naeminaeri · 7 days
consider: kim AND harry midriff
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lemotmo · 2 months
Hi!! First, I just wanted to say I always enjoy checking out your posts because you have such great takes and treat every single ask with such respect. Even when it’s something that you may disagree with, you always take the time to ensure everyone that it’s just your opinion and respect the other person’s point of view! :) It’s so refreshing to see because I feel like over hiatus especially the fandom has become somewhat of a dumpster fire…lol.
Also, I agree completely about Oliver. He always says that he trusts Tim and his writing so I don’t think he would necessarily ask to have Lou leave or for BT to end abruptly or anything. And as much as we all say “oh he hates that man” we truly don’t know. What we do know, at least by his tweets at the time, was there was some tension in his friendship with Ryan several years back. Like it’s crazy to think during the shooting arc and will scene and Eddie breakdown arc in s5 that there was so much tension offscreen. It just goes to show how much of a professional he is! I also don’t think the other side is true either where Oliver is apparently purposely not promoting BT or interacting with Lou on social media to “protect him from the buddie fans.” I just think Oliver isn’t super active on social media for his own reasons and people look waaayyyy too much into things. Anyway, sorry this was so long winded LOL I just wanted to point out that we truly don’t know Oliver or his thoughts and feelings and some people making these inferences sound almost more like headcanons and it’s giving parasocial.
First of all, thank you Nonny. That means a lot to me. I always do my very best to try to stay respectful towards people and ships on my blog. That doesn’t mean that I don’t give my very honest opinions and critical takes on certain topics, but I don’t feel the need to yell over it and use more explicit language. I also avoid specific shipping tags for ships I don’t like and character tags for characters I don't like. I find that being respectful like that ultimately gets you further.
Now, that also doesn’t mean that I don’t get frustrated with some takes in fandom. But I mostly -and wisely- choose to rant about that to some of my Tumblr mutuals/friends in private. Throwing out all of my more hateful frustrations in public would only generate more hate and I try to avoid that. My inbox is so much more interesting when I get positive asks. I admit that I get so many asks these days that it has become impossible to answer them all.
Now, I do want to reply to your ask because you talk about a few topics that are near and dear to my heart and -of course- I have some opinions about. 😊
I first want to address The Ryan part of your ask. I was around in fandom during those days. It wasn’t pretty, but the way people talk about this now is a complete overreaction. The cast’s reaction to this event totally gets blown out of proportion. There was some tension for a while there, sure. Oliver deleted some of his tweets/Instagram posts that had to do with Ryan and then he unfollowed him.
But it was obvious that it didn’t take Oliver and the rest of the cast too long to move on. I’m pretty sure that, by the time the shooting arc came along, followed closely by the breaking down arc, Oliver and Ryan were on good terms again. Maybe not as close as they were before at that specific moment, but still on good terms. Both men are professionals and they did such a fantastic job when it came to those amazing scenes.
Now, don’t get me wrong, what Ryan said was inappropriate and disrespectful, I agree. However, the man apologised immediately and he has been working hard since then to become a better and lighter version of himself. And he has succeeded as we can all see how well he gets along with the entire cast and especially the POC in the cast that have completely moved past his mistake.
These days Ryan and Oliver are like two peas in a pod. They have always been close and they have always had insane chemistry, but ever since the beginning of season 7 it has all been ramped up. I’m one of the people convinced that they got the news that Buddie is finally happening. That they got the green light to go there. Which is something they have wanted for a long time now.
Now, second… as to Oliver not liking Lou? I’m afraid that I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one. I really do think that Oliver doesn’t like Lou all that much. If he was upset and angry over what Ryan said in one video a couple of years ago, I can only imagine his horrified reaction to all those terrible, disrespectful and inappropriate Instagram posts Lou made, for which he hasn’t apologised at all by the way. That interview he did with Lou also doesn’t help. Oliver wasn’t comfortable at all. His body language screamed: “I don’t want to be here.” And Lou just kept on talking about himself. I don’t know why Oliver was even there. BT was hardly even mentioned.
So, while I don’t think that Oliver would ask Tim to get rid of Lou, I only think he wouldn’t ask in function of the Buddie arc they are telling. If Tommy’s presence is necessary in that arc? Oliver will suck it up like the professional he is, because if there is one thing he wants more than anything for Buck, it’s Eddie. If Tim were to tell Oliver that he wanted to take the BT relationship further in any way, I do think he would protest and say ‘no’.
