#Tessa wears a helmet
thatwolficorn · 6 months
More stupid theory stuff:
Remember how Tessa and the other humans at the gala were just shadows? Maybe that was because those events were shown through memories, through the eyes of a drone. Tessa now, in the present, has colour and a more defined form. The humans from the pilot in the exposition sequence are also not shadows. Eldritch J's human hand wasn't a shadow. The skeletons aren't shadows. We see all of that as is, without it being a POV or anything like that.
Maybe the drones see humans differently?
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the-mighty-e · 12 days
can you draw cyn wearing the Tessa space suit without the helmet with her sword I think it be a cool drawing.I love cyn and I need more art of her.please and thank you💛💛💛
Accidentally did a full illustration whoops-
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Btw to anyone who reads this and wants to ask for future drawings!! Just wanna say that I'll start school in two days so keep in mind I won't be able to draw as much as I did recently :')
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cyn-bot · 2 months
LOG 1-001: Tessa Disguises
Subject: Tessa James Elliot
Subject Status: DECEASED
Progress is slowly being made. Subject is officially deceased and has since been modified to my liking. Incisions have been made at the wrists to make room for my own hands to peer through. Although my hands fit through Tessa's wrists, I will avoid exposing my hands while disguised as her (in order to avoid suspicion).
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The head took some doing. Tessa's head does not fit the anatomy of my head (due to worker drones having different anatomy from humans). Her head had to be stretched out in order to fit my face. This was successful and I can easily slip her own face over my own face rather snugly.
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I will equip the skinsuit of Tessa underneath the astronaut suit I've been constructing to resemble her likeness. The items for the astronaut disguise that I currently possess are as follows:
1x astronaut suit
1x astronaut helmet
1x pair of white gloves
1x pair of white boots
1x JC Jenson hat
1x revolver
1x firearm holster
1x broadsword
I have yet to finish the outfit. I will need another black bow to go on top of the helmet. It will resemble the one Tessa used to wear. I also need something extra. Perhaps a few cute stickers to place on the helmet. I imagine Tessa liked stickers.
Tessa's revolver has been acquired by me and is fully functional. It is a Black Powder Colt 1851 Navy Revolver. I have practiced using this firearm in my spare time to mimic Tessa's combat skills. I have to continue practicing, as I suffer greatly from the recoil of the revolver.
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Side Note: Do not spin the chamber of the revolver. Spinning the chamber can result in damaging the gun itself.
Everything I have documented up to this point are all preparations for disguising myself as Tessa. Progress is still underway. I will continue my work in private. In the meantime, I will maintain a low profile so they don't assume something is awry.
If you somehow gained access to this log: You won't live long enough to share this intel.
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canadiannationalfox · 10 days
Murder Drones - TessaJ Posthumous - Her Blessed Remains
(takes place during the events of Episode 3)
J awoke in the pod. She gasped for air as her internal compressor kicked on. She had some burn marks on her legs where the railgun had injured her that were starting to fade. J wrapped her tail around herself for comfort, her footsteps making the tin floors of the space-ship let out a metallic 'tap' with every step.
Once J reached the control helm, she looked upon the girl in the spacesuit. Normally around Tessa, she would be herself and more loosened up, but she felt something was wrong, she could tell something was wrong, but her memory was too foggy. She stood back, hunched slightly to appear more apologetic, she greeted somberly, "I'm sorry for what happened back there... That you had to repair me."
The Aussie voice came through the helmet with a slight metallic echo, "S'alright, J. We are heading there now to take care of things."
J sat at the second-in-command seat to the left of the woman in the spacesuit. She sighed, looking away, not wanting to make eye contact.
The woman released the pressure from her helmet and took it off.
J heard the hiss of the nitrogen escaping the helmet, she dreaded the next part, but she had to look, she had to face her boss. If she had a stomach and a gag-reflex, J would've retched at the sight, it wasn't fully Tessa anymore under the helmet, it was a twisted amalgamation Cyn and Tessa.
The deceased looking woman trilled in a monotone voice, "[giggle] and what were you ex-expecting, J? Your little princess?"
J glared at her boss, she didn't want to talk. "Let's just get back to Copper 9 and finish the job like you want." She felt like crying, she wanted to be sad so badly, but, she couldn't cry, not in front of the current CEO of JC Jensen.
