#Taiwan sweetheart
jsy · 1 year
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panda-writes-kpop · 11 months
Tzuyu - Everything, Everything (Requested!)
A/N: Gonna be honest - this might be one of my favorite requests I've ever done. It's so cute, and Tzuyu is adorable in this, plus we love a happy little family. 💜
TW: Reader and Tzuyu have a kid together, airplanes, reader and Tzuyu's mom do not get along, a little angst with a happy ending :)
Summary: A trip to Taiwan gives Tzuyu and your daughter a chance to see their homeland and a close relative, but you're less than excited to see someone you don't see eye-to-eye with.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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“Do you have everything packed?”
“Yeah, I grabbed this!” Your daughter proudly shows you her stuffed deer plushie, and you smile as you zip up her luggage. “I wanna see Grandma.”
I’m glad that one of us wants to.
To you, it wasn’t a secret that Tzuyu’s mother wasn’t a fan of you dating her daughter. You didn’t know if it had to do with the fact that you were a foreigner, or that she just wasn’t a fan of you in general, but her cold glares and pointed words weren’t missed by you at all.
You, however, knew how much this trip would mean to Tzuyu. Her mother had made a few trips over to Korea since the two of you had gotten together and, later in your relationship, adopted your daughter, but Tzuyu wanted her daughter to see the home land that her mother was raised in.
That fact did not calm your nerves about seeing Tzuyu’s mother in Taiwan, but if it would make Tzuyu and your daughter happy, you’d do it.
I’d do anything for either of them, in all honesty.
A gentle hand on the small of your back causes you to snap out of your thoughts.
“Are you ready, love?” Tzuyu asks your daughter, who excitedly nods. “We should be heading out soon. The plane leaves in a few hours.”
Your daughter grabs her suitcase before clambering out of the room. You and Tzuyu laugh before she directs her attention to you.
“Are you packed and ready to leave?”
As ready as I’ll ever be.
“Of course, darling.” You grab her free hand and press a kiss to it. “Let’s head to the airport.”
You awkwardly stand back as Tzuyu hugs her mother before gesturing to her daughter. Your daughter hugs her grandmother’s knees before she is scooped up into the latter’s arms.
Why do I feel like a stranger in my own family?
You wrap your arms around your side as you force yourself to smile as Tzuyu’s mother looks towards you.
It’s just a weekend with her. You can last through a weekend.
Her eyes narrow, and your shoulders sink as you take a step towards her.
“It’s great to see you again.” You say, in an effort to offer an olive branch, but she doesn’t budge.
“Likewise.” Her response is curt towards you before she turns towards her granddaughter. 
The two of them start talking, and you sigh before dejectedly walking towards them. Tzuyu’s hand grabs yours, and when you meet her eyes, the concern radiates off of her.
Are you alright? , she mouths to you.
I’ll survive, you mouth back, it’s just a weekend, after all.
She frowns, but you turn away before you can catch the concern in her eyes changing into disappointment.
“How has her Chinese lessons been going?” Tzuyu’s mom asks, and you remain silent as Tzuyu, who sits next to you in the cab, speaks up.
“They’ve been going very well.” Tzuyu gestures to your daughter, who says a broken sentence in Mandarin to her grandma.
“Ah, you’re doing well, sweetheart! If only you weren’t forced to learn three languages…” Tzuyu’s mom glares at you, and you bow your head in shame.
You look over to Tzuyu for help, and her eyes widen as she tries to backtrack.
“We think it’s important for her to learn the language of both of her parents, along with the country that she’s raised in.” Tzuyu pointedly says, and you nod in agreement. “Besides, they’ve been learning Chinese to speak with you, and I’ve been learning English to communicate with their parents. I think it’s a matter of give-and-take, don’t you?”
You show the same amount of surprise as Tzuyu’s mother does, but you begin to smile before grabbing her hand. She always stood up for you when you needed her most. She offers you a gentle smile before her mother speaks.
“Right…” Tzuyu’s mother grumbles, and the rest of the cab ride to Tzuyu’s childhood home is peacefully quiet.
Another day and night of tension pass before Tzuyu pulls you aside and says something.
“Hey, what’s going on between you and my mother?”
“Huh?” You tilt your head at her. “What do you mean?”
“Please don’t be like that with me, darling.” She places a gentle hand on your shoulder, and you bite your lip as you try to hold back the emotions that are threatening to break through. “I want to know what’s up. I worry about you.”
“It’s not anything major, I-”
“Your daughter knows.” Tzuyu interjects, and you pause as you feel a wave of shame pass you.
“She does?” You flinch at the weakness in your voice, but it’s how you truly feel.
“She does. She asked me why you and grandma don’t like each other.”
You place a hand on your forehead before looking at Tzuyu.
“What did you tell her?”
“I told her that sometimes adults don’t see eye-to-eye, especially when it comes to their concern over a loved one.”
“Tzuyu, did you talk to your mother?” You ask with concern, and she nods, which causes you to panic. “It’s true, isn’t it? She really doesn’t like me at all.”
You only curl up into yourself when Tzuyu nods her head. She sits next to you, on the bed, before removing her hand from your shoulder. You place your head on her shoulder as she wraps a loose arm around you.
“I’m sorry for ruining the trip.”
“You didn’t ruin the trip.” She tries to reassure you, but it doesn’t help. “At least, you didn’t mean to ruin the trip. I should’ve-”
“Don’t bring this back on yourself, Tzuyu.” You gently scold her, but she sighs in response.
