#Terfs are predatory creeps
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"no don't transition! please stay a dysphoric teenage 'girl' forever that's when you're most attractive to me! " 🤢 like SOMEONE is acting predatory here and it's not trans people 🤦
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
I made a post saying "trans girls are girls" and radfems came on the post and started calling me creepy because I put the word "girl" in it. They said that girls means someone is a minor...I then got bashed for it by a bunch of radfems and terfs for defending myself. Am I in the wrong for this??
I'm scared of being a creep to be honest. The post was just a positivity post about trans people, idk why I got bashed for it...
It's an age-old argument, unfortunately. I've made a few posts about it, because it's just something people spout. Nevermind the fact that cis women call themselves girls, call each other girls, because it's normal. There isn't anything creepy about it, if an adult says, "alright, girls!" to their friend or says, "I'm a girl".
The only reason it's deemed "creepy" is because it's about trans women and trans girls (girls in this case being trans women who aren't yet an adult). Basically, it's grasping at any straw to say trans women are predatory for the language they use. It's about being maximally hurtful as possible, and not about having a healthy dialogue. Hell, you could have made that post with actual girls in mind and not women, but it wouldn't have made a difference. Even trans girls aren't immune to being labeled "creeps". It's non-logic.
So you aren't wrong. Trans girls are girls.
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feeling rly unsafe 2day, but it's specifically bc of being a trans guy, i keep seeing stuff from cis women abt how men r always the worst and how men hav a duty 2 make their lives revolve around women or else we're sexist, how apparently men need 2 all b willing 2 lay down their lives 4 any woman or else we're just as bad as the creeps who make ppl feel unsafe 2 go out at night and yes i said people not just women but they only want 2 acknowledge it when it's a cis woman that's the victim
i did not fucking sign up for this
i did not fucking sign up 2 sacrifice my life either literally or thru dedicating my life only 2 others just because the pronoun "he" fits me better than the pronoun "she"
i should not hav 2 worry that im an inherently bad person because of being a gay trans man
i should not hav 2 worry abt being perceived as a threat bc of being a queer man of colour
i've honestly started to hav thoughts abt de-transitioning not bc being a guy in the way i am doesn't fit me but rather out of fear of the scrutiny every action of mine will b placed under
i was sexually abused as a child but i guess that doesn't matter anymore because im a man now, boys don't cry they punch ig, apparently since im a man now it means im destined 2 become that which hurt me
all i want is to be a man, in a nonbinary way yes but still a man (demi-guy), i want to love men who love me back, i want to live a quiet life surrounded by love and happiness, i want to live a gentle life
but no.... because im a man now then apparently it must make me predatory in some way
i can't de-transition... i know i wouldn't survive emotionally... so i stick with it, with allowing myself to be a demi-guy.... but it hurts knowing that me being free is perceived as dangerous, that im seen as inherently a threat to women
edit: so a terf started clowning this post, just 2 make this shit clear, this is not a fucking debate blog this is a me posting abt my feelings blog, i would've thought the url "my-traumacore-sideblog" would've made that clear
also no racism and sexism is not the same thing
yes women face oppression at the hands of men and should be allowed to talk about it but men also face oppression at the hands of women and should be allowed to talk abt it, 4 men who r not in a minority group this is usually in terms of legal stuff (how r*pe is legally categorised, custody disputes ect) but this is even more of an issue and more every day when it comes to men in marginalised communities, yk like me, yk like what i was venting abt in my fucking post i should b allowed 2 talk abt my own oppression 2 and acting like me venting abt my own oppression in a post tagged as a vent post on my vent blog makes me the same as my white oppressors is not only terf shit but also racist and it shows a lack of political literacy, a woman has just as much capacity 4 violence as a man but a queer man of colour is seen as inherently violent and a white woman is inherently seen as always being a victim but ur ok w/ these white women using that power of perceived vulnerability 2 call 4 violence against queer men and men of colour and especially queer men of colour just say u want cis women klansmen and leave im not backing down from talking abt my own oppression bc of white woman tears
anyways person who clowed is now blocked so don't bother trying 2 respond 2 my edit
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aftonfamilyvalues · 2 years
