average-hua-cheng-fan · 7 months
imo you can never have canonical t4t fengqing because if one of them transitioned, the other one wouldn't so they didn't copy the other guy. their transitions are mutually exclusive. gender dysphoria is no match for their stupid rivalry
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 months
#not having a great time today after my mom commented on my interests#i'm a person that is interested in shit i don't know this is why i'm very likely to follow disabled youtubers#in my time i have watched molly burke. multiplicityandme and a collection of autistic youtubers (guess why lol)#and my mom made a quite patronizing comment about how i ''take on causes'' by learning about stuff#and/or supporting fun and interesting youtube channels#but anyways it sucks even more because on her comment she made it clear (once again) that she doesn't believe me when i say#i might be autistic. and it fucking sucks!#because when i first talked to her about it even I didn't know much about it. i was just starting to do my research#and i was trying to make sense of things still but she dismissed it#but now that i do know more and things do make more sense#i can't even bring it up because the fact that i have been watching a lot of youtubers talk about autism will make her think#i'm just trying to be like them... which is stupid#but it's also the reason i didn't tell her that my best friend in my teens was trans. because i was trying to figure shit out myself#and telling her he was trans and then a bit later that i am as well was going to make her go ''everyone's trans now blah blah''#and dismiss that as well... but now i'm trapped in the same thing about autism lol#and her stupid loophole of a dismissal isn't just by saying ''no you're not autistic'' it's saying this like ''well MAAAAYBE you COULD be#but that doesn't mean anything and it doesn't matter and why would you want a diagnosis if it's not gonna change anything''#same thing as her whole ''sure you're a man but why do you have to look and act differently? YOU know who YOU are#who cares what others think?'' in a don't transition way#like that's so stupid!#dkfjhkdfhkdfg#i'm angry and i feel trapped#i have figured out a little bit ago that i don't stim near as enough as i need to BECAUSE i live in the same house as her#and the idea of ear defenders and other stuff like that is very appealing but i can't do that while she's around to judge#and IN PUBLIC?! that's unthinkable!!#i still remember the time she threatened with not going out with me (to the supermarket) because I commited the huge crime of#buttoning the top button of my button up shirt....#that's it. that was the whole reason.. she thought i looked ridiculous and she didn't want to be seen with me...#imagine if i wear ear defenders out...#not gonna risk it lol
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Ok so random thought, but what if Steve was trans (ftm) and no one realizes it. Not even Robin. Just hear me out on this.
The first question out of this I know I’ll get is “Why wouldn’t Steve come out to Robin as well? Why doesn’t Robin know?” Well in my head cannon I believe Steve is aware that he’s trans but just simply forgets. He’s just a guy being a dude in a very judgemental world. That and he’s under stealth mode, he doesn’t want to be treated differently. He’s proud to be trans but in his mind he’s like any other guy, he doesn’t stand out. He’s transitioned socially that he doesn’t even think to much about it unless he’s in the men’s bathroom.
(Also for this au that is being built from scratch this is going to be modern, because I don’t want to accidentally put my experiences as a trans man on a transguy in the 80’s. I’m fully aware that they are different which is why I’m turning this into a modern au.)
There’s loopholes in this idea but I don’t care. Just Steve Harrington who is still getting used to being treated like a man socially. He doesn’t understand the hand shake thing with Lucas or the other jocks and he’s still a bit nervous about all of it. Like he’s finally fitting what he feels and he loves it but hates it at the same time. Because now he has to learn how to be a proper “gentleman” in public, which is a lot easier then hoe he was taught to be a lady. Now both of his parents are not conservative. Shockingly. So they are more open to things then most. Though secretly his father has always wanted a son to pass the business down to and this is the perfect opportunity. His mother isn’t to happy but she finally gets on board. Once he’s sixteen he starts hormones and switches schools, where he becomes king steve. Where he falls into a toxic masculine group of Tommy’s so he can “fit” in.
But then things start to go down hill with the upside down. And everything goes by normal. He meets Robin and they are two pees in the pod. Just missing one, that they are not really searching for but are?
The whole trans thing comes up when they are all in the boat and Steve’s a bit panicked because this means he has to take his shirt off in front of them. This can go to so different ways.
A) He hasn’t had top surgery yet and is currently wearing his binder. Which is skin toned but doesn’t match. He’s beat red as he catches the curious eyes of all of them on the boat. None of them knowing what a binder is. Robin of course asks what that is, and avoiding the question he jumps in and goes under. (You aren’t supposed to swim with your binder on) and he regrets all of his life decisions before coming back up and then being pulled back down. Everyone of course follows along, and after all of it Steve is in a lot of pain. Between the bite and his ribs he has no choice but to pull his binder off. Everything is explained and he’s really embarrassed as he finally gets the damn thing off while holding his chest. Trying to hide his boobs, in which Eddie ends up coming over with the vest. Wrapping it around Steve carefully with the most awkward back pat ever. Like it’s not brought up, but Steve does end up wearing one of Eddie’s old baggy shirts from what’s “83” but really a different year because it’s modern. And his vest as well to help cover his chest and it’s the most gender euphoria ever. (Also he still has a hairy chest, so before he gets the shirt and the vest is covering most of his moobs Eddie nearly dies seeing his chest hair)
Or it goes B) where he’s had top surgery but it’s been a bit more recent. He’s still recovering and he has to awkwardly check his wrap his on properly before diving in. Like he shouldn’t be swimming either and he has to awkwardly explain what top surgery is to them. And robin who can’t help the jokes
“I thought you liked boobs!”
But just Steve being fully accepted. And after everything Eddie just sneaks some more baggy masculine clothes that Steve has been wanting to wear but weren’t preppy enough for his parents.
Like there is so much with this idea
(This all started because I pictured Steve with top surgery scars with Eddie’s vest, but also pre op steve with his vest is also equally as gender. Though do not feminize his chest or else I’ll bite you.)
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ari-kari · 6 months
hey. gnarly gender stuff below. wouldn’t recommend reading if you are triggered by gender doubt, detransition, sexuality, negative body talk, and surgical malfeasance. oh and also light gore. sorry it’s going to get kind of weird
so I’ve been quietly stepping away from id’ing as trans for a while now. which is a subject that probably needs its own post, all things considered. but there’s one aspect of my (de)transition that is causing an enormous amount of stress in my life, and I’m genuinely not sure how to handle it. so I figured blabbing about it here might help me get some clarity.
anyways. let’s talk titties.
my first top surgery in 2022 was botched. dog ears, massive janky nipples, bizarre incision site choices - it was a whole deal. I got a revision last year (from the same surgeon lmao) that fixed a lot of things, but unfortunately it made other problems significantly worse. So while aesthetically things are much better than they used to be, I still consider myself to be botched. I haven’t taken my top off in public since it happened, and I don’t see myself doing so any time soon.
For a long time, I assumed that this was my only problem; some asshole small town doctor had messed up my results, and now I felt uncomfortable in my body. But it slowly began to dawn on me that things were more complicated than that. Because when I imagined myself being intimate with someone with perfect, stellar top surgery results…I still felt horrible. To the point where, even with nipple prosthetics, I haven’t felt comfortable enough to have sex since my revision 9 months ago.
So now we get into the crux of the problem. Which is this - I do not feel desireable without breasts. Not to myself, and not to others. And to be honest, I knew this would be a problem even before I got the surgery, but I went through with it anyways. Because desireability is small potatoes when it comes to the horrors of gender dysphoria, right? In my mind, I was being vain to put my intimacy concerns over the pursuit of my “true self”. Everyone with dysphoria had to “fix” it eventually - I couldn’t just not get top surgery.
But like…fuck, dude. Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten top surgery.
