#TW: some suggestive language towards the end
trevorendeavors · 1 year
So. That Florida Bathroom Bill, huh?
TW: bathroom bills, transphobia, internalized transphobia.
I ain’t beating around the bush. I will be using strong language here. If that ain’t your cup of tea or if you’re just here for my usual brand of gay fanart and fic, it’s okay to scroll past this post. Really. I won’t judge. This is one doozy of a vent.
For the people in my DMs asking me if I’m okay (as a trans person in Florida considering recent bathroom bill bullshit) I’m just… sitting here with an exasperated sigh.
It’s funny that the first time I hear of this is from a DM from someone on the other side of the world. I’ve been deliberately avoiding lgbt Florida news for some time because the more I think about it, the harder it is to be civil in transphobic conversations.
Last night I was deadnamed in front of a few people, and today at my graduation I’ll likely be deadnamed in front of a whole convention center. That’s what I get for not changing my name legally, huh. Oh well. Didn’t wanna go through all the paperwork just yet (in case I go for a different name) so I’m stuck with the one I’m sure I don’t want.
So again, I try not to think about it.
But yeah. It sucks.
Honestly? The bathroom bill doesn’t change much for me. It’s still the same shit as always.
The one time I went into the men’s restroom, I freaked out a cis guy so badly (poor dude was genuinely scared of ME accusing HIM of something bad) that I never did that again.
As for women’s restrooms (the one I most frequently use) that’s a whole other deal. Most days, I don’t pass. I’ll just go out and say that. I have a high voice, boobs, and a bit of hips. Some days I dress really feminine too, so it only makes sense. No one here is going to buy “see I LOOK like a woman but no see I’m secretly a ‘man but not quite’ inside but I wear makeup as a kind of exaggerated cosplay of a gender I am NOT, y’see?”
I don’t want to have a nuanced discussion of gender in the bathroom. Most people 30+ in age don’t even know what non-binary is and barely get the concept of trans. As much as I love being and educator and advocate, after a long road trip I want to piss and get on with my life. Also cis men have told me the horror stories of male bathrooms (how do you get shit ON the ceiling????) and then I’m thankful to have been “born a woman” or whatever.
Most days I don’t think about it too hard. But on my more dysphoric days or when on the blessed days I do genuinely pass more masc - when I go into the bathroom looking like this:
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I genuinely don’t know which bathroom to use.
It’s embarrassing. Especially when there’s no family restroom available. And when I go to the women’s restroom, I sometimes get these looks. Brief, surreptitious glances they think I don’t notice. To ease tensions, I lift my pitch and give a compliment. I even puff out my (binded) breasts slightly as if to say, “Yes, I have tits and a pussy, does that soothe your cisnormative and petty fears that I would assault you?”
Jesus, some days I wish I could say that quote outright. But I can’t, and I know it’s not fair to them. They’re scared, I get it. I remind them of a traumatic experience. Sometimes, certain people who have nothing to do a trauma invoke fears of it unintentionally by raising their voices or saying something off or even existing. But that’s MY responsibility to fucking deal with that. Other people can’t help existing.
By and large, people with transphobic tendencies here are usually nice. Beyond, nice even. They’ll help you host a spontaneous ice cream party. They’ll buy you allergy meds when you’re choking. They’ll take you in after your mother kicked you out. Like I said, genuinely sweet and kind people.
Which makes it harder when they accuse trans people of transitioning to skirt military drafts, to cheat at sports, to deal with mommy issues. When they equate gays to sex crimes (yes, the ones you’re thinking of). When they refuse to call you your full name. When they call you a baby who refuses to clean her pooped diapers.
I try to be nice. But by god, is my patience waning…
By. Fucking. god.
I’m tired of the way it’s affected me. Making me feel worth less than cis folks, like my feelings matter less. Even worse, I hate how it makes me jealous and spiteful towards younger trans folks in better situations. Younger trans folk I don’t understand. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not an excuse to mistreat them the way I was mistreated. And I’m genuinely glad that they’re living a better life. I have to work on these thoughts, it’s my responsibility. It would be nice, though, to live in a world where I could devote more energy to celebrating our collective existence instead of surviving it.
That being said, I’m grateful for the people here and in person who have stuck by my guns. The people who check in on my when shit gets worse in terms of politics.
What helps most?
What really helps is when people get mad WITH me. For so long I was told my anger was something to be stowed away, to be quietly extinguished with calm words or relieved by some masturbatory exercise of civil discourse. You know. Where you get off to talking civilly but don’t actually get anywhere and you still have to live in a world that was just as transphobic as before. I just want people to be pissed WITH me. To share in my anger and frustration. To join me as I slam the desk, flip the table, and cry to the heavens,
This fucking sucks
Right now this matters to me even more than action. These check ins, sharing in my anger - it helps, it really does. Makes me feel less alone in the world.
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If you are up for it could write more Justice League x Assistant reader?
That scenario did things to me honestly, and I can't find anything similar 😭
Maybe reader calls in sick and the each JL member goes to check on them unanounced (reader never told them were they lived but of course they'd know *sideeyes batman*) which end up on all the members questioning and pointing at each other *cue spider man meme*, because why are you at my darling's- I mean our Assistant's house!
Reader kicks everyone out except the gourmet chef batman brought to cook reader some chicken soup.
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A Day in Life: In Health and Sickness
Synopsis: A day in life were you, the Justice League's assistant, find out that sickness and a bunch of obsessed superheroes are just too much to bear all at once.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader; Platonic!Alfred Pennyworth
Tw: Nonconsensual (not sexual) touching; A single mention of obscene acts; Kinda breaking and entering; Reader gets physically restrained; Kinda forced infantilization? But not really, just humiliation; Some members of the League might be out of character bc I don't know them well enough; I was sleepy while revising and editing this so I might fix any mistakes I didn’t see later; English is not my 1st language.
Word count: 2,6k
Requested? Yes.
Extra notes: Thank you so much for your compliments and the request!! Your suggestion really gave me inspiration to write as soon as I saw it. It's not exactly what you asked for but I hope it's the same vibe and you like it!! Also I’ve seen all the requests for a part 2 of “He's My Collar”, but as stated here, I didn't answer bc I’m working on it! I just didn't have any ideas yet!
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
Whatever hit you today, it sucks. Yesterday, in the afternoon, you had a mild throbbing in your head, but not exactly a headache, at night, fever hit you, alongside a cough. Medicine helped enough but today you still felt a little warm, your head hurt, your nose was somehow stuffed and leaking at the same time. You've been awake for an hour and still just couldn't get yourself to care for your basic needs like showering and eating, let alone go to work, so you called in sick. At least you would have some piece for a day.
Or that's what you thought, until you heard some tapping on your window, scaring the shit out of you, and saw Superman outside with a sympathetic smile and holding a pharmacy bag, a crate of water bottles and food.
Ugh, of course you couldn't actually have some peace.
You took a deep breath to prepare yourself and got up, walking towards you bedroom window, and tried sticking your head outside, hoping he wouldn't enter your home if you kicked him out before, but before you could do anything else, he supersped inside and suddenly was at your side, making you dizzier.
— Hey! I heard what happened. How’re you feeling? — The alien’s face showcased his concern on his furrowed brows and he took a step too close (any step in your direction taken by one of the heroes was already too close for you), extending his arm forward to place the back of his hand in your forehead. You took a step back but he didn't seem to mind.
— Uh, I'm fine. You didn't need to come here. — Superman shook his head.
— I wanted to help. Here, I brought som- — Doorbell. The hero looked in the direction the sound came from, most likely using his X-Ray vision to look through the walls and doors, and squinted his eyes. Oh boy. — You called someone? — His voice is weirdly calm, contrasting with the way he abruptly starts marching out of your room and to the door.
Earlier you thought the fast exertion of movements would be too great for you, but apparently adrenaline was on your side, enough to follow him around as if you were the visitor inside your own place.
— I didn't. — You respond flatly and holding back a groan from annoyance, since you also didn't invite him.
Superman immediately opens the door as soon as it's within his reach and what's on the other side surprises you more than when you got the job at the watchtower.
— Superman. — Batman didn't seem surprised, but he also never showed emotions other than anger. — (Y/N). This is Penny-One. — He is surely referencing the old man well dressed on his side. — He is here to take care of you. — You raise an eyebrow, almost speechless.
— T-Take care of me? — You helplessly watch them invading your residency, painfully aware there's nothing you can do. Superman crossed his arms.
— This is not necessary, I came here to do just that. — Superman’s protest unfortunately doesn't give you any hint of how this will all turn out, nor does it scare Batman and his friend away..
— You have your own responsibilities. — Batman simply states. — You should go.
Penny-One simply turns to you.
— It's a pleasure, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N), even in your condition. Master Batman talks a lot about you. — You don't know what to stay and it probably shows, since no one waits much for your reaction before Penny-One is moving towards your kitchen and Batman and Superman continue with their argument.
You just go and sit down on your couch, questioning your life decisions and escape plans, which will have to wait until this damned curse leaves your body (and your home).
Your hands raise to rub your face and maybe give you some clearance, maybe wake you up from this nightmare, but keeping your eyes closed and sitting down only remind you of your condition. You feel worse or is it just your spirits? Either way, you let your body slide down until your side rests on the couch cushions, arms hugging your own body to try to have some warmth back. When did it become so cold?
At least their voices were low, as if trying not to bother you, it's a little soothing, especially with the promise of having food. Your eyes hurt just from staying open so you don't. At some point, some type of fabric is thrown over your body and a hand combs through your hair. You are too weak to do anything.
Next time you open your eyes, it's due to disturbing noises, your head is no longer on the arm of the couch and instead is laying on someone’s bare thighs. A pair of hands is running through your locks, and a really nice smell is in the air.
Did you fall asleep?
That would explain why your head is on fucking Wonder Woman's lap and she is looking at you lovingly. Also the fabric from before is Superman's cape.
You quickly shoot up, although just as fast, four or five pairs of hands, coming from seemingly out of nowhere — startling you even more — push you back down, you don't go without struggle, and soon, all hands disappear, green lights catch your attention and you can't move your body a single inch anymore. Somehow, you ended up restrained by a green and bright cocoon, as if you were soon to be a butterfly, only your face is free. Green Lantern’s construct.
— Hey, hey, calm down, hot stuff. I know she’s scary and you would never want to be close to anyone else but me, but you still need rest. — You're turned to the ceiling against your wishes. For some reason the fact that your whole body is covered doesn't give you the comfort nor the protection it should give you, instead, it reminds you of how vulnerable you are.
Your wide and paranoid eyes try to search for anything, since your head is being held in place. You can see Wonder Woman above you, glaring at something outside your line of vision, you are still in her lap. A bit of Aquaman’s blond hair on the bottom of your vision. And Batman, towering over you and the amazon, just observing as always.
— You can release them now, Green Lantern. — It's Superman's voice.
— He is not going to. — You see Batman saying at the same time another voice speaks the same sentence, making all of them turn in the direction of the sound, somewhere you can't see, but you recognize the voice. — He thinks they're weak and incapable of making decisions. — I'm sorry, who is weak and incapable of making decisions here? — He also wants to prove he is the only one capable of protecting and taking care of (Y/N), and impress them so they will fall right into his arms, call him a hero and give him a kiss… And other obscene things. — Batman smirks. Wonder Woman and another new and deep voice loudly laugh, the masculine voice being more obnoxious. Someone scoffs indignantly.
— Okay. Get out of my fucking head or I will make you. — The Lantern's voice sounds angry and you hear hurried footsteps. They wouldn't fight right here, right?! Right beside your sick body and in the middle of your crumpled apartament… It would make such a mess…
— I wasn't inside your head. Your thoughts were too loud, it's like you are screaming in my ear.
— I will make you scream! — You hear Superman superspeeding, probably getting in between the fighting duo.
— Ha- Green Lantern, calm down. No one will make anyone do anything here.
The agonizing feeling of restriction grows.
— WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? — You scream in a husky voice, panting right after. Everyone is silent and the next second, the construct moves you around until you're sitting up, back to the back of the couch. You are still being held and manhandled, but at least you're not in someone's lap and you can see something other than your ceiling.
Martian Manhunter is standing a few meters away from you, Superman by his side. Wonder Woman was still sitting beside you and doesn't look like getting up any time soon, Green Lantern makes his way to sit down on your other side, placing his arm around you, gladly you can't even feel it. Batman is still standing on the side of the couch, his cape covering his body. Aquaman is sitting in your armchair, his face laid on his hand, watching amused, if not a bit annoyed.
It's so weird seeing all of them, suited up, in the middle of your living room, and in plain daylight.
— We came here to nurse you back to health. — Wonder Woman speaks.
— Uhh, don't you think this is a little too much? — The heroes look at each other as if looking for the issue.
— I mean, yeah. I could do it alone, but for some reason when I got here, these freaks had already broken into your house. — Freak Lantern says, pointing an accusing finger at the other freaks in question, the trinity, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. — Those two came in later. — He nodded at Martian Manhunter and Aquaman, not giving them a single look, his eyes solely on you. Like everytime he insists on overly making eye contact with you, it's a bit uncanny. — Worry not, beautiful. I will kick them out for you. — Superman and Wonder Woman snort at his arrogance.
— You could go with them. I'm fine, I don't need help. I’ve been taking care of myself for years and can still do it. — You've been nice long enough, they crossed the line, they invaded your apartment, which is so unprofessional, and you need to set limits. They just look at you with pity.
— I am are aware of my neglect. — Neglect? — But it's going to be different now that we are reunited… — Uh? What is Manhunter talking about?
— Exactly. History has proven how men are unreliable and indifferent to others. I'm the only one you need, darling. — Wonder Woman caresses your face. — I don't even know what they think they are doing here…
— What are you doing here, princess? Don't you have mommy issues to fix or a guy named Steve Trevor to talk to? — The amazon furrowed her eyebrows and glared at the one sitting on your other side.
— Don't listen to him, (Y/N). I left Steve a long time ago, when I met you. — Girl, why? Go back to your man! Leave me alone! — What about Aquaman? Doesn't he have a kingdom to rule? — The man in question dismissed her answer with a hand movement.
— I’m protecting Atlantis’s future by making sure none of you get any ideas and (Y/N) survives their illness. — Batman shook his head.
— I’ve already made sure they're taken care of. You shouldn't be here. There's more important matters for us out there.
— Then why aren't you there?
Their battle of egos is just too fast for your slowed down brain to process and try to formulate any form of strategy. Before their banter gets worse, the older man from before reappears.
— Your soup is ready, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N). — Penny-One seems unbothered by the commotion around you, walking in with the source of the heavenly smell. Your mouth waters.
— Let me do it, Penny-One. — Wonder Woman gently offers and takes the bowl from him, along with the spoon. The Justice League makes sounds of disgust when they start watching her spoon feeding you (they wanted to be in her place).
You groan, complain, try to wiggle out of the construct but nothing works, especially with your fatigued and sick state. If you weren't claustrophobic before you might be from now on. You are clearly uncomfortable and practically begging to get out but for some reason they just won't listen. It gets to the point where as soon as you finish your soup — after realizing, again, that with those people it's just easier to surrender —, and take your medicine, Green Lantern’s temper apparently gets done with your whining and resistance, and he simply makes another construct. Now you have a pacifier in your mouth. It's your limit.
They start fighting again because some of them find it degrading, some like to hear your voice even if they know how close to cussing them out you are, and some think it's cute and prefer your quietness over your cries.
You can't move. You can't spit it out. You can't bite it off. You can't ask for help.
Green Lantern is rubbing your cheek while — slightly — mocking you. Wonder Woman is cooing at you, while trying to convince the Lantern to stop with his antics. Aquaman is clearly expressing he is on the Lantern’s side. Batman, Superman and Martian Manhunter are threatening him.
Frustration gets the better of you and the dam breaks loose. Now you are wrapped, with a pacifier and crying. Like a baby. In front of your bosses. In front of people who think you are vulnerable and need them. They're practically keeping you hostage. You didn't want them here. You told them no, countless times, and they just blatantly ignored your boundaries.
You have a pa-ci-fi-er. In. Your. Mouth.
And they are talking. They are ignoring you. They're been doing it for hours. No. Months. That's abuse.
This is the most emotion they ever got out of you and it immediately quiets everyone down. They're just staring at you, shocked. This whole thing is just a shitshow. A disaster. They're a curse. You are cursed.
It's so distracting that it makes Green Lantern lose his concentration, which is what fuels his ring’s power, and the constructs start dissipating.
You immediately get up and put as much distance between you and the team, who all have wide eyes and maybe had just now realized the gravity of the situation, while thinking about control damage.
You are searching desperately for how you could effectively kick them out, while also experiencing just the aftereffects of a new trauma, when it looks like it will get even worse. Flash zooms into the apartment.
— Hey, (Y/N)! Sorry I took so long! Busy Day. N-Not that I wouldn't quit anything and everything just to help you. I just now saw the notification that you took a day off today! W-What… W-What are you guys doing here…? — The speedster noticed after his rambles the he is not the only one in the middle of your living room, and points at the whole team, who is on the complete opposite side of you. They also point at him.
— You’re late. — Batman states.
— Slowest man alive. — Green Lantern calls out his friend.
Flash looks around as if gathering his thoughts and notices your distressed state. He turns completely to them, his back to you and him being between you and his team.
— What did you do to them? — At his demand, all of them start pointing at each other and giving some sort of explanation or their side of the story at the same time, turning it into unintelligible sounds, until your yell interrupts them.
— But-
— OUT!
— But, (Y/N)-
They grumble but comply. Penny-One, who was totally unfazed during the while ordeal, just sighs, and starts making his way with them. Until you take a timid step toward him and stop him.
— N-Not you… I-I mean the soup was really good and I don't think I will have the energy to cook later… I-If it's n-not bothering you… — The older man smiles placantinly at you.
— Of course, dear. I'm getting paid either way, might as well just finish my job here.
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kupidachillea · 26 days
Olympians x You (hcs or imagines)
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Author note: Geez, it’s been awhile. Sorry, I’ve been in bit of a funk, got both writers block and art block but I just want to drop this. I still have a few things in my drafts, but for now I’ll feed you guys this.
TW (trigger warning):This may have a few Yandere themes in it. And while the Olympians themselves aren’t really yanderes- they do share similar tendencies considering their myths. Please note that this isn’t completely accurate to their mythology- but it’s just a bit of fun so please take no offence and be nice in the comments.
