outer-space-face · 1 year
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coupleoffanfics · 1 year
Part 2- y/n becomes a child
Part 1 Here
She seems to be a big fan of cats. Anything with Hello Kitty on it she wants. Will run up to stray cats trying to pet them no matter how many times they tell her not to. “They could have a disease.” “But they’re so cute!”
Doesn’t fully understand when she says, “I’m looking for my parents. We’re playing hide and seek, I don’t really like playing it. I wanted played sequence. My dad must have helped my mom with her hiding spot because I can usually find her first. Once I find them we’ll go back home to my baby and older brother.”
Hearing this Damian goes to Bruce for answers. He knows of everyone’s upbringing, but he often overlooked y/n in the past. Something about her mentally blocking her parents' death. Bruce only says parents, so it makes him wonder whether or not…It doesn’t matter. He just makes sure that he won’t bring up her parents or try to convince her that Bruce was her father anymore. Or that he and the others were her real brothers.
Dick will bring y/n to the water park, zoo, etc for some bonding time. Trying to dethrone Jason’s spot of being her favorite. When going out this usually results in Damian tagging along. Though surprisingly y/n doesn’t like going out as much, so Dick tries to find another way to connect with her.
It's getting late and while in her pajamas jumps down each step of the stairs. Dick notices the book in her hand and offers to read it to her before bed. Look him straight in his eyes to say no and ask if he knew where Jason was.
He lied by saying that he already left even though he was down in the cave and he’ll just take Jason’s place as bedtime reader. She reluctantly agreed. Everything is fine until the story ends. She looks like she is going to burst into tears and he panics. The story didn’t have a sad ending or anything. It was just a frog and toad book.
Asking what was wrong, y/n looks at him. “They’re gone and they’re never coming back are they?” He doesn’t respond, the look of pity in his eyes was enough for her to start balling her eyes out. Crying for her parents. When he is going to get up to get Bruce she eminently freaks out.
“No! Please don’t leave. I don’t want to be left alone. Don’t leave me alone again!” Dick gets so emotional seeing his little sister desperately begging him to not be all alone. He stays behind and comforts her. Not leaving her side once.
The context of how they unintentionally neglected her when she got older made guilt build up.
After that y/n is more open with Dick and starts to follow him around a bit. Jason raises his eyebrow but doesn’t say anything. Dick would be a better influence than him regardless of how bitter it made him feel.
Tim doesn’t go out of his way to interact with little y/n. Though she does come up to him to share what food she has. She will not leave him alone unless he has some of her snacks. Reminding him of when she was done cooking/baking, she’d force him to take a taste test before anyone else.
She’ll go out into the garden to catch butterflies. Will not take a net no matter how many times it's offered. Damian sits back watching her as she creeps up on butterflies like a cat. Every time she goes up to him and asks if he knew what butterfly it is.
Doesn’t have a clue, but after that, he’ll look up all the different butterflies. Their names and small facts about them for next time. y/n inadvertently made Damian a butterfly wiki.
There will be sudden fits where she wants to paint someone’s nails. Goes up to the first person she’ll see. Place the Hello Kitty nail polish bag on the table and ask them, “What color do you want? Sparkly or no sparkle?” There isn't anyone that can say no.
So everyone in the manor will have painted nails. Bruce is in a business meeting, everyone sees his black-painted nails but doesn’t say a thing. If anyone were to ask he’d hold up a hand to show off and explain that his daughter wanted to paint his nails. He is expressionless the whole time, but if they looked hard enough then they could see the smile in his eyes.
Babs and Dick definitely take a few photos of y/n and send them to each other. It’s not every day that adult y/n allows others to photograph her. Now that she is a child without too many insecurities this allows them to take as many photos as possible.
Speaking of Babs, she’s just like Tim and Bruce. Doesn’t go out of her way to interact with her because she doesn't see the reason to do so. It’s fine after a few days until she starts missing adult y/n. The one who brings up random topics and has late-night texts with.
Wonders if she should inform y/n’s friend and boyfriend about this since they’ve been reaching out a lot. But decided against it. y/n is in a vulnerable state of mind and having even more “strangers” interact with her should just be avoided. Barb tells them that she’s broken her phone and is taking care of her sick auntie who is overseas. She makes up an elaborate lie and now y/n’s friend and boyfriend think she has an Italian auntie named Bianca Bellagamba.
One day Dick gets a drawing that he’s always dreamed of. A crayon drawing of his hero persona that had My #1 hearo! Everyone can see him internally squealing.
Everyone got a similar drawing, but she handed his drawing to him first. So obviously he’s the favorite brother and she clearly put more effort into his drawing.
Only Dick and Damian have thought of sabotaging the progress of returning y/n back to normal a few times. They’d be able to keep her in the manor safe and be able to rewrite their mistakes. Jason has thought of this too once, but he knew that it wasn’t right for y/n if they kept her like this.
The only reason Dick and Damian didn’t do anything as everyone was dead set on getting adult y/n back. Even if they were to sabotage their progress, it would just slow them down.
When y/n is turned back to normal she doesn’t remember anything after she was turned into a child. This breaks Dick’s heart more than it does Damian’s. Dick was making so much progress with y/n and now it's completely erased. Damian took this more as a way to understand and learn more about y/n.
y/n awkwardly thanks them before shuffling out manor. Babs will send the pics of little y/n to her later.
Most of the family’s view of y/n doesn’t change except for Dick and to a lesser extent Jason’s. Dick will see y/n even more as a child now. That one night when she begged to not be left alone again will motivate him to reach out to her. Spend more time together to make up for his absence.
Jason might view her a little more like a child, but he already saw her as one. Though this whole fiasco has made him a bit more protective of y/n. When out, he’ll check on her apartment just to make sure that she’s safe at home. If he finds her out for whatever reason when he’s on patrol then he’ll follow her until she gets back home safely.
Damian knows that little and older y/n aren’t exactly the same. It would be stupid to do so because she could grow out of things and has developed as a person. When he breaks into her apartment for a visit he’ll have a type of Hello Kitty memorabilia. y/n clearly hasn’t grown out of her love for the cat with a bow as the next time he breaks in, he sees that she kept the gift.
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aziraphales-library · 3 months
Hi! All of you do fantastic work! Do you have any fics with like magical curses and true loves kiss? I don’t really care about rating. Thank you again!!
Hello! You can fics along these kinds of lines on our #fantasy au tag. Here are some curse/true love's kiss specific fics...
The Fairy Prince, the Toad and the Snake by KannaOphelia (T)
Aziraphale supposed it was interesting that his flaming sword still managed to flame while underwater, but there were better ways to find out than dropping it down a well. He craned over the side and gazed down, seeing the glimmers of red and orange, far beyond his reach. "You've done it now," said the snake, watching him from the apple tree. "I suppose I have, yes." Aziraphale wondered if he could hook a rope around it or something, and draw it up. He wasn't quite sure how it would work. "Bound to happen," the snake said, not unkindly. "Don't want to go waving a big killing thing like that around. Sssssupposed to be a weapon." A Good Omens retelling of The Frog Prince, for Fairy Tale Inspired 2021
Fairest by lilliankayl (T)
(Snow White Retelling AU) Aziraphale has no memories of his father and very few of his mother. His father died when he was an infant and his mother remarried shortly afterwards. When his mother died just before his seventeenth birthday, his stepfather’s true colors were revealed. Now on the run and taking shelter from those who will help him, Aziraphale must never let the king find him, for it will surely mean his death if he is found.
The Dragon's Greatest Treasure by Sir_Bear (T)
Once upon a time, the kingdom of Eden was protected by the eternal knights. One of these ageless warriors, the healer Raphael, disappeared hundreds of years ago after saving Sir Aziraphale’s life. Now, while escorting prince Gabriel across the kingdom, Aziraphale is captured by the dragon Crowley. The two begin to fall in love, but can a relationship like their's work, when all Crowley sees himself as is a monster, and Aziraphale feels bound by his duty to the knights? *** He shrugged his scaly shoulders, his eyes looking about as if trying to find a change of topic. “Didn’t you have a magic sword?” “Uh…” “You did, you were waving it about and everything. What happened to it?” Aziraphale’s throat made a croaking noise, unwilling to answer. “Lost it already have you?” “Gave it away…” He muttered, despite himself. “You what?” Crowley’s golden eyes went wide, tilting his huge head to the side. “They’d be in danger without it!” He burst out. “There are dangerous creatures out there, not to mention you!”