“How can I not? How can I not blame myself for being ignorant that my lover and mother didn’t get along until it was made blatantly obvious?”
“How do we fix this, baby?” You softly ask with the remaining strength that’s in your body.
“I already did. Don’t worry about it.” Her free hand combs through your hair, and you yawn as you snuggle against her body.
“Y’know, you might act nonchalant and unbothered, but you really cannot help to be involve yourself with other people, huh?”
With sleepy eyes, you look up at Tzuyu one more time before you’re lulled to sleep.
“I suppose you’re right. You always see the best in people, don’t you?”
You smile at your daughter as she excitedly bounces around the room.
“Do we have to leave?!?! I wanna stay with Grandma for longer.”
You wrap your arms around Tzuyu, who blushes slightly before brushing a piece of hair out of her face.
“We will come back soon, I promise.” Tzuyu says before laughing at you trying to eat a piece of her hair. “You are a dork, darling.”
“But I’m your dork.” You joke before Tzuyu laughs again.
“I suppose so.”
“You suppose?” You jokingly say with anger as your daughter laughs at your antics.
Someone clears their throat, and the three of you direct your attention towards the doorway where Tzuyu’s mother stands.
“You three are welcome back anytime.” She emphasizes before her granddaughter runs over and hugs her.
“Three?” You mutter breathlessly as Tzuyu squeezes your arm.
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absolutebl · 10 months
Favorite first kiss?
Favorite First Kisses!
Doozie of a question. Here we go...
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1 Until We Meet Again
I mean COME on. How could this not be the #1 best first kiss? It's so gentle and so good and so hot and just... EVERYTHING a first kiss should be in life. A++ romantic
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2 Old Fashion Cupcake
THE LONG SHOT. The desperation. The finger bite. The oozing THIRST. A++ quality desire incarnate
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3 Why R U? Korea
Korea, scooping in a top spot? It's just the body language, the striding in, dropping the backpack, the surprised MUTUAL response (no flinching), and all the yearning. A++ want
(Foreshadow: This may... or may not... be my top kiss of 2023.)
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4 Bad Buddy
Seriously boys, BOYS! You had to make it so beautiful and so painfully heartbreaking at the same time? Thanks for that. A++ pain
(They may have a light kiss before this one, I can't remember. I keep meaning to do a BB rewatch but I have to gear up for it.)
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5 Semantic Error
I mean, well, OBVIOUSLY. Just A++ they perfect, no notes
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6 Second Chance
I am pretty sure this one got best kiss of 2021. All you KinnPorche stans are sleeping on this little gem = Tong delivering what amounts to BLs best drunk kiss ever. FIGHT ME. A++ confused needy babies
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7 About Youth
Speaking of sweet af first kisses from first timers. This one drips in sweet innocence including a rainbow and some smiles. A++ first sweethearts
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8 HIStory 2 Crossing the Line
Okay the actors kiss for a dream sequence before this but this is the characters' first kiss, so that kinda counts, right? It's just such a pretty kiss. A++ stay on target, stay on theme, utterly unique
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9 My Dear Gangster Oppa
Ya know this show is just so much fun and so solid and this pair deserves more accolades then their previous series afforded them. A++ finally, well done you
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10 I Feel You Linger in the Air
Okay it's just all the dialogue and execution around this kiss is great and then the kiss ALSO doesn't disappoint. Plus permission and snark and so much more. A+++ class & storytelling
Also, whaan (sweet) is a really good word to have seared into one's brain in Thailand. Useful when ordering drinks.
Okay they kinda kissed before but this is the one that counts:
I didn't know how else to put this category but I had to include it so I could include this kiss:
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We Best Love
The crying bridge-top kiss. I mean COME ON. One of my favorite kisses of all time. I love it when the weep+smooch.
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La Pluie
Honestly? All their kisses are good so I can't remember if this was their first but, it great. Frankly, off all their kisses it's not my absolute favorite, but they deserve a mention because... wow boys. Just... wow.
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The Eclipse
Because of their dynamic I am pretty sure there was something before this one, but this one lives in my head.
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Be Loved In House I Do
I'm not sure this counts as their first because I can't remember the sequence in BLIHID (he through line is a bit wonky in my brain) but it is a killer kiss.
There should be more Taiwan but...
The thing is, once a Taiwanese BL starts delivering great kisses they just keep it up. So unless the narrative puts particularly strong plot intent on the "firstness" of that first kiss, they just get all sexy domestic muddled in my head.
Honor the Crumbs - Sides & Shorts, Best First Kisses
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Some More
"You can kiss me, heong."
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2 Moons 2 - MingKit
It's just such a sweetly perfect first kiss of the very first time variety. Before About Youth, we had these two.
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Cutie Pie - NueaSin
Kissing the kiss that won them their own series. No other audition needed. In the land of amazing kisses, and up against Zee, this ONE stood way out. Very good boys. Very good indeed.
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kiss x kiss x kiss - perfect scandal (AKA the office ep)
Look, this is the kiss we should have gotten in Cherry Magic. It's great, both the hesitant "permission given" first part and everything that comes next. Track this down if you can, it's a lovely little short from Japan.
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My Secret Love - TimMai
Very minor side dishes but they were all I cared about in this show. They gave me the kiss I wanted even if they didn't get the screen time the deserved.
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You're My Sky - SanAi
We all know they stole this show, not that there was much to steal.
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Kiss Me Again - PeteKao
Maybe not the best as a kiss, but it was 2016 and this was SO SIGNIFICANT to the fandom, to the plot of the show, to coming out, to EVERYTHING. This is THE TayNew kiss. I will never forget it. Never.