Oliver not promoting BT or Tommy has to do with the fact that he knows that Tommy isn’t sticking around as Buck’s love interest. Tommy is a plot device. He has always been a plot device. That is the way the show set him up. He is meant to have a purpose in the Buddie arc. What that purpose is? We don’t know. But it’s all there in the narrative for those who are willing to look at it logically and from a writer’s point of view.
A few seasons ago Oliver just stopped talking about Buddie. In some of his latest interviews he confessed that he stopped talking about them because he didn’t want to lead the fans on. He knew it would never happen under FOX. As soon as the show came into the hands of ABC, he started yapping about Buddie again. Him and Ryan were so vocal about them. It was clear that something had shifted. They knew that they were finally going there. Buddie was happening, but it would take some time to get there.
When they got renewed it was obvious that Tim decided to take his time for Buddie and put a temporary break on their development, so he could do it right in season 8. That didn’t stop him from putting them together in every other scene they were in. 😉
Now, like with all good slow burn couples there has to be a narrative foil. And in comes Tommy. Tommy who seems interested in Eddie. Buck who clearly gets jealous over the fact that Tommy is stealing Eddie (and Chris) from him. And then Tommy realising that he won’t get far with Eddie, but Buck (who is completely confused about his own emotions at this point) seems a little interested, so why not give it a go?
So, why is Oliver not talking about Tommy or engaging with anything BT while he still talks about Buddie and interacted with Buddie stuff up until the finale? Because he knows where the story is heading. History is repeating itself. Oliver doesn’t want to lead the BT fans on, so he simply doesn’t react or interact with anything Tommy or BT. And there is also the element that it is very clear right now that both Oliver and Ryan are actively rooting for Buddie and only Buddie. They know what their characters need. Love that for us! 😊
None of this is about headcanons by the way. It has been said -in words- time and time again, by Oliver himself (and Ryan as well) that he would love Buddie to happen, if it was written well. He shows it in everything he does on social media. Him and Ryan talked about reading fan fiction and watching video edits. I mean, he couldn’t make it anymore clear that he wants Buddie and not BT. So, this is not a headcanon. This is fact.
This is also not about parasocial relationships. We all like Oliver and Ryan, but most of us admire them from afar. We don’t go into their inboxes to message them or we don’t send them weird messages. I know that there are always some more outspoken fanatics in every fandom and the Buddie fandom is not an exception to that. It sadly cannot be avoided, but overall we have been pretty good as a fandom I would say.
That brings us to Lou and his army of goons…
Mind you, I’m not talking about the many normal and lovely sane BT fans and multi-shippers who genuinly like Tommy. Ship and let ship and all. Most of these fans fully realise that Tommy’s time on the show is probably limited. Anonymous OP shoutout!
I’m talking about the select few (the more outspoken and loud fandom fanatics I mentioned before) who accused Buddie fans of hacking one of their Twitter accounts and who thought it was a swell idea to DM Tim with a too long video about strings of fate (which Tim later admitted to never watching)  and ask him about Tommy’s age and other stuff. That is just crazy and a big no no in any fandom. Leave the show runners and actors alone. I don’t care who you ship. Just leave them alone.
The biggest problem is this: Lou made up a bunch of nonsensical headcanons about Tommy and BT that go against every single thing we have seen in canon so far. Canon has shown us, time and time again, that Tommy isn’t really interested in Buck for a loving relationship. Everything he says is reduced to sexual innuendo. And no, I am not a little quivering virgin lady who is afraid of sex and who doesn’t understand the dynamics between two adults in a sexual relationship. I am, in fact, an adult who has had sexual relationships and who knows exactly how relationships work between two adults in their thirties or forties.
Fully grown adults have paid hundreds of dollars to listen to Lou spout his nonsense. These people have all bought the same shirt Lou was wearing in one of his cameos. They call it the Louniform. These people believe every single thing that comes out of Lou’s mouth and take it as gospel. They have extensively hated on Ryan and Eddie. And lately they have even been hating on Oliver because he doesn’t support BT enough in their eyes.