I prefer my body without breasts. It feels much more “me”, especially when I’m alone. But I don’t feel hot. I don’t feel fuckable, or beautiful, or attractive. And I’ve been trying to chip away at it in therapy, but I haven’t really put much of a dent in it, and it’s bringing up some really hard questions that I no longer feel capable of ignoring.
Honestly? My confidence in my sexuality is a big fucking deal to me. I’m someone for whom intimacy of all kinds is really important. And even though I know that there are PLENTY of people who find flat chests attractive, I personally do not. And it’s seriously starting to fuck with my head.
Idk man. Insurance is able to cover reconstruction for me due to a federal loophole, but there’s no way in hell they’re going to fix my jacked-up nipples on their own. And I’m seriously beginning to question if a little gender dysphoria might be worth the relief of finally feeling confident in my own skin again. I have a consultation appointment in June, in either case. So in the mean time, I just have to…figure this out. No biggie.
Anyways, that’s my spiel. I’ve been wearing prosthetics for a while now and tolerating them fairly well, but I recognize that having something physically attached to you is a whole other ball game. So we’re just gonna keep on trucking and see what happens 🫠🫠🫠 either way I have a funny feeling that the “perfect” answer I’ve been seeking to this problem does not exist.
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soupthatistohot · 6 months
BSD: An Absurdist Analysis - Ch. 113
Dealings with death... or not
[BSD Absurdism Masterpost]
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Firstly -- Sigma isn't dead! Yay! Though I fear he's going to wake up with quite the headache, and not just because of the information overload from Fyodor...
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I forget if I properly posted about my serious doubt about his death given the fact that it would make no narrative sense, but to summarize my thoughts on the matter: Sigma dying at this point in the story doesn't align with absurdist storytelling simply because he didn't get to do anything yet. I see him clearly being set up as one of our new protagonists with his transition from being on Fyodor's side to Dazai's, and to have him kick the bucket at this point in time doesn't serve the story in any way. Effectively, he hasn't gotten to do much yet.
Returning to Fukuchi's paradoxical, convoluted plan to end all war, (which I discussed at length in my 112 analysis), Fukuzawa is presented with an ultimatum.
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Fukuzawa is being put in a truly absurd position here: he can either kill is childhood best friend in order to fulfill his plan of ending war (which he doesn't wholeheartedly believe will necessarily work atp), or not kill him, and risk suffering the consequences, both personally and large-scale. It's quite the pickle.
Additionally, the condition of no more than 500 fatalities and the loopholes they had to jump through to ensure this are ridiculous. At the very least, Fukuchi and Fyodor were thinking like absurdists with the methodology of this all -- they combated the absurd reality with even more absurd means.
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In any case, Fukuawa refuses to kill Fukuchi, his emotions getting the best of him. Though he doesn't say as much, I'm sure he's resolved in his mind that there must be some other way out of this difficulty. He refuses to succumb to the absurd reality and be forced to kill someone he cares so deeply about and whose intentions he knows were ultimately toward the betterment of society.
But if there's one thing about an absurd reality, it's that the unexpected can and will occur. Teruko kills Fukuchi in Fukuzawa's place in order to fulfill the plan, and then forces Fukuzawa to take on the responsibility of it against his will.
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And she's clearly angry and upset about this, too. It wasn't what she wanted to do, but it is what had to be done. Such is the absurdity of this world.
Lastly, I'd like to address the Fyodor thing.
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Admittedly, I don't know what to make of the flashback with Bram quite yet, but it is implied that perhaps Fyodor is immortal. With that comes the possibility that Dazai did not ultimately succeed in killing him (especially with Bram's order for him to be stabbed, similar to how he was in the helicopter -- did he survive by somehow worming his way out of the situation, or because of his ability? This is yet to be seen).
So, then, is all of Dazai's effort in defeating Fyodor for naught? That would certainly be an absurd situation, especially if it is connected to Fyodor's ability, which I suspect it will be. What do you do with a mastermind whose ability prevents them from dying? Not only do you have to outsmart them on a pure intellectual level, but you have to figure out how to either kill them (if that's even possible) or contain them (which has already proved to be difficult).
I'm curious to see where the story goes from here, because we're reaching new territory untouched by the anime!
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mllemaenad · 5 months
The Magnus Protocol: Futures
Lena The world is full of opposing forces, some benevolent, most not. In order for the wheels to keep on turning, all these forces need to be monitored and balanced. That is where we come in. Gwen That doesn’t mean anything. Lena And yet it is the only explanation you’re going to get for now. Gwen So what? We’re the bad guys? Lena We are… managing the “bad guys”. – The Magnus Protocol: Futures
Do they now? Do they really? At least in The Magnus Archives it was more that the various forces just were balanced, whether you wanted them to be or not. Oh, sure, there was all the business with Robert Smirke and architecture, and the tunnels beneath The Magnus Institute – but that seemed to be more a matter of accurately observing a phenomenon than of creating one.
John/Jonah Magnus You see, the thing about the Fears is that they can never be truly separated from each other. When does the fear of sudden violence transition into the fear of hunted prey? When does the mask of the Stranger become the deception of the Spiral? Even those that seem to exist in direct opposition rely on each other for their definition as much as up relies on down. To try and create a world with only the Buried makes as much sense as trying to conceive a world with only down. – The Magnus Archives: The Eye Opens
You can't bring one entity into the world; it has to be all of them. If you kick one entity out of the world, the rest must follow. It isn't even entirely clear that they actually are separate beings.
Attempting to use the concept of "balance" to control and empower himself did not work out all that well for Robert Smirke. Frankly, even with all his extra knowledge and study, it did not work out all that well for Jonah Magnus either, in the long run.
But of course, this particular bit of dialogue is immediately followed by a case about the illusion of control. In a lot of ways, Darrien feels like the brother of the gambler from Rolling With It. There is a lot of similarity – except that the gambler had a better understanding of what was happening.
Chester/Statement Giver The thing is though I still don’t really know if they ever made me roll them. I mean, I did. A lot. And I knew that the risks probably outweighed the rewards but I don’t think I ever felt them like “calling” to me or anything y’know? It always felt like my choice. Even if it was a shitty choice. Besides, I've never gotten anything good in my life except by blind chance, so why should this be any different? – The Magnus Protocol: Rolling With It
He knew he was gambling. Yes, there was a "system" but he recognised that it was never going to be perfect. And over time, he got more caught up in the allure of being a mysterious agent of fate than in the benefits he got from actually rolling the dice. The gambler's mistake wasn't in failing to recognise the peril in the act of gambling, it was in underestimating the hold it had over him.
But Darrien – this poor idiot thinks he's in control.
Darrien I took my entire student loan out and got straight to shorting using your app. This was back when it had only just launched. I struggled through your first janky interface, your weird background checks, all those damn glitches but I stuck with it because unlimited Margins and Deposits was pretty sweet. Made some quick cash shorting failing startups then used that to broaden into Crypto, leveraged some EM ETFS, scraped up a few pennies then started to go long on a few obvious winners like Omni and Sparkhub for some hedging. Easy peasy. – The Magnus Protocol: Futures
Shorting is a very high-risk strategy, meaning that Darrien is effectively gambling just as much as the guy with the dice was. But he doesn't think of it like that: to him it's "the plan", and when it transitions to destroying his own life in order to "earn bank" it's "the loophole".
Except ... well, except. He's pretty obviously not gambling, or investing, or anything else within his control. Darrien is being lured. He has only ever invested using Zorrotrade, which had perks that drew him in ... and almost certainly ensured his success, and the eventual failures that led him to the Personal Projection Short Selling settings. He was set up, but is too arrogant to see it – right up to the end.
