#Taika Waititi negativity
queerly-autistic · 8 months
Interestingly, the most common response on Twitter after someone crossposted my Taika post over there has been 'oh thank god someone finally said this'.
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saltpepperbeard · 2 years
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Late to close, and late to open...
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delyth88 · 7 months
Just gonna leave this here...
"I didn't want to be the dutiful wife and race over to the Gold Coast where he [Waititi] was making Thor and sit in an apartment all day long f***ing twiddling my thumb.
"I think I was married to someone who really, was just on their own buzz, and [had] tunnel vision for whatever reasons," she says.
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beheworthy · 1 year
love how waititi fans were saying he'll save jane from being a 'throwaway love interest' when she was never that in the previous films. thor's story was interwined with her.
their echo chamber only intensified after the trailer was released just because she was wielding mjolnir and had toned arms. and then the film releases and everyone goes quiet. he makes her a LITERAL THROWAWAY love interest complete with textbook fridging. he went the other way around to intertwine her story with thor. she quite literally lives and dies for him. and i see no acknowledgment from waititi stans about all this.
like i have enough beef with him for what he did to thor's character but the way he did my girl jane dirty is also something to behold.
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overleftdown · 11 months
so, here’s the thing about loki S2.
i was a S1 hater. i went to war over this series. i despised the direction they took my favorite character, i despised the actual characterization, and i despised the way they seemed to retcon everything that made him a substantial character. not to mention the hollow, corny, soulless background characters, the odd themes and plot devices, the depiction of friendship/relationship dynamics- wow. it was a mess.
however, as i’m seeing more loki blogs double down on this criticism with S2, so to speak, i’m actually appreciating this season much more. not only is the actual cinematography miles above the cheap “classic superhero franchise film” shots, but the dialogue and framing of scenes is much more pleasant. S2 seems to have an entirely different aesthetic. the graphics, especially the temporal shredding/time slipping, has consistently left me visually pleased. the side characters are incredibly more dynamic and nuanced. loki’s relationship with said side characters are genuinely reciprocal. seemingly above all else, loki FEELS like a main character, this season. he felt like a main character even before this massive OP power addition in Ep5.
i fucking loved loki’s Ep5 brief emotional monologue. it sprinkled in a tasteful description of what many loki fans have consistently been thinking; no, loki is not narcissistic. he genuinely just wants to be loved, to feel less alone. although the show has neglected to truly callback to loki’s problematic family dynamics, this seems like a sort of red-thread moment to loki’s entire MCU arc. i don’t see this as some stupid “character growth 😛” bullshit, either. i don’t think loki suddenly wants to have friends, and never did before. where the growth comes from, for me, is loki building trust. that same “trust” seemed plastic, ingenuous, and redundant in S1 because it lacked any realistic foundation. we have a supposedly very mentally unstable loki variant surrounded by untrustworthy people, and he,,, what? followed his captor around like a puppy? nah. this season, however, feels different. the dynamics can be flawed at times, but there is a genuine sense of community and reciprocal care. i just wish S1 wasn’t such a bad foundation for everything good about S2 so far.
that isn’t to say i don’t have criticism and pipe-dreams for loki as a character. i wanted to see his gender fluidity. i wanted to see, especially, his struggle with his jotunn racial identity. direct references to his familial trauma (show-dont-tell, of course). i have to admit, though, that the plot itself is winning me over from these grievances. the sheer enjoyability of this season is addictive. if i want incredibly detailed loki character studies, i have fanfiction for a reason. while i wish some things were represented more in-canon, i have to admit that S2 has been so fucking fun to watch.
final note is that i am, unfortunately, being indoctrinated into the lokius agenda. i know, i know, 2021-me would kick now-me in the nuts. this change of interest is genuinely based on the in-canon dynamic shift. they seem much more like colleagues and friends. the weird power imbalance is much less apparent. i’ve been getting through S2 by sidelining everything from S1 except for necessary plot points, tbh. S1 was such a waste of space.
and that concludes my tangent.
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purplehalnw · 1 year
Me seeing Loki getting treated like shit, blamed for everything, portrayed as if he's the one who needs to fix things and not his brother, and perceived as power hungry when he isn't.
"I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending":
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in-defense-of-loki · 2 years
Waldron writing is like if cake fails were a movie. You see one person take all this stuff and make something beautiful and then you see Waldron take the same stuff and make a mess and wonder how someone could fail so hard.
