sinnhelmingrmoved · 6 years
the realm of hel; what is the climate? warm? cold? what is the weather on a normal day? does it get the four season?
Against Hel’s every desire to the contrary… Helheim and Niflheim both are tundras stuck in a permanent winter. There is always a biting midwinter chill in the air, well below freezing, with the climate unchanging no matter the time or the seasons on the other side of the River Gjoll. The ground is always hard-packed with snow, an endless expanse of white against a frightful lack of sky.
To that end, while there are never clouds or snowfall to usher in fresh drifts, new snow does tend to appear over time. No one can explain it. The old guard are past questioning it. The weather is thus dead calm at all times, with neither wind nor precipitation to break up the monotony.
It’s boring and terrible and there’s not really much to talk about. It’s a realm devoid of weather patterns or seasons, and for that it’s Hel’s least favorite place in all the realms, save perhaps for Asgard.
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acciotherapists · 2 years
Far From Home (Chapter 18: The Visit)
Loki x Reader
Y/n Y/l/n never thought her past would come back to find her. After all who would look for her on Midgard? But one day in the small town of Puento Antiguo her world is turned upside down when an old friend turns up, threatening everything she has built and the people she’d fought so hard to protect. What happens when the life she left behind finally catches up with her? What happens when the old flame she thought had burned out reignites within her?
Warnings: language (sorry, Steve), eventual smut (slow burn), angst, some mentions of torture (most things won’t be detailed but anything that gets a bit more specific will be warned at the beginning of the chapter)
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The walk to Loki’s cell seemed particularly long as the dread began to seep in. I didn’t know how long I had before Nat would arrive to question Loki so I had to make this quick. I stepped inside the dimly lit room, watching as Loki slowly paced his cell.
“Wonder which agent they’ve sent to torture the information out of me,” he hissed, turning to face me. His facade slipped for just a moment as his eyes locked with mine before he quickly regained his composure.
“Didn’t expect to see you here, though I suppose I should’ve. So, what’s Fury’s play here, hm? Send you down here to get me talking? Try to evoke an emotional response from the cold-hearted God of Mischief,” he sneered.
“Would you shut up for five minutes!” I hissed. “Fury doesn’t even know I’m here but as soon as he sees the footage he will. I don’t know how long I have before they begin your interrogation and I just… I wanted to see if you were okay.”
“Okay?” he scoffed.
"What do you want me to say, Y/n? You let your little hero friends arrest me and now you’re here to... what? Assuage your guilt?” he spat.
“Don’t try to project your feelings onto me. I have nothing to feel guilty about.”
“No?” he replied, sadistically, his eyes cold and calculating as he carefully thought about his next words. “I’m locked in a cell, darling, and you stand, unharmed, on the outside. I wonder how your friends would feel if they knew how you escaped Asgard… or how they would feel about your association with me.” His voice was cold and sinister in my ear as he stared me down from his cell.
“Are you threatening me, Odinson?” I hissed.
“Didn’t you hear, darling? It’s Laufeyson now,” he chuckled darkly, moving closer to the glass separating us.
“Fine, Laufeyson. Don’t think you can just threaten me and I won’t call your bluff. I am not the girl you once knew.”
“I can see that,” he sneered, looking me up and down, his breath fanning the glass.
“What the Hel is that supposed to mean?”
“The girl I knew was far too afraid to stand up for herself. She would never have gone against a direct order to visit a known murderer.”
“It’s different when the murderer is you,” I answered, noticing a slight change in his eyes, though I couldn’t place exactly what it was. The light blue seemed to fade for a moment as his expression faltered and no words left his lips.
“Have I left the God of Mischief speechless?” I chuckled.
“Y/n?” he questioned softly, pressing his hand against the glass. “Darling, why are you here?”
“You know why I’m here,” I answered, growing confused by the sudden change in his demeanor. Confusion crossed his face as he searched my eyes.
“No… I mean why come visit me at all? I’m a murderer. I’ve done unspeakable things. I don’t understand why you would come to see me at all.”
“I needed to make sure you were okay.”
“Why do you care?”
“You know why.”
“Always so vague with your answers,” he chuckled, though the sound was entirely different to what I’d heard just moments ago. It was less dark, almost familiar.
“Enough with the games, Loki. I just needed to make sure you were okay and now that I know you are I’m leaving.”
I turned to leave the room before his voice called out to me. “Y/n, wait! I’m sorry.” 
I turned to face him once more, desperation in his eyes as his hands pressed against the glass.
“What do you want, Loki?”
“Are you okay?” he asked softly.
“I’m fine,” I answered, confused by his change in behavior. He’d always been one to play games but never with me.
“Darling, I’ve known you for years. I know when you’re not saying something.”
“You don’t know me at all, Loki… and clearly I don’t know you either.”
I left without another word before the tears could slip down my cheeks and before I could no longer resist the urge to open his cell and hold him as close to me as possible.
“Do you have any idea how reckless your actions were!” Fury hissed as we stood in the lab where Banner was studying the scepter. I could feel several pairs of eyes on me as Fury continued. “What if he would’ve gotten out?! What exactly was your plan going in there?”
“I didn’t have a plan, sir. I simply wished to make sure he was okay,” I answered, averting my eyes as his own bored into my skull. 
“Okay?” Fury scoffed, moving closer to me. “He’s murdered 80 people in a matter of two days and you’re concerned for his well-being?”
At this I looked up, my eyes locking with Fury’s. “I will always be concerned for his well-being, as you put it. I don’t know why he’s doing this and I’m not saying I agree with what he’s done. What he’s done is horrible and I don’t know that I’ll ever forgive him for it but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want him hurt!”
“And what about the people he’s killed? Did you want them hurt?”
“Sir,” Coulson interrupted. “Perhaps you should go a bit easier on her. She and the target have history. It’s understandable she’d be concerned about him. We may even be able to use their history to discover his plan here.”
Fury paused, thinking about this for a moment before turning back to me.
“You are not to enter that room again without my direct permission and any time with him will be supervised. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir.”
I left the lab after the heated discussion with Fury, no longer able to deal with everyone’s eyes watching me, waiting for me to go crazy and release Loki. After a brief walk to clear my head I made my way to the control room of the helicarrier where Coulson was explaining where he’d sent Jane Foster to keep her safe. Thor turned to me as I entered the room, thanking Coulson and making his way toward me.
“I heard you went to visit Loki,” Thor said as he approached me.
“Yeah, and I’ve already gotten an earful from Fury. I don’t need it from you too,” I retorted.
“I wasn’t planning on it… I just wondered if you were okay.”
“I’m fine. Is she safe?” I asked, pointing to Jane, trying to change the subject.
“She will be. Son of Coul has moved her to a remote location.”
I chuckled at his use of ‘Son of Coul.’ He looked at me curiously, but I simply shook my head and he continued.
“He moved her after Loki took Erik Selvig. Thought it’d be safer for her. I only wish we could’ve gotten to Erik before my brother. He’s a good man.”
“He talks about you a lot. You changed his life. You changed everything around here,” Coulson said as we moved away from the screens.
“They were better as they were,” Thor scoffed. “We pretend on Asgard that we’re more advanced but we come here, battling like bilge snipe.”
“Like what?” Coulson asked, confused.
“Bilge snipe,” Thor answered, before beginning to explain the hideous creatures. “You don’t have those?”
“I don’t think so,” Coulson said.
“No, Thor, they don’t have those,” I chuckled, rolling my eyes.
“I suppose that’s one good thing about Midgard, then. They are repulsive creatures, trampling everything in their path.”
Thor moved to a window, standing in front of it as he looked out at the skyline, seeming deep in thought, before continuing.
“When I first came to Earth Loki’s rage followed me here and your people paid the price… and now again.”
“Thor, you can’t blame yourself for what’s happening here. It’s not your fault,” I said as I moved next to him.
“Always believing the best in people, sister,” Thor chuckled. “I suppose that’s why you spent more time with Loki than most.”
“He was a good man once, Thor. I don’t know what happened to him in the last 60 years but he was good once… hopefully he can be that man again.”
“I hope so too… for your sake at least. He was never like this before… not in our youth at least. In my youth I courted war whereas he always seemed so against it.”
“War hasn’t started yet.” Director Fury’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. “You think you could make Loki tell us where the Tesseract is?”
“I do not know. Loki’s mind is far afield. It’s not just power he craves. It’s vengeance upon me… but more than that… it’s her.” Thor pointed to me and I turned to him confused. “Loki spent every day since you left trying to find you and only grew more restless as the years passed and Heimdall couldn’t see you.” Thor turned to Fury as he continued. “He wants power and his vengeance but more than that he wants Y/n… he wants her safety above anything but also her love. Her forgiveness. There’s no pain would prise this need from him.”
“A lot of guys think that… until the pain starts,” Fury said as he descended the stairs toward Thor and I.
“What are you asking us to do?” I asked him, still not fully recovered from what Thor had said.
“I’m asking… what are you prepared to do?”
“Loki is a prisoner,” Thor interrupted.
“Then why do I feel like he’s the only person on this boat that wants to be here?” Fury argued.
“He has a point, Thor. Something isn’t right about this. Loki wouldn’t give up so easily.”
“I’ve sent Natasha down there. Hopefully she’ll be able to find something useful," Fury continued.
“And if she doesn’t?” I asked.
“Then we’ll resort to other measures.”
Taglist: @purplekitten30 @lokisprettygirl22 @midnights-ramblings @huntress-artemiss @lokis-little-love
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qwanderer · 3 years
What makes a Loki a Loki?
Loki is called upon to be a lot of different people. He’s been raised on Asgard, and that’s formed some of the more basic aspects of his personality and values, but at the same time he has attributes that have been consistently discouraged and pushed down by that culture, and we can see them step forward as he moves into situations where they are encouraged.
Throughout the canons, there are a lot of Lokis. Siege Loki, Lady Loki, Kid Loki and his murderer, Ikol, King Loki, and the God/Goddess of Stories. The earlier aspects I know only by secondhand information, but I’m very familiar with Loki from Young Avengers and Agent of Asgard, some of my favorite comics of all time. But I know some basic facts - the way the earliest Loki was a quintessential comic book villain full of pure simple theatrical mischief and ridiculous schemes, the fact that Lady Loki was a somewhat more sinister appropriator of bodies for her own use.
In my view, MCU!Loki has, at the very least, the same capacity to shift personalities depending on the circumstances, and I haven’t yet seen anything in the Loki show that’s thrown my suspension of disbelief with regards to his characterization.
I’ve seen some people rebel at the idea of Loki gleeful over the destruction of Pompeii and the causing of chaos it allowed, but it reminds me of some meta I wrote very early on in my years of meta-writing in the MCU. The values Loki was raised with, Asgardian values, sometimes treat death very lightly, especially death in battle, especially human or otherwise non-Aesir death. In the Aesir context, at least to a certain extent and certainly in terms of what we’ve seen Odin teach his sons onscreen, violence is honorable, fighting is an adventure, lives are cheap and Valhalla is the ultimate goal.
I think a lot of the central conflict of Loki’s character is that he follows some of these principles to their logical conclusions in situations that Aesir values never meant them to cover. If life is unimportant, then it won’t be so bad if I tell Thor that Odin is dead. If the throne of Asgard has dominion over all the Nine Realms, then why shouldn’t I rule Midgard?
But he also shifts the way he acts to suit the situation. He is a shifter, it’s what he does. On Asgard, he is expected to be a warrior, a dignified prince, a companion and support for his brother. The values are bravery and dignity, and so a lot of what he projects there is bravado and elegance, which are close enough for him to get by.
When he is taken by Thanos, the only things Thanos wants and values are power and death. So Loki becomes an avatar of power and death. He carries that with him to Earth, because he is still very much under the jurisdiction of Thanos. But he very quickly learns how to use and manipulate Earth values, like wit and pathos. They seem to fit him better than the others, and he carries them through the other movies and the different frameworks he finds himself in.
He also tends to carry Asgard with him, the knowledge that he’s a prince, destined to be a king, that he needs to carry himself a certain way, with that elegance, dignity and bravado.
When I see Loki in the first episode of the show, I recognize him as some of the deepest, most quintessential parts of Loki that have only been allowed to peek out on occasion before. And that is due to manipulation on Mobius’s part - Mobius makes it very clear what he expects of Loki. To get down to the very basic levels of him and find out his motivations, what makes him fundamentally himself - “What makes Loki tick?” There’s a quiet void there, and the only thing that’s being asked of Loki, for once, is that he sit down and fill that void with words - the truest and most sincere words possible.
There’s a clear and interesting divide between that phase for Loki, and the phase we see in episode two - Mobius has stopped providing that space, and in the interim, he’s made it very clear what he expects Loki to be like, what mold he’d prefer the trickster to fit into.
The hard-working, lovable scamp.
Loki is hiding his deepest self again, which we all do most of the time. Loki can’t feel that deeply and express that freely all the time. Because of the environment he’s in - which may not be any more or less free than any of the other environments he’s experienced - he expresses himself in a particular way. He is the hard-working, mischievous scamp Mobius has been pushing him to be.
I don’t think he’s any more or less himself than he’s ever been - he’s simply responding to different pressures. And the pressures of this episode press him very hard into the Neal Caffrey mold. Which is an interesting mold in itself - when I was writing White Collar fic, I made a point to distinguish who Neal was when he was with Peter and who he was under different circumstances - prison, witness protection, with Mozzie, with Kate. (I wrote an autistic Kate, and had him most freely himself when he was with her.)
Like Neal Caffrey, the Episode 2 Loki is treading a line between behaviors that will get him things because he’s useful and compliant, behaviors that will demonstrate that he’s into minor trickery for fun now and might not be getting up to anything bigger, and those bigger tricks that are definitely still running in the background. It’s the obvious balance for a trickster on a leash with an indulgent bureaucrat.
You can see that it’s a facade in the way that he is near tears when he sees the Ragnarok paperwork, but when he brings it to Mobius’s attention and Mobius expresses his sympathies, Loki says “Yes, very sad,” and then dismisses it in favor of moving on to his mischievous enthusiasm over the resulting theory he’s had.
Like all good lies, it’s built out of truth, so when I see this Loki, I see pieces of the Loki I know, just put together a little differently, which is how Loki seems to do it.
Although he’s not free as he might hope to be, and in fact threading a narrow path between a very constricting set of pressures, I do still think he’s enjoying the dropped expectations of dignity and elegance. I think he’s enjoying being in a culture that encourages him to be a geek. To go on about the things he’s passionate about and his areas of expertise. And I think that’s a lot of what unsettles people about this Loki, because that elegance and dignity have carried everywhere else with him. And I’m not going to argue that the TVA are doing anything nice for him - quite the contrary - but I still do enjoy seeing him able to be the geek he’s always had the inclination to be, in the right circumstances.
It makes me wonder, a little, how much his mother is on his mind right now, after the first episode, because if I had a guess, the last time he’s felt free to be this enthusiastic and expressive about his interests is in magic lessons with her as a child.
So. The other variant.
We know from the Lady Loki comics arc that Loki can possess other people’s bodies over the long term, and we know from kid!Loki and his murderer interacting in YA that the original occupant of a body can sometimes hang around and talk back, if only as a figment of his imagination. We know from most incarnations that Loki can go to a lot of dark places if the circumstances push him to it.
As I’ve said before, I’m intrigued by the question the difference between the two variants poses - how much different can two Lokis be before they are no longer meaningfully the same person?
We’ve got clues on both sides, of course - our scamp on a leash saying “I wouldn’t do this to myself” on the side of them being not the same person, and the vengeful goddess he’s chasing saying “I was afraid they’d found a better version of me” on the side of them being the same person.
The more I think about it, the more I’m willing to predict that this vengeful goddess is, in some way, an incarnation of Loki. But (be warned, I’m going to reference Stephenie Meyer now) it could be in as small a way as something out of The Host - a stolen body’s original personality fighting dirty against the invading spirit.
If this is something based on the character of Sylvie from the comics, it could still be anything from a person - human or Asgardian - chosen and manipulated by Loki to do his bidding, to a full-on possession, or even a body constructed for a specific purpose but developing its own personality traits.
We know this variant is a body hopper, and Mobius’s briefing mentioned that it’s an inherent ability of most Lokis to shapeshift, so there are a lot of potential explanations for this unfamiliar shape.
But the differences between the variants could also stem mostly from different experiences.
The only thing I’m at all sure of is that this variant has also been tortured by Thanos. It’s possible that she branched earlier - that the wild desperation of having freshly escaped Thanos translated into being dragged into the TVA like a cornered wildcat, on the raggedy edge and desperate enough to go all-out to get out of the collar while still in the custody of the minute men. Then, as she became familiar with the TVA in concept and execution, developed opinions and built a personality around taking them down, taking them apart the way she wished she could do to Thanos, the way Thanos did to her.
But she could also have branched later - after the destruction of Asgard, or when Thanos appeared on the refugee ship. After the worst has happened to her people. With some preexisting notion that time could have gone differently, that some things that had happened should not be allowed to happen.
I have a weak spot for interactions between incarnations of Loki in the comics, so I am incredibly eager to see the MCU’s take on this.
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Inside Out
Chapter 1
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Warning- cursing
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics. Flashbacks are in bold.
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“Long before the birth of light there was darkness, and from that darkness, came the Dark Elves. Millennia ago, the most ruthless of their kind, Malekith, sought to transform our universe back into one of eternal night”
Malekith is looking up at the Convergence
“Such evil was possible through the power of the Aether, an ancient force of infinite destruction.”
The Aether.
“The noble armies of Asgard, led by my father, King Bor, waged a mighty war against these creatures.”
The Dark Elves and Asgardians fighting.
Kurse walks up to Malekith. “Malekith! Asgard's forces are upon us.”
The Bifrost opens, and bor steps out with Asgardian reinforcements.
“Send the Kursed.” Malekith told Kurse.
Some soldiers crush objects in their hands and become giant hulk-like creatures. Malekith looks up at the Convergence again.
“As the Nine Worlds converged above him, Malekith could at last unleash the Aether...”
Malekith and Kurse walk up to the Aether.
However, the Bifrost opens and Asgardian warriors attack Malekith, whom he kills. The Bifrost disappears, just as Malekith tries to get the Aether, but it is no longer there.
“But Asgard ripped the weapon from his grasp. Without it, the Dark Elves fell. With the battle all but lost, Malekith sacrificed his own people in a desperate attempt to lay waste to Asgard's army.”
Malekith watches as his forces are slaughtered. “Their deaths will mean our survival. This war is far from over.” He and Kurse get onto his ship and escape without notice, while destroying the other ships in the process.
The ships kill some of the Asgardians.
“Malekith was vanquished, and the Aether was no more. Or so we were led to believe.”
“Sire, the Aether. Shall we destroy it?”
“If only we could. But its power is too great. Bury it deep. Somewhere no one
will ever find it.”
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Earth, New York City
Wow! A lot has happened in the past couple of years for Y/n. She met an Alien/God, saved New York from an alien invasion, found out she has a soulmate who caused said invasion, and last but not least finding Gambit. Even though these last years had its up and downs. Y/n hadn’t been this happy in a long time, and spending time with Gambit is the cause of that. Spending time with him just make everything better it makes her miss Loki less (even though she didn’t get to spend that much time him). Now She was now walking down the street with Gambit eating ice cream in the middle of November.
“You met my mother. How that happened?” Y/n said taking a spoon full of her ice cream.
“The good professor wanted information on you.” Gambit answered.
“Charles Xavier knew about me and my where abounds this entire time.” Y/n said with an eye roll. “Apparently him and my father have an understanding with each other.”
“Your mother...she didn’t know you existed.” Gambit stated.
Of course she didn’t Charles fucked with her mind too what a big surprise
“Well that still doesn’t change the fact that she abandon me.” She said in a dry tone.
“You gave me a chance....you trusted me to protect you and I couldn’t.” Gambit said with a sad grimace.
Y/n to turns and looks at Gambit. “You did your best. You didn’t abandon me. Ya you could’ve call to let me know you weren’t dead but I wasn’t your responsibility. Those people were after her, and she didn’t want to get caught so she left me behind.” Y/n stated. “You gave me to my father so I could be safe so I wouldn’t be used by The Thieves Guild like you was. You protective me. You’ll always be my hero.....no matter what you say.”
Y/n turns away from Gambit and started to walk away. As she approaches the cross walk she hears a voice being broadcasted in her mind.
Please no!
“Someone is in trouble.” Y/n claimed.
“What?” Gambit mumbled.
Where are you
Oh my god
Where are you
In the alleyway behind the Barbecue Restaurants just off Main Street
Y/n takes off running to Ray’s bbq leaving Gambit in her dust. When she arrives in the alleyway and doesn’t see anyone.
Hello are you here
“Thank you for coming.”
Y/n turns around and see five Einherjar Guards. “Ummmm.Hello.”
“We are the Einherjar Guards of Asgard and our king wishes to speak with you on the behalf of Prince Loki Odinson.”
“The king would like-“
“No no I get that but why.” Y/n said to herself.
Gambit catches up to Y/n and see her with a group of guards. “Petit? What’s happening.”
“I’m being summoned by the king of Asgard.” Y/n said with a small smile.
“A king!! The king of Asgard.” Gambit finished with a gaping jaw.
I get to go to Asgard!
“Look I have no problem coming but I’m kind of in the middle of something.” Y/n voiced.
