#Taurus rising 11 degrees
thatpiscesfish · 2 years
Hiii, i’m new to your page and have been exploring and i love it! I saw a post you did where someone asked about their placements and careers and was wondering if you’re still doing this, could you also tell me about my placements and career? thank you x
taurus ascendant, 11°
pisces sun, 11th house, 5°
pisces moon, 11th house, 7°
aquarius mercury, 10th house, 15°
aries venus, 12th house, 14°
sagittarius mars, 7th house, 4°
gemini jupiter, 1st house, 2°
taurus saturn, 1st house, 24°
aquarius uranus, 11th house, 21°
aquarius neptune, 10th house, 7°
sagittarius pluto, 8th house, 15°
sagittarius chiron, 8th house, 27°
cancer north node, 3rd house, 14°
capricorn midheaven, 23°
aquarius lilith, 10th house, 9°
Hey thank you so much!! Taurus rising comes off kinda reserved and mature. I would say for career, the rising would be important for interviews or meeting clients/co-workers for the first time. So Taurus rising will come off capable and sweet and peaceful. They’re hardworking and easy to get along with so it’s a positive in any work environment. Would probably leave a good first impression on people.
11 degrees is Aquarius energy. This adds fixed energy to the rising and could mean that your are stubborn but it could also mean that you come off persistent and determined and intelligent which employers love. Can be open-minded and open to progressive ideas and good at networking as well. Could show money will come easier.
Pisces sun is dreamy and imaginative and they're also very adaptable. It's likely that they get confused when it comes to careers because they are usually a little good/interested in many things and have trouble focusing on just one. I would recommend something artistic or spiritual, where there's a sense of magic or fulfilment. Pisces loves to help others. Would also prefer flexible hours or freelance.
Sun in the 11th is great at networking and this would be great to find people who work in similar industries and gaining useful contacts. Working with friends might also be common as well as working for a company/business that focuses on the environment or society.
5 degrees sun is Leo energy. It brings a lot of confidence and fame to the sun and can enhance notoriety and a sense of self-assuredness. They may attract attention easily and can be attracted to the arts or a role where they stand out or have to be the leader. Can gravitate to a job that is light-hearted or where there is a playful environment.
Pisces moon is intuitive and empathetic. Absorbs emotions very well. I would then suggest maybe a high pressure environment wouldn't be great because it would be easy for Pisces moon to get burnt out and depressed. An open and comfortable environment is best.
Moon in the 11th would feel safe and comfortable when in the company of close friends that allow them to be themselves and express their likes and dislikes. They feel a deep desire to help others, and also help the environment. So could feel emotionally nourished when given the opportunity to make a difference.
7 degrees moon is Libra energy. Could be great at understanding different sides to a story and promoting peace. Could be very nice to work with and popular at work as well. Might be great as a therapist too or in law/design.
Aquarius mercury is intelligent and has unique ideas. Not afraid to think outside of the box and be a little different. So could be great for them to work in an environment where everyone's voices are heard and taken into account. Doesn't do well with hierarchy so there needs to be a sense of transparency.
Mercury in the 10th could be known for their intelligence. Or their job could consist of a lot of intelligent people or focus on learning and knowledge. Could be a great teacher or speaker.
15 degrees mercury is Gemini energy. Would be knowledgeable about various topics and loves to learn and spread information. Quick learner so that is a positive as well. Could work with siblings or obtain work because of them. May work in technology or communication.
Aries venus is competitive and playful in relationships. These qualities can correspond to work as well in terms of relationships with co-workers but also in terms of tasks. Venus can deal with hobbies which could also talk about what kind of little tasks you may enjoy. So they may thrive in an environment where there is competition for places or there are incentives. Aries likes games and likes to win.
Venus in the 12th is exalted so venus is in a higher octave in that house. It can seem that harmony and peace are priorities and so this placement is great for being spiritual and artistic. It's great for working in a religious organisation, in therapy, or in the arts.
14 degrees venus is Taurus energy. This could show that obtaining money will not be too hard and it could be through something artistic or nurturing. Taurus is great at growing things like gardening or doing anything that requires care and patience. Detail-oriented.
Sagittarius mars is athletic and flexible. They like to go with the flow and can be very sporty. Loves to have fun and be playful. Adventurous and could also love to travel. A job that involves flexibility and possible travel could be great. Or maybe one that has a sports component to it. Also passionate about cultures and education and spirituality so these could be important.
Mars in the 7th could show that working with partners can be a little chaotic. A bit up and down and prone to blow ups. It could also show a more passive mindset where the person thinks and plans before they act. So it might be good to work in an industry where you have time to think things through and don’t need to make split second decisions.
4 degrees mars is Cancer energy. Could obtain a lot of energy or have been challenged a lot through their family or childhood. Learnt a lot of hard lessons in that time. Again this is passive energy.
Gemini jupiter would find luck in communication. They could be skilled with their speech or learning in general. So this points to a fruitful career in information and media.
Jupiter in the 1st can make you come off as someone that is fun and lighthearted. You may seem like you have it easy even if you don’t. People feel safe to approach you and talk to you so this is great if the job requires direct communication or people needing to trust you.
2 degrees jupiter is Taurus energy. This gives more luck when it comes to saving and obtaining money. Good with finances and jobs. Also brings a lot of prosperity and success so this is actually really great combined with jupiter as this planet expands everything.
Taurus saturn is disciplined with their money and knows how to work hard. Knows how to save and spend wisely and knows the value in putting effort in to reap the rewards later. Patient.
Saturn in the 1st comes off mature and serious. This can sound conflicting with jupiter in the 1st but these go hand in hand nicely. You can appear serious while also knowing when to have fun. So there’s actually a nice balance as employers will still feel like they can trust you.
24 degrees saturn is Pisces energy which I described here.
Aquarius uranus points to someone mindful of their wider community and having to confront issues like social justice and climate change.
Uranus in the 11th is at home and shows someone who is capable of unique thought when it comes to technology/environmental issues. Creative and innovative and intelligent as well. Probably is interested in these things and will want to contribute positively to these areas.
21 degrees uranus is Sagittarius energy. This is rebellious energy and someone that is interested in spiritual and cultural matters. Might be very progressive in these areas and want to modernise them. This also points to travel and may have random trips abroad.
Aquarius neptune is mindful and progressive with things to do with imagination, mental health, spirituality and art. Comes at it from a logical perspective that aims at bettering the greater good.
Neptune in the 10th could point to having an artistic or spiritual career. Or could point to having one that is unknown or confusing to others. Something secret or vague. You could be hard to read to others or people might have a hard time figuring out who you really are. There’s this sense of detachment or elusiveness. This could also show up as someone who has authority e.g. as a therapist or police officer it’s you investigating others and not others investigating you. So you would be the one that no one knows much about.
7 degrees neptune is Libra energy. Could have peaceful dreams or dream about relationships a lot. Could prefer doing things with others as opposed to doing them alone. Might have unclear matters with the law or with relationships. Things are vague. Skilled at aesthetics and design.
Sagittarius pluto is transformative in matters of spirituality and higher education. Also expansive when it comes to travel and cultures. May be interested in these things or want to bring about change in these areas. Can find a lot of power here or cause massive change.
Pluto in the 8th is at home and may find themselves being profoundly changed when in intimate situations. Finds it hard to trust others and let their guard down. I would think it would be hard to work closely with someone you’ve just met and would probably prefer to work with someone you really trust. Can make money but should be careful with it and use it wisely.
15 degrees pluto is Gemini energy. Can be skilled at uncovering deep information about various topics. Doesn’t just look at the surface but also what’s beneath. Observant and has a sharp mind. Doesn’t let things go unnoticed.
Sagittarius chiron will have wounds related to spirituality or travel or even higher education. Could have gone through trauma in these themes or may have a bad feeling with them. It’s important to heal and confront certain things in a way that isn’t filled with pressure and doesn’t make someone uncomfortable. Closure is also important.
Chiron in the 8th may have found these wounds in an intimate relationship or when investigating something deeply. Uncovering truths and asking too many questions. This can cause someone to have trouble trusting and relying on others. May be best to work alone or with people who you are 100% confident in.
27 degrees chiron is Gemini energy. The wounds may have to do with siblings or neighbours. Or maybe school could have been a hard time. May have had to with gossip and information.
Cancer north node can point to having to embrace a more nurturing and feminine side. Having to rely on emotions and not just facts. Not being a workaholic and prioritising family or close friends. Value doesn’t just come from money but also feeling. May be skilled at domestic jobs like cooking or ones to do with family/home like midwifery or interior design.
North node in the 3rd may achieve a higher purpose with the help of media and technology. They may also be encouraged to embrace communication and relaying their thoughts. Also to embrace close contacts and trips and not having to go far to find what they’re looking for.
14 degrees north node is Taurus energy. Seeking harmony and stability and not being paranoid about everything will help a lot. Trusting more and not always feeling like things aren’t adding up. Not being suspicious all the time will help. Leaving things alone and not meddling.
Capricorn mc could find themselves working in a traditional setting or with a traditional structure. Or they are likely to be successful as they come across capable and hardworking. Has ambitions and wants to climb to the top. May overwork themselves and be stressed about financial stability but it’s important not to prioritise these things.
23 degrees mc is Aquarius energy. Is structured and organised with work but also has an innovative and progressive streak. Again, this points to technology and modernism. And working to alleviate societal and environmental issues.
Aquarius lilith is rebellious and progressive. May be feared because of how much disregard there can be for rules. Unpredictable and wants to dismantle current societal structures. Has a lot of original thoughts and may be copied a lot and imitated by others who can’t think for themselves.
Lilith in the 10th could appear this way at work. Independent and powerful and may intimidate others, especially people who are insecure. May want to change things around in the company or attract scandals there. People may talk about them a lot.
9 degrees lilith is Sagittarius energy. Fiery and impulsive and playful. Could come alive when going on adventures or doing their own thing. Adaptable and skilled in a lot of different environments.
I would suggest something artistic or spiritual that gives you freedom to work in your own way/time. Also something modern that lets you use communication or technology. You’re welcome!!