CW (content warning)⚠️: readers either 17-18+ (to read this I mean), light mentions of nudity, molesting and sexual harassment, toxic behaviour. General (hinted) Yandere behaviour. Reader’s discretion is advised.
🏺- You weren’t sure how you got here but somehow you ended up on mount Olympus of all places.
🪡- Your brain was fuzzy and you hadn’t yet registered the 12 + looming faces above you. When you did notice, they were bickering in a language you didn’t understand (or at the very least, understood a little). It was jarring and you were still trying to get your bearings.
-🏺 You noticed one of them, a woman, dressed in garments fit for royalty (in ancient times at least) and had somewhat of a peacock aesthetic to it, yelling and pointing accusingly at a man, presumably her husband. She didn’t seem happy. Hera. Queen of the Olympians..that means the other must’ve been Zeus..oh boy
🪡- Zeus looked as if he was trying to quell his wife’s anger before things got more out of hand. There were a few others in the back that looked bored of the situation- as if a similar thing has happened before, while others looked mildly amused.
🏺- Despite all that- the argument seemed to have turned completely to you. Hera turning her rage towards you. “You! Where did you come from, how did you arrive here!?” She’d ask in anger, it was evident she had very little patience if any at all, thankfully though she was now speaking a language you could understand. You scrambled to answer her, your body trembling slightly at how her voice shook the marble floor you were sat on.
🪡- You tried to explain to her that you didn’t know how you got here. Your brain still fuzzy with images that didn’t clear up or make sense. This obviously didn’t help the Queen’s anger and you could see her patience slipping. She would scoff and turn back towards the other gods, them discussing what they should do with you.
🏺 - Some suggestions were thrown around, some you weren’t so fond of. Multiple times did they suggest either killing you or throwing you off the mountain (which would kill you anyway). However those ideas were shut down immediately by more ‘kindhearted’ gods. This hasn’t happened in centuries- a human spawning on top of their mountain out of the blue..they aren’t really prepared for this.
🪡- They were almost all out of ideas, until one golden haired music deity bent down to your height and took a closer look at you. His eyes shining as he took in your appearance before a smile started to work its way on his lips. “How about we keep them..?” He suddenly asked, his gaze still set on the little (little to them anyway) human in front of him.
🏺- This made everyone pause and even you were shocked by the suggestion. You found it ridiculous and you argued that despite how flattering it was- you didn’t want to stay with them and you wanted to be returned back to your home. The gods only seemed to ignore you, as if you were a child having an unreasonable temper tantrum. They were all considering keeping you here!
🪡- “Well…” Hermes started. You could tell since he was a bit shorter than the others and he had his signature winged sandals. “It has been quite awhile since the gods have had a plaything..” he would mutter reluctantly. He wasn’t entirely sold on the idea, despite how his father and brothers (most anyway) were grinning like idiots. You, obviously , did not appreciate being referred to as a plaything.
🏺- “Then it is settled..this little one shall be our new plaything!” Zeus grinned, a little too happy for both yours and Hera’s taste. You were about to give them a piece of your mind but was swiftly silenced by a threatening gaze from Hera..to your surprise. And thus began your horrible life with the Olympians..
🪡- You were stripped of your modern clothing and given a chiton to wear instead. “It’s too modern for our liking..” Aphrodite would say as she felt up your body in ways that made you shiver in discomfort. “We’re use to our people…how should I say this? Showing a little more skin…” the goddess of love would chuckle sweetly, while you would stare at her in embarrassment and maybe even a hint of disgust. While you could understand where she was coming from- it still didn’t stop you personally from being uncomfortable with they way she was touching you.
🏺-You’d also be dressed up in fine jewellery, much to your surprise..anklets of gold, bangles made of bronze, necklaces etc. sweet smelling oil perfumes covering your body- anything to make seem more ‘appealing’ to the gods and goddess. You were their plaything after all, so it made sense for them to dress you how they liked..no matter how much you disliked it.
🪡- They’d occasionally have you pour them wine at banquets or sit on their laps to just sit there and look pretty. The main gods that did this were of course Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon, definitely Dionysus and at some point Hermes. You didn’t really appreciate this, but rejecting their request would result in a ‘punishment’ for you.
🏺- To your surprise..Ares rarely touched you without your permission, but he was a little mean here and there. He along with Athena and Demeter weren’t as…’touchy’ as the others. And Artemis …you appreciated that..though just because they didn’t touch you in inappropriate ways doesn’t mean they weren’t as ‘crazy’ as the rest.
🪡- For example, while Artemis wasn’t big on being a pest in terms of touching you, she did take you out on hunts..which..wasn’t so bad in your opinion. It was much better than being up on the mountain most days..she thought a little more rationally- but of course- her twin, Apollo, would see you hanging out with his sister and get a little possessive about it. Which you didn’t understand- you weren’t any of their lovers (even if they thought so), but even so..most hunting trips were cut short because of him.
🏺- When you finally got moments to breathe away from the gods..you’d spend it out in the garden..hidden away from everyone and thing..it was your quiet time up until one of the gods summoned you. You found out that you weren’t the first human to be in this position (and probably not the last)..according to one of the lesser known gods (maybe Hebe) you were told that centuries before, a young lad was taken into the heavens to serve Zeus but had been placed into the stars as the constellation known as Aquarius.
🪡- You shivered at the thought..you didn’t want that to happen to you. To be placed in the stars? Doomed to forever look down on earth and watch your family and friends grow? It may have been an honour back then but to you it was almost like a death sentence.
🏺- Either way, life with the Olympians got harder to cope with. Your privacy was always compromised and you were forced to many things you didn’t like. Sometimes the gods would be as bold to sneak up on you while you were bathing and either join you in the pool or touching up your nude body.
🪡-Often giving excuses for why they would do so, or simply ignoring your protest. It wasn’t hard to manhandle you after all..they were gods, and you were a puny human. Why should they care about your thoughts and feelings. It progressively got worse with them kissing your neck or cheek without your permission too- Apollo was the main culprit of that..
🏺- Sometimes you found yourself crying in a corner by yourself at the situation you were in. The only person willing to comfort you being Hestia. She obviously didn’t approve of this but she couldn’t do much besides being a safe space for you to turn to, which you appreciated.
🪡- But no matter how you protest, run, hide, or try to defy them; you are still theirs. That how they see it anyway, and they won’t change their mind..
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soshirohoshinasimp · 3 months
Soshiro Hoshina when you size him up
inspired by: @Yoredoesmore (
Tw: Slight suggestive material, fluff, kissing, language. 
Wc: 701
Genre: Fluff/suggestive?? (does it count…?)
Note: sorry for any mistakes, once again typing on my phone.@jjkamochoso-main @imthecosmicbasball
Vice Captain Soshiro Hoshina, known to you as your boyfriend, had just wrapped up a grueling day battling kaiju, buried under a mountain of reports in his office. As a tech specialist for the department, your day involved monitoring and checking kaiju vitals. Having the desire to see your boyfriend again, you made up some bogus excuse to go see him. Skipping over to his office, you head into his office before knocking. “Excuse me, you have to knock before coming into my office!” he scoffed. “The fucking audacity”   You found him amidst the paperwork, despite his anger you entered with a smile.
His face lit up at the sight of you. "Oh, it’s just you Y/N-chan~!" he greeted cheerfully, before his expression returned to its stoic demeanor, diving back into the reports spread across his desk.
You approached softly, while he asked, "Why are you here, Y/N-chan?" His gaze remained fixated on the paperwork as you replied, "Just wanted to check on you, Vice-Captain Hoshina. Everything okay?"
"Shits tedious," he muttered, gesturing towards the stacks of documents. "Gotta do reports, which is so boring." His tone softened noticeably when he mentioned you. "But you always brighten up my day just by being here."
Wanting to lift his spirits, you decided to tease him playfully, knowing he found it cute when you did. You moved closer to his desk and got into a playful fighting stance.
"What are you doing?" he chuckled softly.
"Wanna go, bro?" you teased with mock confidence, throwing light air punches near his face. "Nah, you don’t want the smoke."
He simply looked at you with amusement, completely unfazed by your antics. "Yeah… you're probably trembling in fear by how intimidating I am," you teased further, pretending to throw an uppercut.
"Babe, sorry to break your heart. But you're not scary whatsoever," he countered playfully, regarding you with a look that suggested he found you adorable.
"Come on~! Boy, I'll have to let you know I am terrifying!" you continued to provoke him, maintaining your playful stance.
"Fine, if you insist," he finally relented, rolling back his chair and standing up. He went Into a mock fight stance.  
“Come at-” Before you could finish, he went at you
 with unsurprising speed that was as quick as a lightning bolt, he swiftly picked you up in a bridal hold, twirled you around, and placed you gently on his desk. You ended up facing him, with his hands firmly holding your waist, his face inches away from yours.
"Hey, that isn't fa—" you began, but he gently shushed you, leaning in closer.
"Guess I'll subdue ya," he murmured, releasing his left hand from your waist and gently placing it under your chin, urging you closer to him.
Caught off guard by his swift maneuver, you found yourself drawn in, inching closer to a kiss that seemed inevitable.
You could feel the heat spreading across your cheeks as his remaining hand slowly moved up from your waist to under your top, inching closer to your chest, , his fingers lightly grazing your skin.
 You opened your mouth to speak, but before any words could escape, his lips crashed against yours, silencing you in an instant. The intensity of his kiss was almost too much to bear, as if he couldn't get enough of you. Despite your best efforts to stay composed, your body began to betray you, responding to his touch with an almost primal desire. 
He pulled you closer, his arms encircling your waist.
 His kisses grew more demanding, his tongue exploring the depths of your mouth as he deepened the embrace. You could feel the heat radiating from his body as he pressed against you, his hands wandering over your body, igniting a fire within you that you couldn't ignore. 
Any sounds you made were muffled into his mouth. 
Oh god, hes really not going to do it with you in here, right...?
 Note: (thinking about making a series? Would it work?)
Note July 5th: Oh my gosh, I just realized my work is similar to another person's work. So I made a lot of changes and put their name at the top, so you can see their great work too.
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doki-doki-imagines · 7 months
Okay so I'm NOT the anon who requested the lin keui trio +earthrealm defenders reaction to y/n asking them to eat pineapple to make their cum taste better.
But I'm about to be the non-anon that requests a follow-up of the lin keui trio +earthrealm defenders reaction to seeing y/n EATING pineapple right in front of them afterwards to make their(y/n's) cum taste better.
Or even just for your name to say "I had pineapple" and guage reaction.
Fun ask, last time. Fun answer, too! Thank you for writing it. No pressure on this ask, love your work!
author note: sequel of this. I don't think I should laugh so much doing these kind of hcs LMAO. Also thanks for your kind words!!
tw: vulgar language, some suggestive but nothing nsfw is described.
If you like what I write consider tipping on my ko-fi
Johnny Cage: -He would do the nose flick and smile from one ear to the other. -Johnny is so showing off, he just misses the peacock's tail being wide open and he would be perfect. -"You'd really do anything to be eaten out by me, mh?" He says trying to block the new smile by biting his lower lip "Amazing technique, right?" -Best advice: fuck the arrogance out of him. It won't work but at least it will be a fun time.
Kenshi Takahashi: -He…he can't see you. -Kenshi understands you are drinking something, but he really can't tell what's inside. -"I have been drinking pineapple juice lately." You say trying to sound as smooth as possible. "That's good, it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties." He replies kissing your forehead. -Kenshi knows from the moment the fruit name rolled out from your lips where things were going. -Did you try to tease him? Send him a message? Too bad, ask nicely or even better, beg. He won't give up for anything less.
Kung Lao: -He looks at you with such as big smirk… -"So, are you getting ready for later?" Lao whispers in your ear, hands sliding toward your backside. "Yeah, I have to meet with Raiden." -1HKO. -Seems only right to tease him back.
Raiden: -He stutters a bit when he sees you gulping down a cup of the juice. -"You don't have to exaggerate. I appreciate the feeling, but don't hurt yourself." He says before softly knocking your foreheads together. -This guy can be so overwhelmingly sweet.
Liu Kang: -He looks at you, sitting on the kitchen chair while you gulp a big glass of pineapple juice down, your back towards the stove. -"I know what you are doing. You are so silly" He chuckles "Bend." "What?" You reply unimpressed putting the now empty glass on the counter. -"Bend." Liu Kang says again, but his voice is full of mirth. "Or what?" You challenge him. -It all happens in a second. You bat your eyes and you feel his strong hands on your forearms pushing you around and bending you down. "Or I'll do it. Let's see if the juice benefits already worked on your body." -They did not. But if you knew challenging authorities was so fun you would have done that way earlier!
Geras: -"I appreciate the effort, it warms my heart knowing my partner would go to such an extent, but-" He pushes away the glass from your lips "There are different diets that have the same effect. I know you hate pineapple juice." "Geras, I love you." You choke a bit on your spit, hating the taste in your mouth. -He chuckles at your words "It's my pleasure." -Geras doesn't have to look at the future to know you'll never drink that ever again.
Bi-Han: -The scowl is permanent on his face, but this time he isn't angry. -There is a tiny voice in the back of his mind screaming "they would do anything for you, for your pleasure!" -Bi-Han basks on the idea that his partner is wrapped around his thick fingers. -If you don't make any mistakes during the day you'll receive your prize in the evening…
Kuai Liang: -Well he drank it with no problem so he doesn't mind if you do either. -May want to try that dumb thing of crossing glasses but he ends up being too forceful making juice go down more on your face than your mouth. -You laugh so Liang isn't worried. -"Your shirt is stained, it will be a mess if we don't clean it up. Let me help you remove it…" -The shirt was soon forgotten.
Tomas Vrbada: -"At my three we both drink. 1, 2, 3-" "W-Wait I have a better idea…" Look neither of you likes pineapple juice that much and this looks more like torture than anything else. -So…Tomas put a finger at the bottom of your glass, pushing it towards your lips to make you drink a sip. -And then he kisses you! Sucking your lips and therefore the juice out of your mouth. Tomas also spills his juice on your neck, licking it up while hands travel south. -Look he is doing it for the both of you! A new way to enjoy such a mid beverage! -The fact that he wanted to fuck you senseless since tomorrow morning is totally not correlated.
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mypimpademia · 1 year
— Passenger Princess
Izuku x Black! Fem! Reader
Synopsis: Headcanons of what it’s like to be Izuku’s passenger princess
TW: Slightly (but briefly) suggestive towards the end
Bakugo version here!
⇶ One of Izuku’s primary love languages is quality time, so you being his passenger princess is inevitable
⇶ He loves to be with you all the time, and he feels like running around town with you rather than by himself is the perfect way to spend his day
⇶ Riding around with Izuku is something you do at least once a week, normally over the weekend when he has to run errands
⇶ Shoots you a text first thing in the morning, telling you good morning and asking if you wanna come spend the day with him
⇶ He’s an early riser, usually waking up around 5 AM and starting his day with a good workout, so you don’t respond till hours later and he’s okay with that
⇶ He keeps his notification sound on just to make sure he doesn’t miss it when you text back, happily agreeing to come with him
⇶ Izuku immediately puts down whatever weight he’s lifting, or stops his push ups or sit ups, and replies in an instant, telling you he’ll be over in an hour
⇶ Finishes up his workout then takes a quick shower and gets dressed in some sweatpants and a random hoodie before heading out
⇶ You always tell him that he doesn’t have to, but Izuku was raised a gentleman and everytime he comes to pick you up, he’d much rather come to your apartment door to get you instead of just making you walk out to his car
⇶ Always thinks you look the prettiest in a casual outfit, and little to no make up. His heart melts everytime you greet him with a glossy lipped grin, smelling like your favorite perfume
⇶ Never fails to get a kiss from you, despite your protests and whines about how you just put on lip gloss
⇶ On top of quality time, Izuku is alllll about acts of service
⇶ Before you even go anywhere, he asks if you need anything from anywhere
⇶ Won’t take no for an answer, even if you truly don’t need anything
⇶ Takes you to breakfast before anything if you haven’t eaten yet, and pays for the both of you
⇶ Izuku then proceeds to take you anywhere either of you need/want to go
⇶ He may be the one driving, but he still follows whatever you want like a lost puppy
⇶ If you even slightly mention something about going to Target, the beauty supply, Sephora, Ulta, or even IKEA, you can bet that’s where you’ll end up next
⇶ He’s got zero self restraint, and although he’s grown out of letting people walk all over him, he’s still a people pleaser to an extent, and will try and make his loved ones happy by any means
⇶ Especially you.
⇶ Throws anything that you even glance at into the cart
⇶ Don’t even say “Aw, that’s cute,” to anything, because he’ll offer to buy it for you on the spot no matter the price
⇶ Because he grew up with a single mother who did what she could to make sure he lived well, Izuku can be hesitant to spend money
⇶ But that only applies to him spending money on himself and others spending on him
⇶ No matter how much he loves something, if that price tag isn’t pretty, he’s not getting it.
⇶ But when it comes to you? You could drag him into every luxury store on Earth, and he’d swipe his card on every item you ring up without even looking at the price.
⇶ You never make him spend crazy amounts on you of course, but he denies you everytime you try and deny him buying you things
“What? You don’t love me anymore?”
He was exaggerating, of course. He knows you love him, but he gets pouty when you don’t let him show affection the way he wants to.
“Don’t start with that, Zuku,” you rolled your eyes. “And put that back, you are not getting me that. I wouldn’t even buy that for myself for that kind of money.”
Izuku kissed his teeth in response. He could be so sassy sometimes, only he would get this riled up about not being allowed to buy someone a necklace.
“Okay? That’s you,” he argued. “I’d buy it for you, you know I will.”
Emphasis on the ‘I will’, and not ‘I would’. Izuku has always been the stubborn type, and not even you could change that about him.
“Izuku, absolutely not,” you shook your head at him.
He sighed, walking up behind you and placing the gold rope chain against your collarbone.
“C‘mon angel,” he whispered. “You were just talking about how beautiful this was and how you love it so much. Lemme buy it for you.”
He was sweet talking you now, and it was working. You hated it.
“Izu, baby,” you started, but he cut you off before you could protest again.
“You’d look so good with it,” he put the necklace on you, clasping it and turning you towards a mirror. “See? And I could get you a pendant for it, maybe put your initial on it.”
Izuku pressed a soft kiss behind your ear.
“Or even mine.”
Your face was burning up, and you huffed in defeat.
“…How much is it, again?” You asked.
Izuku smiled at you threw the mirror.
“Don’t worry about that, princess.”