A Demon's Guide to Love and Curses by cyankelpie (G)
(Crowley has been cursed by a witch, cut off from his powers, and trapped in serpent form. Only a True Love’s Kiss can restore him to his former self. There’s just one problem: demons can’t fall in love.) “So what’s your plan?” Crowley said at last, sounding resigned. “You want me to ssslither into town, find some random human, and see if I can fall in love with them? And get them to fall for me?” “Goodness, no. That would never work.” Aziraphale crossed the floor and pulled his cloak off the coat stand. “My plan is to take you into town, and then, together, we’ll find someone for you to court.”
(Someday I'll Be) Part of Your World by Pearl09 (T)
Aziraphale is a merman who likes human things a little too much. Crowley is a human who just wants to leave the awful place he’s at. A chance meeting, a surprising rescue, lead to more than the two of them ever imagined. Would they truly risk their own souls to be with each other? And, more importantly, will they meet the necessary requirements on time to keep them? A Little Mermaid au/fusion featuring two pining idiots.
hearts and thoughts fade away (I swear I recognize your breath) by Melime (M)
Due to a clerical error, Crowley is cursed by Hell, losing his memories of the past six thousand years. Now, Aziraphale has to regain his trust and find a way to cure him, but the only way to do this is by confronting his own prejudices regarding demons' capacity to love.
- Mod D
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shiyorin · 10 months
#Princess and the frog? No, it is Reader and the Primarchs frog... I mean 25cm doll :v
#Big E: I should have known dolls worked better than frogs sooner.
#Today's menu: Konrad and Sanguinius.
#Just a romcom story. No one ask but I still do it for funny :v
You tossed fitfully, dreaming strange dreams in the depths of night. When awareness surfaced, you found yourself in a moonlit glade, sparkling with an ethereal glow. 
A rustling came from the treeline, and out stepped a being so bizarre you wondered if still dreaming. Clad head to toe in fluttery silks of spun gold, gossamer wings fluttered serenely upon a back too broad for any bird or insect. 
"Fear not, mortal!" came an undeniably masculine though lilting voice. "I am your Fairy Godmother, here to aid you in this dark hour."
You stared, speechless. Was this truly Him? "Uh...right. Nice dress?"
The Emperor swooned theatrically. "Why thank you dear! Now, down to business - you seek handsome princes, no?" 
"Not particularly-"
"Excellent! For I have just the task." With a blinding flash, many fat toads appeared amid flickering lights. Wait...those bulging eyes seemed awfully familiar...
"Alas, these poor souls were cursed. A kiss from beauty's lips alone can break the spell!" announced Fairy Godmother Emperor. 
You eyed the frogs warily. "And what if their infectious diseases jump from mouth to mouth upon such contact?"
Fairy Emperor pouted, wings drooping. "Fear not harm, my dear! True love conquers all impediments. Now, chop chop - kiss them and claim your men!"
With that he shoved you none-too-gently towards the waiting amphibians. You dug in your heels stubbornly. "Absolutely not! I'll catch some plague for certain, kissing frogs willy-nilly."
Unfortunately, the frogs had other ideas. They began hopping toward you, croaking plaintively as only amphibians can. You shrieked and ran, the army of frogs gaining swiftly. Diving into the woods, you dashed wildly as frog gave chase.
Crashing through brambles with amphibious entourage in relentless pursuit, you fled breathlessly until-
You woke with a start, entangled in sweat-soaked sheets. Many pairs of bulging eyes stared down at you, and you realized with dread - the frogs had infiltrated your very dreams! Screaming, you swatted them away, bolting upright just in time to see...
Nothing. Only empty room greeted your wide eyes. It had only been a nightmare after all. You sighed shakily, scrubbing your face rigorously as if to purge all memory of Fairy Emperor's nonsensical demands.
From now, you vowed never to sample strange foods before bedtime again.
Konrad Curze
You returned wearily to your chambers after a long shift, eager to collapse into comforting silks. But stopping short, a glint of silver caught your eye amid folds in bed.
Approaching cautiously, you peeled back layers to reveal a stuffed doll nestled innocently within. It was fashioned to resemble a certain Night Haunter, down to each rasping spike and curl of thread-hair. 
Though only 25cm tall, its button eyes seemed eerily familiar, bearing the Primarch's unnerving gleam. You scooped it up suspiciously, turning the toy this way and that. 
Who would leave such a thing, and why model it after Konrad Curze of all beings? You wondered if it was some joke, yet detected no hint of tampering. Likely one of the Emperor's strange gifts that simply...appeared sometimes.
Resolving to ponder mysteries later, you shrugged and nestled your new companion. "Well little doll, it's true your original is far from cuddly. But you're rather cute yourself!"
Burying your face in soft felt, you swore you felt tiny muscles tensing as the doll seemed almost...desperate to escape your hold. You paid it no mind, merely tightening your grasp with a contented sigh. Because that was surely impossible! 
Observe button eyes pleading silently, On a strange impulse, you pressed a fleeting kiss to the doll's stitched mouth, stilling its squirms.
At once a tremendous plume of dark smoke erupted, swallowing the room in choking fumes. You fell back coughing, but through the haze saw a towering silhouette emerge like a vengeful wraith. 
When smoke cleared, a fully formed Konrad Curze stood before you - all ten feet of primal fury barely contained within smoldering armor. Yet his usual scowl seemed almost... bashful? His pale skin flushed to a sallow stain across razor-thin cheeks. And were those dark eyes widening in dread?
He grasped desperately for some semblance of composure, snarling to mask inner turmoil. “Explain yourself, mortal, before I flay you where you stand!” 
You gaped, struggling to process this abrupt transformation. “I, uh...kissed your doll?” 
Realization dawned in widening dark orbs. “The visions spoke true. I....”
Your mind is reeling. What in the Emperor's name had just occurred?! "My... My Lord... So... you were the toy all along?" 
A curt nod, gaze darting fitfully about as if seeking escape. Clearly the Night Haunter wished to be anywhere but here, pressed into vulnerability by his bizarre enchantment's end.
He backed slowly into a shadowed corner, hoping its folds might swallow him whole. Never had Konrad felt so exposed, so embarrassed, and at the hands of a mere mortal, no less!
"The Emperor deemed a...lesson was in order..." His whisper was ragged, commanding. Yet undercurrents of shyness shone through crackling anger and pride. "This humiliation is beyond enduring." 
You couldn’t help but smile, endeared by his fluster. But why? You should be scared and terrified when facing a Primarch!  But no, you find him... cute? Your taste in men is terrible and you should die for that. You smile wryly "There now, it can't have been that horrible a kiss to transform you so."
A mighty gauntlet shot out to capture your wrist before you could continue your word. Konrad gripped just tightly enough to emphasize his immense strength without harm, glaring daggers through slitted gaze slits.
"You shall tell no soul of this humiliation, mortal," he growled, low and menacing. Yet the effect was ruined somewhat by a pink flush darkening to fuschia across his cheek plates. You merely grinned wider. You know you are playing with fire and would die.
"Oh, I don't know. Your reaction seems payment enough for that." you mused slyly, tapping his knuckles with your free hand. "Maybe another kiss, hmm?"
Thought Konrad surely imagined eviscerating the audacious creature where you stood, lingering embarrassment gave way to begrudging intrigue instead. Leaning down, he brushed your cheek in a facsimile of affection, warmth echoing through plating. Lips brushed softly in the embrace's sheltering shadow, kindling sparks that may blossom yet into something beautiful, unexpected…
You groaned, rubbing gritty eyes as reports swam blurrily before your. 11 hours straight hammering away in this suffocating medicae vault had pushed even your limit.
"Enough!" you snarled, flinging down your datapad in frustration. The neverending  bureaucracy would be the death of them all at this rate. Glaring about at mountains yet unscaled, you longed for sweet oblivion's embrace.
