#TR would kick your ass
cherry-leclerc · 10 months
bye bye baby ☆ dr3
genre: angst
word count: 2.5k
inspired by this !
cherry here!... the req was to write about danny boy, but the concept of this was that i was feeling very dramatic, per usual, duh. wrote this today since i’ve had bye bye baby stuck on REPEAT. 2 posts in 1 day, YIKES. enjoy! :)
The ups and downs that take place in your relationship once Daniel is left without an F1 seat. 
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“What do you mean you’re out?”
Furiously, Daniel unzips his fireproofs as he ties the sleeves around his waist. He rummages through his duffel bag, growing more and more impatient, then takes a cautious step forward when you hand him his water bottle. “Thanks,” he lowly mutters and takes a long sip. The Australian shakes his head and looks blankly towards the white wall. “They want someone younger. More talented.”
“But you’re talented, Daniel! You’re better than anyone here!”
Letting out a weak smile, he angles himself lower to hug you before pulling away and brushing your hair behind your ear. “No, I don’t think I am anymore.”
That was two months ago when news came out that your boyfriend would no longer be driving for McLaren. It was a complete shock, considering everyone loved the bubbly Australian, but it honestly didn’t hurt anyone more than it did you. Often, he would remind you that he was the one left without a seat and that you should be glad you would both have some time to disconnect and be together. 
Your shake your head as you munch grumpily on a stack of pancakes. “I love that you’re around—of course I do—but what they did to you was completely unfair. Who in their right mind expects good results for a shit car? That’s their fault, not yours.”
He lets out a smile. “Relax, baby. I get it. You don’t want me around.” Sharp eyes narrow as you fling a pair of gloves at his chest, from his recent addiction to dirt biking. Don’t even, you warn. He lets out a sigh, then he opens his mouth for you to pop in a bite. Digging your fork on a piece of pancake, you raise your arm up to feed him. He hums at the taste. “I was kidding, but seriously— it's okay. I’ll get over it. You should, too.”
As much as he said he was doing fine, you knew something wasn’t right. He was hurt, felt betrayed, and it did him no good to keep rejecting his feelings. But you didn’t bring up the topic anymore. You knew he didn’t like the reminder of what once was.
Dirt crunches underneath your boots as you walk up to him and Scotty. The Australians are hunched over, trying their best to fix their bikes as they share a bottle of cheap beer underneath the blazing sun. The twenty-nine year old spots you first as he squints his blue eyes. You’re up early. You flip him off as you pretend to kick a pile of dirt towards him. He comedically raises his arms as he wiggles his brows. “Chloe is looking for you. I think she’s gonna beat your ass.” 
He quickly stands up as he blows a deep breath directly to your boyfriend's face. You cringe. They share a quick look before Daniel shoots a thumbs up. “You’re good.” Thanking him, Scotty rushes past you as he hands you his left over beer. Making your way over to the brunette, you take a seat next to him as you spill the remaining dark liquid.
“Isn’t it too early to be drinking?”
“Isn’t it too early to be looking so beautiful?”
You muster a glare. “Don’t change the subject, Daniel.” Avoiding eye contact, he just keeps his tired gaze entertained on an Acacia tree. Bringing the bottle up to his lips, he lets out a low whistle. It’s hot. A cold beer helps. “Right,” you mumble as you flicker your own eyes towards the green tree. You can still spot it—your initials and his engraved. He had done it one evening when he and Scotty had one too many drinks. He had stumbled all the way just to drag you and show you. Because I love you. Even when I’m drunk, I love you like crazy.
“Trees getting old. Might be time to cut it down.”
You flinch at his words. “Can I have a sip?” He raises his brows as he hands you the bottle. You just had one, he tries to joke as he watches the way you chug it down. Drying your lips, you crane your neck to look up at the blue sky. “You never minded sharing before.” He can distinguish the way your voice sounds—as if you’re upset over something he might’ve said—but he knows he hasn’t done anything wrong. Standing up, you hand him back the glass bottle.
“Cut the tree. I don’t care.”
“And to my beautiful girlfriend—you’re everything to me and I love you. Without a doubt, the best birthday present I could ever ask for.” Raising his Coca-Cola can, the brown eyed boy sends you a wink with a bright smile plastered across his face. A face you’ve grown to recognize. The one you love.
Making his way over, he throws his arms over your shoulders as he rocks you side to side. You smile against his chest. “How does it feel to be thirty-four? Do you have bad knees already?” He lets out a toothy grin and he slaps your ass. “It’s just a question!”
“My knees are fine. As long as I can still kneel down in front of you—that’s all that matters, no?”
You blush at his words as you jokingly push him away. This only makes him cling onto you harder. Squinting your eyes up at him, you trace heart shapes against his biceps. You sincerely feel the happiest you’ve felt in ages. This is the Daniel you knew like the back of your hand. “I was thinking maybe we can take a trip. Anywhere, really. To celebrate—"
“My birthday?” He beams. “This is why you’re the sweetest girlfriend in the entire world!” No problem, you shyly respond as you pinch his t-shirt in between your fingers. Kissing you one last time, he excuses himself to go welcome some late-comers. Chole zig zags her way over to you as she gives you a side hug.
“How’d it go?”
You sigh. “He forgot. He completely forgot. I don’t think I can entirely blame him—I mean, it is his birthday.” The fact that you have to defend him makes the blonde furrow her dark brows. Shaking her head, she hands you a slice of chocolate cake.
“Never in a million years did your guys’ anniversary slip his mind. What a dick.”
But you’re not even listening. You’re too flabbergasted that he cut his cake without you being there with him. 
Whether it was a trip to Vermont for his birthday or your anniversary, it didn’t really matter, because you loved every second. It’s almost like he needed this break. To do something different that didn’t feel like a forced routine. You went hiking, apple picking, to a million bars that only served barbecue ribs—and you never felt more at peace.
Handing you a bouquet of flowers, he kneels down in front of you. You roll your eyes as you take the colorful peonies from him—though inside you were shaking like a seventeen year old getting her first glimpse of love. “What’s this for?” He shrugs as he takes a seat next to you.
“Just because.”
Those were your favorite types of flowers. Intertwining his fingers with yours, you both continue chatting about anything and everything that crossed your mind. As you both pass by a peach tree, he lets go of your hand as he brings up his camera with sudden determination. Stand right there, baby.
Trying to express your happiness as best as you can, you hug your gift close to your face as you smile so wide, your eyes nearly shut. 
“You’re mind blowing,” he murmurs as he snaps the picture. He takes a moment to admire you as you jog over to him. Show me! He clicks his tongue. “It’s digital. You’re gonna have to wait.” You pout as you pinch his cheek. Bringing your hand up to his mouth, he presses warm kisses.
“I have something to tell you.” Your heart stops, suddenly filled with anxiety as he smiles with giddiness. What is it? “I’m going to be driving again! I mean, it completely sucks for Nyck, but I’m just so happy to get back into an F1 car.”
“Nyck? As in the Alpha Tauri driver?” 
He nods. “I got the call last month—a few days after my birthday. Best present ever.” Once again, his words cut you deep without him even noticing. Nevertheless, you force a tight smile.
“I’m so happy for you, Danny. You’re finally getting what you’ve wanted for so long.”
When you both get back to Australia, it surprises you a bit how normal things have stayed. He’s smiling more—if that was ever even possible—he’s laughing louder, too. Roaming the house, you rub your eyes from sleepiness. Scotty and Chloe share a laugh when they spot you. “And Sleeping Beauty has finally woken. I didn’t think that was possible.” Chloe smacks his chest as she sends you a wink.
“Humor me, why don’t you?” Your gaze flickers across the living room. “Where’s Danny?” 
Sliding the door open, you step out as you try your best to adjust your eyesight to the bright sun. As soon as it does, your stomach drops. You run up to the brunette as you pull the ax from him.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
Startled, he jumps up as he takes his earphones out. “Holy shit. You scared me, don’t do that!” Tears fill your eyes as you analyze the chopped tree. You’re no expert, but you can tell that there’s no going back. The only result that comes out of this would be for it to come crashing down. He rushed over with panic, checks you everywhere to make sure you weren’t hurt. You brush him off.
“Why would you do this?”
He cocks his head to the side, brown eyes filled with confusion. “I’m so lost, what did I do?” Anger bubbles up inside of you as you force yourself to not scream at him. “You’re okay, so why are you crying? Oh no. Did Scotty wake you up again? I told him not to do that anymore.”
“I’m done.” You wipe your tears as you let out a bitter laugh. “I am so done.”
“What do you mean you’re done?”
“I’m saying I give up! Fuck, I give up. That’s it. You win. I just —can't.”
He tries to take a step closer, but you only distance yourself twice as much. “You’re scaring me. What’s wrong?”
“I’ve tried so hard to understand you, I really did, but I’m just as tired as you are, okay? I tried to ease your pain when McLaren let you go, but you kept pushing me away. I tried to be there for you on days you felt like nothing, but to me you were always everything. I tried to not let you see how much it hurt me when you forgot our five year anniversary. I tried to not act like it bothered me when you cut the cake I spent hours baking for you, without me. I tried to not act surprised when I found out you kept the news from me about you returning to F1 for one fucking month. But I can’t try and pretend that you cutting down this tree hasn’t broken my heart.”
“It’s just a stupid, old tree—"
“I don’t think you understand! It may be old, and it sure as hell could be stupid, but it was ours.” You grab his hand harshly as you drag him to the other side of the tree. His eyes grow wide. I didn’t remember—I swear I forgot that was even there! You let out a wet laugh as you toss your hair over your shoulder. “You’re hurting me, Daniel. Can’t you see?”
“You’re the one who said I should cut it down. You can’t seriously just be blaming me.”
“And who came up with the idea first?” 
He lowers his gaze as he runs his left hand against his clenched jaw. “I’m sorry.” He connects his desperate eyes to your glossy ones. “But don’t say all those things, please. You’re right. I’ve been an awful boyfriend, but no one understands me better than you.” Placing his hands on either side of your face, he lets out soft pants. “You’re everything to me, how could you have possibly felt that way? I love you.”
“Love me like what?” He furrows his brows as he searches for an answer. You scrunch your nose as you push his hands down. “I thought you loved me like crazy.” His stomach churns. “Listen, I love you, Daniel. I love you so fucking much, but even I can see that I’m not your happiness anymore. Not the way I used to be, at least. You have other priorities, other plans—”
“No, you’re my priority. You always have been.”
“Except I haven’t. For a moment, you went radio silent. It was a one-sided relationship, but I loved you so much that I stayed. I pushed past it. Then—one random day— your smile came back. You were insanely happy and I thought...” You shut your eyes. You can feel the salty tears trickle down your face. “I thought it was because of me. Now I realize, it hasn’t been about me for a while now. It’s so obvious that the only reason you were cheerful once again was because you got what you wanted. You got a seat.”
“You’re wrong—"
“I’m not.” You let out a shaky breath as you bite down on your lip, a weak attempt to not let out loud sobs. “I would have gladly taken part in your pain, but you never let me in. You never let me get close enough to help you out.” Making your way up to him slowly, you tippy toe as you lean in for a kiss. What hurts the most is that all of a sudden—he’s kissing you the exact same way he did when he first told you that he loved you. He was giving it his all. Pulling away, you let out a low whimper as you feel your chin tremble. Your smile wobbles. “Can’t force something that’s not there anymore, can you?”
Taking him in one last time, you rub his forearm as you gently pat it before you walk away. Daniel feels paralyzed as he watches you go. He’s expecting you to turn around at least one last time and he’s expecting his body to let him run after you, but neither of those things happen.
Hesitantly, Chloe and Scotty make their way to their frozen friend. They had heard the fight, but decided it was best to not intervene. 
“She left.”
The couple share a concerned look as they take in the weak tree that was clearly about to fall at any moment. Chloe sighs, then walks away, making a beeline to find you. Though, she knows you better than anyone. You weren’t going to return. And she completely understood why.
Scotty takes a step back and shakes his head in disbelief. 
“She fucking loved that tree.”
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jealous TR men
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Warning: jealousy, cursing,
Paring- Rindou x reader, ran x reader, Sanzu x reader, Mikey x reader, baji x reader, chifuyu x reader, kazutora x reader, Koko x reader, inui x reader, Draken x reader
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Omg this boy.
He's something else sometimes
Can be a pain in the ass
He will just glare at the person that is making him jealous.
He won't say anything or do anything
He just would stand behind you with his arms crossed, staring down the person.
If the person doesn't leave from under his glace well he would just flip the person off and grab you arm and pulls you away.
He won't say anything
If you ask if he is jealous he will just roll his eyes, not saying anything and continues to walk with you.
He's patient. He can wait till the person is done talking to you and things because he knows in the end you're with him and not the other person.
Now if they put their hands on you. Well you see. That's a different story.
