#THESE TWO?? They don't see nobody else on the court its just them
kataracy · 11 months
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Kataang Week DAY 1 // Wind & Rain
A day at the beach with the couple that doesn't know how to sit down
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trancetales · 5 months
On naming and language in creative writing
I've been thinking recently about writing and specifically, coming up with names and terms within the setting. It can be easy to think to yourself about your own, or indeed of someone else's, choices of terms and names when you're creating a world and setting. "This name is so uninspired", or "This term sounds stupid." You might think it stands out like a sore thumb because it isn't an overly flowery term. That is fine.
Have you ever thought that about real world things? If, like myself, you've found yourself thinking that way about such things, maybe looking at some real world examples with a little more scrutiny can help put some of those thoughts at ease.
Lets start by looking at a few real world terms, first of all. Lets say you have a magic system, and it depends on something that you've called "manapools". Its a simple name, and its to the point. Its not the most out there name, but why should it be?
Have you ever thought about that time at the end of the week? You know, when the week ends, and it becomes the "weekend"? Its what we really called it in English. Its not very creative, but its what we call it, and nobody bats an eyelid. Why should they? That's what its called. Nobody thinks "the weekend should be called something more imaginative.
Another example is the word "waterfall". It couldn't possibly be more straightforward. It is where water falls. Water is falling, so, waterfall. Simple enough, and even someone who doesn't know what a waterfall is could probably piece together that a waterfall is that bit where the water is falling.
This is especially the case when you're talking about a fantasy or scifi term that will be completely new to someone. You actually want someone to recognise the term at a glance and have an idea what's going on. Not just because it makes it easier for the reader to recognise it easily, but because its more convincing from a storytelling perspective - even if there's a more scientific word in the world, are people really going to be using it? Have you ever heard anyone talk about Trochilidae? Probably not. Because when people see a bird that's making a humming sound, they're going to call it as they see it. A hummingbird.
Next, I'm going to touch on place names. Maybe your big city is called "King's Court". Maybe you're thinking that its not very inspired, in a world of Arendelles and Coruscants. If so, you might want to think about two things - real world place names, and the origin of the place names in media.
So we'll start with those two examples. Firstly, Arendelle, the setting for the film Frozen. Yes, it sounds like a fanciful name, but in actuality, its just a regular name but in the language. One source suggests that Aren would translate as eagle, and Delle is derived from the word for Valley. So if it were a name in English, it would just be Eagle Valley. The other example, Coruscant, is a planet from Star Wars. It sounds fancy, sure. But its actually just, a word. An unusual one, yes, but its just a word. Star War also features a city called Cloud City.
It's actually even less creative in real life. Here in the UK for instance, we have 25 places named "Kingston". This is literally just a contracted version of "King's Town", and when they had to distinguish them, they just stuck a bit on. Kingston upon Thames and Kingston upon Hull just put the river they were next to. And then there's Kingston near Lewes. The town is literally just called, "King's Town. The one near that other town." And don't get me started on how many places were just named after Alexander the Great.
The final thing I want to touch on is days and months of the calendar. If you choose to deviate away from the real world calendar, it can feel tricky to get a month that sounds like a month, and days can be even harder. That is, like before, less glaring if you think hard about the real ones.
Starting with days of the week, the simplest point I can make is this. In German, the word for Wednesday is Mittwoch, which literally just means, midweek. They didn't even bother giving it an actual name.
For months, again, its easy to overlook it because of how used to it we are, but not only are half of them really unimaginative, but they're also wrong. Everything up to June is based on parts of the pantheon and such, but when we hit July and August, these are literally just because Julius and Augustus wanted months named after them. So these two are just slight alterations of their names. After those two, we have September, October, November, and December. These ones are just names after the number of the month. Dec, meaning 10, is famously the 10th month, of course... So, not only is it basically just called "month number 10", about as unimaginative as it gets, it is also wrong.
On thinking these points over, I've personally found myself thinking less critically of my naming in all areas. If the UK can have 25 King's Towns, why can you not have a King's Court. If we have Hummingbirds, why the heck wouldn't your people call that fire-breathing dragon a Fire Dragon? And nothing could be worse than the months we have in our real calendar. So don't sell your naming prowess short, because you can't do much worse than the Romans did.
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perpetualexistence · 4 months
Tell us about your other Alenoaheather AU(s). I know you have them. 🔫
- Totally not Ophe
Hello completely random anon whose identity will forever be a mystery!
See, with the way you've phrased this, you've actually opened yourself up to a few options. I'll tell you a little bit about each one and you can tell me which one you want to learn more about first.
Currently unnamed G/T Alenoaheather
Definitely the most detailed AU of the bunch. It's got backstories and character arcs for each of the three. Probably the best way to describe it is Urban fantasy since none of them are (completely) human, but they pretty much live in a modern setting.
It does get dark at times. Think Beastars-adjacent in terms of vibes. Including the murder bits. But it's mostly self-defense or being forced into it, so take that as you will. I will say that it's nowhere near the levels of toxic relationships that something like the Sea Monster AU has. And they do actually improve as people. These three still get drama mind you, but it's from keeping secrets rather than being genuinely manipulative. ...Well. Too manipulative. It does have Alejandro and Heather in it. But it's got fluff moments because fluffy giant/tiny dynamics are precious and must be preserved at all costs.
It's got Alejandro who's a giant-shifter able to grow even larger than most other giant-shifters thank to his Burromuerto heritage. The Burromuertos are a completely upstanding giant-shifter family and definitely don't have any incredibly fucked up family traditions they expect Alejandro to continue.
Noah's a were-mongoose. Werefolk come in a large variety, though mongoose is on the far more uncommon side. Unlike most werefolk, this kid genius actually figured out a way to not completely give into his instincts during full moons. This has absolutely no negative repercussions on his wellbeing.
Heather who's a giant-shifter hybrid unable to grow thanks to her human heritage from her father's side. She's the only one of her siblings unable to grow. She definitely doesn't have a complex about this. But she has managed to find her own way of making herself just as much of a physical threat as her two boyfriends. (Aka the day I take away from Heather's inherent badassery is the day I die.)
Serial Killer AU
It's exactly what it sounds like. With exactly the vibes the name implies. Definitely the darker one. They're just a thriving villain throuple with a body count. It's also mostly Noah-focused so far as I haven't figured out Alejandro or Heather's motivations.
Noah stumbles across a body of a serial killer spree, only to be the first to realize that one serial killer is actually two. Curiosity leads him to investigate...but not for the reasons you'd think.
(For this one that's pretty much all I can share before just going into the whole AU)
And then, on the completed side since might as well dump all the Alenoaheather AUs:
Noah and the Beanstalk
Another giant/tiny AU! This one's actually got its own post already. I don't really have anything else that I didn't already mention in that post. But it's my blog, so I'll advertise my own AUs as I please!
Collab AUs
The Royal Court AU
Originally named The Lords In Black AU because it was originally inspired by me watching an animatic of The Summoning from Nerdy Prudes Must Die. Then it evolved into something far beyond that where the name doesn't seem quite right anymore.
It's got Alenoaheather as the worst teens at school and unashamed about it. ...Until Alejandro goes missing, and nobody else really seems to care. Leaving Heather and Noah to investigate and try their best not to be next.
They fail, but hey, at least they get cool eldritch powers out of it!
This AUs also dark because the premise is them being kidnapped to be used as sacrifices. And it's got plenty of eldritch horror in it. The posts for it are scattered because they ended up going into two separate reblog chains with @total-drama-brainrot and @ur-local-brown-multifandomist. If you look up 'lords in black au' on my blog you should be able to find most of it. I'm going to just centralize it for ease of organization one day. It'll just be. You know. Effort.
Also, @ur-local-brown-multifandomist is currently making a fic for it! It's their first one, so feel free to check it out.
Fake Dating Alenoaheather AU
This one's a collab AU between me and @total-drama-brainrot, a person you have never met because you are a completely anonymous anon. Noah gets caught in between Heather and Alejandro's attempts to make the other jealous by each making him pretend to be their boyfriend. Shenanigans and drama ensue. The posts for this are also scattered and tagged on both our blogs, and one day we might make a fic about it. For now, there actually is someone already making a fic about it that you can feel free to read!
I still can't believe two different people decided to start making fic of AUs I helped create. It's wild, and I'm incredibly touched.
"Why are all of these AUs except for one dark in at least some way?"
I honestly couldn't tell you exactly why my brain works the way it does. It just decided that the two canon villains and one-villain coded teenager deserve to be at least a little feral. As a treat.
Maybe one day I'll have an AU with them that's not so dark. That day will be a surprise to us all.
But yeah, that's all of the Alenoaheather AUs I got! The first two I'm more than happy to go into more detail for if you ask!
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fantasticalleigh · 6 hours
thoughts on bridgerton season 3 part 2
MASSIVE spoilers ahead, i'm really annoyed so this is going to come out very salty!
TLDR: this season was largely a disappointment. part 1 is better than part 2.
