ladyofthelake · 6 months
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hypnogogyc · 11 months
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oliver doodles misc
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pretty-little-martyr · 3 months
for some reason am remembering the episode from the 2003 show Dead Like Me that featured 2003's best case scenario at having cis people write a trans woman and how much I genuinely enjoyed that episode. the premise of the show for anyone not familiar (which is probably everyone) was that Grim Reapers were real, were the recently deceased who were randomly picked for the job, and had to individually collect people once they died and pass them on to whatever personal heaven they'd envisioned. the Reapers often aren't given much info about who is going to die and therefore have to talk to people around them to learn the name of the to-be-deceased. and that episode takes place in the lobby of a plastic surgeons office where there's a bunch of ladies and One Dude (character is actually a trans woman, but played by a cis man because. y'know. 2003 American cable television.). she's there to get all of the surgeries done at once (not how that works .... again, 2003 cis writers) to finally "transform into the woman she was always meant to be" [paraphrased] and it always really stuck with me because 1) the actors performance was so .. genuine. she was excited to be there because she had waited her whole life to do this. and she wasn't very young either. 30 or 40 perhaps. an extremely convincing and earnest performance from a presumably cis man. 2) the show handled her with genuine grace. it wasn't funny that she was in there, it was funny that our main character George (cis girl who goes by that name, very interesting from a trans angle as well) was like "why's a dude in here" before learning that the character was not a man just "looked like one." 3) it treated her subsequent death as a genuine tragedy. the thing is with each of the humans we get introduced to we know they're gonna die. and for the most part the deaths are silly and bizarre—one dude slips on a banana peel and gets his neck broken by a revolving door, one person drowns to death under a water cooler, etc—but this one wasn't. I don't actually remember how she died because I can't find the goddamned show anywhere and you can't buy it, either, it got canned after 2 seasons anyway, but I remember George being genuinely heartbroken that the trans woman didn't get to live the life she wanted to. and it's of course all quite clumsy and inept because it's 2003 and they clearly either didn't have a trans person in the writing room or one of the writers mayhap didn't know they're trans yet, I have no idea, but in light of how many frankly disgusting portrayals of trans people and trans women in particular I saw on TV growing up that one has always stuck with me for the tender and serious way the subject was handled.
there's probably an entire essay to be had about both that whole episode and a transmasc reading of George. that show wasn't one that cracked my egg I don't think, because when I first saw it I was too young to parse the idea (I was somewhere between 10 and 13), but it was my first introduction to the idea of being trans. I rewatched it in 2019 when it was briefly on Amazon because my college email acct gave me free Prime Streaming and god the episode hit me like a truck. I'm pretty sure I cried. I want to watch it again and really dissect it because its lack of mockery in a time when it was very much in vogue to mock trans women fascinates me.
im also pretty sure I remember that after the woman passed, the other Reapers misgender her casually because again, 2003, they're acting like she wasn't a woman yet, but I think George notably doesn't. I may be misremembering though. I do remember George being deeply, deeply upset by the unfairness of her death though.
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sylvxters · 10 months
Desolate vaquero |OPEN ROLEPLAY!|
My muse: Sylvester Sanchez
Your muse; character or OC!
Contains: drugs, abuse, $H, weapons, smut, etc.
It was a Friday afternoon, everyone was walking around Tyler ranch, a small town up in Oregon. Men were in their trucks and walking or on their horses, transporting themselves or others to places. Then a boy got down from his truck, a black old Ford, he wore black flared pants, his black leather boots, black shirt, layered with a black and white plaid button up, and a black leather jacket with necklace of a star. He had multiple bracelets on his wrists, 2 rings on one hand, and on the other 1 ring on his index and on his ring finger. He wore a black Stetson hat, that covered his eyes. He lifted his head up. Lookin around, his hair was slicked back, in a small low ponytail as his black hair was around his shoulder, a shag look. With multiple layers. The boy walked into a bar, he walked inside as the room went silent at the sudden attention that was driven to the boy who just walked in.
“aqui Estoy.” (Translation: im here)
The boy said softly as he rose his hat up, a grin plastering onto his face. He got on his heels and went to a barstool, he ordered up a vodka lemonade, he sipped it as he stared around, he turned around, facing the room as he held the tall glass of vodka lemonade. He scanned the room.. his Luger on against his thigh in his holster. rumors spread around that the boy had a rival.. a competition.. he took it to heart. Then.. someone else walked in, same thing, people would stare at you at the sudden entrance, the boy didn’t stare back. His hat covering his eyes. He drank his lemonade.. soon getting the guts to look up at ya.
“And who Are ya.”
He said as he cocked an eyebrow up, grinning as he looked at you up and down, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms, he had finished his drink.
“Don’t know who ya think ya are but.. ya ain’t no better than me.”
He said as he stared at you, it was clear as broad daylight that we were enemies.. Sanchez took that as a threat, he hated when people would try and take the spotlight away from him, snarling under his breath.
“El dia de los muertos. Is a time for celebration.. not fear..”
