#Takes me awhile sometimes guys sorry
k0yaz · 10 months
idk if you write for more than one character at a time, but can i please request the male hashira x gn reader headcanons for when their crush sits on their lap? mostly fluff maybe slight spice? thanks
when you sit on their lap hcs
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Pairing(s): male hashira x gn!reader (except muichiro)
CW: sfw, slightly suggestive, gn!reader, lap sitting, very suggestive on tengen’s part, slight mention of thigh riding and grinding
A/N: again, I am so sorry this took awhile because I was on vacation I will be working on what’s in my inbox now <33
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Gyomei is weirdly calm about it
Probably because he’s blind or cause he doesn’t have a hard time keeping his composure
He’ll adjust himself so you have a more comfortable position to sit in
Keeps his arms wrapped around your waist or torso to help you balance on his thigh or wherever you’re sitting down
Rests his chin onto your head occasionally
Sometimes forgets to tell you to get off, and you guys just remain in that position for a long time just talking like normal
Another hashira would have to see you two and point it out in order for you to finally get off
Gyomei would apologize if necessary and let you off calmly
“Y/N, I enjoy you sitting on me, we should have more conversations like this.”
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Sanemi on the other hand is a little more aggressive…
When you sit down on his lap, he’s completely flustered, his face bright red and hot
He’d yell at you to get off, even though he made no effort to get you off
We know you enjoy it Sanemi it’s okay
If you got off, he’d growl under his breath and try to scoot himself closer to you until you sat back on him
If you stay on his lap, he averts his eyes from yours, and grits his teeth while blushing furiously
After some time of awkward silence of him holding your waist and you cuddling him in his lap, a thread basically snaps inside him, and he pulls you close to him, burying his face into your neck
Sanemi would plant your hips down using his bare hands, and press his teeth to your neck, making sure there’s no space between the two of you
“You got me all hot and bothered, Y/N. Now take responsibility you damn brat.”
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Rengoku would have a fairly normal, but excited reaction
He would laugh loudly and hug you tightly, smiling up/down at you as you’re situated on his lap
He allow you to rest your head onto his shoulder in a loving manner
Bro literally can’t stop smiling the whole time you’re on his lap
You two just sit there in a joyful manner, hugging each other tightly while laughing and smiling casually
Rengoku definitely holds onto you as tight as he can after atleast 10 minutes of cuddling
He just can’t get enough, you’re too cute
Probably also presses an overwhelming amount of kisses to your cheek every 20-30 seconds
You can literally feel him smiling against your skin as he kisses you
“Y/N! We shall do this again after our next mission!”
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Tengen is definitely the most suggestive and flirtatious with this
As soon as you take a seat on his thigh, he smirks and pulls you into him without hesitation
His arms are locked around your waist as he leans into you with a depraved expression
Constant teasing while you’re on him, no doubt about it
Like, he kisses you everywhere accessible, and grips your waist tighter
When you’re on his thigh, he moves his thigh up and down a little, and helps move your waist back and forth against him
Basically allows you to grind on him if you’re okay with it
Teases you by leaning back and placing his arms to rest against a nearby surface as you keep your movements against him up
“Come on Y/N, don’t keep me waiting.”
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Giyuu is quite calm and unfazed when you sit on his lap, similar to Gyomei
He just sits back, and occasionally rests his hands onto your waist or shoulders
Poor guy hasn’t had much affection, and is hella disliked so he just stays quiet the whole time
But, he does hold you tightly. It may not be something huge, but you can feel his affection and love in his embrace
Rests his head onto your shoulder
His breathing is calm and slow against your skin as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, with his chin situated between your shoulder and collarbone.
If you try to get up, he’ll let you, but not before asking you to hold him a bit longer
Maybe, just maybe, he’ll smile against you if he feels comfortable with your body pressed against his on his lap
“Y/N…I love you. Don’t leave me, please.”
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Obanai remains silent, but it’s no secret that he’s flustered.
He looks away bashfully and squeezes his eyes shut, trying to avoid eye contact with you since it’s too embarrassing for him
He sighs heavily, trying to maintain his composure with you literally seated on his lap
His face is tinted a bright red, not even his bandaged mouth can hide the heavy blush dusting his cheeks
When you look over, you can literally see Kaburamaru giving Obanai a “you’re a fucking pussy” type stare
I guess that causes him to finally look at you and make eye contact
When he does gain some sort of confidence, he rests his hands onto your shoulders, and eventually wraps his arms around your torso, pulling you closer
He pulls you a little too close- putting you chest to chest with him, and his arms locked around you tightly and squeezing you
If you point out the fact that he’s hugging you too tight, he’ll get embarrassed and quietly apologize, before loosening his grip around you
Just let the man hug you and tough it out okay
“I- Y/N…I’m at a loss for words..?”
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A/N: hehheehhe did y’all miss me I’m back <3
I’ll come clean and admit- although I came back recently, I have been writing shit for myself the past week or so?
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teaweltzer · 1 month
Sending Stone Messages
A list for me that I want to update as new ones come in! Which w/ Dorian back, hopefully not so much (But i think I found all of them so far)
Bonus Ep 6 - Orym gripping the sending stone while Dorian was away
Ep 16 Fearne - right after Dorian leaves 
Ep 22 Orym — “We’re leaving Jrusar, heading southeast. Following the Treshi thread further. You’ve been missed. Hope you’re well.
Dorian — “Hey, sorry. Was sleeping. Thanks. Miss you guys too. Shit got crazy here too. Floating bar, I’ll tell you later. 
Ep 31  Orym — “Hey friend. Missing you here. Could really use your special brand of optimism right now. Don’t know where you are. Hope you’re happy. Bye now.”
Dorian — “Hey! Floating bar got a little weird. Took awhile to land it. This side of the fam is keeping me busy. Miss you all too- Don’t die!”
Bonus Ep 33 - Sending stone falling from Orym's hand as he dies from Otohan
Ep 40  Orym — “Hey. Yios bound. Found them- their killers. Bigger than we thought. Read rough, Dorian. Eshteross is dead. Glad you’re not here, wish you were anyway.”
Ep 41  Dorian (via Robbie)— “Oh Orym~ My heart aches I cannot be there to help you. Find strength, stay steadfast. Sending you fairer winds. …. Is this thing on or-“
Ep 49 Orym — “Dorian. Update. People we’re chasing unleashing hell in a week. We’re headed there now. Odds not good. More tomorrow. Where are you?
Dorian — “Orym! With the rest of the Crown Keepers in Tal’Dorei. Opal’s getting a little dark. Little busy at the moment.. I don’t even know how to get to you.”
Ep 49 Orym -- "Hey buddy. I have a weird request from the other side of the ocean. Can you see the leylines? Is your night sky lit up? Ash says, "Hi." You'll know if you see it. Dorian -- "Yeah, it's, It's real colorful up here, too. I'd take it in and enjoy the display if things weren't so tense at the moment.. Tell Ashton I say hi."
Ep 49 Orym — “Listen, what’s going on over here is really bad. Get the group, get underground. Stay there until you hear from me again… Miss you”
Dorian — “I'll see what I can do. There’s plenty of places underground, I’m sure. It's a little hairy on this end too. You take care of yourself. Be careful”
Ep 59  Orym — “Dorian?? Can you hear me? what’s the sky look like where you are? Tell me you’re okay-“
Ep. 63 Orym — “Dorian. still alive, by the skin of our teeth. want to talk more. you know where Dariax is?’
Bonus I miss you - Ep. 79  "I really miss Dorian and sometimes I think that's okay and sometimes it isn't."
Ep 86 Orym — “Dorian, we’re alive. Been to the moon, going back. Find the tempest. If I don’t get the chance again, I’ve really missed you.”
Ep 92 Orym — "We're home. Can you hear me? I'm northeast of Bassuras. Can you get there? I'm... struggling. Sorry. Can you get here? Fuck, I miss you."
Ep 93 Dorian (Robbie back) - "I'll be there" Bonus 93 Fearne - "Wait, what are you doing here? How did you get here?" Dorian - "Well, I got your message." Ep 94 Orym — "Dorian. Dorian. Dorian, wake up. Dorian. Fearne and I outside the city, about 10 minutes. Need you all."
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ficmotel · 11 days
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Part II: Things do Change
8.9k words
Warnings: Angst, Eddie being dumb, past Eddie x reader, mom!reader x dad! eddie munson
main masterlist
Series Masterlist
chapter 1
AN: I am so sorry for the wait, I had this whole plan to release this fic along with a reader only fic of her life after Eddie left but I made the stupid decision to apply for summer college courses thinking it would be easy LOL IM DUMB. Though the first week of classes passed and I have got it under control now. Though classes might slow down this series so bear with me, but I have planned about 5-6 parts for the series so stay tuned.
I hope you enjoy this series, and this part.
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Eddie breathed a deep sigh as he rolled over, trying to catch his breath, sweat beading down his head. He stared at the ceiling, feeling sticky and dirty. He turned, reaching for the side table grabbing his lighter and a pack of cigarettes, placing one between his lips and lighting it. Blonde hair appeared over him, a manicured hand settling over his chest.
“Down for another round?” the sultry voice said, leaning over Eddie, resting her body against his chest. Taking the cigarette from between his lips and taking a hit for herself.
He stared at her for a second, “Can’t, Honey. Gotta meet the boys”
She pouted and leaned over to kiss him, before handing him back the cigarette before hoping off him going to collect her clothes. Eddie got up, putting out the cigarette and picking up his clothes, already planning a hot shower for when he arrived home.
“Well I had fun. We should do this again sometime” She asked from her place behind him, Eddie’s back was turned to her, slipping on his jeans.
“Maybe… I-I don’t know” Eddie mumbled, it was low but it was enough for her to hear him. She laughed but it wasn’t bitter but as if she expected this.
“Y’know this is why they call you Man-Whore Munson” She grabbed her bag and moved in front of him, as he buttoned his pants.
“Jules I-” Eddie started, an apology on his tongue when Jules held up her red manicured finger telling him to stop and shut up.
“Don’t start with me Eddie, I knew what this was. Like I said, you are known as Man-Whore Munson, I didn’t expect you to drop down on a knee and propose after a few fucks” He winced at the vulgarity, he knew that’s what the truth of it was but even after all the late nights he had, he hated facing the reality of it. Of the life he had chosen for himself.
“Just let me say, from one slut to another” Jules started without an air of care.
“You're not a slut, Jules” Eddie tried having known Jules for awhile, as she had been a groupie in his second world tour mostly joining because she hoped to catch Jeff’s attention. Which poor oblivious Jeff never caught on to which inevitably left her to seek refuge in Eddie’s bed.
“Shut it Munson, there’s no need to feel bad. Your a good fuck and a decent guy. But as I was saying, I do this because I want to, I have fun. You however seem like a kicked puppy after every fuck, it’s depressing and to be honest, it’s quite a turn off” She said with her usual amount of sass.
“Well that’s something every guy wants to hear” Eddie replied, in annoyance hoping to get out of this conversation as soon as possible.
“All I’m saying is work your shit out. This life ain’t for everyone.” She shrugged, grabbing her bag, kissing him on the cheek, her red lips staining his cheek as she strutted her way out of the room.
As she opened the door, she stopped turning back for a second “Or you could do all of us and yourself a favor and go back to the one”
“How are you so sure I have met the one?” Rolled his eyes, trying to prevent the ache in his heart at the thought.
“Oh hope off it Munson. With guys like you, there is always the one” She smirked, noticing the look on Eddie’s face. “See you later” she shouted, shutting the door behind her.
Leaving Eddie alone in the smoky, dingy motel room, her words lingering in his head. He thought about the one. You.
Memories of your laughter echoed in his mind, you and him sipping milkshakes, giggling at his dramatic displays of affection, the soft whines and moans you let him pull out of you. Eddie caught him smiling to himself for a second before the worst memory of all entered his mind, attacking and killing all the rest.
Your heartbroken face, eyes red rimmed with tears streaming down, then you getting in your car and driving away from him. He shook his head and proceeded to put on his shirt, gathering his leather jacket and making his way out.
Stardom had been everything he had expected it to be. Late nights, crazy concerts, lots and lots of drugs and beautiful women throwing themselves at him. He was living his dream, but there was something in Eddie that never was able to enjoy it.
No matter how many drugs he ingested or how many women he took to bed, nothing made him forget about you. About your sweetness, about how it felt to have you in his arms or how it felt to laugh with you, how it felt to be in you, or how devastating it felt to see you heartbroken and know he was the cause of it.
The days after the break up Eddie had put on a front, focusing all his energy and mind into his new life, the dream he had chosen over you. He had to, because if this life. The life he had chosen over a simple quiet one with you turned into another failure in Eddie Munson’s life he would never have been able to forgive himself. The funny thing was, everything turned out to be wonderful.
Corroded Coffin’s first album was a hit, one song landing on the top ten and playing on MTV. To be fair the first few months were quite a blur, he had been grieving all he left behind in Hawkins. Eddie hadn’t expected to miss the small town so much, but his break up with you had hit harder once he had arrived in LA.
He had tried so many drugs that year, he could barely remember their first national tour. Then the amount of women that had wanted a taste of the lead singer, Jules was probably right about the nickname he was given because Eddie Munson indeed became a Man Whore. Screwing almost every groupie or model that looked his way.
Then came Corroded Coffin’s second album which only solidified the band's status in LA and in the music world. Eddie had eased up on the drugs but still had his fair share at parties and an occasional joint during band practice. After that he became more selective of his female conquests, trying to avoid any woman that even reminded him of you.
Which wasn’t particularly hard, you were one in a million.
The band mates had called him out on his proclivities which had irritated him, he hated facing the reality of his love life because if he faced reality, he would have to face that there would never be another you. That you were out of his life indefinitely, he could handle the break up but to face the painful fact that he would one day fall in love with someone else or that you already had. Eddie couldn’t handle that, it hurt too much, to think that it was all truly over. Along with the fact that, it was entirely his fault.
Gareth had reminded him of the fact consistently which had led to countless fights between the two, always claiming that if it weren’t for you, Corroded Coffin wouldn’t be where they were at. That you should be with them instead of Jules or Lila or Janice or any of the numbers of women Eddie had invited into their tour bus.
Eddie knew Gareth was right but he couldn’t face it, could never face the truth, or the choice he had made. He should’ve ran to you, invited you along. Or he could have just stayed.
Though that was all in the past now, Eddie was here in the present and in the present he would shack up with Jules or Lila or Janice until any memory of you was pushed to the back of his mind.
Now on their third world tour, Corroded Coffin was currently staying in some motel room in Philadelphia. He had sprung for a motel room, not wanting to hear all the complaints that Jeff, Gareth and Doug would have for him. He was fully prepared to walk onto the tour bus and see Jeff’s judgemental gaze and hear an insult flying from Gareth’s mouth but it never came.
When he fully entered the bus, he could see Jeff on the phone, a lone tear falling from his eyes as Doug sat beside him, patting him on the back in comfort. Both Gareth and Doug looked at Jeff with pity and sadness in their eyes as well.
“Aye What-What Happened?” Eddie whispered softly in panic not wanting to interrupt whatever terrible phone call Jeff had received early in the morning.
Gareth turned to him, voice soft as well “Jeff’s dad died early this morning, they said it was a stroke”
Gareth’s voice wavered slightly delivering the news, and Eddie felt like he had received a punch in the gut. Jeff’s father had been like a third father to Eddie (After Wayne of course) always encouraging the boys to keep pursuing their dreams, he even helped Eddie fix up the van and taught him how to change a tire.
The boys had stayed silent as Jeff finished his somber phone call with his grieving mother, more tears tracked down Jeff’s face. He sat silent for a second, trying to find the words to say, but only four words came from his mouth. Four words that while Eddie understood were probably the last words Eddie had wanted to hear that morning.
“We gotta go home”
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Three knocks rapped against your front door.
“I’ll be right there” You shouted from inside the bathroom. Your eyes scanned the version of you in the mirror, looking for anything out of place. You adjusted your dress once more before running out the bathroom, you turned to look at the clock on the wall. You were a little behind schedule but being behind schedule has become your new normal in the past six years.
You swung open the door, smiling at the older man on the other side. “Wayne” you breathed out “Thank you so much for coming on such short notice” You moved to the side letting the man into your home.
“Oh don’t worry about it, Darling. You know I can never stop myself from saying no to you” Wayne said sweetly. You could only smile back at the man you had known since you were fifteen.
You could feel his gaze on you, scanning your new hair do and freshly applied makeup that you had spent hours on.
“You look wonderful, Darling. First anniversary is it? getting real serious ain’t it?” Wayne asked, eyebrows raised in question. Though you could hear the teasing tone in his voice. You didn’t much like talking about your love life with anyone, especially Wayne but it was hard to keep it a secret when he frequented your life so often.
“I don’t know about that. H-He’s nice” you shrugged trying to hide the pink coloring your cheeks, twiddling with your fingers out of nervousness.
“Well you deserve nice, darling, and don’t worry on about me. I don’t tell that boy nothin” Wayne replied his voice turning sour as he said the last half, and an old ache settled in your chest.
“Thank you Wayne but you don’t need to be so angry on my account” You pleaded with him knowing that while he still loved and cared for his nephew, even he held the same amount of resentment at the boy as you did.
“I will be as angry as I like. Only a fool could ever let a gal like you go. Now let me and Miss Izzy be on our way. We don’t wanna keep lover boy waiting” He winked at you but also reminded you of how late you already were for your plans.
“Right. Izzy! Sweetie, Grandpa Wayne is here” You shouted before turning back to the older man, only a few seconds passed before you could hear the light steps of a small child running on the wood floors.
“GRAMPA WAYNE” The young girl yelled as she ran towards Wayne. A red and black stuffed bunny hanging from her fingers as jumped into the older man's arms. Him picking her up and raising her to the sky without a care to his own health.
“Izzy, what did I say about running to Grandpa Wayne like that? You're gonna hurt him” You scolded your five year old daughter.
“I’m sowwy, Grampa” The small girl said toward Wayne. Her eyes wide pleading for forgiveness, showcasing the same dramatics she could have only received from her father. Though while she bared a striking resemblance to your childhood self, there was no denying who her father was. Isabel was her father’s daughter, both in looks but in personality.
“Oh, it’s alright, Sweets. I’ll carry you and throw you until my back snaps in two” he said to the five year old, her giggling at his words.
“Again, thank you so much Wayne. My mom was supposed to babysit but she just came down with the flu. I can pay you if you’d like?” You explained, you didn’t mind Wayne babysitting your daughter as he had been there for the two of you since the day his nephew had left Hawkins. Though there was a small part of you that hated asking him for too much.
“Like I said Darling, no need to thank me. Spending anytime with my sweet grandbaby is enough payment.” He said lightly tickling the girl in his arms, her laughter spreading delight in the small house.
“You look pwetty mommy” She said, turning in her grandfather’s arms to touch your powdered face with her small fingers.
“Thank you Darling” You beamed and took a step closer, “Okay Sweet Pea, You will be spending the night with Grandpa Wayne but I will be bright and early to pick you up okay?” You explained adjusting the sweater around her torso, making sure she would be safe in the cold air.
Your daughter nodded her head, wrapping her arms around your neck from her place in Wayne’s arms “Otay Mommy” She replied, her little fingers getting stuck in your hair and probably messing up the hairstyle you spent 40 minutes on.
“Be very good for Grandpa Wayne and when I pick you up we can go for pancakes. How does that sound?”
The girl's eyes went wide with excitement as she began wiggling in her Grandfather’s hold, “Can we get a milkshake too?” she asked eyes pleading to you. You giggled at your daughters face, you could never say no to her.
“Of course, sweet pea but you got to be good for Wayne”
“I will be so so good. I promith” The young girl replied, you only smiled back at her, a moment of guilt filled you not wanting to leave your sweet girl. Though you couldn't deny the excitement in your gut for the night.
Wayne and Izzy made their way out the door, before driving off to spend the night at Wayne’s trailer. You composed yourself, fixing your hair from the mess your daughter had made before grabbing your purse and meeting the man who was currently waiting patiently for you.
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“You look beautiful” He said, a twinkle in his eyes as they surveyed your face and your body. 
You felt yourself blush, it had been a long time since someone had looked at you with such hungry eyes. Though now after a year of dating, you supposed it should’ve felt casual, normal but a small part of you still wanted to shrink into yourself, to run away. Though your mothers words rang in your head. 
“You can’t hide away forever. You are hot stuff, you gotta move on with your life eventually” 
So instead of instantly running away, you accepted the compliment and thanked the man in front of you. You had met him at a bar when you went out for your co-worker Steve's birthday. You had walked outside to call your mom to check in on Izzy. (and to avoid the music blaring inside the bar.) 