-i've said it before and i'll say it again: this is an ensemble show that ultimately suffers for how large its cast is, how short each season is, how cheap netflix is, and how poor the writing is. the actors are great and do well with what they're given. the stories in and of themselves are largely compelling. but they need space and time to be told properly. eight episodes between 10+ characters is not enough.
-unhinged/in love colin from the books was sorely missed. the book is problematic yadda yadda but i prefer it at this point. instead for pretty much three out of four episodes in part two, he was just angry or sad and that was it. he felt so flat.
-i find it hilarious that debling just fucked off after rejecting penelope. he didn't even stick around to try and court cressida, who was clearly more than willing to take penelope's place?? he literally could have solved all her problems and that could have saved an incredible amount of screen time that should have gone to Colin/Penelope.
-i love the way they bridged portia and penelope's relationship. also to a lesser degree, her sisters. prudence not being so cunty anymore was nice but felt a little off, i think she needed more screentime with pen to show that she finally realizes what a bad sister she was and that she's genuinely sorry. one quick little comment "i was being honest" (or whatever it was) to me, didn't feel like enough. but i'm still glad they came around.
-violet/marcus and by extension, agatha. i'm glad violet and agatha finally had a heart to heart/ conversation that was about them and not the young people. when they affirmed that they were there for each other no matter what and used each other's given names? precious. i teared up. i love their friendship. (also don't come at me for what may have happened during Queen Charlotte bc i never finished it lol)
-the queen is probably my least favorite character. she used to have funny/kind moments but now it feels like she is just rude and dismissive and mean towards everyone. i can't even like her in a GirlBoss way because all we see from season to season is how other people manipulate her. Agatha manipulates her. Grimsby manipulates her. Lady Whistledown manipulates her. she was kind for francesca for a couple of days and then went sour when she realized francesca chose someone else. i get that she's jaded from season 2 but idk i don't enjoy her scenes at all anymore. she crashes the wedding breakfast to accuse the bridgertons, belittles the Mondriches ball at the start, complains/belittles all the debutants trying to impress her, doesn't care about the events being hosted in her honor. i loved her in seasons 1-2 but now she's just boring and one note.
-eloise finally admitted she was reckless/in the wrong about the Theo situation. that was nice. and she finally admitted befriending cressida was a poor choice. do i sense character growth at last?? but i'm still a little unhappy about how rudely she ditched Cressida once she and Penelope made up. Hey, this new friend of yours is distraught because of her shit home life and is about to be married off to some old, austere codger and you literally don't care? i genuinely felt so bad for cressida. she is a creature pushed into a corner lashing out for any way to escape and nobody (understandably, bc she makes bad choices) wants to help her. but eloise keeps saying that cress surprised her with how she was the only one to show her kindness when she was a social outcast and now the same is happening to Cressida and yet instead of repaying the favor, Eloise abandons her.
Eloise even goes so far to say that Cressida used her. Did she not also use Cressida? She admitted she befriended her to be petty towards Penelope. And she clearly stuck with Cressida out of boredom/reluctance to mingle with the other ladies their age because she found them beneath her. Eloise is still a hypocrite. I thought she'd taken a step forward but she's in the same place.
did cressida deserve help? not particularly considering the blackmail/fake identity, history of bullying. but does she also deserve to be married off like that and cut off like that by her asshole dad? also no.
with all that talk about running away i genuinely was rooting for C to run away, but i'm disappointed it didn't happen. i guess it makes sense within her character--she's always been a caged creature--i don't think running away ever came to mind, even if she didn't want to be shipped off to Wales with her aunt. she's strong but doesn't (yet) have the resolve/ferocity of someone like marina who was willing to run away with colin to elope in gretna green.
frankly i found cressida's story the most compelling in season 3 so far.
-benedict. if i have to watch ONE more sex scene for Ben i'm going to scream. wowwee, he had another threesome! and no more queerbaiting--he finally had sex with a man! <--that part is at least noteworthy for his character--but genuinely--i don't really care when his only storyline this season is that all he does is have sex. there are far more compelling stories needing attention right now and yet we get another freaking sex barrage with benedict. Colin and Penelope were robbed here and i don't think it's unreasonable to be annoyed that a B-tier ensemble character got more sexy time than them. and for what purpose? all we get out of ben's enlightenment is that it's ok to be gay and that he's not ready for serious commitment. which is fine and dandy except that that was already drilled into our heads since season 1. i feel like my time was wasted here because i already watched him do the same damn things over and over for THREE SEASONS by now.
if they really wanted to show any sense of growth for benedict they could have had him be brutally honest to Tilley and say something like:
"I'm having fun with our arrangement. I am open to seriously committing to someone someday...but I don't think you are that person."
what a world of a difference that would make, wouldn't it? it would show he's coming closer to being ready to meet Sophie but that he's still not quite ready to give up his old ways. i truly believe his season is next and frankly it wouldn't feel so insulting to watch his repetitive storyline if they had written better dialogue in that ONE scene.
(Jess + Shonda, I'm available any time if you want to talk.)
-T.S's You Belong with Me playing during a fucking wedding scene was a choice. All the options in the world and you pick a song about high school jealousy??? Babydoll I could pick five better options off my general playlist. across all three seasons, there's been so many bad cover choices imo.
-Coldplay's Yellow being Polin's song was an actual choice I will salute. Beautiful moment.
-the whole whistledown speech at the end where pen reveals herself was extremely flat to me and left me so bloody disappointed. someone brought this up on reddit and i agree so hard it hurts--why wasn't colin up there by her side? book colin would have VAULTED up over everyone just to be there with her and protect her. instead we get mopey Colin watching her from below. i need to rewatch it again but it felt like there was hardly any reaction from the ton to her speech. it felt like they shrugged their shoulders when she was finished and resumed the ball. my mouth was agape at that--you're telling me not one of the attendees would have rushed up and said "omg it was you??" "how did you do it?" "i can't believe it!" or something to that effect. the bridgertons already had that reaction so it would've been effective for literally anyone in the ton to show some amazement.
-ngl, i also feel quite cheated that Penelope was never celebrated in the way she deserved. yes, she got her wedding and the man she always wanted--but creating/maintaining the Whistledown enterprise is a huge accomplishment. individually there was praise from those closest to her but really there was such a huge element of shame and punishment surrounding it that really bothered me. yeah, she said some mean things but she did it because she was severely neglected/ostracized from her own community. there was no acknowledgment of that at all (that i can recall. once again i should do a rewatch but whatever) and that pains/angers me. not one person beside her mother took a moment to think or say, 'i treated you badly and caused you pain. i'm sorry.' instead they just focused on making penelope apologize again and again when she had only reacted from years of pain, which nobody even deigned to acknowledge.
wasn't there a moment in the book when she gets some applause after her revelation? am i misremembering? but in the show it was like nobody gave a fuck because ooh butterflies! which was...so stupid lol. bless you though, phillippa. penelope single-handedly contributed to the entertainment of the ton for years and exposed awful people even if she made fun of others. characters frequently and often complained if her issue was one day late and debated her true identity and so when she finally reveals herself there's no applause? no true reaction? were they all asleep? what the fuck? that scene was shocking at how badly executed it was. it was rushed and it showed.
-also, WHY choose to have Colin learn Penelope is Lady Whistledown in episode six? I hate this because it crams all the drama in the last two episodes and makes everything feel rushed and frantic. he should have found out in episode three or four and i'll die on that hill. for that matter, his refusal to understand that Whistledown was Penelope's life's work and greatest achievement/power was so annoying. In the book he came around to it pretty fast and yet here it dragged on for way too long. everyone wanted her to give Whistledown up until it benefited them.
-editing to add a huge gripe i have with post-production:
for the love of god, go easy on the filters. the artificial blues and yellows are killing me. in twilight, it was camp. it was great. it does not translate well here. also, have y'all noticed how HEAVILY they blur the backgrounds??? there was one scene with colin and penelope in the garden and every time the camera focuses on one of their faces from over the other's shoulder (they were both seated) the background is blurred heavily. it looks bad!!! stop doing that!!! the backgrounds lend to the vibe! it genuinely makes the show look like crap when i notice that happening. it makes them look like they're using the green screen filter on tik tok. STOP. IT.
(seriously, imagine Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice, the scene where Elizabeth is on the rocky plains and or she and her aunt and uncle are sitting at the base of that enormous tree--all that gorgeous scenery, remember that? now slap the Bridgerton filter over it so it's all one massive ugly blur. does that mental image fill you with rage? GOOD.)
-i didn't cover this in the prev. post but in part 1, the whole runaway balloon scene was Not Good. Why a balloon? the danger that poses is not that great--why not a runaway horse? there was too much sense of danger to the actual threat posed by a freaking basket. also the way penelope acted in that scene felt very very out of character for her and i hate rewatching it, even if colin looks very dashing while holding the rope. ugh.
-polin's main sex scene was beautiful. i feel kind of disappointed that everything else we got was less than a minute long and not in a weird way. it just feels a fair amount of the promo we got from Nic and Luke was hinting at the sex scenes and yet we got very little in actuality. i keep seeing people talk about there being a minutes long montage of them and yet it got cut. but in season one we got a LOT (imo too many sex scenes between daphne and simon). there were too many side stories happening this season and i'm sure that contributed to that, but there is also a whisper in the back of my mind that tells me that maybe showrunners felt the need to overly pad this season with storylines because they either didn't feel like nicola and luke could carry it alone or because they didn't care.
