#THEY MAKE ME SO GRRRR squishes them
ccybermiracle · 8 months
Other than floyd, clay was DEFINITELY branch's other favorite brother like the way he lets him play with his face and baby talks him IT MAKES ME SICK /pos
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https-cyber-slxt · 1 year
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Sub!Nero x FemDom!Reader
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Your eyes flutter open as the early morning sun shines directly in them. Your first instinct was to feel around for your husband, Nero. But you couldn't feel him next to you. You prop yourself up on your elbows and look over to where he usually sleeps. Nothing, it's empty, but the spot is still somewhat warm, meaning its only been a few minutes since he got up.
The smell of bacon and eggs fill your nostrils the immediate moment after. Oh, so that's where he is. You smile to yourself as you get out of bed, grabbing his jacket off the desk chair and putting it on, making your way to the kitchen. You sneak up to the kitchen entrance, surprised at the scene in front of you. Nero was completely naked, except for his dark blue apron and collar, the bells jingling as she moves around to grab condiments and spices, completely oblivious to your presence behind him.
You fiddle with your fingers, biting your bottom lips as you stare at his perfect, plump ass. The way his back muscles would flex when grabbing something from above or next to him. Oh but you also couldn't forget those nice and dark purple hickeys on his shoulders and neck from last night.
You walk up directly behind him, but you don't touch him, you just sit back and admire his body... your body, a body that belongs to you, and will only belong to you.
Nero turns around to grab something from the cupboard above you, but when he fully turns, he gets a fright and physically jumps at your sudden presence. “M- Mistress! What are you doing up? I thought you'd still be asleep.” You ignore him and point to the cupboard above you, telling him to continue with whatever he was doing. He was hesitant, staring at you with confusion and desperation.
You give him a glare that even scared both Dante and Vergil and he continues his actions, grabbing the porcelain plates out and setting them aside, attempting his best to keep his eyes off you, his erection growing underneath your own gaze. He turns back to the pan in the stove, trying his best to keep calm.
Unexpectedly, you walk closer to him, your arms around his hips, one of your hands leaning closer and closer to his aching cock. Nero softly whines and moves his free hand to yours, but you smack it away. “Focus on the food Nero, not on me” you command, your hand rubbing him through his apron. “Bu- but Mistress, you're ma-making it so hard to do that...” Nero whines while slightly arching his back.
You move your hand underneath his apron and push yourself even closer to him, to the point where he was squished in between the kitchen counter and you, making him arching against the table. His cock was practically covered in pre, the consequence of your earlier action. Your hand wraps around his dick, pumping up and down agonizingly slow, causing Nero to whimper and whine for you to properly touch him.
“Please! Ngh~ Mistress please, faster! Faster please! You're gonna break me- like this!” Nero begs, moving his hand to the one you have on his cock, trying to make you go faster manually. You scoff, smacking his hand away, then smacking his ass with your other hand. He yelps at the sudden impact.
“Such a bad boy Nero, I think you need a punishment..” your voice filled with malicious intent. Nero's eyes widen at your words, “No! No! I'm sorry! I'm sorry Mistress! I didn't mean-” his sentence cut off by a smack to his face. You turn Nero around, having his back instead of his stomach against the counter. “I want you you to do something Nero, I want you keep eye contact with me, the whole time, understand?”
If there was one thing Nero was awkward about, it was eye contact, especially during sex, if he wasn't out fighting demons or just with friends, eye contact was something he couldn't maintain, it was even worse when he orgasms. Every time he came, he just had to shut his eyes and look away from you, afraid you'll judge the way his face contorts into pleasure as he cums all over himself. (He definitely does an aheago face)
After a bit of thinking, he nods, ready to overcome this weird fear of his. You untie the apron, making it fall to his feet, his perfect, porcelain body exposed for you, only you. You push yourself against his waist, his cock sliding delicately against your lower abdomen, causing whimpers to leave his mouth.
Your left hand drags itself into Nero's hair, massaging his scalp in reassurance, your other hand wraps back around his cock, the pace a little bit faster than before. Nero keeps his eyes on yours as best as he could, he couldn't kiss you either, considering that would count as breaking eye contact.
He covers his mouth as you pump faster, your thumb occasionally messing with his tip every once and a while. Nero restrains himself from throwing his head back. “You- you're such a cruel, cruel Mistress you know?” Nero tries to talk some sense into you, but you weren't having it. I mean, you can't take him seriously when his legs are shaking with drool slipping down his chin and his eyes watery now can you?
Nero blink a few times, getting the tears out of the way, his gaze still heavy on you, although he's starting to break. But when your nails drag against his cock and your thumb rubs intensely against his tip, he can't help but crack. In one swift motion he grabs your biceps for support. “Shit! Shitshitshit! I'm gonna- ah! I'm gonna- ah! Fuckfuck- FUCK!”
Nero tries his best to look at you, but when your nails drag he can't help but fall back against the counter, grabbing the edge and throwing his head back. “Cumming! Cumming! AH~! Nnggggggghaaa~!”
Nero spills his slick everywhere, most of it landing on your stomach and chest, but some unfortunate to land on the floor. You groan and grab his collar, your lips meeting in a passionate kiss. “You did good Nero, but you didn't keep eye contact all the way.. Bend over for me.”
Oh dear, this is going to be a long morning...
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I’d love to fall in love again, but probably not right now as I’m leaving in literally a month and a bit. And, with the whole demi thing, I won’t really be able to fall in love for a while? So I’ll probably be single for like another year or two maybe, but I’d love to at some point.
I’m not in a rush to fall in love, being single is great, and it’s nice to just be able to be free, but having a designated person to love and hug and kiss and all that is so much fun. Having someone who loves you is just a great experience.
There is this girl that I definitely don’t have a crush on, more a squish, where I just want to be closer friends with her, she’s the funniest person I know, with her unique brand of humour being “I will go along with this bit for as long as humanly possible” and it’s so much fun going along with it, seeing how far she’ll go, trying to make her trip up, seeing how she reacts to it and seeing what she does to save the bit, grrrr she’s so cute I’m like a cat playing with a ball on a string.
I didn’t explain it well, it’s like someone will take a picture of me and her and I’m posing and she’s not, and she’ll say that’s because she never poses, then I’ll point to a picture of her with thumbs up, and she’ll say that’s her getting ready to punch me, and then I’ll find a picture where she’s making a very obvious pose and she’ll say it’s photoshopped but then the person who has the original photo shows it and then she crumbles as she can’t go any longer and it’s so much fun watching her mentally squirm.
Anyway I have thought “would I like go out with her” and like yeah it’d be fun but, first of all I don’t even know what sexuality she is I think she might be gay I have no clue my gaydar is weird I had the thought she might be but then someone has her as “gay” in their phone but that’s a joke idk I just haven’t had confirmation, second of all she’s a very “change is terrifying and the future is coming too quickly” person, so if we did get into a relationship with only a month till we’re separated that’d be really funny problematic, and also I don’t know much about them on an emotional level. Most of our interactions are banter, we’ve only had like that one talk about the future being scary, I don’t know much about who she really is y’know?
Anyway yeah this kind of devolved into “Randy rants about his squish” but ummm shut up it’s my blog I can do what I want
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.58--Episodes 6-7
I have watched through S6E7; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Imma be straight (take a picture, it’ll last longer) I don’t have a clue about Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea. I read it most of the way through once a long time ago, and I have forgotten literally all of it. But I know it’s good because it’s one of my brother’s favorite books.
—So anyway the aesthetic? It’s impeccable. The submarine is high quality design, somewhere between science-y and magic-y. The Nautilus uniforms are smooth as heck.
—While anybody would benefit from wearing said uniforms, only Hook could make one of those baggy, yellowish diving suits look good. And make it look good he did.
—Henry was kind of a buttcheek in Episode 6. He was salty for no reason, I might even go so far as to say downright mean, and then he never apologized or even explained his behavior.
—I hope Hook’s brother shows up every now and then. They deserve to have a relationship. Hook just deserves to have all the best things in life, if I’m being honest.
—Regina’s eyes been looking extra chocolatey lately.
—Somebody has to fix Snow and Charming because I just cannot handle this.
—Storytime with Hook is my new favorite! He is such a sweetie 🥰 And CaptainSwan is an even better ship than the Jolly Roger—Hook himself would agree. They’re just so wholesome and adorable together.
—Grrrr, I’m starting to feel a lil shady about Rumple. I mean, it would take a huge disaster to make me actively hate or dislike him, but he’s spending some time in my mental penalty box.
—I almost forgot! Archie’s been let out of cricket jail!…But I think he’s still a cricket? So 8/10 for not being in mortal danger anymore, but also for still being a bug.
—Rumple and the Evil Queen having a thing is mega-gross. I hate it. There’s just so many reasons I could complain about it, I’m not even gonna bother.
—I love that Snow and Charming met before they actually met. So cute! And she gave him her escape money!!!
—Also, Charming is even handsomer with a shaggy dog at his side.
—Regina should’ve kept her evil in her own damn self. I’m trying not to be mad at her, cause she didn’t know the Evil Queen could survive a heart-squishing, but she did look at Jekyll and Hyde and decide they were role models, so…
—I’m low-key maybe high-key annoyed because right now I have very few ships on the board, and most of them aren’t doing well. Rumbelle? Lost its appeal at least a season ago. The Charmings? Currently under a joint curse that keeps them from proper being together. CaptainSwan? Great right now, but Emma’s going to die! And I love the shipping side of life; fanficcing my way through life is my favorite. If I don’t have a ship to occupy my every waking thought with, I might actually have to spend time with my own brain. And messing with/contemplating the dynamics is a fun exercise in creativity and deeper thought. Plus, it’s just fun! But without any main characters in a very shippable mode right now, I guess I’m gonna have to peel my eyes and start *heavy sigh* rarepairing again. (Lol because rarepairs are ‘not a shot in hell’ they will never get together and therefore never have relationship troubles. I’ve cracked the system. I know what I’m doing.)
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skunkyemerson · 4 years
Koda and Tokoyami play Kingdom Hearts
Tokoyami: Hmmm, this Traverse Town is a nice place, I wonder if there are more Disney chara-
*sees Leon and freezes up*
Koda:...Tokoyami? Are you ok?
Tokoyami: *sniff* I-I missed him so much...
Koda: *gasp* Oh look it’s Aerith and Yuffie!
Tokoyami: *full on sobbing now*
-- --- --
Ansem: And so, darkness within darkness awaits you...
Tokoyami: *aggressively writes down notes*
-- --- --
*playing KH2 Atlantica*
Tokoyami: *furiously rubbing his temples* I-I don’t understand, where’s the Heartless? The Darkness? The Nobodies? Why is it musical after musical?!
Koda(singing): Swim this way, we’ll dance and we’ll play now...
-- --- --
Tokoyami: Who is this ‘Roxas’? Where’s Sora and Riku? Hmmm, not sure how I feel about playing as him...
Tokoyami:.....Roxas....*tear falls*
-- --- --
Tokoyami(after a Dark Shadow outburst): How am I gonna face everyone?
Koda: Like this. *squishes his face*
-- --- --
*they get to Chain of Memories*
Tokoyami:....Koda do you want to play this one?
Koda: Not really...Want to watch the cutscenes on YouTube?
Tokoyami: I’ll go make popcorn.
-- --- --
Tokoyami: *fighting Sephiroth in KH2* GRRRR! 10 hours....Koda, you give it a try while I go cool off...
*hands him the controller and storms off*
Tokoyami: Ok I’m back-
*Koda is watching the cutscene with Sephiroth and Cloud*
Koda: I got him on my 5th try!
Tokoyami:...I’m so proud of you.
-- --- --
*playing KH3 they get to the Let it Go segment*
Tokoyami: *rolls eyes and begins to skip the cutscene, but then sees Koda’s happy face, watching intently*
Tokoyami: Well, if it makes you happy...
*a few seconds later, Kirishima walks in*
Kirishima: Yo Tokoyami can I borrow your-
*Dark Shadow slams the door shut*
-- --- --
Iida(bursting into the room): Excuse me Tokoyami and Koda! But you’re being a little loud and disturbing Baku-
*sees Tokoyami and Koda hugging and sobbing, and Dark Shadow throwing things off the shelves in rage*
Tokoyami: XION NOOOOO!!!!!!
Iida:.....*walks out without another word*
-- --- --
*one day, the two of them are leaving the dorms with lots of bags*
Mina: Oh hey, where are the two of you going?
Tokoyami: Shopping. Me and Koda would like to redecorate our rooms.
Iida: Ah, and I see you’re bringing your own reusable bags! Wonderful you two, so considerate towards the environment!
Koda: Thanks!
*the two of them leave, and once they’re out of sight, they duck into an alleyway and empty their bags, inside are Sora and Riku cosplay with Keyblade replicas*
Koda: I know you prefer being Riku but I think maybe it’d be more accurate if I was him...
Tokoyami: No way. Now hurry up and put them on, the convention will open soon.
Deku: *gasp* Oh hey Tokoyami, hey Koda!
*the two of them turn to see Deku, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Kirishima also putting on costumes*
Uraraka: Hee hee, you guys heading to that big video game and hero convention? Us too!
Kirishima: Hey, we should all go together!
Tsuyu: Yeah, come on!
Tokoyami(blushing extremely out of embarrassment):....Ok....
*all six of them walk down the streets together, Tokoyami is hiding behind Koda in sheer embarrassment*
Koda: Come on, you look great...
Tokoyami: I will never recover from this.....
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by mathmaticalknight)
“So, let me just make sure I understand what you’re asking.” Angelina, Blaze, and Lappland were eating lunch in the cafeteria; this hadn’t been the Vulpo’s plan, but the other two had a question...A very strange question. “You want me to help the two of you train...by using my Arts to put you in higher gravity?”
“We saw it on a TV show yesterday, and it looked like it really helped. It’s not too much to ask, is it?” The Lupo’s smirk said she thought it might be.
The Feline punched her arm before turning back to their assistant-to-be. “Are you willing to do it?”
“Well...Croissant says you should always make contracts for things like this, so I’ll need to talk with her about writing one of those, but...I’ll see what I can-”
“Woo-hoo!” Blaze immediately jumped to her feet. “I can’t wait! Soon, I’ll have the Critical Mass Explosion technique down, and no one will be able to stop us!”
Wait, ‘Critical Mass Explosion’…“I wasn’t going to ask, but since you mentioned that, why are the two of you watching anime together?”
“To annoy Texas,” they said in unison.
“...I know why you’re doing that, then,” the Vulpo said, gesturing to Lappland who gave her a wicked grin in return, “but why are you?”
Her partner-in-crime shrugged. “I’d be watching anime either way, but when Lappy asked if she could to see if it could teach her how to get Texas’ dander up, I figured why not? Alright, I need to get back to work, but here’s my number. Call me when you two finish the papers, and I’ll sign ‘em!”
“Same. Thanks for the help.” Why did it still sound like Lappland was insulting her as she thanked her?
Oh well. The Vulpo enjoyed the rest of her lunch in peace, making a note to ask the Forte about this later. For now, though, she had some practical considerations to consider - how to sustain her power for at least 30 minutes at a time, for example. That was...going to take some effort.
Two days later, after a bit of negotiation through Croissant and a brief training montage for Angelina to master prolonged selective gravity increases, Blaze and Lappland met her in the sparring dojo (not to be confused with the not-sparring dojo, where people had actual fights) in their training outfits. “Alright, let’s do this!”
“Hang on a sec, girls.” The ever-shrewd Forte had volunteered to supervise this particular experiment. She didn’t want her girlfriend hurt after all. “Ya don’t start messin’ with fizz’x all willy-nilly like, Gotta let Angie warm up first.”
“So long as we get our full 30 minutes of weighted training time, that’ll be fine. Hey, Blaze, go a couple rounds with me while we wait?”
The Feline shrugged. “Sure. Gonna be hard to be bored doing that.”
“Good. Have fun!” Once they were out of earshot, the Forte sighed. “They sure are n’thuzyastic, huh?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful with them.” Angie gave her a gravity-boosted squeeze.
Croissant might’ve had more complaints, but they were nothing compared to the power of Angelina’s hugs. “Not what’s worryin’ me...but I trust ya.”
“Thanks, babe.” … “I can’t hold them down if you’re holding me this tight.”
“Yer sure?” Another moment later (as the Vulpo started to set them floating), the Forte sighed and let her go. “Alright, both ya ready to start?”
Already sporting a couple scrapes each, they both pumped a fist. “Press me to the earth so I can push it aside!” Blaze called out.
“That’s a way to ask for it,” Cross muttered as Angelina did just that.
“Huh. I feel heavy.” The Feline took a couple test punches at the air. “Wow! That’s pretty neat! Hey, Lappy, lemme punch you and see if it hurts more!”
Lappland responded to that request by trying to dash towards her, only to find herself moving at half speed. “Grrrr. So that’s your game, Blaze - slow me down to cancel out my natural advantage?”
“‘Natural advantage?’ Is the extra gravity pulling the blood out of your brain?” Blaze could already see some interesting changes to the power dynamic.
“...Got it.” And suddenly, the Lupo was back to her normal speed. “Now I can give you that punch you asked for!”
Angie and her girlfriend shared a glance. “That wudn’t s’posed to happ’n, rite?”
“I think she figured out how to counter it, but...Doesn’t that mean she’s defying gravity?”
“Ooh, I wanna try!” The Feline picked one foot up before slamming it back into the ground, causing a small tremor as she blasted forward a couple feet and smashed into Lappland. “Now we’re talking!”
The Forte crossed her arms and leaned against the wall behind them. “30 minutes, huh?”
“You think I might’ve given them too much time?” The Vulpo cringed as the two went at it no-holds-barred.
“It oughta be fine,” Croissant shrugged. “The way the contract’s writ’n, we’ll get our full share anyway.”
Angelina blinked slowly a couple times. “I’m more worried they’ll hurt themselves.”
“...Right.” She gave her a sheepish grin.
“They’re though, but they’re not that tough.” Her comment was perfectly timed with a shit-wrecking haymaker that tossed Blaze farther than Angie could keep the gravity effect going. “Timeout! You knocked her out of the field!”
Lappland chuckled. “More like I shut your field down over her while my arms kept the extra weight.”
“That’s ter’fyin’,” the Forte muttered.
“That’s so cool!” Blaze exclaimed, practically bouncing back to her feet and bear-hugging the Lupo. “Show me how to do that!”
For the first time Angie had ever seen, there was something like fear in the eyes of the one being squished against the Feline. “Okay, okay, I’ll do it, just let go of me.”
“Fine.” One last squeeze before letting her go.
“Heh.” Croissant nudged the Vulpo as the other two went back to their training. “Kinda cute, ain’t it?”
