lilacstro · 4 months
Random Astro observation 5
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hey y'all! I hope you all are doing well. Thank you so much for 333 followers <33 I am here to share another observation post. I hope yall resonate with this :)
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1.People with pluto in 10th house might want to change several careers and somehow do well in all of them. They may also despise traditional 9-5 and working under/or for someone
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2.People with vertex in 5th/7th house in SR can most probably expect to find a lover or develop romantic feelings or someone might develop romantic feelings for them.
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3.your venus can show where you extreme wealth can lie. Venus in Gemini: philosophy, communication, talking, networking. Venus in Sag: travel, spirituality , higher learning. Venus in Aquarius: bringing your unconventional ideas to life, helping humanity, working through internet and technology. I hope it made sense.
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4.I think most Leo suns I have met are very generous and also even if they are down broke, they will still find a way to buy their fav perfume or spend generously on any event somehow (thats cool af cos wow)
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5.I think this might be very heard but id say it again anyways, people with Moon-Neptune aspects can be very susceptible to substances (esp when hurt) OR could have had some kind of experience with a close family member having such addictions. Some kind of exposure to substances somehow.
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6. People with Mars in 5th house may like enjoy watching sports as a leisure and entertainment. Some may also enjoy car/bike/train rides, anything that can bring the feeling of speed, high and movement.
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7.I think people with Mars conjunct Venus have the best of both worlds, they appeal both the genders at the same time. Other than that, I think people with this placement have a really good balance of feminine and masculine them (literally haha).
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8.People with Sun trine Saturn(or any positive aspects) immediately give the vibes of "better than you". People may feel you are the master of what you do, super hardworking and might even look/feel composed and serious than most.
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9.People with Neptune and MC/Asc aspects might look like they have or may actually zone out frequently. Like, looking lost somewhere.
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10.People with Neptune/mercury aspects(esp harmonious) have some kind of power to them, they can be smooth talkers, and very deceptive if they want to. Saying what you wanna hear, talking to diff people differently. Hard to understand motives behind words. However, in challenging aspects it can also show a tendency to be "nice and kind" unwillingly and problem asserting boundaries.
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11.People with Neptune conjunct Saturn may experience a father with criminal cases/extreme psychological problems/substance addiction/manipulative tendencies. Other aspects can also indicate having tendencies to have impossible routines or expectations of oneself, problem following routines/tendencies to overwork oneself.
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12.People with MC/Uranus aspects may do very well in careers involving new challenges, internet and innovation. This can also indicate, people having trouble pinning you down, as in, no one really gets you. You can be very funny but look serious the next. You are talking to everyone but suddenly you are sitting alone. I have seen this in 3 people's charts tbh.
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13. People with IC in water signs(esp Pisces)/aspecting Neptune may have grown up with religious/spritual upbringing.
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14.People with Pluto in second house have actually seen some kind of extreme shift in their financial circumstances once in their life. Poor to Rich? Rich to extremely rich to extremely poor. Infact, they could see this shift in life more than once. For this reason, they may hence believe Finances to be their power/major focuses in life.
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15.Mars in 10th house, positively aspecting MC in Saturn persona chart can show increased career drive as you age.
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16.Having a 12th house stellium in Saturn persona chart can show increased inclination to sprituality and the cosmos with time. Sun in this house can show being more aware of your spiritual self and body as time passes by.
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17.Capricorn/Leo/Scorpio/Cancer rising or Sun or at these degrees in Saturn persona chart can mean aging like a fine wine, getting prettier with time
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18.Mars/Pluto in 1st in Saturn persona chart can indicate more magnetism with age. Mars in 1st or 6th can also mean more inclination towards maintaining a good physical health.
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19. Chiron in 4th house men usually have mommy issues idk i have seen this, could also be issues around family life growing up.
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Remember, nothing is really set in stone and you have the charge of your life for more than most of it. A single placement can have multiple meanings and how it turns out for you. We all have different energies in our chart, and there are no bad placements :))
I hope yall liked this one and found it relatable on some level:) leave your suggestions in the comments or asks, I love you all <33
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bouquetface · 3 months
Scorpio Risings
Accuracy influenced by the entire chart.
A key theme in scorpio risings is wishing to go unseen (unless they have prominent 10th H placements). They hate being perceived. Their entire lives the worst is assumed of them. Often, these negative assumptions come based on nothing but their appearance.
The scorpio risings may not be able to tell what it is about them that is making people respond to them in a negative way. Other people, may not be able to pin it exactly either. It is usually subconscious.
Physically, all the scorpio risings I know appear very different. I do have a few shared physical traits & observations:
🪻Sharper features. Prominent chins - broad or pointy.
🪻 People tend to associate gothic and darker aesthetic with scorpio. However, this brings attention, generally scorpios have a love-hate relationship with attention. It is more often the gothic, darker style is embraced by sag rising w sag Pluto.
🪻 The scorpio risings, I know, keep a basic and comfortable style. They appear well kept. They stick out for their physical features not their clothing.
🪻 When they do decide to dress up, it would fall under “silent luxury”. Expensive or eye-catching accessory (necklace, watch, earrings) but a black or a darker bold colour outfit.
🪻 Makeup and hair is almost always natural. The women don’t tend to like makeup that much either. However, all this can change if they have placements that do love to stand out.
🪻 Often, muscular or on the thin side.
🪻 They may be attractive in a way that creates jealously. This leads to poor treatment from those who don’t know you.
🪻 Or they may be conventionally unattractive, thus society treats them poorly.
Positive placements such as Jupiter in first house could change the above drastically.
Ex: River Phoenix’s natal asc is scorpio with jupiter & neptune in first house. He was attractive in a dreamy and soft way. Neptune helped balance out the sharpness of a scorpio asc. & Jupiter generally brings luck in whichever house it is placed.
Scorpio is a fixed sign that is about transformation. These individuals tend to impulsively make changes (they are traditionally ruled by mars). Then, quickly become emotional about the change made (they are a water sign). If they have a well placed mars, they may make more calculated changes than impulsive.
Disregarding other placements, scorpio rising is more predator than prey. They silently observe, take notes, analyze, and never forget.
Now, when we take into consideration other placements, this can change almost entirely.
For ex. pair a scorpio asc with a pisces moon. They will become less observant. In times of boredom or when reality is too painful, they will enter the dream world in their mind for comfort.
Yet, even the least observant scorpio ascendant is observant. They repress a lot of emotions especially anger. Instead of expressing and communicating their feelings, they will observe the situation or person. They will not forget what was done. And they aren’t likely to let you know until they’ve decided they’re done with you.
Their repressed anger can lead to an angry outburst. The scorpio asc can be very cruel when hurt. They may say and do almost anything to hurt the other person. This could lead to guilt afterwards. However, you aren’t likely to hear an apology from a scorpio asc. From their perspective, they were only hurting you back even though you may not know what you did. This can lead to some toxic relationships throughout the scorpio asc person’s life. A well placed mercury and/or mars could change the above.
The angry outburst will lead the scorpio asc to be blamed and villainized. This is the placement you hear people say, “I had a bad feeling from the start”. People love to paint themselves as the victims of a scorpio asc. And when they were never clued in on their wrongdoings, they may genuinely believe it.
Despite, the conflict they are bound to endure through their lives, they dislike conflict. But conflict will find them.
For ex: My scorpio rising friend was removed from a gc by her childhood friends. She was surprised and discovered it was because her relative dumped one of their aunts. She had no involvement but somehow caught blame.
This is the worst part of being a scorpio ascendant. People jump to negative conclusions. Scorpio asc rarely get the benefit of doubt. This may manifest as people feeling you are intimidating, insincere, jealous/angry, etc.
At an older age, they often gain something that gives other’s something to be jealous of. This depends on the entire chart. Possible examples: Career, they often reach high positions and/or have careers that indicate wealth (Vet, Dr., Lawyer, etc).
They can marry someone that makes other’s jealous as well. Taurus is their 7th, their partners are generally stable, beautiful, generous, indulgent and spoil them. This will be drastically influenced by the venus placement.
They aren’t doomed to never be understood. People with compatible placements will gravitate towards them. When someone understands them, they will be as close as can be. They are very protective and loving. They hate to let people go even when they must for their peace.
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bluee08 · 2 years
Astro observations 《3》
Disclaimer : Not an astrologer, take it with a grain of salt, only for fun.
🫧 Asteroid Orma in 8th house might be the people to leave an impression of being hella reserved in a mysterious way. Like they might tell you a story and you will always feel like there is something more to it.
🪩 Mars in 3rd house people often say something offending without meaning to and regret the very next second. Trust me it's not their fault, they wanted to say something else and ended up saying something totally unexpected. They also feel guilty about it for days and feel sad that they might have come off rude for no reason.
🫧 Neptune conjuct ascendant, they are the real chameleons. They can mold themselves as per the situation demands. Ngl it comes handy sometimes. Like I remember when I was in 6th grade I was caught into a very serious matter but I pretended as if nothing happened and flew away. When the other guys rattled me out to the teacher, she said It's impossible that I was involved and that she doesn't believe them. She didn't hear a single word against me. Lol no, I wasn't her favorite student or something. It's just that I had maintained a certain reputation among different sect of people as per my own convenience. Call it manipulation if you want, if that doesn't explain the planet itself.
🪩 Pluto trine Lilith, it's not always sexuality that comes to the mind when we hear about these folk. Lilith here is aware that pluto is her benefactor. But it takes time for her to feel comfortable in her own domain. She is powerful here and knows what she wants. Definitely won't take anyone's bullshit. Her transformation can be scary and ruthless if someone tries to pin her down.
🫧 Jupiter sextile Pluto have a deep interest in forbidden things. Learning things that often people consider taboo is their thrill. They may or may not share the knowledge but they are always resourceful about topics relatated to dark themes of life. Feel free to discuss anything with them, they won't judge you infact they will help you inhance your own boundaries. You will be surprised how normal they'll sound while talking about things that might trigger other people even if they have gone through the same.
🪩 The one guy I had a Aphrodite-Eros synastry with made me feel like...idk strange. I was on a constant pedestal. I cared a lot about him. His Eros conjucted my Aphrodite and I looked out for him a lot. There was a thick sexual tension but also comfort. He also made me get a taste of jealousy. Which I don't usually feel. I used to constantly compare myself with the girls he used to interact with. We were not dating but I just couldn't help but feel insecure. Not because of him....idk why I was acting like that when I knew I was pretty enough.
🫧 Mars opposite Venus people get sudden mood swings from doing absolutely nothing to doing everything in next one hour. Oh and they'll do it again if it ain't asthetically pleasing to the eye.
🪩 Sun sextile Saturn, trust me they do know how to control themselves and take things with a grain of salt. Their ego is well maintained and not fragile unlike others. Very understanding and real mature people.
🫧 Sun sextile/trine Moon are the most compassionate and intuned with their selves. They know themselves better than anyone else. Also they always know exactly what they are feeling at any given time. Even if they are depressed at some point they won't give up easily.
🪩 Neptune negatively aspecting Saturn, dreaming big is easy, isn't it? But when you start implanting those dreams in real life your dreams remain dreams only. Don't worry though. It's a lesson. Don't give up, try harder. Dream as big as you want but at the end of the day remember to open your eyes and start afresh with new motivation. And please don't listen to those who tell you to quit it down. Your dreams are not weird or impossible or too much. Those people are just jealous because of how big your ambitions are and how far you are willing to go for it. Don't restrict your imagination for someone else. Believe yourself, you can do it!
🫧 Pluto in 10th house solar return chart can indicate a huge change in academic life or anywhere you are working at. For better or worse you better take precautions before hand. I am having it this year with mars in 3rd house and trust me from an above average student my grades are becoming poor. If I were to describe my graph I can see it coming downhill like a water slide which is creating quite an impression on my parents as well as my teachers. Note the sarcasm.
🪩 Saturn in 7th house could indicate having no interest in relationships at first or people being afraid to ask you out but when you grow up, settle well, you find yourself looking for your better half, resulting in either meeting them late or doing an arrange marriage.
🫧 Saturn opposite ascendant are the people who often get told that they look unapproachable on first glance. Kind of the 'out of league' vibe surrounds them. Which is not always true but I have noticed people do think twice before approaching them. These sweeties are also damn soft on the inside but for only those who do dare to talk to them. They rarely take the initiative themselves. But come ask help from them and they will risk their lives for you.
🪩 Mercury aspecting chiron could indicate healing your wounds by diving into the world of books. You might like to read or write journals when you are feeling down. There might be a small diary or pages that you have written when you were at your lowest. Its also possible that you start writing a novel or something to help you voice out your pain through written words.
