare themselves with those they perceive as having positive characteristics (upward social comparison) out of a desire to become more like their comparison targets” (Hwnag) This kind of practice can bring about feelings of depression because they are constantly feeling inferior and are aiming for an unrealistic goal.
The pressure is ever heightened for you to maintain an ideal status. The atmosphere is very competitive. You sponsor products that you don’t actually use, get lip injections that you don’t even need, and for what? The money? There is a common phrase that states the following: “money can’t buy happiness.” Maybe it can temporarily, but pretty soon, it loses its value. Similar to how you receive positive reactions from followers, which at first is exciting and makes you feel good, but then you realize they have no idea who you are. What if that was taken away from you? What if you couldn’t see how many people liked your posts? Well, a test run was performed in Canada to see how the experience for Instagram users changed by taking away the visibility of likes. A participant named Sarah Roberts said this: “Personally, I love not seeing the like count. It feels a bit weird to say, but I’ve stopped comparing myself to bigger accounts. I’ve also been more personal with the things I actually like versus what everyone else is liking. This feels like more of what Instagram should be rather than an advertisement of ourselves on our page.” From your point of view, as an influencer, I would guess this wouldn’t have the same effect on you. In fact, it would probably reap a lot of havoc with in you to not see how your followers are responding because you wouldn’t know how well your posts were doing and most importantly, wouldn’t be able to tell if they were being influenced at all when that is the sole purpose of your account. Something interesting to keep in mind in regards to the comparison aspect of your followers relation to your account, is that studies have been done comparing those who follow strangers and those who don’t and compared how it affects them mentally. It turns out that “People using Instagram or other SNS to keep in touch solely with people they know personally are not at risk for negative consequences… However, following strangers may lead to or reinforce already existing negative feelings about the self by triggering negative social comparisons.” (Lup) 
2nd audience: Utah Moms
Source 1: “Can Your Instagram Photos Reveal You’re Depressed?” https://www.nbcnews.com/better/health/can-your-instagram-photos-reveal-you-re-depressed-ncna794041
Source 2: “Does Social Media Cause Depression?” https://childmind.org/article/is-social-media-use-causing-depression/
Source 3: “Why Instagram is the Worst Social Media for Mental Health”
Utah mothers of teens: does your child own their own smartphone? Do they have personal social media accounts? Are you aware of what they do online? What about how much time they spend scrolling? These are just a few basic questions that may be helpful to consider when you’re wondering why your teen is acting “off”. Sure, you can blame it on the hormones or claim that they are just “going through a phase”, but are there other factors that come into play? Certainly! A lot of parents monitor their children’s phone usage, but a fair amount do not. Because so many teenagers are glued to their phones most of the time, and pay more attention to their devices than anything else in this technology driven world, some parents may feel like their relationship with their kids is being hindered. The phone is a distraction, and an interference that can create a gap between a teenager and the amount of face to face interaction they engage in with others. They may seem distant or hard to reach. They may seem irritable or annoyed when asked simple questions. This could very well be because of the negative strain they’re receiving from an endless array of information across social media-more specifically, from Instagram. Did you know, that Instagram ranked the highest in social media platforms that contribute to anxiety and depression? Right up there with Facebook and Snapchat. (Macmillan) Instagram tends to pressure individuals to meet a certain standard or obtain a particular ideal which adds more stress to the lives of teens who are already bombarded with stressors like school, friends, work, etc. 
In the NBC article “Can Your Instagram Photos Reveal That You’re Depressed” it talks about a computer program in the works that is able to spot depressed people just by scanning their Instagram photos. This could be helpful for parents like you if your child isn’t very open about his/her life. You shouldn’t rely on it to give you an accurate diagnosis, but if their posts are looking dark, it could be a sign that something is up. The article suggests you bring it up by saying something like: “I noticed you’re not eating and not going out as much. You’re spending hours on the screen in your bed, you seem really tired — like you’re not sleeping well — and you have a lot of dark pictures on your Instagram.”....... Then ask your child, “Have you noticed that, too? Do you feel any different?” This way you aren’t necessarily accusing them, you are just stating the facts and checking in. A couple other tips are advised in the article “Does Social Media Cause Depression”. Try the following: focus on balance, turn off notifications, set a good example, teach mindfulness, and enforce phone free time before sleep.
Obviously in Utah there is a unique dynamic with the large majority belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Now, whether or not you fall into that category, you probably still agree with me when I say there is a distinct standard for how people parent in our state and it entirely revolves around the family. Your family means everything to you. I can’t even imagine, being a mother and having all the concerns and worries that you do for your children, hoping that they don’t get screwed up or lead astray. That is a heavy burden to bear. Finding the balance between being too strict and too carefree is tough! So while keeping an eye on your children and their social media use may be another stressor for you, let me reassure you by saying “you are doing better than you think you are!”