When the man with chocolate brown hair, and a gray suit with his tie undone walked up to you. He had flirted with you unashamedly and then bought you a drink. When the night was over you had danced twice and he had slipped you a card with his name and  number on it. 
‘Adam Linden, Hawkins Post Journalist’
(260) - 555- 6784
You were wary of putting your heart out there again, though the feelings he gave you, were so refreshing. You hadn’t realized how in need of affection you were until you were being showered in it. You didn’t want to give love a try after Izzy’s father left. You spent the first three years focused solely on school and motherhood showering a baby Izzy with all the love and affection of two parents, while receiving very little for yourself. 
You had gone on a date with Steve Harrington, but that only made you realize that you and him wouldn’t work out, mostly because Izzy’s father had left you distrustful and insecure. After that, you mostly avoided dating, not wanting the judgment that came with you being a single mother, or the fear of having your heart broken. 
But when one Adam Linden strolled up to you, a cigarette hanging from his lips and a promise to buy you a drink, absent from any music or memory of a man from the past. 
You wouldn’t deny, you were not completely comfortable, your dates with a certain Munson boy were always relaxed. Pizza dinners, movies, Bob’s diner whereas dates with Adam were five star restaurants and office parties. Though Adam seemed entirely interested in you, and it felt good. To be desired, to be wanted. The change of relationship was daunting, but every date you had with Adam there was a flicker of the dream you let go of. The dream of a true family, with a loving husband and children running underfoot. 
Adam was a perfect choice to fulfill your dreams, he was kind, understanding, and had a stable job. He wasn’t the kind of man to run away from you for a better job, he would take you with him, buy you a house with a white picket fence. You would be content, and your Izzy would have a father. 
When you were younger it was an image of a perfect home with you baking cookies with two kids, a husband with his hair pulled up and into a bun, with a few curls hanging loose. Him putting on a vinyl as he came to dance with one of the children, stealing a bite of the cookie dough. A perfect husband and two faceless, nameless children. 
The dream was different now though, one of the children wasn't faceless or nameless, She was a bright bubbly little girl named Isabel who enjoyed dragons and princesses, who had the wildest curls and the biggest brown eyes. Who was born with all the confidence you lacked but matched you in curiosity, who was too dramatic for her own good. You could see her with another little sister or brother, being careful as she taught them how to properly mix the pancake batter or there could be an oopsie. Now the picture of your husband was different, he probably wouldn’t worry about playing music or stealing cookie dough. You could picture Adam there with you, he probably would be the kind of man to sit at the table and read the newspaper with his coffee, or maybe he would be at work, or maybe he would be right by your side helping the children? 
“Babe?” Adam asked, your mind returned to the present. Your hand on a wine glass, and a half-finished grilled salmon on your plate. Adam had his brows furrowed looking at you.
“Sorry, today was tiring. I zoned out a bit, what were you saying?” You gave a tired trying smile after you explained. Your mind returns back to the present, to the man in front of you. 
He smiled softly at you, he opened his mouth to say something but quickly stopped when the waiter came to collect your plates, sliding a piece of chocolate cake in front of you. 
“I didn’t order this” You spoke to the waiter.
“I did, babe. I know you love chocolate cake” You blushed at the gesture; you wouldn’t say it was your absolute favorite, but the thought is what counted. 
“Thank You, Adam. I do love some cake” You tried to joke but it seemed to fall on deaf ears with only Adam looking at you intently with a sort of look that made you want to run for the hills. 
When you grabbed your fork, you moved the plate slightly for a better cut. That is when you noticed the shimmering jewelry hidden by the pastry. You turned the plate fully to reveal a glittering diamond ring sat next to the chocolate cake. Staring at you, asking a question. 
You felt absolutely sick at the sight, but when the man before you stood up from his seat and kneeled before you. A hopeful look in his eyes, and lovely words spouting from his mouth, the looks of dozens of curious restaurant guests staring at you. 
The dream flickered once more, so instead of running from fear. You accepted it. 
“Yes, i’ll— I would be delighted to marry you” 
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Eddie’s car pulled up to the trailer. It had been almost six years since had been back, not wanting to return to his one pony town but the worst crises do bring people back together. 
Eddie hadn’t felt nerves like this since his first real concert in LA but this was much worse. He wasn’t nervous at all when he was on the plane but that could’ve been because of all the whiskey he had decided to drink before taking flight.  
Walking up the steps of his home and knocking on the trailer door like he was a stranger, made Eddie feel homesick for the first time in years. When the door opened, the air of home filled his senses, not only the smell of his trailer which arguably was just old furniture and cigarette smoke but it also was the sight of the man who raised him. Wayne. 
“Wayne” Eddie breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the man in front of him. He had spent so many years in La La Land running from reality, living in some parallel universe but he was finally here. It was unfortunate  that it took the death of one Mathew Davis to bring him back to earth but Eddie was back home.
 While Eddie was on the plane, drunk out of his mind, watching a grieving Jeff cry over his father, Eddie felt fear. That maybe he would return home, and find everything different and that he could be in Jeff’s position. Grieving over someone he left behind, but here was Wayne Munson, seemingly healthy but undeniably alive and still in his trailer. 
Like nothing had changed. 
“Eddie” Wayne smiled for half a second before bringing Eddie into his arms, hugging the boy who was a son to him. As swiftly as Wayne hugged him, he let go and folded his arms back to himself. A stern look settled in his face, like a wall being put up. Eddie felt something change, like he was about to be scolded for the first time in six years, Eddie stood awkwardly beneath the harsh stare of Wayne Munson. 
“So are you gonna let me in?” Eddie asked after a few seconds. Wayne, still silent, backed up, and moved to the side, letting Eddie into the trailer. 
Eddie surveyed his surroundings, everything was practically the same. There were some appliances that were changed out like the tv and the microwave, most likely bought from the money Eddie would send Wayne sometimes. Though the old couch that had cigarette burns was all the same. It was simply an old couch that many even Eddie would talk crap upon but Eddie could only feel happy at the sight of it. A wave of memories filled Eddie’s mind as he took in the sight of the old grandma couch and the smell of stale air. 
His first night with Wayne after his mom left,  A young small Eddie laying on the couch, finally asleep with dried tears on his face while Wayne covered him with a blanket. 
Then at age 12, sitting on the couch with the coffee table moved to be right in front of him while the boys sat on the carpet surrounding him. It was his first D&D game as a dungeon master.
 You and him at 15, making out on the couch, you on top then him on top, limbed intertwined. You and him at 16, cuddling and eating popcorn as Wayne sat on his usual chair, watching horror movies, with temporary smiles on all of your faces. 
Eddie stepped forward and sat on the couch, the cushion sinking in from the weight. His fingers grazed the side of the couch, but a bright shade of red caught his sight. Slightly poking out from underneath one of the pillows. Curiosity getting the best of him, Eddie reached and plucked out what seemed to be a red and black stuffed bunny. 
“Wayne, What the hell is this?” Eddie held up the stuffed animal with a few fingers showcasing it but Wayne quickly tore it from his fingers, as if Eddie had accidentally grabbed Wayne’s favorite pair of underwear.
 Eddie was confused by the sight of the stuffed animal in what was supposed to be a childless old man's home, but Eddie became even more put off by the fact that Wayne adjusted the bunny in his hands before setting it gently down next to the television as if it was some prized jewel. Eddie stared at Wayne with a look that begged him to explain his odd behavior along with the strange discovery.  
“It’s a gift for the Byers” Wayne explained but even after years apart, Eddie knew there was something off about Wayne. 
“The Byers?” Eddie titled his head in question, unbelieving of the explanation.
“Yes, Joyce Byers was telling me that Jonathan and his wife, Nancy, finally got pregnant. So i bought this as a gift” Eddie didn’t fully buy the explanation as last he remembered Jonathan Byers couldn’t even talk to a girl, let alone Nancy Wheeler, but it had been a long time. The same thing could have been said about him once. Though even with that explanation Eddie was still unsure, or maybe he was still hungover from the bottle he drank before getting on the plane to Hawkins. 
“Oh good for them then” Eddie smiled his usual smile but Wayne didn’t smile, or laugh or give him a funny remark, simply stared as if he was sizing him up. Eddie shrank into himself like he was fourteen again getting caught for stealing one of Wayne’s beers. Wayne sighed, and shook his head softly, preparing for the talk ahead. 
“What are you doing here, Ed?” sitting down next to Eddie with a face full of contempt. 
“Jeff’s dad died. Didn’t you hear?” Eddie didn’t understand Wayne’s reaction, Eddie didn’t expect a party but he half expected Wayne to be happy to see him. Though now it seemed like he wanted nothing more than Eddie out of his house. 
The distance between Eddie and Wayne now, with them in the same room seated on the same couch felt far greater than it did when they were 2,000 miles apart. Eddie knew some people in town wouldn’t be too excited to see him but he never anticipated Wayne’s reaction to be this cold. 
“I know that, prolly knew before you did. So that’s why you're here, for the funeral and then you're off again?” 
Eddie sighed, taking a look around the trailer, everywhere but at the older man. He knew why Wayne was upset now, it almost felt like deja vu for Eddie. It was his breakup with you all over again. Like you, Wayne seemed to be angry that Eddie followed his dreams, was able to get out of shithole Hawkins. It irritated Eddie, he had made it big but just like you, and Gareth and the rest of the boys, Wayne only seemed to care for Eddie’s failures more than his triumphs.  
“I don’t know why you make it seem so bad. I’m a rockstar Wayne” Eddie tried to reason with the older man but Wayne just let out a disbelieving scoff. 
“So I've heard. You're a rock star when it’s a holiday, when it’s a birthday, when you have a girl crying to you. You’re always a rock star” Wayne stood up from the couch and took a few steps away as if he couldn’t stand to be near his nephew in those moments.  
Eddie tried to ignore the pang of guilt he felt at the mention of you, but he only scoffed and directed any of his guilty feelings back at Wayne. “You didn’t seem to complain about me being a rock star when you needed a new tv, or you hurt your hand at work and needed to pay the bill. You're just mad I actually got out of this shithole unlike you” the venomous words fell out of Eddie’s mouth and there was no taking them back. 
Once again, Eddie Munson stood in his place in this trailer saying things he did not mean to someone who meant the world to him. Eddie had regretted the things he said to you the second he said them, and once again he felt the familiar regret seep into his body and make his heart ache and his throat thick. Just like before, he didn’t try to apologize, and simply sat there, dumbfounded by his own words. 
Wayne seemed unfazed, almost predicting this of his nephew. If the words did hurt, Wayne didn’t let it show. Though his disappointment in the boy in front of him was clear as day, practically emanating off his stoic form. 
Wayne shook his head in disbelief  “I always knew you were thick in the head, boy, but I thought I had raised you to be better than this. I ain't mad that you made it, I'm proud that you got out of this shithole. I’m just mad that you never came home, not once did you look back. I was waiting for you to. if i had known that someone dying would’ve brought you home, i would’ve died years ago.” 
The words hit Eddie harder, another shot hitting his heart as an ache grew all over his chest, and like blood a new found guilt seeped into his body. Eddie’s anger deflated as he simply watched as Wayne began to move around the trailer seeming to collect things. Eddie had no words for Wayne, not knowing what to say or what he could say to fix things. Eddie didn’t think there was anything that could make up for how he made Wayne feel. 
“Wayne” Eddie tried but Wayne didn’t seem to care what he had to say. Lifting up a hand as he put on a jacket and slung a lunch bag decorated in a few stickers over his shoulder. 
“It doesn't matter, Eds. Your home now, just don’t drink any of my beers and we’ll be fine until you go” Wayne sounded tired, but he only moved toward the door trying to get away from his nephew. Eddie stood up as if he was gonna follow him but he didn't move from his place or say a word, frozen. “I gotta go to work. I’ll see you later”
“Work? What happened to your night shifts?” Eddie asked, the question was genuine as Eddie had only ever known Wayne to work night shifts, but Eddie also knew it was just an excuse to keep Wayne around just a little bit longer. To try and find the words to fix what he had destroyed. 
“Things change.” Wayne said dejectedly, opening the door to try to leave but as if Eddie’s time was running out he asked one more thing abruptly. Eddie didn’t know why he asked, why it was the first thing to fall from his lips, he just knew he needed to know before Wayne left for work. 
 “Wait. Wayne, before you go. Can I-I— Do you- Um do you know if she still lives around here? Or anything about her?” Eddie asked with a pleading look in his eyes, he didn’t even know if he wanted to know. What if you were terrible, unhappy and alone without him? Or what if it was the opposite, what if you were perfectly happy and even better without him? He wasn’t sure which he preferred, they both made him want to cry. 
Wayne stopped and turned around to look at Eddie, this time all the stoicness of Wayne Munson left and only a look of disappointment and resentment showed clear on his face.  
“I may have sat on that couch waiting for you to come home, but that doesn't mean she did. Not all of us can wait six years. Like I said, things change, Eddie” 
Yeah, Eddie Munson was starting to get that. 
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Eddie had stood in his place for longer than he wanted to admit, after the exchange he had with Wayne he didn’t know what to do. He also hadn’t been home for years, he couldn’t just go back to smoking in his room or playing his guitar. He couldn’t hang with the boys as they were all probably hanging out with their own families, most likely having a better welcome home than Eddie had received. They actually visited their families in the past six years. 
Eddie walked around the trailer mindlessly, smiling at the memories but frowning at all the changes in his family home. The tv, the microwave, the ripped stitch in Wayne’s old chair had been fixed, there was no longer a dinner chair that rocked because it was uneven. It had all been replaced. 
Eddie’s eyes stopped when he reached  the refrigerator seeing a drawing. It wasn’t the best drawing clearly drawn by a child, it was all stick figures. One was a stick figure of a man with three hairs coming out of his head, Eddie let out a chuckle when he read the name above the figure. 
What confused Eddie were the other two figures, one of a young girl with their loops on her head, she wore a red dress and was holding on to the stick figure of Wayne and another stick figure of a woman with a blue dress. The words ‘Izzy’ and ‘mommy’ written over their heads. 
Eddie looked back to the red and black bunny that sat proper next to the television. Did Wayne have a lady friend that he never told him about? Eddie thought to himself. 
 Eddie was unsure of his idea, but he hoped it might be true. It would mean Wayne wasn’t alone all these years. Eddie chose to ignore the drawing for now, hoping to question Wayne for answers when he got home. He was about to reach inside for a beer when he remembered Wayne’s words not to drink any of his beers. Usually, Eddie would have ignored the request, and simply would have taken one and laughed it off later when Wayne would scold him, but that was a long time ago. Wayne was never this angry at Eddie before, he didn’t want to push it, especially if he had a chance to make it better. 
So Eddie closed the refrigerator door, and reached for his rental car keys in his pocket. Melvalds would still be around, while things were sure different now. There was no chance Hawkins would get rid of one of its only few stores, there had to be a place for all these people to get a pack of cigarettes and beers. 
Eddie was about to be on his way when the phone rang, like if he was a teenager once again Eddie reached for the phone answering in his usual jokingly manner “Munson Residence” 
The line was silent. “Hello?” Eddie asked but no answer, the line then quickly cut off before Eddie had the chance to ask if anyone was there. Eddie waited for a few seconds, maybe it was a bad line and they would call again but nothing.
 Eddie shook off the interaction making his way out of the door, back to his previous plans. 
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After the proposal, you felt as if you were in a daze, far from reality. You had heard from some of your friends that the prospect of getting married was ‘an unreal experience’ though you were unsure if this is what they meant. When you went to pick up Izzy from Wayne’s that night, you hadn’t said anything, you even took off the bright engagement ring from your finger for those few minutes. 
You didn’t not want to get married but thought you should at least feel overjoyed. Now in this moment though, as you had a half eaten plate of waffles and fruit in front of you, you knew you had to talk to your favorite person. Who was currently sitting right in front of you, with a sticky face from all the syrup of her pancakes, who was currently begging for the milkshake she was promised. 
“Once you are finished with your food, I will order the shake. Just eat now, sweet pea” You explained softly, but as you watched as the little girl stuffed her face with another giant bite of food. You couldn't help the laugh that fell from your lips at the sight 
“Okay maybe eat a little slower” You leaned forward to wipe her face with a napkin, feeling slightly lighter now that you looked at her. 
Izzy was the light of your life for the past six years, your reason for getting up in the morning, the reason you could smile in the darkest of moments. Even before she was born she helped you get through your first heartbreak and even after she was born, you knew you could never love anything as much.You wanted her to be as happy as she made you, everything you did was for her. Which is probably why this conversation was so hard to start.You knew she wouldn’t mind a father but would she like having Adam as her father?
You were unsure how to approach the conversation with someone so young. This wasn’t just a life change for you but for her as well. Izzy had met Adam before but only a few times, and you still didn’t know how she felt about ‘mommy’s friend’. 
You had been hesitant for a while for Izzy to meet Adam, he had known you were a mother but you feared actually meeting her would change everything, especially if Izzy didn’t like him. It wasn’t until the 10th date that he had briefly met Izzy, he had greeted her when he was picking you up for a date. He had brought you a bouquet of flowers that Izzy had just loved.  
So the second time had been a much more formal greeting, where he had introduced himself, giving her a much smaller bouquet of flowers asking her if he could take her mommy out for dinner. The girl too mesmerized by the flowers said yes but you could tell she was a bit reluctant to see you go with the man she barely knew. The few other times the three of you had time together was when he had breakfast with you and Izzy one morning after he and you spent the night together. Izzy had never been a shy child but she seemed to become one around Adam, never speaking to him directly. She seemed to grow more comfortable after the three of you went out one night for his annual family christmas party. Though it was more likely to have to do with Adam’s family dog than Adam himself. 
“So sweet pea, you know mommy’s friend Adam right?” You broached delicately, moving to sit closer to her in the diner booth. 
She hummed but didn’t seem to pay attention to you, only focusing on finishing her pancakes. “He smells funny,” she said absentmindedly, finishing a bite. You chuckled lightly, understanding she meant Adam’s love and slight overuse of cologne. 
“Yes he does smell funny” You agreed before broaching the subject. “Ho-How would you feel if Adam was around a little more?” You tried to read your daughter’s face but you weren’t even sure she would understand what you meant. 
She tilted her head in thought, her lips pursing to the side deep in thought. “Like Grandpa Wayne?” She asked before eating her final piece of pancake. 
You let out a fake awkward laugh “No no, sweet pea. More like a daddy” You cringed as you spoke the words, your body stiffening in preparation for her response.  Your daughter looked at you surprised, you tried to smile but you were definitely not expecting what she would do next. She laughed. 
“You so silly mommy. Adam don’t look like daddy” She only giggled and looked at you in disbelief, to say you were confused was a little to say the least. You tried to laugh with her but you were still unsure of what she meant. 
“What do you mean sweet pea?” You asked leaning closer to her as she stared at you with a smile, her fingers moving her hair away, something you noticed, knowing she would have to take a bath later. 
“Daddies got long hair, curly like mine. I remember. Adam don’t have that. He has short hair.” She explained as if it was the most obvious thing but it only made your chest ache. 
You understood now, she was talking to her about her real father and now you knew she was confused because of you. You had mistakenly shown Izzy a photo of her father and you from highschool. 
It was after her first week of school, she had come home crying that everyone else had ‘daddies’ but she only had a ‘mommy’ which is when you explained to her that her daddy was ‘far away’ and showed her the photo. It was of you both at seventeen in Hellfire shirts, his arms wrapped around your middle from behind as you looked up at him, dazed and in love and he looked at the camera, smiling. Ironic.
“Well I- Iz. Your daddy– He–. Remember when I said that daddy was far away. He is still away, and Adam H-He is right here. He would be like a new daddy? ” Your voice broke slightly as you explained, admittedly it was probably a bad explanation but you didn’t know how to.When it came to your dad your mom only told you that he was in the sky, and you never had asked for her to elaborate but you came to understand what that meant with age. 
Izzy only stared at you with a confused expression, her lips pursed once again. You could tell she didn’t fully understand what you meant by ‘away’ but she didn’t need to understand that her father was away because he didn’t want her or you. You barely understood yourself.
“But what if daddy comes back from twip” She tilted her head in question once again, she was only asking a genuine question in her mind. Though she didn’t understand how much she was breaking your heart. After you had initially told Izzy about her father and him being ‘Away’ she seemed to chipper up and became indifferent, but now you knew. She wasn’t indifferent because she stopped caring about having a father, she was still waiting for him to come back. 