“This is important the fate of Prince Loki rest in your hands.” Einherjar Guard said not trying to be pushy.
“Fate.....I thought Loki would have been went to trial.” Y/n turns and looks at Gambit.
“l..l hav-“
“No...no it’s find go I know how important he is to you.” Gambit said with a smile.
“But just find your way back Ya.”
Y/n is about to walks over to them when a thought runs though her mind. “How about you come with me?”
“Invitation is only for you.” Einherjar Guard chimed in.
“I see that but I’m just a mere mortal I wouldn’t be comfortable being on a world without someone who can relate to me.” Y/n said artfully. “Would you want to be on a world all by yourself?”
Einherjar Guards look at each other in confusion
“Or someone is going to have to tell the king that they could get a mere mortal to comply.” Y/n said with a smirk.
“He can come but he will be watched.” Einherjar Guard agreed.
“You heard em lets go.” Y/n said as she pulls Gambit and they stand next to the guards.
“Uhhh. What’s happening??” Gambit said with a curious tone.
“Heimdall open the Bi-Frost!” Einherjar Guard shouted.
“This is going to be fun!!” Y/n said In a giggling way.
Gambit looks over at her and could see the excitement in Y/n’s eyes. “What is about-“
Suddenly Bifrost opens! A portal surrounds them In an instant, they're gone.
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Upon emerge from the Bifrost, Y/n and Gambit looks around at the Observatory.
“Woo-hoo...let’s do that again.” Y/n proclaimed.
“No I’m gonna need a bucket.” Gambit grunted.
“Y/n L. Munroe and....Remy E. LeBeau I am Heimdall The gatekeeper of Asgard.” Heimdall announced.
“Hi....” Gambit and Y/n said in-sink.
“You are a friend of Thor. He has told me much about you.”
“I wish I can say the same.” Y/n said with a smile.
“If you follow the guards they will lead you to the Castle.”
“Thanks.” Gambit said walks with the guard.
“Heimdall...I was hoping I could come back here.”
“What for?” Heimdall asked.
“Well I would love to hear all your stories, being able to see everything in the universe....thats kind of wicked.” Y/n answered.
“Of course you can.”
Y/n smiles at Heimdall then catches up Gambit and whispered. “Do you think I look ok to meet a king.” Y/n was wearing a Navy blue crewneck cable knit with some light blue jeans and white air force 1.
“Petit, you look fine don’t worry about it.”
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Throne Room
Loki is in chains, as he gets brought to Odin.
“Loki.” Frigga said in a began.
“Hello, mother. Have I made you proud?” Loki asked
“Please, don't make this worse.” Frigga said with a calm voice.
“Define worse.” Loki said in a casual tone.
“Enough! I will speak to the prisoner alone.” Odin proclaimed.
With one last look Frigga walks out the throne Room.
Loki looks up at Odin and laughs. “I really don't see what all the fuss is about.”
“Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death.” Odin voiced.
“I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent god. Just like you.” Loki expressed with a shrugged.
“We are not gods. We are born, we live, we die. Just as humans do.” Odin specified.
“Give or take 5000 years.” Loki sarcastically remarked.
Odin: “All this because Loki desires a throne.” Odin put forth.
“It is my birthright.” Loki voiced.
“Your birthright was to die!!!....” Odin shouted. “.....As a child. Cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in you would not be here now to hate me.”
“If I am for the axe, then for mercy's sake, just swing it. It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just ... I don't love them.” Loki said perpetually tired voice.
Odin tap the Gungnir on the ground and the doors open. Loki looks back back at the doors to see who could possibly coming in.
“Are we to wait on Thor?” Loki questioned.
“No Thor has nothing to do with this......” Odin started. “This is about someone else. That you are not worthy of.”
Wow this place looks so amazing
“Do you still want the Axe?” Odin wondered.
Loki looks over at Odin with wide eye then turns around and see Robin she looks just as he remembered her. Breathtaking.
“Loki!!” Y/n called out.
Loki can tell she’s happy to see him, she had a broad grin on her face despite him being in chains. “Y/n.” Loki said with darted a suspicious glance at Odin. “What is the meaning of this!?
When Y/n reached Loki she stands next to him and looks up at Odin.
Should I bow
You Bow to no one
Y/n looks over at Loki with a quizzical smile and all she gets back is a coy smile.
She turns back to Odin smiling to herself.
“I brought Y/n here to say goodbye to you.” Odin said in A calm voice.
“Goodbye..why would I need to say goodbye.....is he getting-“ Y/n said in rapid blinking and shaking her head ‘no’.
“You brought Y/n here to spite me......how do you even-“ Loki fumed.
“Frigga told me a long time ago, when you was just a boy.” Odin explained. “And Frigga is the only reason you are still alive and you will never see her again. You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeons.”
“I thought he was going to die.” Y/n said like a weight was lifted off her shoulders, but then a relief is quickly replaced by anguish. “If you were going to do this then why do you bring me here? You should’ve left me on earth, instead of bringing me here when you’re just going to but him in the dungeons for the rest of his life.”
My life
Loki looks over at Y/n with knitted brows. “Y/n....”
“I know what Loki did on earth is unforgivable but-“ Y/n started.
“Did he or did he not kill someone close to you?” Odin asked.
“Yes he did and I kick his ass and my father brought him back.” Y/n answered.
“Your father.” Loki looks over at Y/n with his brows pulled together in a frown.
“Ant....Boot.” Y/n said teasing Loki softly.
“Oh.” Loki said with a blank stare and a paled face.
“Does he deserves punishment or not ?” Odin chimed in.
“Yes but-“
“Then it’s decided-“
“No. No. This can’t be the last time I’ll see him.”
Loki looks over at Y/n and see that black veins slowly starting to appear on the side of her neck.
Y/n, what is the matter
Nothing, I’m fine
“Let me have two weeks with him here on Asgard.” Y/n said not wanting to sound pushy.
“Giving you two weeks with Loki would give him happiness-“
“I’ll be in the dungeons with him.” Y/n said meaning the words more seriously than they sounded.
“You would do that.....” Odin said in curious tone. “.....for Loki?”
“Yes I would.” Y/n said firm persistence.
“Hmm.” With tap of the Gungnir, the doors open.
As the Einherjar Guards come in the throne room and takes Loki and they struggle to get him to leave.
“And what of Thor? You'll make that witless oaf king while I rot in chains?” Loki said with a rigid expression.
“Thor must strife to undo the damage you have done. He will bring order to the nine realms and then, yes. He will be king. “ Odin answered.
Loki looks at Odin and then Y/n as he gets drag away, then Odin looks over at Y/n.
“You can have your two weeks.” Odin announced. “You do not have to be in the dungeons with him.”
Y/n turns her head quickly to look at Odin. “What? why would you just-“
“Do you not want it?” Odin snapped.
Yes..yes I do thank you.” Y/n said sincerely.
“Frigga” Odin calls out for his wife.
Frigga walks into the throne. “Well if it isn’t Y/n Munroe, l am Frigga Queen of Asgard.”
Y/n turns around and see the Queen of Asgard. “Hello.”
Wow she is so beautiful
Frigga approached and took Y/n’s hand in hers and looks at her with a sweet smile. “We have so much to talk about.” Frigga said as she led Y/n away out.
“You are even more beautiful then I thought.” Frigga said with a voice soft with affection.
“No you are.” Y/n said with out missing a beat.
Frigga laughs. “Is this Midgard attire.” Frigga said with one hand spin Y/n around to see her full outfit.
“Oh yes it is.”
“It’s lovely your practically glowing like the morning sun my dear.” Frigga said with a smile.
“Thank you.” Y/n said returning he smile.
“Come dear there’s much we must do.”
Meanwhile Loki watches Frigga and Y/n walking and talking, unaware of the horrors that were occurring several stories below his feet.
“I can’t remember the last time Loki or Thor brought a friend home to meet us,” Frigga said to Y/n . “When a young man brings a young woman home to meet his parents…” Frigga began, implying a possible marriage between Y/n and Loki.
“Technically, I think we have only known each other for a month.” Y/n said, surprised to be having this conversation so soon.
“And if it were three million years, would that change how you feel?” Frigga asked.
Y/n thought on this.
It wouldn’t change one thing.
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“Beautiful golden sunlight shined down through the lush, vibrant forests of Vanaheim. Unlike Svartalfheim, the realm of Vanaheim was much more pleasant an environment. It was home to beautiful lakes and mountains, with vast fields of green spread out as far as the eye could see. But today, it was filled with danger and destruction.
The people of Vanaheim—known throughout the Nine Realms as the Vanir—raced through the forests as fast as they could. They were being chased by the Marauders, a race of space pirates—brutal invaders who were armed to the teeth and out for blood. Their sole purpose in life was to take what was not theirs, and destroy anything—and anyone—that stood in their way.
A frightened Vanir woman ran for her life but stumbled, falling down a riverbank just as a Marauder fired a massive fireball. It streaked above her head, impacting a nearby tree and causing it to burst into flames. As the woman regained her footing, she was confronted by a towering Marauder. He raised his razor-sharp ax, ready to strike, when suddenly a steel mace smashed the villain in the face, knocking him down, and knocking him out.
“Standing over the frightened woman was her savior—Hogun the Grim, of the famous Warriors Three. Hogun did not wait for a thank you, nor did he want one. The Marauders were running rampant across his home world, and Hogun was determined to stop them.
As more Vanir ran to safety, Hogun stood his ground—the only barrier between the fierce oncoming Marauders and the peaceful Vanir. The Asgardian warrior gripped his mace tightly and steeled himself, ready for what just might be the last battle of his life. With a skull-shattering roar, the Marauders charged, determined to crush Hogun and the rest of the Vanir people.
The lead Marauder raised his broadsword and swung, but his blade was deflected by another sword—the sword belonging to Fandral the Dashing, the second member of the mighty Warriors Three! Fandral, still handsome as ever despite the battle, rode through the charging Marauders on his white horse, knocking down one intruder after another until he was able to make his way to Hogun, flashing a smile the entire way.
“Do we have a plan?” Fandral asked his fellow Warrior as he flipped the lead Marauder off his horse and tossed.
“We stand and fight!” Hogun the Grim yelled.
Fandral rolled his eyes at his friend’s single-minded determination to fight. Then a loud Boom, Boom, Boom echoed throughout the trees. Fandral, Hogun, and the rest of the Vanir stopped in their tracks and turned their attention toward the deafening noise. It was coming from beyond the woods, and whatever was making the noise was big. Very big. The ground shook and trees fell with each sound as the unseen threat got closer and closer.
The Vanir did not follow Hogun’s orders to stay and fight, but instead quickly retreated into the woods. The idea also crossed Fandral’s mind.
“Have you considered ‘turn and run’?” Fandral asked, but Hogun only frowned in response. Then the grim warrior looked up and over the tree line and began to back away as well. Finding a Marauder’s horse without its rider, Hogun swung up into the saddle and galloped away. Fandral was close behind as explosions rang out throughout the woods. There would be time enough to fight later.
The two warriors quickly rode their horses into a clearing where the Marauders were fighting with a few of Asgard’s elite guards, the Einherjar, who had come to help the Vanir. Hogun and Fandral stopped before one of their Asgardian compatriots, the strong and beautiful Lady Sif, who was just as brave and tough as the Warriors Three.
Sif was on horseback, locked in furious battle with a dozen or so Marauders. Sif spun her bladed spear high over her head, taking down several of the barbarians, then split the spear in two, forming a magnificent blade for each hand.
Sif fought with fierce determination against the horde, but despite her resolve, she was gravely outnumbered. With all her might, she flipped off of her horse and delivered a powerful kick to one of the Marauders, sending him flying back past the third member of the Warriors Three, Volstagg the Voluminous.
“Volstagg—on your left!” Sif cried.
Without missing a beat, Volstagg swung his battle-ax at his attacker, striking him down with one fell swoop. And when another Marauder tried to attack him with a club, the voluminous one merely took the hit, then turned, broke the club in two, and backhanded the Marauder, sending him flying through the air. But all of this nonstop battling was beginning to take its toll on the excessively large warrior. Now out of breath, Volstagg made his way to a giant pile of timber where he could take a momentary break.
“What are you doing?” Sif yelled. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Here they were in a heated battle with villains known for decimating anything in their path, and one of the legendary Warriors Three was taking a breather.
“Giving them a moment…to regroup…only fair…” Volstagg said between long, labored breaths.
But no sooner did Volstagg stop to catch his breath than another horde of Marauders set their sights on the large warrior. They ran at him with their weapons drawn, but Volstagg merely kicked out the timber, causing it to collapse on and crush the approaching horde.
Volstagg gave himself a congratulatory grin, but it was short-lived, for just as he did, he was slashed across the back by a Marauder. He wasn’t as unstoppable or impenetrable as he thought. Nearby, Lady Sif wasn’t faring too much better. She was surrounded, and a Marauder from across the battlefield was aiming his crossbow at her head.
Just as the snickering Marauder was about to squeeze the trigger, a huge thunderclap echoed throughout the land, and with a bright, blinding light, the Bifrost—the way in which Asgardians traveled between the realms—fired down from the heavens into the center of the battlefield—and directly on top of the Marauder with the crossbow. Lady Sif raised her arm to shield her eyes from the spectacular blinding light and was just barely able to make out two Einherjar on horseback bursting from the glowing white column and charging into battle.
One of the Marauders used this commotion to sneak up behind Volstagg. He raised his sword high above his head, preparing to strike down the warrior, when a whizzing sound echoed from within the Bifrost. As the light died down and the smoke began to clear, the sound intensified. Suddenly, an object rocketed out of the Bifrost, sliced across the battlefield at supersonic speed, and slammed into its target: the Marauder who was about to strike down Volstagg.
The Marauder flew through the air and kept on flying. And flying. Volstagg turned, and upon investigation made out the object that had saved his life. It was the most famous weapon in all the Nine Realms. It was Mjolnir.”
The powerful hammer, which was forged in the heart of a dying star and used by only he who is worthy, hovered in midair before speeding back across the battlefield to the hand of its wielder—the mighty Thor!
Thor, Prince of Asgard and son of Odin Allfather, emerged from the light of the Bifrost looking battle-worn but still majestic, and the sight of him instantly gave the Warriors Three, the Einherjar, and the Vanir a renewed sense of hope. Now that Thor was here, they were sure to defeat the Marauders. But Lady Sif felt that she didn’t need Thor’s help to win the day.
“Shouldn’t you be battling trolls in Nornheim?” Sif said with a scowl.
“I ran out of trolls,” Thor said with a charming smile. “Heimdall said these Marauders were giving you trouble,” he added.
“I have this completely under control,” Sif retorted.
Thor surveyed the battlefield. “Is that why everything is on fire?”
“You think you can do better?” Sif challenged with a smile.
“It would be a challenge to do worse,” Thor said dryly before being surprise-attacked by two extra-big and extra-tough Marauders. Sif rolled her eyes in response, then joined her friend in battle.
Soon, Thor and Sif were joined by Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg. As the battle raged on, Thor used Mjolnir to take out multiple Marauders at once. And when one Marauder thought he might be able to seize the hammer by grabbing on to it, the hammer simply pulled the invader through the air, right to Thor’s waiting fist.
Thor, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three fought bravely against the menacing Marauders, each one helping their fellow Asgardians. When one Marauder shot an arrow at Thor’s head, Sif jumped into the air and raised her shield to block the attack. And when another fired a rocket launcher–like device, Thor valiantly deflected the blast with his mighty hammer, the impact from which knocked them all to the ground—hard.
“As the Asgardians got back to their feet, they heard the same Boom, Boom, Boom sound that Fandral and Hogun had heard earlier. Whatever it was that was making that sound was much closer now. And the Marauders were getting ready for it. They parted the battlefield to make way, and the heroes looked up over the tree line and finally saw the cause of the sound.”
“A giant Kronan stone monster, made entirely of rock and standing fifteen feet tall, loomed before Thor and the Warriors Three. He held a massive metal club and looked down upon the Asgardians with contempt. The monster was about to crush their bones into dust.
“All yours,” Sif said to Thor as she and the Warriors Three began to back away. The Marauders cheered. This was the fight they had been waiting for! Surely nothing could stop their stone man, not even the Mighty Thor. The rock monster smashed his club into the ground and let out a thunderous roar, signaling the start of the battle.”
“I accept your surrender,” Thor said, but the monster only raised its club higher, preparing to strike. But Thor was ready. Holding Mjolnir by the strap, Thor began to spin his hammer. It spun faster and faster and faster until it was nothing but a blur and Thor was rocketed off the ground in flight. The monster roared again as Thor, flying with his arm outstretched and all the might of Mjolnir in front of him, launched himself directly at the great beast. There was a deafening Choom as the hammer connected with the creature, then a blinding explosion. The Marauders looked up in disbelief and their cheering stopped. Chunks of rock rained from the sky as the monster’s feet stumbled backward, disconnected from its body, which no longer existed. The upper half of the stone man had been completely obliterated by Thor.
“The Son of Odin gripped Mjolnir tightly and turned with a scowl toward the rest of the Marauders. Almost in union, the remaining Marauders dropped their weapons and raised their hands in surrender. The battle was over.
“Next time we should just start with the big one,” Fandral said with a smile.”
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alirhi · 3 years
chapter 5 for my one and only reader lol
Title: Winter's Frost Chapter: 5/? Fandom: MCU Rating: R to be on the safe side Pairing: Loki/Bucky Summary: Loki never told anyone the real reason he became so obsessed with Midgard. Much better to let them think he wanted to hurt his brother than draw their attention to the one thing in the universe that makes the God of Mischief truly vulnerable. WARNINGS: m/m, m/f Notes: lord I got so stuck so many times on this one XD sorry if it's crap.
They'd destroyed the room. Her throat was a bit sore, but Loki still couldn't help the giggle that escaped her as she stretched and glanced around. It looked like they'd smashed just about everything that could possibly be broken as they slammed each other into things and fucked on every surface in the room. She was covered in bruises, but she'd never felt so relaxed and sated in her life!
"I'm starting to have doubts," she teased, rolling over to flop across Bucky's bare chest and give his nipple an affectionate lick. She still couldn't believe she'd actually gotten him out of his clothes; the first couple of rounds, he hadn't bothered with more than just opening his fly. It was kind of hot, honestly. "I'm not sure I want to let go of this version of you."
"This might be the only 'version' left."
Shocked out of her post-coital daze by the depth of emotion thick in his voice, Loki braced herself up and stared down at him. The eyes staring right back at her were Bucky's, full of immeasurable pain and glazed with tears. "Oh, James! Don't. No, no, no, don't do this. Don't pull at it!"
They both sat up, Bucky leaning back against the footboard of the bed and Loki framing his face with both hands, frantically stroking his jaw as if she could soothe away all of his pain, just like that. "Don't go down this road, Sergeant. I saw the turmoil it put you through last time. You're not ready."
"Why do you keep calling me that?"
She choked on a sound that was somewhere between a laugh and a sob, suddenly unable to meet his gaze. "I need to differentiate between the soldier and the love of my life, and you need some barrier between who you are and what they've turned you into."
"...Loki?" Reluctantly, she lifted her head to look at him again, and her heart shattered at the lost, desperate look in his eyes. "What's my name? Who am I?"
"James." Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she traced his trembling lips with her thumb and told him slowly, gently, "Your name is James Buchanan Barnes. We met in Germany, i-in 1943, and we fell in love. You are the warmest, kindest man I've ever met, with the most brilliant moral compass. This... This machine your enemies have turned you into... This is not you, do you understand? You are not a monster. You are not a killer. You're better than this."
"Am I?" He sounded so hopeless, so utterly broken, and she couldn't take it.
Better than me. You always have been.
"Get dressed, Sergeant," she told him, patting his chest as she stood up. "I fear our stolen moment is over. We've had longer than I expected, but someone will be along shortly and notice the broken door."
As she moved toward the bathroom to get cleaned up, she felt arms around her waist and flinched in surprise. Apparently misinterpreting her reaction, Bucky immediately released her and backed up. She turned, about to hug him and assure him that everything was fine, but once again the look on his face stopped her cold.
"What is love?"
That did it. That broke her beyond bearing. Heart shattering in her chest, she turned her back to him and dropped her head into her hands. How could she even begin to answer him? How could she possibly describe it to him, if he couldn't feel it? "Don't you ever tire of making me cry?"
"Well, you're just so pretty when you let yourself break just a little."
Loki went rigid, a shock running through her at the familiarity of both her own words and his. She didn't dare look at him, terrified of what she could possibly find in his eyes now, but she didn't resist when she felt his arms wrap around her again, and she melted when she felt his soft, open-mouthed kiss on her shoulder.
"I don't remember you," he murmured, "but I know you... But... But not this you. The other one; the way you looked before."
He sounded confused as usual, but at least it was lighter; perplexed, rather than an existential crisis. Loki snickered, leaning back against him. "I've never shown this side to you before. I told you, once, that I could do it, but you..."
"I what?"
"You told me..." A thought occurred to her, and she snorted. "You know, I could tell you anything I want right now, and you'd have no way of knowing if I'm telling you the truth."
"I trust you."