A flash of silvery white caught your weary gaze. On the floor beside your chair lay a small stuffed toy, a perfect miniature Sanguinius in all his golden glory. You blinked slowly, wondering if exhaustion had driven you mad at last.
"Great, Now I'm hallucinating." you muttered, scooping up the 25cm high Primarch doll. Its fabric wings extended invitingly and you couldn't help but nestle it against your cheek with a bone-deep sigh. The toy smelled faintly of plumage and night-blooming blossoms, soothing your frayed nerves. 
But as you sagged against the barricade of unfinished records, even hallucinations could not stave off sleep's implacable tide. You curled around the tiny angel and surrendered, visions fading to blankness at long last...
Light caressed your face some untold time later, lingering there as if loath to disturb. You grumbled and would have rolled away, but something held you securely yet gently in place. 
Bleary eyes blinked open to confusion. You lay slumped across your desk still, but a soft blanket had been draped protectively over slender form. And those weren't feathers caught in your hair, were they?
You sat up abruptly, dislodging more downy intruders. 
"But...how...?" you protested weakly. Only the teasing morning breeze answered through open ceiling panels, rippling records abandoned by your side.  
No footprints marred the dust-coated floor, and the door remained bolted fast. You hugged yourself, feathers floating free on invisible currents as mind chased circling mysteries endlessly. 
You eyed the tiny doll warily, half convinced you still dreamt amid paperwork piles. Gently poking its downy cheek elicited no response, yet the craftsmanship seemed uncannily lifelike. 
"Weird..." you muttered, though found yourself drawn again to those embroidered features so serenely angelic. On a whim, you pressed a featherlight kiss to its head, chuckling at your own folly. 
Smoke billowed where the doll had sat, forcing your back with a gasp. Two massive wings materialized amidst swirling mist, great plumes showering silvery motes as they stretched to their full span. Before you coalesced a giant finding you with a patient smile.
"Lord Sanguinius!" You shrieked, recoiling instinctively from this new impossibility. Your hands fumbled panic-stricken for the door behind, scrabbling at locked metal in desperation. 
"Your reaction… quite far from what I expected," came his soft voice behind. You froze at the gentle jest, relief warring with confusion and not a little dread. 
Wings rustled and a warm presence appeared at your back, blocking escape. "Am I truly so terrifying, mortal?" Sanguinius asked, hurt faint yet unmistakable. 
You dared a look over your shoulder into his earnest face. Gods, those earnest faces would be your undoing one day...Cheeks burning, you stammered, "M-my apologies, Angel. You just surprised me, that's all."
His beam could have lit the darkest void. "No harm done. Now, reward my efforts properly. Does a kiss still await?"
Heat scalded your further. Kiss??? But those hopeful eyes would accept no refusal, and truly, he deserved reward...
Slowly turning, you gazed up into sapphire orbs aglow with boundless compassion. Steeling your nerve, you leaned close and touched your lips to his gently.
Feathers as soft as velvet caressed your cheek in answer. When at last you broke away, light-headed and heartsore, Sanguinius grinned triumphantly. "See? No peril nor perilous acts to earn beauty's favor."
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
hi!! i’m back on the wrecker train bc i love him soooooo much!!!
anyways i was hoping to request a fairytale AU with wrecker please! i really love the princess and the frog (disney movie) so could you write something using that with a gn reader? i would also love for this to have romance and a sprinkle of comedy please!
absolutely no rush for this also!
The Soldier and the Frog
Summary: You visit a psychic on a whim, thinking that it’ll just be a funny story to tell your family when you go home from your vacation. The last thing you expect is for her to turn you into a frog. Well, no, the very last thing you expect is for the curse to be contagious, though you learned that the hard way when Wrecker, a nice guy who wanted to help you, offered you a kiss to turn you back to normal…only to turn into a bullfrog himself.
Pairing: TBB Wrecker x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1863
Warnings: None
Prompt: Princess and the Frog AU
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Hihi! Thanks for your request. I'm not so sure about this one, because I didn't want to follow the movie exactly, so I made a few changes. But also, I'm struggling to focus for long periods of time. Pain is very distracting, lol. I hope you like it!
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“This isn’t so bad,” Wrecker offers as he hops from a fallen log down to the ground, “I mean, it could be worse.”
“Speak for yourself. You’re at least big enough that people will notice you,” You grumble as you carefully hop down behind him, “I’m so small that I’ll get stepped on.”
Wrecker laughs, “I’m not going to let that happen.”
“You’re a nice guy, Wrecker, but you’re still a toad.”
“Bullfrog,” He corrects as he slows and waits for you to catch up, “Don’t be so glum, all we have to do is find this witch-doctor and he’ll definitely fix us up.”
You sigh, “Yeah, yeah. I know.” You pause, “I just feel bad. You were just trying to help me and now you’re cursed too.”
“Don’t worry about it. Better to be cursed together than having to deal with this on your own.” He glances towards the sky for a moment, what little that can be seen through the thick trees, “We should find someplace to take shelter for the night.”
You won’t admit it, but you’re grateful that he’s here. In all honesty, you’ve never been the best at dealing with crises, you tend to panic and forget everything that you’ve ever learned in your life. And this, right here, is a crisis if you’ve ever been in one.
Of course, you never received any lessons on what to do when you’re cursed by a fake psychic and are turned into a tree frog. It’s a rather noticeable hole in your education, now that you’re thinking about it.
Wrecker seems to know what to do, at least. Or, if he’s panicking, he’s not showing it.
He leads you over to a tree and you follow behind him, “Hey, Wrecker?”
The much larger frog pauses and turns to look at you, “What’s up?”
“How are you so calm about this? I would think that panic would be a normal reaction to being turned into a frog.” You say as you hurry to his side. 
“Well, I’m a soldier.”
You make a face, “What, and the army prepares you to be cursed?”
He laughs, “No. Not like that.” He grins at you, “They do, however, teach us that panic is the enemy. If you panic you die. So I don’t panic.”
“Well, that’s one of us, at least.” You say dryly.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” Wrecker lightly bumps you with his side, “Come on, it looks like there’s an opening at the base of the tree.”
He leads you over to the tree and investigates the hiding spot carefully, before allowing you to enter. Once he’s sure that you’re secure in the small opening, he squeezes in next to you, and rests his chin on the top of your head.
You think, for a moment, that you should be bothered by this. You barely know Wrecker. In fact, you’ve only known him for a couple of days, but you don’t think you’ve ever been so comfortable with another person in your life. 
“So,” Wrecker asks as rain starts falling from the sky, “We never really talked about how you ended up in this situation in the first place.”
You huff and rest your chin on your webbed hands, “It’s dumb.”
“Dumber than kissing a frog on the off chance of curing a curse.”
You laugh, “Okay, when you put it like that-”
His weight presses down on you slightly, though it’s comforting, rather than suffocating. “Come on, let’s hear it.”
“Alright, alright.” You pause, “So I came here on vacation. A ten day vacation to get away from everything. I saw the signs for a psychic and I thought it would be fun. A funny story to bring back to my family.”
“Yeah. And, like, I’ve had such a hard time with relationships lately, so that’s what I asked about and…then I ended up like this.”
“Which psychic?”
“There are a lot of psychics in the area.” Wrecker clarifies, “Which one did you visit?”
“Oh.” You think for a moment, “Lady Violet, I think.”
He sucks in a breath, “That would explain it.”
“What?” You squirm to look at him.
“Well, Lady Violet has something of a reputation.” Wrecker offers, “She targets tourists. Odds are, she would have thrown you in a jar and then blackmailed your family for your release.”
“How’d you escape?”
“I jumped out a window.” You admit sheepishly.
Wrecker laughs, “Clever.”
“I didn’t even think. I just panicked and jumped.” You add with a laugh of your own, “I…” You pause, “I feel really bad for getting you involved in this, but I’m also really glad that you’re here.”
“I’m glad that I’m here too. Plus, this will be an interesting story to share with my brothers.” He lightly nudges you with his head, “Come on, let’s get some sleep, we should reach the Witch-Doctor’s house tomorrow, assuming nothing interrupts us.”
You settle under him, “You know this Witch-Doctor?”
“Well, know is a bit strong of a word,” Wrecker allows, “But I know of him. He’s a decent sort. He’s worked with some of my brothers before.”