Now that, THAT is a textbook example of a parasocial relationship with an actor.
They call the Buddie shippers ‘homophobic’ for not liking a character. I myself have received some asks in my inbox accusing me of being homophobic. I’m sorry, But WHAT? Look, I have never lied about not vibing with Tommy. I don’t like him as a character. I’m not hateful about it. I don’t spew my dislike for Tommy all over the BT tag or something like that. I just respectfully talk about how he isn’t right for Buck on my own personal blog. This is called ‘Having an opinion and sharing it.’
Tommy is just not my kind of guy at all. I don’t vibe with his demeanour and behaviour. I don’t think he is a good match for Buck. I don’t like the way he treats Buck. And yes! I am a Buddie shipper! So of course a part of why I don’t like him is rooted in the opinion that he is the wrong guy for Buck. But there is so much more to it than only that. Now all of this is not me being homophobic. It is just me being critical and actually using my brain to understand what the show is ultimately really trying to tell me: Tommy is a plot device and we are not supposed to like him!
I’m tired of being accused of something that I am not, over disliking a character that we aren’t even supposed to like in the first place. It’s crazy behaviour. It needs to stop!
Anyway, I’m sorry Nonny. I didn’t mean to end up venting like this on your ask, but it just happened. Now I’m the one being long winded. Sorry.😊 I’m not mad at you or anything like that. Don’t worry.
On the contrary, you helped me get some of these things out in a well written, but still respectful way. You got me writing about all of the fandom things that have been bugging me lately. I was on fire. So, in a weird way: Thank you for your assistance. ❤️
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torchflies · 2 months
When Jake's hot old thing proposes, will he do is in a private, romantic setting, or make a big hoopla out of it?
HIS HOT OLD THING 😂😂😂😂 You know Bradley will TRY to plan something big, but the man is led by his emotions first and foremost and when he has big feelings with a ring in his pocket it’s over.
Jake never forgives him for where he proposes, he says yes, but oh — he never forgives 😂😂😂😂
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
Have you seen that the scene where Armand kisses Louis cheek is the same scene where they are at the pub with Claudia and Madeleine? Claudia is wearing the yellow dress so it's the last supper before the trial, Judas' kiss! Omg this show!
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Yeah. Same clothes, surroundings.
Thanks, I hate it.
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This f***ing show.
(And again with the christian/religious imagery!)
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theostrophywife · 2 years
i know you’re taking soft az requests, but since your writing is ✨immaculate✨ and it’s christmas, i was wondering if i could request some filthy wingplay with az as a Christmas gift (perhaps with az being a bit of a sub for his mate 👀) again, love your writing 🫶🫶
all mine.
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author's note: wing play and sub!az coming right up. highly recommend listening to this song which served as my inspiration for this smutty goodness. warning: smut under the cut.
"I want to be in control tonight."
Those seven little words unleashed some deep, primal need within the shadowsinger. Azriel couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. He was so accustomed to being the dominant one in the bedroom that the thought of relinquishing control never crossed his mind, but as you gently pushed him onto the mattress, Azriel quickly found himself warming up to the idea.
The Winter Solstice celebration may have come to an end hours ago, but the sight of you straddling his waist whilst wearing nothing but a skimpy set of black lingerie felt like a gift in and of itself. Just as he reached out to touch you, Azriel felt a crackle of magic snake up his forearms. The glowing, scarlet threads looped through his wrists and gently pulled each of his arms on opposite ends of your bed.
A wicked smirk tugs at your lips as you unbuckle his belt. "You can look all you want, but you don't get to touch until I give you permission. Do you understand, Azriel?"
Cauldron fucking boil him. The shadowsinger could only muster a nod, his hazel eyes glowing golden with lust as he watched you undress him. You settled on his right thigh and the warmth of the skin to skin contact elicited a whine out of his pretty lips. Azriel wanted to devour you, but he knew that he had to be patient.
The shadowsinger was entirely at your mercy. You smile to yourself before pressing openmouthed kisses along the hard planes of his ridiculously sculpted abs, humming in pleasure as you nipped and licked at his chest, collarbone, and neck. His golden brown skin shimmered in the moonlight and he tasted like sweat and sin against your tongue. You flicked it against his shoulder before lightly grazing your teeth along the column of his throat. Azriel arched into your touch as you playfully sucked at the sensitive spot just below his right ear. He turned his head to catch your lips, but you tilted his chin and shook your head.