You were now in Bob’s diner on the verge of tears, how were you supposed to explain it to her without hurting her feelings.Before you could find the right words, Izzy interrupted you. 
“I fink I forgot Ozzy, mommy” 
This caught you off guard, you had been so wrapped off in your thoughts and post-proposal daze that you hadn't even noticed that the bright red bunny that Izzy had humorously  named Ozzy was not attached to her or anywhere in sight. “Did you leave it at Grandpa Wayne’s?” 
“ I fink so” She said, wiping her mouth with a napkin. You looked at the clock on the diner wall, Wayne wouldn’t start work for a few minutes, maybe he could drop it off on his way? You thought to yourself.
 “Can I have my milkshake now?” Izzy, her eyes wide as she looked to you awaiting your answer for her favorite dessert. 
“Yeah Sweetpea, just let me call Grandpa Wayne. Maybe he can bring Ozzy” You put on a fake smile as you explained to her but honestly you needed to step away, to have a distraction. You knew this conversation with Izzy would be difficult but not this heart breaking.
 You took a deep breath and walked to the diner counter, you knew they would have a phone on the wall where you could call Wayne from. You also knew that Wayne could be of help when it came with conversations about absent parents to young children. 
The phone rang a few times and you were just about worried that Wayne had left for work and you would have to deal with a crying Izzy tonight, when the phone finally connected you felt a brief relief until the voice on the other line spoke. A voice you hadn’t heard clearly in years, and two words that made you feel like the earth had just shattered beneath your feet. “Munson Residence” 
It was like your vocal chords had been cut and you were frozen in place. “Hello?” the familiar  voice said again, you regained consciousness then. 
You looked to your daughter who was standing on her knees, her body stretched over the booth as she stared at you, awaiting her milkshake. You stiffly put the phone back on the receiver. You were practically shaking, as you walked back to the booth. 
“What happen mommy?” Your daughter noticed your shaking hands.You had forgotten your mother mentioned that Jeff’s father had passed but he never came back, even when all the boys did. Though he was here now. 
 “Nothing baby, nothing at all” You pulled out your wallet, setting money down as quickly as you could. You needed to leave, if he was back In Hawkins he would probably get lunch or dinner or breakfast. Bob’s Diner was his favorite place to eat when you were together, you were unsure if his tastes had changed but you were not going to risk finding out. 
“Come on, Sweetpea. Let’s go” You spoke to your daughter who only looked at you strangely. 
“But my milkshake mommy. You promithed” She whined, her lips coming to form a pout. Shit, you had forgotten about the milkshake. You could see the beginnings of a temper tantrum, so you kneeled down before your daughter. 
“I know I know. Um- How about we stop at Melvalds very very quick and I make you milkshake at home and if we make them at home, we can watch the little mermaid, how about that?” You tried to reason, after being a single mom for a few years you knew exactly how to make your daughter happy. You just needed out of this diner immediately. 
She sat in thought for a lot longer than you wanted to, but eventually agreed with an “Otay” and bounced her way out of the booth. 
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Eddie Munson entered Melvalds with a ring at the door,  the sight of the store made Eddie happy that not everything had changed. It was still the same shade of blue and white, and teens were still making a mess in the chip aisle and it still played the same old 50s music. 
When Eddie was young he hated it, always wanting something good like Metallica or Black Sabbath, he even tried to convince the owner once but that only made him threaten to kick Eddie out or arrest him for loitering. Though for the first time Eddie was grateful for the boring music, it brought him a wave of nostalgia. 
Eddie made his way going straight for the beer aisle but the colorful section of candy caught his eyes. He stopped there, deciding maybe getting Wayne and himself some candy might be a good way to ease the tension. He looked for a pack of Swedish fish when a little voice spoke. 
“You look like my daddy” Eddie turned to the sight of a small girl, dressed in an overall dress, with curly hair and a missing tooth. She stared straight up at him with a smile, she was fidgety in her stance, almost bouncing in place, but she only stared at him with big bright eyes in awe. 
Eddie looked around the aisle, seeing no one else but the little girl in front of him. “I-I’m sorry.What?” 
“You” the young girl said with utmost confidence and a small finger pointed straight at him “look like my daddy” She said with more emphasis. 
Eddie laughed a nervous laugh, he kneeled down to the girls height to get a better look at the obviously confused girl. He couldn’t deny there was a slight resemblance but he wasn’t the only man with wild curly hair and brown eyes in the world. There's no way. Eddie thought.
“ I don’t think that’s possible, sweetie. I haven’t lived in Hawkins in over five years” Eddie tried to reason with the small child that he was indeed not her father, hoping she was just as confused as he was. 
“I’m almost six” She practically shouted at him with a cheeky grin on her face. One that Eddie hated to say looked familiar. She stuck her hands out, showing him six fingers. 
“Oh I— Well sweetie. I— That does not mean” Eddie tried to find a way to explain but then remembered she was a child, he looked around hoping to find the girl’s parents. A mother or even better a father, but besides a few teenagers, there was no one else. Eddie tried thinking of another solution, to try and get himself out of this situation “What is your daddy’s name?” 
This seemed to throw the young girl for a loop, her eyes widened and Eddie could see the gears in her mind turning as she twisted her mouth to the side. Which only made Eddie feel like he was looking into a mirror. Which only made Eddie feel more sick, but the denial in his mind was strong. There was only one way this child could be his, and well there was no way. Right? 
 Her small finger came to tap onto her chin, as she thought about it. “Um. I don’t member but my mommy told me a long time ago” She shrugged
Eddie smiled at the young girl but the twisting feeling in his gut didn’t subside. Eddie tried to find another way out of this uncomfortable situation, he thought that maybe he could just tell the young girl goodbye and be on his way but he still didn’t see a single person old enough to be a parent. While Eddie could admit he has been an asshole lately, he wasn’t that big of an asshole to leave a lost child alone. “Where is your mommy?” 
“She's buying me ice cream” The girl turned around and pointed at the cash register sign that read ‘Cashier 5’ 
 Though before Eddie could ask if he could walk her to her mommy, the voice of the mother seemed to begin calling “Izzy, did you pick out your candy?” 
Eddie knew that voice, it had been six years since he heard it but he undeniably knew that voice. He had dreamed about it often, and then there it was again “Izzy? Lets go” 
Then she appeared before him, the face he had dreamed of for years, for a second he thought he might be in another dream, but she looked older, more mature than in his dreams but still as beautiful as ever. Eddie only stared and smiled without thinking, while she stared at him with a look of shock and fear, both of them frozen before each other. He had wanted to see her for so long and now she was here in front of him. With a pint of ice cream in her hands? and a ring on her? Wait, did she say Izzy?
 Everything was finally coming together in his mind like lyrics to a melody. 
The two stared at each other still in shock, as if trying to find her words she only breathed out one. “Eddie” 
The two of them snapped out of their frozen daze when an abrupt loud voice of the little girl before them yelled in realization. 
“OH YEAH! That's my daddy’s name!” her large brown eyes stared at him, mirroring his own. 
Eddie Munson finally truly understood.
Things really do change. 
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AN: I feel like I might have disappointed y'all with this part, but I promise there will be a lot more Eddie and reader in the next part but what do you guys think?
Please Like, Comment, & Reblog.
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yuuuhiii · 4 months
jealousy jealousy!
includes : jjk boys reacting to you being jealous! , Yuuta’s a little mean mwehehe , cursing , fluff , small argument in Megumi’s
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𓂃 yuuji 𝜗𝜚
I’m gonna be straight up with you
This poor boy is so so oblivious
It was a pain in the ass for you both while in the pining stage because he could not take any of your hints!!
So it’s not any better when a girl is CLEARLY hitting on him
Yuuji is flattered but also offended when you get jealous
Flattered because “oh my god you love me so much and you look so pretty.”
But offended because he loves you and you only:( is he not good at showing it?
So you explain to him it’s not him it’s the girls that can’t take a fucking hint :D
However your boyfriend is a little dense, half the time he won’t notice you’re jealous unless you say something
He’s in a pickle when a girl from middle school approaches him while he’s ordering for the both of you.
“Itadori?” She squeaks out and he turns around, blinking in surprise.
“Ozawa? How’ve you been!” He smiles brightly and she melts.
Unbeknownst to the girl, you’re pouting in your seat
Anyone could tell that she had a crush on him, from the way she blushed to how she timidly messed with her skirt
They converse for quite awhile and you pout, growing a little insecure
She was very pretty and he seemed so excited to be talking to her
You were guilty for being jealous, you were never the type to make Yuuji cut off contact with any girls
I mean one of his bestfriends was a girl and you were comfortable with that
He waves bye to her though yet she doesn’t leave, her eyes following him as he sits across from you
“I ordered our stuff baby.” He smiles, grabbing your hand from across the table.
You only nod, causing him to tilt his head
“Hey are you okay?” He pouts, his other hand coming to rub along your knuckles. You hum and narrows his eyes
“Come on, what’s wrong?”
Curse his damn puppy eyes because you cave, feeling embarrassed
“W-Who was that girl.” You murmur and he perks up.
“Oh! That’s Ozawa, we went to middle school together.” He answers honestly and it somehow doesn’t settle the feeling in your stomach.
“Oh, she’s really pretty.” He blinks, shrugging right after
“Yea, she changed a lot though.”
You hum and it finally clicks in his head
“Hey, you’re not jealous are you?” His pout returns and you can only flush
“Well! I don’t know you just looked so happy with her.” You laugh awkwardly and he stands up abruptly, seating himself next to you.
He pulls you into his side, resting his head on your shoulder.
“Don’t say that please? I only love you, I don’t need anyone else.” He huffs, messing with your fingers.
You lean your head against his, his words finally putting you at ease.
𓂃 megumi 𝜗𝜚
He’s not stupid. He knows when a girl is interested in him
He just doesn’t understand why your jealous
Like hello?? He took how long to confess to you?!
You really think he’d humor any girl that’s not you?!
Be for real
He doesn’t really do anything because well, you guys are together and you both know he loves you to death
But sometimes you just want that reassurance
Your eye was twitching every single time Kurusu had opened her mouth
It didn’t help that her and Megumi went way back , voicing to you that he had saved her when she was little
She was all over your boyfriend the whole night! And she knew you guys were together
You didn’t know if it was Angel that was doing the flirting and talking or if it was really just Kurusu
“I’d love to hangout with you! It’s been awhile since we seen eachother Megumi.” She batted her eyelashes as Megumi’s face remained stoic.
You get up from the couch, walking away, despite Megumi calling out to you.
“Where’re you going!” He snaps his head at your retreating figure
“Home.” You grumble and he gets up, however Kurusu tries to get him to stay
“She seems upset, you should just stay with me.” She smiles and Megumi’s sighs
“Sorry, I gotta go. Maybe we can talk later or something. I don’t know.” He rushes out following you outside.
“Y/n!” He yells and you don’t stop until he’s grabbing your wrist
“What’s wrong with you?!” He huffs and you pout
“What’s wrong?! I don’t know maybe it’s a little annoying to watch my boyfriend not do anything as a girl flirts with him?” You say passively and he rolls his eyes.
“Really? She just wants to catch up.”
“If catching up to you is going on a date as she gives fuck eyes to you the whole time then you’re stupid.” You fold your arms.
“Why’re you mad! You’re acting like I like her.” He says back just as harsh
“That’s not the point! You’d be mad if a guy was flirting with me and I wasn’t doing anything to stop him!” You pout, tears brimming at your eyes from the frustration
He curses at the sight of your teases, pulling you into him
“M’sorry.” He mumbles and you whine, holding him just as tight
“I’m sorry for calling you stupid.” He laughs at that, caressing your hair.
“I love you, you know? It’ll always be you but I’ll make sure to shut it down if it makes you uncomfortable.” He mumbles in your ear and you hum
“I love you too megs, thank you.”
He could never stay mad at you
𓂃 yuuta 𝜗𝜚
He shuts shit down sooooo fast
He isn’t stupid either!
And he isn’t afraid to be a little rude if a girl is being very persistent
Of course he’ll be nice at first but if they continue to keep pestering him he’ll snap
It is rare for you to feel jealous though because yuuta is a little possessive
And he’s always reassuring you that you’re his and he’s yours
However he likes your jealousy just a teeny bit!
(He fucking loves it)
Yuuta was so excited to take you out tonight
It was your guys anniversary! And god you looked stunning, gorgeous, a goddess
(He kisses the ground you walk on)
However he didn’t think you’re beautiful night would be ruined by a stupid waitress
It was one thing for her to be openly flirting with him as you were sitting right in front of him
But to give you those nasty looks as well?
Oh, he was gonna blow up
“Is everything tasting good?” She directly says to your boyfriend, not even acknowledging your presence
He just nods, smiling brightly at you
When she had served your food, she had wrote her number on a napkin, giving it to Yuuta
“Actually I have something to say.” He smiles but you know he’s pissed
“Of course! I’m all ears.”
He picks up the napkin, his eyes turning dark and cold
“I just find it disrespectful that you have the guts to offer your number to me when I’m clearly on a date with my gorgeous girlfriend .”
She straightens up.
“Not only that but neglecting her as well? You’re a terrible person you know?” He rips up the napkin, placing it on his plate.
“I’d like the check and a new waiter please and thank you.” He smiles back to you, his eyes in crescents.
She mutters a sorry and of course, scurrying away.
“Wasn’t that a little too far Yuu?” You mumble, feeling a little bad.
“Nothings to far when it comes to you, she was treating you bad anyways. She should know better.” He huffs and you smile.
“I love you.” You whisper and he smiles, kissing the promise ring adorning your finger.
“I love you more pretty.”
𓂃 toge𝜗𝜚
he literally does shit on PURPOSE!
at some point you grow used to his stupid antics
When you actually do feel a little jealous
because you know he’s only doing this to get a rise out of you
He’s a loser and you carry his heart without a doubt
He’s the most loyal and caring person ever
But he LOVES teasing you
You’re in an anime store with your boyfriend
Both of trying to decide which figure to splurge on
You both had split up, roaming opposite sides of the big store
You sigh when you can hear a girl say in the next isle.
“Gosh! You’re so cute, can I get your number?”
Your boyfriend blinks down at her, his doe eyes doing nothing but making the girl gush even more
Curse his stupidly pretty eyes and pretty face
He taps his chin, letting out a “hm” as if he’s really thinking it over
You stomp your way over to him, grabbing him by his wrist and tugging him away
“He has a girlfriend.” You grumble and Toge giggles
He turns around wiggling his finger to the girl his way of saying no
Then he holds up your guys hand as he kisses your hand and waves bye at the girl
All with a huge smile on his face
“I can’t leave you alone for five minutes because you’ll just go and cheat on me.” You huff and Toge pouts immediately
He crosses his arms, shaking his head frantically
He wraps his arms around you, shoving you in his chest
You playfully roll your eyes, rubbing his back
He leans his head down, he lips ghosting your ear, making you shudder
“Love you.” He kisses your cheek right after
“Love you more Toge.”
“Okaka.” He kisses you again
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© yuuuhiii 24 : don’t plagiarize, translate, or post my work on other platforms
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worldlxvlys · 3 months
my eyes only (part 4)
jealous! chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: cursing, reader is in a toxic relationship, smuttt, p in v, cream pie, choking, oral (fem receiving), squirting, masturbation, use of vibrator, cheating
** i’m not promoting cheating in the slightest, this is fiction. please do not cheat on anyone.
a/n: part 4 was highly requested sooo here it is <33
previous part
“it was an accident!” i yelled for what had to be the tenth time.
“how the hell do you accidentally send someone nudes ?” charlie yelled back.
i let a heavy sigh as i rolled my eyes, “hey, don’t roll your eyes at me”
my face scrunched up at that, “i can do whatever the hell i want with my own eyes, charlie. i don’t know why you think you can control my every move” he looked like he wanted to make a snarky comment at that, but i stopped him, “and why were you going through my phone?” i asked.
he looked take aback at the fact that i knew, “ i didn’t” he spoke defensively.
“so you weren’t going through me and chris’s texts?” i asked.
he sighed, giving up the act, “ok, fine. yes i went through your texts once. it was awhile ago, though”
“you are un-fucking-believable, charlie. how am i supposed to trust you when you don’t even trust me?” i asked.
“i know, it’s just-”i cut him off, “your past relationships, i know. but that doesn’t give you the right to go through my phone”
his eyebrows scrunched up at that, “are you trying to invalidate my feelings right now?” he asked.
my eyes widened at that, “i-no! what are you talking about?”
“i mean, you just basically told me that what i went through in the past means nothing to you”
“charlie, when did i say that?” i asked incredulously.
“whatever. i just can’t believe you’re pulling this shit while i’m going through such a hard time. i mean, you know how much stress i’ve been dealing with because of work, and now i have to worry about my girlfriend sending nudes to another guy”
my face softened at this, realizing that there was some truth to what he was saying.
although i would never admit it out loud, i did send chris those nudes on purpose. and on top of that, i gave him access to several of my explicit videos.
thank god charlie didn’t know about that part.
it was wrong of me to do, but when it came to chris, every logical thought of mine flew out the window.
my boyfriend was an asshole, but that didn’t give me the right to add onto his stress.
“i’m sorry, you’re right. it won’t happen again. what can i do to make it up to you?” i asked as i rubbed his shoulders.
i wasn’t an idiot. i knew that i was better off breaking things off with him, but i was scared. as fucked up as our relationship was, it was one of the only constant things in my life. and although it was dangerous for my mental health, it was safe.
change is inevitable, but it’s also uncontrollable in most situations. and this situation was one of the rare cases where i had full control.
“stop talking to him.” my heart dropped at this.
“what? you want me to just stop talking to someone who i’ve been friends with for years?” by the tone of my voice, he could probably tell that i wasn’t going to do it.
“ok, you’re right, that’s unreasonable. but, maybe just back off of him a little?” he asked.
“please? it would help ease my mind” he spoke as he squeezed my waist, his grip tighter than usual.
i had been with charlie long enough to read him pretty well. his mood could flip in a matter of seconds, and it was quite frightening to experience. sometimes, when he was seconds away from doing it, he would squeeze my hip or shoulder firmly. this was obviously one of those times where my answer would determine how the rest of the night went.
he had never hurt me before, but i was still always careful not to set him off.
“ok, yeah” i nodded my head at him.
“i need to hear you say it” he said, refusing to let go of me.
“i’ll back off of him” i said.
he let go of me, a grin taking over his features, “thank you, baby. i really appreciate it”
i nodded at him, smiling weakly.
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“it was a mistake”, those were the words she said a week ago. those words led me to believe that she would change her my eyes only password.
because when i opened her my eyes only the day after she sent that text, the password worked.
she added more videos to the collection, in fact, she didn’t delete my own video.
and when i clicked onto the most recent video, the first thing i heard her moan was my name.
so that’s the game she wants to play? she won’t answer my texts, but she’ll scream my name when she plays with herself?
fine, let’s play.
throughout the week, we added more and more videos to the collection. we teased each other, moaned each other’s names, and spoke the dirtiest words to our phones.
we never addressed the videos in our text messages, as our conversations never got past a “hi, how are you” and a dry response.
it was an odd situation, but she seemed hellbent on avoiding any conversation.
finally, after a week of playing the game, i decided to go over to her house and talk to her like an adult.
i didn’t bother texting her, knowing i wouldn’t get a response.
“fuck, chris” i moaned out as my head flew back onto my bed.
my body was bare and covered in a layer of sweat as i held my vibrator against my clit with one hand, the other fingering my wet hole.
my phone was propped up against a chair, capturing my pleasure perfectly.
i was so close to my orgasm, i didn’t hear my front door open.
“chris! i’m gonna-!” i cut myself off as my door flew open.
in a panic, i moved my hands and turned my head towards the door.
my eyes widened in horror, as chris stood by my door with hooded eyes.
chris and i stared at each other as we both waited for someone to say something.
“chris-” i started, but paused when he pulled his shirt off.
he quick strides in my direction, before leaning down and capturing my lips in a desperate kiss.
i moaned into the kiss, as our lips moved against each others quickly.
he detached our lips, pressing his forehead to mine. “do you want this or not?” he asked, his eyes still closed. “cause one second you say it’s a mistake, then the next you’re moaning my name. if you’re just gonna play with my feelings, i-” i stopped him by pressing my lips to his in a sweet kiss.
“i want this, chris. i want you. i was scared and confused, and i shouldn’t have played with you like that. i need you to know this isn’t a game to me” i spoke as my gaze shifted between his eyes.
“i’ve wanted you for so fucking long, i just didn’t know how to tell you” i cupped his jaw with my hand, running my thumb along the skin right under his bottom lip.
