#Taneleer Tivan ~ Collector
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So we get this reveal that the Kree were working for the Collector, and also he has one of the WORST 90s character redesigns...
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im-pyrettablaze · 1 month
I write three different kinds of fanworks: headcannons, imagines, and blurbs.
Headcannons: Short, bulleted ideas that can be build into a scene but generally are just a collection of thoughts/ideas on a specific topic or scenario.
Imagines: Drabbles that are generally short but can range in length.
Blurbs: Actual written out works with a solid storyline to follow.
Characters I Write For:
Benny Cross (The Bikeriders)
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The Collector/Taneleer Tivan (MCU)
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The Grandmaster/En Dwi Gast (MCU)
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nicole-tivan123 · 6 months
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He can put me in his collection if he wants! More opportunity to stare at him all day! ✨
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fandomfics · 23 days
Memories Are All We Have
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Pairing: Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel x fem reader
Description: you've lost your memory, but you run into someone you have an undeniable pull to, you just know that you can trust them. Can they help you get your memory back?
Word count: 6.4k
Au, Canon typical violence, death, mentions of suicide, suicide attempt, memory loss, abandonment, fluff, angst, dialog from some tertiary characters pulled from and/or heavily inspired by quotes from comics and movies.
A/N: the end got a lot heavier than I originally intended, but it just felt right. It is up for interpretation though.
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The dark cloudless sky above you shines bright with a billion tiny points of light surrounding a full moon. A beautiful sight cut by the grittiness of the sandy dirt that seeps into the crevasses of your tactical suit, easing you into an overstimulating discomfort that nearly brings you to the brink of a mental breakdown. You lay in the remains of a spacecraft with no recollection of how you came to be amidst the wreckage.
You strain to remember yourself, but nothing appears. You desperately search for something, anything, to tell you the simplest information about yourself but nothing manifests other than a dull ache behind your eyes.
Something bright like a ball of fire appears above you in the sky, growing larger as the seconds pass, you realize it's coming straight towards you. You scramble to your feet and break into a run, looking behind you to see if you're at a safe distance you realize the object has changed course and is still on its way to you. In your haste your foot makes contact with a small boulder and you careen forward flat on your face.
When you turn onto your back you see a figure standing over you. She looks familiar, but the only thing you know is that you can trust her. A feeling deep in your gut says that you know this woman, it's all you have to go on as she stalks forward with a searing anger plastered to her face.
"Please...help me?" You say unmoving.
She briefly hesitates and confusion flashes in her eyes momentarily before she speaks. "Don't play games with me."
She reaches out and grabs your wrist, pulling you to your feet before restraining both your hands behind you.
"I don't know what youre talking about. I- I cant remember anything. Do you know me?"
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"Shuri, I don't know. Seems a little convenient." Carol Danvers is not convinced that your memories are completely wiped out.
"My scans all show that she's telling the truth. Her memories have disappeared from her brain entirely and so have any powers she had. It's like they never existed in the first place."
"The ship she crashed came from the collector, I'm gonna go gather some Intel. Something tells me this could be more dire than a little memory loss."
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A seedy bar with seedier patrons bustles with lively music as Carol waits for her contact. She doesn't know how he gets his information, but he's never been wrong before.
"Hey there hot stuff" he sits next to her as she rolls her eyes hard.
"What do you have for me?" She cuts straight to the point.
"What, no foreplay?" He tried to flash a charming smile but she keeps her face stern until he caves. "Uh, anyway... The collector acquired this new device. It's meant to collect memories in criminal trials to be stored and replayed, but the one he got was modified. It permanently collects them from the subject, typically leaving them a little...dead."
"Shit. Thanks." She hands over his payment and immediately leaves the bar, returning to her ship.
She presses a few buttons on a console and the holographic image of Shuri flickers to life. "What did you find Carol?"
"Its worse than we could have imagined."
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You spend days in Shuri's lab as she runs test after test with Carol looking on. Your poked and proded by various instruments and needles until you're on the brink of madness. Neither woman speaks to you much unless it's a requirement of the current test. Instead they speak to each other as if you're not even there.
"The only way for the memories to return is with the device." She concludes.
"You're positive?" The skepticism clear in Carol's eyes.
Finally she speaks directly to you, "The plan is simple, the collector wants you back, there's a bounty on your head and I'm going pretend to collect. Once we have access to the building we can use the device and restore your memories before destroying it."
"I don't know how to fight. I'll be useless when we get inside."
Carol rolls her eyes before speaking, "it's a long trip, I'll train you on the way."
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The ship is dark and quiet, you're meant to be sleeping, but all you're trying to do is wrack your brain, understand what's happening.
Suddenly there's a blade at your throat. You were so lost in thought you failed to notice Carol creep up on you.
"You're dead." She pulls the knife away from your throat, "how the hell am I supposed to train you? It's like you have no survival instincts whatsoever."
"Well excuse me for having an existential crisis because I know absolutely nothing about myself." You snap.