You always have, and that is the greatest gift you've ever given me. With a soft smile, Loki turned, shifting back into his male form as he moved. Draping his arms over Bucky's shoulders, he reminded him, "You told me that nothing about me was a flaw to be hidden or fixed; that you didn't understand it, but you didn't have to. You loved me and wanted me, anyway." With a somewhat bitter shrug, he added, "And then you insisted on hiding me from everyone you ever knew, but that was an entirely different issue."
Bucky sighed, pressing his forehead against Loki's. "How did I get here?"
"I don't know." Someone was coming. Knowing they would never be dressed and gone in time to avoid being seen, Loki simply put up a quick illusion of the room and its door being back to normal. Everything intact, and no occupants to be found; just in case, he clapped a hand over Bucky's mouth until the footsteps outside passed them by. "We must go."
He looked like he wanted to argue, but all he did was nod and reach for his clothes. A thought occurring to him, Loki stopped him with a hand on his arm.
"Do they let you shower before they put you back on ice?" No answer, only a sort of vague look of confused contemplation. He rolled his eyes and pointed to the bathroom. "Go shower, you Neanderthal. I'll clean your clothes for you. Go."
"What's a-"
"Wash yourself, you grungy cave man! No more questions, only soap and water! Shoo!"
"But what's a shower?"
Loki whirled around, not sure whether to weep for how much HYDRA had stripped away from the other man or slap him upside the head in the hopes of jogging at least some basic memory, when he saw the cheeky grin on Bucky's face and stopped. Hand poised in the air with one long finger pointed at him, mouth open to explain, he took in that damned smile, so familiar it made his heart ache, and he laughed. Bucky laughed, too, and the sound was the most glorious music to his ears.
He waited until the soldier disappeared into the bathroom and he heard the shower turn on, and then he shook his head, grumbling to himself with a smile, "Cheeky. Cheeky amnesiac monkey."
Next Masterlist
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Soulbonds and Fairy Dust
TITLE: Soulbonds and Fairy Dust (rewrite) CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 27/?
AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine one of the fae has been helping the Avengers, jumping in to help them on missions and vanishing before Shield can bring her in.  Loki joins the team and convinces her to come talk to the team and consider joining before Shield takes more drastic measures. RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS:  This is a rewrite of the original work of the same name.  Also on AO3 here
Loki pulled his horse to a stop and Sigyn was forced to follow suit.  The two of them were at the back of the group, so it took Thor and his idiot friends a few paces to realize they’d stopped.  They slowed their horses, to wait for Sig and Loki to catch up.  Somehow the morons seemed to realize that they were in the middle of an important conversation and didn’t come interrupt or eavesdrop.  Which was frankly amazing. 
Loki had a serious look on his face when he turned to Sig.  “Explain,” he ordered her firmly, his voice nearly icy.  He softened a little when he added “Please.”  He did try to remember that he was talking with his soulmate.
Sig didn’t quickly know what explanation he was asking for, but she started talking anyway.  She didn’t want to upset him, and he really did deserve the truth.  “I told you the Gray Lords are the most powerful of the fae. I have the magical power and physical fighting ability to qualify. I was ‘awarded’ the title when I came of age…” she was leaving a lot out, but that was the bare bones of it.  Loki reevaluated the scars she hadn’t been coherent enough to hide back behind her illusions after closing the doorway.  She wondered what he was looking at and blushed when she saw her arms and realized her scars were visible.  She quickly threw her illusions back into place.  She looked exactly the same, but minus the old battle scars from her fighting for her life for her entire life. 
Loki didn’t comment, though she knew he’d question her about the scars later.  Instead he asked:  “So you technically have a noble standing among the fae?” he was trying to get his head around what a Gray Lord was.
She nodded her agreement. “I do. I was the first new Gray Lord in at least 500 years,” she added as if that mattered.
Loki looked impressed anyway, though he didn’t really understand.  He considered more implications of Sig being among the Gray Lords.  “Will they try and bring you back to Underhill?” he asked.  That was the biggest concern at the moment.  
Sig considered, then nodded again.  “It looks really bad on the court that one of the Gray Lords abandoned Underhill in preference of the mortal realms…” she explained.  It really did look bad on them that she’d left.  They’d been searching for her since she had, which is why she’d had to hide on Midgard.  The court also wanted her powers and skills for themselves.  They weren’t going to let her stay free easily. 
“When, in reality, they know you aren’t truly fae? That you were born an Asgardian goddess?”
“I don’t think they realized that I’m an Asgardian goddess. They don’t know much about Asgard. And probably assumed only the royal family receives godhead,” she explained with a shrug.  She hadn’t known until Odin had announced hers that she was a goddess.  She owed Loki another explanation, though. “Also the Gray Lords are higher ranked than simple nobility,” she told him.  “We’re the princes and princesses of the fae, at least in terms as you would understand them,”
Loki nodded, accepting her explanation.  “Is there anything else I should know?”
“Probably a lot of things, but none urgent,” she replied with a smirk.  Of course there were tons more things he probably needed to know.  She just couldn’t think what they were at the moment. 
“Will you tell me when we get back to the palace?” he asked, misunderstanding what she meant.
“I just meant that I’m sure there are things I’m not thinking of that you ought to know or would want to know. I’ll tell you if or when they become important or come to me,” she told him warmly.
“Alright. I can agree to that,”
“Did she just say she’s a fairy princess?” Fandral demanded loudly.  Apparently they’d wandered back close enough to eavesdrop.  Sig blushed and got shy again, curling in on herself.  
Loki glared at Fandral.  “Would you shut up, you imbecile?” he snarled, jumping to defend his soulbond.
“But she’s a fairy princess!!” Fandral protested loudly as if it really mattered what her rank was. Or that she was half fae.
“She is of nobility in two different realms. What of it?” he asked Fandral as if Fandral was stupid.  He was correct of course.  Thor’s moronic friends were morons.  Fandral most especially.
 Sig groaned since she saw the childlike glee on Fandral’s face.  He was annoying and obsessed with the fact that he thought this was some kind of fairy tale.  “The courts of the fae are nothing like the fairy stories we were told as children, you moron,” she glared at him.  She had to get this point across to him now before he did something stupid.  “Do you really think I would have gone through so much to escape if they were? Now kindly shut up about it before I let Loki stab you,” she growled.  She was uncomfortable drawing so much attention or being so firm, but he had to know.  It was important.
Loki smirked, looking proud of Sig.  “You should listen to her, Fandral. I’m about ready to stab you anyway,” he added the last nonchalantly.  He was just so casual about the prospect of stabbing his brother’s moronic friend.  Sig didn’t blame him.  At all.
Fandral wisely shut up.  
The group rode for awhile longer and reached the area of the fourth gate midmorning.  Sig put her book away as she got near, since she could sense potential danger from the fae better than any of the others.  She noted that Loki was sticking close to her.  He was worried after the previous day and how drained she’d been after the last gate.
“There’s nothing waiting for us,” she told the party as they approached.  She was still nervous.  She didn’t trust the apparent safety of this gate.  After the last two were so well protected, it seemed strange that this one was unguarded.  Just because Tilly was allowing her to close the gates, it didn’t mean she was going to be making it easy on Sig.  That wasn’t how Tilly did things.   It also didn’t mean the fae were going to let her, or would make it easy on her if they did.
Loki noticed her nerves and gave her a reassuring smile.  “We will remain on guard, don’t worry, Sig,”
“I don’t like this, not after the last two doorways being so well guarded,” she confessed as she dismounted. They were close enough to the doorway that she needed to walk the rest of the way.  The group dismounted to walk with her. 
Loki stuck close to her side.  “I’ll be right beside you the whole time,” he promised.  Sig could tell that he understood her worry.  He would do anything and everything to keep her safe while she dealt with the doorways.  
The whole group stood around her and the doorway, weapons drawn and alert for danger as she sliced her palm open, summoning the power she needed to close the doorway. She spread her blood across both of her palms and gripped the edges of the doorway and tried to pull it closed.  It wouldn’t budge no matter how much she tugged on it.  She cursed loudly and in multiple languages as she let the power fade.  It wouldn’t close and wasting power wouldn’t fix anything.  
She turned to the group.  “I have to go through.  There’s something on the other side holding the door open,” she told them while they were all staring in awe at her ability to curse like a sailor.  That wasn’t something typical of Asgardian ladies.
Loki looked nervous.  He did not want her going into Underhill when the fae were desperate to get her back to rule in the seelie court. “Can anyone go with you?” he asked her gently.  He wouldn’t let she face the danger along, not if there was anything he could do about it.  
Sig considered that and finally nodded. “I can take two through with me safely,” she told Loki. She also knew that he needed to determine who was coming with her.  “Whoever trusts me the most, or whoever you want to come with us, Trickster,” she told Loki. He would feel better being able to choose who came with the pair of them.  Of course, he was going to be one of the two she brought through with her.  Thor would be the other one he trusted.
They were also much too close to Underhill and the creatures living on the other side to use his name or any variation of it.   Or any of their names.  
Loki nodded and didn’t even consider before he turned to Thor.  “Brother, would you be willing to come with us?” he trusted Thor with his life, and more importantly, with Sig’s and her safety. He had fought side by side with Thor for centuries and while they didn’t always get along, the two fought well together.  
Thor nodded immediately.  “Of course,” he replied automatically.  He seemed offended that Loki had even thought he had to ask.  Thor looked to his friends. “Guard the gate on this end,” he told them firmly as he gripped Mjolnir more securely in his hand.  
Sig looked them both over. She hesitated a moment for what she needed to do next to protect the three of them, but she steeled herself to get it done.  “I don’t know what’s waiting for us on the other side.  I can give us some additional safeguards, if you trust me,” she told them both.  She turned her attention to Loki “and if you don’t mind if I borrow a little power,” she could use Asgardian magic for what she needed to and she knew Loki would rather she use his magic than drain herself more trying to use her own.  
Loki offered her his hand without any hesitation.  “Take what you need,” he seemed relieved to be able to help her in any way, shape, or form.  
She took his hand and after a small nod of thanks, used his power to cast illusions on the boys.  It took a surprisingly little amount of power, mostly due to her own skill and experience.  She lengthened their hair braided down past their shoulders, pointed their ears, changed their eye colors to tri-colored.  She let the feel of fae magic surround them, disguising them as fae.  “That should help at least until we know what we’re dealing with,” she told them.  She couldn’t help appreciate how handsome they looked, disguised as fae. She was so used to being surrounded by handsome fae men and this felt familiar to her.   “Remember, don’t use any of our names while we’re there.  Not even nicknames.  It’s too dangerous when they’re looking for me,” she reminded them firmly.  When they nodded their agreement, she took Thor’s hand too.  She had to have physical contact with them to escort them safely through the doorway. “Ready?” she asked them.  They both nodded and let her take the lead.
Sig kept a firm grip on both of their hands to lead them through the doorway.  She couldn’t let them go until they were all safely through.  Time and locations could get a little wibbly-wobbly when non-fae traveled through the doorways.  It was best to have a fae escort. 
Sig hoped whatever was waiting for them on the other side wasn’t too awful for the three of she to handle and was beyond grateful that she didn’t have to face this challenge alone.
She never had to be alone anymore.
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sserpente · 5 years
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A/N: Request from anon. Finally wrote this. Lots of fluff and tears coming your way!
Words: 2634 Warnings: fluff
It wasn’t too bad, living on Sakaar. If the Grandmaster liked you—and he did—you could live the luxurious life you would have never imagined. In return, you worked for him and collected slaves like cattle to sell and keep his lunatic ruling going.
If anything, the Grandmaster was a convenience you had to deal with. Your life on the trash planet made up for it and then, maybe, once you had earned enough money, you would be able to travel the nine realms and settle somewhere else. You could not put your finger on why but you had always had a fascination for Asgard. The shiny, golden realm… reminded you of something, almost as if something was waiting there for you.
You smiled at the thought. All you needed now was a gem. A precious victim one of the ugly wormholes in the sky spat out and into the landmines for you to pick up and sell the Grandmaster as another gladiator. In the past week, three of which you had brought him died fighting that green monster. You needed someone special. Someone like… him.
You heard him grunt in pain before you saw him, emerging from in between two piles of trash and debris. But when you lay your eyes on him for the first time… your heart seemed to skip a beat, your lips parting underneath the cloth you wore to shield your face.
Like an invisible force, something appeared to be pulling you towards him, every fibre of your being longing to be touched by him. He looked familiar, his blue gaze… mischievous. The man stood, brushing the dust off his leather trousers and then flashed you a disarming smirk.
“Hello.” He began simply, sending shivers up and down your spine. Pleasant shivers. You were frozen on the spot, paralysed even. His voice… his voice was familiar too. Like you had heard it before. Like it had soothed you and lulled you to sleep before.
You should be acting quickly. Using the obedience disk at hand to fling at him, to render him helpless and drag him straight to the Grandmaster. He looked powerful—intelligent, cunning—like someone who could, if prepared well, defeat the Hulk. Raven hair, tall, not too muscly but well-defined, eagle-eyes. Who knew what other skills he hid.
“Who are you?” You found yourself asking before you could stop yourself. You wanted to get to know him. You needed to get to know him. If anything to find out if he was worth the catch and an audience with the Grandmaster; but mostly because you had to know why he seemed so familiar.
You blinked when you imagined yourself stroking his cheek, your palm resting against his chest to feel his heartbeat.
The stranger’s smirk widened. “I am Loki, of Asgard.”
Asgard. Was this the reason you were drawn to him so much? But then again how could you have known where he was from?
“Loki…” The name rolled off your tongue easily, like you had said it a million times before —crying, laughing, concerned, angry, sad, aroused…
“Who is in charge here?” He asked then, lifting his chin proudly. Lifting your eyebrows, you folded your arms.
“Right now? Me.”
He chuckled. Seriously—he had the audacity to chuckle. What was it that stopped you from throwing one of your obedience disks at him?!
“Oh, I dare to doubt that. Take me to the ruler of this realm. I am the king of Asgard. Tell him I request an audience.” He had stopped panting now, regaining his full charm. You swallowed thickly. It was like his words jinxed you into obeying him, knowing he would never cause you any harm.
But… what was it he had said? He was the king? Was that what your gut feeling had attempted to tell you? He was the gem you had been looking for. Your ticket away from Sakaar and straight to Asgard. You could not possibly hand him in by force. A king was powerful; too powerful—you wouldn’t stand a chance. Besides… if you gained his favour then he might take you back with him.
“Alright… I will take you to him. But I am warning you. The Grandmaster is a lunatic.” You said, beckoning for him to follow you.
“The Grandmaster?”
“Yes. That’s what he calls himself. Nobody knows his real name—if he even has one.”
Loki frowned. “He is not, by any chance, related to the Collector?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know… avoid asking him personal questions. I am (Y/N) by the way.”
Loki went silent, making you stop dead in your tracks. “Did you just say (Y/N)?”
“Yes?” Shaking your head in an almost amused manner, you tilted your head and kept on walking.
His questions did not stop coming the closer you came to the Grandmaster’s residence, stepping over trash and soon, fighting your way through the chaotic city.
“How long have you been here, (Y/N)?”
“I don’t know, a few years maybe?”
“How did you end up here?”
“Bright lights, pain, screaming… aliens and monsters… I was swept off the street and hurled up into the sky before I blacked out. When I woke up, I was here and soon got recruited by the Grandmaster.”
“When? When did this happen? What planet are you from?” Stopping yet again, you spun around quickly.
“Earth. You’re asking an awful lot of questions, Loki.”
He smirked in response, lifting his hands up in defeat. “I am curious by nature. I am the God of Mischief, after all. Surely you have heard of me.” The God of Mischief? You knew the gods lived in Asgard, of course. But the chances…
“Great. You just gave me another reason not to trust you then, Trickster.”
Again, he fell silent, his lips parting slightly. His blue eyes darted to the ground, pondering over something you would only love for him to share with you.
“Come on. We’re almost there.”
Trickster. That’s what you had always called him. Loki was unsure. You could be any woman. Any woman whose name just so happened to be (Y/N), after all. But then there was your voice. There were your eyes and that invisible force within him wanting you close to him.
“My lord…” When she entered the room determined, Loki quickly scanned the situation. Three guards and one right-hand woman, so it appeared. Behind them, huge glass panels he could use as a quick escape if need be. The Grandmaster must indeed have been a relative of the Collector. His appearance was both funky and repulsive as it radiated lunacy like heat. He sat there on his ridiculous moving chair. “Forgive the spontaneous intrusion but I’ve brought someone special. The king of Asgard, one of the nine realms of the Yggdrasil, desperately wished to be introduced to you.”
“King?! Come closer, come closer.” You obeyed, hoping that Loki would do the same.
“So, uh, king of Asgard…”
“Loki, my lord.” You interrupted gently.
“Loki! What brings you to Sakaar?”
“An unfortunate accident, I’m afraid. Yet I must admit that I did not expect stumbling over such an empire. I would be most grateful, Grandmaster, if you granted me your hospitality until I have found a way to return to my own realm.”
He was quick-witted, a silver tongue. He loved compliments. There went your chances of receiving money for a skilled gladiator. You should have used an obedience disk after all.
“Nobody leaves this place, Loki. Sakaar…”—a dapper wave of his hand followed his words—“…is a collection void for all lost and found things. Tell me, uh, Loki, if you’re a king… you must love a spectacle, no?”
“I most certainly do.”
“See, there is this ‘contest of champions’ I hold every week. Gladiators from all over the universe unwillingly fighting each other to death, how does that sound, huh?” The Grandmaster grinned, seemingly pleased with himself.
“That sounds… intriguing indeed.”
“My lovely (Y/N) will show you to your brand new apartment. B32, (Y/N). B32.”
B32… that was the empty apartment next to yours. It was exceedingly luxurious.
You frowned. Finally taking off your cloth so he could see your face properly, you opened your mouth. “Grandmaster, with all due respect, do you truly think it is wise to—“
“Go, (Y/N), we don’t have all day!” He dismissed you by throwing you a key. The key for Loki’s new apartment.
You sighed. Nodding obediently all the while gnashing your teeth, you motioned for Loki to follow you with dismay. But his expression… his expression was odd. It was like realisation hit him, along with incredulity, relief and… affection? All when he first looked you in the face.
Suspiciously, you lead him through the hallway, then unlocked the door with the letters B32 on it and pushed the green button so it would open.
“(Y/N),” he said your name again. He smiled when you turned around to face him—genuinely this time—and approached you slowly. There was only one way now. He had to jump in at the deep end. “You… do remember me, do you not?”
“I’m sorry, what? We’ve never met.” Loki’s face fell.
“Yes. We have. Centuries ago.” He replied quietly.
“What are you talking about?” You were only (Y/A) years old, not an immortal vampire.
“I have roamed all of the nine realms to find you,” he said, more to himself than to you. “I found passageways of which I could have never imagined that they even existed, even Heimdall could not detect them… (Y/N). You must remember me.” Who was Heimdall? What passageways?
With a start, his confident and cheeky demeanour was gone, replaced by that of a vulnerable and tender man.
“Please, (Y/N). My little dove… tell me you remember me.”
Had he lost his mind now? My little dove… the words rang in your ears. His voice, his looks, his eyes, the way he walked, the way he smiled… Had you not imagined Loki being familiar, after all? But that was impossible. How could you forget him then? And how could you even know him in the first place?
“I think you are mistaking me for someone else.”
The God of Mischief slowly shook his head. “Centuries ago, when the mortals still worshipped us as gods on Midgard, I fell for a young woman. She was beautiful, intelligent and about as daring and mischievous as I. Against Odin’s will I took her to Asgard, I showed her all of the nine realms. But time took its toll on her. She died of old age, only a few decades later.”
Compassion spread in your chest. And yet… “Oh… so you fell in love with a mortal. I’m… I’m sorry. But I don’t see what that has to do with me.” But you were getting there. There was something… something you couldn’t quite put your finger on yet.
“You were that woman, (Y/N). You are that woman. You have the same eyes, the same appearance, the same voice. You reincarnated. I searched for you for centuries. When I stopped…” He had stopped searching for you the day he had let go of the shattered Bifrost. Darkness had surrounded his fate ever since.
“You… I… this can’t… I don’t know you.”
“You will.” He insisted, coming even closer—like a predator, he carefully took one step after the other.
“No. Loki, this is impossible. Wouldn’t I recognise you? You must be mistaking me for someone else.”
For just a brief moment, hurt flashed over Loki’s face, your refusal tearing at his tainted heart. Nothing but bad luck had overcome him since the night he had found out he was a Frost Giant. He had been lied to, abandoned, fought, rejected, tortured, used like a puppet, mistrusted, locked away… He had been told his birth right was to die and now he was stranded, his brother blaming him for Odin’s death and Hela’s return.
He was not going to lose you too now. Not after he had finally found you again. Loki had almost forgotten what it felt like to harbour unconditional love for someone, to feel an unconditional desire singeing his skin like fire. None of the women on Asgard had ever piqued his interest after your death.
Without a warning, he lunged forward, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you flush against his body. Warmth spread in your chest, along with that strange magnetic sensation and a rapid heartbeat.
Then, his lips came crushing down on yours, seducing you into the most passionate kiss you had ever experienced. A moan escaping your lips, your eyes fell shut as you allowed his tongue to deepen the kiss and take your breath away, his right hand buried in your hair. Your body took over, like it knew exactly what to do. You dug your nails into his back, pressing your body against him for more contact. You reciprocated the kiss, much to your own surprise. You kissed him like it would be the last time you had the chance to… or like you hadn’t kissed him in… centuries.