I don't have a good screen cap but MarkOuwen's kiss in the taxi in Love is Science? was also fantastic.
Kisses as of Dec 2023. Not responsible for great first kisses that come after this date.
Opinion and preferences based on these ideas of good kiss chemistry.
I want you thoughts, RT and add your favorites or leave a comment. I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
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guzhufuren · 2 months
same ty for championing queer shows from countries where it's more difficult to get it produced or with negative societal pressure. I adore your blog and the lil community of rebloggers bc it's such a friendly welcoming intelligent space
it's cause i was born and live in an asian country that hasn't been welcoming or accepting of queer people in over 9 centuries and is only getting slowly worse 😭😭 before that (and during that time too) there aren't even any easily attainable records of queerness in Kazakhstan. so i relate a lot to how hard it is for some other countries to push through and their art to be visible and heard
to be fair though, even in countries that consistently make qls it's not that easy for ql creators in the industry either. for now only Taiwan and soon Thailand have same sex marriage (and anti discrimination protection laws is a whole other thing). for example South Korea is pulling bullshit, like Love for Love's Sake almost became a censored adaptation for "queer being an unprofitable genre" reasons, High School Return of a Gangster did become a censored adaptation that erased all queerness from the source and named those same exact reasons, Taevin and Joowan's wedding photoshoot was taken down from a korean mall's billboards because of homophobic authorities. lgbtq rights need to be fought for everywhere. i just see that qls from other countries get enough traffic and want to boost China's too
talking about Kazakhstan, i was just describing in a conversation with sweetheart @vegasandhishedgehog how much i would love a period kazakh bl (it will not happen in my lifetime). two guys, nomads, living in a yurt under mountains for their winter halt location, riding horses and shepherding their sheep at day, warming each other's bodies at night. would fight gods to see this with my eyes
thank you so much for sending this sweet message bun i appreciate knowing this so much 😖💕🌸
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weinersinyomouth35 · 8 months
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Your phone rang as you laid in your king sized bed. You were alone without him, bored, but you had to be patient, you had to. You look down at your phone, scanning the caller id. ‘Charles’ it was him! You answer with no hesitation.
“H-Hello?” Your voice filled with excitement, love and happiness. “Hey.” You could practically hear and feel him smiling. “You sound so happy to hear my voice.” A low chuckle comes from him as he says that. “Because I am, I've been waiting all day, Charles. All day!” you smile. “I've been waiting too. You know I really wanted to call you to tell you something.”
“What is it?” your voice changing to curiosity. “I'm coming back to L.A tomorrow with June, and my mom.” you sit up in your bed. “Actually..?” “Actually.” You can't believe it! He's been gone for 2 weeks and he's finally coming back to you. “I-I missed you so much and you're coming back tomorrow. What time?!” You get up, going to your closet, in search of the best outfit you'll wear to the airport tomorrow.
“8 am sharp.” you keep digging through your clothes on the hanger as he continues speaking. ���Bring Bruce too, I have souvenirs for the both of you from Taiwan.” “Oh really, like what?” You laugh a little. “It's a surprise, sweetheart.” He does that low chuckle..again. “Ugh, fine and I'll bring Bruce, don't worry.”
“Good, sweetheart, I have to go and finish packing. I'll tell you how my stay was, we'll have my mom's cooking, whatever you want, tomorrow, alright?” He reassures you, “Ok.” you smile and you get that feeling of him smiling again..“I can't wait to see you tomorrow, beautiful. I love you, get some good rest, but it's going to be hard without me.” He laughs, as you laugh together.
“I will, love you too.” He hangs up and you continue getting ready for the big day tomorrow, when he comes back.
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lov4hgirl · 3 months
There's a new vid Nymphia filmed when she's in Taiwan. The vid mainly featured Hannah (Nymphia's drag daughter) and a youtuber trying drag for the very first time because he wanted to give Nymphia a big surprise. And what Nymphia said to the new baby queen (?) was quite touching that I thought it would be nice to share:
What's so extraordinary about you today is that you woke up this morning knowing you're going to do this (try drag for the very first time) AND you did it anyway. You completely trust yourself in other people's hands. The beauty of drag is not about how pretty you can get...although there's still room to improvement for your make-up. The most beautiful thing about drag is when you're willing to step out of your comfort zone and present yourself differently. I hope you experience that courage through drag. Because when I saw you I had flashback to when I just started doing drag, I was like 'she's really a baby queen'. Here's the link to the vid (14:40-15:18) https://youtu.be/7_14saCqq3c?si=F4E5RPAks3eluQgt&t=881
what a sweetheart 🥹 no wonder she has so many daughters under her wings! 💗 seeing and reading this just makes me happy and literally shows how she deserves that win. her words were probably so reassuring and gave a boost of confidence for that baby queen 😞 thanku for sharing this anon!! love love it when i get to know cute little stuff like this which makes me love her more <33 :'')
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 8 months
5 12 18 for the bl ask game 👀
sasa you sweetheart, you really picked the ones, that made me think really hard and long about them (because at first was like, have i ever watched a show with this trope??? sajdhjaks) It is by sheer convinkedinks that all of them are from taiwan
5. Second Chance Romance
....is not my favorite trope in a show but i have to say We Best Love: Fighting Mr 2nd made it bearable for me to watch without any doubt, no one does it like them. (when he put the bracelet back on on him i lost it and cried like a baby)
❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 9/10
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12. Forced Proximity
...is one of my favorite tropes but i was like which do i choose in this one? And the only one popping in my head was Be Loved In House: I Do. having to live with your new boss, that has funky ass rules you have to live and work by. ANd you are like nonononono we have to snoop and figure out how to get out of this mess? And you two also hate each other at the beginning? but then you both fall in love because oh no he is traumatized and he is hot? sign me the feck up. Also the medal work they do is not so shitty
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🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠 9/10
18. Slow Burn
..when you first watch start DNA Says Love You you think..how can this be a slow burn, i get it yeah amber being the new kid and le chien is still pining after this childhood friend that moved away but sure this somehow will work out..and then you get the plot twist and you are like we are in for a slow burn. But so worth it.