A frown tugs at your lips as she stalks away in a huff. She is cold, demanding, and ruthless. You know she hates you, but you don't know why. You try to be as nice as possible but it seems to irritate her even more, and she won't tell you anything about yourself, insisting that you'll learn when they get your memories back from the collector.
Day after day for a week your hours are filled with combat training. She doesn't let up no matter how exhausted you are. She punctuates every move to overpower you with a growled "Dead. Again."
Finally you break, "Why do you even care anyway? Huh? You clearly hate me. Why are you even helping me?"
"I don't hate you." You almost believe her. It's clear that it's complicated, not as easy as just hatred. It's deep and complex. Sometimes when she looks at you, her eyes sparkle for a fraction of a second as if she's remembering something good before morphing to disdain.
"Please, just tell me..." You plead, "I know we mean something to each other. I can feel it."
"We don't." She is short with you, but you're determined to get something out of her. Anything.
"Then at least tell me why you're helping me." You say as you follow her closely through the ship.
She sees that you're not going to give up and gives you the smallest bit she can in hopes of satiating your curiosity until you get to your destination. "It's for a friend I made a promise to a long time ago." She softens a bit at the thought. "When she was taken from me by a mad titan, I vowed to avenge her. With your help, your memories, I can."
Training is easier now that you have a sense of purpose and you understand Carol a tiny bit better. Not only are you doing this for yourself, you're doing it for Carol and the friend she lost. It feels like you're finding yourself even if she won't tell you anything.
"Can you tell me more about your friend?" You ask after a long sparring session a few weeks later as you lay across a chair exhausted.
She pauses for a moment, you think she's going to tell you it's none of your business but she starts to speak softly. "She was incredible. Her passion was unmatched. When she found something she thought was worth fighting for, worth believing in, she was all in." You see tears welling in her eyes as she stares down at the weapon she's polishing, "We fought together for so long until one day, she couldn't do it anymore."
She heads to the helm of the ship, signaling the end of the conversation. You mull her words over, try and think of anything you can say to ease her pain, but nothing you come up with feels right.
Her attitude has toward you hasn't changed, but you're hopeful that as soon as your memories are returned to you, you can mend relationship that you must have previously had.
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You run over the plan in your head again and again as you approach the massive celestial severed head known as knowhere. It seems familiar but you gawk at the sight nonetheless, the juxtaposition of the skeletonized head among an interstellar cloud of gas, plasma, and dust amalgamating in a beautiful range of yellows, greens, and blues is breath taking.
The approach seems to take an eternity as nerves settle in your stomach. Carol is dressed in a disguise of sorts and you are cuffed. She places a key in your pocket to use later and you exit the ship. She puts on a show of shoving you forward towards the guard at the entrance of the collection causing you to stumble forward.
"Here for a bounty." She says curtly as she looks up at the towering being before her.
He speaks into a device on his wrist and the door opens, he nods and you make your way inside. The amount of items that surround you is staggering. Relics, Knick knacks, beings... You have a hard time picking just one thing to look at, you could spend years wandering the building and still not see everything.
Carol ignores the surrounding objects and heads straight for the lift. She doesn't speak to you the entire journey up until she notices you shifting from foot to foot and fiddling with your hands.
"I don't know if I'm -" your words are cut short by the doors opening. A man with a shock of white hair and heavy unblinking eyes stands before you. A small smile curls at the corner of his lips when he sees you.
"As agreed upon." He hands Carol payment and she returns to the lift. You stare back at her, mouth agape. This was not the plan. This was not a back up plan. She left you. Tears prick the corners of your eyes as you try to subtly search your pocket for the cuff keys, but it's gone.
"You poor thing. You think she was going to follow through with whatever half baked scheme she used to lure you in? Bounty hunters can be awfully manipulative." He circles you, inspecting your body in the way one would with any number of the relics in his collection. "Bet she promised to help you get your life back." He says with a tap of his index finger to your temple.
The tears fall freely. You feel used. Anger builds in your chest until it bursts forth in a primal scream that threatens to rip your vocal cords to shreds as the collector chuckles behind you. He stands close behind you, you feel his hot breath on the shell of your ear.
"I can give those memories back," his voice is low, "work with me and you'll have your memories and anything else you could ever want."
"You took my them from me in the first place, why would you give them back?" You turn in place quickly to face him.
"You left before we could finish the job." He uncuffs you, "you see, you came to me. You wanted some of your memories removed." His hands cup your cheeks, "the machine malfunctioned and you ran away before we could do anything. Even without your powers you are strong." He presses his lips gently to yours and you recoil at his touch.
"You'll remember me soon enough."
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Your eyes are held open by the machine, you feel it probe the pathways of your brain until it reaches its destination.
"We have to sort through some things my dear." You hear the voice of Taneleer Tivan echo in your head as flashes of images play in your mind.