He doesn’t mind pulling you away while giving the person a nasty glare.
Or giving the person a broken arm.
Matters where they put their hands on you.
But in all he is super patient till they make you super uncomfortable or touch you. Those two things cross the lines and he doesn’t mind beating someone up because of it.
He's not patient like Ran. Not at all. He is probably the least patient out of everyone on this list, Baji close to him.
But he wouldn’t mind coming behind you and glaring down the person till they leave
Now if the person is feeling brave and the will to die
Then he doesn’t mind beating the person up
Now you might want to calm him down or at least try to.
He overall is pretty patient. He will glare at the person and that's kinda it.
Or he will try to get you to go somewhere else or get your attention on him or something else.
He honestly wouldn’t want to get too violent with the person but if he does cross a line he might just lose a finger or two. Or maybe an arm.
Whichever mikey says that should be cut off.
Like Sanzu, he's really not patient.
He will talk to Chifuyu about it, if Chifuyu is there (most likey is) Chifuyu would try to calm him down
But if the person does cross a line all hell breaks loose and he will grab you, curse at the person, and walk away.
He will finish this later but he doesn’t want you to see or anything.
He's kinda inbetween.
I mean he trusts you and everything so it's not like that or anything
He just doesn’t trust the person talking to you.
Will send Baji on them if needed. (he would join with Baji)
Then he would want to be able to have some time with you to make him feel better.
Oh my. This baby boy.
He would cry when you guys aren't in public or after everything happened.
He would just watch you guys before going over to you guys and hugging you from behind and hiding his face.
More like he just does not want anyone to know he is close to crying.
Please give him love so then he doesn’t get the wrong idea that you want someone else.
He would pay the person to leave you alone
He would do that in private
Doesn’t want you to see
Now after that if the person doesn’t stay away well he has his ways of making the person stop.
But he will buy you more presents then normal so then you would still stay with him and no one else.
Tell him he doesn’t need to do that and that he is enough.
So scared of losing you just like-
Like Ran and Chifuyu
He trusts you and he knows you're with him in the end so he doesn’t fear.
But if the person crosses a line or something they will be on the ground in seconds. He will not tolerate that.
He then turns around to look at you and starts walking away telling you to come on.
He…I guess it matters what's going on.
I mean if you guys are just talking he will go behind you and wrap an arm around you and listen in.
If you ask what he's doing he will just say that he is interested in what you guys are talking about.
Now if the person crosses the line well he doesn’t mind kicking them in the gut and then walking away and asking you what you want to do or just continue doing what you guys were doing.
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kitchenisking · 10 months
Sterek Fic Rec
It's the first night of chunnuka! Enjoy!
Alpha's Heat by TombRaider008 - (Rating: Mature, Words: 1,192, sterek)
Stiles finds Derek in his bedroom. In heat. Wearing his batman boxer briefs, sniffling his used lacrosse jersey and dry humping the living daylights out of his bed. Sexy times ensured.
suck it, pup by DenaCeleste - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 843, sterek)
Stiles has an oral fixation, and Derek has something pretty specific in mind for his pup's enjoyment.
Katoptronphilia by ItsMe_Basil - (Rating: Mature, Words: 2,007, sterek)
"Oh, my god," he mewled, back arching. The hand around his throat tightened and a growl reverberated against him, in his ear, through his skin. 
"Are you looking?" Derek asked. Stiles nodded, a reedy moan pulled from his mouth as Derek let his thumb drag over the head before moving down to the base once more. 
"Look at how pretty you react to my touch," Derek continued. "I made that blush."
The words were whispered against the shell of Stiles' ear. "I made you hard and desperate, leaking."
Taking Care by RisingQueen2 (FallenQueen2) - (Rating: Mature, Words: 3,907, sterek)
When Derek finds out what Peter offered to Stiles and what Gerard really did to him in that basement, it caused him to finally act on his feelings for Stiles.
Get You The Moon by AClosedFicIsNeverRead - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 180,785, sterek)
Derek looked up in surprise to note that they were taking a private jet. Dread settled into his gut like a stone. “It has a cage, doesn’t it?” he asked quietly, and noted the subtle changes in his family members’ posture. “Is it for me?” Cora gave him a pleading look and nodded. “Is it because of what you’re going to tell me?” he asked, voice like gravel. Another nod confirmed it. Stiles. Oh, GOD. It had to be Stiles. Derek would not lose control over anyone else in Beacon Hills and they damned well knew it.
- OR - 
The one where Derek has been gone for 6 months building a new life, finds out that Stiles is being assaulted by Theo, so he comes back to Beacon Hills to kick some serious ass and rescue the loudmouthed human who stole his heart.
(You will need ALL the tissues, but it will have a happy ending by the time all is said and done!)
Title inspired by song:  ‘Get You The Moon’  by Kina ft. Snow
A Perfect Bait For A Knotty Wolf by KnottheWolf - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3,062, sterek)
Day 9: Feral- “Let me just get this straight. You want me to become your feral Alpha werewolf nephew’s chew toy?”
Peter stroked his chin, “Honestly, I was going for the phrase bed warmer, but you often squeak like a little chew toy. So yes, I want you to be his chew toy. Unless however you want a bullet in your head?”
bad habits (i do em all for you) by nymphe - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4,879, sterek)
wherein: stiles is sexually frustrated, stiles gets a vibrator stuck in his ass, stiles calls derek to help him with it, there's some kink discovery, a few orgasms, and some feelings. yep, that's about it.
it's just business by To_fill_the_sea - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,626, sterek)
Derek has been running a successful company for a long time and finally orchestrated a merger with another company. It has been eating up more time than he'd like and he just wants to spend some time at home. But people keep getting in his way and certain people are going to very surprised when Derek;s boyfriend decides to pop in for a surprise visit.
day of discovery by insert pseud here (EvanesDust) - (Rating: Not Rated, Words: 100, sterek)
...the one where they figure out Eli's a werewolf.
Down On My Knees by SophieTrancy - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 10,479, sterek)
Inspired by a Tumblr post by hoechloin. Contains major Teen Wolf 6x19 spoilers. 
Chris came looking for Derek, hell bent on convincing the wolf to come back. But, unless Stiles needed him there, he wasn't interested. 
"If I go back, it's not for Beacon Hills" Derek said, turning to look at the former Hunter "It's for Stiles" That is, until he truly understands just how fucked they are.
"You haven't heard, then" Chris spoke, watching as Derek arched his brows at him "That's weird, I always thought the kid was the only one who actually had a way to reach you" Chris said, chuckling to himself.
So Derek goes back, thinking Stiles was finally safe, away from Beacon Hills. But he was right to assume it wouldn't last long, of course he was. Stiles was his mate, after all, he should've known better. Things don't go according to plan, despite their best efforts. And it's like time stopped for Derek, watching as Stiles' body fell to the floor. 
Originally posted on tumblr.
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liaarxse · 1 year
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How would TR boys react to their s/o being a teen model?
Characters: Takashi Mitsuya, Keisuke Baji, Nahoya (Smiley) Kawata
Warnings: None, fluff
A/n: Inspired by a chat I had with a Character.Ai bot 😍
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Takashi Mitsuya
He found out before you even thought about telling him.
Wasn't even surprised tbh.
"You're beautiful, love. It's not even a surprise to me :)"
Love him sm.
He's literally so supportive.
If you have fashion shows, he'll attend every single one of them. Will make Toman members go, too, and cheer for you.
When he saw your diet plan, he saw red.
"What is this? You're not eating like that! Come, I'll cook for you."
He doesn't agree with the rules they gave you.
When he notices you drastically lose weight, he's dragging you to your favorite eating place and buying you the whole menu.
He understands you have to follow them to keep your job, but it's too much in his eyes.
The first time he saw you walking down the stage in a purple and gold dress, his mouth slightly dropped.
Hakkai was next to your boyfriend, cheering (so he doesn't get beaten up)
Mikey was on Draken's shoulders waving his hands.
Your smile widens as soon as your eyes land on your boyfriend's shocked look.
When you finish, he comes up to you, asking for an autograph before kissing your cheek.
"I'm literally your girlfriend."
"I know."
Just give him the autograph.
If a guy texts you, trying to get to know you, he'll send him a photo of you sleeping on his chest, his arm around your waist, kissing your head while mischievously looking at the camera, smirking.
Overall 100/10 angel.
Baji Keisuke
"What, bae? You're a mole?"
Wasn't even listening.
When he realized what you said, his face lit up.
"Damn, that's awesome!"
He is about to brag to every single human being that crosses his path.
"Yo! You see this girl? This is my girlfriend!
Always with an arm around your shoulders, sending death glares to anyone who looks at you.
God bless the poor soul who comes up to you for a picture or autograph.
His arm doesn't leave your shoulders. You have to pry him off of you to take the picture.
He doesn't stop glaring at the person, and when they leave, his arm is back around your shoulders, pressing a kiss on your temple.
When he sees you walking down the stage, he's shouting with his whole being.
Someone shut him up please.
A guy once came up to you asking for your number while you were with Baji.
Stupid? No, idiotic.
The moment he said that, Baji placed a kiss on your lips and turned you to the other side.
"Sorry, she's taken."
Barely kept himself from jumping on him.
Overall 8/10
Nahoya Kawata
Sweet cherry and honey pie
Didn't find out until someone came up to you asking for a picture.
He was like "the fuck?"
Then you explained to him that you were a model for quite a popular company.
His signature smile returned immediately, placing a hand on the small of your back and pressing his cheek to yours.
"That's my babe!"
Literally a whole menace
The first time he saw you on television or walking down the stage, he almost opened his eyes.
Literally climbed on the runway and kissed you.
"If any of you cheeky motherfuckers dare touch my girl, I'll kill ya without hesitation!"
They kicked him out.
Nobody dares come up to you after that whole event.
Started calling you 'sweet cheeks' after your 'Summer Started' fashion review.
"Nice ass, peaches."
"Shut up, Nahoya."
"Nope 😁"
But he loves you sm give him points for that.
Overall 7/10 for cuteness.
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Weather the storm // e.m x gn!reader ft. Uncle Wayne
Summary: You need some help to help yourself but Eddie needs help to help you because he's never seen you like this before. Luckily, Uncle Wayne has a wealth of life experiences which he uses to aid Eddie, who can then help you. Eddie just wants you safe, healthy and happy.
Tw; comfort, fluff, I've written so many fics like this already but oh well have another one because we all need a hug from our Uncle Wayne, reader has trouble communicating and uses the weather system to describe their mood, reader stops eating and sleeping as much (poor self-care due to low mood; vicious cycle which they're aware of but lack the want to change it), reader cries, Eddie & Uncle Wayne worry, Uncle Wayne is a hand-holding sweetheart, Eddie and Uncle Wayne refer to each other FREQUENTLY as son & dad respectively because that's the canonical truth and I won't listen to anything else, I only refer to him as Uncle Wayne because calling him 'Wayne' with no precursor feels rude as all hell. Not sure why!
Dedicated to @stevesmunsons, who is going through something incredibly difficult but is still doing her best and kicking ass. Eddie would tell you that it's okay to feel, it's okay to cry, you're still the most metal ever in his eyes, he loves you and he'll always be there, 'kay? 'Kay. I love you lots, Sarah, and I'm sending you lots of love and hugs!💖💖💖 I also dedicate this wholeheartedly to you for always being so sweet and giving with the Eddie edits!!!! You have no idea how light and happy your creations make me feel and how tightly I grip my phone just to feel him closer.🥺Thank you, thank you, thank you.💖I hope you enjoy, Sarah!🌸
Fic specific tags: @neewtmas @maladaptive-day-dreams @sadbitchfangirl @tayhar811 @captainonaboat @chloe-6123 @desicroft02 @anotherdayinchuckletown @skyline4446 @cherrycolas-things @relocatedheads @madaboutmunson2 @rebelcthulhu @fluffysteampunkd @babyloutattoo89 @indiefawna @thefreak0fhawkinshigh @tinfoilhat86
Eddie tags: @eddiebunson @hersweetrevenge @sweetpeapod @sabbathsworld @hawkinsroyaloutcast @seidenbros @bakerstreethound @eddiemunsonshoney @potatos-library @gemstone-roses @hellfire1986baby @jslittlebirdie @comfortcharactercraze @heydreamchild @mywinterivy @corrodedcoffeen @m00nlight101 @3ddi3-daydreamer @pleasantlycrazyworld @samlealea @indouloureux @basicallybats @niceboyeds @manyfandomsfanvergent @becca-alexa @singularattitudeofasafetypin @knifeskiss @loving-and-dreaming @hiscrimsonangel
Word count: 3, 877.