“thank fuck” he whispered before pushing his lips onto mine again.
my hands found their way to the back of his neck as his soft lips caressed mine.
his hands went to my boobs, squeezing and pinching my nipples, eliciting a small moan from me.
“fuck, you sound even better in person” he groaned.
he continued to play with my tits as our lips slid against each other’s perfectly.
his hips ground down into my body, his clothed erection pressing into my inner thigh.
i bit down onto my lip, suppressing my moans.
“don’t be shy now, baby. you’re so vocal when i’m not in front of you. do i need to play one of the videos?” he asked, making me narrow my eyes at him.
in one swift motion, i hooked my leg around his waist, pushing him down into me and flipping us over.
his eyes widened as i wrapped my hand around his throat, making him let out a choked moan.
“yeah? you like it when i choke you like this?” i asked as i moved my hand down to his sweatpants.
“mmm, fuck yea” he groaned out.
i hooked my finger into his sweatpants, tugging them down.
my fingers gently caressed his thighs as i moved my mouth to the top of his boxers.
i looked up at him through my lashes as i took the waistband between my teeth, pulling it up and letting it snap back against his skin, making his hips jerk slightly.
“i want these off” i spoke.
he quickly pulled them down, letting his dick spring free.
“remember that pink dildo?” i asked as i let my spit travel down to his cock, beginning to spread it around his length.
“y-yeah, i do” he groaned in response.
i lined him up with my entrance and sank down onto him, pulling long strings of curses from both of our lips.
“i always imagine that it’s your cock buried inside of me” i moaned out as i began to move on top of him.
“o-oh my fuck” he whispered as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.
he seemed to almost be shocked at the amount of pleasure coursing through his body, as his arms stayed frozen at his side.
“touch me, chris” i spoke, snapping him out of his trance.
his hands shot out to my sides, sliding down to grab my ass.
i grabbed his shoulders to stablilize myself as i rolled my hips into his.
“god, you feel even better than i ever imagined” i spoke as i pressed my forehead to his, staring into his eyes.
“you look so fucking good on top of me like this. love watching you fuck yourself on my cock” he whispered to me.
“you like the way i squeeze you?” i asked as i clenched around him.
he whimpered at the feeling, before replying, “not gonna last if you do that”
“good, i’m on the pill. i need you to fuck your cum into me, chris. need it so bad” i moaned as his dick plunged in and out of my tight hole.
the dirty words sent chris over the edge.
his fingers dug into my ass, holding me down against him as he shot his cum deep inside of my walls.
i lifted my hips off of him and swung my leg over his, moving from on top of him.
“wait, you didn’t finish” he pointed out.
“it’s fine” i shrugged it off.
chris wasn’t having this as he pulled me back towards his body.
“ride my face” he spoke as he pulled me back on top of him.
“what?” i asked, my eyes widening at his statement.
“i don’t know what you’re used to, but we’re not done until you cum. so, ride my face.” he spoke, throwing slight shade towards charlie, as he laid down.
following his instructions, i positioned myself right above his face. i hovered for a second before chris pulled me down onto him, pulling all of my weight onto his face.
“oh my god, chris” my jaw fell slack as my hands laced into his hair, tugging gently.
he groaned against my heat as his tongue licked up and down my folds.
i began to rock my hips against his mouth. with every upward movement, chris’ nose pressed against my clit.
“chris! i’m cumming!” i spoke as my body tensed up.
my toes curled and my fingers scratched his scalp as i felt an intense wave of pleasure run through my body.
i lifted myself off of his face as my juices shot out of my trembling body, saturating the pillow and chris’s face.
“fuck! sorry, sorry” i spoke quickly as i got off of him.
“don’t ever apologize for something like that, ma. that was hot as fuck” he spoke before licking his lips.
i got up to grab something to clean his face up, when he stopped me.
“wait, take a picture of my face!” he grinned.
“what, why?” i asked.
“we can save it to your my eyes only” he winked.
tag list: @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @annelisseakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @abbie13sworld @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @judespoision @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @mattsnymphette
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moonstruckme · 3 months
i recently started following you and i absolutely love your writing! you have such great talent!
no pressure at all and feel free to scream at me if this is out of your boundaries (i read ur guidelines so it shouldn’t be but you never know). I’m curious if you could write reader with literally anyone, just in denial that they like them. like she used to go out with really shifty guys and is just appalled that this person actually likes them
(this definitely isn’t self-indulgent at all….)
Thanks for requesting baby! (I would never scream at you lmao) I did this with dealer Eddie, hope that's alright :)
cw: weed, mention of transactional sex
dealer!Eddie Munson x fem!reader ♡ 1.5k words
Eddie’s grinning big when he opens the door to his trailer. He takes off his headphones, hanging them around his neck. You can hear Black Sabbath still playing from the speakers. 
“Hey.” His voice has a slightly raspy quality to it, and you wonder if he’s been singing or smoking. “You lookin’ for a fix, pretty?” 
You grasp the strap of your bag self-consciously, forcing a bouncy “yep” past your lips. Eddie’s got a way of saying things that makes you feel awkward and flighty, like your heart might lurch right out of your ribcage at any moment. It should be routine by now, but you’ll probably never get over it. 
Eddie only nods and opens the door further, inviting you in. He sets a hand on your back as you go by, and you try not to look as shy as the touch makes you feel. 
“Same as usual?” 
“Yeah, thanks.” You lean against the counter while he crosses the room to the drawer where he keeps his stash. 
You’ve been coming to Eddie for years now. You weren’t exactly friends in high school but you were always friendly, and every time you leave his place you’re freshly shocked by the realization that you actually really like him. You appreciate that he keeps it business. Well, as business as anything can be with Eddie. Flirting is just part of the package, but he doesn’t try to smoke your stuff after he sells it to you and doesn’t seem to expect anything other than money in return. Shitty as it sounds, a dealer like that can be hard to come by in your experience.
“I’ve been missing you, sweet thing,” he says, taking out a big zip lock bag of bud and a smaller one to portion yours into. “Thought you might’ve found someone else to keep you happy.” 
You don’t respond for a second, and Eddie’s head tilts up from where he’s picking through the bag, eyebrows going up in intrigue.
“I was seeing this guy for awhile,” you say, looking sideways out the window. “He got pre-rolls from someone else, and he’d let me have them sometimes.” 
“Well shit, I can roll for you if it’ll keep you coming over.” 
You look at Eddie in surprise. He grins at you, jutting his chin towards the couch. 
“Sit down, I’ll get you set up.” 
“You don’t have to do that,” you say. 
“Gotta keep my favorite customer happy, don’t I?” You don’t move, and his smile softens into something more genuine. “It’s no problem, just sit down. Tell me about this guy. Does he treat you right?” 
You follow directions, going to sit on the less saggy and dingy-looking of the couch cushions while Eddie bends over the counter across from you. “Not really,” you say indifferently. As if thinking about it doesn’t send a dull ache blooming through your middle. “We aren’t together anymore.” 
Eddie glances up at you, something odd flitting across his expression. “That sucks,” he says bluntly. “I’m sorry. I mean, it sounds like he sucked, so I guess I’m not sorry that it’s over even if I’m sorry that you’re sad. Are you sad?” 
A little laugh startles out of you. “Not really,” you say, and it’s halfway to honest. You’d been sad to break up with him, but Eddie is right; he sucked. You’re not really sad it’s over either. 
“Good.” He nods, appeased. “Thought I’d have to go beat someone up or something.” 
You snort, and Eddie’s mouth drops open in offense. He looks back down at the roll, sticking his tongue in his cheek as he shakes his head.
“Feels like you’re not taking my threat of vengeance super seriously.” 
“No, I am,” you laugh. “I am, it’s just—you don’t seem like someone who wins a ton of fights.” 
“Ah!” He clutches a fist over his heart, looking at you in absolute betrayal. “So little faith! I’ve fought worse monsters than your jilted beaux, okay?” 
You roll your eyes. “I’m guessing it’s a little different in real life than in your game.” 
Eddie pauses for a half a second, and you wonder if you’ve gone too far in your teasing, but then he bends back over the table, bringing the paper to his mouth. “Right.” He runs his tongue quickly across the roll. “Well, anyway, I have a spear in my garage if you want me to give it a try.” 
You smile at the thought of Eddie jabbing his (in your imagination, plastic and nerdy) spear at your most recent ex. 
“Thanks, but I think I’m good,” you say. 
He shrugs. “Your loss. I’d have taken off my shirt for the battle, but I guess you’ll have to get that show another time.” 
You laugh, crossing your legs as he starts on another roll. “Hey, you don’t actually have to roll all this,” you say. “I won’t stop coming to you.” 
“I don’t mind it,” he replies, packing the next with easy, practiced movements. “Unless you’re in a rush or something. Do you have to go?” 
“No, I’m…I’m good.” You’ve never spent this long at Eddie’s place before. It’s usually that you show up, he gives you a bag, you pay, and you leave. You’ve never taken much time to survey the trailer, the way Eddie moves around the cramped furniture with such ease or the way the windows let in just enough light to make his skin look softer and his eyes browner. “You can leave half of it, though, if that’s okay. I’ve still got a bowl at home.” 
“Whatever you want.” He keeps his focus downward, ringed fingers moving carefully. “You know, I’ve actually kind of missed having you come around.” 
“You said that already.” You tuck a piece of hair behind your ear, smiling even though he’s not looking. “I told you I’ll keep coming back, Eddie, you don’t have to butter me up.” 
His gaze flicks to you, eyebrows rising on his forehead. “I’m not,” he says.
Something about his tone has the hairs raising on the back of your neck. You keep intentionally still as a slight chill goes through you. 
“I like hanging out with you.” He shrugs, looking back at his roll. “Would you want to hang out again soon?” 
You hesitate. “I…don’t think I’ll be needing any more for a bit.” 
“Well, ideally you wouldn’t be here to buy.” 
For a second, you’re confused, and then realization and dread collide in your gut with enough force to make you nauseous. The disappointment is more potent than either of them. 
“Oh.” Maybe Eddie isn’t so different from the other dealers you’ve had after all. “Um, I just feel like I’ve always paid in cash…” 
Eddie’s eyebrows furrow, and then his entire face contorts. “Christ—no.” He drops the finished roll, holding up his palms as if to ward you off. “Not that! Ew—I mean—” His hands go to his head. “—not ew, like you’re not ew, I just—gah.” He drops his head back, and his fingers disappear into his hair, making fists. He looks almost pained. “I like you. Like, I’m not trying to have sex with you right now. Not that sex wouldn’t be cool—we could if you wanted to—but that’s not what I’m getting at.” 
He blows out a big breath, hands dropping to his knees, and looks you in the eye. 
“Can we just forget about the weed for a second?” he asks, sounding nearly desperate. “I’m trying to ask you on a date. Not to get you to fuck me for drugs.” Your mouth drops open, but Eddie keeps going. “And if you don’t want to go out, that’s totally cool. Very respectable, honestly. It doesn’t have to affect anything.” He presses his lips together. “I didn’t mean to say you were ew. I’m sorry.” 
You’re too shell-shocked to even laugh. You have whiplash. But now he’s looking at you with his big eyes all expectant, and you feel like you have to say something. 
“A date?” you ask. 
“Uh, yeah.” He leans against the counter, looking a bit awkward but somehow all the more endearing for it. “Like, to the arcade or maybe dairy queen or something—I don’t know, you can pick.” 
“And you…don’t want to have sex.” 
“I don’t not want to have sex,” he clarifies. “But, uh, we don’t have to at all. Like, only if you want to, and definitely not if you think it’s some sort of…” Eddie winces “...transaction.” 
You nod slowly, and now there’s a smile tugging persistently at your lips. “That sounds good,” you say. “The date part.” 
“Yeah?” His head picks up. “Really?”
You smile. “Yeah. Are you sure?” 
“Am I sure?” Eddie guffaws. “Yeah, I’m pretty fucking sure. I’m getting a much better deal here. But no take-backs,” he says quickly, and his grin widens when you laugh. “Are you free tomorrow?” 
“Um, yeah.” You think for a second, nodding. “Yeah, I’ve got nothing tomorrow.” 
“Great.” Eddie presses his lips together like he’s trying to contain the full scope of his smile. He pushes his fingers into the countertop. “Okay, forget everything from today. I’m gonna be such a fucking gentleman when I pick you up tomorrow, you probably won’t even recognize me.”
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mbappebby · 3 months
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Sometimes you just need your brother || Pt.2
Summary: After finding comfort in her brother’s place, it just seems too good to be true when her father knocks the door….
Makayla Verstappen (OC) x f1 grid
Makayla had fallen asleep with her head rested on Max’s chest. Max didn’t notice until he looked down and seen his little sister asleep.
The 3 other drivers were still at his apartment, Kelly and Penelope were due to come back any moment and that’s when Daniel, Charles and Lando would leave.
“I can’t believe he actually kicked her out.” Max said as the 3 of them looked up at him. “It’s awful, I really don’t understand him” Daniel said.
“She’s only 16 like,” Lando added. “Does he know she’s here?” Charles asked. “Probably, she can only go either me or Vic” Max told him.“You think he’s going to try and take her back?” Lando asked.
“I’m not letting him, I know how he’s been treating her and I’m not letting her go through that anymore” Max added as the door opened.
“Maxie!” Penelope exclaimed as she made her way towards him but stopped when she noticed Makayla there. “What’s KayKay doing here?” Penelope asked.
“I’ll tell you everything later okay? Just keep the noise down as she’s asleep” Max said as she nodded before running back to Kelly.
“We better be going, message any of us Max to update us. Remember we are here to help, Mack is like a sister to us as well” Daniel said.
Max moved his sister‘s head in his chest and onto a pillow before he walked to the door with his 3 fellow drivers. “Thanks guys, means a lot” Max said before bidding goodbye to them.
“Is she okay?” Kelly asked referring to Makayla. “Dad kicked her out, she used all her savings to get a flight over here” Max said. “He kicked her out? Who would that?!” Kelly replied.
“Him apparently, you okay with her staying with us for awhile? I know P loves her anyways” Max asked. “You don’t need to ask, she’s your sister and I know P loves her too” Kelly said with a smile.
“Thank you” Max added.
Makayla had woken up to see that she had fallen asleep on the sofa. “Hey sleepyhead” Max joked seeing his sister finally awake. “Shut up, I was tried” Makayla mumbled.
“Is KayKay awake?!” Penelope shouted and when she seen the girl awake she ran and jumped on the sofa with her. “Hey P!” Makayla said as she tickled the young girl.
“KayKay! Stop!!” Penelope giggled as she tried to get out of her grip. Kelly sat down by Max, the two had smiles on their faces seeing the two girls together.
“Hey Kel, sorry didn’t see you there” Makayla said. “It’s alright, happy to see you smiling Mack” Kelly replied with a smile. “Mummy! Can Kay take me to the beach?” Penelope asked.
Makayla gave her older brother a certain look, that he knew he couldn’t say no to. “I hate when you do that look, just be careful you two okay? Be back before it’s gets dark” Max told them as Penelope cheered and ran to get her coat.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” Makayla asked, mainly directing the question to Kelly. “Mack, you I trust you with P. How many times have you watched her before this?” Kelly said.
“Just making double sure. Thank you, we won’t be long!” Makayla said as she got ready for the couple watched the two girls leave the apartment.
“I hate how he’s made her think she isn’t allowed to do or go anywhere..” Max mumbled. “She’ll be alright, Mack is a strong girl. We just need to make sure he stays away from her and not try and take her back” Kelly said.
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Liked by kellypiquet, maxverstappen1 and 227,629 others
makaylaverstappen: P💗
view all 2,527 comments
user16 Aww so cute!
user19 I adore their relationship!!🥰
user93 So cuteeeee
kellypiquet She loves you so much💗
makaylaverstappen I love her more💗
user72 Awhhh!
user99 P loves Mack so much🥹
user13 💗💗💗
user4 Adore them so much!!🥹💗
maxverstappen1 She likes u more than me!
makaylaverstappen well obviously😌
maxverstappen1 🙄
user63 lol Max🤣
user02 Max and Makayla >>
Makayla and Penelope made their way back to the apartment, the young girl ran to her mother while Makayla followed behind her after taking her shoes and coat off.
“I want KayKay to take me to bed!” She heard Penelope said as she entered the room. “I’ll do it Kel, c’mon P! Let’s finish that book off we were reading!” Makayla said as Penelope jumped in her arms as she carried her to her room.
Max and Kelly smiled at the pair before quietly following them and stood by the door watching the both girls. Makayla finished reading before kissing Penelope’s forehead and leaving to door to be greeted by the couple.
“Watching us were you?” Makayla joked as the three made their way back to the living room. “You are so good with her, she adores you” Kelly said. “I love her” Makayla replied with a smile.
The three of them started to watch a bit of TV, Makayla was on her phone a few times before it was starting to get late and they was about to make their way to bed, but there was a knock on the door..
“Makayla! I know you’re in there, you better come here before I phone the police!” They heard Jos shout.
The girl looked at her older brother with fear on her face, how was she going to get out of this? Kelly came over and pulled her into a hug, before Max started to make his way towards the door.
“Makayla, get here now!” Jos shouted.
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01zfan · 5 months
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talk to me | l. sh
boyfriend!sohee x reader | 3.7k words
repost because i kinda messed up on the original post if you’ve seen this before no you haven’t
contains: fingering (fem. receiving)
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you and sohee lay on his couch while a tv show plays on his laptop. whatever is happening flies over your heads, focused on more important tasks at hand. you lean against the side of the couch, desperately pulling at sohee’s clothes so he comes closer to you. one hand is on the armrest of the couch, caging your body against sohee. his other hand feels every part of your body, rushed like you might disappear at any moment. 
your lips are locked in a messy makeout session. teeth clash and spit is swapped between the two of you. you an barely breathe and are on the verge of passing out before sohee pulls away from you. you can make out your reflection in his blown out eyes. you see a string of spit connecting your lips to his. sohee sees it too, swiping his tongue to break the string.
you match his appearance, lips glossy from spit and swollen from sucking. your hair is mused to say the least. you run your hands through sohee’s hair just for fun. you get a kick out of seeing the strands stick up twice as crazy as yours.
“do you think we have time?” you ask. 
it was hard to have alone time with sohee. exams and studying had you both on separate schedules. some days you felt like a gerbil on a wheel, running around in circles to do assignments for classes you hated. sohee had his fair share of stress too, workload just as overwhelming as yours. moments like these with sohee helped you get rid of the stress, but being under a time constraint sometimes did more harm than good. sohee grabbed his phone to check his messages.
“we have awhile. my parents told me they’re running errands all day today.” sohee says smiling. 
he smiles all the way to your neck, kissing the skin. you raise your hands to rest on his shoulders, lightly massaging out a hard knot on his back.
“they know im here?” you ask. 
his parents didn’t hate you, but like most parents they were strict. when you came over you had to be in an open space atleast an arm length away. his parents were sweet but there’s no way they would allow for just you two to be alone together.
“got anton to tell them we’re all studying together.” sohee said in between kisses.
after hearing the cover story you can let yourself fully relax into the armrest of the couch. sohee attacks your neck with kisses and bites. you occasionally have to tap his head to remind him that he can’t leave a mark.
“sohee calm down.” you say giggling. 
you lightly push on his shoulders to get him to pull away. his chest is still heaving, he didn’t even let himself fully catch his breath before going back in.
“sorry.” he says kissing your chest. 
you think about what you want next. sohee is only separated from your body by only a few layers of clothing. you put your hands on his arms to get him to stop kissing your collarbone. he stops mid kiss, staring at your skin.
“you say we have time right?” you ask. sohee looks up at you immediately.
“yes we have time. we have all the time in the world, actually.” sohee says a little to quickly. 
you adjust yourself on the couch, sitting up a little bit more. sohee moves backwards a little bit to give you the space you need.
“do you think we have enough time to…” you can’t bring yourself to finish your sentence. 
you don’t have any doubts when it comes to having sex with your boyfriend, you guys have done it a few times before. but something about the word sex just feels so vulgar and a little cringe to you. lucky for you sohee understands what you mean. you think he might’ve gotten whiplash by how fast he nods his head.
“we do. we definitely do.” sohee says quickly.