⇶ If the man ever went bankrupt, it’d be because of you, but he wouldn’t even complain
⇶ As much as he loves to spoil you on your shopping trips, grocery shopping is his favorite
⇶ It feels so intimate and domestic, he seriously considers proposing to you then and there
⇶ Picking out veggies that look fresh, seeing which fruits are ripened to your liking, and buying extras of things just because they’re on a good sale
⇶ Groceries are always your last activity of the day, just because you always run around doing so much, Izuku doesn’t want to have fresh food sitting in his car for hours on end
⇶ But he always loves walking around with you from aisle to aisle looking for what you need and checking off the grocery list
⇶ Once again urges you to get anything you need or want, and still won’t take no for an answer
⇶ Sometimes, you just pick up a pack of gum or some candy at the register so he stops asking
⇶ Izuku never wants to leave you when the day is coming to an end, so you always go back to his place to put away groceries and cook some dinner together while he convinces you to stay the night
⇶ He’s lucky he’s a pretty boy that’s got a way with words, otherwise, all his sweet talking would never work
⇶ You already have everything you would need at his house. Shower supplies, your usually lotion and other moisturizers, clothes, and more bonnets than anyone needs
⇶ And of course there’s two of every bonnet, just so he can match you
⇶ After dinner, you take a shower together
⇶ Aside from Izuku not knowing how to keep his hands to himself when he offers to wash you, showering with him is relaxing and endearing
⇶ He holds you whole hot water runs over you both, fixes your shower cap so your hair doesn’t get wet, and lets you wash his face for him
⇶ On top of your matching bonnets, you have matching pjs as well, and a lot of your sets are hero themed, naturally
⇶ Izuku lights up a vanilla scented candle, then gets an assortment of snacks from the kitchen while you pick out a movie or a show to binge watch
⇶ And after a long, hard, and oh so draining day of sitting pretty in Izuku’s passenger seat while he buys you anything and everything, you fall asleep on the couch with him, curled under a blanket, and wrapped in his arms <3
Taglist: @megurulvr @miirene @planetlunaa @romiantic @szaplsdropthealbum @dreampurpledreams @goldenglow149 @gender-queery @roaringlion @cosmiles @tatiquichi @kxtsxkii @lillizxzz @starsoir
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atinyniki · 11 months
two is better than one
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group: stray kids !
pairing: idol!lee felix x f!reader
genre: fluff, angst, slightly suggestive
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, established relationships, felix is referred to as lix, and lixie, petnames, pregnancy, mentions of a previous miscarriage, vomiting, childbirth, allusions to sex, suggestive
authors note: yayyy !!! i loved writing this series so much but this will probably be the last part. hope you enjoy the happy ending this time :) this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 3180
(pt. 1) || (pt. 2)
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TW, PROCEED WITH CAUTION: mentions of a previous miscarriage
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“i made you some food, you wanna come try?”
you get off the bed, walking over to where felix is standing at your door. you mumble a ‘mhm’ and follow him into the kitchen. life never got easier after what happened to your little sprout. you missed her so much.
you walk by the nursery room, your eyes lingering on the pink curtains for a little bit, then continue to follow felix. you never had the strength to abandon that nursery, sometimes still cleaning it when you’re feeling lonely.
you sit down with felix, an array of brownies on a platter with jjamppong, one of your favorite dishes made by felix. “thank you lixie”, you say with a meek smile. he smiles back, the sparkle in his eyes still dull.
you’ve gotten better, it’s been almost eight months now, but the pain will never be easy to deal with. you both continue to eat, staring at each other every so often. 
his leg brushes against yours, just wanting to feel you there with him. felix hasn’t been doing too well, especially with comeback pressure, but he’s glad he took a break for you.
his hand wraps around your waist, pulling you closer to him and resting his head on your shoulder. it was moments like these that you felt safe, only being surrounded by felix. “i love you y/n”
you smile, running your nails along his spine. “mmm, i love you too lix”
you both finish your food, finally grabbing the brownies from the plate. you shove it into your face after craving a sweet treat for so long, felix jerking his head towards you, looking at you with wide eyes. 
he tries to hold in his laugh, but it ends up coming out as a sputter, eyes crinkling in the process. “babe… you got chocolate… literally everywhere”, he chuckles.
you stare back at him, a little dumbfounded. you haven’t seen him laugh all that much in a while, you’re glad it was you who cheered him up a little. “oops… sorry”, you said with a smile.
he kisses you, licking the sweet chocolate off your face and smiling at you again. your foreheads are pressed together, making the moment far more intimate than you thought it’d be. he pulls you in closer again, “i love you lots, i really do”
“i know, i love you too felix”, you say as you place a peck on his nose. you both smile at each other, not breaking eye contact as if you’re afraid the moment will end if you do. 
you both deserve to be happy. this is your chance.
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“i’m read- woah…”
felix stares at you like you’ve just hung stars in the sky, his eyes trailing further and further down your body. you’re in a gorgeous black dress that hugs each and every one of your curves beautifully, you’ve never tried it on until today.
“do you… like it?”, you asked him nervously. 
his eyes shoot back up to yours, giving you a bright smile. “you look so beautiful, my love”
you don’t hear that pet name all that often. it’s normally reserved for softer, more intimate moments, but he couldn’t help himself. you walk over to him and wrap your arms around him tightly.
you look up at him, slowly closing the gap between you both as your lips meet in a soft kiss. no kiss had ever felt so heavenly to you since the incident. 
felix cups his small hand over your cheek, stroking it lovingly with his thumb and smiling at you. he turns you around to face the bathroom mirror, eyes widening when he sees the ring of red around his lips.
you both begin to laugh after a little while, a sudden comfort washing over you. you lean over to grab a wipe, clearing the lipstick off his face. you quickly apply your mascara and then head out. 
you want to treat him well today. it is his birthday after all.
you enjoy dinner with him that night, your mind finally cleared for a little while. all you could think about was making felix happy that night, and you did so.
“did you have fun darling?”
felix hummed in satisfaction, kissing your forehead before bringing you into your home. before you could even make it to your room, you kissed him again, on the lips this time, catching him by surprise.
“baby, why do you keep-“, you cut him off with another kiss, this time tugging at his shirt. you needed him again. you wanted to give it another chance.
“felix i think… i think im finally ready…”
his eyes widen. were you really thinking about trying again? 
you knew how much he wanted this.
“you mean… i- you want to try again?”
you look up into his eyes, smiling at him. you proceed to kiss him once again, whispering into his lips, “yes, please…?”
without a second thought, felix picks you up bridal style and brings you to his room, setting you down on your shared bed. 
he kisses all over your face and neck, making sure to put you first. “are you sure?”
you smile at him, intertwining your fingers with his. “i’m sure lixie.”
he smiles wider than he has in a while, carefully removing your clothes. his fingers trail over every single stretch mark, kissing them after. “so beautiful…”, he mumbled.
felix makes the sweetest love to you, chasing mainly after your pleasure. soon after, you’re laying on your back with clean clothes and damp hair, but you don’t know how you got here. 
all of a sudden, you see felix with a large shirt on, baggy sweats to go along with them. you smile at him, tears slowly starting to leave your eyes.
he rushes over to the spot on the bed beside you, “hey hey hey why are you crying baby? are you not ready? we can always get a night after pill?”
you pull him closer to you, hugging his chest and kissing him softly. “no i’m ready, you just…”
“i what? did i do something wrong?”
“no… you’re just so caring for me and- i don’t know… i guess im just really happy. i’m so grateful for you felix”, you reply.
felix is stunned by the sincerity in your voice, but still hugs you back nonetheless. he knows you’re vulnerable right now, but he’s also worried about what is to come. 
what if it happens again…?
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“felix!”, you yell out. felix rushes to the bathroom, “what?! what happened?! what’s wro-“
you shove the pregnancy test in his face, a large smile plastered on yours. his eyes widen, quickly filling with tears. he doesn’t say anything, he just hugs you and kisses all over your face.
you giggle, and he smiles, your laugh is music to his ears. he slowly sinks to his knees, pulling your shirt up a little to rub over your tummy. he peppers a couple kisses on it, and stands back up to look at you. 
“baby… i can’t wait”
you smile at his words, finally feeling happy again after so long. “i love you felix”
“i love you more y/nnie”
he hugs you to his chest once again, rubbing circles onto your back. “we’ll be okay. i know it.”
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you bite you lip nervously as you wait for the doctor to come in. “hey baby, it’s fine, don’t worry”
it’s your first ultrasound after little sprout, and you’re a little worried about your baby. you’ve been throwing up much more than before, and the symptoms seem to be more intense.
“hey, sorry for the wait, we had to take care of a couple of things. how are you feeling?”
you went through the formalities with the doctor, eager for your ultrasound. once you see the doctor pull out the gel, you immediately relaxed onto the bed and sighed. felix was busy playing with your fingers, trying his best to distract you from your dark thoughts.
your eyes dart to the screen, seeing a little blob of white in the frame. your smile comes back, when the doctors voice breaks you out of your thoughts. “oh? hold on…”
your heart sinks into your stomach, “is everything okay?”
“everything should be fine, but… oh!”
her eyes meet yours again. “congratulations, you’re having twins!”, she says with a smile.
your heart jumps back into place. you turn your head to look at felix who is smiling so incredibly brightly at you. he squeezes your hand, tears brimming in his eyes. you squeeze his hand back.
you continue talking about the regular concerns with the doctor, making sure everything is okay. “this would probably explain why your symptoms are slightly stronger. they shouldn’t be too strong, but if they ever do get too bad please give us a call.”
she leaves the room not too long after, you and felix hugging eachother tightly. “oh my gosh i can’t believe it!”, you breathed out. felix buried his face into your neck again, pulling you close. 
he looks up just to smile at you, before pushing his head back down again. “i’m so proud of you.”
“i’m proud of you too, lix”
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“seungmins a wizard. i’m betting on it.”, jisung yells.
all of you break out into laughter, “a wizard?”, you ask incredulously.
“yes y/n. a fucking wizard. because how did he guess the gender right again? he had a higher chance to get it wrong this time, but he’s gotten it right every time!”
felix is smiling as wide as the earth right now, he can’t believe it. one boy and one girl, the best of both worlds. he is so excited to give them all the love he had to give.
you two had fun the entire day, forgetting about your worries and finally letting lose. the boys were attentive as ever, but nothing would compare to felix.
he held you close the entire day, rubbing soothing circles over your tummy and hugging you every so often. you haven’t felt this happy in months, and you owed most of it to him.
“thank you for today, i love you lix”
“i love you too peach”
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“how can you even crave this shit. chocolate tteok sounds disgusting”, minho chuckles.
“it is disgusting, but it’s so fulfilling”
“okay, whatever you say, lady”
you’re glad minho always comes over to help with cravings, seeming that felix can’t seem to cook anything other than the basics without a recipe. 
the three of you talk a lot more about plans for the future, already buying new shades of paint for the walls of your nursery. you were beyond excited, you just hoped nothing would happen this time.
felix has been incredibly cautious with you recently, trying to ease your pain in any way possible. he would always make sure to pick out a more supportive bra when dressing you, always treating you like a princess.
he loves to hold your baby bump up from time to time, making sure the weight doesn’t become too much for you. you’re glad he’s home more often. 
you never want this to end.
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you’re nearing your eighth month, it’s a lot more difficult than you expected. felix makes sure to help in anyway he possibly can, bringing you everything you need when he’s actually home.
you two have decided that you’d be responsible for your childrens’ shopping. felix would buy pink clothes for your little guppy, and you’d buy blue clothes for your little nugget. 
you’ve been really excited about it all, especially after seeing how happy felix is, but you can’t truly be as happy as you want to. the fear is always there. what if something happens again?
you’re laying in bed now, tired and incredibly worn out. “y/nnieeee”, you hear from outside the door. “hm?”
felix comes in, stopping for a second when he sees you sprawled out on the bed. he quickly darts to sit next to you, holding you in his arms and kissing your cheek half a million times. “i love youuuu”
you couldn’t help but laugh at how adorable he looks right now. “i love you too felix, what was all that for?”
he doesn’t say anything yet, just tucking his face in your neck and holding a hand onto your bump. “so pretty…”, he mumbled. he places open-mouthed kisses all over your neck, you can feel his smile.
you nuzzle your face into him, finally letting sleep wash over you after so long. 
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you smile at him a little “you have to wake up, you have work”
after a long night of movies you both fell asleep on the couch, nuzzled into eachother and limbs tangled like a pretzel. 
“please, lix?”
“mmph finee”, he says with a pout. you give him a quick kiss, watching him dart into the bedroom not too long after. you get up to make him some coffee before he leaves, packing up a brownie for breakfast.
he walks back out the room, already seeing you in the kitchen. he quickly walks over to you and wraps you in a hug from behind, holding your bump and kissing your neck repeatedly.
“oh my gosh. i love you so much, you know that?”
you smile, “i love you too baby”. you aren’t quite sure why felix has been so incredibly affectionate to you recently, but you don’t seem to mind it too much. 
not too long after, felix leaves for work, leaving you alone in your home. you quickly finished breakfast, making your way back to your room where you slept for a while. blood still stained the carpet next to the bathroom. you try not to think about it as much. 
you wake up from a much needed nap, slowly getting up to wash up. there’s a feeling of discomfort in between your legs again, and your heart stops. you quickly dial felix’s number.
“what’s wrong baby? are you okay?”, he asks frantically.
“can you come home? i feel… weird”
he mumbled something, you couldn’t hear over the car engine starting. he quickly drove over to your house, finding you already in the bedroom.
“baby what’s wrong?”, he splays a hand over your bump.
you suddenly feel something trickling down your legs, and your eyes dart down. it starts seeping through your clothes, when you feel a little pop. the liquid is now gushing out of you, mouth hung agape.
felix grabs your hospital bag in an instant, bringing you to the car to take you to the hospital. his smile reaches his eyes, he can’t believe this is happening. there is still some internal panic though, you can tell.
you quickly make your way there, going through the entire procedure. you lay on the bed, the only people in the room being felix and a nurse. the contractions feel like a sharp pain shooting through your stomach, but you still try to push regardless.
the nurse calls in a doctor, finally telling you to push. the process goes on for almost an hour, and you’re left weak after the first couple. it feels like you’re pushing a watermelon out of a lemon sized hole. 
felix is holding onto your hand, rubbing circles onto your knuckles and reassuring you every so often. it helped distract you from the pain, but it was suddenly starting to become unbearable. 
sweat was dripping down your face, and suddenly, you feel a large stretch. the pain is unimaginable, and then you realize that you’ve just pushed out their head. you continue to push harder, a newfound determination in you.
your guppy comes first, wailing and a deep red. you continue pushing, “you got this baby”
a million questions run through your mind. ‘what if the baby isn’t okay?’ ‘what if something goes wrong again?’
nonetheless, you continue pushing, and you finally get your little nugget out. once you see him, your entire world stops. you didn’t hear crying. the nurses rush him to another room, and you’re left with felix and another nurse. 
the nurse and felix both reassure you that everything is going to be okay, but felix sounds uneasy. he feels like he could pass out in any moment. 
you finally get to hold your guppy, eunji, you’ve decided to call her. the tears finally spring free, a huge smile on your face after finally getting to hold your baby girl. you turn to look at felix who has a smile on his face, but his mind is still plagued with thoughts about your eunjae.
the longer time passes, felix’s heart sinks more and more. the nurses distract you, but their efforts go unnoticed to felix. all of a sudden, the doors open, and you hear your eunjae for the first time.
felix finally lets go, silent cries shaking his body as he stares at his little boy. “he’s so beautiful…” 
your heart swells at the sight of them, the happiest of tears streaming down your face. felix finally gets to hold the both of them, careful not to be too rough to their delicate skin. you look at felix, who’s staring at eunji, heart beating a thousand times per second. 
the love he’s shown the both of them just today alone makes you excited for the future. you know he’s going to be an amazing dad.
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“are you crying?!”, changbin exclaimed.
“having kids is a beautiful thing changbin, shut up.”, seungmin retorted.
the boys are having a blast with eunjae, watching him squirm and giggle in chans arms. hyunjin goes to hold him, but eunjaes eyes widen. suddenly, he cries and flails his legs, mouth wide open. scared, hyunjin lowers him back into chans arms and holds up a toy maraca, shaking it in front of him.
seungmin is sitting on the couch with the both of you, far away from the rest of the boys and little eunji in his arms. “hi sweetpea”, he coos. you’ve never seen seungmin be so soft towards someone, but you decided not to comment on it.
felix is grinning at seungmin, still unable to believe that seungmin is truly acting this way toward his daughter. his eyes are still bloodshot from crying earlier, tears still threatening to spill. “she’s so pretty…” 
you almost cried at the sight of seungmin with your daughter. he looked just like an older brother holding his little sister for the first time. you all continue to have fun, eunji giggling every so often with seungmin.
you watch as he pulls up his calendar in his free hand, quickly handing you eunji and calling his girlfriend. you’re a little confused, sharing the look with felix. 
suddenly she picks up. “seungie?”
“get ready. we’re having a baby.”
your jaw drops, along with felix’s. 
“WHAT?!”, she’s so loud you can hear her through the phone. seungmin continues talking, quickly saying his goodbyes and rushing out the door. you and felix start laughing after the initial shock has worn off. 
so much for a soft moment i guess…
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sashi-ya · 4 months
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𝑨𝑩𝑶𝑽𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑪𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑫𝑺 ⛈ [chapter 2: nothing goes as planned] 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐭! 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐰 𝐱 𝐅! 𝐂𝐄𝐎! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫.
⇝ Interactive fic format welcome to the second chapter! remember, this is an interactive fic! how does it work? by the end of the chapter you will find a poll section where you will be able to vote for what's coming in the next one! what will reader do? what will be the consequences? have fun! ⇝ tw: the story is set to be an awakening for reader. you will find topics as loneliness, hints of depression and suicidal tendencies. be specially careful if this topics are triggering for you. This chapter contains: suggestive language, not fully +18. Alcohol usage. airplane vocabulary, nothing too fancy. ⇝ don't forget to vote at the end of every chapter! ⇝ masterlist
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“Please, my plans aren’t more important that any life?” you scoff, as you climb the few steps of the plane ladder. “My plans are more important than most of the lives of all of you”
You turn around, making your hair swift with the motion. What an attractive devil Law has right in front of him…
“If you are scared to fly, just say it” you keep mocking him, letting your body weight be only carried by your right arm that gripped the little handle on the plane’s fuselage.
Law’s eyes fix on yours. His frown intensifies, and you can clearly read his mind; “what an immature, whimsical woman she is” -or maybe, that’s just your inner voice.