-i'm really glad genevieve got more scenes here, especially with penelope. their friendship is really nice and it's sad/sweet that penelope chose to spend her last night before her wedding with her, because apparently her mother/sisters didn't plan anything for her.
-frencesca/john. i have no stake in this game since i haven't read their book yet, as i've mentioned before. they're cute together but i'm not invested. they should have gotten married way earlier imo because all the "we need to tip toe around the queen bc she hates us :( but we want to marry now" went on too long and got boring. the michaela thing doesn't bother me but i understand why fans are upset about it.
-polin felt like a side character in part 2. i feel like their scenes went by way too quickly and their screentime was so sparse to the point of legitimately becoming annoying. colin spent most of it mad and penelope spent most of it crying/trying to explain herself. they had hardly any truly happy moments together.
-kanthony was adorable.
-"i love you."
"...are you sure?"
dear reader, my heart split in two. they did a really really good job with showing penelope's self-doubt and low confidence thanks to years of neglect and ridicule and doubt from her mother. when colin stood up for her to her mother and she looked so shocked, my heart broke again for her. poor pen, i just wanted to hold her. when violet and hyacinth hugged penelope after colin announced their engagement i wanted to cry bc poor pen is so starving for positive affirmations/love that just those hugs where enough to overwhelm her.
-also lady danbury saying that she had suspected Pen was whistledown was amazing. i love that she acknowledged her and her love for the bridgertons....but i'm still really upset that they nixed her and penelope's friendship/mentorship that was in the books. she was busy with her own storyline what with violet and marcus and sure it still worked but that was a relationship i was so excited to see in the show...and they didn't even try adapting it except for like, three lines at the very end. >:( hello 911? we've been ROBBED.
(i keep editing this to add more but this is another gripe i have that will not let me rest:
i've noticed over seasons 1-2 that the main romantic couple has one dance set to the bridgerton theme song.
in season one, daphne and simon dance to the theme song in episode 2 or 3 (the one where daphne says "and we must try to look like we enjoy each other's company" and simon replies stiffly but then they giggle and laugh all through it which was so cute
in season two, kate and anthony dance to it in the second to last episode where they're dancing with the rest of the bridgertons and lady danbury at the ball they threw that nobody came to. the subtitles say it's a country rendition (whatever that means) of the theme song but they are involved in the dance so it counts.
when i noticed this i thought it was such a cute touch and was anxiously waiting for Penelope and Colin to get their moment.
...instead benedict dances to the bridgerton theme song with Lady Tilley? who he clearly isn't going to end up with? wtf?? and it doesn't even work in the context of the scene because it's a wholesome tune and yet she's dancing like she wants to eat him alive? sigh.
i'm just an old man yelling at clouds now but i wish the writing in this show was better so badly because it meets expectations but it's so frustrating because it can be so much better. let the show breathe! thin out the cast. really pick and choose who gets airtime, because it's precious and you anger your viewers when you waste it.
i will rewatch the season in full at some other point, but i'm too annoyed now. there is much more i want to talk about but this is long enough for now. i will say that at this point i'm not even sure i want to continue watching beyond this season.
(the playlist thing really got me thinking so to prove my point:)
-a world alone-lorde (the lyrics are perfect even if they wouldn't be used in an orchestral version)
-little of your love-haim ( perfect choice for the scene imo bc it's very happy and upbeat for a cute wedding dance bit)
-all this and heaven too-florence and the machine
or fuck, if you wanted to make it into a really emotional rather than joyous moment go with dog days are over and it would be a banger with the proper editing bc that song is universal and punches up the emotions any times it's used.
-burning-maggie rogers
-save a kiss--jessie ware
ORRRRR to make it a lil steamy:
-adore you--jessie ware (this would also be perfect ngl)
and i'm not even biased to any of these, i literally just scrolled down my general playlist on spotify and picked them based on the vibes.
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quill-of-thoth · 3 months
Letters from Watson: The Cardboard Box
Crimes in Context:
Trigger warning for the whole story, since it's pretty much just spousal abuse, and we're going to cover that (briefly) here.
We have previously covered the inability to divorce in Victorian England, where you could practically separate, and be legally divorced under very specific circumstances, but it took an act of parliament to be allowed to remarry, and it was therefore de-facto impossible for many women to leave abusive husbands or to support themselves at the same level after leaving one. Reasons for a divorce to be granted included adultery and extreme cruelty. Yes, extreme cruelty. The bar for proving that to ecclesiastical court and being alive at the same time would be a high and thin one. (Historically: not being able to leave abusive husbands is a factor in MANY historical poisonings. This is not confined to the 1800's or 1900's either - Giulia Tofana, whose wikipedia entry is weirdly short, was famous, posthumously, for providing poisons to women seeking to end their marriages.) Reading between the lines of Jim Benson's tale, we have a more unreliable than usual narrator. Everything he says is through the lens of "she made me do it" which is both a very common pattern of abusers telling their story and prevents his final letter from being the good-faith explanation of events that we often see in other dead, dying, or condemned criminals in this series. The events are also not reconstruct-able by anyone else besides Sarah, and we have no knowledge of whether or not she ever recovers. He never has proof of anything he says regarding Sarah's feelings or what she may have said to Mary, and the only proof he has of Alec and Mary's affair is the custom that a married woman would likely NOT be going on a day trip to New Brighton alone with a male platonic friend.
(Its possible that Mary was not having an affair with Alec or even considering it, but Mary would have been well aware that absolutely nobody would have taken her word that nothing was going on - so I tend to think that either she was having an affair with Alec or she was engineering a plausible reason, i.e. her adultery, to leave her husband. She had two elder sisters with the means to live independently, if she tired of Jim's drinking and jealousy, she had some options.) We especially don't have evidence that Sarah loved Jim - at best, we have an awkward exchange where Jim interpreted a lessening of formality as love (or lust) and Sarah awkwardly backing out of the situation. It's equally ambiguous whether Sarah was attempting to put more distance between the two of them or if she genuinely felt vindictive about unreciprocated feelings. Whether Mary's suspicion had more do do with Jim's violent words and history of drinking than anything Sarah said, or if Sarah took it upon herself to, belatedly, vet her baby sister's husband's character. Hell, she could have been nitpicking their financial arrangements and Jim's career progression. In effect, we don't know anything about this case, and that, more than the gruesome clues and the murder, may have been why it was left out of the story collections for so long.
Why else wasn't it included in collections?
It's not the only story that contains abuse, spousal and otherwise, and it's not the goriest one. When it comes to abuse and very probable murder of a wife, not to mention abuse of his stepdaughters, we have Dr Roylott of the Speckled Band. When it comes to gore, we've had Rucastle getting his throat torn mostly out by a dog in The Copper Beeches, and we're about to have The Engineer's Thumb, which starts with Hatherley missing a thumb. We've also had the prolonged torture via starvation of Kratides in The Greek Interpreter. It is, however, probably the most hopeless story in the entire canon that deals with abuse. Absolutely nobody is saved, and absolutely nobody is given any closure - in fact, Susan Cushing is probably having a much worse time overall now that Holmes has solved the case. Yes, she would eventually know that her baby sister has been murdered by her own husband and it's absolutely broken her middle sister, who she clearly cares about even if she wants to never live with her, ever. But I posit that it's measurably worse if she has any access to Jim Benson's account - because at one point she approved of him as a match for Mary, and his account will make it very clear how wrong she was, and how Sarah, whose concerns or pessimism have probably been dismissed more than once among the sisters, was Mary's only resource.
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cwc-emoji-pluck · 1 year
may I request these three emojis for the event?
Hope you're having fun with this!
~ Flurry
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member: minghao x fem!reader
genre: fluff, light angst, percy jackson au <3
word count: 1488
warnings: mentions of sword fighting, swearing, y/n 'slaps' minghao on the shoulder but it's not like. bad or anything its like a playful smack to the shoulder, and also jokes about y/n playfully !!! hitting chan and hansol (they're besties pls don't worry) also cheol smacking joshua's shoulder? idk there is a lot of shoulder smacking going on
emojis requested:
🌈 - rick riordan’s world of percy jackson; seventeen are demigods in modern times ⚡️: a campground in the woods where it is common for people to suddenly disappear after swimming in the believed-to-be haunted lake  🐸 - Minghao
author's note: hahahaha i have no idea what i'm doing,,,it's been so long since i posted something school has just been...honestly it's not that bad i just don't have the energy to write a lot bc in between classes i take naps so :) also hello flurry it's been so long </3 i hope you are doing amazing and i apologize for taking 10000 years lmao pls enjoy !! (also thanks to my bestie @gallivantingheart for beta reading ily)
my main blog: @wonwooslibrary
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Y/N ran across the field away from her home cabin and towards the volleyball court where her two best friends sat. “He’s gone.” 
Mingyu and Seokmin, sons of Zeus and Apollo respectively, look over to Y/N. 
