cinemagal · 2 years
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21 FILMS OF THE 21ST CENTURY Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) dir. Alfonso Cuaron
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karlrincon · 7 months
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Raising our wands for Michael Gambon. 🪄
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” - Albus Dumbledore
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kvtnisseverdeen · 2 years
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i solemnly swear that i am up to no good...
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juniperhillpatient · 2 months
I mean I’m kinda not against a lore dump & a quick reveal of Appa in an adaptation. this is a show for existing fans. if we were getting a 1:1 what’s the point? I don’t mind that everything is getting explained real fast so we can jump right in on the ground that I’ve decided to view this exactly how I view book to movie adaptations. I get why this stuff would bug some people but for me this is a little like how I felt watching the Harry Potter movies as they came out after I read the books as they came out. Like ok we’re seeing a new version of our faves it won’t be totally true but that’s ok
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rebelontheroad · 5 months
Il Magico Epilogo: Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte - Parte 1
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Siamo quasi agli sgoccioli di questo rewatch! Stasera, gli appassionati del mondo magico avranno l'opportunità di immergersi nella penultima avventura della saga di Harry Potter con la proiezione televisiva di "Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte - Parte 1". Questo capitolo epico, basato sul romanzo di J.K. Rowling, porta gli spettatori in un viaggio oscuro e avvincente attraverso il mondo dei maghi.
Il film inizia con Harry, Hermione, e Ron in una missione rischiosa per distruggere gli Horcrux di Lord Voldemort, il signore oscuro che minaccia di conquistare il mondo magico. La tensione è palpabile fin dall'inizio, mentre i nostri eroi sono costretti a compiere scelte difficili e ad affrontare prove che metteranno a dura prova la loro lealtà e determinazione.
Una delle caratteristiche distintive di questa parte della storia è la crescente solitudine di Harry. Separato da Hogwarts e dai suoi amici, si trova costretto a prendere decisioni cruciali da solo. Questo aspetto aggiunge un elemento di vulnerabilità al personaggio di Harry, mostrandone la crescita e la maturità.
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Nonostante la crescente oscurità che avvolge il mondo magico, il legame tra Harry, Hermione, e Ron rimane saldo. La loro amicizia è messa a dura prova, ma resistono insieme alle avversità. Questo tema della lealtà e dell'amicizia è al cuore della narrativa di Harry Potter, e in questa parte della saga, assume un significato particolarmente profondo.
Il film prepara lo spettatore per lo scontro finale tra Harry e Voldemort. La tensione cresce costantemente mentre il male si radica sempre più nel mondo magico. La regia di David Yates cattura abilmente l'atmosfera tesa e la crescente minaccia, preparando il terreno per l'epica battaglia che si svolgerà nella parte finale della saga.
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"Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte - Parte 1" è un capitolo avvincente e commovente della saga. Gli spettatori saranno trascinati in un viaggio emozionante e inquietante, mentre il mondo magico affronta la sua ora più buia. Non perdete l'occasione di rivivere questa epica avventura stasera, immergendovi ancora una volta nel magico universo creato da J.K. Rowling.
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lovereturns · 3 months
my sister and i are talking about how different the pjo series and the one piece adaptation felt in terms of being familiar with the source material, and because pjo was a middle school grade book, i feel like if they waited just a few more years, they could’ve had a crew of people who actually grew up with the books :(
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
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𝑳𝒂𝒅𝒚 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒚 & 𝑵𝒊𝒂𝒎𝒉 𝑲𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒚
Though from different backgrounds, Niamh and Primrose quickly clicked; their strenght of character, leadership and being the future heads of their houses, alongside their love for adventure and be more than society's expectations gave them was what brought them so close, turning into lost sisters.
Though Niamh was adamant on not marrying just yet and Primrose had a small wish with a mix of obligation to marry early and bear an heir, that hardly interfered with their friendship, and Niamh adored visiting her children, whom she considered her nephew and nieces. Alexandra would become her goddaughter and was proud of the poised, intelligent, self-sufficient, witty and incredible woman she gladly helped her friend raise, and was naturally front line on her wedding and birth of her children.
Both women could've never guessed they'd get along so well: Niamh was a farmer and Catholic, and Primrose was a noblewoman and Protestant, though she did not go often to church and instead focused on dull paperwork. Primrose treated Niamh like her younger sister and was generous towards her, inviting her and her family over to Winbourne, giving her clothes that no longer fitted or liked, gave her jewelry she didn't like but Niamh would appreciate – to the point that she wore the gorgeous pearl necklace with her initial and the blue amethyst hairpins to her wedding, where Prim naturally was Maid of Honour – shared secrets, braided each other's hairs, pranked others and tried their best to enjoy their youth.
These two friends loved each other very much, and their children and grandchildren would grow up together, the families becoming friends and helping each other in future altercates.
Niamh belongs to @unfortunate-arrow
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So I finally watched secrets of dumbledore (because it's finally available online in HD) and it was better than the second one but boy, the blatant disregard of established magical rules is doing my head in
Like, they start travelling by portkey and arrive by floo network, what in the hell, how does that work. Answer, it doesn't
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spareisms · 2 years
A snowball is thrown, accidentally, towards her. If she looks at them both, they are both pointing to one another. “He did it.”