Angelina tilted her head, squinted a bit, and then righted herself to nod. “Kinda. Not really sure how that’d turn out, though.”
“Bandages...a whooooole lotta bandages.”
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davecall93 · 4 years
Teddy (3)
“There’s a party on Friday,” said Teddy to coach a few days later from the couch.
“And they invited you?”
Coach made a low growl. “And I suppose you want to go.”
Teddy looked at him. “Yes.”
“I don’t like it.”
“I know, I know…you want me tied up in a cage…”
“Or one or the other.” Coach sat next to Teddy on the couch. Per instruction, the boy was shirtless. “Ariel, the party world is a mess…” he said, putting is hand on Teddy’s belly and rubbing it. “I suppose I have to drop you off and pick you up.”
“Please, Mom.”
Coach growled again. He stared at Teddy’s belly as he continued to rub it. He pinched it. “You have to eat dinner before.”
“It starts at 8.” Teddy looked pleadingly at Coach. “You did say I could go out.”
“My first mistake in life.”
Coach continued to rub Teddy’s belly. “Well, that’s three days from now. That gives me three days to train you to be in civilized society.”
“I think you know how to—“
Coach put his hands over Teddy’s mouth. “Don’t speak. You’re a complete slob. Look at you. You look like a melting marshmallow. You get halfway into a pool and half the water will spill out.”
Teddy sat still.
“And I spend half my time now cleaning up after you. It would be easier to have a goldfish. I could feed it until it explodes and then get another goldfish that looks just like it. And it would stay in its bowl and not go anywhere. Why can’t I do that with Teddys?”
Teddy licked Coach’s palm with his tongue.
Coach lifted his hand and slapped his hand across Teddy’s cheek.
“Don’t be fresh. Go put on a t-shirt and a pair of gym shorts and  come out to the backyard in half an hour.”
Half an hour later, when Teddy came down, Coach was seated in a deck chair, sipping a drink, naked except for a pair of sunglasses. The hose was hanging over one of the armrests and a towel over the back of the chair. On the picnic table was a party size bag of potato chips, a party size bag of M&M’s, a handle of whiskey, a 2 liter bottle of coke and a single Solo cup.
“Here,” said Teddy.
“Pearson!” Said Coach, in his practiced class voice. “Come here.” Coach pointed to the front of his deck chair. Teddy stood in front of him. “Now, Pearson, not only has your lazy ass not done any more physical activity than roll over on the couch, you’ve shown yourself to be a complete slob. Today, you are going to do a full workout, after which you will then be trained in proper etiquette when eating at a party.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Now, go out to the grass and run 50 laps around the grass.”
Teddy looked out at the grass.
“Did I stutter, Pearson?” Said Coach picking up the hose.
“No, I just—”
Coach sprayed Teddy in the face. “Fucking a, Pearson. Go!”
Teddy jogged out to the grass and started running around the perimeter. Coach sipped his drink, watching him intently as he made laps, shouting out occasionally.
“Jesus Christ, Pearson, that’s pathetic for a man your age!”
Teddy, who had not worked out his senior year, went until he got winded. He stopped.
Teddy came up to coach. He was beaded in sweat from the summer heat and catching his breath.
“Here!” Coach sprayed him with the hose. “Is that cooling?”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Are you still hot?”
“Take off your shirt.”
Teddy took off his shirt, revealing a gut close to being past a beginner’s one. It was wet with sweat. Coach sprayed it, aiming for his navel, and Teddy folded in.
“Do you find that refreshing, Pearson?”
“Your body wouldn’t have such difficult time cooling off if you weren’t so fat.” Coach sprayed him again. “I suppose that sad performance covers the cardio portion of our workout. Now that your warmed up, it would be a good time to stretch.”
“Now, turn around and bend over and touch your toes.”
Teddy turned around. He bent over, knowing he was mooning Coach, and reached for his toes. He could tell he had gained weight because in order to get closer to his toes he had to suck in his stomach.
“Keep holding it, Pearson.”
“Okay, Pearson, up.”
Teddy got up, turned around. Coach was erect and stroking himself.
“Look, Coach, I have a fan,” said Teddy.
Coach sprayed him in the face with the house. “Hush. Let’s see you do some push ups.”
Teddy sighed and got on the ground. He hadn’t done a push up in a years. He got through three and half and fell on the cement.
“Pathetic,” said Coach, shaking his head. “Absolutely pathetic. I don’t know if you’re going to be able to do much more. Let’s see a few sit-ups, Pearson.”
Teddy got on the cement of the deck, which was cool under the shade. His belly protruded. He did a sit up, feeling his stomach squish, and when he laid flat again, Coach sprayed his stomach with the house.
“You have a bit of a hold up there, Pearson. Go again.”
Teddy did another push up and another, and each time Coach sprayed him in the gut when he laid down. After 10, Teddy laid down and said, “That’s all I can do Coach.”
“Disappointing.” Get up and dry yourself off. He threw Teddy the towel from the back of the deck chair. Teddy dried off.
“Now, Pearson, I have set up a small approximation of a college party’s offerings. You are going to practice your manners on how to eat properly. Approach the table.”
Teddy went over to the picnic table on the deck’s side. He looked back at Coach.
“Show me how you eat, Teddy.”
Teddy reached in for a potato chip, opened his mouth and inserted it. He then chomped down and chewed it.
“You fucking liar. Show me how you eat a potato chip.”
Teddy gave a thumbs up to coach. He reached into the bag and grabbed a handful of chips. He reached in, grabbed a large handful of chips, and messily shoved them into his wide-open mouth, as chip bits fell from it.
“You fucking slob.”
“Should I not each like this, Coach?” He reached in for another handful of chips.
“You’re disgusting.”
“Ith jutht tho good, Coachth,” said Teddy, his mouth full, who enjoyed winding Coach up. He swallowed. “I can’t help it.”
“Stop it, Pearson! You’re making a pig of yourself!”
“But the M&M’s!” Said Teddy, lifting up the bag, leaning his head back and dumping it into his mouth. M&M’s spilled around him.
“Your wasting food, you fucking garbage disposal.” Coach remained seated, his dick erect.
“I’m so thirsty,” said Teddy. He turned around to open the two liter bottle, shaking his ass in Coach’s direction as he unscrewed the cap. He put the bottle in mouth and sucked down as much soda as he could manage. The bottle caved in as he downed the beverage.
He pulled the bottle away, processing the tightness of his body working the soda into itself. When he felt the urge to burp, he lifted his head and opened his mouth wide as possible.
“PEARSON!” Said Coach, feigning absolute shock.
“I can’t help it, Coach.” Teddy went back to the chips, stuffing himself between them, the M&M’s and the soda. He stuffed himself as much as he could, spilling food everywhere, and when he could go no longer, he laid down in the mess.
Coach walked over and stood over him. He was still holding the hose.
“You made a fucking mess, Pearson. Now I have to clean all this shit up.”
Teddy moaned. “Oh, Coach.” He put his hand, as if helpless, around Coach’s ankle.
Coach aimed the hose and sprayed all of Teddy down, focusing on the stuffed boy’s stomach.
“How can I let you out now?” Asked Coach.
“Please, Coach,” begged Teddy, as he turned his face away from the hose’s spray. “Please.”
Coach stopped the stream of spray and shook his head. “We’ll see how you do at tomorrow’s training.” He picked up the M&M back and saw that a few stray pieces were left. He dumped it over Teddy. “Might as well enjoy yourself.”
*** The day after the party, Coach pulled up at 1 o’clock to pick up a violently hungover. The boy got into the front seat and reclined the seat all the way back. Coach smiled at him. “How’s my good boy?” asked Coach. 
 “Fuck me, I drank everything.” 
 “Wow, that must be a lot. You have so much more room lately.” 
“I want to die.” 
 Coach patted his stomach. “Not just yet, fatty, I haven’t fed you get.” Coach reached down into the back and pulled out a large paper bag. “This is a breakfast burrito. It should get you through until we’re home.” 
“God bless you.” 
Coach smiled as he drove off. “Did anyone say anything?” 
 “Say anything about what?” asked Teddy, who had brought the seat back up just enough to eat his burrito. 
 “About...you?” “Jesus Christ...” “I’m just asking.” “No one said anything.” Teddy stopped. “This one guy brought me a plate when mine was empty and he got up.” “He did? Grrrr.” 
 “I felt like I was cheating on you.” 
 “You were...but it is just one plate. What did he say?” 
 “He said, ‘I saw your plate was empty. I brought you some more.’” 
 “Do you know him?” “I’d seen him around. I know his friends.” 
 “Did he flirt with you?” “Kinda? He talked to me for a long time.” 
 “Did you tell him you were taken?” 
“Bad, bad boy,” said Coach, somewhat gleefully. 
 “And that was it. We didn’t talk about food, he didn’t call me a slob, he didn’t fucking slap me just ‘cause he felt like it...” 
 “Who does that?” 
 “But yeah, he brought me a plate and talked to me.” Teddy continued to eat his burrito.
 At a stoplight, Coach reached over and rubbed his belly and pinched his emerging love handles. “Sexy, sexy boy. Who wouldn’t bring you food?” 
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gingerbreaddrarry · 6 years
Halloween Drabble/Ficlet #1
Prompt: Pumpkin Carving
Draco apparated around the corner from number 12 Grimmauld Place. The wind was blowing and the chill seeped all the way into Draco’s bones. He tugged the jacket he was wearing tighter around himself as he walked down the street. He was imagining a nice evening sitting in front of the fire, wrapped in his favorite sweater, and sipping on a cup of tea.
Draco stepped inside and felt himself thawing instantly. He pulled off his shoes and tugged off his jacket as he walked deeper into his home. He entered the sitting room where there was a cozy fire burning in the fire place. Draco stopped to warm himself more thoroughly for a moment when he heard laughter from the kitchen.
Walking into the kitchen Draco found Harry, Teddy, and a mess. There were three pumpkins sitting on the kitchen table. One had its top off and set to the side, while the others were left untouched. Teddy was laughing as he squished the insides of the pumpkin between his fingers.
“Draco! Look!” Teddy shouted excitedly. “We’re carving pumpkins! There’s one for all of us. Harry and I started on mine already.” Teddy leaned back to show the outline of what would later be the face of the pumpkin.
“Spooky. Did you draw the face yourself?” Draco asked as he sat in the chair opposite Teddy.
“Yeah!” Teddy said excitedly. He then reached inside the pumpkin and pulled out more of the inside and set it on newspaper next to the pumpkin.
“Halloween is a week away, so I thought it was time to carve the pumpkins. This way they’ll be seen before but still be good by Halloween,” Harry said reaching inside and helping Teddy hollow it out.
Draco made a cup of tea and sat at the table and watched as the pile of pumpkin insides grew. Finally, the pumpkin was empty and Harry started helping Teddy cut out the face holes. When all the pieces were removed Teddy picked up the eye pieces and held them in front of his own eyes.
“I’m a pumpkin!” He giggled. He set the eyes down and picked up the mouth next.
”Are you a happy pumpkin then?” Draco asked amusedly.
“I’m a scary pumpkin. Grrrr.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. You’re truly frightening,” Draco said hiding his grin behind his mug.
“Okay, Draco, would you like to start drawing the face on your pumpkin?” Harry asked as he put the top back on Teddy’s pumpkin.
“Sure, where’s the marker?” Draco set his mug down and went to inspect the two remaining pumpkins. “Have you picked yours out yet?”
“No, pick whichever one you’d like.” Draco chose the one that was rounder than the other and drew two triangles for eyes, a tiny triangle for a nose and a toothy smile on his. He passed the marker to Harry and began cutting off the top. Teddy helped clean out the insides, he enjoyed the squishy feeling of the ‘pumpkin guts’ as he called them.
Once Draco’s was hollowed out Teddy helped Harry gut his pumpkin too. While they were emptying Harry’s, Draco began carving out the face of his pumpkin. It didn’t take long for Harry’s to be finished and then they had a nice family of pumpkins sitting on the kitchen table. Harry cast small semi-permanent flames he’d learned from Hermione to place in each of the pumpkins.
“Let’s put them outside! On the steps,” Teddy said reaching for his pumpkin.
“Do you need help?” Draco asked watching Teddy struggle a bit trying to lift his pumpkin.
“I got it, I’m strong.” Teddy declared.
“Yes, you are. Just be careful, you don’t want to drop it and ruin your good work,” Draco said grabbing his own pumpkin and following behind Teddy, making sure he held on and didn’t trip. Harry came from behind and opened the door for the three of them to walk outside.
“I want mine right here,” Teddy groaned as he struggled to set his pumpkin down gently on the top step. They lined the pumpkins up along the edge of the stairs, one after the other. The wind seemed to have gotten stronger while Draco was inside, luckily though, with the magical flame the wind shouldn’t be able to put it out.
“They look great!” Harry said, wrapping an arm around Draco’s shoulders.
“Yes, they do.” Draco said, “Now let’s get back inside, we’re all going to catch colds out here.” Draco leaned close and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek before heading for the door. Draco opened door and Teddy ducked past Draco and ran inside. Harry grabbed the door as Draco went in and then followed them both inside.
“Want to help me clean up the pumpkin guts?” Harry asked Teddy.
“Sure,” Teddy said going into the kitchen with Harry following behind.
Draco stood in the doorway watching as Teddy attempted to carry the insides across the kitchen before Harry could bring the bin next to the table. Draco smiled as he watched the two of them. This most definitely was not the night he had imagined after coming home from work, but he wouldn’t change it.
This is the first of seven drabble-y/ ficlets that I wanted to write. (I literally got this idea at midnight last night. Lol) I've chosen 7 keywords prompts to write about and I'm excited for what's to come. I hooe you're all excited too.
It’s been a while since I’ve written so forgive any bits that show my rustiness.
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creepybits · 7 years
Tumblr media
In 2014, webcomic creator Tarol Hunt "Thunt" Stephens (best known for Goblins) suffered a nervous breakdown and went on hiatus. After two months, his wife persuaded him to draw what he was feeling; he produced this image. He subsequently described it as follows: "So a lot of you have already seen the picture. The thing I drew when my brain had more shaky cam than Man of Steel. Drawing this was a huge help at the time, since communicating just… wasn’t something I could do and I needed to express myself in some way. I honestly think things would have been a lot worse, had Danielle [his wife] not told me to draw “what you’re feeling”. Since this picture was not a business decision, I’m applying an open license to it, so… do whatever you like with it. Make posters, t-shirts, crop circles… anything you like. So… what does it mean? Mostly, I don’t know. I think the doll is supposed to represent me? I’m not sure. I just started drawing this image of a broken doll and the rest of the picture grew out from that. She’s got heavy make-up on the right side of her face and no pupil in her right eye. Why? I don’t know. I have no idea why her right hand is smashed and why there are a bazillion fingers. I just kept drawing fingers. When you’re going through a thing like this, you tend to latch onto ANYTHING that isn’t panic inducing and repeat it over and over to avoid the things that are terrifying (which is why I wound up reading Elfquest non-stop). I did this with the fingers. For some reason, I felt less freaked out when drawing the fingers, so I just… kept drawing them. Is the monster Mr. Fingers? I’m not sure. I didn’t plan on drawing him, I just drew without thinking and that’s what came out. And what happened to his squished ‘foot’? I have no idea. The plushie/doll that the monster is coming out of is the doll that Fumbles tried to return to the elf child in Goblins. I do know that. And the monster’s neck, is a tongue wrapped in thick wire. The green bit on the light bulb is my wedding ring. I have no memory of drawing that part. There are a few parts of the picture I don’t remember drawing, but what really pisses me off, is the knife. I drew a beautiful knife on the floor. It’s what was meant to have been used to scratch up the back wall. I remember drawing it. Danielle remembers seeing it. But at some point, I erased it and drew in the floorboards where it had once been. I don’t remember doing this and it bothers me, because I liked that knife. It looked awesome. Why the hell did I erase it? Grrrr. The Goblins pages in the picture are all pages where someone dies. This was done with more conscious thought than the rest of the picture, as I had to go through the archives and find each of those pages."