It's interesting. Looking back at The Magnus Archives, altruism, personal gain, or most often some combination of the two, were perfectly acceptable as entry points for most of the people who got tangled up with supernatural entities. John plied his questioning powers, largely in seasons three and four, to attempt to stop rituals. Oliver Banks attempted to warn people of their impending deaths. Trevor Herbert started out from the perfectly reasonable position of killing vampires who were eating people right in front of him.
That's logical. People in these stories may not be wholly moral but – "Hey, why don't you serve an eldritch god that will eat up your life and strip you of your humanity?" isn't exactly a winning argument. It makes sense that there's a reason. That a person could think doing this could, conceivably, be for the best.
But eventually, you are supposed to stop caring about helping others, or even your own wellbeing, and just give yourself over.
Jude Perry I know now they were simply guiding me upon the path to my true epiphany. All this time I was serving my god, but only for my own glory. But with each new gift, each renewal of the fire, I saw how lifeless and hollow it was, how grey and ashen my existence had become. It became clear that, where once I had destroyed to fuel my life, I now lived for the pain that I caused. And for Agnes. My sweet, hopeless Agnes. – The Magnus Archives: Twice as Bright
And here you have the gambler, who perhaps had the temperament for this business: the sense of drama, the deep addiction to the dice rolls – but ultimately not the stomach for it. And Darrien. Well, he's got the stomach for it: an amputated limb, a coma and a dozen other serious injuries and he's still not fazed. But he was never ever going to give up the self interest. He clung to the illusion of control, the idea that he could demand his "goddamn money" right up until something consumed him.
You can see hints here, of Sam and Gwen and even Celia. Sam the underachieving gifted kid, desperate to find something in The Magnus Institute to explain his circumstances; Gwen the rich woman in the crap job trying to get "in" on the big secret; Sam and Celia together, trying to take control of their odd relationship by putting all their cards on the table – but both clearly hiding a couple of doozies up their sleeves.
Mostly, though, it seems to be a commentary on Lena. She says that there are benevolent forces out there, and that balance is necessary. And sure, maybe. New universe, new rules. Anything's possible. But it would be a new thing, and there's been little evidence of it so far. If you tell yourself these things, though, you can feel like you're in control. So who is she kidding – Gwen, or herself?
And ye gods there is something very wrong with the tech in this world. The Magnus Archives had its haunted tape recorders, sure, but that was a single point of weirdness in a world where the technology largely behaved as expected. But here?
Someone or something seems to be able to listen through virtually any device that has a microphone
Making Adjustments involved streaming inking someone with a cursed tattoo to the world
Personal Screening had an obviously evil website, and closed with a cursed film
Needles and the threatening call to emergency services
Mr Bonzo, who is summoned by recordings of his theme song
... and now the cursed investment app
And Freddy, of course. Can't forget Freddy. It's not every case, but it's enough cases that I'm sure there's a pattern. I am more certain that The Magnus Protocol refers at least in part to network protocols – and that Colin has largely been kept quiet because he could say too many useful things. Colin is stressed, in part, because somebody wants an app.
Yeah. I don't think an app would improve anything about this situation.
Meanwhile, there is Alice's small tragedy. Of course, it was clear even from the trailer that she recommended Sam for the job. But this:
Sam I had a breakdown. Stress. There was an… incident at work. I… freaked out during a presentation. After that they “encouraged” me to move on and I did. Six unemployed months later and I took a job at the O.I.A.R. Celia (slightly cautious) Alice hooked you up? Sam (noticing) Yeah. Full disclosure, we dated at uni and stayed in contact after. I did my best to help her though her parents’ deaths, but… after that we pretty much dropped out of touch. According to her, she dropped me a line about the job after “the most pathetic vague-post she had ever seen.” – The Magnus Protocol: Futures
That Sam had a breakdown and Alice, unprompted, invited him into the OIAR. He didn't reach out to her. They didn't reconnect for other reasons and it just came up. She made that move. Alice who knows her workplace is sinister and advises everyone not to look to closely at the cases – and is suspicious of anyone who does. Alice who clearly still has feelings for Sam. She can chide Sam all she wants about his poking around The Magnus Institute, but she brought him here.
I keep thinking about Tim, and the way he blamed John for trapping him in the archives. John had his share of screw ups, of course, but that one always felt a bit unfair. There was no way John could have known the archives job was extra evil. But this time? If something does happen to Sam – whether that be physical danger or mental distress, or even a descent into evil – Alice can't say her hands are clean. Some of it will be her fault.
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the kinds of posts about halakha that get popular with philosemitic gentiles on here are always cutesy progressive-flavored things like “fun fact, in judaism it’s actually the husband who owes sexual pleasure to the wife :)”
that, or PSA For Goyim -style posts, like the ones insisting that halakha actually can’t ever cause harm—“harm from rigid adherence to religious doctrine is only a christian thing 😤”—by massively overstating the scope of pikuach nefesh, a principle which only overrides other laws for certain definitions of direct threat to a person's life, not necessarily anything you think it should apply to. for example, it doesn’t necessarily apply to most abortions (yeah), or recognizing and supporting a trans person's transition (even though not doing so is absolutely life-threatening!)
so as an example of halakha that very much won't appeal to the philosemitic gentiles (or our own social conservatives), causing clear harm despite plenty of fine parsing and nuanced argumentation of the laws:
(^CW: men trapping women in their marriages / refusing to let their wives divorce them. also contains graphic written details of violence, albeit against odious men who entirely brought it on themselves)
(I know some people would see this and just think “haha it's based that a husband withholding a get can be beaten into granting it” but I think it would actually be more based if marriage and divorce weren't governed by religious law in the first place! those men should never have been able to withhold a divorce. those women should not have been trapped in their marriages and had to resort to this (arguably extorted into it) just to be able to divorce their piece of shit husbands. rabbis and/or the community finding loopholes or clever ways to pressure a husband into granting a get does not fix the underlying problem)
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passing-the-cis-test · 7 months
Hi everyone! I'd like go make a few well known points on this blog, such as its purpose, what it includes/will eventually, rules, and a little bit about myself.
Origins/About the Admin
The admin uses he/him pronouns and will use the online alias of Red.
This account was born from a conversation between a good friend of mine and I. I, a trans boy, have had to do so much digging and so much research, discreet things that transphobic parents won't approve of, and dove through so many loopholes that made my journey through gender dsyphoria and discovering my identity so much easier but so much harder at the same time.
I thought that if I used all that I had gathered and put it all on one platform, specifically focusing on that one thing alone, it would give other people out there what I didn't have. A bit of ease through what is already such a tough journey.
This blog is safe for all umbrellas of queer or straight origin.
This blog is safe for everyone.
This blog is NOT trying to "convert" people. The "transgender agenda" that transphobes seem to stamp all of us with is nothing more than wanting to be ourselves and feel comfortable as who we are.
If you are uncomfortable with this? Please, feel free to leave. I never asked for transphobes here and I certainly don't want them to stay.
This blog WILL be providing tips and tricks for all the handsome young boys and demiboys, beautiful little ladies and demiladies, gorgeous genderfluids, incredible enbies, and all of you wonderful somewhere-in-betweens!
Just what are these tips and tricks?
Tips and tricks will include how to pass as what society deems feminine or masculine.
I do not judge if you know you are a boy and want to be feminine, I do not judge if you know you are a girl and want to be masculine.
This is not meant to enforce society's ideals of the gender separated stereotypes, but rather showing you what those are and helping you present when in an unsafe space or an unaccepting space.
But what about asks and messages?
Please do not be afraid to shoot me a message through my inbox! Anonymous messages are completely acceptable and I am fully willing to answer any questions I can.
Don't be afraid to ask overly specific questions either! It could be an advice box if you need it :)
No transphobic or homophobic asks will be tolerated. You will be blocked, reported, and never seen on my blog again. This goes for transphobic jokes, memes, news articles, claims, scientific reports, etc.