You ripped your eyes open immediately, pushing him away firmly. You were breathing heavily, your lips swollen from the affection you had exchanged. Your mind did not remember him. He was a stranger—an oddly familiar stranger whom you had no memories of. But your body and your heart spoke a different language. They remembered. Whatever it was, there was something there. And you were willing to find out what it was.
Loki’s smug smirk returned. He seemed pleased with himself—dazed even. From the kiss, perhaps? Had it flustered him, too?
“If only you knew what pains I had to endure after you passed away.” He swallowed, the composed expression returning to his stunning face. “(Y/N)…”
You were still panting when you regained your ability to speak, swallowing thickly for courage.
“Stay with me tonight. Tell me about the woman. A-about me. Please…” Gone was your suspicious and arrogant behaviour, your attempt into manipulating him to take you to Asgard or sell him as a gladiator after all. You were willing to fall to your knees before him—not in submission but in affection and trust.
Loki nodded, smiling triumphantly.
“Sit with me.”
You obeyed. And then, for the next few hours as it dusked outside, you made yourself comfortable on a pile of pillows and blankets in front of the window, with an odd view over Sakaar and the wormholes now gleaming dangerously in the dark.
The woman Loki spoke about sounded familiar, too. He told you about her habits, her way of speech, her adventurous ideas… all of which you shared. He told you about the pleasure they had shared in bed, about the books she had liked to read and the meals she had liked to cook, the clothes she had liked to wear. The more he told you the more you realised… you were indeed the same person. Loki couldn’t possibly know these things about you. And he remembered every last detail. He was telling the truth. You were a reincarnation of the love of his life.
“You… you really loved her.” You choked out, tears worsening your sight when realisation hit you. He had loved you. Or… a former version of yourself. And suddenly, you felt incredibly sorry you did not even remember him. The God of Mischief reached forward, wiping away the one tear escaping your eye and rolling down your cheek. He smiled.
“I still do, my little dove.”
He would make you remember him. Sooner or later and this time, he would make sure not lose you again. This time was different. He would find a way. He was the God of Mischief, after all.
A/N: If you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate so much if you supported me on Kofi! kofi.com/sserpente ♥
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nikkoliferous · 5 years
Now, About That Sceptre
Based on hair growth, if nothing else, it seems that a fair amount of time must have passed between Loki's appearance in the post-credits of Thor (2011) and his dramatic entrance via the Tesseract in Avengers Assemble. Despite the apparent time jump, Loki's physical well-being is still clearly... not great. His appearance has improved in some ways from the horror show above (the burns have healed, his mouth isn't full of blood), but he shows a number of signs of heat exhaustion, at a minimum (something especially relevant because, remember, Loki's a Frost Giant). He's visibly exhausted and disoriented, he nearly collapses on multiple occasions, he's sweaty and pale with dark and sunken eyes. This is not a healthy man. And while there was maybe an argument to be made for his prior physical distress being contributable to the effects of the wormhole, whatever's happening here is all Thanos.
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Beyond his immediate physical state, he comes across as paranoid, afraid—desperately fighting to get through just this one moment, and then the next, and then the next. If he just holds it together a little bit longer, he'll be safe. He'll be able to rest. Watch how he stumbles. Observe his deathgrip on the sceptre and on the truck rail. Look at his desperate facial expression and body language. He's trembling.
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Now we're getting into psychology, and well... Loki says some odd things throughout this film. The Loki of Thor (2011) was clearly dealing with a mental health crisis, but the Loki of Avengers Assemble seems—not to put too fine a point on it—crazy. And he's not just crazy. His words and his body seem to, at times, be in direct conflict with one another. He may talk down to the humans, but he appears to take little pleasure in actually hurting them. And yet he summons an army of aliens with the expressed purpose of doing just that. He's sassy and grandstanding while facing the Avengers, but on the occasions where he's violent with civilians, as well as whenever he's alone, he appears to dissociate from himself. Look at his face. This is not remotely fun for him. He looks dead inside.
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Overall, Loki's body language and facial expressions often betray a Loki who is struggling to justify his actions. He seems, at times, almost as though he is speaking to himself as much as he is taunting the Avengers or humanity. Here are some quotes/scenes that grab my attention.
For a start, there are these exchanges with Fury shortly after he first arrives via the power of the Tesseract:
Fury: "This doesn't have to get any messier." Loki: "Of course it does. I've come too far for anything else."
"I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose."
Loki: "I come with glad tidings of a world made free." Fury: "Free from what?" Loki: "Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart, you will know peace."
He goes on to reiterate his bizarre speech about "freedom" again in Stuttgart.
"The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."
This all sounds a lot like indoctrination to me, and it's worth noting that the Black Order—for whom Loki is ‘working’ in this movie—is literally a cult. In fact, they use very similar rhetoric at the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War. Compare this to Loki's rhetoric on the nature of freedom:
"Hear me... and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation. Universal scales tipped toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile, for even in death you have become Children of Thanos."
And then there's Loki's outburst directed at Natasha after the Avengers have taken him prisoner for the first time and she's trying to get information out of him:
"You lie and kill in the service of liars and killers. You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors. But they are a part of you and they will never go away!"
Before this moment, he seems relatively calm and in control. Something changes here; he becomes disgusted and aggressive. His words could easily be applied to himself as well. Here Loki is on Midgard, pretending to have his own agenda. "Something that makes up for the horrors". Yet as much as Loki claims to be free of sentimentality, we as the audience know better. We can see it in his microexpressions and his body language. We know of his being psychically linked to The Other. We see the nature of Loki's interactions with them: the tears in his eyes, the threats and his attempts to suppress and hide his fear, the pain they're able to inflict on him with just a touch.
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"If you fail, if the Tesseract is kept from us, there will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice where he cannot find you. You think you know pain? He will make you long for something as sweet as pain."
There are also subtle indicators that Loki's memories might have been tampered with, such as his initial conversation with Thor.
"Our father—" "YOUR father. He did tell you of my true parentage, did he not?" "We were raised together! We played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?" "I remember a shadow. Living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss."
Yes, of course, it's possible that this is hyperbole on Loki's part. Regardless, it's worth noting as part of a pattern of bizarre, cult-like behaviours that Loki displays throughout the movie. It becomes even more noteworthy in light of the revelation that Loki was being influenced by the mind stone all the while. The specific phrasing Marvel uses is, "fueling his hatred over his brother." Does that include distorting his perception of what's happened between them? It's not conclusive, but it's certainly possible.
Now, Loki does at times appear to be genuinely enjoying himself. I'm not denying that or sweeping it under the rug. But look at the context. Notice when he seems to be the most amused. It's when he's grandstanding. It's when he's the center of attention. When people run screaming from him. When he's being interrogated. It's not the violence that pleases him; it's the recognition. For the first time in his life, he's center stage. He feels powerful. And Loki will always take negative attention over no attention at all.
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Simmer down there, you lovable maniac.
At the other end of the spectrum, however, we have moments like just before he stabs Thor, in which he looks at the destruction around him with legitimate panic and horror written on his face. As though he's awoken from a haze and is only just realising the extent of what he's done. (Side note: for the life of me, I'll never understand people who call Loki a psychopath. Every single time we've seen Loki hurt Thor, he does it literally with tears in his eyes. And yet Ragnarok would have us believe he's done so all throughout their childhood just for funsies).
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Surely this isn't the expression of a man who wants all this death and destruction—who's carrying out his own will. And why should he? Even if he truly meant to/cared about ruling Midgard, there's little reward in ruling a world of corpses.
Which brings us to our ultimate conclusion. As mentioned above, there have long been theories—now confirmed canon—that Loki was under the influence of the sceptre AKA the mind stone throughout Avengers Assemble. An observation I had missed initially is that some fans desperate to cling to Loki's identity as a Villain™ have differentiated between the total mind control of Barton and Selvig and the 'influencing' of Loki's behaviour via the sceptre. But note that the same language is used for both instances:
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"Gifted with a sceptre that acted as a mind control device, Loki would be able to influence others. Unbeknownst to him, the sceptre was also influencing him."
I do believe that the mind control over Loki was less effective; he clearly maintained some measure of autonomy, despite the sceptre's influence. But I still think it's important to note the consistency of language used. And in fact, it’s worth noting that his control over Barton and Selvig wasn’t absolute either. Barton admits he may have failed to kill Fury because of his connection to him; Selvig installs a failsafe for shutting down the portal.
We also know—thanks to yet another stupidly discarded deleted scene—that The Other can hear and communicate with Loki at all times. Look at the longing on Loki's face when Thor tries to reason with him. He wishes so badly that he could accept Thor's offer. But this is still a hostage situation. He's on permanent speakerphone, and he knows there's no safe escape route for him.
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
Gone (Loki x Reader)
Pairing: loki x asgardian!reader
Warnings: mentions of death, its pure angst, I wrote it right after I saw end game, it’s probably bad because...like...yuk
Summary: not all returned from the snap, like you did. 
a/n: sorry. I just miss him. (not my gif)
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I wiped sweat and tears from my face and looked over the destruction. After the loss of so many of my dear friends, I felt tired and exhausted. Tony had done the snap. He had finished the terror – and sacrificed himself. He would never be forgotten, as well as Natasha and every other of the fallen. Thor, Bucky, Sam, Bruce, Carol and I had found each other on a more or less flat spot in between all the destruction.
My eyes wandered over the tired faces of my friends and I couldn’t help but feel a bit proud after everything we accomplished. By the sound of steps we all turned around. Two women walked towards us, both with their head held high. One of them was a warrior of Wakanda’s army, the other one looked like she dropped into this world from another realm. Her upper body was dressed into an emerald green tight weave, the cleavage covered with a goldish shimmering leather net. A darkgreen fabric floated from her back, directly attached to the leather on the shoulders. The dress ended right over her ankles, making it easier to walk without stumbling. She had her head held high, the way she walked had something arrogantly confident. Her whole attitude held something familiar, as if I knew someone who walked and acted exactly the same. A twinkle on her left hand drew my attention further down: a sliver ring in shape of a snake with emerald eyes captured my interest. It looked like an informal form of an engagement ring. Her hair was plait into different kinds of braids, reminding me of the ones Thor had. Maybe she was asgardian? I turned to ask Thor if he knew her, but the words got stuck in my throat as I saw his face. All the blood has drained from his face, he looked as pale as never before.
“Thor!” she yelled out, right after saying a few words to the warrior next to her. They parted with a polite gesture. Thor quickly stepped towards her and I could read something like relief wash over her features. He hugged her quickly. Her eyes quickly grazed over us, lingering a bit longer on my face. Recognition I guess.
“I missed you Thor. Five years…I haven’t seen either of you.” She said softly. I wondered who she was talking about. Thor stuttered something in return and she stepped away from him. “I can’t wait any longer. Where is he?” I saw how Thor’s shoulders dropped, his whole expression in pain.
“Where is he? Where is my husband?” she repeated, fearful now. “Is there a problem?” I asked gently. She rose her gaze, her eyes piercing into mine. “I want to see my husband.” She rose her hand, showing me the snake ring. I offered her a friendly smile, trying to remember desperately why I knew this behavior.
“And who might be…” in this moment it clicked. The sliver and green, the attitude suddenly matching to another person, another asgardian.
“Oh.” Was the only thing I could say. Her expression went blank. “What?” she asked sharply, stepping up on me. I had the sharp blade of the dagger at my throat before I could react.
“What happened to him?” she repeated catching Thor’s pained look as he recognized the dagger. “Miss…” I rose my hands in a gesture of surrender.
“Mrs.” She corrected me firmly, her eyes starting to become glossy. I quickly nodded apologetic.
“Yes, I am very sorry.” She only nodded quickly, acknowledging my apology and then lowering her weapon. Thor laid one hand on her shoulder but she shrugged it off. “Where is he?” she repeated one last time.
“I am so sorry…I was too weak and he singlehandedly…” Thor stuttered. She still had her head high but the rest of her body slumped together like all of her strength had left her. A single tear rolled over her cheeks, followed by many others. “I-I…but why isn’t he back? I died as well I am back why…?” she only stuttered, dropping her dagger. Thor’s eyes stuck on the handle of it: it was one of the two blades Loki had used in the battle of Asgard on the rainbow bridge. And it was the twin-blade of the very blade Loki had had with him as he tried to attack Thanos.
“Because he didn’t died from the snap.” Thor whispered, “Thanos…broke his neck.” She dropped down on her knees, her shoulders slightly shaking. A low sob escaped her, the most heartbreaking sound I heard in a long time. Thor stood there, not able to do anything. Suddenly a woman in silver armor rushed to her side, the Valkyrie. She kneeled down next to her and shot Thor an accusing look. Very careful she slid one arm around the broken woman’s side and helped her up.
“Come with me. You need rest.” Slowly she stood up, tears still streaming down her face. Her fierce eyes were now hollow and weak. “You promised to bring him back.” There was nothing accusing in her voice, neither in her statement. Only pure sadness and darkness. Thor’s head dropped, he didn’t dared to look up again. I wanted to approach and help her, but the Valkyrie shot me a warning look.
“It’s good Cap.” She stated firmly. I just nodded and backed off. “Please…you need some rest. Loki wouldn’t want you to…” Valkyrie said softly, but it seemed to be the wrong thing. 
“Loki wouldn’t want what? Me to suffer? Then he could’ve come back! That was the only thing he wanted! He promised that he would return, he promised! And he always came back, even though everyone thought he is dead, he came back to me. So why is everyone so certain that he is dead?” Valkyrie said nothing, she didn’t had words. “He promised me so much, a trip to Midgard…” she stopped, her eyes filling themselves with tears again. “Now I am on Midgard…and he is not with me. With us…” She trailed off, her hands circulating over her stomach. Valkyrie dropped her head. “I am sorry. I didn’t want to upset you even more…” She placed her hand on her waist after picking up the dagger. “Wait!” Thor from behind shouted, almost running towards them. “Us? Are you with child?” she turned around and tilted her head. “I hope I am.” She whispered before wiping her face with the back of her hand. Valkyrie grabbed her hand and carefully pulled her towards the other direction.
“I didn’t know Loki had a wife.” Bruce stated quietly as they walked away. I shook my head. “Me neither. But they seem very alike, don’t they.” He nodded. “The dagger…” I gave him a warning look, nodding towards the bent over figure of Thor. “I know.” I looked back towards the figure of the two women. Valkyrie had her arms around her, as she finally gave her head high pose up and completely broke down in the warriors arms. They were too far away for us to hear them, but I could see the shaking of her shoulders as she sobbed.
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strangerthanfixion · 5 years
A King Needs Her Queen (v)
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Summary: Much has changed for the citizens of Asgard. From moving to a new home in New Asgard to Thor, your former king, leaving— many of your people were confused and concerned with the future. But your new ruler has taken well to being king, raising Asgardian spirits with good firm leadership. All that’s really left is to find someone to rule by her side. 
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: language, mentions of drinking
A/N: IT’S ABOUT TIME I’M SO SORRY. Also, I don’t know if you can tell but this is so GAYYY
You stood in front of a humble wooden cottage, waiting for someone to answer. The homes in New Asgard weren’t very extravagant— needless to say, there wasn’t a palace for the king— but maybe that was exactly what your people needed. Quaint, small, easy.  
Finally, the door swung open. Valkyrie stood, blinking at you for a moment, before turning quickly around. Her dark hair swung over her shoulder as she made her way back to the cottage’s dining room. 
“Hi?” you said, taking that as an opportunity to step inside and follow her. 
“Yes, hi, Y/N,” she said as she sat down at the table. She seemed tense, which didn’t surprise you. As the new king of Asgard, Valkyrie had a lot to think about. Thor gave her a few pointers before taking off with the Guardians, but anxiety had gotten the better of her. She’d had a little too much Midgardian wine that night. Over sixty-five bottles if you were remembering correctly— it takes a lot to get an Asgardian drunk. (Valkyrie especially.) 
“Are you alright?” you asked, sitting beside her and looking at the documents she had spread out in front of her. She didn’t answer. “Oh Y/N thank you for asking, I’m fine just a little tired—”
Valkyrie looked up at you huffed a laugh through her nose. “Sorry, Y/N,” she said. “I’ve just been working on these negotiations for so long… I think I’m losing my mind.”
You smiled sympathetically and stood up to make your way toward the kitchen. There was a kettle on the stove that was still half full, you stooped down to light the flame and waited for the water to boil. You couldn’t even imagine the stress Valkyrie was under.
Right as things had started to feel normal on Midgard, everything started to crumble. Those who had been affected by the stones all came back. You knew it was for the greater good, but as the population in New Asgard skyrocketed in a matter of seconds, tensions only grew. Not only had it become apparent that the Asgardians may, once again, be without a home, but feelings of envy and survivors guilt rose to the surface. 
Half of your people had been killed by Thanos— not snapped away with the power of the stones. He slaughtered them in cold blood. Irreversible. You thought of that day, feeling lucky to have come out of it alive, but mourning the ones you had loved. It tore you apart. 
The screaming kettle snapped you out of your thoughts. You set a steaming mug in front of Valkyrie and without hesitation—
“Got anything stronger?” she asked and you shook your head.
“You’re not going to finish making these negotiations while drunk. For the sake of our people I won’t let you.”
“That’s how I finished the last four!” you glared at her. “Kidding! I told you… I’m sober now.”
You and Valkyrie became good friends working at the docks. Unloading and cleaning the boats can really bring people together. The two of you would get drinks after work often. Valkyrie tossing them back without even blinking an eye, you simply sipping on a few beers, enjoying your time. Valkyrie was very popular with the old fishing crowd. 
“Never seen a woman drink like that before!” is what you’d hear most often, which only spurred her on to drink more. Maybe you did enable her from time to time. Chanting “chug” or “go, go, go” with the rest of the patrons. But when she came to you and told you she wanted to quit, you promised to help her. 
She wanted to be a good and proper king. You admired her for that. You admired her for a lot of things. 
You hadn’t realized you’d been staring at her until she suddenly dropped her head onto the table. A loud thunk sounded throughout the small cottage. 
“Are you okay, Val?” you asked— reaching your hand out to put it on her shoulder. She hadn’t told anyone her name since her return to Asgard, but Valkyrie felt too formal for you. You took to calling her ‘Val.’ You were the only one she’d ever let call her that. 
“Is being a king always this hard?” she muttered into the table. 
“I think so,” you said warmly.
“Thor didn’t have this problem!”
“Thor was in his living room playing Fortnite and drinking all of our beer,” you reminded her. “You were the one making sure everything in New Asgard was going smoothly. You were making sure everyone had work, everyone was fed, everyone was happy.”
“But what about now? Thor was king then! Thor gets all the recognition for that! If my first announcement as king is that we’ll have to leave this place, I’ll be burned at the stake.”
“That’s a bit dramatic.”
“I’m starting to think that it’s not,” she looked up at you with desperate eyes. “I don’t want them to hate me.”
“Asgard would never hate you,” Valkyrie sighed and looked back to the papers. She took a breath, trying to calm down and clear her head to make a proper decision. 
“Okay, what about… we still have the ship we escaped on. Those who need it can sleep there for a while and all of the able-bodied of us will work to expand the homes we’ve been working on,” you nodded, listening to her speak. “It’ll take a long time but we just have to make our case, right? Asgardians are strong we’re valuable to this place. I want to make it clear that we aren’t gods to them anymore, they shouldn’t worship us anymore, we just want to work and live like anyone else.”
She’d do that a lot. Just talk aloud, not looking for a response, but forming her ideas. You felt a smile spread across your face as you watched the gears turn in her head. Her brow would furrow as questions formed, then unfurrow as they were resolved. You were still listening, just getting a little distracted. Finally, she looked up at you looking for your approval. She didn’t need it, you knew she didn’t need it, but she wanted it. 
You nodded, your smile growing wider as you reached out to touch her arm.
“I trust you, completely,” you said. Valkyrie felt herself swell from the validation. 
Suddenly the silence felt heavy, neither of you knew why, but both of you were stirring in it. You had a sudden urge to pull your hand away, to stand up and walk to the other side of the room, to hide your blushing face. But you also wanted to fight it. You wanted to stay looking at her forever. Valkyrie cleared her throat and you pulled away. Damn. 
“I, er,” she stumbled, picking up her mug of tea and holding it to her lips. “Thank you, Y/N.”
“Oh, of course,” you smiled. She looked at the clock and stood, gathering her papers and pulling on a coat. 
“I should take these to the council,” she said and you nodded. 
“Right, I’ll head back to the docks then, they’re probably waiting for me,” you said. Valkyrie stopped for a second as you made your way back to the door. 
“Y/N, maybe if all goes well,” she could feel anxiety rising in her stomach again. It was a different kind of anxiety though. “You could come over again and… we could celebrate together— sober of course!” she said quickly. You felt your stomach flip. Why were you so nervous?
“That… I’d love to,” you smiled. She nodded at you, awkwardly, officially, but there was a warmth to it. 
It had gone well, all things considered. The council members only told her they would take her propositions into consideration, but they didn’t seem to take any issue with them. ‘Consideration’ was more... principle. After returning home, Valkyrie quickly realized that she didn’t have anything very nice to wear. All of her clothes were practical, seeing as she never really went out. She was always working. 