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To begin with, your mental and physical self-care had only slipped a tiny bit. It was barely enough for anyone other than you to notice. You slept an hour less than usual, you snacked a bit less, you gave yourself less time in the shower and watched television for half an hour less every night or watched everything other than what you actually wanted to watch. All that 'saved' time was used to work a bit more, a bit harder, to love yourself a bit less.
To begin with, only you noticed.
Until you didn't. Until you lost sight of yourself.
You stopped noticing the darkening bags under your eyes, the way you occasionally stumbled from exhaustion through the trailer door late at night, the way you stopped smiling when your favourite song came on the radio in Eddie's van or the way the sight of Uncle Wayne at the end of a long hard day (the start of his day spelled the end of yours; you were ships in the night) made you grin so hard you teared up, now caused you to just stare at him with glassy eyes and a barely perceptible smile. You stopped noticing that it had become easier for you to skip a meal than it was for you to actually sit down and eat something.
But Eddie didn't.
Eddie noticed everything, from the very first day you started to display signs that you weren't okay. He saw it all, kept mental notes on behaviours which cropped up which concerned him, and almost nightly relayed them back to Uncle Wayne when they were alone - what is spoken in the Munson trailer stays in the Munson trailer. It's in the Munson Doctrine and so it is a rule never broken, on pain of receiving a cold shoulder for a day or two.
The Munsons had icy shoulders when wronged.
Uncle Wayne had told Eddie to keep an eye on you, to let you come to him in your own time, and Eddie had done that. But then days had turned to weeks, weeks to a month, and Eddie couldn't take it anymore.
He had to step in.
In all honesty, if he hadn't stepped in when he did, Uncle Wayne's advice that night would have been just that:
Clearly, you needed help to help yourself.
You needed Eddie.
Eddie would deny you nothing during the best of times, but during the worst of times? He'd give you all he had and then some.
"Hey, do you think you can swing it with your boss to come home early tonight? Clouds are real dark overhead and I don't know what to do." Eddie turned and looked over his shoulder, to see what had been constant for the last half an hour; you, with a blanket thrown over your lap, staring through the television as you passively watched the images of your favourite film flicker across the screen. There was nothing on your face besides vague recognition. It sent chills down Eddie's spine to realise that even your most beloved film wasn't connecting with you and lowered his voice, "something's wrong, man."
It was the way Eddie stopped speaking in metaphors which grabbed Uncle Wayne's attention, as well as the fact that Eddie was usually the quiet supporter of the graveyard shifts and long, long hours. He was the one to cook three lots of dinner so Uncle Wayne could eat when he got home, he was the one who set the shower up so all that needed to be done was for it to be turned on, he was the one who got the pull out bed ready so all his beloved dad had to do was reheat dinner, eat, shower, then sleep.
Eddie never asked for Uncle Wayne to come home early unless it was real dark overhead. A code for 'family emergency' and one long established: ever since the Munsons had realised that you didn't always have it in you to ask for help, but you were happy to use the weather in place of a mood. No forecast had been given this morning and no forecast had been given this afternoon, either, even though it was obvious that the sun wasn't coming out for you, but this evening, Eddie had had enough of not being able to see what the weather was even when he was sat right next to you, and so he called in the one weatherman who always knew what to do.
All his life, Eddie had never once been in a situation which his dad hadn't been able to resolve or make better somehow, and this was no exception. He was sure of it.
In the end, Uncle Wayne faked a family emergency (it was more an elaboration of the truth, really, because you not feeling okay was an emergency) so that he could get out of work, on account of having no sick time available until the next quarter. He had been working at the plant long enough now that if he wanted to leave early, little about it was said and few eyebrows were raised at the daring. It was known that Wayne Munson would make up the time at a later date; his boy was probably in trouble again.
Uncle Wayne got home as quickly as he could. No traffic laws were broken, a decision made through a clenching jaw and fingers which white-knuckled the steering wheel. If he had his way, he would fly home. Hell, he would never have gone to work at all if he really wanted to get his way, but the world hadn't ever been kind to him and Uncle Wayne had sworn to himself over a decade ago that he would shield his boy from it as best as he could. Full of anger, he always chose kindness where he could, and he was nice where he couldn't be kind. It wasn't easy, but he wanted to be better than the people who had taught him how to hate. He wanted to do right by his boy. Even when his boy wasn't around to watch.
That had to count for something, right?
Uncle Wayne thought it did, and to hell with anyone else who didn't.
He had Eddie and they didn't, so who was the real winner in this situation?
On that high thought, which made Uncle Wayne's heart ache in his chest, he was home, and in no time at all did he push open the front door to the trailer with a world weary sigh. The world couldn't touch him or his boy when they were home together. It was their sanctuary from a world which sought to devour anyone born into it, turn them into just another nameless, faceless cog in the machine. A number on a spreadsheet. A statistic. But here, in this trailer? Why, it was a place of love and acceptance, tough love when required, pride always, understanding and tenderness and no judgement. Ever. For anything.
Home is where the heart is and that's why the trailer was the trailer when one or both Munsons weren't in it, but home when they were together under the same metal roof.
"Hey, kiddos!" He kept his voice level; it came out sounding gruffer than it was intended, but you and Eddie both heard the relief in his voice to be home, and the slight strain of tension in his voice when his tender blues fell upon you. He wasn't even fully in the door and already you were one of his priorities. Eddie had taken a few steps closer, like a moth to a flame when it came to his dad, but you had stayed exactly where you were, gazing absently at the television. Your usual excited greeting, the way you bounced up like a puppy when a Munson came home, was nowhere to be heard or seen and it caused similar looks of worry to cross the Munsons' faces.
"Oh, thank fuck! Dad!" Eddie was a blur of black and denim as he launched himself at Uncle Wayne, who only chuckled fondly and brought Eddie into his chest easily. It was a part of his come-home routine to catch his boy, literally; Eddie had always been fond of throwing himself out of trees, off benches, at his dad to say hello... "Thanks for coming home early," Eddie whispered, his voice a bit louder than a whisper was supposed to be, but you were still mindlessly watching television and paying little attention to your surroundings.
That was two strikes in both Eddie and Uncle Wayne's books; barely watching your favourite film, and you hadn't hugged the elder Munson within a millisecond of Eddie letting him go.
"'Course," Uncle Wayne smiled and ruffled Eddie's curls, his hand almost swallowing the crown of his son's head, fingers hot and grip firm. Eddie's ultimate comfort was his dad's touch, physical or otherwise. His dad's cooking, words, music, hugs, hell, even all the times he still crawled into his dad's bed after a nightmare (the most recent of those times was just last week), his music, all reached Eddie deep within, further than even your own touch sometimes. "I'd never tell my boy no." Not for something like this, especially.
Eddie playfully winced. "Ehh, once or twice."
Uncle Wayne nodded his head in agreement, crow's feet deepening as he smiled. He loved the banter just as much as Eddie did, found it invigorating to know that Eddie was now able to give as good as he got. He had never quite managed it as a kid or even as a teenager, but now at twenty, he could run circles around Uncle Wayne when he wanted to. And he did. Often. "Gotta keep ya' on your toes, son."
Eddie inched in for another hug from his dad, squeezing, and took the opportunity to say, "this is really bad, man. I don't know how to help." He let go and Uncle Wayne rolled his shoulders, kicked off his boots, and cast his blues over you again. Not in greeting, this time, but in searching. Figuring you out.
Uncle Wayne stepped away from the front door and toed off his boots, nudging them into line against the sideboard with his socked feet, shed his coat and hung that up. He was left in that flannel you loved so much and wore often, a dark blue shirt underneath, and some jeans which had seen better days and had obviously undergone several repairs.
"You all right there, Y/N?"
You gave Uncle Wayne a tight smile. "Yeah, m'fine. How was work?"
Eddie visibly winced for real. Rule number one with his dad: never brush him off or tell him you're okay if you're not. He had had to drill that into Eddie's head from day one and it had taken Eddie years to trust Uncle Wayne enough to be fully honest with him. Every sliver of truth he gave Uncle Wayne, even now when Eddie was living his fullest life, was very appreciated and reciprocated equally. Uncle Wayne tolerated many things, but his loved ones lying to him was not something he ever tolerated, not even a little bit and not for any reason.
Uncle Wayne inhaled deeply, shook his head just once, and then exhaled. Got down in front of you on his knees and took both of your hands in his. Eddie took the cue and sat down to the side of you which was closest to the door, and wrapped a strong arm around your shoulders, his fingers splayed across your upper arm to touch as much of you as he could in that one moment.
"Work was fine, sweetpea," Uncle Wayne's voice was gruff but again, you and Eddie heard all the kindness in the world. "But I ain't interested in talkin' to you about that, no offense," he chuckled wryly, "I asked you how you are, darlin', an' I want a proper answer. You got my kid all worked up an' that gets me worked up and m'too old and too tired."
"Dad!" Eddie hissed, but Uncle Wayne barely glanced at him. One kid at a time. Eddie had had his time and so now it was your time.
"Talk to us, Y/N. We ain't gonna' judge you here. Y'know that by now."
"Yeah," Eddie agreed easily, leaning his head on your shoulder, squeezing you into his side. You closed your eyes and let yourself sink into Eddie's warmth, "you're safe here, I promise. What's said in this trailer stays in this trailer, 'kay?"
"Mm-hm." You nodded, a stinging at the backs of your eyes and nose telling you that you were going to cry if they carried on. The weight of Eddie pressed against you, the sight of Uncle Wayne on his knees before you, eyes level with yours, tender blues and chocolate buttons giving you equally weighted gazes, Uncle Wayne's hands holding yours tightly, calloused and warm, Eddie's hand rubbing up and down your arm slowly... it was all too much and you almost felt the urge to run away, and yet... this was all you had been wanting.
Uncle Wayne and Eddie.
Eddie and Uncle Wayne.
The Munsons.
The most amazing package deal you had ever received and would ever receive in your life.
"Let's try again." Uncle Wayne squeezed your hands in encouragement. He really wanted to help you, to do the best for you that he could. He loved you like you were one of his kids, and though Eddie would always be his number one, his absolute top priority, Uncle Wayne had a heart bigger than the size of Hawkins and he had room for any kid and every kid who wanted in on his heart. You just had to be open and honest and kind, and you were a part of the family. It was just how Uncle Wayne was, and it was the way Eddie had been raised to be, too. One look at Hellfire Club and Corroded Coffin and anyone could see that Eddie took after his Uncle, his dad, beautifully. He had been raised so magnificently given the circumstances but only the most important people got lucky enough, close enough to see that.
Seamlessly, Eddie picked up his dad's sentence, "you okay?" They knew you needed both of them, and without any foreplanning between them, they were giving you everything you needed and more.
"No," your voice cracked, "No, Eddie. I'm not okay." You risked a glance at Uncle Wayne and that was when you broke. "I'm not okay at all," You hiccuped and then immediately burst into tears. It scared you, your sudden intense display of negative emotion, and that made you cry harder. All those days, weeks, of suffering in silence, trying to do your best while destroying yourself in the process, all that effort and work to keep yourself together when you barely realised that you were falling apart, and all it took in the end to bring you down was the sight of Uncle Wayne looking at you with those eyes you loved so much.
If one look could kill, then another look could save, and between the two Munsons, you would be lifted high above the clouds so that you could see the forest for the trees and thus, find out where to go from here. But not alone. Never alone.
"Whoa, whoa, hey, hey," Eddie cooed, squeezing you tighter into his side as Uncle Wayne raised one ofyour joined hands so that he could use the back of his to dash your tears away. "It's okay, Y/N, we're here, you're safe." Eddie felt guilty about feeling relieved that you had finally shattered.
"I just don't know what to do," tears dripped sore and Uncle Wayne kept his hands in yours as he used the backs of his hands to dash them away; though they were falling faster than he could move but he persisted, kept at it. He never gave up on Eddie, he never had and he never would, and he wasn't about to give up on you either. "I can't do this anymore. M'fuckin'... treading through water, running uphill, walking on the spot... trying so hard and goin' fucking nowhere and I'm sick of it. I don't wanna do this anymore, there's no point and m'tired."
"Storm's ragin' pretty hard, ain't it?"
Your eyes focused in on Uncle Wayne, though you couldn't see him for the tears, and you squeezed your hands inside his unwavering grip. "Uncle Wayne, please." What you were asking for, you knew not, but Uncle Wayne had a wealth of life experience, he had been around and seen a lot, and even with his boy smushed against your side did Uncle Wayne manage to give you a proper hug. You were able to rest your head on his shoulder and Eddie, though he grumbled some, followed you so that he was hunched over next to you, his head on your shoulders, the both of you oneshift away from collapsing atop Uncle Wayne from where he knelt on the floor, but none of you wanted to move. You would follow the Munsons anywhere and that included the floor of the trailer, so long as they kept holding you like they were.
"You're enough, darlin', believe you me. Don't destroy yourself no more, that point you're tryna' make ain't worth it, y'hear?"