"Use your words, baby. Tell me what you want."
The Illyrian warrior swallowed thickly as his pink tongue swiped through his bottom lip. His eyes were bottomless depths of desire, framed by those thick, long lashes that kissed the tops of his perfect cheekbones. You swiped your thumb across his full, pouty lips and sighed in appreciation. Your mate was just so fucking pretty.
"Kiss me," Azriel says breathlessly. You raised an amused brow and the shadowsinger actually shied under your gaze. "Please."
The neediness in his voice makes the arousal shoot straight to your head. As much as you loved it when Azriel took charge, this submissive side of him was absolutely fucking irresistible. You liked teasing out his desperation and reveled in the power and hold that you had over your mate.
"Since you asked so nicely," you murmured against his neck before pressing your lips to his.
You could taste Azriel's desperation in the kiss, his lips perfectly melding with yours as you run your fingers through his soft, dark locks. The shadowsinger moans into your mouth as you slip your tongue between his parted lips, sighing in satisfaction as you press your chest against him. Azriel forgets about the restraints on his arms and tries to touch you, but your magic only tightens against his wrists.
"I want to touch you."
"So needy for me, aren't you Az?" you kiss him softly, pecking at the corner of his mouth as your mate whines. "Be a good boy and lie back and I'll think about letting you touch me."
Azriel nods, looking up at you as you push him back against the pillows. "I'll be good, I promise. I just want to please you, mistress."
The smirk that snakes across your pretty face was purely predatory. Azriel knew he was really in for it now.
"Is that so?" you ask with a wicked grin. "And if it pleases your mistress to play with your wings? Will you stay still and let me have your way with you?"
The shadowsinger was dizzy with pleasure. "Yes. Play with me. Use me as your toy. I'm at your mercy, mistress."
You kissed Azriel's cheek, murmuring your approval. Your hands slide over his broad shoulders before skirting up the red and gold membrane shimmering at his back. As he released a shaky breath, you ran a fingertip over the sensitive membrane. Those dark, powerful wings flared at your touch and Azriel groaned with pleasure. The guttural sound made the arousal pool in your panties and you quickly slipped out of the lacy material before settling onto Azriel's thigh. As you continued to trace patterns at his back, you rocked your hips against his leg, moaning softly as the friction rubbed against your clit deliciously.
The shadowsinger sucks in a deep breath, groaning as your slick covers his lap, the squelching sound filling the room as you greedily ride his thigh. You continued your feather light touches, twirling your pointer finger around the sharp talon at the apex of his wings. Leaning forward, Azriel watched you with curiosity while you placed open mouthed kisses along the membrane. His eyes nearly disappeared into the back of his head while you rolled your hips into him again. The way that you were using him as your own personal plaything was so fucking hot. You getting yourself off on his thigh was enough to get him off. Add the overstimulation to his wings and he was a ruined male.
Azriel knew he wasn't going to last any longer. The soft, gasping pants the shadowsinger was emitting sounded like music to your ears. Azriel had never felt anything like this before. It was earth-shattering and his sanity was being broken into pieces with every tender caress.
"Fuck, I'm so close." His head fell against the crook of your shoulder as pleasure racked through his entire body. "Please, mistress. Can I cum?"
"Not until you're inside me."
A string of curses fell from Azriel's lips as the restraints on his arms came undone. His aching cock throbbed as you pumped him with your right hand before lining him up at your entrance. You were wet, absolutely fucking soaking as you sank down onto his length. He wanted so badly to grip your hips and guide you over his cock, but he knew better than to disobey your command.
His patience was rewarded as you took a scarred hand and let him palm your breast. "Touch me, Azriel. I want to feel your hands all over me while I ride you."
Your mate didn't hesitate in obliging your request. His hands found refuge in your skin, greedily cupping your breasts, your ass, your soft tummy before settling against the hollow of your throat. He squeezed gently, applying just the right amount of pressure than he knew you liked as you rolled your hips into him. It was heavenly and he savored every moan, breath, whine that escaped from his mate's mouth. You were so fucking perfect. He would've ripped the stars out of the sky for you if you'd asked.