I have a long story. This was about 3 years ago. I am an out and proud lesbian and I have been always supportive of the transgender community. I have always gone with their beliefs but something kinda changed for me. It was when I was with my friends and we were all in an lgbtq kind of group where we would stay in certain classes out of safety and whatnot. I remember when my friend came out as transgender, and everyone supported them and it was all good. Later on, that very same person began identifying as a lesbian. Me, I didn't care so much. Then, one time when we were hanging out during our lunch break, we all started discussing books and comics we read and my trans friend openly stated that they envy lesbians because of how the love between women is so pure and how they feel they will never be seen as " a true woman". They even openly confessed that they read a whole ton of yuri and are obsessed with lesbian porn. I didn't look into it too much but then it started to dawn on me. This is a man in a dress with a lesbian fetish. The first sign was when they started to claim that they transitioned solely for the fact that "lesbians are cute and are worth the money and transition". I remember being creeped out and I pulled my friend aside one day and I wanted them to address it and tell me why everyone was pretending this shit was okay. They told me "it was not a big deal" and I should "let it go". I couldn't help but let my curiosity get the best of me and I went on their Instagram, and they had the lesbian flag in their pfp and a bunch of posts about how they want to fuck a cute lesbian chick and not disclose they are assigned male at birth(rape). They even were following multiple accounts that were dedicated to lesbian fetish porn, conversion lesbian porn and so on. I felt sick and I had no one on my side. Later, I cut them all off and they all began saying "she's a terf", "she's jealous of transwomen being prettier" and I can proudly say on anon now that when people say "transwomen are not forcing lesbians to sleep with them!!!" They are. They are. They do it through transition and believe they will be safe under the name of transness. They don't respect the fact that lesbians will never ever like men and will never like dick. Men will absolutely go through such procedures to hurt women. They will and people ignore it because of misogyny and homophobia. Sorry this is long.
its a lot of lesbians experience, unfortunately. it seems once you notice one man transitioning for his lesbian and agp fetishes, youre easily able to notice how many other are too. the amount of transwomen who were or are still 4chan incels, who have a very evident porn addiction, who spent their formative years and current years jerking off to hentai... its not something you can unsee. you can feel the misogyny and lesbophobia oozing from their words and actions and then youre told youre a horrible person for refusing to ignore it and validate a predatory man.
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redheadbigshoes · 1 year
Im in similar circles to you and while I don't think people who are against bi/pan lesbians are TERFs (I don't and I'm not), isnt it weird how many actual TERFs and transphobes seem to be in the community? like a couple discords recently have had someone just full on go on a transphobic argument then leave and now suddenly shes back and everyones forgiving her because.... she was flirting with someone with a bit of an age gap so their a creep? why are we just forgiving this person and forgetting the transphobia when both of them are adults and both of them flirted and said sexual things to one another just because there was an age gap? sometimes things like that feel like an op or something and i really feel like we should be more active in condemning transphobes if we want to keep saying we arent allied with them
You mean like in the LGBTQ+ community or in the lesbian community? And I know very well the situation you’re talking about. I didn’t get involved because I rarely interact on discord.
A lot of people have problems with age gaps no matter what. I do feel like there’s certain situations that it really seems like the older person is being predatory and creepy (like the DiCaprio situation that it seems like he waits until someone is 18 to start dating them), but not every situation is creepy. It’s really a matter of context.
And the case you’re talking about really makes me sus of how people seemed to have ignored the part where one of them was transphobic.
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menalez · 2 years
I know this is an old topic on your blog now but I just saw the anon taking about polilez being etiologically r/t womb envy and I wanted to agree! as a former inadvertent polilez (sorry) my experience was like. i grew up in a very accepting area of the US and knew a lot of gay/lesbian adults as a child, didn’t have internalized homophobia, only liked girls as a kiddo, had my first “gf” at 11, never really paid attention to guys. was out as a lesbian by 13 among friends, but started being attracted to men as well around 16-17 like right before I discovered radical feminism. also at that time started getting harassed at school by an older guy with a history of violence against women and so really doubled down on being lesbian because I thought it would ward him off, because I had a hard line “reason” to turn him down that was beyond my control. i was scared of him.
spoiler alert he “transitioned” on a Tuesday and on Wednesday was asking me to come over and cuddle again bc he was “suicidal”, and I think at that point it being “lesbian” became very political for me, I was terrified and so angry at the lengths males would go to to violate women’s boundaries, and having just finally accepted and understood the innate nature of sex that, yeah it felt like the enlightened thing to do to affirm homosexuality. and honestly calling myself a lesbian was my way to really validate to myself (was still very involved with “queer activism” at the time) why it was okay that I still really didn’t want to sleep with this person, because, even tho now I know it was because he was a creep and an abuser and a rapist, if I were bisexual, what excuse did I have to not entertain the idea besides genuine bigotry? even though I had been radicalized I didn’t want to disrespect trans people and didn’t want to be the bigoted evil terf that I had been warned about.
