#THor fic
vilentia · 9 months
Canvas of Love
Thor x reader
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Summary: a fleeting shadow of jealousy tests the unyielding bond of two intertwined souls.
The storm outside mirrored the tempest in your heart as you sat on the edge of your bed, staring blankly at the rain streaking down your window. It had been a rough day, one that felt heavier because Thor wasn’t there to share the burden. He was away on a mission with the Avengers, something about a rogue Asgardian artifact that needed retrieving.
You missed him, more than you cared to admit. His absence left a gaping void in your life, a void you tried filling with work and friends, but nothing seemed to work.
It was on one of these lonely evenings that you met Alex. He was charming, funny, and most importantly, he was there. You two had hit it off instantly, and soon enough, he became a regular part of your life. A good friend, you reminded yourself. Just a friend.
Thor knew about Alex, of course. You'd mentioned him casually in your conversations. But what you hadn’t mentioned was how much time you were spending with him. It wasn’t intentional; it just never came up. Or maybe you were afraid of how Thor would react.
Your phone buzzed, snapping you out of your reverie. It was a message from Thor: “My love, I will be home tomorrow. I have missed you dearly.”
You smiled, a warm flutter in your heart. You typed a quick reply and set the phone aside, your thoughts drifting back to Alex. He had invited you to his art exhibition tomorrow. You were looking forward to it, but now Thor was coming home...
The conflict in your mind was like a knot, tightening with every passing moment.
Thor arrived the next day, his presence filling the apartment instantly. He was like a force of nature—strong, vibrant, and utterly captivating. You ran into his arms, the familiar scent of him enveloping you, bringing an instant sense of peace.
“I missed you,” you murmured against his chest.
“And I, you,” Thor replied, his voice a deep rumble. He pulled back, looking at you with those intense blue eyes. “Tell me about your week. Did anything interesting happen?”
You hesitated for a fraction of a second before answering. “It was the usual. Work, home... Oh, and I’m going to Alex’s art exhibition tonight. He’s really excited about it.”
Thor’s expression changed subtly, a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes before he masked it with a smile. “That sounds delightful. Would you mind if I join you?”
The question caught you off guard. “Of course not! I’d love for you to come.”
The rest of the day passed in a blur. Thor was his usual self, loving and attentive, but you couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was amiss.
The exhibition was lively, the gallery buzzing with the chatter of the city's art enthusiasts. Alex’s work was the center of attention—vibrant, abstract pieces that spoke of passion and chaos.
“Your friend is very talented,” Thor commented as you both stood before a particularly striking canvas.
“He is,” you agreed, watching Alex interact with the guests. He hadn’t seen you yet.
Just then, Alex spotted you and made his way over, his face lighting up. “You made it!” He hugged you, a little too long, a little too close.
Thor’s jaw tightened ever so slightly, but he extended his hand. “I am Thor. It is a pleasure to meet the man behind these extraordinary works.”
Alex shook his hand, a hint of challenge in his eyes. “Thanks, man. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
The evening progressed, but the tension between Thor and Alex was palpable. You tried to ease the atmosphere, laughing a little too loudly at jokes, and engaging in conversations a bit too enthusiastically.
As the night wound down, Thor’s mood seemed to darken. You couldn’t take it anymore. “Do you want to go home?” you asked.
Thor nodded, and you both excused yourselves.
The walk home was quiet, the silence a stark contrast to the noisy streets around you. You could feel Thor’s turmoil, his usually calm demeanor now a stormy sea.
Once inside, Thor finally spoke. “Do you have feelings for him?”
His question was direct, his voice steady but laced with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. Was it...jealousy?
“No, Thor, of course not. He’s just a friend,” you replied, your voice earnest.
Thor looked at you, his gaze searching. “I trust you, but tonight, seeing you with him... it stirred something within me. A feeling I have not known before.”
You moved closer, taking his hand in yours. “Thor, you have nothing to worry about. I love you. Only you.”
There was a vulnerability in Thor’s eyes that you had never seen before. He was a god, a warrior, but in that moment, he was just a man, in love and afraid of losing you.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. “I know, my love. It is I who must apologize. My reaction was unwarranted. You have given me no reason to doubt your love.”
You looked up at him, your heart swelling with love for this extraordinary man who had become your world. “It’s okay, Thor. I understand. But know this, no matter who comes into my life, you will always be the one I choose. Every time.”
Thor kissed you then, a kiss that spoke of love, trust, and a promise of forever. In his arms, you felt safe, loved, and home.
The next few days were blissful, as if the incident at the gallery had never happened. Thor was more attentive, more present, and you felt your bond strengthen.
You decided to talk to Alex, to set boundaries, to make sure he understood that your relationship was strictly platonic. Alex took it well, understanding and apologetic.
As you lay in bed that night, Thor’s arms wrapped around you, you realized how lucky you were. Love, true love, was hard to find, and you had found it with Thor. He was more than a partner; he was your best friend, your confidant, your home.
“You are everything to me,” Thor whispered, as if reading your thoughts.
“And you are my everything,” you whispered back, snuggling closer.
In that moment, everything felt perfect. The past was behind you, and the future was a canvas waiting to be painted, bright and full of love.
And as you drifted off to sleep, you knew that no matter what life threw at you, as long as you had each other, everything would be alright.
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mymelodymia · 10 months
hello!!! can i request thor x daughter!reader where she is sixteen, its settled at infinity war and it's like the scene with Tony and Peter when she gets dusted?? if you want to, of course!
Im right here // dad!thor odinson x daughter!reader
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Summary: thor comforts you while you are being blipped.
Warnings: injurys, angst, overall just too god dang sad
age: 16
A/N: aahhhh! Thank you for requesting darling!!
You threw yourself at the purple giant, he smacked you away like a fly. The impact knocked the breath out of you and you hit a nearby tree, groaning in pain.
You watched your father, thor, stab thanos in the chest and heard him quietly tell thor, "you should have gone for the head!" He said breathlessly before snapping his fingers.
A wave of nausea immediately hit you like a train. You barley caught a glimpse of thanos cowardly disappearing into a portal.
"Dad, i-i dont feel too good" you said holding your stomach, before falling to the ground, too which thor caught you (obviously)
"Dad.." you said as your breath picked up quickly. Your father cupped your cheek to comfort you and keep your eyes on his. He asked a series of questions that all represented "whats wrong?"
"Your hear with me right?" You asked desperately "im here, im right here" your father replied tearfully, looking deep into your big blue eyes.
One single, lonely tear fell down your cheek. Thor whipped it away with his thumb. His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion and fear.
He watched as your beautiful face slowly drifted away into thin air. He let out a pained sob as he looked down at his empty arms. He held them to his chest, he put his arms over his head as he continued to cry, curled up like a ball on the forest floor.
He had lost you, the one thing he cared about in life, his only light, your death was something that would follow him for a long time. He never truly got over it. Just distracted himself with video games and beer.
That is, until one day, 5 whole years after the biggest heartbreak of his long life, bruce and rabbit showed up.
What they said gave him hope...(avengers theme song playing)
A/N: haha cliffhanger!i'm working on a part 2 with a happier ending 😄
@white-wolf-buckaroo // @animealways // @tonystark-au // @yummyangy // @zebralover // @carellmcu //
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queen-of-the-avengers · 8 months
In My Head
Pairing: Thor x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: angst, fake dating but real feelings
Summary: In order for Thor to be King, he must be in a relationship with someone. He saw you. He chose you. You want him. He doesn't want you.
Squares Filled: fake dating (2023) for @thorbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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“What looks better? Pearls or Diamonds?” you ask and hold up two pairs of earrings.
“Diamonds. It matches the sparkles on your dress.”
Arendella watches you slip on the subtle sparkly dress for tonight’s dinner with the royal family. You slip on the earrings and fix your hair to give it more volume. Thor better melt when he sees you because you look hot.
“Do you think going to this dinner is a good idea?”
“I have to go. It’s for his parents. They’re getting on his ass about being in a steady relationship before he gets to be crowned King.”
“You’re okay with this arrangement still?”
Your mistake is hesitating before answering her. She raises one eyebrow and you turn away from her so you don’t see the judgement in her eyes.
“Have you told him how you felt about him?”
“It doesn’t matter, Del,” you sigh. “It’s all fake anyway.”
Arendella gets up and walks in front of you. She pushes some of your hair back behind your shoulders and makes you look better.
“Trust me, it does matter.”
“Not when it comes to him. He’s only doing this for one reason and one reason only: his parents. He wants to be King. That’s it.”
“One of these days this whole thing will blow up in your face.”
“It won’t be tonight.” Your doorbell rings and you look out the window to see the car Thor’s parents sent for you. “That’s the car. I gotta go.”
“Have fun. Tell me everything tomorrow.”
Arendella is right. You wish you could tell Thor just how much he means to you. In the beginning, this was purely a business relationship. Date Thor to get his parents off his back while he continues to do what he does best. His mother told him that in order to be King, he must be in a relationship with someone who is wife material. He saw you walking by the castle and decided you were going to play the part.
It was nice to be treated like royalty with riches beyond compare, eating out in fancy restaurants, wearing nice clothes, and meeting all sorts of people from different Worlds across the Nine Realms. It was a good thing because you got to play the doting girlfriend every so often when his parents were back on Asgard.
However, the time more you two spent together, the more you saw Thor for the man he is. You allowed yourself to fall for him even though you promised yourself you weren't going to do that. You’ve been playing the part for so long that you want to be in the role permanently. Maybe Arendella has a point. Maybe tonight is the night you come clean to Thor about your feelings for him.
His parents are hosting an important dinner with the other royal families of the Nine Realms excluding Midgard (Earth). There are so many rulers on Earth that it would be a hassle to get them all. Thor thinks that he is going to be announced as King tonight which is why you’re going.
You meet Thor outside with a smile. He pulls you into a hug and rubs your back in comfort. You’re not used to this kind of behavior from him since he’s usually at a distance from you. You hear the camera clicks from onlookers nearby and you understand why he’s being so affectionate toward you.
He opens the car door for you and allows you to go inside first, and he quickly follows. As soon as the doors are closed, he’s back to being cold Thor. He only cares about one thing and that’s to be King. He’ll do anything for it… and you though Loki was bad.
“Is your whole family going to be there?” you ask.
He takes out his phone and smiles as he texts someone. Earth has had such a huge impact on Asgard. Since returning from it, Thor has brough over cell phones, WiFi, cars, and other modern things.
“Is what I’m wearing okay?”
“You look fine,” he says without looking at you.
The hint he’s giving you is received. You decide to look out the window because you’re afraid if you stare at him, you’ll start to cry. The car gets to the castle, and you and thor walk hand-in-hand through the big golden gates. Frigga and Odin wait in the foyer eagerly for their son’s return.
“Lady Y/N! It’s so good to see you again,” Frigga smiles and brings you into a hug.
Odin stands next to her as stoic as ever and Loki is only there because he has to be.
“Frigga. It’s good to see you, too,” you smile.
“Come, the others are waiting.”
Thor, Odin, and Frigga walk off together, leaving you and Loki behind. Loki knows something is up between you and his brother but he’s not entirely sure. Though, when he sees him not even pay attention to you, he’s closer to his theory.
“My brother is an idiot if he doesn’t realize who he has on his arm.”
“Just saying. You’re worth more than that oaf.”
The dining room is filled with royal people and their bodyguards. The dinner starts off without a hitch, and you find yourself actually enjoying the presence of everyone. You look over at Thor to see him with a huge smile on his face as he tells his stories from battle. Sif is next to him with a big smile on her face as she adds in her own feats.
Thor is in a good mood. You decide that you’ll tell himhow you feel when the dinner is over with. Toward the end, Odin stands up and grabs everyone attention.
“As you all may know by now, I am nearing the end of my reign as King of Asgard. In my place shall be my first born, Thor. I have no doubt that he will make an excellent King. Please treat him as such.” Odin turns to Thor who smiles at him. “My dear boy, there will be many things you will need to do once you become King, but that may not start until you have become successful in your relationship.”
“We want you two to get married here tomorrow,” Frigga interrupts happily.
“What?” you say and look at Thor.
“You need a Queen to rule by your side,” Frigga says. “What better way than to have the wedding here with everyone in attendance?”
You have to keep up the facade while you’re in a room full of royals, so you place your hand on Thor’s muscular shoulder.
“We would be honored.”
