rnadett · 2 years
I feel a bit of Sense8 vibes the air.
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#savewarriornun 💪
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canonkate · 24 days
Bring me back to the good old days on here, not political bullshit and porn.
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lunasapphire · 18 days
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fettfleisch · 1 year
legacy editor - bring it back
@staff​ please bring back the legacy editor. Please make it possible for us to choose between the new and the goooooood old editor. The new one is messing up so many photo and video based blogs. It’s not working out with templates, layouts and aesthetics. This concerns almost every blog here, with only the newest ones being not affected. So please BRING BACK LEGACY EDITOR (THE OLD NORMAL EDITOR)!!!
share this please, if you feel the same
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juiceboxsteve · 7 days
You are making tumblr almost unusable for me. Between the ads and the “recommended” posts, I’m hardly seeing any of the blogs I follow. It is becoming a waste of my time trying to parse through the nonsense you are forcing on me.
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sometimesrufus · 1 year
Tumblr, for the love of everything: Stop trying to make desktop like mobile. It is horrible. I cannot tell you how much I hate this aesthetic. Would you like to have a mass exodus of users like Twitter? You’re well on your way.
Thank you.
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melamemea · 1 year
Honey , wake up , @staff made a mess again !
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saturnspoet · 8 months
Some kind of connection to be made with discord users should boost activity.
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bulllinachinashop · 1 year
Tumblr should have a feed for fanfic posts and reality based posts on their search engine result no cause why am I getting Severus Snape smut when i clearly want to see harry potter movie/book based content
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rufferto9 · 1 year
Tumblr please don’t try to be Twitter
1. I cannot stand it when I can’t see everything in order of when they were posted. Most of GenX is like this.
2. Everyone hates Twitter right now except for loudmouth bigots who since 2016 decided to be vocal about the fact that they are one but that’s where Everyone is so they are still using the site and that’s why.
3. Listen to the users that didn’t leave when you banned nsfw which was keeping this site alive. We bowed our heads and sighed at that shit, but we stayed. We had hope you wouldn’t try and be Twitter.
4. Listen to your users when we say we hate not being able to turn off Tumblr Live which is the cringiest cringe that ever cringed.
5. Please listen to us. Do not fuck this up more than you already have. I’d be far more interested in paying for Tumblr if it didn’t try to be Twitter. 
6. Nothing is wrong with cock and boobs as long as we can filter it properly and not get flooded with porn bot follows. What is wrong is people shoving religion down our throats and wanting to go back to 1950.
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vaes · 1 year
this new tumblr layout can actually eat shit. this is a hellscape
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victims-of · 2 years
Tumblr is Unsafe for Women
This post includes details about stalking and harassment
I started using this website when I was a teen girl. Almost immediately, I was followed by a man who started stalking me. He had already been on tumblr and part of it’s community, before I even joined and had already established stalking other women as well including 16 year old girls.
He post images of kids on his tumblr account, and images that were directed at us (the kids he was stalking.) He also had a youtube channel, and a twitter account where he made nasty jokes about us or jokes referencing sexual assault, jokes like “you’re fine - but how old is your little sister?”
I didn’t realize at first what was happening. It took time for me especially as a kid to recognize what was going on. One day on Facebook, one of my dad’s friends posted one of this man’s youtube videos. After that, I was no longer just being stalked by this older man on Tumblr, but also by more men twice my age that I knew in real life. At the same time, the pedophile on tumblr, he posted a bizarre rant one day. He started his post off by making a joke about masturbating to his ex-wife. He said he was stalking her and that he found her living in another country. He said he was mad that he dumped her and she moved on with her life. He was mad that even though he dumped her, she still had to be basically property to him. He started talking about how he was going to “travel”
After that heis tumblr account went silent. A week passed and one of the other young people he was stalking online, made a tumblr post about a strange man that tried to roofy them. A week passed, and another person he was stalking posted about a strange man waiting outside her apartments for her. The strange man told her “Don’t be scared. Let’s smoke weed together” but she was terrified.