3rd audience: “The student”
Source 1: No More FOMO: Limiting Social Media Decreases Loneliness and Depression.” Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.uvu.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=acf0bc8f-62a2-42ca-a54c-5fb0eabe7791%40pdc-v-sessmgr05&bdata=#AN=133426611&db=pbh
Source 2: Instagram: Friend or Foe? The Application’s Association with Psychological Well-Being. http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.uvu.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=cd3ba391-56c3-46b9-97d5-383a27d2d6fa%40pdc-v-sessmgr02&bdata=#AN=2019-53246-004&db=psyh
Source 3: Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czg_9C7gw0o
How does it feel when your phone buzzes, notifying you that your latest Instagram post just got 50 more likes? Do you feel the gratification and approval from your peers? Do you feel important and liked? What about when you post something and it doesn’t do as well as you hoped? Do you immediately take it down because it’s embarrassing or do you shrug it off and say “My next post will be better!”? Either way, most people your age are trying to find themselves and fit in so what you post tends to be influenced by your peers. You care about what they think because you don’t want to ruin your reputation. Am I right? Some of the most common mental illnesses these days are depression and anxiety, especially among youth. A lot of studies have been done in order to confirm or deny whether the hypothesis that social media plays a role in our overall well being is true or not. 
“The Center for Collegiate Mental Health found that the top three diagnoses on University campuses are anxiety, depression and stress. Numerous studies from the US, Canada, the UK, you name it, have linked this high social media use with these high levels of anxiety and depression.” (Parnell) I don’t know about you, but as a college student, I can relate with this. Even though we are all on our own journey to success, a lot of us tend to worry about how we are doing compared to others even though they are taking an entirely different route that is not even relevant to us at all and then end up feeling sorry for ourselves because we see how much good is happening in their lives and how much they are achieving by viewing their social media posts. Why do we do that? They have nothing to do with us, nor do their feeds depict real life. They could have failed an exam just yesterday, but never posted about it so you had no idea and then turned around and posted about passing one the next day which is all you saw. It’s all about sharing the highlights and the positive moments in life online so people will like you and think you’re cool.
“As of March of 2018,... 71% of young adults used Instagram” (Hunt) I would consider young adults to be between the ages of 18-30, so your typical college student. The numbers may be slightly off due to the slight advance in time to today, but roughly 70 percent of young adults use Instagram. That is a pretty good majority. With this high of a number, it wouldn’t be surprising for at least some of the app’s users to face problems with it.
In a scholarly article titled “Instagram: Friend or Foe”, it uses the phrase “Instagram Anxiety” to describe how one might feel in their online engagement with the app. “Instagram anxiety was associated with both depression and anxiety. This specific form of anxiety refers to feeling anxiety symptoms about specific processes involved in using the application. It may also be that users who feel anxious about posting pictures or receiving feedback may also tend to feel more anxious in general.” Anxiety and depression go hand in hand. You may not be diagnosed with either illness, but you have probably still experienced some of their symptoms-especially if you use social media often. I know I have. Now, we are all imperfect and all make mistakes so it’s no wonder we beat ourselves up about not having the ideal Instagram account like so and so does, but we have our agency and we can choose to use it more wisely. “Is social media hurting your mental health? The answer is: it doesn’t have to.” (Parnell)
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The Brave Project
Hello Everyone!
So, with Playlist Live and Vidcon having passed, I’ve been seeing a lot of people posting how they’re bummed out they didn’t get into the Dan and Phil m&g, or how they’ll never get to meet them or say anything to them, and I just wanted to say; I feel ya.
And then I had an idea.
What if there was a way for us all to come together, as one big phamily and share some of our stories with these two guys called Dan and Phil who met each other on the internet and have created this entire world?
And so was born The Brave Project!!!!
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I know a lot of us have gone through some things in our lives or continue to deal with obstacles day to day that make life hard, and Dan and Phil really have, and continue to, help us with that. It’s difficult to get this message across in a youtube comment or a tweet or w/e, never knowing if they see it in the flood of other comments, etc.