obviously I was a kid and just needed practice saying no, but IG my point was for me claiming lesbianism was my way to feel like i could justify being a terf to myself and also because as a bisexual people just assume you “don’t care” about someone’s genitals which is in fact not true lol. the dude transitioned back immediately after graduation, is in jail for assault now. Can’t help wonder if he’s trying to transition again to go to a woman’s facility :-/
anyway this was long winded but basically I just had this misguided notion that being a lesbian would protect you from predatory male behavior when in fact I now understand it just makes you an even bigger target. and also that it was the only “valid” reason to be GC in my own head because I believed that it would be easier to defend my views on sex and gender if I had the authority to say “look as a lesbian I’m not attracted to you.” was also totally wrong about that as y’all receive the worst of the worst IRT backlash about dating boundaries. and there are one million other reasons to be GC besides not wanting to date/fuck trans people but because I was so afraid of being bigoted it was the only one that seemed “safe” to me. no need to publish this if it’s confusing or stupid but haven’t talked/thought about it in a while. Ok done. love your blog and think you’re amazing :-) keep fighting the good fight
your experience is quite interesting to me bc i do hear many bi & het women argue they call themselves lesbians bc it provides them some safety / means they don’t want to fuck men and dont want to explain not wanting to fuck men even tho their sexuality doesn’t bar them from it or sth, and to me i didn’t rly get it bc 1. just bc ur into men doesn’t mean ur obligated to fuck them 2. just bc ur into men doesn’t mean u should want any man possible. ur allowed to have boundaries too! 3. claiming to be a lesbian doesn’t actually provide any security. maybe maybe in the most progressive gay friendly place ever or something but even then i doubt it. so it’s definitely interesting to hear from someone who had that perspective and realised through experience that for men “lesbian” is just another variation of “try to change my no into a yes” to them. also i can say from my own experiences that when we’re teens, our idea of sexual orientation and sexuality can be quite dumb and skewed so i don’t fully blame u here. some of my feelings about sexual orientation back then made absolutely no sense and looking back im just like -_- ok how on earth did i buy that bullshit
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transmasc-reala · 1 year
Do Not Interact
LGBTQ+phobes of all stripes (If you need to split hairs about what counts as being an LGBTQ+phobe, assume this blog isn’t for you.)
Nazis, pro-life/anti-choice, all right-wingers/conservatives and people who sympathize with the right wing
TERFs/radfems/“gender critical”
MAPs/NOMAPs/pedophiles and their supporters
NSFW or kink (unless it’s specifically Reala-related lmao. I’m not going to reblog it though)
DDLG and all synonyms/similar fetish blogs
Pro-ana/ED blogs
Gore blogs
Vent/negativity blogs, self-harm blogs, traumacore
People who are going to start stupid fights about NiGHTS’s/Reala’s pronouns
Anyone who ships NiGHTS and Reala
Any flavor of bigot, offensive weirdo or predatory creep not explicitly mentioned above
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brettdoesdiscourse · 2 years
It always makes me laugh when I see lesbian women supporting terfs because like. The exact same arguments were used against you not too long ago. Years ago, people were saying we needed to keep predatory lesbians out of women's bathrooms/spas/changing rooms/etc. Because of course, lesbians were just trying to creep on our good cishet women.
Gay men were wanted to be kept out of men's spaces as well. Because they were seen as a threat to our men, especially our little boys. If we allowed gay men into our spaces, they were going to attack and abuse our children. That's the entire reason they wanted in, remember?
And it's all fun and games saying trans people shouldn't be allowed in until you're mistaken for a trans person. Until a cis gay man is seen as a trans man. Until a cis gay women is seen as too masculine to be a real woman. And then it's not quite as good when you're the one being harassed for just trying to use the bathroom. When you feel the need to have to prove you have the right to be in there.
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isaacsapphire · 3 years
I agree with what you said in response to that TERF's "cis lesbians are never entitled creeps" take. Hell, some radfem rhetoric about political lesbianism comes off as "Why do (straight) women go for (male) jerks? They should give nice guys gals like me a chance!"
I don't talk about it much, but literally the first wlw friend I had fell for me and pursued waaaay past me saying I wasn't interested, and knowingly took actions that put me in danger from my homophobic family in that pursuit.