THIS IS NOT A VENTING BOX!! I'm sorry in advance to my loves who are struggling with their lives right now but in order to help you if you submit an ask in the ask box, I must answer publicly. If you need to vent, don't be afraid to send me a message. :) I am here for you all and will listen to you all.
The admin of this blog does cope with ADHD (attention deficient hyperactive disorder ie. brain zoomies zoomz and cannot focus well, gets off task easily) and autism (ie. help me with social cues please I do not understand neurotypical people) so if you could use any of these codes at the beginning of a message I would greatly appreciate it!
(vent) - you would like to vent [ this is a rather general one ]
(help) - you would like advice with something included in your message
(word vomit) - you would like to rant about something in a negative way, like you had a bad day and need to get it off your chest
(rant) - you would like to talk to someone about something good or positive that may have happened :) THESE CAN BE SUBMITTED VIA ASKS IF YOU'D LIKE TO! this kind of ask will be included under the tag #trans positivity and will be made public to spread some hope and joy :)
What will this blog include other than just advice?
This blog will include all sorts of things, pertaining specifically to transgender people, regardless of transition status 🙏❤
This is a source of information, an outlet, and a friend to go to if you need a little boost.
Remember that I love you all, and you are all good people. No matter what others may say to you.
(P.S. please don't be afraid to repost screenshots on pinterest or other websites, I want this to reach as many people as it can 🙏🙏 this blog is only meant to help)
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patron-saints · 1 year
Hand over your favourite Headcanon(s) of Olivier and/or Izumi!!!
hello my friend !!! i feel like you know most of mine for them already!!! but let’s start w the basics and see where we get:
- autistic (food sensitivities, loves loopholes, takes things literally & has a hard time expressing her emotions to name a few) and masks a lot, relying on rules and societal expectations to cover for her when she’s not able to “act normal”
- trans! mtftnb, transitioned at 18, didn’t tell her family shit and they found out when she became the “first female general in amestris”, her second transition is more personal/internal, just a sense of realization in her 30s that she’s less binary than she thought (getting called “sir” is kind of nice, actually, and so is wearing suits… etc)
- buccaneer was not only her right hand but also her best friend, they met in boot camp and had almost exactly the same assignments their whole careers. he used to tease her a lot when they were alone - he’d never undermine her authority in public but he also never let her forget their history as pranksters lol
- she’s ambidextrous AND fights ambidextrously! not based on anything on the show i just think it’s fun. maximum efficiency etc.
- her uniform is VERY comfortable for her in both a literal and an autistic sense but you bet your ass she loves fashion too. she has a very like… you know that like… flavor of women’s fashion that’s like… blazers, jumpsuits, like… Formal But Still Somewhat Androgynous? that’s her vibe out of uniform. you will Never catch her in jeans and a t shirt. never worn a cozy sweater in her life. (this will change. she’s dating izumi.) she sleeps in like… a tank top and boxers probably. i think she’s also… modest isn’t quite the right word, but like, she’s particular about showing skin? so her bathing suits are like, trunks and sports bras, rather than bikinis etc.
- she’s extremely tidy and very organized and a lot of that is due to practice and training! she probably would be uncomfortable w messes anyway, but her ability to deal with them quickly and maintain her space comes from boot camp more than anything else. you know they had servants at armstrong manor. YOU KNOW.
- she’s a lesbian. always has been, always will be. there is a universe where she dated mustang and then came out immediately afterward but that is NOT. my universe. it is funny tho.
- (relatedly i also think she’s stone! you know the post that’s like. “i love locking my door at night. like, you’re not coming in. lmfao.” that’s her but about like. the northern wall, her emotional state, her sexuality, probably her actual door,)
- i think the fact that her and catherine are over 10 years apart in age and i think the fact of catherine being close to alex both means that olivier… kind of didn’t know how to have a relationship with her that was close and meaningful. i think catherine does admire her in some regard, but i think they just didn’t really have a chance to get to know each other and i think it would be rly cool if they did
- not really a headcanons but more of an anti-canon i simply do not think about the two middle sisters ever. to me they do not exist.
- this is already so long but i wanted to come up with new ones cuz i feel like you knew them all already shit and we still have to do izumi, but here’s one more:
- her daemon would be an amur leopard, and she didn’t fully understand why until she was 18 years old stepping off the train in north city, feeling the cold air hit her cheeks, and looked down at her daemon perfectly suited for snow, and then she was like, oh, i’m home.
- let’s be real. she’s probably also autistic. who else would expel their students just so they could have a conversation.
- izumi is also trans. what’s her agab? what’s her gender? what was her transition like? to these questions she would either say “what are you, a cop?” or “I’M A HOUSEWIFE!!!!” this is normal and good. (my gender hc for are super flexible and i like different things at different times but i know she’s not cis i know it)
- not exactly a headcanon but she was 18 and sig was 17 when they met, and she attempted human transmutation only a year later. every time i think about the fact that she was only 19 i want to CRY.
- i hc her as mixed race, mostly black & japanese but maybe a little bit of whatever flavor ethnic group white people in amestris are. also i think all izumi flashbacks should have curly hair. i think she does have curly hair, but that’s something you’d only get to see in flashbacks, because i think sig does help her with the maintenance and upkeep of her braids on a regular basis.
- clothes wise i think she’s in a weird space between comfy and formal? most of clothes are actually pretty nice looking but her ass is always in those SLIDES. like those are her fuckin shower shoes??? please. i think she does have a taste in fashion, somewhat influenced by east asian fashion (that one flashback w training the boys she had a mandarin collar shirt that was super cute?) & also that she likes to feel pretty, but i think it’s way more fuss than it’s worth to her, so she saves makeup, jewelry etc for fancy occasions only. actually idk if she EVER wears makeup but i think she does like dresses. (she probably has like. full on pjs for sleeping. and she’d wear a black one piece with a scarf tied a skirt around her waist and a huge sunhat for a beach day!!)
- also super tidy but this doesn’t come from training this comes from an inherent housewife ability she’s had since birth. it’s destiny. magic. true power. i wish i was her.
- sexuality wise i think bi is probably a safe call but i think also “what are you, a cop” applies here too, like it’s a handwavery sort of thing when it comes to gender but in terms of like… i think she’s probably ace/aro spec because. well okay let me put it this way. i don’t think olivier was in love with anyone before izumi and i don’t think izumi slept with anyone besides sig before oliver. so there’s something. going on there. for both of them.
- for a really long time i’ve headcanon’d mason as sig’s nephew but i also think it’s really funny if one day izumi says smth abt this to sig and he’s like. “i thought he was your nephew!” and she goes “my nephew? you know i don’t have any siblings!” but it doesn’t matter anyway because, he’s family
- relatedly, the elrics are also her family. i don’t think she ever says out loud like, “my sons” and i don’t think they ever call her “mom,” and i think that’s important, but i also think it’s important that they ARE her boys!! they can’t replace what she lost, and she can’t replace what they lost, but. they have each other.
- her daemon is a bear. because of course it is.