“Who?” Mingyu asks. 
“Minghao, he’s gone. The last time I saw him was when he said he was going to the lake. I told him not to go and that it would be safer if he went with someone but of course he didn’t listen to me.” 
Seokmin’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah. Soonyoung said he wasn’t at archery today and Chan said he hasn’t seen him since before he went to the lake. Junhui saw him on his way to the lake, but didn’t see him come back.” 
Mingyu hummed. “Did he actually like,” he gestured with his hands a bit. “Go in the water?” 
“I’m not sure. The last I heard from him was that he was going to the lake. He wasn’t in his cabin, either.” 
Y/N wasn’t going to tell her best friends that they never actually went to the Hecate cabin, and instead asked one of Minghao’s bunk mates if they had seen him. The Hecate cabin freaked Y/N out. 
“He can’t be too far, and I doubt he would willingly get in the water knowing the rumors. Maybe he’ll show up again at dinner tonight?” Seokmin suggested. 
Yeah. Maybe.
**✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿**
Later, the three friends, along with their recent Capture the Flag winner, Seungcheol, son of Ares, God of War, walked to the dining pavilion. Seungcheol was a good friend to the group, usually acting as a strong father figure to the others, but definitely wasn’t afraid to let loose, something that his father clearly lacked in. 
Being the worry wart she was, Y/N, of course, asked Seungcheol if he had seen her boyfriend. 
“I saw him yesterday around,” he looked up as if he was rolling his eyes. “Noon? Maybe one?” 
Y/N sighed. “I just hope nothing happened to him.”
“I’m sure he’s fine. Don’t worry---it’s Hao, he can get himself out of everything.” 
Minghao didn’t come to dinner, and that’s when Y/N started to freak out.
**✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿**
Minghao was a wonderful boyfriend, that was obvious. Of course, it was even more obvious to Seokmin, Mingyu and Seungcheol, as well as Y/N’s other two friends, Hansol and Chan, when Minghao came up to them a couple of days previous to his “disappearance”. 
“Guys, could you help me with something? And not tell Y/N about it?” Minghao pulled his capture-the-flag teammates to the side and pulled off his helmet. Looking around, he made sure nobody else was hiding around them to get them out of the game. 
“You want us to keep a secret from Y/N?” Seungcheol sighed. “Whatever it is, it’s a bad idea.” 
Seokmin and Mingyu, ever the worried friends, quickly agreed with Seungcheol. 
“No, no, no,” Minghao started. “Hear me out before you say no.” 
“Well, get on with it then.”
“I want to set up a date with Y/N. I know that she hasn't been having a good past few weeks and I want to make her feel better.” 
Seokmin nodded. “And what do you plan on doing for her?”
“Well,” Minghao moved his sword from his right hand to his left. “I want to set up a picnic in the strawberry fields, but I don’t want Y/N to try and find me. Would you be able to keep my whereabouts a secret after I see her tomorrow?” 
Hansol, who was silent up until now, spoke up. “I’m down, just don’t send her after us. I don’t want to get beat for lying to her.” 
Chan quickly nodded his head --- it looked painful to Minghao. “I second that, have you ever been hit by Y/N? It hurts!” 
“I guess I agree,” Seungcheol said after patting Chan on the shoulder. “Just don’t come up with a lie that gets us into trouble.”
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���Why did he think it was a good idea for his excuse to be the lake? That might just have been the stupidest thing that has ever come out of Minghao’s mouth.” 
Seokmin quickly agreed with Hansol’s statement. “Yeah, seriously. I’m almost worried that Y/N will throw herself into the lake in order to find him.” 
The two, who were sitting out front of the Demeter cabin, waiting for Junhui to come out, complained. 
“I certainly would have to agree,” Junhui scared the two as he opened the door to his cabin as quietly as he could. 
“Jeez Junnie! A little warning would be nice.” Seokmin put his hand on his chest. 
Junhui laughed. “By the way, Seokkie, you shouldn’t have to worry too much. Y/N is supposed to be led to the strawberry fields soon anyway.” 
“Who is taking her there again?” Hansol looked at Junhui who still stood behind the two. 
“I think it’s Jeonghan. You know how much Y/N trusts every word out of his mouth.” 
Seokmin scoffed. “Yeah, he’s the first person whose words I would believe without a second thought."
As Seokmin said that, Joshua and Seungcheol walked over to join the group, their sword fighting practice having ended just minutes before. 
“Hey Shua, Cheol, how was practice?” Hansol asked the two oldest. 
“It was good,” Joshua started. “I’m not sure how I feel about Chan asking if he could join us. You know how competitive he is, and with Cheol there, I got scared.” 
Junhui smiled. “Ah, Chan, he’s always so excited to learn and improve.” 
“Yeah, but it’s better when he’s getting his ass kicked by Y/N rather than Cheol. Even if he loses to Y/N, she still goes easy on him. Cheol just goes all out.” 
“Hey! You know I wouldn’t hurt Chan!” Seungcheol smacked Joshua’s right shoulder. “But speaking of Y/N, she’s being led by Jeonghan out to the fields right now.”
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“Why are we going this way? I thought you were taking me to the lake so I could look for Minghao?” 
“Just---hang on, okay? I want to show you something, it’ll be really quick and then we can look by the lake again.” 
Y/N sighed in defeat and let herself be dragged by Jeonghan across the camp to the strawberry fields. 
“Why are we here? It’s starting to get dark.” 
“Well, look at the field.” 
As Jeonghan said that, Y/N turned towards the fields, and there stood her boyfriend, flowers in his hand and a picnic blanket at his feet in between the rows of strawberry bushes. The sunset behind him made the sight even more ethereal. 
Covering her mouth with her hand, Y/N gasped. “No…” She looked to the side to see Jeonghan’s reaction, only to see the tree that he was leaning against seconds ago. 
“Minghao? What…is this?” Y/N walked through the little paths, avoiding stepping on the bushes, and stopped in front of her boyfriend. 
“I wanted to surprise you,” He handed the bouquet of flowers over to Y/N. “I know you’ve been struggling with training for your quest and being head counselor. I just wanted to do something nice for you before you stress yourself out too much.” 
Wiping the tears off her face with her left hand, Y/N used her right hand to smack her boyfriend’s shoulder. 
“What the fuck Minghao! How could you do this to me! I thought you died!” 
Minghao backed away from Y/N to avoid getting smacked again, all while holding his now-stinging shoulder. “Why would I have died?” 
“I was told, by your asshole friends, that you went to the lake! Alone! At night!”
“...So they’re my asshole friends now?” Minghao laughed. 
“Yes, they’re your friends! They lied to me! For two days! Friends don't lie!” 
“Awe, babe,” Minghao pulled Y/N to him in a hug. “You know I wouldn’t leave you out of the blue like that. I will always come back to you.”
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The following day, Y/N couldn’t stop herself from walking into the amphitheater where Seungcheol and Chan were swordfighting, the rest of the others watching diligently on the sidelines. 
“You!” Y/N yelled, holding her sword up, the point facing Seungcheol, who was disarmed quickly after Y/N caught him off guard. “Why did you convince them to lie to me!” 
“Ha, you see, Y/N-” 
Seungcheol bolted out of the amphitheater as fast as he could, Y/N on his tail.
The others, who were still sitting on the bleachers, looked over at Chan, who just shrugged and picked up Seungcheol’s sword. 
“She requested revenge,” Minghao said from his spot by the door that Y/N and Seungcheol had just ran through. “I promise it wasn’t my idea.” 
Seokmin leaned over to whisper in Hansol’s ear, “Okay, I lied. Minghao’s the last person whose words I would believe without question.”
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incarnateirony · 2 years
please feel free to ignore this but you seem to know a lot about tv business motivations, especially re: the cw, and i've been curious ever since your post about jensen possibly trying to legally restrict wincesty con merch for the winchesters plus more recent information about how much spn higher ups seemed to lean into wincesty vibes during its run: do you know why they would lean into it? i can't imagine they thought that fan subset was big enough they had to appeal to it and you very accurately pointed out that it's a gross thing to have associated with your brand. i almost thought they clumsily wanted to pull in an lgbt crowd but that's absolutely the wrong way to go about it and they seemed to fight against destiel, which would be less horrifyingly offensive to literally everyone involved. what the hell was going on in the brains of the people in charge of spn? just knowing how tv works, it had to have been financial but do you have any theories on what it was, based off your understanding of marketing/tv? was it like, we don't want to risk this other actor being as big as the two we started with because then we'd have to pay him more or something?
So first note, stop seeing it as Destiel versus Wincest.
Nobody up top sees Wincest. Nobody. Not even the tippy toppy people. A few know about it and treat it as a joke, but this isn't ship versus ship. This is purely everyone inside the fandom bubble's head being fucked up top to bottom from years of people decentering the discourse.
This is romantic queer content vs base IP packaging argument with the upstairs.
The show WAS sold under the premise of 2 brothers. It dramatically expanded, and the cast, the writers all loved that and developed that, but at the end of the day, for example, this 2005 show was NOT packaged as an LGBTQ product out of the gate and was proud of courting rural conservative america along with the libs.
