herearedragons · 4 months
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here we go again
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kstarlitchaotics · 3 months
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It surprises me that people will say that Bruce wouldn't cuddle with Jason like a father would to his very own child oh you mean like this yeah it's very ooc for people not to put in ideas(with fics drawings ect) that Bruce wouldn't cuddle nor would be warm to Jason I mean this is actual canon
And correct me if I'm wrong but I think have seen another panel like a flashback or something of Jason remembering a time when he got sick and Jason sat with him on the couch as he is close to Jason and he leans onto Bruce as he rests oh yeah people really do make them especially Jason ooc for that
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littlelightfish · 4 months
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I will scream at every non-romantic post I see about these guys. Writers be not afraid. I will love their non-romance fics. I'll blow up your coment section all alone if I have to. I will find you. Artists be not afraid. I will reach tag limit on your artpiece. If I see it at least. And if I don't, I will eventually. Or I'll try. Or @me so I won't fail you.
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green-tea-lemonade · 1 year
hii can you please draw applebees/davesol/soldave/honeycrisp... they are my lifefurce....
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Heeeeey anon
Sorry that this legit took so long to get to but this one and another actually stumped me a bit! But lets go ahead and talk some Honeycrisp!
It's funny but as I'm starting to go through ships, I actually find that Sollux is surprisingly moldable to ship with in most quadrants with any character with just a few characters that I think it's pretty obvi he'd be one way or another with them. Dave is one that I can actually see these two being an all-around deal. I think it's actually extremely easy to see either of them together in a red, pale, or pitch manner. Personal opinion though, I think I could see them shift from pitch to pale. However, I do understand the idea of them in red! Trying to go down a little bit of the more romantic route, Dave can somehow get Sollux to be pretty talkative when working if he says the right things. Both of them are pretty tall so there is a pretty frequent amount of them coming up behind the other and attempting to use them like an armrest just for the hell of it. Sollux's constant amount of electronic-like noises from his powers is actually fuel and used snippets in some of Dave's music. I see them being somewhat private about affections towards one another mostly because they don't feel like its anybodys business to glimpse into those parts from the outside of their lives. They're really casual about it though.
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duckduckngoose · 5 months
I'll forever be sad i wasnt into taz back in 2019-2020 and i couldnt run surveys back than because id LOVE to compare the fandom from then to how it is now
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ahalliance · 2 years
stanford university had a gender clinic/transgender research and health program from the 70s onwards . stanford is in california . hills valley is in california . doc brown has ties to caltech and no doubt other californian universities . marty mcfly is a trans . do you see my vision here
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lizard-zombie · 2 years
Had an idea and im too lazy to write it and i don’t know enough about the tlou universe so here’s a word vomit instead
So you and Joel are a thing. Y’all met at QZ and after a year or two, you and Joel became a couple. Maybe you are besties with Tess or maybe you are just friends/acquaintances. Up to you. Regardless of your relationship with Tess, you three work and most likely live together.
You understand that Tess and Joel are good friends and great partners. You weren’t jealous of Tess. The green eyed monster never made an appearance since you got together with Joel.
He reminded you of your talents, your little quirks, those tiny habits that had him falling in love with you and only you. He quelled your fears and insecurities until an unshakable trust was solidified in your heart and your mind. Now you two are almost four years strong in your relationship. Once you found peace, you were able to admire Tess without feeling any doubt. Strong, independent, smart, she was someone you strived to be.
Your feelings about her didn’t change even when you found out that she harbored feelings for your lover. Tess admitted it to you one late night. It was just the two of you and some bottles of shitty beer. She respected you and respected Joel. She was glad to step back for the two of you. Joel was happy and that was all she cared about. Even if Tess felt the desire to rip him away from you, she was sure Joel’s heart would always be with you. She bet her favorite two guns on it. You two became a lot closer after that.
Now Tess was dead. Joel was different after her death. Anyone would be after having someone close to you sacrifice themselves for your safety. You did your best to comfort him and support him as you both grieved. But as the days went by, your relationship with him felt off. Most times, he’d pull you in and hold you in his strong arms. It was familiar and you happily snuggled into his chest. Sometimes, he would shut you out, refusing to talk, refusing to touch.
You don’t know when it began but that “sometimes” became “most times”. Eventually, he not only shut you out, but he seemed to actively push you away. His gruff voice turned cold, his attitude harsher than usual. There were nights when the Joel you knew resurfaced. Sweet, soft, understanding. He’d apologize for being a dick and you accepted him with open arms. This bliss would only last for a few days and the jaded Joel would nestle in again.
You’d gotten used to this new hot and cold pattern and learned the best ways to deal with these flips. One of the ways to help relive him of whatever had be stressing him was to fuck you. Naturally, you didn’t mind. Depending on his mood, he’d pound into you with no remorse, a monster drilling you into whatever you were against. A tree, a table, the disgusting forest floor. You didn’t care. Joel was take care of you. All you wanted was him and his cock and to help him feel better. While you loved the wild and rough sex, you adored the long, passionate nights where both of you were drunk on each other, love pouring out of every molecule in your bodies.