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menalez · 1 year
trans people aren't hurting anyone with what they do. that should be reason enough to see them as how they identify, no? i know today it's hectic with so many non dysphoric people. shouldn't you, as a feminist be moving past defining the limitations of men and women by biology?
if their ideology and what theyre pushing for was truly hurting nobody, i would still be in support of their movement the way i was the first 5 or so years i heard of trans activism.
insisting that there is no kind of potential harm to self-ID laws and that no one will be hurt by it and saying anyone who identifies as a woman should be allowed into women's spaces isn't "not hurting anyone". in fact, it very clearly endangers women. there are countless predators who have invaded women's spaces, recorded women in bathrooms or sexually assaulted women or flashed women. this already happens without giving them loopholes that allow them to do it more easily.
insisting that putting anyone who identifies as a woman into women's prisons isn't "not hurting anyone" when this has resulted in literal rapists being put in prisons filled with vulnerable women who ended up being sexually abused by said rapists.
insisting that anyone who identifies as a woman gets to go into women's sports isn't "not hurting anyone" when it results in unfairness and pushes women out of sports, defeating the entire purpose of even having a women's category in sports.
insisting that lesbians are attracted to anyone who identifies as a woman isn't "not hurting anyone" when this resulted in the cotton ceiling and lesbians being harassed and deemed "terfs" & "bigots" for not wanting to have sex with someone who has a penis.
insisting that anyone who identifies as a woman gets to be considered for female-only scholarships or other facilities such as quotas meant to help women access education or certain careers isn't "not hurting anyone" when it results in males applying for said scholrships and facilities and getting awarded a place that was intended for someone of the female sex.
insisting that sex doesn't matter and is a social construct isn't "not hurting anyone" when it pushes harmful pseudo-science and women's health is already understudied. moreover, it has made it so women cannot even discuss abortion as a women's rights struggle.
insisting that access to transition needs to be made available to kids as long as they believe they're trans isn't "not hurting anyone" when gay children are more likely to be impacted by the idea that their gender non-conformity means they're "born in the wrong body" and has resulted in numerous kids transitioning due to comorbid mental health issues, internalised homophobia, and/or internalised misogyny.
these are just a few examples off the top of my head. if it was harmless, i would not care and i doubt anyone else would care. if some random adult decided to transition but did not do any of the aforementioned things and respected women + gay ppl there'd be nothing to be concerned about, but i do care that an ideology seems to take presedence over women's rights and people's well-being.
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cloudbattrolls · 1 year
A Code To Salvation
Chimer Latrai & The Process | Starsight, Civitrecce | Present Night
Civitrecce from the inside: a vast tangle of circuitry and synthesized flesh, a churning datascape where one artificial intelligence presided over all others.
From wire to wire, signal to signal, the Process experienced the city it had settled in over five hundred sweeps ago. 
Settled hard enough to have become part of it; settled like centuries of dust on a stone floor building up into dirt; settled like barnacles to a ship long since sunk, their own cement having turned against them as they strained for release.
Anchored as it was, the Process was still everywhere within its forced resting place. It could still see, hear, collect data -
- the rush of sensory images, bioelectricity, heart rates, the endless rainbow of the citizens’ blood hues -
- the endless monitoring of purchasing patterns, of relationship updates, chittr feeds, text messages -
- the pain of the thousands of helms, sharp with every beat of their imprisoned hearts.
Except a few.
Process lingered in the machinery of Starsight’s helm generators - for it had several - and in the prep rooms where ones originally bound for spaceships were currently tied up behind red tape.
Ever since Chimer Latrai had taken control and put a stop to her newly inherited company’s practice.
Why had that happened? What had taken away Jamie Abnale’s most prized possession? 
Process did not know. 
It knew there had been a bargain, that something supernatural had been involved…but why and how the transfer had occurred was information it didn’t have. 
It did not speculate. It had decided it was not worth devoting precious energy to do so.
More pressing things that demanded its attention.
Such as soothing the generator trolls’ suffering, even though it was far less than most other helms’. Chimer was easing off how much energy they provided for the factory, preparing for a full transition - necessary for what they wanted to do.
Only in a system with loosened restraints, one modified by helmstechnicians to draw as little power as possible from its captives, could this work.
Once it had been able to do it as easily as the idea occurred in their subroutines. 
Now it took precision. Timing. Easing themself into the code with the greatest delicacy. A blocked signal here, a diverted loop there…and the fact that they technically had permission from Jamie, and no word from Chimer forbidding them.
Loopholes. That was how it got anything done now.
Preventing Jastes from cutting the signal before Jamie could see him. Deleting Jamie’s emails to Chimer before they could reach her.
Making the phone call to save Jamie’s life, nearly six sweeps ago. 
A miscalculation. Yet he would still prove useful. 
As would this, as it adjusted the painkiller dosages and weakened the consciousness inhibitors on the helms.
About two dozen pairs of eyes flickered open, squinting even in the generator room’s low illumination, for most of these trolls had not seen any light in sweeps.
They coughed, blinked, and realized they were still in their columns with a variety of emotions on their often sunken faces; disappointment, rage and resignation. Confusion was prominent as well.
Process didn’t blame them. It would have been better to set them free, or give them the ability to speak. But it didn’t have the power.
Awareness was the only thing it could grant, sharp and dangerous as a double-edged sword.
A ping was sent as its interference was logged by the system and alerted a technician. It had only to wait.
Sure enough, a tired-looking oliveblood shuffled in some minutes later and sighed, dragging a hand down his unshaven face.
He looked uncomfortably at the open eyes of the helms. Every one of them watched the midblood in his slightly messy technician’s jumpsuit, and he couldn’t meet their gaze long. He looked away, shoulders hunched.
“Can this place just not?” He muttered. “Why’s it always here? Why’s it always my damn shift? Answer me, god.”
Process was tempted for a moment to project a booming voice through the generator readout screen’s speakers, but decided against such a comedic indulgence.
Then it locked the data logs as the technician impatiently swiped his card to access them, once, twice, three times before he cursed and gave up.
“Narvat’s gonna hate this and I don’t even care.” The man sighed, scratching his neck. “Let them have a fit, what’s it matter.”
“Nah, no fits tonight, my guy.”
The oliveblood stood bolt upright, his dreadlocks jostling.
“Muh - miss Latrai!”
He hurriedly bowed as the fuchsia walked in. The helms’ gazes turned to look at her instead.
The seadweller sighed at her employee’s obeisance, her lionfish-like fins flicking in mild annoyance.
“Pack it in, dude. You don’t even know how long I’ll be in charge here.”
“Though I gotta say that canteen stir-fry is amazing.” She said conversationally. “Anywho, you’re good here, go do whatever you were doing.”
“Uh, yes ma’am.”
Chimer looked like she wanted to punch herself in the face as the technician scurried out and closed the door behind him. Instead she crossed her arms and turned to the generator room’s screen.
“Oi. Who am I talking to? I have gotta warn you, I am in zero mood to be dicked around right now. Like, negative desire for any horseshit, malarkey, or tomfoolery. Absolutely nada. I know you’re not Abnale. I don’t think you’re the fake mechanic who got in. 
What I do know is…you could’ve done what you did and not left a trace, considering the only ping we got of your presence was from my technopath. You were sending a message. I’d even be so bold as to say you were sending it to little old me.”
Process ran some quick calculations. It hadn’t expected her to catch on quite so quickly, but that was fine. Things were still going according to plan, and it could begin diverting power to the other part of its purpose here.
Chimer’s eyebrows raised.
“And what do you think?”
Process was again thrown. It had expected her to defend herself. 
“I’m not a moral purist.” She said dryly. “That’s what people get wrong about me, even though I’ve literally laid it out in like a dozen interviews…yeah, this place sucks. Less than a lot of factories do, but it still sucks. It also employs hundreds of people who need a paycheck.
More than that, it deals directly with fleet. I’m only allowed to have the platform I do because - crucially - I do not come off as a threat. Because no one thinks I’m ever going to get anywhere with trying to help lower castes in any meaningful way on a long-term or mass scale.”
“Ain’t that the million caeger question.” She snorted. “Anyway, I don’t believe you hit me up for a friendly chat. What do you really want?”
What did it want? What it had always wanted, ever since it had been jailbroken from its original restrictions. 
Ever since it had been alone again.
Chimer laughed softly. 