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
and more vampire feels
Hibana: *falls back onto a couch* "So glad to get some rest..." gabriella: =u= Hibana: "...We are on break--you can lie down with me, Love." gabriella: *nuzzle nuzzle* Hibana: *pats her back* "...I am still in awe of you...for being with me..." gabriella: *kiss* i love you. Hibana: *kiss* "I love you, too..." -elsewhere- misono: ...... Lily: "??? Something wrong?" misono: nothing.........*siiigh* you want to know what sucks? crushes where you know you dont have a chance..... Lily: "Oh, Misono...There's always a chance...Tell me more about her." misono: it's absolute hell! her and her stupid sweet smile...and that soft laugh....how she's nice to everyone..... 7//////7; i feel like im going to be sick just talking about it... Lily: "..." *smiles* "That tends to happen with your first love...but I know how to get through that." misono: and how's that? Lily: "Keep dating! Experience! The full range of emotions and relationships available in this wide world! Explore it!" misono: thats all fine and dandy, but where the bloody hell do i even begin? -_-; Lily: "...Asking that Shinoa girl on a date would be a good start." misono: O////O w-what?! Lily: *smiles* "If just for practice~ Something small and informal, like a cup of coffee..." misono: hmmm... -elsewhere- Gopher: -w- kirika: *running the track* Gopher: "Yay Kirika!" Sakuya: "???" EF: good job miss kure. kirika: phew. hehe, hardly broke a sweat! Gopher: *offers bottle of water and a towel* kirika: thanks. Gopher: "How did you train to run this fast?" -elsewhere, the next day- Patty: "Sis, I can't find my books..." liz: want me to help? Patty: *nods* "Please." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "How is Lilac?" lavender: he's....doing better. Mr. Tsubaki: *pats Lavender's shoulder* "Thank you. May I speak with him?" lavender: *she nods* Mr. Tsubaki: *nods, knocks softly on Lilac's door* "May I come in?" lilac:....o-ok. Mr. Tsubaki: *approaches, feels Lilac's forehead* "Temperature seems less..." lilac: ........ Mr. Tsubaki: "...Sleep better?" lilac:....*nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm glad...Lilac...We care about you." lilac:.... -elsewhere- Arthur: "Ready for class?" tamaki: yeah. shinra: *nods* Arthur: "Better get going, then..." *pats Tamaki's shoulder* -in class- Black Star: "Can't figure this out..." -later- Wes: *reviewing students' music sheets* student: licht is soooo cool~! soul: ... *sweatdrop* Black Star: -_-;;; student 2: hey hyde, since your dad is licht's manager, did you ever get lessons? Lawless: "Nah...My talents are in other areas." student 3: yeah, i think we share a drama class together. he gets really into it. Lawless: *dramatic pose* "I simply take the ether that surrounds us, reduce it to its essence, and use my body as its medium to project out to the audience!" student 3: wow! *claps* licht: ..... Lawless: *bows* tsubaki: they're certainly an...Entertaining bunch ^^; Black Star: "...One way to describe them." -gym- naho: phew! Sakuya: "Getting faster out there." naho: yay! Patty: "Hmph! I bet I could out-run that girl..." liz: maybe. Patty: *points at Naho* "You! I can beat you at any race!" naho: me? Patty: "Yes, you! Who else would I be pointing at?!" Sakuya: -_-;;; "Kick her ass, Naho." naho: like in a race or....? Patty: "RACE! RACE! RACE!" -and so- Sakuya: "On your marks...get set...GO!" Patty: *runs* naho: *running* (thinking: i should hopefully win, since i have the aerodynamic advantage!) Patty: *falling behind* "Grrrr!" naho: *notices tenya talking to someone* Iida: "--and I have considered options for improving my speed." momo: like what? Iida: "Improvement to my diet, trying to increase my speed without using my quirk to fire on all cylinders." eijiro: sounds good man! Iida: *nods* "Thank you." naho: *her mind goes somewhere dirty when-* EEP! *trips and falls* owie! Patty: "Ha ha h--" Patty: *trip* o____o naho: >^< *she looks up* Sakuya: o\\\\\\o Iida: "Oh, dear. The poor girl." Patty: x___x naho: HELP IM BEING SMOOSHED! Patty: *moans* "No, Takeru, not there..." Sakuya: *trying to lift Patty off of Naho* liz: *helping her up* jeez patti -_-; naho: >3< Sakuya: "You okay, Naho?" Patty: *small pant--then awakes* o\\\\\o "...Did something stupid happen?" naho: 7,7 y-yeah.... Patty: "...Sis! Push me to the finish line so I win!" liz: ok- naho: *PUNCH* naho: YOU SQUASHED ME! Patty: "Ow! You punched me in the boob!" *kicks at Naho's shins* naho: OW! >^< liz: h-hey come on, lets calm down! Sakuya: "Hey! Break it up, you two!" Patty: *growls, leaps--and pounces at Naho* naho: EEK!! SAKKUN HELP ME!! Sakuya: *grabbing Patty by her waist* "Get off of her, you asshole!" Patty: *grabs at Naho's arms* liz: he- naho: !! Sakuya: *pulls back with strong force--pulling Patty with him* Patty: "Urk?!" *pulls Naho with her, as Sakuya falls onto his back* naho: !!! Sakuya: "AH!" Sakuya: *squished by Patty's butt...* Patty: o_O;;; *sees Naho falling towards her* naho: !!! eep! -chu- naho: O///////////O Patty: o\\\\\\o "..." -\\\\\- "Mmm..." liz: O-O; *Naho's elbow crashes into Sakuya's groin* Sakuya: "EEEEP!" liz: >_O Patty: -\\\\\- "Mmm...Soft..." naho: *pulls away* OH NO! I'VE FALLEN VICTIM TO MY OWN LEWD FANTASIES! AND NOT THE WAY I PLANNED! Sakuya: *high pitched* "What?" Patty: *small pant* "Wow..." *falls back* liz: *drags her sister off* i am so sorry about this! Sakuya: "Y-Yeah...I need the showers..." Patty: "Yeah...I think class is over..." *winks at Naho* naho: owo; *screams on the inside* -and so- naho: =3= that gym class didnt go as i hoped it would... ???: "Yo, Soul, pass the soap!" soul: ok. naho: ?! *leans ear against the walls* Black Star: "Some weird class, huh?" soul: no kidding. Sakuya: "Hey, could you move?!" *There is a small hole in the wall...* male student: oh, sorry. naho: !!!! *looks around....peeek* Sakuya: "Yeah, well, don't shove or get so close to me!" Black Star: "Oh, what, like this?" Sakuya: "H-Hey!!" naho: O//////O Black Star: "See? That elbow to the balls didn't break them!" *smack on the butt* naho: *shiny eyes* Sakuya: *scrubbing his butt* "You're a fucking asshole, you know that?" Black Star: "And what're you gonna do about it?" Sakuya: *wraps his arms around Black Star from behind, lifting him up* Black Star: "H-Hey!" Sakuya: "Apologize!" soul: dudes, knock it off. Sakuya: *pushes Soul aside* "Stay out of this!" Black Star: *slips on soap* o____o;;; soul: ACK! *crashes into lawless + licht* licht: ?! Lawless: "Jeez, Soul! Watch where you're touching!" soul: O////O sorry! licht: do you want me to beat you to an inch of your life? Lawless: "No need for that, Licht. It's not like something terrible happened--" *slaps Licht hard on the back* -KICK- Lawless: D: licht: how dare you touch me. you better lick my feet and beg forgiveness, both of you. soul:....dude what? naho: O///////w//////O *SQUEEEE~<3* Lawless: "Kinda sadist there, Licht, and--" *stops* "...You hear something?" naho: !!! *covers mouth* Black Star: "I said get off of me--" *tosses Sakuya over his shoulder--who bumps into Soul* soul: OW! licht:... ?! Lawless: "...Oh no--" licht: *whispers* play it cool. dont say anything. Sakuya: *pulls Black Star down with him, on top of..." Lawless: "..." licht: ?! soul:...hey. -later- Black Star: o\\\\\\\o Lawless: -_-; Sakuya: D: soul:.....well that shower could have gone better... Lawless: "No kidding...although..." licht: what? Lawless: "It was a...bonding experience." licht: do you want me to break your shins? Lawless: "Why, no, dear master~" -KICK- licht: dont say gross things like that in public. Lawless: "Ow! Jerk!" naho: hey sakuya! since school is out, want to walk home together? Sakuya: -_-; "Gladly..." Lawless: "..." naho: hehe~ ^^ Sakuya: *pats her shoulder* "The sooner I'm out of this place for the day..." Lawless: "..." *starts walking another way, away from Licht..." naho: yeah, but i had fun today ^^ licht: ?? *following* Sakuya: "Really? Lip-locked with that Thompson girl was 'fun'?" naho: >3< not what i meant! Sakuya: "Tch. What good thing happened to you today to be 'fun,' then?" naho: >w>;;;;;;;; l-l-lets just go home, ok? ^^;;;; Sakuya: *pats her back* "Fine..." Lawless: *in hedgehog form...following in bushes* licht: *following still, but lowkey* Sakuya: "Seriously, it's like you're a magnet for bad luck sometimes..." naho: at least im just getting bruised and not into awkward situations. Sakuya: "...What's that supposed to mean?" naho: *shrug* i dunno. Sakuya: "...Let's get home, then. I'm sure you have 'reading' to do..." naho: you bet i do~ ^^ Sakuya: *eyeroll* Lawless: ("They heading to Prospero Estates?") licht: *raises an eyebrow* Sakuya: "Just a bit aways..." naho: yeah....hey.... you really like mahiru, dont you....? Sakuya: "Wh-Where does this keep coming from?!" naho: i heard you crying his name the other night....and i want you to be happy. Sakuya: o\\\\\o "C-Crying? I wouldn't call it _that_..." naho: still....if you really like him.....i'd want you to be happy....it's the least i can do for all the trouble i cause you. ^^ *she smiles, but is slightly teary eyed* Sakuya: "..." *puts an arm around her shoulder* "Buck up..." naho: !!! eh? Sakuya: "You're gonna be okay. And I appreciate your concern. I do care about you." naho: *small blush* t-thanks sakuya. Sakuya: *pats her shoulder* "You're welcome." -and so- Sakuya: "We're home." Shamrock: "Welcome back." Lawless: *in hedgehog form, hiding outside in bushes near window...* naho: hey everyone~! belkia: eyyy! sakkun and toguchin are back! Sakuya: -_-; "Use actual names, jerk." Shamrock: "Young Master is in his study right now." Lawless: "!!!" naho: ok. i'm just gonna get into house clothes then. *goes to her room* Shamrock: "..." *nods* Sakuya: "??? Um...Any messages for me, Otogiri?" Lawless: *looks at Naho's departure...* otogiri: not really. Sakuya: "...Thanks. I'll go make something to eat..." licht: ......*trying to remain hidden with lawless* Lawless: *leaps, barely catches the edge of a window, climbs up so he can hop along...* Lawless: *looks through one...It's the kitchen, where Sakuya is making a meal* Lawless: *leaps across a few windows, seeing nothing, until--* Higan: "Now take the bra off. I need to truly capture your beauty in this art..." Lawless: o_o; licht: -_____-; *whispering* well, now i know what will be in my nightmares tonight...fucking gross. Lawless: ("Moving on...") *hops by another window--and spots a familiar person...* "...!!!" *sees Lilac* lilac: ..... otogiri: here, this might make you feel better. lilac: *taking the mug of warm milk* t..thanks miss otogiri... Lawless: "???" Lawless: ("That kid...the one who hid when Tsubaki sent his people to attack Licht...") licht: ..... Lawless: ("...Young kid...Looks really scared after...that.") lavender:....did you hear something? Higan: "Yeah, the sound of your panties dropping to the floor~" *continues painting her portrait...* lavender: heh, but no seriously, i heard something. Higan: "...You want me to go check?" lavender: may be a good idea. Higan: "...Very well. But you'll owe me..." *looks around the room...then looks to the window...* lavender: fair enough. Lawless: "..." ("I did what I needed to do. Better head back...") *leaps to a window and--* Higan: *pushes window open* licht: !!!! *hides in the bushes* Lawless: ._.; *SQUISH* *BANG* *FALL* *CRASH* licht: -_-; Higan: *looks around* "...I think I just knocked a bird off the windowsill..." lavender: ouch.... Higan: "Eh, with wings, it will fly again--just not too close to the sun." *closes the window* "Now, where were we~?" Lawless: *collapsed in the bushes* "...Ouchie." licht: get....off. -__-# Lawless: *turns so as to fall off Licht's head* "Like I haven't been on top of you already today..." licht:...... -_-# now what? Lawless: "We know Tsubaki's new location. We use this to our advantage." licht: so we relay this to the others? Lawless: "Maybe...Got to get a sense about whether they are going to do what it takes..." licht:....*nods* Lawless: "Now, let's get going..." *twitches* "...because I think I broke my tiny hedgehog back." T_T licht: -_-; you baby. Lawless: "Carry me?" *shiny eyes* licht:...... -__-; fine. Lawless: -w- Shamrock: *knocks on Naho's door* naho: im decent! Shamrock: "??? Um..." *opens the door* "You had more doujinshi arrive in the mail..." naho: YAY! Shamrock: "You are welcome...That is a cute outfit." naho: thanks. .///w///.; Shamrock: "...You collect so many of these books. Which is your favorite?" naho: it's kind of hard to tell. Shamrock: *pulls one out--which has two characters on the cover, who look like Shamrock and Mr. Tsubaki* ._. naho: >////< *covers her face* d-dont tear it! Shamrock: *weak in the knees, sits on her bed* "I-I won't. I'm just surprised by this..." naho: 737 Shamrock: "...You know I am attracted to the young master...but..." naho: O.O ~? Kid: Shamrock: x\\\\\-;;;; "Things are...complicated." naho: y-yeah.... *squishes her cheeks* for one thing i have a baby face! >3< Shamrock: "..." *snort, hard laugh* naho: whats so funny?! >n< Shamrock: "Th-That remark! But you are correct: you do have an adorable baby face." naho: >/////n/////< Shamrock: "You shouldn't be embarrassed: it makes you unique. Be proud of it." naho: i guess. it does add to my cuteness >u< as well as.....other things. *looks down* Shamrock: "..." *glances* "Some people like smaller breasts." naho: !!! *covers herself* d-dont be pervy! >n< Shamrock: "S-Sorry! I thought--I mean, you had mentioned--then looked--" Shamrock: "...And who are you to talk about pervy?!" naho: 7////n////7;; Shamrock: -3- "Spying on me, and somehow I'm the pervy one here...Hmph." naho: *pouty face* Shamrock: "..." *sighs* "Can we agree we have both made mistakes and let bygones be bygones?" *offers his hand to shake* naho: ....okaaaay. *shakes hand* Shamrock: *smiles, shakes* "I'm sorry for what happened, and I appreciate this." naho:....thanks. Shamrock: "You're welcome...Well, I better return to my work...Enjoy your reading." naho: ok..... .///.; Shamrock: *stands, goes to the door, and exits* naho: *reading* O////w////O Shamrock: *walks down the hallway* belkia: ayyyyyy 8D Shamrock: x_-; "Hello." belkia: so what were you and toguchin talkin about? Shamrock: "Nothing..." belkia: you suuuure? that didnt sound like nothing~ Shamrock: *glares* "...We were talking about starting a new club: the 'No Belkia' Club." belkia: that sounds stupid. Xp and i thought she got over her grudge on me for biting a chunk out of her neck! Shamrock: "Evidently not. Perhaps you should take that issue up with her--she's in her room, after all." belkia: maaaaaaybe........ soooo who do you like more, tsubakyun or toguchin? Shamrock: X_O; "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" belkia: aw come on, dont act like you werent totally putting the moves on her just now! but real talk, she looks like she's in middle school, and that maaay get you some odd looks. just an FYI. Shamrock: X_O;;;;; *starts walking quickly away* belkia: ... ?? -elsewhere- Patty: "Takeru..." *grabs him by the face--and kisses his lips* takeru: O/////////O Patty: *pulls back...then puts his hands on her breasts* "There. Now I have made up for today!  " takeru: ..................*trembling* uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Patty: "??? What? Naho felt me up and kissed me, and I don't want to have cheated on you..." takeru: eh.... o.o; *Patty explains* Patty: "...Are you upset with me?" takeru: n-no...i-it was an accident... Patty: *smiles* "Thank you." *hug* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *reviewing library records* stocking: *reviewing notes* Kid: *filling out another form...* stocking: how's it going? Kid: "Okay, I suppose...but I can tell these forms regarding work inside the Death Room come from Mother, not Father...The language is so different..." stocking: ah. Kid: "It is thorough...But I will finish it." stocking: i know you will. ^^ Kid: "As will you...But I will take a small break to get a drink. Want anything from the machine?" stocking: some skittles if there's any. Kid: "Sweets for my sweet..." *kiss on the cheek* "Back shortly..." -elsewhere- Hugh: "Where were you two?" -licht explains what happened- tsubaki: ..... Lawless: "So now that we know their location, I say we so something..." ("That kid...") misono: *nods* tsubaki:.... Kuro: "...What would be the plan?" misono: we should send a scout to check their base, estimate the amount of security. there's only about 9 vampires there, but they are still fairly skilled. Lawless: "Yeah, sounds good...but..." misono: ?? Lawless: "...Those tiny vamps..." misono: ??? you're going to have to elaborate. Lawless: "...Nothing. I just don't think they would be much of a fight...so, maybe can avoid attacking them..." tsubaki:..... Hugh: "What do you think, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: ....we should avoid attacking them. Hugh: "Hmph. Fine. However, we will not allow ourselves to be hurt, or worse." tsubaki: understood. Lawless: "..." *looks glum* -elsewhere- Relan: *offers an open bag of chips to Shinra and Iris* "Want one?" shinra: sure. iris: thank you ^^ Relan: "Any events to kick off the semester?" shinra: not sure. but i heard student council is organizing a test of courage. Relan: "...You mean...one of those events where people see who can go longest without being scared?" ._____. shinra: you dont have to do it if you dont feel comfortable. Relan: "I...would be scared...but I don't want to keep running away..." *shaking* shinra: well, you do what you feel comfortable with, ok? Relan: *nods* "...I may have to try some scary situations...maybe a scary movie." *holds up a DVD copy of Scooby Doo cartoons* shinra: ...sure. ^^; Relan: *pops it into the DVD player...sits beside Shinra, Iris on the other side of Shinra* -elsewhere- Gopher: *holds up a cupcake to Kirika* "For your incredible run today!" kirika: thanks. *nom* Gopher: -w- "You have wonderful legs." kirika: 7///-///7; Gopher: "So fast, powerful...You are incredible, Kirika." kirika: yeah, i-i am pretty awesome. U///.///U; Gopher: "...I LOVE YOU!" kirika: !!!! >//////< *too flustered to even speak* Gopher: "..." ._. "Sorry. I made it awkward, huh?" kirika: i-i-its fine. im...just not used to that, still.... Gopher: "..." *sad nod* kirika:...*awkward head pat* you didnt do anything wrong, dont worry... Gopher: *nods again* "...Okay." *smiles* -elsewhere- lilac:....*cant sleep* ....