🫧 Sun conjuct asteroid Medusa. Damn! You could have curly hair or hairs that are a lot wavy, thick and voluminated. Highly blessed in hair department. Many people might have praised you or complimented on your hair from a very young age. This could also indiacte a lot of body hair. From top to bottom you have body hair and trust me its not a bad thing. Its a blessing of being powerful, embrace it. It's just a hunch but some may have complimented you on that too.
🪩 Mars in 3rd house can't watch porn without audio or no communication during the deed. They always want to hear the sounds, no, they NeeD to hear the sounds raw! Only visuals is boring for them just as adding some weird music to the video. No, its not creating the mood, its ruining my experience, pls stop it.
🫧 You don't wanna hear someone moan who has their personal planets conjucting asteroid Sirene. Trust me you will get addicted. Its insane and I am not bluffing. Their voice may or may not be as addictive in general but in bed? Or when they want to take something from you? You will be trapped even before you blink. It's dangerous.
🪩 What's with Taurus Mars and Laziness? So much potential and still they study few hours before exam, complete assignments few minutes before submission and still have the audacity to say they will easily pass. Like bro if that's how you pass then I can't imagine how you will top....
🫧 Moon in 4th house people are highly invested in family matters. Family comes first to them and then the rest. The kind of people to tolerate an unhappy married life for the sake of their kids because they can't see their family being split apart.
🪩 Mars aspecting Pluto. It doesn't matter if it is positively aspected or negatively aspected, there is a lot of pent up frustration and anger issues underneath this placement. If provoked or underdeveloped could result in a very sudden and violent rage from this person. Better to leave them alone in such situations.
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brielledoesastrology · 11 months
Astrology Observation #5
by : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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finally another quite long astrology observation post that i havent made in like 1 year maybe.... Also happy halloween guys 🎃✨
- Brielle
Pisces mars really gotta be careful. I am being for real. These people have a really hard time realizing or knowing who their enemies are and who aren't. Most of them also can have anger or emotional breakdowns for things that they imagine themself or things that aren't even real. These are the type of people that suddenly hate you for no actual reason. This placement is the definition of "sometimes delulu is not always the selulu." They are also the type of people to start a whole drama or fight first because of their own delusions that aren't even real and then end up blaming other people.
Asteroid Klio (84) is such an underrated huge fame indicator/potential asteroid that people rarely talk about here in this community. This is the type of fame that is until history, the type of fame that makes someone a historical figure, or at least remembered in history.
I noticed a lot of pluto in the 7th house people enjoy admiring other people from social media. Sometimes they also enjoy following social media trends from following other people too especially stuff relating to skin care or makeup or anything else that they will think to give them that "glow up". (These types of influence will be stronger if the pluto is aspecting venus too). On the other hand if they aren't admiring they could easily be jealous or envying those people who they think that looks or are doing better than themself. Or They could easily attract jealousy or envy from other people too (beware of attracting people that drains u)
I've seen asteroid toro (1685) being prominent in the astrology natal charts of a lot of people that are bullies or being bullied or being accused of bullying. The asteroid was not named after a mythological figure but a person, but it really resonates with its Spanish meaning. "Toro" is "bull" in spanish. Usually if they aren't being bullied or a bully they usually have this intimidating look to people.
example of people who have asteroid toro (1685) prominent in their chart :
- Rihanna has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her mars (0 orb)
(accused of being a mean girl)
- Kim Garam has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her mercury (0 orb)
(accused of bullying)
- Cardi B has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her mercury (1 orb)
(accused of being a mean girl)
- Hailey Bieber has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her midheaven (1 orb)
( the public always accuses her of bullying or being a mean girl even for the pettiest reason )
- Marilyn Monroe has asteroid toro (1685) conjunct her sun (2 orb)
(From early on, Monroe was reputed to be difficult: bullied by misogynistic directors, and frustrated at her lack of control, she was cited as debilitatingly late and forgetful. Zanuck suspended Monroe in 1954 when she frustratedly refused yet another pin-up role)
I noticed most people with mars in gemini use the "spread rumors" (either fake or real ones) tactics for revenge or if they feel offended by something or someone. I am not surprised since gemini is ruled by mercury and mercury represents "communications" in general. But it works differently than virgo.
Mars in virgo revenge tactics are more into gathering proofs or receipts (either fake or real ones) then making it very detailed and very specific compared to mars in gemini .
I noticed both of the top male n female rappers in the rap game got asteroid hannibal (2152) prominent in their chart. Especially strongly aspecting mercury and 3rd house placements.
- Nicki minaj have asteroid hannibal (2152) conjunct her mercury and conjunct her neptune on sagittarius all on 0 orb.
- Eminem have asteroid hannibal (2152) conjunct his moon in aquarious in 1 orb in the 3rd house.
(for a context the asteroid hannibal is named after hannibal barca which he was the no.1 most greatest and most feared enemy of the roman empire)
I see so many people with Gemini moons really don't have a problem posting their emotions in social media publicly so all people can see. I also saw most of these people are very bad at keeping things privately to themselves. They can't really "cry or suffer in private" usually most of the time because of their own behavior.
Scorpio placements are not always private or very introverted like what most people say about the sign. I have seen many scorpio placements who just say what they think bluntly n they don't care if other people think that it is too deep or dark or offensive.
Fun fact : Did you know that the name asteroid Swift (5035) exactly conjunct taylor swift's sun in her astrology natal chart! Name asteroids r really interesting!!!!
This is controversial to say, but i have to say it. Not all women or girls who have lilith (1181) or black moon lilith (h13) prominent in their charts are a "girls girl / supporting each other women" or a "feminist". It is because most people with Black moon lilith (h13) or asteroid lilith (1181) have at least ever experienced a very long phase of their life of being cast out of a social group (well obviously this can be done by both genders either males or females social groups casting them out ).
But most of the time i see that for the Women or Girls who have Black moon lilith (h13) or asteroid lilith (1181) prominent in their chart have ever been at least ever experienced a very long phase of their life of being casted out by a social group of their female friends (most of the time because their female friends did something terrible/bad to them that leads the h13 lilith/1181 lilith women or girl being or feeling casted out from their group). This could lead to internalized misogyny about their feelings of women if they grew up without fixing this issue.
This is weird but i have seen many many many men who have venus - pluto in square,opposition or even conjunctions ended up being incels.
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trapastrology · 1 month
Steven Universe Quotes as Placements
Part Two!!!!!
*Things these plmts need to hear/live by*
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"The greatest strength lies within ourselves, waiting to be discovered" -SU
~2H Pluto. A lot of you just give away your power to others or think you don't have any becuz that's what ppl made you believe.
"Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, even if you find yourself standing alone" -SU
~11H/Aqua & Gemini/3H Chiron & Lilith
"Don't let the fear of the unknown hold you back from exploring new possibilities"- SU
~Pisces/Cancer NN
"Don't be afraid to show your true colors even if they're different from everyone else's"-SU
-Aqua/11H personal plmts and chiron
"Forgiveness is the key to unlocking inner peace"-SU
~Pisces NN, Personal 12H plmts
"There is power in vulnerability and strength in being your true self"-SU
~Cancer/Pisces NN & Cap Moon
"Don't let the darkness in the world extinguish your light"-SU
~Moon-Pluto (esp sq & opp)
"Sometimes the best way to find yourself is to get lost in something magical"-SU
~Pisces & 5H NN, 5H Moon
"Sometimes the greatest battles are fought within ourselves"-SU
~1H mars & Aries NN
"Sometimes you have to break the mold to find your true self"-SU
~11H/Aqua & 9H/Sag NN
Comment another series if you loved this one! To find out more info about my upcoming Patreon in august check my pinned post! Dm me to book a reading, all readings are only $25 until july 31st!
Thank you for reading, if you’d like to book a reading, join my patreon or know more about my ebook, “Written in the Cosmos” check my pinned post! 
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audreyscribes · 8 months
💀 HADES: God of the Dead and Riches 💎
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
You’re not claimed in a way like the others. Instead you come across a pale faced boy with black hair, dark bags under his eyes, and a leather jacket. The ensemble he wore screamed something to you and he introduced himself to you as Nico, child of Hades. And you’re one of his half-siblings. 
Whether you’re like him, a child of Hades displaced out of time before the Oath was made after WW2, or a child born after the oath was rescinded, Nico has been finding any Hades’ demigods he could find. If you didn’t know better, you would think it was his life mission.
When you arrive at Camp, whether Camp Half Blood or Camp Jupiter, people already know who your godly parent or blood is when Nico is with you, but the claim over your head is just icing on the cake. It is the sign of the cusp of fall and winter together, the silence that presides over it. 
People give you a wide berth of respect, awe and fear. Not surprising given how powerful Hades is. 
Regardless, Nico sticks by your side and helps guide you. He teaches you how to handle the dead and the more peskier ghosts, but ultimately, he doesn’t let you feel alone. You tell your story to him and he tells his.  
You’re also introduced to Hazel who seems the complete opposite of Nico but you realise that while children of Hades both stick together but are very independent. Solitary but not isolated. 
While it may be bothersome and sometimes unsettling seeing ghosts and spirits, there are perks; you can reanimate and see dead and loved animals. You always tell the doggos they are good boys. That or the hellhounds. 
“Hello Darkness, my old friend”- ‘The Sound of Silence’ by Simon and Gafunkel.
Regardless if you’re Greek or Roman, when people diss and don’t believe that the planetary Pluto is not a planet, you will get bad and they will know to never diss Pluto. 
Dried flowers, fungi, antiques, faded memories, abandoned buildings. Once filled with life and encompassed with what could be death. Many do not appreciate them but they open themselves to you, and you and your siblings remember them. You carry old, past clothes on your backs, you gently touch the dried petals of flowers with their faint smell still cling to you. You see the hands that touched the antiques, touches of human life. You see the abandoned buildings and know that they were built and housed life in them with their shelter. 
While you may be part of Death’s domain, you greatly cherish life; the people in your life and that help shape you. When you love someone, you love them to a beyond that transcends death. 
You know about shadow traveling as Nico helped you go through it. At the minimum, you can fold yourself into the shadows and be unseen like Hades, but at the most, you can travel to any place where shadows preside over. You find its easier to travel to places wherever Hades’ domain presides over; you can travel more easily to places of death (i.e. cemetery, battlezones, altars) and riches (i.e. mines, the world trade centre, places of great bounty, banks). A rare power of a child of Hades may call things forth from the shadows, whether its things you place into the shadows or using the shadows to your will. You can grab an objects’ shadow to your advantage or use your hands to create shadow shapes to ‘life’. It is rumoured that once, a child of Hades that possessed that skill was able to freeze a person with their shadow pinned by them, and was able to kill them by simply cutting off a person’s shadow. 
Like Hades, you may seem aloof and stern in matters, but on the other hand, this can be seen as fair and honourable. 
When the children of Hades gather in one place, you all give off an Addams' family vibe. The aesthetics, the attitude toward things. Hades is Gomez and Persephone is Morticia, you can guess where it goes from there.
You looked at Nico, who introduced himself as your half-brother. You tried to find the similarities you two shared and while it isn’t entirely physical, there is an air around him that draws you in. A solace if you will.  It’s been more than 70 years since your original time and now here you are, in the 21st century. You thought you had died and now you were here, breathing.  You could feel the anticipation turning into dread when you would eventually realize the math of your birth era and now.
It was a stark change from your time, yet in some sort of attempt to grasp your sanity, you started to find similarities, things that seemed to be the same from your time and this time. It calmed you down but also at the same time, you were a bit overwhelmed where your half brother had taken you. 
McDonalds, he said. You looked at the meal he had bought and inspected it. It was different yet strangely good? The soda-pop however, was entirely bizarre but still delicious (sickeningly sweet you thought).
You both ate your meal as Nico gave you a rundown of the situation. The existential weight of being children of Hades and Pluto was, especially after the creation of the Big Three Oath after the world war, and how it was absolved not too long ago in this time by a son of Poseidon. Then came the eventual appearances of deceased children of Hades and Pluto, which you found out were either killed in the wars, or were deliberately hunted down by Zeus and Poseidon; much like Nico and his sister Bianca. 
Nico tried to give you a rundown of what times are like now and their delicate situation, but even then, Nico wasn’t too knowledgeable given everything. 
Silence fell between the two of you, as you tried to process literally everything. You tried to speak but the knot in your stomach and the weight in your throat was getting heavier. It was becoming awkward and you looked at Nico, realising he too was out of his depth. You found some amusement that he really must be your brother if the two of you were both socially inept. 