Cyn smiled a wicked grin, the greying skin on her face made her smile look even more twisted and deranged. She mimicked in the Tessa voice, "Oh come on, Jaybird, aren't you happy to see me?"
J hiccupped in sorrow, she barely made eye contact with the Tessa and Cyn amalgamate. "I... I am, just... I want to be done and over with this. I want to go back and kill that purple toaster. Then we can move on to the next one..." She scorned as she insulted bluntly, "That is if you don't wipe my memory again."
Cyn teased again in the Tessa voice while tapping her fingers together wickedly, "Why, because you think then that I'm your precious Tessa, so you obey and treat me better?"
J was more dulled to the memory resets now, and she had faint memories from them, even if it was fuzzy.
Cyn saw this now as a game, she stated in her normal voice as she picked up a knife, "[Grab] [giggle giggle]" She laughed as she held the knife up to a matted onyx section of her vessel's hair.
J slapped the knife out of Cyn's hand. She growled defensively, "Don't you fucking dare."
Cyn laughed before saying in a slightly-less monotone voice, "What? Does it bother you?"
"It does, a lot!" J screamed back, she couldn't hold her emotions in check any longer, her eyes streamed LED tears.
The cyborg mocked with a sickening laugh, "Did it bother you when Tessa made that precious wig you wear every day?" She teased cruelly as she reached to the back of her head and pulled a small chunk of ebony hair out and threw it at J's face, she heinously smirked at J's dismayed expression before she taunted, "I thought you had a thing for Tessa's hair, right?"
The disassembly drone leader growled with vendetta, she couldn't stand the complete disrespect for Tessa's body. The emotionally wrecked J exclaimed, her core aching with sorrow, "You killed her, Cyn! You killed the only person I cared about! She was my everything! TESSA WAS OUR EVERYTHING! SHE SPARED YOU, AND YOU COULDN'T SPARE HER!"
Cyn smiled wickedly as she picked the knife up again, she now pointed it at J's throat.
J didn't flinch, she was too distressed to care. "Go on, do it then! Kill me off, see if I care!" J shouted, her LED eyes going into the oval light mode, she shook slightly as she was consumed with sobbing and tears. She breathed heavily, her insides were running hot now, and there was no oil to drink.
"Are you done your little tantrum?" Cyn teased in the Tessa voice as she set down the knife.
J breathed heavily and responded, "While I have to obey you... just know if something happens and you perish... I WILL give Tessa a proper burial." She admitted nobly, despite her shaken emotional state, "Her blessed remains deserve respect and rest. My princess deserves that at very least."
Cyn was tired of J's noble streak and stabbed a USB flashdrive into J's hand.
J screeched in pain as she held her hand. She felt dizzy and started to sway before she collapsed onto the floor.
Cyn mocked once more in the Tessa voice to her strongest disassembly drone that was losing consciousness, "Sweet dreams, Jay-bird, let's hope you forget this by the time we get to Copper 9."
The End
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deedah · 20 days
[Idk if I’ll make more ‘chapters’, I think I’ll do it if y’all like this one, k? Thx!]=True]
This fanfic includes 
-spoilers for Murder Drones finale
-talk about death
Word count- 1349
     J threw the drill down on the snow as she used her left claws to end down a piece of metal as she finally got it screwed in. She then spread her metal wings as she did a flip in the air and landed in front of the newly built landing pod that Cyn had destroyed during her final moments.
    J almost felt proud of herself as she kept inspecting the space pod, but it was short lived when she remembered everything that had happened in the last few months. Cyn being destroyed, the planet somehow getting itself back together.. and.. her exile.
    J slowly walked into the pod as she used her hand to activate the door. She even decorated it a little. There was now a mattress hanging from the ceiling and a body mirror on one side of the wall. And there were also coat and hat hangers up on another side of the wall. But there was only one ‘hat’ on the hangers.
    ‘Tessa’s’ spacesuit helmet and some bows from her hair that she used to wear.
    J slowly picked up ‘Tessa’s’ helmet as she slowly walked backwards to sit down in the chair in front of the control panel. 
    Even though Cyn had used the helmet to trick V and the others, it still felt special to J. J had freaked out when Cyn had revealed that she was the one to kill Tessa at the gala by being controlled by Cyn.. and she even fought Cyn when she realized that Cyn was wearing Tessa’s skin like a fricken cosplay.
