fluffypotatey · 10 months
Grandpa Monkey King giving Shi Hou (aka Sun Wukong) the title of the new monkey king is wonderful T^T it’s so great. I was so proud of my boy but then
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s0fter-sin · 3 months
i love that they made morph non binary, obviously it makes sense for a born shapeshifter to have no innate sense of gender but it also means they gave mr “manly man smokes cigars and only drinks beer” wolverine a non binary best friend
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jay-wasstuff · 2 years
Some homemade memes of Dragon Age Absolution
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chaoffee · 6 months
Venti was a free spirit, for him; freedom was one of the most important things - if not, then the most important one. Of course, being in a relationship takes some of your freedom away but Venti didn't mind it one bit - since it was you he is together with.
For you, he would give everything without hesitation and still be happy, because you are by his side.
He is always very open about his feelings - be it by his mimic, his actions or even his words. You always feel loved, every second - and Venti made sure of it.
He loves gliding over to you just to put a Cecilia into your hair, saying; “There you go! A pretty flower for the prettiest flower I've ever laid my eyes upon~”, with a cheeky smirk.
The Archon then plants a kiss on your cheek, whispering; “I love you, Orion.. very much so.”
~ 💐 (you opened the 20th door of my advent calendar <3)
Hello??? Please this has me weak, I was not expecting this at all and just the amount of overflowing joy that took over lmfao my hands actually started cramping from the sudden joy 💀
Please, this is such a gift to me ; - ; thank you so much for this little treat 💐 anon. You have no idea how much it means or how happy you just made me. May you blessed with everything you ever desire and may happiness be with you always <3
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koritea · 5 months
arent you the artist who was really against tisoxtamer a few years ago?
Yeah lol. I was like 14 tho and we don't support Mini Andy's decisions in this house
Also the fact that you know that is hilarious to me, because that means you've SEEN the post AND you've seen the one time i mentioned I'm xheart on this blog 😭 how does it feel to be my biggest fan /JOKING
But yeah I'm chill with tisoxtamer. I don't ship it personally but it ain't my business what you ship 👍 (as long as it's. Y'know. Legal and ethical.)
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princessefemmelesbian · 4 months
Just saw this on Quora and wtf:
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I may not like Madoka Magica(and in fact anyone who follows me for long enough will know that I hate that anime with a burning passion), but even so that still doesn't make comments like this okay.
I am so tired of people acting like lesbianism(and non-straight identities in general but in this case we're talking about lesbians) is inherently sexual, deviant, and inappropriate. These are the same type of people who think that kids can't be gay or even be told about the possibility of homosexuality because it will groom their young minds or something, as if being gay is something you're groomed into being. And I am sick of people acting like a character can't be gay/lesbian because it doesn't fit their personality or because they're a child or because they're "innocent" or some stupid-ass shit like you're just reinforcing the idea that straight is the default and that straight is morally more pure and "normal" and acceptable than being gay. I bet Larry Koopa doesn't care if a kid the same age as or younger than Madoka(who is 14) is portrayed as straight, because to them that's not inherently sexual the way that being gay is. But a kid being gay? Now don't you think that's going a little bit too far?
This person definitely thinks that all lesbians are mean and hateful and bitter, probably because they measure a woman's level of decency in accordance to how attracted to men they are(which is how we got that ugly fucking "mean bisexual, even meaner lesbian" joke in the first place).
I agree with Peyton Peyons. Madoka is a lesbian, end of story, and nobody gives a shit whether you want to call her your waifu or not, because she doesn't even know you exist. Get out of her, dawg.