Azriel loved your body. He worshipped every inch—kissing, nipping, and sucking at whatever he could get his mouth and hands on while you ride out the pleasure together.
The fog of lust only thickened as he pressed you against his chest, rutting deeper into you as you grind down on his cock. You gently rake your fingers over his wings, tracing a dizzying pattern onto the leathery membrane while you took him in deeper and deeper. For a brief second, your eyes met and you held his gaze while you wrapped your lips around the sharp talon. You sucked lightly, careful not to cut the inside of your mouth with the razor sharp claw. Azriel groaned, feeling his release within his grasp as your pretty little cunt flutters and tightens around his length, keeping him buried deep within your walls.
"Do you wanna cum, baby?" you cooed, pushing back the locks that had fallen over Azriel's eyes.
"Yes, mistress. Please let me cum."
"Cum inside of me, Azriel. I want to feel you filling me up."
The words sent him over the edge, his balls tightened, his cock throbbed, and his seed pumped inside of you as Azriel bit down on your shoulder. The orgasm thoroughly rocked through every fiber of his being. Azriel spent himself on you, burying himself in your hair, your skin, your scent.
You coaxed him through the pleasure, murmuring sweet nothings into his ear as tears pooled at the corner of his eyes from the sheer intensity of the orgasm.
"You did so well, Az. Such a good pet for his mistress. I'm not done with you yet. You're all mine, baby. You belong to me. All fucking mine."
Azriel looked like a dream, his sex hair mussed and tousled, those golden eyes wide and entranced, and those pink, pouted lips parting in agreement as he obediently nods.
"I'm all yours."
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dewedup · 1 year
I feel like no one sees my vision, so please do not feel bad if you don't either:
In my mind Phantom is actually not at all innocent and the others just assume he is because he's kinda quiet because he doesn't know them that well yet. But then one day he ends up in bed with Rain and Rain is thinking he's going to be naive and innocent, but once he tries to tease him Phantom is like; actually,
²¹⁾ “if you want to come, you’ll have to beg.”
And rain is like 👀 damn, guess I'm begging tonight...
I just think Rain and Dew would think "yeah we can fuck the newbie silly, have him wrapped around or fingers" but phantom would just fucking destroy them (beautifully and consensually).
I'm talking too much and not making much sense. I just really vibed with that sentence in the prompts...
I hope your day is going well and that if this prompt doesn't appeal to you you'll get some that do!! 💜
omg nonny how could i NOT write this??
i SEE the vision, i FEEL this vision, i hope this IS the vision!!!
²¹⁾ “if you want to come, you’ll have to beg.”
phantrain, top!phantom, bottom!rain, basically rain gets his world rocked
Rain and Phantom have been making out lazily in the water ghoul’s bed for hours. All hot puffs of air, lips tracing skin and soft breathy moans. 
Phantom’s a little bit of an enigma, floating from one ghoul to the next and leaving them all tight-lipped and refusing to share any details of their escapades. Even Dew, who he’d joked with about fucking Phantom silly and getting him cockdrunk on them, didn’t utter as much as a word about how he’d had the quint ghoul wrapped around his finger the other night. And Dew isn’t usually one to shy away from a good kiss and tell. 
If anything, it’s made Rain want this even more. To have the small ghoul pliable under his fingers, taking what he gives him and keening under his praise. It must really be an out of body experience if it’s left loud-mouthed Dew speechless. 
Rain let out a gasp as fingers brushed his hole, already stretched to take a few from earlier exploration. Phantom’s opening had received the same treatment, taking turns pushing each other open wide. Rain’s versatile, never opposed to a good dicking down, but mostly prefers being a top. Has imagined bending Phantom in on himself as Rain slams ruthlessly into him, needs it like he needs oxygen to breathe. 
Rain grasps his cock, moving slightly to hover in a position where he can drag it lazily around Phantom’s slick hole, moving in light circles and only applying the faintest hint of pressure. 
Faster than he can blink he’s being flipped over, pushed into the bed hard with Phantom wasting no time shoving his cock as far as he can into Rain, burying himself deeply. The sound that leaves Rain’s lips is partly surprised, coming out in a higher pitch than he’s ever heard himself make. His whole world view has shifted in the span of milliseconds and now he’s being filled up, pushed to his limits while Phantom’s dick brushes against the softest part of him. 