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harmoonix · 4 months
Fashion/Beauty Astrology Observations
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~ Find your style ~
♥ - Air Risings/Air Venus, usually these natives tend to appear taller in height, slim body, their body especially their legs are out in evidence
♥ - Fire or Earth Mars natives have some of the baddest walks, body full of movement, strike the pose, confidence
♥ - Earth Risings/Earth Venus, the mother earth meets the naturalness beauty, they look beautiful with makeup or not, the natural beauty, the bossy attitude, sassy, everything in one piece
♥ - Libra or Taurus degrees on your Sun, Moon or your Rising gives venusian beauty, a little drop from Venus beauty is moved into you
Libra Degrees 7°, 19°
Taurus Degrees 2°, 14°, 26°
♥ - Scorpio Risings/Sun/Moons/Venus/Mars appear to be magnetic and hypotonic, whenever they go, they get eyes on them immediately
♥ - Gemini Placements especially Venus/Sun and Rising have a curious beauty, people are curious about your beauty and simply stare at you
❤️ - Sagittarius & Gemini Liliths, might have the most jovial lilith out there, don't forget how good she can feel in these signs because of the self expression and the free will. Afterall all Lilith wanted from God was to be free (From Adam but thats another story)
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♥ - Leo Placements, Leo Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus, of course the star of the show, Leo is known for having a very beautiful face features, eyebrows, eyes and their back can stand up! Looks good in clothes that reveal your back
♥ - Sagittarius/Pisces/Cancer Venus/Rising/Moon > Exotic beauty, and because of that people can often admire your beauty from afar, those eyes you don't always see but they are there
♥ - Capricorn & Aries Placements, My dear goats, your horns are able to stab any heart you want, the heart becomes obsessed with the looks and the energy of the native
♥ - Aquarius Placements Beauty, If you would be able to open them up, they'd be full of diamonds inside, Aquarius is known to wear provocative clothes to stand out
♥ - Venus in your 1st/10th/11th, your beauty is made for the public, people can often appreciate how you style and your overall energy
♥ - Virgo Placements Beauty, There is a saying Virgo chosed to be a virgin so no one can steal their pure energy, Virgo is a soft sign but in the same sharp and intelligent, they won't be let down by nobody
♥ - Lilith in Water Signs, > Make them obsessed with you, you can simply get hate for the way you feel and people can make you feel bad, well keep them obsessed because you work harder than the devil
♥ - Lilith in Fire Signs > Make them regret, people can steal your happiness, don't show your happiness to those to may hate you in secret
♥ - Stand out of the crowd if you have Aquarius Degrees on your Venus/Rising/Sun
Aqua Degrees 11°, 23°
♥ - Lilith in Air Signs, People can often gossip or talk bad about you, it's important to be yourself, to let yourself free and to stop caring about others opinions, make them feel embarrassed if they spread fake rumors
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♥ - Juno aspecting the ascendant, your beauty can be appreciated by people who will want you only for them
♥ - Venus aspecting the ascendant, your beauty is just like Venus, permanent and peaceful, Venus is here to support you and to help you with loving yourself
♥ - Mercury aspecting Venus, these natives have a very beautiful, catchy voice, elegant voice, charming personality and easily liked by others
♥ - Mercury aspecting Neptune, in a way people can become addicted to hearing your voice, it can be peaceful like the ocean waves
♥- Scorpio Degrees on your placements can make you feel like you attract too much attention and sometimes it can be the wrong type of attention
Scorpio Degrees 8°, 20°
♥ - Lilith in Earth Signs > People can be envy your success, your victories. So double check with who you share those good wins with
♥ - Sagittarius Mercury/Leo Mercury/Aries Mercury, they are those savage or sassy people in a conversation, or those who make a joke in the middle of the conversation and then y'all forget what we were talking about
𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲'𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭
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♥ - Jupiter or Uranus and Saturn in the 1st house is when you can become very popular just for being yourself, for being authentic
♥ - Neptune in the 1st house is blinded by the lights, sometimes they don't realize how beautiful and unique they are
♥ - Mars in Virgo/Mars in Virgo Degrees has something to do with their waist or stomach area, you always dress or show it to the world, you can even have a belly button
Virgo Degrees 6°. 18°
♥ - Moon in the 2nd/8H/12H/ houses are those natives who just wanna hide away from the public/people, you deserve to to shine!!
♥ - Moon aspecting the ascendant is so calm, caring, kind, they love to share emotional connections with others and you just want to protect them!
♥ - Saturn aspecting the ascendant, grows slowly like a tree, in time they learn things, they evolve, they learn about people, about themselves, how to love and how to live
♥ - Saturn aspecting the Moon have their own inner world, that world can be sensible for some of them, but beside that they make sure to make everyone feel safe
❤️ - Capricorn & Cancer Liliths, I love this axis of Lilith because they both know how to seduce using the emotional state of a person, in a way they're comforting while seducing as well
𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
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♥ - Gemini, Virgo and Libra Moons can be very indecisive, even when it comes to fashion they might not know what to wear in that specific day
♥ - North Node aspecting the ascendant really gives "legend or myth" vibes, you're a legend ready to go on your path
♥ - North Node aspecting Venus is all about learning how to love and to accept love beside your phenomenal style, lies a heart that wants to know more about relationships
♥ - Cancer Degrees on ascendant really give sweetheart vibes, you just wanna hug them all day, they can dress based on how they feel/mood
Cancer Degrees 4°, 16°, 28°
♥ - Leo/Aries/Aquarius Juno give funny spouses, maybe not from the first sight but if you stick with them til the end, it can evolve
♥ - Capricorn and Scorpio Juno really want a long time partner, they love long lasting relationships
♥ - Not really an astro observation but you can try to wear jewelry based on your vein colors
If you have blue or purple-ish veins, then you are cool toned, silver and rosegold can go for this
If you have green veins then you have a warm tone, gold is great with these
♥ - Capricorn Risings can have chances to reach modelling with their strong ambition and perseverance, lots of models have Cap Rising
𝐆𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰
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♥ - Gemini Degrees on your sun/moon/rising or Venus, gives charm upon the native, their voice can give you chills tho
Gemini Degrees 3°, 15°, 27°
♥ - Mars/Pluto/Sun and Lilith in the 1st house are bad bitches for real, their energy is "I'm the boss". Category: Bad Bitch Superstar
♥ - Crazy how Madonna is a Virgo Rising and she got called a "Demon" just be being herself and for trying to make women feeling comfortable in clothes, she will forever be mother of the house
♥ - Capricorn & Cancer Moons, both know how is to feel uncomfortable or anxious, but the thing is to feel comfortable for being YOU! being yourself is the best thing you can do to evolve
♥ - Libra & Leo Lilith have such an elegant style! Is giving icon! Make them addicted
♥ - Pisces Venus/Rising/Mercury, an intense yet charming power placement, dreamy, most of them are the chill people ever. I adore their energy
♥ - Saturn in your 6H makes you to be serious and charming in the same time, you know those people who are both smart and sexy
♥ - Some of the hottest to have in your BIG 3 (by elements)
Fire Rising, Earth Sun, Water Moon
Water Rising, Air Sun, Fire Moon
Air Moon, Fire Sun, Air Rising
Earth Risings, Air Sun, Water Moon
Water Rising, Water Sun, Fire Rising
Earth Rising, Earth Moon, Fire Sun
Fire Sun, Fire Rising, Earth Moon
Air Rising, Air Moon, Earth Sun
♥ - Having Juno aspecting your Midheaven, you can be known for dating someone public/more popular. Think also of a person who is also supported by their spouse
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♥ - Style/Fashion/Attitude. Hope you like this post as much as me 🥰 lots of love to everyone! The observations are applied to both vedic/sidereal and tropical.
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astrocafecoffee · 24 days
Born persona (13954) chart notes
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♡ sun in 23° or 11°/ in Aquarius can indicate you are born to be famous in social media at some point.
♡ Sun in 1st house can mean people literally admire you for your beauty. You can be a great "Beauty symbol".
♡ mars in Aquarius/ in Aquarius degree can mean people are obsessed with you in your social group, even in social media.
♡ if you have born asteroid in 27° / 3°/ 15° then people listens to you very carefully. Peoples comes to you for advice. You are born to be a great speaker / motivator.
♡singer asteroid ( 10698) in 10th house / in leo degree / in leo can mean you are born to be famous as a singer / musician.
♡ I have seen also people with gemini mc are also great singers. These peoples can sing really well even if they've never learned how to sing.
♡ Aphrodite ( 1388) asteroid in 10th house can indicate people sextualise you a lot in your work place . / People crushing on you like hell.
♡ Aphrodite in Aquarius/ Aquarius degree can mean people seeing you in internet and sextualising your every move.
♡ Aphrodite in 8th house/ in scorpio/ scorpio degree - bye! Be careful guys. 💀
♡ midheaven in Pisces/ or 12° and 24° can mean you can be like the "face of the office". People hiring you for your beauty in their office/ work.
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♡ Apollo asteroid in leo / in leo degrees/ in 5th house can indicate you are born to be famous through your artistic career/ or people admiring you in your social circle.
♡ part of fortune in 12th house can indicate being favourite child of divine or you are very spiritual. You are born to motivate people/ help people through your spiritual practices.
♡ Jupiter in Taurus degree / in Taurus can indicate you are born to be rich. But remember everything wants effort. So put your efforts, you will see great result in your financial area.
♡ Jupiter in cancer / Virgo can indicate you are born to heal people. It can be through anything.
♡north node in 2° / Taurus can indicate born to be rich.
♡ 1998 - BU48 ( 33128)at 29°/ in Taurus or in Taurus degree - people know that you are rich af.
♡ Venus in Sagittarius/ in Sagittarius degree could mean most of your partner is different than you in some way. ( Either different upbringing, different language, different morals, different cultures/ countries etc).
♡ Venus in 11th could mean most of your good in making friends online/ from different part of the world.
♡ Fama in 1st house is self explanatory, born to be famous for your looks in your circle / in media. If it's conjunct webb or europa asteroid then the effect is strong.
♡ Webb conjunct rising means you will blow up internet. There's no going back.
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♡ industria/ enterprise asteroid at Scorpio could mean you are born to be a great psychologist.
♡ Capricorn stellium/ leo stellium/ 5th house stellium/ 10th house stellium - you will be very well known / famous.
♡1999 CE119 ( 129746) in 1st house could mean attaining high status for your glamorous beauty.
♡ saturn conjunct fama - you will experience long term fame.
♡ born asteroid conjunct fama - ofcourse you will be famous. But 1st of all are you ready for hard work? ... You can achieve anything if you work hard for it.
♡ North node in 9th house - you will live abroad at some point of your life.
♡ talent asteroid will help you to find out your hidden talent or in which area you are best in.
♡in which ever sign groom / briede / juno asteroid is in , this sign can be significant in your fs chart.