“So this magic thing is normal, then?”
“Not normal so much as not abnormal.” Wrecker corrects, “Now, stop your fretting. Everything will be fine. I promise.”
You believe him. How could you not?
Slowly you drift to sleep, feeling safe and secure with Wrecker pressed against you, even if you are both little more than frogs.
You wake several hours later, to the sound of Wrecker speaking with…someone. You blink bleary eyes and notice that you’re no longer in the tree where you fell asleep.
No, it looks like you’re in a house of some kind.
Surprised, you jump up to where you hear Wrecker’s voice. He glances at you and favors you with a small smile, before he focuses his attention on the man speaking to him.
“Awake at last,” The man, who looks more like an ancient troll, says kindly.
“Did you sleep well?” Wrecker asks as you walk over to him and peer up at the green skinned man.
“I think so?”
“Good.” He nods towards the man, “This is Yoda, he’s the witch-doctor that I was telling you about.”
“Master of my art, I am.” Yoda confirms, “Curious, this case is. Strong, is the pall of magic.”
“But you can help?” Wrecker asks.
“Yes, yes.” He hobbles away from the table that you and Wrecker are sitting on, going over to a wall of books, “Simple, this curse is. Easy to reverse.” He turns his gaze back towards you, “You are the vector?”
“He’s asking if you were the one who was originally cursed,” Wrecker clarifies.
“Oh. Yes, that’s me.”
Yoda hums and turns back to the bookshelf, “Only a moment, this will take.” He pauses and carefully lifts you and sits you on a chair, before carrying Wrecker to another chair.
You watch as Yoda hobbles over to a work table, and mixes some items together, before he walks over to you and sprinkles something over your head. You’re vaguely aware of him doing the same thing to Wrecker, but then there’s the sensation of being lifted, and you squeak as you, now human again, fall off the chair.
A large hand appears in front of your face, and you look up at Wrecker, who’s grinning at you. He’s human again too.
Gratefully, you take his hand and allow him to hoist you to your feet.
“Thank you Master Yoda,” Wrecker says, “We appreciate you helping.”
“Happy to help, I am.” Yoda replies as he lightly pats Wreckers knee, and then motions for the pair of you to follow him.
He leads you through his home and pushes open a door, revealing a bedroom, “Um…what’s this?” You ask.
“Not safe to travel,” Yoda warns, “Frogs require less than Humans,”
You’re not sure you completely understand, but you get the basic idea. Essentially, you and Wrecker are going to be hit by a wall as the last couple of days come back to bite you.
“Thank you, Master,” You offer politely.
He smiles at you and lightly pats your hand, before he hobbles away, and you’re pretty sure he mumbles something about properly punishing his wayward apprentice, though you’re not positive. 
Wrecker ushers you into the room, and shuts the door behind him as you sit on the edge of the bed. There’s only one, though it’s a big enough bed for both you and Wrecker, not to mention three other people, if you had to guess.
“How are you feeling?” Wrecker asks as he sits next to you.
You consider his question seriously, “Honestly. Tired. How about you?”
“Same. Though I suppose I’m not surprised.” Wrecker moves so that he’s stretched out in the middle of the bed, his eyes closing as he sinks into the soft bed, and you watch him for a moment. 
“Hey, Wrecker?”
“What happens next?”
He cracks open a single eye, “What do you mean?”
You hesitate. Honestly, the idea of being separated from him makes something painful lurch in your chest. “Just…what happens now?” You try to clarify lamely. 
He’s thoughtful for a moment, “Well. We rest and recover from our ordeal. And then we go back to the city and you go home.” There’s a frown on his handsome face as he says that. “Although. I’m not sure I like that.” He admits.
“Which part?”
“The ‘you leaving’ part.” He smiles at you, “I’d prefer it if you stayed.”
You watch him for a moment, “You hardly know me, Wrecker.”
“We just spent a week together as frogs.” He points out, “We’ve avoided crocs and birds and frog hunters. We’ve bonded.”
You laugh quietly, and kick your shoes off, before you crawl into the middle of the bed next to him, dropping your head on his shoulder, “Well, I’m glad that you’re thinking the same thing as me.” You admit.
His arm folds around you, and you feel, more than see, him sigh in relief. And then you feel warm lips against your forehead, “We’ll make it work. Together. Just like everything else this last week.”
You shift so that you’re able to see his face properly, “I’d like that.” You admit. And then, quickly, before you lose your nerve, you lean in and press your lips against his, before you pull back.
He stares at you, stunned. And you’re about to pull away from him, only for his hand to press against the back of your head and pull you down into another, deeper, more proper kiss.
“This is much better than kissing a frog,” Wrecker mumbles against your lips, before pulling you back into the kiss carefully maneuvering you so that you’re laying on top of him.
And that’s about when the exhaustion slams into the both of you. You tuck your head under Wrecker’s chin, and he folds himself around you, and you both drift off to sleep.
You have no way of knowing what’s going to happen from here on out. But so long as you and Wrecker are together, you’re not worried.
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Written for @hinnymicrofic 's May prompt #8, Divination.
Word count: 469
This is bloody boring, thought Harry as he absently tapped his quill against his Dream Diary. He had to complete a month's worth of entries for the grading tomorrow, and he had only managed three entries so far. Hermione had gone off to bed hours ago, smugly telling him that he should have used his brains and dropped divination years ago. Ron, who had already completed his homework while Harry was off at yet another detention with Umbridge, had offered to help Harry, but the latter declined, telling Ron to go off to bed too.
This was how he found himself in the empty common room, sitting by the dying fire and desperately thinking of wild, gloomy dreams that Trelawney would love to eat up.
"Hem Hem."
He gave a start and widely looked around, expecting Umbridge to appear any moment, her toad-like face stretched into an ugly smile. To his relief, it was Ginny who plopped on the sofa beside him. She looked like she had arrived in a hurry— her flaming hair looked messy and her face was flushed.
"You almost gave me a heart attack! Don't do that again!"
Ginny merely grinned.
"What were you doing out past curfew anyway?" He asked her, eyes narrowed.
"Never you mind," she said casually as she rummaged around her robes for something. "Chocolate frog?"
"No, thanks," said Harry, getting back to his Dream Diary.
Ginny leaned over to look at his book and Harry caught a waft of a flowery sort of smell. "Divination?"
"Yeah. I have to complete a month's worth of Dream Diary entries."
"Freak Quidditch accident… charm gone horribly wrong… don't you think that's too cheerful for Trelawney?"
"What d'you mean?"
"You need to be more creative."
She took the quill from his hand and rubbed the feathery part on the tip of her nose, as if in deep thought. Then her eyes lit up and she started writing furiously. "Violently strangled by the Giant Squid after being thrown into the lake by a rogue Bludger. Mauled to death. Now that's better than a simple Quidditch accident," she said triumphantly.
Harry found himself grinning. "So I have to make them more graphic?"
He took his quill from her hand and poised it in front of his book. "Attempted to transfigure myself into a cactus. Ended up permanently blinding myself."
"Saw Umbridge's face first thing in the morning. Died of a heart attack."
Within fifteen minutes, they had completed the assignment, coming up with increasingly ridiculous dreams that included hexes, falling off cliffs, being eaten by grindylows and drowning in ashwinder venom.
"Thanks," he told her when they competed the 31st and final dream (falling into a nest of crumple horned snorkacks after being kicked by an angry hippogriff).
"Anytime," she said smiling back at him.
Note: I had initially planned to steal use the "ridiculous ways to die" from a 2005 post on a H/Hr site titled "1000 Ways to Kill Ginny Weasley". Unfortunately (but predictably), they were incredibly unfunny and bordered on slut-shamey, so I finally came up with my own.
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bonefall · 1 year
Hello! Firstly, this is an incredible project you’ve got here and I’m very impressed by the amount of work put into this. I’ve always been frustrated warriors isn’t as good as it could be so it’s cool to see someone doing such a cool project.
Secondly, I remember reading that at least one cat was rewritten to be deaf, but I can’t remember who that was. Also, what do you think life is like for a deaf cat in the clans? They’d have more difficultly than a normal deaf cat since the clan cats use verbal language. Some books mention tail signals meaning specific things, so do you think the cats have a nonverbal system of communicating?