A sudden blinding light strikes you both, followed by a loud strong explosive noise. You jump, scared, letting go of the handle… falling back; right in warm, strong arms.
“Tch… it was just thunder” he huffs, holding you tightly.
You can see his sharp mandible, the muscles of his neck. The scent of his skin, perfumed with soft manly notes, reaches your nostrils; and for the first time in months the muscles on your lower belly, spasm.
“You surely want to die, don’t you… (Name)-ya?” he mutters; while helping you stand back on your feet.
Had you fall in any other situation, probably nobody had been able to catch you; but tonight, as if everything that had been happening today was a damn analogy, you fell in -and probably for- the arms of a tattooed angel.
“Boss. Call me boss… and thank you” you start your speech annoyed, you finished embarrassed. You stand back up, feeling your skin complain as his hands abandon  your arms.
“You aren’t my boss. Get in the plane, it’s dangerous to stay here. We could be strike by lighting if we are outside” he grunts, looking away from your clearly hot -ashamed- cheeks.
Quickly, you climb the ladder again. This time, you immediately get inside the plane. Safe and sound, with your heart racing and your insides… shaking.
You sit on the first office seat in the cockpit, looking at everything else but him. A slight tremble takes over your hands, and you still have no exactly idea why.
“Checklist?” you mumble, extending your arm towards him as he sits right by your side.
Law sits back, relaxed.
“You still wanna fly after all…” he laughs, sarcastically. “Shouldn’t you start by fastening your seatbelt? he continues, stretching over the middle console towards you.
Inked hands skilfully -and goddamn sexily- grab the seatbelt to tighten it around your hips and over your lower belly.
Yet again, your muscles tense. And your core, begs you to give it some kind of relief.
“I can do it myself” you grunt. “You can, but you won’t do it. Apparently I am here to babysit you, rather than flying” he says, crossing a limit nobody dared to cross before with you.
Too stunned to speak, your eyelid twitches. In between wanting to slit his throat with your nails and letting him keep humiliating you… you chose to stay silent.
The roaring sky ahead catches your attention, leaving the bodily demands aside.
“Let’s go” you order. “Let’s go…” he complies.
A soft vibrating motion takes over your body as the plane engines turn on; the nose faces the private runway ahead and it’s a matter of minutes since you begin to race to be airborne. Of course, illegally… that’s it.
The stronger winds play with the flexible wings while still on the ground, and the last checks before the departure get the best of your attention.
But, not everything seems to be going your way -that is, of course, if you underestimate the weather conditions-.
Law proceeds to check an essential part of the aircraft; two devices that basically allow the plane to fly.
His hands, turn on the switch. But it does nothing. He does it again. Nothing.
“Flaps not working” Law informs. “Wha- FLAPS NOT WORKING?” you protest, believing it has to be some kind of joke or him being not well trained enough.
But in fact, Law was not wrong. And your old trusty freedom device, has a tremendous failure that wont allow you to fly.
“WHAT. THE. FUCK?!” you scream, with the plane still taxiing towards the needed position on the runway.
Law, amazed, looks at you with open eyes. It is, perhaps, the first time you have let someone else to see such reaction; you are known for being serious and of course, put up while being under stressful situations.
Not only the flaps check fails, but also engine number one stops all of a sudden. There is, at least to you, no possible cause for this happening but destiny playing its part to annoy you.  
“Nothing seems to go as planned” Law scoffs, however this time a little bit creeped out. Had that failure taken place during the crucial moments of the flight, consequences would have been a lot more serious.
“Fuck this shit” you repeat, as both of you stop the remaining working engine and you take your headset off with a non-very womanly manner.
The truth is that you are both on that -useless- metallic capsule, stranded on the middle of the runway. With no, now, possible way to go back to the hangar.
“I’m getting off this shit” you spit, venously. “With pouring rain AND a high chance of getting stricken by lightning?” Law says, getting comfortable as he is prepared to wait for the storm to pass until going back.
You sigh. A sign of tiredness and weakness? Maybe. But you just can’t deal with this yourself anymore. That important meeting you had in London, really needed to be attended.
“You know what? Never mind. You are right” you stand up, crawling on top of the middle console. Legs are exhibited, legs are shown off. Your legs are adored by Law’s steel eyes.
You walk towards the back of the jet; for your comfort, just two rows of seats have been left and the rest have been taken away to give enough space for the remaining seats to be extended as beds.
You flop into one of them, playing with the buttons on the arm rest to adjust your seat to you preference. Your legs needed a rest. Your head, as well.
Law, who is still on the copilot’s seat, admires in awe every of your movements. Is he allowed to sit next to you? to turn his seat to the bed settings, too?
“If you want something to drink, grab yourself something from the fridge on the right” you mumble, with your left forearm covering your eyes and your right index pointing at the minibar section on your side.
Law, like a snow leopard does during winter storms, slides silently to the back.
He is, probably, not thirsty for drinks quite exactly. But, he scans the mini fridge anyway.
The only light that is now shining inside is the one coming from the minibar. And of course, the thunder outside.
From champagne to the finest liquors, there is a wide range of alcoholic elixirs. Swiss chocolate, and various snacks are also there for him to grab.
“Wait, you might be a little too young to drink” you stand up, just a little, to look at him. Trying to piss him off, maybe as a way of entertaining yourself while the plane rocks softly to the wind storm outside.
“I’m perfectly legal, what-“ Law seems confused, he is not sure if you are joking or not. In any case, and moved by those daring simple words, he picks the strongest liquor to drink.
You smirk, just a little. You are still a boss…  “No glasses, bring the bottle”
Law also smirks; “right from the bottle? She must be desperate”
You sit comfortably, while he does the same right by your side. The fuselage is anything but spacious, but it is enough for you two to fit at least a few inches from the other.
“You go first… lady” he murmurs, giving you the heavy bottle of thousands of euros.
You snatch it off from his tattooed hand, nails scratching his palm making his skin to turn all bumpy.
The plop of the crystal plug and the immediate ethyl scent reaches your nostrils.  It smells like a tomorrow’s headache, like a pain on your right side of your body and of course of many bad decisions to be taken from now on.
And there it goes, the first drop and the following and the next one, reaching your lips and tongue, burning its pass through your throat. It floods your worries, or maybe it make them even worse.
Thing is, the right hand of that inked hottie finally takes the bottle of your lips with a soft but precise snatch.
“My turn” he mutters, fixing his intense eyes on your already blurred ones.
“Just a little, I must warn you… it’s strong” you urge.
He scoffs, and with a sexy smirk he tips up the bottle.
You can’t help but bite a little bit of your inside of your mouth, as he swallows that alcoholic liquid. The way his Adam’s apple move with each gulp, and the muscles of his neck moving along with it… it is just pure erotic artistry.
“Maybe that’s what I like the most about this… deadly, strong but also a little bit weak” he says, with an even raspier low voice. Because sure, he was making a comment on your liquor..
You shake your head to ease the enchantment; but the shiny lips that he now shows off are making you nervous.
“My. Turn.” You word, even if that seemed difficult to do. “You are trying to get drunk, (Name)-ya?” he laughs, shaking the bottle right by your nose and taking it away from you while your clumsy hands try to grab it.
Yet again, humiliated. Why can’t I react? Why my body keeps moving on its own? Am I a girl trying to take a toy from another kid?
You crawl a little on top of the armrests that separates your chair from his. Your skirt lifts just a little, but still exposing more than what Law could have asked for. Your shirt, that has stopped looking professional, opens just enough to make the man in front of you on the verge of hardness.
“Give it back” you order -plead-. “Say please” Law takes the risk, and orders you back.
You open your eyes bigger, noticing how close your bodies have become.
“Please, give it back” you mutter, embarrassing yourself once more.
Law smiles, this time looking like a demon. “Open wide, you are already a little tipsy… just a little bit would be enough”
Without hesitation you open your mouth; your tongue, a little outside your mouth, rests on your lower lip. Like a thirsty, brainless slave of him, you wait.
“That’s…” Law gasps. He wasn’t expecting such reaction. “Ok… then, open wide…”
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russellsppttemplates · 11 months
It's time I take a stepback (Mick Schumacher)
Becoming parents of three makes you and Mick wonder if a change in the routine is the best option
Note: english is not my first language. I'm a sucker for dad!driver as I've said before, so here's another piece!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: pregnancy
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"So no more work for me?", you frowned. For all you knew, this was going to be a regular check up with your OB, but it didn't seem like the ones you had been in before.
"It's my advice, yes", she noted, "even though your last pregnancies were fine, and we are expecting this one to be, too, its better to be safe. The guidelines we have for people your age and with these numbers suggest that, whenever it is possible, you should rest more towards the end of the pregnancy". As she typed what you assumed your leave on the computer, your husband grabbed your hand in his, resting it on your thigh, squeezing it lightly.
"Should we keep an eye out for anything?", Mick questioned, "the usual signs, really. I know it's only busier now since you have your two little ones at home, but resting as much as possible while still keeping active, drinking loads of water and good eating. If there is anything suspicious, you can just call me or text me", she smiled, handing you the copy and getting up, "thank you so much, have a nice day", you managed to say.
The walk back to the car was done in silence, Mick closing the door on your side before getting to the driver's seat, "whatever you want to say, you can say it now, liebling. I've been with your for a long time and I know when you are keeping something, and you know I won't judge your thoughts", he teased, finding his attempt at making you smile successful.
"What does she mean 'with people your age and numbers'? Was she calling me fat? Or old? Probably both of them", you grumbled, looking to see your husband in a fit of giggles, "Liebling, I'm sorry", he excused himself, "I don't think she meant it in that way, she's just looking out for you and our babygirl. And, fortunately, we can work with what she advised", he reasoned, "besides, Sebastian and Aurora will love the idea of having us around a little more now".
"Still think she called me old and fat", you mumbled, seeing one of your favourite bakeries, "Oh, Mick, can we go there, my love? A croissant would be really good right now", you pouted, smiling when he flickered on the turn signal, "I have the best husband in the world!".
On your way home, you stopped by your workplace, handing in the maternity leave and saying a "see you soon" to all your colleagues before you went to pick up the kids. Aurora couldn't hide her surprise when she saw both of her parents by the gate, "Hey, mama! Hey, papa! Why are you both here today?", she quizzed, holding her hands out so the three of you could walk side by side, "I'm going to take some time off work, so we can spend some more time together from now on", you said as you checked of she fastened her seatbelt properly once you got to the car, "and to rest, too, let's not forget that part", Mick chipped in.
It started raininh when you arrived at Sebastian's pre-school, so Mick grabbed an umbrella and left you and Aurora in the car. "You are okay, right, mama? You're staying home because you need to rest, that's all, right?", your oldest asked, looking into your eyes through the rear view mirror. Unbucklibg your seat belt, you moved around in the space you had so you could face her, "yes, Rora. I'm all good, there's nothing to worry about. Mama just needs rest, and it's always nice that we get to spend more time together, right?", you soother her worries, seeing Seb and Mick walk to the car, "uh-oh", your daughter said, "Sebastian just walked into a big water puddle", she pointed out. Chuckling at your little boy's antics as his father picked him up, you couldn't help but shake your head, "see? It's always nice to have more hands on deck".
"Hi mama! Hi, Rora!", Sebastian greeted, pressing a sloppy kiss on his sister's cheek, "how are you and baby sister?", he asked, "we're doing good, my love. And how was your day?", you asked, fastening your belt again while Mick drove home, "it was good! But now my feet are wet, I have to change when I get home".
While Mick took care of dinner with Seb's help, you helped Aurora with her homework, coming out of her bedroom when Sebastian called, "Mama, Rora!", he yelled as he walked inside after knocking on the door, "Papa and I made lasagna! It's not as good as Oma's, but it's pretty close!", he smiled proudly at their achievement, holding your hand as he helped you down the stairs.
"I hope you didn't start eating without us", Sebastian threatened, "of course we didn't, we know mama takes a little longer on the stairs now", Aurora reasoned, tapping your baby bump cutely as she went around you to sit at the table, "I want that crispy bit, please".
The bedtime routine went smoothly as you both read stories to Aurora and Sebastian, kissing their foreheads goodnight, "I'm so tired I feel like I could sleep right here", you chuckled, arranging the pillows on the sofa.
"Do you want to go back upstairs? I can finish this here quickly and I'll join you in a bit", Mick offered, seeing you contemplate, "you really don't mind?", you squinted, "no, I don't. Go upstairs, beautiful", he added, kissing your lips as he ushered you up the stairs.
As much as you didn't like to admit it, this pregnancy was taking a big toll on you. You had two kids that despite being pretty good and calm still required your attention and energy, and as you approached the third trimester, you started to feel that the mandated rest from your doctor was actually a good decision.
"Oh, you're in bed already?", Mick asked when he closed the bedroom door, seeing you tucked in bed. He quickly did his nighttime routine, grabbing the bottle of oil on his way so he could sit next to you.
"Hi, baby girl", he began, taking the cap off and depositing some on your bump, "you're going to be a lot calmer, we hope, since mama is taking some time off", he kissed your belly button, "we are all going to do something to help her and make sure she doesn't run herself ragged".
"And what is papa going to do? Everytime mama looks at him, she gets even more flustered", you ran your fingers through his hair, teasing him slightly and not expecting his answer, "well, papa had been thinking about retiring", he gulped, looking up at you as his hands continued the ministrations on your skin.
"What?", you fixed your position, sitting properly against the headboard so you could face your husband, "where's this coming from?".
"It's not new, before you think this is because of today's appointment", Mick began, "I've been thinking about retiring so I can be home for you and the kids. With Rora, it was the first time so we managed it, and with Seb we just winged it and went along, but three kids? It's a whole different experience. I can tell that it's a lot more tiring, and while some things get easier because of experience, I wouldn't want you to have to manage three kids on your own", he explained.
"And you'd just leave motorsport? You would stop racing?", you asked, unsure of you were getting his point.
"Yes. I have won championships, I've raced competitively to my heart's content. I have a career that I'm proud of, that I'd like to tell my children about when they grow older. And I also want to spend more time with them, with you. I want to be able to help and be more present in their lives", he reasoned.
"You are present in their lives, Mick", you reasoned, "I know, liebling. But retiring would mean that I'm almost always here, and I want that", he rubbed his thumb on your hand, smoothing the skin, "I've spoken to Toto, and the team are okay with waiting a little bit. They have plans for either way, so it's just a matter of my decision, of our decision".
"You've given this some thought", you mumbled, "and no matter where this goes, my position is the same. As long as it makes you happy, we will be here to support you", you smiled, grabbing his hand and kissing it before placing it back in your bump, playing with his fingers, "I would never want you to give up something that you love so much, but if you want to do it, then me, Rora, Seb and Harriet are going to be here for you", you smiled.
"Thank you, liebling", he kissed your lips, "I love you. Also", he pointed out, "Harriet, hm?".
"I've been thinking about names and Harriet came up. Just trying it out and see how it flows, you know?", you cuddled him, kissing his chest, "I love you so much, Mick".
Arriving at home, Mick helped Aurora and Sebastian out of the car before they walked up to the living room together, "when I left them here to go and pick you up from Oma's, Harriet was still asleep, so we have to keep quiet, okay?", he checked, seeing the kids nod as he opened the door.
"Can we come in? I have an excited big sister and big brother here", Mick said as they walked inside. Aurora held her brother's hand in hers, urging him to go in front of her, "go, you can do this", she whispered on his ear.
The small encouragement didn't go unnoticed by you and Mick, deciding to comment on it later, "she was just asleep but she woke up, I guess she's very excited to meet you two", you smiled, arranging the pillows so both kids could sit on either side of you while they peeked at their baby sister, Mick crouching in front of you, "can I give her a kiss, mama?", your son asked, carefully kissing his sister's cheek when you nodded. The baby made a noise that caught him off guard, "Oh, she didn't like it?", he pouted, tears welling in his eyes.
Quickly, Mick caught on the moment, "no, Seb, none of that. She just didn't expect it, maybe. You know when me and mama go to your room to wake you up? You don't like it a lot, right? It's almost the same for Harriet, she wasn't counting on it, that's all", he encouraged, gesturing for his son to try again, this time seeing Aurora do the same as the baby sighed in content, "see? She's happy now, she loves those kisses", Mick finished, looking up and seeing you with teary eyes.
"It's our family, let me cry all I want", you sniffed, "they're happy tears anyway", you announced, kissing all of the children's foreheads before puckering your lips to kiss your husband's.
Later, Mick found himself feeding Harriet while you played with Aurora and Sebastian. He hadn't been home for long, but he could see how you were juggling it. You were still recovering from giving birth, but like he had predicted, three kids was a lot. His mother had stopped by for dinner, taking control of the kitchen as she baked one of her roasts.
"Thank you for this", he said to Corinna, "I don't know how you two have managed this when I wasn't here", he admitted.
"We found it in ourselves", Corinna began, "and she also spoke to me about your plans, or the option that is on the table, I guess", she clarified, wanting to hear more about it from her son.
"I feel accomplished in my career, for now at least. And I want to be involved in their lives. I never felt like dad was not involved because he always made the effort, and I want to do the same. And I want to be there when they wake up, to get them from school, and three kids requires a lot more juggling. I don't want Y/N to have to do all of that juggling, or to stop chasing her dreams because of motherhold", he reasoned, "we're in this together, and I think it's time I take a stepback".
"Corinna, they are asking for you. I may be biased, but they have some pretty cute drawings to show you. Ambiguous when it comes to what they represent, but cute nonetheless", you smiled, seeing your mother in-law wipe her hands on the kitchen towell and heading to the living room where you just were.
"Hi, little bug", you cooed, seeing Harriet resting happily in her father's chest, "you just found the comfiest spot ever, didn't you? I have to share it with three of you now".
"It's a good thing that I'll be here more often then", Mick stated, kissing the top of her head and moving to kiss yours too.
"Are you sure about that?", you asked, looking for any uncertainty in his eyes. You had known him all your life, so it wasn't hard to look for the light fog in his eyes or his nervous eyebrow twitch. But you were met instead with a peaceful expression, eyes glossy and happy. "I'm sure, liebling. I spoke to Toto this morning and I'm retiring. I want to be here with you", he confirmed, feeling your arms wrap around his torso, "I'm so proud of you, Mick, we all are. And I bet the kids will love having your around even more".
"Are you saying their mother won't love having me around more?", he teased, smirking at you, "Oh, as soon as this is all working, their mother knows exactly what to do with that time".