*he gets up and looks around...everyone else is in bed already.....he goes into one of the other rooms* Sakuya: "???" lilac: *laying in bed, his chest against sakuya's back, arm around sakuya's waist as he drifts off* Sakuya: o\\\\\o *hears Lilac's breathing...* lilac:...*small sniffles*...... Sakuya: "..." *lightly holds Lilac's arm* lilac: *small shiver, but relaxes* Sakuya: *afraid to move, lest awaken Lilac* lilac: ......zzzz....*slight hug* Sakuya: ("This is not just simple troubling--something is really bothering Lilac...") lilac:......*small whimper* Sakuya: "Shh..." lilac: .......... -in another room- naho: .......*also cant sleep* naho: hmmm.... *gets up and checks on sakuya......* o///o; *closes the door* Sakuya: o______o; naho: O-O *walks past another room* *Small noise from Shamrock's room* Shamrock: "Hmm...That is surprising..." naho: ?? *small peeeek* Shamrock: *sitting in his armchair, wearing a robe, sipping tea, reading a book* "I didn't think that could make the meat tastier and juicier..." naho: .....*small knock* Shamrock: "??? Oh, Naho, hello." naho: i couldnt sleep....could i come in? Shamrock: "Of course." *gestures to chair opposite him* naho: *she sits down* Shamrock: "..." *gestures to teapot and an empty cup* "Chamomile?" naho: thanks. *takes a sip* Shamrock: "What's on your mind?" naho: just cant sleep. Shamrock: *nods* "Likewise. I thought reading some new recipes would help, but to no avail." naho: ...... *looking down, slightly embarrassed* Shamrock: "??? Something is troubling you...Are you okay?" naho: nothing....just thinking....about what you said to me the other day... .////.; Shamrock: "..." x\\\o; "...Which part?" naho: do you....really think im pretty? even with my baby face? i-i always expected you to be.....into more mature people.... Shamrock: "It...is possible to find people of different appearances to still be attractive. People come in all shapes and sizes..." naho:......*shivering* chilly in here...... Shamrock: "I have another robe here. Or a blanket?" naho:....*nods* Shamrock: *removes the blanket from his bed, puts it around her shoulders* naho: .//////. can i say something kind of weird? Shamrock: "...Yes?" naho: i think....part of me has a bit of a crush on you >////<;; Shamrock: o\\\\\o "I...I...Thank you?" naho: i-i still want you to be happy with mr tsubaki but...i-i just...thought you should know 7///////7; Shamrock: "...This is a bit to take in...What brought his one? Is...this after our last talk? Or when we had tried to...you know?" naho: t-the....the last one .////////////. Shamrock: "...Naho...I do find you sexually attractive. I have when I saw you..." naho: .////////////. Shamrock: "...You are an attractive young woman, Naho...Do you...find me attractive?" naho:........ ./////////////////////. *meek nod* Shamrock: "...So. We are two adults, who find each other attractive." naho: *still blushing* b-but what about mr tsubaki? Shamrock: "...Do you mind that I am dedicated to Mr. Tsubaki? Are you?" naho: i-im only asking because....i know you really like him, and i dont want you to feel like you're betraying him if we do anything >.< Shamrock: "...I would not. I can separate my love for him from whatever I do sexually." naho: o-ok...y-you can like both if you want to! >///<; Shamrock: "...And now..." naho: ?? Shamrock: *stands, moves his chair closer to her...* naho: *blushing* Shamrock: "..." *pats her hand* naho: ah..... Shamrock: "..." *looks into her eyes* naho: *blushing* s-should i change into something else? Shamrock: "..." *nods* "I will, too..." naho: o-ok! *she scurries off to her room. she comes back in a robe with undies under it* Shamrock: *he's already in his silk black boxers* "..." *brushes a hand by her cheek* "You are beautiful..." naho: *blushing* t-thanks. .///////. s-should i lay down on my back or...? Shamrock: "Naho...It's not fair to you if I rush you...May I kiss you?" naho: o-ok.... >////< Shamrock: *leans down...gently kisses her lips...his hand is soft against her arm* naho: mmmn.... >///< Shamrock: *gently rubs her arm as he pulls back* "...Was it okay? The kiss?" naho: it....felt nice. Shamrock: *smile* "Likewise. You have soft lips...Would you like to remove your robe?" naho: o-ok. *she does so* Shamrock: .\\\\. "Naho...That is beautiful." naho: thanks. Shamrock: *strokes his hand along her waist...* "You are quite fit..." naho: *blushing* >///< Shamrock: *returns to kissing her lips and cheek...then down to her neck* naho: *soft squeak* Shamrock: *kisses lightly behind her ear* "Do you touch your own breasts?" naho: n-not often. Shamrock: "But sometimes?" *holds a hand over one breast* "Do you like to have them touched?" naho: *soft sigh* i..if you want. Shamrock: "..." *lays his hand softly over her breast* "Oh, my..." naho: *squirming slightly* Shamrock: *pulls back his hand* "Sorry...Too much?" naho: ./////. d...down there....maybe? Shamrock: "...Oh?" *his fingers trail down from her breast to the top of her panties* "You sure?" *one finger starts to trace over the fabric to her vagina* naho: *soft mewl* Shamrock: *rubs a bit more* "You like this, yes?" *smirks* naho: >////< *nods* Shamrock: *massages with a bit more pressure* "Is this how you touch yourself?" *he kisses lightly on her neck* naho: *soft moans* >/////< Shamrock: *teasing, as he pulls his finger back, and pulls slightly on her bra strap* "Naho...It's not fair that I'm topless...and you are not." naho: s-should i do it or....? Shamrock: *his hand is already behind her back--and easily unclasped her bra in one fluid motion...* naho: O/////O Shamrock: *starts to pull down her bra straps...* naho: >//////< Shamrock: *removes her bra completely* "...Beautiful." naho: mmmn.... >//////< Shamrock: *lifts up her chin, looking at her face* "Naho..." *closes his eyes, leans in to kiss her lips...* naho:... mmn..... mmmmm.. >///////< Shamrock: *his hands slide down her back...clutching her bottom* naho: *soft squeak* Shamrock: *brings her closer to him...his member is hardening through his boxers* naho: *looking down and blushing* Shamrock: "...I am almost ready...Are you?" naho:...*gulps* y...yeah.... Shamrock: *lifts her up bridal style, and lays her onto the bed before crawling up onto the bed...his fingers grip along her panties...* naho: *panting, blushing* Shamrock: *looks up* "Is this okay?" *starts to slide the panties down* naho: *gulps and nods* Shamrock: *puts a hand under her bottom to have her arch her back, as he completes pulling the panties down and off her feet...he stares at her naked pelvis* naho: *blushing brightly, shivering* Shamrock: *smiles* "You are beautiful, Naho. Don't you ever forget that. And don't believe me: believe it yourself..." *kisses above her slit* naho: *squeak* >////////< Shamrock: *kisses around her vagina...before licking lightly along her slit* naho: *her legs clench together* >//////< Shamrock: *pulls her legs a bit* "Is this okay?" naho: i...i guess....im just n-nervous.... Shamrock: "...I was, too, my first time." *hugs her, resting his head over her stomach* naho: oh..... 7////7 Shamrock: "..." *small kiss on her stomach* "Everyone's first time is nerve-wracking...How may I calm you? I am here to serve you, Naho..." naho: c...could you hold me? *slightly teary eyed* Shamrock: *nods* *crawls up, and hugs her* "You'll be okay..." naho:...ok.... Shamrock: *nuzzles* "Whatever you want...if it is just this, it is fine. Because it is what you want." naho:......*nod* Shamrock: *hugs her, pulls the blanket over them...* naho: t-thanks.... Shamrock: *nods* "...Do you want to sleep here tonight?" naho: it might...bring up weird questions..... Shamrock: "..." *small pout* "I suppose..." -elsewhere in the house- lavender: fuuuck, that was good. Higan: "Mmmm~" *licks his lips* "True, I didn't get to finish my painting of you...but there is time for that..." *hugs her* lavender: yeah. *she smiles* rome wasnt built in a day, haha. Higan: "Like building up the pleasure inside of you..." *his fingers tip-toe along her arm...* "If only everyone else in this house would just get off once in awhile, they'd release their creative juices..." lavender: yeah. *streeeeeeetch* Higan: *as she stretches, his index finger slides over her slit* lavender: ah-ahhhh~! U///U Higan: "O-Oh, still sensitive?" *slides into her...* lavender: considering i have a libido a mile wide, yeah, haha! -elsewhere in the house- belkia: zzzzzzzzzzzz........ *crashed out on the couch* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" ("Why the couch?") belkia: *smooching a pillow* sto-chan, i luuuuuv yoooou.... U///w///U Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;;; ("That's just sad...") *looks at the Tsubaki doll he is carrying* "Isn't that right, my pet~?" belkia: zzzzzz..... Mr. Tsubaki: *sigh* ("I had best get to sleep as well...") -morning- Shamrock: "..." naho: zzzzzzz....... Shamrock: *gentle shake* "Naho? It is morning..." naho: *yaaaaawn* im up.... =/////= Shamrock: "Feel okay?" naho: y...yeah. Shamrock: "..." *looks away* "That's good...Um...I can give you your privacy, if you want..." naho: o-ok... -later- stocking: mmmm~ those were yummy pancakes~ Kid: "You're welcome." *smiles* "I tried a little revision to the recipe..." stocking: it's delicious, thank you~ *smooooooch* Kid: =\\\\\= "I aim to please~" stocking: i know~<3 Kid: *hug* "I just want the best I can give you...and I try more each day." stocking: hehe~ ^////^ Kid: "...I suppose our day is ahead of us..." *kiss on the cheek* -at school- Black Star: *looking through books* "Can't find it..." tsubaki: cant find what? Black Star: *shows a book--"Death City City Zoning"* "I thought that I could find a secret entrance or something into their new base..." tsubaki: ....eh? O.O; Black Star: "... that Tsubaki guy's new house. A secret entrance to get inside. Like, through the sewer, or a back door..." tsubaki: *sweatdrop* Black Star: "??? ..." *closes book, smiles* "I guess...I can stop doing this and move onto something else for a bit..." tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "...Anything due this week in our classes?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *inside a bookstore* -\\\\- *addresses a clerk* "Excuse me. I'm trying to find..." *mumbles...* clerk: pardon sir? Shamrock: "...doujinshi..." clerk: we dont sell it in this particular shop. but i think they sell it on nyarajuku street. Shamrock: -\\\\\- *nods* "I will find it, then. Thank you." *exits for Nyarajuku Street...* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "You sure you're okay?" naho: of course, why wouldnt i be? ^^ Sakuya: "No reason--you just seem...to have some...I don't know, aura around you?" naho: what do you mean? Sakuya: "...You seem like you went through something major." naho: well.....c-can i talk to you in private? Sakuya: "Sure." *leads her to empty classroom* "So...?" -naho tells him everything, and i mean _everything_- Sakuya: O_______O;;; "I...I..." naho: yeah....*looks down at the floor* Sakuya: "I...appreciate you telling me this...I'm surprised...I mean, I shouldn't be, I guess, given that we hang out so much..." naho: yeah, but.....i know you really like mahiru, and.....i want you to have a chance at happiness. i-its not even that big a crush either.... Sakuya: "...I need some time to process this. I...I don't know what I think about Mahiru and you--romantically or anything, I mean. I mean, I really like you and care about you." naho: i appreciate that a lot....*wipes her eyes* you and lilac are like my bffs right now......though i do miss my dorm mates a lot. Sakuya: *nods* "..." *takes her hand* "I'm going to make a promise to you." naho: O////O e-eh? Sakuya: "Whatever happens, no matter how far away I am from you..." *taps his fist to her chest* "I'm staying right here. I am always going to be your friend." naho: *sniffle* t-thanks sakuya. *hug* Sakuya: *hug, pats her back* "You're welcome." -elsewhere- Relan: *opens a door to an Academy closet* "Okay...I'll stand in here for 5 minutes..." shinra: ok. Relan: *nods, closes the door* "...It is dark in here." ???: zzzz.... Relan: o_________o nemu: zzzzz... nemu's puppet: ABOUT TIME A-HOLE! TELL YOUR FRIEND ON THE OTHER SIDE TO OPEN UP! THE LOCK'S BROKEN! Relan: "EEEEEEEEEEK! LET ME OUT! TALKING PUPPET! NOT AGAIN! NOT AGAIN!!!" shinra: *yanks the door open* RELAN! *hug* its ok. Shima: *covering his ears* "Not so loud!" Relan: *shaking* "That puppet talks...Why is the puppet talking?" nemu: zzzzz..... Shima: -_-; "You haven't been here very long, huh?" shinra: uhhh.... what were you doing in there? Shima: ^^ "I was scoping out locations to bring girls for some privacy...when the door closed behind me and locked." nemu: zzzzzz iris: T_T riiiight. Shima: *spots Iris* "Well, hello there!" *extends his hand to her* "I'm Shima!" Relan: *shivering...and still glaring at Shima* shinra: .....*gives shima a look as he pulls iris and relan closer to him* Shima: "..." *embarrassed laugh* "So, why were you in the closet?" Relan: -_-; "A test of courage..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Here, I'll get that..." chie: ^^; Yohei: *hands her the bottle* "Just a bit more to go..." chie: *she nods and rubs her stomach* Yohei: "...You up for a walk?" chie: sure. *Yohei brings her to the backyard...where there is now a swing set* chie: awww. *shiny eyes* io: *in one of the swings* ^o^ saki: ^^ Yohei: "Kids got to have a swing set..." chie: yeah. Yohei: *gesture to a swinging bench for them to sit on* chie: *she sits down* this is nice. Yohei: *puts an arm around her, swings* "Yeah..." chie: ......*she points to an open spot* i think that'd be the perfect place for a sandbox. Yohei: *smiles* "I can start design tomorrow, GET and WASHU can have it built the end of this week..." chie: yay! ^^ Yohei: "Hee hee..." *smooch* chie: U////U -elsewhere- Lawless: *staring at a page in a book...* kranz: how's studying coming along, kiddos? licht: same as usual. Lawless: "Hmph...Doing it..." kranz: good to hear! *thumbs up* oh, and licht, your parents sent you a care package. licht: ah, i'll check it out then. *small smile* Lawless: ("Father...") "Tch. They mail you more baby toys?" licht:......... *shiny eyes* candied melon... Lawless: -_-; "Good for you...Your parents care about you." licht:....*awkward pat on the back* Lawless: "...May I try a bit of the melon?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Welcome home, everyone~" naho: we're back~! lilac: *wrapped up in a blanket* we...welcome home. Sakuya: "Hey, buddy...Hanging in there?" lilac:.....*nods* otogiri: *pats his back* Sakuya: "Naho and I brought back some of your favorite food, if you're up for it..." lilac:...t-thanks.... lavender: hey kiddos. *waves* Sakuya: "Hey, Lavender. What's up?" lavender: just checkin in on you. *she smiles* if you kids need any help with your studies, let me know. Sakuya: "How are you in chemistry?" lavender: hmmm, decent i think. i'll see what i can do. *she smiles* Sakuya: *smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: "Otogiri, where is Shamrock?" naho: *plops down on the couch* otogiri: i think he's in his room. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Very well." *looks at Nano* "Tired from school?" naho: *nods* yeah. Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Want a snack?" naho: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "I'll be right back..." *as he makes the snack, Shamrock comes into the kitchen* "Oh, good! Bring this to Naho." Shamrock: "Oh...As you wish..." naho: .... .///. thanks sham. Shamrock: "...You're welcome..." Sakuya: "..." Shamrock: "Um...How was school?" naho: it went well. Shamrock: *nods* "Good...If finish your homework, I'll give you something from your favorite bookstore..." naho: o-ok! *she nods and gets right to doing that* Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm so glad to see you two getting along!" naho: yeah!..... OwO Shamrock: o////o "Wh-Whatever we--I mean, I--can do to please you!" Mr. Tsubaki: "...Well, keep it up." naho: ok!..... *sweating* Shamrock: x///////o Sakuya: o______o; Mr. Tsubaki: "..Um, okay?" lilac: ????? Shamrock: *rushes to his room* Sakuya: *tries to focus on his studies* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...Damn." fang-hua: commander? Benimaru: "Sorry...Just thinking..." fang-hua: .... Benimaru: "...No new reports of impersonations?" fang-hua: no, nothing. Benimaru: "...I think I need to do something to get my mind off of this." fang-hua: oh? Benimaru: "What do you do for recreation?" fang-hua: usually reading or drinking tea helps me calm down. Benimaru: "...Tea would be good. Care to share some with me?" fang-hua: i would like that. Benimaru: *sets cups on the table, while heating the water...* "...What do you read?" -elsewhere- Kishiri: -w- vivian: *panting* that was amazing~ Kishiri: "W-Was it...too much?" vivian: it was perfect~ Kishiri: -\\\\- "Vivian...Um...I have something to confess...I'm a virgin. Or, I mean, I was...I sucked, didn't I?" vivian: hehe, it was my first time too, so i cant really say ^^ Kishiri: "Well, I thought _you_ were awesome...God, you're gorgeous." vivian: hehe~ ^/////^ Kishiri: "...Just...Damn, you are fine. And you keep fit..." *lays a hand over her stomach* -elsewhere- Kid: *stares at crayon markings on the wall* "...Well, Shiori sure is creative..." *tilts his head* "...Not symmetrical, though." lord death: *removing the wall paper where it had been drawn* we need to frame this ASAP. Kid: "Father! At least use scissors for a precise cut!" lord death: got it! *shows the scissors* Kid: *sigh of relief* "...Shiori is so talented." -elsewhere- Joker: *blows smoke* "So dull..." scarlet: *returning from a job* well, that takes care of that one... Joker: *swirls the smoke to form a thumbs up* "Good work. Did you have fun?" scarlet: ......*she just goes over to the bar* ivy:....she's talkative. *sneaks part of the flame away to form a small snake* Joker: *sighs* "Difficult...Must have been someone close to her...or someone near someone close to her." *looks at Ivy* "...Neat snake." scarlet:..... (worker: wait....y-your...mr kurai's daughter....arent you?) Joker: *watching Scarlet...calls to her* "Get me a bottle, too." scarlet:....alright. (thinking: adora burst......just what is it really?) Joker: "Thanks...Have a seat." -elsewhere- Kuro: *kitten yawn* mahiru: zzz....