You thought things would be okay. You thought wrong. It was some odd hour the morning, the embers of the fire hardly even glowing. You and Joel were basking in post-orgasmic bliss, floating in the feelings of being partially awake and mostly asleep. You were relishing in the feeling of him giving sloppy neck kisses when something slipped from his mouth. A name slipped from his mouth. And it wasn’t yours. In his hazy mind, you weren’t here with him.
Tess was.
The sun finally rose and unlike your companions, you hadn’t got a wink of sleep. Suddenly, Joel’s attitude made sense. Everything, his actions, his words, his feelings, it all made sense. Some time when he was mourning, he stopped seeing you and started seeing the ghost of Tess. He loved her. He fucking loved her. And he didn’t even know it.
Tess was dead and had seemed to have taken Joel along with her.
That left you, confused and broken and alone in the land of the living. You didn’t say anything about it and neither did he but you were pretty sure that was because he didn’t even remember saying it. A few days went by and you did your best to distance yourself from your lover.
You wanted to keep calling him your lover, but you kept hearing whispers to add the prefix. An ex-lover. It made you sick to your stomach.
It was almost funny. You were never jealous of Tess when she was alive, but now that she was dead, you found it squeezing you by the throat. Guilt and shame coursed through you every time you caught yourself growing angry. It felt disrespectful to the dead even if you weren’t blaming her.
You let out a pitiful chuckle as you stared at the night sky. Tess lost the bet. She owes you her two favorite guns.
Anyway but yah something like that.
OMG OMG wait ok so train of thought part two lol
Y’all got together after Joel and Tess meet Bill and Frank and you just never really interacted with them. Joel and Tess are private people so they don’t bring up others in conversation even if they are friends with our favorite gays. So the boys don’t know you. You are not included in Bill’s letter to Joel. It’s only Tess.
It didn’t bug you at the time because the thought that Joel wasn’t yours hadn’t crossed your mind. But now you know. And now you think about it. And it breaks you more and more every time.
You get closer to Ellie. You busy yourself with her, allowing yourself to get lost in maternal instinct.
This is where my brain splits.
On one hand, I am living for the angst and think they shouldn’t get together in the end. Even if he tried to come back to you, you refuse and everyone proceeds to be unhappy and hurt. Well not everyone. Like Ellie is happy to have a father and mother figure. But she’s not too happy because said mother and father figure are at serious odds and have an irreparable relationship.
On the other hand, we could continue and Joel works his shit out kind of and realizes that you are acting differently. After brooding mulling over it, he approaches you and brings it up. Naturally, it doesn’t go well and you explode, tell him every. single. thing.
Does he take it well? No. Why would you think otherwise. Probably yells back at you, things escalated and now you two aren’t even looking at each other. You can’t even stand being two feet of him. Ellie is tired of your bullshit but is glad you aren’t taking it out on her.
Eventually we get to see Joel twist and turn and crack and break as he explores himself. Bro is fucked up and he knows this but now he is forced to try to untangle part of his fucked up-ness if he want to repair things with you.
Yay Joel Miller character development <3
While Joel is struggling and suffering, Ellie is trying to talk to you about your relationship. Ellie is a smart and attentive kid. She sees that Joel is trying his best with the whole people thing. She also sees that Joel really cares for you. He does love you.
You tell her that he loved Tess.
Ellie just shrugged. Yeah he loved Tess, but he loves you more. Her death is bringing more things out of him, making him realize his feelings, but that’s part of the mourning process. He’ll return to you. Okay so Ellie is kinda pulling some shit out of her ass but based on some romance novels she managed to snatch, so there had to be some truth to it.
Idk something something but you think about it and eventually become less hostile towards Joel and he more attentive to you. Y’all end up talking and relaxing in each other’s presence. Idk what happens in the game except for a few stuff but ig they get to wherever they are going and you relearn how to trust him again and Joel becomes a softer and more open man. This is a really really long process lol
By the time Joel reunites with his brother, you two are at a point where Joel introduces you as his girlfriend. It’s still fragile but y’all really trying.
It ends with you looking back up at the night sky and whisper that Tess can keep her guns. The bet was not lost after all.
Oh and on the side, y’all eventually get married before Joel…well yk…
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fuck-em-up-your-grace · 8 months
Academia is so left-wing until you actually have to read research papers and then it’s just 20 different papers on why colonization was okay
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tathrin · 1 year
I want you to know that every time you reblog a fic I wrote, I am squealing with joy.
I love your writing so much, it's a huge inspiration for me, and seeing someone like you (who literally posted fanfics on ao3 before I was even born) say how much you love my stuff is the best thing ever. Thank you so much.
(Also can't wait for the next chapter of the zombie fic)
Oh my gods I'm melting right now. Absolutely melting.
I've gone away and come back to this message like seven times without being able to respond because I'm too swamped with warm fuzzy happy feelings to be coherent, thank you so much.