Valkyrie finally settled on a sweater and pants that didn’t smell too heavily of the ocean. She was pacing around anxiously, trying to busy herself as she struggled to control her flipping stomach. She was gently stoking the fire she’d started when you knocked on the door. Valkyrie opened it a little too fast. 
“Hey,” she said, also a little too fast.
“Hi,” you smiled back. She stepped to the side and you entered. She was acting much different from this morning. She was shifting her weight, trying to decide what to do with her hands as she looked at you. You were also quite nervous. Why? You’d been to this house so many times before— yet tonight felt so different. 
After a pause that felt incredibly long, Valkyrie spoke and jerked her thumb towards the kitchen. 
“Tea?” she asked. You answered with a quick ‘please.’ “Have a seat, I’ll be right back.” 
You felt your heart beating fast, your cheeks hot. She returned a while later with two steaming cups and sat down next to you. You smiled and thanked her, holding the mug close to your body. Valkyrie sighed and pulled her legs up on the couch. 
“How did your meeting go?” you asked, finally saying something. 
“Well, I think— I hope,” Valkyrie sighed and rested her head on her hand. “They told me they would talk to me again soon, I just… I don’t know how soon that will be.”
You felt your heart sink as her face fell. She had been so hard on herself, everything was up to her now, and what would happen if she failed?
“We can’t be displaced again,” she said. A sudden seriousness fell over the two of you. “If all of us lose our homes again, I don’t know if we could recover.”
“We won’t move, I know it,” you said. 
“Did you lose anyone?” Valkyrie asked after a pause. “That day?” 
“Yes,” your voice was low as memories came flooding back to you. Flashes would appear every time you blinked. “My partner. They,” you swallowed past the lump that had formed in your throat. “They switched places with me... at the last possible second. They sacrificed themself for me.”
You remembered their face as you were pulled apart. You were being pushed towards one end of the ship as Thanos’ soldiers guided them, and many others towards the escape ship. You remembered hearing them scream, pushing past to get to you. The feeling of their fingers pressing hard into your skin as you were spun the other way. Then the feeling of being dragged away. Dragged towards the ship as they were pulled the other direction. It was too late when you realized what had been done. The door of the ship was already closing by the time you called out to them, the sound of blasters and wails already filling the air. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Valkyrie said. You dabbed at your eyes with the cuff of your sleeve. “Really, I am.”
“Thank you,” you said softly as you tried not to let your voice break. You smiled at her. “I’m okay, now,” you said. "It was a long time ago and I met you!” 
Valkyrie gave you a small smile, her features softened as you continued to look at her. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as the orange glow of the fire before you flickered. “Thank you,” she said. “Really, Y/N, you’ve been an extremely great help.”
“Of course, that’s what I’m here for,” you laughed. Valkyrie turned her face towards the flame. She’d had an idea for a long time now. A feeling, but she never acted on it.
“Y/N,” she said. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” you felt your stomach flip. 
“Val,” you said quietly. 
“I mean it, you’ve been there for everything. Even when I was getting sober— I was so mean and awful but you were there for me.”
“You were going through withdrawal, I can’t fault you for that—”
“I haven’t felt this close to anyone in a long time, you know?” she said, her face was warm and it wasn’t from the fire. Yours was too. “Not since…” she trailed off and you knew she was thinking about the battle with Hela. You put your hand on hers, letting your thumb run over her smooth skin.
Valkyrie looked up at you, her breath catching in her throat as she took you in. You looked so beautiful in the dim, warm light. She was mad about you, she had been since you’d first said hello on the docks. 
Both of you were silent. You let your hand travel up from her hand and over her arm, caressing her neck until you had reached her face. Valkyrie felt her chest rising and falling heavily as you continued to rest your hand on her cheek. Without a word, you leaned in. Valkyrie did the same. When your lips touched, the nervous feeling in your stomach subsided. You moved closer to her, bringing your other hand up to the other side of her face. You heard her sigh as the kiss deepened. You hadn’t fully realized that this was exactly what you wanted until now. Until you were holding her, kissing her, falling further and further into her as time seemed to fly by.
When you pulled away you watched a small smile form across her face. You touched your forehead to hers and took a deep breath. 
“I…” she couldn’t think of what to say. Her mind was still reeling and slightly fuzzy from what had just happened. How would she say this? “I want Asgard to feel like a full kingdom again, you know what I mean?” she rambled. You were still leaning on each other, but her eyes were cast down to the sofa. “And, you don’t have to say yes, of course, but,” she was speaking fast now, still not really able to look at you. Only stealing glances every now and again. “I would be honored if you would be my queen.”
You couldn’t help your mouth falling open a bit. You sat up straight and Valkyrie inwardly winced at the loss of contact.
“I thought a lot about it, and I think you would make a wonderful ruler. You’re extremely capable and I think Asgard would be happy to have you watching over them,” she waited. Now the time was going painstakingly slow. Each second that passed in silence mad Valkyrie’s stomach turn. 
You still hadn’t said anything.
“Y/N?” Valkyrie was hesitant, but the moment had to pass. Even though you hadn’t said yes, you still hadn’t said no. She wanted an answer, though she was afraid to get it.
“Queen?” you finally said, your mouth still hanging dumbly. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life,” Valkyrie said. You squinted at her in disbelief. “Y/N, you were making decisions with me from the very moment Thor made me king. When I couldn’t even stand because I was so nauseous you worked at the docks in my place. You went to council meetings in my place. As far as I’m concerned… you’re already queen.”
You laughed and she smiled at you. 
“I trust you, completely,” she said.
“I would be honored to rule by your side,” you said after another moment. Valkyrie smiled widely before crashing into you, enveloping you in a tight hug, peppering the side of your face and neck with soft kisses. Who knew a Valkyrie warrior would be such a softie? 
You fell onto your back, her on top of you with an arm next to your head to support her. You watched as her eyes flicked down towards your lips. The giddy smile became sly and hungry as she met your eyes again. 
“May I, your highness?” 
“Don’t call me that,” you shook your head. “But yes, you may,” with that, Valkyrie leaned down to kiss you. It was much more intense than the first, as she tugged at your lip with her teeth boldly. You hummed as you brought your hand up to cup her cheek. “I think I’m going to like being queen,” you murmured. 
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 32)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:2535
Warnings: Language, mentions of death
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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Some time had passed since your recapture from the Xavier Mansion. You weren’t quite sure how much time, but things were slightly better. Tony and Shannon had actually gotten you two a TV. And you still had the projection of all the different places of the world and Asgard that went on your walls. You and Loki used that feature quite a bit to try and wash away the feeling of utter isolation. 
Shannon still visited you. She tried to get down to you at least once a week, but sometimes it wasn’t always that often. Sometimes even Tony visited. Hell even twice Steve came down. 
You couldn’t say life had gotten better. You were still in a cell. No sign of parole. But at least you still had Loki and Shannon, and you were making a great deal of progress in the trust department. You had not left the cell since Tony had brought you back. Which meant the dark energy still lived inside you. You didn’t tell Loki he was your trigger because you did not want to add to his suffering.
But one day, a surprise visitor came down, and at first you were happy to see them… until you heard why they were here. 
“Hey, Point Break,” Tony greeted happily as Thor entered the Tower. Shannon came bounding in, giving the large god a huge huge. 
“Stark,” he greeted politely. “I have a favor to ask.”
“Anything, buddy, just name it,” Tony assured. 
“Release Loki into my care…”
Tony and Shannon’s faces both fell. “Anything but that,” Tony said, starting to walk way. 
“Tony, listen to me,” Thor began, following his friend. “I know how this sounds, but I need his help.”
“His? You need that maniac’s help? To what? Silence of the Lambs it? Trying to catch one crazy with another?” 
“I have absolutely no idea what you just said,” Thor confessed, looking puzzled. 
“He means, why do you need Loki?” Shannon asked gently, shooting a glare to Tony for being rude. 
“Loki knows of passageways in and out of Asgard. Ways that even Heimdall does not know of. I need to do something that is not exactly legal,” Thor informed.
“Ah, so you need your insane brother to help you break Asgard’s law,” Tony summed up. “Fantastic.”
“So you’ll help me?” Thor asked, delighted. 
“Hell no!” Tony responded. “I’m not breaking any intergalactic laws. Especially not with him on the loose.”
“I will have myself and the warriors three to help keep him in line. Please… Jane’s life is on the line….”
“Jane? Jane Foster?” Shannon asked, concern in her words.
Thor looked at her and nodded. 
Tony sighed. “Let’s just hypothetically say I did let Reindeer Games go. How long are we talking?” 
“I have no idea. I have to fight dark elves and retrieve the dark aether from them before--”
“Does five days sound like enough?” Tony asked, cutting Thor off. 
“I’ll do my best with that.” 
“You’ve got a deal,” Tony said, shaking his hand. 
Thor walked up to your cell, Tony beside him. 
“Thor?” you questioned, stepping up from the kitchen. In an instant, Loki was by your side. He’d been in the bedroom, cleaning. 
“What are you doing here?” Loki asked of his brother. 
“Mother’s died,” Thor said with a cold tone. 
“Oh my god,” you responded, tears jumping to your eyes. “H--How? Thor… I’m so sorry.. Loki--” You turned to him and he turned to stone. 
“Dark elves.”
“What? What do Dark Elves have to do with Asgard? Why would they kill Queen Frigga?” you questioned, grief rushing over you. 
“There isn’t much time to explain. Jane has been overcome with a dark energy that is killing her and turning her dark. I need Loki to help me escape Asgard.”
“I hate to burst your dimwitted bubble, Thor, but you’re already out of Asgard,” Loki remarked. 
“Midgard is the only place Heimdall can send me and it not be considered treason. I need help getting to another realm, a different realm. Now will you help me or am I wasting my time?” Thor demanded, speaking quickly and lowly, authority in his voice. 
“You must be truly desperate to come to me,” Loki noted. “How do you know you can trust me?”
“I don’t. In the past I have fought you with the glimmer of hope that my brother still lie in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists. If you betray me, I will kill you. I know you seek vengeance just as I do, and I will help you get it. In return, you will help me save Jane and seek justice for our mother’s death.”
Loki stared him down a moment. 
“When do we start?”
With that, a whirlwind of things happened. Tony released Loki from the cell, to which Thor brought him with him, up to the surface of Earth, where Heimdall recalled them both. From there, they stole a ship, and ventured into a realm where Dark Elves resided many years ago. According to them, there was a plot to cut off Thor’s hand, to make it look as if Loki had betrayed Thor and throw the Elves off -- It worked. The plan got Malekith to release the aether from Jane, thus allowing Thor to destroy it. Once it was gone, Loki and Thor were able to fight the elves. 
In a manner of speaking, it was a victory. But for Loki, he was destined to return to Earth, return to his cell, return to his life as a prisoner. 
Thor brought Loki back, where Shannon helped return him to his cell with you, a look of sorrow on her face. 
“Brother, I thank you for fighting by my side once more and helping me save Jane, and in the end, saving the universe,” Thor said from outside the cell. 
“All in a day's work,” he said, slightly bowing. “Besides, it was nice to get out and get some fresh air for a change.”
“I will see to it that they consider releasing you from this cell,” Thor promised.
Loki had no words. He didn’t think Thor would be so… generous. Nor did you. 
“Thank you, Thor, and for what it’s worth, I truly am sorry about your mother. She was a wise, wonderful woman,” you offered, your face fallen a bit. 
“She truly was. She missed you,” he informed, a bit of a fond smile touching his lips. 
“She did? Me?” you asked, in disbelieving wonder. 
“Oh yes. She missed your music and your singing around the palace. She missed hearing you talk of all of your physics. She missed a great deal of things about you. About both of you,” Thor stated. 
You frowned slightly and offered, “Would you like to come in and talk about it… about her?” 
Thor was ready to decline, but when he thought about it, he should be with family right now. He hadn’t seen Loki since the day of the imprisonment, nor you. Both of you were so close to Frigga, it hardly made sense to part ways now.
Thor nodded and made his way over to the door, where Shannon scanned her eye to let Thor in. 
“I’ll leave you three alone,” she said gently. Normally, you would’ve asked her to stay, but this felt… private. These two men needed to grieve their mother, and you needed to grieve a woman who took care of you more than once. 
“It is good to see you,” Thor stated as soon as he walked in. He hugged you in a big embrace. His voice was melancholy. Just as people’s are when they speak to someone at a funeral. It’s that light, airy, solemn tone. 
“You too, Thor. How is Jane?” 
“Much better now that the aether is gone from her. How are you?” 
“I could be much worse,” you admitted. “It’s been great having Loki here. Honestly, I really only miss things like music, the internet, getting to do work every day… Seeing the outdoors. But on the bright side, I’m with my love, we have a modern, finite space to clean. I get to cook gourmet meals. We have a system that takes us anywhere in the world. Shannon is talking to me on a regular basis again…”
“That is good news. Loki, how are you fairing?”
Loki shot a look to his brother. “Oh, do you suddenly care? Now that you’ve lost one family member, starting to realize how little you might have left?” he snapped. 
“Loki,” you chided, looking at him. 
“He doesn’t visit me for almost two years and you want me to just accept him as if nothing’s changed?” Loki asked you incredulously. 
“What did we say about forgiveness? And that Thor has changed and grown?” you reminded. 
Loki stared at you another moment, his eyes swimming with a flurry of emotions before he finally looked up to his brother. “I’m doing as fine as one can in a cell, Thor.”
You nodded and smiled a bit. At least it was progress and not an insult. 
“How… how were things? How was Frigga?” you asked. 
“She was well. She missed both of you very much. Kept saying how one day you were going to give her grandchildren,” he noted with a bittersweet smile. 
You blushed and laughed. “We weren’t courting when I was on Asgard,” you reminded. 
“Oh I know… And she knew… but she kept saying it was a matter of time.”
“It would’ve been nice,” you agreed suddenly. “A family… Asgard. Frigga as a grandmother.”
“Oh, my god, no it wouldn’t have been,” Loki suddenly said, rolling his eyes. 
“Loki!” you chastised, completely surprised at his words. 
“You have to be joking. Frigga, a grandmother? She would spoil the kids rotten. Does that sound good to you? Children that pay us no mind. Children that run amuck all because dear Grandmother said they could?” he challenged. 
With that, the three of you started to laugh, knowing full well he was right. 
“He is not far from the truth. Whilst we were growing up, only one person could tell Odin no--” Thor started.
“And that was Mother,” Loki finished. 
“Oh, believe me, I know. I saw the way she spoke to your father. He is a very intimidating man, but she seemed to fair just fine with him.”
“That’s because she was the real king of the palace, Father just said he was,” Loki said with a coy smile. 
Thor agreed, still chuckling. 
“I remember the first time she had me wear Asgardian clothes,” you recalled. “They’re very--”
“Impractical?” Loki finished. 
You gave a slight laugh. “Well, yes, for women. Well, for women looking to do combat. I could hardly do anything but walk in most of the gowns she’d picked out.”
“But you did look lovely in them,” Loki declared, looking far off, as if remembering you in one. 
“Well, yes, for maybe some ball or feast. But every day that I was at work, every day that I trained by all of you, the pants fit best.” 
“Mother always thought that too. Wore pants one time around Father,” Thor stated.
“One time? Why just the one? She was Queen, could she not dress how she wanted?” you inquired.
Loki and Thor exchanged a look. 
“Uh, father thought a woman should not wear pants… Well, he thought the Queen shouldn’t. He never had a problem with Sif wearing pants, or you, or Jane… But for some reason, his wife in pants made him absolutely mad.”
“I remember that day,” Loki agreed. “Father was shouting. He was beyond reason.”
Thor nodded in agreement. “After that day, Mother never wore anything but gowns again.”
“Wow, it must’ve really pissed him off.”
“I honestly think he’s just old fashioned,” Thor countered lightly. “Seeing a younger generation in different fashion didn’t bother him, but his wife…” 
“I remember her welcoming me back so… so motherly. She accepted me as if I were her daughter. She seemed so… happy to see me again,” you said, remembering the way her eyes glossed over and she opened her arms, waiting for you to embrace her. When you finally did, she wrapped you tightly in her arms. “She said it was so good to see me again, and see the woman I had become. Of course, this was all after I found out about my parents.”
“She truly did miss you. She told me more about you after you and Loki fell. About how close she was with your parents, how it crushed her to see them go. How it broke her heart to let you go…”
“I wish I could’ve told her that it wasn’t her fault,” you said, your lip quivering. “That I wanted to thank her for caring for me for as long as she did. That by giving me away to Earth, she gave me a great life. I met amazing friends, found a field of study I love… The only thing I missed out on was you two,” you said, squeezing Loki’s hand and reaching over to pat Thor’s knee. 
Solemn quietness filled the air. 
“I’m really going to miss her,” you said, silent tears rolling down your cheek. 
“Me too…” Thor concurred. 
“As will I. She was a great mother, and never showed me anything but love,” Loki agreed. “And her magic,” he said, making the three of you laugh through tears. 
As the night went on, you all reminisced. Loki and Thor told stories of Frigga. Sometimes it was a tale one of them would be hearing for the first time. The air felt heavy with grief, as the two men broke down a handful of times, but it also felt somewhat lighter. For the first time since the attack on New York, your beloved and his brother were talking, actually communicating, and you were there to help it along. 
After that night… Loki was… well, broken. You could tell he was hurting and he tried to fight it, because… well that was his nature. He never wanted anyone to know any of his weaknesses, anything that brought him pain. 
But eventually, you sat him down and implored him to grieve. He needed to do it or it would fester. After a lot of coaxing, he finally gave in. But it was as if a dam had been opened. He became angry, he became sad, he became forlorn, he became indifferent. None of it was ever at you, though. It just seemed as soon as you gave him permission, he was a tidal wave of emotion. 
He cried himself to sleep a lot. When you heard him, you simply wrapped your arm around him. Sometimes he threw fits of anger about missing Frigga, about how he should’ve been there to save her. Sometimes he tried to convince himself that he shouldn’t feel sad because she wasn't his birth mother, but you knew that was just a way to maybe stop feeling so god damn broken. 
You did not fault or ever try to stop anything he said or did. You knew this was all a part of the grieving process and you let it happen naturally.
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaelingoat​ @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
UC: @lokis-high-priestess​
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thetiredbiwrites · 5 years
Bright Smile
Reader x Loki (Platonic Reader x Bucky, Platonic Reader x Thor)
Prompts: 2- I just wanted to see you smile
108- Don’t leave
33- You’re not alone anymore and you never will be again
Summary: The avengers don’t approve of Loki and reader’s relationship and aren’t afraid of letting her know.
A/N: One day I’ll post regularly. One day. Been struggling to manage my life lately tbh. Between work and uni and everything, my anxiety has been kicking my ass. (I cried in front of my boss, kill me now). I have many ideas, a couple I’ve written up but doubting them. Hopefully I’ll get more up soon because I actually enjoy writing when it’s not uni work, even if it’s not that great, who cares, I like it 🤣🤷‍♀️
Also my first Loki writing 😬🤞
words: 3717
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Y/N was happier than she had been in months. She had just been informed that Thor was returning. Which meant that Loki would also be returning.
Y/N and Loki had been together nearly a year and a half. A couple years after the battle of New York Thor had come back with Loki in tow.
Y/N had immediately seen the difference. He was quiet, stuck by Thor and, even though he kept his face and posture neutral, she could see the guilt in his eyes.
The Avengers, along with the rest of the city, were not happy with him being back. Thor had tried to explain in a calm manner, but they wouldn’t have it. He knew Loki wasn’t the best person, he hurt many people, including the Avengers. But it wasn’t entirely his fault and the Avengers needed to know this. If only they would listen.
Thor was a patient man, but even he had his limits and he loved his brother. When he snapped, yelling at his teammates, thunder clapped outside. That shut them up.Thor explained about how Loki had been taken, tortured and manipulated after he fell from the Bifrost. That the septre influenced him just as it had done to others. He was being used to attack New York, and the rest of earth, by the Chituri and someone else. Someone Thor was determined to get to.
Loki hadn’t wanted to return, knowing the damaged he caused. He was the God of Mischief; he likes to play games on people and trick them a lot. Especially Thor, he always fell for them. But he had become aware that his actions in New York were not acceptable and during his imprisonment on Asgard, he worked through what had happened. The truth about his past, his parentage and the manipulation.
Thor was glad to have his brother back and determined to prove he was not all bad. He could, in fact, prove to be helpful.
The Avengers concede to Loki staying on earth, but he was always to be watched. If he left the tower, someone had to be with him. By ‘someone’ they meant Thor. No one else wanted to deal with him, so he was kept under Thor’s supervision.
Over the following months, he found himself growing fond of Y/N.Thor enjoyed Y/N’s company. She was always intrigued to hear about Asgard and his adventures and just as enthusiastic to answer all his questions about Midgard. With Thor spending plenty of time with Y/N and Loki stuck with Thor, he got to know her as well.
It was a couple of months before Loki and Y/N talked directly, without Thor.
Loki often spent nights laying in his bed, room next to Thor’s, wishing he hadn’t given into Thor and instead stayed in his home. They had grown to accept him much quicker than the Midgardians. Although, he was raised as Asdgard’s prince, along with Thor, who they all trusted.
He had been pulled from his thoughts by the shuffling of feet past his room. His curiosity got the better of him. There were only three rooms on the floor he inhabited; his, Thor’s and Y/N’s. It was certainly not Thor as he could still hear the snoring through his wall.Y/N was seated in the kitchenette each shared floor had, mug in hand, watching the night life of New York below the tower.