*asleep on his bed, holding the kitty!kuro close* Kuro: "..." *shrug* *kitten hug* mahiru: zzzz.... Kuro: "..." *kitten licks his cheek* mahiru: mmmn.... kuro? Kuro: "...I'm hungry. Did you buy more cookies?" mahiru: there should be some on the counter. Kuro: "Good. You may go back to sleep now." *hops off bed* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *holding a brown paper bag in his hands, knocks on Naho's door* naho: yes? Shamrock: "Have you finished your homework?" naho: yep. Shamrock: "Then you deserve your reward..." *pulls the doujinshi out of the brown paper bag, hands it to her* naho: *shiny eyes* THANK YOU! *hug* Shamrock: x\\\\\o "...You're welcome...Well, I will be going, then..." naho: ok. *she goes in and begins reading* Shamrock: "...Good night. Happy reading..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *lies down* "..." tsubaki: zzzz..... Black Star: "..." *pulls the blanket up over them...* tsubaki: *smiling* Black Star: *small kiss on her cheek* tsubaki: hehe.... ^^ Black Star: "I love you." tsubaki: i love you too. Black Star: *hug* -elsewhere- Kid: *stretches* stocking: 7w7 ~<3 *purrs* Kid: *smirks* "My kitten..." stocking: >///w///< Kid: *tickles under her chin...* "I should put a bell on you~" stocking: *giggles* that tickles! Kid: "You like it, you know you do..." *straddles her, starts tickling her ribs and belly* stocking: ah~! hahaha! >//////< Kid: "Ready to admit defeat?" stocking: nuuu >w< Kid: "Very well..." *pins her wrists, lies atop her...and kisses her* stocking: mmmmn~<3 Kid: *his tongue reaches hers...* stocking: nnngh~ k-kiiiid~<3 Kid: "St-Stocking..." *he presses against her...* stocking: a-ahhhh~! Kid: "Mmmm! I want you so badly..." *clutches her, moaning* stocking: nnngh~! >////< Kid: *reaches behind, pulling down the zipper on the back of her dress* -morning- naho: zzzz..... *Knock knock* naho: *yaaawn* hmm? Shamrock: "Naho? It is time to wake up..." naho: ok. *streeetches and gets up, going over to her closet to get changed* Shamrock: "..." *calls through the door* "Did you sleep soundly?" naho: yeah. i slept pretty good ^^ Shamrock: "...That's good. How was...the book?" naho: *blush* thanks for getting that for me, it means a lot. Shamrock: "You're welcome...And thank the staff at the store...They recommended it.” naho: can do~ Shamrock: "...Well, I'll see you at the breakfast table..." naho: ok~ Shamrock: *walks down the hall* belkia:.....HEYSHAM! Shamrock: X_O "!!! Don't scare me like that!" belkia: gotcha! Shamrock: "Hmph! What do you want?" belkia: just curious buuuuut, whats up with you and toguchin recently? Shamrock: "N-Nothing! ...Why?" belkia: just askin~ welp, i got the heart of a little lady to win, so see ya~! Shamrock: x_-;;;; "Believe me, from my recent experience, I don't think you'll be winning her heart. She's more likely to rip out yours." belkia:..............kinky. Shamrock: "...Wait. Stop. I want to ask you something..." belkia: mmmyeeesssssssss? 83 Shamrock: "...Does your body ever desire something that is not what your mind or your heart desires?" belkia: yeah, all the time when i drive past crazy jakes, cause the food looks yummy but it makes my mouth feel like its literally on fire. not fun. Shamrock: "If it is not fun, why do you desire it? How do you stop thinking about how...'yummy' it is?" belkia: maybe its cause im just sadomasochistic! Shamrock: "...Perhaps. Thank you..." belkia: see ya~! Shamrock: "..." Shamrock: *enters his room...locks the door* "...I need to get this out of my system..." Shamrock: *unzips his pants...slides his hand inside his boxers* "Mmm..." *imagines Mr. Tsubaki...and Naho...* -outside, belkia is getting a sock filled with candy and goes out, humming 'do you believe in magic'- Shamrock: "Young Master...Naho...Young Master...Naho! Master! Naho! Ah! Aaaaah! AH!!!" Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Where is Belkia?" otogiri: he went out. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hm. That's early for him. Happy to see him have an early start to the day!" otogiri: you could call it that. *sweatdrop* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Where are Naho and Shamrock? they aren't down yet for breakfast..." naho: ready! lavender: mornin kiddo. Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "You look rested." naho: yeah. Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...That leaves Shamrock." naho: i'll get him! *she knocks on the door* hey sham! breakfast! Shamrock: "N-Naho?!" *pant* "C-Coming!" naho: ok, take your time. Shamrock: x_o;;;; "O-Okay..." *soft moan, as he covers his mouth as he orgasms...imagining himself lying between her and Mr. Tsubaki* x\\\\\\\\\\- naho: and i thought _i_ took a long time to get ready in the morning... Shamrock: "..." ("I have a problem before me...but first, I had better clean up and get to breakfast to serve Young Master...") -elsewhere- Relan: *yawn* buttons: zzzz.... Relan: *smiles at Buttons, quietly getting out of bed and down the hall...* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Mmmm..." tamaki: zzzzz.... Arthur: *hug* *yawn* "Mornin'..." tamaki: murnin.... Arthur: *yawn* "Sleep okay?" tamaki: yeah. Arthur: *nods* "Same...because you were here." tamaki: *she smiles* Arthur: *cuddles* "So cute..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: *sneaking back into the Brigade before everyone wakes up...* gabriella: morning~ ^^# Kishiri: o_____o;;; *starts running* -clack- -clack- -clack- Kishiri: *hearing* "I'm not hearing them, I'm not hearing them, Imnothearingthem, IMNOTHEARING--" *High heel to the face* gabriella: shall i schedule funeral arrangements? Hibana: "We can always put him in the cloning vats~" Kishiri: x_______x "I just wanted to be loved..." -elsewhere- stocking: kid? did you hear that? it sounded like someone throwing rocks against the window... Belkia: *tosses another jelly bean at the window* "Come down to me, my sugary sweet cinnamon bun~" kid: ??? *he looks out the window* oh bloody hell... -_-; Belkia: "...Hey! Beat it! This candy is for my lollipop dream!" kid: ....*BANG BANG at his feet* THAT WAS A WARNING SHOT BASTARD! Belkia: *dodges* "You'll have to do better than that!" *tosses a giant gummi bear at Kid's head* "I'm not leaving until I speak to my sour ball of bliss!" kid: ack! stocking: *gives belkia a cold and merciless glare* it is 6. in the morning. people are still asleep by now. Belkia: "Oh, My Sugar Princess! Please, let your sweet words coat my ears...I cannot sleep without hearing you say three little words to me..." stocking: ^^ go fuck yourself~<3. Belkia: ._.; "...Not the three words I had in mind. Especially because I was hoping you would fuck me--" -BANG BANG BANG- kid: *unamused* no. Belkia: *holes through his head and chest* "...Darn. And I just had some interesting thoughts just now..." *holds up the candy* "What if I offered you candy? Would that earn me one of your nectarine kisses?" stocking: I bet you did something weird with it, like drugging it or putting on your d*ck or something. Belkia: "...I definitely did not put my dick on it..." stocking: ...... Belkia: "...I swear, the drugs will make things better--" -BANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBANGBABGNBSUSBNLSFJDLJDIJ- kid: would you like me to eviscerate you? Belkia: *half his body is torn up* "...If it was her, yes. But from you? Hell no!" stocking: *twitch* Belkia: "How 'bout you shove that long sword of yours through me, nice and hard?" stocking:....kid....please neuter him. kid: with pleasure. *heads downstairs* Belkia: o_____o;;; *starts running* "STILL LOVE YOU!" stocking: we need to increase security in this place... Belkia: *keeps running* "I am going to need so much blood after this to resume my previous adorable appearance!" -and so- naho: woah, belkia what happened to you? Belkia: *circles shot out of his body* -_-;;; "Missed connection. I need blood." otogiri: follow me. *she brings him to cold storage* naho:...*itching at herself* ugh... Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmph. Some people are so poor at handling relationships..." sakuya: _you're_ one to talk... naho: .... Shamrock: *arrives* "..." x\\\\- lavender: took _you_ long enough. Shamrock: "Sorry. I was preoccupied." lilac: ?? Sakuya: *pats Lilac's shoulder* "Come on--I almost finished your waffles." Shamrock: *looks at both Mr. Tsubaki and Naho...* naho: *nom nom* =u= Mr. Tsubaki: *sips his tea* "Have a seat, Sham!" Shamrock: "..." *sits in between Mr. Tsubaki and Naho* "..." *awkwardly eats* naho: *notices higan* and once again, the old geezer is the last one up. Higan: "Slow and steady, kid." *pours himself some black coffee* “After all, this old man needs his rest.” naho:....whats today's plan, mr tsubaki? Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Is it the weekend?" naho: *she nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "Anyone up for the mall?" naho: *raises her hand* lavender: yeah, i could use some new lingerie too. Higan: *raises both hands* Shamrock: x\\\\- *raises one hand* Sakuya: "Might as well." Mr. Tsubaki: "Lilac? Otogiri?" lilac: i...think i can handle it... otogiri: i'll stay behind and keep an eye on things here. Sakuya: *smiles at Lilac* Mr. Tsubaki: "And likely keep an eye on Belkia's recovery..." otogiri: yes.... *she glances at the door to cold storage* Belkia: *sluuuuuuurp* Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, let's get going!" -and so- Mr. Tsubaki: "We will meet back at the food court at 1:00 PM. Be safe here..." naho: ok~ Shamrock: *nods* Sakuya: "Anything you looking for, Lilac?" lilac: not in particular... Sakuya: "...How about pet shop?" lilac: m-maybe... Sakuya: "Okay...May be worth a try. How about you, Naho?" naho: sure! i want to get some pics of cute animals! >u< Sakuya: "Awesome!" Shamrock: "..." *wanders off* -elsewhere- tsubaki: *looking around the mall* Patty: "Weekend, weekend!" liz: yeah. tsubaki: where to first? Patty: "Pet shop?" liz: sounds good. tsubaki: i need to get some clothes, i'll catch up. liz: ok. Patty: *squee* "Tiny baby animals!" -and so- tsubaki: hmmm. *picking out a cardigan with a crane pattern* Mr. Tsubaki: *clears his throat* "Hello, Tsubaki." tsubaki: !!!....hello. *maintaining a sense of calm* Mr. Tsubaki: *holds up his hands* "I mean you no harm. I am just shopping..." tsubaki:....ok. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* "...You are looking well." tsubaki: ...thank you. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I think that cardigan looks nice. You should consider it." tsubaki:....thanks. -elsewhere- Shamrock: *examining tea sets at a home good store* "Hmmm..." clerk: need any assistance sir? Shamrock: "I was interested in this tea set. Do you have plates that go with it?" clerk: right this way sir. Shamrock: *follows, studying the clerk* "This is quite a good stock of items..." clerk: thank you. -elsewhere- naho: its so fwuffyyyy~!! Sakuya: "Heh heh...Yeah, they are." puppy: 83 lilac:...*pet pet*.....*small smile* soft... Patty: *nearby, looking at the fish tanks* "Hmm...Not big enough." Sakuya: "???" *small smirk* "Don't look now, Naho, but your 'girlfriend' is here..." naho: *pouts* ruuuude. lilac: ?? Patty: *spots them* "Oh, hey there!" *waves* naho: OwO;;; *awkward wave* liz: oh, hey there. lilac: *hides behind sakuya* Sakuya: "It's alright, Lilac...You know Liz and Patty from school." Patty: *waves back* "Aren't these puppies so cute?" lilac: o.o naho: i know right? lilac:...*small wave* liz: hey, its ok. i'll make sure my sister doesnt bite. Patty: *pouts at Liz* "It was one time!" Patty: *points to one with Naho* "Look at him! I want to hug him!" -elsewhere- Higan: *smiling* lavender: oh, this one looks nice. *it's a red corset outfit with black trim* Higan: "I think that would look great on you--that color on your body~" lavender: *grins* Higan: "Will you~?" lavender: how about i try it on~? clerk: *rolls eyes trying not to gag* Higan: "Excellent..." Higan: "Let's get you into that~" -elsewhere- Kid: -____-;;; "I barely slept..." stocking: same here....*stroking his head* Kid: *yawn* "Maybe nap..." stocking: yeah. Kid: *cuddles* stocking: hehe~<3 -at the mansion- otogiri: better? Belkia: *sipping cola in a swirly straw* "Much~" otogiri:...*chop* Belkia: "OW! What was that for?!" otogiri: because you're a bad influence. Belkia: "Pfft! How am _I_ a bad influence? What do you even mean?" otogiri: attempting to break into a girl's house for one thing. *calm death glare* Belkia: ._.; "I only tossed candy at her window..." otogiri: and what was _in_ the candy now? Belkia: .____.;; "...Something to put her in the mood?" otogiri:........ -much to vicious to show~- otogiri: bad. Belkia: *half-dead* "...You stuck-up pain in the butt...Maybe if you had some of that candy, you'd stop being so repressed, you monotone--" -BOOOOM- otogiri:...... *0 fucks given* Belkia: *half the man he was* "...I need blood." -elsewhere- Lawless: *blows his nose* romina: you sure you're ok? Lawless: "Y-Yeah...Just was...listening to a song..." Lawless: *his eyes are red from crying* romina: .... Lawless: "D-Did you want something?" romina: just checking in. Lawless: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Black Star: *stretches* "What you guys want on the pizza?" soul: im down for whatever. Black Star: "Kilik?" kilik: i'll have green pepper. sayaka: i'll go for cheese! Black Star: "Okay, got it!" *puts in the order over the phone...* *looks at Kilik and Sayaka* :3 kilik: ?? what? Black Star: "Nothing...Just thinking about how green pepper and cheese go so well together...like certain things." kilik: o///o; sayaka: eh? ^^; Black Star: "Ha ha ha ha!!! Kilik, the look on your face--" kilik: *covering his mouth* t-thats not how it its! >////<; Black Star: -_-;;; *licks Kilik's hand* kilik: ugh! sayaka: *stiffling laughter* soul: *sweatdrop* Black Star: "How else was I supposed to get your hand of my mouth?!" kilik: haha, laugh it up. Black Star: "Heh heh...The pizza will make up for it, you'll see." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *walking through the mall, holding his new tea set and dishes in bags* "...Wonder where they all went..." lilac: *eating a crepe* ..... naho: *nom nom* yummy~ =u= Sakuya: "Not bad." *munch* Shamrock: "Oh, there you are. Where are the others?' naho: around. Mr. Tsubaki: *looking severely depressed* "Hello, my happy family. Is your existence better than my empty, unfulfilling life?" Sakuya: ._. Mr. Tsubaki: TT_TT Shamrock: "...Oh, dear. You ran into _her_ again..." lilac: Q-Q naho:.....crepe? Mr. Tsubaki: *takes one* *sniff* "Thank you..." *sad nom* naho: .....*awkward look at shamrock* lavender: we're baaaa- whats up with him? naho: he's in despair. lavender:....huh? naho: talking with that girl again left him in despair. Shamrock: "It'll be alright, Young Master..." *awkward look at Naho* Sakuya: "Yeah, we're here to have fun--so, you know, just enjoy the day..." *slight glare at Shamrock* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniff* "R-Right...I just...did not think I would see her here." lavender: hmmmm. how about a trip to the historical districts? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "That would be informational..." Shamrock: "I would be interested...Would you, Naho?" naho: sure ^^ -elsewhere- Emine: *making lemonade* "So, they turn sour fruits into sugary drinks?" mana: yea. Emine: "Hmm..." *spoons out a sample--and scrunches his face* "Too sour..." lin: ^^; Tool: *takes a spoonful* "...Hmm. Tastes fine to me." Emine: -_-; "Of course it would..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: [so much pain] -elsewhere- Yumi: *has paint and chalk stuck in her hair* -__-;;; kirika: you ok? Yumi: "Shiori has developed a love for arts and crafts...It has gotten messy." kirika: i noticed. Yumi: "I need a shower--could you watch your sister for a few minutes?" kirika: alright. shiori: kiwi! Yumi: "..." *snort laugh* kirika: 7////7; Gopher: *pops up from around the corner* " 'Kiwi'? I think you're sweeter than that." kirika: !!!! ......got in through the window again? Gopher: "...Yes. You should lock those." kirika: ....... -_-; shiori: *staaare* gubby! Gopher: "...Um...Hi, Shiori" -w- -elsewhere- Konro: "Good day, Sister." kirei: *she nods* commander. Konro: "How are you?" kirei: well....and yourself? Konro: "A little sore, but working through it. How are the twins?" kirei: they've been the same as usual. Konro: "So, a handful?" *small smile* kirei: i suppose, hehe. Konro: "Well, I will continue on my patrol. Good day." reimi: ........ -elsewhere- Black Star: *tapping the controller* "Jump, jump, jump!" sayaka: *pressing buttons* Black Star: *his character jumps--and falls off the edge of the screen* D: kilik: yikes. tsubaki: im back! Black Star: *smiling again* "Hey, Tsubaki!" *tosses controller to Soul* "How was your day out?" tsubaki: it went well... Black Star: "That's good. Bought anything?" tsubaki: i got a new cardigan. Black Star: "Sweet! Can I see it?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm..." Shamrock: "Surprising architecture." naho: it's nice. Sakuya: "Lilac, check out that building. Must be ancient." lilac: wow... Mr. Tsubaki: "I'd like to visit that building..." -inside- Shamrock: "Dusty..." Higan: *shiny eyes* "Such art! Such beauty! The decay of the past that persists in new forms! I have to draw it all!" naho: *gachoo!* =3= maybe the reason you like it so much is cause its old just like you. Higan: -_-;;; “Hey come on now, this old man still has feelings.” Shamrock: *small smirk...before he hands a tissue to Naho* naho: thanks. Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at a painting* "Hmmm..." *reads the title on the frame...* " 'Princess...' I can't make out the name." lilac: ??? Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...She is beautiful." -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzzz..." *yawns, wakes up* stocking: zzzzz...... Kid: *smiles, yawns, closes his eyes again as he hugs her* stocking: zzzzz...... Kid: *starts to dream...