Deafness is THE hardest sensory disability for a Clan cat to have. Moreso than blindness, moreso than a lack of scent. The Clans are heavily inaccessible to people who are deaf, unfortunately, but the fact there's now 5 cats in recent memory with total deafness is causing active change.
The biggest problem is the fact that a deaf cat has a hard time understanding how loud they are. Hunting is a lot harder when you both can't hear prey scuffling around AND can't tell when your actions are making a lot of noise to scare your quarry off. In Clanmew, the sounds animals make are so important that they're even named after them; "European Jay" is Arkr, "Toad" is Amam, "Frog" is Roeg.
This comes easier when a cat isn't born deaf, but cats like Snowkit and Whitewing need a lot more training than an abled warrior.
The other problem is a lack of accessibility. Clanmew is heavily verbal with tone indicated by body language, Whitewing can tell you're being sarcastic but not WHAT you're being sarcastic about unless she's lipreading. Hearing loud commands over the heat of battle is also an issue, you can't obey a "RETREAT" order if you don't notice your clanmates are fleeing as well, even with an appropriate tail signal.
When you mention the tail signals-- that's from Battles of the Clans, and they're limited to combat commands. I also created a glyph system for the cats to write with as well which covers more non-battle concepts.
Snowkit in particular LOVED glyphs. Brackenfur (his nephew) was bonding with him over it, expanding it out. If Snowkit hadn't died, he would have forged a ton of new signs, especially related to constellations which he was very fond of.
I'm approaching deafness accommodations as something the Clans are actively working on, unlike a lot of other rewrites which have a sign language pre-prepared! Especially in the modern age when warfare has become more organized, giving the cats more time to work on new things.
The cats who are deaf in my rewrite so far are;
Featherkit (not super important but this is Dappletail's child and Graystripe's sister. She died of plague and Feathertail is named after her.)
Snowkit (sadly his death is narratively important, but has an expanded personality and he dies shoving Tawnykit out of the way of the hawk. It isn't related to his deafness.)
Whitewing (Feels pressured to 'live the life Snowkit couldn't,' which is damaging. Serious and pious.)
Dovewing (Loses her hearing along with her powers, frustrated by her lack of autonomy which eventually causes her to leave ThunderClan. "I don't WANT to practice glyphs right now leave me alone stop making yourselves feel better by trying to 'fix' me")
Fallowfern (In-canon she only loses her hearing in old age, but I want to make her hearing loss an earlier onset.)
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stalkedbytrains · 7 months
Dead Letters, Missing Wife
First Letter
Dead Letter #2 The Vows of Children
Luckily, you hadn't moved at all since you moved into this house. Your parents moved out to the suburbs back when you were small, right before you met Siobhan actually.
That means that going to the pond is an easy affair. It is not far at all, but for an adventurous six year old it felt like miles away.
You're still amazing that your parents left you alone unsupervised for so long as a child. So many things could have happened to you, and a lot of them were not good.
The pond has largely remained the same over the years, but it feels smaller now that you are older. The water is high this year because it's been a wet summer. You find a nice fallen tree to sit on, not something super big but big enough to support your weight and something close to the edge of the water.
A loud croak interrupts the silence of the space, loud enough to be super close and big enough to only come from a large and ancient toad or frog (you can never tell the difference).
You sit and marvel at the scene around you, even if it is ruined a little by the proximity to a major roadway.
After you fail to push away the nervousness of the burning letter in your bag, sent to you from your wife from who knows where, you reach in and bring out the heavy piece of paper.
There's something about this letter that is different than the first.
This one feels like the precipice, the threshold you must cross to solve the mystery, to find Siobhan.
For a moment the doubt swell inside of you, threatening to take you over and turn you back, to turn you home.
However, you have never been afraid of the unknown.
Well, maybe that wasn't entirely true since you seek out answers before you invest in anything.
Then you see Siobhan in your mind. The girl that you loved and the hazy thoughts that defined her.
You have to know, you have to see this through.
You break the seal of the letter and you can almost feel the subtle changes that happen in response. The world has changed slightly, and you change with it.
"My love,
There's an expression I heard once that I can't help but think upon as you go through this journey: look to the mouths of babes if you seek the truth.
I think there is some truth to that even if the religious aspects and the concepts that these distant gods hope to impose upon you is not something to lionize. With the words you said to me on the banks of the pond will always stick with me.
You told me that you would always be there for me.
You said that you would always love me, no matter what I wore or who I was.
You vowed to always help me with my homework. Even if I started hanging out with Clair more than you.
That last part always made me laugh. You were always so concerned and jealous that I might want to be friends with Clair more than you.
I can promise you that was never an option. She always seemed very aloof and like she was better than you and me. And I remember the time she threw your toy over the fence during recess. I got in a lot of trouble for getting it back for you, but it was worth it.
Like so many of the things I do for you.
I hope that you remember what I vowed to you. Because I still stand by it. If you asked of me the world I would give it to you. If you wanted me to give up all that I am supposed to be, it would be the easiest choice in the universe.
If you wish for me to keep on this mask and this veil that you know as me, then I would be happy.
Your eternal love,
You read the letter once. Twice.
The words have a weight.
There's a shadow that this letter casts that extends back in time.
You don't know what your memories of Siobhan are. Are they rose colored? Good natured and child-like? Did you accidentally gloss over the bad things and the terrible events that a child didn't want to hold on to, keeping only the good? Or did you latch on to someone that you knew was interesting and different and strange and possibly dangerous because she was all of those things and your life was not?
There's something here that you can't quite figure out.
Despite the last lingering warmth of autumn and the sun shining down on you, you feel a chill.
The vow that Siobhan made you, all those years ago comes back.
The extremely serious six year old held your hands and told you, "I vow to protect you from the invisible and the hollows. I vow to care for you more than I care for myself. And I vow to always trade my pudding for your carrots at lunch."
You laugh to yourself as you remember how much you hated the carrots during lunch and always tried to convince Siobhan to trade them for her dessert. She never complained, or refused.
But now you can't help but think about things that are invisible and hollow. What are they? What is that supposed to me?
Clearly Siobhan and some strange government office thought that these vows were binding in ways more than just legal.
The frogs croak loudly at you as you sit and think.
There's a cold, empty space in your guts. A deep nervousness that has been growing since you opened the second letter.
You jump off the log and run back to your house.
You can't shake the feeling that you need to read the third letter as fast as possible.
You really should have brought it with you.
my kofi with all my other works
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For an AU of mine, I am planning a story where Marcy and Sasha manage to return to Earth with Anne in S2 finale. I am planning for the Wu to go overprotective to Marcy, even more than the Boonchuy were to Anne in-canon. How do you imagine it?
This would all have to depend on several factors, did any Amphibians come through with them as well? It’d be rather hard to make any of the parents believe the trio’s stories and why they have to go back to stop Andrias before the invasion without alien frogs/toad/newts.
After that it then goes into what happens to the trio’s relationship. Sure Sasha was accidentally doing the right thing but she still betrayed Anne’s trust and so she’d need a somewhat new Turning Point to want to change for the better, to be someone whom she believes is worthy of Anne. Marcy becomes harder to figure in that, was she injured before she got into the portal and her friends managed to stabilize her before getting to a hospital? Was she not injured but now her guilt makes her feel like she should’ve been? Marcy’s guilt at not only tricking her girls into going to Amphibia but almost getting them killed via Andrias’ betrayal, she’d be feeling a lot of guilt. Anne then has to deal with what to do with her friends. They both betrayed her and now that even tho’ they’re both with her on earth again, would Anne even want to see them again? Sure she and Sasha had a moment while fighting the frobots and Andrias but that was a team up via survival and now that they aren’t fighting Andrias at the moment, it’d make Anne second guess even wanting to see Sasha, let alone Marcy whom Anne thought she could always trust.
If anything, separate which of the trio finds whom of the human cast on earth and have the Trio work out their issues somewhat and come together to go back to Amphibia and deal with Andrias and the Core
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dragbunart · 8 months
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I've wanted to give Fawn/Fiadh a pet since I turned her into Fae Demoness... Originally it was going to be a selkie, but that never felt right for her. Especially since the Selkie was always a seal that just acted like a dog (much like Vark from the insta stories when they were a thing). Then it was going to be a bee, but I couldn't decide on how many.