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Thanks for reading ✨
- Piko 💫
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lilacstro · 4 months
Astro Observations pt 2
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1.If you have sun conjunct ascendant//sun in 10th house, people might really see who you really are or your real personality maybe visible to people you choose to interact with.
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2. People who's sun and mercury match, they more than most of the time, say what they really mean
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3. People who have Sag sun/stellium usually have a strong liking for some kind of mainstream media, like kpop? football? bollywood?
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4. The sign of your fifth house can influence how you like spending your leisure time. Example:
Capricorn 5th house might like cleaning as a form of relaxing or spending their free time
Leo 5th house might want entertainment or hanging out with a group of friends, social circles
Gemini 5th house might like scrolling the internet or talking about their favourite shows and dramas
Pisces 5th house might like day dreaming or doodling or creative working
Libra 5th house might put make up on just because, or doing a whole self care routine
Taurus 5th house might just lay in bed and sleep? lol maybe cook something or play some instrument if they please.
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5. Jupiter is said to expand. People who may have sun conjunct Jupiter may have huge sense of self or awareness of identity, which is really good in a world where people try to tell you who you are. However, this needs to be checked so it does not turn into a huge ego
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6. Sagittarius women could really like dancing
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7. 8th house stellium could deal with sleep paralysis or insomnia or some kind of mental health related problem at some point in their life for sure
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8. 12th house stelliums could really like day dreaming a lot
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9. Most Libra people I have met are usually already well liked regardless of anything. and the ones that aren't, really care about being liked by people.
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10. Speaking of this, most libra placements, esp suns, may really be gossiped about or do gossips.
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11. Sagittarius placements (sun and rising esp) always have something going on with their teeth. Its either crooked, it may have had an injury and even if its perfect, they might be a little insecure about it at least for a brief period in their life
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12. Neptune in 7th house could mean the native has kind of like imaginary ideals about their partner. It could also be that they "like the idea of someone more than the person" or straight up like imaginary characters as ideals
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13. Sag mercury women usually are very vocal. May advocate for things like unequal rights, feminism, maybe the first one to speak. tbh sag mercuries overall are the types to take part in global challenges and really take time out to think about it seriously.
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14. Sun in 8th house is a mysterious placement. Sun in 8th house won't reveal themselves to you. To be fairly honest, growing up their personality goes through a lot of transformation before they finally get to even know themselves and who they are. They could also be very introspective if not self aware
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15. while Moon in 8th house natives are usually said that they won't reveal their true emotions, I'd say that's subjective since they are actually "aware" of their feelings on a deep level. This depends on the sign and degree of the moon imo. However, they may instead absolutely illusion you into thinking "you know everything about them" lol. Also, they could eventually get very emotionally intelligent in their lives with time. They may also never fully reveal their past to someone.
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16. Moon in 8th house can have two moods. I know this will happen. See this happened. OR I know EXACTLY why this did not happen lol. Very intuitive.
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17. Moon in Gemini degrees can indicate being able to verbalize and intellectualize emotions better than most people. While Moon in Aquarius or Capricorn may suggest otherwise.
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18. Idk how but most Aquarius people I have seen have either of these two things. Being extremely different than most people (in a good or bad way) in some way or the other, a different thinking than most. OR, being really really good with Internet related stuff, like maybe freelance? Digital Media? Social Media?
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19. Venus/Sun/Moon in virgos will get you the small thing you mentioned in a random seemingly unimportant conversation for your birthday gift.
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20. A placement that makes me think of "attractive personality" is Venus in harmonious aspects with mercury.
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21. Mars in 5th house/1st house are said to be automatically physically active or athletic. While this maybe true, mars or any other planet at a weak degree or Mars in Earth signs may not manifest that way, even though it may seem otherwise.
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22. I think mercury in 11th house is an OG placement for over thinkers or the people who are thinking how would it feel to get married while riding the car/train and looking outside, or being constantly in their head the second they woke up.
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23. " I am so stupid in love"- Pisces, Cancer placements.
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24. Neptune in 3rd/11th house placements could have a social media or chronically online addiction.
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25. Sun in 1st house in SR can indicate getting a sense of identity and purpose and moreover finding yourself again
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26. Uranus in 12th house in SR can indicate a change/transformation in old belief systems and thoughts
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Well, I am thinking of making proper dedicated posts now instead of random notes like that. What suggestions do you have? I would loveee to know.
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starsworldd · 7 months
Solar Return Observations pt. 9: Long Edition
readings are open
take with a grain of salt
made using whole signs + 3 degree orbs or less
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💜 you could feel sleepier during years you have pisces rising in the solar chart
💜 having mars in the 12th can also indicate taking way more naps that year too
💜 years which you have mars retrograde could be years where you tackle past/buried issues
💜 mars conjunct another planet shows having to fight for your place/goals related to the house that the other planet rules (ex: leo in 11th house -> mars conjunct sun (the ruler of 11th house in this case) could mean that you have to put more effort to be included in group activities)
💜 also mars conjunct sun is a BUSY year
💜 where the asteroids forte (8780) and fama (408) land in your sr chart show the most prominent themes in your year ahead as well as the houses where leo and cancer fall
💜 conversely, the houses that capricorn and aquarius occupy are themes that you’re hung up on throughout the year, it’s hard to bring these themes to your satisfaction
💜 having the chart ruler of your juno persona chart for that year in the 12th house can indicate a loss of friends or a partner that year
💜 having pallas conjunct your 12th house ruler can show that you are constructive and productive even in times of distress or isolation throughout the year
💜 having venus trine uranus can indicate a lot of fun in the year ahead, especially with online friends, games, social media, etc…
💜 planets that trine neptune create ease/relaxation (ex: mercury trine neptune could mean less school or social stress in the year ahead)
💜 pay attention to when saturn is on the angles (asc, dsc, ic, mc), those are most likely going to be especially important years where you reach the pinnacle of some sphere in your life (the house tells you which theme/sphere)
💜 juno in the 12th house can indicate having secret admirers that year
💜 wherever aries chiron lands in your sr chart shows where you’re forced to endure and overcome wounds, there’s no escape (especially if it’s retrograde)
💜 having aries or scorpio in the 10th or mc shows breaking barriers/records that year (whether that’s on a personal or community level)
💜 similarly, having capricorn/aquarius in the mc/10th can also mean breaking records/barriers but the recognition and/or fulfillment you should receive will most likely have to wait
💜 aphrodite (1388) indicates where there’s the most drama in the year ahead
💜 having any of the work houses’ (2, 6, 10) rulers on the angles represents a culmination/fruition of a project or goal
💜 having a capricorn stellium indicates success and a likelihood of recognition having to do with the houses’ themes
💜 having gemini, libra, or taurus as your solar rising or as your rising in your ascendant pc chart for that year indicates popularity
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💜 moon in venusian signs also indicate popularity and possibility of attracting more lovers as well
💜 having a succedent house’s (2, 5, 8, 11) ruler in another succedent house OR having a planet in domicile/exaltation in one of these houses can indicate wealth
💜 having any wealth-related asteroids (mony, banks, gold, etc…) in sagittarius can mean a growth in finances that year
💜 having asteroid valentine (447) in the 4th house indicates a supportive home life
💜 asteroid valentine conjunct natal neptune means having really really good experiences with a lover or a good friend
💜 juno in the 8th house can indicate a secure and in-depth partnership coming your way that year
💜 jupiter conjunct pallas (solar or solar x natal) indicates a strategic plan that pays off
💜 having mercury aspect venus can mean getting more compliments that year
💜 having uranus conjunct part of fortune (solar or solar x natal) indicates an unexpected good surprise. the solar and natal house that it falls in specifies where the surprise may come in
💜 having part of fortune in your natal 9th house shows an abundance of opportunities and possible recognition (sun has joy in the 9th house)
💜 having pluto in the first house of your mc persona chart could mean a significant change in your goals/career/ambitions
💜 i recommend looking at your solar return chart ruler’s persona chart for more details about what could happen in the year ahead
💜 pluto aspecting the mc in your solar chart shows a step up in power/reputation by doing something significant
💜 having the sun placed in the 8th house in your talent asteroid (33154) pc shows doing something ground-breaking and amazing with your talents
💜 having the 7th house ruler in the 5th house means that your relationships with others bring lots of good opportunities to you (fun, travel, doing games, etc…)
💜 having aries or scorpio as the rising sign of your mc pc for that year indicates a lot of activity in your work and/or public life
💜 having a 1st house stellium can show a fresh start in the sign the stellium is in (ex: libra stellium in the 1st house can show a new beauty regiment that you take on in the year ahead)
💜 8 degrees on the ascendant can mean that you’re wayyy more determined and require more alone time as well that year
💜 having mercury in the 1st house of your dsc pc shows talking to a variety of people (the sign of mercury can show why)
💜 having the chart ruler in domicile in your dsc pc means being more popular that year
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hope you enjoyed!
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sunkissedchld · 9 months
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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these are astro observations based on people's charts in @d4rkpluto's astrotumblr yearbook discord! thank you to the following people for sharing their charts:
@selfishcoke @bitdemonic @fxiryheiize
@beyonceluvr @starsworldd @neptunes-sol-angel
disclaimer: i interpret charts in whole sign
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⟡ with leo aphrodite in the 1H, your beauty could make you stand out easily in a room; attention naturally comes towards you.
✦ this definitely gets emphasized with a 1H leo stellium.
⟡ virgo venus in the 2H also indicates captivating beauty.
⟡ 12H venus can make one's beauty come off as dreamy. you could have proportions and/or features that seem unreal or unique. 
⟡ venus at the 20° can indicate jealousy; this is even more heightened with the aspects to pluto; people might even see you as unapproachable because of your beauty.
✦ ascendant conjunct pluto can also be an indicator for people being drawn towards you but also people being jealous/envious of you.
⟡ positive venus-mars aspects could make people very drawn to you - in general, but especially sexually. 
✦ if there was a conjunction in the 6H, they could often fantasize about what you could do for/to them and vice versa. ✦ if these placements are in 4H/9H, people could fantasize about having a family with you.
⟡ jupiter in 1H could make your feature seem bigger and/or more rounded compared to other people with your rising sign who may not have that.
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⟡ aphrodite conjunct mercury can make your words come off as alluring and captivating to others.
✦ with both in leo in the 1H, people could love when you praise them or pay attention to them; people could do certain things just to hear you talk about them. ✦ you could also get massive wealth because of the way you can sweet talk people - this is heightened with mercury at the 11​​​° and the aspects to jupiter and north node.
⟡ 10H jupiter could make people see you as naturally lucky or as someone who always gets what they want.