“If you want to come,” Phantom growls, licking a fat stripe up Rain’s neck, nipping slightly at the tender skin. “You’ll have to beg.”
Rain’s cock jumps at the command, pre splashing onto his stomach as he looks up in genuine surprise at the tiny ghoul above him. He doesn’t look so tiny now, crowding Rain with his hands slightly above his shoulders, face inches from his own, and his cock carving its own home inside Rain’s asshole. 
“S-shit,” Rain breathes, clenching down on the thing filling him up completely. This is… unexpected. Rain has built this fantasy up over the last few weeks, painstakingly creating layers of exactly how this would play out, never once considering this turn of events. It’s almost too much all at once, the sensation, the mental and physical somersault he’s just been victim to. 
But Rain’s versatile, can roll with the proverbial punches. So, he mentally shrugs while physically bearing down on the cock splitting him open. 
Looks like I’m begging tonight. 
It’s early the next morning when Rain enters the kitchen, slowly easing his way onto the chair, lower body on fire from the way Phantom absolutely ruined him last night. 
Dew’s up, sipping at his scalding hot coffee and eyeing Rain’s movements with a calculating look. He grabs Rain a mug of his own, making it the way the water ghoul prefers before taking a seat and sliding it across the table to him. Rain blushes as he offers his thanks, taking a sip of the beverage. 
“So… Phantom?” Dew ventures, a knowing smirk dancing across his face. If possible, Rain blushes even harder, eyes widening as he tries to look anywhere but at the fire ghoul taunting him from the other side of the table. The fucker knew this was how it’d go down and didn’t even give a ghoul a curtesy warning. 
Phantom enters the kitchen quietly, making his way to the refrigerator, letting a hand float out to drag across Rain’s shoulders as he props open then fridge door. Rain’s skin burns where the touch lingers like a ghost, truly wishing the ground would open up and swallow him back to the pit in this particular moment. 
As if it couldn’t get any worse, he sees Swiss making his way down the hallway, face splitting into a grin as he surveys the water ghoul.
“Phantom took you for a ride, yeah?” 
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theredconversegirl · 2 months
Hii! I hope you're doing okay. I love your blog so much! Recently I found two good fics that deserve more recognition:
,,Red Tears" by dxkk1104
,,Close Encounters of the Neighbourly Kind" by ArfisraR
Hii nonny,
Thank you so much! 💕
I loved reading your message, especially when I noticed it included recs too. ❤️ I’m doing okay, thanks! And I hope you’re doing well too. 😊
Let’s check these recs:
Red Tears by dxkk1104 Sakura felt a burning gaze on her, as if she was about to perform somewhere. Although, she could already be considered as an actress, playing from a script written by people who only required her to play the role of a wife and not show too much on stage. The whole setting and atmosphere resembled a theater, where the main attraction was two young people forced into marriage. How will they cope? What will come out of it? Is true love destined for them? The audience must wait until the end of the show to find out the answers. [Rated M, on going]
This is a non-massacre arranged marriage fic and this summary pulled at my heartstrings. I can anticipate the angst and pain and the satisfying comfort already haha. 😍
Close Encounters of the Neighbourly Kind by ArfisraR “Well, Pig. Tall, dark, and handsome is a given, obviously. I want him to be really tall, with jet black hair and dark eyes I can drown in. He has to be muscular, someone who works out regularly, and who is strong and tall enough to throw my five-foot-five frame over his back like I’m a rag doll.” “I really hope that you find your ideal man, Forehead, even if he sounds unreal and completely imaginary. In fact, I wish that he finds you and sweeps you off your feet, and he makes you so, so happy that you forget about everyone that came before him.” [Modern AU - Strangers to Lovers] [Rated M, on going]
Wow, check that summary and tags! I love a good Modern AU and it sounds like this one is a delight! 🥰 ~ Happy reading guys! 🍅🌸
Thank you again for the message and recs! I really appreciate them. 🤍 Hope you have a great weekend,
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mistysblueboxstuff · 4 months
i'm sending this on anon so the irony is not lost on me, but why do you give a platform to every single hate anon message you get? (from the spelling, i'd even say it's the same person) it's clearly affecting you, turn off anon and don't give these people the satisfaction of having their messages seen by you and all of your followers
i turned anon off for a bit and it stopped but i guess you're right and i'll turn it back off again. idk why i give them attention tbh i guess i feel like they're right? am not in a very good place mentally is all :')
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pilferingapples · 5 months
I think it’s probably a weird liminal space situation where you share an apartment and neither of you suffers any kind of physical consequence like disease for being exposed to the other one but when you leave the apartment it’s 2024 and when he leaves it’s 1832 and then every day you get to return home and compare notes
omg this is beautiful From his POV he's just taken lodgings in a bafflingly comfortable house run by a nice, if eccentric, married working class American couple (I am assuming we're at my place bc we gotta pick a setting and this is the one with flush toilets yk)
from my POV reality has just gone absolute pretzels
IMPORTANT QUESTIONS : - can he still bring other people into the place? -do we magically understand each other in the apartment or am I trying to ' les pommes sont rouges' my way to explaining what happens in 1832
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tilthedayidice · 6 months
*Boops you*
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holdmytesseract · 27 days
✨💖✨ If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better ✨🌸✨
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Thank you SO much, sweet nonny! 🥹💖
Imma just tag a few peeps, if that's okay?