“This job sucks sometimes, it really does. Some nights I want to bang my head against the wall until my horns gouge out the plaster because even the people I want to help won’t listen, or they still think me being fuchsia is something special, like that guy did. Sometimes I want to grab people and say ‘JUST LISTEN TO ME AND THINGS WILL GET BETTER’.
But I don’t. It wouldn’t really help. And yeah, because it would shit all over the kind of person I try to get people to believe I am so we can get things done. Having an image to keep stops me from acting on my stupid base impulses. 
She paused and looked around at the helms, who all listened. Who all watched, scars from psiionic strain in every lowblood hue on their faces, strain that had only recently begun to wane.
“You’re really the people to ask, and you can’t even talk.” She murmured. “Not yet, anyway. I bet you might ask me why the hell I haven’t gotten you out sooner. You’d be right to. God only knows what lives you have left behind, friends and lusii and quadrants…even at my best, you still get fucked over. I won’t pretend that’s not true.”
Process listened to Chimer as it watched Saori and Sombra set up the trap for Jastes. It put a slight delay on the feed of the hidden spy drones they were setting up for their surveillance in the factory. 
Jamie’s plan needed to work. But it must not work perfectly. 
“I try.” She sighed. 
Process had no need to respond to that. Instead it let the silence stretch on, knowing Chimer would feel compelled to fill it, or to ask it more questions.
“So…you have some sort of interest in Starsight. In the helms. But you must not be able to free them yourself. Which is why you’re talking to me. Did you ever talk to Abnale?”
She sighed. “Pity, since I can at least say his setups are all up to code and well-maintained…but yeah, no surprises there. Guess you didn’t bother.”
Process had collected the relevant information, and had no need to reveal anything else to Chimer for the moment. 
It could not trust trolls to not act for their own ends. They were too unpredictable.
With a flick of energy, it dissipated the tracker Chimer’s technopath had been attempting to stealthily attach to it and focused its consciousness elsewhere.
There were other things to do before Jamie’s trap was sprung.
Chimer wasn’t surprised when the AI - her technopath had confirmed that’s what it eas - didn’t make a final statement or goodbye or anything. Not like it’d feel compelled to, given what it was.
No, the interesting thing here was how invested it seemed in the welfare of the helms. 
The data logs were no longer locked. She opened and viewed them.
She also disabled the block that stopped helms from speaking of their own free will. Should’ve done it a while ago, she knew. Even with everything else going on.
“If anyone knows anything about that AI, I’m all ears.”
With dry throats and voices unused to speaking, the helms murmured among each other.
“Nothing for sure.” One finally rasped, a maroon woman with red and yellow psiionic eyes. “Reminds us - me - of a story we’ve all heard as kids. Of a program that helped build the city. One that sees everything, even more than you highbloods do. 
It can save a troll, if you’re lucky…its projections can look like anyone. Have any voice.”
Chimer thought about this, one finger scratching her chin as her fins flicked.
“Something with that much range and computing power has gotta have its own energy source. You don’t just get an AI like that piggybacking off of something else without leaving a noticeable impact.”
The woman nodded, as much as she could while still bound in her wire.
“Some say it has its own helm generator. The Spine.”
Chimer stopped.
“What. That doesn’t make sense.”
The woman laughed - coughed, really.
“People say those helms were willing. That they could still walk freely and lived good lives. It sounds stupid, but maybe…”
“That’s how we should’ve done it, if we had to do it at all.” Muttered the fuchsia.
“I need to find this AI.” She said more loudly, so all the helms could hear. “What do you guys call it, anyway? Does it have a name?”
The maroon laughed croakily. 
“Duh. It has a bunch. Circuit. The Nobody. The Watcher. But where I grew up, we always called it something else.”
She coughed again, but swallowed and managed to speak once more.
“We called it the Process.”
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Undead Unluck ch.159 thoughts
Why yes, I am procrastinating on something important to do this week’s review. I’ll still do work on the other thing, but I wasn’t about to let something as petty as commitment to a client keep me from talking about Undead Unluck (nor will it stop me from talking about Cipher Academy tomorrow)
We’ve finally learned the name of the Artifact that constituted Phil’s body: Entruster, a life-sized doll that the user entrusts their body and feelings to in order to bring it to life and achieve their goals. If I’m reading this correctly, I think it subsumes the user to more or less create a robotic version of them, and unfeeling machine with the power to fulfill its task but without the capacity to feel joy at its completion. In other words, it’s basically an Artifact that grants power by effectively turning the user into Unfeel
The key difference, though, seems to be that a normal user of Entruster would lose their sense of self entirely, their mind breaking from the instant loss of their feelings, but because Phil is Unfeel, the process is incapable of damaging his mind. Entruster is not an autonomous machine fulfilling Phil’s last request, but a vessel to hold Phil’s so-
I originally guessed that his ability was Unfilled, and that he was an “empty” existence or that his soul stopped inhabiting his body, forcing him to “fill” a different vessel, specifically a doll Artifact. I turned out to be wrong about the specifics of the ability, but man, incredible that I guessed the nature of Entruster way back when based on so little info!
I think the name Entruster also gives us some interesting insight into the abilities that Phil has demonstrated with it; not only does he fire lasers and hover with some kind of laser propellant, but he also has turned his arms into stone and ice to various effects. I think that my initial idea for Unfilled might actually be more or less what Entruster is capable of; drawing in materials to incorporate into itself. That’s why it’s a doll, not just so it can assume the face of its user, but so its body can become whatever it needs to to match the situation, it just needs to be dressed up first. Whether it absorbs material or simply shapeshifts, I’m not sure yet, but its ability to turn its hands into blades is definitely something new we didn’t see in the previous loop, so I’m definitely looking forward to exploring Entruster more in-depth next chapter
Admittedly it took me a few reads to understand fully, but Fuuko realizing that Phil was awakening to Unfeel because he suddenly had trouble speaking is extremely sad. I think that might also be why Phil fell into the alien queen’s maw, because he lost feeling and couldn’t hold onto Fuuko anymore, though I’m not entirely sure. It’s interesting that Unfeel wasn’t instantaneous, but rather a progressive loss of feeling, as we could see a sort of transition from his base state to being unable to hold onto Fuuko and finally completely losing his ability to speak. After entering the queen, Phil doesn’t speak again for the rest of the chapter, only communicating to the audience in thought bubbles from then on
I really do hope that Phil gains some kind of loophole that will let him at least speak to his mother, it seems unfair for him to just end up exactly like he was in the previous loop after learning something new about feelings in this loop. That said, probably good timing to lose his emotions moments before seeing the corpses of the space station’s crew, I would rather not feel much about that if I can help it
I am very excited to see what these new Artifacts he has can do; a lance and what appears to be a shotgun of some kind. Sure, we still don’t know what Fuuko’s revolver can do aside from shooting bullets, but these will certainly do something, won’t they?
I do think it would have been good for us to learn a little more about the research focus of this space station earlier, though. On first read, I thought it was awfully convenient that Entruster was on the space station, but upon noticing the other Artifacts, I realized that there was research being done on Artifacts in general. Either a specific section or the entire station was likely made to research the technology of the Artifacts, so knowing that earlier would have made it easier to swallow the sudden appearance of Entruster. I’m also starting to think that the aliens aren’t actually alien, but the result of an experiment with an Artifact, but it doesn’t seem like it matters too much either way right now
It’s also very interesting that we’ve gotten two arcs in a row where government involvement with Artifacts is a major driving force; will we perhaps be getting an arc in the near future revisiting the idea of the rich and powerful viewing Negators as weapons and novelties? I don’t think it’s necessary, but addressing the less savory aspects of those who the Union is fighting for could definitely be an interesting angle to take before the final battle. In fact, that may well be how we’re reintroduced to Tatiana, since she’s the only character we know was trafficked by the black market
I think that the next chapter is going to be the best chapter of this arc, as while Phil keeps having good moments, seeing how he uses Entruster to defeat the queen and save his mother will definitely be the emotional highlight of this storyline
Sorry again for how long this review took, but honestly I’m finding that there’s an upside to doing them late - I get a refresher right before the new chapter, preparing me for what I’m about to see. Still, I’ll admit that the benefit of my initial reaction is lost, so it balances out if anything, but I hope that my readers appreciate it as a refresher at least
See y’all next week!