And I saw a sporty family member who was apparently just lesbian catnip repeatedly pursued past rejection by multiple lesbians, and the lesbians I met in college just constantly had the kinds of attitudes towards their romantic/sexual targets that are stereotypical of male jocks; very predatory, lots of "she's lesbian and doesn't know it yet, just needs The Love of a Good Woman whether she wants it or not" kind of stuff.
It's at the point where I have to think about it to pull up examples of well-behaved lesbians for myself to show #notalllesbians rather than grasping for examples of bad behavior from lesbians in my life.
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insnapescorner · 3 years
Snaters when you point out their theories about Snape aren't textually supported: Why do YOU care what the terf says?
Me: Says the assholes who accept at face value, the terf's decision to put in drag twice, give a female patronus, and "feminine" handwriting, a male character she intends to make an ex-death eater.
Me: Says the assholes who use the terf's decision to give a morally grey male character a female patronus, as a reason to paint the character as a predatory creep, and claim this represents a sexual obsession, despite otherwise accepting as true that patronuses can only be formed from strong and genuinely happy memories.
Me: Says the assholes who scream bloody murder when people take Rickman's opinions on the character he played as equally legitimate as Rowling's (or more), when Rickman informed the public he was told Snape's arc before they began filming.
Me: Says the assholes who scream bloody murder when fans take people who knew the guy Snape was based heavily on, as authorities on Snape.
Me: Says the assholes who yell "Death Of The Author" but insist a reader backing their analysis of the text with the text itself, must be agreeing with the author about the meaning of the text.
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Id believe there are gay men waiting for boys next to bathrooms, why would that not be possible? There are enough perverts and creeps out there. And concerning transwomen harassing girls and women in toilets... I did not make that up. I wish I would, really. Terfs do not want to disvalidate trans people, but there are hidden dangers in letting peoples self identity be more important than other peoples safety and lives. Women get raped in womens toilets anyways sometimes, but why would we want to enlarge the risk by letting possible predators inside?
Would that make all gay men predatory and a danger to young boys though? Or do you acknowledge that only a very small minority are like that?
If you say it’s the first part, then that’s homophobia.
If you say the second, why can’t you acknowledge that’s the case with trans women?
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yaoipaddlestar · 2 years
Literally I think one of the most pitiful things on this site are the teenage cis lesbians who've been groomed into TERFdom and radfem bullshit.
Like I can't even imagine growing up, grappling with your own LGBT identity, and maybe you see a handful of posts about women's empowerment and gender inequality and lesbianism so you follow these blogs who post about it, and then all of a sudden you see them posting about how predatory men are, how trans women are wolves in sheep's clothing, how they come into bathrooms to assault cisgender women and are pedophiles and you, a 14 or 15 year old girl who doesn't know any better, believes this. You follow more blogs. Why is no one upset about all these trans women predating on cis women? They must be on their side, this must be more evidence of the oppression of women. So you creep further into this rabbit hole of TERF conspiracy. You "learn" about how trans men are GNC or lesbian women who have been tricked by an industry boogeyman who's motivated by homophobia and misogyny, and you can't believe no one talks about this? You struggled with your womanhood as a child, because of your attraction to other women (and this fact being contradictory to what was expected of you). This, surely, must be what trans men are feeling. They don't understand what's wrong with them. But you do, and so do these other women who you trust and who care about you, surely. And those trans people who are predators and helpless victims in one revile you, so you recede even further into this echo chamber and you're trapped. And you're 17 now, and nothings changed. You dedicate time to harassing trans women online, not because you hate trans people, but because you're defending women and stopping those predatory men from invading your precious female spaces. Intersex and GNC and POC women who fall in between the cracks of your "activism," who are predated upon by the peers you look up to, don't matter, because at this point you're so blinded by bigotry and you're so deep into the echo chamber that the criticisms don't reach your ears, and even if they did, you would not listen. Because you're scared, and all these women you look up to you are telling you to be scared, and you've grown up with this fear and internalised it and the idea that you must challenge it, and that you must understand that the fear is groundless and sown into you by women who don't really give a shit about you, is scarier than the imaginary trans predators in bathrooms. It is harder to acknowledge that your understanding of the world is not as comprehensive or complete as you think it is, than it is to dig your heels into the ground.
I can't imagine the trauma of trying to leave TERF circles, especially if you grew up in them. I feel so bad when I see teenage TERFs around because there's almost no way they came to the conclusions about gender and identity that they did on their own. And its not like I know what to do about it. I can't just show up in their DMs like "be not afraid, these people you love and trust and revere are lying to you, and I (a person part of the community your group is built around hating), am going to tell you the unbiased truth and you should just believe me." Like I just kind of ruminate on the fact that this person who isn't even fully grown spends time harassing trans people and feeding into the TERF cult of fearmongering and bullshit for no good reason, and then try to go on with my day. Fuck, man.