“okay cool.” you say while looking at sohee. 
you two maintain eye contact for a tad too long, trying to figure out what to do next.
as you reach for your blouse sohee does the same, getting off the couch to quickly take off his vest to unbutton his shirt underneath. you watch attentively as you take of your shirt. 
you rid yourself of your shirt and school skirt quickly. you lay down on the couch in just your intimates. you liked leaving those last garments for your boyfriend to take off. no matter how frantic he was taking off his clothes he always removed yours slowly and with such care. it also made you always super giddy seeing sohee so excited to see your body. you couldn’t help but be excited to when he nearly jumped back on the couch in just his plaid boxers. 
sohee always started with taking off your socks. he brings your legs to his lap to carefully, running a hand up and down your calf. sohee pulls off your socks one by one. it made you feel like a doll how gently he handled you, taking your legs out of his lap tenderly.
sohee comes up from the end of the couch to bring you in for another kiss, his hands massaging your breasts over your simple bra. he almost drools at the sight of your chest and the way your nipple slightly spills out from your bra. sohee finds himself drawn to it, sucking on your half hidden areola. he takes in some of the bra, but he doesn’t care because you arch your back into his mouth and run your hands through his hair.
“help me take my bra off sohee.” you whine. 
your desperation makes sohee move quickly. he reaches his hands behind your back and unclasps your bra on the second try. he carefully bring the back of the bra to the front, helping you out of the straps. when your bra is discarded somewhere in the room, sohee takes in the sight of your chest. he loves looking at them first before taking them in his hands. he’s captivated by your supple skin, kneading your breasts in his hands. you tilt your head to the side and hum gratefully at how sohee is taking such good care of you. 
sohee feels nervous looking up from your boobs to your face. the way you look at him has his cheeks dusted in a rosy red and his ears feeling hot. every time sohee has you like this he gets nervous. he has never been able to explain why he gets so antsy at the thought of you during sex. he is someone who has always driven by pleasure. he worries that sometimes in the heat of the moment he may forget about your pleasure too. the thought of having someone so beautiful in his hands sometimes made the butterflies in his stomach painful to endure. 
but sohee has different things on his mind. why he gets the right to see your bare body or be the one that gets to give you pleasure is a question for a later time. right now, sohee is focusing on the tiny pink bow that is attached to the waistband of your panties.
“this is cute” sohee says, pinching the tiny bow in his fingers.
“i think they’d be better off, yeah?” you say. 
you lean against the back of the couch to give sohee more leverage to take the garment off of you. sohee takes your panties off and throws them in the same pile his clothes are in. if he’s lucky he will be able to put your panties in his pocket as a little souvenir for later.
he has to bite his tongue to not say “wow” at your naked body. the way you are laying for him on the couch has sohee almost seeing stars. even in the dimly lit living room your body is glowing. sohee’s eyes scan over your body methodically, like he is trying to remember every curve, every hair, every square inch of flesh. he can barely focus on anything else.
“can i take those off of you?” you ask pointing at his boxers.
sohee nods and moves to lay against the couch. he maneuvers his body the same way you did yours so you can take off his boxers easily. sohee sees you look over his body, and he wonders if you are trying to memorize him too.
“there’s a condom in the back pocket of my pants.” sohee says, reaching for his clothes pile.
“uhm sohee,” you say quietly. he stops reaching for the clothes to look at you. “”i don’t think you’re hard enough.”
sohee has never had this happen to him before. he was young and always ready to go at a moments notice, especially when it came to you. just the thought of you wanting you had him ready to go instantly. so when you said he wasn’t hard enough, he sat up almost immediately to see for himself. sure enough, he was flaccid. saying he had a semi would be generous. he was mortified as he looked to you.
“oh wow.” is all he could say.
“if you aren’t in the mood, it’s okay. we can just kiss.” you say kindly.
sohee wanted you more than anything, so he was very confused as to why his dick wasn’t with the program.
“i want to. i want to so bad. i don’t know what’s wrong.” sohee said. 
even after giving his dick a few experimental strokes, nothing happened. confused wasn’t the word to describe how he was feeling anymore, especially when he looked at your pretty face covered in worry. he was perplexed by his inability to perform. he ran through his memory bank of things that he had to lock away to not get a boner in public. images of you bending over, calling out his name, and wearing revealing outfits flashed across his mind. still nothing.
sohee still wanted to touch you. any other time he would’ve called it quits, maybe take a nap or something. he blames it on the heated make out session and the fact that you two were alone. he was still tittilated, thinking about your tongue and the bow that was on your panties. he looked at you perched on the couch next to him. you now had your intimate areas covered, but sohee wanted to see all of you more than anything. he completely abandoned his own pleasure letting his dick fall on against stomach. he sits up on the couch, letting his legs fall over the side. sohee reaches to you, and you grab his hand.
“can i touch you?” sohee says. 
you think for a second. although the circumstance of sohee not getting hard is a little peculiar, it doesn’t change the fact that you are worked up and aching to be touched. you nod and move yourself over to him. sohee turns you around and pulls you towards him, letting your back rest on his legs and your head rest on the side of the couch next to him. you adjust a little, letting yourself get comfortable. sohee moves your legs so they bend at the knee. your legs closest to the edge of the couch rests on the coffee table.
“i’m gonna try something okay?” sohee says looking down at you. “tell me if you don’t like it.” you nod and let out a breath, fully relaxing into your boyfriend.
sohee uses his hand to slowly move down your body. like he perfectly split you in half, he uses a finger to slowly trace down between the valley of your breasts all the way to your bellybutton. he slowly traces tiny shapes around your abdomen and places a quick kiss to your forehead. you close your eyes, focusing on his voice and the feeling of his soft hands on you.
“your body is so hot.” sohee says quietly. “you’re so hot it makes me nervous. maybe that’s why i couldn’t get hard.”
sohee laughs dryly as he continues his hand down. you grab onto the bicep of his other arm, desperate to hold onto something. he uses his thumb and middle finger to spread your vagina and uses his index finger to press hard on your clit. your eyebrows raise and you look at sohee, who is locked in on your facial expressions.
“does it feel good?” sohee asks.
you scrunch your eyebrows and nod yes, afraid that you might let out a sound if you open your mouth.
“can i finger you baby? i need to feel all of you.” sohee says. 
he lightly flicks your clitoris, each time making you jolt slightly. 
“yes please.” you moan. 
you are already digging your fingers into his bicep. you try to pace yourself, to gain some composure.
sohee releases his middle finger and thumb from spreading you. he instead uses his thumb to go lower, spreading the slick from your entrance to your folds and clit. you moan quietly, spreading your legs wider for him.
“so wet already baby, how is that possible?” sohee sounds in awe as he plays with your folds. 
it’s never ending, just when you think you’re done producing the slick a new wave comes out. sohees’ mouth is open when he brings his hand from your vagina to hold it in front of you. he taps his middle finger to his thumb, showing you the thin string of your lubricant that connects the two digits together. you wish you could be shy about it but the way sohee is captivated by you only turns you on more.
“it’s because of you.” you say shyly. 
sohee looks at you when he puts his thumb in his mouth, licking you off of him.
“you taste like candy.” sohee says and you open your mouth. 
sohee puts his middle finger in your mouth and you vigorously suck, trying to show him other things you can do with your mouth. sohee gets what you’re trying to show him completely, evident in the way his jaw slightly drops as you continue to suck.
when you’re done, sohee returns his hand to your entrance. you start thinking about how hot your boyfriend is, how he has you laying down on the couch so he can make you feel good. the rush of him touching you in such an intimate way has you bursting at the seams with anticipation. when you start thinking about how goody two shoes sohee lied to his parents to sneak his girlfriend over you start losing it.
“are you doing that on purpose?” sohee asks looking at you. 
you were so lost in your mind you don’t even know what he’s referring to.
“doing what?” you ask.
“your pussy is clenching around nothing. can you feel it?” sohee asks.
his finger isn’t even inside of you but he can feel the pulsing around it. he looks down at your center and spreads your folds to see your clit moving as an effect. 
“holy shit.” he says.
“i need you to touch me.” you say desperately.
sohee doesn’t listen, continuing his ministrations on your entrance. he starts teasing you, barely entering you and pulling out just so he can hear the sound of your wetness against his fingers.
“i love the sounds you make.” sohee says. he looks at your face as you look down and watch him play with you. “i love watching you too.”
before you can beg him to put his finger in, he looks into your eyes. you think that he wants you to ask again, so you open your mouth. when he his middle finger in a moan escapes through your lips. sohee lets out a sigh when he’s in you all the way. while you’re basking in the feeling of his long and pretty finger inside of you, he’s basking in something else.
“you’re so soft everywhere, even inside baby.” sohee says. 
you can’t even bring yourself to respond to him in words anymore, only whimpers, pants, and head nods.
sohee guides your hand down to your center and you look at him on what to do. you know how to finger yourself, but something about how vocal sohee is being with you makes you only want to do what he verbally tells you to do.
“put your finger in with mine.” sohee instructs. 
you put your finger inside. sohee looks at you with a surprised expression on his face. your walls periodically clamps around you and sohee’s fingers. the pace is irregular and only picks up in speed when he looks at you.
“can you feel the way your clenching?” sohee asks.
“yeah i can feel it.” you say moaning. 
sohee gently pulls your finger out and you moan at the loss of contact. sohee puts his index finger inside of you, slowly pumping his two digits in and out.
“don’t worry babe i got you.” sohee says playfully. 
your hold on his bicep turns into a grip as he increases his speed.
you wish you could describe the feeling of sohee’s fingers inside of you. when you two had sex for the first time it was very innocent. slightly rushed, but the underlying feeling was showing how in love with one another you two were. this was different. when you two had sex, barely any words were said. you both were getting used to the feeling of being inside, being so close and connected. you had never heard sohee talk to you in such an intimate moment like this one. the tone he was talking to you in had an effect on you too. he was never the one to tease you so harshly, to talk to you while actively denying you pleasure. it made you dizzy and made you feel like you were on top of the world.
“you like when i fuck you with my fingers?” sohee asked. 
his voice had gotten deeper, dripping with an emotion you couldn’t pinpoint.
“yes sohee. i love it.” you say while nodding your head. 
you’re sure this is a new sight for him too, you becoming a mess underneath him. 
sohee starts getting excited, picking up the speed of his two fingers. you can hear the squelching and your chest starts moving from the force and you squirming underneath him.
“grab your boobs for me sweetheart.” sohee says. you reach to your chest immediately. “push them together for me. yeah just like that.” 
sohee’s fingers are pistoning in and out of you now. you push your breasts together, rolling your nipple in between your fingers. you do what sohee always does, trying to get him to keep going. as he continues, you can feel the winding and churning in your stomach. 
“you close baby?” sohee says, kissing your forehead again. you whine in response and nod your head. you continue to play with your boobs, returning one hand back to hold onto your boyfriend. “gonna cum on my fingers?” he asks.
“can i?” you ask. 
another moan rips through your throat when sohee moves his other hand to your clit. he does revolutions on the bundle of nerves. his fingers inside of you bend and your moans become higher in pitch and you abandon playing with your chest, too focused on trying to finish.
“go ahead. i got you.” sohee coos to you.
the winding in your body snaps and excitement tingles underneath your skin all over your body. your final high pitched and pitiful moan becomes prolonged as you clench repeatedly over sohee’s fingers. you forget your name, you forget everything except for the man looking down at you and talking you through your orgasm. he doesn’t stop the revolution on your clit as you bump and grind your hips into his hand, trying to make the feeling last for as long as possible. you see the color white as sohee continues bending and pumping his fingers inside of you. he spits on his finger and returns it to your clit. the extra lubricant and the overstimulation has you gasping for arm and digging your nails into his arm. 
“sohee. sohee. sohee.” is all you can say. 
“i know baby. i know. you can do it.” sohee says, voice coming down to a whisper.
you can barely comphrehend anything else he says as another wave crashes over you. it knocks you off your feet, takes the words out of your mouth and you are left with a facial expression that shows pure euphoria. sohee revels in the look on your face, the look he helped put there. he tells you every encouraging phrase in the book as your body shakes and your previously arched back slowly comes down. he slows the motions of both his hands down and you are grateful but sad at the same time. you wish you could live in that suspended state for the rest of eternity, just feeling constant pleasure.
when sohee pulls his fingers out of you, you barely have any energy left. he is the one that has to pull you into his arms to give you a loving kiss. you bring a shaking hand to his face and deepen the kiss. you can still taste a little bit of yourself on his lips. you are the one that has to pull away to catch your breath, and try to recover from what your mind, body, and soul just went through.
“was it good?” sohee asks. 
he kisses your cheek as you nod yes, still trying to find enough sanity to speak.
“it was really good.” you say. 
sohee continues to hold you and you pepper his face in kisses, trying to show him gratitude for what he just did for you. he smiles a little bit more with each kiss. as you kiss him and try to find stability on his legs to kiss him more, your hand comes in contact with his dick. it’s no longer flaccid, it’s rock against your hand. precum has his tip sticky, and you move it around to fully cover the area. sohee sighs and leans his head back against the couch. he settles more into the couch as you reach for his pants on the ground. sohee looks up from he spot on the couch to look at you with a condom in your hand.
“i think you’re ready now.”
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stabortega · 7 months
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Summary: Jenna's need to find out who you really are is prevailing, so is her arousal.
Pairings: Jenna Ortega x G!P!Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW. Implied fem reader, she/her pronouns used. Smut. Mentions of sex and kinks. Sexting, masturbation, voyeurism. Top!Reader x Bottom!Jenna. MDNI.
Author's note: Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I hope it was worth it, huh? Let me know what you think!
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(Y/N)xz: hey
(Y/N)xz: i'm so glad you decided to take up my offer
jenna2709: really?
(Y/N)xz: yeah
(Y/N)xz: i honestly thought you wouldn't say yes
jenna2709: i had to.
jenna2709: getting a private livestream from you isn't something you can get everyday.
(Y/N)xz: i can see you're very excited for that
jenna2709: i am.
jenna2709: what about you?
(Y/N)xz: counting the days
(Y/N)xz: wanted to see your face for quite sometime now
jenna2709: you've at least imagined what i look like by now, right?
(Y/N)xz: a little
(Y/N)xz: also the fact that i can only think about my coworker's face when i think of you it's a little bit strange
jenna2709: oh, why is that?
(Y/N)xz: it's because you guys have the same name
(Y/N)xz: which is weird because i see her everyday and we never even really talked
(Y/N)xz: maybe it's because she is the only jenna i know
(Y/N)xz: was*
(Y/N)xz: now i know you :)
jenna2709: i hope she's pretty enough for you.
jenna2709: i want you to imagine me as some pretty girl.
(Y/N)xz: she's gorgeous
(Y/N)xz: bet you're more, though
jenna2709: guess you'll find out soon enough.
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"Okay, now you're being straight up mean." Jasmine said while eating a piece of her spring salad, while looking at her friend. "You said you're showing her your face and now you're suddenly giving up?"
"I'm not giving up, Jasmine. It's just, I don't know why I agreed." Jenna sighed, while trying to distract herself reading a couple of lines from her script. "And now she's gonna know who I am and she's gonna be so embarrassed. Fuck, it's gonna be so freaking awkward. I'm working with her every single day."
"How are you so sure they are the same person? Just because of a scar? Millions of people have scars." Jasmine said, which made Jenna wonder for a while: What if she was, in fact, losing her goddamn mind and they weren't the same person?
"No, I just remembered. They have the same voice, as well. I'm 99% sure." The younger actress would never admit it, but she was so afraid of that 1%. "And also, she has a few tattoos. If only I could at least see if she has those tattoos. But she's always wearing long sleeves, fuck. I'm definitely not gonna do that video call and that's final."
"You're being a chicken and you know it. What's the worse that can happen? If anything, you'll end up sucking her dick right on that nasty green couch in the break room." Jasmine felt a slap right on her left arm. "Hey! It's not like you're not gonna enjoy it! You seem like one of those kinky ass chicks who no one thinks that are actually kinky."
"Oh please, you should've seen her kink list from her profile." Jenna immediately regretted saying that. Mental note: Think about everything you're gonna say to Jasmine.
"Wait, what?!"
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"Breeding, breath play, knife play- Oh fuck, she's crazy. Run. Run for your life! Run for the hills!" They laughed, while Jenna tried her best to hide her embarrassment. "Holy shit, she's that kinky. How the fuck do they have that?"
"When you sign up, you have to fill out your kink list. I thought you also had an account, dingus."
"I do, dingus, but the kink list is not mandatory." Jasmine stopped for awhile, until she thought for one second. "God, you filled yours?!"
"Give me my phone now." Jenna said, trying to look angry while Jasmine got up from the chair and started to run away with the latina's phone in her hand, trying to search the list on Jenna's profile.
"I have the power in my hands!" Jasmine and Jenna didn't knew how, but they ran until the parking lot, looking like two little sisters having an argument over a toy. "Girl, you're into that?" The black girl said, while laughing, which made Jenna angrier.
Before the younger one could even respond to that, she felt a body crash against hers, making her almost fall over to the floor, but thankfully her body was held in time to prevent that from happening. "Hey, are you alright?"
Fuck, it was you.
"Yeah, I'm sorry... Jasmine- She had- " Jenna tried to speak but ended up mumbling all of the words. The way your strong arms held her, your woody perfume which she swore it was the best scent she has ever smelled in her life, your face looking at her as if you were the only thing that mattered in the world.
"Don't worry about that, just try to be careful next time, okay?" You almost were talking down to her, as if she was a little kid, which was something that would immediately make Jenna hate you. Since she started working as a child, having people treat her as one made her blood boil. But no, not this time. "I was actually looking for you."
"Really?" Jenna said, after recomposing herself, her worries about her phone were long gone. Jasmine could see her nude pics, for all she cared. All she could think about was the fact that you were looking for her.
"Yeah, I kinda needed to adjust some of the camera's settings before we start shooting." Oh, okay. At least she thought about me first, she considered. "You know, saturation, contrast and stuff. Need to do with the whole cast, actually." She knew what it was, she had to do that at least, a hundred times over the course of her career. But god, you looked so cute while explaining it.
"Yeah, yeah, we can do that. I just need to get my phone and I'll be there." Jenna said, trying to seem as casual as possible, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear for god knows whatever reason.
"Alright, I'll be at stage 5. And try to not run like that again, okay? You could really get hurt." You smiled sympathetically to her, it wasn't visible to you but Jenna's heart was fluttering as if she was a teenage girl who just spoke to the most popular boy at school.
"Yeah, sure... I'll be careful, totally." She smiled back, before watching you leave, her legs almost giving up on her before hearing Jasmine's voice behind her, driving her out of her thoughts.
"Oh, (Y/N), I'll be careful, I swear! I'll promise I will never ever fall again, unless you're here to hold me in your arms, oh god!" Jenna rolled her eyes, jokingly, while snatching her phone away from Jasmine's hands. "I mean it, either she's the most oblivious person on the planet or you just straight up told her you want her P in your V with your body language."
"It wasn't that obvious, Jasmine. You're being too much."
"Girl, the tension was almost palpable. Please hope that she's stupid enough to let this pass. What were you guys talking about, anyways?"
"She wants to adjust some of the camera's colour settings and needs me to be there. And also the entire cast, as well. But she asked me first, that must be something right?"
"Literally nothing, Jenna." The latina rolled her eyes, ignoring her friend. "But still, you can use that opportunity to figure out if she's really the chick from the website. Try to find out if she has those tattoos you saw on the livestream."
"Thankfully you had a good idea, for once."
"And if she's really her, you can suck on her balls without feeling guilty."
"You're not helping." Jenna sighed, running her hands through her hair. "I'm gonna kill myself tonight."
"For a girl with a pussy like yours, that would be a waste."
"You'd seen my pictures?!" Jenna looked at her friend furiously, wide-eyed.
"Oh my god I was joking, do you really have pussy pics?!"
"I hate you!" She almost screamed before leaving a laughing Jasmine behind. Jenna was nervous, of course. You guys started filming this week, and throughout the entire period you guys were there, she tried her best to avoid you due to the fact that she was, actually, a chicken. You guys didn't even spoke much, that only one occasion a couple of moments ago being the first real conversation you guys had. Just, being around you made her nervous. And it wasn't even because of the streams she's been watching. It's just, you're you. Your body language, your voice, the way you act around set, you seem so freaking professional and Jenna was a sucker for that. The way you dressed, the way you took care of everyone who worked with you. She has been with her eye on you every day ever since she met you, and she's been watching you very closely. Everything about you drove Jenna insane, and surprisingly, she liked that.
After a couple of minutes walking through set, with her hands sweating and lots of heavy breathing, she finally made it into stage 5. You were there with a couple of people from production; some of them working on their own stuff, and a couple of guys talking about you while you held one of the cameras that would be used through filming. You were laughing a bit, something that made Jenna's heart flutter. Damn it.