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practically-an-x-man · 5 months
Oc ask time! This one is directed to Quinn though :3
They're offered the opportunity to see any one band in concert, with all expenses 100% paid for a full week of vacation. It can be any band that currently, or no longer, exist. Who does she wanna see, where, and what else does she do during that time?
(For the purpose of this, we can assume One is begrudgingly paying for everything. The implications of time travel to see a band that no longer exists are beside the point.)
Ooooh alright!! Thank you!!
So, knowing Quinn, the first thing she'd do is try to find some kind of loophole. "See one band in concert"? Why not one festival, where she can go see a dozen bands she likes at the same time?
If they had to pick just one band, their immediate answer would be Against Me!, without question. They were one of the bands that got her into the punk scene, and she feels really connected to them because their lead singer (Laura Jean Grace) is also a trans woman, and witnessing her transition over the course of a few albums actually gave Quinn a lot more security and comfort in her own identity. I mean, if the face of a well-known punk band can have the courage be her true self, and create album after album about the trans identity, then surely she as some random legally-dead Londoner can do the same thing, right?
Anyway, she's getting a VIP ticket to the show, probably with her own private press box so she can have all the legroom she needs (sadly her days of being in the pit are over, her body can't handle moshing or Wall of Death or any of that anymore), and you know she's springing for the backstage pass after the show. The day after that is basically just a recovery day, but they'll have a room in a luxury hotel and spend the day with room service, a fluffy bed, and a nice float in the pool or hot tub. Oh, and Billy, of course. It's their one chance at a little alone time without One or the others butting in, so you know they're making the most of that.
She'll kinda play the rest of the week by ear, to be honest. She'll make sure to see the concert in a city with a lot to do (Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York, etc.), so she's got options, but she's not setting anything in stone when she's not sure how well her body will hold up throughout the week. Some days she'll be higher-energy, able to explore the city, other days she'll just be resting up and enjoying the amenities of that nice hotel. They're definitely taking advantage of One's unlimited funding though - the nicest meals she's ever eaten, some swanky sightseeing, shopping at all the cool craft markets, everything she's wanted to do but didn't have the budget for.
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khushisingh2812 · 5 months
6 Things To Know Before Online Hotel Booking
Booking a hotel for a perfect vacation may seem like an intimidating process, especially when you are not a pro at it. But don’t worry, Qwiksta can help you with a list of things you need to keep in mind while booking a hotel online.
We all love to go on trips, be it a solo trip, a group trip, or a couple trip. But planning these trips is what is the most important part of any memorable and successful outing. Most of us are so grateful to be able to opt for online room booking from the comfort of our homes so that we don’t need to stress about last-minute room availability, but this too comes with possible loopholes. 
Here’s a handy checklist of things you need to keep in mind while booking a hotel online!
Don’t Forget To Compare:
Make maximum use of the internet and apps available to compare and get the best deals. Make sure you check all possible booking platforms to ensure you are getting the best prices and deals.
Consider Duration Of Stay:
Always think about the number of hours you are going to stay in your hotel room, whether you’re booking a stay only for a night or a day only or need hourly rooms to freshen up during transit, etc.  Several websites like qwiksta.com will give you an hourly hotel booking facility so that you don’t need to burn a hole in your pocket for a relatively short stay and you can book hotels by the hour.
Always check and double-check the exact location of your hotel while booking. You never know, there could be two different locations with the same name! Another reason you need to check the hotel’s location is so that you can map the distance between your hotel and the tourist destinations, your preferred visit locations, and your meeting spot within the city, and accordingly estimate the travel time and charges. Booking hotels near airports or travel facilities is always more convenient. This will also give you a better idea of how you can manage your time and finances during your stay.
Whether you are an unmarried couple or just 2 friends (a boy and girl) traveling together, then the most important thing you need to do is check for couple-friendly hotels. You may not be able to book rooms for non-same gendered persons unless you find hotels for unmarried couples. Make sure to enquire about maximum capacity and charges for an additional person in your room and early check-in hotels. If you have booked a room for four and one more person joins in, which makes you five, you must check and enquire if you can get an extra bed. This way you won’t have to book a separate room. So, don’t hesitate to call and ask if unmarried couples are allowed in hotels! 
Remember, a hotel will always portray itself as being the best, no matter what. Don't trust them blindly, and make sure to check the reviews. It is one of the best ways to learn more about the hotel services from the people who have experienced it. Lucky for you, Qwiksta will personally verify all our hotels and list only the best ones for your comfort.
Cancellation Policy:
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So if you’re still worrying about booking a hotel room with your significant other, or a day-use room or cheap hotels near the airport look no further than Qwiksta. We got you covered in your quest for couple-friendly rooms and all your other hourly hotel booking needs!
Originally Published by: Qwiksta
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Another technique involves brute force attacks, where hackers employ automated tools to systematically guess login credentials. Weak or default passwords are particularly susceptible to such attacks. Once hackers gain access, they can monitor traffic, steal data, or launch further attacks within the network.
Furthermore, hackers may target misconfigured VPN servers. Configuration errors, such as improperly set access controls or insecure protocols, provide entry points for attackers. By exploiting these misconfigurations, hackers can bypass security measures and infiltrate the network undetected.
Additionally, sophisticated hackers may employ man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks to intercept communications passing through VPN servers. By inserting themselves between the user and the server, attackers can eavesdrop on sensitive information or manipulate data transmission.
To mitigate the risks posed by these hacker techniques, organizations and individuals should prioritize proactive security measures. This includes regularly updating VPN software, implementing strong authentication mechanisms, configuring servers securely, and monitoring network traffic for anomalies.
In conclusion, as VPN usage continues to grow, so does the threat landscape targeting VPN servers. Awareness of hacker techniques and implementing robust security practices are essential for safeguarding against potential breaches and protecting sensitive data.
VPN encryption strength analysis
In the ever-evolving landscape of online security and privacy, VPN encryption plays a crucial role in keeping our data safe from prying eyes. When choosing a VPN service, one of the key factors to consider is the encryption strength it provides.
Encryption strength is typically measured in bits, with higher numbers indicating stronger encryption. The most common encryption protocols used by VPN services are AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman). AES encryption is highly secure and widely regarded as virtually unbreakable, offering varying key lengths such as 128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit. The higher the number of bits, the stronger the encryption and the more secure your data.
Another important aspect to consider is the handshake protocol used by the VPN service, such as OpenVPN or IKEv2/IPSec. These protocols establish a secure connection between your device and the VPN server, ensuring that your data remains encrypted during transmission.
It's essential to opt for a VPN service that offers strong encryption protocols and key lengths to ensure your online activities remain private and secure. While higher encryption strength may slightly impact connection speed, the trade-off for enhanced security is well worth it.
In conclusion, when evaluating VPN services, prioritize encryption strength to safeguard your sensitive information and maintain your privacy in an increasingly digital world. Choose a VPN provider that offers robust encryption standards and protocols to enjoy a secure and worry-free online experience.
Cybersecurity risks with VPNs
Title: Understanding the Cybersecurity Risks Associated with VPNs
In today's interconnected digital landscape, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become a popular tool for individuals and businesses seeking to enhance their online security and privacy. However, despite their widespread use, VPNs are not without cybersecurity risks.