You saw Nico open the two red box with the golden arches, before he took out the two toys. You looked at them, wondering really how the meals costed. Toys weren’t very cheap back in the day, and while you had a feeling manufacturing must’ve improved, to have a toy come with a meal must be costly…but you were sure of how much Nico paid as you watched him to get a handle on today’s currency. 
“So uh….which of the kids meals toys do you want?” he stammered. 
You stared at him with wider eyes as you saw him slowly shift in his seat in awkwardness. Everything came to a head as the hilarity of the situation dawned upon you. You started laughing as Nico looked at you like you had grown a second head. 
“I’ll take this one” you chuckled, taking the toy before wiping away the tears, “Thank you Nico.”
“I mean…I eat here pretty frequently-”
“I mean finding us” you said,  as Nico blinked at you owlishly. You placed a hand on top of his in a reassuring gesture. “You went through a lot and you’re just as young as us, yet here you are, finding the rest of us who may be wandering limbo and offering us toys.”
“Well…it’s not fair” he tried to play off. 
“None of it is fair,” you noted, “But this is.”
Nico stared at you before nodding. “We have to go to Camp to get you settled in,” he started. 
You hummed as you helped clean up, “Perhaps yeah…then where next?”
You smirked at Nico, “If you want to go alone, you can but if you’re going to find the rest of us, count me in.” 
“Are you sure? There’s a lot to digest.”
“Probably, but we’re demigods, I doubt things are going to be normal for a long time.”
377 notes · View notes
50 Random Character Asks: Lin
may be some repeats in here BUT its done lmao
1. Canon I outright reject
The 16hour nap and suddenly shes okay with Su like thats not how that workssss 
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
HC i will die on is her scars going up to her eyebrow and shes blind in that eye, i loveeeee her surviving easily off the seismic sense and then when shes in the south without her bending people realize they can sneak up on that side and quietly adjust how they approach her so they stop scaring her.
3. Obscure headcanon
She paints! Shes been painting since before she could bend and it’s something she had that was all hers and no one else in her family could compare it to Toph. 
4. Favorite line
“I am a detective you know.” 
5. Best personality trait
I love that shes that ‘good is not nice’ its so in line with her being the beifong of the LoK series and seeing how much she genuinely cares under that tough armor is endearing
6. Worst personality trait
Dude she jumped at every chance for a suicide mission. Thats gotta be some deep seeded issues lmao
7. Age/height/weight headcanon
Shes like 50-53/54 in the show 
5ft 4inch (she is SMOL and ANGY and you cannot stop me)
Again probably the appropriate weight for being her size and muscular. After book one tho she has a hard time remembering to eat and i hc in the south she lost a ton of weight in the recovery.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
idk if i have a wholly unpopular opinion. I know the fandom can be a bit divided on things. 
I have gotten a lot of backlash for my height hc in the past tho lmao 
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
The first scene MY HEART i love her soo much. I saw her in screen and went, that ones mine! 
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)
I love the scene where bumi is trying to talk in code names and lins like “WTF are you saying???” 
11. Faceclaim for the role
I love @mgthejerkbender ‘s FC of Joan Chen 
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12. Crack headcanon
She and Noatak were involved shortly after the breakup with tenzin but it didn’t last long. 
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
In canon she brings an RCPD skyship into Ba Sing Se and aids Korra and Tenzin in stealing the EQ’s air bender army. All in uniform.
14. Most heroic moment
Oh god pretty much every time she’s on the screen lmao, but I hc she goes down for good protecting Korra not long after canon. 
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done
Hmmm I’m so caught up on this question because does it mean  A) thing they did with Bad Intentions that had a Bad Outcome  B) thing they did with Good Intentions that had a Bad Outcome  C) something they perceive as a failure / personal sin they’ll be forgiven for?  There’s so many ways to take thissss 
I’m gonna say during one of the first undercover operations with Saikhan she had to kill a man to keep her cover and he’s a cold case file in her office. 
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
that through all her good intentions and desperate attempts to keep people she loved and the city she loved safe, she’s always left defeated and broken with a new scar on her somewhere and blood on her hands. 
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Pluto by Sleeping at Last this song was fucking made for Lin i swear
Blame it on the Kids by AViVA 
I have a whole Spotify playlist and more linked in the pinned post lmao
The Void calls in sweet tones and false promises, by WolfSkullJack /FaceBook plink/ This is just sooooooo Linmon I’m writhing in agony 
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about
She wouldn’t. But there’s a MIGHTY NEED for her to see one lmao 
19. Vices/bad habits
Smoking, drinking, burying herself in work. 
20. Scars
Burn to her left shoulder - house fire she was first responder to 
Three large gashes on her back - criminal animal 
Burn left hip - firebender (Zolt possibly) on her second patrol 
Right hip back and front - rebar puncture from building fire/explosion 
A handful of Cigarette burns across her shoulders, collarbones and one on her neck - her bio father was upset she wasn’t a firebender 
Facial scars from su are higher and damaged her eyesight. 
Then a smattering of lines and smudges from her time on the force 
(if where in my dark timeline she’s got tally marks across her shoulders and down her back from amon 👀)
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)
Jasmine tea 
22. Best physical feature
I really love her face lmao 
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
You know that smell when a heating vent just turns on in the winter? That “oh god something has gone wrong and it’s burning” but it’s not actually gone wrong. And mint. 
24. Most annoying habit
She picks at the skin around her nails when she’s nervoussss Kya’s constantly healing up scabs where she’s pulled the skin off too far. 
25. 3 things they’d want to take with them if they were dropped off in the middle of nowhere
Her uniform, a jeep, and rations. She’ll make her way home left with nothing but those will make it easier lol. (She is a detective you know) 
26. What they would do if stuck in an elevator with [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
she would probably just metal bend the elevator to open, most likely leaving it more broken than it was but still. At least they’re out safe. 
27. Their guilty pleasure
She has the entire collection of the in universe equivalent of Nora Roberts or Jane Austin novels. 
28. How they feel about [insert character of your choice from the same fandom]
probably neutral to slightly annoyed. 
29. Eating habits
you guys ever hear about Snake Meal? 
30. Sleeping habits
She can sleep when she’s dead. 
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
it would be a mostly dead blog that she made because asami and mako Insisted she did so they could send her memes. 
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh
Bumi, always. Hes always had a way of getting through the armor and helping her loosen up a little and smile. 
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
People reinforcing the idea that she’s alone and not worthy. 
34. How they react when they are feeling X emotion (sad, angry, excited, scared, etc.—can specify as many as you like)
No emotions. 
Only action. 
35. Their idea of a perfect day
Up for a run at 3am. 
Make Kya coffee and breakfast 
At work by 5am 
Moving cases along, no losses.
Back home for dinner at about 7-8pm 
Relaxing with Kya until bedtime. 
36. Their favorite season
Fall, before the air gets too cold. 
37. What they really think about themselves
she’s worried everyone is right honestly. Sometimes the letters from Kya dwindle as responsibilities emerge, dinner with Saikhan and Akira and the kids get put on hold, tenzin not allowing her back to the island she grew up on because of the bitter words shared between them. Maybe she will be a stubborn old woman left alone with her wounds.  
38. Favorite holiday
Probably a new years holiday 
39. Favorite game
Card game for sure like solitaire or trash 
40. Favorite book
She read a book in school for a study hall about the history of the arts and historical pigment making. She has a few copies and one dedicated to her notes and swatches from trying out the methods. 
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be?
Aang, 10000%%% she would want to see Aang again and update him on all the crazy shit korra was doing and about Tenzin’s kids. 
42. 3 comfort items
The bison whistle Aang gave her. (Bumi has his original one but he had more made for the other kids) 
The stuffed badgermole she’s had since she was like 4 
Then they were preteens Tenzin had made her a bracelet with a small thumb sized stone pendant that he carved for her to rub/pick at instead of her fingers. She used it for a while but ended up putting it away when she started the junior league ProBending. 
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
Fav - mochi, that seal jerky she’s always loved it, a chicken curry type dish Akira makes. 
Des - eggs if they’re alone like fried or scrambled she won’t eat it unless it’s mixed in with a bigger dish. Milk and cheese, She's not a fan of them. 
44. Their happiest memory
It was her 4th birthday before her element showed and shes sitting in the gardens with aang and tenzin and some of the other kids on the island for her birthday. Her uncle aang gives her a stuffed badgermole toy and a warm and very soft blanket bumi and kya made with katara from Appa’s shedding fur and she still has both items on her bed with her to this day.
45. Their favorite celebrity
And old old singer from when she would listen to the radio at night. 
46. The person they most admire
Oh gosh probably Suki, she was a strong warrior and led her life how she wanted to. 
47. Their dream job
she would love to be a sculptor/artist full time, she makes the most gorgeous sculptures. And paints some amazing landscapes. 
48. Scariest moment of their life
Oooof there’s a few. If day the times where she KNEW she was going to die without help. When she fell under the ice when she was like five or six. Then again when she landed on the rebar in the building explosion. The agony of being in pain and the realization that she was too hurt. She couldn’t get herself out of there. At least when she was tortured by Amon she chose to put herself in the situation. Even if she didn’t know the extent. The others though, it was random. She couldn’t control that. She didn’t have a choice. 
49. Favorite toy as a child
Her stuffed bagermole toy for sure 
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
Basically the entirety of Suyin's father living with them. 
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
Pluto Pt. 2
Summary: You finally meet and get to go home with Jungkook
Warnings: idol!au, female reader, hybrid reader, mentions of being mistreated, anxiety, felling humiliated, hybrids being second class citizens
Word Count: 2857 M.list
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You sat quietly in the interview room, fidgeting nervously.
You knew how these things went. They ask to meet you because your mysterious past and striking looks intrigues them, but when they find out you aren’t so willing to talk about it they quickly get bored, and end up adopting some other hybrid instead. Just how you like it.
Truth be told you could do without this tonight. All you wanted to do was finish your book, but if someone requests to meet you, then you don’t really get the choice to refuse, for fear of offending a potential ‘customer’.
You’d clocked the handsome stranger as soon as he walked through the door. For some reason he felt extremely familiar, though you couldn’t quite put your finger on why.
‘Here we are!’ The sudden door opening startled you from your thoughts. You couldn’t stand Margaret. She always had this fake smile around customers and it made you sick.
‘Why don’t you make yourself comfortable, Mr. Jeon?’ The stranger eagerly followed behind her and took a seat across the table from you, flashing you a reassuring smile.
‘I’ll leave you now. If you need anything, press the call button!’ And then, it was just the two of you left alone. Neither of you spoke at first. You certainly wouldn’t start the conversation, so unless he did, then you would both sit there forever, in silence I guess...
Jungkook suddenly cleared his throat.
‘I uh.. I’m Jungkook. Y/N right?’ You looked up at him and nodded slowly. Silence again.
‘Sorry. I didn’t really come here prepared...’ Jungkook laughed apologetically. He  really should have planned better. He noticed that you still had yet to say anything.
‘Do you want to talk?’ he asked kindly, not wanting you to feel pressured. You quickly shook your head, no.
‘That’s ok. Can I talk and you listen then?’ You looked at him for a moment, still suspicious before nodding. Jungkook picked up on your nervous nature, so he smiled softly at you. Now that he was actually meeting you, the anxiety he was feeling earlier seemed somewhat silly now. Although, he did notice that you were still ill at ease just sitting here with him.
‘You don’t have to be scared, I’m not that mean.’ He joked, hoping to relax you.
You heard it all before, seen through the facade, but for some reason, you believed Jungkook when he said he meant no harm. Just his whole nervous demeanour showed he had no cue what he was doing here.
‘Tell me about you...’ You whispered, so quietly he almost didn’t hear you. Jungkook was surprised to hear your voice after saying you didn’t want to talk, but he took in the sight of your ears, still pinned back nervously, so he just smiles and agrees.
‘Well, I’m a singer, pretty well known I guess you could say.’ He chuckled and rubbed at his arm.
‘You’re famous?’ You asked, a little taken a back by this new information.
‘You could say that.’ He laughed again, not picking up on your attitude change until he noticed you once again looking down, adverting your gaze.
Celebrities adopting or buying hybrids wasn’t unheard of and some were genuine and really did care for them, but a lot weren’t like that at all. You had known a few hybrids who were adopted by celebrities, only to be returned months later, a husk of who they used to be.
‘Is everything ok?’