"But I - " You straightened up, your back beginning to ache, but Uncle Wayne kept his hands and yours together, his touch your grounding just as much as Eddie's touch was.
"Nope, nope," Eddie waved his hands emphatically, situating himself correctly once more as well on the sofa, "absolutely not. You've been hurting yourself for a month, not letting me in, not taking care of yourself... and for what? I can't watch anymore, Y/N. M'worried and dad is too... just, please, talk to me. I wanna help. No buts." Eddie swept his hand through his hair, his dark curls snagging on his silver rings 'til he got frustrated and yanked his hand free, wincing but paying himself no mind. Eddie was used to rough treatment. "Look, I get it. The Shire is burning, right? Ground's too hot and you can't go up in the trees because they're on fire too and everything's on fire and it feels like you're in Mordor but, sweetheart, you're not. You're here, with me and my Uncle, you're safe."
Eddie's voice was soft, his tone was quiet, his arms back around you, holding you to his side. You rested your head on Eddie's shoulder and turned it to the side, hiding your face in the part of him where leather collar became bare skin, and Uncle Wayne squeezed your hands once more before he let you go, slapping his thighs as he stood up with a suppressed groan. He was too old for this shit but did it anyway because that's who he was. Eddie shushed you when you made a quiet noise of protest at how cold and empty your palms felt without Uncle Wayne's to keep them company, but you felt that same touch on the top of your head; I'm here, Y/N.
"You ain't alone, kid. We're gonna help you, any way we can. But you gotta help us to help you. Talk. Tell us what you need. Hell, show us or write it if you can't say it. I get it," Uncle Wayne shrugged easily, the look on his face one of, what can you do? as he moved through the trailer to go and make some dinner for the three of you. Indeed, he paid neither you nor Eddie any further mind as he set about cooking something and the two of you saw the dismissal for what it was; moving into Eddie's room without any words having to be spoken.
You just knew each other.
It was only when the door was shut behind the both of you that Eddie's bravado dropped, and his hands and lips began to tremble at almost the exact same second as he looked at you, his chocolate eyes glassy with tears.
"You - you had me scared, Y/N, I thought you - " Eddie sniffled, "well, I don't know what I thought, not really, but I've been so worried, sweetheart."
"Oh, Eddie, baby," Your own eyes stung with tears anew as you grabbed Eddie and pulled him into a tight, tight hug, every planes of your bodies aligned as you held each other. One of your arms was around Eddie's waist and the other was around his broad shoulders, your fingers flexing in those dark curls you braided most nights, and both of his arms were locked around you. But his embrace felt less like a cage and more like security. Even at your worst, Eddie loved you as strongly, as fiercely, as he loved you at your best. "M'sorry, honey, really, I - I don't even know why I've been - " You sighed, no longer able to speak. You didn't know how to explain it even to yourself, so how could you explain it to someone else? "I'll try to be better, and talk to you." Eddie nodded and you noticed that your shirt was beginning to feel wet where his face rested against the material, but you didn't call him out on the way he sniffled and stepped ever closer to you, though not even a sheet of paper could have gotten between you at that point. "I love you, Eddie, so much, and I'm sorry I shut you out."
Eddie shook his head, his curls tickling you, and he sniffled. "No more, Y/N. Just promise to talk to me, 'kay? There's no shame in needing help. You're strong enough to weather any storm, I've seen you do it. Every time you thought you couldn't get to Mordor, you did, and putting out the flames in the Shire so you don't have to go anywhere won't be easy, but I can help if you let me, yeah?"
You squeezed Eddie, breathing him in, and the two of you stood there hugging each other in the centre of his messy but clean room like there was nowhere else you would rather be and no one else you would rather be with.
At least, until Uncle Wayne called the both of you through for dinner.
You loved his cooking almost as much as you loved Eddie.
You weren't okay, you were a mess. You needed sleep, you needed food, you needed to drink properly, you needed to take better care of yourself so then you could more effectively and efficiently manage your responsibilities and take better care of your mental health by way of being significantly less stressed. It was overwhelming and you wanted to give up before you had even started, but you had the Munsons to guide you through situations you got yourself into, whether they were or were not your fault, and they would do their best to help you no matter what it took. For you were a Munson, and Munsons never quit.
Even and especially when they most wanted to.
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notoriousbeb · 4 months
Lighthouse Keeper Tweets
Part Two: November 2023 - January 2024
Back to Part One
Nov. 3, 2023 8:30 a.m. GMT
“And everything I love about you I shelve and store in my museum of the home.”
This is sweet. Same day, H is pictured in Vancouver with TR.
Nov. 9, 2023 4:40 p.m. GMT
“We will be reborn.”
TS plays TVFN and Labyrinth and wears Satellite stompers. Harry and TR in Vegas at Sphere for U2.
Nov. 14, 2023 4:15 p.m. BST
“Saint Venerius guide me true from heaven above to tidal blue”
Nov. 20, 2023 12:30 a.m.
“Seasons don't fear the reaper, nor do the wind, the sun or the rain”
These are lyrics from “Don’t Fear the Reaper” by Blue Oyster Cult. Now, I know the lyrics to this one are about joint suicide and they’re depressing as hell, but I dig it because this song is my jam. Baby, I’m your maaaaannnn. La, la la la la. Anyways…suffice it to say. LK is up late and not doing great. On this date, Tay played “So It Goes…” And someone leaked “I’m Not Happy” (gee, whoever could it have been?!) on 11/21, “Pop Tart” on 11/22 and “Super Pretty” on 11/26.
Nov. 25, 2023 9 p.m. BST
“Singing if it’s meant to be then it’ll be I forgive it all as it comes back to me”
These are lyrics from Ethel Cain’s “Sun Bleached Flies.” In his replies, LK also makes it known that he loves “A House in Nebraska” by Ethel Cain, which has similar vibes. I love the line “I’ll forgive it all.” I hope that’s true for both of them. Another key lyric, the last in the song, is “it’s all I know and it’s all I want now.” Also, someone asked LK what he dreamed about and he said, “I was front row at a very empty concert, and then was running around the back of an empty stadium! Was very bizarre.” Not that I can make heads or tails of this, I just thought it was interesting and something a pop star would dream about versus a normie.
Nov. 28, 2023 12:45 a.m. BST
“To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.”
I've already posted about this one. Also, this is a Pride and Prejudice quote. Do I think H has read it? Maybe probably. Do I think he’s seen the Keira Knightly movie adaptation? 100%.
Dec. 3, 2023 6:15 p.m. BST
“What a sight for sore eyes”
Home for the holidays early? Maybe in Italy already?
Dec. 13, 2023 9:30 p.m. BST
“You can arm yourself with stolen lines, pretty chains and fancy wines, you can flick through magazines, and get your hair cut from the movie scenes, happy so it seems, but we both know.”
These are lyrics from “Juice” by Mount Zooka a band from Bristol. Obviously, this was Taylor’s birthday. Imma go out on a limb here and say mans was feeling some kind of way. Also, on this day, “Jesus Christ, Happy New Year” leaks. So.
Dec. 19, 2023 2 a.m. BST
“I’ve bitten my tongue until I’ve learned to like the taste of my own blood.”
This is after rumors were roiling post 12/13 that Taylor was engaged because of the ring from Keleigh Teller (before Keleigh shut them down on 12/21). Dude. Stop biting your tongue then and just say something.
Jan. 1, 2024 3 p.m. BST
“Let me lay dormant in the haze…”
That’s one way to ring in the new year.
Jan. 9, 2023 5:30 p.m. BST
“I'm not afraid of being the one with the ace card 'cause I'm just like everybody else. I leave my door closed shut in case you come trying to kick it down.”
These are lyrics from “Freight Yard” by The Garden This is either the day or the day before he leaves for the Caribbean with TR and others (Jeff, I believe). This is an angry-ass song. Interestingly, there are zero loved-up pics captured on this trip. And there are a whopping 17 HS leaks this day. Then more leaks on 1/6. Are the leaks the ace card? Did he not want to go on this trip? Afterwards, Harry is in LA from 1/6-16.
Jan. 14, 2023 7:45 p.m. BST
“I met you in my dream and I didn’t say a word, but we know who we were, and that was enough.”
This is so bittersweet. Also, it reminds of that line from "Sad, Beautiful, Tragic:" "In dreams, I meet you in warm conversation. We both wake in lonely beds, different cities."
Jan. 19, 2023 - 11:45 p.m. BST
"Red crosses on wooden doors. And if you float you burn. Loose talk around tables. Abandon all reason."
These are lyrics from Radiohead’s “Burn the Witches.” On this day, a photo of TR with Jeff Azoff at HS’s 6/13 Wembley show surfaced.
Jan. 23, 2023 11:45 p.m. BST
“Oh you’ve got some stitches and babe I need some fixing.”
At this time, both TS and HS were dealing with their respective stalkers.
Jan. 29, 2023 11:15 p.m. BST
“But she can do as she pleases, she's nobody's fool. And she can't be convicted, she's earned her degree. And the most she will do is throw shadows at you. But she's always a woman to me.”
These are lyrics from Billy Joel’s “She’s Always a Woman.” On this day, deepfake images of a nude Taylor Swift went viral on Twitter.
Ahead to Part Three
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ghost-in-the-hall · 1 year
Kinktober Day 1: Size Kink (Roel x Fem! Reader SMUT)
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Welcome to Day 1 of Kinktober! Hopefully I can keep up with this, I have a lot of fun things planned, enjoy!
WARNINGS: MINORS DNI, 18+, sexual content, size kink, unsafe sex, penetrative sex, fingering, praise kink, use of good girl, AFAB reader, she/her pronouns, multiple orgasms, thigh riding, nipple play, grinding, slightly Dom! Roel, slight restraint, skinny dipping, fluffy with a big chunk of smut, Roel is a giant, I think that's everything if I missed any let me know!
My Masterlist! ~ A03 Link!
You propped your sunglasses up on your head, letting your head fall to the side to look at your friends. All of you sat by the lakeside in matching lounge chairs, gossiping about your collective crushes and partners. "No, I'm serious, I have to make space in his schedule for his hook ups four times a week." Sister Sarah rolls her eyes with an overly dramatic groan. You couldn’t help but laugh, you could only imagine how often Father Matthew tried to sneak doting Sibling’s into his office during work hours.
"Oh, don't lie Sarah," Rachel chimes in. "You're his weekly Tuesday appointment." She teases causing a chorus of squeals and giggles amongst your group.
"What can I say? The man knows how to turn a girl on." She replies with a casual shrug. She turns your attention to you. "What about you, (Y/N)?" She scoots up close to your shoulder. "How are things with Roel?" You stutter out an incoherent string of sounds. You struggle to stop yourself from blushing.
"Oh, there's nothing really that interesting." You try to quickly get them off the topic. "Em, how are you and Falk?"
"Oh no, don’t try to change the subject.” She points an accusatory finger at you. “Don’t think we haven’t seen you and Roel flirting with each other.” You can’t hide the flustered expression that rapidly took over your features.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You hurriedly replied before clearing your throat. Before they could hand over the itemized list of your flirting attempts with Roel, your attention was drawn to the top of the nearby cliff face.
“Oh my god…”
“Is that-?”
“Matthew Greywolf, what in god’s name do you think you’re doing?" Sarah exclaims as scrambles off her seat. Everything happened so fast it took you a second to process what had happened. All of your attention had been caught by Matthew letting out a yell seconds before he launched himself off of the cliff, he landed on the water making a pretty sizable splash. You would be tempted to applaud if Sarah didn't look so irate. "Have you lost your damn mind?" She tells from the shoreline of the lake. You see his shoulders shake with a chuckle as he shakes his head. He turns his attention to where he had jumped from.
"What are you waiting for Roel?" He yells to his companion. Your eyes trail up the cliff to find a rather unamused Roel standing at the top, arms crossed over his chest. "Come on, show off for these lovely ladies!" Matthew calls, motioning to your group who were now intently watching the events play out. You see him muttering to himself, the thought alone of the string of expletives tumbling from his lips forcing you to stifle a giggle. With one final defeated sigh he pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it harshly on the ground. He kicks off his shoes and stands overlooking the water. "Oh, come on! You're not scared, are you?" He provokes.
"Oh, I'm not scared." Roel's deep voice booms through the otherwise quiet outdoors. "I'm just figuring out how I'm going to kick your ass when I get down there." You watched as he dove into the water with impeccable form. Matthew started swimming for the shoreline with everything he had, Roel surfacing behind him much closer than he had anticipated. As soon as Matthew hit the beach he ran in your direction, positioning himself strategically behind your row of chairs. Roel emerges from the water with a groan, wiping away a dropper of water that trailed down his sharp jawline. He approaches where your small group was sitting, joining Sarah in berating Matthew for doing something so dangerous. Roel pauses, smirking slightly as his eyes land on you. "Like something you see, Hase?" He teases you with a wink. You wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole, realizing that you had been sitting there staring at his naked torso. "Sarah, it looks like you have him handled. If you'll excuse me ladies, I need to hike back up there to retrieve my shirt." He spares one last fleeting glance at you, a curious smile passing over his lips as he noticed you were struggling to keep your eyes off him. You jumped slightly as Rachel nudged you, looking at you as if you were crazy.