✦ this placement in virgo making positive aspects to venus could make people think your reputation is so good because of your looks; people could say you have pretty privilege.
⟡ uranus in the 10H can indicate being seen as a trailblazer or as someone who is very eccentric.
✦ with this placement at 2°, you could even gain power and finances from this reputation.
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⟡ some placements indicating being good with words, writing, and/or talking (in general but especially when interacting with others) include: libra jupiter at a taurus degree in the 3H, libra fama in 3H, jupiter sextile mercury.
✦ these are not the only indicators - just some i noticed in one of the charts sent.
⟡ with fama at 22°, the same thing that brings you fame can also be your greatest downfall. with fama sextile pluto, your fame could be long lasting, and you could change the standards for the area you become famous in.
✦ for example, earlier i mentioned speaking and writing, so you could create a new way of writing that becomes popular, or your way of speaking could be heavily studied.
⟡ libra fama in the 9H can indicate gaining fame because of an ability to bridge gaps in higher education; as an example, you could combine theories helping to bring about a new discovery, or you could put together two different fields to bring out different qualities in each one.
⟡ leo asteroid Starr in the 7H can indicate gaining fame from the people you date and become friends with.
⟡ if your north node is in the 10H, you’ll need to learn to be comfortable being seen in the public eye.
⟡ with asteroid Singer in the 8H, your singing could come off as very sultry and passionate.
✦ this is emphasized if the sign is in aries and conjunct mercury; it could make people feel drawn to your voice/music. ✦ with this placement in a taurus degree, you could likely gain wealth from singing.
⟡ aquarius uranus at 29° could indicate being very radical when it comes to rebelling against traditional ideas. 
✦ for example, if this placement was in the third house, you could have different thoughts on how communication with others should be. you could have very different ideas of how education should be and how people should interact socially. maybe you think people need to be harshly reprimanded sometimes or you think homeschooling should be more widespread (these are just examples - not literal things you may believe).
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⟡ juno conjunct chiron could indicate a future spouse that helps you conquer your chiron wounds.
⟡ 7H sagittarius stellium can indicate being very open to non-traditional relationships and partnerships.
⟡ aries moon at 29° could indicate having good intuition when it comes to immediately knowing if someone is a good/trustworthy person or not; you could end up not liking people for seemingly no reason just to eventually discover an actual reason that makes everyone look at that person differently.
✦ this intuition could be better when you’re a child if this placement is in the 3H.
⟡ chiron conjunct venus in the 7H can make it hard for you to form relationships with others.
✦ for example, if these placements were in capricorn, maybe people think you have to strict expectations for how a relationship is supposed to play out; they could feel as if they can never live up to your expectations. ✦ the 7H represents all relationships - romantic, friendly, familial, etc.
⟡ jupiter in the 11H at 2° could indicate having a lot of power over your friend group; it could also mean you make friends and connections easily - with that it can also indicate a large friend group.
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⟡ libra sun at 22° in 11H could make you heavily empathetic towards people - to the point where you may not know how to separate your feelings and self from others.
⟡ capricorn chiron in 8H could indicate being keenly aware of taboo things or wanting to avoid them altogether. for example, someone may want to be very involved in knowing about someone's final wishes when they die (ie. how they wanna be buried, their will, etc.), or they may avoid the topic altogether and not want to acknowledge the fact that the person will die.
⟡ mars conjunct chiron could make it harder for one to overcome their wounds associated with the asteroid. this placement reminds me of someone who has anxiety so bad they struggle to confront what makes them anxious without professional help.
⟡ leo saturn at 11° can indicate gaining immense wealth when meeting obstacles head on or embracing things you’re avoiding; in short, what you’re most scared of can become your biggest asset.
⟡ pluto in 4H could make for a chaotic home life and/or inner emotional world. 
✦ with this placement in sagittarius, you might’ve had to move homes/states/countries a lot. ✦ with this placement at 22°, confronting your chaotic home life and/or inner emotions is key because if you ignore them, they could impact you negatively in the long run. using the sagittarius example, you may never figure out how and where to settle down in life - you could always find yourself running away from what you need to confront.
⟡ chiron in the 6H could make it hard for you to establish firm routines.
⟡ moon in the 8H could make you hide or try to bury your emotions - from others, but also from yourselves. 
✦ this disconnect between yourself and your emotions could be heightened if this placement is at 23°; when you feel your emotions, it could feel excessive regardless of the specific emotion.
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starrysunbeam · 3 months
astrology observations 5 ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
-aries mercury or in 3rd house interrupt people a lot esp as children
-taureans🤝rocking a septum piercing
-i have my natal moon at 11 degrees, and my boyfriend and close friend do as well. nikola associates this degree with divorce, and both my bf and friend have divorced parents. my parents were considering divorce at one point but my father passed. so from what i can tell, this is accurate!
-lots of cancer or taurus in the 5th house natives love chain restaurants lmao
-aquarius rising/uranus 1st house people will wear bold/“different” makeup, the type to wear blue lipstick, shave their eyebrows, dye their hair a lot, hair glitter, etc.
-make sure you know your progressed moon sign & house, it’s kind of like a “season” of your evolution - and arguably more accurate than transits. it lasts about 2 years. ex. libra moon - relationship and give-and-take will be prominent.
-if ur aware of the kendrick lamar and drake beef, kendrick’s 10th house mercury/mars was conjunct drake’s 12th house (using whole sign method)☕️😂iykyk
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #17
• Aries/Gemini placements are the types to chase after their crushes at parties or just in general they love the chasing lmao!😂
• Fire Mars love language is being mean but then complementing the other person’s talents and boast about them to others! 😭
•Earth mars at Sagittarius/Gemini degrees 🤝 whispering/saying dirty things in their partner’s ear during the act.
• 9H/Sagittarius moons either believe in a higher being or they think it’s a waste of time and it’s confusing. No in between!😽
• 7H moons tend to seek validation from their closest friends/peers.
• Taurus/2H moons are literally those relatives who will teach you about cooking or will call you down to the kitchen to watch them cook.
• Having an Aquarius moon with a Gemini rising isn’t for the emotionally weak!🤣 Tell me why somebody could be crying and I’m feeling every emotion they are. I can even nod understandingly but my face looks like this—😐. 😭🤣🤣
• Libra placements especially risings tend to have parents who often criticize other people’s outfits or weights.
• People with rising at 11 or 23 degree sometimes act like they’re on crack but I promise that’s just them in their natural habitat. 💀
• Air placements often show affection by goofing around trying to make their loved ones/friends laugh. 🍄
• Earth placements often show affection through showing others that they’re attentive and they get genuinely concerned with people. 🌻
• If someone with Fire in their big 6 says mean jokes to you or about you followed by a roaring chuckle. Then they adore you lmao.💫
• If someone with Water in their big 6 are there for you as a shoulder to cry on or opens up to you/let’s you vent to them. Then they really care about you. 🐚
• Your 7H sign might be your Venus person chart’s rising sign!
• You might attract/be attracted to people who have their big 6 corresponding to your Vesta sign placement. E.g. One of my ex’s has their Vesta in Sagittarius at 10 degree in the 5H and I’m a 10H stellium, my moon is in the 9H, my mars is at 21 degree, my Mercury is at 5 degree and my Jupiter is in the 5H.😭 Then my Vesta is in Aries at 22 degree in the 11H and their moon is in the 1H, they have a 10H Aries mars, their sun is in the 11H and they have a Capricorn descendant.💀
• Fire moons love to get touchy with people especially Aries moons. They’ll act all excited around you and hit your shoulder and all.😭🤍
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janesgms · 2 years
Astro notes - 03
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Having three or more planets in the 10th house or in the 10°/22° degrees (in the natal chart and persona charts) means you'll be sucessful in life and will achieve your desired job (or at least a dignified job), now, the way you will achieve it will depend on the planets and its aspects.
Also, having juno in the 10th house is a huge indicator of having a spouse who's gonna be successful in life, you'll be on the same page regarding your career life
Having the asteroids angel (11911) and angelou (9011) in aquarius degrees (11° and 23°) means your guardian angel and spiritual guides communicate to you through angel numbers, (specially 111/1111), equal hours, butterflies (specially white ones), repetition of specific names and number patterns on the internet... Also, have you realized both of these have 11 in their codes? This is too much of a coincidence lol
Juno (3) conjunctions in your chart means which characteristics your spouse will have. Having angel conjunct juno means you'll have a very intuitive/spiritual spouse. Having psyche (16) conjunct juno means you'll have an intelligent spouse. Juno conjunct ceres means you will have a nurturing spouse. Juno conjunct pallas means you'll have a straight forward spouse. etc
Boda (1487) conjunctions will indicate how your marriage may be and how you'll act towards it. Having boda conjunct moon means you will have an emotional marriage and you'll probably cry at it. Having boda conjunct pluto means you will have an intense, mysteryous and secluded marriage. Having boda conjunct vesta means you will be very devoted to your marriage.
Vesta conjunctions mean what you will devote to. Saturn conjunct vesta in synastry indicates both will be loyal and devoted at each other, marriage indicator.
Having kiss conjunct/sextile lilith in natal means you're a sensual kisser, and you put everyone under a spell with your kisses (good kisser in general)
I have a theory that the asteroid atlantis (1198) means what's repressed inside us that need to be worked on, also represents what's hidden in us even to ourselves sometimes. for ex: having atlantis on the 12° and conjuncting neptune can mean your dreams are repressed and you can't remember them clearly, but they feel like they're important, or, when you remember them, they're more of a nightmare than a dream, with disturbing feelings regarding them, this also can indicate having premonitory dreams
Having pluto, neptune or uranus in the 6th house is a very difficult aspect to have, because you deal with these issues daily in your life and you literally can't run away from them. Neptune in the 6th can indicate being prone to addictions and sleep problems (insomnia or sleeping too much), pluto in the 6th can indicate self destructing and obsessive tendencies, uranus in the 6th can indicate having a turbulent life in general, and all of these can happen daily and even in your work place.
Now I'm gonna expose the big 6 of the worst person I could ever meet: sun (7h) and mercury (6h) in taurus, leo moon (10h), gemini venus (7h), pisces mars conjunct uranus (4h) and scorpio rising (I can't believe the audacity this b* had to have the same moon & rising as lana del rey, you don't deserve it!!!!!!)