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"That one looks like a cat!" You look to your left and see a young blonde girl beside you where you lay in a field of tall grass. Her arm is outstretched to the sky as she points to a particular cloud.
"I think it looks more like a goose!" You fall into a fit of giggles and the girl beside you joins in.
"Carol! Time for dinner!" She gets up with an overly dramatic sigh.
"Guess I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow!"
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"Definitely don't need that one." Tivan's voice rings clearly as the memory fades to nothing.
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"What if they don't like me?" The same girl sits next to you on a bench outside your favorite ice cream shop. She's several years older, mid teens maybe, but it's unmistakably her.
"Impossible. They'd have to be stupid to not see how cool you are." She licks around the edges of the waffle cone as the icy treat starts to melt.
"I'm serious." You cast your eyes down.
Carol places a hand on yours and you feel your stomach flip as you look up at her, "They're gonna love you." Her words are soft, "Plus, maybe one day you can be one of the X-Men! Living in a mansion is also an added bonus." She laughs and your heart lightens. You're still nervous, but she's taken the edge off.
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A flicker of several memories of Charles Xavier teaching you to hone your abilities fill your vision. He had a particular interest in you as you both share the same sorts of power, your time in the x-mansion was often spent with him.
"When an individual acquires great power, the use or misuse of that power is everything. Do not squander it. It is our birthright... Perhaps, our burden. With that power comes responsibility -- and also accountability." You're walking the grounds around the mansion with the professor, enjoying the beautiful weather. "This is only the first step on a long and difficult journey. Throughout your life, there is going to be a lot of people telling you not to be you. Don't let them tear you down. Don't compromise. You have the chance to become part of something much bigger than yourself. Right now you are in control of your destiny. You remember that."
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"I have a good feeling about those"
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"I'm so glad you came!" you greet Carol with a hug. You feel like it's been ages since you saw your best friend. You've only been away a few months since moving into the mansion, but not seeing her every day has been difficult.
You stand on a pier surrounded by carnival games and rides, the sea breeze tousles her hair around her face as the smell of funnel cake and popcorn invades your nostrils. You take her hand and run to the end of the pier where the sea lions lounge on the platforms below. You comment back and forth on the behavior of an especially rambunctious pup whose antics have left you both in a fit of giggles.
You've missed her smile, her laugh, everything about her. You feel the fluttering of butterflies in your stomach as you watch her lean her elbows on the wooden rails and smile down at the mammals below. The realization of what she truly means to you hits you like a freight train.
You are in love with your best friend.
"Promise me something Carol."
"Anything." Her eyes are bright as they look up to you.
"Best friends forever. No matter what. We'll always be there for each other." You hold your pinky out to solidify the pact and she wraps her pinky around yours.
"Always and forever."
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"Guess she lied. Let's get rid of that."
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Years later you are visiting home, It's your 18th birthday and you and Carol have spent the day celebrating with friends and family.
"I know the perfect way to end the day." She says as the last guest leaves. "Come on, let's go."
The pair of you hop in her truck and drive until you've hit a secluded hilltop away from the light pollution. You climb out and she hoists herself into the bed of the truck, extending her hand to help you do the same. As you climb in you step onto a mattress and Carol begins to pull pillows and blankets out of a duffle bag. Once the bed is all cozy you both lay down and look up at the stars.
"Happy birthday." She whispers as her hand grabs yours, intertwining your fingers together.
You feel a tingle of adoration spread through your body, a smile stretches across your lips. "Thank you."
Comfortable silence fills a chunk of time before Carol's voice finally breaks it. "I want you to read my mind."
The shock on your face is apparent, you've always made it a point to ensure that you don't invade the privacy of people's minds unless it's dire or they've given you permission, and Carol has never given you permission before. "Why now?"
"Just look, please." Her eyes show a mixture of fear and anticipation. Your eyes close and gently you probe her mind, she opens up to you and you feel love envelope you in a warm embrace, you feel the squeeze of her hand as her voice rings clear in your head. "I always thought what I had was just a childhood crush, but it never went away. I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember."
Your eyes snap open and you look to Carol, before you can register what's happening, tears fall from your eyes. It wasn't just you. She felt it too.
"Please say something." Her brow furrows with worry and you rush to answer her.
"Me too." You reach your free hand to cup her face, turning your body to face her, "Can I kiss you?" She nods and you lean into her. Your lips brush against hers softly before deepening the kiss. This is the happiest moment of your life.
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"Don't need this one."
You feel the machine trying to rip the memory back from your mind and you hold tight. Not this one. You want at least one reminder of the good before you see how things ended.
The machine doesn't seem to alert Tivan of the failure to remove it and he continues forward.
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Flashes of the next six years invade your mind, little moments spent with Carol when the two of you got any chance to. She had moved closer to you, but between your training to become a full member of the X-Men and her joining the air force to become a pilot you weren't able to spend as much time together as you would have liked.
You spoke on the phone nearly every day, a lot of happy meet ups and conversations took place, but the distance and time brought up plenty of arguments as well.