‘I’m not going to be some PR stunt or sex toy for you! If that’s all you’re after then we can end this now!’ Jungkook’s eyes widened in shock after hearing your outburst, and quickly back peddled.
‘No! God no! That’s not it!’ He waved his arms frantically, trying to make you understand.
You narrowed your eyes and leaned back, allowing him the chance to talk. He let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his short hair.
‘Honestly... I’ve been more and more lonely recently, so I thought getting a hybrid might help...’
‘Oh..’ You once again fell silent with a frown.
‘Do you even want to be adopted?’ Jungkook suddenly broke the silence again. You looked at him confused.
‘I’m not going to force you to go if you don’t want to leave.’ You just stared at him, face still contorted with confusion. Usually, if someone wanted you, you didn’t get a choice, so you always tried to make yourself seem as undesirable as possible to people.
You weren’t used to actually having a choice...
‘I do..’ You mumbled out after a few tense moments of silence. Jungkook’s face lit up and he had to stop himself from leaping out of his chair.
‘Perfect! I mean... That’s great!’ You stared at the excited man across the table and gave him a small smile to show that you really did want this. Just as fast as it began, the moment was over when the door swung open again and Margaret strolled back in.
‘Sorry to cut this short, but we actually are closed now...’ Now that the shelter was closed, the sweet voice had faded away to one of slight annoyance.
‘Oh of course! Sorry I didn’t realise.’ Jungkook got the hint and stood up apologetically. She gave him a tight smile before turning towards you.
‘Y/N, why don’t you go to your room whilst I show Mr. Jeon out, hm?’ With one last glance to Jungkook, you quickly got up and scurried out of the room.
Margaret had already started walking away, so Jungkook jogged to catch up to her.
‘Actually Miss, I’d like to adopt Y/N.’ She stopped in her tracks and span round to face the startled man with a perplexed look. ‘S-she said she wanted it too, so...’ Jungkook was taken off guard by the sudden scrutiny.
‘She actually spoke to you!? Huh, interesting.’ Margaret looked him up and down before spinning round and carrying on down the hall.
‘If you follow me, there is paperwork to do.’
Jungkook didn’t really know what to make of the strange interaction, so he chanced a look back to the interview room, where he caught sight of your fluffy ear as you peaked round the corner at him. You gasped slightly when he saw you and ducked away. Jungkook couldn’t help the laugh that left his mouth as he turned away and followed after the annoyed woman to work out the details.
Turns out getting a hybrid isn’t as simple as he thought. You couldn’t just turn up and leave with one the same day, there was a system.
Somebody had come out to his home to make sure it was a safe environment for a hybrid. Space wasn’t an issue for Jungkook, but the room he had haphazardly set up was a little lacklustre.
Since that visit, Jungkook had gone all out on decorating the room and furniture. He’d even gotten you your own TV and tablet. He’d be damned if you wouldn’t be comfortable whilst living with him. The inspector was much more impressed on their second visit.
When he returned to the shelter a week later, he found you already in the waiting room with your bag, waiting for him to arrive. He couldn’t help but notice that you only had a small rucksack worth of luggage.
‘Hey, is this all you have?’ You nodded as you fiddled with the straps of your bag.
‘Oh Mr. Jeon! She’s all ready to go. Do you have a collar for her?’ Your face soured at the word.
‘Umm no? Does she need one?’ The receptionist, a different woman than before, reached under the desk, pulling out a plain collar with plastic tags reading 'temporary.’
‘Yes it’s law. She can wear this until you get a replacement and we’ll put a sticker with your address on.’ She stood up and looked at you expectantly. You knew it would only make a scene if you refused so you let her put the collar on you, feelings of humiliation washing over you.
‘There, that’s better.’ Jungkook quickly picked up your bag and ushered you out the door, and into the front seat of his car.
When he was securely sat next to you, he reached over and took the plastic tag of the collar between his fingers.
‘You don’t have to wear this you know.’ He was trying to help, but he was very wrong. He still had a lot to learn when it came to hybrid laws. You shook your head.
‘In public I do. You’ll be fined if I’m seen without it.’ You spoke sadly and pulled the tag from his grip, hiding it within your own hands. Jungkook sighed in defeat and shook his head before looking back to you.
‘We’ll figure something out, ok? And when we’re home, you don’t have to wear it at all if you don’t want to, ok?’ You caught his gaze and saw the sympathetic look in his eye, and you couldn’t help but trust him.
‘Thank you.’
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Jungkook had told you he was famous but you still didn’t really know who he was. You didn’t have a phone and finding an unoccupied computer at Pluto was rare, so you couldn’t even Google him. So imagine your surprise when he pulled up to one of the wealthiest gated communities in South Korea.
‘What’s that look for?’ Jungkook laughed when he noticed you looking round in awe.
‘I just didn’t expect this...’ Jungkook laughed again and focused back on the road.
‘You’ll get used to it.’ As he was pulling into the parking lot, you only then realised how long you’ve been driving. Plus you’d passed some pretty high end hybrid shelters on the way, ones with more exotic hybrids, so why would he travel all the way to Pluto?
You decided to keep the questions to yourself for now, not wanting to scare him off before you even got through his front door.
‘So here we are, this is my home!’ You looked around the room and the first thing you noticed was that the walls were quite bare, but you could already tell it was a nice place just from the first room.
‘I know it could do with some decorating, but I’ve been too busy...’ He trailed off almost shamefully.
‘I think it’s nice.’
‘I can give you a tour if you like? Or you can walk round alone if you prefer?’
‘I’d like to walk alone please.’ Jungkook nodded in understanding.
‘Ok! I’ll work on lunch then. You must be hungry.’ Before he could scurry away, you called out to ask a cautious question.
‘Is it still ok for me to take this off?’ You gestured to the uncomfortable collar. Jungkook gave you a sad smile.
‘Yes, definitely. Here, let me help.’ He came up behind you and with gentle hands, undid the offending clasp. ‘There, hopefully you’ll be more comfortable now.’
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You walked the lavish home, still cautious of this all being some cruel joke, or Jungkook not being as kind as he’s made himself out to be.
If doors were closed, you didn’t attempt to open them, only venturing through open doors. Sticking your had into a room, you noticed that it was mostly empty aside from some exercise equipment and... What’s that in the corner? You curiously ventured forwards and your ears fell down sadly when you realised it was an empty dog beg, with a few toys scattered round.
He hadn’t told you he had a dog. You didn’t have a problem with animals, but you would have liked a heads up. You held yourself tightly, anxiety slowly rising again. You speedily made your way from the room, breathing heavily and trying to stop the panic.
‘Hey- Woah! What’s wrong!?’ Jungkook rushed down the hall to you and went to grab your arms, but thought better of it. He settled for hovering his hand behind your back, ready in case you fainted.
‘You didn’t tell me you had a dog.’ You mumbled out sadly. He looked confused for a second, before groaning out, annoyed.
‘Y/N I’m so sorry! I thought they would have told you, or at least shown you my forms...’ You just shook your head with a frown.
‘Shit...’ He whispered and rubbed his face in frustration. How could they not tell you something so important?  ‘I’m sorry. Seriously I am. Will it be a problem for you?’ Jungkook held his breath after he asked the question. If you couldn’t live with Bam, then he didn’t know what he would do. He didn’t think he could handle taking you back after giving you false hope, but he couldn’t get rid of Bam either.
‘It’s fine.’ You whispered after what felt like an eternity. Jungkook released his breath with a thankful sigh, but noticed you were still a little on edge.
‘He’s not here if that helps. I thought it might be a bit much for you at first.’ You nodded, grateful that he’d thought about your comfort.
‘Did you see your room yet?’ Jungkook asked, trying to move on the conversation.
‘Um no. The doors were closed so I didn’t know if I was allowed..’ Jungkook just shook his head.
‘You live here now Y/N, nothing is off limits. Come on!’ He walked ahead and gestured you to follow behind. He stopped in front of a closed door at the end of the hall, but he paused before opening the door.
‘Before you see it... I tried my best with the decorating, but I’ve never decorated for a girl before, plus I didn’t really know what you liked.’ You stared at him incredulously. He’d gone through the effort of decorating your room. That was the most thoughtful thing someone had done for you in a long time.
He pushed the door open and your breath hitched in your throat. You had expected a tiny room with a bed just about fitting, but what you saw threw you completely off guard.
In the middle of the room was a king size bed, with simple baby pink bed sheets and soft looking pillows. As you stepped forwards, you were shocked by the sight of the massive TV  mounted on the wall at the end of the bed. It was bigger than any of the TV’s  they had at Pluto. You noticed a door next to the TV and went to open it before Jungkook stopped you.
‘That’s just a walk in closet. I didn’t realise you had so little clothes so we’ll have to go shopping at some point.’ Curiosity got the better of you. Even though he had told you it was empty, you still wanted to see. Pulling open the door, you gasped when you realised this simple closet was bigger than your whole room at Pluto!
Backing out, you closed the door and leaned against it as you once again looked into the room. Finally in the corner of the room, sat a desk whose top was littered with all different kinds of books and drawing/writing materials. Also a very expensive looking tablet.
‘I noticed you reading at the home, so I picked out some books I thought you’d like.’ Jungkook hurried over and began standing the books up, only for them to fall back down. You let out a gentle giggle as you watched him struggle.
He stopped and turned to face you, smiling wide at the sound you made. Having him stare at you like that made you feel hot all of a sudden. You looked away with a blush.
Jungkook laughed to himself and rubbed the back of his neck.
‘Um, I sort of didn’t know what else you liked, so I got you some craft stuff too.’ He gestured to the other items on the desk. Maybe you can make some stuff to decorate my walls with! Or draw on the tablet.’ Jungkook joked but you weren’t listening anymore, not really. As you took one last look round the room, tears began to form in your eyes. Jungkook was horrified when he saw.
‘N-no! Please don’t cry! If you hate it, we can change whatever you want! We-‘
‘I love it.’ You cut off his panicked ramblings with a strangled sob, emotions getting the better of you. ‘Nobody’s ever done anything like this for me before.’ You covered your mouth as you began to sob harder with happy tears.
Jungkook felt tears of his own form as he stepped forwards and reached out his hand to touch your shoulder, but he once again hesitated.
Without any hesitation on your part, you threw your arms round his shoulders and buried your face into his neck.
‘You have no idea how thankful I am.’ Jungkook was stunned at the sudden contact from you, but still tightly wrapped his arms round you in a comforting hug. He knew that’s what you needed right now.
As you stood in the warmth of his arms, you’d never felt safer than you did in that moment.
In that moment, you knew everything would be alright.
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noideabutsims · 1 year
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Donut Co. Messy Little Mud Prints!
Has 80 swatches If you cannot see all the swatches, place it down and then change the color swatch! All of our CC can be found by typing " Donut " into the search bar!
These are meant to be mud splats on the wall. You can size them up and down using the bracket keys. [ ] <- these ones. I personally, use the tool mod to size my items up and down, and specifically with these if you are wanting them to be "perfectly sized" i would recommend you grab tool (and its assistant BBB). THEY ARE LARGE TO START! This is so you can go all the way down to a mini size! Hope this helps!
This is technically a recolor of Pluto Sims art attack posters. That was the best possible mesh i could find, that didn't leave a gap or have un-necessary extra items or pins, ect. Pluto is very wonderful, and allows their items to be used as bases, and include the mesh. However, i sincerely recommend you check them out, as they make amazing items!! @pluto-sims Link back to Pluto Sims original object ORIGINAL CREATION This does include the mesh with it. (Thanks to pluto for being very generous so please check them out!) This is just a recolor and all credit goes back to Pluto Sims for this mesh, this item would not be possible if i couldn't use this mesh.
Name: Donut Co. Messy Little Mud Prints Description: Well….looks like the kids found a mud puddle! Here at Donut Co. we all remember what it's like to be a kid, and quite a few of us grew up in the back country! Kids play in the mud, make mudpies, and will splash in any puddle they can find! We know parents will want to cherish the memories of all the times your kids came running down th hall, covered in mud! And of the handprints they left! We have made sure to preserve the moment, and bring to you Donut Co Messy Little Mud Prints! We know these will look great in barns, Houses, daycares, and even greenhouses! We say yay to mud, and we hope you do too! But remember, if you want the mud to disapper, just grab that sledgehammer and go to town!! (Works best if you use the bracket keys "[" + "]" to size up and down, or my personal prefrence of the tool mod! that way you can make them fit rooms, kid size, and poses better!)