It's just a doubling down into heteronormative basics and male empowerment, which was a Singer mindset issue. Everyone else did everything they could to work around it, and almost accomplished it via budget and shooting schedule, until covid slammed the emergency brake and singer and corporate had a solid half year to figure out how to fucking stop it.
Singer and Leming were also EXTREMELY pissed and petty due to realizing WHAT Berens (and Dabb, with his consent) did to them, to SPN, to everything. They were the old arms that signed on to weight the project (well, singer was) when kripke was a nobody and stayed well past kripke and used his wife to further bloat his power in the room.
For a few years, Berens and Dabb were under/overwriting Eugenie scripts rather than trying to argue with Singer, since arguing with singer Carver quickly learned was a quick way to a rude death in a bathtub written by the wife and filmed by the asshole.
This came in continuity revision excuses, or last second "showrunners notes" directing the actors to change small lines, such as "We are." as a scene, is almost like, entirely modified on the fly by Berens, as is the Amara discussion that episode, and this is just one episode of many examples for years.
People acting like it's a fucking mystery why we got that petty, vicious excuse of a finale that seemed personal--because it was, atop being corporate.
It was a punishment. To Dabb, Berens, Meredith, Jensen, Misha, Richard, everyone who had worked so hard for so many years while Singer couldn't even be assed to watch his own show and notice the changes. To the fandom that wanted it. It was a punishment. Corporate shut down what it feared and Singer dug in the knife. Or the rusty dildo.
Jensen, as you can see, has opted to completely supplant their position and approach it from even more power and rights than Singer himself had.
Wincest was never "the point" even to corporate. It's something they tolerated, and frankly, is part of why turning the LGBTQ boat around has been so goddamn hard even versus the normal, because it's taken years for them to realize it's not "all ships are silly fangirls as looney as the Becky-Wincest crowd lololol" that's been half the FUCKING problem. They're literally a fucking rot on this fandom and brand, but they made money, at the end of the day, and a fuckton have blown something like a quarter million a piece on a decade of cons and other shit.
Jensen's just over it. Bye. He doesn't want to start his brand with that shit. And he controls what airs now. And boy son it is NOT the version of SPN Patrick is begging for.
Also for what it's worth, Misha actually realistically was higher paid than Jared. lmao. in raw numbers by the final year jared made like 15K more an episode (and jensen like 50K more than him), but the actual requirement of how much misha is on set each episode really broke down his comparative hourly rate to be parallel to jensen so no. lmfao. misha's agents knew his worth by the end. they tried to stonewall him on it a few times and cracked bc they knew they needed him, no matter what stunts they pulled at the end.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
Lucien’s Journey
“I don’t have anywhere else to go.” Before I could object, he said, “You ruined any chance I have of going back to Spring. Not to Tamlin, but to the court beyond his house. Everyone either still believes the lies you spun or they believe me complicit in your deceit.
I hadn’t asked Lucien any questions about that visit—to Tamlin. Lucien hadn’t explained the black eye and cut lip, either
But not the gift of Helion. His true father. I still hadn’t mentioned it. To anyone other than Rhys.
Betrayal, queasy and oily, slid through his veins. He’d said the same to Jesminda once.
“No,” Lucien said, and Cassian marked the tightness of his shoulders beneath the dark gray jacket he wore, the taut silence emanating from every stone of the house. He marked its layout, in case he needed to fight his way to an exit. Which, given the displeasure that Lucien radiated as he strode for an archway to their left, seemed a distinct possibility. Without turning, Lucien said, “Eris is here.”
Lucien stared out the window—as if he could see the lake across a sea and a continent. As if he were setting his target.
“No. But we need to summon Lucien,” Azriel said, just a shade tightly, as if he didn’t like it one bit. “We need to tell him the news, and permanently station him at the Spring Court to contain any damage and to be our eyes and ears.”
Cassian’s heart strained at the pain etching deep into Lucien’s face as he tried to hide his disappointment and longing.
“Lucien?” A short laugh. “What a miserable place to be.” / Lucien will never be good enough for her / I’ll defeat him with little effort
Rhys had his struggles in the series. Most of it revolved around feeling that no one could want to be with him (or even friends with him outside the IC) because of the mask he put on in order to protect his people. He'd also spent his life with the awareness that people looked down on him for being mixed.
Cassian dealt with similar issues of self worth based on his childhood. The refrain of "bastard born nobody" follows him even centuries later. Before Nesta, he felt a pang of envy over what Rhys and Feyre shared.
And we know Az will again struggle with the concept of self worth based on how he was treated at a young age and what he has become (torturer). He's also got unrequited love (obsession) thrown into the mix after pining for Mor and wondering why he wasn't given a bond like his brothers.
But I don't know of any Male in this series who has so many obstacles to overcome as Lucien. He literally has no real home at this point (there's no way he's staying in the Human Lands forever). Jurian and Vassa are definitely friends but it's still a new thing for all of them and one of the two has a curse on her that will force her to return to the continent soon. The person he thought was his closest friend has shut him out and physically abused him. He's still unaware of who his real father is. He's constantly underestimated. And he's simultaneously struggling with guilt over realizing Jesminda was not his Mate while having a Mate who is fighting her own battles and is currently not receptive to getting to know him.
By the end, Rhys, Cassian and Az will have fought their own battles but their lives will remain the same for the most part. They'll still live in the Night Court, they'll still have the same jobs they do now, and they'll still have the same group of friends they did at the start of the series. The main difference will be who they end up in a relationship with.
But Lucien, I feel like by the end of Luciens story everything will look different and I'm so ready for it.
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ashes-writing-corner · 7 months
Back with another dragon rider AU, this time featuring Kate Laswell! I don't see a whole lot about her, but maybe that's just because I don't follow her tag? But eh I decided to give her a dragon anyway. Though hers serves a slightly different purpose than the other riders. Let's check them out!
Laswell and Tegan
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1. Is a fairly new rider, doesn't technically have a need for a dragon, but appreciates Tegan and her loyalty.
2. Kate worked originally as the spymaster for the Athanian royal family. After Makarov was discovered practicing dark magic, she took his place as court sorcerer.
3. She practices many different types of magic, but most notably she's a master of warging and Astral projection.
4. Kate is also known as the Raven Master, as she's normally accompanied by an unkindness of ravens, which she can warg into.
5. Works closely with the dragons of Dragon's Keep, but stays mostly out of Simon's way in doing his job as Keeper.
6. She was warged into one of her ravens the night of Simon's abandonment, so she also knows what happened, but nobody else knows that she knows.
7. Kate also functions as a guardian to Princess Lyra, especially after the death of her mother, Queen Delphine.
8. She's close with Captain Price, and knows how he felt about the late queen.
9. Claimed Tegan in her early 30s, but doesn't ride her very often.
10. Believes she can warg into Tegan but its taking a lot of time and practice to learn.
1. Is a relatively young dragon, less than a century at the beginning of the story. Probably in her 80s.
2. Kate is her first Rider, and Tegan wants her to her only.
3. Tegan has a very unique ability. Similar to a cuttlefish, she can change her skin/scales color and texture on a whim to blend in with her surroundings.
4. She does spywork alongside Kate for the royal family. She tries not to get involved with court politics, but if asked, Tegan will give a brutally honest opinion.
5. Her scales shine a gorgeous golden brown in the light. Her flames are golden with veins of bronze and red.
6. Tegan has soft scales on her neck, similar to what Aerys has all over his body. It's believed she has a lesser form of his mutation, and she's faced ridicule from other dragons for it.
7. Kyle has talked to both Kate and Tegan about making her a set of armor for her neck, but Tegan knows it would just get in the way of her spy work.
8. She may or may not have feelings for Aerys, who's stood up for her many times, as she's done for him.
9. When not being ridden or doing work, she likes to read in the Keep's library. Whenever Simon finds a book missing, Tegan usually has it and is quick to return it.