It’s like she feels the snowball before it hits her in the shoulder. She heard the strange and low swooping of the snowball and instinctively turned in the direction of the assault. If she’d still been walking and hadn’t paused, it probably would have hit her square in the head!
“Hey —!“ she started, then saw the familiar pair of tall redheads, and couldn’t help the smile which slowly spread across her face. Though Fred and George were only a few years older than her, her being in the same year as their younger brother, Ron, she still loved how ready-for-trouble they were. Study for O.W.LS, or epically defend her honor? There was no question.
Anna’s grin was widespread as she crouched low, scooping up a very wet and tightly packed ball of slushy snow, slowly. Taking her time. So they knew what as about to go down.
“Oh, was it, really? Well — unlike other unsuspecting Gyffindors, I was born ready for this!” And with that, her eyes locked on one twin, she chucked her snowball as hard as she could — at the other one! It was the eye contact which was sure to throw them off. But she wasn’t scared. This was the same Anna who had thrown a dunbomb in Snape’s office in her second year. The three weeks she spent scrubbing out the potions cauldrons was well worth it, though she’d never tell Elsa that.
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kiesmoviecorner · 10 months
Every 'Harry Potter' Movie, Ranked
With the news that the #HarryPotter franchise is being rebooted as a TV show, I thought it was time to re-visit the series and rank every Harry Potter film from worst to best. #WizardingWorld
The Harry Potter film series, based on the books by J.K. Rowling, is one of the most beloved and successful movie franchises of all-time. Over twenty years have passed since Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s Stone was released in cinemas, but the Wizarding World continues to captivate and entertain fans around the world. With the news that the Harry Potter franchise is being rebooted as a TV…
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animezinglife · 10 months
As much as I never liked the way Rowling wrote Harry and Ginny’s relationship, I will always love the fact that Harry’s officially a member of the Weasley family.
Hermione, too.
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Tribute to Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson.
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i-am-aprl · 1 month
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The British-Australian star, Miriam Margolyes, best known for her role as Professor Sprout in the Harry Potter film series, was on live TV when she stated, 'I’m on the side of the Palestinians. I have to tell you that now.' She continued, 'Because being Jewish, we always have to state where we stand. Are we for Israel or against Israel? I'm only for humanity. Ceasefire. Ceasefire.
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captainclickycat · 1 year
It’s weird to think I once identified with the Asperger’s label so much I found it difficult to let go of it. Now just hearing the word makes me grimace.
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rebelontheroad · 5 months
Harry Potter e l'Ordine della Fenice: La Lotta tra Luce e Oscurità⚡️
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Pronti per il quinto episodio della saga? Stasera è la volta di uno dei capitoli più epici e affascinanti della saga di Harry Potter: "Harry Potter e l'Ordine della Fenice". Questo film Harry si trova a fronteggiare non solo forze oscure ma anche i suoi demoni interiori.
È in questo capitolo che c'è una delle mie citazioni preferite dell'intera saga, che brilla come una luce guida nel mezzo delle tenebre: "Tutti abbiamo sia luce che oscurità dentro di noi. Ciò che conta è da che parte scegliamo di agire", dice Sirius Black, uno dei personaggi più amati e iconici.
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Nel film "Harry Potter e l'Ordine della Fenice", assistiamo alla fondazione dell'Ordine della Fenice, un gruppo di maghi e streghe coraggiosi che si oppongono al malvagio Lord Voldemort e ai suoi seguaci, i Mangiamorte. Questa organizzazione incarna il lato luminoso della magia, mettendo in pratica l'insegnamento di Sirius Black: lottare per la luce, nonostante le tenebre che possiamo portare dentro di noi.
Il regista David Yates porta in vita in modo magistrale le pagine del libro, catturando l'intensità delle emozioni e la complessità dei personaggi. Il film esplora anche il tema della leadership, mostrando come Harry, anche se giovane e spesso sottovalutato, si riveli un leader straordinario per i suoi amici e compagni di scuola.
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Quindi, preparatevi a immergervi nella magia e nell'avventura stasera, e riflettete sulla saggezza di Sirius Black. Nella lotta tra luce e oscurità, possiamo trovare la forza di agire dalla parte giusta e combattere per un mondo migliore. Hogwarts vi aspetta, pronti a incantare e a insegnare le preziose lezioni di coraggio, amicizia e amore.
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hintsforyourloves · 1 year
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Filming
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Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 was filmed back-to-back with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 from 19 February 2009 to 12 June 2010, with reshoots for the epilogue scene taking place at Leavesden Film Studios on 21 December 2010.
Yates, who shot the film with director of photography Eduardo Serra, described Part 2 as “operatic, colourful and fantasy-oriented”, a “big opera with huge battles”.
Originally set for a single theatrical release, the idea to split the book into two parts was suggested by executive producer Lionel Wigram due to, what David Heyman called, “creative imperative”. Heyman initially responded negatively to the idea, but Wigram asked, “No, David. How are we going to do it?”. After rereading the book and discussing it with screenwriter Steve Kloves, he agreed with the division.
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