Will be releasing more content soon! stay tuned! ❤️ (NOT affiliated with EA or Maxis in any way! We just make CC! ) DOWNLOAD: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/86652209?pr=true Curseforge: https://legacy.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/donut-co-messy-little-mud-prints GoogleDrive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vl_IHU9U1dN6dsjI0XowXegkF4lJJY6M/view?usp=sharing @maxismatchccworld
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rockybloo · 11 months
Silly ask, but between your main ocs, has some of them ever struggled with loneliness?
Loneliness is one of my top favorite bits of angst to write honestly so all of them have struggled with it.
Every member of the Fabled Five have dealt with loneliness.
Jack truly doesn't have any friends prior to the comic aside from Malt because he never really got along well with other kids his age. Throwing in the fact his eyes went green when he got too emotional and he's do irrational things occasionally and you have plenty of parents who didn't care too much about having their children around him. He spent a good chunk of his childhood just on the farm being homeschooled or wandering around the forest exploring.
Pinokuni is an automaton, and one made under special circumstances so he felt outcasted by both actual automatons and humans because of his origins. His family was the only one to really be there for him, especially after he started to hang out with Romeo and his group of troublemakers where he learned the hard way some humans will really never truly see him as a being with emotions. Plus, Pin spent a good while in the stomach of a sea monster before getting fished out by the giant and being rescued by Jack so he had rather long stretch of solitude.
Nana didn't grow up with any friends. The closest she had was her father and when he passed, she was devastated. Her mother was rather sheltering...a bit too much so she never really left the Lupine Forest save for going to Briar Patch. And even then, she is very introverted and isn't the type to really start conversations with people she doesn't know if it isn't important. Toss in the fact she has a resting face that looks like she doesn't want to be bothered and many people tend to hesitate on approaching her. The people in Briar Patch are very nice but it really takes Jack's oblivious ass to help build a bridge between the two.
Kai was a very sheltered prince back in his home kingdom. When he got cursed and winded up having to flee for his life due to a misunderstanding, he winded up going from a castle full of friendly faces to a world that often screamed at the first sight of him. Up until he encounters the Fable Five, he spent a good chunk of time by himself just trying to make it by via foraging and finding safe yet isolated places to use as shelter for the nights.
Ashe grew up practically outcasted by by her step family because she was Bookmarked and awakened her Märchen at an early age. She was limited to the house and her room was the literal attic. She didn't have ANY friends growing up because her stepsisters would spread around lies and rumors about her that'd scare people away.
Nova, after the situation with her ex where she found out he was using her to cheat on his girlfriend he had been dating WAY longer than her, was outcasted by the online world due to a slander campaign run by him to paint her like the homewrecker. Due to him and his girlfriend being big internet influencers and having large follower counts, many believed them over Nova who was just starting with her singing career. The only friends she managed to keep were the ones she had prior to meeting her ex but even then, they couldn't save her from the isolation of knowing damn near everyone had a screwed up false image of you.
It's the reason she's so quick to snap now because prior to the incident, she was literally a sweetheart and "cinnamon roll" as the kids say.
Pluto didn't even have the benefit of having friends as as kid as they grew up sheltered by their parents. And not in the good way where they worried about their safety but in the "We want to make sure you only hang around the people we want you to" and often that meant they were limited to only interacting with business partners to try and strengthen relationships for their parents. After the alien goop experiment which lead to them becoming their cyborg self we know now, those interactions stopped...as well as any actually. They went from being the neglected child to a research subject in a containment room.
Toss in the fact their parents had a new child over to replace them and Pluto was not in the best space mentally as a teen. Especially one who literally had their body torn apart and put back together for an experiment just to get their parents to love them and see them less as a hassle.
Bitterbat's time as a baby was tragic to be real with ya'. His dad didn't want anything to do with raising him until he could walk and talk so he spent much of his time crying in his crib without anyone to come in comfort him. And if someone did come, it was often a servant that snuck into his chamber because his cries were so pitiful and saddening that they felt the need to do something. It was important that these servants snuck in because if Lord Vile discovered they were "babying" his living weapon, he would make quick work of them. The man had a very strict "You will interact with this thing only when I tell you to" policy.
Bitterbat was fed and bathed to keep him alive and healthy but even as a grown man he still has nightmares about his time as a baby and toddler due to just how isolating it was.
Sweetheart was also deemed a bit weird as a kid. Not too weird it was concerning but she did struggle a bit with maintain friendships at an early age. It took her becoming Charmed, leading to the eventual creation of the Beloveds who each have their own struggles in social situations leading to them being known as the weird kids, that led to her having an eventual lifetime friendship. After Angel's death and the team breaking up, Sweetheart threw herself into a solo hero career. And going from having a big squad to being just yourself is a big jump. Especially when you winded up separating from someone from an entirely different dimension who you thought was the one for you with a single digit percent of a chance to ever meet them again.
Sweetheart's has stated that her solo years prior to Bitterbat's returned have been the worst years of her life.
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nico-esoterica · 9 days
Astro Notes on Current Events:
The Fall of Sean 'Diddy' Combs
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From my professional perspective: / cw for mentions of abuse:
Diddy's incarceration and undoing coincides w/ Pluto regressing back into Capricorn and conjoining his Mars and many factors but I had my eye on that transit for months. There's no getting out of this one. Our current and incoming south nodes are conjoining planets in his chart which can be associated with domestic power abuse, control issues, and legal disputes being magnified. The SN is associated w/ the 'karma' you inherit or reap from the past.
On Sep 18th, the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces directly opposes his Pluto. Moon-Pluto oppositions can deal with feminine-coded abuse. It's emotional negligence, gaslighting, and a complete conquering of an emotional reality which starts with caregivers. From a legal and symbolic standpoint, this translates to me as the private subjugation of women. Abuse of wives, live-in partners, domestic servants, and child abuse and trafficking.
Saturn isn't aspecting this but its co-presence adds tension to the landscape. The collective needs justice. Being ruled by Jupiter in Gemini for the time being, this has to do with what was said and what can be factually proven. Witness and survivor accounts are going to play a major role here. Saturn is also conjoined with his natal NN which is in retrograde at the moment. In December it'll be direct. From a prosecution standpoint, this is saying they'll have everything they need to charge him by this date or something even more damning may come to light at that time. Dec 10th.
But it goes deeper than you'd think. Many psychics and astrologers have forecasted potential ties to more powerful players coming to light through this. My guess is that they're going to try to pin it all on him..but as quickly as possible. With Mars transiting through all of Cancer between now and November, this happening in the US's 8H and squaring Diddy's Venus planets may be about uncovering that the trafficking and other criminal activity doesn't only incriminate him but anyone w/ power attached to him. It was never just about Diddy. There's more people involved and they're all at risk. I'd argue that astrologically, his Mars's exaltation was protecting him, especially if he has a night chart. But Pluto bouncing from that Mars to continuing its applying square to his Retrograde Saturn in Taurus spells out that any shadiness he thought he could get away with would inevitably come to light..with an ass beating attached. Pluto's official long term ingress in Aquarius starts on Nov 19th.
On March 14th '25, there'll be a total lunar eclipse conjoining his Pluto. There's potentially going to be more charges made and files/documentation being brought in. But on Sep 21st '25, there's a very interesting partial solar eclipse occurring right on the late Kim Porter's 29-degree Virgo Pluto. I'm just going to call it, but if the rumors are true that he played a part in her death, we're going to definitely find out then. Keep your eyes on Sep 21, 2025.
If it doesn't happen then, it'll be a couple eclipses down the line because the next Cancer/Cap eclipse cycle occurs right where Kim Porter's Moon and Diddy's Lilith fall and it's going to reveal how abusive (and fatal) that Moon-Lilith connection was. That's mother-coded and child-coded too. So, anything involving children, pregnancy, etc, may come to light as well. That'll be happening in 2028. Tbh, I'm calling it because there'll also be a partial eclipse on his Juno that's going to be conjoined with her Mercury as well. Kim Porter's life and the darkness she was forced to keep secret is going to fully (and finally) be told very shortly. That man is about to be destroyed. Tbh, it's giving a memoir she may have wanted to have published.
Her scorned (but vindicated) Lilith has a full lunar eclipse occurring on March 3 '26. This is why I'm thinking that it's not just going to be a single decisive punch of getting her spiritual lick back with one eclipse cycle. Kim Porter was an actual inner-planet Scorpio stellium. It's going to be a rolling and incapacitating series of punches. Or of slow and painful dismemberment, quite honestly. Between now and 2028 and beyond, everyone is going to know just how abysmally awful this man is.
But he won't be alone. Oh, no. With Pluto in Aqua occurring right at the start of everything, it'll be the beginning of the end for the entertainment world in its current state.
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tagthescullion · 9 months
Welcome to Camp Jupiter
Fandom(s): Heroes of Olympus
Summary: "A safe space" is what Nico di Angelo, Hazel's new brother, had promised her. That's where their father, Pluto, wanted them to go. Now, they just needed to meet Camp Jupiter's leaders. Surely Nico and Hazel, who were always so well-liked, would have no trouble with that, would they?
Rating: G (but beware a bit of swearing)
Words: 3786
AO3 link
Hazel threw up.
It was awful, she decided, shadow-travelling. 
Her body felt as if it had been compressed, expanded, heated in a microwave oven —magnificent invention, by the way—, and then squashed thin with a rolling pin.
In other words, it reminded her too much of Gaea drowning her and her mother in mud in Alaska.
Hazel felt a couple of hands hold her hair back carefully.
“I’m sorry,” said Nico. “I didn’t know it would be so bad for you. Perhaps it’s because your body’s still being pulled by the shadow realm.”
He had a way of making everything sound very dramatic, Hazel had learned in the past week.
She wiped her mouth with a tissue her brother offered. 
“It wasn’t that,” she reassured him. “Just a bad memory.”
But she didn’t go into details. The last time she had, she’d literally flung herself back in time into the real memory. 
Neither she nor Nico could figure out what that was either. As far as Nico was concerned, she could just avoid thinking about her past. Easy for him to say, he didn’t remember much of  his past. To Hazel, the modern world was a constant reminder of how much things had changed, and as it happened with comparisons, it made her vividly recall her own version of things, which then in turn sent her back into… Well, Nico hadn’t called it ‘the memory realm’, but he might as well have. 
Luckily for her, her brother didn’t inquire too much about it. He nodded his head with a worried frown and offered her a hand to get up from where she’d knelt to vomit.
When she stood straight, Hazel had to study her surroundings well. She had no idea where they were. There was a highway ten yards from them, where cars flew by —vehicles went way too fast these days, Hazel had grown mildly afraid of cars—. The landscape was dotted with hills, and the sun was shining rather strongly for September. The highway went into one of the hills, a tunnel per each direction of traffic.
She studied her brother properly. He seemed exhausted. She asked: “How far away from New York are we, exactly?” 
Nico shrugged. “Around four thousand kilometres? Not sure, but that doesn’t really matter. Welcome to San Francisco.”
“It doesn’t look very touristy,” Hazel noted.
Her brother snorted. “Not here, no. You see, I told you there was a safe space for demigods. That cannot be in the middle of the city, it would push the limits of the Mist too far.” He pointed at a door between the two lanes of the highway as it went into the hill. “That there is the access to safety.”
Hazel didn’t want to seem ungrateful, but that looked like a maintenance door. And to make matters worse, there were two workers having a smoke right by the entrance. 
Nico caught her dismissive face. 
“Ye of little faith,” he said with a smile. “Look properly, don’t let the Mist fool you.”
Hazel pressed her eyes shut for a couple of seconds and focused her gaze back on the maintenance door. 
There was a rumble of energy coming off it in low waves. Not from the traffic, but from the entrance itself. And she noticed the two workers weren’t workers at all, unless these days the uniform included Roman armour. 
“Come on!” Nico took her hand and put it in the hook of his elbow. “Now we have to cross the road.”
Hazel didn’t want to get judgy, but crossing roads was not her favourite pastime with her newly found brother. He’d never wait for the street lights to turn green, he’d run in front of moving vehicles despite not having enough time to cross, he’d yell at drivers when they —expectably— were affronted about nearly running over a 12-year-old child… It was a stressful activity. She didn’t want to try it on a highway.
But another trait that characterised her brother was determination. Once he’d set his mind, nothing and nobody could change it. 
Just as she was about to suggest they wait for the car flow to lessen, her brother jumped over the guardrail into the asphalt.
Swearing, she followed suit.
Be it luck, agility, or his faith in Saint Expeditus moving the strings of destiny, Nico had never been hit by any of the vehicles he’d tempted death with. This occasion was no different. He sprinted, stopped, dodged, and jumped over the guardrail on the other side unharmed. 