Ngl, that analogy made me giggle. You're not wrong. Just sprinkle in some "didn't care about how it was put together as long as the shape and color is right" and you nailed it. Cuz he doesn't care, the only difference I've noticed between him and Waititi is that Waititi hates Loki, so he could still mock-mimick Loki enough to cover up his lack, whereas Waldron truly does not care, and that's why it barely even looks like a Loki. His focus is on his self-insert and his mary-sue-best-gurl-in-the-universes. They even admitted such tweeting about how much they were upset they couldn't make the Loki show into the Sylvie show.
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we-are-temporary · 6 months
So no decades old healed femur (amputated leg) as a sign of a caring civilization? 🚮
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theshortolivia · 4 months
Get to Know me tag :)
Was tagged for a get to know me tag game by @deerlisteners and these are fun so thought I’d do it for the like two people who will see it, even though, they are both childhood friends and know all this…
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yeah! My moms named me after the character Olivia Benson from law and order because she was a ‘strong independent woman’ like they wanted me to be and they also both had a crush on her/the actress who plays her. Bonus fact I’m p sure if I’d been born male they woulda named me Josiah
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh, I got emotional and ALMOST cried at the ‘shoe scene’ (can’t be any more specific cause Huge spoilers) when rewatching Jojo Rabbit, I DID cry when I saw it in theatres and I HIGHLY recommend it as a comedy satire but also a harrowing reminder of history we should never forget (and for taika waititi of course). Um last time I actually cried I don’t remember cause recently my mental health has been depression apathy and not anxiety tears but it was Probably out of frustration at my chronic illness limiting what I can do, not a fun anecdote unfortunately but sometimes it be like that
3. Do you have kids?
I do not and I don’t plan on having any anytime soon for economic, chronic illness, and age reasons (I’m 22 lol I am Not settled in life I don’t even live alone). I would like to have kids when I’m older and more settled health and money wise, I love kids and feel I have so much love and care to give, i think I’d both enjoy and be a good mother. Also, I’d like to have them ‘traditionally’ because I’d like to experience pregnancy and I have some good genes lol. I think I’d like to have 3, partially because I do think I will love to raise and love children but also largely because I want my kids to have multiple siblings and to have a bigger (I know that’s not large in the grand scheme but for like, this day and age and economy and etc) family and for their kids to have multiple aunts/uncles. I love having a brother and wish I had more siblings, I wish I had a sibling closer in age that I could relate to, but I do still enjoy taking care of him and him being my baby brother. I also used to have 5 aunts and uncles (well 10 since they were all married ig) and many many cousins of all ages before we stopped talking to that side of my family, and I have two uncles (and my aunts their wives) and only see a few of my cousins due to where they live, and I am so glad I have family gatherings that big but I do miss the giant ones too, therefore I want for my kids what I have and love.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I am NOT a sports girlie. Up until I was 12 ish I was a very into ballet and modern dancing (would’ve continued but alas anxiety struck) and after that I did musical theatre which is its own style of dancing, incorporating all different types. I’d love to go back but since I stopped dancing due to a steady string of anxiety, anxiety medication side effects, foot problems, and then finally chronic fatigue syndrome, I’ve become out of shape, have really bad feet, and REALLY struggle to find time to take care of myself. I do want to start exercising again in ways that don’t require me to have functional feet like weight lifting, aerial dancing (those fabric strip things) etc. But I am Not good at sports nor do I like it, sorry. I remember basketball in elementary being the most frustrating and volleyball being,,,ok
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Hm in general i don’t think I do actually, I’m a pretty earnest and straightforward person myself and idk using sarcasm feels negative? For me? And I strive to be as positive to others as I can be. (Not that sarcasm is always mean I just feel like it don’t my Vibe ykwim) but I’m also somewhat socially and subtextually dense so I think it makes sense I don’t use something I may not be the best at understanding unless it’s obvious
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hmm, I think that varies a Lot, it’s probably usually either makeup, clothing, hairstyle, or tattoos if they stand out or if they’re something I’d want myself or am attracted too or like aesthetically. I always try to get up the courage to compliment people on things I notice because I feel good when I get complimented so I want other people to feel like that too :) also actually since I’m a cashier and people hand over cash and point cards often I usually notice nails. Oh I also notice extremes in height immediately, I’m short so people shorter than me are like woah! And people super duper tall are also like Woah!