Eventually, I was looking at Frog stuff (for an axolotl character, long story) I noticed People paired frogs/Toads with mushrooms. I realized that a frog just matched with MOST of Fiadh's stuff.
So I kept doodling little mushroom frogs and ended up with this 'blep' design.
Her names Meadow, but Fiadh will often shorten it to 'Mead' or 'Meady' (originally I was gonna name her 'Whiskey')
Things I made up about the Toadstool Frog Below (and later more Fiadh and Meady stuff)
Toadstool Frogs are a Native to Hell. A fae demon found in bayous.
Their tadpoles, despite their bee-like appearance, are more similar to ant colonies in behavior, being like workers. The worker tadpoles live in the Mushroom looking part of the Queen Frog, which is simalar to fungal comb
The tadpoles 'tails' are much like stingers.
Like Bee the tadpoles pollinate the flora around them. While the Queen released spore-like eggs on things.
Queen frogs live in more honeycomb-like hives. If kept domestically these can be man-made.
They have a particular love for Poppy, Clover, and Pumpkin, though can survive just off sugar water.
Queen frogs CAN fly, but often don't, as most their needs are met by the workers.
They do make Honey, but if not properly processed, this can be poisonous.
Mushroom Frogs are pretty docile... The Tadpoles are not... But tend to only attack if touched or signaled by the queen to attack.
Also will eat bugs like a normal frog
Meadow had been a gift to Fiadh from Bee. She had noticed Fiadh liked bees and frogs.
And Fiadh had been a bit depressed about her death.
Furfur and Bee figured Fiadh would take better care of herself if she had something to take care of.
Fiadh adores Meadow. And she takes the frog just about everywhere, even brings her Hive to the Hotel when she's assigned to be Charlie's Lady-in-Waiting.
Meadow is pretty content to just... Exist. She most often sits on the bar demanding Mead from Husk. Croaking and sending worker tadpoles to attack him if he doesn't respond.
Husk does not appreciate Meadow... He's basically set up an open terrarium with a water feeder for her filled with Mead so she'll fuck off.
Nifty likes her because she helps in the fight against bugs.
Before Alastor and Fiadh realize who the other is, Alastor likes her, because her presence fucks with people. After... He dislikes her because Fiadh has openly said she loved Meadow more than him (somewhat based on me telling my husband I love our dogs more than them... Though they still love the dogs so no harm done)
Charlie likes Meadow because Meadow is friendly towards people Fiadh's friendly toward.
Vaggie is indifferent Angel likes letting her play with Fat Nuggets.
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fan-dot · 1 year
the mountain calls (are you listening?)
Vlad Masters finds himself on a cold mountain with nothing but a talking frog for company on the eve of Danny Fenton's birth. The past is never too far away, especially when it seems determined to catch up with him.
DannyMay 2023, Day 1: Fantasy AU
He is tired, he is cold, and the wind blows past him like a scouring brush, eating away at his sanity with its scream. Every mistake in his pathetic little life has led him here and he regrets all of them with the desperate, furious sort of tenacity. He knew better, is the thing, but knowing better and doing better are two concepts always uncoupled for him, magnetically polarized. 
Jack would have the body composition to survive this wretched cold, but then, Jack has a great many things Vlad does not.
“The Prince comes!” the little frog in his snow jacket croons. It does tend to do that, he has found as the night drags on and the hair of his chin slowly turns to ice. “The Prince comes! Hail the prince!”
“No one is getting up here,” he snaps, furious and bitter. “No one is getting up here, least of all some sniveling, non-existent prince in his royal regalia, you odious little toad.” 
He knows it doesn’t understand him, but it is satisfying to see it quiver at his tone, nonetheless. 
Vlad stews in his misery for a while longer, wind whipping and whistling through the high Celestia Mountains. 
Their second child is being born today. Jack and Madeline’s, that is. Rumor would have it that Vlad would be named the babe’s patron. He hoped not. The last thing he wanted was to have to either accept the little brat as an honorary member of his house— or worse, have to deny the squalling thing and face the societal consequences. He already had enough to deal with since the alchemy incident. 
The alchemy incident. The anniversary was coming around once more, like a cruel reminder that the new child’s birth only seemed to punctuate. Vlad’s life ruined, the Fenton clan’s elevated. Perhaps he still had his land, his titles, his fortune scraped together and hoarded, but he had lost Madeline (he had lost Jack). 
He had lost the only family he had left and damn it all, of course a child would serve to punctuate that misery, that loss. 
The Fentons, renowned if— eccentric— alchemic rangers. Not a title that existed before them, but well. They were good at forcing into existence things that should not be. 
Perhaps that was unfair, but Vlad didn’t particularly care. Jack was not the one who had been transformed by alchemical horror into a half-alive thing, cursed to walk both the living realm and the spirit world. Jack was not the one who had been left to torment and suffering and agony in the grasp of doctors who hadn’t known a thing to help and had little care for an alchemist in these times. Jack was not the one who had lost the nearest thing to family to a buffoon with more creativity than sense, more boisterousness than responsibility, and Jack was not the one sitting alone and pathetic on a mountain in the middle of winter. 
“The Prince has come!” the frog croaks, loud and warbling. “He comes!” 
“There isn’t a prince,” he snaps at the frog. “Not in either realm!” 
“The Prince has come!” it croaks in the blinding snow. Vlad regrets his choices.
Howling, the wind crows and calls and twirls around him and in the shadow of the mountain, at least, he can be less than a man and all of one at once. There is no one here to see him cry, in one way or another. There is no victory, no forgiveness, no mercy. Just cold ice and cruel wind and a damn frog he regrets agreeing to be courtier for and he is tired. 
He rests.
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What are some of your favorite headcannons on Anne?
Anon, you have great timing, because I just watched some Amphibia with my roommate and her friend >:D
I love headcanoning her as romance-favorable/sex-rupulsed aroace and transfem :D
She has sciatica in her right leg- this is totally projection (because I also have sciatica in my right leg), but it also makes sense because she’s bound to walk a bit funky because of the one shoe, right? And my theory is that I have sciatica because I also walk a bit funky so now Anne has sciatica, too. I gift this to her lovingly.
Other than liking K-Pop, I headcanon that Anne likes indie rock- stuff like Vampire Weekend and Unknown Mortal Orchestra, maybe. I’m basing this off of the vibe of No Big Deal, which she wrote.
She’s literally such a good chef. Maybe even better than her parents/grandfather. If she wasn’t a herpetologist, she’d be a chef.
Speaking of a herpetologist- for her job, she gets a green pickup truck. If the worlds aren’t seperated, she gets one with a bench seat in front so she can fit her entire family. Two humans and a frog up front, and two frogs and a human in back. Frobo can ride in the bed of the truck.
Sprig names it the Frogmobile. Much to Anne’s chagrin, it sticks.
Her first name is actually Annabell but she hates it. She goes by Anne at every opportunity.
She eventually gets her name legally changed to Anne Savisa Boonchuy-Plantar
When she still had her Calamity powers, leaves would actually grow in her hair, due to her powers. This is why her leaves and sticks visibly grow when she uses her powers. If she didn’t lose her powers, she would need someone to help her trim all her plantgrowth. In a world where Earth and Amphibia aren’t separated, the only two people she trusts to actually clip her leaves are her mom and Sprig.
Related, if the worlds were able to stay together, Anne and Sprig would develop a relationship that’s a mash up of best friends/siblings/QPPs. They’re idiots who share one braincell (affectionate).
She can’t keep her right shoe on to save her life. This is a lifelong thing and not just an Amphibia thing.
She uses the Plantar Family Hunting Dance to capture specimens for the aquarium and also to fend off large predator animals.
She can make actual frog noises. Related, Sasha does a terrifying Toad battle cry.
She becomes a lot more acrobatic after Amphibia and actually starts doing a little gymnastics as a hobby after she gets home.