Loki couldn’t understand why it was so difficult to find the courage to walk up to her. To ask her if she was ok. Why he even felt the need to know. But he eventually did. She genuinely smiled at him, something he hadn’t received from anyone since he arrived, and invited him to sit with her.
For a while they sat in silence. Watching the still busy streets at 3 in the morning. Loki understood why New York was ‘the city that never sleeps’.
Slowly and quietly, Y/N explained that she had a nightmare. She may not work in the field; she worked in the lab, on tech, schematics, behind the scenes type of work; but she still encountered enough.
Loki admitted to his own troubles sleeping. It surprised him how easy it was to talk to her. To tell this Midgardian things he had never said to anyone else.
It didn’t take long before they were in a comfortable conversation. Talking and laughing about Earth and Asgard, Thor and the Avengers, Y/N tried explaining some of her tech and Loki his abilities. Loki couldn’t help the smile on his face when Y/N laughed at his tale of stabbing Thor by pretending to be a snake. Thor loves snakes.
He found himself intrigued by Y/N and their nightly conversations became a routine for them. They grew closer and no matter how much Loki wished to deny his feelings, he was falling for her.
It wasn’t long before they kissed and admitted their feelings. For the following month and a half, they had kept their secret from everyone. Even Thor. He wouldn’t judge them, but they doubted he would be able to keep it from the rest. Until Thor and Loki had to return home.
The Avengers still didn’t know about their relationship but knew they had grown close. They thought they were friends and didn’t like it. They let Y/N know that every chance they got.
Y/N had tried to change their opinions of Loki. Reminding them about his torture and manipulation. Of how much he had helped them and even saved their lives since his return. But, like hypocrites, the Avengers wouldn’t give him a second chance.
By the time they returned a few weeks later, Thor had found out about the relationship. Surprisingly, he didn’t mention it to anyone. Didn’t even hint at it.
Loki and Thor were here and there over the following year. Never usually gone longer than four weeks. Keeping it a secret was going well until the last time they were back.
No-one usually came to their floor, so Y/N and Loki didn’t feel the need to hide. Unfortunately, something urgent came up in the middle of the night and Steve himself had come up to wake Thor.
Loki and Y/N were standing in front of the windows, where they spent their nightly chats. Loki’s hands gently placed on either side of Y/N face, thumbs lightly rubbing across her cheeks. Y/N’s hands rested on Loki’s chest, their lips connected.It wasn’t a messy kiss or a desperate kiss. It was sweet and loving. A kiss of a couple.
Steve was shocked and angry. A “what the hell?!” burst from him before he could think. Loki and Y/N leapt apart, fear etched on Y/N’s face and the three of them stared at each other in the darkness. Waiting for someone to make the first move.
Thankfully, Thor walked out, yawning and running a hand through his bed hair, demanding to know why he was woken. Steve had silently pointed at the couple, not taking his eyes away. Thor had brushed it off, not phased by old news, and asked why the captain was present at such an hour.
Steve had elected to ignore what he saw until the urgent matter had been dealt. Leaving Y/N to panic for the following 15 hours. Terrified for the outcome of everyone knowing her secret relationship.
She was right to be.
As soon as the mission was over, the matter dealt with, Steve alerted the others to what he had witnessed. What followed was a mass of yelling, questioning and insults thrown at Y/N without allowing her a chance to speak.
“what the hell are you thinking?”
“after everything he did to us?! To the city?!”
“he’s evil. He killed people.”
“he’s pretending, he’s tricking you. He is the God of mischief, a trickster.”
“You’re an idiot. You’re blind. He’s going to hurt you.”
For the following 30 minutes, Y/N was bombarded with hate from her ‘friends’. Thor and Loki hadn’t been there, leaving to their floor the second they landed to deal with a message they had received.
Once Y/N had managed to escape, she hid herself away. Curling into herself and crying until FRIDAY informed her that Loki was looking for her. She brushed away the tears and put on a brave face.
The message came from Heimdall, Thor and Loki needed to return to Asgard immediately and it was unclear when they would return. Y/N stayed brave as they said goodbye, telling each other ‘I love you’ before parting.
It hadn’t gotten easier for Y/N. It only got worse. The others wouldn’t speak to her. They didn’t invite her to hang out with them, or to events. They even kept her away from missions if they could. They took their tech to Tony or even Bruce to avoid her. Some of them even left the room when she entered. Y/N had stopped using the shared kitchen, opting to do what she could with the kitchenette on her empty, lonely floor.
It wasn’t just the Avengers, it was everyone else that worked in the building. It hadn’t taken long for word to spread. Soon enough everyone was whispering about her and her relationship.The only person who spoke to Y/N was Bucky. He had only been around a couple months when news of her and Loki was revealed. He wasn’t around during the battle of New York and wasn’t one to judge without knowing.
He had seen her walking around in the middle of the night, having decided it was easier to work when everyone else was in bed, and made the effort to talk to her. He didn’t have to be trained to see the pain and loneliness on her face.
He was still shy and adjusting to being around so many people, but he stayed and listened to every word she said. About how Loki didn’t have a choice, that what they did to him still brings nightmares. The fears and hurt he felt about how Odin lied to him, about who he really is. That no-one made an effort to know Loki, who he is when he’s free to be himself. How kind, gentle and loving he could be, honest and patient, but also funny. She loved him so much. But now he was gone, and she was alone. She lost everyone, but she loved Loki more than she thought possible and he loved her more than she had ever been loved that she didn’t want to lose him.
Bucky had listened and he understood. He too had been used by someone else to do bad things. Granted he had no choice whatsoever, but he could relate to being tortured and manipulated into things you would never choose to do. To feel guilty for the things you did.
He hated to see Y/N so broken up. In the brief time he had known her, she had been so friendly, so kind-hearted and compassionate. She was funny and smart. And she most certainly didn’t deserve the treatment she received just because of who she loved.
He still had his own troubles sleeping and made a point to join Y/N at night. Keep her company and show her she wasn’t entirely alone. It helped him too, kept his mind from his own horrors. Chatting, laughing and learning about the 21st century. He was glad to call her his friend, but he struggled to bring up the matter with Steve, failing the couple times he had tried. She had asked him not to the last time he had because she didn’t want him and Steve to argue. Not after all they had been through. So, he kept his routine, hoping it helped her at least a little.
And now, after nearly four months, Loki and Thor were finally back. Y/N had chosen to greet them back on their floor, avoiding the reunion with the rest of the Avengers.The brothers didn’t seem too put out when they entered their floor, used to the hostility Loki received from them that they didn’t acknowledge it or recognise it was different. So, Y/N chose not to say anything either. Just glad he was back.
But Loki isn’t an idiot. Thor may not be the most observant, but even he noticed by the end of the week. Y/N was not happy. She didn’t interact with the avengers; she spent her time either in her lab or on their floor. The only person they had seen her talk to was Bucky.
By the following week they had heard the whispers around the building. They noticed the way the avengers looked at their ‘friend’. They saw the pained look in her eyes and the sadness her body held. Loki missed her laugh and when she did smile, it wasn’t the bright one he loved.
He wanted to yell at the Avengers. To hurt them as they hurt her. But he chose instead, to make his beloved happy again. No matter what.
This didn’t stop him from being petty. Such as “accidently” passing salt instead of sugar for people’s coffee or using his magic to mess with them, but only slightly. Just enough to frustrate and annoy them. Subtly moving Tony’s tools when he put them down, a fly that wouldn’t leave Steve alone, tripping Natasha from across the room and so on.
But Y/N was his focus. She had been locked away in her lab all day, working on designs and building tech to help the team, even though they hadn’t asked for anything in months, when Loki practically dragged her away and back to their floor for a surprise.
The sight before her left her stunned. In their spot by the window, Loki had set up a fort. Pillows, sheets, fairy lights, the whole deal. Their usual drinks ready and her laptop out.
“I don’t know how to use it but I thought we should watch some of those movies you keep talking about”, Loki admitted.
He became worried by her shocked face, the tears in her eyes making him believe he had done something wrong. But Y/N was quick to pull him into a kiss, bright smile as she held his face and told him it was perfect.
“But why?”
“I just wanted to see you smile.”
He also admitted that Thor had assisted, wanting his favourite Midgardian to be happy again. Neither of them pleased with how the avengers were treating her but that making her feel loved was more important than revenge or at the least, a yelling match.
This continued for a month. Loki and Thor doing things for Y/N, whether it be in the tower or out in New York (mostly on Thor’s part), big or small. Getting a smile on her face or a laugh out of her was the aim and achieving this made them happy. She continued to have her conversations with Bucky, but usually when Steve and the others were out instead of the middle of the night. He was also doing better so tended to actually be asleep at night. He was just as happy to see her smiling.
Y/N knew it would happen eventually, but she wasn’t ready. She had overheard Thor; he was needed again and would be leaving soon. Which meant Loki would go too. He always did.
“Don’t leave.” Was the first thing out of her mouth once she found Loki, sitting in their spot reading a book.
“What do you mean, love?” Loki put his book down, turning to her in confusion.
He grew concerned at the fear in her face. Tears welling in her eyes.“I heard Thor. You’re leaving again. I don’t want you to go yet. I don’t want to be alone.”
Loki embraced Y/N, holding her tight in his arms as the tears slipped down her face. The Avengers didn’t deserve her. How could they hurt someone so perfect? He wasn’t going to leave her alone with them again. She may have Bucky, but that’s one man against the whole team. And he’s a man still healing himself, it would be unfair to pit him against them.
Pulling back, he kept his hands on Y/N’s arms, looking in her eyes and promised he wouldn’t leave her.
“I don’t care how, but I’m staying with you. Either I’ll stay here while Thor goes, even if I’m confined to this floor, or you can come with us. I’m sure they would love you on Asgard. I should have taken you sooner, really.”
Thor had returned to the floor and agreed with Loki, their people would indeed love Y/N and he was sure she would love them. He was also worried about leaving her behind.
The three made their decision.
Soon enough they were in the shared kitchen-living area, faced with the Avengers. Thor announced that he would be heading back to Asgard and not only Loki, but Lady Y/N would be joining too. That their only other option would be leaving Loki with Y/N in the tower.
This was not received well. The avengers all started yelling over each other.
“Like hell reindeer games is staying here unattended!”
“She is not leaving with him!”
“Who the hell thought that was a good idea?”
“Those are not the only options, Y/N will stay here, and Loki will go. He should stay gone as well.”
“We should have never let him back here.”
“Has she not learnt yet!”
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Enough!” Loki hit his limit. Y/N was close to tears, arms wrapped around herself, eyes planted on the floor, unable to look at her ‘friends’.
Even Thor’s face radiated anger and Bucky had subtly moved away from the group, eyeing Steve, more than the others, in disbelief.
“How dare you treat her like this. You claim that I will hurt her. That I will use her. I will abandon her. But I haven’t. I never will. I can’t imagine being without her. Leaving without her hurts me. Being away from her pains me in ways I never imagined. And yet you people, claiming to be the good ones. Claiming to be her friends, her family, are the ones that hurt her. You used her and abandoned her. She does everything for you, treats you all with such friendship, compassion and sympathy. Even these last months where you all treated her with disgust and hate, when you ignored her and left her alone, she continued to do things to help and protect you. You are all hypocrites and she deserves better. Judging her because of me is disgraceful. I accept it because I have done wrong, even though all of you have too and are granted second chances. The Black Widow, raised in the Red Room, KGB agent, killed many. Tony Stark, previous owner of a weapons company, profiting from war and death. Even you dear Captain, claiming to be pure and good, but fail to follow rules and orders when you believe it is wrong. Committing illegal acts to get what you want. She deserves better than you lot and she will get it with us. In Asgard. Where she will be respected and loved.”
Thor stepped forward, placing a hand on his brother’s shoulder, stopping him before his words turned physical.
“My brother is right, you have not been the good men and women you claim to be. I brought my brother here to atone for his behaviour, that he was not in full control of, to people who are all about second chances. Changing who you are to be a better person, and instead you have given him nothing but hostility. Despite how much good he has done, how much help he has provided. You still present with hate. Hate which has spread and you have lost the greatest of you. She will come with us because I don’t want to leave her with you. I don’t want to return to see the misery and loneliness I saw this time. To hear the whispers and see the vicious looks she receives. She does not belong to you, she has made this decision.”
The avengers were left speechless. All of them guilty and unable to look at Y/N who was looking at the brothers in awe. Tony presented with the most guilt. The first to look at Y/N, tears in his eyes as he realised his hate for Loki had blinded him. Y/N had been like a sister to him, and he not only pushed her aside, but treated her so horribly.
Bucky made his way over to his new friend, pulling her into a hug. Pulling back, he looked down to her, “you are going to love up there. You better tell me all about it when you return.” He smiled before placing a brief kiss on her head as she nodded.
Bucky turned to stand next to Y/N, with Thor next to him and Loki on Y/N’s other side. He pointedly looked at Steve, who was confused. He had no idea this friendship had evolved and so deeply as well. He too came to realise how terrible he had been.
Loki turned to Bucky, “thank you, for being the only other Midgardian I like. For keeping my love happy and not alone while my brother and I were away. I do hope you continue to find yourself and be truly happy as well.”
Bucky smiled and nodded once in response to Loki before sending Y/N one last smile and moving away, taking a stand off to the side, ready to let them leave.
The avengers started to make a move, try and say their apologies. But the brothers weren’t going to have it. Loki grabbed Y/N’s hand in his, rubbing a thumb across the back, and turning her away from the group. Thor followed as they made their way upstairs to collect their belongings and leave. The Avengers could wait until their return, whenever that will be, to say their apologies and make amends.
“You’re not alone anymore, and you never will be again.”
Those were the final words Y/N heard before a bright light surrounded them. When she re-opened her eyes, the most beautiful scene was before her. The bright smile on her face didn’t fade.
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cherryrogers · 5 years
— Part II
Pairing: Loki x Princess!Reader
Contains: Fluff, a tiny bit of angst.
A/N: hello! i’m sorry that it took me forever to write this part, but it’s here now! after this part, the story is going to start progressing more, which i’m excited for :) anyway, i’ll shut up now, but please enjoy :))
Part I
Series Masterlist
Adjusting to life in Asgard was gradually becoming easier.
Because you weren’t an Asgardian royal, many inhabitants of the realm didn’t take a liking to you initially, and you could see that by the odd looks they shot you, and the smiles you offered always going unreturned. Fortunately, after almost a week of you living there, people finally started to become more accustomed to your presence in the kingdom. While you didn’t at all expect to be treated the same as the royals around you, you were warmed by the respect and kindness that had come your way from your maids and servants. You didn’t feel as if you deserved to be treated as such, since you weren’t a princess of Asgard, yet you were incredibly grateful.
Your eyes darted up from your lap, a smile forming on your lips at the sight of Frigga looking down at you. She returned the smile, sitting down next to you on the stone bench you’d stumbled across in one of the palace gardens. The place was like a maze, and it was pretty hard to navigate around it. One of the many long corridors led you out to a grass-covered area outside, and you were immediately drawn to the array of brightly coloured flowers and plants that you weren’t sure even existed on Midgard. Someone was bound to find you out there eventually.
You didn’t even get the chance to say hello before she started to speak again. “There has been news about the war on Midgard.”
Eyes widening, you nodded, urging her to continue.
“Apparently, it was started by a large group of people who were not too fond of the way things are running in the realm. They call themselves, Hydra.”
The group was unfamiliar to you; you didn’t think for a second that people thought so negatively of the way your parents ruled. “But there are more knights, are there not? Surely, it won’t be hard for us to be victorious in the war.”
Frigga sighed. “I unfortunately don’t think that is the case, (Y/N). This group have supposedly stayed quiet for years, building their army until they had enough strength to attempt to conquer Midgard themselves.”
Noticing the way your body had stiffened, she placed a delicate hand over your shaky one reassuringly. “This isn’t at all your fault, dear. I can tell you’re trying to pin this atrocity on yourself.”
“I just wish there was something I could do - some way that I could help my people.”
“As of now, it is out of your hands.” Frigga squeezed your hand before standing, causing you to look up at her. “Your time will come, (Y/N). I assure you.”
While you didn’t quite understand what Frigga meant by her words, you trusted them - you trusted her. Perhaps, your time was coming.
* * *
“Oh, sh-ugar. I am so sorry...” You apologised, restraining yourself from muttering profanities, as you knew your mother would scold you all the way from Midgard if she knew you were swearing in front of a prince.
You’d been aimlessly wondering the halls of the palace, hoping to find somewhere to spend your afternoon before dinner started. It was safe to say you hadn’t exactly became friends with anyone yet. Sif seemed to still be warming up to you. You were lucky if you even caught a glimpse of Loki, as he hadn’t really made an appearance since the day you arrived. And as for Thor, he was usually out with his friends, doing things that you, a noble princess, wouldn’t be allowed to do.
However, at this exact moment, the god seemed to be rounding the corner of the hall at the same time as you, causing you bump straight into his hard chest. Feeling hands resting on your upper arms, you glanced up and locked eyes with the man in front of you.
“Do not apologise, Princess (Y/N).” Thor smiled. “Are you alright?”
You nodded, heat rising in your cheeks. “Yes, thank you, Prince Thor.”
His large hands trailed down to your elbows before he pulled them away, causing you to miss the warmth they briefly provided you with. “Are you heading somewhere?”
“Not anywhere in particular.” You shook your head. “Is there any chance you have something in mind to rid me of my boredom?”
A hearty laugh escaped his lips, unexpectedly causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. “I must be leaving soon; there are matters involving the war on Midgard that my father wants me to deal with.”
The mention of Midgard sparked your curiosity. Why weren’t you informed of the update on the war? It was your realm, after all. “Matters? What sort of matters?”
“I’m not sure yet, but you shouldn’t worry about them, Princess (Y/N).”
“Why shouldn’t I worry?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest. “This is my realm we are discussing, is it not only fair I am just as informed as everyone else on the situation?”
Thor sighed. “You’re right, it isn’t fair that knowledge of the war is being kept from you. However, I am practically none the wiser. It’s my father you should ask, if you’re eager to know what’s going on.”
“Is it Hydra?” You mumbled. “Are they winning? Are they on their way over here?”
The god furrowed his brows. “How do you know their name?”
“Your mother, she told me that they were the ones starting the war. She seems to be the only one who doesn’t want to keep me in the dark.”
While your lips curved into a frown, you could feel Thor’s sympathetic gaze on you as yours dropped to the floor. “Please, do not pity me, Thor.”
At the realisation that you didn’t refer to him by his title, you sighed, playing with your fingers frustratedly. “Sorry, I meant to say Prince-”
“That’s okay,” He interrupted. “Prince Thor is rather formal, don’t you think? I’d prefer it if you just called me Thor.”
With a sad smile, you nodded. “Okay, Thor. I’m... I think I’m going to-”
“I’m sorry.” He cut you off again. “It’s not that my father wants to keep secrets from you. He just... there’s nothing you can do to help the matter, Princess (Y/N).”
You knew what that meant. Thor was going off to fight, and there was nothing you as an innocent princess could do to help. You couldn’t assist anyone in fighting, because that wasn’t your role. The same message in a thousand different phrases had been said to you enough for you to know what it meant.
Once again, you nodded, not feeling like you wanted to unleash your frustration on Thor at the moment. Uttering a goodbye, you started pacing down the hall again, hoping to find somewhere to calm down. This is why you preferred to be alone, why you rather liked being an only child - because whenever anyone was around you, they just loved to tell you what you can and mostly can’t do. In simple terms, you were useless.
Even though you didn’t think of yourself as useless, the word slowly started to dig its way into your mind every time you were told you couldn’t do anything. You knew that if anyone actually gave you the time of day, they would see that you weren’t just someone that had to be protected, but someone who could help protect others. However, you were sure that nobody was ever going to give you the chance you so desperately wanted - not anytime soon, at least.
You had no idea where your feet were carrying you, all you knew is that you needed to find somewhere quiet. Somewhere that you could be alone.
After around thirty seconds of walking, you found yourself stopping outside of what looked to be a library. Perfect. What place screams solitude and calmness more than a library?
Breathing a sigh of relief, you slowly made your way into the large room - emphasis on the word large. It was practically the same size as the dining room, maybe even bigger. Rows upon rows of bookshelves filled the room, apart from the smaller space in the centre of it, which contained two long sofas on either side of a dark wooden table. The smell of old books entered your nose, and it only added to the sense of comfort you felt when walking into the room. Perhaps this was a place you’d be spending a lot more of your time in.
In the midst of you taking in the beauty of the library, something caught your eye. Well, someone.
You hadn’t even noticed the figure to your far right, running a hand down the spine of a certain book on one of the shelves against the wall. His dark hair was tucked gently behind his ear on one side, and falling around his face on the other. It baffled you how different Thor and Loki were - they both looked like princes despite them completely contrasting each other appearance-wise.
It was then that it clicked in your mind. The green and gold aesthetic of the room, the numerous books that read ‘magic’ on the spine of them... this was Loki’s library.
“Can I be if any assistance to you, Princess? You’ve been staring for an awfully long time.” The prince spoke, pulling his hand away from the bookshelf and turning towards you.