    J looked at her reflection in the helmet, then in the mirror.
    She then stood up slowly as she put the helmet back on the hanger. Then she went to stand in front of the mirror as she looked at her hair. During the fight with V and the other two drones, Uzi shot her stupid railgun towards J. Thankfully she missed, but she did cut half of her left pigtail off.
    J then looked at her hand as she involuntarily switched her hand for a sword. She looked at her yellow, tired, and dreary eyes before she quickly grabbed her right pigtail and chopped half of it off.
    She shut her eyes tight until she felt all her hair get cut off. She then looked at her hand to see the remains of her hair as she threw it in a trash can.
    The lonely Disassembly drone then took out her pigtails and flipped her hair upside down before shooting her head back up to see her hair down. 
    The last time her hair was down was when Tessa first found her and they were trying to find a hairstyle for her. 
    J then took one of Tessa’s black bows and she pulled her hair into a half-up-half-down gig as she put the bow where the two parts of her hair met in the back.
    [Flashback sequence]=True]
    Tessa started to comb out the saved workers new hair that she gave them as the worker looked in the mirror.
    “You haven’t told me your name yet buddy..” Tessa said sweetly as the worker stopped making eye contact with her through the mirror.
    “I..” they started, “I’m sorry, master.. I don’t remember..” they said as they hugged themselves.
    Poor thing.. Tessa thought as she continued to brush the silver hair she gave the worker.
    “Well..” Tessa started with a soft smile, “Father said I can’t name you drones human names.. but when I found you, I thought you looked like the name Jade!” She explained as she grabbed one of her favorite black blows and pulled the workers hair into a half-up-half-down. “So why not just.. J?” She said as she crouched beside the worker. “You like it..? It’s one of my favorite hairstyles to do” She asked as she meant the name and the hair style.
    “I-“ they started as they touched their hair. “I like the name J, but can we..maybe.. do pigtails..?” J asked as she lowered her shoulders like she was afraid of saying her opinion.
    “Of course! I don’t mind at all!” Tessa said as she took the bow out and brushed out her hair again and used a small comb to part it in the middle.
    Tessa started to hum softly as J slowly listened to her.
    “What are you singing master..?” J asked once Tessa had finished putting J’s pigtails in.
    “Oh my! J please don’t call me ‘master’, I’m not that type of person!” She exclaimed as J slowly nodded. “And I was humming one of my favorite songs named “Eternal Dream”. I hear it on the radio a lot of the time” Tessa said as she thought. Though I’m shocked we still have radio with all this ai going around. 
    “Can you sing it for me, boss..?” J slowly asked as Tessa rolled her eyes playfully.
    “Of course, J” Tessa said as she started to sing, “I and tired of this dream~~” 
[End of flashback]=True]
    “I can’t end this dream~~” J sang quietly as she finished up her new hair style. She liked it on her. It made her look like she changed in some way. 
    J looked back at the helmet to see a sticky note above it that she wrote for herself after she got the interior of the pod shapened up. It read-
    ‘Poor J, alone is a cold, dark, world. And keep holding the helmet J, it’s the trophy of the “winning” team’
    J wrote that for herself to remind of of what deal she had made with Cyn.
    I just wanted to be protected from death.. Part of her mind begged.
    “And look where it’s got you…” she looked back in the mirror as she countered her own mind, “idiot.” Her fists clenched as she looked at her eyes before she went and sat down in the chair again.
    She turned the radio on as she scourged through the channels until she finally found one that wasn’t just static.
    There was a song playing.
    J recognized it..
    Eternal dream..
    J listened to the song until it got to the chorus when it got interrupted by static.
    J sat up and started to hit it with her fist as she mumbled “Oh come on, stupid thing”
    She did get it to go back to not being static anymore, but this time.. it was different.
    Instead of the soft soothing song, J heard screams of terror and cries for help by strangers through the radio.
    “Hello..?!” A voice came through the radio, “Please! If anyone is there! Please speak up!”
    J could help but to press the button for the microphone as fast as she could and start to talk.
    “H-hello?!” J said through the radio as she awaited for an answer.
    “Ohoho thank Robo-God!! Someone!!” The stranger yelled happily through the radio, “JC!! Someone came through! We will be ok!!” They told one of their friends as she seemed like they came back face to face with the radio.