So I am proposing a collaborative effort on behalf of everyone touched by these two. The song “Brave” by Sarah Bareilles is one that strikes a chord deep in my heart, and I think it would make a fitting underscore to the message. Here’s what I’d like to do:
- Submit me a photo or short video clip of yourself holding a sign that says #phandom and #iambrave - On that sign, write a *short* message to Dan and Phil about something that you have overcome in your life either through the support of the phandom or simply by their influence. - It can be as deep as seeking help for mental illness, coming out to your friends and family, leaving an abusive relationship, etc, or as simple as applying for a college/university you didn’t think you had a shot at, asking out your crush, trying something new like art or writing, etc. - you don’t have to show your face or include your name if that makes you uncomfortable - you can include links to your own social media (DeviantArt, tumblr, twitter, etc) if you want other people involved to check out your page (don’t expect dnp to, but I’m a whore for shameless self promotion), but in the description of the video I will list the Tumblr urls of anyone who contributes (unless requested not to). - be creative! Include some fan art on your sign, show off your penmanship skills, do some crazy awesome make up, whatever you want! This is supposed to make us all feel good!
Once I have received submissions I will compile them into a video with the song “Brave”, and post it on youtube.
Hopefully, not only will this bring members of the phandom phamily together, but will *eventually* get back to Dan and Phil so that they can see even more of what the true impact they’ve had on us is. For those of us who may never get the chance to tell them in person how important they are, I think this would be a nice way to show it :)
Any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to send me a message or an ask on or off anon and I’d be happy to answer it!
Also, reblog this post to try and spread it around to as many people as possible! Let’s get the entire phandom involved in this one guys!
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chickenfetus · 7 years
HI!!! i like to request ALL of the flowery asks! btw i LOVE ur blog and maybe u????? idk 🌸🌸 (jk i love u alot)
who is this????????/ under cut bc i get rambly 
azalea: what’s one word that describes you?
lame lmao
baby’s breath: what did you want to be when you were a kid?
honestly? my answer’s like yours jen because i wanted to be an astronaut but also a vet and then a few years later i wanted to be something else of a whole different profession but now i know what reality is like and i have no clue what i wanna be whoops
begonia: are you a messy or clean person?
i hate seeing my desk/workspace be messy but i cant bring myself to clean it up either???? bc im lazy 
bleeding heart: has your heart ever been broken?
hMMMMm mmm idk i dont think so
bluebell: do you drink tea or coffee?
i drink tea more than i drink coffee but i drink water more than i drink tea i drink water like. everyday lmao obviously but i drink a lot of water its my brand now
buttercup: what are five things that make you apologetically happy?
what does this mean why is the word apologetically there i cancelled it lmao no negativity in this house
my favorite people (u know who + my friends)
when people answer my anon asks and . they respond with a long reply/seem really happy responding thats my fav fam
this is getting real anime but when i get an UR/4* from scouting 
finding an anime/manga/book that perfectly suits my taste
im very tempted to just say water bc idk what else 2 say 
calla: what’s your favorite book?
ive only read 3 whole books this year but i recommend all of them 
challenger deep - neal shusterman (i could go on about this book for days honestly its so interesting and even though its told by the same person it has two kind of perspectives because there are two settings, that didnt make sense but this book is my new favorite)
see you in the cosmos - jack cheng (i love this one too because its just so warm? made me a little emo but its really good and i love how unique it is, text type wise)
a monster calls - patrick ness (this was something i heard from my school first so i didnt know if i really wanted to get it but its actually pretty good?) 
carnation: what are your five most played songs?
i cant really check using the music app bc i added the songs at different timings so itll be inaccurate ill just do most played song from each band/group
again - astro (this is their best song dont @ me)
letting go - day6
all in/stuck - monsta x
death by a strawberry - dance gavin dance
check yes juliet - we the kings
chrysanthemum: what are you afraid of?
i may not b a child but im still afraid of the dark bc my imagination is wild im also afraid of bugs and disappointing others nice oh shit im also afraid of asking for things
daffodil: what’s your astrological sign?
dahlia: what’s your favorite band?
this question was made for me its day6
daisy: which ‘friends’ character do you relate to the most?
ive never watched friends 
dandelion: are you an extrovert or an introvert?
in between!!!!!
geranium: how has your day been?
its been good!!! i managed to ask my mum 2 take me to hair place so i can get it cut finally and im working on updating my tumblr pages and doing all my tags
hydrangea: what’s your dream job?
iris: who’s your celebrity crush?
lavender: what’s one of the best gifts you’ve ever received?
oH FUCK FAM my friends got me a kermit toy for my birthday i lvoe it 2 dEATH
lily: what’s something you’ve achieved that you’re really proud of?
i got first in my class once wow amazing that was 2 years ago i wish i was as good as the me from 2 years ago 
marigold: what would you like to do more of, but don’t ?
well i want 2 b more hardworking but guess thats too late
morning glory: are you an early bird or a night owl?