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dinodinodin0 · 2 years
whos unfullowed me. ill eat your bones and do it again in the morning, leaving you bewhildered and confused. once youre flesh and wriggling, ill come back. you gain a bone. i have taken it again. your only pride. your only joy. i giveth the femur and i will taketh away. i will make a bone pile and scurry about in it, i will grow more powerful from simply being beside your bones, and i will keep your original ones in a suitcase, in another suitcase, and put that on a pedestool. nobody is to touch your bones but me. i will wear your skinsuit as a mesh top, and wear it to coachella, so you must wittness coked up coachellers shaking ass they do not have on to a youtube MUA that has never grown out of 2017 makeup. you will be forced to listen to festival goers barf, and sing the lyrics to a song they shouldnt, and once im home and youre alcohol drenched from me spilling my mikes hard multiple times not out of malice but drunken clumsiness, i will hang you up in the hotel room closet. i will leave. i will go in my car and leave you there, but ride back and say shit i forgot my skin and take you back. honest mistake. then, as i check out, the receptionist will try to arrest me. they will not prevail. we will make a getaway, and from me not wearing you but puting you in the shotgun and strapping you in, you feel a sense of soul. autonomy. as the cops chase us, guns blazing and winsheilds shattering in action, my yells of profanities at the pigs muddle. you smile. you know why you unfollowed. this journey has given you back your virtues. you look at me shooting back at the police, and feel your heart stop. is it love? yes. but you are also having a heart attack. you die. but you follow me back first. first you follow me back. you die.
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beardedhandstoadshark · 7 months
Character you don't particularly like, but will defend vehemently when people dislike them for the wrong reasons?
Am I allowed to say "pretty much every child/teenager or female character ever“
With the first one, how dare the character act their age, this is clearly a fault of the writing itself and should be corrected by having 8y olds talk like adults and teens be super rational all the time, because good writing should work to make the actions of characters as likable to the watcher as possible regardless of how much sense it makes for the character, and any action that doesn’t cater to this makes the character inherently evil and unredeemable, deserving of any horrible thing that happens to them because they were kinda annoying for 3 seconds.
And the second one is literally just "god forbid women do anything“. Like. You’ve seen the reactions to the Barbie movie, right? The one that’s basically just "hey what if we took the actual gender rules of society we currently live in and switched them“, and people lost their minds over Barbie treating Ken the same way they most likely treat women in real life, let alone how female characters are often treated in media. Got forbid women do anything other than being eternally nice. Or having their own agency in a situation. Or existing.
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tweedstoat · 2 years
The Dayne shunning theory is my absolute favorite! Like yes!! Consequences for what happened to Elia and her kids!! Whether it’s fairly handed out or not, it’s satisfying to see. I particularly love it in rhaegar wins fics when Arthur is alive to experience it.
youve probably already read my Elia fic A Tigress not a woman but if you havent i think youll enjoy the Arthur bullying scenes in it because hes basically getting Dayne Shunning in my au
but yes i think theres something so natural about Doran managing to barely keep a hold on dorne after Elias death but the anger has to go somewhere so it all coalesces around the Daynes who can be punished unlike the Lannisters and Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar Targaryen. It's very unfair to Ned and Allyria (and possibly Ashara and Lord Dayne if they werent involved) but also super understandable to lash out at an easy accessible target.
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yikez · 1 year
not my friend replying with "you're obsessed with a teacher" to me saying she has an online boyfriend as a way of banter...girl....what the fuck is wrong with you
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msfcatlover · 2 years
Working my way through these comics, and I gotta say…
…at the very least, I’ll be able to throw all this canon out with insufferably smug authority by the time I’m through.