Sylvester reached over grabbing you by the arm and dragging you to somewhere more private, he closed the bathroom door as he stared at you.
“Where respect is shown and gifts are given to the deceased.. like the sugar Skulls.. Each one representing the dead.. for some there are almost too many to count.. for you.. let the skulls be a reminder.”
The boy got closer, his lips brushing against your collarbone due to the height difference.. he breathed in.. and exhaled.. his breathing tickling again your collarbone.
“Your time on Altar will come soon enough.”
He said as he stared at you, leaving. A stubborn guy, hotheaded, some dared to test the limit this short man had, who else will be daring to get close to this man, will you manage to find out why he is the way he is, will you manage to get him all soft and vulnerable.. will you and Sanchez become friends? Or..
More then that?
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puppycatpawprint · 2 years
Tell me about the 100 Gecs lore please I want to know!!!!!!! :)
im shocked anyone found that post thank you for asking LOL here u go, mostly copy pasted from my discord server but also edited a bit since i listened to literally every gec song ever for some reason: -
this lore starts off with the album named after the band, 100 gecs, which followed the journey of two stoners and a talking dog. the first song in my made-up little lore series, dog food, is about a wizard of some sort who communicates and lives through a dog they found and take care of. the song sounds like it talks about how a deceased someone is currently buried, and how they seem to talk to laura and dylan through the dog. laura and dylan start getting ~magic texts~ that they let go of as kinda spammy since there are 80 unread messages. what those messages are about are unknown, but eventually the dog goes missing, which leads into fuck teeth, being seemingly about laura starting to be able to transform into a dog and starting to notice everyone close to her all leaving her behind and then dylans just coming across her mid transformation and doing drugs with her (thats a lot of this lore weirdly enough). they get so fucked up and high he tries to feed her his own leg, but she breaks the transformation somehow and they dont really question it. they both revel in their powers and continue doing drugs. in the final song, laura sings about now how she has everything she could ever want in the world (twenty-five bands and a single gecko...?) but is a bit lost about how they came to be magical, trying to talk to dylan on the phone, not really realizing she's not using it cause it died- but actually using telekinesis. this is all also while on fucking drugs cause it isnt 100 gecs without good ass weed.
it continues with 1000 and 10000 gecs- 1000 gecs, is about laura and dylan BEFORE they became magical. 745 sticky is just about wanting to be rich and famous, and how theyre essentially there but dont feel adequate enough- spending all their money and waking up early all the time just to perform and make music to no end, slowly not enjoying it but still going as its keeping them alive. money machine is about a rival they encountered, a big guy with a big truck. unfortunately, money machine is not actually linked to lore, but i like to speculate that the rival put a curse on them to make them always unhappy about being famous in the first place. which leads into 800db cloud, where laura and dylan literally sing about how they miss either being with a lover, and miss smoking weed and having fun because theyre always leaving town and having to defend themselves from strange amalgamations that come after them when they smoke or start to feel happy. I Need Help Immediately is a transmission from something they called the tree of clues they overheard one night, but they ignored to go horse racing and try to make more money. stupid horse is about how they lost a LOT of money due to that Truck Guys Curse, and they stole a horse who essentially leads them to the tree of clues. it sends laura and dylan home with Magic Weed after ??? something happens, and a magic fly drives dylan fucking insane & he kills it and thats where all the newer music starts coming in where theyre flying around and shit. i wud nvrstop u, gecgecgec, and gec 2 u are all unfortunately just normal songs with no relation to the lore. no new album yet, but TWO songs are currently up to date with that lore: mememe and Doritos & Fritos. mememe is about dylan and laura talking shit to their exes, while demonstrating their newfound abilities of flying and reality manipulation, letting go of the past lives as just normal famous people. Doritos & Fritos explore a town thats being somewhat devastates and confused by laura and dylan, who are now just flying around the world being stoners
jesus christ this was less organized b4 i actually heavily edited this. LOL the end is all i kept intact, i hope you enjoy this silly dump abt nonsense i thought up
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pixeltori · 1 year
TORI 🗣🗣 hello the only spurs fan ever 🤍
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers/mutuals (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
GEN!! if there are no spurs fans, im deceased
1. Tonka Truck by Mijita
2. Symfonia by Ariel
3. Smoke Sprite by So!YoON! feat. RM
4. TBTF by Coco & Clair Clair
5. Nasty by grouptherapy.
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thegreatgaygay · 2 years
ok boys, here's the roxy update.
in the past month i have, in no particular order:
-gotten diagnosed with bipolar
-had dissociative episodes where i thought i was inspector javert from the hit 1862 book les miserables
-written like 80k words of Les Mis fan fiction alone
-fucked up my spotify wrapped so deeply
-had my first kiss (gay)
-fallen way behind and caught up on college work
-had multiple mental health crisises
-slayed the house boots down im deceased
-had several gender crisises
-planned a trip to the UK
-gotten mildly drunk for the first time ever
-had what i THOUGHT was a religious experience but what i'm pretty certain was a delusion of some sort lol
and i'm still fucking trucking. what the fuck. why is my life Like This.