His footsteps echoed as he slowly approached you, smirking at the blush arising on your cheeks. “I apologise, I wasn’t aware that this was your personal library.”
“How do you know it’s mine?” Loki questioned.
“Well, the wallpaper seems to match your... colour scheme.” Your eyes glanced back and forth between the room and his attire.
Loki let out a breathy chuckle. “May I ask what you’re doing in my library then, Princess?”
Usually, you wouldn’t roll your eyes at somebody you barely knew out of manners. However, everything that came out of this guy’s mouth virtually invited you to react in that way. “I just wanted to find a place where I could spend some time alone. Perhaps you could direct me to the public library, then?”
“And why would I do that?” He challenged, making you knit your brows together in a puzzled manner.
“Because I don’t know how to find it myself...?”
“I meant, why would I make you leave my library?”
You continued to speak confusedly. “You barely know me; I just assumed you wouldn’t want anyone else in here, especially some random princess from another realm.”
Loki’s eyes met yours briefly before he started walking towards the sofas in the middle of the room. “You shouldn’t make assumptions, Princess.”
“You don’t have to call me that, Loki.” You sighed, following after him. It registered to you that you made the same mistake as you did before with Thor - not addressing him with his title. But, you didn’t feel like you had to correct yourself. There wasn’t a nervous pit in your stomach with Loki like there was when you encountered Thor, and you liked that. You felt quite comfortable, despite only having one previous encounter with Loki.
“I know.” He replied nonchalantly, motioning for you to sit on one of the sofas while he sat on the opposite one to you. “Care for a drink?”
Before you could answer, a flash of green emerged from his palm, and a glass of something red formed in his hand. He placed the drink in front of you on the table. This was only the second time you’d seen him work his magic in front of you, so you tried to hide your surprised expression when you lifted the glass to your lips.
“I haven’t seen you at all since I first arrived. Is this where you’ve been hiding?” You challenged, causing the corner of his mouth to upturn.
“So you’re here because you missed me?”
“I offered to leave you alone, Loki, yet you told me to stay - perhaps you’re the one who missed me.”
Now it was Loki’s turn to roll his eyes before replying to your question. “I haven’t been hiding. I didn’t think you would notice my lack of presence, in all honesty.”
You sighed. “Well, you’re the only person I’ve had a decent conversation with this week. One that didn’t involve war and secrets.”
There was a pause before Loki spoke up again. “What about my brother? Has he not... charmed you yet?”
You scoffed, taking another sip of your drink. “No, he hasn’t charmed me. Why would you think that?”
Loki shrugged, leaning back in his seat. “I just thought he’d taken quite a liking to you, Princess, and perhaps you reciprocated the feeling.”
“Are you trying to set me up with your brother, Loki?” The god just responded with a glare, shaking his head. The idea never crossed your mind that Thor might be interested in you. Like you said, you hadn’t seen much of Thor since he was out of the kingdom a lot, but the warm smile he offered you every time you passed him in the halls and his friendliness towards you didn’t go unnoticed. You assumed he was just being, well, friendly.
“Whether he is interested or not, that isn’t something I’m looking for at the moment. It’s not even really up to me, it would be my parents deciding that matter. Besides, I think he’s still hiding things from me about the war, even if he’s claiming to know no more than I do.”
“Whatever he isn’t telling you, I’m sure he’s only keeping it from you to protect you.” Loki said quietly, provoking you to sigh at his words.
“That’s just it, Loki. I’m tired of being seen as a little girl who needs protecting from the world.” You spoke even quieter than he did, surprised at yourself for confiding so easily in him. “Do you think that’s unreasonable?”
The god moved his gaze from his glass on the table to lock eyes with you, noticing the glint of sadness and frustration in them immediately. He knew you weren’t what his father thought you were - a helpless princess in need of saving. Loki knew that wasn’t you. And he wanted to know you beyond that stereotype, who you actually were under the expensive royal clothing and perfect princess persona you faked.
“No,” His blue eyes bored into yours. “I don’t think that’s unreasonable at all.”
series taglist:
@darkprincessloki92 @hellethil @caretheunicorn @poetic-pixie
60 notes · View notes
Unforseen Chasm (part 32)
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Part 32 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 2535 Warnings: mentions of death, language, nostalgia  Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93 what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing i
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Some time had passed since your recapture from the Xavier Mansion. You weren’t quite sure how much time, but things were slightly better. Tony and Shannon had actually gotten you two a TV. And you still had the projection of all the different places of the world and Asgard that went on your walls. You and Loki used that feature quite a bit to try and wash away the feeling of utter isolation. 
Shannon still visited you. She tried to get down to you at least once a week, but sometimes it wasn’t always that often. Sometimes even Tony visited. Hell even twice Steve came down. 
You couldn’t say life had gotten better. You were still in a cell. No sign of parole. But at least you still had Loki and Shannon, and you were making a great deal of progress in the trust department. You had not left the cell since Tony had brought you back. Which meant the dark energy still lived inside you. You didn’t tell Loki he was your trigger because you did not want to add to his suffering.
But one day, a surprise visitor came down, and at first you were happy to see them… until you heard why they were here. 
“Hey, Point Break,” Tony greeted happily as Thor entered the Tower. Shannon came bounding in, giving the large god a huge hug. 
“Stark,” he greeted politely. “I have a favor to ask.”
“Anything, buddy, just name it,” Tony assured. 
“Release Loki into my care…”
Tony and Shannon’s faces both fell. “Anything but that,” Tony said, starting to walk way. 
“Tony, listen to me,” Thor began, following his friend. “I know how this sounds, but I need his help.”
“His? You need that maniac’s help? To what? Silence of the Lambs it? Trying to catch one crazy with another?” 
“I have absolutely no idea what you just said,” Thor confessed, looking puzzled. 
“He means, why do you need Loki?” Shannon asked gently, shooting a glare to Tony for being rude. 
“Loki knows of passageways in and out of Asgard. Ways that even Heimdall does not know of. I need to do something that is not exactly legal,” Thor informed.
“Ah, so you need your insane brother to help you break Asgard’s law,” Tony summed up. “Fantastic.”
“So you’ll help me?” Thor asked, delighted. 
“Hell no!” Tony responded. “I’m not breaking any intergalactic laws. Especially not with him on the loose.”
“I will have myself and the warriors three to help keep him in line. Please… Jane’s life is on the line….”
“Jane? Jane Foster?” Shannon asked, concern in her words.
Thor looked at her and nodded. 
Tony sighed. “Let’s just hypothetically say I did let Reindeer Games go. How long are we talking?” 
“I have no idea. I have to fight dark elves and retrieve the dark aether from them before--”
“Does five days sound like enough?” Tony asked, cutting Thor off. 
“I’ll do my best with that.” 
“You’ve got a deal,” Tony said, shaking his hand. 
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Thor walked up to your cell, Tony beside him. 
“Thor?” you questioned, stepping up from the kitchen. In an instant, Loki was by your side. He’d been in the bedroom, cleaning. 
“What are you doing here?” Loki asked of his brother. 
“Mother’s died,” Thor said with a cold tone. 
“Oh my god,” you responded, tears jumping to your eyes. “H--How? Thor… I’m so sorry.. Loki--” You turned to him and he turned to stone. 
“Dark elves.”
“What? What do Dark Elves have to do with Asgard? Why would they kill Queen Frigga?” you questioned, grief rushing over you. 
“There isn’t much time to explain. Jane has been overcome with a dark energy that is killing her and turning her dark. I need Loki to help me escape Asgard.”
“I hate to burst your dimwitted bubble, Thor, but you’re already out of Asgard,” Loki remarked. 
“Midgard is the only place Heimdall can send me and it not be considered treason. I need help getting to another realm, a different realm. Now will you help me or am I wasting my time?” Thor demanded, speaking quickly and lowly, authority in his voice. 
“You must be truly desperate to come to me,” Loki noted. “How do you know you can trust me?”
“I don’t. In the past I have fought you with the glimmer of hope that my brother still lie in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists. If you betray me, I will kill you. I know you seek vengeance just as I do, and I will help you get it. In return, you will help me save Jane and seek justice for our mother’s death.”
Loki stared him down a moment. 
“When do we start?”
With that, a whirlwind of things happened. Tony released Loki from the cell, to which Thor brought him with him, up to the surface of Earth, where Heimdall recalled them both. From there, they stole a ship, and ventured into a realm where Dark Elves resided many years ago. According to them, there was a plot to cut off Thor’s hand, to make it look as if Loki had betrayed Thor and throw the Elves off -- It worked. The plan got Malekith to release the aether from Jane, thus allowing Thor to destroy it. Once it was gone, Loki and Thor were able to fight the elves. 
In a manner of speaking, it was a victory. But for Loki, he was destined to return to Earth, return to his cell, return to his life as a prisoner. 
Thor brought Loki back, where Shannon helped return him to his cell with you, a look of sorrow on her face. 
“Brother, I thank you for fighting by my side once more and helping me save Jane, and in the end, saving the universe,” Thor said from outside the cell. 
“All in a day's work,” he said, slightly bowing. “Besides, it was nice to get out and get some fresh air for a change.”
“I will see to it that they consider releasing you from this cell,” Thor promised.
Loki had no words. He didn’t think Thor would be so… generous. Nor did you. 
“Thank you, Thor, and for what it’s worth, I truly am sorry about your mother. She was a wise, wonderful woman,” you offered, your face fallen a bit. 
“She truly was. She missed you,” he informed, a bit of a fond smile touching his lips. 
“She did? Me?” you asked, in disbelieving wonder. 
“Oh yes. She missed your music and your singing around the palace. She missed hearing you talk of all of your physics. She missed a great deal of things about you. About both of you,” Thor stated. 
You frowned slightly and offered, “Would you like to come in and talk about it… about her?” 
Thor was ready to decline, but when he thought about it, he should be with family right now. He hadn’t seen Loki since the day of the imprisonment, nor you. Both of you were so close to Frigga, it hardly made sense to part ways now.
Thor nodded and made his way over to the door, where Shannon scanned her eye to let Thor in. 
“I’ll leave you three alone,” she said gently. Normally, you would’ve asked her to stay, but this felt… private. These two men needed to grieve their mother, and you needed to grieve a woman who took care of you more than once. 
“It is good to see you,” Thor stated as soon as he walked in. He hugged you in a big embrace. His voice was melancholy. Just as people’s are when they speak to someone at a funeral. It’s that light, airy, solemn tone. 
“You too, Thor. How is Jane?” 
“Much better now that the aether is gone from her. How are you?” 
“I could be much worse,” you admitted. “It’s been great having Loki here. Honestly, I really only miss things like music, the internet, getting to do work every day… Seeing the outdoors. But on the bright side, I’m with my love, we have a modern, finite space to clean. I get to cook gourmet meals. We have a system that takes us anywhere in the world. Shannon is talking to me on a regular basis again…”
“That is good news. Loki, how are you fairing?”
Loki shot a look to his brother. “Oh, do you suddenly care? Now that you’ve lost one family member, starting to realize how little you might have left?” he snapped. 
“Loki,” you chided, looking at him. 
“He doesn’t visit me for almost two years and you want me to just accept him as if nothing’s changed?” Loki asked you incredulously. 
“What did we say about forgiveness? And that Thor has changed and grown?” you reminded. 
Loki stared at you another moment, his eyes swimming with a flurry of emotions before he finally looked up to his brother. “I’m doing as fine as one can in a cell, Thor.”
You nodded and smiled a bit. At least it was progress and not an insult. 
“How… how were things? How was Frigga?” you asked. 
“She was well. She missed both of you very much. Kept saying how one day you were going to give her grandchildren,” he noted with a bittersweet smile. 
You blushed and laughed. “We weren’t courting when I was on Asgard,” you reminded. 
“Oh I know… And she knew… but she kept saying it was a matter of time.”
“It would’ve been nice,” you agreed suddenly. “A family… Asgard. Frigga as a grandmother.”
“Oh, my god, no it wouldn’t have been,” Loki suddenly said, rolling his eyes. 
“Loki!” you chastised, completely surprised at his words. 
“You have to be joking. Frigga, a grandmother? She would spoil the kids rotten. Does that sound good to you? Children that pay us no mind. Children that run amuck all because dear Grandmother said they could?” he challenged. 
With that, the three of you started to laugh, knowing full well he was right. 
“He is not far from the truth. Whilst we were growing up, only one person could tell Odin no--” Thor started.
“And that was Mother,” Loki finished. 
“Oh, believe me, I know. I saw the way she spoke to your father. He is a very intimidating man, but she seemed to fair just fine with him.”
“That’s because she was the real king of the palace, Father just said he was,” Loki said with a coy smile. 
Thor agreed, still chuckling. 
“I remember the first time she had me wear Asgardian clothes,” you recalled. “They’re very--”
“Impractical?” Loki finished. 
You gave a slight laugh. “Well, yes, for women. Well, for women looking to do combat. I could hardly do anything but walk in most of the gowns she’d picked out.”
“But you did look lovely in them,” Loki declared, looking far off, as if remembering you in one. 
“Well, yes, for maybe some ball or feast. But every day that I was at work, every day that I trained by all of you, the pants fit best.” 
“Mother always thought that too. Wore pants one time around Father,” Thor stated.
“One time? Why just the one? She was Queen, could she not dress how she wanted?” you inquired.
Loki and Thor exchanged a look. 
“Uh, father thought a woman should not wear pants… Well, he thought the Queen shouldn’t. He never had a problem with Sif wearing pants, or you, or Jane… But for some reason, his wife in pants made him absolutely mad.”
“I remember that day,” Loki agreed. “Father was shouting. He was beyond reason.”
Thor nodded in agreement. “After that day, Mother never wore anything but gowns again.”
“Wow, it must’ve really pissed him off.”
“I honestly think he’s just old fashioned,” Thor countered lightly. “Seeing a younger generation in different fashion didn’t bother him, but his wife…” 
“I remember her welcoming me back so… so motherly. She accepted me as if I were her daughter. She seemed so… happy to see me again,” you said, remembering the way her eyes glossed over and she opened her arms, waiting for you to embrace her. When you finally did, she wrapped you tightly in her arms. “She said it was so good to see me again, and see the woman I had become. Of course, this was all after I found out about my parents.”
“She truly did miss you. She told me more about you after you and Loki fell. About how close she was with your parents, how it crushed her to see them go. How it broke her heart to let you go…”
“I wish I could’ve told her that it wasn’t her fault,” you said, your lip quivering. “That I wanted to thank her for caring for me for as long as she did. That by giving me away to Earth, she gave me a great life. I met amazing friends, found a field of study I love… The only thing I missed out on was you two,” you said, squeezing Loki’s hand and reaching over to pat Thor’s knee. 
Solemn quietness filled the air. 
“I’m really going to miss her,” you said, silent tears rolling down your cheek. 
“Me too…” Thor concurred. 
“As will I. She was a great mother, and never showed me anything but love,” Loki agreed. “And her magic,” he said, making the three of you laugh through tears. 
As the night went on, you all reminisced. Loki and Thor told stories of Frigga. Sometimes it was a tale one of them would be hearing for the first time. The air felt heavy with grief, as the two men broke down a handful of times, but it also felt somewhat lighter. For the first time since the attack on New York, your beloved and his brother were talking, actually communicating, and you were there to help it along. 
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After that night… Loki was… well, broken. You could tell he was hurting and he tried to fight it, because… well that was his nature. He never wanted anyone to know any of his weaknesses, anything that brought him pain. 
But eventually, you sat him down and implored him to grieve. He needed to do it or it would fester. After a lot of coaxing, he finally gave in. But it was as if a dam had been opened. He became angry, he became sad, he became forlorn, he became indifferent. None of it was ever at you, though. It just seemed as soon as you gave him permission, he was a tidal wave of emotion. 
He cried himself to sleep a lot. When you heard him, you simply wrapped your arm around him. Sometimes he threw fits of anger about missing Frigga, about how he should’ve been there to save her. Sometimes he tried to convince himself that he shouldn’t feel sad because she wasn't his birth mother, but you knew that was just a way to maybe stop feeling so god damn broken. 
You did not fault or ever try to stop anything he said or did. You knew this was all a part of the grieving process and you let it happen naturally. 
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords @oldfreakything @weclassygirl @adefectivedetective @dontbetooobvious
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast   @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog   @sammysbuttcheek @misz-adrii @sandlee44 @womanxofletters @natsuccs @childishhoebinoo @expecteddifferent @girl-next-door-writes @fanaticfanfiction @dakotapaigelove @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell
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imagine-loki · 4 years
The Slutty Web One Weaves
Title : The Slutty Webs one Weaves
Chapter NO. 7 of 10?
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki’s Asgardian wife learns women write fanfiction about him on a trip to Midgard. She’s edgy for the duration and lets him have it when they get back.
Author: lokilover9
Rating: M
Astrid apologized, agreed to everything and Thor lead them to a location to hide their vehicle.
"Loki will be pleased to know your helping."
"I should have thought to from the start." She regrettably admitted.
Frigga hugged him. "Thank you for agreeing to take her back should this fail." ***** For eight days, their plan worked until her Father paid the palace an unexpected visit.
Odin was in the front courtyard boasting to some Einherjar about beating an Embassador at charades, when their commander, Nedvar, interrupted. "Ignoramus at twelve o'clock, Sire."
The King groaned. "Splendid. It's Rodderick the dipshit."
"Give the word and we'll pitch him over the wall."
"Tempting, but what do I tell my daughter in law?" Odin hated the occasionally unkempt Lord who preferred perfuming to bathing and greeted him from behind a hedge. "Welcome Roddy. I look so forward to your unscheduled visits."
The disdain was mutual with Roddy feeling Astrid could've done better than wed whom he considered a criminal, Prince or not. "Greetings, Heiness. Might you be so kind as to share the knowledge of when your son intends to return?"
Astrid's parents had two daughters, her being the youngest and known to the Royals as her Father's least favorite.
"That depends on whom you miss more. Asgards lovely Duchess, or my son? Her beloved pardoned Prince. I can give either a message."
"Miss? Impossible as Astrid's practically taken up residence again. Should I relay you wish she ceased luring her Mother from bed crying, or send her home to disturb your sleep?"
"I wasn't aware she'd returned from Midgard. Has age required you hearing aids, or were you night prowling in hopes of accessing Ingrid's locked bedchambers again?"
Roddy frowned and crassly replied. "The lovely Duchess returned with Frigga. Is your wife telling lies, Allfather? Mine would never."
Odin cackled. 'Festering dimwit. Ingrid is banging my valet.' "You shall regard Frigga as 'Queen' and with utmost respect."
"My apologies. She is celestial, yet your defensiveness is revealing."
Roddy liked poking subtle jabs at the Royals and assumed Astrid a barrier to consequence. Most were directed at Loki and the King, but he'd worn Odin's patience too thin. "Insult anyone in my family again, including your daughter and face repercussions. Be gone, Rodderick."
"So soon?"
Odin's jaw clenched. "Leave egghead before I crack it on the pavement. Nedvar, escort him to the gate."
"Gladly, Sire."
Roddy followed, hardly perturbed. "One might expect the offering of a beverage after a stuffy carriage ride."
The commander jolted the gate closed. "Try opening a window Lord Heskin. If you're thirsty, there's a pub nearby rumored to host naked wrestling in the basement. Some days it's ladies, others gents. Enjoy."
When Odin entered their chambers bellowing to the Allmother, her lady in waiting sent word through a chain of servants to a handsomely paid Stableman. Familiar with an alternate route to Astrid's parents, he arrived ahead of Roddy and rushed her to the observatory.
Thor received her call and left immediately. 'Shite, brother. Where art thou?' ***** Following two days in Paris, Loki and Brianna cruised Lake Laguno in Switzerlandand. She questioned him about Asgard and her grandparents, yet when asking the circumstances behind his adoption, Loki spun a tale of half truth.
"Jotunheim had a King named Laufey who owned a magical cube that opened bridges to every realm. Long ago, he used it to attack Earth. Grandfather bravely defended your realm, forced his army back to Jotunheim and demanded he relinquish the cube. Laufey refused and continued attacking Asgards army until most of his people died. Grandfather found me alone amidst the rubble and decided to adopt me."
"You didn't tell him who your parents were?"
"I was an infant and the only survivor for miles."
"Where was Laufey?"
"He'd gone into hiding like a scaredy cat."
Instead of finding his comment amusing, anger washed over Brianna. "He abandoned a helpless baby to freeze? Introduce us and I'll use him as target practice."
Loki booped her nose. "I'm honored you wish to avenge me, but Laufey died and still suffers in the afterlife."
"King scaredy cat will never have the privilege of meeting you."
Brianna smiled. "Or you. Was Grandfather hurt?"
"He lost an eye, but recovered nicely."
In Amsterdam, they visited the Artis zoo with over 900 species of little animals, an aquarium, planetarium and Zoological Museum. Further confirmation Brianna's his was how quickly she learned enormous amounts information and remembered the smallest details when later initiating a quiz. Since confessing to the burglaries, Loki was curious how she knew the homeowners were abroad and worked it into their conversation.
She replied like it was all in a day's work. "Dory accompanied me to different parks in fancy neighborhoods around Jersey, posing as my babysitter. Between eavesdropping on adults and questioning kids, it's amazing what you can learn inside a sandbox."
"Questions of what nature?"