"We need to figure something out Carol. I love you more than anything, but we can't keep this up. We need to figure out where our lives are heading." You say exasperatedly over the phone.
"I know baby, but I need time to figure it out."
"We've had six years to figure it out, and every time I try and talk to you about how we can build a home for ourselves and be together, truly together, rather than this bullshit, you push it off. It's never the right time. Maybe it never will be..." You feel defeated.
"What are you saying?"
"I don't know. I just can't keep waiting like this." You hang up the phone and sob. Did you just break up with her or give her an ultimatum? You aren't sure. Your mind is swimming, you go to bed and toss and turn all night thinking about the implications of the conversation.
The next few days you don't receive your usual call, but you don't worry. She's probably giving you space to cool off before you try and talk through it, maybe this time will be different.
On the fourth day one of your housemates calls you to the phone. Your nervous to hear what Carol has to say. You hope she's finally come up with some sort of plan, a timeline.
The person on the other end confirms your identity before relaying the worst news of your life. She's gone. Killed in a test flight.
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"She spent years jerking you around and them poof, gone. We can keep this one."
He spends the next several hours sifting through the next ten years of your life. Becoming part of the X-Men and a teacher, dedicating your life to the kids you taught, nearly being killed, your slow decent into depression and fading of your faith in yourself, leaving the school to move back to your hometown only to work as a librarian.
He kept the memories he deemed necessary and removed everything else. You constantly felt like something was being ripped from your mind but you couldn't remember what.
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"I'd like to check this out." The voice is a familiar echo of your past as a book slams on the desk in front of you, you look up to see Carol, your lost love, not having aged at all. There's only one explanation.
"Mystique, I haven't worked with Charles in years, I don't have anything you want." You stare into her eyes coldly.
"What? It's me, really. Carol."
"You aren't very convincing, she's been dead for ten years. You should have picked someone else." You wave your hand in dismissal as you move towards your return cart.
"Look into my mind." She brings herself back into your sight around the desk.
You reach out and find that she's pushing forward her recollection of times you had spent with her in private, loving little moments, then the events of the last ten years, displaying them for you, trying to get you to understand what happened.
"Why did you wait 4 years after you found yourself again?" The pain in your voice as you stumbled through the words was clear.
"I was afraid. I spent days after our last conversation being mad until I realized I wasn't being fair to you. I planned to call you after the test flight... Then when I came back I saw that you were happy at the school and I didn't want to ruin that again."
"What were you going to say? After the flight." Your eyes fill with tears as old wounds reopen and tear at your insides.
"I wasn't sure at first." She whispers, "I was going to tell you to leave me, that I couldn't give you what you wanted or needed, but then when I thought about that as I took off on that flight. The world was a little dimmer, I couldn't see the beauty I usually saw from the cockpit. My dreams of flying didn't matter if I didn't have you."
You both stand still, eyes connected as tears trail down your faces. Her hand reaches for yours and you allow her to take it.
"I'm sorry. For everything. I just wanted you to know that, and maybe give you some sort of closure if you needed it." She drops your hand and turns to leave.
She's almost to the door when you call out to her. "Carol, wait!" Your body acts on its own and you run and jump into her arms, wrapping your legs around her hips as her hands land under your thighs to support you and you smash your lips against her in a frenzied kiss. Your love for Carol never faded, it was always there, this was like settling back into your own bed after a long trip away from home. A comforting warm embrace that felt safe.
You're both left panting when the kiss breaks and you rest your forehead against hers.
"Can I take you out?" Her smile beams wide and you nod.
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"Ah, this is a moment you told me about. When you look back on it you feel like a fool. You definitely don't want this."
It feels wrong, you fight to keep this too, but it slips through your grasp until you have no idea what it was you were trying to save.
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Another flood of memories, years of happiness at Carol's side as you fight against the evils of the universe. You have fights and disagreements just like before, but this time you're together through it all. It's not perfect, but you work through your problems together, until you can't.
In your time among the stars you start to feel jaded, the looming threat of the mad titan Thanos begins to weigh heavily on you. You watch as countless beings fall fighting beside you and Carol in the name of what's right.
"This universe is finite, its resources finite. If life is left unchecked, life will cease to exist. It needs correction. I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. It’s frightening." Thanos stands over the body of another friend he has slain in the name of his purpose as he speaks to you. "Help me end the suffering that plagues this place. Help me restore balance to the universe, a quest truly worthy of your talents."
He extends a hand to you, an open invitation to join his cause. You think back on every poverty stricken community you've encountered, every starving child, every avoidable tragedy, and you take his hand.
Carol finally catches up to you in this moment, you look back and see her face fall in confusion, "I'm sorry, I can't keep fighting the inevitable."
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The remainder of your memories that involve Carol are bitter, full of anguish. She treats you like any other enemy she's ever had, stoking the fire of your hatred for her.