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❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 9/10
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blushydrangea · 5 months
MAY IS HERE! which means a few more weeks until nymphia and jane (with mirage too!) goes to taiwan for nymphia's homecoming 💗💗💗💗💗💗 EXCITED
SOOOOO EXCITED i'm sure nymphia can't wait to be back and thinking back to jane saying they'll be going to taiwan together and staying there forever, i just can't wait to see all the fun the two will have there 🥺 hopefully we also get jane and nymphia's mum because i love her <3 also mirage!!! we can always have more mirage, she's a sweetheart.
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anarchic-miscellany · 8 months
"Armageddon" has, rightfully, been remembered as a very, very silly film, but I will defend the characterisation in the script: Each of the oil crew gets one or two lines to define them, and thus we actually kind of like them super early on, and have a ragtag bunch of guys whom you want to see live. It helps that they are played by some of the best, most reliable actors working today: 1. You have Colonel Sharpe, douchebag uptight military man. Who better to play him than William Fichtner? In the most William Fichtner part! I like that he has that little moment of "you guys aren't bad" where he backs down and doesn't shoot them on the moon. What a line to write... 2. "Chick", the loyal, reliable, supportive right hand man, just an all round good dude they give a wife and son to, you're like "Oh man, this motherfucker is DEAD" especially because he's played by Will Patton. But oddly? No! 3. Rockhound: "because I'm a genius, that's why!" acts like he's going to die on the mission, loses a bunch of money to a stripper named Molly Mounds (amazing name) and ends up going insane on the rock. Again survives. Love him, no notes, joint best character. Thank you, Steve Buscemi, as usual. 4. Speaking of the best character, Peter God-Damned Stormare plays "Lev Andropov", the late addition Russian cosmonaut, who is grouchy and Russian and kind of lovable. Will he betray them? No! He is accepted into this group of weirdo rednecks, no questions asked, after his ship explodes, and just sort of sticks around. He gets all of the best non-Rockhound lines ("Russian components? American components? ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!") and did I mention he's Peter Stormare? Love him. 5. Bruce Willis plays a grouchy old dad/leader/roughneck guy, you know, a Bruce Willis character. You know what you're getting with him, and the casting carries it all the way, he could do this part in his sleep. 6. Ben Affleck, oft unfairly maligned, here a solid pick, and has that funny story about being told to "shut the fuck up" by Michale Bay by questioning the stupidity of the plot. 7. Michael Clarke Duncan, always great, plays token black guy "Bear", and once again you're like: "Hmm, a 90s movie? With the big lovable guy who's an absolute sweetheart? Guess he'd better write a will!" But again: nope! Then we get to our "expendable" guys, and even there, they get one or two characteristics so that we know, when they die, a bit about them: There's the fat guy who loves his mother, the cowboy guy played by Owen Wilson, and the rough and tumble roughneck guy. I mean, a few rewrites and you could have these guys having a bit more banter and silliness in space (even if we get the alread incredible, 10/10, no notes line "Why does he have a gun in space?" from a despairing Chick) but yeah - as basic, quick, rapid fire introductions and archetypical characters go? Not bad.
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youraverageaemondsimp · 5 months
currently in a spicy mood, rn. so, enjoy this wonderful short of singer reader x bodyguard aemond.
when he first had the job of guarding her, he was initially quite wary. he thought that she'd be an extremely spoiled diva. but, on the contrary, she was surprisingly quite kind. maybe, it was because she spent some time as a music professor and after-school teacher, which made her become so incredibly down-to-earth.
he watched her in the corner, admiring her extremely beautiful voice. he admired her preference to focus more on her talents than those pretty costumes, like his older half-sister would. being classically trained meant that she had the discipline and incredible skills to belt out songs that almost sounded as if she was in another stratosphere. unlike his older half sister, rhaenyra, who was a spoiled and entitled nepo baby whose daddy bought the first 50,000 albums of her debut in order for her to chart while abandoning aegon's career, reader decided to build her career bit by bit. she knew of the trappings of this industry. especially, when she is not a white woman. so, she initially hid her face when she sang and played her piano and violin on tiktok and instagram. soon, her talents went viral, leading her to receive record deals.
she pitched herself as someone who is a crossover of adele and teresa teng (one of taiwan's most famous singers with an extremely beautiful voice, who almost sounded as if she was crying), which led her to become such an attractive talent. like her fans, he soon became incredibly bewitched. her voice. her pianistic skills. her violin skills. the fact that she sang in multiple languages, which led her to grow out of the shadow of his older half-sister, rhaenyra. the fact that she was also an incredibly smart and savvy business woman, which led her to survive the incredibly cut-throat and racist music industry, made her a much more attractive woman as well.