@muddyorbsblr @smolvenger @fictive-sl0th @chennqingg @mayday2007 @celtic-crossbow @dixons-sunshine @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @lokisgoodgirl @loz-3 - you make me truly happy! And SO many more! Thank you for doing what you do and being a part of this crazy lil' corner we call our home! 💚
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tarjapearce · 4 months
Anything from you is a great surprise, T! 💗
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My heart ♥️
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destiel-news-channel · 6 months
Infos about actions against KOSA
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abitohoney · 6 months
i love and miss your writing! can't tell you the amount of times i've reread them. thanks for crafting such beautiful stories for our giant babygirl sev. i hope everything goes better for you. can't wait to see what comes next in the future 💜💜💜💜
Thank you sweet nonny! This is incredibly encouraging (at a time when I honestly really need it). It's truly so wonderful to hear that my stories bring so much enjoyment to others (to the point of rereads!?!?) 🥰 Despite my struggles as of late, I'm persistent and hopeful that I will get back to writing for our wife. She still has me by the throat (😏) and won't leave my head, so that's a good sign. Although admittedly another woman- a real woman- is currently competing with her in my head. I have such a big fucking crush on this girl. send help.
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nalyra-dreaming · 15 days
Hey Nalyra, someone said on a Reddit thread about TV production news that the Immortal Universe is casting Jesse and David, but the casting call doesn't say if they are going to appear in the Talamasca or in IWTV s3. They said that the casting for David is quite open age wise. I'm excited!
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Ohhhhhh that is... interesting.
Because if you were to crossover characters... then these two are the prime suspects for that crossover :))
Both Talamasca agents, one even the "superior general". Both can see ghosts and conjure spirits. Both will become (very) powerful vampires in canon.
Both involved in events in the later books.
I mean... IF they want to do crossovers...
I found it weird, to be frank, that they created a new character for the Talamasca lead, but it makes sense when considering that they apparently make it more like... IDK. X-files, maybe. We'll see.
So yeah. Very interesting... news? Rumor? :) In any case, very interesting, indeed.
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afewproblems · 1 year
I’m such a slut for Steddie season 2 au’s and yours is one of the best ones I’ve read so far. It’s so good, I can’t wait to see how Eddie handles the Steve vs Billy fight with the kids if he’s there, or how he handles the aftermath!!
Ahhh thank you so much 😊 that is so kind of you!! I also really love season two and season three, they are the ones to get me initially interested in the stranger things fan space a few years ago and then season four really got me into writing for this fandom. So, we really have Steve, Robin, and Eddie to thank for that ❤️
I had such an amazing conversation yesterday about part five and beyond with @strangersteddierthings and how adding Eddie would alter that path of Canon and all of the potential whump factor that it introduces, and I'm very excited to see your reactions!!
Also can I just say that the way they treat injuries in the show, and in so many other properties, is so minimized, like Steve gets hit over the head with a plate and gets back up again....like sir??
But ahh I'm so glad that people like this AU! It got me out of a writing slump and I'm so grateful for that!
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