I know it’s canon that she legitimately likes eating bugs, but I’d like to think she starts eating them as snacks at school and work. She, Sasha, and Marcy all gain reputations as the girls who like eating bugs as snacks. Anne will also cook with them and has roped in her parents to liking them, too.
On a slightly angstier note: if we follow the canon ‘verse, Anne finds it really damn hard to sleep alone after she gets back for good. She slept with the other Plantars in the same room for upwards of seven months during a war (they probably had to share a room in the tunnels), so it’s hard to sleep alone, after that. She keeps waking up with the fierce need to check on her frog family. She can’t do that anymore.
She uses her phone a lot less after Amphibia. She really enjoys getting outside and going to the forest and stuff. Swamps are her favorite and she’s actually a pretty decent fisherman, now.
Nobody she knows can rival her greenthumb. She starts a vegetable garden when she gets back from Amphibia.
Anne becomes an accidental internet celebrity after the invasion and she doesn’t even really notice because she uses social media a lot less. She mostly posts pictures and talks about amphibians and her garden.
Not as much as Marcy or Sprig, but Anne is an artist, too. She likes keeping it as a hobby, though.
She writes songs in her spare time and plays them on her guitar.
Man I should probably stop now huh alfsdhjlkdfsh
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discet · 2 years
Ooh, remember that ask last month you had about "what if Marcy started out at Toad Tower?" One way I think Grime could get that book about positive reinforcement and leadership - he could get his hands on that if such a book from the library is in Marcy's backpack. Anyway, that ask has also made me want to ask: what's your interpretation on how things would go if Sasha landed in Wartwood and Anne landed in Newtopia in that scenario?
Yeah that might work. Marcy reading something like How to Make Friends and Influence People and Grime trying it as a 'This is so stupid, who really believes this garbage' would be pretty funny. Then using it on Marcy. Yeah I think you could get something going there.
As for Anne and Sasha, I know people have done these swaps before and probably put way more thought into them than I'm about to.
Anne: With Newtopia's more cosmopolitan nature and Andrias's willingness to indulge for obedience, I think Anne kind of goes full denial coping for her months in Newtopia. Recreating an approximation of her life on Earth while she waits for Sash and Marcy to find her in the capital. Andrias would insist on keeping the box in Newtopia and only allowing the girls to take the stones to recharge em.
Sasha: I think she would chafe under conditions in Wartwood. While her relationship with Grime in canon shows she is open to a mentor figure, I don't think there's anyone in Wartwood she would respect enough at first to allow that relationship in. Lets go through a few episodes to where I would change things
Beast of Wartwood: Few changes Ivy is the one who goes out looking for the beast since her and Felicia are going to be her Wartwood family. Also, Wally shows up with a black eye in his good eye after he hits Sasha with his accordian and she just decks him.
So Sasha just shows up in town one day, fighting the red mantis head on. Almost dies after her hunting stick breaks, but Ivy managed to distract the creature long enough for Sasha to live. Sasha then saves Ivy in return by killing the mantis. The townsfolk are scared and in awe, and Sasha capitalizes on this to ask for directions and supplies, basically daring them to try and mob her. Definitely think she takes a red mantis claw war-scythe as her weapon of choice to start.
Ivy offers the Sundew's Spare Room (Where Sasha and Grime stayed in canon when they came to Wartwood). Felicia is hesitant but doesn't refuse on account of Sasha saving Ivy.
(Why isn't she with the Plantars? I love the Plantars and in the context of awiw I can see Sasha having a better relationship than she did in canon, but I really don't see S1 Sasha vibing with them easily. She'd find Sprig grating, and Hop Pop high and mighty attitude insufferable. I'm sure others have done it well, but I also would like to explore Ivy more with an AU like this)
Best Fronds: So Marcy and Anne who were told 'It's suicide to try and brave the mountains this time of year' and both decide 'Well guess I'm stuck in this town for the next few months. Better get comfortable.' Sasha on the other hand hears that and goes 'Whatever, I bet I can handle it.' Takes what supplies she can gather and warm coat and just starts marching for the pass, followed in secret by Ivy who after a fight with her mom is on a 'Want to go out and see the world' kind of mood and vibes with Sasha super hard on that.
The two end up saving each other in the mountain but end up isolated in a cave after a blizzard in the pass gets worse. The two of them bond a bit, even as they start to come down with a cold. Sasha wraps Ivy in her coat so she doesn't become a popsicle (Gonna establish that while the instant hibernation is good for a day, longer stretches could be fatal for frogs.)
Both get woken up by some kind of horrible bear creature whose cave this is and Sasha is too sick to really fight effectively. Felicia ends up swooping in and saving the both of them with her kickass martial arts abilities, and drags them both back to the cafe to rest up and recover. Sasha has a new respect for both the dangers of this world and the person who took her in. Also accepts she is probably stuck here for the time being.
Dating Season: This is mostly focused on Ivy wanting to get closer with Sprig and Sasha just giving the worst most toxic advice. It's a trainwreck and an early wakeup call for her about how she's been treating her friends
Cafe Chaos: Sasha helps out Felicia with the cafe and suggests some earth-like changes to improve things, including live music, more drink options. An episode somewhere in between Lily Pad-Thai and Plantars last stand. I think things start to get out of hand when Sasha recruits Maddie to help with some of the crazier drink options.
Martial Artist: Episode of Sasha and Ivy getting Felicia to show them how she beat up the bear in best fronds and having to learn things the hard way.
Grubhog Day: Sasha convinces Ivy to play hooky with her for the day after Ivy expresses disappointment at having to miss the festival to help out a the cafe again. They have fun but Ivy gets in trouble with Felicia and Ivy gets annoyed at Sasha for it. Sasha is kind of blasse about it, basically telling Ivy not to worry about it (mirroring a flashback of a time Anne got in trouble with her parents for one of Sasha's plans) only Ivy isn't really taking it.
Tax Toads: At this point Sasha has been doing some big heroics around town and shuts down the toads as soon as they come to Felicia's cafe. Beats them into submission and drags their asses to Toadstool (who, man, Sasha does not care for). Demands to know where the tax money is and sends the tax toads with it and politely suggest they suck less at their job in the future. The ramifications of this will be obvious later
Prom Queen: Sasha runs for mayor just to belittle toadstool but ultimately ends up losing for similar reasons as Hop Pop in canon
Alright that's what I got just spitballing. Gonna go back to writing the new chapter of aAA
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xenia12 · 2 years
Ok but one thing that bothered me is Marcy’s relationship with the newts
Anne earns the frogs respect and becomes a hero.
Sasha proves her use to the toads, and while most of them leave, grime, Percy, and Braddock stay
Marcy does everything she can for the newts, and they forget about her the moment she gets stabbed.
Like what gives? Why are the newts so uncaring towards their hero? Some fans say that she spent so much time having adventures that she didn’t get to know them, but we know that isn’t true with how much she tries to befriend others(and even if she didn’t, certainly someone would have cared out of gratitude). So instead, it comes off as the newts being self serving jerks, and Marcy shouldn’t have even tried to help them.
Oh no no they didn’t forget about her!! Well they probably did for a bit but, after they decided to turn on the king, they then considered breaking her out JUST so the physically and emotionally scarred 13 year old could help them outsmart him. Not only did the thought of a rescue attempt only cross their minds for selfish reasons, but Yunan immediately tried to shoot the idea down. She wanted to abandon Marcy and leave her terribly injured in the hands of a “mad king” just because she overheard ONE mistake she made when she felt like her whole world was falling apart and wasn’t thinking.
I can see Marcy maybe not having a whole lot of personal conversations with Olivia or Yunan, but she was someone they knew — a CHILD at that — and had good experiences with. Yet they would’ve left her for dead if Olivia didn’t know Marcy once beat Andrias at a board game, meaning there was a chance she could outsmart him for them.
I do like Olivia and Yunan, honestly, and am deciding to think that the neglect was more from the writers rather than them as genuine characters, but it just makes me so sad cuz they could’ve cared a LITTLE BIT without affecting character arcs ;-;
As much as I love angst, Marcy deserves better than this shit that lowkey just makes the two newts just seem like bad people and doesn’t even serve the plot :<
Edit: WHOOPS I got so caught up in my rage that I didn’t even realize you meant the newts in general, not just two of the ones she personally knew XD. BUT UH I can sorta excuse everyone else (except like the Triple B ig) cuz she was up in a flying castle that only a handful of people had access to lol.