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optimist-pine · 7 months
When Skies Are Gray (Ch.1)
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Summary: You cross paths with someone from your past on the worst day of your life (which is saying a lot).
Warnings: Typical TWD content! Injury, death, suggestions of SA, language, etc.
Word Count: 1,661
Era: Between seasons 3 & 4, before Rick stops going on runs
A/n: I convinced myself that Daryl Dixon and coffee shop AU could totally go together...
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One mistake. Very likely your last one at that. However, judging by the look in the man's eye, you may have just enough time to squeeze in another before your life comes to a permanent close. A grand finale of utterly screwing up. Seems fitting.
    Despite everything, you don't actually desire the finality of death yet. The adrenaline surging through your bones reminds you that hope isn't completely gone until your body starts walking around, y'know, without your soul attached.
    Past the end of your revolver, the man's pistol aims back at you, a cruel, sordid smile crawling across his face as his gaze roams around your figure. "Came in here lookin' for somethin' to ease our appetites... Looks like we found ourselves some dessert instead." He sounds quite pleased with himself, and you can only imagine what terrible thoughts are filling his mind.
    You can't withhold the cold shiver that slips down your spine, cursing inwardly. Stupid. There were so many things you should've done differently to prevent this exact scenario from happening, but you'd gotten comfortable. 
    The small shop held the slightest promise of ammunition; that's the only reason you'd even risked investigating it with the encroaching threat of dusk at your heels. But you'd been sloppy in scoping the place out, and careless enough that when a cold hand grabbed you from behind you'd shot without a second thought.
     Now you're reaping the repercussions of your foolishness. The lump of a body lay bleeding on the dirty linoleum floor. And you stand trapped between two men with guns who have worse intentions than using them on you.
     "Dammit, man, she shot Jed!" The second man cries from behind you.
    The first man doesn't even spare a glance. "If he let some bitch shoot 'im, then he d'serves it." He spits
    "Duke, I dunno man." His boots shift nervously. "Let's just get tha' hell outta here." Please, please do your mind pleads.
    The man named Duke begins to saunter towards you slowly, toying with you. "My pal an' I here are gonna have a fun night courtesy of you, doll. Then, after, we'll kill ya." Your arms are beginning to feel the strain from holding out your own gun for so long. You readjust your grip, but what's the point? He's almost to you now. "How's that sound?" Your thoughts are swirling, there's no way you can escape without getting at least seriously injured. But if that's the only option besides giving up willingly... well, you'll take that chance. You have to.
    On the count of three... one... tw
    You drop to the ground in a crouch, expecting the inevitable overwhelming pain of being shot to take over your body - but it never does. You lift your head to find Duke... dead. You whip around to see the other man with an arrow through his eye. Your gun's back out in an instant, aimed at a new target that emerges from behind a rusty shelf.
    The new man holds a crossbow, posture rigid and shoulders sturdy. A good portion of his face is blocked by the bow except for feathers of brunette hair shrouding a blue eye. 
    "Whoa, there." The sound of a hammer being cocked at your back sends a rush of fury through you. Was this some sort of sick joke? Held at gunpoint by two men, then being rescued only to be held at gunpoint again by two different men? If you were honest with yourself, it wasn't all that surprising though. As far as luck went you were permanently scraping the bottom of the barrel.
    The crossbow in front of you lowers suddenly. "Lav'nder?"
    Now that you can see both of them clearly those blue eyes look awfully familiar. "Dixon?"
    A blinding pain floods through your right shoulder so quickly that you collapse, sharp waves of heat blooming and spreading and taking over your whole body. You can see your gun lying in the dust and dirt. Huh, you hadn't realized you'd dropped it. You study the weapon as the daylight dims; the sun must not be wasting any time in its descent this evening. You think someone is talking but their voice is fading, the pain is numbing, the darkness is turning to black. There's never been a colder place than the floor of this cursed little shop.
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    One last stop before heading back home. An old hole-in-the-wall gun store on the off chance they'll find anything to help replenish the resources depleted in the fight against the Governor. 
    What little promise the place does have dissipates the moment a solitary gunshot rings through the air; all senses immediately on the alert. It isn't hard to discern the situation, the lead man's intentions are unmistakable. And so, they do what they've had to do too many times before.
    But when the woman turns around, what he sees takes him a minute to process. You. He knows you. The word sounds stupid, but it escapes him nonetheless. Then again, maybe not completely stupid because you do remember him.
    "Dammit!" Daryl shouts, unleashing his arrow into the skull of the third man. The man they'd mistakenly presumed was already dead. He rushes to your side, inspecting the wound. Clean through the shoulder. Good. He removes his vest and sheds his long-sleeved shirt, tying it around your shoulder, holding pressure. By the time he manages to bring himself to look you in the eye, you're already out of it.
    Rick rifles around the men's belongings, gathering up their weapons and anything else that's useful. "You know her?" He asks, skeptical, with that particular cock of his head.
    Daryl nods. "M'yeah. I did." He replies softly. You looked so different now; ragged, weary... alone. But still, he would recognize you anywhere. "C'mon, we gotta get 'er back to Hershel and Dr. S."
    Rick's checking out your belongings now, snatching your gun off the floor to inspect it. "D'you trust her?" He asks.
    Daryl hefts you up into his arms - it's easier than it should be. "She's a good one." An understatement.
    "Heh, yeah." Rick chuckles, holding your gun out for him to inspect. "Cylinder's empty. Held off four men with a gun that wasn't even loaded." He gives Daryl a nod. "Let's get 'er home."
    Daryl sits with your head in his lap, the rest of your body carefully draped across the backseat of the truck, hair spilling haphazardly across his pant legs. His fingertips hover nervously above your face, the overwhelming urge to physically reassure himself that you're really here growing by the second. He's terrified though. Why? Jus' do it. Rough fingers ever so gently brush dirty locks behind your ear, revealing sun-worn skin gone pale.
    It's like he can't look long enough or hard enough at your face to make it feel true. To make you feel real. Are you? Out of anyone who could've found their way here from his past... Out of all the deadbeats and scumbags he would be unsurprised to find thriving in the lawlessness...
    It was you.
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    The town had one lonely cafe, which was unfortunately sandwiched smack dab between the tattoo parlor and the pub - aka, Merle's playground. Once Merle had left for the military and then landed himself in prison, Daryl had kept to the same old routine more out of habit than desire. 
    He was on his way to the tattoo parlor late that afternoon - he can't remember why he was using the front entrance because he almost always went in through the back - but that day he had to walk past the happy little cafe to get there...
    It's a warm spring day, the air beginning to fill with the scent of flowers instead of just dirt and cold. Which also means that people are sitting out front of the little coffee joint straining to soak up the last rays of sunshine. The shop windows are open to let in the fresh air, making the place seem noisier than usual.
    "Lavender latte!" A barista shouts around the clamor from inside.
    The screech of metal on cement to his left as a girl pushes out her chair. Just as he's about to walk past, he hears the scuff of a foot against the sidewalk and suddenly she's falling toward him. He reaches up to brace himself and stabilize her shoulders as her palms thud against his chest.
    She pulls back, quick as a whip, eyes huge as pink begins to sprout on her cheeks. "I'm so sorry!" She blurts, gaze flickering around. It's weird, but he can't help but notice that she smells good, like really good. Flowers and citrus and earth, real things, not just some overpowering canned perfume like he's used to being around at the bar. She's cute too, feminine but not girly or gaudy, hair wind-whipped, hands and feet with remnants of dirt like she's been outside working. The pages of a paperback flutter in the breeze on the table behind her, the stem of a flower peeking out the bottom of the book.
    "Are you okay?" She asks, eyes focused surely on his now, irises deep and unwavering and... Idiot. He's staring and he hasn't said a thing and you're waiting for a response.
    "M'fine." He says with a grunt, crossing his arms. He almost tells you off for being so clumsy but the barista shouts again:
    "Lavender latte!"
    She brushes her hair behind her ear as if it's a nervous habit. "Oh, okay. That's good... I'd better go get that." She laughs, the corners of her lips just barely pulling up. She starts to walk away but then quickly turns back around. "Thank you!" A full smile this time, and then she disappears behind the door.
    He shakes his head. Entertaining thoughts about a girl like that is ridiculous. At least, that's what he tells the rapid drumming of his heart. Shut up.
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OH! For Valentine’s event!! Please could I have some first date headcanons for Killer Croc? I’m plus size, so I hope he’s down for a chunky clown 💚 I prefer staying in more than going out, I love verbal affection and gentle physical affection, and I love horror so that’s always a Valentine’s Day plus if it can be squeezed in somewhere! And I’m goofy and silly and I like being nice! I hope that’s enough to go off of!! 💚
"Horror and Sweetness" Killer Croc x Reader (Valentine's Event 2024)
Hello Finnie!! All this detail is PERFECT, thank you so much for writing in <3 Since you said headcanons I'm gonna go more bullet point style with this to better suit the prompt- This ask is for the ongoing Valentine's Day Event! (final day to submit)
TW: suggestive toward the end
When you first asked him out, he assumed you were fucking with him. You like to joke around like he does and there's no way you'd be approaching him- except when he realized you were sincere and he's silently flustered. Then he says yes.
Chunky clown, huh? Don't you worry about that, sha, they had to make a new BMI category for him at some point. Plus sized just means you like to eat and dammit if one of his love languages isn't taking care of a partner! Especially cooking! It also shows you're cute AND soft which he really, really appreciates given how rough HE is. Good for cuddles.
You liking to stay in works well for him, especially for a first date. The idea of you trying to get to know each other in a romantic capacity and having every eye in the place staring is less than ideal. So a night in! You're gonna get a whole lot of questions about the foods you like, how much spice level you can handle, etc. etc. No shame if spice isn't your thing, he can cater to that.
He'd joke that maybe if you're real sweet on him, he can take you for beignets next time. He knows a spot that actually does 'em decent. Hm... How would you feel about being his little beignet? He might ponder this potential pet name aloud while he's cooking. Soft and fluffy and sweet- just like you!
After you finish eating (and were hopefully incredibly impressed by him), you two can sit on the couch in front of the TV. There's a huge divot in the furniture you can determine as "his side" that you can sit next to. You said you liked horror so. uh. He's gonna rent whatever you say is good. He's not typically a horror person per say, but he'll enjoy it.
Note: he will enjoy it, but he's definitely leaning in closer, it's not your imagination. "That sure is... spooky." There is one particular jump-scare that gets him just so- and his arm goes in front of you, almost as though to protect you. Even when you offer that the movie can be changed, he insists no! No, it's fine! He's just going to put his hand on yours and if you want to hold it, he's not going to complain about that.
Truthfully, he'd be very cautious about being physically affectionate at first because he doesn't know how you'll react. Hopefully positively! But... past experience has him wary. If you initiate and give him the green light, though, he'll lean into it heavily.
As the movie rolls to credits, he looks content as he speaks, "You're uh. You're not like anybody else I've ever met. And I've met a lotta different folks. Not bad- You're hot as hell and shit, wait-"
There's a moment he seems to be collecting his thoughts, "Look, you don't wanna take this further, I get it. But you should know I liked this. I like you. You're... You're a helluva lotta fun. And nice. I like how nice you are." He's scratching the back of his neck. Waiting for a response.
When you tell him that you want to keep doing this and seeing him again, his face gets a large toothy grin. Curling his claws inward to his palm, he brushes the knuckle of his finger along your jawline. He puts his forehead to yours. His lips peck yours.
In this sense, he's a gentleman. He's not going to expect sex just because you're at his place. Plus considering his whole body situation, it would be kind of rude to assume you want to jump in on that without some prep.
"But hey, cher, you wanna check under my bed for the bogeyman, you can stay the night." He winks. It's totally not lowkey because he's a little scared. If not, he'd make sure you got home whether it was driving or him walking you to your doorstep himself.
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hischierswhore · 1 year
failed dates
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pairing: Christian Pulisic x Reader
TW: minor cursing // disrespectful guy who doesn’t understand what ‘no’ means
You were currently sat alone at a table for two at some fancy restaurant, whose name you couldn't remember. The other people around you seemed to be occupied with their dates, reminding you that yours had once again failed miserably.
The guy you were on a date with started by flirting with you heavily, then immediately becoming belligerent when you rejected his advances. You continued on with the date, as you thought that maybe he deserved a second chance. But you couldn't have been more wrong.
Things only got worse from there, with him continuing in his attempts to persuade you to accept his advances. By the time you'd finished dinner, he was in full blown argument mode after you repeatedly rejected his advances. He clearly wasn't used to rejection, and it stung his ego a little bit.
By the time the evening was over, you felt absolutely no desire to give him another opportunity. He continued to speak some nonsense you were blocking out, but you quickly focused when you heard him say "I can't wait to have you in my bed tonight". That was your final straw.
"Excuse my language, but who the fuck do you think you are? I believe that I've made myself very clear that I don't want to sleep with you, or anything of the sort. If you can't handle this level of rejection, then I suggest you stop wasting my time." You replied, glaring back at him before getting up to leave.
"Find yourself a new ride" He spat as he walked out of the building and drove off. You mentally cursed as you realized that maybe having him drive you to the date wasn't a good idea. You sat back down, realizing you had nowhere to go. You thought about calling Uber, but you didn't necessarily feel like paying god knows how much for a ride, so you called the only person you could think of.
"Hello?" His voice was raspy on the other end of the line.
"Oh, you were asleep. Neverm-" He cut you off.
"No, I'm awake. What's up?" He attempted to make himself sound as awake as possible.
"I wanted to see if you could pick me up? My date left me stranded at that restaurant you usually go to for team dinners" You heard motion in the background as you spoke.
"I'll be there in 10" He assured you before hanging up. Ten minutes later, you heard someone calling your name. You looked around and saw that Christian, your best friend, had arrived to take you back home. He made eye contact with you and rushed over to your table.
"There you are. You ready to leave?" You nodded as he grabbed your jacket from your hands and held it for you. He held his arm out for you to hold onto as you walked back to his car, which you kindly accepted. You made your way to his car, with him opening the door for you, which was something he's done since the day the pair of you met.
As you settled into the passenger seat and he settled into the driver's seat, you felt like he had a question to ask.
"So what happened with this one?" He was used to you going on terrible dates by now, but this was the first in which you'd called him to pick you up.
"He was just so disrespectful. Kept trying to make advances towards me, which I rejected multiple times, but he wasn't getting the hint" You sighed as you leaned your head on the window, staring out into the busy London night life.
After a moment of silence, you looked over at Christian, only to find his grip on the wheel tighter than ever before.
"He definitely sounds like an asshole" He mumbled as he continued driving.
"Yeah, nothing special about him. At least I'm in better company now than I was before" You joked, always finding light in situations like this.
"I'm just glad you're okay though" He moved his other hand to yours, gently caressing the back of your hand. It was interactions like this that made you love him more than any other friend, because you knew that he genuinely cared about you.
The rest of the ride back to your apartment was silent, soft music playing in the background to fill the silence, though it was a comfortable silence.
A few minutes later, when you arrived to your apartment, you & Christian both stayed in his car for a bit longer. You sensed there was a bit of tension in the air, though you couldn’t figure out why.
“Can I ask you something?” Christian spoke up, with you letting out a quiet ‘mhm’ in response.
“Why do you keep going on these dates with such, excuse my language, shitty guys? What are you looking for in a guy that you can’t seem to find anywhere?” He looked at you and noticed you were fidgeting. You felt his eyes burning into you as you hesitated, not feeling quite ready to reveal the truth to your best friend.
“I’ve been trying to find you…” You mumbled just above a whisper, hoping he didn’t catch it.
“What was that, princess?” His hand continued to gently trace circles on the back of yours in an attempt to calm you down.
“I said I’ve been trying to find you, Chris” You sighed as you looked up to meet his eyes, though you noticed his eyebrows were raised and he had a look of confusion written across his features.
“I don’t understand”
“This whole time I’ve been trying to find someone like you. Someone who’s sweet, caring & just makes me feel comfortable in their presence. Someone who makes me laugh and allows me to be myself, but no one compares to you. I’ve been trying to find these things in someone, but you’re the only one, Chris. I never said anything because I didn’t want to mess up what we have; I can’t risk losing you” You moved your gaze back down to your lap, where your fingers went back to fidgeting.
“You could never lose me, princess. You’re stuck with me forever. Never in a million years did I think you would say that to me, but I’m glad you did. I’ve been watching you go on these failed dates and wondering when it’ll be my turn. Wondering when it’ll be my turn to show you how you deserve to be treated. And you’re telling me now that it’s always been me?” He questioned, to which you mumbled a quiet ‘yeah’.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked as you nodded.
He gently grabbed the side of your face as you brought yourself closer to him, your lips making contact as you shut your eyes, melting into the kiss. It was a rather gentle kiss, but it was soft and sweet, perfect for the moment. You felt him smile against your lips, leading you to smile as well. The kiss lasted for a while, both of you pulling away as you both needed air.
You rested your forehead against his, closing your eyes and enjoying the moment.
“I love you, Y/n” Christian whispered.
“I love you too, Chris”
@ithinkimokeei @myheartgoesvroom @mounthings @tall-tanned-tattoo @itsnotgray @alwaysclassyeagle @charlewiss @pianoisland @chelseagirl98 @lovelynikol16 @username-envy @pulisicsgirl @lizzypotter14 @bracedes @thoseboysinblue @swimmingismywholelife @neverinadream
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sirhyst · 1 year
Edgar Allan Poe (BSD) x gn!reader
TW/CW: suggestive language (nothing explicit), bottom!poe again sorry but 😔 I’m down bad for this man
Summary: Reader accidentally comes across some interesting poems Poe wrote about them.
Note: reader has more game than me 😔✊ I’m dog shit at writing poems so maybe later I’ll write what Poe might of sent you.
You were sitting alone at your house when you heard scratching by your door. Most would have reached for the nearest weapon, but you knew all too well what was making those scratching noises.
“Karl,” you said reaching down to pet the little raccoon. Before your hand met his small head, you noticed he had loose papers in his mouth.
“Now what do you have there? Have you been stealing again?” Karl look at you begrudgingly, clearly annoyed that you would dare make such an accusation despite his track record. He dropped the papers at your feet before waltzing into your living room, towards your couch.
You immediately recognised the beautiful, yet slightly rushed, handwritten words.
Edgar, you thought to yourself, not realising the goofy smile that spread across your lips. As you carefully scanned the documents though, the smile was replaced by a look of shock as your face began to heat up.