10. She's initially against Kate warging into her, but she's getting used to the practice.
Yeah, I imagine in the fantasy setting Kate is some kind of magic user, and I thought this was fitting. But let me know what you guys think. I think Graves is gonna be my next one, him or Farrah one of the two. Have an awesome day! ^.^
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crypticmotherfucker · 6 months
Tw SH, Substance abuse, relapse, homelessness
So I got evicted because my landlord wanted to raise the rent, and instead of being upfront about it, they found out we were planning on moving and made the excuse that our apartment smelled like marijuanna. It was five days until christmas when i got the notice. I don't have the money for court fees and definately don't have the time or energy for court so I can't even fight it. On new years I'll officially be homeless. Ableit it won't be permanent we have plans to get a new place, which is definately not an improvement from our already small falling apart place but I'm still greatful for that. But I'll be separated from my partner. Like my platonic life partner. Like I love them so much I cook for them daily and they drive me around because I cant drive and i can't imagine living my life without them type partner. They are my bestfriend. And I can't bear to know they're gonna be suffering mentally crashing at their parents house and I wont be able to do anything about it because I haven't been able to work for nearly a year now. I'm also having to get rid of a lot of things that are very dear to me, which has been especially hard growing up with scarcity trauma and ending up with hoarding tendencies. I won't have my own space for a month. I grew up sharing a room, and even once I got my own as a teen I never had any privacy and wasn't really allowed to take up space and so sleeping in a one bedroom home with 2 other people and two cats is going to be a lot to me . I'm going to try to see it as just a very long vacation crashing on a friends couch but truth is its really going to drive me crazy. I ended up drinking an entire bottle of wine to myself and BY MYSELF and that's where the real issue comes in. I am totally fine usually to drink wine in moderation as a self care or social thing, as long as I limit myself to one glass. But when I use it as a coping mechanism for stress, and then also do it by myself with no one around to judge me or to keep me in check or to drink up the rest of the bottle before I can, that's when I know I've fucked up. I also dissociated really bad when told the news to the point where I stared at the same spot on the floor for an hour, scratching at my fingers which are now blistered from it, and when my roomate left for work I began immediately uncontrollablely hyperventilating and crying. I feel so hopeless. But not even in a unreasonable and depressed way. In a genuinely ... things are awful way. I've tried to be positive and hopeful for so long. But I mean... if you lost all your dreams, most of your mobility, your independence, your money, and your house you'd be upset about it too. If you weren't I think there'd be something else wrong. Anyway. I know not many people care but this is my safe space where I document my brain. I used to journal but my mother stole my journal as a kid ahahah so now I can only use tumblr bc i know she isn't tech savvy enough to see it or even find me here because nobody has for 5 years. Anyway if you did read this and need company in misery feel free to message me.
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scratchandplaster · 1 year
Stack The Deck - PART 9
CW: regretful Whumper, Lima syndrom, trauma, paranoia
PART 8 ⇽ [Masterlist] ⇾ PART 10
Things had gone worse during the short break they took from each other. Morris came back to look at him, silent and frantic, while gathering his luggage.
Everything went by quickly after that, Elliot being lifted from the mattress and stashed away in the Civic's backseat, waiting to be picked up. He couldn't overhear the mysterious call Morris made in the next room, but whoever he spoke to made quite an impact on his behavior. Amber; she had to be it this time. He deserved to live after all, the high court decided.
Wordlessly, Morris had joined him in the car just moments later. Quiet curses roamed through the space between, his eyes always fixed on the man in the windshield's reflection. 
It felt like a dream, entering the daylight again. Melting snow coated the meadows and industrial structures that slipped past them with anxious pace, hinting at the first signs of winter. It's Sunday, he realized, the first Advent.
Just a few more rehearsals, and their performance would be flawless. He couldn't wait to see the joy they always brought to the audience, the more reserved admirers of their art had their own way to express that.
Suddenly, the car came to a stop. Elliot faintly recognized the area, a few miles away from suburbia; he was closer to home than he imagined. As he admired the gentle blanket of white that glazed the street, an ice-cold gust of air surprised him. Morris pushed himself out of the driver's side to open the rear door, with a firm grab on his coat collar, he was pulled out to stand.
"Up you go, Ell!"
The soft crunch of snow underneath felt surreal, like it didn't belong there. Swaying lightly in the frosty breeze, boiling up from the inside but breathing out nothing more than little clouds, Elliot was held up by strong hands.
It was Advent Sunday in the deserted wilderness, nobody in sight. A perfect place to get rid of someone.
With a painful frown in his features, Morris continued to search for eye contact and was rewarded with a glassy stare. He prayed to never meet him again, to be something else than the stopgap.
"Ell, you're a decent guy. I wished we had met under nicer circumstances."
Silence. Elliot thought about spring, and his mother. He doesn't call often enough.
"I will end your life, if any of this gets to the authorities."
Nodding synchronously to his heartbeat, he didn't dare to take the chance.
It's a trick, he's going to put a bullet into my head the second I turn around. The fact that Morris was way more fond of everything that could stab didn't convince him otherwise. It's a trick.
"I thought - you know, I had this whole plan made up... Fuck! It's going to be okay." Pulling the sad piece of dried up cotton out of his pocket, Morris began draping the scarf around Elliot's neck, back to its original purpose. Fingers plucked at it, fluffing it up and around to offer the best protection.
"Listen, it doesn't matter how you feel about me right now, the second you're downtown, you need to go to a hospital."
"Yeah." A caw was all he would get out anymore.
"Nonono, listen. You go to the ER and tell them you, I don't know, slammed your hand in a car door. They won't believe a word, but that doesn't matter. Stick to that story, and they will stop asking eventually." 
Morris had other worries right now, planning to delete all his unnoticed messages before anyone would lay an eye on it, a witness to his failure.
"Don't call her, okay? That's not your problem anymore."
Amber didn't use to be his problem for quite a while, actually, not until two days ago. He had pressed her and the little quirks she brought far away, the walls had ripped open now, bleeding inside and out.
Brown eyes dead focused on the asphalt, skin red with infection.
Only nodding, again.
"Two miles, this way," Morris whispered closely and pointed to the steeple in the distance. It was a fast gesture, nearly over in a blink of an eye, but Elliot could still sense the firm hug Morris gave him, pressing into his shoulders to send shockwaves down his spine.
"In another life, I'm sure we would've had a great time together, right?" Putting the phone back into Elliot's pocket, Amber's number deleted just in case, he held the weak figure at his waist to keep it upright. There was a lot to say, an apology or maybe just a lonely goodbye, but nothing came over Morris' lips.
The pressure left Elliot, standing on his own. It would happen any second, he knew that now, a quick stab between the ribs to let it all out. Morris wouldn't drag this out, he was a decent man too, after all. Watching the sky, blues and grays mixing together in the morning sun, he waited for the end of his suffering.
The motor that never stopped running sounded so far away suddenly, just a buzz in the shell of his ear. He waited.
I don't call mom often enough, really.
Through the back mirror, Morris traced the abandoned man at the edge of the road. He looked so tiny against the open nature, vulnerable to the forces of nature.
Even if he had the nerve left to look at the license plates, he seemed to pass on this opportunity. They would be changed in the near future anyway. Before making it around a curve, he could see how his legs started to stumble forward, too bruised and stiff to bend correctly, but still going. He was expected back home; at least that he had to get right, the rest was irrelevant.
Elliot couldn't remember how he made it back to his apartment building, the world drifted around him in a blur of colors. At one point, he carried himself into a subway station, leaning against the handrails like a wasted lunatic. 
He heard laughter far away, normally anxious it could be about him, but these thoughts were nowhere near. He was glad nobody spoke to him, no help, no nervous interest. Morris would be back, and everyone who suspected foul play regarding the injuries put themselves at the same risk he lived through.
Just me, just me and nobody else. Nobody can know-
Struggling to get the door open, his forehead pressed violently against the wood to keep balance, until the keys finally slipped in to enter the only place left untainted. With a clumsy kick of his foot, it slammed shut again.
Elliot would have fallen asleep, if a silent hop hadn't greeted him near instantly. It felt wrong to have Ginkgo's soft hair next to his agony-ridden body, her noiseless presence coming over him in a wave of peace. She must have been starving by now, neglected for days.
What am I even good for?
Silently apologizing over and over again, he let his unmarked hand pet over her back, smearing wayward fluids all through her precious gray-brown fur. Any minute now, it's not safe.
So caught in his fear he tasted at the back of his throat, he tried to remember something that was promised just a few minutes earlier.
The rabbit's tiny snout nibbled and licked at his elbow, kissing away some scattered drops of blood. Oh, I forgot the yogurt drops.
Half of him wasn't present anymore, gone with time. He was a stain on the mattress, a pool on the bathroom floor. It's a trick, he will come back again. Lost in the feverish heat of his own grimy body, he continued to lay still, only being roused by Ginkgo from time to time. 
I need to feed her.
Acting on autopilot again, his body moved towards the pantry. He watched himself fill her bowl up with fresh water along with hay and her usual muesli, ending the basic task by sitting next to her on the floor, breathing heavily. 
"You're okay," he gasped, not sure who of the two he meant, "you're going to be okay!"
The whole left side of his body was numb, its mere existence scrapped from the mind's perception, like it didn't belong to him.
He needed to prepare for his captor's return: barricade the door, get a knife - a hammer, anything to protect himself. Later, his screaming muscles dictated, letting the husk of a person sink into the ground beneath.
Elliot was allowed to rest now, although his suffering was for nothing. Alas, that's the nature of it.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2023 Masterlist]
@febuwhump, @whatwasmyprevioususername
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melkors-big-tits · 1 year
Another discord chat, this time about ABO (ask @cilil for the details, she started this) Valar and me being the Bottom Melkor enthusiast that I am I gave my two cents to the discussion:
Melkor trynna troll all the Ainur with his discord but gets hit Hard with the Omega stick XD
So hard in fact that he cannot even be near the other Ainur or he'll go into heat and after having few embarrassing close calls (like the fight with Tulkas that he had to flee from cuz that needy moan rudely escaped his lips) he's forced to lurk about without his Fana, cuz he's 100% more affected then.