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prtygetsmewetta · 14 days
Did you ever have a classroom crush? Where are they now?
There was my first crush named "Paul" never knew what happened to him after kindergarten and honestly don't care.
Eduardo is now a creep (4th grade crush) don't care for him either.
Melvin I heard is in jail (6th grade crush also my first kiss) don't care for his ass either.
My 7th grade crush wasn't really my crush he was my boyfriend (we only kissed) were together on and off for almost 4 years his name was Horace Palmer, we are good acquaintances!
Freshman year I had a few crushes cause I went to a big school that was basically a mini college, but I was fucking this junior and I really liked him but he just wanted to fuck me, he still wants me till this day, he's a cop. His name is Juan he's Dominican, but don't care for him. Also at the end of my freshman year I was fucking this senior he was IT but I forgot his name 😭
Sophomore year also had a few crushes 😭 omg I loved being young IM NOT THE SAME I PROMISE but my mom told me to have FUN 😂 sooooooo!
I had a boyfriend sophomore year he was Peruvian but very handsome (he's a creep now) he also named his daughter after my daughter so I DONT FUCK WITH HIM RN ITS GIVINT DESPERATE A LIL! Anyways I ain't trust his ass cause his BFF was his ex some girl in the same school, but I also liked this boy named Jason who was my enemies boyfriend but he LOVED Him some me STILL TILL THIS DAY I GOT PROOF 😂 & yeah at some point I started fucking my enemies boyfriend for a while too they eventually broke up so it was a time span I'm not explaining rn ! I also had a shawty on the side from another school he also still loves me till this day (Nino)
My junior year I thought I fell inlove... his name is Olajuwon...he's older, was in college when I met him.. his birthday is on the same day as my mother's death day... it's a long story with him.. but we just stopped fucking around last year.. we were very open with each other, vulnerable, honest.. and he just stopped talking to me out of no where rumors got it that he has another gf. Which I'm sure. Still very much got love for him as a friend. But clearly he ain't care about me that much to repeat the same mistake twice.
End of junior year had a different boyfriend from a different school, he sold drugs had money took me on dates and shit and he also kept me good in school. But after a while we got too toxic, he tried to stab my mama. Name was Jojo, his family hated me for whatever reason (that was a first) but I know for a fact he still think about me I was tooo good to him for his BS! Don't care for his ass tho AT ALL! I would probably run his ass over with a truck, his sisters too!!!!!!
Senior year I had encounters with Olajuwon maybe twice or 3 times. Then I met my ex babies father (kalvin) we lost a kid together.
Then I met my kids father after senior year. Literally that summer. (Darren) he is now deceased, maybe in hell. Idk. He abused me.
After I left my bd, me and Olajuwon were fucking around again and it was looking serious. Then he had jobs in Japan and Korea and last year shit wasn't the same.
Rn I'm just focused on my self
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viruscide · 3 years
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leons-lady · 4 years
Easy to say you don't understand why size of anything matters when you're an absolute MILK TRUCK 🥺
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forbiddentaako · 2 years
Ninjago characters as quotes from my dnd game
silly goofy but
lloyd: That’s my title actually
kai: The aroace icon?
lloyd: 😔 I’m not an icon
cole: Can I make a strength check to see if I can stir the coffee so hard it heats up ?
Nya: Hey what if you took your damage and divide it by 8?
Morro: Im sorry worstie...But i cannot do that
Kai:  You’re that bad at math?
kai : i have advantage on chex mix checks
skylor: why
kai: i love chex mix
kai: i got a 17 but i have a plus 30 modifier
jay: cole will you be the truck to my other truck
lloyd: this is what you get without fantasy healthcare. An 11 year old wizard therapist. I’m not licensed, i can't drive
pixal: sure, loot your husband
nya: oh, it's the hitchhiker's guide to hell
Nya: zane where did you put the ashes
zane: of the deceased
nya: ya
zane: I cleaned them
nya: where did you put them
zane: the garbage
zane:I’m not in tip top shape I have fantasy depression
jay: wait you can say im twins because I have duplicity
pixal: No no one wants two of you
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deathtriangles · 3 years
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mavspeed · 3 years
First Line Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Hey @applesfallingfromblondehair, thanks for the tag love!! likewise i dont usually do this but this feels interesting so lets see if my ass has improved over the last few stories lmfkjgjk
also this will prob be a mix of xmcu fic + kingsman fic bc i think i have a more or less equal number of fics written for both
The first time Charles meets Lucifer Morningstar, actual devil from hell, ruler of the underworld, fallen son of the lord above and god knows what else, it had been after Erik had been sentenced to life imprisonment in the highest security cell in the Pentagon. 
- this is from a professor and a devil walk into a bar, which is kinda a crossover rarepair fic that rose out of me and mutuals on twitter discussing tom ellis and james mcavoy being roommates and kinda... devolved from there. i am proud of this one lmfnjgkj
“Are you okay, Professor?” Hank asks quietly.