“A toast, then.” Odin raises his glass and everyone follows suit. “To Thor and Y/N.”
“To Thor and Y/N!” everyone repeats.
You’re too busy thinking about the thought of marrying Thor to enjoy the rest of the dinner. Arendella would have a field day if she knew this is happening. At the end of dinner, Thor is trying to escort you out of the castle so he can talk to his parent privately but Frigga interrupts his plans.
“You must sleep over here tonight. You and Thor can have the big bedroom.”
“No, Mother, she needs to go home.”
“Nonesense! Please? It’ll be better for all of us if she stays here tonight.”
Thor and Frigga look at you with two very different looks. Thor looks like he doesn't want you here but Frigga lokos hopeful. You smile tightly and nod in agreement.
“One night won’t kill us.”
“I’m glad. Follow me.”
Thor hangs back slightly so he can talk to you as you follow his mother to the room you’ll be staying in.
“I thought you wanted to go home.”
“It’s one night, Thor. Plus, you need to talk to them. They think we’re getting married. I think we should talk.”
“Please, if you need something, don’t be a stranger. Odin and I are right down the hall and Loki is across the way.”
“Thank you, Mother, but I think we’ll be fine. I’ll see you and Father in the morning.” Thor kisses his mom on the head and she leaves you two alone. When the door closes, Thor becomes a different person again. He grabs one of the pillows and a blanket from the bed. “You can have the bed.”
“Where are you going to sleep?”
“The couch.”
“Thor, I think you’re being a bit dramatic. It’s just a bed, and we’re only going to be sleeping. Is being next to me so bad?”
Thor takes a moment too long to think about this.
“I guess not.”
Thor takes the right side of the bed while you take the left, and you get into bed next to him. It’s a nice California King bed with a lot of space, and he’s taking advantage of the fact that he doesn’t have to be near you.
“Thor, can we talk, please?” you whisper.
“Y/N, please go to bed. It’s late.”
The silence between you two is deafening. This should be your answer. He doesn’t want to talk to you. He doesn’t want to be with you. Maybe you’re doing yourself a favor by not saying anything. Or maybe he’ll realize what an amazing woman you are once you two are married. Regardless, you stare at his back until you fall asleep.
When you wake up, Thor isn’t besides you in bed. You sigh and grab your phone to see what time it is.
Tell Thor how you feel or else you’ll regret it.
You ignore the message from Arendella and fet up for the day. You get dressed in the clothes Frigga had laid out for you and walk aimlessly around the castle. She is inside the kitchen with a chef who is cooking her breakfast.
“Ah, Y/N, good morning.”
“Good morning. Where is Thor?”
“He’s out with Odin. They should be back soon. Are you excited?”
“For what?”
“Your wedding day, of course! I have a bunch of things planned for us to do. First, I want you to have breakfast and rest.”
“You’re too kind to me,” you smile and sit at the table.
“I’ve always wanted a daughter,” she winks at you.
Her knowing the secret between you two is going to break her heart. She has been nothing but kind to you since you first started dating Thor, and you don’t know if you have the heart to tell her the truth.
Thor and Odin return within the hour but neither of them look happy. Odin goes straight to Frigga without so much as a look at you so he can talk to her privately.
“Thor, I really need to talk to you.” Thor gestures for you to follow him so you do, but you frown when he keeps walking instead of stopping to face you. “Listen, I don’t even know how to say this, but--”
“This isn’t working out,” he cuts you off.
“I came clean to my father about us. He knows the relationship is fake.”
“Why would you do that? Don’t you want to be King?”
“I found someone else,” your heart cracks with every word he says, “someone who I love. Thank you for what you did but you’re no longer needed.”
And now your heart is on the floor in pieces.
“You’re done with me? Just like that?”
“I’m sorry for how this is ending.”
Thor doesn’t see any use in stickin around so he retreats to a different part of the castle. You’re standing in the middle of the hallway almost in tears because the man you love has tossed you on your ass. He decided you aren’t worth anything anymore, that he’s done using you, and is now not interested.
Things started off as fake but your feelings for him are very real. Would it make a difference if he knew you how in love with him? Doesn’t matter now. You’re sure that he maybe started to feel something for you, or maybe was all in your head. Either way, you’re all alone now.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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geminixevans-stan · 1 year
Changed Places
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Pairing: CEO! Thor x Female Reader
Words: 1680
Summary: When the choice to try something new guides reader to the gym she has no idea what future awaits here...
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, explicit language, mentions of oral (f), hints of poly
A/N: *gasp* A Thor fic?! Yes I know, very different for me but I'm challenging myself! I hope you all enjoy it and want more Like, comment, & reblog! ♥
I do not consent to my work being copied, plagiarized, or translated in any way >:P
Tiny droplets of the crying sky showered the windshield as you made it through the busy LA streets. Your eyes dart left, right, even peering through the rearview mirror before placing your eyes back on the road in front of you. No matter the amount of rain, all the drivers seemed to have acted as if it were their first time on the road. The slightest swerve from any car made goosebumps prickle your skin. 
You hated driving in the rain. Hated it so much that you tried to avoid it as much as possible, or have Neil take you where you needed to go — which he declined almost all the time. If it didn’t have anything to do with him, he didn’t see the need for him to chauffeur you around. 
“You’re a big girl. You don’t need me…” he would say lazily as he trudged back upstairs to converse with strangers he owed not a second to. As the years of your marriage crept by, the concern he had for you grew less and less. 
Which is why you decided to try this new venture all by yourself. Going to the gym wasn’t new to you but you thought that if you lost a few pounds of the marriage weight and toned up, that maybe, just maybe, Neil would take a first and a second look at you. But it seemed he was more interested in his job, games, and occasional women than you. 
It hurt in the beginning, being put second. But each hurtful moment just made your skin thicker and your feelings nonexistent. An exit out of your marriage was weighing heavily on you and, shamefully, you could admit that you had thought about darting towards that exit more than once. 
You thought about your failing marriage and all that would come if you decided to choose yourself just this once. How your family would feel and what they would think of you for ending a marriage that might have worked out. 
But when it came down to it… you were unhappy. The only thing that made you even crack a smile was the success at your job, and being one of the top performers there. With each promotion, your heart soared. Only for it to be broken the minute that you would tell Neil. 
He had a way of making your accomplishments an insult to his lackluster career and would even choose to sulk than congratulating you. One thing about you — stagnation was out of the question. You were either going to end this marriage as it was or try your hardest to bring the spark back. Even if Neil wasn’t the least bit interested in putting in the effort. 
Here you stand outside of the gym, clutching the nylon strap over your shoulder as you take a deep breath and pull open the door. The cool air of the industrial air conditioning system hits you in the face like a strong breeze. It felt welcoming and the air lingered with a faint citrus smell. 
You were met with the front desk, the top of it decked in marble, and the gold lettering in front of it beamed like no other. A woman flipped through the New Asgard Monthly Magazine behind it,  peeking over the current issue as you approached. She calmly placed it down and motioned for you to come closer. 
She had a warm smile that could go either way but you were determined to get this introduction over with so that you could start your new journey. With another deep breath taken, you stroll to the front desk, unzipping your duffel bag to present your wallet, in case you needed to present any identification. 
The woman studied you for a moment, giving you a once over before she began to speak, “Welcome to Valhalla Fitness, I am Eleni. Do you have a membership?” she smiled softly, giving you time to speak as she leaned further forward in her seat. 
You cleared your throat, adjusting the strap over your shoulder again, “N-no. I don’t. It’s one of the reasons why I’m here. I’d like to get one today if that’s possible,” it was if you were a little kid asking permission to sit at the lunch table with the cool kids. Every fiber of your being vibrated with heightened nerves as you stood. 
You couldn’t put your finger on it. But it seemed as if Eleni could see right through you or knew a secret about you that you didn’t even know. Either way, your anxiety finally settled when Eleni made a sound of glee, clapping her hands together before beginning to type on the screen in front of her. 
The tall figure rose from his seat, stretching his legs as he lazily made his way toward the open  window. It showcased his newest investment, Valhalla Fitness. He scanned the crowd of gym goers, his eyes darting between the patrons putting in ample work, and those who were only there to look like they were exercising.
His schedule was the same seven days a week; not that he minded in the slightest bit. Being one of Earth’s mightiest defender for a decade, earned him a well-needed retirement. One that he had no problem taking as he searched for new ventures to dive into.  
He inspected the spacious gym once again, an unfamiliar sight stopping him in his tracks as he squinted down at the front desk. Deciding he had to have a closer look, he took his tablet in one hand and opened up the app for the security cameras. He selected the one behind the reception desk, aimed directly at the woman smiling gratefully at Eleni.
His curiosity got the best of him as he zoomed in, taking in the every dip and curve of your body that in his opinion didn't need working on. Just like Eleni, his eyes stayed on you in a less innocent way than hers, paying attention to the spread of you lips as you smiled or the way you shifted ever so slightly as you listened to Eleni. His tongue slid over the plump of his bottom lip, watching as you mouthed of information, causing Eleni to type in every word.  
How he wished he could hear how you sounded. 
“You’re staring, Thor. You never stare,” a sultry voice rang out behind him, but it did not not deter him from keeping his eyes on you. 
“I stare. When things or people are worthy of catching my eye. You should know that dear wife.”
A chuckle falls from her lips as a throaty moan escapes it a second later, “Yes, I know that look all too well. I used to be the cause of it,” she purrs, returning her attention back to the man feasting between her legs.
The sight of was nothing new for Thor. They had been married for centuries, bound together by arrangement rather than love. But from outside, people would never know or even hear anything more than the Mighty Thor and Valkyrie being madly in love with each other. 
In Thor’s experience, people  married for centuries developed certain tastes– and they weren't always for each other, as many would hope. A man or woman feasting on Thor’s wife was just another day for him. He had granted her wishes  long ago as, Valkyrie did the same. 
Though they never shared their bed with others — hotels were a very different story. 
Thor’s eyes remained trained on the camera, noting every smile or laugh.. Even the small tick in your eyebrow when it looked like you were asking a question. You were art and he wanted to get a closer look at his new visitor. 
He was all about making everyone at the fitness center feel welcome; and for you, he’d give you more than one tour if you asked him for it. Thor watched as Eleni passed over the welcome packet over to you, watching you punch in your new code as you walked past. 
Thor straightened his back, turning the tablet off and fixing his shirt. He strolled over to the door, craning his neck as he called up the stairs, “I’ll go greet our new customer. I’m sure you’ll be here for a while. Clean up after you’re done with the poor man. He’s been savoring your nectar for hours.”
“Hm, the nectar of an Asgardian is always addicting, my love. Maybe you’ll have some later?” Valkyrie croons over at him. 
“Don’t count on it, my dear. I’m sure you’ll be drunk with Asgardian mead by the time I’m done.” 
“You know me so well… Almost as if we were-”
The door opened and shut before she could even finish her sentence. 
Thor trudged down the stairs with purpose in every step. The closer he got to you, the more his loins warmed with fire. He had to hear you, your scent already caressing his nose like smell of a newly made weapon. 
He saw the uncertainty in your eyes as you were trying to decide which machine to use, biting at your lip furiously. It never dawned on you that someone was edging closer. The moment his voice filtered into your ears, you looked up, stopping your search on which device you would try first..
He extended his hand towards you as your name formed on his tongue. The softness of your hand compared to the callous surface of his only but made him want you more. To him you felt like nothing that belonged on this Earth. With you in his close proximity, the light vanilla scent caressed his nose as he easily towered over you. 
“Welcome to Valhalla Fitness. I am Thor, one of the owners of this fine establishment. I see you’ve gotten the welcome packet from Eleni. I would love to give you a proper tour of our facility, if you would like.”
The deep velvet coming from his mouth was all you needed to shake his hand and accept his tour invitation… 
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Request: Or, or! Lately, I have been plagued by the thought of a pouty, needy Thor 🥺❤️
He just wants to stay in with his girl, but she’s got errands to run and places to be, so Thor just sits around pouting, and waiting for her 😔
He goes from straight up begging her to stay, possibly in his knees, to sending her some ~spicy~ videos and pics while she’s gone, trying to lure her home again 😈
When she finally gets home, the big, soft bear that he is, he just envelops her, grabs her and holds her 🥺 Maybe he sits her on his cock, rubbing against her like a cat and purring, and refusing to let go until he falls asleep ❤️
AN: Thank you @lauratang - I’ve tackled your second suggestion first. I hope you enjoy the neediness… I’ve decided this is the same pairing as in my Kinktober 22 fic, Food for thought
Beta’d by @flordeamatista
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and mood board by me.