I've been enjoying your writing so much, I'm so delighted and overjoyed and genuinely just tickled pink to use that silly phrase because I truly can't think of anything that sums-up my feeling better to hear you say I've helped inspire you.
Thank you. And you're so welcome.
(Also oh my gods I'm laughing so hard I'm so fucking old lmao.)
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iturbide · 1 year
I think of this banner, the most interesting to me is Byleth there - like hello?? That sure isn't the typical Fallen Hero, she looks very much the same and Not fallen and with the ominous purple aura. Is it just because she's merged a little too much with Sothis?
Then again, I haven't played or even looked at Three Hopes all that much so LMAO
With the understanding that I haven't played Three Hopes yet, it's my understanding that there's a point in each of the three routes where, depending on how you play it, you can recruit Jeralt and Byleth to Shez' side; this will eventually lead to Arval going Evil Mode just before the final chapter and needing to be defeated. Now, logically, if Byleth and Jeralt's recruitment depends on how you play, that means you can miss that opportunity, too...
...and that's where this Fallen Byleth comes in. It seems like if you don't fulfill the optional objectives that would lead to Jeralt's recruitment, you end up having to kill him -- and that breaks Byleth completely, to the point that they allow Sothis to possess them. So this Byleth isn't really Byleth: it's Sothis using Byleth as a vessel, rather like what Rhea wanted all along.
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as-an-offering · 11 months
I am willingly rewatching 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams right now and I have never been more disappointed in myself.
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zeldaelmo · 2 years
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Ok, serious question. Why on Hylia's green earth does the English (and French obviously, too) version of OoT calls this 'magic bean'?
This is not a bean.
This is a pea.
Consequently it's called 'Wundererbse' in German. Maybe someone with cooking experience on the translator team. Or a gardener. 😆
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revoleotion · 11 months
What would Tsubaki's paladin oath be?
@pinkestlittlebutterfly is the local Paladin expert and I am TRYING my best but I will never get it(tm) as much as she does, so that's who you should really ask.
HOWEVER! As far as I understand Paladins, you have SOME freedom when it comes to your oath, maybe not in the game but in general I feel like he has a Oath of Devotion going on but the way he does it is not what you'd expect. He's devoted to his subclasses and will do EVERYTHING to keep them save and happy. I think his original oath might've been towards his creator but now he pledged loyalty to those he wants to protect. Even if they hate him. Even if they resent him. Even if they try to betray and harm him at every turn. He swore to protect them and that's what he'll do.
For all his many..... can of worms, I think he would never be tempted to break that oath either!
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tallmadgeandtea · 2 years
Turnsgiving 2022: Day 1
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Sweet Andre’s Ghost
…And God help her, his voice was wonderful. Deep and rich like fresh honey, dripping down towards her like a song, a poem.
“Good evening,” she said shakily, forgetting that she wanted to sound calm. She bowed her head.
“I believe you dropped something.”
Oh. The basket and the apples and her hoop and her book were still on the ground beside her. She slightly lowered herself, reaching for everything with one hand. He didn’t help her the way a gentleman should’ve. He stayed on his mount, imperiously looking ahead, as if waiting for her to leave.
Foolishly, she couldn’t bring herself to.
“What is your name, Miss?” He asked.
Don’t tell him.
Every man in town knew her father, so why wouldn’t he? What if she did and he picked her up and dragged her back to the British camp, held her for ransom? What if he had men waiting in the woods to snatch her or to-
“Beatrice,” she answered suddenly, compelled, “Beatrice Tanner, sir.” Her full, Christian name.
“Are you from Tappan, or Tarrytown?”
His voice didn’t carry any integrative or curious tone- he simply spoke.
“Tappan, sir,” she said, “though this is the road out of town.” She cocked her head in the other direction, “Tarrytown is across the Hudson.”
He nodded, sighing, “Ah, yes, of course.”
“I have lived here all my life. I’m seventeen.” She felt a biting need to tell him anything that came to her, as if she were never going to speak again.
He didn’t respond.
The wind passed them by in a minute’s silence.
“And who are you, sir?” She turned upwards at him.
He pulled his steady gaze away from her and looked at both sides of the treelines before he answered. She swore she saw him tense, hard lines drawn on his beautiful, new features, a flash of something in his eyes- uncertainty. Fear. Her heartbeat picked up.
“I am a Major in His Majesty’s Army.”
What did a rank mean compared to a name?
Was it all she needed to know?
It should be, Beatrice.
She turned an inch, the basket crooked in her arm, her heart still racing. “Good evening, then, Major-”
“Wait-“ The British soldiers she heard of would have screamed and commanded her, but the Major’s voice was an instant, hollow breath. “I require your assistance, please.” His eyes still held onto the uncertainty. It was the only expression.
“Yes, Major?” She straightened.
“Do you know the way to Philadelphia?”
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kathastrophen · 1 year
thanks youtube - but that's not the kind of harness video I was looking for
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hangesextra · 2 years
Very important question: what year did the problem start & what year does Lockwood & Co start in (in Lucy, Lockwood & George's time)
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