Charles blinks. He supposes it’s a valid question. He’s been in a bit of a funk the past few days- scratch that actually, the past few years. He’s just lost so much- his father, and then his mother’s love, and then Raven and Erik and Sean and countless others. Building a school, gaining students he loved to teach and nurture hadn’t helped him in the slightest, and he’s as lost as he ever was, wandering the halls of a drafty mansion alone, feeling like he’s been stranded at sea even whilst surrounded by people.
- from in the belly of the beast, which again came out of me wondering what would have happened if fox had gone w their original plan and charles had been that last horseman instead of erik. this story will prob gain a sequel... sometime in the near future when im not too bogged down by current wips
The Xavier family hall of the deceased- because of course they’re weird enough to have a cemetery- is full of rows upon rows of holograms. Charles is four and gets bored of his father crying over his mother’s hologram, so he toddles over to the other rows. Unfamiliar names, all of them- Charles is young, and he doesn’t understand death. He doesn’t even know who his mother is, who’d died at childbirth and left him with a father still at a loss when it came to bringing up a kid.
- from tequila on a spaceship, the sequel to a fic that still has some people angry at me i think. this fic never did gain as much traction as the first one but im still proud of it esp since it discusses certain themes of reincarnation that ive always wanted to see explored for myself in reincarnation aus (and i only ever saw it in danveresque’s reincarnation au)
There are cork boards covering every inch of the wall. Red strings, photographs, conspiracy threads, everything. Raven takes it in, swallowing, noticing the picture in the middle.
It’s one of Charles, when he’d been in university. His final year- he'd just been done presenting his year- end project, his fringe a tumbled mess and a bright smile on his lips. Erik had taken the picture, Charles scurrying to his side once he’d been done and demanding to look at the image, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth. He looks like how Raven had always imagined him to be.
“He wouldn’t want this,” she finally says, turning to look at Erik.
- from tequila on a beach, the first fic to the fic above. this fic is v special to me because i actually wrote this on a spiral after having a very tough visit with one of my parents in the hospital after a surgery for organ removal to prevent the onset of cancer. its simpler than my other fics yet i think more powerful because of what happens. also i think the first time i killed charles off lol (spoiler alert). also idk if ppl were aware of this but this is called tequila on a beach precisely bc charles and erik were tipsy from tequila at a frat party and then went to a beach. its the way they first met (and will continue to meet for all their next lives)
Erik doesn’t know how it all started. Maybe it was when his insane sergeant had started rambling about imaginary cities, treasures of gold and cursed incantations. Maybe it was when trickles of rumours had started pouring down about the higher ups wanting to investigate unfound territory, disregard the Egyptian government’s feelings on the matter, and put a previously unfound myth on the map for all the world to see. Or maybe, Erik thinks, it was when archaeologist Klaus Schmidt put a bullet through his mother’s head and he ended up going to America armed with dual citizenship and the sole intent of wanting to drive a coin directly between Schmidt’s eyes, joining a division of the American military focused solely on guarding archaeological digs- more importantly, in Egypt, where Schmidt’s interest had shifted.
- from courting the end of the world, another one i’m just insanely proud of! this is the first time i’ve ever attempted a multichapter movie au and it actually managed to work pretty well, i at least haven’t run out of inspiration for it yet lmfjgjg. also erik as himbo rick connell... very rent free in my head
The day after they murder Shaw and leave his house of horrors, Erik crosses the Canadian border with Charles across his back. Charles had started getting tired while they’d been walking, stumbling and nearly tripping until Erik had forced him to get on his back, ignoring Charles’ protests.
The blood’s seeping out steadily from Charles’ nose, staining his shirt and soaking it through. It’s been leaking on and off, and the effects are already obvious in the dark circles beneath Charles’ eyes. Any more, and Erik knows they’ll have to find him a doctor. He hopes the nearest town in Canada has one that would be willing to treat them.
- from a world built for two. i actually dk where the inspiration for this came from, i think i was once again on a depressive spiral and wanted to break my comfort characters into pieces and put them together again. this also deals with codependency and unhealthy coping mechanisms as a result of trauma which i showed as sweet in the fic but i would def not recommend in real life. pls if u relate to either charles or erik in this go see a therapist
The call comes in the afternoon, an hour before Charles is supposed to teach his Intro to Genetics class. Frowning, Charles abandons the game of Candy Crush he’d admittedly been playing rather badly and picks it up. “Charles sp-”
“We need you, Prof,” Kitty says desperately into the phone. “He’s been in a temper all morning, and then Alex’s reports missed out a whole subsection, so he’s fired the entire marketing team! Please, Professor, you have to come immediately!”
- from and we can be pirates. i wrote this in like 4 seconds for my friend who wanted professor charles and ceo erik and actually did not expect this to gain the attention it did... its always the fics u write in like 4 seconds lmfjggj. a sequel for this Is coming too probably at some point in the very far future
Charles Xavier can admit as he sits across from Essex, hands cuffed to the desk, that in hindsight, this had perhaps not been one of his better ideas.