The 5th house can also indicate how you love, so having a 5th house in scorpio or capricorn is difficult because these people tend to try to repress their feelings and have a blockage when trying to speak with their crush (specially capricorn, scorpio do it more in a way to hide it) but both are very afraid of rejection and they feel uncomfortable opening their hearts to someone they like
I think the planet jupiter and jupiterians in general are very underappreciated in the astro community, I mean, yes, jupiter brings luck and all of this, but it's also much more than that, It's literally the planet that represents the god of the gods, let's talk about how much power these people can have, and not just about limiting stereotypes (specially with sagittarius 😹).
This also applies with neptune, people forget how important neptune is/was in the mythology, being the second more powerful, behind Zeus only. I'm not gonna say pluto is underappreciated because everyone talks about its power (which is also true, let's be real lol), but both pluto, neptune and jupiter, being represented by the big 3 in greek mythology, can have an impactant power, if they learn how to use it 🤌
I think the hour and day you were born can also determine your general vibe that people mistake with your ascendant. For example: I know someone who was born day 6 at 6:47 am and I was sure he was a virgo rising but it turns out he is actually a cancer rising, but until this date I find really impressive how much virgo energy he has even though he doesn't have any virgo placement...
Here's the truth about scorpio men: they can be the ugliest little shits on earth but they will still have thousand women behind them because they have a different kind of magnetic pull to them, they're like a black hole and a lot of women fall easily into their trap 😭 #savethearthfromscorpiomenasap
You'll probably have on one of your persona charts (big 6) the natal ascendant of your dad and your mom. For ex: My mom is a cancer rising and my dad is a scorpio rising, I have cancer rising in my mercury persona chart and scorpio rising in my mars persona chart
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This one was a little shorter but now i'll be working on full posts with more certain and organized informations!!!
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selreneelf · 4 months
Astrology Observations
Side notes: I’m in no way a professional astrologer, nor do I claim to be. Im forever a student and learning. These are my OWN personal opinions, and observations. But, if you don’t agree with something or think that it’s wrong, it’s fine, just please be kind, and respectful! This is also my first astro post so it’s gonna be short! Please excuse any mistakes. Please don’t copy. Thanks!
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༻In my mom’s tropical solar return chart, in the same solar year that I was conceived and born, she had Pluto (planet of major transformation) in the 5th house (the house of children)
༺Jupiter (planet of expansion) was in the 5th house (house of children) in her Lahiri SRC
༻Even though the Lunar return chart focuses on our inner world every month, I do believe that it can predict events.
༺The month I was born my mom had Ceres (Asteroid of fertility and motherhood) in Libra in the 5th house at 8 degrees in her lunar return chart.
༻Could be a coincidence but Asteroid #4580 Child was also in Aries in the 11th house at 5 degrees there in her lunar too. I’m an Aquarius Sun who is Aries dominant in Sidereal, My Sun is in the 1st house, and the sun is my second most dominant planet in my tropical chart. I was told that I was expected to be an Aries Sun, but I came out prematurely.
༺On top of that, In her Lahiri SRC that year, Asteroid child was in Aquarius at 11 degrees in the 4th house. I’m an Aquarius Sun, Rising, and Cancer moon
༻Her natal Jupiter which is the planet of expansion was sextile Asteroid child LR
༺Her Uranus in the 8th house and it squares her Mars that was in the 5th house house in her Lahiri LR the month I was born too.
༻Her Uranus which rules unexpected events was sextile Ceres and as I said before, I was born early. Her Pluto was also conjunct Ceres.
༺In my 2020 SRC I had a Sagittarius stellium, and 9th house stellium. I traveled out of town via plane for the first time.
༻I also had an 11th house stellium that included my sun and mercury and became quite popular online for the first time
༺That year I had an Aries ascendant which explains me experiencing “firsts”.
༻I also had the ruler of my 6th house (which was Virgo which is ruled by mercury) in the 11th house and being online communicating with friends that year was a big part of my daily routine
༺My mom’s sun degree is my moon degree
༻Most straight Taurus sun men that I’ve met love women with a feminine appearance, and traits for the most part, but also want them to be independent (which is seen as a masculine trait). I also noticed that some are really judgemental when it comes it women. Like they expect all women to be feminine and if you’re not you’re “manly”.
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harmoonix · 4 months
✴ꪻꫝꫀ ꪀꪮ᥅ꪻꫝ ᦓꪻꪖ᥅✴
(Astrology Notes)
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🌟 - Aries/Capricorn/Libra/Cancer in big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars) = Cardinal energy they bring to beginnings, changes, create new foundations and balances the world
🌟 - Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius in big 6 Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars) = Fixed energy, they make it to happen, action, inovation, hardworking, complexity
🌟 - Gemini/Virgo/Sagittarius/Pisces in big 6 Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars) = Mutable energy, they bring the endings, flexible, adaptable, chameloens of the zodiac, old and wise
🌟 - Moon in Gemini Degrees 3°, 15°, 27° really know how to express themselves, they talk so smoothly and with ease, very intelligent as well
🌟Venus in Cancer/Venus in the 4th house loves to give hugs. This is something they adore to do, giving hugs and receiving hugs is like a love sign for them
🌟Sagittarius/Gemini Venus may have multiple love signs because they can't stand to only one loving thing to show their love for their partners
🌟The Degrees you have on your IC can show how you may like to decorate your home
Leo Degrees (5°, 17°, 29°) = Definitely a lot of lights, maybe neon signs aswell, golden hour aesthetics, beige/yellow colors
Scorpio Degrees (8°, 20°) = I see them following the traditional vibes maybe with brown/black/white and even gray, maybe vintage style, dreamcatchers, posters with their favorite singers/celebrities etc
Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) = Turquoise/Green/Emerald colors, they may have or love tank fish, aquariums, comfortable bed, maybe neon star stickers/moon neon stickers who shine in the dark
Libra/Taurus Degrees (2°, 7°, 14°, 19°, 26°) = White/Pink maybe even purple, flowers/butterfly stickers, maybe quotes stickers, always making sure their room smells good
Virgo Degrees (6°, 18°) = Beige/Gray/Yellow and light brown colors, definitely a lot of photos with aesthete places/sun/forests/lakes maybe even with their friends
Aquarius Degrees (11°, 23°) = Definitely a lot of trendy things in their room, combined/mixed colors, a lot of selfies with them or their friends on walls, organized room, fresh, futuristic, a lot of neon lights
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🌟 - Venus in the 1st/5th/10th/11th and 12th house may like cinematography, the art of the movies, acting, theater etc
🌟 - Uranus aspecting the Sun have an electric beauty, they're very outgoing with their friends and love the way they are
🌟 - Jupiter in the 6th house is one of the luckiest placements to have if you want to improve yourself/your mental health and your work because it will extend those things and give you so many opportunities
🌟 - Chiron in the 1st house natives are so pretty when they'll realize that being insecure about themselves is nothing wrong and is time to start to like yourself because you are very beautiful!!
🌟 - Pluto trine/sextile North Node natives have a high chance to go through some sort of evolution and transformation in their life, mostly developing in childhood
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🌟 - Uranus/Neptune in the 9th house is a very spiritual placement, it makes the native to be more aware of themselves and to explore their curiosity for spirituality
🌟 - Mercury/Gemini/Virgo in the 10th house makes the native to have a powerful voice in the world, their voice can influence others, they are also very Intelligent and strategic
🌟 - Libra/Taurus and Pisces/Scorpio Moons can be attracted to architecture, they will definitely explore the place's style first
🌟 - Moon/Mercury/Venus in Fire Houses (1st, 5th, 9th) are fiercely passionately in love, they can share a beautiful love language, intense, a sharp tongue
🌟 - Moon in the 8th house is one of the most mysterious placements for the moon, the native is fully aware of the things happening in their life and their own evolution
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🌟 - Saturn in the 1st/6th and 12th house can have issues with being organized or keeping themselves healthy, sometimes they can get too tired aswell
🌟 - Asteroid Sirene (1009) in the 6th/12th house house are embodying the Sirene energy in their lives everyday, sometimes even without realizing. This energy is so dangerous yet so pure
🌟 - Asteroid Karma (408) in Libra or in the 7th house can indicate karmic relationships, and karmic partners (meeting partners with the same hobbies/interests/haibts as your exes ?? ya that's a sign)
🌟 - Asteroid Hebe (6) aspecting Venus indicates a young beauty no matter the age, your beauty still shines over the years just like in your Childhood
🌟 - Valentine asteroid (447) in the 6th/8th house have a unique love language, they're very sacrificial in their relationships
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🌟 - Valentine in aspects with Eros (433) makes the native to be erotic in their relationships, they seek for love/romance and want the same from their partners
🌟 - Moon in Air Signs can find themselves liking more music styles/listening to more than one genre, 1 song can be rock and the next one can be pop and so on..
🌟 - A fire Venus will love you with everything they have, fire is represented by passion and power, sometimes they can be too clingy
🌟 - Scorpio Venus/Venus in the 8th house can experience attracting people with the same toxic habits over and over, that's why you'll need standards
🌟 - 5th house ruled by Mercury/Jupiter or Moon will put the communication as an important key in their relationships, without communication you have nothing
🌟 - I can already tell Moon - Pluto aspects people hate endings, they don't like when things don't end (and is worse when they end on bad terms), because their mind keeps thinking about it
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🌟 - I have Uranus quintile Venus and that aspect makes me to be very tranquil about the relationships and the people I'm with. No rush with Uranus
🌟 - North Node aspecting the ascendant (minor aspects included) have the lessons to discover themselves, that's the theme for life. Don't listen to x, don't listen to y..only to yourself
🌟 - I can tell Sagittarius/Leo and Scorpio Mars men like to walk around the house naked 😭💀, always forgetting their damn clothes
🌟 - Mercury aspecting Mars talk really fast when they're mad like they be rapping in the same, I have a 10% chance to understand them taliing when these natives are into a angry mood
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🌟 - Pluto aspecting the south node can indicate being abused in a past life, or bullied. I remember reading about it was something about the finding your own power within yourself in this life time .
🌟 - Ascendant aspecting Venus are so so so likely to be crushed on, just because their energy/aura is so lovely and charming
🌟 - Cancer & Libra Placements mood changes based on the weather/season I swear they can be so depressed in the winter/fall and so happy in the summer/spring
🌟 - Capricorn Sun/Moon/Rising had to get mature from a young age that's why they got the thing with "being wise being sassy" because they work for what they got.