Hazel wasn’t entirely sure who she should pray to, but she figured there was no time anyway.
She didn’t dare follow her brother’s fearless approach to crossing streets irresponsibly, so she decided to wait a few seconds.
“Oh, come on!” Nico yelled from the other side. “Hurry up, we’ll be attracting every single monster on the West Coast!”
“I’ll die again!” She shouted back. “I don’t know how you do it but—!”
It was madness. 
But the little white boy’s smug face pushed her nerves. 
If he could do it, so could she.
Hazel waited until the following car passed and started her crossing. 
This side of the highway had three lanes. The first she went through well enough. The second won her a loud honk that made her jump into the third lane. Where a motorbike swerved off to avoid her, hitting the guardrail where the driver catapulted twenty feet forward.
“Merda, cos’hai fatto?”
Nico’s eyes were wide open, but far from being concerned for her, he seemed to be trying not to laugh. 
He grabbed her hand and helped her clumsily jump the stupid rail into the lawn between the highway. 
“We need to hurry up,” he pulled from her arm until she was running beside him, with the direction of the maintenance door. “That man’s calling the police, we’ll get in trouble.”
“This is not my fault!” She cried. “You’re the one who—” 
But it was pointless, Nico looked rather mirthful, and regardless of whether he took the blame or not, if the cops came, they’d be a lot more likely to find her guilty than him.
They rushed all the way to the two Roman… soldiers? 
Hazel tilted her head when they were in front of them. 
They were teenagers. A girl and a boy, late teens by the look of it. 
“That was one hell of a show,” said the boy. He was drumming his hand on the spear he held. 
“Who are you?” Demanded the girl. 
“We’re children of Pluto,” Nico announced. All traces of cheerfulness gone, his face had become a mask of solemnity. “Our father sent us to this place.”
The teenagers exchanged a troubled look. Apparently, just like Nico had predicted the day before, these people wouldn’t take to them too joyfully.
“You better come with us, then,” said the boy.
“But, Dakota—” 
“They weren’t sent by Lupa, Gwen,” the boy, Dakota, interrupted. His fingers had stopped drumming on the spear, but they were clenched around the weapon. “Nobody finds this place without the Wolf’s guidance, it must mean something.”
Gwen hesitated a moment more. She glanced behind them, where Hazel imagined the biker was getting up, and perhaps taking too much of an interest in the gang of teens talking in the middle of a highway.
“All right,” she said. “But give us your weapons first.”
Dakota nodded. “That’s a good idea.”
Nico gave them his black sword, which made for an awkward moment in which Dakota and Gwen both refused to grab it.
“It’s safe,” Nico assured them. “Just don’t touch the blade and you’ll be fine.”
Dakota took a deep breath and took the weapon at arm’s length. When nothing happened, he held it more confidently. 
“Right, now,” said Gwen. “Let’s go before the bloke calls the police on us.”
“Are we supposed to leave our post?” Asked Dakota. 
Gwen shrugged. “They’ll understand. It’s a special situation, besides, we’re almost done with our shift. Bobby and Anne are bound to be here soon.”
They were shepherded into the door; Gwen first, then Hazel and Nico, then Dakota. The tunnel wasn’t a big deal, it did look like a maintenance cavern carved into the mountain. It wasn’t too long, and relatively well illuminated. On the other side, instead of a door, an arch let sunlight through.
Hazel gasped as she walked out into the open.
It was impossible.
Then again, nothing was really impossible, was it? She’d walked off the Underworld by going upstairs into Central Park…
But this? Where did the highway go? How did this valley go unnoticed by mortals? The place was enormous.
“Welcome to Camp Jupiter,” said Gwen, waving an arm invitingly in front of her. “The town you can see over there is New Rome, a place for demigods who’ve already been trained.”
Hazel looked at her brother and caught him raising a disbelieving eyebrow. As if he couldn’t believe a town of demigods could exist.
That made her wary. Nico had known about everything they’ve encountered so far —and if he hadn’t, he hadn’t been surprised at all—, the uneasiness radiating from him made her feel wrong-footed.
“Demigod adults?” Nico wondered. 
Dakota nodded. “From university onwards. You serve ten years in Camp Jupiter, and then you get to start a life of your choice.”
Nico was still not quite convinced, but his face had become agreeable again, so Hazel trod forward side by side with him.
“Where are you taking us?” Nico asked after around ten minutes.
“To see our leaders,” said Gwen swiftly. “Any new recruits are met by our praetors.”
“Jason and Reyna,” Dakota apported. “They’re good people. A bit stressed these days, of course, but they’ll give you a chance.”
Being given ‘a chance’ didn’t sound particularly welcoming to Hazel, but she bit her comment back.
“What do you mean these days?” She wondered. 
Gwen and Dakota exchanged a glance. 
“There was a…” Gwen struggled to find the appropriate word. “A conflict, you could say.”
“A war,” Nico supplied. “The titans challenged the gods’ powers. It didn’t go well for them, the gods are still here… obviously.”
Gwen’s expression closed off. “How did you know that?”
“I told you,” Nico reminded her. “My father sent us here. It’s not the first time I follow his orders or his advice. I convinced him to fight with his siblings last month.”
It was Dakota and Gwen’s turn to look mistrustful. 
Hazel couldn’t really blame them. It was hard to imagine this tiny boy convincing a god to do anything. But after just a week with him, she didn’t doubt him anymore. If that’s what Nico said, then that’s what Hazel believed. 
Nico had left to talk to Pluto a few days before. It hadn’t been longer than a couple of hours, but he’d come back with a location for a safe place, and the order from their father to join ranks with ‘those demigods in California’.
If Pluto felt comfortable enough to call Nico for a private audience and advice, why wouldn’t she believe Nico had turned that around at some point to coerce the god into action against titans. 
Hazel wondered if that had anything to do with Gaea. The titans trying to challenge the status quo… it was auspicious at the very least.
Regardless, she felt better knowing Nico could pull in a favour or two from their father when needed. If not protected, it made her feel less abandoned. A bit, anyway.
“I’ll explain everything to your leaders,” Nico offered with a tight smile. “Surely if they believe me, that’ll be enough for you.”
The pair of teenagers turned sheepish. She guessed they thought themselves very friendly people, but they weren’t coming across as the most tolerant. 
“Of course,” said Gwen. “I didn’t mean— It doesn’t matter. The praetor house is just over there.”
“The principia,” Dakota corrected. “Reyna doesn’t like it being called praetor house.”
Gwen shrugged.
They’d arrived at a magnificent building. To Hazel it looked a bit like photos of banks in the richer states. Those that had appeared in the newspapers every time the economy was going through the mud. 
They were led in by their two tour guides, who took them through spectacular halls into a room with a wooden bench in front of a door. It looked a bit like a waiting room.
“Give me a minute,” said Gwen.
Dakota didn’t sit down, so neither did Hazel or Nico. 
Luckily for them, Gwen took even less than a minute. She was leading them through the door and into a room that made Hazel feel small.
It had reddish marble panels on the walls, and a long wooden table.
A jar of jelly beans stood in the middle of the table, and a couple of high-back chairs remained empty on the side opposite from the door.
On their side of the room, a couple of teenagers, a bit younger than Dakota and Gwen, were discussing the contents of some official looking papers.
Hazel noted Nico was studying the room with interest, but she felt more worried about the two teenagers. 
She got the impression that if she had to fight either, she’d take her chance with the boy. Then she told herself that despite the girl’s scowl, they weren’t here to fight but to be introduced to these people.
A safe space. That’s where she was.
The girl’s dark eyes studied them intently. She had dark hair in a braid that was coming loose, and she looked pale, as if she was missing some sunlight.
The boy had purple bags under his blue eyes. He gave Hazel and her brother a onceover before speaking.
“Welcome to Camp Jupiter,” the boy said. “The Twelfth Legion Fulminata. I’m Jason Grace and this is Reyna, we’re your praetors.”
Hazel glanced at Nico and found him staring back at her. 
“I’m Hazel Levesque,” she said. She pointed at her brother with her hand. “And this is Nico di Angelo. My brother.”
She saw them look unconvinced for a fraction of a second, and assumed it was hard to believe the white boy next to her could, in any way, be related. But then they caught on the fact that gods are gods, and their children are not necessarily from the same mother.
Hazel wondered whether the gods themselves could change their appearance at will. She knew in old myths they could turn into animals, but did that include changing their own features?
“Gwendolyn told us you found your way here unconventionally,” Reyna said, and she seemed to think finding the maintenance entrance between highway lanes was the weirdest thing to ever happen. 
“Our father sent us,” Nico told her quickly. His voice was level, and to Hazel, he sounded slightly older too, more mature, as if he was trying to make an impression. “The Lord of the Dead.”
Jesus. Nico just couldn’t keep that to himself for a bit, could he? Hazel guessed it was better to leave that out in the open from the beginning.
Praetor Ramírez-Arellano’s eyes widened. “You’re children of Pluto? And he sent you?”
Jason Grace was surprised too, but he looked more inclined to accept the possibility. He put a hand on his comrade’s arm to either calm her down, or to stop her from being openly dismissive of the Lord of the Dead’s kids.
“It’s not common to have Big Three children,” Jason told them kindly. “There’s not many of us.”
Nico perked up at that. “You’re a child of the Big Three?”
Jason nodded.
“It would be Jupiter, right?” Nico asked. Was he guessing, or had their father told him there was a son of Jupiter leading the safe space he’d sent them to? “A leader such as you. You have your father’s eyes. You said your surname was Grace, didn’t you?”
Good Lord, did Nico know some of Jason’s relatives? Obviously, he’d met Jupiter, or he was bullshitting about Jason having his father’s eyes —which, knowing Nico, it could also be—. But he was interested in Jason’s surname. God, she hated it when her brother didn’t tell her things beforehand, she felt like a fool, ten steps behind while he moved the strings like a puppeteer. 
To her relief, Jason seemed taken aback too. His expression, that had remained open despite revealing their godly parentage, had closed off.
“When did you meet Jupiter?” Reyna demanded.
“Last month,” Nico replied. He glimpsed Reyna’s left side, but turned his attention to the praetors quickly enough. “I convinced my father to fight in the gods’ war against the titans. Afterwards, he saw it fit that I… met the family.”
Her brother looked away from Jason and Reyna again, and this time, Hazel could see he was looking at a couple of dogs beside Reyna. They startled her, she had thought they were decoration. They were metal, but seemed to be alive. And they were staring at Nico as if expecting something, but they appeared to be calm, so she tried to ignore them.
It was harder to ignore their presumed owner. Reyna had turned towards her and her eyes were burning into Hazel’s.
“But not you, Hazel Levesque?” She inquired. 
It took her a second to understand what she meant, until she recalled they were talking about meeting the gods before Hazel had gotten distracted with the dogs.
She shook her head, and added: “I only met Nico a week or so ago.” 
“And Pluto brought you here,” Jason spoke up. “He told you how to find us.”
“He wishes for Hazel to be trained here,” Nico told them. “He’s given me other tasks to do elsewhere, but he hopes you’ll accept me as his ambassador. I would only stay here every so often.”
That made Hazel hesitate. Every so often? Was he going to dump her here and just leave? Was he out of his goddamn mind?
She took a step towards her brother and muttered. “When were you planning on telling me you weren’t staying?”
“It’s okay,” Nico murmured back. “I’ll be here whenever you need me, but our father wants me to handle other errands for him.”
“That wasn’t the plan,” she insisted. “You don’t know these people…”
“Hazel,” he interrupted. “Father wouldn’t put you in danger, trust me. He likes his daughters better than his sons. He wants you to be okay.”
Hazel wasn’t too sure about it. Pluto had let her die but had kept Nico safe for decades. But she decided she would resolve the family conflict later when they weren’t under scruple by the leaders of the place.
Reyna cleared her throat. “What exactly would Pluto need from an ambassador?” 
“He didn’t say anything specific,” Nico shrugged nonchalantly. “Information, I gather. We learn a lot from the dead, but you can also learn a lot from the living. These past years have been a difficult time for everyone, my father felt… disconnected from the rest of the gods. He only wishes to be kept up-to-date with any threats he might have to face in the future.”
Pluto only wished to, but Hazel was sure it was the closest thing to an order Nico could give without being disrespectful. 
She couldn’t care less what power grab Nico had attempted. She was still fuming about him not telling her he was planning on going away. 
She heard her name being mentioned but she didn’t catch what Jason had said. Whatever it was, Nico agreed to it.