He refuses to admit it as he controls Erik’s mind, preventing him from lashing out and making him close his eyes to the nightmare unfolding in front of him. He refuses to admit it as he gets shoved into the back of a black pickup truck, and the butt of a gun is smashed across his forehead hard enough to knock him out cold for a few hours. He refuses to admit it when he wakes up what appears to be hours later in a cold interrogation room, hands cuffed to the table in front of him, with a suppression collar rendering his mind dark and almost achingly silent.
- from from the land of gods (bring me home). i’ve been struggling w this fic a lot (it didnt come as easily to me as the first one did) but its getting there. also i put charles through hell in this rip sorry mister xavier
In the aftermath, both of them stand at the border of the mansion. The air feels frigid, slicing into Raven’s lungs like a thousand paper cuts. “Charles, please,” she begs, heart in her throat and voice hoarse. “He wouldn’t want you to be like this. He wouldn’t want you to do this. It’s not too late, you can come back.”
Charles gazes back, a brick wall. He hasn’t even cleaned up, still in that damnable yellow and blue suit with blood drying in the corners of his mouth, the bridge of his nose. There’s nothing in his eyes- blank, almost see through. He looks as if he’s a mere shade, a ghost lounging about where he once was. Raven knows better.
“I will raze the world to the ground,” he finally says, his voice free of any inflection, “and when I’m done, no one will be left standing. Not you, and certainly not me.”
- from where all the poets went to die, a dark fic based on what would have happened if moira had killed erik with the bullets. its the first time ive written dark charles and it was v fun if im being honest
Charles is a light sleeper. It’s a trait that stays with him- all the way from his father and the tests to taking care of his mother to Cain Marko and his fists to Cuba and then now, the dust of Washington settling over him and making the waking world lie an inch beyond his eyelids. It therefore stands to reason that the second the windowsill creaks he’s up in a shot, hoisting himself up and lashing out with his telepathy instantly.
That’s not a trait that had stayed with him. That’s a newly formed trait, bitter and bold, carved into existence by Cuba by his students disappearing one by one in Vietnam by the letters that announce Sean’s death in black unfriendly print by-
The tendrils of his telepathy forged cold and distant meet a barrier and recoil, stunned. He focuses his eyes and then widens them, staring at Erik who stares back, hidden beneath that infernal muddied magenta helmet of his. They stare at each other for a moment before Erik clears his throat.
- from in the valley of kings (you will come home). my first ever cherik fic! im actually also proud of this one even if i ended it horribly and half my mutuals refuse to read it bc of how it ended LMFJGJGJ. i cant believe this was supposed to be a funny and cute kid fic and then i turned it into an angst ridden mess. also leo is actually an oc whose adult version is fancasted as charlie rowe by me and another mutual on twitter and im v proud that readers are willing to die for the baby
Mike has to google it, finding a crafts shop nestled into the corner of the street right smack in the middle of Louisiana, past a long and winding dirt road and the crumbling farmhouses relics of a time long past. The air is hot, humid, sticking to the back of his neck like an unwieldy parasite as he pushes the door of the shop open to the sound of the bell tinkling above.
He finds the origami paper quickly enough and has a momentary breakdown about what Bill’s favourite colour even is- he had never thought to ask him. Twenty seven years of following every single footstep of his like a dedicated, most definitely creepy stalker, three months of more than a few states traversed with Bill’s laughter now echoing in his ears like a shadow that trails after him, and this is what stumps him. It takes ten minutes, but he finally settles on light green.
- my first and last entry into the IT fandom bc i love these two but to be very fair there isn’t much content out there for him (and twitter content actually intimidates me lmfjgjjg) a thousand paper cranes never got much traction either but i suspect its bc i was horrible at promoting it. also i very much love this fic even if it never did that well bc ive always wanted to write a fic like this after watching the movie in cinemas in 2019
ok nsfw i guess 
Mornings start like this- Eggsy snuffling into David’s neck, attempting to work his way back up to wakefulness as David sleeps the sleep of the dead, the streams of morning sunlight gradually lightening up the room. It’s a while before he gets the energy to sit up, pushing an eager V off the bed- V for Vendetta, a kitten named after one of David’s favourite movies that they’d adopted about a month after moving in together- before stumbling to the loo. He’s already in the shower when David comes in, naked as the day he’s born with his arms entwining themselves around Eggsy’s waist as he murmurs a sleep-soft, “Good morning, love,” as he presses a kiss into the two-days-old hickey on Eggsy’s shoulder. His breath smells of toothpaste, the minty fresh kind he insists on buying from Target no matter how much Eggsy insists that the other brand is much better. Without fail, Eggsy always has a split second thought of thinking that he must truly be in heaven because no way can this be his reality, every single day, before sinking to his knees and allowing David’s cock to hit the back of his throat.
- from that’s the kind of love i’ve been dreaming of. i genuinely wish i had an opinion for this but i don’t remember writing this its been way too long
The first time Eggsy sees her is in Trafalgar Square.