Then something comes loose, a memory that was wiped before you met Tivan. Guilt shreds your insides as the image flashes through your mind. Years spent in service of Thanos to wipe out half the universe, killing in the name of his quest. It was never your intention.
You had just lost another friend in a battle to find Thanos. You lay on your back amidst the rubble and chaos after having defeated the last wave of Chitari, and you made a decision, you were done fighting a loosing battle, you had to do something to end this.
You formulated a plan then and there. The next time you met Thanos face to face you would get close enough to rip him apart with your mind, spread every molecule of his being across space and time until they are consumed by the heat of the stars and lost in black holes. This effort would certainly kill you, but you couldn't fight anymore. Not when people were dying left and right and there was seemingly no end in sight. You didn't tell Carol, you knew she would try and stop you. You didn't tell anyone. This was your burden to bear.
The thing you hadn't anticipated was the mind stone. You were so wrapped in grief and guilt you were short sighted. The second he touched your hand with the gauntlet your memory of the plan was gone. You were fully in his hold, a servant.
The machine begins to shake beneath you. Your eyes go white and you are no longer in control of your body. The straps and instruments that hold you down seem to disobey gravity as they disassemble themselves and float away. Your body rises in the air and a burst of energy flows from you, atomizing the machine beneath you and releasing every memory back to you.
The air crackles with telepathic energy as your mind searches for the collector, but he's no longer there. How long were you out of control? You reach out again to whoever is around, you sense a familiar presence, Carol.
Your eyes return to normal and you land with your feet firm on the floor, you are full of determination. You feel the suffering of countless beings in the building. Floor by floor you release them, taking out any guards or threats on your way. When you're halfway through you finally find Carol slumped over in a clear case amid other heroes that have gone missing across the universe. You release the others one by one and ask to probe their minds before unlocking the abilities that the collector had somehow managed to dampen.
When you make it to Carol's case you sit on the ground next to her and pull her into your lap, gently you push the hair from her face. She barely stirs before her hands are around your neck, she's weak but you don't fight when she pushes into you, your back pressed against the ground as she straddles you.
"It's okay. I deserve it." You choke out through tears. You reach into her mind and unlock her powers without probing further.
"What are you doing?" She screams in frustration.
"You need your abilities to rescue everyone else. Please Carol, just do it." You sob, you don't fight her in the slightest. "I can't live with what I've done, I don't want to."
The pressure at your throat increases until your vision darkens around the edges.
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"It's too dangerous Carol!" You hear Shuri's voice in the distance.
"I need to know more. I need to understand what the hell happened in there. She wanted me to kill her." She whisper shouts.
"You were supposed to make sure she didn't get anything back, she's dangerous. You know that better than anyone else."
Carol sighs heavily, "That's why I'm taking her to a deserted planet. Once we have our feet on the ground I'll send the ship back into orbit. If something happens to me, at least she won't be able to hurt anyone else."
You don't hear the rest of the conversation as the crushing weight of your reality bares down on your chest until you struggle to breathe. Your eyes are fixed to the ceiling above you, but you see nothing. Your mind fogs up until your eyes loose focus and your thoughts vacate your mind.
You feel the ship land and Carol snaps you out of your trance, guiding you out of the ship before you watch it rise back into the air and disappear from sight.
You're in the middle of a field of tall grass, much like the one you and Carol played in as kids, this would be a good place to go. You sink to your knees before the love of your life and wait for her to speak.
"What happened to you?" She whispers, her voice full of emotion.
"I just wanted everything to stop. I didn't want to keep watching our friends and family suffering needlessly in a war that we were loosing in." Your eyes latch onto hers, "I was going to kill him myself, even if it meant I would die in the process. I didn't want to tell you, I knew you'd try and stop me."
You could see a shift in her gaze, understanding blooms in her features and you know she believes you, but the anger is still there.
"You killed for him."
"I was so wrapped up in my plan that I didn't think about the mind stone." You hang your head in shame. "I fucked up. I don't deserve mercy, I don't deserve to live. I let my emotions drive me to the point of endangering countless lives."
When you look up, she's gone. Her silhouette disappearing into the purple sky. You fall back into the grass and watch the sky change with the fading light of the sun as it dips below the horizon. You lay unmoving until exhaustion overtakes you and your eyes close.
Your sleep is fitful, nightmares of everything you'd done since joining Thanos plagues your vision. The face of every person you ever hurt flips through your mind like a photo album. You know you were manipulated, but the pain of your actions consumes you. The gnawing guilt is more than you can take, you don't want to wait for Carol to possibly return to put you out of your misery.
You rise from the ground and take flight into the dawn, you want to see something beautiful. You fly over the surface of the planet taking in its lush beauty. You make it to the Mountains taller than you've ever seen, dense forests with trees of colors you can't begin to describe, a bright sea with beaches of white sands.