* -elsewhere- Anya: "Hmm...This souffle is just not working..." ao: perhaps we're lacking ingredients....or just talent. Anya: "I AM VERY TALENTED, YOU PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE MONSTER!" tsugumi: come on guys, lets try to get along. ^^; Anya: "Hmph...Why don't you just tell me how you really feel, Ao..." ao: eh? Anya: "If you think I am not talented, then just say so rather than leaving that accusation dangling like a question." *pout* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *passing out food at homeless shelter* "Here you go!" mana: *smiles* Person: *nods* "Thank you." Yohei: *fixing furnace* "Jeez, this building is old..." -elsewhere- otogiri: welcome home. *she fixed the wall* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello. We brought back some treats for you..." otogiri: thank you. Shamrock: "...Belkia did something stupid, didn't he?" *examines the wall* "...I can see the refurbished texture." otogiri:...define 'stupid'. Shamrock: "...I'll rephrase it. Did he do something expected or unexpected?" -otogiri explains what happened. and why belkia is locked in a dog cage- Mr. Tsubaki: "...At least you didn't need to muzzle him this time." Sakuya: "Hey, Naho? Want to poke Belkia with a stick?" naho: *poke poke* hehe~ Belkia: "Stop that! The only people who get to poke me with sticks are Mr. Tsubaki and my darling stabby sweetie pie!" naho: i know, but i just wanted payback for you biting a chunk out of my neck. ^^ Belkia: *frothing at the mouth like a dog...but barking like a tiny chihuahua* Sakuya: "..." *snort laugh* lilac: *hiding behind lavender* Q.Q Mr. Tsubaki: "It's okay, Lilac..." *deathly serious at Belkia* "Cease this barking, or you will have to wear the muzzle." Belkia: o___o; *wipes froth, sits down like a dog* "I'll be good..." naho: ^^ otogiri: did you have a good outting? lavender: you bet~ ^^ Higan: "Heh heh heh..." Mr. Tsubaki: "...It got better." otogiri: so what is our next step? Mr. Tsubaki: "First, again, no taking blood from live persons. Second, no killing humans. Third, we have enough blood from the blood bank to last another week. Fourth...I don't know. We need to take down those Sins..." lavender:....maybe we should do something to lure them here... Mr. Tsubaki: "What do they have that we could use as a lure...?" otogiri: perhaps one of their friends.... Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "I want you to do surveillance to determine which of their friends we can hold--not to kill, just to hold hostage." otogiri: understood. Mr. Tsubaki: "We can continue this discussion over dinner. Sham, prepare our meal." Shamrock: *bows* "Very good, sir. I also will bring Belkia's doggie dish." Belkia: *growl* naho: hehe~ ^w^ Mr. Tsubaki: *pats Lilac's shoulder* "You okay?" lilac:....y-yeah... Mr. Tsubaki: *smile* "Okay. Would you like to do something before dinner? Perhaps watch TV?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *adding frosting* "And the treats are just about done..." fang-hua: good job. Tsukiyo: "Hope this cheers up Konro and Beni-Hottie. I think the carrotcake will be delicious~" fang-hua: ^^; Tsukiyo: *finishes the cupcakes* "Want to follow me to their office to hand them in person?" -elsewhere- Kid: *stretches* "I suppose my sleep schedule will be off for a bit..." stocking: zzzzzz.... Kid: *smiles, slowly gets out of bed to go downstairs to bring back...* kirika: yo. Kid: "Hello. How have things been while I was napping?" kirika: doing good. shiori: *in her playpen* ^o^ kid! Kid: "Shiori!" *picks her up* "Have you been a good girl?" shiori: hehehe ^^ Kid: *holds her, as he pulls down some donuts from a shelf* "I hope Stocking likes these when she wakes up..." -elsewhere- Relan: *looking around* mikami: hey relan. ^^ Relan: "Oh, hello. How has your day been?" mikami: i-it went well. ^^ Relan: *smiles* "That's good. What were you up to?" -elsewhere- Kepuri: *collapses on the couch* "So tired..." akaderu: no kidding.... Kepuri: *holds his hand* "What were you up to while I was at work?" akaderu:....sleeping mostly. Kepuri: "Awww...Are you feeling okay?" *rests a hand on his forehead* "Sick?" akaderu: nah... *blush* just my usual half-assed self as always... Kepuri: *pouts* "We just need to give you some encouragement. Look, I need you to work, because I'm exhausted, even with how much I'm being paid. At least a hobby to get you going..." akaderu:...i guess... 7///7; Kepuri: "So, what do you like to do?" *kiss on his cheek* -elsewhere- Ponera: *taps her finger on her throne* "..." soldier: we're prepared to make our next move. Ponera: "About time. I want an update: how many soldiers have you gathered?" soldier: estimate 200. Ponera: "Excellent. Have they been briefed on their target and location?" soldier: yes. Ponera: "Nals will be on this mission...Who is in command?" soldier: general Alvis, princess. Ponera: "Good." *hands documents to the Soldier* "Take these to the General. Remind him to keep Nals focused." soldier: understood. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *pats his lips with napkin* "Tasty meal, Sham." Shamrock: *bows* "Thank you, Young Master~" naho: ^^ Sakuya: *stretches* "Anyone up for watching some TV or films before bed?" -morning- Akitaru: *cooking breakfast* nozomi: *also helping* Akitaru: "Mmmm, those eggs look great, Nozomi!" nozomi: thank you. ^^ Arthur: *yawn* "Morning..." Takehisa: *putting out plates* tamaki: *nyaaaawn* shinra: morning. Akitaru: "Breakfast is ready--dig in!" Arthur: -\\\\\- ("Such a cute yawn...") -elsewhere- Shamrock: *yawns* -seems quiet- Shamrock: *looks around* ("...Did anyone let Belkia out?") lavender: mornin'. *she's in her underwear* Shamrock: x\\\\- "Morning. Shouldn't you be more dressed? What if the younger ones saw you like this?" lavender: they're still asleep by this hour. Shamrock: "...Oh. Good point. Were you not sleeping?" lavender: i woke up about a few minutes ago. Shamrock: "Hmmm...Breakfast?" lavender: i'll get higan up then, if we're starting early. Shamrock: "...Well..." -elsewhere- Kid: "Good morning~" stocking: morning kiddo~<3 Kid: *smooch* "Sleep well?" stocking: much better~ Kid: "Excellent." *stretch* "Interest in going out for breakfast?" stocking: sounds lovely~ Kid: *holds her hand, leads her out of bed* "Then we best start our day~" stocking: hehe~ -elsewhere- Anya: *in kitchen, muttering to herself* " 'Maybe you need talent'...Pheh! I just need to make the perfect dish...Maybe find some new ingredients this week..." EF: good morning. Anya: "...Good morning." *turns back to preparing ingredients* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *whispers* "Okay, Shotaro...Do your thing." Shotaro: *blows a whistle into Akaderu's face* akaderu: NGAAH! *CRASH* ......ow. Shotaro: "GET UP, BUDDY! WE'RE GOING JOGGING!" Kepuri: *smiles at Akaderu* "Meet your new life-coach, babe." akaderu: ...... im dead. -elsewhere- Belkia: *pout* "If you let me out of the cage, I'll be good..." otogiri: promise you wont attempt to drug anyone? Belkia: *fingers crossed behind his back* "I promise." otogiri:........*cold glare* shall i leave you at the mercy of sakuya? you know well he handles liars.... Sakuya: "She can see your fingers are crossed, you moron." *cracks his knuckles* Let him out--I'll take care of him." Belkia: o____o "I PROMISE! NEVER AGAIN! DON'T KILL ME! I PROMISE, PROMISE, PROMISE!" otogiri: ...very well. Sakuya: *watches, as Belkia is let out* Belkia: "Thank you! I would kiss your feet, but I don't want to be creepy..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "How is our little boy, Gabriella~?" gabriella: recovering. mostly. Hibana: "Did you get anything out of him? Such as whether he impregnated her?" gabriella: all i could get out of him was tears. Hibana: *slight smirk* "Bottle those men's tears?" *small laugh* "Okay. I believe he didn't do anything too awful, and this should scare him for the next week at least." -elsewhere- Nals: "How much further we have to travel?" alvis: a few more miles now. Nals: "Hmph. I can't wait to put on a performance..." -elsewhere- Lawless: *looking through a cookbook* "...Some good foods here. Been a while since I made something." romina: anything you had in mind? Lawless: "Don't know...Quiche?" romina: i think we have the fixins for that. Lawless: "Awesome! I'm up for this!" *puts on an apron* romina: *glances at the apron and snickers* Lawless: "...What? I don't want to dirty my fine linens." romina: did ya read it? julian:........*doesnt have the heart to tell lawless that kranz danced around wearing only that apron and nothing else the previous night* Lawless: "Yep! We got leftover piecrust, so just need the oven and to mix together the seasoning, some cheese, maybe bacon..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello, everyone!" naho: morning! lilac: zzz.... *still half asleep.* Mr. Tsubaki: "Everyone sleep well?" naho: *she nods* lavender: hell yeah. Sakuya: -_-; "TMI." Belkia: "I'm free of that cage--so I'm happy~" Shamrock: *pulls out Mr. Tsubaki's chair* Mr. Tsubaki: "Thanks, Sham." Shamrock: x\\\\- "I aim to please, Young Master.' naho: OwO … hmm...the old man is still asleep....oi bel, wake him up will ya? Shamrock: *blushes harder, seeing Naho looking at him and Mr. Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *looks back and forth at Shamrock and Naho* Belkia: "Okay..." *still seated at the table, then yells--* "HEY! HIGAN! WAKE UP!" *The sound of a body collapsing against the floor* Higan: *from afar* "...Ow." lavender: ...he's ok. Higan: *stumbles down the stairs...struggles a bit to get into a chair next to Lavender* Mr. Tsubaki: "...I'm sure he is. Sham, sit already and eat, before your food gets cold." *starts eating himself* Shamrock: *sits next to Naho* naho: o.o~? Shamrock: "...Um, could you pass the salt?" naho: sure. Shamrock: *takes the salt, his hand brushing against hers...slight shiver* "Th-Thanks..." Sakuya: *glaring at Shamrock* lilac: ?????????? Shamrock: "!!!" *looks down, grabs his fork to start eating--and knocks his glass of juice off the table and onto Naho* naho: D8> otogiri: *gives her a towel* Shamrock: "I-I'm so sorry! I-I'm sure that will come out...You can get a change of clothes and--" naho: *goes to her room to change* Sakuya: "Funny how that just happened 'accidentally'..." Shamrock: D:< "What's that supposed to mean?!" Mr. Tsubaki: *sighs* "Please, stop fighting at this hour...Naho will be back, let's just eat." Shamrock: "...I should apologize." otogiri: *cold glare* you just stay right there. Shamrock: o____o;;; *sits* ("...She knows...") Mr. Tsubaki: "???" otogiri: *calmly drinks her coffee* Higan: *asleep on top of his plate of pancakes* lilac:......is he dead? Sakuya: "Nah, he's just sleeping...Hey, Lilac? Want to see who how many blueberries we can toss at his head before he wakes up?" lilac: o^o; Sakuya: *tosses a blueberry at Higan's head* "Ha ha!" Higan: *grumbles, but still sleeping* "No, the blue paint will bring out the color more...Zzz..." otogiri: .....*small smile* (thinking: at least he's showing some signs of happiness now...) Sakuya: *tosses two--which land in Higan's nose...* o_o; Higan: *struggles to breathe, opens his mouth...snores loudly* Sakuya: *covering his mouth, struggling to contain laughter* lilac: !!!!! uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Higan: *snorts loudly--and the blueberries fly out, one hitting Shamrock in his eye, the other hitting Sakuya in the back of his throat as he is laughing* Shamrock: "AAAAH! My one good eye!" Sakuya: *choking on the blueberry, gasping* otogiri: *strings around sakuya's waist, SQUEEEZE* lilac: UUUUUUHHHHHH Sakuya: *coughs up the blueberry, which rolls onto the table...* "Th-Thanks..." *wheeze, gasp* Shamrock: *removes a hand from his eye...it's red from the hit* "Ow..." Mr. Tsubaki: "Come, I'll check your eye and put some ice on it..." Shamrock: "Thank you, Young Master..." >____<;;; lavender:....*calmly drinking her bourbon.* Higan: *sits up, stretches* "...Bourbon? Where's mine?" lavender: *she hands him a bottle* here ya go. Higan: "Thanks, Lav..." *sips* "...Don't we usually have more people here at breakfast time?" -elsewhere- Giriko: "Feeling alright?" arachne: *she nods* yeah. Giriko: *whispers to her belly* "We're here for you, little one. Be safe." arachne: *warm smile and pets giriko's head* Giriko: "Heh...You know what I miss?" arachne: what~? Giriko: *smiles* "When you would play with my hair...then fix it up for me, so I looked all professional. And I would put on your shoes...take you out." arachne: hehe~ *running her fingers through his hair* Giriko: "I love you, so much." -elsewhere- Kuro: *cleaning his 3DS...* sayaka:...pokemon PVP? Kuro: "...Let's do this." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Looking through files..." soldier: and? Benimaru: "Nothing yet. Even with medical files and random examinations, no indication of anyone being an impersonator..." soldier: that is concerning... Benimaru: "Yes...We'll redouble efforts. I'm sure we will discover something soon." soldier: right! Benimaru: "Dismissed." *exits the building, looks around town* -elsewhere- Spirit: "Have fun hanging out with your friends today, okay?" izumi: ok! Spirit: "Your mom will pick you up at 3 PM. Call if you need anything!" izumi: *she nods* Spirit: "Later, Izumi..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *smooch* tsubaki: ^////^ Black Star: *hug* "Love you." tsubaki: hehe, i love you too. ^^ Black Star: *pats her back, sighs* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "I said I was sorry..." otogiri: ...... naho: its fine. Shamrock: "..." *nods, turns to leave...* lilac:.......??? Shamrock: *walks to his room* Sakuya: "Lilac? Something up?" lilac:....is anyone else c-confused on whats g-going on? Sakuya: "...Um..." *looks at Naho* Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes, I'm confused as well. Shamrock has seemed off." naho: maybe its all the cold? Mr. Tsubaki: "Perhaps...I'll go talk with him." naho: *NODNOD* owo Mr. Tsubaki: *goes to Shamrock's room, knocks* Shamrock: "Yes?" Mr. Tsubaki: "May I come in?" Shamrock: *instantly opens the door* "Of course, Young Master~" Mr. Tsubaki: *enters...* Mr. Tsubaki: *shuts the door* "You have been off lately. What's up?" Shamrock: x_.;;;; "N-Nothing?" Mr. Tsubaki: *stares* Shamrock: "I...have been spending some time with Naho, and it has been a bit awkward." Mr. Tsubaki: " 'Awkward'?" Shamrock: "...Awkward." Mr. Tsubaki: "...I see. Shamrock, perhaps you need to clear your head." Shamrock: "What would you advise, sir?" Mr. Tsubaki: "Focus on your work, including our missions. There is no point in letting people around you distract you." *tightens his scarf a bit more around his neck* -w- Shamrock: x_-; "That is challenging, sir." Mr. Tsubaki: *pats his shoulder* "I know you can do this. I believe in you." *smiles* Shamrock: x\\\\\o "Th-Thank you, sir..." Mr. Tsubaki: *half-hug, then stands to leave, reaching the door, opening it* -elsewhere- Kid: *pats his mouth* "So yummy..." stocking: ^^~<3 Kid: "Still have room for some post-brunch dessert?" stocking: yes please! Kid: *opens the dessert menu* Kid: "Something with chocolate..." -elsewhere- metsu: thank you for your patronage. -the customer leaves- Johannes: "Could've you have gotten them to buy more?" *pouts* metsu: to each their own. Jeje: *glares at Johannes* "I suggest you return to your 'research.'" Johannes: ._.; *steps back...* -knock knock- kyouko: newspaper delivery. Jeje: "??? Oh? I didn't expect a newspaper this late..." kyouko: well with the snow- sayaka: NO! NONONONONO! DONT STALL NOW!! SCOOTER WHY?! Johannes: *shiny eyes* "Sayaka-chyan!" *leaps for the door* sayaka: NOOOO!!! *tries to push the scooter....it crashes into a lamp post* Q~Q Johannes: "Hello, you colorful darling girl! How have you been? I haven't seen you in so long! Why don't you visit more? Let's step in and catch up--" sayaka: TTuTT (thinking: and this morning started off so well....) Johannes: "What are your favorite subjects at school, Sweet Pea?" Jeje: *whispers to Metsu* "Keep an eye on him..." kyouko: *backing away* metsu: understood. Jeje: *spots Kyouko* "???" kyouko: im just...gonna check the scooter. sayaka: wai-..... Q__Q (thinking: pleasedontleavemealonewithhim) Johannes: "You know, I heard 'Sayaka' means 'color.' I always like having more color in my life~" metsu: (thinking: as if he doesnt already....) -_-; Johannes: *stares at Sayaka* "I really appreciate how often you come here to buy from us." *holds up a doll* "How about this doll? It's just been lying around, doing nothing--" -elsewhere- Relan: *jogging through town* -elsewhere- Izuku: "I said--'Give me back that lady's purse!'" ochako: woah, and then what happened? Izuku: "...The thief recognized my uniform and asked for my autograph." ^^ ochako: wow! kyouka: that's just.....i have no words. Izuku: "They were the most cooperative thief I met, though. Turned themselves into the police and everything. So, I returned the purse and got here late. Um, sorry about that..." momo: well then. Iida: "Tardiness is not befitting a hero...but then you were late because you _were_ being a hero....I feel so conflicted." momo: considering the circumstances, i suppose we may give you a pass this time. Izuku: "Th-Thanks...I'm ready to work, now!" -elsewhere- Lily: "???' misono: *nervous* this was such a stupid idea, she isnt going to show up. .///////.; Lily: "Yes, she will!" *adjusts his shirt and hair* "You look great, by the way." misono: t-thanks. shinoa: hey~ ^^ misono: *screaming like a small child* Lily: *slaps a hand over Misono's mouth* "Hello, ma'am. A pleasure to see you~" shinoa: oh, you must be Lily then, i presume? Lily: "Indeed." *shakes her hand* "Misono has been excited for today. Haven't you, Misono?" *uncovers his mouth* misono: y...yeah... *sweating and staring at the ground* Lily: "Well, as your chaperone for this day, shall we depart, Miss Shinoa? Misono?" shinoa: that sounds lovely~ misono: y-yeah, sure. Lily: "Lead the way, then~" misono: *stiffly leads the way to a cafe* -in the bushes- hyakuya: i cant believe tsurugi convinced us to spy on them. -_-; mitsuba: i blame his stupid face. [tsurugi: pwitty pweeeease? *puppy dog eyes* oh! and if you see kuni-chan, tell him i miss him <3] *Hyakuya's phone vibrates--text message* hyakuya: ?? *she checks her phone* text: [target spotted?] hyakuya: [depends on wat U mean] text: [oh? someone else with them?] hyakuya: -_-; [who do U mean?] text: [i mean besides lust, his eve, and the eve's date] hyakuya: [nah. and she has a name u kno -_-# ] text: [and u have to follow them. so follow them] hyakuya: [k] *sighs* -and so, at the cafe- misono: so, you've been to death city before? shinoa: *she nods* i was actually in a theatrical performance. misono: i see... Lily: "I'm sure you gave an excellent performance. What was your role?" ???: "Hey, little bro!" misono: *dying on the inside* .