#Sagittarius mars in the 7th
thatpiscesfish · 2 years
Hiii, i’m new to your page and have been exploring and i love it! I saw a post you did where someone asked about their placements and careers and was wondering if you’re still doing this, could you also tell me about my placements and career? thank you x
taurus ascendant, 11°
pisces sun, 11th house, 5°
pisces moon, 11th house, 7°
aquarius mercury, 10th house, 15°
aries venus, 12th house, 14°
sagittarius mars, 7th house, 4°
gemini jupiter, 1st house, 2°
taurus saturn, 1st house, 24°
aquarius uranus, 11th house, 21°
aquarius neptune, 10th house, 7°
sagittarius pluto, 8th house, 15°
sagittarius chiron, 8th house, 27°
cancer north node, 3rd house, 14°
capricorn midheaven, 23°
aquarius lilith, 10th house, 9°
Hey thank you so much!! Taurus rising comes off kinda reserved and mature. I would say for career, the rising would be important for interviews or meeting clients/co-workers for the first time. So Taurus rising will come off capable and sweet and peaceful. They’re hardworking and easy to get along with so it’s a positive in any work environment. Would probably leave a good first impression on people.
11 degrees is Aquarius energy. This adds fixed energy to the rising and could mean that your are stubborn but it could also mean that you come off persistent and determined and intelligent which employers love. Can be open-minded and open to progressive ideas and good at networking as well. Could show money will come easier.
Pisces sun is dreamy and imaginative and they're also very adaptable. It's likely that they get confused when it comes to careers because they are usually a little good/interested in many things and have trouble focusing on just one. I would recommend something artistic or spiritual, where there's a sense of magic or fulfilment. Pisces loves to help others. Would also prefer flexible hours or freelance.
Sun in the 11th is great at networking and this would be great to find people who work in similar industries and gaining useful contacts. Working with friends might also be common as well as working for a company/business that focuses on the environment or society.
5 degrees sun is Leo energy. It brings a lot of confidence and fame to the sun and can enhance notoriety and a sense of self-assuredness. They may attract attention easily and can be attracted to the arts or a role where they stand out or have to be the leader. Can gravitate to a job that is light-hearted or where there is a playful environment.
Pisces moon is intuitive and empathetic. Absorbs emotions very well. I would then suggest maybe a high pressure environment wouldn't be great because it would be easy for Pisces moon to get burnt out and depressed. An open and comfortable environment is best.
Moon in the 11th would feel safe and comfortable when in the company of close friends that allow them to be themselves and express their likes and dislikes. They feel a deep desire to help others, and also help the environment. So could feel emotionally nourished when given the opportunity to make a difference.
7 degrees moon is Libra energy. Could be great at understanding different sides to a story and promoting peace. Could be very nice to work with and popular at work as well. Might be great as a therapist too or in law/design.
Aquarius mercury is intelligent and has unique ideas. Not afraid to think outside of the box and be a little different. So could be great for them to work in an environment where everyone's voices are heard and taken into account. Doesn't do well with hierarchy so there needs to be a sense of transparency.
Mercury in the 10th could be known for their intelligence. Or their job could consist of a lot of intelligent people or focus on learning and knowledge. Could be a great teacher or speaker.
15 degrees mercury is Gemini energy. Would be knowledgeable about various topics and loves to learn and spread information. Quick learner so that is a positive as well. Could work with siblings or obtain work because of them. May work in technology or communication.
Aries venus is competitive and playful in relationships. These qualities can correspond to work as well in terms of relationships with co-workers but also in terms of tasks. Venus can deal with hobbies which could also talk about what kind of little tasks you may enjoy. So they may thrive in an environment where there is competition for places or there are incentives. Aries likes games and likes to win.
Venus in the 12th is exalted so venus is in a higher octave in that house. It can seem that harmony and peace are priorities and so this placement is great for being spiritual and artistic. It's great for working in a religious organisation, in therapy, or in the arts.
14 degrees venus is Taurus energy. This could show that obtaining money will not be too hard and it could be through something artistic or nurturing. Taurus is great at growing things like gardening or doing anything that requires care and patience. Detail-oriented.
Sagittarius mars is athletic and flexible. They like to go with the flow and can be very sporty. Loves to have fun and be playful. Adventurous and could also love to travel. A job that involves flexibility and possible travel could be great. Or maybe one that has a sports component to it. Also passionate about cultures and education and spirituality so these could be important.
Mars in the 7th could show that working with partners can be a little chaotic. A bit up and down and prone to blow ups. It could also show a more passive mindset where the person thinks and plans before they act. So it might be good to work in an industry where you have time to think things through and don’t need to make split second decisions.
4 degrees mars is Cancer energy. Could obtain a lot of energy or have been challenged a lot through their family or childhood. Learnt a lot of hard lessons in that time. Again this is passive energy.
Gemini jupiter would find luck in communication. They could be skilled with their speech or learning in general. So this points to a fruitful career in information and media.
Jupiter in the 1st can make you come off as someone that is fun and lighthearted. You may seem like you have it easy even if you don’t. People feel safe to approach you and talk to you so this is great if the job requires direct communication or people needing to trust you.
2 degrees jupiter is Taurus energy. This gives more luck when it comes to saving and obtaining money. Good with finances and jobs. Also brings a lot of prosperity and success so this is actually really great combined with jupiter as this planet expands everything.
Taurus saturn is disciplined with their money and knows how to work hard. Knows how to save and spend wisely and knows the value in putting effort in to reap the rewards later. Patient.
Saturn in the 1st comes off mature and serious. This can sound conflicting with jupiter in the 1st but these go hand in hand nicely. You can appear serious while also knowing when to have fun. So there’s actually a nice balance as employers will still feel like they can trust you.
24 degrees saturn is Pisces energy which I described here.
Aquarius uranus points to someone mindful of their wider community and having to confront issues like social justice and climate change.
Uranus in the 11th is at home and shows someone who is capable of unique thought when it comes to technology/environmental issues. Creative and innovative and intelligent as well. Probably is interested in these things and will want to contribute positively to these areas.
21 degrees uranus is Sagittarius energy. This is rebellious energy and someone that is interested in spiritual and cultural matters. Might be very progressive in these areas and want to modernise them. This also points to travel and may have random trips abroad.
Aquarius neptune is mindful and progressive with things to do with imagination, mental health, spirituality and art. Comes at it from a logical perspective that aims at bettering the greater good.
Neptune in the 10th could point to having an artistic or spiritual career. Or could point to having one that is unknown or confusing to others. Something secret or vague. You could be hard to read to others or people might have a hard time figuring out who you really are. There’s this sense of detachment or elusiveness. This could also show up as someone who has authority e.g. as a therapist or police officer it’s you investigating others and not others investigating you. So you would be the one that no one knows much about.
7 degrees neptune is Libra energy. Could have peaceful dreams or dream about relationships a lot. Could prefer doing things with others as opposed to doing them alone. Might have unclear matters with the law or with relationships. Things are vague. Skilled at aesthetics and design.
Sagittarius pluto is transformative in matters of spirituality and higher education. Also expansive when it comes to travel and cultures. May be interested in these things or want to bring about change in these areas. Can find a lot of power here or cause massive change.
Pluto in the 8th is at home and may find themselves being profoundly changed when in intimate situations. Finds it hard to trust others and let their guard down. I would think it would be hard to work closely with someone you’ve just met and would probably prefer to work with someone you really trust. Can make money but should be careful with it and use it wisely.