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Summary: Thor is a needy menace.
Relationship: Thor x Agent!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
CW: Needy Thor, suggestive language, sexting, masturbation, dirty talk, cock-warming, fluff
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“But I want you to stay…”
Oh god, the pathetic way those words came out of his mouth. It was both amusing and endearing at the same time. Unfortunately you didn’t have the time to indulge him, no matter how much you might want to.
“Thor. Stop it, you big baby. I told you. I have a shift to do and, because you keep eating me out of house and home, I need to stop at the compound store on the way in because there is nothing for me to take for lunch.”
He at least had the good grace to look chagrined at your retort, but it didn’t lessen his pout any.
“I will go to the store for you, Skatt. Just stay here with me and I will buy you all the jaffa cookies…”
“...Jaffa cakes you like. I will peel them and feed them to you.” He stalked closer to you, blue eyes narrowed, and you giggled as you stepped back, trapped against the hall wall. He lent forward, arms braced either side of your head, his hair swinging in both your faces. “I’ll even do that thing you like…”
With a giggle you ducked under his arm, and gave a slap to his ass.
“Cool it, hot stuff. There’ll be time for that later. I have to go.”
Your giggle turned into a full on laugh when he grabbed your hand and dropped to his knees in front of you. He pushed up your top and pressed his face to your stomach, littering it with kisses.
“But I might be dead later. How do I go on living without you here? I need you, little one. There is no air without you.”
“Okay, cool it, Shakespeare.” Leaning over you pressed a kiss to his mouth and the another to his forehead, somehow extricating your hand from his in the process. “I’ll be back before you know it. Now, sit. Stay.”
You slipped out of the door, shaking your head with a smile on your face. 
Your God of a boyfriend was so sappy sometimes.
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You were in the middle of a meeting, your team leader droning on about mandatory refresher training, reading aloud from their sloppy powerpoint presentation, when you felt the buzz of your phone in your pocket.
Surreptitiously you pulled it out and glanced down
Thor: I miss you, kjære. What are you doing?
You weren’t really in a position to answer him, so you turned your phone over and rested it in your lap under the table.
Stifling a sigh you flipped it over again.
Thor: I’m so lonely without you 🥺🥺😭❤️
Thor: When do you get home?
You decided to risk it, and started tapping away, glancing back up every few characters.
You: in a meeting. Home at 4. Read a book/have a nap. Speak later. xoxo
You turned the vibrate alert off and slipped your phone back in your pocket, turning your attention back to the meeting. Supporting the Avengers in keeping the earth safe definitely wasn’t all glamour and parades. Sometimes it was lame Powerpoint presentations…
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When your meeting finally finished you were glad that it was lunch time. You’d managed to pick up an overpriced packaged salad at the store on your way in and were looking forward to tucking in, but first you needed to go to the washroom.
After you dried your hands, you remembered your phone so as you exited the washroom, hand on the door, you pulled it from your pocket. The screen lit up as you touched it, showing a litany of messages. You rolled your eyes and stopped in the hallway outside the washroom, leaning on the wall as you opened your texts… and then immediately pressed the screen to your chest, looking around furtively to make sure that no-one had caught a glimpse of your screen. Luckily the corridor was empty.
With more aplomb than you ever thought you’d had, you made your way down the hall to the closest empty conference room. You bolted inside, turned the lock and pulled the window shades so you couldn’t be observed. Your body sank into one of the conference chairs, and with trembling hands pulled your phone away from your shirt.
First was another text.
Thor: I tried to sleep, min skatt, but being on the bed made me think of you.
Then, under that was a picture. It was of Thor’s torso, from the waist down, naked apart from a tight pair of boxer briefs that did nothing to hide the bulge within them.
Thor: I need you to come help me. I ache for you.
The last message was followed by a video thumbnail. Underneath the white play symbol in the middle of the image was Thor’s torso once again. You could feel your heart racing, and your mouth was dry as your thumb inched towards your screen and tapped it.
“I need you, little one.” Thor’s deep voice sounded over your phone speaker, laden with desire and you squeezed your thighs together at the sound of it. He had the camera pointed at his tented briefs, and then his other hand came in shot, stroking and groping over the soft cotton, a light tease. “How could you leave me alone so cruelly, when you know I ache for you every minute of every day? How am I supposed to survive this torture?”
His hand slipped under the waistband of his shorts to take hold of himself, and you watched, transfixed as he started to jerk himself, the tip of his cock poking out of the top of the fabric. Fuck! You could even see a pearl of precum forming in his slit. 
With each stroke he exposed more and more of himself to the camera, moaning wantonly and talking dirty to you from behind it.
“Norns, if you were here, kjære, I’d worship you so. I would feast on you, over and over, just to hear you calling my name  so loud that all of Midgard and Vahalla would know who was pleasuring you. I need to feel you around my cock. I need your warmth. Your wetness. Hurry home, love.”
The video came to an end and you just sat there, engulfed in a state of confused arousal. 
When had Thor learnt how to sext? And how on earth were you supposed to continue with your day knowing that he was waiting at home for you like that? How were you supposed to just sit in the canteen to have your lunch with your pussy pulsing in your now sodden underwear? 
Curse Thor! 
Curse the handsome bastard to Jotunheim and back.
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Somehow you made it through to the end of your shift, although you were obviously distracted, and twice you snuck off to the bathroom, now with your earbuds, to watch the video again. You also managed not to message Thor back, not wanting to give him any reaction that might make matters better worse. 
You practically jogged through the main doors and reception of the accommodation part of the compound, swiping your card to access the private elevator and sending it straight to the floor where you stayed with your Asgardian boyfriend. When it stopped, you stepped out, ready to give him a piece of your mind for teasing you all day, but immediately found yourself caught up in a pair of burly arms.
“You’re home! At last!” He pressed kisses all over your face, before capturing your lips. 
You squeaked as he hefted you in his arms, his kisses overwhelming your senses. 
Before you knew it he was pressing you down onto the bed, his hands shedding you of your clothes. It was when his flesh came into contact with yours that you realised he was already naked. His cock nudged your thigh as one of his hands spread your legs apart, cupping your pussy and teasing your entrance.
“So my little message to you did have an effect.” 
You snorted. “Of course it did, you bastard. I was working, not dead… oh fuck!” Your sarcastic retort was cut off as he pressed two fingers into you, stretching you out. As he did so, he continued to kiss up and down your neck, nuzzling into you. You moaned, your lust and arousal overriding your need to chew him out for his antics. Your back arched as you sucked air into your lungs, your body so tantalisingly close to the edge.
Then he pulled his fingers away and you whined.
“I know, skatt. I know. It’s how I’ve felt all day. But I’ll make it better, really soon.”
He rolled the pair of you onto your sides and hooked your upper leg over his hip, opening you to him, and your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he pressed his thick cock inside you. His arms wrapped around your body, ensuring there wasn’t even the slightest gap between you. His lips brushed your hair, your temples, your eyelids, and then he kissed your mouth again. You opened to him like a flower in bloom, eager for his impassioned love-making, but when you tried to roll your hips he held them still. 
“Relax, little one. You’ve been at work all day. You must be tired. Have a nap, my love.”
Your jaw dropped. “But… but… you… all day… I thought…” A roughened finger covered your lips, silencing you.
“I’m right where I want to be. Where I need to be. And I’ll still be here when you wake up. Then, kjære, I will worship you as I promised. But just give me this, let me enjoy you. Besides, you’ll need your energy for later.”
He continued with his soft kisses and caresses, his cock buried deep within you, and despite your scepticism about your ability to go to sleep with him like that, you soon felt your eyes closing again, your body going lax as slumber started to encase you. 
The last thing you heard before sinking into the soft depths was Thor’s voice, gently rumbling in your ear. “I love you, min skatt. You are the most precious treasure in the nine realms.”
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @tuiccim @sidepartskinnyjeans @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel
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welldonebeca · 2 years
Different (and all the same)
Summary: Years after your breakup, you encounter Thor in New Asgard, and while your ex-boyfriend looks a little different, your love and desire for him haven’t changed at all. Pairing: Thor x F!Reader WC: 3.8k words Warnings: Fluff. Smut. Praising kink. Canon Divergence. Hurt/Comfort. Body issues. A/N: This is my love letter to fat Thor, who the MCU tried to make us think wasn’t still one of the hottest men alive - but needed a little bit of therapy to figure himself out.
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You put your bags on the floor, relaxing and sitting down, finally alone after the long trip you'd just been through.
A long flight up to Europe, a car ride to a near town and then a bike ride the rest of the way - because Asgardians could have magic and all, but didn't think they needed to get their roads car-friendly even after years of living amongst humans - were quite the effort for a visit, but here you were.
Brunnhilde had invited you to stay for a while there. The town, your friend was late to realise, needed a bit of work to adapt to life on Earth, and she didn't quite know any human that could help with what they needed aside from you.
Of course, Mrs Potts-Stark was very nice at giving them electricity, but there was a lot to be done. Now that the Asgardians were friendly with humans, they wanted to use phones and the internet.
But she didn't know how to ask or who to talk to, which was why she had asked for your help.
As a former ambassador, you had worked enough with the government that you knew the basics of everything: Which people to contact, how things were supposed to be done, how to keep them from being exploited... that kind of work.
As payment, she got you a little house, all equipped with the best the New Asgardian people could offer. And plumbing.
It was strange to think of her as King of Asgard.
Before the whole mess - before the blip -  someone else was lined up to be King of Asgard. Well, someone else was also your boyfriend.
But a lot of things had happened.
And a lot of things had changed.
Honestly, you understood him well.
Your father was gone with the blip, and after your mother had died when you were a child, losing him was something very hard on you.
Thor, though, was going through even worse feelings, and blamed himself for everything that had happened.
Breaking up was his idea, even though you had had to chase him down to get him to even tell you about it instead of just avoiding you.
Now the blip was undone, and while that had still left some terrible emotional scars on every single person on Earth, things were as normal as they could be.
Your father was home, safe and sound, and you had taken a sabbatical from work to come to New Asgard, not just to work from them, but also maybe take things a little easier on yourself after five years of having work as the only thing you did with your life.
You heard a knock from across the house and raised your head, leaving your things aside and walking to check on whoever it was.
"Heya," Brunnhilde leaned against your door frame just when you opened the door. "Welcome committee."
You shot her a confused look, but quickly smiled when a woman moved to her side with a bix box in hand and supplies by her side.
"Food," she told you.
"Lots of it," you chuckled, stepping back so they could walk inside.
The woman walked inside, just saying a quick hello before striding to your kitchen and probably organising everything for you.
"Does she need help?" you looked back.
"Oh, don't worry, she volunteered to do it and stopped anyone else from trying," Brunnhilde assured you. "Organising is... her thing. It's a little weird."
You looked back, finding the brown-haired woman just looking very happy as she put things in your pantry and used the back door, probably to get what she had left outside.
"How did you find the way up?" she asked, taking your attention back to herself.
"Long," you confessed. "We need to get those roads paved."
She grimaced.
"And that's the first thing we will do at our meeting on Thursday," she scratched the back of her neck.
You blinked a little, confused.
"Thursday?" you asked. "I thought it'd be tomorrow."
You had arrived at the country in the late hours of Sunday and rode with a car at the break of dawn of Monday - which was today. Had you known you had extra days, you would have slept off the jetlag!
Brunnhilde blinked, looking surprised.
"No, I said Thursday. We wrote it down on Thursday."
You pinched the bridge of your nose.
"Maybe I heard it wrong," you decided. "It's alright."
"But you have time to explore town now," she remarked. "We have some good beer, good food... and there is a festival happening now, you could go!"
"Nice," you nodded. "What are you celebrating?"
"Life," she shrugged. "Everything that is good."
You smiled together. Yes, it made sense.
"There's a dress for you over there," she pointed to your room. "And you'll probably get a crown of flowers the moment you step into the square."
You shook your head.
"Thank you," you told her.
She gave your back a little pat, not on for physical affection.
"I gotta go now," she told you. "But just scream my name if you are in an emergency."
You gave her another tap and watched her leaving, crossing your arms as she did, and sat back on the nearest chair, seeing the woman she'd brought organising things.
You stepped back into your bedroom, and weren't surprised when you closed the door and found a cloth bag hanging right there, and grabbed it.