A plethora of beautifully written poems sharing the many fantasies Poe had, many of which were very erotic, scattered across the pages in the form of a letter. Poe, in his usual poetic way, truly described what he saw and how that made him feel.
Your concentration was interrupted when Karl clung onto your ankle.
“Maybe I should take these back to Poe Karl, What do you think?” You asked, patting his head gently. Naturally, Karl let out an approving chirp.
You reached Poe’s house to find him already standing by the door.
“My darling, I-“ he paused, blush layering his face as soon as he saw the papers in your hand, immediately recognising them based on the smirk dancing across your face.
“I see you Karl ratted me out,” he said looking down, not daring to look you in the eyes. You had to admit, you didn’t expect such explicit words from your boyfriend, it was like night and day from his usual gothic horror stories.
Poe led you up to his office, Karl seemed to sense the change in the air and remained in the foyer.
As soon as Poe closed the door, you placed the unholy papers on the nearest bookshelf before pressing the tall man against the wooden door.
No matter how many times you caught Poe in this position, he always reacted as if it were the first time. A blushing, stuttering mess, only become more of a wreck as your hands made there way to his waist, deeply massaging it.
“I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable,” he said, even after making note of his current predicament, he still worried he’d push you away.
“Of course not my little raven,” you said in a hushed voice. Your lips brushed against his, whilst pushing back his bangs to see his full face. You frequently did this merely to pull the nervous little whimpers from your partner that you’ve grown to love.
“Just a new side of you that’s all,” you took time to admire his features before letting out a content sigh before kissing him softly.
Naturally, the kiss ended long before Poe would have liked.
“Edgar~” you said in the manner you knew made his knees weak.
“You made me seem more attractive than I thought I was though,” you said, almost overcome with shyness. Poe furrowed his brows—he never wanted to hear his partner under-appreciate themselves.
“I simply wrote what I saw, and how I feel when I look at you,” he paused.
“I feel disappointed in myself when I think those things about you but, sometimes I can’t help it,”
“Especially since you’re so,” he didn’t know what to say next. When the writer runs out of words to describe the overwhelming feeling he felt around his lover, you know he is truly overcome by love.
“Hmm,” you said, moving your hand to fiddle with his jacket.
“it’s not gross, I love when you express yourself. Especially the cute noises you make,” you said with another smirk and a wink. Edgar pursed his lips in an attempt to hold back any noise threatening to spill out.
You took a step back, placing your hands back on his waist. Poe pouted from the sudden warmth dissipating, but briefly regained composure.
“I’m glad I didn’t push you away, I didn’t mean for you to find those,” he looked at his hands, “especially since they weren’t finished.”
As if the passed 5 minutes had never accrued, your face completely switched from a seductive smile to plain shock.
“There’s more?!” You said, a little louder than either of your would have liked. Poe stayed silent, not wanting to expose himself further, made his way back to his desk.
“Edgar! You can’t just drop that information and then walk away!” You said nervously, but still with a slight smile threatening to appear. That of course did not last long as the urge to tease your lover returned.
As he stood in front of his desk, you placed a hand on his shoulder turning him around, and leaning him against the wooden surface.
“Why don’t you tell me more about your little fantasies.”
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inuhalfdemon · 2 months
DisPOsable (5/?)
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Explicit (tw: language, aftermath of violence and torture)
Word Count: 2,861 Words
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Chapter 5: The Writing
The demon’s ears were turning and rotating in odd movements; his eyes focused on the quill and the paper in a strange way.
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“I apologize, Rosie, the day got away from me I’m afraid,” Lucifer explained, finding her bustling about her Emporium.
“We did just fine, your grace. No need to fret,” Rosie told him, leading him to the stairs that ran back up to her studio.
“You…left him alone up there? Do you think that’s wise?” Lucifer questioned her, uncertainly.
“Of course! He’s right where I left him, I can guarantee it,” Rosie assured him, pausing before heading up the stairs. “What did you learn from your visit with Abaddon this morning?”
“Not much…he’s not a Disposable that was tagged by Abaddon himself, but there’s so many others involved in the market now, it will be difficult finding out who did.”
“I wondered at that,” Rosie nodded. “The Vees have turned Disposable demons into an outright business…selling them and the products they’ve created for others to control and torment them with…it’s disgusting.”
“Abaddon suggested I contact Voxtech, see if I can narrow down a list of buyers, but…I’m not sure I want to do that quite yet. I’m still curious to see if anyone is actually looking for him.”
“I’d rather you didn’t,” Rosie told him. “I’d hate to see him have to go back, Lucifer…I really would.”   
“He won’t, Rosie. I can promise you that.”
She smiled, happy to hear him say it.
“Now then,” she turned, heading up the stairs, “while you were away, I took it upon myself to see to a few things. He wasn’t confident in choosing his own clothes; but I do have some things that might work that will be arriving to your mansion later this evening.”
Clothes...of course.
“Thank you, Rosie…I hadn’t even considered that. After meeting with Abaddon, I made sure to find and buy other things he might need: some groceries, a toothbrush, stuff for his hooves and his hair…”
“Ah yes, the hair…I hope you won’t be too put out with me, but I saw to that one as well.” Rosie said, opening the door to the studio and stepping inside.
The Disposable demon was seated on the loveseat again, leaning over the far armrest and staring happily out the window. He was looking interestedly at the goings-on of Cannibal Town below. When Rosie and Lucifer entered, he turned, and his tail swished gently at seeing them both. He blinked back at them, then when they made no motion or word of needing him, he turned his attention back toward the window.
“Oh, you gave him a haircut. It looks, uh…hm.” Lucifer made a face, trying to find the words.
The demon’s hair was cut in an inverted-bob style, his red bangs and ear tufts left long. The hair on top was swept stylishly across his head and his black ends – cut shorter now - hung well above and off his shoulders. The invert of the bob at the back was heavily exaggerated, sharply styled to go upward and with a shaved undercut underneath.
Rosie laughed. “I called in a favor of a friend who owns the barber shop here in town. She brought a book of samples and he picked the look himself. She is both talented and discreet; so I trusted her to do it. It’s a queer choice, I agree, but it suits him, I think.”
 The DiPO demon’s attention piqued at something outside and his head turned; smiling gently. His ears were turning and twitching happily.
“He picked that out himself!?” Lucifer wondered. “He hasn’t said one word to me since we left here last night.”
“Well…maybe if you treated him less like a feral dog about to turn rabid…he’d offer to talk more around you,” Rosie blatantly told him. “I am only half-teasing, by the way,” she sniffed.
“What all has he said to you?” Lucifer asked her, brushing past the comment.
“Not much, really. He converses, but only in small doses and very infrequently. The words get jumbled and mixed around sometimes and he shuts down easily. He told me today that you have been very kind to him.”
Lucifer watched the Disposable still looking at the window. “You said he had talked with you last night, what did he say then?”
“It was all politeness, really.” Rosie almost laughed, remembering the circumstance. “I managed to bring him up here; he was shivering from the cold and the rain; bleeding all over himself and some started dripping onto the floor; he rambled off apologies and not wanting to be of any nuisance…I assumed his broken speech was affected by the shock of everything going on that I hadn’t considered the oddness of it really before I realized he was wearing the tag.”
“Has he shown any interest in wanting to leave or go outside?” Lucifer asked her.
“No, not really. Like I said, he’s right where I left him earlier when I had to run downstairs and see to a few things.”
“I think it best if we keep him out of the public’s eye. For now, at least.”
“I agree, yes,” Rosie told him. “Oh! I did manage to find something that he likes! To eat, I mean.” She turned and went to a cooler that was set nearby and Lucifer followed her with interest.
“A cannibal after my own heart, I’ve discovered,” she announced, smiling. Lifting the lid to the cooler, she slid her hand in and pulled out a bundle of meat that was wrapped tightly in butcher paper and twine. “He’s partial to a variety of meats and cuts but this, this was especially a favorite of his. I will send you with some. Raw is best,” she told Lucifer, tossing the package to him.
Lucifer caught the package, looking at it strangely.
“What is it?” he asked her, nervously.
“Deer meat,” Rosie told him, grinning widely.
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The next few days passed very strangely for Lucifer.
“Looks like you and I are roommates,” he told the DiPO demon, getting him all set up with his own bathroom and wardrobe within another spare room down the hall. Lucifer picked one that had wide windows that looked out across all of the city and the demon spent hours upon hours, just sitting there and staring out at the Pride Ring.
Lucifer walked him through the mansion; showing him rooms and places he may frequent if he wished: the kitchens, the studies, the parlors and personal bars, a music room, the library, Lucifer’s own personal workroom and office, the sunroom and pool.
The property, too, had a beautiful botanical garden that Lucifer enjoyed walking through in the mornings and evenings and he got into the habit of inviting the Disposable to go with him. The DiPO always stared in a quiet and open wonder at all the strange and unique flora - and fauna - that he would find there, but never did he move to touch or venture to say anything.
 Nights were always the strangest.
Lucifer had taken care to encourage the Disposable to remain in his room – to utilize the bed that was in there for him to use – each night. He had brought in Rosie’s blankets, folded them and left them on the duvet for the demon. He even left the door unlocked; hoping the DiPO would feel less confined; but also, not finding a point in locking it if the demon could mysteriously let himself out anyway.
Each morning, however, Lucifer would wake and step out from his own room to find the Disposable just outside his door; curled into the blankets that were from Rosie and asleep on the floor, wearing only the black pair of boxers. He couldn’t make sense of it.
The DiPO seemed to be adjusting, only, very slowly. He was completely indifferent to the clothing that Rosie had sent, and Lucifer took pangs in taking time to work through the options; hoping to find a style that interested him. He still hadn’t uttered a word since coming to the mansion and Lucifer, too, noted that he still wasn’t eating.
“Look,” Lucifer sighed, bringing the Disposable with him into the kitchen and opening the fridge. “I’ll show you this to you again. See these? See all of these? These are for you,” he told him, gesturing to the pile of meat packages that were stuffed onto the shelf.
The Disposable slowly leant back, sinking down onto his haunches in a submissive sitting position.
“I’m not mad at you,” Lucifer huffed. “Even if I was, you don’t have to do that. I’m just trying to show you that this is yours, ok.” Lucifer reached in and pulled out one of the packages labeled as venison. The DiPO remained sitting, just looking blankly back at him.
“Rosie told me you liked this stuff,” Lucifer was unwrapping the package. “Maybe you don’t have to eat every day but, you’ve gotta be feeling a little hungry by now.” The paper and plastic wrap came away and the Disposable’s ears went straight, eyes sharply on the meat.
Lucifer saw the change and without thinking, he took the cold hunk of meat from the wrappings and held it out.
The DiPO shifted, leaning forward and staring hungrily at the raw venison; but, still he remained sitting – waiting.
“Here, take it,” Lucifer told him, still offering him the meat.
Rather than standing back up, the Disposable leaned further forward from where he was sitting and slowly – purposefully – moved toward the meat. His eyes shifted to Lucifer; wide and calculating as his face neared his outstretched hand. Opening his mouth; his long tongue slid wet and warm into Lucifer’s hand – causing him to shudder – as the DiPO used it to pull the meat into his mouth. His sharp teeth sank deeply into the raw muscle and Lucifer’s stomach clenched at the soft, sucking sound of it. The demon pulled back, sitting back onto his haunches again – just holding the meat between his teeth and staring at Lucifer.
Ugh, just…enjoy it, you freaky ass creep. Lucifer thought, turning away to toss the bloody wrappings and wash his hands.
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Feeling frustrated, Lucifer buried himself in his work. He had begun reflecting on his visit with Abaddon; replaying the conversation over and over again in his head and remembering the things that were said – the memory of it was grating on him.
Seated at the desk in his office, he tore through piles and piles of paperwork – reviewing documents of varying importance in his governing of all of Hell. His eyes wandered briefly to the tabloid and small stack of newspapers; news discussing the infamous Radio Demon and how the horrific screams that had been continuously broadcasting all throughout Hell had suddenly ceased playing. It reminded him of how he had somehow missed the change… how Abaddon had berated him for becoming distracted and letting things fall apart around him.
Then his eyes drifted to his phone; briefly considering picking it up and calling Charlie…or even Lilith. How did things between them all get so bad?
All Lucifer ever wanted was peace: peace for his family and peace for his people. When Heaven demanded a meeting and announced to him that they would be holding annual exterminations as a means to control the ever-growing population in Hell…what was he to say? What was he to do? Declare war, there at the table? He was lucky enough even to somehow land protection from the attacks for himself, his family, and all of the Hellborn…better that than certain destruction.
Lilith didn’t see it that way though. She told him he was a coward and that he was weak for not choosing to stand against them. She loved her people, and she would die fighting before she stood back and watched them be slaughtered. Charlie, his daughter, maintained that Heaven had it wrong, that each of these wicked, tormented souls still had some good in them; that they were worth saving.
Lucifer had fought with both of them; they didn’t understand Heaven’s ways, nor had they ever seen what a war or a battle looked like between realms. The costs were never worth the effort and, more often than not; both sides ended up losing.
Abaddon – more than anyone- had a right to be angry with him. All Abaddon wanted for any soul was for them to have their right to their own free will. It’s why they stood beside Lucifer and Lilith’s decision to offer it to humanity in the very beginning and why they fell with them when Heaven responded. Abaddon loved their family…but, they also held a deep regret and resentment for Lucifer’s carelessness.
Lucifer didn’t have the foresight to know that all of this would happen; that they would end up here. He recognized now that it was terribly cruel of him, to force Abaddon’s hand; to ask them to pass judgement on souls that he himself had deemed unworthy – incapable - of finding any form of redemption for themselves; to ask them to do all of that…then to go to them now, questioning whether it had all been the right choice…
Sighing and still feeling frustrated, Lucifer flicked his eyes to the side and groaned. The Disposable demon sat comfortably with crossed legs on the floor – just staring at him. Lucifer had been at it for hours now and the demon just stayed there the entirety of the time…watching him.
“You could go and find your own things to do, you know. You don’t have to sit here all day and watch me work,” Lucifer told him.
The DiPO flicked an ear but made no move to leave or shift position.
“Do what you want then, I suppose.” Lucifer pulled a sheet of paper to him; reaching for a quill, he began scratching into the page with ink.
The demon’s head sharply tilted; his ears twitching at the noise. Lucifer tried to ignore him, but he could see the Disposable’s head turning and tilting - back and forth - as he continued to write across the page. He managed to get nearly half-way done before setting the quill down and groaning again.
“That is entirely too distracting,” Lucifer told him sharply and the demon straightened. “If you’re so curious of what I’m doing, just come over here then.”
The DiPO’s ears straightened and he shifted forward – hesitating.
“Come on, it’s fine,” Lucifer told him, gently now.
The demon smoothly stood from where he was sitting on the floor and slowly approached the desk. Lucifer scooted his chair aside to give him room. The Disposable paused beside him; eyes widely watching Lucifer and then flashing to the desk with interest.
“Look, see…” Lucifer lifted the quill again and quickly scribbled out a sentence. “That’s all that I’m doing, it’s not so interesting.”
But, the demon’s ears were turning and rotating in odd movements; his eyes focused on the quill and the paper in a strange way.
“Here.” Lucifer reached over and dug around in his drawer for a clipboard. Reaching into a small trash bin, he pulled out a sheet of something he had tossed away earlier. Flipping the page to a blank surface, Lucifer stuck it into the clip. Grabbing a pen, he stood up from his chair and led the demon to the nook beside his office window. “Entertain yourself with these for a while,” Lucifer told him, inviting him to sit in the nook and handing him the clipboard and pen. “I’ve still got more to do.”
Returning to his desk, Lucifer sat back down and pulled the sheet he had been working on back to him. Lifting the quill and glancing briefly up from the page, he saw that the DiPO demon was looking from the pen that he held in his own hand to the blank sheet of paper upon the clipboard that he was holding in his other. Concentrating, he lifted the pen to the paper and began scratching at the page. After a moment, he stopped – eyes wide and ears straight as he stared at the marks he had made. Forgetting all about Lucifer, the demon focused harder on what he was doing and continued to scribble away with the pen.
Nodding his head, Lucifer bent himself back over his own work.
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Later, Lucifer’s mind was wandering again, and his hand had begun to cramp. Lifting his wrist, he flexed it and his fingers and decided that he had had enough of that today. Pushing back from the desk, he stretched himself and yawned. He needed a drink.
Standing, he stretched himself again before going to where the Disposable demon sat, tucked away in the nook, still very focused on what he was doing.
“It’s getting late, you wanna call it a night?” Lucifer asked him.
The DiPO jerked his head up, surprised at seeing Lucifer there.
“What have you been working on over here that’s got you so absorbed?” Lucifer reached for the clipboard.
The Disposable readily handed it to him; offering the pen back as well, but Lucifer had forgotten it.
All across the sheet of paper were letters…letters forming into a name that repeated itself over and over all across the page:
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Chapter 6
23 notes · View notes
talking-books-n-spice · 11 months
Regalia City - Club Honey
This is the first story in my Regalia City Series!
Plot: Your friend dragged you out to the newest club that's just opened, and through pure circumstance you meet the owner, who appears to be a charming Fae male...or is he?
First Person Female Reader POV NSFW
TW: Implied mind control/magical influence (if there's more, please let me know in comments or DM)
A/N: If you spot any spelling mistakes, please let me know! <3
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At 27 you would think I’d know better than to let Lindsey talk me into going out on the town by now.
It was my first weekend off from work in two weeks, and Lindsey thought the best way for me to spend my hard earned money was to check out the newest club that had opened earlier that month.
The Hive.
It was apparently a 25+ only club on Sunday nights, which would eliminate a lot of the Regalia Tech students and the usual overly rowdy crowd.
There were protests to this ruling (of course), but since Friday and Saturday night were normal nights, their complaints fell on deaf ears. The police and lawyers of the city had even taken the club’s side, as it kept drug distribution and drunken disorderlies on the lower end.
Much to Lindsey’s protest, I’d chosen to wear my most comfortable and cute green dress for the night. I had to remind her that unlike her, I wasn’t actively prowling for a bed buddy. I was joining her at the club to keep her drinks safe, and to have some fun myself.
The club had been built on the corner of Marine Way and Bedell Street, putting it right in the crossroads of the Warehouse District and Late Night Row.
As we got in line behind a half-orc and his human boyfriend, I could feel the bass from the music through the walls. From here you could just barely catch a few beats of the song playing.
A cooler breeze blew by, making me shiver and dance in place.
“I always forget how cold it gets at night this time of year.” I mumbled, rubbing my hands over my bare arms to keep them warm.