When you're finally ready you shoot through the atmosphere as fast as your abilities will carry you. Your breathing becomes laboured as you break through the last layer, the icy chill of space envelopes you and your last thought of Carol's face.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die, but this memory is only vaguely familiar to you. You lay in the recovery room in the X-mansion, but you can't place when. Your eyes adjust to the brightness of the room and next to you a figure sits with her head in her hands.
"Carol." Your voice is weak, barely a whisper.
Her head shoots up, tears in her eyes as one of her hands desperately clasps onto yours and the other clasps your cheek.
"There you are."
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da-zzi · 1 year
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can-of-pringles · 5 months
Playing With Fire - Chapter 1
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Rating: Teen and up audiences
Warnings: Canon typical violence, drinking, fighting, it's literally the movie.
Word Count: 2k
Summary: Peter and the gang make it to Knowhere.
Note: This is a GOTG AU with my original character. I've been sitting on this fic wip for months and now the first rewritten movie is finished. I hope y'all enjoy and like my gotg oc. The first movie is completely written but I'll be posting it in chapters.
Also Read on AO3
Carina finished wiping down one of the numerous glass cages, shooting a sympathetic glance at the red-headed girl stuck inside. The girl gave her a similar look back, placing her gloved hand up on the glass for a second.
The redhead lowered her hand, watching as Carina moved on with her task. She leaned her head against the glass, sighing and closing her eyes for a brief moment before she continued people-watching. It wasn’t as if there was anything else she could do.
Carina continued with cleaning. She held a sponge up to another glass cage, pausing cleaning for a moment. She immediately bowed her head when she heard The Collector say her name.
“Yes, Master,” she spoke timidly.
“Your people have elbows, do they not?” He approached her.
She glanced down at her arms for a second, raising an eyebrow in confusion. “We do, Master.”
“Then use them.”
She looked up at him, trying to hide her fear.
“I don’t have to remind you what happened to the last attendant who disappointed me. Do I?” His tone was cold.
She held back a gasp and glanced away, looking at the poor Krylorian girl locked in a cage. She was hooked up to dangerous electrical wires; blatant fear in her eyes. Carina’s heart ached for her, but there wasn’t anything she could do.
“Chop, chop. Our guests will be here soon,” he added.
Carina remembered the sponge in her hand and went back to cleaning, furiously scrubbing the cage as if her life depended on it; in this case, that wasn’t hard to imagine.
The redhead nearby perked up at the mention of guests. All kinds of people came to visit semi-regularly, but by The Collector’s growing impatience, it sounded different this time. Perhaps some sort of special business deal?
Peter fiddled with his gun, practicing aiming it before the meeting with The Collector.
“Heads up! We’re inbound.” Rocket announced.
Peter placed his gun down and climbed up the ship’s ladder. He looked out of the ship’s main window. Groot sat in the co-pilot’s seat while Rocket focused on piloting. Gamora and Drax stood nearby.
“Whoa.” He exclaimed, seeing how big The Collector’s museum was out in space.
“What is it?” Drax asked.
“It’s called Knowhere. The severed head of an ancient celestial being,” Gamora explained. “Be wary-headed in, rodent.” She looked at Rocket before sitting down. “There are no regulations whatsoever here.”
They flew inside through its eye socket, being careful to fly past the multiple caverns, structures, and all the mining machines. Once they found a place to land, they parked the Milano and got out.
“Hundreds of years ago, the Tivan Group sent workers in to mine the organic matter within the skull. Bone, brain tissue, spinal fluid. All rare resources, highly valued in black markets across the galaxy. It’s dangerous and illegal work, suitable only for outlaws,” she spoke as they walked in, trying to blend in with the local crowds.
“Well, I come from a planet of outlaws. Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde, John Stamos,” Peter rattled off.
“It sounds like a place, which I would like to visit,” Drax commented.
“Yeah, you should.”
A group of kids were running nearby when they saw them, suddenly stopping in front of them.
“Excuse me,” one kid said.
“Watch your wallets.” Peter reminded them.
“Can you spare any units?” Another kid asked.
While the rest of the kids were begging for money, one girl stopped in front of Groot; smiling. She watched curiously as he reached his hand out and started growing a flower in the palm of his hand. Once he was finished, he plucked it and handed it to her. She kindly accepted it and smiled as she looked down at the blossom.
Groot smiled as well and continued with the group as they walked to their destination.
“Your buyer’s in there?” Rocket looked up at Gamora and gestured to the bar in the distance with a tilt of his head.
“We are to wait here for his representative.”
Crowds of people stood outside, waiting to get in. The bouncer at the front roughly threw someone out, letting him fall to the ground.
“This is no respectable establishment. What do you expect us to do while we wait?” Drax complained, not catching on.
The music boomed while everyone inside partied and had a blast. Drax and Rocket cheered as they watched the game on the table while surrounded by the other gamblers; betting on F’saki and Orloni. They watched as one of the Orloni got devoured by a bigger F’saki. Groot didn’t hide his shock. The smile he had turned into a frown.
“Yahoo!” Rocket cheered, holding a dark blue drink in one paw.