________________. shinoa: ?? Mikuni: "Howdy, li'l lady. I'm Misono's older brother, Mikuni. How you doin'?" shinoa: *she smiles* Shinoa Hiiragi, charmed. hyakuya: oh, so _thats_ kuni-chan... mitsuba:.... *small blush* Mikuni: *pulls up a chair, sits* "Charmed, too. So, Misono, how long you been a-courting this young lady?" misono: where the hell did you even pick up that accent?! shinoa: we met at the christmas party at his house. i suppose it would be your house too? misono: .....thats...complicated. shinoa: oh. i see Mikuni: "..." *accent drops* "Yes..." *clears throat, smiles at Shinoa* "Happy to see my brother is making friends." hyakuya: so the accent is fake, thank god. shinoa: ^^ misono: i-i have friends! you met some of them! >3< Mikuni: "And more friends are great, too!" *whispers to Misono* "Especially a _girlfriend_..." misono: O///////////////////O shinoa: ?? Lily: *chuckles* Mikuni: "Shinoa, would you like to see some baby pics of Misono?" misono: LILY DONT ENCOURAGE HIM! MIKUNI DON'T SHOW HER ANYTHING! w-what about _you_, huh?! how's _your_ love life then?! shinoa: ^^; Mikuni: "I have my dolls." misono:......is that with innuendo or without? hyakuya: O_O mitsuba: this is stupid. *she gets up and walks over* hyakuya: MITSUBA! D8< mitsuba: hey. shinoa: oh, fancy seeing you here mitsuba. you you have a date as well? mitsuba: NO! we-.....just got worried about you. hyakuya: -____-; Mikuni: "??? Oh, more friends. Howdy! I'm Mikuni!" *pulls out a doll that looks like Mitsuba, speaks in higher pitch* "Pleasure to meet you!" mitsuba: um.... hyakuya: we heard you faking it. -_-; Mikuni: "??? The doll, or the accent? Because, of course dolls don't talk. I mean, at least this one doesn't. We did have one that talked--but we sold it to--" hyakuya: ???? mitsuba:....is that a snake? Mikuni: "???" *looks over his shoulder* Jeje: "Sssss..." Mikuni: "Huh. Forgot you were here." Jeje: *stares at Mitsuba* .___. mitsuba:...what? Jeje: *tongue comes out, licks Mitsuba's face* mitsuba: O_____O EEK! Mikuni: "D'aw, Jeje likes you!" shinoa: aww, he likes you ^^ Mikuni: "Jinx!" mitsuba: TnT Mikuni: "So, what are we ordering?" *opens up menu* -and so- mitsuba: .//////. Mikuni: "Tasty meal!" *notices Mitsuba* "???" mitsuba: WHAT?! >3< Mikuni: "Nothing'--you just look red. Was the food too spicy?" hyakuya: ....... mitsuba: im fine! Mikuni: "...So, Shinoa, who did your first date with Misono go?" shinoa: it went well. thank you for tonight. misono: -//////-;;; Lily: *small clap* "Yay..." hyakuya: is anyone else confused? Jeje: *still in snake form* "All the time." hyakuya: aaand that snake just spoke.....*downs her orange juice* Mikuni: "That's normal for us!" *smiles widely* -later- shinoa: well that went well. *enters base* we're back~ yumikage: how did it go? -hyakuya explains- mitsuba: it's mikuni's fault for ruining the whole evening! him and his creepy snake, and his stupid hat, and his smug, stupid, sexy, charming face. Jun: "...'Charming'?" mitsuba: >//////////> SHADDAP! Jun: "Well, you completed your night out for dinner, so back to work--" Tsurugi: "Did you bring leftovers from dinner?" hyakuya: here, knock yourself out. Tsurugi: -\\\\\- "Yummy..." *nom* yumikage: so, mitsuba, got a little crush on mikuni then? mitsuba: NO! >////< Jun: "So obviously a crush." mitsuba: SHADDAP! hyakuya: he's a bit old for you, dont you think? Jun: "Perhaps look for someone your own age." mitsuba: IDONTHAVEACRUSH! >n< shinoa: suuuuure you dont. Tsurugi: *nom nom nom* "Crush." mitsuba: UGH! im going to bed! GOOD FUCKING NIGHT! yumikage:....jeez, anger problems much? Jun: "Sweet dreams--of Mikuni." mitsuba: FUCK OFF! hyakuya: maybe she's off her sleep schedule? Tsurugi: "Milk can help people fall to sleep on a better schedule..." shuuhei: perhaps she's just menstratin- hyakuya: *GLARE* shuuhei:....just saying. Jun: "You shouldn't. Really." yumikage: *GLARE* shuuhei:.....*exits* Jun: "Not a bad idea for all of us to get a few hours of sleep..." -elsewhere- Lily: "I think that went well~" misono: *flustered* -////////////- if you say so... i need a long cold shower after this...stupid mikuni... Lily: "Aw...Let me scrub your back~" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *knocks on Lavender's door* lavender: yeah? Shamrock: "...May I ask your advice?" lavender: sure, whats up? Shamrock: "I feel conflicted, with desires..." lavender: oh? care to elaborate? Shamrock: "...I love Mr. Tsubaki. But I do not think he will reciprocate. And I have sexual desires that I want to fulfill, for my own sake. I feel like I am cheating on Mr. Tsubaki...and not doing well for others...like..." lavender: ah. conflictions of the heart, understandable. Shamrock: *nods* "Conflictions of the heart, and the body. I want a physical connection, and I want an emotional connection. Fulfilling both is difficult." lavender: ....*sighs* im not sure how well i can help you on this. in my line of work, the heart kind of numbs down after a while. *sad smile* Shamrock: "...I'm sorry. This does help, though, so thank you." lavender: anytime. Shamrock: *sigh* "Well, I will try to sleep this off...Good night." -morning- Anya: *stretches* "Can't wait to improve that recipe this afternoon..." tsugumi: *she nods* Meme: "You'll let us do a taste-testing, right?" Anya: "Of course. Just have to put the work into it." ao: then i wish you the best of luck~ Anya: *serene smile but angry voice* "Thank you, Ao~" tsugumi: OwO;;;;; mio: meme, did it just get colder in here? Meme: "Um...Maybe we should bring a sweater to school?" *nervous laugh, as she pushes Anya out of the room* "Let's get going, Anya!" -later- Lawless: *bored in class* "Ugh..." licht: *studying* Lawless: *stomach growling* "Come on, do we have to be here? I got things to do..." licht: yes, we're in school for a reason. kranz was insistent that i get an education outside of tutoring. Lawless: "Oh, like you need an education. You're Licht Jekylland Todoroki--the best pianist in the world!!!" teacher: *a-HEM* mr kranz? is there something you'd like to say to the class? Lawless: "...Verily! What value is there to these classes, if we shall not use them in our future? Our fates are decided, and rather than resist them, I choose to follow the rivers of time to my destination!" soul: -_-; english please? Lawless: "What's the point of this class?! How are we actually going to use this stuff in the real world?!!" -after school- Lawless: *rubs his cheek* "That teacher is harsh!" licht: you know the saying. 'talk shit, get hit'. Lawless: "Hold up--this is the shop where I wanted to get my groceries--" *spots someone* "!!!" Anya: *getting groceries* clerk: thank you for your patronage miss. ^^ Anya: "Thank you." *slight bow, exits--and spots Lawless and Licht* "???" Lawless: "!!!" *hides behind Licht* licht: hey. Anya: "Hello. You are Licht, yes?" licht: that's right. Anya: "I am...Anya Hepburn. You're music is most impressive." *looks behind him at Lawless* "...Why is that person hiding behind you like a scared hedgehog?" licht: dont mind him, he's....'special'. Lawless: *angry twitch* "I am Lawless...Are you a princess?" Anya: o\\\\\\\\o "WHAT?!" licht: she does have that air to her. Anya: "...Hmph!" *starts walking away* Lawless: "??? Was it something I said?" licht: ........ Anya: *bumps into someone* "Hey, watch where you are going!" Higan: "...Perhaps you should watch where you are going..." Anya: "???!!!" Higan: *smirks* "Such lovely hair..." *strokes a hand by it* Anya: *slaps away his hand* "Do not touch me!" *kick to his stomach* Higan: *grabs her ankle* "...Respect your elders, child." *charges a flame around his other hand* "The beauty of art is that it is silent, yet says so much." *sneers* "What music will your screams make?" Anya: *tugging away* "G-Get off of me! Unhand me! Help! HELP!" Lawless: "?!!! Licht!" licht: *KICKS AT HIGAN'S HEAD* back the fuck off. Higan: "ACK!" *falls back...his hand still around Anya's ankle...and..." *SNAP* Anya: "AAAAAAAHHHHH!!! My leg!" licht: !!!! Lawless: "You bastard!" *leaps at Higan--* clerk: *checks the screams* !!! oh my god! *calls 911* Higan: *smacks Lawless away--knocking him through a wall* Higan: *stands over Anya, who is crying from the pain and trying to crawl away...he slams a foot down onto her back, and a pop is heard* Anya: "AHHH!" Higan: "Little caterpillar..." *charges a flame* "I will make a butterfly out of you~" licht: hyde!! *glares and kicks higan away* i take it you're up for round 2? Higan: *knocked back into a fire hydrant--drenching him in water* "Tch..." *spits out blood from his mouth* "This won't be a round...This will be your end. Enjoy your final crescendo, kid." Anya: *pulls herself away, biting her lip against the pain* licht: *to the clerk* get her out of here, we'll handle this. Lawless: "Licht!" *leaps towards him, ready to battle Higan* "You ready?!" clerk: r-right! *lifts anya and gets her elsewhere* Anya: *looks back at Lawless and Licht...* licht: way ahead of you. *has arm out* Lawless: *bite* Higan: *mad smile* "So begins the final performance..." licht: *pose* time for the archangel to pacify this devil. Lawless: "Licht, you are so cool~!" *swirls into a new form...* Higan: *looks around...the reality around him is looking like...a stage?* \everyone take your seats. the show is about to begin~\ Higan: "What the hell is going on?" licht: *playing phantom of the opera* \sing angel of music~\ Lawless: *emerges from shadows* "Old man, you shall know him, for he does not hide in the shadows! Look at your face in the mirror!" Higan: "Mirror?" Lawless: *holding up a mirror* "Mirror." -a younger higan is reflected in the mirror- *MIRROR SMASH TO THE FACE, knocking Higan towards Licht* licht: *KICKS HIGAN IN THE BACK* get wrecked. Higan: D:< "You stupid brat! I'm gonna--" -shink- Lawless: *a hedgehog spine pierces Higan's heart* Higan: *shudders* Lawless: "...That look on your face..." *smirks* "Such beautiful art." Higan: *clenches his teeth--slams his palm onto Lawless's chest* Lawless: "!!! Oh no--" Higan: "BURN!" *FIREBALL BLAST TO THE CHEST* -jekyll and hyde- licht: *KNEE TO THE FACE* Lawless: *panting, but...KICK TO THE SPINE* Higan: "ACK! RAWR!" *battered around like a doll* -CRASH THROUGH THE WINDOW- Higan: *smashes onto the floor, glass embedded in his body, as he gasps in pain, shudders* Lawless: *glaring at Higan* "Licht..." licht:.....that man....tsubaki. we'll leave this as a warning. he wanted a war, well he's got one. Lawless: "A war...a princess..." *shudders, collapses to his knees, clutching the wound on his chest* "Arg..." licht: hyde! are you ok?! Lawless: "B-Blood...Ophelia...War...No...No...I need blood..." licht:.... *slides the hoodie off, showing his neck* here... Lawless: *shudders, as he gives a small bite, draining a bit of blood* "Th-Thanks..." -morning- sagami: we got a letter.....from _him_... tsubaki: ?! Lily: "You mean...?" misono: the next major battle in this conflict is about to begin... Kuro: "..." ("Again...") tetsu: so what's the plan? Kuro: "...I think it is time for a one-on-one conversation...with our 'brother.'" mahiru: ......right. Kuro: "...Tsubaki. Will you lead us to their estate?" tsubaki:......did they say to meet anywhere? sagami: they said to meet at the parking garage at the mall... Kuro: "Hmph...What do we know about the location? Its exits, fixtures, occupancy? Will there be bystanders?" -and so, a few days later- misono: .....i have a bad feeling about this. Lily: "...Misono. I'm still not back to my previous strength." misono: *nods*..... tetsu: so this is the place then? misono: they said to go to the top floors.... Hugh: "Hmph..." tsubaki: ........ mahiru: you sure you'll be ok? tsubaki:....*she nods* im this far involved now, no point in turning back. Kuro: "..." *pat on her shoulder* tsubaki: ..... -top floor- misono:......it's empty.... tetsu: ....... *Confetti explodes* misono: ?!?! Belkia: "Welcome, boys and girls! Children of all ages! To the greatest show--" *pops up behind Misono* "--of your short lifetime..." misono: !!!! tetsu: misono!! Belkia: *pulls out a set of scarfs from his sleeve--which he spins and wraps around Misono, before pulling and sending him twirling along the floor like a top* "Spin, toy, spin!" misono: ABWABWABWA *CRASH* ugh...ow... tetsu: !!!! *throws the coffin at belkia* Lily: "Misono!" *picks him up* "Wake up!" Belkia: *coffin to the head, knocking him down* "...Ow." Hugh: *pops up out of the coffin* "Good day!" *swings his staff at Belkia, knocking him into the pillar* misono: im...im fine.. *wince* lavender: oh, fancy seeing you here again, hun~<3 misono: !!!! you! Belkia: "...Heh." *lands feet first against the pillar...and springs come off his shoes, knocking him forward at Hugh* lavender: did you want to play again~? Hugh: "??!!!" Lily: "Misono!" *sweeps his leg at Lavender's feet* lavender: *jumps up and kicks him in the chest* oh my~ so you like to play rough~? otogiri: -_-; Lily: *cough, smiling* "Indeed~" *stands without pain* "We shall dance~" *moves across Lavender, comes behind her, and punched her in the back of the neck* otogiri: (thinking: its unfortunate that higan is too wounded to fight as well...) lavender: *cough* tch-, you cheeky bastard. Belkia: *blocking Hugh's strikes of his cane...before he takes off his hat* "I tip my hat to you, Old One." Hugh: "Hmph." *smirks* "It is proper to respect your elders." Belkia: " 'Elder,' yes." *reaches into his hat* "But you just look like a baby who shit his diaper--" *pulls out his Box of Chaos* Hugh: "?!!!" *SLAM* misono: !!! tetsu: HUGH! Belkia: "The Old One has volunteered for the mystical BOX...OF...CHAOS!" Kuro: "???!!! No!" Belkia: "Yes..." tetsu: !!! Hugh: "Wh-What?! Where am--" Mr. Tsubaki: "Big Brother...Hello." Hugh: "??!!! You..." -slash- -a loud boom is heard upstairs- licht: ?! Lawless: *looks up* "Oh no...Licht! Hurry!" mahiru: upstairs! *runs up, with licht and tsubaki following behind* Belkia: "And he's gone." tetsu: ...... you....you BASTARD!!! -upstairs- tsubaki: !!!! mahiru: no..... naho: .... lilac:...... licht: but...how....? mahiru: that's impossible, tetsu and hugh have such a strong bond- Belkia: "My Box of Chaos is quite magical, is it not? I had to save that trick--get rid of the most powerful of you. And so long as I transport to the right location--POOF!--he will be taken care of..." lilac: ...... -the group arrives upstairs- Hugh: "Urk!" *collapses* Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...The power to end Sins...To improve this world...To wipe it away of impurities..." mahiru: what did you do?! Mr. Tsubaki: "What must be done...What Father---Teacher, wanted..." *looks at Kuro* "..." licht: tch-, hyde, let's put an end to this shit. Lawless: "Right! I just need--" lilac:.......... (saku: your friends, they died because they were weak) (mei: you're a new subclass, right? my name's kaede, but you can just call me mei if you like) (tadashi: here, you need blood.) (mei: if we work really hard, then mr tsubaki will be really happy with us!) lilac: *runs and lawless, grabbing the dogtag with tears in his eyes* mahiru: !!!!! licht: !!!!!! Lawless: "!!!" *took shocked to move* "...No..." Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Good, Lilac..." lilac: *backing up to mr tsubaki* im...im sorry.....i.....its not fair... greed...i...I CANT FORGIVE YOU! *almost in hysterics* mahiru: .... Lawless: *stunned silent* ("...I...can't move...") Kuro: *stares at Mr. Tsubaki* "Don't you dare..." *shows his claws* "You do this...I swear...I will kill you." lilac: mahiru, i appreciate....you all being so kind to me.....and you probably hate me now....i understand.....someone like me...shouldnt be forgiven....someone like me....is better off dead....right? naho: *teary eyed* lila..... Lawless: "B-Brother..." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *opens his hand to Lilac* lilac: *hands the tag over* .....im....sorry..... tsubaki: ..... ??? camellia flowers? Mr. Tsubaki: *the flowers fall from his sleeve...he reveals a shadowy hand* tsubaki: ?! what? licht: some kind of shadow magic? Mr. Tsubaki: *stares at Tsubaki* "...I am sorry." Kuro: "No!" *ROARS, rushes at Mr. Tsubaki, slowly transforming...* -SLICE- licht: !!!!!....no.... mahiru: !!!!! Lawless: "..." *a slash appears on his chest...as Jinn explodes out of him, knocking back cars throughout the garage* naho: !!!!! lilac: ..... naho: *grabs lilac's hand* come on! we have to go now! -they run downstairs- Mr. Tsubaki: "Ha ha...Ha ha ha! HA HA H--" Kuro: *tackles Mr. Tsubaki in a lion-esque form* Kuro: "BASTARD!" Mr. Tsubaki: "...Bored now." *slashes his hand into Kuro's chest, knocking him back...and blood is pouring out of Kuro* mahiru: KURO!!! Kuro: "!!!" *slowly reverts to a more human form* "Mahiru...Leave." *stands again* "I have to take care of him...My brother..." Lawless: *screaming, his body writhing across the floor, Jinn pouring out of him* mahiru:...no! we'll handle this together! licht: HYDE!! Kuro: "...Mahiru...I am sorry." *pushes him back towards Licht, as he rushes at Mr. Tsubaki, clutches him--and knock them both through the wall, as he assumes his monstrous lion form* -at C3's base- Jun: "...Goddamn it." tinker: woah! we have a mass jinn possesion at the shopping center! hyakuya: holy shit! mitsuba: i take it we gear up? Jun: "You got 30 seconds." *taps a control panel, causing the van on auto-driver to stop in front of them...* shinoa: right. yumikage: way ahead of ya! -at the shopping plaza, several jinn possessed people are making their way to the garage, almost in a zombie like trance- Kuro: *standing atop the garage, holding Mr. Tsubaki in his mouth, clamping his teeth down onto him* *Mr. Tsubaki's blood trickles down from the top of the garage* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Heh. All according to plan..." Kuro: "???" *The sky starts to rain blood...that forms into swords* Kuro: "?!!!" tsubaki: !!!! -in the mall- ochako: WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?! tsuyu: this is weird, even for death city. Izuku: "!!! Those people--they look--" kyouka: guys, momo's not looking so well. momo:.......*shuffling to the garage* ochako: MOMO! SNAP OUT OF IT! Iida: "MOMO!" *tries to take her by her wrist--* -back at the garage- *Swords are falling around the garage, people barely dodging them* Mr. Tsubaki: "A world without sin...That is what you wanted, did you not, Brother, when you killed him?" Kuro: "..." Mr. Tsubaki: "Such an annoyance..." *lays his hand on Kuro's snout--shattering his lion form, reverting him to his human form* mahiru: KURO!! Kuro: "AAAAH!" *knocked back atop the garage's roof* tsubaki: please.....stop it.... Mr. Tsubaki: *lands easily on the rooftop...* "...When you killed your brother, Tsubaki, what were his last words to you?" tsubaki: .......*she doesnt reply.