"Go with him." She whispers at you aggressively. "Did you see the way he was looking at you? Go spend some time alone with him." You looked between her and his retreating form nervously. You groaned, knowing how mad you would be at yourself later if you didn't listen to her.
"Roel!" You call his name, hurrying after him. He pauses, breaking out into a grin when he sees you jogging to catch up with him.
"And what do I owe the pleasure?" He slows his pace to make it easier for you to catch up with him.
"I, um, it's dangerous to go by yourself, what if you get hurt?" You tried to answer as casually as possible.
"Well I appreciate your concern, Hase." He replies softly. "But, just remember, your company is always welcomed.” He shoots you a playful wink. Roel was a perfect gentleman your entire hike; offering his hand to you during particularly steep sections of the trail, holding branches out of the way of the path so you could easily pass through. You paused at the edge of a small stream that Roel had already begun to cross with ease. He looks back over his shoulder at you. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah, I'm just worried I might fall." You admit with a bashful chuckle. Roel turns around, maneuvering his way back over the rocks and to your side. He glances down at you and then to the stream. It stretched on as far as you could see in either direction, it would be too much of a hassle to go around it. Roel reached out for you, effortlessly scooping you up in his arms and cradling you to his chest. Your hands flew up to meet the warm skin of his bare chest in an attempt to steady yourself. "What," you looked between him and your position suspended above the forest floor. "What are you doing?"
"I'm carrying you across?" He seemed confused by your question.
"You can do that?" Roel chuckles at your skepticism.
"Why wouldn't I be able to? You weigh as much as a mouse, it's not like it's a difficult task." Now it was your turn to laugh.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, your eyes staying locked in his features as you continued your conversation. You had barely registered that he had started walking. "Did you hit your head when you jumped off that cliff? Roel, I'm not exactly on the skinny side." You retort.
"Meine blume," he starts in a serious yet gentle tone. "You are perfect, I don't want you to think otherwise." He carefully sets you down on the opposing side of the stream. You were positive you were blushing but you just couldn't seem to look away from him. "You are smart, funny, kind, not to mention absolutely stunning." You swallowed thickly, Roel's warm, amorous gaze making it hard for you to think.
"Well, I think you're very sweet, handsome… and I, um, I like your muscles." Roel booms with laughter at the end of your statement. He flexes his bicep with a cocky grin.
"Yeah? Well thank you, I grew them myself so…" His cocky expression quickly turns into a dorky smile at the sound of you giggling at his joke. "Come on, we should try to be back for dinner." He wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into a tight side hug.
"We're not going to be able to hike all the way there and back before dinner, I hate to break it to you, big guy." You found yourself leaning into his side as you walked.
"Who said we're hiking down?" He responds with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Personally, I think it would be a lot faster if we jumped.'
"You can't be serious." You respond with a laugh, figuring there was no way that was his plan. But, if he was joking, why wasn't he laughing with you? Your eyes met his and you realized he was completely serious. "Roel, I could die!" You exclaim.
"You're not going to die." He playfully rolls his eyes at your concern. "I'll keep you safe Hase, I promise." You reluctantly agreed, but the moment you peered over the edge with your own eyes you couldn't do it.
"Wasn't the whole reason you left your shirt up here to begin with was so it wouldn't get wet?" You question.
"I'll just get a new one at the house." He sees the fear behind your eyes and immediately tries to reassure you. "It looks a lot scarier than it is."
"I don't know if I can do this." You clenched your hands into fists, attempting to hide the fact that you were physically shaking. Roel gently tilts your chin up with his finger, his bright blue eyes immediately locking you in a trance.
"Do you trust me?" He asks softly, a patient smile resting on his lips.
"Of course I do." You respond without a second of hesitation.
"I'll be right beside you the whole time, nothing's going to go wrong, you have my word." You studied him for a moment before releasing a sigh.
"Okay, fine. It'll be faster anyways." You glanced over the edge. "Can you," you pause, your cheeks burning in embarrassment over how much of a coward you were being. "Can you hold my hand?" Roel reaches out and envelops your hand in his massive paw.
"Remember, keep your legs straight and your arms right to your body." He stands by your side, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. You glance up at him, a soft smile gracing your lips as you study his profile. For a moment you forgot about how scared you were, it didn't matter. Roel was here by your side, holding your hand, making you feel safe. It was one of the things you loved most about him. Whenever you were afraid or upset he would be there with warm embraces and words of reassurance. His eyes meet yours, "I got you, Hase." And with that final statement you jumped. Despite the fact that you were plummeting rapidly towards the water's surface it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. Roel's hand was warm as it stayed wrapped tightly around yours. His T-shirt he had clutched in his other hands whipping in the wind, both of you screaming as loud as your lungs would allow. The shock of you fully plunging into the icy lake knocked all the air from your lungs. You felt Roel tugging your arm as he began to swim upward. You broke through the surface, gasping in unison. Roel laughed loudly, pulling you into his arms. "You did it!" Your eyes widen as he presses a kiss to your forehead. "Das hast du wunderbar gemacht, Liebling." (You did wonderfully, darling). Your attention was snatched by a chorus of loud cheers and applause from the beach. Your friends, who looked like they were in the process of cleaning up to go back to the house, wildly screaming your name. Roel chuckles at the sight as you two begin your swim back to the shoreline.
"Looks like you two had an awfully good time." Rachel says as she drapes her towel over your shoulders. "I don't think I've ever seen him smiling so much." You looked over at him, you couldn't deny the fact that he looked really happy.
"Oh so you'll yell at me for jumping off the cliff but it's fine if she does it." Matthew groans. You join the pair, resting your hand on Roel's arm.
"He made sure I was perfectly safe." You point out. "You hurled yourself off the ledge with reckless abandon." You chuckle. Roel messes up your hair. “Hey.” You complain through a laugh.
“Come on, let's get you dried off.” He slings an arm over your shoulders, his warmth spreading through you as he pulls you into his side.
“So, you and Roel, huh?” Mya teases you, waggling her eyebrows at you.
“What about me and Roel?” You ask, unable to keep the smile off your face.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice the two of you getting all nice and cozy on that walk back from the beach.” You dropped your face into your hands to hide your flustered expression. He had you laughing the entire time. You were struggling to keep yourself upright, both of you almost falling into one another. You complained about how long the walk was back to the house, only to let out a startled shriek when Roel scoops you up in his arms. “Can’t complain about the walk if you’re not walking, Hase.” He teased you with a wink.
“It’s nothing, we just had a really good day, that’s all.” Your focus returns to your makeup.
“Did you kiss him?” She asks excitedly.
“No.” You laugh and shake your head.
“Aw, boo.” She bellows. “If I were you I’d climb that man like a tree.” You burst out laughing at her statement.
“It’s not like that.” You try to convince her.
“Sure.” She playfully rolls her eyes. “(Y/N), he couldn’t keep his hands off you! He obviously likes you!” She exclaims.
“It’s very possible he might! But, I don’t want to rush things. Even with the relationship we have now, Roel makes me feel special.” You respond wistfully. “Everytime I’m with him… he makes me feel like, like I really mean something to him.” You sigh.
“Maybe you could sneak off for a little alone time with him at the party tonight.” She suggests. “I think those are feelings the two of you should discuss.”
“What? Do you want me to just walk up to him and admit that I’m in love with him?” You laugh.
“Yes, I think you need to tell him before you go insane.” She responds bluntly.
“We’ll see what happens.” You try to get her off the topic.
She hops up off the bed, you eye her curiously. “Well, I hope you have fun with him tonight. If you’ll excuse me I have an appointment with Attila.” She squeals. Your attention snaps to her.
“You what?” You ask excitedly.
“I’m curious, I’ve heard good things.” She shrugs nonchalantly. “Maybe he’ll even be better than Matthew.” She gives you a coy smile.
“Go have fun, just don’t be reckless.” You chuckle.
“Good luck with Roel, you look beautiful, love you.”
“Love you.” She hurries off, leaving you to finish getting ready alone. You found yourself sitting on the arm of the couch, laughing the night away with your friends. The small party swarmed around you, friends of the Ministry from around the area all joining up at the small lake house. You sipped your martini, the alcohol's warmth settling in your cheeks and at the tips of your ears.
“Uh oh,” Sarah starts, “Looks like someone has their eye on you.” You glance over your shoulder to see Roel standing at the bar. His relaxed lean only made the already giant of a man appear even taller, his eyes finding your small form through the crowd. You took your bottom lip between your teeth, returning to your conversation with a coy expression. “I think I’ll leave you two be.” She gets up with a wink, giving you a small wave as she passes by you to find someone else to mingle with. You smile at the feeling of a warm hand coming to rest on your shoulder.
“You look beautiful.” You shiver slightly at the sensation of Roel’s warm breath fanning over the shell of your ear.
“You don’t look half bad yourself.” Your eyes slowly trail down his body. His dress shirt stretched tightly over his toned chest, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his immaculate forearms. His dress pants clung to his muscular thighs, showing off his strong physique. You swallowed thickly before snapping your eyes up to meet his.
“I had a really nice time with you today.” He leans in closer to you, allowing you to hear him more clearly over the pounding music.
“Today was a lot of fun.” You respond with a smile. “We should do things like that more often.” He eyes you carefully as you finish off your drink.
“Come on sweetheart, next one’s on me.” He offers his hand with a smile.
“Such a gentleman.” You giggle, sliding your hand into his. After hitting the bar the two of you wandered outside. The two of you enjoyed the warm breeze as you looked out over the moon lit lake. You gently pushed yourself into his side as you sipped at your drink, he responded by wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“Nice night tonight.” He remarks softly. “It would be a good night to go swimming.” He eyes you with a devious smirk.
“Swimming, hm?” He nods, you pretend to ponder the idea. “I don’t have a bathing suit.”
“Neither do I.” He straightens up.” You look to the party inside and then back to him. The invitation was almost too good to ignore. You took his hand, allowing him to guide you down to the shore line. Your feet sunk into the sand as you hit the beach, your shoes discarded by the stairs. You laugh as Roel sweeps you up in his arms, dancing you around in the night. He pauses, gazing down at you with a longing expression.
“I can’t even begin to tell you how much I want to kiss you right now.” He mumbles.
“Then kiss me.” You respond, your voice barely above a whisper. Before you even had the chance to process what was happening his lips were on yours. You slowly got to work undoing the buttons on his shirt. He bends down slightly to grab the hem of your dress, carefully working it up your body and over your head. He glances down, seeing you in your favorite set of lingerie. He groans, collapsing to his knees. You rest your arms over his shoulders, crushing your lips against his. You easily work off his shirt. Roel’s massive hands caress your waist and hips before sliding up your back to undo your bra. You nod when he glances up at you for permission. He places gentle kisses along the soft skin, his fingers expertly undoing the clasp. You gasp softly as the cool night air fully hits your chest, the delicate fabric falling to the ground. You mewled softly as his lips trailed up the side of your neck. He pulls his undershirt over his head, discarding it haphazardly. You ran your fingers through the soft ginger curls that covered his chest, feeling his muscles tense up at your gentle touch. He hooks his fingers into your panties, slowly pulling them over the curve of your ass and down your legs. You give him one more lingering kiss before you slowly start backing up towards the water. He hurries out of the rest of his clothes, trailing after you. You scream happily as the two of you stumble into the water, both of you floating farther and farther away from the shoreline. Roel guided your legs around his waist, holding you close as he pulled you in for another kiss. You reached the end of the dock, he pressed your back up against one of the slick wooden supports. His hands roam your sides, your head spinning as you fight against your need to breathe. You tighten your legs around him, holding him as close as possible. You whined at the feeling of his hands wrapping around your thighs. He was very easily able to hold you in place with one arm alone, using his free hand to explore every curve he could find. You run your hands over his broad shoulders, pressing yourself into him as much as you possibly could. He rested his forehead against yours, the silence broken up by the two of you panting softly. As the adrenaline wore off your anxiety took over.