🌟 - This is really serious like 12th house placements really need to prioritize sleep a lot, guys sleeping is actually healing it isn't just going into bed and closing your eyes
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✨ Beautiful space post ✨
✨ I hope you all have a good day today full of light, love and good vibes ✨💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 year
Fame indicators in the charts of kpop idols
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Important places/asteroid I look for:
5th house
1th house
2th house
3rd house
4th house
6th house
9th house
10th house
11tg house
12th house
Asteroid "Fama" (408)
Asteroid "Singer"
Asteroid "Apollo"
Asteroid "Talent"
Asteroid "Dionysus"
Asteroid "Jobbe"
North Node
Part of fortune
Asteroid "Destinn"
And degrees!
1st house of self:
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Neptune/Venus 1st house
This placement can not only be a beauty placement but one of creativity and music too as Neptune and Venus can rule over music (Same applies to Pisces and Taurus/Libra first house)
Dionysus and Apollo in the 1st house=BORN PREFORMERS. And talented musicians too
Singer in the 1st house/Aries
2nd house of the voice
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Venus, Singer, Dionysus, Apollo, NN and Destinn, Talent, PoF, Vertex Jupiter, Mercury Fama and Jobbe in Taurus/2nd house. Especially if they are conjunct their big 6. Moon in the 2nd house can also give singing skills. And Venus can indicate making money from singing as well.
3rd house of writing and communication
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Venus, Talent, Jupiter and Mercury in Gemini/3rd house can make someone a fantastic writer. Also 3rd house can represent TV, and media in general and lots of kpop idols are famous due to social media.
4th house of the home
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Pluto and Uranus in the 4th house. (Scorpio and Aquarius/Pisces)
Jungkook has a Scorpio 4th house and Jihyo has Uranus 4th house. Both had an unconventional childhood and we're spending their young years training to debut and it must have been a transformative period for them.
5th house of Creativity
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ANY fifth house placement literally ANYTHING.
6th house of routine
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ALOT of kpop groups/idols have 6th house placements it makes sense given the intense routine kpop idols have. So placements I'm sure idols would have are Jupiter, Venus, Singer and Jobbe. (Enhypen has Asteroid Singer in their 6th house)
9th house of travel and expansion
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If I were HYBE's astrologer I would debut their groups under Sagittarius season lol. Sagittarius literally rules over luck and expansion so a group with Sagittarius placements can have more luck (like Enhypen and IVE). So Jupiter, Venus, Fama are really important here! (Same goes for placements in Sagittarius).
10th house of career
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Any placement is good here honestly, but ones I see a lot are: Sun, Venus, Uranus, Singer, Jobbe, and Talent. Also if they are conjunct MC.
11th house of groups and internet
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This House is important for idols because it rules over groups. So Vertex, Destinn, Venus, Sun, Singer, and Fama are some main key factors here.
12th house of music and foreign lands
(can't include more gifs ugh)
Again any placement is important here. Jungkook has his Fama in Cancer and you all know how it went down for him lol...
Important Signs/ rising signs I've seen idols have:
Libra (Charismatic, music, beauty)
Taurus (beauty, music, singing)
Pisces (Beauty, music)
Aquarius (Especially in the 10th house, can also rule of creativity.)
Leo (Just plain fame, SO MANY idols have a Leo placement.)
Gemini (Great song writers but also great stan attractors. Can make great centers)
Sagittarius (Again great stan attractors, charming and also rules over luck and success)
Important Degrees:
1, 2, 5, 7, 11, (a lot of idols and groups have 11 degrees in their charts) 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 28, 29.
Phew that was a long post! Let me know what you find in idols charts too! You can ask me to guess the rising signs idols without birth times and their ideal types in my ask box. Have a great day :)
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11hedonistic · 1 year
hey love,
what placements can indicate getting fame from your beauty/going viral for your unique looks???
Love your page🥰
hi gorgeous, thank you so much!! 🩷🪄
i would say:
venus 1st house/10th house(venus represents beauty and attraction) 1st house= appearance 10th house= the public
asteroid aphrodite conj mc
11 degree placements in aphrodite persona chart (11 degree= internet influence)
libra/taurus mc
10th house ruler in 7th house
beauty asteroids conj your mc/asc/personal planets
venus dominant
libra rising at a leo degree (5,17,29)
venus at a leo degree
venus conj mc/asc
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
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Jupiter can represent luck/good fortune and it’s persona chart it can show if you’ll have major luck in your career and your chances of being famous. Looking at a few celebrities persona charts I’ve noticed at few things that pertain to why they had luck on their side when gaining fame/notoriety
Comman themes I found throughout all of these celeb charts were
Libra placements
Leo placements
10H Placements
Fama - personal planets {Fama (408)}
Fama - Angles
Fama -Vertex
Jupiter- personal planets (especially sun)
Jupiter - Angles
9H Placements
Fame/success Degrees
1H Placements
Sun conj. Jupiter and Saturn Libra 10H
Fama 11° Virgo 9H
NN 28° Cancer 8H
Sun 1H
Fama conj. Neptune
Jupiter square MC (she may not have had a lot of luck getting famous in the beginning but her rise to fame was very drastic and to the public eye seemingly overnight)
Vertex conj. Singer Taurus 7H {Singer (10698)}
Fama Leo 11H
Sun/Venus/NN/Neptune 1H
Fama 9H Conj. MC Libra
Uranus 10H Mars/Pluto 9H Conj. MC Libra
Sun 10H Libra
NN Libra 2° conj Mars Virgo 28°
Fama conj. Saturn
NN/Mars 1H
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Do you have any of these placements? 💋
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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astroohoe · 4 months
Hi Hoeeeeees,👋so today i'm going to take you through the ASTROLOGY of serial killers/Psychopaths.
If you have this placement,it does not necessarily mean that you are psychopathic nor are you a serial killer but there are tendencies to be so. This could also mean psychologically there's a lack of emotions making them not understand social cues. I am an aspiring psychiatrist and i have sat down to assess your favorite serial killers with astrology :), (Jeffrey Dahmer is our favorite and he's soooo cute, followed by Ted Bundy, he has a nice smile btw :),
Soooo without further or do let's gooooo.
So i sat down to statistically calculate of about 60 serial killers and one thing they have in common is, they are all MUTABLE SIGNS.
So i know your question is what are mutable signs? So to those who are new. Mutable signs are  any of the four astrological signs; Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, that are grouped together because of their placement characterized by the attribute of adaptability to ANY circumstances.
Example:Geminis are known to adapt and switch theor personality to any other people they are interacting with, depending on the situation.
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Well, our favorite serial killer who was able to take accountability huh🙄😂😂.
Jeffrey Dahmer is a gemini sun, aries moon and Libra rising (which makes him look cute tbh;)
Now that Gemini sun is a mutable sign as i said before lol. Twin twin thoughts. Since gemini is a mental sign and is also a sign which deals with depression a lot because of the two beings running through their minds always thinking in a fast pace, the aries moon makes him acts sooooo aggressive😭 without thinking straight . There's a lack of emotion when it comes to gemini and virgo actually ruled by mercury (which is logic) their head is always walking first.
He has an Aries moon which could denote his BIOLOGICAL mom was someone who was extremely HOT TEMPERED (moon deals with the mother and your subconcsious thoughts and emotions. The treatment and distance from his mom could have brought a lonely side to him since psychologically, men are thee closest to their moms (Carl Jungs, Oedupus complex) and the girls are closest to their fathers(Electra complex).
Note that, if a girl isn't as close to her dad or have a good relationship with her dad , having her dad distanced or maybe not in her life, its placement is denoted in astrology plus they have a whole different mindset together tbh.
Him being a Libra rising shows his disdain of being ALONE and having a partner beside him due to the astrological effects and psychological effects of the treatment of his mother...(Be in the lives of your kids ....Moms🙄)
He is gay ...yes astrology denotes gay relationships sooooo many uncountable times.
Example; Aquarius mars,(lol sooooo unconventional....they can go both ways 😂) Aquarius mercuries, uranus aspects to personal planets, the degree 11° in your natal charts to personal planets, Gemini venuses, gemini mars, Aquarius venuses, 11th house ruling your 7th and so on.)
He being a gemini sun is even enough for that effect.
I could go on and on but let me wrap this up.
He's a Taurus 8th house in conjunction to his venus explaining the urgency to eat HUMANS.
Taurus denotes food, obesity and the 8th house denotes death, rebirth and stranger things lol.
The ruler in his 1st house expecting neptune could denote fantasies too. Hence, the infatuation of cannibalism. Also we can also spot the 8th degree in his mars sign .
the 8th degree is the killer/evil degree ruled by scorpio, and its in a aries mars place, mars already being the planet of action and agression, mixed with aries and the 8th degree.
He has his Venus in the 8th house denoting him associating death with love. 🥰
He could have made the world a better place honestly, with him being a virgo northnode through hardwork but noooo o, his pieces southnode which makes him draw back to his karmic past of obsession and fantasies with what he was experimenting.
Let's go to the second famous cute one.
You guessed right; Ted Bundy
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Ted Serial killer Bundy🙄is a Sagittarius Sun, Sagittarius moon(lol double whammy mutable) and a Leo rising.
Apparently, Ted Bundy was in Law school because he wanted to become an affluent politician. Which isn't shocking since Sagittarius is the sign that denotes a HIGHER mind in knowledge, traveling to fulfill educational purposes.
Ted Bundy would kill at least 10 white women (yes, he was known for killing WHITE women, i had to bring the race in there since Sagittarius is the sign of colorism, racism and the attraction or obsession with foreigners lol but that's a different story for a different post;). His fellow mutable serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer was busy killing black men who were gays (i wonder what his problem was🙄)
But anyways, after Ted Bundy kills them, he disposes off their bodies after having sex with them torture them and commits acts of necrophilia.
It was quite difficult to believe he did that because he appears to be charming, charismatic and very intelligent actually.
Because of he being a strong mutable sign, he flips from being a heinous person to being so charming as psychopaths are the most charming and witty people in the room.(think gemini and virgo lol, not saying every one of y'all are psychopaths).
This makes mutable signs attracted to that SHADOWY element of nature .
These people in general can go from good to evil just depending on their environments and cannot wait to STRIKE their victims. As opposed to other signs, i really do not think people should be messing wrongly with virgos with scorpio moons honestly ....the attraction of personality disorders plus witchy nature is insane!😭
Especially Ted having his pluto in conjunction to his Leo rising making him a snake undercover , extremely secretive. Mind you, he has a scorpio stellium, scorpios in generals are the students if mind games, power control and secrecy making people not know who tf he really is. This could make him be drawn to darker things especially him being a Sagittarius moon which has a Jupiter effect on his subconcious mind and emotions making the expansion of whatever entity/darkness is going on in his mind if he's pacing on a LOW VIBRATIONAL level.