Trafalgar Square is uncomfortably packed on any normal day, but on New Year’s it is quite the hothouse. Sweating armpits and hot bodies plastered against each other, the twinkling lights overhead providing a flash of blue and green and yellow and red, screaming children and giggling teenagers shoving their way through- it’s a recipe for disaster. Eggsy doesn’t know how he ends up there. It happens sometimes- one second he blinks, sequestered in the comfort of his living room, and the next he’s somewhere else, as if he’s been teleported. “Life goes past you,” Tilde had said once, “and you don’t even notice.” Tilde would be right.
- this is a roxy and eggsy friendship centric fic that i abandoned bc i lost my ardor for this world about the same time i got into xmen lmfjgjg. all the king’s horses also had some great fancasts in it with dev patel fancasted too... rip ig
once again, nsfw
Eggsy, truth be told, doesn’t actually like having sex in bathrooms. First of all, bathrooms generally have an unsanitary air about them. Besides that, the granite of the sinks always feel cold against his hips, there is the ever present fear of being walked in on and unlike what people might say, he actually really isn’t that much of an exhibitionist- and truth be told, he’s never liked the look of himself in the mirror mid coitus.
For David Budd, however, he suspects he might be up for anything.
- from do you ever dream of me. im actually proud of this fic and this series, i never usually write straight up porn or friends w benefits and i think it worked well in here. once again didnt get much traction but that was very of the norm for my kingsman fics lmfjgj
It is on his fifth meeting with the therapist on site that she brings the issue up. The elephant in the room- or the bomb , David thinks morbidly. If asked, he can’t remember specifics about that day now. All he remembers is this- the burn of Julia’s picture in his wallet against his thigh, the Botticelli painting on the far wall and Miss Paulson’s face, severe and unsmiling.
“When you couldn’t reach Julia,” she says, after he finishes describing the feeling of running to Julia, the panic searing his chest as he’d prayed for his legs to work faster so he could do something, anything to reach her hand. “How did that make you feel?”
- from your haunted social scene. i genuinely... do not remember anything about this either helpfkjgjg,,, this has 55 comments tho which. Nice
David brings her home on- in a move far too cliche for it to be reality- a stormy night. It’s in fact storming so hard the windowpanes shudder like leaves in the wind, droplets crashing against the glass in a cacophony so loud Eggsy more than once considers turning the radio all the way up to drown it out. He’d gone scrounging for David’s sweatshirts instead of his own halfway through, wincing intermittently at the flashes of thunder. At a particularly loud one JB had jumped up, squeaked in a very undoglike manner and skidded across the floor to cower beneath the sofa, only coming out when coaxed by Eggsy to do so. Officer Oatmeal had watched the proceedings from her regal place by the armchair, dozy eyed and blinking heavily.
- from a cat named lavender. from what i remember this was also my first try at bringing up trans eggsy
He first appears at the black prince on a cold Monday evening, eyes like Frank Sinatra and lips arresting anyone’s gaze if they weren’t careful enough. He stood out too, clad in a respectable bomber jacket and boots that clicked against the tile rhythmically and loudly, a sort of organised, measured cacophony.
“Go and serve him,” Andrew said, fat and disinterested, seated behind the counter and idly flicking through bills, less than ten percent of which he pays Eggsy. “I’m busy.”
- from trust is left in lovers after all. i never continued this which is sad bc this did get a lot of attention... it was just v hard to keep the story going
It usually rains cats and dogs in London but for some reason, the rain is heavier than usual today. The droplets splatter against the windows in a constant buzzing rhythm, the sound meshing together in a melody not altogether pleasant to the ears. It’s half past five and yet the light has to be kept on because that’s how dark the sky has gotten- thunder rolls like a loud crack, abrupt and deafening, causing Daisy to jump in her seat.
“Just a thunderstorm, flower,” Eggsy says. They’re seated at the dinner table, Eggsy going over her homework while David sits opposite them, hunched over his laptop as he attempts to finish a post mission report. Eggsy is half convinced he gave up ten minutes ago- he’s got his earbuds in and he hasn’t really typed anything in a while, eyes focused on the screen. His eyebrows are scrunched up in a glare that’s too adorable for his own good- and for Eggsy’s.
- from could feel like kryptonite. a lot of my kingsman fics are actually so much happier than my cherik ones... i should prob look into that rip
“When you’re done lazing around you can come in, you dozy dog,” he tells Officer Oatmeal, who butts her nose into his knee. She’s the only one not on a diet in the house, Eggsy deeming her far too healthy and skinny to need one anyway. In fact, she’s under strict instructions by Eggsy to fatten up instead.
Once the animals are done feeding- Eggsy sporting a suspicious scratch on his left forearm- they settle down to eat their scrambled eggs and toast. David’s taken a large gulp of his scalding coffee when Eggsy says, all of a sudden, “So, I have a school reunion.”
- from gonna set this dance alight. don’t remember much about this either tbh
20. (the last one FINALLY)
It isn’t a big event or explosion that makes David realise he wants to see his father’s ring sitting pretty on Eggsy’s index finger. No teary confessions in the rain like in the rom coms Eggsy loves to rent out and sniffle his way through, or a fight that makes David see sense. In the end, it’s breakfast that cinches the deal for him.