“(Y/N), I-”
“I’m sorry Roel, I really should go.” You separated yourself from him, swimming back to the shore. You quickly shimmy back into your dress and grab the rest of your belongings before hurrying back up to the house. Luckily everyone was too absorbed in the party to notice you sneaking back to your room. You threw your shoes into the corner of the room and cursed. “What is wrong with you?” You exclaim to your empty bedroom. You peel out of your dress with a huff, tossing it aside with your shoes. You changed into something more comfortable, making absolutely no plans to leave your room for the rest of the trip. You traced your finger along your bottom lip, remembering the feeling of Roel’s lips on yours as you stared blankly up at the ceiling. Why did you have to run away? You were there experiencing everything you had ever dreamed of and you took off running. You jumped at the sound of a loud, thudding knock on your door. You wrapped your sweatshirt tightly around yourself, trying to conceal yourself with more than just your mostly see through tank top. “Roel?” You whisper at the sight of him standing on the other side of the door. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry, I know it’s late, I just… I can’t get the thought of kissing you out of my head.” He states softly. “I’m sorry if I overstepped, I just-” He was cut off by you grabbing him by the collar, pulling his lips down to meet yours. You stumbled backwards, dragging him into your room. He kicks the door shut behind him, his lips never leaving yours as he cages you against the wall. You feel his warm fingers work their way under the hem of your shirt, gently tracing up the curve of your spine before pressing flush against your back. His other arm slid under your ass, effortlessly lifting you from the floor. He works a leg in between your own, you mewled as he set your full weight down onto him. He pulls back from you slightly, his lips just out of reach of your own. He traces a finger along your jawline, smiling at you softly. “Such a pretty little thing you are.” His warm breath fans over your face, your cheeks burning in embarrassment. He takes your wrist in one hand, pinning them above your head. “Start moving sweetheart.” You tentatively roll your hips, whimpering softly as Roel tenses his thigh beneath you. You shivered as his lips hovered over your neck, just barely grazing over the sensitive skin. You struggled against his hold, desperate to get your hands on him. He chuckled slightly at your pathetic attempts to get loose, almost cooing at the sight. “Poor Hase,” he mocks your pout, “what do you want, use your words."
"Roel… Please…" You pant. "Want to touch you." He takes the delicate skin of your throat between his teeth. He releases his hold on you, his hand dropping to the curve of your waist. You slid your hands over his tone chest, soft moans of satisfaction tumbling from your lips as you slowly rolled your hips over his tensed thigh. "Fuck." You breathe out a curse. Goosebumps rose on your skin, you grabbed on tightly to Roel's shoulders as your pace increased. He grabs your hips, setting the pace he wants you to go.
"Such pretty little sounds." He praises. You push your hips down on him harder, taking your lip between your teeth to try and muffler the lewd sounds that broke free from your throat. "You want to cum on my thigh sweetheart?" You nod, crying out as he begins to move you faster.
"Please… please let me cum for you… feels so good." You sob, your statements broken up by your heavy panting. He places hot, open mouth kisses to the exposed skin of your neck, pausing every so often to tell you how good of a job you were doing.
"So polite, asking for permission first." You feel his teeth graze over your skin as he smirks. He releases his grip on your hips. "Go on Hase, get yourself off." You dragged your soaked core fervently across his thigh, chasing your high that seemed just out of reach. The thin fabric of your sleep shorts provides a delicious friction to your throbbing clit. You whined his name, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you just couldn't seem to get the relief you needed. "Come on beautiful, I know you have it in you." His hands rested comfortably on your ass, he closely watched the way your body moved as you shuddered with pleasure on top of him. You cried out as your orgasm ripped through you, burying your face against his chest to try and muffle your loud voice. "Good girl." He coos, holding you close as you finish riding out your high, your hips gradually coming to a stop. He rests a hand on the side of your face, thumb languidly running over your skin. "How about we get out of these clothes." His fingers trailed just under the hem of your tank top, which had ridden up slightly from your frantic movements. You shivered at the sensation of his soft touch, leaning in to allow your lips to find his again. His hands roamed your torso, you whined as his fingers grazed over your sensitive nipples through the thin fabric. His lips dropped to the crook of your neck, you moaned as he kissed and sucked the exposed skin as he slid your sweatshirt off your shoulders. His massive paws cup your breasts.
"Want you." Your cheeks burn as you whine in desperation.
“You want me, hm?” He asks with a chuckle. He slowly pulls your shirt over your head, his calloused fingers running over your nipples. You keen into his touch, “so needy, Hase.” He teases. He pinches one of the sensitive buds between his fingers, his other hand dipping between your legs to tease at your entrance through your soaked panties. You whimper as you press into his fingers, desperate to have them inside you. He hums, removing his leg from beneath you. Your legs trembled as they struggled to hold your weight. “Let’s move this somewhere a little more comfortable.” He offers with a grin. He takes your hand, guiding you towards the bed. You giggle as he gently pushes you back onto the mattress. He removes your panties at an agonizingly slow pace. You squirm as he brushes his fingers over your aching clit, struggling to contain the soft moans spilling from your lips. Roel cages you beneath him, his much larger form acting as its own form of restraint as he slowly slipped his fingers into your folds. You gasp at the feeling of him stretching you open, your hand gripping tightly onto his arm. He kissed you hard to muffle your cries, his fingers rocking into you at a relentless pace.
“Roel,” his name cracked from your throat. “I can’t, I’m gunna-” you were cut off by a shrill moan breaking free from you.
“Cum for me Hase, you’re doing such a good job.” He praises you. His sweet words immediately tip you over the edge. You cried out his name as your cunt clenched hard around his fingers. More soft words of praise filled your hazy mind as his fingers pumped into you through your climax. He frees himself from the confines of his clothes, slowly crawling his way over your body until you are fully engulfed underneath him. He teases at your entrance, you stifle a groan at how thick the head of his cock was. You winced as he started to ease himself inside of you. He quietly hushes you, cradling your face in his hand as he carefully works himself inside you. “You’re taking me so well, sweetheart.” He groans.You let out a soft sob as he bottoms out inside you, the delicious pressure of him filling you so completely.
“Roel.” You cry softly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I have you, Hase.” Your eyes roll back as he starts to slowly roll his hips. Your velvety walls squeeze around him. “Fuck.” He hisses, he reaches down so his thumb can rub broad circles over your clit. Feeling him hit a spot so deep inside of you was threatening to break you, he had you babbling incoherent nonsense with every stroke. “You look so beautiful, Hase.” He whispers in your ear. “You feel so good.” He groans.
“Please.” You sob, barely able to form a single word. “Please let me cum.” He chuckles, picking up his pace rubbing your clit.
“Such a good girl, asking for permission.” He smiles down at you. “Cum for me, Hase. Let me see how good I’m making you feel.” You scream his name, your body going rigid as you come undone beneath him. He pushes your knees to your chest, pounding into you relentlessly as the edges of your vision go white with pleasure. “So good for me,” he grunts, “gunna cum in you.” You lock your legs around his hips, making sure he meant that last statement. Roel’s forearms fell on either side of your head, his lips capturing yours in a passionate kiss as he moaned into your mouth. His hips stutter slightly as he finishes, you gasp at the feeling of his hot load pooling inside of you. Roel’s mouth separates from yours with a sigh of relief as he buries his face into the crook of your neck. He collapses on top of you, crushing you under his massive frame, causing you to giggle. “You’re not going to try and run away this time, right?” He asks with a tired chuckle.
You shake your head, “no.” You place a soft kiss on his shoulder. “Do you… Do you maybe want to try going on an actual date.” You ask, staring straight up at the ceiling to try and hide your flustered expression.
“I’ll take you on a thousand dates if you want me to.” He sighs happily. “(Y/N), I’ve been in love with you for a long time, I just never knew how to tell you.”
“Really?” You ask softly, a dumb smile finding its way to your face.
“Yes.” He responds seriously. He leans in, placing a soft kiss to your lips.
“Do you want to stay?” He nods, helping you get cleaned up and helping you get under the covers before he joins you. He wraps you tightly in his arms, pulling you flush against his chest. “Roel?” He hums at the sound of you saying his name. “I love you too.” You feel the slight shaking in his chest as he chuckles.
“Goodnight, meine Häschen." He presses a kiss to your cheek.
“Goodnight.” You smile softly as you drift off in his arms.
Tag List: @spookyghostjelly @ramblingoak @kissingghouls @mustluvecho @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @belnovacaine @iamsarahsaysso @gothdaddyissues @jennmakesitweird @angellayercake @eentheekipekke @canarycolemine @mikathemushroom
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Hi I hope this isn’t rude I just want to understand your approach to kibbe is all but what determines a type for you ultimately comes down to their energy then? Like the sort of image they present? Or temperament ig
that does play a role for sure but its important to consider their face and body together, not separate from each other. the word "image" you used is correct but let me explain.
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let's compare Angelina Jolie & Alicia Vikander who both played Lara Croft
Angie has something to her that makes her very convincing in action roles. Like you genuinely believe she could kick your ass. She's slim but still very tough looking.
Alicia is more delicate, dainty, soft and petite looking. She looks like someone you need to protect.
Any body who looks convincing in an action role is easily a Natural type (Jolie is a verified FN)
I suspect Alicia to be a Soft Classic
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these 3 women are all verified Flamboyant Naturals
(L to R, Angelina Jolie, Cindy Crawford & Shirley McClaine)
Its hard to say they all project the same "image". Imo Naturals are the most common type as well as the most diverse, if you look at the list of verified FNs & SNs you see people who look very different from each other. This is not so much the case for Rs, TRs & SDs.
AJ has Romantic, Dramatic & Ethereal Essence
Cindy has Romantic, Natural & Classic Essence
Shirley has Romantic, Gamine & Classic Essence
Nobody would ever cast them for the same role. They do not project the same image.
Naturals are the most common because MOST people don't look good in heavy makeup & styling, or have waspish waist definition. MOST people have wider torsos and a Natural like build. The reason why lesser common IDs dominated the entertainment industry in the 20th century is because you had to be truly unique and distinct from others in order to be a "star". From the 90s onwards with the rise of supermodels, who are almost always FNs btw, Naturals became far more represented in the media but since this type can facially look very different from each other, its not always understood in terms of "image identity". Diet & exercise culture promoted the Natural ideal because they are the ones who can have a lean yet athletic built and suit the kind of clothes that fast fashion companies sell. There is a reason why jeans and tshirts are the most common articles of clothing in this world. They are most flattering on Natural types.
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Most VS Angels are FNs
Fashion houses hire models who have a "rectangular build" (their words not mine) because of the way they carry the clothes; the focus remains on the clothes not on their body or silhouette. They don't need clothes tailored to fit them because they're frame dominant.
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with someone like Liz Taylor (verified R) or Salma Hayek (verified TR) the focus will always be on their body and not the clothes themselves. This makes curve dominant women unsuitable for high fashion where they have to sell clothes not themselves.
Anyways, coming back to my point. Certain people are extreme caricaturish examples of their ID. Some are less so. Individual essences can also make typing more complicated. At the end of the day, every individual is unique and its important to consider their individuality (vibes, body, face, mannerisms) before settling on an ID.
If you read Metamorphosis by David Kibbe, he speaks of yin-yang & IDs in an almost spiritual, metaphysical way. Its very interesting. Maybe I'll post some excerpts from his book one of these days. But I highly recommend reading it!! The whole concept of Kibbe is about using styling to accurately project who you are as a person and like Claire Nakti makes connections regarding how different nakshatras manifest physically in a person, there is a correlation between one's appearance and one's inward nature.
I hope this clarified some things.
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moonlitcomet · 11 months
Cierian culinary culture
Blackwatch food is strong. Strong smelling, strong flavor, and oftentimes strongly spicy too. Think southern USamerican food kicked up to 100. A common experience for Blackwatch-going tourists is to go to some back-alley Blackwatch restaurant whose food and atmosphere just makes your eyes water and sting. It's usually overpowering to non-residents, but a minor upside is that restaurants in the city usually have atmospheric humidifiers which cause water droplets in the air to bind to the sulfuric compounds that fill the city, instead of irritating your eyes and nose.
Streets with lots of restaurants are either filled with near-inedible levels of strong spice and flavor, or junky ass trash food meant for people who can't afford anything else. Even still, despite how much their food can barely be eaten by tourists, people who live there[and, interestingly, dragons who visit] swear by it being absolutely delicious. It's pretty common for Blackwatch residents who leave the city to try foreign food and view it as bland and flavorless. Blackwatch has, somehow, managed to make a profit out of prepackaged frozen exported foods for this reason.
Faun food depends on the faun culture you're interacting with. Ch'chkun fauns, the city ones, have made their city entirely self-sustainable and they're one of the first inventors of lab-grown meat and fruits. Lots of their city is dedicated to layered greenhouses and the only animals they farm are bees and other pollinators. Fauns are typically omnivorous with a preference for plants, but the invention and standardization of lab-grown meat makes it way easier to mass produce food for their extremely population dense city- Ch'chkun City almost has more residents than the three biggest southern cities combined. Lab-grown meat with their methods is more humane and more sustainable than farms.