“But I—” Hazel began. She would speak for herself, she didn’t need a 12-year-old to accept invitations on her account, especially if he’d just buzz off later to who-knows-where.
“It’s okay,” Nico put a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll talk later. You can trust these people.”
“But can we trust you?” Reyna had tired of waited for them to stop talking it seemed. She’d crossed her arms and was looking at them with a skeptic expression. 
“Have we shown any evidence of the contrary?” Nico asked. To Hazel, it sounded defensive. “Other than the —what did you call it?— ‘unconventional arrival’.”
Jason seemed to realise shit was about to hit the fan, because he stepped in.
“None,” he told Nico in a reassuring voice. “We’re interested in your proposal.” Turning to Hazel he said: “You’ll be wanting to get better acquainted with the place, since you’ll be staying.”
He didn’t wait for her to reply. He took a step between her and Nico, went over to the door, and spoke to whoever was on the other side. 
He reentered the room and leaned back against the table, in the exact same position he’d been in before.
Gwen appeared after a few seconds. Earphones on her neck, their wire connected to something she was putting into her pocket.
“Gwendolyn,” Jason grinned. A real smile, it made him look like a kid from a toothbrush commercial. “Would you be kind and give Hazel a tour of Camp Jupiter? Get her something from the bakery, too.” He turned towards Hazel. “You’ll love those pastries, they’re amazing.”
Hazel wasn’t too sure. She glanced at her brother again. 
Nico gave her a confident nod, like, ‘I’ll handle them.’
She raised an eyebrow. Nico hated people, leaving him alone would be a gamble on their behalf. But she wasn’t too sure there was much of a choice. The praetors wanted to talk to her brother. She imagined it was better to allow them some privacy rather than be escorted out by security on her first day.
Nico gave her a harder look. Hurry up.
She rolled her eyes. 
“See you later,” she told the praetors, ignoring her brother as she left and followed Gwen out of the building, where Dakota joined them for the tour.
“You know Praetor Grace well, don’t you?” Hazel asked. She wasn’t sure it was appropriate but there’d been such a familiarity between them, it made her curious. 
Gwen smiled. “Yeah, he stayed with my family for a while when he was younger. We know nothing of his mortal family, he was very little when he arrived.”
Except that Nico had been surprised by Jason’s name, not just his godly father. 
She kept that to herself. She was annoyed at her brother, but she wasn’t about to betray his secrets.
Instead, she smiled and let Gwen keep talking.
Hazel went off with her and Dakota, they were much friendlier now that they seemed to have got over their shock about Pluto having demigod children. 
When she met Nico again, she’d sit him down to talk. She wouldn’t allow him to leave yet, not until he told her everything he knew.
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the-trinket-witch · 4 months
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(CW: themes of misgendering, psychological torture, Death of a parent, and Aadesh being an unfiltered bastard)
"It’s a bit funny, really. The face of the one he hates, who destroyed the loves of his life, watching him. Imitating him. Pretending to be him. Looking at him while they rip away every last piece of his wife he still sees in them."
Aadesh Had Enough. Enough games, of keeping the visage of the polite counselor, of having Albert and the Prefect snooping through his business. And now, he had enough fun breaking down the young man who'd snuck into his office. He had Albert, pinned close in his tail and unable to call for help with the scarf now curled tight around his throat. The Doctor's grin only further split his face inhumanly wide with each attempt to wriggle free. That ancestral prey-drive made his tail clamp tighter, as he further wrenched the young man's arm up where he couldn't shove him.
"Do you really want to know what Jon sees when he looks at you?"
Claws dug into Albert's scalp. Their hold kept him from looking anywhere else but at that Seven-awful kaleidoscope in the Doctor's eyes. Far too late to try screwing his eyes shut. The magic compelled him to keep looking. As the Silver Mist rolled in over his mind, The mental images came flooding in.
A small curly-haired child tugging excitedly at a man's coat sleeve. That same child, experimenting with hairstyles, thoughtlessly fracturing their wrist in an overzealous attempt in learning to fly by umbrella. A teenager, 'surprising' their father with what remained of their previously beautiful head of hair, now shaven down in some attempt to look masculine. To look like him. That same child, sent to Royal Sword only at the blessing of his wife. St Winnifred's would have been better. That child that was supposed to be his, now unrecognizable as they slouched over Maria's hospital bed. Eyebags; something Jon was familiar with in his own reflection, making it now so much more difficult to see his wife in the face of 'Albert'. "Go home, get some rest. She'll be fine." There was that teen claiming to be his son at the funeral, quietly weeping in a suit that didn't fit. Like every child first trying on their parent's clothes. Just another chip taken off the memory of what Jon use to have, what he worked himself to the bone for every day. Every visit becoming another reminder of what he was losing; every memory becoming a grain of sand in a sieve. And Albert, in Jon's eyes, was actively jostling it, to make more memories slip through his fingers.
It didn't matter to Aadesh he'd only dropped Albert to theta-wave levels of brain activity; his spell had done its job. The dream-induced panic twisting the young man's face was a show in itself. But the show had to end before his next appointment. The Doctor reclaimed his scarf and adjusted his glasses as his tail let the man crash limply to the carpet.
"Ssstay. Out. of my. Business," Aadesh warned, crouching low even as Albert shuddered to his hands and knees. Al's glasses had fallen off, but through a sheen of tears he could still make out the Councelor's form strut back out the door.
And in a horrifying little coincidink, I had been meaning to subject Albert to The Hypnotic Horrors for a bit, so here's a little bit of that doodled out as lighting practice.
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lilacstro · 4 months
Hi, I would like to ask what Pluto at 5 degrees in the twelfth house means for people who have this, and I also would like to know what this means in their lifetime.
im sorry for the late reply, i have been inactive lately~ pluto at this placement can have multiple meanings. It can mean, you have a transformative, powerful and receptive subconscious self. However, it could also mean, it is harder to discover than usual, since 12th house is already hidden and pluto amplifies it. You most probably might not be aware of the power you hold in your mind ....i wonder if you have fully discovered and tapped into that part of your mind.
It could actually also kind of indicate you had a power ruled past life or some kind of violent death. Do you get nightmares or psychic dreams? this placement can be pretty psychic if tapped into.
pluto at 5 degrees can mean you might have a power to secretly woo people. like, they may be confused as in, what exactly is about you that feels influencing, you can also hold power to influence people without even doing anything, persuasive much?
unlike pluto first housers who feel intimidating and magnetic because of their mannerisms and physique, your power is hard to pin down. i hope im making sense, you can also possibly gain some kind of power status in foreign lands, or transform even more in foreign lands, im feeling called to say through a lil struggle, tho it doesnt have to be like so at all and nothing is set in stone
for you career, if you are interested, you might want to see my career post for detailed answers
but all depends on how much are you aware of this power. i tried my best answering your question and i hope it resonated with you :) i hope it made sense to you:) all the best <33
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sweettjrose · 11 months
Detective Mickey Pilot: Character Backstories - The Core Four
Surprise! To celebrate finishing my first fanfiction with the Detective Mickey Pilot. I thought it would be fun to share the backstories I made up for the Mickey and Friends characters as part of this version of the world I made for the Pilot. I ended up having to split it into two parts, so I will share the first part with The Core Four today and the second part with the Sensational Side Characters tomorrow.
If you haven't read my pilot yet, it is pinned to my main account, though I am hoping to post an improved version on AO3 once I get a chance.
I also want to give a shout out to these lovely people as they have been very supportive of my fanfiction and have really helped me keep going:
@local-meme-lord @mafik-sun @asritca @lordspectrus @alioks-blog @noniebella @cartoonslovers
I can't explain how much seeing all your hearts, shares, and comments to my story as it grew meant to me. You are all amazing and I can't wait to share more with you.
Well without further ado. Here are the backstories for Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Peg-Leg Pete, and the Phantom Blot.
Mickey Mouse - Estimated Age: Late 20's - Early 30's
Mickey Mouse has lived in Mouseton for almost his entire life. He had a decent relationship with his parents, though he was much closer to his older sister Felicity and family friend Captain Churchmouse. He loved to listen to Captain Churchmouse about his adventures over the sea, and imagine what kind of adventures he would go on if he ever decided to leave Mouseton. He also loved to spend time with his sister, taking pictures for her homemade articles with his trusty Ol’ Reliable and just generally being with her. As a kid, he used to be quite the troublemaker, though it came from a good-nature desire to help. Overtime he developed a more modest and mild personality, but is still the brave and curious mouse we know today. He met Minnie in kindergarten and they have been together ever since. He met Donald during a regional Junior Woodchuck camping trip where they were bunk bed buddies. Even after the camp Mickey still kept in contact with him through emails and they would visit each other in Duckburg or Mouseton as much as they could. Eventually Mickey would meet Goofy who was working as a janitor at his high school and would help him out in watching Max and Goofy would help him learn life lessons. In high school, Mickey and Minnie finally started dating, despite having a crush on eachother since middle school. They have been dating ever since and can’t even imagine a life without each other.
Mickey was inspired by his sister to become a journalist just like her. So he went to college and got a journalism degree at Mouseton University. During his time at college Mickey’s relationship with Donald and Goofy deepened as they formed a bit of a trio. When Mickey and Donald finally graduated, the group split as Donald moved back to Duckburg to new responsibilities and Goofy decided to move to Spoonerville for a “promotion”. However they all still try to keep in touch through group chat and visit each other whenever they get the chance. His relationship with Minnie was also long distance for a bit when she went to a different school and eventually Paris to study fashion. Mickey actually found Pluto around this time, which helped him feel less alone when they weren’t there. After graduating, Mickey was able to get a position at the Mouseton Argus with help from his sister. They didn’t get to work together for long as Felicity ended up leaving for a position at a national news network and the Editor in Chief who liked her and Mickey retired and was replaced with one that didn’t. This new Editor in Chief refused to let Mickey be a part of any major stories and often forced Mickey to do busy work under false pretenses that Mickey will eventually be able to move up. This led Mickey to go after his own stories in hopes that he could prove himself as a journalist. Little did Mickey know that this would result in the capture of one of the biggest criminal masterminds of the world as well as a new opportunity to work as a crime-fighting detective. However, is this the direction that Mickey wants his life to go? Has the capture of the Phantom Blot improved his life… or did it make it worse?
Fun Fact: Mickey is actually a pretty good artist. He specializes in ink drawings and uses very simple organic shapes to make beautiful designs in the whitespace. Often when his friends are down he'll make them cards with unique characters he thought of to cheer them up and a kind message. He also made comics for his sister's newspapers and for the Mouseton Argus. His comics tend to vary between being experimental and artistic or silly gags.
Minnie Mouse - Estimated Age: Late 20's - Early 30's
Minnie Mouse was born and raised in Mouseton. She has a great relationship with her mother, though unfortunately not a great one with her dad and her many half brothers. Though she ends up making up with one of her half brothers, allowing her to bond with her nieces Millie and Melody Mouse. Her mom worked as a gardener and often had her clothes torn up or damaged from working. Minnie would often patch these, which gave her a love for sewing and eventually fashion design. She first met Mickey Mouse in kindergarten and they have been close ever since. Often when her mother was away at work, she would visit Mickey’s house and they would go on adventures in their local neighborhood. She was the more organized of the two, but also not afraid to speak her mind if she felt like she or any of her friends were being disrespected. She is known for her famous or rather infamous “talks” that tend to make people regret messing with her. She had a crush on Mickey since middle school, but it wasn’t until their junior year of high school that they finally confessed their feelings at the same time and started to date. They are still in a very loving relationship and care very deeply for each other. Minnie’s love for fashion design evolved into a dream to own a boutique store in Mouseton where she can display and sell her own designs. 
She is a huge advocate for bow-centric fashion and believes that she can bring bows back into style. She went to a fashion school outside of Mouseton for a couple of years, but then ended up getting a chance to study abroad in Paris for the rest of her education. Despite showing great skills and taste, Minnie struggled with many of her peers making fun of her designs claiming that bow fashion will never make a return. Thankfully she had the support of her friends and her long distance boyfriend to keep going. She eventually graduated and moved back to Mouseton, sharing an apartment with Clarabelle Cow and Lilly Lamb. She started her own online store called “Minnie’s Bowtique” and hired Lilly Lamb as well as another friend Penny Pooch as employees. Lilly helps with whatever is needed, but later becomes the marketing and social media manager. Penny is temporarily working here as she applies and interviews to get a job in graphic design. Minnie met Daisy Duck online on a forum for small business owners and they’ve been best friends ever since. They often provided each other support for their business and once it was revealed that Daisy’s new boyfriend was Donald, Mickey’s best friend, they started to hang out more as a friend group. The site has been doing decently, gaining meaningful albeit slow growth. But Minnie hopes that once she makes enough profit, she can fully complete her dream and open her own physical store. Can she truly be able to accomplish her dreams as it feels far away from becoming a reality? Would it even matter if the love of her life doesn’t survive his new much more dangerous job? Can she truly get what she wants in life?