Lindsey shifted back and forth on her feet, “I really need to stop wearing open toed heels.” When I gave her a tiny smug smile, as I’d advised her to wear her spiked books instead of the heels, she gave me a hard swat on the arm, making me giggle.
We kept ourselves distracted from the cold by catching up on our respective works’ weekly gossip.
Being the only human assistant manager at a clothes’ store tailored towards Naga, Lindsey usually dealt with the worst kinds of customers and coworkers. If she wasn’t of the “Out Crazy The Crazy” mentality, she’d have quit ages ago. Instead she trucked on, and helped bring in the best sales the store has seen since its opening.
By the time we got to the door, we were having to speak a bit louder in order to be heard over the music that was barely being contained.
The bouncer, an orc standing at 7ft with shoulders wider than the doorframe, gave our IDs a quick check, then gestured for us to go inside.
When I stepped over the threshold I felt as though I’d walked through a sheet of jell-o, raising goosebumps on my arms and legs. Lindsey pointed to the doorframe, “They’ve got this place juiced.”
Looking to where she pointed I saw runes carved into the wood of the doorframe. I couldn’t tell which language they belonged to, but they were clearly active as they were softly glowing in a golden hue.
“Maybe it's an age repellant? You can’t get through if you’re not the right age?” I suggested as we continued down the carpeted stone steps.
From outside, the building had looked like just another warehouse that was in better condition than the rest. If not for the neon yellow honeycomb shaped sign that hung outside the door, no one would know where this place was.
The stairs took us down two flights, then leveled out into a short hallway. Strobing rainbow lights and the silhouettes of dancing bodies beckoned us forward.
The scene we stepped into was something you could truly only find in Regalia City.
The warehouse had been dug down deeper by two stories and divided into two floors.
We entered into the lower floor, which was specifically for the dancers.The floor beneath our feet was designed to look like honeycomb carved from amber, and with each step you took, the section of comb beneath your feet briefly lit up in muted rainbow tones. It was somehow working with the strobe lights overhead, creating just enough lighting that you could see where you were going and who you were standing next to.
The second floor held the stage and equipment for the DJ, and a walkway built into the walls of the warehouse above, connecting to a larger section filled with tables and booths for people to sit and drink.
“This place is bananas!” Lindsey yelled over the music.
Unable to resist I yelled back, “I think you mean, its the BEES KNEES!”
“I hate you so much right now!” Lindsey cackled and towed me towards the bar that I’d missed with my initial sweep.
There was a bar built into the wall just to our right, and I couldn’t quite see it from the lower level, but I thought I could see the edge of another bar on the upper level as well.
We got a couple shots, tossed them back, and went to the dance floor.
A couple hours, and a few drinks later, I was up on the second floor sitting at a table and sipping some water.
Tequila and excessive jumping around to music do not agree with my stomach.
I’d lost track of Lindsey at least an hour ago when she’d started shoving her tongue down a Naga’s throat. She’d given me the thumbs up behind his back, our basic signal that she was still conscious of what she was doing and that I didn’t need to follow them back to his place.
The DJ was playing a remix version of a song I knew, but couldn’t remember the name of. Each time the beat dropped, and ramped back up the dancers went nuts. Earlier when I’d first come up to the upper level, I’d looked over the railing and watched the dancers.
It was almost hypnotic to watch all their individual bodies moving in time to the music. Groups that had come to the club together would slowly sync up their movements, and you’d see these clumps of people moving in tandem just slightly against the rest of the floor. Add in the honeycomb lighting and it gave me a really strong impression of actual bees in a hive communicating.
Thinking back on that notion, I swept my gaze around the booths and tables.
If this was a kind of beehive, then there had to be someone here who was something of a Queen.
“...OMG is that?”
“No way, what are the odds?!”
“Can you get a pic?! No one will believe us if we don’t have proof!”
There was a group of women in the booth just next to mine, and they’d been relatively calm a second ago, now they were practically clambering over one another to peer over the top of their booth.
Following their line of sight I was able to spot who they were watching.
Over at the bar, a man was behind the counter speaking with the bartender. I’d guess his height to be about 6ft, in his yellow long sleeved shirt, and black slacks, I could see he was lean but not in the skinny sense. 
I had to wait for the white strobe lights to flash some white in his direction to see the rich gold of his hair which was styled in what I think is called a wolf cut.
With another flash of white light, I caught sight of movement just behind his shoulder.
“Rue! Can we get a picture?! Pretty please?!” 
One of the women in their booth must have had just a bit more to drink than her friends, as she’d gotten onto her knees on the seat cushion and started hollering at the man while waving her hand to get his attention.
Her friends were trying to get her to sit back down, nervously giggling and whisper yelling at her.
Fully immersed in the entertainment that was happening, I tried my best not to break out laughing and draw attention to myself. Lindsey was going to be so jealous she missed this, (or not, considering she’s probably getting her rocks off with the Naga.)
To my amazement, as well as the women’s, Rue must have heard her over the music. He said something to the bartender, who laughed, and he came out from behind the counter and made his way towards the group of women.
As he got closer the women subtly adjusted their push-up bras, skirts, and hair to further enhance their best assets.
Sipping at my drink I couldn’t stop watching.
I had no idea who Rue was, but I did know he was quite handsome, and he was most definitely a Fae. 
I got a better look at the wings that fluttered and twitched with each step he took, their shape was almost like that of a bumblebee’s, except the rounded curves drew out into points. 
When he reached their table and turned to the side, I could make out a honeycomb pattern in the membrane.
Between his clothes and wings, I had a sneaking suspicion as to who he was.
“Good evening ladies. Are you enjoying your time here?”
Even from where I was sitting, I could hear the honeyed tone of his voice in each syllable of his words. 
A flush of heat tickled over my skin, and looking at the other women, I could tell they were just as enamored as I was. A couple of them had their mouths slightly open in a gape, while the woman who had initially called him over looked ready to rip his clothes off.
They giggled and chirped their replies about loving the club.
Rue’s lips drew back in a pleased smile, “Glad to hear it. Now what was this about wanting a picture?” His head tilted the slightest bit as he leaned in a little closer, and I swear I heard one of the women gasp.
‘It’s like watching a porno’s opening.’ I thought, still amused.
They all spoke at once and scrambled to dig out their phones from their tiny purses.
There was a bit of squabbling about who’s phone they would use and who would take the picture, since the one taking the picture would need to be the furthest from Rue to get everyone in the shot.
Rue’s smile stayed in place, and I wondered if he was amused or simply used to this scene happening.
His wings gave a small flutter, and his head turned in my direction.
There had still been a decent bit of distance between my spot and where he’d stopped to talk to the group, so I hadn’t been able to tell what color his eyes were.
Now as they locked with mine, I could see they were a vibrant shade of amber with a thicker black ring around the iris.
I was grateful I hadn’t taken a drink of water just then, as I would have surely choked.
Having his full attention on me was electrifying. ‘No wonder those women were losing their minds just to get a picture.’
Rue lifted his hand and gestured for me to come over.
I didn’t hesitate, or even consider declining. I was out of my seat and walking over to him.
“Hi there, I’m sorry to inconvenience you, but would you mind taking a picture for us?” 
Rue’s honey voice dribbled into my ears, and that flush I’d felt before turned into a wave of heat.
The women in the booth immediately latched onto the idea, and implored me to help them out, even offering to buy me my next drink in exchange.
Again, I didn’t even consider turning them…him…down.
“I don’t mind at all. In fact you’ve asked just the right person. I’m a photographer by trade.” 
This got me a burst of excited exclamations from the women, and Rue’s smile somehow managed to shift into something just a touch more interested.
Or was that just my imagination?
One of the women offered me her phone, which they’d agreed was the better to use as it had the best camera.
I had Rue sit dead center and had two women sit on each side of him. I took a couple pictures in this arrangement, then asked them to switch so everyone had a chance to be center. 
The smiles the women gave me were full of gratitude for giving them each a chance to have that moment. While Rue’s smile remained the same for every single picture.
It was just genuine enough to tell me he didn’t mind being surrounded by beautiful women, but it didn’t quite bring the shine of happiness to his eyes that I could see in the womens’. It was most definitely a rehearsed smile.
When I gave them back the phone and they crunched in close to look at the pictures, they squealed and giggled.
Rue leaned in to get a look and his brows rose, “If that’s the quality you can get with a camera phone, I’d love to see what you can accomplish with a proper camera.”
The women all agreed and asked if I had a social media account, and if I handled weddings and other special events.
Ever prepared for new potential business, I had a couple business cards on hand that I gave out.
To my surprise, Rue snagged one of the cards before I could put the rest away. He read over the information then asked, “I’d hate to take up any more of your time tonight, but could I interest you in a business proposition?”
From the corner of my eye I saw the other women try to cover smiles and eyebrow wiggles.The one that had called Rue over even gave me a subtle thumbs up and mouthed, “Do it for us!”
Who says us ladies can’t offer each other support?
“I was actually going to head home shortly, so I don’t mind at all.”
“Excellent, let’s go talk in my office.” Rue pointed to a door that was behind the bar and labeled ‘STAFF ONLY.’
In any other circumstance, I’d be politely excusing myself from the situation or suggesting a time and place that was more out in the open.
I couldn’t be certain if he was using magical influence, or he was just that charismatic, but my mind and body were completely drawn to this man, and I accepted the invitation.
Following behind him, I was able to get hints of his scent. It was earthy, sweet and floral all blended together with an undertone of something that must be his general musk, and it was making my mouth water.
‘I wonder if he’d taste sweet.’ 
The moment the thought crossed my mind, his wings gave a particularly strong flutter and he gave me a glance over his shoulder that was undeniably heated.
Everything I knew about the Fae came from my required history lessons in high school, and the odd bit of gossip I caught every now and then. One such thing I vaguely recalled was mention of some Fae being able to sense or know when someone was thinking about them, especially if it was something amorous, as it called to their darker nature.
The heat that had settled along my skin turned into a deep flush of equal parts embarrassment and arousal. As he apparently hadn’t minded the idea.
We passed through the staff entrance, and down a small hallway that led to  washrooms and a change room for the staff. At the very end of the hall was an unmarked door. 
This was the door that Rue opened and gestured for me to enter.
Stepping over the threshold I got that sense of walking through a layer of Jell-o again. Glancing at the doorframe I didn’t see any runes, and guessed that these were a different kind designed for security.
The inside of the office was much more spacious, with a light wooden desk, black pleather chairs and a couch, and walls that were designed with even more of the honeycomb pattern.
My curiosity overcame my etiquette, and later I would just play it off as drinking too much, “I apologize if this comes across as rude, but I’ve been wondering since I got here. Why the beehive theme?”
“Let’s just say it’s personal preference.” Rue teased as he took a seat at one end of his couch and invited me to join him.
I’d expected him to sit behind his desk in his sleek looking office chair, what with this being a business talk.
My mind noted that the door was still open, and the heat I’d glimpsed in his eyes a minute ago was gone.
I sat at the opposite end of the couch and practically melted into the soft synthetic material. ‘I might just steal this couch.’
When I appeared to be settled Rue went right into it, “First let me properly introduce myself. My name’s Rue, and I’m the owner of this establishment.”
Finally having that suspicion confirmed I replied in kind. I didn’t bother with a nickname or just my last name, as was a common safety practice when dealing with Fae, since he’d already seen my name on my business card.
“As you know, we’ve only been open for the last month. Our numbers have been good, and with the rotation of our designated nights, I can’t see our customers thinning out in the long run.” As Rue spoke of his business, the honeyed layer I’d heard from his voice before was more subdued. He was also using hands and his eyes were shining, making it clear how proud he was of his club.
“An idea I’ve been toying with is creating an Instagram for the club to better spread the brand. We’ll eventually be offering merchandise online, such as branded shot glasses, shirts, and keychains. For the Instagram account I was thinking of sectioning off a part of the upper level for a photo op area.”
Realizing where he was going with this I asked, “And you’re wanting to hire a professional photographer to work the area?”
Rue’s smile broadened, clearly pleased that I’d followed his trail of thought, “It wouldn’t be every night of the week, but at least once or twice a week for each of the designated nights. Guests would be able to take their own photos with their phones, or they could pay a small fee to have a professional take the photo as well as have it posted to the Club’s Instagram page.”
It was a rather brilliant idea, and not one I’d heard of other clubs doing either. Sure it was common practice for people to take selfies and pictures of the clubs and tag the business, which was great for publicity, but if that person was placed in the club’s feed, it was just as good as the old fashioned Wall of Fame restaurants tended to do.
“That’s a rather smart approach, and as someone that knows the field, I’m sure any photographer that deals with people would jump at the chance to have reliable income.” I deliberately phrased my words this way so it would open the conversation to a proper offer.
The man had only seen a couple pictures taken on a camera phone, he couldn’t possibly want to hire me for such a coveted position based on that.
Rue’s emotions were apparent as he went through confusion then amusement, “I was rather hoping you would be the photographer to jump at the position.”
“I’d be more than happy to take the job, but are you sure you’re wanting to hire me for it? You’ve only seen one picture from a camera phone. I’d be more convinced if you’d gone through my portfolio first.”
Was I fishing for compliments? Maybe just a little. It wasn’t every day a gorgeous man offered a golden work ticket to someone they’d just met 10 minutes ago.
And there was still that heated glance he’d given me earlier.
Some kind of magic had to be at play, as Rue’s eyes warmed, making the vibrant amber change to the color of liquid honey and his voice returned to that deeper, smooth tone, “I could tell from that picture how good your technique is, and I could tell from how you interacted with those women that you’re goal is always to give the customer the best memory captured in the moment. Am I wrong?”
I was so entranced by his voice, I didn’t notice when he’d shifted closer. The space left between our bodies suddenly felt charged, and heat returned to my skin.
“That’s…pretty accurate.” I was having a hard time getting my brain to think of words, as it was more focused on his eyes, and the more potent presence of his scent. I gently cleared my throat, “You’re deceivingly perceptive, you know that?”
Rue laughed, and the sound of it had my heart squeeze in giddiness.
“It's an effective bonus to my magic. Which reminds me…”
It was as if I’d blinked, and the distance between us was gone.
One of his arms was draped over my shoulders, and his other hand held my chin, allowing him to brush the edge of his thumbnail along my bottom lip.
My breathing stuttered and my brain practically flatlined as it tried to process what had just happened.
“...Just what were you thinking about earlier, my flower?” 
Even if I had the ability to control my blush, I doubt I would have been able to do so now. It burned along my cheeks, chest and neck, and where he touched me felt as though my skin was going to burst into flames.
He’d just been offering me a job, and now he was trying to make me admit I’d been having inappropriate thoughts about him.
“I…um…don’t think I should say, since you’re going to be my boss.” 
There was a shift in the air around him as his smile edged into the smirk of a cat that was about to eat the canary, and to my awe I saw the black edge of his iris spread out thin lines across the white of his eyes that interconnected into a honeycomb design. 
It was a startling and enthralling sight.
Rue must have seen my eyes widen, and his gaze lowered to my lips which had parted to release a small gasp. He seemed to give me a moment to react, as if he were expecting me to try and pull away. When I didn’t do any such thing he inched a little closer, “You’re not my employee just yet, and I think you’ll find the work environment rather lax in that regard.”
The hand that held my chin grazed up along my jaw to cup my cheek, a means to keep me in place and make room for his lips as they came down to meet mine.
The moment his lips captured mine, I heard the door swing closed, and every inhibition I had about this behavior left me.
There was no easing into things.
Our kiss was frenzied, as were our hands as our fingers searched and tore at the fastenings of our clothes.
I vaguely felt the clasp of my dress scrape across my scalp as he pulled it over my head, my own hands popped two of his shirt buttons off in my rush to tear it off him.
Lust allowed me to take a moment to scan my eyes over his chest, and every inch of it looked delicious. Particularly the golden hair that started below his belly button and descended beneath the waist of his slacks.
Desperation and curiosity joined forces and propelled me to taste him. 
My mouth trailed kisses from his lips down to his throat, nipping and biting as I went, continuing further down to swipe my tongue over one of his nipples. I felt and heard Rue’s groan, encouraging me to do it again before continuing down.
I moved off the couch and Rue eased himself back, our physical connection never breaking. I wouldn’t let it, my hands or lips needed to keep contact with him. The tang of his skin had the slightest hint of sweetness to it, and that sweetness was the most addicting thing I’d ever tasted.
When my lips reached his treasure trail his hands made quick work of removing his pants. His cock sprang free, and my urgency doubled.
I dragged my nails down his hips as my teeth nipped his skin down to the base of his cock. Rue’s whole body shuddered as he let out another groan. His hands went to my hair to tug on the strands and urge me closer in unspoken encouragement.
Not that I needed any, as I was more than eager to drag my tongue along his cock’s length, giving it a rough flick along the small vein just below the head. Rue hissed a word that wasn’t in English and his grip on my hair briefly tightened.
A bead of precum was already waiting for me along his slit, and I swiped it off with my tongue. I hummed in delight as my taste buds found this to be the strongest hit of sweetness yet. My mouth watered just imagining what his cum must taste like.
My self control held on just enough to make sure I eased him into my mouth, and sucked him in a bit at a time in order to allow my throat to adjust to his girth sliding down. His hands held my head in place and his hips began to snap forward, “My beautiful flower…fuuuuuck your mouth feels so good…so good for me, my flower…”
Over and over his honeyed voice praised me and cursed as he chased his pleasure through the use of my mouth and throat. I’d never been skull fucked before, and in this moment it was the hottest thing I’d ever experienced. I could feel my panties soaking through and the desperation for my own pleasure built to a point that I began to whimper and moan.
“Yes, yes, yeeesss my flower.” Rue’s voice rasped and his hips gave a sharp thrust forward, nearly causing me to gag. He held me in place and I felt the base of his cock engorge forcing my mouth to ease back. There was a strong twitch and a gush of warm, thick liquid surged along my tongue and down my throat.
As I’d hoped, his cum tasted of pure honey with a salted undertone. I swallowed and sucked him dry for every drop.
Rue had to gently force me off his cock, which I did with a pitiful whimper. Lightly coughing and panting hard I moaned, “More…Need more, tastes so good.”
“You’ll have more my beautiful flower, but not until I’ve had my fill of you first.” Rue cooed to me as he pulled me off the floor.
In a daze of pent up need, and still tasting hints of his cum on my tongue, I didn’t even register his fingers pulling off my bra and panties until his mouth latched to my nipple and his long slender fingers stroked between my folds.