15 degrees pluto is Gemini energy. Can be skilled at uncovering deep information about various topics. Doesn’t just look at the surface but also what’s beneath. Observant and has a sharp mind. Doesn’t let things go unnoticed.
Sagittarius chiron will have wounds related to spirituality or travel or even higher education. Could have gone through trauma in these themes or may have a bad feeling with them. It’s important to heal and confront certain things in a way that isn’t filled with pressure and doesn’t make someone uncomfortable. Closure is also important.
Chiron in the 8th may have found these wounds in an intimate relationship or when investigating something deeply. Uncovering truths and asking too many questions. This can cause someone to have trouble trusting and relying on others. May be best to work alone or with people who you are 100% confident in.
27 degrees chiron is Gemini energy. The wounds may have to do with siblings or neighbours. Or maybe school could have been a hard time. May have had to with gossip and information.
Cancer north node can point to having to embrace a more nurturing and feminine side. Having to rely on emotions and not just facts. Not being a workaholic and prioritising family or close friends. Value doesn’t just come from money but also feeling. May be skilled at domestic jobs like cooking or ones to do with family/home like midwifery or interior design.
North node in the 3rd may achieve a higher purpose with the help of media and technology. They may also be encouraged to embrace communication and relaying their thoughts. Also to embrace close contacts and trips and not having to go far to find what they’re looking for.
14 degrees north node is Taurus energy. Seeking harmony and stability and not being paranoid about everything will help a lot. Trusting more and not always feeling like things aren’t adding up. Not being suspicious all the time will help. Leaving things alone and not meddling.
Capricorn mc could find themselves working in a traditional setting or with a traditional structure. Or they are likely to be successful as they come across capable and hardworking. Has ambitions and wants to climb to the top. May overwork themselves and be stressed about financial stability but it’s important not to prioritise these things.
23 degrees mc is Aquarius energy. Is structured and organised with work but also has an innovative and progressive streak. Again, this points to technology and modernism. And working to alleviate societal and environmental issues.
Aquarius lilith is rebellious and progressive. May be feared because of how much disregard there can be for rules. Unpredictable and wants to dismantle current societal structures. Has a lot of original thoughts and may be copied a lot and imitated by others who can’t think for themselves.
Lilith in the 10th could appear this way at work. Independent and powerful and may intimidate others, especially people who are insecure. May want to change things around in the company or attract scandals there. People may talk about them a lot.
9 degrees lilith is Sagittarius energy. Fiery and impulsive and playful. Could come alive when going on adventures or doing their own thing. Adaptable and skilled in a lot of different environments.
I would suggest something artistic or spiritual that gives you freedom to work in your own way/time. Also something modern that lets you use communication or technology. You’re welcome!!
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astrxbtchs · 3 months
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ (𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲) 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲/𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
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𓆩♡𓆪 Unrequited synastry can be seen with vertex making hard aspects to the moon. Since vertex is an angular placement, it will be felt by the vertex person. The vertex person is affected by the planet person more bc they are the source of energy that the vertex is being activated with. With a moon square vertex for example, the moon person will provoke deep emotions out of the vertex person simply because they activate this energy from them. They feel more because that energy is invoked out of them, causing intense emotions.
It reminds me of this for some reason:🧍🏾‍♀️-> > >🧍🏾‍♀️ Basically the person on the left (moon person) naturally projecting their energy onto the person on the right (vertex person) and the vx taking it all in and becoming heavily affected. You can tell a bit how that vertex angle can be a bit one sided ***I really hope you understand this interpretation lol this is just how my brain computes things for me to understand it. I hope it helps
𓆩♡𓆪 Another unrequited aspect could be Neptune Square/Opposition to mercury. This can show lies and deception being told by the Neptune person. Communication exchanged between the two can be very hazy and difficult to understand, as if you never know where you stand with this person and words are easily misinterpreted and taken the wrong way. There's feeling as if you can't completely let your guard down or trust this person, for fear that they may be lying to you.
** experiencing synastry with mercury in the 12th can feel the same way.
S/N, please let me know if you guys want a whole post on my observations/opinions of unrequited synastry in a chart. I have a lot of ideas on this so tell me if that is something you would be interested in ;)
𓆩♡𓆪 Keep in mind when looking at synastry aspects, that the aspects with 6 degrees or tighter are really the ones you need to really be paying attention to. When aspects get too wide in a synastry chart the overall energy of it is dimmed and doesn't affect the connection as much as closer orbs.
𓆩♡𓆪 Having Chiron in the 3rd house is constantly being self-conscious about how you communicate with others and always looking back on the embarrassing/awkward encounters with others and inwardly cringing
𓆩♡𓆪 Every Capricorn rising and Sag rising are naturally popular and will always have a group of friends. A Sag rising will naturally attract people to them with the bright aura they exude. People will want to be around Capricorn risings to feel like they are "in", these people have the influence of power and overall give a status image that people like to attach to so they can feel that way as well.
𓆩♡𓆪 I feel Capricorn risings are one of the few in the ascendant signs that can come close to rivaling the intensity a Scorpio rising has. Imagine these two in a room seeing who can gain the most control over the other first lol. I can only imagine if in romantic attraction this connection is INSATIABLE because neither of them would want to give in to each other first. I feel they both put each other on edge.
𓆩♡𓆪 I know we talk about the 1st house/ascendant for our looks but can we talk about the 10th house also playing a big role in our outward appearance as well. 10th house talks about our representation to the world that we have the best ability to control, whereas 1st house is unconsciously there on display.
𓆩♡𓆪 (ANY) Virgo placements will go through the most traumatizing experience ever and you would never know because they will appear so put together. Or they will act so unfazed as if they didn’t just tell you the most life altering moment they just went/lived through.
**if you are a virgo rising my heart really goes out to you. I can't imagine living my life in a state of complete psychoanalysis of everything. Almost as if your mind can take over you a lot because of the constant examination of every single thing going on in your life, I know that can be quite exhausting. Y'all are so strong🫶🏾
𓆩♡𓆪 Are you a master manipulator or do you just have mercury in 7th or mercury in Gemini/Libra?
𓆩♡𓆪 I don't understand why people don't give credit to how BINDING moon in the 10th house synastry can be!!! Romantically, this synastry gets the rep of being cold and detached, which is true in a sense. In the beginning, expressing emotions to each other can feel uncomfortable and awkward, causing for a slow burn relationship to form. (often times it fizzles out) Once these people get over that hump and are able to trust one other to fully open up it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. This is the house of Saturn so when feelings get involved here they rarely go away since they take so long to form. Saturn is not into the act of letting go of things at all and is often life long. If a breakup has occurred with this synastry those feelings will simmer within you forever, and its damn near impossible to forget about them. This will probably be one of those contacts that will hurt the most and you will feel for a long time.
𓆩♡𓆪 Lilith in the 7th and Pisces Venus have a tendency to choose people that they know are not good for them. For both placements, the danger of what a person could do to them is like a drug. It is not uncommon for these people to find themselves in relationship scandals and affairs. Whether they are the ones doing the cheating or the other way around, they will most likely experience both situations.
- Lilith in the 7th choose the wrong people because they are attracted to passionate toxicity.
-Pisces Venus often choose the wrong people because of an idealized version they have created or because they think they are able to fix a person. 