her talents quickly put rhaenyra to shame, who once tried to sue her for plagiarism. but the judge laughed at her and said that, "there is no way that she plagiarised rhaenyra's songs, especially with that kind of vocal talent". it did put a crack on her career but, soon, the news of daemon's murder of his first wife and what happened to aemond led to an intense public backlash, as well as people finally destroying whatever rose-tinted glasses they had on rhaenyra, lead to the downfall of her career. soon, the two of them grew closer.
finally, one night, the two of them were alone. they felt each other's breaths fanning. they felt each other's body head.
as if there was an invisible string on his fingers, he reached up to tuck a strand on her face. shock of the greatest kind went through her. before she could say anything else, aemond kissed her. he thought about the days when she comforted him when he had pains on his left cheek. the way she listened to his anger. let him cry on her shoulder as he sobbed about the day when his father chose to turn a blind eye on his injury. the way she understood his pain, as she had plenty of people turning their backs on her when she was a child due to racism.
he drank her insistently and he refused to let her go, as he held her tighter. finally, the moment they both needed air, they pulled away. aemond noted the way her lips were swollen and her dazed look by his kiss. he then turned her around and covered his hand against her mouth.
"now, be a good girl and keep it in, would you?" he whispered huskily against her ear, as he slipped a finger inside her undergarment. it soon became soaking wet.
"you like it, do you, sweetheart?" he whispered huskily against her ear. she swallowed and nodded, as she continued to squirm and moan. how he loved it. to see her under his control. right before she cried out her pleasure, he then pulled away from her. no doubt, she would be feeling incredibly empty, as she moaned in disappointment. he then unclipped her bra and slipped his hands underneath her silk dress. he felt the weight of her soft breasts under his hands, as he flicked her nipples with his thumbs.
"oh god! aemond!" she cried, as he squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples. she then rocked on his thigh, while he pressed his hard chest against her back.
"ride me, darling! don't be ashamed!"
and she continued to chase her highs on his thigh until she cried out her pleasure.
of course, aemond was incredibly insatiable. he refused to let her go in her bedroom. he watched her incredibly flushed face, as she fluttered her eyes shut in the dark, while he held his wrists above her head, with her heavy breasts heaving and nipples peaking, begging for his attention. nestled between her soft breasts was the sapphire necklace that he gave her on her birthday. it suited her wonderfully soft skin.
"oh god, my darling, you are so beautiful," he whispered, as he trembled above her.
wet drops could then be felt on her cheeks that was not her own.
"aemond," she whispered, reaching out to kiss his lips again and wipe away his tears.
"oh darling," she whispered, wrapping her arms around him, as she pushed up her hips to make sure that he was properly nestled inside her.
"shh. shh. shh," she whispered, as she kissed his chest. he then moved inside her, with her hips bucking with him.
soon, they cried their songs together, before climaxing to their choruses and cry out their pleasures together. she then felt his seed inside her, as she tucked her head underneath his chin.
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minseologs · 8 months
Idle hands are a devil’s plaything
Minseo, stop.
Her nails were red with the rough scrubbing, there was a hot feel as she finally turns off the tap and using tissues to dry her hands. She looks on the ground of her clothes sprawled messily after the evening’s shower.
Taiwan’s city lights were a strong contrast against the evening’s darkness. She sat too close to the window to watch everything. The blinking lights of different shops waiting for a passerby to come, welcoming all sorts of people at a food stand, and even the stars illuminated the sky just right. Minseo grasps the small bottle in her hands, she couldn’t help but watch the commotion at one building. A few people gathering around an ambulance made her chuckle under her breath.
“What a surprise, the Choi Minseo, coming back to do dirty work.” A man older than her father speaks rather teasingly, which she reciprocated with a gentle laugh. “Sweetheart? Surely you can’t be that bored at the moment.”
“Oh but I am, Mr. Yang. What can I say, there’s always something that needs to be done.” She waits for instructions, being told to sit as the man laughs again.
“You have higher power than me when it comes to this. No need to be formal.”
“It’s only respectable, Mr. Yang.”
“I appreciate that. Very well. Let’s begin—“
The underground had always been unforgiving when it came to one’s enemies. Even Minseo had her fair share of people to handle when she worked for her father. Nowadays, it seems that it’s just the right hand dealing with it that she hasn’t been exposed to violence outside her own thought. A folder is being introduced, along with photographs of strangers she needed to “dispose of” as the man said. Too much involvement with little monetary compensation with a deal was the cause of a hit for this man. Minseo was given additional details of the his life, brief descriptions of where and how she will get there. It was to happen with in days, quietly and swiftly.
“You told me to donate to the orphanage where your mother was raised, under your name of course— so I suppose the meeting concludes here.” Mr. Yang taps his palm in the table, unknown black substance is given to her, silence looks on as she stands to announce her departure with it on hand. “Don’t ingest that. High lead dose. Make sure you wash your hands.”
She bows, smiling gracefully, and walking away with information in hand.
It lands her here. The very same market she was watching from previous nightly observations. It was still busy even much later in to the night. The man she was observing was in a dimly lit bar, herself disguised as some kind of bar girl. Removing her cover up, a skimpy outfit that showed more than just her legs for the imagination, complete with a mute-brown wig that elevated her look. Every move he made, her eyes pretend to gaze his way to gain attention. Tonight was planned, and she would hate to extend her stay more than necessary.
Minseo, Don’t touch your mouth.