7. What’s your eye colour?
Dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
TLDR happy endings, I’m a sucker for happily ever after to the point where if it didn’t end happily I’ll probably write or st least daydream a fan fiction ending where it does. ESPECIALLY romance it Always gets me. I do like scary movies though, especially psychological horror, although,,,In The Tall Grass FUCKED ME UP (the movie, I don’t read stephen king books cause his writing style makes me uncomfy but man does he have some fucked up terrifying horrible ideas for for him)
9. Any talents?
Ig that’s kinda complicated cause I’d probably call myself a jack of all trades (but master of none). I was one of those kids that was praised for being good at like everything the first time I tried it and now as an adult has to learn how to study and have a huge issue of getting frustrated and stopping anything I try that I’m not immediately good at therefore never being able to improve because I’m not practicing. But I’ve been Told by teachers, professors, and other people that I’m quite talented at singing. I starred in some musicals in elementary school and studied vocals in high school, in choirs the whole time too, so I’d say I’m like, sort of trained in musical theatre and opera and I Have worked to improve my voice. But I was also told that apparently when I was 3 ish I grabbed a mic and went on a stage (probably at play group or smth idk) and belted twinkle twinkle little star and parents laughed and said I’d be a star one day so idk maybe I just have that star quality lol. Oh I’ve also been commended for my acting skills back before I did acting? But I haven’t done much of late and wouldn’t consider myself exceptionally skilled, I want to be though! I uh also had a period in high school where I discovered I liked (and was good at) academics and excelled in science and math and focused Heavily on that, getting awards and whatnot. I’m not gifted but my mom and grandfather are (were, granddad is not alive) and I definitely did get their big brains.
Oh also I’m like a professional daydreamer at this point I write whole ass stories in my head most of which Never make it to the Google docs and I’m Amazingly talented at oversharing I’m sorry in advance tell me to stop talking I literally won’t mind I promise I ramble Too much
10. Where were you born?
Ontario, Canada
11. What are your hobbies?
Too many. I have this issue where I like too many things so I spread myself too thinly to commit to spending enough time practicing on any one thing to improve, and then on top of that have this thing where I can’t just do something for fun I have to be Good at it (which I think stems from being a Talented Kid™) BUT here’s a list here we go it’s long
Learning languages (I’m shit at it tho)
Linguistics (how languages WORK is So Cool)
Learning about cool science things namely psychology, genetic, otherwise biology, or nuclear related
I’m not good at this yet but I wanna get into mixology for fun and also as a job
Can’t sew v well yet but I think it would be So Fun and also good to know cause I have to hem every other pair of pants I get
12. Do you have any pets?
I live w my parents still n we have a dog who’s actually my brother’s service dog she’s a huge black lab named Marshmallow and she is full of so much love but not a lot of thoughts, and we recently got a tuxedo kitten i got to name Carmilla (Carmilla is the name of an 1872? gothic lesbian vampire novella that came out before dracula, see my kitten loved to hide n is super duper fast and also play bites, hence, vampire)
13. How tall are you?
5’1 or 152cm
14. Favourite subject in school?
Too many uhh in high school I rlly loved general biology, my vocal classes (which we learned solos in Italian, German, and musical theatre genres and etc it was amazing), my intro to sociology, psychology, and anthropology class, my human development throughout the lifespan class (I wrote a super cool paper on the theory of infantile synesthesia which tbh is probably the best paper I’ve ever written), and my drama classes. In uni so far I’ve enjoyed my year 1 biology class, Especially the second half cause it was like almost All genetics (soooo fascinating!!!), I Loved my Japanese class which was hard as hell but so fascinating and awesome (I love languages and how they work, and Japanese being so different from my native language of English was really interesting, I also really like Japanese food and culture and nature so learning the language was partially because I think it’s a wonderful language but partially so I can go to Japan at some point), my psych intro class was fascinating and I especially enjoyed the parts on sleep and consciousness and on sensory and perception, those parts of our brains are sooo cool I also really liked my Health Psychology (relating our body to our mind was eye opening and very interesting) class. All those classes had super interesting subject matter AND really amazing sweet and helpful professors. Oh my intro data science class was cool cause I got to do shit of coding which was fun and rewarding