**if you have both of these placements, may god be with you 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
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𓆩♡𓆪 Venus in the 3rd house synastry is most likely someone you met online, in school, close to your home or places you frequent. It will be so easy for these people to find anything in the world to talk about. They have similar interests and love the same things, although they could talk for days and not get to anything beneath the surface. They like to keep things lighthearted so if there are any issues they are experiencing with one another they tend to avoid it to not ruffle the feathers of one another and keep things peaceful, passive aggression can be a thing here. Romantically, this will be a person you will not be able to get off your mind, you will constantly be thinking of each another throughout your day. You might not even know how much this person actually thinks of you because things can come off so surface level, feelings may not be discussed.
𓆩♡𓆪 Sun/Venus is the 2nd house synastry can either boost your confidence or completely destroy it. Can also be an indicator of gold digger/sugar baby placement. The 2nd house person will be completely enamored by the sun/venus person. It will be easy for the sun/venus person to trust the 2nd house person. The 2nd house person can tend to view the sun/venus person as a object. Often wanting to spend money on them to make them happy. More so with the Venus here, the 2nd house person loves to spend money on them to make them look physically appealing. This will be the person buying you clothes, shoes, hairstyles and they even LOVE buying you food. Dinner dates are a MUST.
𓆩♡𓆪 Mars in the 2nd house synastry is ultimate marriage material. If you have this with someone its soo good for long-term partnerships. These too will not be able to keep their hands off each other, they are so sexually appealing to one another it will be so hard. The mars person will love to be the provider for the second house person. They will be the one to go out and work multiple jobs if they have to just to get the second house person everything they want, and they will love to do it. This couple will be SUPER sensual together. ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ♡ Thank you babes for reaching this point, love youssss♥️ If you enjoyed I would love any feedback any you have experienced any of these placements ;) I hope you like the longer, more in-depth posts. What would you guys like to see next?
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sakurapandadreams · 3 months
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Please take all of these predictions with a grain of salt I'm not a professional astrologer. MY BLOG
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🍚 Aquarius risings will listen to everyone [again this is rare too] but will always do what they want at the end of the day.
🍚 Gemini moons faces always contradict the things they say, like they have a cute face and then they roast you with that face.
🍚 Mars in Sagittarius is very particular about discipline or routines or their into sports.
🍚 I have seen alot of Taurus people are good at selecting aesthetic things for interiors of the house whilst libras are good at selecting clothes, accessories etc.
🍚 I'm convinced there are two types of Aries Moon people :
Type 1 - These people are very straightforward and brutally honest like they have no filter they will say things to your face instead of criticizing behind your back.
Type 2 - Will make you feel comfortable around them first then excluded you when in a group. And these people will spread wrong rumors about you to others. Also have gaslighting tendencies.
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🍚 Be it Tumblr, Insta or YouTube people keeping making separate posts on Scorpios [either they rant about them or shower their love on this sign]. It's like "you can hate them or love them but you can't ignore them". They embody this energy in truest sense.
🍚 The sign you'll have the toughest time getting along would be the sign ruling the eight house in your chart.
🍚 Seventh house stellium means your more attached to your friends than they are to you.
🍚 Mars in the 4th house people seem very chill to the outsiders, wait till you get home.
🍚 Saturn in the 3rd house 🤝 not being able to show affection to their younger siblings.
🍚 Mercury in the 7th house is a mediator in truest sense they perfectly understand it takes two to Tango.
🍚 Venus in the 7th, 5th or 12th 🤝 Secret admirers [or as I like to call it fan following 🤭]
🍚 4th house doesn't just talk about family it also talks about places that make you quite comfortable [now that can be a library or a coffee shop 🙃]
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This is my first post y'all 😁 if you like such content you can follow me.
Copyright © 2024 sakurapandadreams | All rights reserved.
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🪐🪐🪐
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🪐When you have Pluto in the 7th house in your Solar Return chart that year you might feel tempted to sabotage your personal, one on one relationships, romantic partnerships, friendships and committed partnerships in order to form new ones. You will want to destroy them just so you can build new ones.
🪐If you have Pluto in the 3rd house in Synastry chart you two will be very competitive with each other, especially in running, cycling etc.
🪐People with Pisces Moon/Pisces IC or Pisces over the 4th house tend to find their one true love after they retire. Usually these people spend a lifetime finding a partner that doesn't make them feel lonely.
🪐With Pluto in the 7th house in the Solar Return chart you might enter a legal contract that year that could bring you debt the years following, so stay mindful with what you are signing when you have Solar Return Pluto in the 7th house.
🪐Mercury in the 5th house natives are extra competitive when playing board games. They desire to win at all costs.
🪐I noticed that whenever you connect with the Sun sign person of your Moon sign, for example you have Aries Moon in the 4th house and you connect with Aries Sun or Cancer Sun, you feel like you have hard time connecting with them through your own CURRENT interests. Because the Moon is so connected with the past, your childhood, upbringing and your growing up. With them you are always pulled in the past and nostalgia. You spend a lot of time talking about hobbies, interests that you've done in the PAST, but not so much actively, in the present moment. It's like they remind you only of the activities, interests, hobbies and passions that you had in childhood or while growing up, but it's much harder to sync in with them through your active, current interests that you have in your adult life.
🪐Mars in the 9th house always need to listen to music while they are doing an activity or while they are active, walking around the city, on their way to somewhere, while in transportation or during sports.
🪐Moving on to celebrity world, I find interesting how rappers Cardi B and Offset, who are married released song Jealousy since both have Scorpio Venus in their Natal charts. They are quite literally making money (Venus) off jealousy (Scorpio theme).
🪐The 2nd house shows on who you are spending your money on. So when someone puts their personal planets into your 2nd house, you spend a lot of money of them. And vice versa, when someone has your sign over their 2nd house, they might spend a lot of money on you. But with so not that often discussed, is that it goes the same for your Part of Fortune sign. If you have Sagittarius Part of Fortune, a Sagittarius Sun might give you money or spend a lot on you, buy you gifts. Since Part of Fortune represents also material wealth.
🪐People with Libra Midheaven are so fascinating to me. The native with Libra MC is always known for their partnership/marriage, they are known as "this person's partner/wife/husband". BUT the Libra MC native is always EVEN MORE well known or has more attention, recognized by the public than their partner/spouse. For example celebrities Kim Kardashian, who for the longest was associated with Kanye West and as "Kanye's wife", her popularity outgrew her husband. The same in case of Cardi B (Libra MC) and his husband Offset. Similary, Kylie Jenner (Libra MC) who dated Travis Scott, now supposedly Timothee Chalamet, she will always be known for dating these people, but will be bigger than them. To conclude Libra MC native will be always KNOWN by association, because of their PARTNER or who they team up with, but Libra MC native will despite that always be BIGGER, have even more attention, success than their partner in some sense.
🪐Capricorn Lilith is often faced with rumours and gossip about them in the workplace and usually they are started by a boss and distributed by co-workers.
🪐I noticed two signs repeated in charts that often point to extreme sensitivity. It's Pisces and Aries. Often times I noticed in individual charts of people who are in a partnership, most often one partner had Pisces Moon or Rising, Mars in their Natal chart and the other person had Aries Moon, Aries Mars or Sun in their Natal chart. So a Pisces Moon in a man's chart points to a partner that is very sensitive. And if the woman has Aries Mars, again it points to a partner with extreme sensitivities.