The man gets up to make his way through the dancing bodies, and so did Minseo. The crowd was already a hindrance as she sways her way through. With the help of booming music and seizure-inducing lights, it drowned out what she was about to do. She paces close enough, while lacing her thumb with a high amount of poison. This man senses her moves as a hand finally latches on to her waist— then, lower. Minseo smirks on the surface but wanted to end him right then and there, as the man touches her in places no stranger should. Her chest felt tight as soft nibbling were felt on her shoulder. Lingering scent of alcohol and smoke was catching on her clothes. Their bodies grind with the beat while her hand introduces itself to his lips. He takes the bait, sucking her thumb with significant amount in place of her skin.
Her eyes grasp an uncomfortable sense just as quickly as she leaves the vicinity. Minseo uses the opportunity for the crowd to engulf the man when he began to make a face. He had already started holding his throat with an audible hacking. It happened with in five minutes that vomiting was heard when she leaves. The very same cover up was used as to escape the building with ease, looking for safety with in the busy market streets to throw away her persona. She continues to walk near by her hotel, while she notices cops have already began heading to the club.
Minseo, wash your hands.
“Of all places I’d meet up with you, Taiwan—“ Ryunosuke’ coy smile was evident with the meeting, and she returns it. “You’ve gotten so… different— are you alright? Not stressing, I hope?”
Minseo, look at him.
The television provided some kind of barrier for her to stay calm, seeing the club’s murder being reported. She succeeded what was requested, and in perfect timing, receiving a text from Mr. Yang that the money had been sent to the orphanage. It left a note, herself discreetly reading: As expected of our diligent Minseo. Have a good new year.
Her eyes glances towards him, a soft and gentle laugh was heard. How long has it been since she was able to relax in the company of someone else?
“Never better.”
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Getting to know your BL mutuals - 2022 Edition
Simple, answer the questions. @ some people. Include the tag 'g2ky BL mutuals 2022' on your post so we can find everyone's answers!
What has been the BL that took you by surprise this year?
Oh it was the japanese bl's!They are getting better!
-Kabe koji : it's a mixture of bl, anime, mangá.... and it has so much soul !!! Wish I could watch several seasons of this.
-Eternal yesterday - eien no kino: it's a rollercoaster of emotions. The beauty of life and the bittersweet of grief that speaks to me in a sacred level 😭 I almost drop this one because of the pain, but i get that this pain its fucking necessary in the end, there's no way out. It breaks u and u have to put it together...I can almost figure out how this will end. 😭🖤
Old Fashion Cupcake: it's such a heart warming story to witness,with the sweet flavor of love!!! oh my heart beats so fast for those two!
...and Taiwan never disappoints me and got me some little miracle called My Tooth Your Love ❤ The intensity a serie gives with such a idiot name 😉 the pain of trauma, and going truth it to gain love back!
What has been the BL that you felt a bit disappointed with this year?
Check out was a fucking mess!!! I waited a lot for this?!!!?
Love Mechanics had so much potential and a beautiful, talented couple but it was so meh!😣
There was a lot of bl's that I dropped this year. 😝 cause we getting more and more bl's as the years pass but the quality is not the best.
less is more.
What has been your favourite BL this year?
It has to be Kinnporsche!!!
I waited more than a year for this! I was there when they announce it,when I read the shit translation of the novel and fell in love with Kinn,when the pilot trailer premiered, when they canceled it! when it was reborn from the ashes (thanks Mile <3) and so goes on.
And it turn out to be a masterpice to me!(even with some disappointments).
A deal breaker in the industry!!! All my wait was worth of seeing my dear porsche on screen, my beloved amazing Kinn gain life (MAFIA GAY LIFE!!!)
-Love In The Air : was a great experience! Mame is always there, and always will be 😁 Do what?
-Triage : my beloved time loop bl ❤ what a journey!!!
Especial mentions to : Not Me (my dear, amazing, epic!!! Not words enough to explain it!), My Tooth Your Love, Love Stage (my sweetheart!), Semantic Error (of course!), Cutie Pie (it deserve some love), Plus & Minus, Big Dragon (could be better),Vice Versa, Blueming (😭).
Favourite BL couples (not just of 2022)?
I start with....
Kinn x Porsche ❤, Gao Shi De x Zhou Shu Yi ( Always), Sean x White, Payu x Rain, LeoFiat, PatPran, TanBunn
If you had to suggest a BL for someone what would it be?
But to someone that is starting bl's it would be : Bad Buddy , We Best Love (❤), Lovely Writer, Cherry Magic...
-korean? Light on Me, My Sweet Dear, You Make me Dance...
-Thai at it's best? Manner of Death, TharnType(fuck yeah!)...
-Japanese? Kieta Hatsukoi, Old Fashion Cupcake, Utsukushii Kare.
-Taiwan Bl is almost always a must see!
-Ready to crush your soul with feelings? I Told Sunset About You.
What's your non-BL favourite for this year?
-Kei×Yaku: Abunai Aibou ❤
Almost a BL. One phrase : Japanese Gay/Bisexual Mafia!
Give it a chance if you like japanese bl! Hoping with all my heart for a second season.
-Extraordinary Attorney Woo was really great!!! It took me a while to start this, but was a great surprise!
and just to mention some wester media it will be:
-The bastard son & the devil himself. (on netflix)
Based in a series of books (no, don't read it 😝), the serie it's a whole more charismatic than the books, great characters and amazing effects.The bonding with yourself and with others in a magical divided world. The cast is ✌🏻❤.
@sunflower-lychee @noona96n @spookshowenilorac @chainsawandronan @vegasandhishedgehog @kaonoppakao @respectthepetty @kinnbig
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absolutebl · 8 months
This Week in BL - I'm Late, I know
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Feb 2024 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 12fin - we waiting 2 weeks I guess? Bah.