Fun Fact: Minnie loves to play softball. She has been a part of a softball team since she was in middle school and even today still plays on the Mouseton Mousers team at the Mouseton Community Center. She is often the pitcher for the teams that she is on with very powerful and tricky throws, though she could still improve on accuracy. Mickey of course tries to make every single game and practice he can, cheering for her on the stands.
Peg-Leg Pete (Percy P. Pete/Percival) - Estimated Age: Mid 40's - Late 40's
Pete grew up in a very large criminal family in a rough part of Mouseton at the edge of town. While Pete had ups and downs with many of his family members, he was close to his mother Maw Pete (Parry) and his sisters Petunia Pete, the mother of Pierino & Pieretto and Petula Pete. But the one person he was the absolute closest to was his cousin Portis Egmont who was practically a brother to him. They bonded due to both being considered the “runts” of their generation and Portis even made him his prosthetic foot. The family Matriarch, Great Grammaw Pete (Patty), owned a settlement of townhouses that have been passed down their family for generations. It was common for members of the Pete family to drop out of high school and join one of the many criminal branches of the family. The family as a whole was never too wealthy, but supported each other through the money they made from their misdeeds. Pete dropped out of high school in his senior year so that he could join the Robbery and Theft branch of the family. He hoped to one day run the branch, but unfortunately his runt status often made that difficult. No matter how many schemes he shared and how many times he tried to prove himself, they either didn’t work or no one would listen to him. Eventually he got fed up and decided to break off from the family to start his own gang with Portis called “Pete’s Gang”.
The two did fine on their own, but decided to hire more members for their gang. They ended up hiring Scuttle and Trudy and together they committed some of the best crimes in all of their careers and formed a sort of family, both figuratively and literally as Pete proposed to and married Trudy after a couple months of working with each other. They even got to work with the Phantom Blot a couple of times just as he was skyrocketing to fame. However, this didn’t last long as Pete decided to take a risky but rewarding job for the Wind Willows Weasel gang. The job ended up failing, and when Pete got arrested he ratted out the weasels to reduce his sentence. But this ended up affecting not just the weasels, but also the rest of Pete's Gang as Scuttle and Trudy also got arrested because of this. Ashamed, he took the reduced sentence. When he got out, he did attempt a prison rescue, but was unable to find where the rest of his team went, leaving him all alone.
This caused Pete to go into another depression as he wandered around Spoonerville, the town next to the prison he was let out of, not knowing what to do. He ended up accidentally stopping a crook from stealing from a poor woman and gained her gratitude. This woman was Peg Percival who decided to take Pete out to lunch as a thank you. When she learned about how lost he was, she decided to take him in as a project. She let him rent a room at her house and got him a job as a used car salesman. Eventually they got married, he took her last name, and had Pete Junior or PJ. Though Pete likes his new family, he still thinks about Trudy and what could have been. He ended up becoming the owner of the dealership he worked at, and when she retired she made Pete the new owner and even let him change the name. Things were going great, until Pete realized that there were quite a few unpaid bills from the previous owner and that the dealership was not doing as well as he thought. It didn’t help that Peg was also pregnant with another child, Pistol. To make matters worse some of the members from the Wind Willows Weasel gang stopped by the dealership to get some getaway cars and instantly recognized him. When they questioned him, Pete quickly came up with the explanation that the dealership is a front for future criminal activity and was hoping to work with them again. He also gave them some free getaway cars, and helped them forge documents for them, in hopes of getting their good graces and to take suspicion off of him ratting them out. It works and he ends up working alongside them and makes quite a bit of money, enough to save the dealership and support his new growing family, without Peg knowing a thing. Scuttle even ended up dropping by from who knows where to help and Pete was introduced to the corrupt lawyer Sylvester Shyster who worked for the weasels and now helps Pete narrowly avoid any legal trouble. Pete even got back in contact with Portis, though he was too busy running his own criminal business to join in. Pete was so successful that he even started to impress his family, when they heard. He decided to open another “dealership” in Mouseton and move his family there so that he could work closer with them and expand his growing criminal empire. He has been in Mouseton for about a year and has been able to make massive amounts of money without the police suspecting a thing. But how can Pete keep this up? And could the new detective provide more trouble than he expected?
Fun Fact: Pete was actually part of his football team at the high school he went to. He initially joined as part of a scheme, but ended up liking it enough to stay on. He even teased the idea of going into professional football. Of course this never ended up happening, as he ended up being part of the reason why the football team lost the playoffs that would have taken them to the state championships. Though it wasn’t entirely his fault as there was a “goofy” cheerleader that got into the way. He actually still uses what he learned from football on some of his robberies.
The Phantom Blot (Full Name: N/A) - Estimated Age: Mid 40's - Late 40's
The Phantom Blot grew up in a very wealthy family. His father was a top executive at Wright & Thwaites, the largest producer of high quality ink in the world. His mother was a theater actress who had a decent career in supporting roles, but was mostly known for hosting incredible parties for the wealthy to meet and do business. The Phantom Blot was never really close with them as they were more focused on their own goals than him. However, he impressed everyone else around him and quickly gained a reputation as a child prodigy as he won nearly every competition he was in and aced all of his tests. Despite this, he was still as sneaky and manipulative as ever. Easily able to avoid getting in trouble, no matter what he did. Eventually, he decided to get into acting. He had some assistance from his mother but mostly had to guide the rest of his acting career by himself. At the private school he attended, he practically ran the entire drama department with the teacher. Being the director, lead actor, props and special effects manager, head of the costuming department, etc. After he graduated he went to Goosliard to study, while still performing whenever he could. He showed so much talent and promise that he was getting multiple offers begging him to star in their shows before he even finished college. The Phantom Blot's future seemed so bright, but also so empty.
One day, an acquaintance asked if the Phantom Blot would help them on a robbery, to pay off a big favor the Blot asked of him. The Phantom Blot, so disillusioned and bored with his life, agreed and they set off to rob a bank. However this heist ended up changing the Phantom Blot’s life as he realized how much he loved the heist and how effectively he was able to avoid the police during a chase. As the Phantom Blot still worked to finish school, he started to be a part of more and more thefts and realized he enjoyed being a thief more than he enjoyed acting. So he abandoned his previous life and started a new life as the “Phantom Blot”. As the Phantom Blot he accomplished some of the most incredible feats in criminal history and raking in billions of dollars. He gained a massive reputation around the world for being an unstoppable criminal genius who has never been caught and has always left the police befuddled in his wake. He even got a request by F.O.W.L to work as a top agent with one of the best salary and benefit packages they have ever offered. But his refusal ended up creating a rift between him and the organization. He continues to go on bigger and badder heists to prove himself. He prefers to work alone, but will hire others if it is required to complete a heist. One of the first groups he hired was Pete’s Gang and he continued to work with them a couple of times before they broke apart. Though he still works with Portis every once in a while. Except for an odd three to four month break, The Phantom Blot has been a frightening force that no one has been able to stop and most doubt that he even can be. Or at least he was, until a little mouse got into the way. Regardless, the Phantom Blot has achieved fame, power, and riches beyond anyone’s wildest dreams including his own and yet he still hungers for more. Can his greed ever be satisfied? And with a new mouse causing problems for him, is it possible that the Phantom Blot has finally reached his limit?
Fun Fact: The Phantom Blot is a fantastic singer. He was professionally taught by a private tutor while he was young and trained himself to have perfect pitch. His voice has a very operatic element to it that is both haunting and alluring. He typically doesn’t like to sing for others, unless he is performing, but he will often sing for himself in places he assumes are abandoned. However, if a place isn’t as abandoned as he thought, some others may catch his singing, though they never find out where it is coming from. This accidentally led to the creation of many urban legends about these locations being haunted by a musical ghost.
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imnotevenusin · 1 year
The Astrology of : Drake
For the 2010s, everyone can agree that one of the biggest artist of that decade was Drake. Being raised in Toronto, and coming from a family that had musical talent in it—his Uncle, Larry Graham, is a legendary funk bassist; his Father, Dennis Graham, is a multi-instrumentalist, who played in Jerry Lee Lewis’ band—he would obviously be inspired to do music too (theres videos of Drake rapping along to songs when he was 9). And showing his talent in more avenues, he starred on Degrassi in his teens, before he started solely focusing on music.
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Luckily, I found his birth certificate online, and the time was 2:31am, so we have an official chart to work with.
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🦁Leo Rising 29° : Our Rising sign can pin-point physical characteristics, or the natural energy we let out. Leo risings are generally known as attention-grabbing, as they are ruled by the Sun—ego, source of self-esteem, and interest.
29° (IN LEOOO) : Leo degrees can tell us something that we might get attention for and this degree is made stronger if it sits in Leo and on the Rising sign; its a huge fame indicator and is the explanation of his celebrity status. You could be known for your looks, or you could treat yourself in a way that gets noticed.
♏️🗣️Chart Ruler (Sun) in 3H : 3H is all about interactions—whether it’s through people, writing, or literacy. The Sun—our ego, our interests, and our “character”, in the 3H could make somebody into reading, poetry, learning, etc. Drake being a Rapper makes sense with this placement. He also released a poetry book recently, soooo…
🌛Moon in Cancer : One of the many running jokes about him is his sensitivity. Our Moon is the fastest changing planet, and it shows us how we find emotional comfort. Cancer Moons are known for being hyper-emotional and sensitive; a person who is constantly trying to find comfort, which makes them pretty vulnerable to different energies. When he first started rapping, his music was “too girly” and “too emotional” for all of the Rap audience to accept.
🦂✍🏽Mercury in Scorpio : Mercury is how we communicate and Scorpio is an intense energy that takes everything personal, digs deep, collects little details, while keeping sacred information private. A Scorpio Mercury could use very spiteful communication tactics. Drake’s music is filled with sneak-disses; His “Sicko Mode” feature had a Kanye diss; “Her Loss”, the joint-album with 21 Savage, features multiple disses; his “Meltdown” feature had disses, you get the point.
🧞‍♂️Jupiter (rX) in 7H/Pisces : Our 7H can show us how we deal with other people on one-to-one relationships—could be friendships, romantic relationships, business partnerships, etc. Jupiter gives us expansion and abundance, while Pisces can give us this sense of feeling unlimited—which can lead to unrealistic expectations. And when Jupiter is in rX, it can feel like we have too much or too little of something—depending on the aspects. This could probably give us some insight into how Drake sees relationships and romance, as through his music we hear a lot of different names and stories about his relationships. Jupiter in Pisces can also point to artistic talent—especially if it’s supported by Venus and the Grand Water Trine.
💫Moon trine Jupiter : This placement gives somebody an energy that is welcoming and hospitable. Drake always gives people praises whenever he introduces them onstage. Jupiter is also supporting his Moon in the 11th House—which is your place in society, collective group, or an audience; this helps him with fanbases and connections.
🖤Venus (rX) in Scorpio : Venus in a chart can show us what characteristics we like in our Spouses and how we treat them, and Scorpio is obsessive and intense. In his lyrics we can tell that he’s pretty controlling in certain dynamics. Venus rX could also indicate not picking the best partners, or not being able to show or receive love in a normal way.
☄️🏴‍☠️Mars square Pluto : Mars is our primal force, how we defend ourselves, and motivations, while Pluto is our “power” or what has power over us. When Mars and Pluto are squared to each other, we find a person that maybe too violent, too controlling, or too vengeful. There’s many times where Drake tries to come off as a “scary” guy and flex his mob ties that he has within Toronto.
👑Sun conjunct Pluto : This is also a huge fame indicator; Pluto is a powerful, generational (everyone in your generation has the same Pluto sign) planet, while the Sun is our interests and ego. With this placement, especially if the Sun is your chart ruler, you could find power and influence just by being yourself and having fun. Drake has superstar type-fame, where just by shouting someone out or giving them a feature , he can make their whole career.
📈🏡📉Uranus in the 4H : Uranus is the planet that brings unexpected situations, while the 4th House is family, roots, and privacy. In May of 2018, during a beef with Pusha-T, it was revealed that Drake had an unplanned baby.
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