🪐Mars in the 9th house native is VERY DECISIVE. They often had a highly opinionated father with very strong beliefs, opinions. So early on they were taught by the father that is not okay for them to be indecisive or not have an opinion on something. But what is interesting that the Mars in the 9th house individual is very indecisive throughout childhood, but grows up very decisive and opinionated later in adulthood.
🪐Sometimes with Lilith in the 9th house, you might not feel fully accepted by in-laws, so your partner's parents. Could encounter challenges here with them. Another thing I noticed here could also be either your partner's parents never take side with you. They always defend your partner, their child and not side with you, even when you're right. Or they paint YOU the bad guy and not their child, so your partner. Be mindful if you share any partnership troubles with your partner's parents since they might not grasp your perspective well.
🪐If you have Composite Capricorn Ascendant, connection that the two of you share, will receive A LOT of attention from the public. People will be highly curious about it and very focused on your connection. You will draw quite a lot of attention and people around you will be invested in your partnership.
🪐Scorpio Moon and Cancer over the 8th house might consider intimacy that you share your phone/social media password with them.
🪐 Pisces over the 4th house often points to the fact that someone else is paying your rent.
🪐 If you have Saturn in the 4th house, Capricorn over the 4th house your parents might pay your rent or buy you an apartment, a home.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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safiredreams · 10 months
♥️ more astro notes ♥️
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Venus isn't just about beauty, it's also about grace and how you interact with others, how you socialize and connect with people.
People who have Venus trine/sextile Moon are often very sought after and very well liked.
Leo's can be over performative, they can come off as try hard and annoying if they try to overcompensate for their fragile egos.
Although Libra Mars people tend to not enjoy being too aggressive they are actually quite prone to arguments.
Undeveloped Cancer Mars people can find it hard to not overreact and throw tantrums, they can be quite dramatic when upset. They also tend to view a disagreement as a personal attack on them.
7th House Moons are very sensitive to how others feel and they often put other peoples feelings above their own.
Pisces and Sagittarius Venus people are very much in search of that one ultimate soulmate.
Capricorns don't like lying and usually don't waste their time on that unless they want to climb that career ladder.
Aries Moons react fast, they are very easily pushed past their breaking point. They do tend to get over their upsets a little faster than most other Moon Signs.
Taurus Moon people tend to be well provided for, unless of course it is aspected by planets like Pluto, Saturn or Uranus.
Scorpio women tend to be very sweet and nothing like the Scorpio description we know. Until you get to know them they resemble more fun signs like Sagittarius or Geminis.
Venus conjunct MC is very concerned with how they look and how they are perceived by the world at large. They put in a lot of effort into how they present themselves.
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations: No.20
*just based on my opinions, only take what resonates
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I feel like 2nd house overlays can make you overly forgiving towards the person with planets in your 2nd house. It’s a Venusian house and that can bring a sort of desire to see the best in that person (7th can have this effect to a lesser degree imo bc Libra is focused on balance, so there’s affection there but it’s less likely to skew into being overly forgiving)
Chiron in the first can be a very beautiful person when they’ve really healed their wounds. A person who has a sort of glow from their inner light.
Earth moons in general like to receive and give gifts and Capricorn moons tend to be hyper fixated on giving the right gifts to the people they’re close to
5th house Venus could make you more creative in a relationship
7th house venus/Taurus/Libra definitely creates more in a healthy relationship
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Mars conjunct MC could mean being known for a career in violence, like martial artist or action star
Lilith MC could mean success in a taboo career, like s*x work or just some alternative field (I’m a tattoo artist :0)
People with planets conjunct your south node are definitely tied to your past life and may be destined to do certain actions towards/with you
North Node overlays can also be tied to past life but they’re usually here to make sure you grow in some capacity/move towards your destiny.
Your Venus sign could show the most beloved features of your body (Sagittarius Venus- a lot of people may notice your legs, Libra Venus- a lot of people may notice your butt, Virgo Venus- a lot of people may notice your hands, etc)
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Moon conjunct Jupiter could make you very empathetic, could also make people see your emotions as big whenever you express them
Imo Virgo shows where you are a minimalist (Virgo Asc usually has a minimalist approach to fashion/accessories/tattoos/etc, Virgo Venus or Virgo in 11th could point to having a circle of only a few friends, Virgo in 4th could show a minimally decorated home, etc)
Aries risings tend to have big heads/foreheads or their heads are the first things people notice about them (my mom used to get called tweety bird bc she had a big head and a little body which was mean, but so is she so…..)
Pisces moons tend have this look like they could cry at any time (like their eyes always look wet and sad if that makes sense lol)
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Wherever Pluto aspects (trine, Sextile) your personal planets shows where you can be the most transformative (or obsessive/possessive lowkey, especially for harsh aspects like square/oppositions— conjunct feels the intensity of both). Moon can show that your emotions push you to transform, Venus is this for your personal/romantic relationships, Saturn is how you use the lessons it teaches and how it affects your self discipline, etc
Leo in 6th could point to dealing with performance anxiety
Cancer in 8th could point to trauma around family (Scorpio over 4th could point to this too)
Gemini in 8th could point to trauma with neighbors/siblings/cousins/the education system or communication in general (Scorpio over 3rd could point to this too)
Sagittarius in 8th can point to having religious trauma or having intense/taboo experience with religion (Scorpio over 9th could point to this too)
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Capricorn can show where you start to lose yourself and can’t go through with when your stressed (I have Capricorn in 3rd and I literally lose my voice when I internalize stress, it’ll start cracking so fast it’s spooky. Capricorn in 5th could mean you absolutely cannot relax when your stressed. In 6th your health starts to act up immediately and you catch colds. In 1st you may have issues with your skin/breakouts when you’re stressed out.)
Mercury in 12th could stay up all night overthinking or experiencing intrusive thoughts
Virgo moons that oversimplify are underdeveloped
The mother of a Capricorn moon views love as super transactional (like if you don’t give them a hug you don’t love them, instead of the child being a person who deserves their own autonomy)(I was watching Beef and I got frickin triggered when Ali Wong’s character said her daughter was “supposed to love her forever” but wouldn’t give her a hug when Ali wanted her to, so she thought her daughter’s love was conditional— I was like holy sh*t I’ve heard that before!! Lol Saturn moon gang lol)
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starshine555 · 3 months
Astro Notes #4
💫Placements that are always searching for meaning:
Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Moon, Jupiter in Cancer, Jupiter in Capricorn(funny enough, these guys question things a lot, and they don't like blindly following things. George Carlin is an excellent example of this.) Sagittarius Rising, Gemini Rising, Sun-Pluto, Moon-Pluto, Moon-Uranus, Mercury-Uranus.
💫Mars in 3rd cannot be attracted to someone if there’s no mental stimulation. If there’s no amazing conversations, there is no attraction lel.
💫Jupiter in cancer could either be very spiritually connected to their mother, or they could be gifted with a spiritual mentor at some point in their life.
💫Capricorn Mercury can be stereotyped for being deadpan, but I’ve met quite a few of them that can be witty, charismatic, and very funny.
💫Mars in 11th could make very good influencers.
💫Libra MC- Can feel in their heart that their purpose is to bring people together, or create a way that everybody can be treated equally.
💫Jupiter in 7th love the idea of an ending to a story where everyone is happy. They like to romanticize the idea of even the villain turning good in the end somehow.