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 13fin - I wasn't impressed by the last ep at all. Trash watch happened here.
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My final thoughts:
Based on alittlebixth's omegaverse novel #พิษเบ๊บ’ set in the world of car racing omegaverse. Thailand brought us the world's first omegaverse BL but then failed to lean into the courage of its a/b/o convictions by not emphasizing the difference between our world & theirs, adding & subtracting characters & allegiances + a weak ending. With earnest performances, enthusiastic sex scenes, a fantastic side couple, and some delightful scenery chewing - the actors tried… poor things. It's just the story failed both them and their parent genre. Frankly? I just wanted it to be more outrageous and trashy, since I never expected it to be good. Instead, it was just… meh. 7/10
(Imma remind all the newbies that this is not unprecedented from me with hugely popular BL.)
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 10 of 12 - I like it but there’s a high % of this show that doesn’t interest me. Anything to do with the side couple, or the friend group, or the cooking competition drives me into a comatose state of UGH. That means that in this episode, I paid attention to about 5 minutes worth. 
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 11 of 12 - I'm ready for this to be done. I think they were trying to be this year's Big Dragon, but they just aren't good enough. I really didn’t need a third couple.
City of Stars (Fri iQIYI) ep 2 of 12 - I'm warming up to FueangKrom a bit. It’s cute. I am finding the pacing interesting. That pacing might be bad, but right now it’s simply different. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Love For Love's Sake (Korea Weds iQIYI) 5-6 of 8 - I still love this show a lot, but this 2 ep installment felt a little disjointed. I’m not sure if that’s the narrative structure or the subs. The captions are shockingly bad for a KBL and I don’t have enough Korean to make up for their clear failings. 
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - Oh the return of the manic pixie dream ex. This is all very high school drama for purportedly grown-up adults. But them both being jealous and then kissing was sweet.  
AntiReset (Taiwan Fri Viki/Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - They remain adorable and the sunshine robot is very sweet. But it is a little slow. 
Perfect Propose (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 3 of 6 - I prefer the episodes when we get more of them onscreen together. But this was fine. 
Happy Ending (Korea Tues YT) 3fin - The ending disappointed me (are you surprised?). What can I say, not Strongberry's best as far as I’m concerned. High school besties that many could be sweethearts. I don’t like an ending that’s left up in the air. 6/10
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It's Done but...
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have any spare time. 2024 is crazy busy for me so far.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Vietnam, it's on YouTube. I will give it a try when I have a window of time.
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) - A Burmese BL? @heretherebedork vouched for it, so I will give it a watch.
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It's Airing But...
[NO INTERNATIONAL] Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - yeah Japan put the smack down on our boys. Sadness. You can use a VPN if you like. Read all about it here.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 12 eps - Gave me Luminous Solution vibes. It finished, is it worth it?
Dead Friend Forever (Thai Sat iQIYI) 12 eps - finished, horror, supposed to be very philosophical, I think I'll give it a go.
Time the series (Tue Gaga/YT) 10 eps - dropped it at ep 4.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Starting Up
2/16 My Strawberry Film (Japan Gaga) - not quite sure how much BL this one is, because... Japan, but we shall see.
2/17 A Secretly Love (Thai WeTV) - Khonprot, a third-year head hazer of the engineering faculty, has a secret crush on Pluem, a tsundere fourth-year head hazer. Over the years, he's seen Pluem cycle through many girlfriends. Recently, after a public breakup, however, Khonprot thinks maybe a boy has a chance. Unless this is really good I probably won't I hate the WeTV interface...
Still Coming in Feb
2/24 Unknown (Taiwan Youku) 12 eps - Older brother tough guy criminal breadwinner looks after his sister and defacto adopted little brother. Little bother falls in love with him and is sent away after a stolen kiss. But when he comes back…
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
We gotta talk about LFLS this week. Look at Korea go!
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Talking about a dead fish kiss, how meta! This will end up on one of my best of the year moments. I could not have been more gobsmacked.
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Also something rarely directly addressed, particularly for same-sex firsts.
And then, a claiming trope, a personal favorite of mine.
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Thank you Korea!
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I just love them. (Pit Babe)
(Last week)
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catsniffer420 · 2 years
I went to the big shopping centre with Sweetheart yesterday. Neither of us likes being inside shopping centres because they can be tiring and overstimulating, but there was a lot on the shopping list and it was time to get it over with.
It was a successful trip! The best part was the tom-yum that Sweetheart had for lunch. That was the most delicious tom yum I have EVER tasted. So flavourful, savoury, a tiny bit sweet, and super fresh and citrusy. It was just from a little shop in the food court, it looked really authentic and sweetheart complimented the chef for it. A woman came over to our table and asked what he was eating because it looked so good; he told her it was the tom yum and it was amazing and I heard her go and order it too!! I hope she enjoyed it.
Anyway. All of this to say, we went to two different bookstores looking for a couple of books that Sweetheart wants to gift to his friend, who is visiting from Taiwan soon! I ended up finding a small hardcover edition of “The Little Prince”, on sale for $9.99 AUD.
An old friend of mine, someone who I’ve written an apology letter to but haven’t had the guts to send, she used to talk to me about The Little Prince. I am going to read it now, and think of her, and hopefully I’ll be brave enough to send my apology. I don’t know if we could or should be friends again, but I know I owe her an apology for the way that the friendship ended. It was my fault and I did not act with grace at all. That much is easy to acknowledge, but I’ve been too much of a coward to just say sorry. I don’t know what I’m so afraid of.