"Like, 'I'm new to the neighborhood and love my big house. Where do you live?' Or, 'I'm going to visit my aunt Matilda's lavender farm to make soap.'"
"How was that helpful?"
"Most thought it dull and bragged of their families planning grander trips. Once attaining addresses and dates, I'd stake out their houses and proceed from there."
"Ah. With Dory as the lookout?"
"I left her in shelters or nearby motels. She never figured out how I managed, but by the third burglary, stopped worrying whenever I'd sneak away and send her a text." His eyes widened and Brianna rose a palm. "Dory lacked powers and I wouldn't risk her arrested because of me."
Why lecture when she'd acted out of desperation to find him? "You're a good friend, Og Min Lille."
"Thanks. I regret the stealing, but pranking the authorities was fun."
Loki thought it something innocent like tipping off their hats, but discovered her mischievousness paralleled her intelligence.
"I always struck at night and at one house, four police were investigating inside when I turned on the lights, flushed every toilet and set off their sirens. At the third, I poured a large olive oil path onto the kitchen floor, slammed a pantry door and watched two come running. One slid into it and fell, while the other amusingly contorted himself until the first tripped him. They sure swear a lot for the good guys."
"Brianna." He playfully scolded. "Say you did nothing worse."
"I'd be lying."
"At the last house, the master bedroom had black drapes and life size models of a lion, wolf and a fang baring polar bear on its hind legs. Weird people. After aligning them near the door, I closed it, extinguished the lights and tripped the alarm. The police came, shone a flashlight inside and from the foyer, I made the bear roar."
Loki chuckled. "Did they scream?"
"And shot the bear."
"What?!" He led her someplace quiet. "From now on young lady, all pranks must meet my approval or…" While pondering means of discipline, he blurted what first came to mind. "...All shoulder and piggy back rides are discontinued."
He made both fun, thought Brianna. Bumping into things when her hands covered his eyes, then flipping her over his head for tickles. Or feigning valiant attempts at shaking her off to escape enslavement.
~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~ "Have mercy and release me!" He pleaded, captured during a picnic.
Brianna popped him on the head with her fake sword, a stick with a bushel of leaves at its tip. "Cease your begging, pheasant! I rule this realm, appoint you my new zombie slayer and hunter of all things chocolate. Fail and be fed to puppies!"
Loki set her down and knelt on one knee with a hand to his chest. "A frightful demise your majesty of cuteness. I humbly accept."
"Daddy, I'm supposed to be fierce."
"Eh he he he. Sorry." ~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~
Brianna deliberated his threat and wittingly proclaimed. "Are you not the God of Mischief and I your offspring?"
He arched a brow. 'Don't laugh or she'll never take you seriously.' "I mean it."
Brianna had already pulled some under his nose. A boy who'd aggressively budded before her at a park slide discovered his shoelaces tied together after nose diving into the sand. A woman at a restaurant who harshly berated a server had red wine spilled onto her Gucci bag. Minor sprinklings of karma she happily administered.
"But you're still a prankster."
"Rarely and without endangering anyone." 'Shite. I'll need to keep that fib under wraps.'
Brianna crossed fingers behind her back and feigned defeat. "O-kay. Can I have a snow cone now?" ***** After seeing the Northern lights in Norway, they'd returned to their hotel where she became oddly sombre.
"Has something upset you?" Loki asked.
"During our travels, I've seen many people with children. It's obvious they're loved, but my family..why, Daddy?"
Her pain pierced Loki's heart as she clung to him. "People can do terrible things for incomprehensible reasons, but you're my little girl now and I'm overjoyed you've come into my life."
When her tears ceased, she unexpectedly opened up about the women. Her first memory was of Jillian singing her to sleep at age three. She and Claudia taught her to talk, walk, bathe and dress herself, brought her toys, fictional and educational books. Yet it was Jillian who'd paid her the most attention, their visits consistently monitored by Hannah. A person so controlling and void of sentiment, Brianna wondered how the trio became friends. The woman opposed their closeness and the first time Brianna defended her Mother, she was forbidden upstairs without Hannah present, who ordered Claudia to report otherwise. This became impossible when the two landed full time jobs. With Jillian delegated homemaker, Hannah was forced to trust her. Over the past year, she'd broadened Brianna's computer knowledge, snuck her for walks to a hidden trail entrance off the main road she'd marked with glow in the dark tape, taught her outdoor safety and survival skills and always stressed keeping everything secret, especially Brianna's magic or Hannah would separate them for good.
"Jillian knew of your powers? Why have you never mentioned any of this?"
Brianna frowned. "She bread me to thicken her purse. No amount of secrets and added kindness makes that excusable or her worthy of commeding."
An undeniable fact Loki avoided arguing. His daughter was hurting and preaching Jillian might've experienced a change of heart could impede their relationship.
She halted his conflictual thoughts by bashfully asking. "Do 'you' love me?"
"Very much, Brianna."
"Can I stay with you forever? Please? I'll move to Asgard."
Loki doubted she comprehended the gravity of her words. "Forever doesn't mean a month long visit as we previously discussed. It involves permanently residing on another realm thousands of miles from Earth where the landscape, culture, even people's wardrobe's are entirely unfamiliar."
"I know. Devoid of space travel, would it be any different if I moved to India, Antarctica or say..Bhutan?"
"I suppose not. I'm sorry, Bhutan?"
"It's a small country just south of China. I memorized Earth's geography and most of its cultures in one month."
"Very good." 'Genius supreme. I must catch up.' "Then you're willing?"
She yawned, proudly raising her chin. "Affirmative. I'd like to see those sandbox dwellers top that adventure."
Incredibly relieved, Loki chuckled. "You've ten remaining seconds to gloat, sleepyhead. Ten..nine.….three, two, one."
"Hey, you said those last digits awfully fast."
"It's time for vampire pajamas, your fierce and Royal Highness."
"A story too? Will you conjure The Empty Grave by Jonathan Stroud?"
"The Empty 'what?'" He amusingly queried. "No way, Jose. I've chosen three options of popular children's literature from the internet. The Cat in the Hat, Whinnie the Pooh, a rather peculiar name for a bear and Charlotte's Web."
"Isn't the last tale about a spider?"
"They're creepy. I choose that one."
'Mother would be impressed.' "Hurry then before zombies find us and eat my brains!"
Brianna shouted from the bathroom. "Nobody hurts my Daddy! Huyya! Take that you fiendish barbarians! Uh oh."
Loki rushed in upon hearing glass crack and found her standing on the bathtub ledge. "What did you do?"
"I was pretending to fight them off with my hairbrush when it flew from my hand, struck that picture and landed in the toilet."
He laughed renewing both with magic. "Your toothbrush is safe, yes?"
Loki finally thought her asleep when she reached out for a hug.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. I forgot to say I love you too. Goodnight."
His heart swelled twice its size. "Goodnight, Og Min Lille." ***** Next they ventured to London and a budding lover of history, Brianna asked to visit The British Museum. While viewing a dinosaur skeleton from an upper walkway, she pointed into the crowd below.
"Daddy, isn't that Tony?"
He took a gander. "Well, well. Iron Man it be."
"Who's the strange lady he's with?"
"Pepper, darling. She often wears wigs to avoid recognition."
Her eyes brightened. "Please, can we say hello?"
"Inconspicuously. I'll him send a text." Daddy concealed his phone. 'Greetings kinky crossdresser. What brings you to Londinium?'
'Yes. Act casual, we're hiding.'
'Holy shit! We're on vacation and at the Savoy in the Royal Suite. Can you meet us there ASAP? It's important.'
'We're on the ninth floor. Rendezvous in an hour?'
'Ha! We'll be there with balls on!'
'Come again?'
'🤪 Bells, dammit! Bells!'
'😂 Brianna can't wait.'
Tony hurriedly guided Pepper through the crowd. "Excuse us..pardon us..excuse us."
"Where's the fire?" She whispered.
"Daddy Snowflake's in town. Hustle, Butch." ***** Their door opened and Brianna ran to him. "Uncle Cootyoodles!"
"Little Warrior! Am I happy to see you!"
The couple listened with enthusiasm about everywhere she'd been, then Tony asked to speak with Loki alone.
Virginia led her into their bedroom. "Wait 'till you see all the cool stuff I bought."
"That'll keep her busy." Said Stark. "Pepper's a London shopaholic. So why the vanishing act? Thor called me."
Loki scoffed. "I did tell him not to."
"Don't be angry. Astrid returned and wanted to contact me."
"Why? You knew nothing."
"She didn't believe him. Neither did your Mother and Thor worried they'd show up at the Tower."
"What?! Our Mother came to Midgard in search of me? Shit..shit!"
Stark told him everything and Loki's face was unreadable. "Nope. There's nothing weird about staring like I've grown a nipple on my face."
"Did I mention it's pierced? You're saying 'my' brother, Shakespeare in the park, lied that extensively for me?"
"Yes and sent them back to your Dad to expand on it. What's everyone's problem with an awesome six year old anyway? Is that why you didn't go home?"
"Becoming a parent, you're suddenly bombarded with complex decisions centered around one tiny person you never fathomed loving so deeply, much less an indisputable desire to protect above all else."
Stark smiled. "Look at you. The master of Sheisterism all growed up..whose dodged my question."
Loki sunk into a chair. "Maturity aside, my life is a mess. Asgards people still regard me a traitor, Astrid and I are constantly arguing and it's completely unfair of me to expect she Mother a child she didn't bare and Odin's my grandest worry for classified reasons I've become an insomniac over. I can't subject Brianna to that. Her life has been dreadful enough."
"Not anymore. She has you now. I endured shitloads of public and political outrage over changes to Stark Industries. 'Wealth aside', I thought it my doom. People adjust and opinions fade. Astrid will come around once they meet. Look at the number Little Warrior did on us."
"She 'is' irresistibly charming."
"Whatever gramps issue is, arrange for her a few rounds with the old coot. She'll straighten him out."
Loki smirked, picturing Brianna dancing circles around the Allfather. "My Mother would buy ring side seats."
"See? The bulk of your family is on your side. Let them help."
"As appealing as that sounds, Astrid will expect hours of explanation I haven't the energy to convey. I love her, but she 'is' a drama queen."
"Eligible for an academy award."
Loki's eyes narrowed. "Piss off, flying human."
"Thor's willing to talk without the wifey knowing. I've a burner phone as you tend to appear in the strangest of places."
"Mm. Like when I ran into you in a sleazy massage parlor near Carnegie Hall?"
Loki was still a bachelor then, but Tony wasn't.
"I didn't know they offered sexual favors until the masseuse grabbed my dick. They weren't listed on the brochure."
"Eh he he he. I'll call when I've a chance."
They clammed up when Brianna exited the bedroom. "Can I go Daddy, please?"
Pepper followed. "Sorry. I blabbered the Tea shops chocolatiers add finishing touches to their masterpieces at this hour."
"You may." Said Loki.
Tony slipped Little Warrior fifty euros. "Buy me an eclaire and keep the change. Badass ate mine."
"Yay! Thank you!"
They left and Stark unpacked the phone. "Here's your chance while Brianna's absent. Text him, 'Garage?'" ***** Jane distracted Astrid while Thor sat in the cabin of his truck and the brothers soon cleared a lot between them.
"I'm not upset you deceived me anymore Loki, nor is Mother. Yet I'm worried Father's making her life miserable. Are you fearful he'll scorn Brianna?"
"Not up for discussion and relax, brother. You've been gone a while. Mother's gonads have grown."
"She's taking male hormones?"
"I meant she's less meek? Have you dropped the toaster in your bathwater?"
"That only happened once." Thor defensively replied. "I was late for a waxing of my package and hastening making breakfast. Nor have I recently smoked Jane's medical marijuana. She threatened torture were there not enough to ease her menstrual cramps again."
Loki deadpanned. "Norns you're a tit, fruit of Odin's loins.' "How's Astrid?"
"Coping. Jane said she'd do anything to see you again."
"Coping amidst stewing over my bedding of another 'Midgardian hoe' I've fathered a child with, and the humiliating circumstances involved."
"Believe me, brother, she too is no longer angry and the diaries contents stayed within Stark's walls. It isn't my story to tell."
"Your software needs reprogramming, impersonator. Thor Odinson was never so thoughtful of his sibling."
The blond laughed. "He's turning over a new leaf."
Loki had sought privacy in another room and suddenly heard Brianna desperately calling him. "I have to go. Don't tell Astrid we spoke yet." Upon opening the door, she threw herself at him.
"What happened?" He asked Pepper.
"We neared the shops door when she gasped, bolted for the elevator and started frantically pushing the button."
Brianna was trembling. "Darling, why are you frightened?"
"We can't stay here, Daddy! She's down there!"
"Who is?"
"Hannah!" She cried. "I'd know that red headed witch anywhere!"
"Shhhhh." He soothed. "I promised they cannot hurt you, remember? Stay here with..."
Brianna wrapped herself tighter around him. "No Daddy! Don't leave me!"
She was so distraught, he couldn't. "I won't, Min Lille. Shhhhh."
"Virginia's gone." Said Tony.
Loki's head shot up. "Back to the shop?"
"Yeah. Said the witch looked familiar and went on a hunt."
"Fuck! Get her back here!" Brianna jumped from Loki's voice. "Sorry Min Lille. Tony, now!"
"Because they've met! If Pepper confronts her, she'll vanish!"
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grootieboi · 5 years
I will always end up with you. - Loki Imagine
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Pairing; lokixfemale!reader
I love supporting fellow writers. Can I request a female reader being by lokis side after the events of Thor Ragnarok while they're on that ship? Then she witnesses the whole thing where he fights and gets killed by thanos and escapes with Valkyrie?
Y/N took a step back at what she was seeing infront of her. It was a scene she never thought she would see. The boy that she had grown close to, the Prince of Asgard infront of Thanos. There was no fighting back, it looked from a distance like the two brothers had already given up. Around them, laid tons of dead asguardins, tons of people that she knew and had grown up with. She could already feel her eyes water at the scene of the dead asguardians. After scanning the room, for not long, her eyes made their way over to the Prince she knew the best, Loki. There he was looking like he would break anytime soon. A lot of people would say that he had confident but she knew. She knew that he was far from that. She felt like she needed to run, to save the both of them. Her body didn’t want to, it was stuck right there.
” where is the Tesseract?” Echoed the loud voice of Thanos trough the whole ship. Both of the brothers looked so broken. They were supposed to protect their people and now half of them laid on the ground, dead. “ it was destroyed on Asgard. “ The older brother, Thor said. Y/N looked only at Loki, from being with him for most of the time on this ship, she knew exactly where the Tesseract was and who had it. She looked down, trying to think of what she could do to help them both, to get him away from the grip of Thanos. She felt someone look at her, making her look up as fast as she could to see who spot her. Her eyes met  the prince’s eyes, making his mouth hang open. He didn’t want Y/N there, he didn’t want her hurt. He didn’t anyone else hurt. He looked at her for a few seconds, but it felt like he stared at her for minutes. “ I have it. “ Suddenly escaped his lips, making Y/N stand in shock. She didn’t know what would come but she hoped that him giving it would stop all this, and for Thanos to let go of the prince.
  Y/N didn’t know why she cared so much for the prince. She didn’t care for him like others would with their king, she cared for him with her whole life. It wasn’t that she didn’t want the asguardians to loose both of their leaders. She didn’t want to loose him, no matter how selfish it sounded. Before Ragnarök, she had only met Loki a few times. A lot of people was scared of him, but the times she met him; she never felt the slightest of fright. She only had the chance to met him a few times because of her position in the asguardian society. She was only an average citizen, not too poor and not too rich. When her parents died, Odin gave her a offer of being a cleaner at the castle. She, of course accepted it. It wasn’t until the ship and after the whole Ragnarök that she started to hang around him more often. She would bring him things that he needed and wanted and at first, she thought he was using her but as time passed; she started to enjoy it and do it without him asking. She would follow him everywhere, just incase he needed something or someone. After some time, he started to get used to it and he didn’t only needed her help with handling things around the ship but also his mind and his emotions. He started to open up to her, and they grew closer.
Y/N was walking down the halls of the ship. It wasn’t a big as Asgard and neither was it as pretty. It was enough though, it held the people and there was enough food and supplies for them all. She was happy that they could at least live and be happy with each other even if their home was gone.
She would usually go around asking people if they needed anything with Loki, but she had not seen him since this morning. She was now walking around searching for the prince. His brother, Thor had asked Y/N to go and find him but she had not succeeded with that yet. When she walked down the hall almost in the end of it, she heard a few sniffles from the room she just passed. She took a few steps back so that she was next to the door. She felt her heart ache of the thought of it being Loki. “ hello? Are you okay in there?” She asked not being sure if it was him or someone else. Yes, he had poured his heart out a few times but never had he cried. “ I’m fine Lady Y/N. “ there it was, the voice of the prince that was missing. She touched the door knob and noticed that it was unlocked. Y/N didn’t care about him not giving her the sign to open, she just did.
The room was dark, and she had to turn on the lights to see. There he sat, looking quite helpless. “ what’s wrong Prince Loki?” She asked as she kneeled down infront of him. He hadn’t looked up since she came in. “ I told you I’m fine. Did I tell you to come into the room?” He asked her making her shake her head but she just couldn’t help it. She didn’t want to see or hear him cry, he was the prince for god’s sake. “ I apologize for that. I just wanted to see how you were feeling. “ she said, and there was no words coming from Loki. He was still looking down at the ground. She lifted her hands but brought them down shortly after. She couldn’t touch a prince, she wasn’t allowed to expect if he was the one asking. She shaked her head and brought them back up to cup his face. This made the boy shocked and he looked at her right in the eyes. “ You ca- “ He was going to protest against her actions but he couldn’t. She gently started to wipe his tears under his red eyes. She didn’t have to ask him again before he started to pour out what was bothering him. “ I- I messed up Y/N. I can’t forget my past, no one can forget my past. How will they be able to accept me on Midgard? After all I have done down there?” He asked looking so broken. “ Loki- Prince Loki, everything will be okay. You have nothing to worry about. During the time here and what you did in Asgard just a few weeks ago, made you gain everyone’s trust. As long as you have us by yourself, there will be no danger. “ She spoke with soft and gentle tone. He didn’t know why Y/N could make him so calm with just a few words. “ we will be fine. We will always have each other. “ she let out, and he nodded. Y/N leaned in to hug him.
Wow, she had fallen for a prince.
~end of throwback~
She wanted to scream, cry, she wanted run up and kill every single one of them. Still, her legs didn’t want to. She was stuck in the same spot as she had been standing at for five minutes now. There he was, his lifeless body right underneath the feet of Thanos. He had given him the Tesseract, and then he had attacked Thanos. She didn’t want to see, but still her eyes didn’t move an inch from where the body was laying. Her ears was ringing and she felt like throwing up. The person that she ever cared of, dead. The prince that she loved so much, gone. She felt someone grab her hand pulling her back to reality. “ Y/N hurry. “ Valkyrie said as she started to pull her body with her. Y/N didn’t say much and she just kept running, while tears started to fall from her eyes.
Two years later
It had been two years now since they came to Midgard, two years since she last saw Loki. Half of the population was gone with the snap of Thanos fingers, and the world was not the same.They were now placed in the “new” Asgard in Norway togheter with Valkyrie and the rest of the asgardians that survuved both on the ship and the snap. Thor came back, but he was not the same. They never saw him. Y/N worked so hard everyday, trying not to think of the pain she was feeling. Valkyrie had tried to stop her from working so much but she gave up quickly, realizing that she would never stop. There was nothing she wanted to do, nothing would make her feel better. People had told her that he died a hero, and that he saved them. Those words did not matter to her, even if it sounded selfish; she did not care about what others said. She lost him.
Valkyrie had told her to not work today which she had tried to protest but this time she did not let her work. “ you need some rest.” Valkyrie said giving her a small smile, telling her that it was okay. Y/N rolled her eyesxs, not being in the mood to argue. Instead, she grabbed her coat and walked away from the place. She walked up the stony hill, letting out a few sighs. She did not enjoy taking breaks,because it meant that she would have more time to think. Her thinking often lead to her being sad. She sat down on the grass, her knees right underneath here chin and her elbows resting on top of her knees.
During these two years, Loki had been searching desperately after both his brother but mostly Y/N. He knew that both of them thought he was dead, and he was scared of their reactions. He had figured out where they lived a few months ago, but he was very nervous to actually go there even if he wanted to badly. He did not know what to say or do. When he saw Y/N when Thanos had been on the ship, he knew that he couldnt watch her die. There was something in him that he had never felt before and it took him some time to admit what it was. He cared for her, but not just as a friend.
Another sigh, escaped Y/N lips as she sat there. Norway was not like Asgard but the view over the see was very pretty, still it was not enough to make her satisfied with living here. “ Lady Y/N?” Suddenly broke the silence, making Y/N look around quickly to see who searched her. When she turned around her eyes locked with no other than Loki’s. Her body froze at the boy standing there, her eyes widening. Immediately, she was on her feet walking towards him. The stiff look on Loki’s face formed into a smile when she walked towards him. “ Loki?” She said as she wrapped her arms around him. “ but i saw yo-” She started but she was quickly cut off by Loki. “ You told me that we would always have each other, so how can you expect me to die?” He said looking at the girl infront of him. He then brought his hand to her cheek to place a kiss on her lips. “ I will always end up with you, my queen. “ He said as they parted.
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