💫Uranus aspects, most of the time, show an area of your life that can be erratic, but Uranus can also show areas of your life that need a mastery of discipline. Uranus is associated with the sign of Aquarius, however Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn. This tells us that in order to have true freedom you need self-discipline as a prerequisite.
💫Moon conjunct Lilith: a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Very deep and intense, repressed sexual desire. When they let this repressed energy come to the surface they can be WILD.
💫Moon in 4th- there’s a pretty good chance that women are way more significant in their life than men.
💫Aquarius Venus, honestly, I think is the venus sign that is the most comfortable being alone, and I respect that.
💫Ik a lot of people stereotype Taurus for loving food, but sag tho…not only do they love food, but, boy, can they cook. For them, it’s not a thing of luxury, but it’s an art.🌮🍝🥗🥙🫕🍲
💫Someone with a combination of libra and virgo in their chart can be extremely protective of their loved ones, and in some cases overly protective. Virgo is associated with safety and perfectionism, and libra is concerned with “others”. They would probably make good crossing guards, or just guards in general.
💫Taurus mercuries could make very good salesmen imo. They can be very flirtatious like libra mercury, and they know how to make a sale sound enticing and luxurious.
My YT- Lauren Champion
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harmoonix · 1 year
Fairytale - Astro Notes
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The night will hold us close
And the stars will guide us home
Your lips were soft like winter
In your passion, I was lost
✿❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉✿
Mercury in Capricorn/Scorpio don't like to share all the things they do or did and rather keep it only for them in order to respect their privacy
Moon - Mars intense aspects: The native can get easily angry and can go through a rollercoaster of emotions, usually they end up having a breakdown in order to let themselves feel calm as at peace. They have an very intense nature (This can apply if you have semi-square or the other minor aspects aswell.
Scorpio Placements tend to have a very difficult time when it comes to love, they might feel that is always something to struggle with, their partners, emotions, feelings, etc... Some of them can easily end up heartbroken
Sagittarius Mars can get very scary when they are angry, this placement can indicate having a destructive side of you (kinda like a destroyer), and most times they don't think when they are angry and mostly act based on what they feel in that moment. Omg i imagine this placement as a Volcano erupting when they get angry
Neptune - Sun/Moon aspects: Radiating a very calm and peaceful aura, they can have a very calming personality and you can feel safe around them. For some reason i imagine this placement as someone who is like "Don't worry I'm here everything will be fine if we are together"😭 ( I love this)
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Jupiter - Moon aspects can make the native to express their feelings more calmly and peacefully than other Planets. The native has a very powerful inner world, and very powerful intense emotions if you have conjunction between these too you can feel people's emotions without them telling you how they feel. This is also a very lucky to have, Jupiter helps the native to reach their goals and their dreams by using the power of emotions make sure to always understand your inner world
Mercury - Uranus aspects: The native can have a different accent than others while talking, they can have a very different writing style too and people always feel charmed by these natives due to their unique communication style. Also Uranus can make Mercury sometimes to talk too fast and sometimes to stutter during this
Pluto - Mercury aspects: Yes their sexy voices can rise all the hormones in your body, but these natives are very powerful at communicating and talking, knowing how to use the words at the perfect time. But omg yes another honorable mentions because of their voices!!🔥🔥🔥🔥 Men with these aspects are very attractive they can have a very deep gentle voice
Jupiter in the 8th house: Besties you know what time it is😍. It's time to become rich 💲👄💲, if you are attracted to men this placement can mean you will marry someone rich (Especially after marrying it says in the prophecy that usually these people have very successful marriages) + Abundent sex life because is the 8th house
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An advice from me, for everyone with Venus - Saturn/Venus - Neptune/Venus - Pluto harsh aspects: Don't force love, love is supposed to come naturally. If the love doesn't come naturally and you have the feeling you need to force yourself for love...there was never love ❤️‍🩹
Usually people with 8th house in Water Sign (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) are very sensual in bed and might hold an infinity of kinks while if you have a fire sign in the 8th house (Leo. Sagittarius, Aries) you might have kinks that imply rough romantism. Omg men with Leo in the 8th house are in their natural element
Uranus - Mars harsh aspects: Breaking bed marathon, addiction to sexual activities, these natives can be pretty horny and dirty minded 😭
8th house in an Earth Sign (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus) usually like to have ✨ Quality time ✨ so before going to sensual part they tend to spend time kissing and talking with you and when they go to action... 😍 While 8th house in an Air Sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) might be into touching and communicating trough love, usually these people are very comforting during and after sensual time. I kinda feel like they are "Don't worry I'm here we do this together vibe" is so cute. I know they are good people when it comes to after care 😍✨
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People with Mars - Saturn aspects: They usually have really godly bone structure, if they do gym in order to take muscles this might come in time and the result is 😍 100% good. Men with those aspects can be very strong physically
1st house ruler in the 10th house means that the native is gonna focus a lot on the career and professions about their career. They have big chances for going in high professions of our world
1st house ruler in the in the 4th house means that native main focus is their family, their are family lovers and love to spend time with their love ones
1st house ruler in the 8th house means that the native main focus is the transformation, they will evolve and transform a lot of times and going through a lot of stages in life. Rebirthing and learning through the experiences of life
1st house ruler in the 12th house means that the main focus in your life is spirituality and meditation, especially soul healing, tend to have a very powerful intuition and have a very powerful subconscious
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- Hello guys 😍 is been a while since i posted my last post so here i am for another post, i love to make those fairy tale inspired aesthetics, a new post a new style kind of thing💕😊!
Love and peace to you all 😊💕 also never forget as i will always say... If you feel this doesn't reasonate with you make sure to check your vedic and sidereal charts💕!
If you need help with that 1st house ruler thing in my post I'm here to help you! 😊💕
1st house ruler in the 4th house. = What's your rising bestie? Let's say for this post that I'm an Pisces Rising (i love you all Pisces Risings so much, I'm rooting for you)
Pisces Rising = Pisces first house (Ruled by Neptune/Jupiter) now watch where Neptune and Jupiter are in your chart 😊if they are located in the 4th house this thing will be called (1st house ruler {Neptune, Jupiter} in the 4th house 😊💕! And the things goes on for the other placements!
If you are a Pisces Rising but you have Neptune in your 7th house that is called (1st house ruler in the 7th house) !💕😊
My 1st house ruler is located in the 1st house (Basically i have the ruler of the ascendant in the 1st house) in my tropical and in my sidereal is located in the 7th house, where is your 1st house located?
Maybe this can help you if you are new to astrology and want to learn about the house rulers 💋!
Harmoonix 💋
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your-astro-mami · 11 months
Hii! What planetary/house placements are most likely to love intensely, be devoted, attentive, and protective in a romantic relationship?
Scorpio Venus 100%
If a Scorpio Venus truly loves you you aren't getting rid of them unless you betray them in a major way. They are very passionate, territorial, protective, intense. Sometimes in a good way and other times it can be overly obsessive and overwhelming.
2. Leo Venus
My favorite personal quote about a Leo Venus is that they are as loyal as the attention and love you give back to them. Relationships can be transactional to them - if you love them, adore them, they will reciprocate. If they love you and you don't love them they have no trouble moving on because they prioritize themselves.
Leo Venus in love is very generous, very affectionate, passionate, if they truly love you they will share their light with you. They are one of the best signs for relationships as they can give you the whole experience.