"Yeah, and he was the kind of guy who wouldn't - Oh, hey Jenna! Talk to you guys later, okay?" You politely dismissed the guys you were talking to as soon as you saw Jenna enter your field of vision. Fuck, why did you have to be so well mannered? "Are you ready to look at me for a couple of hours?"
"I'm- I-" Jenna stuttered, making you laugh a little bit. She was being kinda cute, you thought.
"Relax, I'm joking. It'll be only a couple of minutes. I promise you don't have to get stuck with me for more than that." But I would definitely like to, Jenna thought to herself. "Can you stand on that mark for me, please?" Oh, she would do anything for you if you asked her like that again. So she stood on that mark, five feet away from you, while you put the camera on the tripod, already connected to the monitors and software responsible for editing. Jenna looked straight at the lenses, but thankfully she got to look at you while you set things up, and oh god you were a sight for sore eyes.
"Okay, can you look at the little red dot for me, please?" She almost hated you for being so polite, and obviously did what you asked. You would never admit that in front of anyone, but Jenna was truly one of the most beautiful women you'd ever seen. Looking at her through the lenses was definitely the best part of this job.
"So, you've been working with this for a while?" Jenna said, wanting to start some small talk in order to find out more about you (and your tattoos, obviously).
"Um, not really. I finished college a couple of months ago, this is my first real job as a videographer. Dave was nice enough to put me under his wing and be my mentor, actually." You said while pressing some buttons on the camera and typing on the keyboard under the monitors. "I've worked in movie sets while in college, but mostly I just held microphones and cleaned camera lenses."
"For someone who already graduated, you seem really young. How old are you?" Jenna couldn't remember if your profile said you were twenty-three or twenty-four.
"Oh, thanks. You don't look so bad yourself, either." Jenna really hoped you were flirting with her (deep down, she kinda knew you weren't). "I'm twenty-four, actually."
"Really? You look really young." Jenna smiled slightly, secretly looking at you while you were pressing more buttons which she wouldn't even bother knowing what they did. "I get that a lot, too. I'm only twenty-one, but people think I'm seventeen most of the times."
"That must be annoying, huh?" You looked at her face through the lenses again, the adjusted lighting making her look more beautiful that she already was, if that's possible.
"Oh, you have no idea. I'm almost getting a tattoo on my forehead that says 'No longer a minor'." You both laughed for a moment. "Do you have any?"
"Tattoos? Yeah, just a couple." Fuck, she was close. She just needed to see one of them.
"Do they hurt a lot? I wanted to get one but I'm kinda scared." She wasn't.
"Yeah, a little. Nothing you can't handle." You stopped doing what you were doing to come a bit closer, which made the latina hold her breath for a second. "This one was the worst, definitely."
You lift up the hem of your shirt just a little, but enough for Jenna to see your slightly muscular v-line. Oh fuck, she felt like passing out. Until you showed her your tattoo, it was a roman number that Jenna couldn't even bother to figure out what it meant, but one thing was for sure: it was the same tattoo she had seen on the streams.
"That's cute..." She tried her best not to sound suspicious. You smiled and started to get back behind the camera.
"That one hurt like a bitch, I swear." You laughed a bit, before pressing the final buttons on the camera. "I think we're done! Can I take a video of you to see if the settings worked out?" Jenna only could nod, the thought of having you abdomen close to her mouth and not being able to lick it was the most traumatic experience of her life. "Okay, can you smile for me?"
And like the whipped bitch she was, she happily did. You shot the video for a couple of seconds and saved it, looking at it for a bit before gazing at the girl again. "Okay, that's pretty much it. Thank you for coming here, yeah?"
"Sure, no problem." She was almost shaking, she hated the fact you were such a sweetheart while at work, and at the website you acted like the lesbian version of Magic Mike. So, she left. Regretting the fact she didn't even made her move because being around you was intimidating enough to keep her from breathing properly, but at least she did what she was there to do: she knew, for sure, that you were the person she thought you were. And now, she had another issue to deal with.
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Thankfully, you guys scheduled the video chat for tomorrow. Jenna knew that today she wasn't ready to reveal her face to the person who's been occupying her thoughts for the past few days. So, she did what she's been religiously doing for the past week. Locked her hotel room door, put her headphones on and relaxed while watching your stream. Only god knows how much she missed watching you stroke your cock while moaning softly and talking the filthiest shit ever. Jenna turned on her laptop and went on the website, which by now was marked as her favorite, and as usual, you were already there.
This time around, Jenna just wanted to enjoy watching you. No games or teasing, she genuinely wanted to look at you while you pleased yourself in front of her.
"Hey guys, how are y'all doing? Hope y'all are doing great." Even now, you were the most polite person ever. Fuck, she hated that. And you. She hated you. Definitely despised you.
You interacted with the chat for a couple of minutes, before really starting to put on your show. Obviously you knew "jenna2709" was watching, and now, even though you would never admit it, you liked putting your show to her, and only her. So now, you were dedicated to deliver the best show you could ever do. "I'm gonna try something different today, if you guys don't mind. But I'm sure you guys are gonna love it as much as I am."
Your hardened cock was already starting to pulse in your pants, so you were quick enough to unbutton your jeans and let your member spring free. Jenna's mouth watered at the sight of your throbbing cock, making her wish she could lick all of your pre-cum off of your tip.
For all these days Jenna's been watching you, she has never touched herself while you were streaming. Mainly because she was scared that once she did, she wouldn't be able to look at your face again out of embarrassment. But it seemed that every stream that she's watched, it got harder and harder to maintain her posture.
Jenna looked at you while you slowly stroked your dick, which started to made her anxious. She knew you had to tease in order to keep your viewers watching (which is why Jenna was the one emptying her bank account to you so you could cum faster). That same odd feeling on the pit of her stomach started to become more and more present, and she hated the fact the she couldn't just cave in and thrust two fingers inside of her aching cunt. You drove her out of her thoughts when you grabbed something from behind your camera, which made Jenna curious to what it was, exactly. And then she realized it was a tiny silicone ass toy, with an small opening right at the vagina. Oh, fuck.
"Do you guys ever think about someone while jacking off or is it just me?" You asked your viewers while putting a litte bit of lube on the toy. You would never admit this on camera, but you obviously were talking about Jenna. Not Jenna, your coworker, of course. But there was something about Jenna, your viewer, that made you intrigued: you didn't even knew what she look like, but all of the conversations you had in this past week made you wonder who was she, and what she was doing watch you religiously every night? What was it about you that made her so committed? The was she spoke to you in your chat, the way she tipped you just so you could cum for her, and her only. It's safe to say that, even without knowing what her face looked like (and trying your best not to think about Jenna, your coworker, because they shared the same name, of course), you started to think about her in those extremely intimate moments.
"So you got someone on your mind now, huh?" One of the viewers asked in the chat, which made Jenna anxious for the answer. If you were thinking about someone else, she would definitely want to know who it was.
"Yes and no. Maybe if I knew how she looked like, exactly, then she would 100% be occupying my head." You laughed a bit. Thank god your viewers couldn't see your face, because it was flushed red from embarrassment. You shrugged it off and started to tease the tip of your cock right onto the toy's pussy, wanting to get your viewers more excited. Which, of course, worked every single time.
Wow! "jenna2709" donated $300 with the message: you know i hate it when you tease.
"I know you do, baby. That's why it's so fun." You laughed again, holding your cock by the base while still rubbing your tip onto the toy. Little did Jenna knew, but deep down, you were teasing just to get her attention.
jenna2709: what's the fun of being an annoying tease, huh?
"Being able to frustrate you." Jenna sighed. Oh, you were a demon. How could someone that was so polite and well mannered at work, behaved like this when the night came? "Come on, we both know that you enjoy this."
jenna2709: more than i care to admit.
"Alright, I'll stop being mean, okay? Let me give you what you've been waiting for, baby." You slowly penetrated your dick into the toy, which immediately made you drag out a raspy and low moan. The tightness of the toy was beginning to drive you insane, and for a brief second you wished you had Jenna's pussy around your cock, instead of a fake silicone one.
"Fuck." Jenna whispered to herself, feeling her underwear getting ruined for the fifth time this week. She felt her clit throb and pulse, it was incredible that you didn't even had to do anything huge to get Jenna turned on, just by breathing you aroused the shit out of her. "No. Pull yourself together."
jenna2709: i would kill someone to be in this toy's place.
"And I would kill someone to have you right here, right now." You started to slowly thrust your member inside of the tight, yet slightly slippery toy, your moaning now becoming louder and louder. Thankfully the hotel doors weren't thin enough, so you could be considerably loud without worrying about other people in the floor. Unbeknownst to you, "jenna2709" was just down the hallway watching you, in the verge of tears trying her best not to succumb to her primal desires and touch herself. "Fuck, this feels so good..."
jenna2709: you're making it impossible for me to not touch myself.
"Why don't you, baby? Maybe we get to cum together this time around, huh?" That seemed like an irresistible offer that Jenna really, really wanted to accept and decline, at the same time. For some reason, you figured that she was depriving herself of something good and a part of you wanted to just leave it that way, maybe she had her own reasons to just stand still while watching your streams. But another part of you really wanted to have some fun with this. So, like the devil you and Jenna knew you were, you licked your thumb and started to make circular motions over the toy's clit, while thrusting your cock steadily inside of it. "Don't you wish I was doing that to you?"
"Oh my fucking god." Jenna couldn't hold it in anymore. She tried, god, she really tried. But it was too much, even for her. Without thinking about the day after, she pulled down her pants alongside with her underwear and finally decided to give her pussy some attention. She was dripping wet, not ironically wetting her sheets in the process, but she wasn't even paying attention to those details. The only thing she cared enough to do was to thrust one finger inside her throbbing, aching cunt. Which, of course, she did. And the immediate feeling of relief took over her entire body the minute she felt her finger inside of her. Jenna felt dirty, as she was the pastor's daughter in a small town who just met an outlaw that tricked her into all those things. But damn, it felt good to be dirty and tricked. She started to thrust slowly, giving the fact she didn't masturbated often and she was just getting used to the feeling of her own finger inside her tight pussy. But, for some reason and for the first time, it wasn't enough. She needed more, and she wanted more. Fuck, she just wanted you.
"God, this is so fucking tight..." You moaned, more to yourself than to your stream, which drove Jenna out of her thoughts. She looked at you, fucking that toy while sweat was dripping off your body, and your low moaning was captured through your microphone. You were the hottest person she has ever met in her entire life.
jenna2709: you were right, maybe this time around we do get to cum together.
Jenna typed, without feeling anxious or nervous like the previous times. She couldn't give a rat's ass anymore. She already touched herself, she gave you money for every little thing you did on stream, so why even bother? It felt good. Fuck, it felt so good and she didn't even knew why she deprived herself from that for so long. So, without thinking about it, she added a second finger inside of her, hoping it would fulfill her needs just as you would.
"Maybe next time, I get to cum in you." You were bold for saying that. But in your head, after your guys' private stream, you were both gonna fall madly in love and have a relationship that seemed right out of a movie screen. The last thing you would think about is the fact that the girl you've been thinking about for fhe past few days is, in fact, one of the actresses of a movie you're helping to produce. And one of the world's most famous and extraordinary actresses, actually. "And we both know how much you would enjoy that."
At that point, Jenna was the only one there, for all you cared. I mean, you had almost 2k people who watched you every single day, but sometimes it felt like you and her were the only ones existing in the world. I mean, your chat didn't seemed to mind, most of them were just voyeurs who got off by watching random people online, so what's the harm?
Unbeknownst to Jenna, you were already close to your orgasm. The tightness of the toy and all of the dirty talking you both have been sharing, it was getting pretty hard to hold it in any longer. So, without further notice, you decided to violently thrust your throbbing member inside of that silicone pussy, wanting to get to your high as quickly as possible. You slapped the toy's ass a couple of times, but you knew that if that was a real person (Jenna, you wanted it to be Jenna), you would be saying the most filthy things on her ear while slapping her ass until it became bruised. It killed you not being able to do that. And it killed Jenna too.
jenna2709: fuck, you look so beautiful like this.
And she wasn't any different either. Her hand was soaked by now and the two fingers weren't even close to being enough for her, but for now, they would have to do. With her spare hand, Jenna cupped one of her breasts in order to get closer and closer to her high, while her hand just aggressively thrusted inside of her tight hole. "F-Fuck, I'm almost..."
And you were almost there too, but this time, you wanted to make sure to give Jenna the best experience she could ever get. "Tell me, where do want me to cum?" You asked the whole chat, but in a way, you only wanted to hear Jenna's answer. The chat filled itself with loads of messages, some people wanting for you to come inside, other wanting for you to cum on your stomach.
jenna2709: inside of my pussy, please.
"Your wish is my command." And so you did, you came right into that toy's cunt with a loud and dragged moan, closing your eyes and thinking about how it would feel if you actually came inside of Jenna. You felt your hips spasm into the toy, while you rode out your high and tried your best not to moan any louder than you already did. Little did you know that, down the hallway, Jenna was also having her orgasm just by looking at you. She closed her eyes and thursted the hardest she could until she finally came, with a soft whimper of your name, feeling her juices oozing out of her cunt. She felt one or two tears stream down her face from that overwhelming feeling, riding out her high while looking at you, wishing you were there beside her. You pulled your cock out of that toy, your thick cum dripping down to the floor which made Jenna's mouth water again. She would commit crimes just to be able to lick your cum out of that toy.
And now, Jenna felt embarrassed again. Tomorrow at work, she would have to look at your face and act normally all over again, trying to hide the fact that you were the reason she had a mind blowing orgasm and cried while moaning your name. And also, she would have to think of a way to dodge your private stream, or face her fears and reveal her identity, risking to ruin your work environment for all of the next months that you guys would work together. Either way, she didn't wanted to do any of those two things.
Wow! "jenna2709" donated $1000 with the message: consider this as a thank you.
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luvrxbunny · 3 months
hi bun! omg i love ur writing so much goddamn <333
ik u have done a kinda related drabble on this bfr but could u do Miguel and his infatuation with tits (i keep thinking abt him being a dom but still having a mommy kink it is driving me insane)
hugs and kisses :)
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mother milkers ─ ★ miguel o’hara x f! reader
wc: ???
warnings: 18+ MNDI, reader has big boobs, piv, boobjob, titty sucking, creampie mention, little bit of mommy kink, breeding kink
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-> okay so he’d be completely locked in on your chest, it’s why missionary is his favorite— basically anything where you’re facing him. he’ll settle for doggy every once in awhile but he wants to see them.
-> i think he’d have a nipple in his mouth whenever one is in range. like even if you guys are just chilling on the couch, if he gets the urge he’ll just pull you into his lap, pull your shirt down to expose your boob and your nipple is in his mouth within the second. he won’t even acknowledge you, he’d just go back to watching the show like nothing happened.
that usually leads to him getting hard. he tries to pretend he’s not that easy, that it takes more than you in his lap and a tit in his mouth to get him leaking but it’s just not true. he’ll grind himself on you until he works up the courage to take what he needs.
-> if you’re not in the mood you can just get on your knees, not for a blowjob though. you can see the disappointment in his face whenever he thinks you’re about to place your mouth on him. you’re heavenly, of course, but he’d much rather be between your supple boobs. it makes his eyes roll back, his legs shake and thighs tense.
-> he gets agressive sometimes too, a little overexcited. he’ll hold you a little too roughly, leaving marks where his hands were, his nails digging into your skin. he’s bitten you a few times too, getting too worked up and drawing blood while he empties inside you.
-> Miguel would also need you to tell him how well he’s doing, he wouldn’t beg though, i think it’d be disguised as a tease for you. he’d say things like “yeah? you like that? tell me about it, baby” or “i make you feel so good don’t i? mhm?” or “tell me how that feels, sweetheart. you like it there? that’s it.” and some “talk to me, amor”
-> he loves it when you ride him, obviously cus he gets to watch them bounce.
-> he uses your under boob as heating for his hands while you guys cuddle. and as he gets hornier he begins to give you a massage, just slowly kneading your boobs.
-> he cannot have your boob in his hand without him getting turned on. he just can’t help it.
-> the mommy kink comes covered in a breeding kink. and i think it’d be mixed in with ‘mama’
“yeah, i’m gonna make you a fuckin’ mama.” and “you wanna be a mommy, baby? lemme get you pregnant, love”
or it’d be like
“fuck. ride me, mommy. yeah, just like that. you’re such a good girl, so perfect, mama.” and “mhm. you’ve earned it, mommy. gonna fill you all up.”
-> i think he’d whisper it to you in public to signify that he’s turned on, that he wants you. you’ll even get a “please, mommy” if you’re lucky enough.
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sarahs-secrets2 · 10 months
Suit and Tie ˋ♡ˊ
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phillip graves x fem!reader
help me pick out a suit yeah? 1.6k words
pet names, innuendos, alc, some swearing
graves masterlist!!
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It was a slow day, as usual. High-end suits were not usually an everyday purchase for some, and the store's main cash flow was regulars who had their suits delivered. This meant another boring day of reorganizing an already spotless store. You busied yourself behind the counter pretending to be going over the delivery list for tomorrow when in reality it had already been looked over 3 times today.
That was until the door chimed, and a brand new customer walked in just an hour before closing. Perfect. Your eyes flickered up to greet him, and wow did he look out of place. Of course, it isn't polite to judge a book by its cover, but sometimes if you wanted to make enough commission to cover your rent a few assumptions were necessary. Typical customers came dressed for the part, maybe they were overcompensating but it sure made your job easier. This one was different, old blue jeans with obvious fraying, a blue button-up that was just a shade lighter than the jeans, and black dirty work boots. You had seen the type before but it had been awhile.
“Sorry sir, we don’t sell jeans here. Can I redirect you to a different store?” Maybe it was a tad rude but there was no way this guy was serious, and you weren't in the mood to have your time wasted. 
He laughed, walking further into the store and right up to the counter. The man rested his palms on the glass countertop, leaning closer as he whispered, “Good thing I’m not lookin’ for jeans.” A smirk danced on his lips as he leaned back and stood up straight. “Phillip Graves, I need a suit doll, help me pick one out?”
The forwardness caught you off guard, you could feel the heat rising to your face. Maybe he wasn't going to waste your time? Trying to keep your composure you walked out from behind the counter, heels clicking against the wooden floors in the suit shop. Phillip Graves, the name echoed in your head, bouncing around, and making sure you wouldn't forget it. “Can I ask what the occasion is?”
“Mhm,” he rubbed his jaw as he thought. While he took his time, you took in his appearance. A pretty blonde, blue eyes, a stubbled jawline with the faintest scar on his cheek, who was Phillip Graves? “Military thing,” he finally said.
“So you’re military?” you scoffed, now sifting through a rack of suits. 
“You could say that.” He walked over to join you by the racks. “I’m not sure if I’m goin’ yet, but better be prepared,” he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. 
“Do you know your inseam?” turning to face him, eyeing him up and down trying to gauge what it could be. 
“Got me there, not a clue. Been a long time since I got a real nice suit,”
“Figured,” you laughed, Graves tilted an eyebrow up at you jokingly. “Go to the fitting rooms, just over there,” you pointed off towards the pedestal in front of the big mirrors, “and I’ll get your measurements, then we can start trying some stuff on yeah?”
“Whatever the pretty lady says,” Phillip walked over to the mirrors and stepped up onto the pedestal. You were just a few paces behind him with a loose tape measure. Taking the measuring tape in both hands you kneeled down in front of him. It wasn't hard to feel how his eyes burned into you as you began to line the tape measure against his inner thigh. Your fingers ran down his leg along with the numbers as you took his measurements. Carefully you stood up, taking a mental note of the number of his inseam. 
“Large?” Phillip raised his eyebrows, “Maybe extra large?”
“No, and not how it works” you quickly retorted, lightly slapping his chest with the tape measure. “Stay here, I’ll go pull some options. Need a drink?”
“A drink? Thought this was a suit store, not a bar,”
“Well it’s a high-end suit store, and if you're willing to pay as much as these suits cost then I can swing one whiskey your way,” 
“And how am I supposed to say no to that?”
“Thought so,” smiling, you walked back into the main showroom looking for some options. After a few minutes of digging you pulled a few different suits and brought them back to Phillip. 
“Here you go Mr. Graves,” you hung each suit on a different hook in the fitting room and motioned for Phillip to go ahead. 
“Mr. Graves,” he smirked, “No one’s called me that in a while.” As you stepped out of the fitting room to make room for him, you scrunched your face in confusion to which he caught on. “Sorry, I’m a Commander, usually it’s just Commander or Phillip. I don’t really hear mister too often now,” 
“So which do you prefer, Commander?” 