now that school is over and i have no reason to wake up early ive become neither which is saddening because... i like waking up at 7am on weekends and doing things early but now i wake up at like 9-10am and i still sleep at 11pm  
orchid: what’s the last movie you saw?
i really dont remember?? maybe uh guardians of the galaxy?? i dont remember who i watched it with and when but it was good actually i remember who i watched it with nvm 
pansy: do you believe in love at first sight?
i dont really believe in romantic love anymore 
peony: what does your url mean?
chicken fetus means an egg
periwinkle: what are you thankful for?
god get ready folks im gonna go on my biggest boxy rant ever...
so boxy is my friend who ive been mutuals for over a year and our first common interest is love live and haikyuu so we had that to talk about but im bad at keeping conversations with ppl on tumblr so that ended quickly but earlier this year or late last year i made a twitter and told people on here about it and she followed me and i didnt really mind/pay attention to the stuff she posted/rted uNTIL. until that fateful day... june 25th... at like 8pm? she rted a pic of mister brian kang with dumb minion glasses on and ok maybe i do believe in love at first sight? bc wow!!!!! whos this dumbass with minion glasses and the fluffiest hair ??? so i slide into boxy’s dm.. expecting an explanation and she gives me a good one saying how brians from a band (i would later find out), day6 and im not a fan of kpop, never have been.. ive only watched like some kpop mvs bc i love my friends so i expect myself to listen to them and get over them as soon as im done. boxy my friend, bless HER she sends me all of their mvs from congratulations to i smile and i watch the first one - i smile and me? i start smiling and i can feel myself getting excited because holy fuck theyre a band! they play fucking instruments??? and at this point im already whipped then i move onto how can i say and that shit blew my mind let me tell you.. so because of boxy... i get to where i am now, proudly stanning 3 groups and if it were not for her i wouldve never gotten into mx as well... boxy is just?? really important to me her impact is just that great?? so im super!! sUPER thankful for her and i dont think she’ll ever see this but boxy i love u thank u so much!! boxy gave me more than one reason to live, and not just exist?? without her i wouldve never been able to make so many (like 2 but hEY) new friends and this probably got so long idk im just really thankful for boxy thank u lord for blessing us with boxy (@/youngkwhom on twitter) (kittenma on tumblr) i hope shes happy forever and i also hope she has good days for the rest of her life?? boxy deserves it i lvoe u boxy
petunia: where were you ten years ago?
10 years ago i was like 6 probably watching pokemon or some shit and getting glasses
poinsettia: where would you like to be in ten years?
dead thanks
poppy: what’s your online persona?
i dont understad the meaning of persona but an egg?????? 
rose: who’s the last person you spent quality time with?
all my classmates in an exam hall for 2 hours, quality time indeed
snapdragon: what are your goals?
sunflower: what’s your favorite quote?
i think i had one before but i forgot so maybe it wasnt my favourite lol idk i dont have one now
tulip: if you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
for all of my favourite people to be happy forever
a good future
i want astro, mx and day6 to get an award for all of their hardwork thanks
violet: what’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
i was gonna say smth negative but lets not hm m m i? ?? ill put smth irl ppl probably dont know either uh hhh i guess?? that i eat a lot?? but also get full really quickly but then really hungry right after that idk thanks digestion
zinnia: do you believe in magic?
no ????/ idk is there any evidence that magic exists 
JEN !!! thank u so much for asking even tho u probably asked just to get back at me but this was still fun ask memes will never get boring bro,. i love u and i hope u have a good evening also i love ur blog too moon anon probably already told u
to anyone who actually bothered reading through this mess - thank you and i hope you have a good day/night too!!
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enchanted-flowers · 7 years
Headcanon Blogs: A How to Guide
Are you new here? First time seeing an imagines blog? Want to send an ask but no idea how? Getting scared and intimidated because you’re afraid that you might be doing something wrong and bothering the Mod? Well do not fear! I have put together a step by step guide on how to properly send in your first ask! 
Step One: Scenario
Think of the type of scenario you want to ask. The best thing is to come up with the characters you want, and what you want to put them through. It’s not mandatory, but try to follow this formula:
How would [Insert characters here] react if [insert scenario here]
How would Billy, Joe, and Sasha react if they found a puppy on the street.
Remember the scenarios could be anything you want to be! Use your imagination to come up with the craziest, saddest, fluffiest, or wildest scenarios! Just remember to check the blogger’s rules first. 