Another Orloni ran across the table, trying to escape from being captured. He ultimately lost, getting snatched up and eaten by a F’saki.
“My Orloni has won, as I won at all things!” Drax shouted.
The F’saki looked around the cheering crowd, enjoying all the attention it was receiving.
Drax raised his drink. “Now, let’s put more of this liquid into our bodies.”
Rocket looked at him and raised his glass as well. “That’s the first thing you said that wasn’t bat-shit crazy!”
Outside of the bar, Gamora stood at the railing of a balcony, looking out into space. She turned her head to the sound of Peter’s voice.
“Man, you wouldn’t believe what they charge for fuel out here. I might actually lose money on this job,” Peter spoke, moving to stand next to her.
“My connection is making us wait,” she responded, frankly sounding tired of the whole thing. She absentmindedly polished her blade.
“It’s just a negotiation tactic. Trust me, this is my specialty.” He leaned against the railing, looking at her. “Where yours is more, ‘stab, stab. Those are my terms.’” He deadpanned.
She scoffed lightly and smiled a bit, glancing at him for a moment before looking away. Her smile faded. “My father didn’t stress diplomacy.”
She looked at him again, mildly glaring. “He’s not my father.”
He stayed silent, briefly glancing down before looking at her again.
“When Thanos took my home world, he killed my parents in front of me. He tortured me, turned me into a weapon,” Gamora admitted.
Peter blinked a couple of times, trying to hide his initial shock.
“When he said he was going to destroy an entire planet for Ronan, I couldn’t stand by and…” She trailed off, instead noticing his Walkman.
“Why would you risk your life for this?” She gently grabbed it off his belt, pressing a button on it. It started playing a song.
“My mother gave it to me,” he answered.
She looked up at him.
“My mom liked sharing with me all the pop songs that she loved growing up. I happened to have it on me, when I was… the day that she…” He went silent, trying to steady his voice. “You know, when I left Earth.” He ignored the burn he felt in his throat, getting teary-eyed. He gently took it back from her, clipping it to his belt again.
“What do you do with it?” She asked.
“Do? Nothing. You listen to it. Or you can dance.”
“I’m a warrior and an assassin. I do not dance.” She stated matter-of-factly.
He gave her a look. She ignored it and turned to look back out into space.
“Really? Well, on my planet, there’s a legend about people like you. It’s called Footloose. And in it, a great hero named Kevin Bacon teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that dancing, well… it’s the greatest thing there is.” He slightly lectured.
“Who put the sticks up their butts?” She asked.
“What? No, that’s just a—”
“That is cruel.” She didn’t hide her disdain.
“It’s just a phrase people use,” he explained.
She still furrowed her brows in confusion. Peter took off his headphones and carefully placed them on her head. She took it in for a moment, listening to the music.
“The melody is pleasant!” She raised her voice.
He jumped a little in surprise, but nodded, quickly regaining his composure. He looked into her eyes, slowly reaching his hand out to hers. She hesitantly accepted it. They stood inches apart. He slowly leaned in to kiss her before she quickly pulled her knife out against his throat, shouting, no.
“Ow! What the hell?” He exclaimed, feeling the sharpness of the blade she held against his neck.
“I know who you are, Peter Quill! And I am not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your… your pelvic sorcery!” She told him off.
“That is not what’s happening here.” He choked the words out. The blade was dangerously close to cutting him.
She decided to release him. Peter heard loud shouting coming from the bar. He turned and in the distance saw a fight between Drax and Groot.
“Oh, no.” He groaned in annoyance and headed inside toward the fight.
Drax pinned Groot to the ground, repeatedly punching him in the face. The surrounding crowd shouted and cheered Drax on. Groot grew out his vines and wrapped them around Drax, trying to choke him. He yelled and managed to pull off the vines, breaking them. Rocket aimed his gun at Drax, prepared to shoot him.
Gamora stepped in and pulled Drax off of Groot. “Stop it!”
Rocket ignored her, still ready to shoot. Peter rushed in and stepped in front of Rocket, blocking him.
“Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?!” He exclaimed.
“This vermin speaks of affairs he knows nothing about!” Drax argued. Gamora still held him back.
“That is true!” Rocket admitted, not having any shame.
“He has no respect!” Drax continued.
“That is also true!”
“Hold on! Hold on!” Peter held his hand out, trying to stop the fight from escalating.
Groot finally recovered and stood up, fixing his jaw.
“Keep calling me vermin, tough guy! You just wanna laugh at me like everyone else!” Rocket accused.
“Rocket, you’re drunk. All right? No one’s laughing at you.” Peter tried to calm him down.
“He thinks I’m some stupid thing! He does!” Rocket continued. “Well, I didn’t ask to get made!”
Everyone stared at him, speechless.
“I didn’t ask to be torn apart, and put back together over and over and turned into some…” He took a breath, sounding like he was on the verge of tears. “Some little monster!”
“Rocket, no one is calling you a monster,” Peter spoke.