Half an hour later you were dressed and had your hair nicely braided as you left your house, still tired but excited about the festival.
When you were dating Thor, he had brought you to more than one of their festivals, and they were always great.
Just as your friend had told you, a girl by a table with flower crowns ran to you, giving you one, and you placed it over your head, clapping along with the music around.
It was nice seeing people this happy, and you could imagine they were elated to just celebrate life after so many years of grieving.
You stopped surprised when your eyes met a familiar face in the crowd.
The last you'd heard if him he had either disappeared or just hid away from the world, completely isolated.
He looked a little different: his hair wasn't short anymore, but very long, and his beard was just as long, braided and decorated with many flowers.
You smiled to yourself as you realised how concentrated he was on the group of little kids surrounding him, letting them touch his beard and his hair, and braid his long locks, knelt as they surrounded him.
He always loved children, and always said you'd have as many of them as possible.
It was a nice idea, it made you sad that it never came true.
But maybe having a bunch of half-god children wasn't a good idea in the end, after all.
And then he saw you, and promptly bolted away.
Thor in his finest.
You walked after him, shaking your head, and raised an eyebrow at the sight of his wide shoulders behind a column.
"I can see you," you informed him.
He clenched his hands in fists.
"You cannot," your ex-boyfriend answered back.
You shook your head.
"So this is a talking pillar with blond hair and big shoulders?"
There was a moment of silence before he answered, not moving.
"Yes, ma'am."
You chuckled, amused, but sighed, a little sad.
"Alright, talking pillar," you held your own hand, a little anxious and sad with his reaction, but not wanting to cross a boundary. "I'll go now. You don't have to talk to me."
You stepped back, ready to walk away, but his voice stopped.
"Wait," he called you. "I... I do. I want to talk to you."
When you turned back, he hadn't moved.
"Like this?" you asked. "Through the pillar?"
He sighed soundly.
"Can we?" he asked. "Please?"
You hesitated. Why didn't he want to face you?
"Of course," you answered at last.
Thor relaxed and then crossed his arms, and you waited for what he had to say.
"So," you cleared your throat, realising one of you had to break the ice.
"Sorry," he mumbled. "I... I own you an explanation."
You shook your head.
"Not really," you assured him. "I know everything was hard on you. You needed time."
You were never going to blame him for grieving.
"I wasn't the only one having a hard time," he pointed. "You had lost your father and I couldn't even..."
"It's alright," you assured him. "You had just gone through what happened with Loki, and you've known him for longer than I could ever know my dad."
He let out a little chuckle, and you shifted on your feet.
"I'm not upset with you anymore," you assured him. "I promise you."
Thor lowered his head, and you reached for his hand, touching it at his side, and he flinched a bit, pushing his own hand away from his body, but tangled his fingers with yours.
"I missed you," he confessed, a little quiet.
You smiled sadly, caressing his skin.
"What is it that you don't want me to see?" you asked him.
His hands flexed a little around yours.
"Why do you think I don't want you to see something?"
You laughed.
"Thor, I am talking to a pillar!" you pointed out, wanting to flick his ear.
He groaned, and then raised his hand to his face.
"I just... I have changed," he explained. "A little bit."
You rolled your eyes. That was it.
"When we met your hair was already long," you reminded him. "And the long beard is very hot."
Thor moved, uncomfortable.
"More than just my beard," he added.
You waited and then he dropped your hand, stepping away from the pillar and walking away from it slowly, finally standing in front of you.
You raised your eyebrows, waiting for whatever he had to show you that you hadn't seen before.
"What am I looking for?" you asked.
He signalled to his body, looking frustrated.
Still, you frowned.
He had a body. He wasn't a non-corporeal entity.
"I am..." he tried to explain. "I'm not the same man I was when we last saw one another."
You looked at his body, and finally got what he meant.
Thor had gained weight. That was it.
That was the change he was apparently so ashamed of he was hiding from you.
"Is that your weight?" you asked. "That's what you mean?"
He frowned.
"I'm all soft," he argued. "You know what Rocket called me? He called me chunky. "
You frowned in turn.
Who the fuck was Rocket? What kind of name was that?
"Ba-" you interrupted yourself before you could say the pet name. "Thor, I don't think I get your point."
"I was chiselled when we were together," he affirmed. "Strong and manly. You couldn't grab a single bit of me."
You tried not to roll your eyes as you shook your head.
A decade or so on Earth, and he was starting to show it.
"Are you mad?" you asked him. "You can be as manly as you want to be and you are still strong. You are a fucking god, I highly doubt you can ever be weak."
Thor scoffed and you laughed a little.
"Thor, are you afraid I don't think you are hot anymore?"
He crossed his arms.
You looked at him and chuckled.
"Let's go to your place," you decided.
Thor frowned, completely confused.
You laughed, and looked for words, looking around and finding some kids dangerous close.
"The things I want to say to you shouldn't be said around children," you decided.
His eyes widened, and Thor gulped.
"This way," he pointed, grabbing your hand and pulling.
You were giggling as you followed him, apparently not as fast as him cause Thor stopped and looked at you.
"Hop on my back," he offered.
You did, laughing so loudly you were almost breathless. Your relationship was always spontaneous, and you were used to Thor doing this in the past.
You missed him so much.
You tried to push the sad feeling away, putting your arms around his shoulders and kissing his earlobe, sucking softly right behind it the way you knew he liked quite much.
His fingers squeezed your knees a little tighter, and you chuckled as he walked up a hill.
"We both know those are also not things kids should see," he warned you.
You just giggled more, kissing his neck.
"I'm just being affectionate," you teased him. "Nothing to see here."
Thor grunted.
"I'll show you nothing to see," he mumbled.
Oh, you really wished he did.
Thor stopped in front of a white house and opened the door, holding you with a single hand and kicking it closed with his foot before letting you stand on your own.
"You!" he pointed at your face.
You just grabbed his hand and bit the top of his finger gently, playful.
"I've kept my hands to myself," you reminded him.
Thor grabbed your waist, pulling you closer, and you cut the distance between your lips, kissing him just as you moved your hands up, cradling his face.
Thor was delicate as he kissed you, slow as you savoured each second of being close to him again, of tasting him again.
Oh, how sweet it would be if he was your Thor again, not just Thor.
Your life was so quiet without him, so cold. Even after everything - especially after everything - coming close to him only showed you how much you still wanted him!
"Y/N," he sighed as you stepped away from him.
"You stupid man," you clenched your fingers, holding him by his shirt. "Thinking I could ever not want you."
Thor pulled you closer, big hands pushing your dress up as you pushed your fingers into his hair.
You waited for what he wanted to do, unsure of how far he really even wanted to take this.
It’d been a long time since you two even saw one another, much less had sex.
So you pulled back and looked at his face, and your ex-boyfriend looked at your face.
“Don’t you…” he tried to ask.
“I do,” you confirmed. “But I want to know what you want.”
He stopped, eyes on your face, and you reached for his hand, kissing his palm.
“You said you had things to say about me,” he whispered, flushing a little. “That no children should hear.”
You laughed and kissed your hand again, raising your chin to stare into his eyes.
“I want to kiss you all over,” you affirmed. “From your lips to your thighs, adore you and show you how much I want you.”
You pushed him to the couch, and he fell sat, letting out a little whimper, and you moved your hand to the front of his shirt, pushing it off of his body.
“And when I’m done with that,” you continued. “I want to climb on your lap and ride your cock. Maybe tease you, uh? Not letting you cum until you’re a stuttering mess for me?”
He gulped, speechless, and you giggled.
“Do you want me to do it here?” you asked, throwing his shirt away, caressing his chest and soft torso. “Or will you let me take you to your bed?”
Thor blinked, stunned, and you caressed his face slowly, waiting, knowing well to give him his time. He stood, grabbing you and picking you up, and you chuckled, letting your head fall on his shoulder as he moved you two, so quickly that you barely felt his movement, and Thor sat down on a large bed, raising his bright blue eyes to you, and you were quick to kiss him again.
You took off your flower crown, letting it fall somewhere you couldn’t see, pulling on his soft hair and smiling when he whimpered against your lips.
“My silly Norse god,” you cooed as you scratched his scalp, kissing his chin and jaw over his beard, then his cheek and his nose, placing pecks all over him. “Thinking I don’t think you are the sexiest man alive.”
He closed his eyes, and you kissed his lips gently, standing up as you did.
“Thinking I don’t get weak on my knees every time I see that smile of yours,” you pushed him to lay down. “That I don’t shiver when I hear your voice, that seeing you doesn’t make me remember how much I just want to be with you all the time.”
You caressed his cheeks, scratching his jaw under his beard, and he whimpered a little, and you kissed your way down his neck and his shoulders.
“The only way to make me stop loving you would be if you stopped being yourself,” you smiled a little.
Thor inhaled sharply, and you didn’t look up, kissing the middle of his chest, inhaling the rainy scent he always had, and you couldn’t even find anywhere else, and raised your head when he pulled you up.
“Myself?” he asked.
You stopped, looking at his face.
“Your essence, Thor,” you told him. “It is the most important thing. It is what made me love you.”
He shuddered, and you smiled.
“You could change your hair, become shorter, dress up different, lose your teeth,” you chuckled. “And as long as you were you, welcoming growth, eager to always be a good man with a good heart, so damn affectionate I never found myself feeling unloved and the many other qualities that make you yourself… then you’d still be the same man.”
Thor smiled, finally, a little bashful and with a glim in his eyes.
“Besides,” you moved down on your body, back to kissing his skin. “More of you means I have more skin to kiss…”
You took your hands to his pants, unlacing them, and pulled them down his legs along with his underwear.
“More skin to touch and tease,” you tossed his pants back, running your hands on his thighs, and his beautiful cock welcomed you, hard and ready. “To bite…”
You wrapped your fingers around it, slowly stroking him.
“I bet you didn’t think about that, uh?” you teased him.
Your ex-boyfriend grabbed you, pulling you up to his side and kissing your lips deeply, passionate.
“Which gods looked at me and thought I deserved someone like you?” he asked, looking at your face.
You smiled, resting your forehead on his.
“I think you might have heard of him,” you teased him. “Thor, god of thunder. A hero with a heart of gold. He found me and slowly showed me the most happiness I have ever felt in my life.”
He closed his eyes, positively looking like he was about to cry.
“And then he left you,” he mumbled, sad.
“To grow,” you caressed his cheek. “And come back once he was ready.”
Thor watched your face, soft and sweet, and caressed your face, kissing you again, and you moved your hands to his arms and his body as he pushed your dress down your shoulders, a single hand moving to untie it around our waist.
“I want to see you,” he bit your lower lip. “I’ve missed you so much.”
You let him push the dress off of you, eagerly kissing you, and Thor’s big hand squeezed one of your breasts.
“I want to feel your skin,” he panted. “Feel your cunt squeezing me, hear your sweet moans again.”
His fingers pinched your nipple, and you whimpered, sensitive.
“Thor,” you sighed.
“I love you so much,” he kissed your neck. “Should have never let you go.”
You pushed your underwear down your leg while he was still kissing you, and only pulled away from Thor to climb onto his hips. You sat back on his thighs, still just as ridable as ever, and took his cock again, stoking it as your cunt fluttered around nothing, eager for him.
“You want me to ride your cock, Thor?” you teased him.
He grabbed your hips, raising you.
“Wanna see you riding me,” Thor affirmed, and you adjusted his cock, pushing the head of his cock against your entrance. “Wanna watch your pretty tits bouncing as I make you jump on me the way I know you love to do.”
You smiled, gasping when you felt his tip inside you, and sank down to take his cock whole, throwing your head back.
Fuck, he was so big.
Five fucking years had made you forget how much of a stretch it was to have him inside you.
“Perfect,” he raised your hips. “So wet.”
You whined, rotating your hips each time he bottomed out inside you, not daring to tear your eyes from him.
“Did teasing me made your cunt wet, my love?” his fingers caressed your skin. “Making me dumb and mad with your lips like the brat you are.”
You giggled, and he pushed himself into you, brushing against your sweet spot and making you yelp.
“A teasing brat,” he added, hand moving to your cunt and his thumb pressing on your clit.
You rested your hands on his chest, both your legs and his hands guiding you to bounce on him, riding his hard cock.
“Want to make you cum,” he commanded in a deep growl. “Been missing that cunt for years, that sweet squeeze...”