Step Two: Following the Rules
So you thought of a scenario that you want to know about. That’s great! But is the blogger comfortable receiving and writing something about that? The next step is to find out! Most headcanon bloggers have a rules page setup to let the asker know what they are willing to do. Most of the time, it’s the first post ever posted on the blog, but you’re probably not going to want to scroll through everything just to find out, but check their description if they put a link. If not, type in this url: 
If the blogger properly titled or tag their rules post, then it should come up. If it does not, the best thing to do is to message the blogger and ask them for the link or if they have any rules or guidelines. You are 100% not bothering them, and they will gladly give it to you. 
Now that you have the rules, make sure you follow them. The top three things to check for is 
The character limit. Some bloggers are willing to do many characters at once, some are willing to do less. Make sure you adjust the characters you want to send in in accordance to the rules. If you do not, the blogger might ask you resend it again with less characters, not do your ask, or write your ask, but dropping some characters. 
If the blogger is willing to do NSFW headcanons or not. This is very important since some headcanon bloggers are underage and might be uncomfortable with NSFW language. Also, in some parts of the world, it’s illegal to send any explicit material to minors and you could get in trouble. If you are unsure if the blogger accepts NSFW, just ask. Better safe than sorry. 
What the blogger is unwilling to write. This ties in with the NSFW asks as well, but some topics like depression, suicide, mental illness, etc could really trigger the blogger. They might not be willing to write a certain character either. Make sure to adjust your scenario to abide by this. 
Step Three: Sending in that ask
So, you’ve thought of the perfect scenario and you followed the guidelines, now, you’re ready to send it in! There are multiple ways to reach the blogger’s inbox. If you’re on the desktop (computers, laptops) find the inbox link on the blog. Each blog might have a different theme, so if you can’t find it, just type in this url:
If an error stating the url could not be found, double check if you wrote the link right and if it is, that just means that the blogger isn’t accepting any messages at the moment. This does not speak for every headcanon blogger, but be sure to not confuse the inbox system for the messaging system. What is the messaging system? It’s a chatbox designed for direct messaging. Some headcanon bloggers don’t like having a request DMed to them, so make sure you have the inbox system. Again, this does not apply to every headcanon blogger. What does the inbox system look like? 
Something like this: 
Tumblr media
Once you type out your message, go ahead and send it in. 
Something to remember
Some bloggers keep the askbox open, but requests/scenarios/imagines are closed. That means they will not answer your ask at the moment for whatever reason. They only keep their inbox open to communicate with their followers. Check if their askbox is open before you send in your ask, otherwise you might get rejected. 
Step Four: You’re done! 
Now that you’ve sent in your ask, it’s time to play the waiting game. It is important that you stay patient during this time. Remember, the Mod has a life outside of their blog, so it could take time some time to answer it and they have other asks waiting for them ahead of yours. Do not repeatedly message the blogger and ask if they are finished with yours yet. This is considered rude and it discourages the writer, to the point where they just might not even answer. It is okay to check in and see if they received it. Sometimes Tumblr glitches out and your ask gets lost in the void. It happens, so if you haven’t seen your ask been answered or you’re just wondering if they got it, feel free to ask if they did. Trust me, you’re not bothering them. 
A helpful tip: It’s better to send in an ask off Anon, because once the blogger has answered your ask, you get a notification that they did, so you don’t have to keep checking in if you don’t want to. 
Things to Remember
RESPECT THE MOD. This is their blog and they have the right to post what they want. Some blogs like to keep their blogs with only headcanons, while some like to mix in some personal stuff. Each is run differently, and if you do not like how one is run, you can always unfollow. Do not tell the blogger how to run their blog. 
BE PATIENT. As mentioned before, it might take some time for your ask to get answered. Yes, you’re probably excited to see the writer’s response, but answering an ask takes time. 
READ OLDER POSTS. If you are still unsure on how to send in an ask, it’ll help if you read some of the writer’s past posts and follow other people’s examples on how they phrased the question, how many characters, etc. 
JUST ASK. If you are unsure about something because it wasn’t stated in the rules, the safest bet is just to ask if the blogger is okay with it. You’re not bothering  them at all, in fact, they’ll be grateful that you asked first! 
SEND IN A THANK YOU. This is optional, but once you get your ask answered, it’d be nice to send in a nice message of appreciation. It’ll really help motivate the writer and would most likely remember your username (if you’re off anon) and answer your future asks sooner. 
REBLOG. TAG. COMMENT. Writers read everything. So when you leave them a nice message, it makes their day a whole lot better and feel good about themselves. Reblogging works wonders too because it’ll give them exposure. Again, this is not mandatory, but greatly appreciated.  
And you’re done! 
Congratulations! You just sent in your first ask! How does it feel? Are you excited? Scared? You’ve just stepped into the headcanon side of your fandom, be sure to enjoy your stay and have a good time! 
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