The day had started out normally enough. David wakes up at eight like clockwork, the soft downy hair at the base of Eggsy’s neck tickling his nose with his arm locked tight around his waist. He’d yawned, exhausted- mostly because they’d stayed up very late into the night making good use of the bed- before standing up and shucking his shirt off to head for the shower. Eggsy had shifted in his sleep, mumbling something unintelligible, and the sight had been too endearing to resist so he’d bent down, pressing a kiss to his forehead and smiling when Eggsy groaned out loud.
- from lover boy rules. i actually started a lot of my kingsman fics in the same way which is rather awful of me. im glad thats changed with my xmen fics lmfjgjk. also this has 15 comments???? i dont even get that much attention with my xmcu fics these days... which is arguably a more active fandom... Hello
anyway that’s the end of it needless to say i do not know 10 other authors so im just gonna tag whoever i know rn: @hellfre , @queerneto, @ikeracity, @drinkingstars, @zebraljb
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kissmymongoose · 4 years
Through the good and the bad, im still trucking! Weve almost finished all of the christmas shopping. I want to get the kids a lap desk for when theyre chilling in bed or on the couch. I also want to get mom a picture frame with pictures of her deceased loved ones. Her mom and dad on one, my poppa in a frame, her brother that has passed on. Just stuff like that. A memory frame if you will. Im not sure if ill be able to get it done the way i want but im gonna try damnit.
I need to get stocking stuffers. I keep seeing posts encouraging dads to fill up moms stocking. Kinda makes me sad cause no ones gonna care to put stuff in mine. Ive filled my own before. I think i will this year too. Nothing crazy, a good chocolate box, maybe a bath soak kinda thing or a face mask. Idk. I really like the dark chocolate oranges. Instead of a face mask i could look for some cheap nail art tools. Idk though. It would be nice to have someone else do it. Or even to wrap the gifts I am getting. Theres no suprise when youre the one wrapping them 😥 dont get me wrong, I am very very excited and grateful for what I am getting, I just would like a little special thought put into it for me. This isnt about me though. Its about making sure the kids feel all the magic of Christmas so that when theyre older they can make a little christmas magic of their own.
Gwenavere is such a sweetie. She asked if santa was real and dod gammit im still saying yes! Because even if santa as a man doesnt exist, the spirit of giving and being together is very very real. I told her yes of course Santa was real. I didnt specify how 😉 . i told her if she didnt believe in him then he would stop bringing gifts. And that she would still get presents from family, but that santa was worth believing in because he always seems to know just what we want or need. She says she believes me because I got gifts as a baby, and my biological mom was a drug addict, so santa must be real! 😭😭😭😭 my sweet sweet loving baby! Ive had to tell her about "nanny tab" because im not going to force them to see her and im not going to lie to them about her. We know she doesnt make good choices and that she is addicted to drugs. But the main reason is because she is sick. She has a few illnesses. One or two of which are terminal. Her organs are literally slowly hardening until they atrophy. Even her skin. I dont want them to get attatched to someone who doesnt care just for them to lose her. Im not going to lie to them. My whole life coming up my mom "great aunt" tried to let us have a good impression of my biological mother. And for years we cared and for years she didnt. Im not going to force my kids to be a part of someones life who doesnt care. She might in her own way, but she does not have whats best for my babies on her mind. Im not going to let them trust her just for her to let them down again. I decided for good last year when she came by so high she couldnt remember why she was there or which kid she had stolen what for. And then she gave my kids used dirty mixed up playdoh. And i couldnt let them play with it because i didnt know where it had been. She does way too many drugs for me to be letting the kids dig their hands in it. I had to explain to gwen and adon to be thankful that she thought about them, and that we would throw this playdoh away in case it was unsafe and id get them some fresh playdoh and we could just pretend it was what nanny got us. 😣
Oh yeah, so, we got robbed! We know who did it. An old friend who is addicted to molly and meth. The dumb fucker luckily got our least valuable dirt bike. But almost had our best one. Thankfully david took the kickstarter off and the fucking idiot couldn't operate the bike 😂 im very thankful that it played out the way it did.
Anyway. Im gonna watch a few videos on youtube, blaze up, and start cleaning up our mess from the weekend. Then im gonna finish up wrapping the presents and call it a day. Gonna try to get some rum from the liquor store before bed time. I have some coconut cream to mix with it.
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nico-di-angelato · 5 years
here are all the amazing easter eggs and references in the new movie Halloween (2018) !! it does contain spoilers and WHEW this list is long bc im the biggest nerd ever have fun 
i also tried to do it in order lmao 
The opening credits are eerily similar to the original credits back in 1978 and also the same font the original movie used unlike what some of the sequels did. 
In the credits, instead of actor Nick Castle being credited as Michael Myers, “The Shape” is. This further alludes to the fact that Myers is not human and really is The Boogieman. Castle performed a majority of the masked Myers' scenes, so he's not necessarily playing "Michael Myers" in that sense.