3. Venus in the 7th House
Venus in the 7th House is the indicator of a person that is very commitment-oriented so when they are in love they are willing to give their all, make compromises, be there for their partner. If your synastry is good with a Venus in 7th house person, expect marriage lol
4. Venus-Pluto conjunction/trine, Moon-Venus conjunction/trine, Venus-Mars conjunction/trine
The Venus-Pluto conjunction is similar to the Scorpio Venus love. Obsessive, deep, protective, passonate - if you are loved by a person with Venus-Pluto conjunction you will experience love and all of its depth. Both Venus-Pluto and Venus-Mars aspects can be unhealthy as well though. Possessive, territorial, overwhelming - so not everyone is compatible with people who have these aspects. Depending on the Synastry they could be expressed healthily or unhealthily. Also if Venus is square/opposite Pluto or Mars.
Moon-Venus conjunction/trine people can be some of the moving loving, affectionate, sensitive, caring when in love so I do see that type of love with them as well.
Some other notes:
Venus-Neptune aspects can be very romantic and have these qualities but with them idolization is also a factor - so they can idolize the relationship until reality hits. If reality is just as good, they can continue - if it's not they will detach from the relationship. It's like the honeymoon phase
Venus in Taurus are incredible when in love, Venus in Libra as well since both are Venus-ruled signs. However in relationships both of them will seek balance and stability so I don't see the intensity or obsessive behavior.
Venus in 5th House, Moon in 5th house can be very romantic and passionate but the depth of their love depends on the Synastry with the other person. They can be devoted if the relationship fits their criteria for ideal romance.
Venus in Aries are very protective, passionate when in love - they will always try to maintain the spark but if the chase/game in the relationship is over they can easily feel bored. Aries is ruled by Mars and when Venus is in Aries, for them love has to be some type of competition and allow them to fight.
How a person acts in love really depends on their Synastry with the other person - one person will bring out their desire for commitment and deep love, another one may bring instability/on-off dynamics, etc. so it all depends on that. But these are my observations
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suninyourmoon · 1 year
🗣 Not professional astrologer! It’s only based on my own experience, people that i know, and self-observation. So please take with grain of salt! :D
Venus in Libra peeps could be those who keep nagging about how they want a relationship so bad. (i know a few people in my life with this placement and they can't stop complaining about how single they are help)
Leo moon are lying to themselves if they say they don't like attention. (perhaps don't realize it yet?)
A lot of Venus in Virgo people that i know at some point in their life will questioning whether they really want a marriage or not. (yeah me too)
Someone said "i can't see myself getting married. I don't know, it seems unrealistic to me" yeah you are Virgo Venus in 12th house retrograde.
I mean, Venus in Virgo itself already make this person picky when it comes to love, and then the confusion and unrealistic idea they had because of the neptune influence. And in retrograde? jeez. i believe they have been in a relationship but then the relationship they had never meet their expentation because this people have a hopeless romantic idea of what romance is.
Venus in Sagittarius / 9th need a lot of freedom. Have a special place for foreigner in ther heart. Love someone who can keep up with their wild energy. Love people who is aware of society problem. Might also into smart people. Probably like to joke around with people close to their heart as well. (or people in general)
Moon in 7th house / Moon in Libra find comfort from being around people.
or they might feel the need to be in a relationship so that they won't feel lonely. Might dealing with co-dependency. (i know it's not your fault but please seek theraphy)
Friend of mine have 7th stellium (5 planet) and i swear to god, the attachment issues they have with is not a joke. They struggle with being on their own and need someone approval in every aspect of their life. Feel like they are incomplete if they're single. Too selfless, too giving. Later in life, people with this placement might have to realize that they should learn to stand on their on feet.
Neptune in 3rd house might having a hard time to communicate what they want to say. They also might say something they don't mean.
Uranus in 3rd house saying something in such a random way. i can't understand you sometimes,,,,,,
Chiron in 2nd house peeps could deal with feeling unworthy and feel unsave. They could feel guilty if they spend money on themselves. My Friend with this placement struggle with fear of end up lacking money all the time.
TW : ED!
i've met a few people with Chiron in 1st house, all of them stuggle with self-image and body dysmorphia, and also struggling with Eating Disorder. :(
Those with Jupiter and Saturn together in 8th House will likely to be extremely wealthy. They are hardworking and blessed with money.
They might also are curious about the deeper things in live, spirituality and the theme around 8th house but at the same times fear of the unknown and uncertainty. They might be those people who want to dive deeper into sex (or just have high energy on that) and desire devoted relatonship but hold themselves back and blocking themself from intimate relationship because a deep fear of commitment. It's very frustasing when jupiter and saturn are in the same house.
this is actually synasty thingy but i felt like i need to mention this, DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH SOMEONE YOU HAVE 8TH HOUSE SYNASTRY WITH WHEN YOU’RE NOT READY AT ALL🩸👄🩸 i have my experience with someone who my planets fall into their 8th house (stellium), and they are OBSESSES. I help bring their true and darker side of them so now they’re attach on me, it’s sorta my fault for trying to fix them tho that’s why i’m telling you stop messing around with this synastry if you’re not ready.
8th house placement… did astrology became your free therapy because they can validate ur emotion and understand you so damn well? Same👍🏻
Mercury-Saturn aspect, i know it’s a good thing to be careful with ur words but please say something if you really want to say it. You literally limiting ur self sometimes and overthinks a lot
There someone i know said that they don't know how to get mad and have Mars-Saturn aspect. These people (Could be Saturn in 8th house as well) might been told during their childhood that it's wrong let their temper loose so then growing up they feel guilty to express their anger and try to burry those temper.
They also could be those who struggle with supressed sexuality.
idk but my mom have Scorpio Mars and used to make a lot of sexual jokes during my childhood. (please don't do that)
Sagittarius Asc peeps i knew in the first impression look so innocently religious and calm, and they always turns out to be not. Like, literally
Thats it✨ thankyou sm and you can give me a feedback 💥 cheers peeps🫶
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8hsaturn · 1 year
– my astrology observations pt.2
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I noticed that the more mature someone is, the more they lean towards their sister sign. For example, a mature Gemini will teach the people around them about their knowledge. In contrast, a mature Aquarius learns to embrace their performer side and embrace attention and their desire to receive it, a mature Capricorn will have a tight circle they can be vulnerable and open with while a mature Aries understands diplomacy and conversation over confrontation can go a long way etc…
generational placements are so real... like my mom's side collectively has Venusian and Cancer placements in everyone’s charts, and I’m a 7h Taurus stellium and my brother is a 7h Cancer stellium. my mom has a 2h Pluto and my dad a 4h Mars, both of which I also share. I believe they represent the generational trauma and gifts we have to work on evolving and healing.
your 5h can determine the signs and traits of your fans and admirers. For example, Lana Del Rey is a Scorpio rising with a 5h in Pisces, and the themes her fans popularized the most are escapism through drugs, seeing romantic relationships through rose-tinted glasses, or unconventional dating history. Ariana grande is a Capricorn rising with a 5h in Gemini and she has an extremely active online fanbase who are known for being problematic or heavily engaging in drama, this could also explain on top of her Neptune influence why she has so many copycats, as Gemini is symbolized by the twins.