His Jupiter, venus, mercury are in scorpio in conjunction to his chiron which could denote sexual abuse attributing to the acts of necrophilia. His venus in conjunction to his chiron makes him loove love the darker aspects of life and the concept of pain is pleasure.
His scorpio chiron could mean he was sexually abused but knowing him, he probably would not mention it.
Ted Bundy had scorpio in the fourth and this could denote secrets pertaining to his family.
His saturn forming an aspect to his pluto could make him a control freak , a sense of authority and taking advantage of weaker people. As i said in previous posts of mine, if you haven't plesde go check it out, Saturnian qualities, the number 8 in your natal chart and Grown Capricorns tends to be 100% predatory.( And BITCH i said what i saaaaaaaaaaid 😊) example, Matthew Knowles, the famous R. kelly.
His Mars in Sagittarius in conjunction to his moon could lead to overindulgence in as to whatever he thinks...his emotions is a force to drive him into either drugs or going into a spree of killing or sexual abuse with people.
His Jupiter being in scorpio could lead to him having money in shady, unearned and undisclosed ways .
That's it for him..
Let's go to the third serial killer......
Josef Mengele.
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Josef Mengele was a German Nazi Doctor he was around in world war 2 and was notorious for experimenting on twins and even the handicapped, his experimentaions were so grotesque that he was hated amongst the nazi figures, and mind you he was sober and clear in his mind when doing this.
So lets look at his birthchart, Mengele was born on March 16th 1911, making him a pisces sun with the number 16 on his birthday deals with sacrifice as well as with catastrophe, so it intrigues anything in him to adhere to these heinuous acts. I know your question is...why is pisces the most sensitive self serving, self sacrificinh sign but yet amongst the serial killers......
Well ..its a mutable sign remember...just a bunch of hypocrites actually.😂
Pisces deals with chemistry, physics, astronomy and doctors.
Thus making him obsessed with what his doing. He'll lure the kids he wants to experiment with ,with candy 😂 (lol typical pisces) and then let them call him uncle lol. And then proceed to experiment the most disgusting heinous acts on them.
He's a scorpio southnode making him align to his EVIL ways. His southnode is in the 12th degree ,and the number 12 deals with perversion, victimization and coldness!
Him being a scorpio southnode trining his sun, there's a fantasy and obsession (Neptune being in the sun) with death..his sun being his nature....that embodies what he is known for.
I can't make this up, serial killers must have some scorpio or 8th house in them to be fully progressed.
A lot of scorpio southnodes do have a lot of karmic bagagges surrounding very dark and intense experiences in life thus aligning him(Yes i said aligning, because that's his south node, that is what he is doing!)
His Mars is in the first degree of Aquarius, by which the number 1 denotes children squaring his North node making him having these dark thoughts against children since mars deals with either sexual drive or physical aggressive tendencies.
His mars being in the placement of uranus makes him a mad scientist which implies him experimenting with devices or even other technologies.
These experimentation had no purpose but to inflict pain or play out his need for power!
Him having a scorpio Jupiter deals with the obsession with deep investigation.
Scorpio deals with sex, investigations and an obsession with surgery, squaring his NN, thereby him having experimenting on dwarfs and handicaps who have dome absolutely nothing to him!😑😑.
His saturn is in conjunction to his SN, showing problems with money.
Anyways, that is it for me.
So these are the astrology of serial killers. There's more but i think i would end it here. The next post i would talk about the astrology behind psychopathy /Psycopathic tendencies in a natal chart....stay tuned.
Please do not forget to like and reblog, and if you copy, please give me credit!
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nightguide · 4 months
Look at the chart from the rising sign beginning with aries and go from rising to eighth house to complete the restorative cycle of the heart so heres what you get:
1. Aries rising = Scorpio 8H
2. Scorpio rising = Gemini 8H
3. Gemini rising = Capricorn 8H
4. Capricorn rising = Leo 8H
5. Leo rising = Pisces 8H
6. Pisces rising = Libra 8H
7. Libra rising = Taurus 8H
8. Taurus rising = Sagittarius 8H
9. Sagittarius rising = Cancer 8H
10. Cancer rising = Aquarius 8H
11. Aquarius rising = Virgo 8H
12. Virgo rising = Aries 8H
Okay, so now look at your degree of the sun sign. That’s your actual sign, only the sun’s degree because the attitude of the degree changes you, so this is the alternate way of looking at your birth chart based on your life, so all planets except the sun follow the traditional astrology route except the sun’s degree.
So it naturally flows between the angle of the sun to society following abridged to personal development based on the new theory (name yet to be thought)
Because the traditional standards tell a story of the new prolific standards of the heart, it shows you what exactly happened in their lives without overly progressing worldly matters so if i can say my degree theory overputs this standard model from the traditional astrology physics from aries to pisces, then it's as it goes if i challenge my new model with it to apply to all planets except the signs of the planets does not change except the sun because sun in being changes as we progress now speaking we're in Gemini season (27/05/24)
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now apply my theory, you'll get an accurate description of what you are than what you do because traditional astrology doesn't ask you what you should not be doing except what you should actually be doing (only embracing what you do but why do it = fulfilment of the heart which is why it changes with the sun because the sun is what follows the energetic foregrounds of human living, it was only discovered when i was in actual heartbreak that i made a living in doing what i can to protect others from falling into a ground where doing actually matters instead of knowing your self worth because all areas of astrology never implies matters in thinking for yourself because:
it only follows signs other than where leo should be at:
traditional astrology = neptune
medieval astrology = nothing. they don't even want to guide you but make you into a being of pure hate, which is why the tradition then died out with me calling them out of their bullshit because medieval astrology is confused astrologers right now who are making no sense into what they're talking about by not actually acting on their own suggestions.
Vedic astrology = mars
electional astrology = mars
horary astrology = venus
Chinese astrology = mercury
financial astrology = sun + venus
mundane astrology = jupiter
western astrology = saturn
evolution astrology = jupiter + uranus
Tibetan astrology = uranus
Hellenistic astrology = jupiter
Genethliac (natal) astrology = they don't follow it
Locational astrology = venus + mercury (heartbreaker's mother)
Medical astrology = pluto
derivative astrology = mars + pluto (where i have discovered my degree theory from) ⭐
draconic astrology = sun + uranus (what i actually got it from) ⭐
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okay, this is the birth chart of actor Matt Smith (hello Haffy, this ain't a sin if you're doing it for the love of Allah because like everybody else, i was struggling to commit to my heart to Allah because of how hard life made me believe in Allah, Muslim women are predominantly the worst ones effected due to how much resentment they get from being themselves, so it's a virtue for me to look at this and feel at peace knowing i can read and do whatever i want as long as i know Allah (heart)
so, Matt is actually a Taurus. with a 4.44 (capricorn degree) sun. that makes him more diligent in emotional expression than he is in person, he makes his heart happen by being in a heartbreak which he is not actually used to, his methods of going about life is like (don't break your own heart, Haffy) 'look at what i have' and it will just be his person of honour (wife) and he will not give two fcks unless a man tells him off, he's much more sincere if someone were to... break him down from Hollywood if he was going to go home because naturally, he does not listen to his own heart because he thinks the heart will not go 'to heaven' because by moralistic belief, he believes in the old Jehovah's witness style of living than he is of dying, so Haffy. he's not into American's when America is into you, if i say you're big then you are big, by amounts of heart you can give or take, he actually goes by heartbreak if it was sincere to the heartbreakers life if actually questioned into moralistic belief of 'who made you do it' to 'how did it happen', Matt's code of honour is placed within the virtue of his wife is she lets it be because she knows and establishes the moral of conduct on behaving like an angel on his behalf to accept nothing in the expense of her own death (Jehovah's style), therefore he will never see reason until she breaks him right now, Matt. your Dad is well aware of what you're doing, he reads my Tumblr like a newspaper every morning, he likes my insights because he is the kind of man who will bring new concepts into this world by taking out the old. he is an inventor by pure chance all because he scorns the old beliefs by natural suppression, he does not believe in the commodity of age and likely disparity of the conversation being held here because like your dead father in law, he does not care except the conversation between life and death took place after you're 'trying to find a family' that already exists by melting down my own concerns, you don't believe in a common Islamic notion but your own narrative that you will not care to find unless i am deceased because in every single way, you don't want to stand alone and think naturally doing what is best for you except you will never do what you think is best for me, you don't want to try unless the common woman dies and only men and men alone are there to build a new inquisition to... please the father... that you.. wanted... to befriend. with... after... the methods of... the practical.. physical... becomes.. metaphy...sical? are.. you.. trying to... create a... new Islam.. by founding.. another mans project.. and say it's just...two men and one dead.. woman.. because the natural concept... of a God is woman and... she should be... dead for... it, like Matt openly admitted that this is the true concept of life when your narrative should only be based on dreams carried on when you know, you know, so it's technically a devout chinese to biblical methodology carried by a Christian sect that openly shames for this kind of thing because your ideas does not generate upon mindless reason but your ideas generate all because your Dad is willing for you to get back with me but you're too insecure on living it except you need a traumatic moment with one of your families (personally the father) to physically rape you into reason because your mind isn't complete without separation that will cost you your life (hence the 4.44 degree) meaning, you do know what to do and you're more worthy in actually doing it, but you're too ignorantly led on 'another idea' which always leads you back into your intrusive thought right now is that 'he could come anytime cuz Riaz (father in law) never lies'
you do realise that my Dad is a Muslim, he ain't one of your sociopathic-evangelical traditionalists, like my Dad died of a heart failure and you're subsiding that because another case that is leading you to solid corruption isn't going to make me do everything for you while you prance around New York or LA like that because your sick and twisted film drama Bunny Munro is actually going to be the death of you when you're inhibiting a character's traits like mine if i cannot physically plan to get out because you're too insecure to find a way to beat Cillian's accolades for it than just one NTA (national television award) for it.