You threw your head back and cried out when his fingers moved on you, driving you mad and closer and closer to the edge, but looked right back at him again, wanting to look at him and see him, show him that he was the one who was making you cum and making you feel this good.
“Please, Thor,” you whimpered. “Make me cum on your cock, make me cum for you.”
His fingers moved fast, and your legs weakened, your muscles trembling as your peak neared you, his cock brushing and brushing against your sweet spot as his thumb played with your bud with the knowledge of having gotten you off so many times over the years.
“Cum for me, my love,” he coaxed you, sweet and firm. “Milk my cock with that sweet cunt, show me how pretty you look when a make you peak.”
You came listening to his moans and he held you as you did, trembling and shaking, and Thor squeezed the side of your hip when he himself came, fucking you with shallow strokes and moaning deeply as he did.
You lied on his chest, catching your breath, and planted soft kisses on his skin as you did, smiling as he caressed your skin gently, placing a little kiss on your forehead.
“Are you staying?” he asked softly.  “In Asgard?”
You nodded in confirmation.
“For a year, at least,” you told him.
He breathed slowly under you, and you raised your head to look at his face.
“And you?”
Thor looked at your face, eyes watching yours, and his hand moved to your face, caressing your cheek.
“I didn’t know if I would before,” he told you. “But I think I can stay for a bit. To catch up.”
You squinted your eyes.
“Catch up?” you asked.
Thor nodded and you smiled a little.
“I will love to catch up with you.”
. . .
"Different (and all the same)" was posted on my Patreon back in August! To have early access to my work, consider subscribing! It's just $2 a month!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega​
Marvel forever tags: @its-daydreamer23​​​​​​ ​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @tayrae515​​​? @indecisiondecisions​​​? @afanofmanystuffs​​​? @patzammit​​​? @thevanishedillusion​​​? @widowsfics​​​? @alexisshoto​​​ @princess-evans-addict​​​ @dreams-of-feysand​​​ @xoxabs88xox​​​ @dragonqueen0606​ @izbelross @isabelle-faith
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awesomerextyphoon · 1 year
You: Hi Nat!
Nat: Hey! Do you and Thor ever feel full?
You: Uhh, what brought this about?
Nat: Sam overheard Thor talking to Steve about how the two of you are always hungry.
You: Well, he's not wrong. I usually take my equivalent of a protein bar twice a day to stave off the hunger.
Nat: Well, as your friend, I refuse to let this stand.
You: It's okay, Nata-
Nat: I won't hear of it! We're going out to eat.
You: Alrigh-
Nat: Besides, Tony owes me a favor.
You: Well, if you put it that way.
Wanda: What's going on here?
Nat: I'm taking her out to eat since she almost never eats.
Wanda: Cool. Should I get Thor?
You: It's only fair.
You: Whew! That hit the spot!
Thor: T'was a great feast, indeed! Thank you for inviting me.
Nat: No problem!
You: I could go for a tummy rub right now.
Nat: I'll give one when we get back.
You: Yay!
Wanda: Glad I found this Thai place!
Nat: Nice one!
You: Hehe. Thanks, Nat!
Wanda: That's what happens when you chug nine two-liters of Dr. Pepper on a dare.
You: I know, I know. Still worth it, though.
Wanda: The look on that douchebag's face!
Nat: Also, Thor's glare sealed the deal.
Thor: T'was nothing, ladies!
You: Umm...would it be bad if that belch cleared some room? I'm still kinda of hungry.
Nat: Nope.
Thor: I could go for burgers.
You: Same.
Wanda: Well, let's go!
Tony: Hey Pep?
Pepper: Yes, Tony?
Tony: Why did I get an alert from nine different restaurants that they were 'eaten into closing'?
Pepper: Nat took your card as part of the favor you owed her. She took two of our powerhouses out for a 'good meal'.
Tony: ...Damn it.
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rui-bean · 1 month
Loki Fic recommendations.
Folks, if youre a fan of Loki or Thor or just mcu norse, you would be doing yourself a justice by reading Ásgarðrian Galdr. In my opinion, this is the best fanfic ive seen that capture the complexities of the odinsons family’s dynamics, political troubles, and their angst with each other. Its a long fic, and theres a decent chunk to take in, in the first few chapter, but stick around. I swear it is beautiful.
If you have time, please check this out and give kudos. The author deserves some love for writing and completing this fic. And join us as we cheer our author on as they continue writing.
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siconetribal · 1 year
Hey!! I have a request for you!
So I'm thinking you work at shield and have to show Loki and Thor around since they are new. You always crack terrible jokes when you are nervous but Thor finds you hilarious and even Loki admits some of them are fairly clever (high praise coming from him). You realize they've never heard most of the recycled jokes or puns you used and decide to take advantage of that.
Tower Tour for Two
Pairing: None
Warning: Puns, word play, wit, shenanigans, dad jokes, and all around foolery
All new personnel to SHIELD need to know where to go from day one. The best way to do that is through a tour. The Asgardian princes were no exception. With no crisis in need of their participation, the two are set up with a guide that keeps them on their toes.
Author Note:
I am so sorry for the delay in answering this request! I wanted it to be absolutely perfect! Furthermore, I do hope you like this, and it lives up to what you were expecting from the shenanigans between a punderful Y/N and the two austere princes of Asgard! Also, I completely made up the floors and numbers based off an image @vbecker10 showed me.
“Tell me again why we are being subjected to this ridiculous obligation of needing some nanny around the compound?” Loki let out an exasperated sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. None of this seemed to quite add up to him. Thor has been part of this team for some time now, and they had never thought of something so trivial. However, when they decide to accept me this is suddenly something mandatory? I find that highly suspicious.
“It is because they wish to give us a proper introduction. With all the emergencies that happened and my frequent leaving to Asgard, there was no real time for this to come about. With you being newly accepted, they thought it wise that the two of us go through it together. Better than having to waste time setting up two separate sessions.” Thor chuckled at his fifth repetition. He knew his brother was not forgetful, he was simply trying to find a loophole out of this. “It is a simple tour, Loki. It will be done sooner than you’re making it out to be. It is not like they are giving the grand tour of the Asgardian castle.”
“If this place were remotely as big, I would have done everything in my power to make sure this never came to pass.” Loki scowled. “It is not the size of the facility that concerns me, it is the ridiculous notion that they think we are incapable of learning where to go.”
“Ah, but they are taking efficiency into consideration. The time it takes for us to learn our way around will be drastically cut if we are given this tour. Which will increase the overall efficiency of how SHIELD and the Avengers will run. Precious time needed for missions and planning would not be lost on someone unsure of where to find the proper meeting room or attend some training session. You, above all else, know how important it is to be efficient.” The God of Thunder smiled at his brother, clapping a firm hand against his back. “You will see, this will be highly useful. The fact that they even are allowing you to know where everything is a huge sign of their trust as well! If they did not trust you, they would not take the time to teach you where everything is.”
That or they want to make sure I know where everything is. So that if I were to ever use the reasoning of being lost, they can remind me of this dreadful waste of time and accuse me of something sinister. The God of Mischief kept his skepticism to himself, not wanting to dampen his brother’s mood. Though, he did wonder if there was something that could do such a thing. The thought of his feigned deaths suddenly came to mind, but he quickly pushed them aside.
“Well hello, hello!” A chipper voice greeted the two Asgardian princes from behind, the two towering royals turning to see a singular female SHIELD employee who was clearly far too excited to be here. The sunny disposition seemed almost illegal compared to the rigid and professional demeanor that were standard with all other SHIELD personnel. Perhaps this person was lost and was actually an experiment on happiness? Thor looked towards Loki with a raised brow, who raised both of his in response and shrugged, removing the burden of possibly knowing anything about this odd human. He was just as clueless, if not more so for actually being new, than his elder brother.
“Don’t everyone all talk at once now! Sheesh, have you never been greeted before? Talk about needing a lesson in manners.” She frowned.
“Pardon our rudeness, but are we acquainted?” Thor took the lead after another lengthy pause.
“Ah, the lord doth speaketh!” She gasped, the corner of Loki’s lip twitching as Thor slightly lowered his head as a sign of apologies. “We weren’t formally introduced, but you were both instructed to come here for the tour of the tower with me.”
“So you are Y/N?” Loki questioned, his intense gaze carefully observing to see if this was some sort of trap or test. 
“Well, last I checked it was.” She glanced down at her name tag that was hung from the lanyard around her neck, a variety of novelty pins decorating the fabric. “Yup, still is.” He scowled at her attitude. “Do not worry, I understand, I am used to rendering people speechless.” She boasted with pride.
“Is that so,” Loki felt the prick of unease at the back of his mind.
“Yes, we have heard you are quite the guide.” Thor elbowed his brother at the look of mistrust that was on his face. “Rogers and the others have had nothing but positive things to say about you. However, we have jumped ahead without proper introductions. My name,” he tried to correct their rude beginning but stopped at her raised hand.
“No need, there’s nothing Loki about either of you, aside from his name anyway. I made sure to do a Thor-ough look into whom I would be guiding this morning.” As she grinned, Loki grimaced. That feeling of unease was not to be ignored.
“Clever,” the elder prince laughed at her wordplay. “Very well, by your lead, then.”
“Thank you,” she gave a small bow before stretching her arms out wide. “Foyer information, this is the foyer. To our left, through those double doors, is where SHIELD holds most, if not all, press hearings. Sadly, there’s no let-go room. I keep telling them we need it, how else is there going to be a release? Makes you think, what good is a hearing when they aren’t even listening.” She sighed.
“So that is why they are called as such? I always wondered why. They really should invest in such things, to hold on for too long is never healthy.” Thor nodded his head in agreement, while Loki felt his left eyebrow twitch. That feeling of unease had grown. Was it too late to turn back now? He eyed the front door behind them, measuring the distance and how long it would take him if he made a run for it.
“Aside from that room, there isn’t much else aside from the desk. The decor isn’t the greatest, but the reception is phenomenal.” She pointed to the reception desk as she walked towards the elevators. “Come along, we’ve gotta head to the next floor. Don’t mind the elevators, they have their ups and downs. I think we caught them in a good mood today.”
Dammit, I should’ve sent an image of myself. Loki clicked his tongue before straightening his back and turning to join the two. Thor was wrong, this was going to be a very long day. A tour of the castle would have been shorter.  He feared for his sanity as they stepped out onto the second floor
“It’s pretty quiet right now, but it’s usually pretty busy. The second floor, here, up until the fifth floor, are all human relations. Though sometimes it can be a bit alien at times, they’re all definitely human and are pretty relatable for the most part. Though I don’t recommend them for any dating advice, they like to keep it professional.”
“As they should,” Thor once again agreed, and Loki’s eye began to twitch.
“And right you are, thunder boy!” She grinned, turning them back to the elevator as skipping straight to the sixth floor. Stepping out, this floor looked almost identical to the second one. The two looked around curiously for any differences before shifting their attention to Y/N who stepped forward and turned to face them. “So, as you can see, we’re all pretty square here with all these cubicles. Sixth floor to the tenth floor is where you’ll find the work stations of the agents and the offices for higher ranking staff. The agents are great and all, but some of these big wigs are walking economy lessons.”
“What do you mean?” The elder Asgardian asked before the younger could stop him. She was leading them in more ways than one, and he was not enjoying either direction.
“Well, you didn’t hear it from me, but their hairline is in a recession, their stomachs are always inflated like their egos, and the two together leaves everyone in a great depression.” She whispered, and Loki actually smirked. Perhaps she had some things of value to say. “I can’t really let you into anything here, private stuff and all that, so up we go!” She motioned them back to the elevators, where they went straight to the eleventh floor. “Alright, so here you might find things to be a little dull…because here until the twenty-first floor is none other than the boardrooms!”
I take back what I said, it was a rare moment of entertainment. Loki sighed as they followed her down a few halls, and she opened one of the doors.
“This is one of the larger ones, but each room is equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Holograms, interactive models, surround sound, and HD screenings! Sadly, the seating isn’t the best and only reclines so much. But other than that, you’ve got one fancy theater experience every time.” She grinned, Thor taking a seat in one of the chairs.
“They are quite nice though. But why are the tables bolted down?”