Fauns in the east, in more rural areas, are usually foragers. This is partially a lifestyle choice and partially an agreement for preservation of the ecosystem- whatever they take will be given back in time, so most of the stuff they eat will be wild fruits, nuts, and wild game they hunt themselves. This is important for the environment too, because fauns will hunt game animals like lagomorphs that otherwise have had most of their natural predators hunted out of the area by settlers and would overpopulate without them.
As for the actual food they make, fauns love grains. Unenchanted rice, oats, wheat, millet, barley, among other grains will make their way into almost every single cultural dish they make. It's cheap, it's easy, and so easy to make delicious with sauces and spices. If you're meeting a faun buddy who's making dinner for you, hope you like grains. If you do, you're in luck, because you're about to have the most bangin' grain dishes you've ever had.
A very popular snack for faun children is flavored puffed millet.
Bahp's culinary culture centers around making something that is both delicious and arcane. Many foods in Bahp are enchanted and have magical effects on those eating them, which is a remnant of the days of old when the country knew how to grow enchanted RICE. With such an ability long gone, their focus has shifted to general dishes.
There are restaurants all over the country that specialize in different enchantments for their food - some focus on dishes that power you up, others that make you feel alert and healthy, yet others can temporarily change physical aspects of your body. This culture and cuisine has become especially profitable with the large numbers of duelists that have their humble beginnings here.
With the diversity in their enchantments comes diversity in food. Bahp's culinary culture takes in aspects from all over the world, even from usually "undesirable" food cultures such as Blackwatch and Drustown. Bahp has access to all sorts of locally grown crops and livestock, including exotic livestock such as those raised in Khartes Trichier. This makes it one of the few places on the mainland where you can buy and eat the mild, sweeter cheeses made from khormun milk as well as hirba honey, which is a staple in the enchanted Bahp foods.
Being herbivores, sorcerers primarily cook with plants and plant matter, including leaves, fruits, nuts, and other crops. They use a lot of unique spices in their dishes, often putting in tons of time and effort to extract flavors from spices through long cooking processes. Cooking techniques typically include boiling, simmering, and frying in pots and woks, as well as cooking over wood fires.
Sorcerer food comes in many flavors, though sweet, sour, and savory dishes are the most common. Sweet & sour foods are a staple in sorcerer culinary arts, with natural sweeteners like milk or honey being used over granulated sugar.
Homemade tea is another popular aspect of Sorcerer culture, with their access to a variety of herbs and spices giving them many options for special tea blends and brews.
Due to how many of their foods use ingredients only grown in Khartes Trichier, it can be difficult to create authentic dishes outside of the sorcerers' land. Imported sorcerer ingredients are rare and expensive, with only cheese and honey being readily available. Many people attempting to make sorcerer-invented dishes end up having to make substitutions, which leads to lower-quality imitations of the originals.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years
Can we some Kukui and Ash content for any AU of your choice? I’m a fool for the father-son relationship that these two share
I got some for Feral AU and for Nihilego!AU
-Kukui was the first to realize that Ash was a fairly and did this to mess wih his psuedo son freatly.
-Because of Ash's antics, more often then not, Kukui would play and mess with Ash in order to make him more comfortable at home.
- Whenever Kukui and Ash fall asleep on the couch, inevitably you find Ash sleeoig on Kukui's chest.
-When Ash get's distracted, you can always hear Kukui just 'Psspspspsps' to get his attention again.
-The few times Ash got scared, he instintively hid under Kukui's coat.
-Kukui has gotten into the motion of letting Ash sit on his shoulder when he's nearby, that its second nature.
Nihilego AU
-Kukui spent 4 days at the hospital trying to get his Psuedo son to wake up
-When Ash showed Kukui that he had Aura, the professor threw himself into learning all about it so he could help Ash when the time came to be.
-After Ash is released from the hospital (still on bedrest) Kukui carried him around, too afraid to let him go.
-During the time of recovery, Kukui refused to let Ash sleep alone for 2 weeks
-When Ash admitted to Kukui that he felt left out at school, Kukui spent the rest of the day stapled to Ash's side, cooking with him, playing games, throwing rapid fire mock battle scenarios at him and even watching some Kantonian classic cartoons.
-After Ash returned from his lil trip with TR, Kukui had almost marched back to kick TR asses, onky stopping when Ash told him it was fine.
-While he wanted to step in after being told what was happening, He eventually decided not to when Ash cinvinced him he could do it alone.
-Kukui spends hours rubbing at Ash's wrapped scars to help it heal.
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damistrolls · 2 years
velzka and kizien >:)
spec big brain momence (as if we werent talking abt it while i was @ ur place)
anyways hi i really like how this one came out please lmk if u enjoyed it bc it was a lot of fun 2 write
(obligatory reminder that i dont proofread dont look at me)
It was never good news when someone wanted to speak to him, especially a superior. While Kizien maintained the air of someone who felt fairly secure in his work, he always knew that defending his position was a full-time gig. He's had to do this several times already, but that didn't make it any less unnerving to step up to the commander’s office. Still, he didn’t let his confidence leave him, and after a brief knock, he let himself in. 
“… I don’t know, then send another ship. If it gets shot down, it gets shot down, we need to do something about Paem Station before—“ 
Kizien only caught a couple sentences before Velzka told the other troll on his call to ‘stop questioning him and just get it done’, before an abrupt hangup. In his experience, Velzka was a fairly coolheaded and tactical commander, so to hear him planning the equivalent of repeatedly ramming your head against the door to get it open… Well, Kizien could only suspect that he had some personal stake in Parable. Wasn’t that where his descendant ran off to? That would explain it. Kizien tucked the thought away for later.
“I could have waited outside for you to finish—”
The trolls who gave a shit about ranks really were insufferable, weren’t they? What if he had been planning on being polite anyways? He wasn’t, but what if? Kizien put his hands into his pockets and moseyed further into the office. 
“You let yourself in. You didn’t even give me a second to tell you to wait outside,” Velzka argued. Point taken. Kizien sat in one of the chairs in front of the commander’s desk, putting one leg over the other and leaning back casually.
“… You know, the least you could do is sit up straight. Would you do this in front of the empress?”
“Depends. Would the empress let me get away with it the way you do?” 
Cheeky. Kizien knows he’s being cheeky. It really isn’t the time to be pushing Velzka’s buttons, but he can’t exactly help himself sometimes. He gets a kick out of seeing people seethe. Still, the violet sits up straight to appease Velzka, and folds his hands over his lap. 
“There. See? I was only teasing. What did you want to talk to me about? … Sir.”  
Velzka observed Kizien for a few long seconds, as if trying to figure out if he should just take one for the team and get rid of his sorry ass already, or if he should do things the proper way. Kizien only smiled under the purple’s scrutiny. 
“… We’ve been considering letting you retire.” 
The corner of Kizien’s mouth twitched, but he maintained his carefree smile. Velzka paused to see if the violet would interject, but no arguments came.
“It’s a better deal than many trolls get, you know,” Velzka went on to explain, flipping a folder open and leafing through the documents inside, “being able to retire instead of... retire.” His eyes flicked up briefly. Pointedly. Then, he was back to looking at the pages in front of him. 
“We’ve been sending some of your… ‘zombies’ to be studied by other scientists within our ranks. Ones who are far less of a liability. You may keep your notes private, but the serum you use stays within the bodies of your undead. Including something you hadn’t disclosed before. An interesting mixture, certainly.” 
A page was pulled from the folder, and slid across the table. Kizien silently reached over and pulled the page a little closer so he could read it. It was a list of components, as well as observations. They were dangerously close to his own notes. He hesitantly pushed the page back to Velzka, who tucked it back into the folder again. 
“I don’t like you,” the purple continued, “and I would have seen you gone a long time ago… But unfortunately, you produce incredible results. Still, no matter how secretive you try and be, everything you give to us can and will be replicated. You’re doomed to be obsolete, Kizien Helzir. What was that thing you always said when I’d call you in here? For as long as you’re needed, you’re untouchable?” 
The only indicator that Velzka had at all gotten under Kizien’s skin was the sound of his gloves as he balled his fists. The commander leaned back in his chair, and though he did not smile, there was a certain smugness to him. Kizien’s silence only made him more certain of his victory. 
But then, a vial was procured from one of the violet’s labcoat pockets. It was small, with some sort of bright, luminescent liquid in it. Kizien set it on the desk with a small clink. Velzka stared it down, brows furrowed in obvious displeasure. It almost didn’t matter what was in there. The fact that Kizien set it down without a single word speaks to his confidence in it. Velzka should have guessed that the man would not come unarmed. 
After staring the glowing vial down for a whole fifteen seconds, Velzka reached over the desk to pick it up, stopped only by Kizien’s hand laying over the top of it. 
“Ah, ah,” Kizien chided, “Not so fast.”
Velzka stared at him like he was ready to tear him limb from limb, but he did indeed pull his hand back, evidently curious enough about the vial to at least hear him out. Kizien’s smile grew. 
“.. We both know you’re not the sorcerer your ancestor was. You blame the Lich for ruining your family’s connection to the Empire, but that’s only part of the reason your job is so precarious. You claim that I’ll be obsolete… Are you sure you’re not projecting? Sir.” 
Now it was Velzka’s turn to tense up. Kizien took his hand off of the vial, and pushed it across the desk, where it was promptly picked up by the commander. Kizien leaned back in his seat casually, and even went as far as to kick his heels up onto the desk, fully reclined. 
“Mm… You’ve been looking for reasons to get rid of me from the beginning, but the truth is that you need me. I’m not as replaceable as you think. Your lab team is cute, but they’re wholly scientifically-minded. They lack the whimsy to fully comprehend my work. They especially wouldn’t be able to understand what’s in that vial. But you sense it, don’t you?” 
The sorcerer scowled. 
“… Magic.” 
“Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner.” 
Velzka growled like a beast, clearly not pleased with Kizien’s little jokes. 
“If my current team can’t figure it out, I’ll bring in a new one. You’re NOT untouchable, Dr. Helzir. I was going to let you leave peacefully, but if you—” 
“With all due respect, sir, we really don’t have to be enemies. I meant it when I said that you need me. So why don’t we be allies instead? Friends, even.” 
“I still don’t see why you think I need you,” Velzka argued. 
Kizien rested his chin on his palm and waved a finger towards the tiny vial in Velzka’s palm. The commander narrowed his eyes. 
“Because I can make them need you.” 
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
Oh monkey and cobra snake #shortsfeed
So John remillard incited his own son to get in fights with our son just sits there trying to poke them into bothering each other and our son was kind of held here and this cobra noted that the human was doing it to the monkey and didn't like it cuz the monkey was trying to see it I'm not harming you let you sit here and I'm warm and so it didn't harm him and went off the human came out a few times got bit a few times and spent the night on the ground pretty much dead and people came and revived him no and get up and it shouldn't be able to and it's hard and stopped and was rotting and his brain was rotting and people just moved him and he's pretty much Swiss cheese to a degree and it's probably 10% damage but it happens all the time. It's because he's being mean to these animals and the animals don't like him he's doing it to all sorts of animals and he's getting his ass kicked by little animals snakes and giraffes is a complete jackass and gets killed by almost anything in the max keeps saying it's an effigy and we say we better start doing stuff and they all pay
Thor Freya
We have some massive programs to announce tomorrow so he's going to get some rest.
They are pretty big and we have updates on what's going on. And he did figure out something these guys are separate and they're making all these kit cars and doing all this crazy stuff he's saying and they probably won't get a chance to show any of it to anyone because of what's happening right now bja is going to go down and destroy 13 stash and cash very large bunker systems that defend the whole place and area and he will crush them that would leave only 7 in which Trump will have to go for and he is going to have to face his own children and it's what people do in this realm to people who are out of bounds and he is out of bounds all the time bja is as well and his fate is going to be to fight the overlords they're out of bounds in that they more or less set the empire up and they are found out in the empire figured out how they knew about it it was coming up but this is different and they realize what they're doing and they're trying to get rid of them now so you guys should understand it's your problem and you knew that they would probably figure it out eventually and you're saying it's extortion or nothing and you're going to face us then smooth move that we did figure it out already and soon it will be all over for real SpongeBob it's like a whole percent with the original seven stash and caches bja is at with the additional 8 it's another 1.3%, you would be dropped below 2%. That will possibly happen tomorrow or tomorrow night and he's going to go gangbusters and he has more equipment there and it's all over the world and he's taking a bigger bite out of the medium and large and small stashes and cashes and his are in the cities going after Trump. And the pseudo empire will be targeted next and Tommy Allen will have to try for the cities and he's going to go in there and post stuff out and they will bring more and more people in there and he intents on wiping them out however other people are helping and at that point he will try for the Midwest and lose a great many people and they'll find out who's intercepting and it's a war with a pseudo empire all of which is on schedule for the revolutionary war reenactment and it's going on now these are great battles and great wars and it was foretold that these generals general how and some others which are trumpsters are going to be running around New York City which they were today and there's battles all over the place and in Delaware and Pennsylvania Massachusetts summit New Hampshire all of New England and it is in sequence so it's going on that way and pretty soon there will be new numbers tomorrow morning and we will announce it at that time.