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like this is what your Dad wants to actively tell you everyday if you were with him because when he is physically around because HE WILL limit you, he will restrict you for not speaking against his best interests, he has a heart to guide you but you're not too diligent enough to learn because since my father passed away, i had to learn to cope with my heart because he of anyone had a heart greater than mine because at 17 years old, nobody had the strengths or feats to learn more than he did because he was the one to see me but knowing what it's like to lose a parent is you losing your sense of disparity in learning what it's like to grieve because a man like you have everything you can to give but you grieve over 'nothing', you'd expect to let your father pass away because your job offers no condolences but to rub into Cillian's face if you win for 'existing' because old Hollywood defines on recognition from 'the father' when it's really critically acclaimed by heart and heart only, the world does not revolve around you and neither does your thoughts will do anything to shift me off angle as you do because your Dad will settle you straight by you not acting as you should because you DO have a filter around you 'in being' because you don't really know what it's like to see your father decay with every appointment he goes to or when he oversleeps everyday only to eat so much to eat so little, he adds little to too much salt in everything he eats and his weight gain does not go over 8 stone. his weight never improved. his weight never actually helped except the fact that he was cannula fed with nutrients every single appointment going or how many insulin injections he kept taking (your Dad is reading as i speak). My Dad had too many medications and nothing prevailed him except habit and he was cutting down on cigarettes, was actually improving til he collapsed on late June til his death on early July, his last words to me you sick bastard, was one when he wasn't on breathing apparatus to the day before he died. one was 'i love you' and the day before he died, Friday 8th July, 'how are you?'. Those were his last words. Your Dad is my highest priority to honour because i am devout on my trust and reason to live, my Dad was more than a champion to me and i speak of him very fondly, even before committing to the ideal of a husband i always wanted, i'd always dream i would find a champion like he is to me and tell him 'the story never ends' like he always taken me to car boot sales with me and my brothers and he always loved finding things that he may find of use to him and brag about the expense of his heart when looking at what he found compared to what he never found before, like money is absolute to him if he lived a different life, he's into DIY and likes to get his hands on things so often, knows his engineering physics and always looking for a reason to improve his home, he was finding a reason to talk when he went from plumbing to decorating, like the man has his sense of honour when a man does it, he knows how to treat his heart like he had a gift to bring and that's every father's joy when seeing his heart look too influenced in writing this of heart that someday he (my father in law) may take inspiration because i am of what he (my Dad) made me.
degree theory:
aries: (1, 13, 25)
Scorpio: (2, 14, 26)
Gemini: (3, 15, 27)
Capricorn: (4, 16, 28)
Leo: (5, 17, 29)
Pisces: (6, 18)
Libra: (7, 19)
Taurus: (8, 20)
Sagittarius: (9, 21)
Cancer: (10, 22)
Aquarius: (11, 23)
Virgo: (12, 24)
okay, there is another conversation about this and this is likely because the world of conspiracy theories will lead you to Celebrity/Fan image of the world if you're a thinker and a feeler, like there is a completely different subject when knowing you are a celebrity or person of influence that would get you thinking why Muslim's are not easily persuaded because they don't believe in fame the way non-Muslims do, they believe in honour that they know they're going to die physically one day and theres nothing they can do about it because it is physically evident in seeing a graveyard as a reminder of where they're headed to what they regret not doing, so they make everyday their last day which is why their life is consisted in following the female voice (respecting their parents honour) because their code of honour lasts for generations because Muslims are so precarious on what they say or speak that they limit on living by expanding on what they say or do because it is a generational habit they they pray on time or that they fast or that they greet the sick or that they attend a funeral so much to when you discover that they don't actually do so much when you believe in what you say or believe because they don't want people who make a mockery of their religion to be part of the family.
so the Islamic ideology is rooted with 'be and it is'
36:82 إِنَّمَآ أَمْرُهُۥٓ إِذَآ أَرَادَ شَيْـًٔا أَن يَقُولَ لَهُۥ كُن فَيَكُونُ ٨٢
All it takes, when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it: “Be!” And it is! — Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
so it's a strong method to concern what does not have to change is what you should leave to Allah (swt), so it is separated in the the version of which i put my degree theory into that helps you grow.
i based the degree theory off following the rising sign from aries to every 8th house to 12, not 13. (Ophiuchus is not included because the heart of that sign goes back to the Ya'sin (heart in heaven but it is YASEEN because it actually helps with the modality of heartbreak)
so the signs that separate the quote is living and Hollywood calls them Muslims but they follow it with HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD
broken down this is acutely the strongest way to follow Islamic academia without making knowledge 'haram' as it became nowadays because Hollywood actually made the world more convenient to heart for Muslim's to reject it.
'BE' (Hollywood)
Aries (self worth)
Scorpio (in love)
Gemini (heart in heaven)
Capricorn (don't forget)
Leo (tomorrow life)
'AND IT IS' (Undead)
6. Pisces (sleep)
7. Libra (virtue)
8. Taurus (self worth)
9. Sagittarius (aakhirah (meaning 'afterlife')
10. Cancer (sibling in hell (hope)
11. Aquarius (life)
12. Virgo (fiction)
you can now see that the degree theory and heartbreak does not exist and i call it 'EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR'
I subsequently name it after a cartoon from Disney XD called 'Star vs the forces of Evil'
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it actually follows the same journey of a Princess from Mewni looking for a home on Earth when she literally enjoys fighting monsters and falls in love with Marco because in 2017, i was a heavy Starco shipper, i loved them too hard that i stopped watching cartoons all together to remake my own life, which is why i don't care to have a symptom named after me either cuz all i cared about is getting my wand back together to rule Mewni cuz this exists!
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you can go ahead and believe in a dream when all of your dreams are made of cartoons, like heck, do what you want so it's called the the 'Mewni code of honour' or just to make it defined more loudly and proudly 'EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR' because i am British. and Brits challenges the feats of the world because their accents are 'be and it is', like have you ever seen the inbetweeners and wonder why American's are scared of British people coming at them, like glad you know that American's forfeit the British legion as much as Taylor's British inquisition ended at Alwyn dumping her and she wrote the The Tortured Poets Department after the psychology made after when two people have sex and it all ends there because seeking values at times got Kelce (Kansas native) thinking why his mother loves him so much after he granted his first deposit, not only after the team (Kansas City Chiefs) was gaining position after position, no. Taylor sponsored the entire team because they will not take the hit after Kelce (Kansas native) made it an allegiance to the public eye that they will win after emotional string felt lines touched by gameplay made his Mom tell him off for existing before Swift came in, no. His mom was telling him off his entire life that he will never make it until debt free heartbreak came in and she acknowledge A RELIGION with a duty free slap from God that made him win every league all because his debts were due to the one writing it right now for putting him on site that made no fandoms more allegory than it is articulate for making sounds look like little children she wanted in the form of cash. cuz any Mom will want cash, any Mom will want to have their debts cleared for life, which is why she dreamed of moving to the UK for reasons listed:
UK is known to be in the middle of the equator, so when i discovered this degree theory. It will help 'her' (generalising everybody) in finding ways to accumulate knowledge by travel, so if she goes to anywhere in the UK, she will find sense that she's talking with more honour by giving into herself more like i am, she will want to start a blog by making stuff up by listening to what her heart desired most because desires are now more neutral here than anywhere else and
it is more safer travelling to Arab countries without being questioned for identity because Smith's identity is now exposed as the idiot that made him on there look famous only for him to redact and remonstrance an orderly effect on the way we're (Muslims) are supposed to be like because everybody wants to issue a recreance towards heartbreak.
so where and how does the names derive itself:
EQUATORIAL PHYSICS OF THE STAR - time zones lie in the middle for the BST (British Summer Time) after it went forward an hour 2 months ago, it makes travel much easier after Wintertime (begins from the shortest day of the year til the clocks go forward) to spring and from summer (longest day of the year til clocks go backward), time zones do not matter in the web of mind to heart when allocating marriage because separation anxiety breaks rules within itself, so Matt, listen. you got a mind and heart, that does not make you lose it when you're with me because i have more facts and knowledge i have discovered that no one will take away from me or neither kill me for it, because i am destined to break the world with my innova- no, it's just purely reason and i was born in Belfast (Northern Ireland) so if you look at the grounds i was born on cuz Belfast natives don't want to make things up but they rely on the greatest roots of being that they challenge the world for it (physics) and the nature of my Eros sign is on Pisces 5.39 meaning i actually care deeper than i should compared to any other sign and this my natural state of being when i am separated from you (body to honour physics of a metaphysical structure of the heart during heartbreak) so that makes me a Pisces than i am an Aquarius sun native due to my Taurus's inability to have because my Mars is where i am at because i am more fair there than i am here because that is another whole set of knowledge i am willing to put (Inshaa Allah) on there because you're not going to curse me for putting you on there because your Dad values me more than he values you because it's a shame that i made myself more necessary because all i have to do to condone my Islamic physics is reveal myself makes you makes me but not me this time, you more attracted to your Dad now than i am to... what do you think of me, i did not do this for you, you don't collect my virtues of status like a subconscious pig you made me type before i typed in... 'because'? because you wanted to be more famous from me which is where the 'STAR' part drives in the fact that Star from the show is beating up Ludo, a birdlike character that does not want anything to do with the show but curse the... what? so apparently, Ludo's logic drives the same direction as Matt's when i was annotating his Sun in Taurus 4.44 (Capricorn degree) and his ideology on human matters driving into the world of Tom Cruise's Church of Scientology because evidence is all around you that thank God, my entire Ummah (brotherhood of heart) knows how to figure out what is good and what is evil and wait til i crack down on what Scientology's roots come from up until the point where i tell your him that you don't even matter because science will break you down like an atom because good energy exists ('PHYSICS') and bad energy exists, people want what they're looking for unless you want to be acknowledging a new level of basis that does not exist which does not even attribute to society than just making the states of laws so mediocre that they would just accept what you would call 'Islamic ideology' and it would just be the same as this quote here:
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like.... you.. don't even make... sense.
'EQUATORIAL' - equator in the middle of the Earth of the commoner's kingdom (Israel)
'PHYSICS' - logic by law
'OF' - making sense to be
'THE' - God knows you're valuing a heart to break
'STAR' - woman coded logic, you always go back to your wife (married) or mother (separated or just not even looking at your heart) and it also means 'mother' because you know when it's best to break your own heart (male) when you have to give back. The code for women following it is that they 'be and it is' (father's honour to his heart and daughter's honour to follow for her mates heart to become her)
i made this look like a fckin fashion project because i know fashion more than anything as i have been en-route to the course in education from 2014 - 2022.
the bias of the project is always attain the reason of 'why?' and explain it to them like as if you were explaining it to the examiner who is a literal dumbass. the examiner does not know anything and you have to have the balls to teach them everything from roots to become, cuz what the hell are you even here for? what is your philosophy and why does even oxygen make you for being, cuz you're not leaving this Earth without making a scene too big for Earth to value you but you make a route to other learners to follow on as if you're 'the shit'. Make your bloodline look strong by making them look shit cuz it is a race for hearts in the end.
go ahead, make a blog and tag me. i'll challenge you to challenge me because your minds is as good as mine😊
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