“He called me ‘vermin’!” He pointed at Drax.
Drax glared at him while Gamora still held him back.
“She called me ‘rodent’!”
Gamora turned her head and looked at him.
Rocket gritted his teeth, and his eyes watered. “Let’s see if you can laugh after five or six good shots to your frickin’ face!” He readied his gun again, aiming at them.
Drax tried to break free of Gamora’s grasp. Peter jumped in to stand in front of Rocket, attempting to get him to stop.
“No, no, no, no! Four billion units! Rocket! Come on, man! Hey!” He stammered.
Rocket bared his teeth, showing his sharp canines.
“Suck it up for one more lousy night and you’re rich.”
Rocket took a while to think it over. He lowered his gun and glanced down, still contemplating. Everyone watched with bated breath. Groot looked away, visibly upset. Rocket furrowed his brows and powered down the gun.
“Fine. But I can’t promise, when all this is over I’m not gonna kill every last one of you jerks,” he said, resigned.
“See? That’s exactly why none of you have any friends!” Peter gestured to all of them. “Five seconds after you meet somebody, you’re already trying to kill them!”
“We have traveled halfway across the quadrant. And Ronan is no closer to being dead.” Drax turned and walked away.
“Let him go.” Gamora watched him leave. “We don’t need him.”
They all turned their heads when they heard the sound of a door opening. Inside stood Carina. “Milady Gamora, I’m here to fetch you for my master.” She bowed and gestured toward the door.
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heckcareoxytwit · 8 months
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Collector brags and shows off to everyone in the room by claiming that he kidnapped Ares from the Greek Afterlife. As Outlaw (Nigel Higgins) asked Iron Man and Gamora about him (Collector), they explained to him who he is. Then, Iron Man tries to be friendly to Maestro but he backs off when the future Hulk threatened to smash him if he keeps calling him 'Banner'. While everyone else are talking, Outlaw notices the cracks in Ares' crystal prison and points out to everyone that Ares is awake. As the crystal is cracking, Guillotine and the others become gung-ho by daring to challenge Maestro even though Stick tries to warn them not to fight him. Moments later, Ares breaks out of the crystal prison and fights Maestro. However, they are too evenly-matched for both Ares and Maestro as they have the higher strength level compared to the other contestants. Guillotine, Iron Man, Gamora and even Outlaw join in the fight but they were swatted away by Maestro. Since Maestro had subdued them, the exhausted Ares had little choice but to stand down. Stick advises to everyone that fighting Maestro without any strategy is a bad idea. Stick explains to them that Ares is instead biding his time in learning weaknesses and figuring out how to take down Maestro without constantly losing.
Contest of Champions #2, 2015
(2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th pics are the close-ups from the 1st pic which is the spread-out page)
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why-i-love-comics · 1 year
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Avengers Unlimited: Infinity Comic #47 - "Casino Andromeda V" (2023)
written by David Pepose art by Ze Carlos & Carlos Lopez
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comicwaren · 9 months
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From Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 7 #009, “The Magnificent Mantis”
Art by Kev Walker, Walden Wong and Matt Hollingsworth
Written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing
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jaladyala · 2 years
(꒪꒳꒪) Fathers
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It's never too late to become dad
Grandmaster is the father who will watch cartoons, even if the child has already left
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mrwolfhare · 11 months
Kind of a drawtober thing.
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20. Escaped
"Taleneer, dear sweet brother from another mother. How are you today? Good? Well I can ruin it for you. I have collected something you won't find anywhere in the galaxy. A one of a kind walking talking creature."
"Oh? Don't tell me you found that Groot I've been looking for."
"What? No! Those things don't exist anymore, I'm talking something amazing. Behold!"
"What.. is that... that's a furry f'saki in a jumpsuit. He... he he.. HA HA HA HA HA HA!"
"Topaz, Topaz, Topaz."
"What? What are you doing with your hand?"
"Kill the feed, this means kill the feed! Where's my Rocket?!"
"That's him."
"That's not him!"
"Yes it is, furry creature with eyes, arms and legs, ears and mouth in clothing."
"That's four ears! That's Mr Huggles! Mr Huggles is wearing Rocket's clothing! Where's my Rocket?"
"That was the only thing in the Rocket cage."
"Okay, damage control. This never happened, cancel the party. We can't have people know about this. No, don't cancel it, change the theme, we fake it, it was meant to be a different party. It's now an orgy party. You don't tell anyone about this. If anyone mentions a talking rodent, we melt them."
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Someone said we’d never see the silly 90s version of the Collector again but jokes on us, we see it at least 1 more time it looks like...
Also he claims it as “coming out of the closet...”
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awakefor48hours · 2 years
From the results of this poll
Please reblog for a larger sample size.
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nicole-tivan123 · 5 months
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I’d smash both at the same time Ngl! 🔥
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lokkasart · 1 year
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I can't draw Thor(
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da-zzi · 1 year
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