“So they can be well grounded.” She answered far too quickly, and Loki shook his head. “In all seriousness, it’s to avoid trouble. Tables are normally supposed to be movable furniture, but after the last few issues here with explosions and infighting, it was deemed safer to have them bolted to avoid anyone possibly getting hit by them. The chairs do move around, but when you tuck them in under the table, the arms magnetize to the table with a force that is fairly difficult to break if the room is not unlocked properly. If you noticed, when we entered I lingered at the entryway, that’s because I needed to let the room know it was in use, so the table would release the chairs.” She walked back towards the door and motioned for Thor to stand. He did as told, and she punched in a code where the lights shut off and the chair chairs all jerked up and a series of clicks were heard. “Now the room is set to lock when we leave.” She pushed the door open wider, Loki having noticed that she had cracked it open prior to punching in the code. “The other meeting room floors are similar to this one. The designs may be different from floor to floor in the sense that some have round tables while others have rectangular and possibly minor changes in screen size, but overall they are the same.”
“Things are quite secure here.” Loki noted aloud, curiosity about this strange SHIELD employee starting to grow in the back of his mind.
“I would hope so, they’re supposed to be the guardians of Earth. They’d be nothing but insecurities otherwise.”
“Well said, Y/N. You are quick-witted with your words, just like Hawkeye and Black Widow mentioned.” Thor praised her.
“Don’t encourage her,” Loki hissed at him as they got back onto the elevator. It was obvious he was clearly taken by her little tricks.
“Come now, brother, there is nothing wrong with giving due praise to a job well done. Perhaps if you were more forthcoming with your compliments as you are with your snide remarks, you would not be seen as such a cruel person, and they would finally see the brother I adore.” He implored, earning yet another scoffing eye roll. Y/N watched the two silently, pressing the button for the twenty-second floor. It was painfully obvious that Thor adored Loki openly, while Loki was more reticent in his affections.
The tale of the two mythological deities was known far and wide since their first arrival, and even more so since the infamous incident in New York. Much like the majority of Earthlings, she initially hated the younger prince for all the harm he had caused. The damage, despair, and devastation he wrought on them was nothing small and unforgivable. She never wanted to be left so powerless ever again, incapable of helping anyone. Thus, she embarked on climbing her way and successfully joining SHIELD. She was not able to work on the field as an agent, but she managed to secure a rather unique position where only a few were capable of managing. It was through this training and top level clearance that she became aware of many things, like the Mind Stone and how it perverted and polluted Loki’s insecurities and anguish. None of it justified his actions, but he became someone understandable. They were less out of reach, more relatable. They two were living and breathing with emotions like anyone else, not something above them. 
I know they’re stronger than the average human, but they’re brothers like any other. Bickering siblings with opposite dispositions that adore one another. She smiled to herself as she stepped out before them. “Alright. From here up to the thirtieth floor is where the fun starts. You could say Stark was raving mad when he funded so much of the things here, but he’s lab hatter. All the tech and research goes on here. It’s a little sad that physicists and biologists don’t get along so well.” She let out a heavy sigh, Thor and Loki around before settling their eyes on here.
“And why is that? Trouble in paradise?” The second prince raised a well manicured brow. Y/N could only imagine the two were into grooming routines, and they were professionally done, otherwise it was cruel to every average woman out there just how perfect these two were.
“You could say that they lack chemistry.” She smirked at the slight scowl she earned from him. He had made such a big deal about feeding into her little games and walked right into one himself. He could see the shine of victory in her eyes, and he had to admit, it was well played. Not only that, but he would never admit to it aloud, of course.
“And what would be the importance of chemistry?” Thor wondered, not sure how that played between the two types of scientists.
“Well, it has all the solutions, and It is fairly good at bonding.” She added matter-of-factory, Thor nodding his head in agreement. “Yes, Jane and Dr. Erik did have trouble relating with others from time to time, perhaps chemistry was lacking.”
“No comet on astrophysicists,” she snickered as they walked through the halls and peered in through the windows. “All the glass here is highly reinforced,” she lightly knocked on one as they stopped at a random door. “I can’t let you in due to the nature of what’s inside and any experiments that may currently be in progress, but you can take a swing at the glass to test it out. Stark has made sure to improve after learning from any prior mistakes to minimize casualties. It’s Avenger and danger proof.”
“If Stark is involved, then there is no doubt that he has extensively worked on it for it to be so.” Thor proudly spoke of his companion, Loki curiously observing the window. He stepped closer, tapping on the glass and listening to the vibrations. It was a rather dull sound. It was a very dense and thick sheet.
The metal midgardian certainly enjoys his little trinkets and toys. I could simply use my magic to conjure myself into the room, however. What good is this resilience, then? He smirked, feeling that he may have bested the genius playboy philanthropist.
“You could try,” Y/N’s voice broke through his thoughts. “But that’s at your own risk. Like the other rooms here, you need to engage the room prior to entering, and these rooms are only allowed entry through specific key cards. If anyone were to find a way without this channel, they would have to deal with the security that would automatically be triggered. So, unless you have dreams of being Swiss cheese, I would disa-brie on any attempts of just appearing inside. Come along, up we go!” She turned on her heel and led them back up to their rectangular chariot. “Any questions so far? Comments, concerns, suggestions are all welcomed.”
“Nothing,” Thor shook his head.  “You are going excellently and answer any of the questions before we even have time to even think of them. I can see why they praise you so highly among the other members.” He gave her a broad grin, and she smiled in kind.
“Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. This ain’t the most exciting thing you could be doing, believe me, I get it. So, I try to keep it short, sweet, and fun.”
“Fun for whom?” Loki muttered.
“Myself, I’m the one guiding you after all. Gotta help myself get through this just as much as you do.” She gave him a wink and laughed as he scowled. It was obvious they were both enjoying this for various reasons, so she chose not to tell him, she could tell this scowl was more forced than the others so far.
“Now, here are the floors that are worth the weight, the next five floors are about two floors each in height, they’re the gyms and rec rooms. From battle simulations in the VR to real word pumping iron, there is no bar too high in this place…well for you anyway.” She looked up at Thor and Loki. “For me, there are quite a few out of my reach. I won’t go into too much detail here, you’ll be scheduled for a fitness and analysis exam, so they’ll run you through the various simulations and fancy gizmos and gadgets then.” There was obvious excitement and interest in both the brothers' eyes, and she could not help the small snicker that came out as she led them up to the thirty-sixth floor. “We’ll keep it short here, mission briefs and observations happen on deck here. And you can look out the windows and observe a lovely view of the compound and city as well while you’re at it. This is one very wide floor.” She explained as they went to the far end where there was a lovely view of the city before heading up to the next floor.
“This is the not so common choice of a common area. Usually these types of floors are near the ground floor if not the ground floor itself. But, what’s common about superheroes and aliens as a whole?” She shrugged. “Here is where you’ll be able to relax between missions and training or simply don’t want to be in your room. The best part of this floor is actually over here.’ She grinned, a little speed in her steps as she led them to two rather ornate double doors. “This is a place you can always check out,” she slid her key through the reader and turned the knobs. Pushing the two doors open with great flourish to reveal a very grand library with a glass dome like ceiling, stairs leading to the four floors above and one below. “This is a place where I can't help my shelf and spend hours. But personal interest aside, you can bring beverages into the library, you just can't pour milk over the serials here. They’ve got all sorts of books here now that we know some myths are not so fictitious.” She pointedly looked at the two of them. “I know it’s pretty booked, but you can always leaf through as needed.
“And why would they have such a place at SHIELD?” Loki asked, taking a step forward, followed by another, and several more until he was in front of a shelf and pulling one of the leather-bound pages from it.
“Knowledge is key, and sometimes the old-fashioned way is the best way or only way. Like I said, things of lore are no more and not everything is metadata. Also, this is part of the floors where one can simply step out of the digital world and unwind. Can you imagine what the public would do if one of the eligible bachelors or bachelorettes of the Avengers was seen in the public library? We’d have mobs of paparazzi and feral fans trying to get their chance to be seen with them. There’d be no peace and quiet. Having our own mini library was the best solution. It does not have everything, but it helps minimize the need to go out and be seen frequenting a location. Villains and mosey people alike won’t set their sights on a place where the public is free to come and go.”
Thor walked over to his brother, pulling out another book and quickly skimmed through it. He was not as avid of a reader as his brother, but he knew and respected the importance of knowledge. This place would be very useful to the two who were not as technologically savvy as the Midgardians. Y/N watched as Loki slowly read the first few pages of the book he chose, while Thor skimmed through several books. He did linger on a few, looking at the title twice before returning it to its spot.
“Reading time will have to be another time. Once you get your key card, you have free access to the books here, and you can check them out with the librarians as needed. Come along, only a few more floors to go.” She promised, Thor grabbed Loki by the back of his jacket and forcibly dragged him a few steps before he replaced the book and reluctantly followed them out back to the elevators. 
The brothers watched as she slid her card into a slot next to two rows of buttons and selected the number eight button in the second row of the two rows labeled as LQ. “This is where only certain personnel can enter. You both, other avengers, and some agents will be living here on the compound. As you can see, there are not that many floors, but each floor is similar to the gym and rec room floors in that each floor is two floors in height from eight to fourteen. The reason being is that eight upwards is where you and any other members of the Avengers will have a penthouse style apartment. Each is designed and decorated according to the specifications or desires of the occupant. No two rooms are going to be alike in details, but the basic blueprint will be the same for safety exits and code regulations. Floors one to four is where the agents that live here, guests, important visitors, and some time overtime employees will be residing. Floors five to seven is where their dining and entertainment will be. There is a mini theater, a large dining room kitchen with staff, and a mini library for them to spend their time. Their key cards will not allow them into your floor, but you will be allowed on their floors if you so wish. “ 
The doors of the elevator opened up to reveal a rather large hallway with only a few doors on either side. Floors eight to twelve will resemble this. As you can see, none of the doors look the same and have been customized to the comfort of the resident who stays in that space while here. The two of you will have your own apartments on the twelfth floor. On the thirteenth and fourteenth floor you will find similar amenities; a large state-of-the-art kitchen, fully staffed on request; a large dining area, personal theater, recreational activities such a bowling alley, billiards, and a private bar that has its own balcony facing the city. The last floor, the HQ floor, is where the leaders of SHIELD convene for their meetings and have their offices. I cannot allow you entry on that floor, so I will be leading you back down to the ground floor from here. And that is there is to say about this tower. Though we do have everything indoors, there are still many outside facilities on the grounds for certain activities. For example, large scale training or ability practice will take place in one of the various hangars and fields that are readily equipped and shielded from causing too much disruption in the building. Sometimes you may be flown out to more discrete locations to avoid unwanted attention as well.”
“They really have thought of everything.” Loki finally admitted to being somewhat impressed, mostly for the library. He and Thor silently mulled over all the information that was given to them. It was certainly a lot, and it became clear as to why they were put through the task. It was needed information, but also a warning that they would always be watched. Not just them as outsiders, but the Avengers as a whole were to be watched because they were a collective of beings that could single-handedly cause more trouble than any large scale militant group.
“Yes, they have, and that’s it for this personal tour. I do hope you enjoy your stay here at SHIELD. I wish you the best of luck always and success in your missions moving forward. Thank you for your time, enjoy the rest of your day.” She led them to the front doors and stepped out into the crisp air, the sun still in the sky. There was one fact that had consistently nagged at the back of their minds. A question they intended to ask, and yet never thought or had the chance to. Loki looked to Thor, who silently nodded his head.
“Y/N, what exactly is your position here at SHIELD?” She had access to every floor, detailed information, and knew where to say what and when. Only someone of high level clearance and trust would be privy to such, and she purposefully and expertly avoided the topic with thought-provoking information and clever words of misdirection. However, now was their chance. The two turned to face her. They would get their answers, but she was no longer there. In fact, there was no sign of her anywhere. Who exactly was Y/N.  It was clear now, this was only the beginning for the two of them at the mysterious organization known as SHIELD.
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vilentia · 11 months
Whispers in the Stars
Thor x reader
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The debris of Asgard floated in the vast expanse of space, a silent testament to the events that had taken place. The spaceship carrying the surviving Asgardians hummed softly, cutting through the interstellar silence. Thor, now king, stood at the ship's observation deck, lost in thought, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. His gaze was fixed on the floating ruins of his homeland.
Behind him, a soft step echoed. It was you. You'd known Thor for what felt like eons, your bond with him strengthening with each challenge faced. You'd been by his side through his banishment to Earth, the dark days with Loki, and now the destruction of Asgard.
Seeing his somber reflection, you silently approached, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind and resting your head on his broad back. He took a deep breath, feeling your presence, a grounding reminder that he wasn't alone in this.