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hoodienanami · 1 year
got tagged by sweetheart @midnightsingvogel !! sorry it took me so long to do this
relationship status: wouldnt you like to know! tho i will say im somewhat taken atm...who knows if it will keep going where i want it to go tho
favorite color: i like a bunch of different colors but darker shades of red have always been some of my favs. i also have a major soft spot for pastel pink as im sure is obvious from my blog
song stuck in my head: Rock n Roll High School - The Ramones
Well I don’t care about history Rock, rock, rock n roll high school Because that’s not where I wanna be!
three favorite foods: filet mignon, castella, and shrimp tempura roll
last song i listened to: same as the song stuck in my head! i just rewatched rock n roll high school. ive got a major soft spot for that ridiculous movie
dream trip: hmmm thats a big question. id love to visit taiwan again but im not really sure where in taiwan id go...prob to taipei like i did last time lol. tho i also really really want to visit australia to meet dear friend @bailey1rox and do some scub diving!
last thing i googled: brush for long fur cats
thats all folks!! thank you again Vogel for tagging me, heres the ppl i tag!
@dykecostanza @bailey1rox @sparxflame and @pumakaji64
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pastelverse · 2 years
Walapian History Pt. 1 (1827-1874)
Dr. Walap was Born (1827) - World war 1 started (1828) - world war 1 ended (1834) - started studying genetic sciences at St. Parlum University (1855) - Graduated (1859) - Married (1861) - Walapia island formed/created 1st werewolf (1871) - moved to Walapia (1874) - World war 2 started (1876) - world war ended/Founded Walapia (1882) - Walapia vs. America war begins (1885) - Dr. walap becomes werewolf/Walapia vs. America war ended (1891) - Dr. Walap dies (1922) - Civil war started (1923) - Civil war ended/Walapia divided in 2 (1925) - Rainbow Dye law enacted/ construction on gate around South Walapia started/ West Walapia split (1926) - America vs. Germany war/America seeks help from Walapia (1969) - America becomes Walapia's first ally/ The American-Walapian Agreement was signed (1975) - the first faery is discovered (2018) - Virus outbreak (2020) - Taiwan invents the AIRS (2026) - Distribution of the AIRS begins around the world - (2028)
Walapia is a magical island, the likes which have never been heard of before. A scientific anomaly caused by a man named Dr. Tiago Walap.
Dr. Tiago Walap, born 1827, was a passionate child. Passionate not in school or sports like other kids, but in the supernatural. Vampires, Ghosts, and most importantly, werewolves.
Dr. Walap was obsessed with them. He searched for them for years, never giving up. He was determined to be the first to ever find one.
He gave up his search in 1855, when he went to college. He never gave up on werewolves, however. In his 4 years at St. Parlum University he studied genetic science. If he couldn't find one, he decided he'd make one. He graduated with all the knowledge he needed to begin his experiments.
A year after he'd finished his studies, he married his college sweetheart, Vanessa Heron. She became his test subject for his experimental werewolf elixirs. He spent years trying to perfect his work. Vanessa fell ill as a result.
In January 1871, he had all, but perfected the elixir. As he slowly poured in the final ingredient, a tremor shook through the Earth to the core. He stabled himself and threw the now empty beaker to the ground with rage. He couldn't figure how this one could've gone wrong. What he didn't know was this mixture had started a chain reaction that would create an entirely new land.
Suddenly, he heard a groan from his wifes quarters up the stairs. He found that her sickness had worsened and quickly rushed her to the hospital.
From his research, he knew werewolves could survive most human diseases. He was more determined than ever to perfect his elixir. A few months and many trials later, he was close to giving up. As he was about to pour in the final ingredient to his current concoction, a bottle of Klazinide began to glow from across the room. He dropped the current chemical and rushed over to it. He grabbed it and, in an act of desperation, added it to the elixir.
After a moment, nothing happened. It was a good sign. Soon, the elixir began giving off a strong, earthy smell. He knew it was finally ready.
He rushed to the hospital and gave it to his wife. She instantly died. He went home, defeated. He set the elixir on the table and locked himself in his room. He wondered how it had gone so wrong.
That night, however, as the full moon rose, so did Vanessa. She awoke covered in fur and claws. She ran to the window and howled, escaping into the night.
The next morning, Dr. Walap found his wife laying on the floor in their living room. He stared in shock as she stirred. She hugged him and thanked him for curing her. She requested that she use the rest of the elixir to cure another patient, Theodore Stemp, who she had shared a room with.
Dr. Walap forbade it. He had watched her die and couldn't wrap his head around how she had lived. They decided to go for a walk instead. On their walk, he found a newspaper speaking of a werewolf that had ravaged the town the past night. He decided to keep it to himself.
Later that day, as he was napping, Vanessa took the elixir to the hospital. After his nap, he noticed it was missing and she confessed. He explained to her what he had seen in the paper and they went to the hospital that night.
Dr. Walap watched Theodore transform before his eyes. As Theodore transformed, so did Vanessa. They were much too strong to be controlled and ran off.
The next day, Dr. Walap and Vanessa went back to the hospital to find the other werewolf. Once they found him, they explained the situation. Dr. Walap attached trackers to them to keep track of them. The next few nights they were more calm and docile. Noticing their calmness, some of the townspeople decided to attack one night. They took shelter in the Walap household.
Dr. Walap demanded that they stay inside for their safety and so that he could further study them. He came to the conclusion that they were more feral during the full moon. It would be dangerous to keep them for too long.
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