But Melkor is still as curious as ever and to interact with things he has to use his Fana so he sneaks in when the other Ainur are gone then clads himself in Fana to snoop around or to create mischief.
Then one day when he's very engrossed with XXX he doesn't notice when a certain Maia comes back early from the party and after a millennia of not being close to another Ainur his heat hits HARD.
Mairon puts two and two together pretty fast and carries/flies Melkor off to his own secluded and secret little haven in Almaren (Mairon needs alone time from the idiots and all the smells) and in there he tries to leave Melkor so the Vala can recover until he's well enough to get home on his own, but when Melkor Presents himself to Mairon and he catches a whiff of the Valas scent (subtle, like fresh snow, no pungent and overtly sweet or flowery smell like the other omegas) Mairons Alpha nature tries to take hold of him (which has never happened before, all the other times he could brush it off with ease, but not now) but Mairon won't just let himself be turned into a mindless rutting beast so he fights it but it’s useless so in the end he summarizes that since Melkor is the Catalyst of the “dilemma" he’s found himself in then the best plan would be to get the Vala to calm down.
So Mairon ends up finger fucking a very sweetly moaning Melkor and in this pocket of heady eternity they let their songs play free and surprise surprise, it turns out that their songs are in perfect harmony with each other, so much so in fact that they start to fuse together, entwining and climbing ever higher like their desire which is close to peaking-- until Melkor suddenly (and to Mairons utter chagrin) rips himself off in a panic and flees to Utumno.
And after that the two can't stop thinking about each other, their songs always seeking their other half out, until Mairon decides to do the honorable thing and begins to seriously Court Melkor to the shock of everybody (they still don’t know that the omega in question is Melkor, just the thought of the rather stoic forge Maiar finding a mate and courting them is something nobody thought that they would ever witness)
Melkor isn't an easy partner to court (Mairon gets unwanted help from the other Maiar as well as from Valar), he accepts the gifts that get delivered to him by some disgustingly cute woodland critters (Mairon followed their song to the gates of Utumno but the doors stayed locked for him, nobody else knows these its the fortress of the dark Vala) but won't give Mairon anything in return, any heartfelt plea of seeing the Vala again is gruffly denied, the Valas heart isn't swayed by poetry dripping with treacle nor with songs comparing his beauty to that of Yavannas gardens in full bloom. Even the suggestive dreams that Irmo guaranteed would win Mairons sweet Omegas heart don't work. On the contrary Mairon puts a stop to that plan pretty quick when a violent ice storm threatens to engulf all of Arda.
Mairon stops taking everyone advice, he has a feeling that the Vala would actually like Knowing the person courting him more than receiving elaborate gifts from a stranger, so Mairon write Melkor a letter where he tells things about himself that even his fellow forge Maiar don't know and sends it via the small mechanical dragon that he build in secret.
This goes on for a while, Mairon sending letters where he lays himself bare to the Vala, not expecting for an answer.
Until one day when the dragon returns he gets a response, a drawing of Curumo exploding from jealousy (Mairon had mentioned that in his previous letter) and after that Melkor starts to send more responses, most often they are drawings, sometimes they're little things that he's found and wanted to share with Mairon and very rarely he sends letters, these Mairon cherishes the most.
At the end what wins Melkors heart is Mairon marching to the gates of Utumno, declaring his undying love to Melkor and revealing when the Valar are away from the cursed lamps and where their weakest spots are >:3 If anyone wants to write this (go on, I dare you) be my guest, just tag me when it's done so I can gush and cry happy tears cuz my fave murder husbands get the love that they DESERVE <3
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hotgirlstiles · 10 months
top vera hotgirlstiles sterekmitski songs
ok im not even gonna pretend that i can condense this into a top 5..... that's too much of a challenge! and this also isn't in particular order!
1. francis forever. no need for an explanation. (i look up at the gaps of sunlight.... i miss you more than anything!!) (i dont need the world to see that ive been the best i can be, but i dont think i could stand to be where you dont SEE ME...)
2. me and my husband. but me and my husband we're doing better.. ITS ALWAYS BEEN JUST HIM AND ME.... TOGETHER! so i bet all i have on that FURROWED BRW..... and at least in this lifetime we're sticking together!!! (wails) AND I AM THE IDIOT WITH THE PAINTED FACE IN THE CORNER TAKING UP SPACE BUT WHEN HE WALKS IN I AM LOVED. I AM LOVED!!!!
3. i will. just listen to it. or else i'll just put the entire song on here...... it's THE post canon song actually
4. a pearl. ok. this song is a little. whew. its just that i fell in love with a war. and nobody told me it ended.
5. shame. this is my season 2 sterek song where it's sterek in a secret relationship and everyone in stiles' life is just. diappointed in him forhis lies and decisions except for derek who's so so big and strong and warm and protects him....
6. i don't smoke.. hnggg i dont smoke except for when im missing you....... (smoker derek) (stiles missing derek in s5) (ha ha) and if you need to be MEAN be mean to ME.. i can take it and put it inside of ME.... if your hands need to break more than trinkets in your room YOU CAN LEAN ON MY ARM as you.. break my heart......
7. geyser. YALL ALREADY KNOW HOW I FEEL ABT THIS. this is soooo stiles abt derek. this is stiles getting courted by every powerful alpha but rejecting them becase derek is his number one because derek is the one he wants!!! STILES DESPERATELY, BUT I WILL BE THE ONE YOU NEED THE WAY I CANT BE WITHOUT YOU. are you fucking seeing it
8. pink in the night. this is THEEEE stiles pining for derek song im not even exaggerating. whatever song youre thinking of NO.. its this one... i promise you would i let you guys down.... i cant even write down the lyrics like you just have to experience the song yourself..
9. two slow dancers. this is my post canon sterek in their 30s song it makes me sick to my tumy
10. once more to see you. another s2 sterek fic........ derekpov maybe.......... in the rearview mirror i saw the setting sun on your neck... and felt the taste of you bubble up inside me.......
and i am done...... we need like a comunity course. sterek through the mitski lens. and maybe then you will all see the truth....
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cake-apostate · 1 year
Flynn was Yuuki Mishima headcanon
A while back, I was thinking that if Akira Kurusu of Persona 5 was his timeline's version of Akira from Shin Megami Tensei IV, then Flynn's past life could have been a parallel version of one of Joker's friends.
There are four Confidants who are male, around Akira's age, and have natural black hair: Yusuke, Yuuki Mishima, Shinya Oda, and Ryuji (who dyes). I then narrowed it down to Mishima and Shinya, since Ryuji and Yusuke have such established personalities that it would be weird to see them vary as much as Flynn.
I wound up writing a fic that forced* me to settle on Mishima, and only then did I realize how much sense it made.
*(I added some details that would have made Akira eighteen to twenty when shit went down. Since the minimum age gap between Akira and Shinya is four years, he'd be too young to join the CDF.)
[Quick clarification: the events of Persona 5 do not lead into SMT4. The Yuuki Mishima we meet is a parallel version of Flynn's past life].
Kingmaker and Follower
SMT4 is infamous for its alignment endings; it's easy to screw yourself out of Neutral if you don't get everything perfectly balanced. Neutral is also the only ending where Flynn doesn't wind up serving someone else (although I suppose you could see it also as him serving Fujiwara and the Goddess of Tokyo).
I'm interpreting that as Flynn being someone who is inclined to follow rather than forge his own path. It's easy for him to cling to someone with greater resolve than his own, and it takes serious guts for him to stand up for what he thinks needs to be done. I'm not saying that Flynn isn't strong; it's just that it's harder for him to be independent. When he finds the courage to take charge, it's the best outcome.
The thing is, Flynn isn't merely a follower, he's the Kingmaker. Nobody succeeds unless he casts his lot in with them. And the Kingmaker does not rule at the end (except on Chaos, but even then Lucifer's around).
You keep seeing this, again and again. Things went to hell in the other two timelines because Flynn's past life sided with Kiyoharu or Kenji instead of stopping the missiles himself. When you take a jaunt in the alternate timelines, it's Flynn who clears the way for Akira to become king. Heck, this even extends to Apocalypse; besides being brainwashed into servitude on Anarchy, the Bonds route has him slip gracefully into Nanashi's shadow.
Mishima in P5 is definitely a follower. He basks in the Phantom Thieves' reflected glory, and is happy to just be on the sidelines. He happily admits that he's Joker's groupie rather than his friend. If Mishima had the guts to start standing on his own, I think he'd be a capable Persona user. But since Akira's got everything handled already, he's happy to remain his support.
And Mishima is a good supporter. It's easy to rank up his Confidant, exp bonus is nice, and the Phan-Site enables sidequests. Not to mention that he's the PR guy, and he garners popularity from the masses. It's different from what Flynn does, but courting popularity is the work of a kingmaker.
Flynn's a silent protagonist, but what I find interesting about him is that you see his personality vary depending on alignment. The guy in all the bars will tell you about the impression Flynn gives, and the fight with Isabeau gives rather expressive dialogue options. Flynn will grow in a certain direction depending on how you play him.