7h mars get into fights with people very often especially with a domicile or exalted mars. they can have a tendency to be defensive because they were on the receiving end of a lot of animosity growing up, but this can lead them to start fights for no reason or just sabotage their relationships. while you have been betrayed or hurt by a lot of close people understand that not everyone is out to get you. On a more lighthearted note teasing and banter can be their love language.
this could be controversial but the ABC method seemed to have pushed the Astro community backward with the whole equalizing signs and house thing... no having an Aries moon isn’t the same as a 1h moon or a Cancer rising just like a Capricorn stellium doesn’t equal a 10th house stellium. I myself was guilty of this association as that was my introduction to chart analysis, but if you’re an aspiring astrologer, please try to separate the two: you’ll realize how much more accurate your interpretations will be after you do so.
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crystalsenergy · 3 months
Nothing upsets Sagittarius more than having their excitement and optimism discredited by others.
Because at that moment, at least two things are affected:
their faith in an uncertain future
and their optimistic vibe
When these are cut short and stopped by someone, it can upset them a lot hahahahaa
(laughing, but not out of mockery, it's because I go through this too haha, Sagittarius laughter at their own sadness lol).
Especially if you have relationship houses (4th, 7th, 10th and 11th houses) involved with personal planets. But this doesn't only occur with 'relational' houses. We'll see more examples below.
Sagittarius in 10th house
can generate frustration for not being in a work environment that emanates or smells like this energy of lightness, optimism, and expansion, even when things are uncertain. The energy of worry and extreme attention to every little detail can slowly suffocate this Sagittarian side of the person.
Sagittarius in 11th house
brings the need for friendships where the person can expand, grow, be spontaneous, light, and feel this connection with their friends.
If they feel something very opposite to this or if this is lacking and everything is more serious, rigid, closed-off, they may feel uncomfortable. Sagittarius is adventurous, and with 11th house, the house of Aquarius, the tendency is for Uranian energies to prevail over Saturnian ones (both planets rule Aquarius).
Sagittarius in 8th house,
a house that I don't consider directly 'relational', but it's worth mentioning (as it is for all houses):
in this case, the person feels tremendous excitement when they see opportunities for REGENERATION, GROWTH, HEALING.
For Sagittarius in 8th house, it's like each opportunity is a booster for healing...
Sagittarius likes to seize opportunities, dive in, and believe that things will work out.
8th house is deep, from an intense and ambitious sign, so in practice, depending on the rest of the chart, we will have someone with a lot of enthusiasm for regeneration, growth, and healing.
If you have this placement and haven't explored this within yourself, consider doing so!
In this case, when the person is faced with an opportunity for healing, growth, and expanding this, sharing with others, if they receive the exact opposite: indifference, disinterest, or that seriousness and excessive worry and planning without lightness, without extroversion, it can really disappoint Sagittarius in 8th house. LOL.
❗ and heeeyy Sagittarius, also consider reviewing if you are creating too many expectations around others. Your energy of expansion is important, but sometimes the other person may not want that.
Let's learn from the dear Sagittarians in our lives
(without overdoing it, beloveds, because just because we have more energies of optimism and trust in the uncertain in our personality doesn't mean we should shove it down others' throats, pay attention to inflexibility, which is also a negative facet of Sagittarius!).
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starseed-twenty · 2 years
💘 Relationships and the 7th house (descendant) 💘
May perhaps possibly also apply to the 5th house
"Action speak louder than words" is the 'mantra' for your relationships. You put in action towards building and maintaining the lovestory you want with your partner, and you expect the same in return. So physical touch may be high up there in the love languages that speak to you.
You want a partner who's able to act out the nice things they speak of doing (lowkey they don't even have to really speak on it prior, surprising you is just as great, if not better). You love a partner who's action-orientated and can make plans for the both of you, but also for themselves as well.
Things that bore you in a relationship include laziness for too long of a time, compromising a lot, sensitivity [like being offended or hurt easily] because sometimes you like to joke or be very honest. You want someone who's up to putting up with your active energy. Also someone who's a little aggressive as well (not too much, just so that passion is ignited) is possibly preferable for you.
A loving, tender and warm relationship is a must in your books. Nothing cold or chilled or harsh or weird. Something relaxing and comforting is what you seek. Affection and being fond of your partner is where your heart lies, and the kind of energy you offer, and the kind of energy you'd like to receive as well.
With serious relationships, really all you want is a calm energy that is generous (being considerate is important to you and you'd hate to be with someone selfish or self-centered), and pleases the physical senses (looking good and feeling good, through some comforting affection).
You don't want a partner who's tempremental or moody or brash or dramatic. That deeply annoys you. You want a partner who's understanding and relaxed (but not a pushover). And a partner who understands closeness, and a closeness that's grounded and solid.
Communication is important to you. You like to speak with someone to feel the connection with them. So quality time (and maybe words of affirmation) might be one of your main love languages. Just being able to connect with someone through speaking and sharing intellect, jokes, ideas, etc.
Relationships for you are preferable if there's a number of things done [and most of them done together], than being situated in one place for a looong time. Like a day or two is fine, but longer than week just being in the room having Netflix and chill is where you can grow bored. Activities (in and out of the room) are where you feel great connections.
What gives you the ick is when the mind of the person you like or can have a potential vibe with is kind of closed-minded or just simply boring and sticks to the rules too often. You like when they can grab your attention a bit, in whatever small or big way, but just not starting the connection with a boring energy.
For you, a perfect union is where there is connection through empathy. And you want to able to feel soft (and perhaps even vulnerable) with your partner, that's what a loving relationship is for you. Not having to put on the cold or detached front all the time, but having a bond that evokes empathy.
In relationships you want a partner who has a stern side, but also a tender and soft side (and preferably this tender side dominates). You want someone firm and stubborn about who they are and what they want, but that genuine and emotional side also peaks through too and allows you to feel comfort with them.
What you don't want is a person who's cold and brash, or doesn't understand your emotions. You'd hate to be with someone insensitive and just detached. They must able to know at least some kind of attachments, for that can make you sense that they have a sentimental side like you too.
So, uhm yes, you do shine in your relationships or any connections with people. You have this charismatic aura where people deem you as unforgettable. You're also pretty dramatic sometimes, but in a fun way. On the other side, you can be bossy, or perhaps just a leader in your own kind. You go by the beat of your own drum. So you may end up with a "they think they're better" vibe from people.
In relationships, you want a union with variety and versatility where you and your partner are both able to shine. A nice touch of drama here and there is nice as well. You want a partner who won't dim your light and doesn't dim theirs either; they're enthusiastic and open about who they are.
Some things that make you stray or get bored of the connection include someone who's sort of codependent and also naïve, instead of a perhaps who stands their ground. You like a bit of abnormality as well. In the sense of being smart and 'woke', not someone who'll play follow the leader all the time. Someone respectable instead.
While you do have the facade of a socially unaware and 'in their own world' person, ' in a relationship, or any connction for that matter, you are not to be fooled. You may act dumb but you are completely opposite to that. You're smart, aware and calculative. But you just hide that because of something you call 'let's see how they act if they think I'm stupid'.
Besides the facade, in relationships you are super caring, both emotionally and physically; you like being able to provide and be helpful & useful when your partner needs you. But obviously that comes with equality as well. You want someone can be there for you when you need them as well. And someone who has a side that can emotionally and spiritually connect with you.
You get bored easily by someone who doesn't connect with you in more ways than just the practical stuff. A practical person is good and all (I mean hell, you love a smart partner), but if there's no feel or undertone of the undefined depths of your guys' love, you end up not being sure if they're the one.