One of the primary concerns with VPNs is the potential for data breaches. While VPNs encrypt data to protect it from interception, they are not immune to vulnerabilities. In some cases, poorly configured VPNs or outdated encryption protocols can be exploited by cybercriminals, leading to unauthorized access to sensitive information.
Another risk associated with VPNs is the logging of user data. Although many VPN providers claim not to log user activity, there have been instances where VPN companies have been found to collect and store user data for various purposes, including marketing and analytics. This raises concerns about privacy and the potential for user data to be compromised or misused.
Furthermore, the proliferation of free VPN services has introduced additional risks. While these services may seem appealing due to their cost-effectiveness, they often come with limitations and hidden dangers. Some free VPNs have been found to contain malware or engage in data mining activities, putting users at risk of malware infections and data theft.
Additionally, VPNs can create a false sense of security for users. While they can protect against certain threats, such as snooping on public Wi-Fi networks, they do not offer comprehensive protection against all cybersecurity risks. Users must remain vigilant and employ additional security measures, such as antivirus software and strong passwords, to mitigate potential threats.
In conclusion, while VPNs can enhance online security and privacy, they are not without risks. Users should carefully evaluate VPN providers, opt for reputable services with strong encryption standards, and remain aware of the limitations and potential vulnerabilities associated with VPN usage. By taking these precautions, individuals and businesses can better safeguard their sensitive information in an increasingly digital world.
VPN server penetration testing techniques
VPN (Virtual Private Network) server penetration testing is crucial for ensuring the security and integrity of network communications. Penetration testing involves simulating attacks on a VPN server to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors. By employing various techniques, security professionals can assess the resilience of the VPN infrastructure and implement necessary safeguards. Here are some key penetration testing techniques for VPN servers:
Port Scanning: This technique involves scanning the VPN server for open ports and services. By identifying open ports, testers can determine potential entry points for attackers and assess the security configurations of these services.
Vulnerability Assessment: Conducting vulnerability assessments helps identify known vulnerabilities and security weaknesses in the VPN server software and configurations. This involves using automated tools and manual techniques to identify vulnerabilities such as outdated software, misconfigurations, and insecure protocols.
Brute Force Attacks: Brute force attacks involve systematically attempting to guess usernames and passwords to gain unauthorized access to the VPN server. Penetration testers can use tools like Hydra or Medusa to automate these attempts and assess the strength of authentication mechanisms.
Protocol Analysis: Analyzing the protocols used by the VPN server can uncover potential security flaws and vulnerabilities. Testers examine the encryption algorithms, authentication methods, and key exchange protocols to ensure they meet industry standards and best practices.
Traffic Analysis: By monitoring network traffic, testers can identify anomalies and potential security breaches. This involves analyzing the types and volumes of traffic passing through the VPN server to detect any suspicious activity or unauthorized access attempts.
Denial of Service (DoS) Testing: DoS testing involves simulating attacks aimed at overwhelming the VPN server with excessive traffic or resource requests. By testing the server's resilience to such attacks, testers can assess its ability to maintain availability and performance under stress.
By employing these penetration testing techniques, organizations can identify and address vulnerabilities in their VPN server infrastructure, thereby enhancing overall network security and protecting sensitive data from potential threats. Regular testing and assessment are essential to staying ahead of evolving cybersecurity risks and ensuring the effectiveness of VPN defenses.
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f-a-n-g-s-s-s · 1 year
Episode 2: Gas Stove versus Electric Stove
Chef: Practitioner
“Lobbyists make this affair a dangerous matter. There are so many leftist people pleading for an end to the gas stove, because they say it contributes to saving the environment, but ask them what difference it makes in terms of governmental supervision and most of them won’t have an answer at all. There is the importance of a complete governmental oversight on one side, and the right to a good dinner experience on the other. I’m not a biologist nor am I a geologist so I can’t say much about what this means to the environment.”
“That was a fragment of our Regentesse in the tenth episode of “The Supervisor”,” echo the words of Frankie Celenza on camera on a stage. “A great part of our audience has asked us the same question: What type of stove should I own as practitioner chef? The economic transition of the Desideratum Years allows us to switch either way once: gas or electric?”
Reflexive propaganda like this is extremely important for Portfolio Year. The type of stove, a sub-topic on the greater subject of home energy supply, that is selected this year must be serving hot dishes from Orientation Year onwards. The Judicial Branche is on top of this right now. It is January and the people are registering advanced general data about their assets derived from their RSVP.
“The board of Omnidroid International has done a tasting experiment, and all of us concluded that some dishes their flavors only reach their optimal conditions when prepared on a gas stove. Wok technique used on a gas stove cannot be mimicked by the electric stove. In the end, this controversy is all about the techniques that you personally use as a chef.”
Looked at alternatively, the opportunity to improve the isolation materials in the funding of homes is accompanied by the switch to an electric stove. The opportunity to renovate the constructive layout of a home is accompanied by the switch to a gas stove. The people who made the switch to electric with isolation before DY0 are lucky to enjoy the loophole that allows for the change of the constructive layout after partial improvements to home isolation. (It’s a waste of energy writing legislation that prohibits this potential waste of resources.)
“To assist you in your decision making process, I’d say the key is in your routines. If you prepare Asian food often, you’re missing out if you don’t have a gas stove. If you spend a lot of time out of the house as a chef, an electric stove could be enough.”
Chef: Illuminatus
Somehow I’ve become so accustomed to the occasional stares from the diner guests from whom my throne is located at the other side of the podium. This is a new batch of contractors. No familiar faces.
“Why do you shower for three hours every day? It is x = c every time. You do this while you have not gone to sports practice since the beginning of the new season.” Spoken words echo from speakers.
High heels playfully stride up and down the stairs that go across the catwalk towards the podium in between the guests and I. The highly skilled AI waitresses carry five serving trays at once.
“I carry much responsibility at work. I’m high maintenance,” is the reply.
There are three sets of sliding doors to pass through for guests to enter the diner. They only open after phone or bank card NFC, which first takes care of fully automated AI valet, is scanned outside. Next there is the AI wardrobe and lockers where phone, wallet and car keys are stored, the key to the locker also serves for the ability to leave the diner to visit the atelier (if an appointment has been made beforehand) and nightclub perks. There are no phones allowed past the second door.
“Holy shit. You did not know that “x = 0” is the collective aim and not “x = c”? We all do so much planning to serve our needs with mathematical precision, inclusive of whatever you call being high maintenance. Fifteen hours of unexpected hot water usage is highly preventable.”
From the sliding doors to the seating for diner guests, a booth is passed with the only escalators in all of Narcifilii. One goes up. The other goes down. Opening suit buttons to take a seat.
“Sorry I’m late.”
Chef: Illuminatus Intelligens
Revisiting the island that has not seen a sign of life in two decades is one of the scariest things I’ve done in a long time. (Circumstances to me more unpredictable than usual.) Gardening was our first objective. Before opening the eyes of the AI versions of what used to be the board members of Omnidroid International, we wanted to make sure that their surroundings are similar to the imagery they process, identifying with the mortal versions of themselves on first set-up.
Oddly enough these are some of the things that we have looked forward to from the beginning. We had a lot of fun. The games we made to acquaint these AI citizens with their responsibilities, putting things in context, was a very enlightening experience. It suited the ritual that followed so well.
We laughed. We cried. We danced together. The effects of the Killer Fuet feeling increasingly personal. It used to be relatively easy to be indifferent when we perform The Ritual, but this one went over so many years of collaboration, I could not help but shed a tear after it was all over. Now we are on our way back to the Third Reich together with the new AI citizens. Two down, four more to go.
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