* ..... -downstairs- otogiri: seems we have visitors. -several people are shuffling to the subclass and lily- misono: !!! we have to stop them! Lily: "Misono...Be ready to knock them out, not kill them..." misono: right!. Shamrock: "This Jinn...It possessed them." *stands* "Be ready to kill." lavender: oh well, if they insist~ *goes over to one guy and bites into his neck* Lily: *annoyed twitch* "WHAT DID I JUST SAY ABOUT NOT KILLING, YOU FOOLISH SUBCLASS?!!!" Shamrock: *smirks, rushes at humans* tetsu: *PUNCH* Shamrock: D: *knocked across the ground* Sakuya: "Lavender, stop!" *grabs her arm* lavender: ?? Sakuya: "These people...They are being affected...and Mr. Tsubaki did not ask us to do this..." lavender: why not bring it up to him then? he's upstairs. Sakuya: "..." *looks at Tetsu* "Stop them...Save these people...Please..." *runs up to Mr. Tsubaki* tetsu:...right. naho: *coming down the stairs with lilac* what's going on?! where's sakuya? Shamrock: *wiping his bleeding nose from Tetsu's kick* "He went back to Young Master..." -upstairs- Kuro: *bleeding, slices by Mr. Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: *cackling madly* "What did Teacher say to you before you killed him?!" Kuro: "He said nothing." *slashed* tsubaki: this isnt how i wanted it..... Mr. Tsubaki: *laughing* "No, really! What did he say to you?!!!" Kuro: *silent* tsubaki: i wanted....to resolve this peacefully... Mr. Tsubaki: *the gleefully mad looks fades from his face* "...Teacher...said nothing?" *deathly serious* "Or...you didn't _let_ him speak?" Kuro: "..." licht: HYDE! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *picks his sword up, ready to bring it down onto Kuro's head* tsubaki: STOP IT!! *runs in* Lawless: *the Jinn starts to recede...* "L-Licht...M-My-My name-t-t-t-tag..." Mr. Tsubaki: *slams the sword down* tsubaki: *bracing for impact* licht: *grabs the two halves of the name tag and grabs lawless* Lawless: *clutches Licht...and has a spasm, shuddering as his condition stabilizes...* -shink- Mr. Tsubaki: "???!! No..." tsubaki: !!!! mahiru: ......!!!!! Sakuya: "..." *coughs blood* *Blood splashes everywhere from Sakuya...across Tsubaki's face* Sakuya: "S-Sir...Master? S-Stop..." Mr. Tsubaki: *stares in horror...* "Sakuya...Why?" mahiru: sa.....SAKUYA!!!!!! Sakuya: *cough* "N-No more...Please..." *collapses* Mr. Tsubaki: *horrified* tsubaki: .......!!!!! Mr. Tsubaki: "...Heh. Ha. Ha ha..." *starts cackling madly, as he starts crying* "Oh, Big Brother! I am so much like you, aren't I?" Kuro: "...Yes...because we fail to take responsibility for our actions..." Mr. Tsubaki: "???!!!" Kuro: *forms a key from his blood and black energy...that appears before Tsubaki and Mahiru* Kuro: "Just need a lock--" tsubaki: let me.... mahiru: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *Kuro slams his fingers into Mr. Tsubaki's chest, opening a cavity in the shape of a keyhole* Kuro: "Now, Tsubaki!" tsubaki: i was dragged into this...if this will tell me the answer, then i want to know the truth. no matter how painful.... Mr. Tsubaki: *gasping in pain* "M-My heart? What are you doing?" tsubaki:.....its ok.....i just.....want to understand you. Kuro: "Tsubaki! Do it!" Mr. Tsubaki: "I-I don't want you to see this! Please, don't..." -tsubaki find herself in a strange place- tsubaki:....is this....? *there is a black fox at her feet* Fox: "Teacher loves us. He loves his children. He wants a family. But his family does not love him." tsubaki:......? *she walks along through the old town, and sees a young man, weeping, and a girl laying dead in her bed* ?? Fox: "A world of death...A world of sins...It isn't fair to say goodbye to those you love, is it?" tsubaki:......*remembering her brother*..... Fox: "If you could save someone, would you? Would you be willing to have a world free of sins? A world free of those vices that spread misery? Lust that corrupts love; greed that corrupts charity; wrath that corrupts passion; gluttony that corrupts sustenance; pride that corrupts accomplishments; sloth that corrupts action...envy that corrupts bonds...Masamune..." tsubaki: ...... Fox: "And melancholy that destroys motivation...makes you wish the world would end...that you would end. That you were no longer here." tsubaki: that's not right....there is always sin and virtue, light and dark, good and evil....yin and yang. a perfect balance between them. Fox: "...What could there be to balance any of these sins? To kill your own father? To kill your own brother? What could ever make up for losing your family? I..._He_, lost his family. Tsubaki lost his family...Sloth took Father from me--him." tsubaki:...i cant change the past...all i can do now is move forwards. this world can be cruel, but if you look hard enough, it can be quite beautiful. *holding a bouquet of camellia flowers* Fox: *stares at the flowers* "...Those are...What are those--" Young Man: *stops walking...sees something ahead of him* "...No!" *runs in the direction of an explosion* tsubaki: ?! *she runs after him...only to find a ruined building*.... !!! Young Man: *people race past him in the opposite direction...he looks up to see towering over the building...a Black Lion* "...Brother?" Black Lion: *ROWR* Young Man: *crying* "No! Brother, no! Listen to me! Don't--" tsubaki: !!! *SNAP* Young Man: "..." *collapses to his knees, as the Black Lion runs away* Fox: "...No. There can be no forgiveness. No wiping this sin away." *Rain falls* Fox: "Nothing can wash this away..." tsubaki: ........*tearing up* Young Man: *crawls towards the ruins...* "Teacher? Father? No...Please, wake up. Wake up! Wake up!!!" tsubaki:........ -all that remains, is a crumpled, bloodied mess- Young Man: "...They look like...camelia flowers..." tsubaki:..... Young Man: " 'Tsubaki'...Tsubaki..." *small laugh...he picks up the Teacher's coat, putting it on, as he clutches his right arm* "Ha ha ha..." -several visions can be seen- -a pink haired man preforming a show- -a soldier with a missing eye laying on a battle field- -a young nurse injecting something into herself- -a man who is surrounded by flames- -a young boy laying dying at the ground- -a boy who is wrapped in a blue tarp at the edge of a river- -two teenagers inside a wrecked car- -a young woman who lay bleeding in an ally- -a girl with blue hair with a chunk missing from her neck- -a man shooting himself through the head- -a woman impaled on a man's arm- -a child laying in a hospital bed- Mr. Tsubaki: "I wanted a family. I wanted to be loved. I wanted to balance it--to get back something I lost. There should be balance in this world. Well, what is there to balance the pain I have felt? Melancholia is a desire for that which is lost...and I keep losing. What more will I lose in this world?" tsubaki:......*she walks up to him....and gives him a tender hug* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! St-Stop...I don't deserve this..." tsubaki: you've suffered so much.....but you arent alone..... you do have people who care for you..... perhaps, you just needed someone to reach out to you. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *cries* tsubaki: ....*rubs his back* shhh, its ok....just let it out... *The rain around them continues to fall...but are cleaner...forming a pool of water that expands...The sky turns blue, clouds form...and camelia petals blow around them* Mr. Tsubaki: *sobbing* "Father! Why couldn't I have been there?! I could have saved you! Brother, why?! Why did you do this to us?! We lost him...We all lost him!" tsubaki: *humming* Mr. Tsubaki: *sobbing, clutching her* "I can't go on! I want it all to end!" tsubaki: shhh....its ok...im right here..... Mr. Tsubaki: *his crying persists, but his sobs stop* "Sakuya..." -downstairs- Shamrock: *knocking back "zombies," biting a few* "Heh...Like old times..." Jun: "Yo." Shamrock: "???" hyakuya: HYAAAAAH!!! *charging at him* lilac: !!!!! naho: !!!! Shamrock: "!!!" *body-slammed* koyuki: *possessed by jinn, shuffling to lily, but collapses* nngh misono: ?!.... !!!!! shinoa: *holding a black and green scythe* oh, fancy seeing you here. misono: s-SHINOA?! shinoa: ....i'll explain later, for now, lets deal with this. misono: r-right! Lily: "We begin~" Shamrock: "Get off of me!" Jun: *holy water Super Soaker spray to Shamrock's face* Shamrock: "GAK! My eye!" hyakuya: DIE YOU BLOOD SUCKER! naho: SHAM!! Shamrock: "Naho! Get everyone out of here!" *desperately swinging his fists--hitting Hyakuya in the stomach* lavender: shit, we gotta bail, now! *she takes lilac and runs with otogiri and belkia* naho: but what about you? they- Belkia: "Hold up! We can't leave Sham behind!" Shamrock: "GO!" *tackles Hyakuya--and lunges at her neck* hyakuya: GRK-...im not....gonna be LIVESTOCK!!! *blocking him* Shamrock: *hands crash again Hyakuya--and he wails in pain* "Damn! That hurt!" hyakuya: i made a promise to my family, that i would take out every last one of you damn vamps, even if it kills me! mitsuba: NOW'S NOT THE TIME FOR YOU TO BE TALKING ABOUT YOUR TRAGIC PAST! WE HAVE A JOB RIGHT NOW! hyakuya: D8< Shamrock: *looking at his wrists...his right one looks broken* "Damn it...What happened to me?" Jun: "Holy water. Evens the playing field." *kick to Shamrock's back, knocking him towards Mitsuba* -upstairs- mahiru: *exposing his arm* come on sakuya, you need to drink. Sakuya: "I-I...I can't...C-Can I?" Kuro: *observing Tsubaki and Mr. Tsubaki* "Please...wake up...Do not go..." mahiru: *he nods* it's what friends are for, right? tsubaki: *waking up* nnn.... *her eyes open* Sakuya: "..." *bites* Mr. Tsubaki: *crying in his sleep* "I'm...I cannot...I cannot..." mahiru: *wince*.... tsubaki:....*she hugs him* if you need to talk, i'll leave the door open... Mr. Tsubaki: *his eyes open, feeling her near him* "...Tsubaki...I cannot be here...I will...have to leave." tsubaki:....*she writes something down* here....if you need to talk.....i'll try to convince black*star to reach out too. -its the address to her new residence- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* *looks at Sakuya* "...Mahiru...Stand aside." Sakuya: "???" mahiru:....*backing up* ???: upstairs! head upstairs! mahiru: ?! Mr. Tsubaki: *lays a hand over Sakuya's wound...healing it completely* *hears the noise* "...That's my cue to leave. Sakuya...I release you, and your family, from my service. This...is a path I walk alone. Goodbye." *runs* tsubaki: wai- Mr. Tsubaki: *hugs her tightly* Mr. Tsubaki: "Please...take care of my family." tsubaki: ah. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *kiss on her cheek* tsubaki: *small blush* !! Mr. Tsubaki: *lets go...looks at her...and leaves his glasses behind, as he runs away* tsubaki: ..... Jun: *from afar* "This way! He's escaping!" mahiru: !!! kuro, sakuya! lets go! Sakuya: *struggling to move* "O-Okay...Get my family out of here...Please, Tsubaki..." tsubaki:...r-right. mahiru: *summons broom, and positions sakuya onto it* hold on. Sakuya: "What else would I do...?" Jun: "You! Stop!" *pursuing Mahiru* mahiru: *flies off* tsubaki: wait.....he's not a threat. Jun: "...Damn. We only caught one of those subclasses...and Melancholia escaped." tsubaki:....i'll handle them. Shuuhei: "You? What can you do?" tsubaki:...i think i have something in mind...*small smile* i'll resolve this peacefully. -on a rooftop some ways away- Mr. Tsubaki: *lands on the rooftop* "...My family...My blossom...I love you all...Please, be safe." -at the mansion- naho:....they still arent back.... Belkia: "Damn it...We shouldn't have left." lilac:........*trembling* lavender: hey, its gonna be ok... im sure the three of them will be back any moment... -outside- mahiru: so this is the place then? Kuro: "..." Sakuya: "Yeah..." *panting* "Jeez, that still hurts..." mahiru:...so you're really going to stay with them then, huh? Sakuya: "I need to...I can't leave him alone..." mahiru: ?? Sakuya: "...Kuro...I think you should stay here..." Kuro: "..." mahiru:..... Kuro: "Okay...Mahiru, are you going in with him?" Sakuya: *grunts, struggling to keep balance* mahiru: .....you ok? Sakuya: "...I had a hand jabbed into me." *smirk* "Do I _look_ okay? Help me in already." Kuro: "Do it. I'll be out here if you need me..." *opens 3DS* mahiru: ah, right! naho: ?? !!! SAKUYA! lilac: s-sakuya! *they hug him* Sakuya: "H-Hey, guys...Um...Ouch! That's still sensitive." Belkia: "SAKUYA!!!" *bear hugs Naho, Lilac, and Sakuya* otogiri:....*looks at mahiru* mahiru:.....i'll just be going now. otogiri:...tsubaki...shamrock...they arent with you? Belkia: "???" -mahiru explains- otogiri:...then we'll wait for his return. Sakuya: "...'Return'?" lavender: hell yeah, after all he did for us...just bailing wouldnt be right. Belkia: *sniff sniff* "TSUBAKYUUUN! We need our daddy home!!!" otogiri:....i believe he will return, some day. its...just a feeling i have....for now, we should pack our things..... naho: ?? Belkia: "...Moving? Again? Boo! I like this place..." otogiri:...he gave us instructions, to go to _that_ place.... -evening- tsubaki: and that's what all happened. stocking: damn.... Kid: "...Tsubaki, I'm so sorry..." Black Star: *serious face* tsubaki:.... im not sure what will happen next...but i intend to face it head on....*She holds black*Star's hand* Black Star: Q___Q tsubaki: *she hugs him* -knock knock knock- stocking:....??? *she answers* yes? Black Star: "???" lilac:...um...........uhhhhhh... lavender: hey. naho: hi. *waves* otogiri: pardon the intrusion. Belkia: "Howdy!" Black Star: "Lilac? Weird woman? Naho? Nurse woman? Crazy circus fucker?" Belkia: *whispers to Naho* "I think he called _you_ the weird woman..." otogiri: higan, sakuya, the door is open you know. stocking: O_________O -__________- oh god dammit... naho: >Xp
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gulescamisade · 7 years
Minnesota:  Day 22
DAVESPRITE: -lurking in the woods some distance away from the batterwitch headquarters. Shades gleam. There... that's where the prisoners are being kept. Where Jade and Jane are. DS sends a brief message to Hal and Jadesprite about it.-
JADE: -But it's neither Jadesprite or Hal that answer him first. Instead, there's a flash of green light behind him, a growling note too close to some kind of beast.-
JADE: hello davesprite
DAVESPRITE: -the static in the air makes his feathers stand on end but the millisecond she appears, Davesprite whirls to face her. The sword tucked still in his sylladex and out of her sights.-
DAVESPRITE: -he fixes her with a look from behind the shades, taking the sight of her in.- ...this is some noxious deja vu going down right now
DAVESPRITE: you would think seeing it coming would make it easier but nah
DAVESPRITE: still a pill
DAVESPRITE: and im still swallowing it down dry
JADE: i really dont care to hear even more tragic ramblings right now
JADE: did you think i wouldnt notice youve been lurking around here?
DAVESPRITE: i know for a fact that you would
DAVESPRITE: but now youre here and now im here and hey this is crazy...
DAVESPRITE: you know how it goes
JADE: have you come to volunteer yourself for her imperious condescensions army? im sure we could use a sprite
JADE: she might even let you have an honorary position
DAVESPRITE: -raises wings and flaps in place, letting out a very bird-like chortle. Ha.- god i know its all kinds of inapropro but its like were meeting again for the first time
DAVESPRITE: you an evil psychohound and me
DAVESPRITE: some alien ghost hella committed to his fursona i guess its like the neopets forum all over again
DAVESPRITE: whats better than this
DAVESPRITE: its ride or die harley i know you dig the chest feathers
JADE: no thanks
JADE: ive had enough of your issues to last a lifetime, feathers or no
JADE: you could make a good snack though
JADE: im starting to become fond of the taste of poultry >:K
DAVESPRITE: and then by god she vored me
DAVESPRITE: i have to say this isnt the first time ive been threatened in this exact way and thank god
DAVESPRITE: i thought i was going to have to wait for that slot on the geeky supervillain bingo card
DAVESPRITE: hilarious if it werent so fucked up
DAVESPRITE: but i know youve had enough of me every me every dave in existance
DAVESPRITE: ive just not had enough of you yet and im not sure im ever going to be
DAVESPRITE: or eat me i guess
DAVESPRITE: same principle applies
JADE: -her eyes narrow, bushy hair standing on end with the slightest of static from her own power. He knows too much, and maybe more she doesn't know.- i have a better idea JADE: -in one quick motion she raises her hands and forms her fingers into the vague shape of a square, framing him in her sight... and then she draws them closer, then twisting them into a little circle. It's something she doesn't need to do, but it feels fun and demonstrative, anyway. Of course, as she does this, Davesprite's world grows larger -- as he grows smaller.-
JADE: grrrr... >:K -reaches out to GRABBO HIM.-
DAVESPRITE: -The world gets larger... no he gets smaller. Pocket-sized in such a way he was capable of doing on his own but never by an outside power. He allows her to grab him, SQUAWKING as she does so.-
DAVESPRITE: always comes down to this huh -HK.-
JADE: if youre not going to leave then ill keep you with me
JADE: you know how it is
JADE: keep your friends close and your enemies closer?? -slides a thumb over his mouth.- you really should stop talking though
DAVESPRITE: -The thumb swiping at his mouth is happening but DS does nothing to stop it. Helpless... but also not really. Bleh. He angles his face away to get at attempting to talk again.-
DAVESPRITE: how close are we talkin here -asks with his face squished, squinting an glowy eye at her.-
DAVESPRITE: its a good opportunity as any
DAVESPRITE: why not tell me about yourself a lil
DAVESPRITE: i been dying came all this way to know
DAVESPRITE: who is the hot mom behind the canines and dog breath yo
DAVESPRITE: whos jade now
DAVESPRITE: (ill tell you dogg)
DAVESPRITE: (shes bad to the bone) D
AVESPRITE: jesus christ that didnt even need a segueway(edited)
JADE: -rolls eyes- are you done yet?
JADE: i have a lot of work to do and you have a lot of things to not do -squeezes him once, and then with another flash of green they're back inside the building. It's a fairly nondescript hallway with several doors.-
JADE: i wonder how long youll be able to stay away from the sun? we could find out together
DAVESPRITE: a long long time baby
DAVESPRITE: -is zapped along with her, more or less where he wants to be. He stays tucked in her hand, soft glow bird.- also no im not done yet im just getting warmed up
DAVESPRITE: you want to get down and talk science yet
DAVESPRITE: i have all the time i could want
JADE: -squints down at him.... and then pulls a handkerchief out of her sylladex and drapes it over her hand, and him.-
DAVESPRITE: -he falls quiet... but only for strategic purposes. Wiggles again and fluffs feathers. Time to get comfortable.-
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