For someone who has the face of danger and fierceness, you certainly leave all that behind when you get into a relationship. So, yes, it's just a front for the world. In love? Ugh you're a cutie. A charismatic, cool, sweet and funny cutie. But that's only reeally for close relationships. Before they know this side of you, you are one ruthless human being.
You want a partner who's able to handle your blunt and honest self, but in a not-so-soft way. You don't want a partner who's a pushover. But someone who's able to teach you what partnership and healthy compromise is, and they are confident in themselves as well.
What annoys you more often than not is someone who can't handle how honest you can be, and who is just too sensitive and moody. Emotions, as part of being human, are okay here and there, so if something was offensive you're not scared to apologize. But someone doesn't get your jokes and interesting humor? Out of here.
Your definition of a great relationship is 'something like a lovegame'. A love with a bit of games and war is the interest you have. But not too much, not to the point of it makes you cry/hurts you all the time or that it feels like it's never comfortable. You want the comfort, but you kind of just want power to be at play in your discourses.
You want a partner who's got a sense of power in them as well, someone who's sure of themselves and sure about you and will stick by you even in the darkest of times and through your trust issues or childhood issues. You love it when someone can make you feel safe/secured, internally and externally.
You don't find any interest in boring connections or that are too predictable or don't ignite some kind of fun and depth. You like the thought-provoking and memorable stuff. Which can come with a bit of intensity and games in the relationship. But all of this for you is really masking what's deeper and meaningful to you - passion.
A 'feel good' energy in the relationship is of priority to you. You don't want anything dim and dark, you don't want anything boring and predictable, you don't want anything draining and gives you a lethargic energy constantly, you want a fresh, amazing and fun connection; something where you experience the best of everything with your person
You want a partner who you can be yourself most around and they love you and your random vibe. You're probably the type to optimistic about someone (you choose to see the good side first); you rarely see a person in a bad light unless their energy says otherwise. Consequently you want a partner who sees the good in you as well and sticks by you.
Things that pass as a bore to you (enough to make you become distant from your connection with someone) include pessimism and predictability. You get turned on by an energy enticing and stimulates your mind. Not one that's pragmatic. Oh and something that makes you feel boxed. You want the freedom to be very present in the relationship.
Commitment (in a relationship) to you means more than any other attribute/value. Generosity and trust are high up in your set of values as well. But nothing speaks to you more than the commitment to your relationship with someone. But with that, the commitment contains love and consistency with that love, not just commitment with no love.
Your partnership with the person you love is preferable if it's grounded and a little predictable (even if it's more on the boring side). You just want your partner to be someone you understand the idea of, not too unpredictable or confusing. You want someone who is serious and shows resilience; someone who stands firm on their love for you.
What makes you stray a bit from your connection with someone (vibing or relationship) is when someone shows immaturity or being unserious a lot of the time. I mean, fun and activities and games are fine sometimes, but if the deeper sense of the connection shows a lack of groundedness, it can make you stray away.
Fun. That's it. That must the theme in your relationships. Fun plus something of a breath of fresh air plus a little changeable and not too mundane or predictable. You're probably the kind to want or like a relationship that does trendy stuff like Tiktok or Youtube challenges or just have a cute relationsip on social media.
Your type is most likely a partner to be smart as well as idealistic. You may sometimes be prone to stating (or thinking) the obvious. So you want a partner who's at least a bit like that as well. But open-mindedness (outside of the obvious) and honesty are factors that should take place in the connection.
What can make you yawn is a person who's stubborn and boring and not able to take things lightly and be cool/relaxed. The relationship must be able to spark ideas and opinions and a connection that's like "Yo, I think… You get me? Exactly!" (basically you haven't even finished your sentence but your partner already gets you).
Something I usually see with this placement is that you have a great tendency of seeing the side in a person, especially a partner, and kind of put them on a pedestal (or just fantasize about them a lot if you like them). You put your partners and your relationship with them in a good light until they prove otherwise to you. Even then however you may have hope they a good side to them still (when you care about them).
You want a partner who looks at the good side as well, throughout everything in life. You also want someone who can understand you or basically sense you through the little things and the vague energy you give. In relationships, it's not the easiest for you to be open, honest and put things into solid perspectives or clear speech, so you usually end up (subconsciously) acting out how you think and feel rather than speaking your real truth.
You get bored easily by fast-paced and pessimistic people with no sense of humor; basically people who too realistic and don't know how to connect with their heart and soul. You want someone you can mentally (and perhaps physically) escape with. Go away and dive into the unknown.
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francestany · 8 months
❤️ it is the time actually you will live something sudden, unexpected, shocking experiences actually, because it is already the themes of Uranus. therefore while transiting growing, experienced, teaching planet Saturn transiting in precise orbs (only 0 degree orb can be used for more exact effects.) to your natal Uranus, it gives you maturing days.
❤️ for my personal experience it had a shocking effect too. In consequence of this situation I felt the weakest person alive. it was very deep emotionally and even I can say the pain was palpable.
during this transit you may feel depressed especially psychotic because it is pretty sudden for your life and nature.
but as always there is hope at the end of the day because if Saturn give a teaching, there will be a reward too.
❤️ the best thing about this transit is the change in you, actually. this will grow you in an extended way. you may have to leave somethings, maybe your loved ones or most precious things for your life. Just don't get too much psychotic !! I warn you
and know that going through hard times will bring you extra motivation and determination needed for your coming success. ( Saturn made you hard-core)
❤️ and even maybe it was beneficial for you in terms of your future whether you know or not. People cant exactly know what is good for what.( maybe you got a decision that you thought false)
Love of life be with you🧶🧶
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astro-tag-9 · 4 months
can you help me find my twin fictional character?
sagittarius sun sagittarius moon aries rising capricorn venus libra mars ❤️ thank youuu
❤️ Amy March ❤️
(Little women)
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safiredreams · 10 months
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Sagittarius Mars can sometimes be too honest and truthfull, hurting those they love with their words.
Capricorn on the 11th House Cusp often has older friends, these were the kids that had retirment age friends.
Those with Pluto in the 7th House are attracted to mysterious and quite intense individuals, those who can help unearth their own passions.
Capricorn Mars people need to be in a relationship with someone who supports their career goals, as they will spend a lot of energy on their work and that needs to be understood and nurtured by their partner.
If someones Venus fall directly on top of your Ascendant then you will feel beautiful and appreciated in this persons presence pretty much from the first moment you meet them.
Venus conjunct Pluto people often relate to others very intensly and deeply, there is no halfway when it comes to their connections. Pluto intensifies their Venusian placement often to a quite extreme level.
We store a lot of our unhealed wounds in our natal 8th House, so when a planet transits through it and especially if it touches any native 8th House planets there, a person will feel a reopening of old trauma that needs to be healed. Issues that were thought to have been dead and gone are unburied and forced into the open consciousness.
Aries Descendants are attracted to courageous, independent and assertive people. These people need to learn to take risks and fulfill their own selfish desires through the relationships that they form.
Mars in Virgo people analyse every situation and possibility before they give their full energy to it. They are highly discriminating of who and what they give themselves to.
The Taurus Venus person needs to be physically fulfilled in a relationships, if they are with a person that is unable to provide that kind of pleasure to them then the Taurean Venus will have to move on. Sensual pleasure is a non negotiable.
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