Phillip could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand as you used his rank to address him. He wasn't blind, you were stunning. It didn't help that just minutes ago you were already on your knees for him. His heart nearly pounded out of his chest as he waited for you to get his measurements, any longer and Phillip could have sworn he was going to faint. Graves’ eyes met with yours, “Just call me Phillip hon’,”
“Well, let me go get you that drink Phillip. Go ahead and start trying these on,”
“Will do,” he winked, tugging the velvety curtain across the fitting room entryway. While Phillip tried on his first suit, you went to get his drink. The bar cart wasn't far, it was important to have it close for the clients to feel welcome. Pulling out a glass you poured the whiskey in, glancing at your watch you realized it was past close. If this was any other customer maybe you would've been bothered, but you had grown quite fond of Commander Phillip Graves. Deciding to treat yourself, you poured a second glass before setting the top-shelf bottle back down. 
“Phillip, I have that drink whenever you’re done in there,”
“Go ‘head and open the curtain for me, I’m just about done,” his voice was muffled as he spoke. Setting down your glass of whiskey, you walked over to the curtain with Phillip’s drink in hand and pulled back the divider. To your surprise, Phillip was nowhere near being done. The Commander was standing shirtless, only getting the dress pants on before giving up it seemed. 
“Ah thanks, darlin’,” he slipped the whiskey out of your grasp and took a swig before setting it down on the small table in the fitting room. Your mind was elsewhere, eyes too busy taking in the physique of the man in front of you. He was fit, clearly, the military would do that to you. There were various scars, probably from combat but if anything it made him that much more attractive. “See somethin’ you like?” the southern drawl snapped you from your trance. 
The Commander laughed before turning around facing the mirror in the fitting room, his back now towards you. Fuck, his back, his shoulder, his everything. If you hadn't just met this man today, especially considering the fact he is a customer, you would be all over him. Honestly, you weren't even sure if that was enough to stop you at this point. Graves began to slip the white button-up on, your eyes glued to his back intently watching how his muscles flexed. 
“I like that suit,” you quipped back, trying to play off your obvious staring. 
“Just the suit?” Phillip turned back around, now taking his time buttoning up the shirt. His abs peeking through the fabric 
“Just the suit, I picked it out you know,”
“I know, that’s why I like it,” he finished the buttons and glanced up at you.
“You need a tie, one second,” it was part excuse and part serious. He was a sweet talker, always knowing exactly what to say and it was becoming impossible to hide the effect he was having on you. Grabbing a pale blue tie, you returned having regained some composure. “Here try this, just for the full effect,”
“Look at you, thought I was just comin’ in for jeans, now you’re pickin’ me out ties,” he teased as he adjusted the tie around his neck in the mirror. 
“Hm and you still need new jeans,” you giggled, picking up your whiskey, and taking a small sip as you watched him finish getting dressed. Phillip was finally done and stepped out of the fitting room and back onto the pedestal. 
“How’s it look?”
Taking your time, you walked around him surveying the fit of the suit. Your hands ran along the sleeves of the jacket, “A bit loose through here, but we can get this tailored.” You continued and kneeled down in front of him again, tracing the inseam of the black dress pants. “And how’s the fit on these? Do you like it?”
Phillip let out a cough, “Yeah, these are good,” he shifted in place as you stood back up. 
“Perfect,” your hands ran down the collar, grabbing onto the lapels, “Well, now we know what fits, it all comes down to what you want to do,”
“What I wanna do?” he huffed out, his head rolling back slightly, “I wanna take you out on a proper date that’s what I wanna do,” 
“Oh?” it took you by surprise, in a good way. 
“I mean, already saw me half naked. I think we skipped a few steps but a date would be a good place to start. Don’t you think darlin’,” 
“I think a date is good,” you leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on Phillip’s cheek, “Now about these suits…”
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
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lucerothings1 · 1 year
Dad’s best friend
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Chris wood x male reader smut
Warnings: gay sex, top Chris, bottom reader, oral, ass play, cowboy position, sir kink slightly used
Summary: your dad’s old best friend is back in town to visit and one thing leads to an other.
“M/n” your dad whispered into your room as you where awake “what what’s up” you responded half asleep. “Um on of my friends is over I would like you to meet so when your up and get ready please come down okay” “yeah I’ll go down in a bit” you growled back with your face buried in your pillows.
As you got up from your bed you decided to take a shower and get dressed. “Yeah shit yeah I remember” you heard your dad say as you got down stairs to see they where having a couple of beers.
Um Chris Id like you to meet my son M/n” your dad introduced you “ nice to meet you M/n I’m Chris” “Nice to meet you to Chris and I’m how do you know my dad” “Oh we go way back I went to college with him and I was here in town so I thought might as well go say hey” Chris responded.
“Well your always welcome here man” your dad said “Thanks man” Chris said patting your dads shoulder.
* Timeskip
It was now getting late and your dad had been outside in the back yard with Chris since they made food outside and they had continued to drink since you went back up to your room.
“Hey um where’s the bathroom” Chris had poked his head into the room looking at you. “What um yeah end of hallway to the left” you said “okay thanks” “ mm hum” you hummed in response.
“Hey um thank you again for the directions” Chris said walking into your room with his hands in his pockets. “No need to thank me but why wouldn’t you ask my dad” “Well um hey is a bit of a lightweight when it comes to his drinking I bought him inside and laid him on the sofa” “Oh my god thank you so much and yeah I understand he sometimes can’t control his liquor” you said sighing.
No it’s fine plus I should of known I went to college with him after all but thank him for me please I’m gonna head out before it gets more late” “no please stay the night my dad would kill me if I let you go and plus you did drink a bit and it’s not a good idea to be on the road” you told to Chris.
“Um really thank you but it’s not really necessary” “oh please quit it and please I need to k ow more about my dad in college he hardly speaks of it” you said patting a spot on your bed for Chris to take a seat.
After awhile of discussing of your father and Chris friendship in college you also happened to tell Chris himself was a little tipsy. “So what about you M/n the son of Alexander College royalty” Chris joked around after telling you about how your bad had been so popular back in the day.
“Well not much going on in my life I’m single and I’m 19 I have a 8 to 5 job I have weekends off and I don’t really do much so there isn’t really much to talk about” “ What, what do you mean your single you look hot and no girlfriend” “Um yeah no girlfriend and plus I don’t go towards girls mostly guys” you responded to Chris.
“Oh I’m sorry I shouldn’t have jumped to thinking” “ it’s fine your good” you said reassuring Chris to not feel bad. “So you um like guys then” “ yeah I’m gay” “yeah I mean I would see why I remember back from the college days.”
“Wait your gay to or” “No I’m just me plus it was in college where everyone normally experiments with guys and girls but it’s been along time since I tapped a nice tight ass” “give me a minute “ you said getting up from your bed and going down stairs to find your dad on the living room sofa snoring and asleep “dad dad hellooo” you whispered loudly as for your dad gave you no response.
“What happened” Chris said fro your bed “my dads past out on the sofa there’s no way his gonna get up tonight not until tomorrow evening” you said taking off your shoes and belt buckle and shirt.
“Um what are you doing Chris said with a confused look on his face. “Well you miss the tight asses right” you told Chris “yeah but what dos—wait nooo no no no noo” he said with the realization finally hitting him.
“I can’t sleep with my best friends son that’s like a big no no” “well I say it’s a big yes yes plus I have a tight ass I’m gay your you and your hard I can see your bulge” you said staring in between his legs as he looked to being caught.
“Well yes your hot and I’d like to fuck your ass but your dads down stairs” he said as you walked up to him unbuckling his belt and pushing him on to the bed. “Well then do it Chris” you said as you went on top of him.
“Fuck it” he said smirking with joy as he took off his shirt and sat up on your bed as he pulled you onto his lap “Exactly what I want you to do” you said smiling. As he pulled you to him locking your lips together in a heated kiss.
As you gave him entrance into your mouth as he explored your mouth with his tongue as you felt his arms move from your waist to your ass as he started to feel your clothed ass as he reached into your pants as you felt his fingertips tough your hole as he pulled off your pants and underwear all at once.
“Oh fuck baby you gotta hot ass he said as you began to fully take off your pants and his as well now in front of each other as you saw his clothed bulge now only being covers by his underwear as you started to kiss down his chest and leaving marks as he moaned happily cause of your touch.
As you got closer now to his erection you now removing his underwear and beginning to kiss down his waist and next to his cock teasing him as you began by first kissing his red fiery tip.
“Mm you do now how to tease someone don’t you” Chris said to you as he closed his eyes awaiting for your mouth as he could feel your lips and breath sending chills down his spine. As you began to put in the tip into your mouth as you swallowed him whole taking all of his 11 inches all the way down to his base where you could feel his pubs rubbing against your nose as you could smelling his mustiness.
“Uhh-Oh you are definitely a natural to suck cock nobody normal can deep throat me” he said breathlessly as he belt you hum in acknowledgment on his cock sending more vibrations to him making him more desperate as he got a ahold of your face as he started to plunge you on to his throbbing cock.
“Oh fuck yeah take this cock M/n” he moaned out as he continued to fuck your throat. “Oh fuck yeah ima cum oh fuuuuck yeah come on swallow it” he said as he pushed you down completely onto his cock as he painted your throat white .
As you got up from his cock covered with your saliva leaving a string of saliva from his cock to your mouth as he pulled you top of him. “Come on baby where gonna stretch out that little hole of yours” he said as you laid on his chest as he pulled your legs up and started to push your ass cheeks apart to reveal your throbbing hole.
“Suck” he said to you as he put his fingers up to your mouth as you obeyed. “That’s good enough baby” he said as he took his fingers and began to circle your entrance as you moaned melting from feeling his touch.
“Oh fuuuckkk” you moaned out of breath “Ah you feel so good baby, coming undone with just my fingers all tight and hot around me” he said as he begun to push his fingers into you as you begun to push yourself on to his fingers more to try to make him get to your good spot.
Oh no baby your not getting off that easy when the fun has truly only begun I’m purposely not hitting that little bundle of nerves you so desperately crave for me to reach. He said to you as he continued to fuck you with his fingers ever so slowly teasing you.
“Okay your open enough” he said as he removed his fingers causing you to whine but know whine “Don’t be like that plus your gonna get in upgrade” he said as he started to push his tip into your hole as you could feel your hole being ripped apart by him not only was he long in his length but he was thick in his width as well.
Oh-ah mm-mhum” “shhh it’s fine I’m almost in completely” he said as he begin to kiss you to muffle your moans as he pushed past your entrance as he was now completely in giving you time to adjust.
“Oh fuck I missed this so much” Chris said breathless as he felt your warm hole around him. “See I told you Chris” you said to him as you got up from his chest “Call me sir I don’t like being called Chris well I have my dick up your ass” he said smiling happily.
“Okay sir” you said as you started to rock your hips and ride his cock as you placed your hand on his chest and he placed his around your waist as he watched your hips mesmerized as you rode him. “Oh fuck yeah baby you like my cock” “ oh fuc-k ye-s-s sir” you moaned as you rode him after now holding onto his shoulders.
“Yeah fuck your self on my cock baby fuck your self so hard so your dad wakes up and sees me with my cock up your ass baby” he said as he gripped you’re waist and began to fuck you hard and all that could be heard was skin clapping on skin and moans.
“Ah shit fuck sir yeah fuck my ass with your big cock” you moaned loudly as you could feel him tearing your ass up even more. “Mm-ahhh fuuuuuckk ima cum” “ Yeah cum for me baby cum for my big cock” Chris yelled as you cummed all over the bed and on him as he continued to fuck you through your high.
“Oh-Ah fuck yeah I’ma fucking cum” he yelled as you begun to feel his warm milk leaking out of your ass as you now rode him through his high.
“Oh fuck that was amazing” he said breathless as you stayed on top of him as you felt him go soft inside you “Why don’t you stay here” you asked him “um yeah okay I’ll stay tonight on your bed” he said in response.
“No I mean yes but we have a extra room stay a couple of days and I’ll convince my dad to make you move in so we could fuck anytime and anywhere when my dad works unless you don’t want to” “please and go away missing his tight ass no way” he said slapping your ass. “But right now I’m tired and I want to sleep is that okay” he said looking up at you “ yeah I’m tired to” you said as you where about to get off him” no stay I like being in you” he said as you then just laid on top of his chest soon falling asleep on top of him while he was still in you as though the night you could feel his cock pulse.
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yukoii1 · 3 months
·˚ ༘ 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒐 ➪ fluff, jealous & sassy nanami, black!reader
₊˚ෆ 𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔 while you were on your date with nanami, you had bumped Into a long time friend catching up with him. but nanami didn't like the fact he was being touchy with you and gets jealousy.
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ミ★ 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 this was a request from someone anonymously who asked “young jealous nanami.” but I lost the thing 😕, so It won’t be able to notified the person I’m responding to so If you’re still keeping updated with me I’m so sorry for your late request and still hope you like It anyway!
also guys, we’re so close to 1k followers 🙏 If any of you forgot once we hit 1k followers I will be doing a face reveal and a little giveaway (If I think of something by then) but If It does happen I will provide details!
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❤︎︎# — 𝖭𝖠𝖭𝖠𝖬𝖨 kento was very vocal about his expressions when It came to a lot of stuff. so when you seen the face he was making when your friend was talking to you, you put two and two together.
he was getting jealous ~
kento was never the jealous type which also surprised you to see the dirty glare he was giving f/n. a tight hold on his tea cup looked as If It was gonna break by how tight he was holding the mug, It made his blood boil to see this guy be all touchy with you. you might've thought It was all friendly and nice but he was also a guy, he knows how guys can be when It came to girls. your friend liked you. It was obvious!
even when gojo or geto would hug you or playfully touch you It was genuine friendship not this! he hated to say but he wished you were talking to gojo out of all people. thought gojo can be an asshole sometimes he knows to respect your guys relationship despite the many times he's tried to get under his skin or annoy him. kento scoffed to himself turning back to outside watching as cars and birds went by taking another sip from his tea. you noticed this, tearing your eyes away from f/n to him with a deep sigh grinning. f/n followed where your gaze was to be met with the blonde boy across from them, his eyebrows furrowed. when he was about to say something to catch your attention you Interrupted, "f/n It was so nice seeing you again but I have to get back to someone. I'm so sorry n/n." you said looking at him with an apologetic look standing up from your seat as he nodded his head slowly going disappointed. "uh yeah..I'll see you next time then?." you gave him a small smile, "of course, my number Is still the same just text me!." you ruffled his hair hearing him whine, swatting his hand at you, “y/n my hair!.” he pouted slightly but shook his head with a gentle smiling.
once f/n had left you walked back to your table to where your pouty boyfriend was sat. when you sat down In front of kento he still kept his gaze outside with a bitter look, "kento." he gave you a small glance with a brow, "oh? you're finally back from your friend? I didn't notice you." you rolled your eyes kicking him playfully under the table poking your lip out, "kenny, don't be like that. he's just my friend." he scoffed setting down his mug looking at you fully, "a friend that likes you?."
"he doesn't like me-" "y/n I'm a guy. I know how we are when we like a girl. the hints where there." again you sighed shaking your head, grabbing ahold of his hand. "ken, trust me when I say this. f/n Is clingy. like really clingy, and I admit he does need to learn boundaries but he's still just a kid babe. he's only 16, It's been awhile since we last seen each other. trust me he has no feelings for me." nanamis eyebrows furrowed but then sighed looking down.
after hearing your explanation..everything made sense In a way. he gave your hand a small squeeze nodding his head, "I only love you kento, stop being a big baby." you chuckled seeing him shoot a glare your way but nodded his head again, "I'm sorry my love." he mumbled feeling his cheeks heat up from being flustered bringing your hand to his lips pecking the back of It as you stared at him with nothing but love In your eyes, "I'm not mad at you so don't worry, It wasn't big anyway" you shrugged, "but don't do It again." you pointed a finger at him who grinned In response staring back at you, "yes ma'am." you smiled back placing your hand to grab ahold of his chin bringing him forward as you leaned across the table, "good." you closed the space between you both feeling his lips ontop of yours.
he Instantly relaxed In your hold leaning more Into It but remembering you're In a public place you pulled back after a few seconds as he chased your lips with a groan. you patted his cheek standing up from your spot with a energetic bounce, "now let's go! I can't be late to my hair appointment."
had him right between your fingers.
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weixuldo · 3 months
No Attachments pt 3
Jedi! Anakin x F/Dancer!Reader
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a/n: sorry again for such the long wait!!! I might as well put "random posting schedule" in my bio haha- thanks for stickign with me thought guys, these stories really make my day and I love hearing from and interacting with you all!!
Fantasies become realities
Warnings: cursing, p in v, smex, blowjobs, no protection (BE SAFE), anakin is a little bit of a perv, exhibitionism, voyurism, horny thoughts, reader referred to as a stripper
Anakin’s ears perked up once he finally heard the door opening- this was it…
He couldn’t blow it.
Before you even entered the room you could sense the anxiety trickling off of the Jedi; it was sweet- he was so nervous, just for you. 
“Hello stranger” you said as you pressed yourself against the door, closing it with a smile. 
“U-uh Y/N! Hello” he stumbled. 
Never had he been so incredibly clumsy- he knew he was better than this (if he was bold enough to jerk off to the memory of you, why couldn’t he confess some simple feelings?). Something about having you alone, while he was not on business…here… made his chest tighten. 
He sucked in a breath before continuing, “How’ve you been; It’s been a while hasn't it?” he asked, shifting in his seat. 
You giggled and plopped down on the couch opposite of him and crossed your legs. 
“It has been awhile- you didn’t just book the most expensive room in the club to catch up though, did you?” your voice lowered an octave as you watched him sweat. 
“Well, no- I just didn’t know how to get a hold of you. I just wanted to talk” he said softly. 
“About what?” you asked, leaning towards him and allowing your robe to slip off of your shoulder. 
You had an idea of what he wanted- you saw how he looked at you on shift when he was posted at the club.
You heard him in the refresher begging for release, you felt the tension in his force signature. You knew he had creamed just by imagining the chance to fuck you. 
You were glad to oblige in these scenarios- he was handsome and you did really like him after all.
Sadly you had to remind yourself not to get attached; all he wanted was to fuck, he didn’t care for you, he cared for your body. Plus- Jedi were not allowed to have attachments, best to save yourself the heartbreak. 
“I-I” he stuttered as you sat yourself right next to him on his couch. You observed through heavy lidded eyes as he struggled to get his words out. 
“Would you want to grab dinner with me sometime? Or something like that….” he asked unabashedly. 
Anakin wanted to take you on a date?! Like romance?! Hah!
You weren’t able to hide the shock on your face which made him shrink back, “Oh, well it’s ok If not- I just thought-”
“No- NO! I’m sorry, I just did not expect you to ask me that” you assured the man. 
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re insanely talented, kind, interesting, and I don't know… we both know I’m not the best at keeping my emotions under wraps” he admitted. 
“Well… yes” you laughed, thinking back on how he and his master interacted when there was a mishap in their plans. 
“But when I heard that Anakin Skywalker was in my private booth, I didn’t exactly think you were going to ask me on a date!”.
He blushed at your words, “I-I didn’t know how else to get your attention”.
You shrugged and laughed again, “You could have just came to my dressing room and asked” 
“So is that a yes?” he quizzed with a small smile. 
“Isn't there something in the Jedi’s philosophy that forbids attachments?” you asked skeptically (if it were with him, you weren’t really wanting a one night stand type of deal- you’d crave him too much). 
Anakin sat silently for a moment, before answering, “we are… but there are no attachments here- just a question”. 
You could feel his force signature stirring under his false composure- he was lying.
Just a question, huh? No way, you knew you made him nervous (similarly how he made you feel), and you knew he wasn’t just “asking a question”. 
“Are you sure, Ani? I wouldn’t want to get you in trouble” you innocently said, batting your long lashes. 
“Yea, It’s just a question” he gulped as you got increasingly closer to him. 
You were practically on his lap when you whispered, “lying’s not the Jedi way, Anakin; your signature is telling me it's much more than ‘just’ a question?” your lips curled into a smug smile as you sat back onto your heels. 
The young man in front of you looked taken aback once he realized what you said- his signature? How could you tell what it was emitting? 
You laughed at the obvious confusion on his handsome face. 
“You do know Jedi aren't the only ones who can utilize the force?” you said with a smile as you leaned back onto the couch. 
“Force sensitivity runs in my family” you said with a wink and a crooked smile. 
Anakin’s face suddenly drained once he realized that all this time… all this time you knew what he had been thinking- oh fuck, now he really didn’t have a chance.
He decided he should just start apologizing at this point, but before he could start you spoke once more.