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andersfels · 3 years
no but see i hate being a bitter adult but a lot of those "adults shouldn't be on x site" posts from kids are scary not for the reasons adults usually get mad about...but bc kids genuinely think those spaces belong to them. like kids say that about twitter and tumblr and tiktok when those sites have been full of adults and porn and thirst traps and most of all, pedos and terfs and nazis that the sites refuse to deal with. kids are literally not safe there and the fact that they think they're "minor spaces" is terrifying.
i don't mean this in the grumpy adult way, but kids are the ones that should not be in these spaces. if i could warn my younger self off, i wouldn't have been on these sites at their age. it's not any better now. they are not minor spaces and they need to get that through their heads, bc they need to be AWARE of how dangerous plastering their info and selfies on their profiles and intereracting with stragers is.
saying "adults need to get off x site" is showing how they're under the impression that these ARE minor's spaces, and it's going to lead them to assuming the anonymous person they're interacting with is also a minor, and not a predatory adult lying and taking advantage of them.
if you're under 17, you need to be cautious what site you're on, what you're posting, what info you're absorbing, and most of all, who you're interacting with.
mainstream social media is by no means EVER going to be absent of adults. saying it ought to be is a product of you existing in the teenage bubble of school where the majority of who you interact with is also teenagers. that's not the case online. and you WILL run into predators and creeps and bad people, and you need to understand this and be on your guard, and realize how badly being on these sites at a young age might be for you. do not suffer delusions. the majority of people you interact with have an equal chance to be adults or minors, safe people or creeps.
and to be real, creeps are the ones going to lie about their ages to get at you. finding safe adults and mentors is generally a GOOD thing to do in order to buffer and protect from these people. kids who don't want interaction with adults are going to seperate themselves from the leftists and lgbt+ mentors who ought to be teaching them, while nazis and terfs prey on their vulnerability to lure them in and brainwash them early.
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terfslying · 4 years
Soooo, is anyone else creeped out by the fact that on a post pointing out that different women have different experiences and the idea of "universal womanhood" is both transphobic and racist has terfs going on about "tra" seeing people as different species? When literally no one said that? way to go, you just showed your whole racist ass
It’s because they assume we all see trans people the way they do.
When we say something like, “the universal ‘woman’ experience doesn’t include black/disabled/intersex women” what they hear is: “you are equivalent to a trans person because you’re black/disabled/intersex”.
And can you imagine how insulting whatever “equivalent to a trans person” would be?
That’s why it comes off so racist, sexist, ableist, whatever the flavour of the particular radfem is. It’s also why they claim the “TRAs” are the ones being racist/sexist/ableist. Because from their perspective, the TRA said it first! The TRA is the one that compared black/disabled/intersex women to these [fill in the blank here - predatory, mentally ill, different species, etc] trans women.
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menalez · 1 year
Dyke-lover is kind of a geed because he deleted his old blog with the callout before he could even boost it, by the time he posted it half of lesbian tumblr was worshipping RK for calling the creep out, tbh I people saw it but nobody found it concerning because by that point rk was trusted. On lesbian tumblr I block creepy men on the daily, I think all of us would have blocked and moved on but rk made the callout post to save his image and do damage control because he was once friends with the guy
disgusting. and then ofc they turn around and pretend that it must be an ~evil terf~ behind that predatory tw's blog.
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whoneedssexed · 4 years
kennysbackupaccount replied to your photo “hellyeahscarleteen: New at Scarleteen from Jamie LeClaire! Five ways...”
Go to therapy
Hey guys, so we just got a virulent and predatory bigot on our Activity page, one that we’ve actually already had blocked, so one that’s trying to harass us. They have also been known under kennysartblog and others that I can’t remember off the top of my head.
This person makes gross, hateful remarks to trans and intersex people, INCLUDING minors, about their genitals, and has been deleted before on Tumblr for posting pictures of trans people’s genitals as well as mutilated genitals, to laugh at them.
They’ve also been known to harass people in general, as they are showing here, and send messages to people they think are minors trying to “warn” them about blogs like ours, about trans bloggers, anti-terfs, and others in a manipulative manner. I know @tygressofaera​, @autonomy-is-a-right​, @terfsarehomophobic, and I believe @nonbinarydave have dealt with them before.
They’re a grade A creep all around, please block and report them to tumblr.
- mod BP
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