"Why do the stars seem more distant tonight?" you whispered, the melancholy evident in your voice.
"They carry the weight of our memories, stories, and dreams," Thor replied, his voice deep and resonant.
You moved to stand beside him, looking up to meet his blue eyes, clouded with sorrow. "Our stories are not over," you reassured him, "Asgard is not a place, it's the people. And as long as we have each other, its essence will never fade."
Thor looked down at you, the corners of his lips curving into a small smile. He appreciated your wisdom, always managing to find a silver lining even in the darkest of times. He leaned down, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss, tasting the promise of a new beginning.
"The universe has its ways of testing our mettle," Thor mused, pulling away but keeping you close. "But with you by my side, there's no challenge too great."
You grinned, threading your fingers through his. "Then let's face the future together, my king."
And as the ship journeyed onward, two souls stood united, their love a beacon of hope for all of Asgard. The stars might have whispered tales of tragedy, but they also sang songs of resilience, love, and new beginnings.
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mymelodymia · 10 months
Tickles // Dad!thor x daughter!reader
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summary: your father gets back at you after pranking him.
Warnings: thor being evil >:/
Age: 14
Area/place: asgard.
A/N: I've been obsessed w/ dad!thor recently, pls don't judge me lol. Also it's hard writing a tickle fic when you haven't been properly tickled in probably over 2 years, but i feel most comfortable writing them so...
🩰˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆+•°+💕*°•+
You had just gotten back from visiting the team on Midgard on your own. Your father was lying on his bed, bored, playing with his long blonde hair.
You had also bought a plastic version of his hammer to prank him with.
You walked in wearing an avengers t-shirt, holding the toy in your right hand. Trotting into the large bedroom with an innocent smile on your face.
He sat up quickly to greet you with a childish grin on his face, which immediately fell when he saw you with his "hammer" in your tight grasp.
His eyes flickered between your "hammer" and his own, which had been sitting atop his bedside.
You giggled before speaking "see, told you i was worthy" you smirked as he panted in confusion. You tossed the fake hammer into his lap. He smiled as he realized that it was plastic.
"I got you didnt i?" You asked him, grinning sheepishly to yourself. thor wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer to him and resting his head atop yours.
He wiggled his fingers on your side causing you to jump. You slapped his fingers away as he chuckled.
"You did. But, i will get my revenge" thor noted in a breathy tone. Your smirk fell as his expression transformed into a mischievous one.
Suddenly, you felt yourself being quickly pulled onto his lap with thors fingers digging into your sides. You screamed various protests to somehow stop your father.
Thor quickly bent down and blew the biggest raspberry he could just above your belly button. You screamed so loud you were sure the whole realm could hear you, and a few others.
"I thought you had outgrown this years ago!" Thor bellowed, he held you still easily, due to your size difference.
Before you know it, your dad was hovering over you and was sitting on your legs, which were kicking frantically to try to escape.
He blew another raspberry on your neck this time as he counted your ribs. You felt your eyes water as you screamed once again.
"Tell me, daughter, where does it tickle most?" Thor asked you, "here?" He added before blowing a quick raspberry on your neck. "Or here?" He asked, blowing a longer raspberry on your stomach, not even giving you time to process his words.
He stopped ticking for a moment so you could answer. "My tummy" you panted in between breaths.
"Good, now i know where to focus." Thor stated as you realized what a mistake you had made telling him this.
He blew three more raspberrys before letting you go. With tear-stains on your cheeks, you punched him in the shoulder just as lady sif burst through the door.
"What happened?! I thought one of you was being killed! I was halfway across the palace when i heard some blood-curdling scream! D@mn it thor!" She cursed, slamming the door as she shook her head.
You and thor busted into laughter as she walked out.
🩰˚˖𓍢ִ໋ ♡🎧✧˚.🎀༘⋆+•°+💕*°•+
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @zebralover // @yummyangy // @carellmcu // @mariasabanahabanabana //
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queen-of-the-avengers · 11 months
A New Adventure
Pairing: Thor x Goddess!Reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: naked thor, arrogant Zeus
Request by anon: What if with thor x reader. He was at olympus on a mission then he got caught and the snap hes nude then he notice y/n near ares in robe shes a demigodess , a child of hera and shes surprised while she misses him
Summary: You long to get out of Olympus and do something with your powers that actually means something, but your father won't let you leave. When a mysterious stranger shows up looking for Zeus, you figure he's the way to getting the hell out of there.
Squares Filled: free space (2022) for @thorbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Most people know you as Hebe, the Goddess of youth but you like to be called Y/N. You have never left Olympus to explore other worlds and bestow your gift upon others. People come to you from all over for you to give them their youth back, but you can do so much more than that. You can restore youth for any living thing, which is why you’re in charge of restoring nature back to its glory days.
There are plentiful goddesses that deal with nature who can do a much better job than you, but you were tasked by your father, Zeus, to do this. No one disobeys him or questions him, so you have to do this. Not that you mind much since you love being out in nature and taking care of it.
You walk past some bushes that are wiltering a bit so you run your fingers over it to give them their life back. They bloom back to life as if they were years younger. The flowers on the bushes bloom with bright colors as they are restored to their youth. You do this to the trees in the area and watch as the leaves go from a sickly brown color to bright green.
There are thousands of other planets that can benefit from your powers but Zeus won’t let you leave. Your mother, Hera, has tried hundreds of times to get all of her children to leave but he won’t listen to her. So, instead of doing something meaningful with your life, you’re stuck on Olympus doing the same thing every single day. This place is filled with gods and goddesses that come and go while you’re stuck wishing for something more to happen.
You’ve just finished restoring life to a tree when something glints off the sunlight in the sky. You cover your eyes so you can see what’s going on when a large ship comes crashing to the surface of Olympus. You jump out of the way just as it crashes down on all the nature you’ve worked hard to restore. Two goats are on the outside of the bow. A rainbow bridge follows in their footsteps and disappears once they’ve landed.
Four people get out of the ship without a car that they’ve destroyed something as delicate as nature. They walk right past you despite the shocked look you’re giving them. No one else seems to care about the falling ship except for you.
“What the hell is your problem?” you ask and jog to catch up with them. “You ruined my garden.”
The second biggest of all of them turns around to tell you off but stops. He used to think Jane was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen but that all changes when he locks eyes on you. This is Olympus full of beautiful goddesses but you’re nothing like what he’d expected. He has a time-sensitive mission but he can put it on hold for five minutes just to talk to you.
“I’m sorry,” Thor stutters.
You have to admit, he is quite attractive but that doesn't mean he should get away with what he’s done.
“Who are you four?”
“My name is Thor, and this is Jane who is also a Thor but not the true Thor like I am. She used to be human, which she still is, but she is able to pick up Mjolnir which is why she can be a Thor,” Thor stutters.
“What he’s trying to say is that he’s Thor, she’s Jane, this is Korg and I’m a Valkyrie.”
“Ah, I’ve heard about you,” you say to Thor. “I heard you released Sutur to destroy your home. You aided in the fight against Thanos.”
“Yes, that was me,” Thor blushes.
“I’m going to scout this place out,” Jane says and takes off flying with Mjolnir.
Valkyrie and Korg leave Thor alone with you to scout on foot.
“Who are you?”
“People know me as Hebe but I like to go by Y/N. I’m the Goddess of youth. I was just restoring youth to that garden you so rudely smashed into.”
“Sorry about that,” he chuckles nervously. Something clicks in his head and it shows in the way his eyes light up. “Your father is Zeus.”
“That bastard,” you roll your eyes. “He’s practically everyone’s father around here but yes, he’s my biological father. I hate his guts.”
“Maybe you can help me then.”
“What are you guys doing here? It’s not every day that someone comes crashing out of the sky. Or did you just want to ruin my garden for nothing?”
“No,” he chuckles. “I need to talk to Zeus. Is there any way my friends and I can do that?”
“I’m sure there is but you can’t do it privately. He likes to host meetings with all the gods and goddesses as a sort of touch base. One is happening very shortly.”
“Great, let’s go,” Thor says and walks past you.
“Hold on hot shot,” you say and turn to face him. “It’s an invite-only.”
“Are you invited?”
“All the children of Zeus must attend so yes, I am.”
“Great! You can get us in.”
You walk toward Thor and put a hand on his very muscular chest.
“Why would I reward you for ruining my garden?”
“I’m sorry?”
“No, I don’t want your apology.”
“What do you want?”
“I want a kiss. Right here,” you point to your cheek.
“Really? Okay,” Thor shrugs.
Thor leans down to press a kiss to your cheek but you move your face at the last second so that your own lips capture his. He’s shocked but doesn’t pull away from you. He thought you were beautiful the second he laid eyes on you, so kissing you is a plus. Your mother is the Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth so naturally, flirting and romance come easily to you. You pull away from him after a couple of minutes and produce a ticket for him.
“Wait, I have three friends with me.”
“No, only you,” you smirk and walk away from him.
You should have known he was going to find some way to get his friends into the meeting. You’re sitting next to your siblings and mother but notice four people walk in wearing disguises. You can see past Thor’s disguise and can only assume his three friends are the other ones in disguise. Thor scans the area until his eyes land on yours. You smile and shake your head to which he shyly shrugs.
“Zeus! Zeus! Zeus!” everyone chants to welcome the most powerful God.
A thundercloud appears high in the room as he creates a platform for himself and his entourage. Everyone cheers when he makes an appearance but you roll your eyes in boredom. He conjures his special thunderbolt and throws it into the air. It splits into several smaller bolts and flies into the air all around the room.
As soon as the introduction is over, everyone falls silent so that they can hear what Zeus has to say.
“First order of business is where we should hold the orgy!” Disgust fills your face at the thought of participating. “The second order of business is to discuss the winners for the most human souls sacrificed in the name of a God.”
You groan and face plant into the palm of your hand wishing you could be anywhere but here. Thor’s whispers to his friends can be heard even from where you’re sitting, and that doesn’t go unnoticed by Zeus.
“Excuse me, who is talking?” Zeus asks and everyone looks at Thor. “You there! Why are you interrupting me?” Thor stands up to talk but is a bit quiet due to being put on the spot. “No, I can’t hear you. Please come up to the stage.”
Thor hates being put on the spot like that but knows this has to happen. He makes his way to the stage in front of everyone nervously. Now that he has everyone’s attention, he begins talking about the real reason why he’s here.
“Gods of the universe, I come here to ask for your help, to raise an army. Gorr, the God Butcher has made himself known and is slaughtering Gods in his path. He’s left nothing but chaos in his wake. With your help, we can crush him before he kills anyone else.”
As pressing as this issue is, Zeus isn’t interested in hearing about it.
“That guy killed a couple of low-level Gods. Boo-hoo. If that’s all, go back to your seat and be quiet.”
“Did you not hear what I just said? He’s murdering en masse.”
“I’ll tell you this one time. Sit down and be quiet or else you won’t get invited to the orgy.”
Of course, your dad will pass this off as nothing.
“Zeus, we must do something! You have to listen to us!”
Zeus gets impatient and sends bolts of lightning to Thor’s wrists which he shackles to the ground so he can’t go anywhere. Zeus’ platform lowers to the stage so he can be closer to him.
“I’m going to take off your disguise so I can see you for who you really are.” Zeus flicks the clothes off Thor but flicks too hard and ends up stripping him naked. Your mouth drops open at the sight of his cock. He’s really big for a God. It’s not surprising given his nature, and he’s not even hard. He looks over at you and you close your mouth to give him a smile and a thumbs up. “What about the others? Should I flick them too?”
“Nope! Disguise gone!”
All three of his friends stand and take off their disguises so the same thing won’t happen to them.
“Ah, Asgardians. I thought we’d seen the last of you when Odin died. You are Thor, the God of Thunder.”
“Zeus, this is bigger than us. He’s taken Asgardian children!”
“Who do you think we are? The God police? Every God watches over their own people so Asgardian problems are Asgardian problems.”
“Why won’t you listen to what he has to say?” you ask loudly and stand up. “People are dying and you don’t even care?”
“Sit down young lady,” your father points to you.
“Y/N, sit,” your mother says and yanks you back down to your seat.
“How the mighty have fallen. My hero, Zeus, afraid,” Thor glares.
Everyone gasps at the insult which Zeus doesn’t take lightly. He leaves his platform and steps onto the stage. He walks over to Thor to speak to him privately even though there are hundreds of eyes on them.