Thor Freya
Olympus what's up top us up top
Have a great evening Zues and you too Hera and we had a moment and it was nice and it's true and I miss you too
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
Hi !! Can I have a One Piece matchup, please ? Preferably male characters! ^^ could you also do a tokyo rev one if possible? (no worries if not!)
Pronouns: She/He/They
Personality: On first meeting, pretty shy! I barely talk at first, if at all, and tend to keep to myself. Closed off and usually lost in my own world. Around those I’m comfortable with, I can get really chatty and annoying ^^ I love rambling about my interests despite my shy demeanour. Energetic with close friends. Can be a bit lazy ^^’’
Likes: Musical Theatre, the color pink, strawberries, pad thai, spicy food, horror, gothic lolita
Dislikes: Fried fish, greasy foods, rock climbing, overly loud people😭, people in my personal space
Hobbies: I’m an artist, so I like to draw! Specifically digital art, but I also paint ! I also really like baking, mostly things relating to strawberries! I also act, sing, and dance (musical theatre) :)
Extra: I’m 5’1” and wear glasses :> I also have ADHD
Hi there. Omg this one was really fun. I did do both a TR and OP matchup. I hope you like it and let’s get into it!
You Got…
Sanji and Souya “Angry” Kawata!!!!
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Let’s start with lover boy Sanji:
He’s making you all your favorite foods and nothing you don’t like! You want pad Thai? Everyone else gets it!
He would always make sure you are comfortable wherever you are at. He’ll kick any guys ass who is too loud or too close.
He would listen to you for hours. You could talk to him about anything.
Would love to baked with you and watch you perform. Maybe you two would sing and dance a little while you bake. That would be the cutest date!
I picture him keeping a piece of art you made for him with him at all times and hang another in the kitchen.
Now onto Angry:
He’s a great listener. He’s pretty quiet and let’s others talk a lot.
At the same time, he knows when he needs to do the talking.
Like Sanji, he’d cook for you. I’m not sure if he’s a baker, so I think you’d probably teach him if he isn’t and he’d love it!
He’s another guy who would make sure nothing bothers you.
Would learn how to play show tunes for you (well, he’d have his band help with that too). Just so he can sing with you and watch you smile as you dance.
I don’t know why but I think he’d give you a cute nickname like Strawberry.
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liaarxse · 1 year
Get off damn it!
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TR characters cuddling with you after a fight
Characters: The Kawata twins (separately), Matsuno Chifuyu, Manjiro Sano
Warnings: None, crack
A/n: This freeky AI bot is giving me way too many ideas.
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Souya Kawata
Let's get straight to the point, you know it, he knows it, y'all cuddling after a fight ASAP
Not even a fight, even if it was just a meeting
Y'all cuddling ok? Ok.
He's usually pretty riled up after a fight and has more energy
Tells you all the drama bitch
Literally get out your notepad now
Maybe he let a tear fall here and there, but that's about it
But oh
God forbid he straight up cries like in that one manga chapter (I can't remember which one it was)
Even if you don't pray, pray
Even if you are a Satanist, pray
Even if you're a God or a Devil, pray
You and Nahoya both know the shit that's about to go lose
Just stay put and wait for him
He comes to your place as if in a matter of seconds, changing and throwing himself onto you, breaking down
Well, shit.
He's cursing them out, saying how he beat their ass and would do it again, while crying
Don't ask me they ain't real
But show this boy some love. He deserves it. Caress his scalp, play with his hair, place tender kisses on his face, and just hold him for a bit longer
He'll return the favor as soon as possible.
Nahoya Kawata
Ah, fuck, not again
He gets into a fight every single day
And always comes to your place so you can fix him up
"Hey baby."
"Nahoya your face is literally deformed what the fuck."
Just fix him
Not because he deserves it but because he's annoying as shit and won't leave you alone
Once, he broke your window and crawed into your room at 4 in the morning to tend his wounds
He paid for your therapy sessions dw
Since he's 24/7 injured, he always smells like blood
Like, ew?
Once he came by after a nasty fight all injured and blooded up
You gagged
"Fuck you."
He always throws his bloody ass on your new sheets, and you go BERSERK
You once hit him in the head cough Deja Vu cough with a broom because he ruined your sheets
He smirked at that comment
You kicked him outside
He crawled back in and trapped you in a hug
That lasted all night
"Nahoya let go I need to pee."
"Bitch hold it in."
He loves you, i swear
Matsuno Chifuyu
Blooded your sheets on accident
Don't be mad please
Here, pet Peke J
You mad?
You don't get to pet Peke J
In all honesty, he's reckless.
Every. Fucking. Time. He comes by the next day you're restocking on aid supplies.
Stg he better start paying up
Once called you in the middle of a fight with his nose bleeding and a few bruises on his face
"I'm coming over later, babe!"
He hung up
Your ass went CRAZY before he came knocking on your door
He was injured
A lot
Is he half dead?
Will he make it through the night?
Hey he brought Peke J!
Everything Is fine
He cleaned up before cuddling with you but still managed to dirty your sheets
"You're lucky my son is here."
"That's my son, pussy."
Y'all love Peke J more than your relationship/j
He changed your sheets and went back to cuddling you
If needed he'll buy new ones
Baby boy, baby 🫶
Manjiro Sano
Bfr, you woke up, and your boyfriend was sleeping right next to you, beaten up
You screamed
He screamed
You threw a book at him
He got a concussion
Great, more blood
"Damn it Manjiro I just bought these sheets!"
"Are you insane?"
Maybe lol
After leaving the room you still felt the smell of blood.
Looking down you saw your favourite pj smeared with droplets of blood from none other than MIKEY
He had cuddled you while you slept personally in blooded clothes
You chased him with a pan
Seven AM the usual morning line-up
Start on the chores and sweep till the floor's all cleEeeeeEN
Imagine Mikey as Rapunzel though
Them dark impulses gon kick in hard up inside that tower
Give him love too, please, #helptakemichiwiththesemessedupbastards
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therealeagal · 1 year
Thoughts on (trans)gender.
I’m overdue for a ramble, so a ramblin’ I will go. This will be a long one, so buckle in.
Decide for yourselves whether my words have value or if they are naught but the ravings of a madman. Whichever you decide, don’t @ me, bro. I’m not here to debate. Just to pontificate.
Let’s begin.
To begin with, let’s ask a question. What is a pronoun? It’s someone who’s a pro at nouns! Eh? Eh? Come on admit it, that was funny. No? Nothing? Ok fine.
Spoil sport.
There’s probably an official definition floating around somewhere. Probably in the dictionary. I often find the definitions to things in the dictionary.
But generally speaking, pronouns are proper noun substitutes. When you’re talking to someone and using their name wouldn’t fit into the sentence for some reason, that’s what pronouns are for. Something to that effect.
Now then. Hypothetical scenario for you. Disclaimer: keep in mind that this scenario is entirely self-contained. The ideas within the hypothetical scenario will in no way impact the hypothetical world in which it takes place.
Now then. You are walking down the street, living your best life, kicking asses, taking names, doing that thing you do. And you chance upon an old school chum. When in school you knew your old school chum as a male, but at this point in time, your old school chum is dressed as a woman. It transpires that your old school chum now identifies as a woman. Your old school chum is what they call “transgender” and wishes to be identified with the pronouns she/her and be otherwise regarded as female.
There are two possible reactions to this revelation. I want you, those of you my children who are reasonable, to tell me which of the two you consider most reasonable. Those of you who are not reasonable need not feel obligated to participate.
Reaction A: Oh, ok. You’re a woman who wants to use the pronouns she/her and to be otherwise regarded as female.
Please understand that this is a judgement free space. You may consider yourself free to agree with either of these options without fear of critique.
Speaking only from my own personal experience, even were I not inclined to recognize a transgender(ed?) person’s preferred identity (and I am so inclined), I feel I would still do my best to comply with my old school chum’s requests regardless, at least for the duration of our conversation.
It’s one thing to refuse to recognize one’s path through life, but being rude about it serves no purpose whatsoever.
What would rudeness accomplish? Nothing. In this scenario, you’re just walking down the street, so there’s no one around for you to impress.
It’s bad manners is what it is.
As it happens, some science-y people seem pretty convinced that transgender is real, and I’m not in the habit of doubting what science-y people say, at least outside of the realm of fiction, which we have covered before, viz a viz super speed. Maybe they’re wrong. But maybe they’re not. I’ll take my chances on them not being wrong if it’s all the same to you.
Transgender is complicated. No surprise. Gender is complicated. Being a man is complicated and I bet it’s even more complicated to be a woman. Now imagine having to do extra-curricular classes on top of the endless mountain of bullshit that is modern gender standards.
What is a man? What does it mean to be manly? What if in the process of striving to be manly you realize that in your heart of hearts you really want to be womanly?
Is it so strange a concept? It seems no less far-fetched than to live in a universe where humanity can walk on the moon.
Now imagine all of that, and multiply it by a factor of ten or some shit for teenagers and other insolent young people. Growing up is hard enough without all of the extended bullshit that gender brings to the table.
Do I entirely understand gender, trans or otherwise? No. Not even a little bit. Alas, despite my encyclopedic knowledge of literally every other subject in existence, the subject of gender is my one and only blind spot.
Until this point my knowledge of gender began and ended at which set of genitals were attached to which gender, then when I wasn’t looking everyone decided that they weren’t mutually exclusive. And it’s not like that’s a big deal. I don’t really give a toss one way or the other. I don’t make it a habit of questioning which genitals are attached to which person I meet in the bathroom. Eyes front, soldier.
Here’s a million dollar question for you. Do I have to understand gender, trans or otherwise? I don’t suppose I do. Understanding is what you call a bonus. It’s nice to have but it’s not something that’s actually required of anyone as far as I know.
In fact, I’m pretty sure that literally all that is required of us as a non-transgender people (also known as cisgender people) is that we don’t go out of our way to make the lives of transgender people worse. And really, that’s the way it works for all groups. While it would be extra bonus points if we support someone more directly, simply not supporting their enemies will suffice for most purposes, I should think.
“But Eagal!” I hear you say. “WON’T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!”
Let’s be honest here. You don’t give two soggy shits about the children. You’re using them as a prop. No judgement. I don’t especially care for children either, aside from generally hoping for their well-being as I do for all of humanity (against my own better judgement, I might add).
Are there some people in this world who are transgender and who also take actions that are detrimental to children? Well, yes, probably. It’s a big world out there. Lots of room for every combination of every type of person.
After all, the operative word in the phrase “transgender people” is “people” and as we both know, most people are shit.
How many is most? Let’s just say a notable percentage and leave it at that. Listed chief among those who are - by definition - not shit: my legions of wonderful followers. HINT HINT.
But “some” is not the same as “all” or even “most”. And if we’re on the subject, I’m wiling to wager a substantial amount of money that most child abusers in the world, both in raw numbers and per capita, are cisgendered - that is to say, people whose gender identity matches that which they were assigned at birth based on otherwise irrelevant sexual characteristics.
So why lay all the blame on transgender people? Could it be that you have an ulterior motive?
But let’s say, purely for the sake of argument that you have no ulterior motive and - for your own reasons that are not material at present - simply do not agree with the idea of transgender people. Perhaps you believe it is an affront to the idea of some sort of deity, who designed humanity just so and obviously wouldn’t have made a mistake.
No judgement. I understand completely. As I have observed before, people don’t change unless they want to change and they won’t want to change if they think they’re right.
But if we don’t agree with each other, can’t we say “You do your thing and I’ll do mine and ne’er the two need meet”? As long as no one is getting hurt, as long as no laws are being broken, who gives a shit? Mind your business. Check the branch in your own eye before worrying about the speck in your neighbor’s eye.
Women’s rights activists crying fascism when someone tries to ban the Nazi salute? Do you not understand why this is bad? Do you not see the problem with painting literal, non-figurative, actual Nazis as victims of the evil woke liberals?
I can’t recall precisely when it was just at the moment, but I believe that we had a conversation prior to this about people with different opinions than mine and what volcanoes they wouldn’t mind being hurled into. We should revisit that idea at some point.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 5 years
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One of Pokemon AU!Naoto’s dreams is to see Giovanni being defeated and arrested, if him being detained isn’t possible the team being wiped out is the second best treat she gets.
If you kick Giovanni’s ass and Naoto gets to know that/sees that happen she’ll come personally to thank you for delivering justice for the lost souls and getting silent revenge on her parents. She had her own reasons for that & isn’t telling that if you’re not super close on her
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