#my life#dc comics#mine#//#The NTT 1st Starfire wedding had me frothing at the mouth with rage though#Everyone out here acting like Dick walking away after being repeatedly told to sit down & shut up by everyone in Kory’s family#(INCLUDING HER) when she was clearly miserable but refusing to advocate for herself (OOC WTF) after speaking up so often & aggressively on#her behalf at one point he was accused of trying to PICK A FIGHT WITH THE ROYAL FAMILY. Like he somehow needs to PROVE himself after risking#his neck for her happiness repeatedly for weeks. Like he’s abandoning her by saying ‘’Hey just a heads up but if you really don’t want to#marry that guy than I’m gonna need some support here. Also you should know I’m not just going to be your side piece back on Earth#so if this wedding goes ahead do not expect us to be more than friends going forwards.’’#Dick says he’s respecting her choice & her bro’s like ‘’If you do not fight for her you will lose her’’#SIR YOU WERE ACCUSING HIM OF PICKING FIGHTS WITH YOU NOT THREE DAYS AGO!#’’Why didn’t Dick say anything to stop this?!’’#BITCH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HE HAS SAID & DONE NOTHING BUT TRY TO STOP THIS SINCE THE SECOND HE FOUND OUT?!?!#Everyone out here acting like he needs to pull a Graduate to ‘’prove himself’’ or something like relationships aren’t a two way street!#and then#after disaster & the wedding & everything#her mom finds out the rescue team also picked Dick up out of the fucking prison Kory’s new hubby was rotting in while they were there#and she’s like ‘’How dare that earthling come here! Does he not realize he’s only hurting her worse?!’’#MA’AM. LADY. DO YOU THINK HE’S FLYING THE RESCUE SHIP? DO YOU THINK HE HAS ANY SAY IN WHAT’S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?#WHAT WAS HE SUPPOSED TO JUST SIT THERE AND WAIT FOR BLACKFIRE TO PUBLICLY EXECUTE HIM?!#He gets there. Kory walks straight past him to reprocess her dedication to her husband. Not even acknowledging Dick.#He walks away rather than explode at anyone and she’s like ‘’He didn’t even say hello!’’ NEITHER DID YOU!#WHY IS EVERYONE ACTING LIKE THIS IS HIS FAULT#MY MAN DID EVERYTHING RIGHT#(And then just to prove the writer hates Dick they throw in ‘’Oh yeah. Then his birthday passed while waiting for pickup back to Earth.’’#Bruce is insensitive to the point of cruelty about it. And Donna also acts like this is allDick’s fault.)#…#I read that arc months ago
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undyinglantern · 19 days
that being said, i am always a sucker for emo boys (aethetically), and people who show strong platonic/familial affection (emotionally) so i need to shake his shoulders and rattle his brain and know everything about this man
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this is the closest we get to seeing what hes like aside from caring about his brothers. hes snickering and then just runs off like, does he have a mischievous side. does he like to mess around. please tell me any other thing about him aside from "protective." like even when he was Going Through It, that was still connected to figuring out tf yuji was and why he had memories of him being one of his brother
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like-wuatafauq · 21 days
I hope the husband of the wonderful talented strong lady, who put the kids in front of her before she could finish her race(which she was winning), knows that everyone hates him.
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asakurahaos · 1 month
'everyone saying the outfits didnt match the theme should do their research bc it was on theme!! 😡 their coats had embroidered flowers on the inside!'
the flowers that we got to see for 0.1 second, while they were taking off their coats and handing them to be carried away and not to be seen for the rest of the gala?? and the theme WASNT flowers???
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marmotsomsierost · 3 months
Advocating for your family and their medical care is incredibly important.
Being upset that you didn't get an explanation of exactly why your family was discharged is understandable. Even if it is clearly written in the discharge paperwork. It can be legitimately difficult to decode the papers, especially if there is a language or cognitive concern.
Like i will even grant that raising your voice and using demanding language is not necessarily the incorrect choice. Something sucks, you shouldn't have to be sweet and deferential about it.
Loudly berating every single person in scrubs that you see and stating how you are advocating for your family, that you just want them to get the care we would want for our own family, we all are terrible and not doing our jobs because we don't care about our patients, we don't care about someone being in pain and how are you going to discharge a patient without running (test not usually done in the ED in a nonemergent situation) or (test you have already had because your doctor ordered it and we have literally nothing to do with in the ED because we neither performed it nor interpreted it) AND you are 'documenting who i talk to and when and what they say and i need everyone's name who says anything to me' AND after spending six hours sitting in the lobby stewing because the doctor hasn't come talk to you yet while loudly calling everyone you know to talk shit about us and rehash all of the above you say - with absolutely no sense of shame -
that you have been taking photos and video of 'people sitting on their ass' not doing anything
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And when i say "You cannot take pictures in here" you say "it doesn't say i can't" and when i say "it is very clearly posted several places that it is not allowed" you say "well i don't see them" and security chimes in pointing out exactly where they are you pause and then say - again, with absolutely no shame -
"Well as much as you all haven't been doing your jobs, i clearly didn't read it"
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And THEN you say 'i don't care, i have been documenting all of this because my lawyer told me to because this is (reiteration of entire rant from beginning)'
and you are fucking lucky that you got the charge nurse and doctors that you did get because if you had a problem with doc A's attitude holy shit would you have gone ballistic nylon batshit pants if you'd had doc B. And if you'd had a different charge or a different house sup you would have been physically removed the second you said word one about taking pictures. Patients have been removed for taking pictures or video, and you're not even the patient!