I lived in fear during this time that he was traveling and looking for the group of kids he was stalking. I was constantly paranoid and ready to call the policed if I saw anything weird at all. I decided to block this man stalking me on tumblr. I deleted my tumblr account that he was following. I tried to make it so that he couldn’t stalk me anymore.
What happened after that, is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me in my life. The cruelty that I experienced is unbelievable and so disgusting. I tried to live anonymously online so he culdn’t find me. So no one could stalk me anymore. I was being harassed by a group of men twice my age at this point. It was this man stalking me on tumblr, who had definitely been in contact with men twice my age that were “friends of my family.” Basically creepy uncles.
But trying to get away from him pissed him off. He found my Facebook account, he found my anonymous tumblr account anyways. He started messaging anyone I followed on tumblr. Anyone I reblogged. Any page I liked on Facebook. He would tell these people to harass me for him, AND THEY WOULD DO IT.
I was a teen girl and this man was much older than me. They would join in and harass me anyways. Suddenly I was fully immersed in a wide scale harassment campaign. Everywhere I went online, I was being harassed for this pedophile. I know that employees that worked for Tumblr were part of it. On Tumblr, everyone called themselves “feminists” yet they still would harass and blame me for a man much older than me stalking me. They used homophobic cliches. They said that because I’m not straight, I’m the creepy one and I’m the problem and not the pedophile stalking me and other teen girls. It was the most homophobic hate campaign I’ve ever been through in my life.
On tumblr, they drew an MS Paint picture of me being sexually assaulted and reblogged it with each other to laugh about it and they purposely reblog it so I would have to look at it.  Every day I was being harassed by mobs of people online everywhere I went. I was being sexually harassed by them, and just harassed in general. Everyone just acted like it was funny, while still calling themselves “feminists.” I was just a teen girl, and I was contemplating suicide just to get away from the harassment. Eventually I had to stop using the internet all together. For a year I never looked at social media. I refused. It was all harassment.
I think because I removed myself from social media, that pissed off everyone harassing me and group-stalking me that they decided to dox me at my job.
I had creepy men showing up at my job and harassing me at my job. They talked to my coworkers, so my coworkers started harassing me to. I had to stop going to that job. And the harassment only continued to get worse after that
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digital-zombie · 2 years
I cannot believe this tumblr deleted my original main blog digitalzzombie. It used to be sapphicalienn. I'm so upset. No warning or anything.
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fettfleisch · 2 years
why do you have so many blogs ??
one reason is because i like to divide content depending on camera type, medium, etc. ...
the other reason is (and this goes out to @staff tumblr support) i really have trust issues towards Tumblr. this blog has been terminated already twice! out of sudden! with support explaining it to be a glitch or an error in the system every single time. shadowbanned has this account been once, too! "glitch" again.
has someone out there made similar experiences? i heard of a lot of people who have and on reddit there is even one single forum dedicated to it. check it out, it can spend support, if you are in a situation like that:
and yeah it's really like an unhealthy toxic relationship with Tumblr for me. it feels unstable. always threatened to loose everything. do you know this feeling?
you give lots of love into it, year over year. you build something up, make it your home. find your community. but underneath it all, you always have to have the feeling of loosing it all. like being kicked out of the door. like loosing trust in the person or the environment, which should be your field of trust #1.
Tumblr, this here, is the environment where people like we belong. where we feel at home at. Tumblr should never be a place to feel unsafe and withdraw confidence. we support Tumblr. we make it happen. so Tumblr should support us, too...
that's how it is and unfortunately it hasn't really changed for me. and because i have tons of content and produce all the time with different cameras and such, i decided to put out more on the one hand and on the other to use the other blogs as some kind of backup/sanctuary
they give me peace of mind, and that speaks a lot about social media and our relationship towards them nowadays. social media should make us independent. Not dependent...
what's your story?
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heckmeupbabe · 2 years
@staff. Since I have to block ~5 bots a day can we get rid of the gift notification?? I have to click off that to hit the block button 🙃
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thebillyengland · 2 years
Whatever you do, don't click "TUMBLR'S YEAR IN REVIEW". It's nothing but virtue signaling leftists propaganda --- in other words: degeneracy and trash.
@Tumblr in a nutshell.
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