15. Dream Job?
Ok so remember the ‘jack of all trades but master of none’ thing? Liking and being somewhat good at many different things is rlly not helpful for deciding on careers, the end of that phrase ‘but better than being a master of one’ I’d say isn’t true cause I do think being good at One thing has its pros and cons, a pro being it’s def easier to decide what to do. I’ve been told I could probably make it in the opera industry, and I would love to act and sing for a living, whether that’s theatre, film, or voice acting, preferably I’d love to do them all tbh. It feels narcissistic to admit but I do like the recognition for performing, I relish the applause I get during curtain calls or after a solo, I wouldn’t say I Live for the applause but I do like it, I think I’d like to be some level of famous. However I know that’s not easy to attain and I also would love to be a teaching and researching professor of psychology and genetics. I love presenting and teaching and am very good at it (my best marks are always on presentations lol) and I love researching concepts that are interesting to me, like for example if I had to write a thesis right now I’d probably write it about the possibility of finding the epigenetic patterns that cause hereditary depression, anxiety, etc, and use CRISPR gene editing technology to correct those thus ending the cycle of hereditary mental illness instead of putting the bandaid of a medication on it. Also I know that coding and computer science is lucrative right now and I did enjoy my taste of coding so I’d also love to look into that. I Do want to make a lot of money so I can afford to take care of those I love (and myself), be more sustainable, and enjoy some extra things in life like fancy and unique or uncommon to my culture food
No pressure but Also tagging @dragonheart1330 :)
I probably didn’t even say One thing @dragonheart1330 and @deerlisteners don’t already know lol as I said I am soooo talented at oversharing
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uniiiquehecrt · 1 year
Did you have to tell the Russo Brothers, who will be inheriting your Thor? Oh, I know. I’ve talked to them. We’d show them footage of him because they’d heard we’ve got a really different Thor. I love those guys, but I’m not gonna stress myself out trying to save Thor for the Avengers movies. My plan was just to strip him down and mess him up as much as possible, and then just sort of deliver him to their doorstep: “Here’s this messy version of the character that you thought you were gonna have.”
We’re talking a lot about this tone and the comedy, how does it then reconnect to what the plot of the movie is about? I have no idea. Honestly, I gave it a little bit of thought, but sometimes, often I was like, You know what? I’m gonna let Marvel deal with that. That’s their department. I know how to tell a story, but I’m having so much fun subverting all of this, and like telling weird jokes and making this the weirdest Marvel movie ever. If you’ve seen my movies, you don’t hire me for any reason other than what I’ve done. So Marvel’s job really is to look after their characters, look after their source material, and make sure I don’t completely break it, or it doesn’t negatively affect the rest of the movies or how they all interweave. I don’t understand that, and I’ve never watched all those movies with the eye of like, Oh, how does this link up? Oh, what year was this when, like, Fury encountered this thing? 
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lizluzz · 1 year
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TW: "In New Zealand, there's a sort of... this idea of being born strangling yourself if you come from two different worlds. So, I think, throughout my life, there's this idea of... because you're dealing with two different races combatting each other."
Interviewer: "and that seen as a negative thing?"
TW: Mmm, yeah. But, I see it as a positive thing because it's two cultures... self deprecating, got great senses of humor and have been oppressed throughout time. So, I take a lot of strength from coming from both those worlds.
Taika waititi talking about growing up Jewish and Māori in AoNz, Master Class 2018.
(photo, interview)
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galaxythreads · 1 year
Where do u get ur bullshit? Its been six years arent u tired of hating a random movie
Calm down. Breathe. I like Ragnarok. I enjoy watching it. That does not mean it's free of faults or things we should talk about. It's okay if you don't want to talk about it though. I'm working on a project right now that requires me to look at Ragnarok negatively hence why I'm talking about it.
As for where I get my bullshit, interviews with Taika Waititi, which I have linked on the posts if you want to see where I got it from.
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
girl (gn) help taika waititi is trying to kill me
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kickingthepirate · 11 months
I deleted my OFMD rant post. It was done out of anger but it was misguided and pointless. Regardless of my negative feelings on Taika Waititi’s actions or OFMD, I’ll stay out of its tag.
I’m sorry to anyone I offended or hurt.
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beheworthy · 9 months
I love how in Thor4 it's clearly shown that Thor is with the Guardians for a very long time - enough to get back in shape, go on multiple galaxy-spanning adventures, and even form drinking routines with Quill but James Gunn says he was with them for only 2 weeks. It's quite literally not possible but of course Gunn wouldn't want his beloved characters to spend any time with the bumbling buffoon bully.
I hope the same is done to the rando kid going forward. Say Thor took care of her for 2 weeks and then she left to be on her own. Or better yet, do what Feminist Waititi did to Jane - 'respectfully' discard her with a throwaway line.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 11 months
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