I was so sensitive, that touch had me quivering and nearly collapsing to the floor.
He tugged me forward, making me straddle his hips. I arched against his mouth as my hips twitched and thrust against his fingers.
He curled one of them along the edge of my entrance, and I nearly wept in frustration when he didn’t push it in.
Drawing his hand up he showed me the coating of slick that covered his fingers, “Look at this delicious nectar.” He marveled before putting the fingers in his mouth. His honeycombed eyes remained locked with mine as his tongue extended past his lips, showing me that it had changed as well.
It was much longer and more narrow, the edges curled upwards forming a tube that wasn’t completely closed. It twisted and curled between his fingers to lap up every last drop of the slick, all the while a deep, vibrating hum of pleasure came from his chest.
Somehow I could feel that vibration against my core, stimulating me further and with no friction I felt my inner walls clench almost in pain. My hands clutched into his shoulders as I begged, “Rue…Rue please…I need it…Please, please.”
His tongue drew back into his mouth as he smiled in a way that my mind should have registered as wrong. Instead the heavy haze of lust distorted it into a good sign.
Reaching down Rue took hold of his still engorged cock, and ran his head between my folds, “My beautiful flower begs so prettily, of course I’ll give her what she needs.” He pressed the tip just at the edge of my entrance, then drew back his hand so he could take hold of my hips with both.
Without any warning, he shoved me down onto him, and at the same time he thrust up as hard as he could.
Where pain should have been, only overwhelming pleasure blanketed my mind. My climax was so brutal I wasn’t sure I even made a noise, as my lungs couldn’t seem to let out the air.
As soon as the pleasure began to ebb back, my lungs let out a keening moan and an assortment of curses and praises. Rue chuckled, kissing and nipping at my throat and breasts as he began to thrust into me.
My first climax had barely receded as I felt the next beginning to creep up, “Rue…oh Gods…don’t stop…Don’t stop!” 
Rue’s only response was to use my hips to move me in rhythm with his thrusts. I didn’t resist or attempt to help other than to keep myself upright. I let him use me as he wanted, as which brutal thrust granted me another surge of pleasure.
I felt my second climax fast approaching, and Rue sensed it as well. He must have, as he did just as I’d asked him not to, and he stopped!
Freezing in place with me lifted off him, his tip barely piercing into me, I whined, “No! No no! Please, was so close!”
Rue’s eyes bore into me as he leaned in close and placed a feather light kiss against my throat, “Does my flower want more? Does she want me to fill her with my seed?” His voice was just as light as his kisses.
My nails scratched along his shoulders, as I felt my climax and the high of my pleasure begin to recede, I was so tightly strung and ready to release I felt as though my skin would break open, “Yes, Gods yes I want that.”
“Does my flower promise…” He kissed the underside of my jaw, “To come work for me…” then the middle of my throat, “and  to join my garden?” His lips grazed over the juncture of my throat and shoulder as he whispered this.
Had I been in my right mind, had I not been intoxicated by the effect of his magic (something I came to learn later on) I would have realized the trap and immediately ended things.
But I wasn’t in my right mind, and all I could think of was how it would feel to have him cum inside me.
“Yes,I promise! Please, please just fuck me!” 
“Such a good flower for me.”
His grip on my hips clenched, and his cock thrust into me harder and faster than before.
My climax crashed through me harder than the first, leaving me breathless and barely staying up right.
“So good, so so so good for me.” Rue didn’t stop thrusting, not even as the base of his cock became engorged. I felt it press my walls open even further, sending an extra thrill of pleasure into the mix that was consuming my mind.
With a single hard thrust he sent his cock in as deep as it could go just as he began to cum.
My body shuddered from the inside out, as though it were enjoying the sweetness that his body could produce without the use of my stomach.
As the high began to calm, and I was left with the body strength of a cooked noodle, Rue eased me off his softening cock and laid me down on the couch.
The haze lifted from my mind as my breathing slowly came under control, and I gradually realized what I’d done.
Horrified by my wanton actions, as well as his encouragement and influence of it, I tried to muster a glare in his direction.
Rue gently tsked as his hands gently slid along my legs, “Now now, there’ll be plenty of time to be upset later. I still need to get my fill of you before you sleep.” 
I was so weak, I didn’t have any strength to resist when he pushed my legs back open and hooked one of them over his shoulder.
Realizing what he wanted I feebly protested, which he ignored and leaned in towards my now saturated and sensitive cunt. I could feel some of his cum already leaking out, which was what he darted for first.
His tongue flicked out, the tip which was somewhat split lapped at the fluids.
From this position I watched his wings stand erect and vibrate, creating a low buzz that accompanied the pleased hum from his chest.
“Just as I hoped, your nectar tastes even better this way.” He sounded entranced, his words were spoken in such a reverent way.
His tongue continued to lap at the moisture along my skin, flicking out and sucking in the droplets into his mouth. Pressing in closer it slid into my entrance, and despite its narrow shape, my walls still registered the intrusion.
Flickers of pleasure played in my mind, and if not for the sensation of warmth being drawn out of me, I would have given into it. 
He was sucking his cum and my slick out of me, drinking it up through his tongue.
I had no words to express the shock and terror this was instilling in me. I had no strength to push him back and make him stop.
More concerning, was the lack of will I had to even try either.
Rue had made me promise to be “part of his garden” and I was getting a terrible idea of just what that meant.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Say it again 18+
*A/n~ this fic has been going round my head all day. I'm exhausted but I just can't rest until I've written it. I'm going to edit it in the morning tho. Prompt list has been posted for you guys too feel free to request anything I absolutely adore hearing from you all*
Warnings~ dom Larissa sub reader, mommy k!nk, safewords, strap on, f!ngering, praise k!nk, degradaing k!nk, oral & just smutty goodness
Prompt- new to your relationship reader and Larissa start to explore just how far they can take things. (Start will be based off my life tw for abuses -sexual kind and non- )
Joining Nevermore Academy to teach English language was one of your best decisions yet ranking in the top spot. The school saved you. Going through a rough break up it gave you a safe haven. A new focus that helped get you through. The staff are lovely but one particular lady caught your eye. Just so happens the stunning gorgeous goddess is your boss. How does anyone get any work done around her? It's impossible to focus when she's such a pretty picture in front of you. You formed attentive friendship with your boss. First rule of dating... no coworkers.
Months passed and you and Larissa explored your relationship at a pace that felt good for you both. Your dates were always so thoughtful and planned perfectly, she dotes on you, and listened to your wants and needs. As well as being the exact definition of your ideal women. You couldn't believe you got to call this goddess yours. And you hadn't even slept together so she went out with you because she wanted to not just for sex.
Your relationship with Larissa seas so different from the previous one with Alexis. She wouldn't give a toss about you, never tried to get to know you or anything and the had the audacity to take something from you that you didn't want to give. She didn't care if you consented. She wanted. She got. No matter if you said yes or no or awake or asleep she didn't care. So when you nervously suggested to wait before making love you'd expected Larissa to go mad. Instead she didn't, she wrapped you in her arms and just held you. No matter how badly the older women wanted you she would not take without permission. The thought made her own stomach turn.
So you can imagine the little shocked sound Larissa made as she accidentally choked on her wine. "Can we uh talk about likes and um not likes" you mumbled embarrassed, eyes towards the ground.
"Um yes ? Would you like to start?" She offered and was received with a negative.
(Guys here might get a little sexual abuse tw? It's based on a personal experience the least I'll want to do is trigger anyone with my past. I very much am y/n in this so please if anyone has anything like this reach out. It took me three years but I'm now doing okay and you deserve to be treated right)
"Okay darling so I'll start with some things I like okay? So I prefer being more dominant. I like to focus on you but I'm not against receiving. I would prefer to wear the strap but if you wanted to I'm sure we could sort that out later. I like to give my partner a safe word. So they can use it not only in the bedroom when they want to end the session but this could work in public depending on the word. Um I don't mind toys at all... I think that's all" she explained every bit so clearly.
Can my safe word be dove? " you murmured. The word being a nickname you had been called pretty much all your life. You continued "I haven't...I don't know what I'm doing either. But that's okay because that's how you learn. I um I know there's probably um pain involved?" You questioned the fear seeping through your words.
"Dove.. that works darling. So it's discreet enough you could even use it in public to show me you wish to leave an environment or situation if you wanted to. Whenever I hear that word from you I'll try my best to make you feel comfortable." She promised causing a small smile to grace your lips. She really and truly loves you it's plain to see.  "Baby? What do you mean by pain? " her tone heading caution here.
"I um well dominant people hurt their submissives? That's what she always said. It's normal? And if I say no you can still take whatever because your a dominant person?" You trailed off. You really hated your lack of knowledge here. As a teacher your thirst for knowledge was never quenched, so to have this massive gap was slightly embarrassing. Alexis had been a very rough period of your life, one in which you faced many difficulties and lost everyone in your life. Larissa knew of the relationship but none of the details. Truly isolated. No one knew the true extent of what you went through, partly because you still didn't quite understand the extent of it yourself. But if your loves crestfallen expression was anything to go by then you'd assume Larissa was starting to work everything out.
"Oh y/n. No darling that's not quite right. A dominant still needs consent love. It's a mutual agreement between both parties that have limits. So someone might adore being praised where as the other may prefer to be um put down while having some fun. Some people like to be hurt, others don't. Some like to be restrained and others don't it makes them panicky which then takes the enjoyment from such a special act. Do you understand love?" She gathered your hands in hers seeing the tears threatening to fall from your eyes, "I promise y/n when the time comes I'll never do anything you don't want. I like to check in with my partner. All I'll ever want to do is make you feel good my love" her reassuring words wrapping around you like a blanket.
"What do you like?" You whispered out almost inaudibly. "Me? Hmm well I like myself a lot of praise, I like to praise my partner let them know how good they are for me. I'm also not against using degradation with some limits and this is if and only if they enjoy so. I own some restraints and toys but would never use them unless specifically asked for" she trailed off carefully examining your reaction. So far so good. You didn't look frightened or in need to stop the conversation. "My love is there anything I said you don't want?" She queried. You sat in deep thought, her thumbs caressing the tops of your hands. "Um I don't think so? That all sounds rather enjoyable I think. I would like to try." You mumbled a bright red flush adorning your cheeks at the admission. "Okay my love, is there anything else you want to ask?" In which you shook your head just processing the new information. You moved to settle back against your girlfriend in a comfortable silence.
(End of the tw?)
What Larissa was describing sounded rather enjoyable and nothing like what you were thinking. Actually what you were being told made the whole idea rather desirable? You trusted Larissa explicitly and she would never hurt you intentionally that much was clear. Maybe you could give it a try? After all you'd been together now for a while and maybe just maybe you were ready for the next step? Larissa had promised to wait as long as you needed. And true to her word Larissa never made any advances or made you feel any kind of pressure. "Honey? Can we um I think I god this is rather hard..." your embarrassment causing the words to get lost in your throat. "I can we try?" You managed lamely gaze fixed to the flames of fire dancing in front of you.
"Are you sure y/n? You don't have to just because we had this conversation." She murmured into your hair wanting you to know it was not a requirement. "I want to... I want you and to make you feel good. Show me. Please?" You whimpered out in a response. The words reassuring the older women this was a mutual want. You turned around to see her darkened lust filled eyes in the soft glow from the fire. Absolutely stunning. Her lips sought out yours in a sweet yet desire filled kiss. Hands finding purchase on your cheek and the back of your neck, holding you to her. Your hands slipping round her neck in an attempt to get closer. You shifted so you were now sat on her lap, enjoying the kiss she was gladly offering. Her lips trailed your neck up to your ear nipping the lobe before trailing down to find your pulse point. She nipped there lightly revealing in the little gasp you made only spurring her on to repeat the action a little harder. Again the moan was a bit louder in response to her action. You could feel her lips curling upwards against your skin, she was rather pleased at how responsive you were to her simple acts. "Larissa, please" you whined the desire you felt for her now burning like a raging river. Months of wanting her but not having the confidence to do so hitting you like a freight rain.
"Okay my darling, bedroom?" She murmured against your neck not wanting to stop her assault of kisses there. The sounds you were making, simply too addicting for her to ever want to stop. With a quick nod, you were carried to your lovers room and gently laid on the bed. "Darling? Still okay?" She queried in which you nodded too distracted by the way you were feeling for words. "Words angel" she reminded you. "Please" you whimpered under her gaze. With enough consent Larissa stated to remove your clothing one by one pressing light kisses over the new exposed skin. An act you were not use to but was most certainly not unwelcome. Once fully bare for her you started to squirm under her lustful gaze. The power dynamic of you being exposed while your lover looked full composed still in her clothing, riled you up even more. God you needed her.
An inpatient whine filled the room causing Larissa to smirk. "Aw my poor baby, do you need something darling?" She taunted very carefully here not knowing if you'd respond well. To her relief you rolled your eyes and whined at her, "you know I need you please." God you were sexy when you begged her. Making a mental note to try and achieve more begging later Larissa decided to tell you what she planned to do to you and see what you'd like. Her plan was vague but sounded absolutely delightful so you made no adjustments. Kisses were being trailed over your stomach as her hands palmed your breasts. Everything felt so good. And then her mouth found your aching core. A delicious cry of pure pleasure tore through you when you felt her tongue at your soaked cunt. Her movements slow, maddeningly slow as she explored and savoured every moment. Your moans were now falling freely as you brought your hands to her hair. You needed more. This sensation like no other, your lover certainly knew what she was doing. Your first dance with pleasure was brought on by her sucking and licking at your bundle of nerves. Never really feeling anything like this meant your control of the climax was none existent as you fell from the edge. Moans tearing through you as your thighs tightened around her head instinctively trying to hold her there. Only when you came down panting did Larissa move, your mixture of arousal and cum coating her face.  "Want to taste darling?" She purred causing more arousal to rush straight to your core.
You brought her lips to yours moaning at the unfamiliar taste of yourself mixed with her. The kiss became needy and your hands began tugging at her clothing. "Off" you half growled and half moaned against her lips. She chuckled at the needy mess you now were and complied with the request. "So beautiful" you murmured, unable to tear your gaze from her. "Darling are we still okay?" The consistency of her checking in was so adorable and p you and you loved it. You felt so safe and well she'd given you your first orgasm and you'd be lying if you said you didn't want more. "Yes god please I want more"
Only then did she settle between your thighs once more. This time her fingers trailed ever so lightly on your thighs, creating idle patterns. Never quite reaching where you wanted her. Your hips bucked up on their own accord startling you slightly. "Aw is my good girl needy?" She husked at you sensing the confusion you felt at the action. "Mmm please" begging her seemed to get you what you wanted. And all sense of embarrassment fled your mind. It was just you and your lover.
Gently, you felt her long slender finger pushing into your heat. A groan forced its way from your lips. Not registering the volume or really caring. You were absolutely dripping for her. And she added another knowing you could manage if she was carful. Once your body adjusted to the intrusion the pleasure became overwhelming. The need to move almost painful. Sensing your impatience Larissa started to slowly thrust her fingers in and out curling them slightly. God did she have a map of where to touch you? Your second orgasm of the night fast approaching under her skilled hands.  Your moans tangled with her statements of praise and the sounds your slickness filled the room. You desperately began to chase the high. Recognising the feeling from before and wanting it even more. It was the feeling of her talented tongue on your clit that threw you violently over the edge. Your vision blurring as you swore you saw stars. After bringing you back down to earth she crawled up your body once more. You looked absolutely delightful, laid spread, and well and truly fucked and stated.
"You-you never had anything?" You tried to get out and steady your breathing. "I want to please you. Please" you whimpered. "Well darling, what do you think of trying the strap?" She tried cautiously only to be met by a grin on your face as a sparkle in your eyes at the suggestion. "Please" was all she needed to jump into action. Despite this being the first time you'd been touched by your girlfriend, your girlfriend spent many nights with her own hand or her vibrator bringing herself to pleasure with this thought. Taking you with her strap, hearing your delicious moans tumble from you uncontrollably as you took her like a good girl. The thought enough to make her drool.
Soon enough a red strap sat between her strong thighs, your gaze refusing to leave that sight. Commuting it to memory. "Are you sure my darling?" You were transfixed at the sight and she was misinterpreting that for fear. After all she knew this was a new experience for you. "Please Rissa I want to" you reassured her and moved your legs to be more open in a obvious request.
The sensation nothing like anything you could remember. The burning pain at the intrusion nothing like that of her fingers just previous. Tears sprang to your eyes and then you felt her hand clutching yours, her head dropping to your neck peppering kisses there. "You're doing so good darling. I know it hurts, such a good girl for me hmm?" Slowly the pain subsided and an unmatched level of pleasure began to course through you. The sensation eliciting a pleasure filled groan. "Fuck please mommy-" wait? What? Mommy? Did you just call her mommy?
"Oh my darling girl, you want mommy to help you?" She then pulled out gently only to thrust back in setting a steady pace. "Oh fuck god mommy please" starting to become extremely sensitive all you could do is whine and mewl at her thrusts. Both approaching the fall together. And that's how you fell. Together. Screaming out your lovers name as she fell beside you. Only pulling out from your heat once she was sure you had ridden out your pleasure. A slither of pain hit you at the action causing a little pained whimper. "Oh darling I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay? Do you need anything? Water? Snacks ? Bath? Cuddles?" Her list seemed to flow endlessly."
"I um what?" You muttered dumbly, your limbs heavy exhaustion quickly creeping over you. "Aftercare darling. Have you never?" She trailed off the question obvious. In which the answer was no. "Cuddles please" you whimpered, your emotions were heightened which caused tears to finally fall. "Oh baby, come here." She gathered you up in her arms and laid back with you snuggled up to her chest. "Mommy has you baby" she murmured into your hair which caused a slight giggle. "You didn't mind that? I didn't even know it escaped." You explained and she chuckled at your reaction. " darling you can call me whatever you wish and it was very hot" she clarified and you mentally settled on mommy, after all it was the first thought that came to you as she was taking care of you. Before sleep claimed you you managed to whisper out "nobody could love me like you do."
Larissa laid there with you snuggled up to her, basking in the after glow of the night. It was an absolute perfect night and she couldn't wait for many more nights with you. After all you were proving to be quite the interesting pretty thing to play with. She wondered how far she could eventually push you. The thought causing her to smirk as sleep claimed her.
Word count~ 3043
*A/n~ I was listening to a song called zero which Inspired y/n's last line the lyrics are
"Do you know there ain't nobody, ain't nobody that make it hot like me."
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