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xknivesandpensx · 2 years
First Impressions
Summary: Just a little something I wrote of what could have been Hermione and Draco’s first meeting on the train. It’s not very long but I hope anyone interested in reading it enjoys this one-shot. It’s my first prequel out of three to the actual story I’ll be writing, which I will get to eventually.
Hermione transferred from one compartment to the next, her small body unaffected by the continuous movement of the train. No matter how many of her new fellow students she asked, none in question saw a little toad jumping down the corridor. She thought maybe Trevor found his way into a hiding spot or perhaps he remained on the move.
She came across an open door (having just witnessed two boys exit) to find a single child sitting in place. He had white blond hair, sleeked back providing a full view of his pale face, so very different from her bushy brown waves which fell past her shoulders and bangs cut to meet her brows.
Being an eleven-year-old girl, she didn’t think too much about boys or crushes for that matter. How could she when at this very moment they were on their way to Hogwarts? Yet at first glance she felt a slight flutter in her chest and an unusual desire to simply keep her gaze on the profile of his face.
Then he abruptly turned as if finally noticing her there and she caught sight of his eyes. The pair piercing blue in color, holding a light gray pigment to them.
“What are you starring at?” His tone came out a bit harsh, yet it didn’t completely shatter her overall insight to her own feelings.
Instead, her cheeks flushed a shade of pink.
“I was wondering if you’ve seen a toad? Someone I’m sitting with lost him,” Hermione replied, remembering her original goal, which would, admittedly, be easier to maintain if she didn’t feel so warm all the sudden.
“No. Who’d be stupid enough to lose their frog?” Draco shook his head. He began to wonder where Crabbe and Goyle wandered off to. However, he did take note of her rather bossy manner of voice.
“Toad,” she corrected, inclining of her head. “What are those?” Her sight fixated on a small box he held in his hands, his fingers resting below the name.
Hermione felt a swell of excitement. “Oh wait, I’ve heard about them. They’re supposed to taste just like real fruit. Sounds a bit odd, but then again, I thought the same about Chocolate Frogs.”
“Bit strange you never had any before,” Draco said. He almost asked if her mom and dad were both Muggles, it would explain her curiosity. Yet, the words never made it out. She spoke too quickly.
“My parents don’t let me eat very much candy.” Hermione considered commenting on how they held the same occupation as dentists, only to think better of it. Not due to embarrassment, of course. She simply yearned to talk about magic. And maybe know more about him. “Why not eat the real thing rather than something similar?”
“The trolley's not going to sell actual apples,” he scoffed. For whatever reason, he resisted the urge to roll his eyes and extended his arm instead. “You can try a couple, if you want?”
Hermione silently took the invitation and sat next to him, not even hesitating on the account of the other side being so full of wrappers and various sweets.
Blue and green stripped material surrounded them, dipping with her added weight, making her more aware of how close they were to one another. He didn’t appear taken aback by her promptness to be near him, probably thinking nothing of it.
The smell hit her first, the aroma both sweet and slightly pungent. Upon that instant, Hermione’s eyes met Draco’s again. She found it possible to get lost in them, to think, perhaps for a moment, he thought the same given how his countenance changed a fraction.
But how foolish. Allowing a fleeting moment to define a permanent sense of equal attraction.
They were only children.
Did his tactful curtness mean nothing against the slight glimpse of his softer demeanor?
Hermione reached into the box and pulled out a few round shaped candies. Two yellow, a red and green. She placed them in her mouth, pleasantly surprised by their crisp flavor.
“It’s as if I’m biting into an actual apple,” she admitted in awe. Hermione wished she bought her own rather than those beans, which were interesting to say the least.
“Of course, it would.” It was a predictably sharp response. “My father gave me enough money to buy whatever I wanted.” He paused for a second as if mulling something over in his mind. “You can have the rest if you like them all that much.”
“Well, they are really good.” She accepted them a bit reluctantly prior to standing and drawing away from him. The back of her heel hit the frame of the door once on her feet. If she ever believed herself to be subtle or graceful, neither remained now.
Hermione cleared her throat. “I should probably keep looking.” Gaining a few steps of space, she managed a proper breath, feeling quite more herself. “Oh, and we’re nearly there so you might want to fix your tie. It’s a tad crooked. I most certainly wouldn’t think well of myself if I walked into school without taking notice. First impressions matter a great deal, you know?”
“As if I need to worry.” He was a Malfoy, after all. Still, he took a moment to adjust the strip of fabric, tugging it in place.
The following smile he gave was slight, a thin upturn of his lips, however present.
Hermione took note of it, her emotions in quite a whirlwind. But honestly, she wouldn’t wish to quell them if possible.
She disappeared from view, happy for the half box of candy and meeting of the blond-haired boy. Remembering as she walked away…
She forgot to ask his name.
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writesailingdreams · 2 years
What are your ideas on Amphibia’s idea of self-love and how it’s tackled?
I’m afraid I don’t have very in-depth thoughts (or more precisely I hadn’t thought about this idea until asked*). But from my few days brewing on it my answer is: I think it’s idea of self-love is something I would have been grateful for when I was Anne’s age and I think it’s tackled pretty well.
As an addendum, I felt only Anne really had an arc defined by discovering self-love. To me, Marcy’s arc was about coming to term with facing unpleasant things, and Sasha’s was recognizing how she wanted to be a better person/grow. I also don’t see any of the Plantars needing to learn self-love. Sprig might come closest but to me, his arc is more about finding a friend, someone who will actually like him/spend time with him, and it’s less him learning to love himself but finding the friend who will love the himself he already is pretty open about expressing/seems to like.
As to what I mean in more specifics (because of course), I’m having a hard time arranging it my head coherently. But essentially: I felt Anne’s arc to self-love was handled very gradually.
She’s starts out (Best Fronds) as very concerned with what her friends will think if she isn’t agreeable to what they say; she has to be likable, she has to be what others want her to be. But then she meets Sprig (and family) and live in Wartwood, where she has to make decisions on her own/withiut her usual friends. Wartwood is disturbed & distrustful but she earns their trust & respect (Toad Tax). Then later there’s Wally’s bit of “you can be whoever you want to be here” advice and her becoming less worried about whether she’s the “town weirdo” (Wally and Anne). Then there’s the whole Reunion bit with Sprig defending her and saying she’s a good person & brave & not going to be pushed around; she’s someone—as she has presented herself in Wartwood—of value and love (at least in the eyes of this pink frog boy. See this is why I get so emotional about these two?)
I’d say there’s less direct instances in S2a (at least nothing immediately jumps to mind), but by the time she’s there she has had some growth. I think this is most evident in her relationship with Marcy. By the end of her stay in Newtopia, she’s opened up to Sprig (and vice versus) (Hopping Mall). She’s learning to express how she feels and be okay with that. So by the time the show gets to Bessie and Microangelo (I love that ep), she’s happy with herself. (Oh, Tritonio helped, less in his ultimate goal reveal but in instilling in Anne an actually desire to work at something and see herself as worthy as be capable of working at something. Oh, and Stumpy’s statement that her parents would proud of what she did feels like it boosted some kind of ‘You’re ideas may be over the top but they come from a good place.”)
Like omg! To 13 yr old me those kinds subtle and but very clear & audial expressions of my value and worth would have been amazing. Maybe it’s okay to just be the weirdo you are. Maybe others *will* like you. Maybe someone will be your friend even if you share your weird and sentimental feelings. Aaaah! (Heck, I’m in my 30s and I’d still love this).
In that sense, to me, Anne’s self-love grew very much from the space where others (frogs) allowed her to be who she was and as she grew more expressive, she became more sure of herself and the more sure she became the more self-love was genuine. Anyway, I think it’s beautiful.
*this ask reminded me that I’ve been wanting to rewatch Amphibia; I have been reminded that I usually dig my teeth into fandom media when it’s complete, One Piece being the nearest thing to an exception and even then (1) it’s a lot easier to analyze Ace than other characters and (2) I usually narrowly focus or broadly react
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