"I've been here for five hours and the doctor STILL hasn't come to talk to me. That's how much this hospital is worth. They don't treat the patients right."
We have one doctor. One. If the waiting room is standing fucking room only...maybe, JUST MAYBE, he hasn't come talk to you FOR THE SECOND TIME because HE CAN'T.
Anyway. Fuck this day, i'm going home and i'm gonna be just this side of blowing my speakers out on some marcus miller to try and regain an iota of patience.
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starkeyisthelastname · 5 months
stepbro!rafe tricking you (being innocent) that he needs help but actually you cockwarm him and you ask him why you feel so weird on your privatparts and he just talks with you through it until he just cums inside you cause he couldn’t take it anymore
Hehe. 🤭
“Lock the door behind you.” Rafe’s voice said quietly as you patted into the bedroom.
You wondered why your step-brother wanted the door locked to watch a movie, but didn’t say anything as he always told you he knew best. Kicking off your furry slippers, you happily climbed into the bed where he was waiting.
“What movie are we watching Rafey?” You asked cutely, voice soft as you snuggled next to him. Your heavy tits pressed against his bicep as you looked up at him with curious eyes.
The ache ran straight to his cock as he glanced down at you. You were the fucking prettiest thing with your long eyelashes, full lips and gorgeous little body. He absolutely had to have you and he knew you would do anything to make him happy.
“Whatever you want sweetness.” He told you.
Your eyes widened at this as Rafe hardly ever let you pick. You eagerly grabbed the remote and began shuffling through one streaming app to another, not realizing your step-brother was getting a little impatient. The way you were wiggling around as you babbled on about how you couldn’t decide was making Rafe’s cock swell. Your tits bouncing with each little movement you made, nearly spilling out of the tiny silk tank top you wore.
Grabbing your hips, he sat you down in his lap to be still, not caring about the kitten like whine that left your mouth. “Sit still and pick the fucking movie. Yeah?” He said roughly.
You nodded with a bratty frown, as you finally picked the Cinderella Story. You snuggled your back further into Rafe’s chest, your ass resting snugly between his spread legs. He reached over to turn the lamp off, making the room dark except from the girly movie playing. Your eyes engrossed into the shit that he could care less about, as he leaned back against the pillows.
Half way through the movie, you didn’t even realize the large tip of your step-brother’s cock was poking at your entrance. You had been so focused on the screen that Rafe’s hands pulling your shorts aside hasn’t even crossed your mind.
“Rafey what are you-..” Your voice turning into a whimper as he pushed his cock into your warm cunt.
“Hush and watch your movie. You are gonna help me. Okay? You love helping your big bro don’t you?” He whispered in your ear.
He was right. You did love helping him. So you sat there and took it like a good step-sister. You tried your best to turn your attention back to the movie, all while your princess parts felt so full. Rafe had you right where he wanted. Tight little cunt fluttering around his fat length as he held you still, warming his cock in the process. He couldn’t help but let out a small groan as he had never felt anything so incredible.
“Rafey-why do you feel so weird?” Your voice shaky as you unknowingly soaked his cock.
“Shhh- sweetness. You just sit on my cock like a good girl.” The older boy told you, hands coming down to hold your waist firmly. He was embarrassed to say how close he was to bursting inside of you, your pussy squeezing his dick in vice grip.
Little moans and whimpers left between your lips as the weird sensation just kept getting more intense. You knew somewhere in your mind that this was wrong but your step-brother knew best didn’t he? You were helping him after all.
“Shit.. sweet girl keep squeezing me like that.” Rafe grunted, each time your cunt clenched around him when he would move even slightly. The pride he was losing at the edge of already cumming inside of you, made him want squeeze your throat in frustration. How dare his step-sister have such an incredible pussy that made him want bust his load?
He couldn’t hold back anymore, his hand instinctively coming to your throat to grab. You squeaked out his name, your smaller hand coming to rest on his as the warmth of something gooey shot up inside you.
“Such a good little slut..” Rafe barely whispered. “I mean helper. Such a good little helper.”
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