“A couple of things,” Zeus says quietly to Thor and gets really close to him. “Yes, I am scared. Gorr has the Necrosword which means he can kill us. Not good. Two, I know you’re trying to do the right thing. I understand and admire that about you, but all you’re going to do is cause panic and that’s not good. We are safe here. You, my friend, are safe here. Three, don’t talk back to me. I flicked too hard. I’ll put your clothes back on.”
Zeus steps back and uses his power to put clothes back on Thor, and you find yourself wishing he kept them off.
“If you’re not going to help us, then let us use your weapon,” Thor suggests. “We need your lightning bolt.”
“My lightning bolt is called Thunderbolt. If you’re going to use someone’s secret weapon then you should at least get the name right when you ask.”
“Fine, can I borrow Thunderbolt?”
Thunderbolt!” Zeus yells and summons his weapon. He begins showing off the thunderbolt by throwing it in the air, spinning it on his finger like a basketball, and snapping it in half only to slam it together. He turns and throws Thunderbolt into the backdrop where his throne sits. You roll your eyes at the way he’s behaving.
“No!” Zeus smirks. “Don’t worry, the God Butcher won’t reach Eternity!”
The smile is lost from your face at the mention of Eternity. Every universe in the multiverse compiles into one being called Eternity. Whoever reaches it first will be granted their desires. What might happen if the God Butcher reaches it first? What might be his desire?
“If he seeks the Eternity altar, that means he could wipe us out at once,” Thor says. “Zeus, we must act now.”
“He won’t reach it. He doesn't have the key.”
“Fine, then we’ll just have to go at this alone.”
“I don’t think so,” Zeus smirks. “This place is known only to Gods and if you leave, the God Butcher could use you to gain our location. This isn’t good. Now you must stay. Guards!”
Four guards walk onto the stage to take Thor prisoner and he looks over at his friends.
“Hey, can we go with my plan now?” Valkyrie asks.
“Hell yeah!” Jane shouts and throws her hammer at a guard, killing him.
All three of his friends and Thor attack the guards that come onto the stage, and you watch with shock at the fight. Thor and his friends seem to be doing okay at killing every guard that comes onto the stage, and Zeus takes this as a sign to step in. He grabs Thunderbolt and throws it at one of Thor’s friends, Korg. Thunderbolt penetrates his chest and is summoned back to Zeus.
“Korg!” Thor yells.
“Thor, I’m perishing!”
Korg crumbles to rocks and Thor turns to Zeus with anger in his eyes.
“You’re next Odinson!”
Zeus throws Thunderbolt at Thor but the God catches it in his hand. His eyes shine bright blue with electricity and turn Thunderbolt into a blue one. He throws it back at Zeus which goes straight through his heart. You gasp and stand up as you witness your father fall to the ground dead.
More guards come rushing in to avenge Zeus’ death as Thor goes to his rock friend. He’s not dead but he doesn’t have a body. He’s only a face that they can use. Valkyrie ties him to her back as she fights, and he sounds the mystical whistle to call for the goats. Seconds later the same boat that crashed into your garden comes crashing through the glass skylight. The goats fly around everywhere without a place to land.
This is it. This is your opportunity to get the hell out of Olympus. You use all your strength to jump onto the platform high in the sky and grab Thunderbolt. Thor jumps onto the platform to see you with the weapon he needs in your hand. Everyone else is already on the ship so it’s now or never.
You can either go with them or hand over the weapon.
“Well, what is it going to be?”
You look at your mother who gives you a thumbs up. That’s all you need to make a decision.
“I’m coming with you.”
“Let’s go,” he chuckles.
You two jump onto the boat just as Thor uses Stormbreaker to put his war clothes back on. This is it. This is the adventure you’ve been wishing for.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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beccarooni · 11 days
New chapter!
the moment you've been waiting for!
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Kinktober Day 7- Toys
Valkyrie x fem!reader (no use of y/n)
Word Count- 965
Warnings- smut (18+ only), established relationship, slight voyeurism, masturbation, toys
Notes- Valkyrie my love!!! I had a lot of fun writing this one too!! List provided by the lovely @the-purity-pen​ (and also thank you for your input with this one too)!
To say up to date on when I post, follow my update blog too and turn on post notifications @flightlessangelwings-updates​. Reblogs highly appreciated!
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“Sorry I’m so late, love,” Valkyrie walked through the doorway of your shared bedroom, “Meetings ran late and you would not believe how stupid some of these countries leaders are…” she stopped in her tracks when she saw you spread out on the bed with just a sheet to cover your body. 
You had a glazed over expression on your face, and you looked like you rushed to cover yourself up. One arm pinned the sheet to your body while the other was hidden underneath. Even through the cover, Valkyrie saw the way your chest rose and fell with your deep breaths, and her skin heated up as she studied the outline of your figure through the sheet.
“It’s alright babe,” your voice was soft yet strained, “I must have fallen asleep…”
A smirk lit up her face, “Is that so?” her voice dropped as she swaggered over to the bed and ghosted her fingers over your body, “So I wouldn’t find any surprises under the sheet now, would I?”
There was a challenge in her eyes, and it made you swallow hard, “N-no…” You didn’t even convince yourself with that reply.
“Oh come now, doll,” Valkyrie purred, “Why don’t you be a good girl for me and show me what I’ve been missing today?”
You couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips as she ran her hand up your leg and cupped at your core through the sheet. Your eyes fluttered shut and you dropped your head down onto the pillow as Valkyrie teased the toy that sat nestled inside you. 
“Val…” you breathed as you slowly rocked your hips in the same rhythm as she cupped at your cunt.
“Look at me,” she whispered.
Instantly, you blinked your eyes open, too weak against her to deny anything she asked of you. As your eyes met hers, you let out a gasp at how sexy she looked in the perfectly tailored suit she still wore. Her gaze burned into you, and without another word, you slowly pushed the sheet down to reveal your naked body inch by inch.
Just like Valkyrie liked to tease you, you decided to tease her back and moved the sheet down agonizingly slowly.  First, you revealed your collarbones, then your breasts, then your stomach. With every new part of you exposed, you saw her swallow hard and fight to keep herself in control. As much as she was your weakness, you were hers.
“Baby you’re so beautiful,” she whispered as he took her hand away and pulled the sheet the rest of the way down to reveal your pussy with a clear dildo stuff inside. “Very beautiful,” her voice dropped as she positioned herself between your parted legs. 
“Val… Please…”
She smirked again and it made your pussy clench around the toy, “Since you asked so nicely, dear…”
Valkyrie leaned forward so that she was on all fours overtop of you, her leg positioned right at your cunt. The moment her knee made contact with the base of the dildo, you let out a loud moan and bucked your hips along her leg. You grabbed ahold of her arms on either side of you as you rutted against her. 
“That’s my girl,” she cooed as she watched you desperately fuck yourself. Her own arousal burned within her, but she saved it off. Right now, Valkyrie just wanted to watch you come undone for her.
“Please,” you begged, “Need more… Need you…”
Valkyrie cupped the side of your face and soothed you, “I’ve got you, love,” she whispered before she leaned forward and captured your lips with hers in a heated kiss. She swallowed the moan you let out as she lowered herself to cover your body with hers.
Suddenly filled with her own desperation, Valkyrie kissed her way down your body until she reached your pussy. She paused for a moment and admired the sight of how your lips wrapped around the clear toy, but a needy whine broke her out of her thoughts. She could admire you when she was done with you, and really savor the way you look after she thoroughly wrecked you. 
She leaned forward again and placed a soft kiss on your pussy before she dared her tongue out and tasted your cunt. You screamed in pleasure as he lapped at your clit a few times, but you didn’t have the chance to fully relish the feeling before she abruptly pulled back.
You let out a whimper as you felt the climax that already started to build disappear. But, Valkyrie didn’t leave you hanging for long, and without warning, she grabbed the dildo and thrusted it in and out of you at a fast and harsh pace. You dropped your head down and cried as she filled you with the toy over and over again.
Before long, you felt your orgasm start to build again and tears filled your eyes as you felt your entire body warm, “Val… I’m gonna…”
“Come on, doll,” she purred as she sped up her pace, “Cum for me… Be my good girl.”
That was all it took to send you completely over the edge. With a loud scream and your fists tightly clutching the sheet, you came hard. Your body trembled as she hit that sweet spot inside you over and over again with the toy until you felt so wonderfully overwhelmed.
When you whimpered, Valkyrie slowed her thrusts, but left the toy buried inside you, “That’s my girl,” she cooed as she hovered over you once more, “You know, I like coming home to this,” she said before she kissed you again.
You smiled against her, “Let me repay the favor?” you asked in a sultry tone.
“Later,” she smirked, “I’m not done with you yet…”
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Summer Thunder - A Thor/Reader Smut Drabble.
A bit of fluffy smut, created for my lovely @jemmalynette​ as a thank you gift for her beautiful photo creations she has made for me! 
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Words - 553
Warnings - Fluffy smut below the cut, minors DNI!
When your lover is a man who spends copious amounts of time fighting for the safety of the planet, and all of the good people within it, you are often alone, without the warmth, the comfort of his bulk.  
Or, in a more apt way to explain it, the touch of him.  
You are somewhere between awake, dozing and not particularly content at the fact that there is no other body beneath the soft sheets with you when the deep, somewhat foreboding rumble of thunder booms softly through the sky. A few moments pass as you rub your eyes, noticing the crack in the sky of lightning before once again, boom.  
Immediately, you smile. He’s returned.  
With this knowledge, you should perhaps ready yourself, sit up and wait, but your brain is so soothed by the fact that your body will shortly be alone no longer that it sends you into the starry bliss of slumber, only to be awoken by the feel of a hard mass of muscles pressing against your bare back, a set of lips, cool and soft, delighting your neck with kisses.  
“I apologise for waking you, my love,” he speaks softly, his smile wide as you turn to wrap him in your arms, sighing with contentment.  
“You shouldn’t,” you begin, stroking the short scruff of his beard with your fingertips, Thor turning his head to kiss your palm. “I missed you.”
“And I you, my darling.” He lowers his mouth to yours, his kisses honey sweet, but bold and fiery, a little burn of bliss sparking into life deep within you. You’re glad he took the initiative to shed himself of his clothes, your hands touring the naked rigidity of his huge muscles, Thor pulling the sheet that covers you away, his body pressed firmly against you as your legs bracket him, his tongue swirling with yours as you moan against one another.  
His kisses lower, a sexually awakening sprinkle, like the rain of the summer storm his presence evoked outside, his mouth lowering, until he’s flushing pure heat through you, his lips meeting your apex, your hands clutching his hair as he begins to evoke the bliss with languid licks over your folds, seeking your clit with soft, rolling circles, flushes of heat misting up your spine.  
He has your pulse fluttering, the pleasure pulsing through you, frosting your veins, only for the magma to drive through and thaw it, your thighs writhing against his face as he ruins you with the splendour of his mouth. Opening his eyes, the cool fire of his irises burn blue, his stare intense, answering the call of your body by sitting back on his heels, clutching his cock and swiping it gently over your slit before pushing within you, grunting softly, leaning to kiss your lips with blinding thirst.  
“I love you, my beauty,” he murmurs, your neck the focal point of each loving declaration of his mouth, your hands touring his chiselled back.  
“Mmm,” you purr, fingers trailing over his chest as he sits back again, trawling your tender walls slowly, tingles erupting. “I love you too.”
The pleasure rolls over you unrelentingly, everything slow, balmy and throbbing, pleasure skittering through you gently as you and your lover reconnect as outside, the storm does nothing but continue to build.  
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Blood Red Lips🍇
Thor Odinson x Amora
Asgard 📍
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(Right now)
Thor is sipping his ale and looking at Amora through his chamber’s window. She is practising her enchantments in the lawn on a berry bush, as she casts her spell the time disrupts and the berries turn ripe for one moment and mouldy the another.
She plucks a luscious berry and press it on her lips to leave the stains of its juice, making her lips blood red. Thor takes the last sip of his ale and puts the ale horn on his side table. The Crown Prince of Asgard takes a look at Amora’s whole act with the berry. He couldn’t help but walk to the front lawn and finally reaches to the Enchantress who is turning her back to him. Amora feels his presence and faces him. Gazing into those emerald eyes, the ocean eyed god lowers his head, holds the magical fingers of Amora and slowly whispers,
“Oh those kissable lips of yours, Amora!”
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