“But to answer your question, yes- I’d love to go out with you Anakin '' you said with a beaming smile. 
He felt as if his heart would fall out of his ass- after everything; after all of his indecent thoughts and less than appropriate behaviors, you still were willing to give him a chance
“Really?” he asked, a little too desperately. 
You shrugged, “yeah why not” you laughed, trying to lighten the mood. 
This was new for you too- it had been so long since you were actually interested in someone.
Though you did worry that his interest only lied as deep as his dick could plunge, but you were willing to give him a chance to prove himself.
At least if all he wanted was your body, you’d know you were attractive enough to capture one of the best (and best looking) Jedi in the universe- not too shabby. 
“I’m not sure, I guess I didn’t really think you’d agree- I don't know…. it’s just that you seem to have a lot of experience and I’m probably not the caliber you’re accustomed to” he said quietly, avoiding eye contact. 
“Anakin, just cause I dance doesn’t mean I fuck my patrons” you said sharper than you intended to; you particularly hated the stigma that your profession was intimate with everyone who came through your doors. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you- I’m just not educated on this style of life” he said honestly. 
You placed a gentle hand on the side of his face and brushed your thumb against his cheek making the Jedi blush. 
“It’s alright Anakin, you have been sheltered most of your life” you said with a playful smile. 
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, as he swatted your affectionate hand away. 
“Exactly what I said, Ani- you’ve been stuck up in that temple for too long” you laughed. 
“No, I know things- I’ve had enough experiences to last lifetimes” he said with pride. 
“Have you now?” 
“Just so happens that I have- do I need to prove it to you?” he said competitively. 
“And how exactly have you earned this ‘experience’, Anakin?” 
“Battle, training, negotiations- just living” he said very ‘matter-of-factly’. 
“And how exactly are you planning to prove this to me-” 
Suddenly Anakin’s strong hands pulled you closer so that your noses were touching; his captivating blue eyes were heavy and half lidded as they stared deeply into yours. You could feel his warm breath against your lips as you became wet with anticipation… fuck- he drove you absolutely insane. 
“Depends how badly you wanna know, gorgeous” he said as his gloved hand traveled down your side making you shiver. 
“Desperately” you whined before pulling him into a kiss. 
The jedi groaned as your body pressed against his- every touch left a tingling sensation on his skin.
He suddenly became a bit intimidated because he may have fibbed a bit (or a lot) when he said he had experience- he was definitely not prepared. 
You strategically grinded your skilled hips against his quickly growing erection as you tangeld your fingers into his sandy curls. He took a fistfull of your hair from the base of your head and pulled so that your neck was exposed to him; he gave an experimental kiss before he suctioned himself to your smooth skin. 
How you fantasized about his plump lips… and unsurprisingly, they did not disappoint
His moans vibrated through your body as you tightly wrapped around him and clawed at the back of his robes. Judging by the large tent in his pants, you’d have to guess he was almost fully hard- what a treat. 
“So this is what you came for, huh pretty boy?” you teased. 
He unlatched his lips from your neck with crazed eyes, “No-NO! I- we can stop- i-if.. That's not what I - this is not what I came here for-” he stuttered, trying to keep your favor. 
You placed a hand on his shoulder and kissed him gently on the cheek- “I know, Ani. I’m just teasin”. (though you still had your doubts)
He breathed a sigh of relief before his beautiful blue eyes landed on the mess he had made of your neck; a beautiful array of reds, pinks, deep maroons, and purples were scattered along both sides of your column. He was mesmerized by his marks-  he’d never had the chance to do that before. 
Anakin was so entranced that he only snapped back into reality once your perfectly manicured hand lightly brushed over his clothed cock- accidentally the jedi let out a strangled moan as he rolled his eyes back. 
“You like that Ani?” you said with a sultry tone to which he couldn’t help but nod. 
With a mischievous smile you straighten your back and allowed your silky robe to fall to the ground; Anakin felt his heart stop- sure he had seen your in your performance outfits and a few glimpses of lingerie here and there, but never had it been so exquisite- so close. 
“I wore this for you, Anakin. No one else has seen it” you whispered softly in his blushing ear. 
Only him? 
Your words shot straight to his core and he felt himself begin to leak.  
You offered one last kiss, you promptly unmounted his lap and sunk to the plush carpet; your face perfectly aligned with his throbbing dick. You lightly traced the outline and smiled once you saw him twitching and straining against the fabric. With a calculated amount of pressure, you ran your palm up and down his clothed shaft a few times as he failed to suppress his groans. 
“Oh, Anakin…. You’re solid” you observed sadly before batting your long lashes at him, “Let me help you”. 
“A-are you sure?” he asked worriedly. 
“Please?” you pouted.
He was a little on edge but after hearing your small ‘please’, how could he resist?  Anakin nodded furiously and his sandy strands shook with every movement, bringing a smile to your face. He needed this just as much as you wanted to do it. 
The speed at which you pulled his trousers down surprised him; you were met with his weeping member straining at the tight black undergarments. Before removing them, you gave him one gentle kiss through the dampened fabric making him groan in anticipation. 
You could feel his thighs tense as you slowly slipped his underwear down his legs; you made sure to drag your nails against his sensitive skin.
Anakin sucked in a breath as you gently pressed kisses up the insides of his thighs, smiling as they trembled. 
“Relax, alright? I got you” you offered lightly, looking up at him through your long lashes. 
His stomach did a flip and without thinking, he placed his gloved hand on your cheek in thanks.
When was the last time someone took care of him? He had to answer to his masters and was always supposed to be a pillar of the Jedi community; when was the last time he was able to relax? 
With a deep inhale you turned your attention back to the task at hand- your eyes widened at his proudly standing cock eagerly dripping for you.
Just based on his stature, you were prepared for something big, but nothing could have prepared you for just how massive he really was. 
If you had to guess, he probably stood around 9.5 inches; he was cut and his puffy tip was an angry red right now. There were a few veins straining with desire and one particularly thick one running up the underside. His balls were quite tight already too (he must have been quite pent up). 
You gave an experimental lick to gather the precum from his tip, making him suck in a sharp breath and grip onto the edge of the couch. He had never actually gone this far with anyone: just in his fantasies. Sure he’d had a few sexual encounters in the past, but they were either dry humping, over-the-clothes, him going down on someone else, or just him masturbating.
But here you were- the most beautiful person he’d ever seen- the woman who haunted his most secret dreams- right here in between his legs… just for him. 
“Maker” he exhaled. 
“You’re so pretty Anakin” you sighed, resting your face on his left thigh as you languidly stroked his cock. He stifled a few moans as you swirled your tongue around his tip. 
With a contempt smile you leaned back onto his thigh and watched gleefully as more precum dribbled down his cock (natural lube ;). 
After another minute of pumping him, you sat up onto your knees and positioned your face over his member, but instead of watching his dick disappear into your mouth, you held eye contact with him as you swallowed him down. 
He was really dealing with a professional here; a guttural moan escaped his plump lips as your nose met his naval. Your eyes began to tear up at the sheer length of his cock but you were determined to get him all down.
You buried your nose into his lightly trimmed pubes at the base of his happy trail before lifting your head up with strategic suction. 
“S-shit” Anakin cursed as he felt his balls drawing up; was he already about to cum? He couldn’t look that inexperienced in front of you.
You bobbed your head a few more times as one of your free hands cupped his hardening balls. You swallowed him down once more, savoring the stretch; your panties were soaked as you moaned on his cock. 
Your sweet noises sent vibrations straight through Anakin’s body and he felt himself losing it. 
“I-I’m gonna- I” he whimpered as he began to sloppily buck his hips up. 
You quickly removed yourself from him and sat back breathlessly. Anakin gritted his teeth and clawed at the velvet sofa as he tried to restrain his impending orgasm. Strained noises escaped his throat as you took your place by his side on the couch. He leaned back with his eyes closed as he tried to catch his breath. 
Your glossed lips brushed his cheekbone before you took one of his hands and guided it towards your core. His eyes opened once he realized where his hand was (you were really making this difficult for him). 
“Oh fuck… you’re so wet baby” he groaned against your lips. 
Baby- that shot straight to your core. 
“Ani- I want you” you huffed as he blindly helped you shed your clothes. 
“Yea..yea, you want me? You wanna sit on my dick-” he panted as he groped at the fat of your ass. 
Without another word you lined yourself up with him and sank down; the two of you moaned in unison as you began to ride him.
Anakin really thought he could hold on longer but very quickly he felt that breath-taking sensation rising again. The promiscuous sounds of your bodies slapping against each other ricocheted off the walls as you desperately bounced up and down. 
“Shit… I’m sorry- I’m sorry.. Gonna-” 
“Cum, pretty boy” you demanded as you bottomed out one last time. 
With an almost pornographic moan, the inexperienced Jedi’s orgasm ripped through him. Thick, warm ropes of cum burst inside of you- Anakin’s eyes rolled to the back of his skull and his whole body wracked with the indescribable feeling of pleasure. 
You gasped at the sheer amount of cum he emptied into you (he really needed this); “Oh, Ani! Fuck you’re filling me up so well” you moaned as you chased your own high by dragging your hips against him. 
Thin strands of his hair stuck to his forehead as he leaned his head back; the echoes of his orgasm shot through his body and he whimpered from the overstimulation of you still bouncing on his cock. 
Shortly after, you gained your own orgasm; seeing stars as Anakin desperately pawed at the fat of your ass and ran his strong hands up and down your sides. Before you hopped off of his lap he drew you into his chest and protectively wrapped his arms around you. 
“Shit Angel- Took every last drop” he sighed as he sweetly rubbed your back. 
With a small laugh you pressed a soft kiss on his neck (making his dick twitch).
“Didn’t wanna waste any- after all, when’s the next time i’ll get to have ‘the chosen one’” you joked as you looked up at him with stars in your eyes. 
You weren’t really joking though- you’d probably never get the chance to do this again… you cursed yourself for falling for one of the least available people in the galaxy. But at least you had him for now.
He looked at you longingly for a moment but you interpreted it as awkward silence, silence that you tried to fill with another sad joke; “I mean, no attachments for the mighty Jedi, right?”
He still didn’t speak, instead brushed a strand of loose hair behind your ear; “You’re so beautiful” he almost whispered.
You slowly pushed his hand to the side garnering a frown from him, “Anakin, don’t do that please… I- Lets just have fun for the rest of the night, yeah?”.
“Is that all you want?” he asked quietly; he looked almost hurt?
With a sigh you shook your head, “No, Yes- I don’t know Anakin” you said as you stood from the couch. “Even if I wanted something it would be pretty stupid of me- I mean you’re you and I’m…me”.
“So? It doesn’t matter who we are- what matters is how we feel” he said, lightly pulling you back onto the couch. 
“Anakin, I’m a stripper in one of the most popular cities in the galaxy…And you’re… you- how would that work?” you said as you allowed your insecurities to take over. 
He placed his gloved hand over yours; “Your past has no bearings on me, we all come from different worlds… That does not change the feelings I have harbored for you… silently”. 
“But the rule- you can’t have attachments”
“I already broke that when I decided to come here tonight… If I didn’t want this I would have left long ago.” he said before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
A small smile found its way onto your face… maybe you could have a happy ending.
a/n: soo ngl I kinda leaned into the aotc ani at the end with the whole "I already brke the rule" because we know when this man gets invested he gets invested. take this kinda as his desires finally being solidified- cause he'd definitely get obsessed (we all saw how he was with padme). not sure how much else im gonna add to the story but hope you enjoy for now!
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 11 months
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Saw this meme and iiiiii did a thing... a steddie thing... obviously
( Eddie has a small dick in this if you don't like it don't read it. We support small dick supremacy in this house thank you for your time. 😊 )
I'm picturing them at a bar. I wanna say maybe Steve is the bar tender, and he's been seeing Eddie around. He comes in. Talks a little, he's kinda quiet. Like he's stuck in his head, like he comes there to think. He's always scribbling things on napkins. Steve thinks they might be song lyrics, the way Eddie hums and taps his fingers as he writes.
But Steve obviously sees him looking at him sometimes. It's a gay bar, it happens, but Eddie doesn't leer at him, or chat him up in that way. It's always just friendly conversation.
Steve kind of loves it. Loves being able to just chat and not worry about getting stalked out to his car by a creep. And then one day some drunk dude is hitting on Eddie HARD. Leaning into him and grabbing at his arm and just when Steve is about to say something the guy actually says the words,
"how big is that dick?" Like... in real life. Out loud. And grabs for Eddie's thigh, and Steve watches Eddie catch his wrist, easy, watches him shove the guys hand back at him, saying,
"small. Leave me alone." Without even looking at him. And Steve fucking barks a laugh because that was... fucking hilarious. But also... kinda hot. Like, he's known he likes Eddie for awhile but seeing someone come on to him had sealed the deal, jealousy crawling over his skin, but then seeing Eddie shut it down, in the funniest fucking way Steve had ever seen, had just slammed it into place.
The guy scowls, says something rude, and stalks off. But Eddie is looking at Steve cuz he's still chuckling. Doing that cough thing like he's trying to cover it up but the laugh is still extremely prominent through the coughing. And Eddie watches him with raised eyebrows cuz like... damn okay. Cute bar tender thinks he's funny. And Steve is like,
"Sorry man. That was just, fuckin hilarious. Not the guy grabbing you, obviously, just, how you delt with it. Like that was... the best thing I've seen in awhile. Just... just sayin." He shakes his head to stop himself rambling more, he needs more friends to hangout with besides Robin, she's rubbing off on him. So he just reaches into the cooler and grabs Eddie his usual beer, slides it over the bartop to him, tells him it's on the house.
"Thanks." Is all Eddie says, but he looks happy, small smile still on his face.
And when the bar's closing, and Eddie is still there, just idly talking to Steve all night. Steve takes a chance. Says some cheesey line about letting Eddie walk him home. And Eddie flushes red to his ears but nods, takes the last sip of his beer and helps Steve flip the chairs onto the tables so he can do a quick sweep. Steve's locking the door when he hears Eddie clear his throat awkwardly, like he wants to say something. Steve looks at him, waits.
"I uh... look I know you thought I was being funny... earlier." Eddie scratches his head, nods into the bar. Steve nods, lets him continue.
"But I uh- I was also being serious?" He grimaces, eyes on the ground.
"So if that's like... a deal breaker? That's- that's totally okay. I just uh... I dont know. Thought I should maybe warn you before- before anything...happens?" His eyes widen and he takes a step back.
"Not that anything was gonna happen! Like I wasn't expecting... THAT. I just... oh my god I don't know. People can be assholes about small dicks so I just wanted to be up-front about it in case you thought I was kidding when I told that guy that. Cuz I was being serious and I'm gonna stop talking. Jesus christ." He breathes the last part, shaking his head at himself, his face twisted in what looks like pain. Steve thinks he's fucking adorable.
He steps closer, puts his hands on Eddie's hips and pushes him gently against the brickwall of the bar. Rests his head against Eddie's as he laughs a little, Steve's fingers pressing into his hips tickling a bit.
"I don't care. Honestly I uh..." he pauses, pulls back to look at Eddie, his eyes are wide, his cheeks are a deep pink now.
"I was kinda hopin you weren't kidding." Steve tilts his head, smirks at Eddie, just a little. A light smirk. Not the full thing, doesn't wanna overwhelme him. Yet. Eddie sucks in air, blinks at him.
"Oh. Yeah?" He asks, his voice breathy, pitched higher than usual. Steve nods, sinks his teeth into his lip, and brushes his nose against Eddie's.
"Yeah. Still wanna walk me home?" Steve asks, staying close. Eddie nods, his hands moving to Steve's shoulders.
"Yeah. Yes absolutely. I'd love that. I'd love too." He rambles, swallowing hard.
And Steve can't help himself anymore, ducks forward and presses a soft kiss to his lips. Eddie makes a little sound in his throat and Steve fucking adores it. Already in so deep for this guy. But it's been months. Eddie's not a new thing in his life. Just, this part of it is new.
Eddie blinks at him when he pulls back, steps away from Eddie but holds out his hand. Eddie smiles, reaches out and takes it, lets Steve drag him away from the wall and down the sidewalk. Their fingers laced together, hands swaying between them as they walk through the dark.
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voltronisanobsession · 11 months
Miguel codes Lyla a Friend
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I had this idea since I was thinking maybe sometimes Lyla gets lonely being the only hologram in the spider society apart from Spider Byte. So I decided to do this and show what it could be like if Miguel finally coded and programmed Lyla a new friend!
This also might be the very few writings I’ll do for this fandom since I wanna focus on the ones Im active in now :D
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For this to even be CONSIDERED a possibility, Lyla would have to have been annoying Miguel for awhile, complaining about how oh so lonely she’s gotten being the only hologram
“Come on.”
“There’s Spider Byte.”
“She doesn’t count, plus she’s still a spider. Come oonn.”
“Is my company not enough, Lyla?”
“Look me in the eyes and you tell me. Come ooonnnnn.”
In the end Miguel will succumb to Lyla’s persistent complains much to the her delight
I can already see her excitedly yapping away while Miguel begins programming her new ‘friend’
I totally see Miguel just copying and pasting Lyla’s original coding while making some changes like the personality and appearance just because he didn’t want to spend too much time on this
It takes a couple of runs before both he and Lyla are satisfied with the final outcome, you😍
Miguel made it so that you were the more compassionate and kind one between the two of you while Lyla is the honest and blunt one
You chose your own name, which surprised both him and Lyla since you were already adapting and growing as an intelligent form of tech
“Well then Y/N, welcome to the team.”
Cue Lyla grabbing your arm and disappearing to who knows where while Miguel sighs
Omg she would totally give you star glasses so you could match with her heart glasses!!!
You guys are rarely seen without the other ever since your arrival
Lyla would show you all the ropes to being Miguel’s assistant and would be so proud when you help file your first report on an anomaly :,)
“They grow up so quick.”
“But I can’t ‘grow up’ Lyla.”
“You’ll understand those sayings soon.”
You guys do everything together, like karaoke nights with Miguel, make friendship bracelets for each other and take silly pics with that one bunny filter Lyla’s obsessed with
It’s like you’re Thing 1 and Thing 2 according to Peter :]
Because this is technically your shot in ‘living’, you definitely look at everything with stars in your eyes
Everything is still so new to you and so exciting that you often get carried away with rambling about how fascinating life is
Which causes Miguel to raise an eyebrow at times because it’s almost like your becoming more self aware of yourself, gaining more… human emotions despite you being only a hologram
And he isn’t wrong
Once learning of Miles Morales’ story and how he’s essentially going to destroy the multiverse according to Miguel, you can’t help but feel for the boy
Your traits grow from being compassionate to feeling real emotions which confused you at first when you began feeling so different at times
(You asked Lyla about the weird feelings you’ve been getting but she only looks at you weirdly so you don’t bring it up again)
You make it a habit to mention every now and then that Miles had no control over what happened and how you feel sorry for him
How you even theorize that with him, the cycle of Spiderman could possibly be broken!
Lyla would 100 percent lecture you on how that would be terrible and all that fun sunshine stuff which you definitely don’t listen to
Hobie would be around when you’re on one of your tangents on how Miles could be the change the multiverse could benefit from, capturing his attention
“Rebellious one, aren’t you?”
“Oh Hobie hello! What do you mean by that?”
“I sure as ‘ell know bossman wouldn’t program your own ideas to go against his, now would he?”
After that small talk, your hologram self would realize ‘hey! Im thinking for myself, I have my own ideals and beliefs!’
Cue you acting out against Miguel cuz you’re in your rebellious phase
Bro would totally tell Lyla to control you
You’ve been giving him more headaches than Lyla has and that’s saying something
I think Lyla would try to tap into your programming to see if there was something wrong only to find out you put a PASSWORD on that file LMAO💀💀💀
Her reaction: 😦
Besides that concerning factor that is making itself way more known after Miles arrives, most of the spiders do enjoy your company
They love how you just float around them as you beg to hear more of their stories and fights they’ve experienced
You have an almost childish light because of how interested and amazed you are at them
You love being around Peter B. though because of Mayday
She loves just swishing her hand at your frame, giggling as you reappear in a different spot, your soft glowing light capturing her attention every time
Overall I think being Miguel’s second assistant isn’t the most terrible thing in the world
Lyla’s sarcasm has rubbed off on you so you both like to make Miguel’s job a little more difficult than it needs to be
But he definitely has a soft spot for both you, especially since you often sympathize with him whenever he watches those videos of his past life
You’re just a silly member of the society trying to learn more about life and the special moments it holds
You want to be apart of the real world instead of being confined to the digital world, which Lyla and Miguel don’t realize is a problem until you finally go against them
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