In the beginning scenes, we hear recordings of Dr. Samuel Loomis, Myers’s original doctor/psychiatrist, diagnosing him as a demon saying “it needs to die!” Although it sets up the atmosphere of the scene as even more chilling, it pays respects to Donald Pleasence (Dr. Loomis) with his dedication to the franchise who died in 1995. Although it is not Pleasence’s voice, actor Colin Mahan did an excellent job bringing back Dr. Loomis’s iconic voice full of fear and paranoia to the viewers. 
Michael escapes from him being transported like in Halloween and in Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers where a prisoner transport goes wrong. However, his escape almost exactly parallels the first movie. In both movies, patients are seen roaming around the field with the crashed bus but no Michael in sight. The soon-to-be victim goes outside their car to check out the damage and then goes back into the car without checking the backseat. Big mistake since Michael strangles his victim to death and steals their car to head back home. 
After Michael is found out to be the last missing patient, he is referenced as with “babysitter murders”. To the average viewer, this could mean nothing more than a simple refresher to the first movie but to a Halloween fan, it’s more than that. The original movie title was going to be “The Babysitter Murders” but was later changed to its iconic title. 
When Dr. Loomis arrives in Haddonfield to find Michael, his first stop is to visit Judith Myers’s grave, the deceased sister of Michael Myers. In this film, it’s the podcasters who visit the grave. 
Laurie Strode’s house, or sanctuary, in this case, gives a very similar vibe to the original Myers’ house from the first movie which first shows the viewers how similar Laurie and Michael have become. 
When Michael arrives at the gas station, there is a pickup truck that has “Resurrection Church” which could be a homage to Halloween: Resurrection (even though it was one of the worst movies in the franchise). 
Meanwhile, at the gas station, the entire scene plays out very closely related to Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers where after he escapes he also visits a gas station and kills all the workers there. 
Michael murders a garage mechanic and steals his utilitarian jumpsuit, which is exactly how he changes from a hospital gown to a pair of grease-stained overalls in Halloween 4.
However, he doesn’t just stop at killing the workers this time. His main targets were the two podcast reporters from the beginning of the movie who he kills in the bathroom of the gas station. In many of the sequels, characters have met Myers in public restrooms whether it be the first time or the last time which serves as an ongoing theme in the films. 
After Michael Myers escapes in the original movie, the scene cuts to Laurie and her friends walking down the sidewalk in Haddonfield discussing their Halloween plans, unaware of the horror that was let loose. This is very similar to the scene with Allyson and her friends but with a more modern conversation and sprinkling in Allyson’s grandmother’s paranoia. 
In school, we see Allyson sitting in the back of a classroom looking out the window while her teacher is talking about “fate”. This alludes heavily to the first film with almost identical movements. However, in the first film, Laurie’s teacher explains that fate is a natural, nonreligious element of our lives, so we’re destined for whatever fate has in store for us -- aka Laurie encountering Michael who will ultimately change her life. Allyson’s teacher, on the other hand, says the quote, “He said fate took a different course.” With some research, we learn the quote comes from a Holocaust Survivor named Viktor Frankl and said “The way in which a man accepts his fate and all the suffering it entails, the way in which he takes up his cross, gives him ample opportunity — even under the most difficult circumstances — to add a deeper meaning to his life… Here lies the chance for a man either to make use of or to forgo the opportunities of attaining the moral values that a difficult situation may afford him. And this decides whether he is worthy of his sufferings or not.” This alludes to Laure’s trauma and how she overcomes it by the end of the movie. 
The biggest and most obvious reference in the classroom scene is when Allyson looks out the window and sees her grandmother across the street staring at her, exactly the same to Laurie’s first encounter with Myers. 
When the Strodes are having dinner, Allyson invited her boyfriend, Cameron Elam. Allyson’s father tells stories to them about how him and Cameron’s father, Lonnie Elam, would “trip balls out in the woods.” This was the same Lonnie Elam who bullied Tommy Doyle in the original, and whose friends dare him to approach the door of the haunted Myers house. 
During dinner, Laurie arrives late and in a state of panic. She jugs down a glass of wine to calm her nerves which she does similarly during lunch in Halloween H20.
Going back to number 2 in this list, “The Shape” is credited to play Michael Myers. Although Myers is commonly called that by many fans, this name was never actually spoken until this film, At dinner, Laurie tells her family that “I saw him. The shape.” So FINALLY, fans can hear the secret name spoken aloud. 
okay this list is really long uhhh tell me if u want more lmao bc i am literally only like 15 min into the movie
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shiwoart · 5 years
idk if ur still into saint seiya or ur whole gist with it but like,,, GOD OP,,,, im vibing tonight,,, i found that sorta old shun bust you made (the one before the scylla io) and im. deceased. GOD i love your art so fucking much keep on trucking
OMG THANK YOU!!!!! I LOVE Saint Seiya and it is most likely i’ll be into it until I expire lmao but aaah I am so happy you love it! I’m not active on tumblr, but I do my best to post my Saint Seiya art here :’3
I am more active about my art on twitter tho! If you wish to see more, follow me at @vale_shiro  :DDD
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