(What's different about other games is that there's room for their protagonists to not embrace their alignments wholeheartedly. You can read, say, Kazuya as someone who made mostly Chaos choices out of pragmatism but doesn't believe that the right to live is derived from power).
Mishima starts out meek, but he has room to grow. One reason why I vetoed Ryuji and Yusuke is that we're so used to seeing them a certain way that it would be weird to see Ryuji grow towards Law. Mishima might have grown over the course of his Confidant, but he still isn't yet his own person.
I'm also thinking about how Futaba calls Mishima an NPC for being generic and unmemorable. It might be a stretch, but it also seems to vibe with how the man in the bar says that Neutral Flynn is quiet and hard to understand.
Mishima also not only develops a Shadow, he deals with it on his own. Joker refuses to take his heart, and he lets Mishima determine his own fate without interference. (I forgot why this was relevant but it feels like it is.)
Besides, I can see Mishima shaking down demons for money like Flynn. Hell, isn't that what happens? Mishima asked for donations and pocked the proceeds, and Flynn robs demons by 'asking' for donations!
(On the other hand, Mishima attempted revenge on the people who bullied him, while Flynn rescues Navarre. Then again, room to grow, and with parallel selves it doesn't have to be one-to-one.)
Semirelated Ramblings
My general fanfic headcanon for Flynn (unrelated to Mishima) is that he's a stressed perfectionist. He might not know about other timelines, but part of him knows that if he doesn't say and do everything just right, it will end in disaster. On Neutral, he's brave enough to oppose the excesses of Law and Chaos, but deep down he's terrified that his middle path might not work out. On Law and Chaos, he winds up siding with someone who's much more confident than he is, because they have to be correct if they're so sure of themselves, right?
I also see that this weakness in his heart is why he behaves the way he does when brainwashed. The way I interpret how Dagda brainwashes people, he implants the overpowering desire to serve Nanashi, leaving the person's mind to rationalize why. For example, Asahi figures that she'll do anything for Nanashi because she loves her little brother. Toki thinks it's out of romantic love, and if you ship them like I do, so does Hallelujah. For the others, they see him as a combination of friend and leader; I can see Gaston (and maybe Isabeau and Navarre) regarding him as a superior officer and/or king.
Flynn, on the other hand? Gets on his knees and worships his master as a god. Flynn wants assurance that he's doing the right thing, and the brainwashing provides that. He believes that Nanashi is always right, and that the perfect route is to submit entirely to his will. It's comforting for him, not having to worry, or even think.
It helps that he knew both Blasted and Infernal Akira, both of whom were good kings to broken worlds. He figured out that Nanashi is the second coming of King Aquila, which cemented his godhood even further in his eyes.
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deadqueernoldor · 1 year
Tinwe getting hurt before Feanor dies would be bad for everyone. Thingol would probably have some understanding because he also has a daughter. But there will be no more caution. They will speedrun everything out of pure rage, and get her back. Worst case scenario is Nerdanel finds out, and it will take her only 5 minutes to get her back. Don't stand between a mother and her child.
I've literally been thinking about this since the thought first came to me oh god (mentions of torture and that fun stuff under the cut as precaution. Also this just evolved to a whole ass bullet point fic. I'm sorry but also not really)
So Tinwë gets captured. At first nobody knows bc its was a whole mess of a battle but then they realise shes not hiding in some tent with aegves (who still goes by melindë back then) but that shes gone gone
Feanor fucking loses it. Like full on rage tearing down his own tent losing it.
Caranthir is no better. Maglor takes him away bc angry Caranthir is a time bomb and without tinwe there to even distract him for half a second he's gotta make sure his little brother doesnt blow up on someone
Feanor is dead set on murdering Morgoth with his bare hands now. No need for swords. Fists and teeth will do. But they've seen balrog for the first time now. He knows they need better weapons. Better armour. Better everything.
So feanor immediately begins scouting the lands with the help of the northern sindar (who he actually likes bc they hate Morgoth and arent cowards like thingol who hides behind a maia's skirts)
During that absence Morgoth sends the message for parley. Noldor leave in exchange for... not a Silmaril. But tinwe. To rub it in theres a strand of hair with the missive.
Caranthir loses it. Absolutely loses it. Huan has to tackle him before he marches to Angband unarmed and unprepared.
Maedhros figures its bullshit but it could give them time and an overview. He goes with a large company as canon, but they still get overwhelmed.
Maedhros gets taken to angband.
He does see tinwe. Morgoth's got her as a bit of a pet really. 'Pretty white hair that glows just like the silmarils' pet. He's so goddamn obsessed with the silmarils I could see that somewhat happening.
When feanor returns he finds out that now his firstborn AND his only daughter are in angband.
You know when someone's close to snapping and murdering everyone who breathes in their vicinity and their eye twitches ever so slightly? Feanor. That's feanor constant state for thirty fucking years while he's evolving and improving weapons and military strategy.
Fingolfin comes.
Feanor cant be fucking arsed to be high king anymore. He's got his mind so set on getting tinwe and maedhros from angband that Maglor has been acting as King more often than not in those years
He gives Fingolfin the crown and cant ve bothered with their plight. His babies are there! His BABIES!
Fingon still rescues maedhros. But tinwe is still very much inside angband bc pet status. :)
So canon maedhros is back but tinwe is still away.
Feanor refuses to go anywhere else. He makes his own stronghold right beside Himring. Literally opposite of angband.
Or: he goes to Himring with maedhros but he's focused on weapons and military rather than the ruling aspects so maedhros lord of Himring.
Thingol is a petty bitch still. Doesnt care about the noldor a la "you murdered my kin now yours suffers rightly". Melian knows he shouldnt be shittalking but when has thingol listened to her speaking the truth? Never.
They go to angband. They get their silmaril. They see tinwe but dont have time to get her out bc the enchantment only had so much power over morgoth's court.
Beren leaves angrist.
Tinwe hides it. Frees herself. Next chance she got shes out.
That chance however... Nirnaeth.
She slips out while the host hackles fingon's (?) troops with thrills of their own loved ones.
She makes it to the feanorian camp outpost.
Caranthir sees. Caranthir screams. Caranthir cries for the first time in like 400 years.
Tinwe points at uldor/ulfang (forgot which one oops) and says she recognises them. They're in league with Morgoth.
No backstabbing. They get to fingon. Cant save him but theres less loss. Feanor is anger personified.
THIS is where hes taking on balrog unheeded and dies.
(Tinwe goes to the kinslaying in doriath. Her reasoning for her anger? Luthien could have sung TWO more notes and there would have been enough time to get her out. Beren had enough time to give her the knife into her hand but not to use a blade that could cut through metal? Oh she hates the family of luthien. Not the babys. But every adult she sees she will murder in cold blood. They left her to Morgoth for YEARS because they didnt want to. Revenge is sweet)
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vampiricsheep · 1 year
have 2, 5, 7, and 14 from the vampire asks for winter, if you want? :) @kerra-and-company
Ty!! love my pink tief
2. How does their vampirism affect their daily life? Have they had to make any changes to routine or behavior?
sun burns pretty badly, though it doesn't ignite. If it has to be out during daylight, it wears a hooded cloak and face-cover to block as much out as possible.
Every day is spent rationing blood and planning for its next meal, or worrying about the lack of options for one. That isn't the entirety of its existence, but if it's not at the forefront if its mind, it's at the back of it.
immortality has made it even more reckless when fighting and exploring than it was in its youth.
5. Has their vampirism cost them friends or forged new bonds?
It quite literally cost Winter its best friend (who it was just coming to realize it was in love with) the night it was turned :) the other two survivors left it for dead, and when it recovered and caught up to them, plans of confrontation vanished when it saw how...happy they were. It just felt even more more desolate, and it lost the will to walk up to them and just...left.
Dying severed its bond to its familiar, and its never gotten him back.
After it was turned, Winter was too ashamed of what it had done and what it had become to visit its father again. It took years to come to terms with everything enough to want to pay an overdue visit, but then it was worried of how its father would feel to see it forty years later - perhaps, it thought, it was better if he thought it was truly dead than to have not even received a letter after all that time. And then, when it might finally be ready...60 years have past. Is he even still alive? Nobody else from the village would remember or recognise it. It could never be home again, and there was no one for it there.
On the positive side, it's stopped viewing Death as an antagonist come to taunt it every time it falls in battle or sleeps too deeply. They're even...close. What does it mean to court a God, though? Is this blasphemous? Is it fair?
7. Are they open about what they are, or do they hide their condition?
VERY secretive. When it purchases blood, it's always under the pretense of being a sorcerer (which is true, but not what the blood is for). The last vampires were hunted down for being monsters, and the ones that turned Winter certainly seemed monstrous, so how could it expect to be seen as an exception if it was found out?
14. Do you have any general vampirism headcanons (or canon in your fiction?)
Winter's death was, albeit unintentional, a test of its material mortality. One of its parents was fully fae and very rarely visited the material plane at all, and until it died, there was no knowing if its death would be managed by mortal rules or by fey rules.
If it been just outside mortal jurisdiction...would it have truly died? Would it have been banished from the material plane and returned to the one it never visited? I don't have those answers.
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