    “Hello! If you can hear us please say ‘Roger’!” They commanded, and J did as they said.
    “Please! Do you have a spaceship or a landing pod of some kind!?” They asked, “Me and my friends are stranded in space! I don’t know if you know who this is but a robot named Cyn destroyed our home planet named Broze-7!” They explained as J’s eyes hollowed.
    “We are near what used to be earth! Please! Come find us before we die out here!” They begged.
    T-this is it.. J thought as she simmered on the words of the stranger, “This is my redemption!” J accidentally said out loud. When she noticed she had her mic on, she immediately started to apologize. “Oh, I’m sorry.. And yes! I have a pod! I am coming as quickly as I can! Stay put!” J said as she started to fire up the space pod. The last thing she heard from the radio before she blasted off was,
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roseofhybrids · 6 months
Drone Tessa AU idea:
When Cyn turned Tessa into a robot she decided at first to let her keep her human skin in order to disguise her alterations from her family.
Unfortunately she forgot to keep in consideration the lack of senses and the fact that human eyes aren’t pitch black visors and so she had to take it off of her once Tessa find out what she did and began to rip it off in a moment of madness.
Hey, look! The Elliot's daughter managed to make it out alive! Seems like she's doing ok:
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(TesCYN continues to not beat the furby allegations)
for the eyes and senses
we know from CYN's puppy dog eyes in episode 5 that the drones can display full color images on their visors. So in theory, she could make fake human eyes on the display. Ala lego mario here:
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Realistically speaking, I don't think anyone would be tricked into thinking they're real. But if the adults are paying so little attention that they can't notice the fact that she's a drone with skin wrapped around it, then maybe it could work.
The senses though are tricky.
Drones seem to have at least some sense of touch. Though, since the skin's nerves have presumably been separated from her brain, I'd imagine it feeling like she's wearing gloves, a mask, et cetera. (notably, something she'd have less reason to question if she were in the astronaut suit)
We've seen the drone's HUDs a view times, which are always tinted their lights color, and have some visual snow. But we know they can still discern color through V's reference to Uzi as purple and Doll as red. I think that would be one of the first things a human would notice. Unless CYN removes the UI elements, and we take the creative liberty to assume that since the drones can discern color that it would trick Tessa's brain into thinking nothing's wrong? It really depends on how long you want her to not know she's a robot. (another thing that the space suit could help with. If one puts some flavor text in about the helmet having some sort of UI)
Sound, I don't think we've seen anything to suggest the drone's hearing is too different from a human's. Can hear each other speak alright, react to sound cues, enjoy listening to nightcore and panic at the disco.
Taste, I mean. They do have tongues and N describes oil as sweet, so?
Scent here is a bit interesting. Because I can't recall any scenes where the drones have referenced the smell of anything. Not uncommon in any story, especially visual ones like video. It's just something we can forget about easily. For organic characters, we can assume they can, but with robots it's a little up in the air. They don't have visible noses, though there are animals that smell through their mouths rather than nostrils (snakes, lizards, some mammals have extra scent abilities alongside their noses, see "flehmen response"). Would the company have a reason to give them a sense of smell? Would the solver have a reason to? At the same time, it's not unheard of for humans to lose their sense of smell through injury or illness. So it would be possible to not have it without your first thought being "oh shit I've been turned into a robot" (and would you look at that another thing the space suit could cover up. If you're in an airtight suit, why question the fact that you can't smell all the corpses around you? Maybe question why you can't smell your own sweat in there, but that's more a blessing than a curse)
In terms of tricking people into thinking Tessa is human, including Tessa herself. That suit can account for a lot of things.
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malice-death · 5 months
Something something, college/human au, with Murder Drones.
This is just me doing drabbles until I can fully flesh out this idea.
I just going use this for all my information, so I’ll just reference this when I make more parts.
Now onto the characters.
Uzi Doorman: Uzi Doorman (lol)
N: Nathaniel Wolfmoore
V: Vanessa Cutters
J: Jessica Snip
Cyn: Cynthia Wolfmoore
Tessa: Tessa James Elliot (She already had a name, so why not use it.
Thad: Thad Cold
Lizzy: Lizzy Walkers
Doll: Dolia (Instert Russian Last Name)
Khan and Nori Doorman
And others which are just side characters.
Summary: Uzi had been attended college for a while and never used it as a chance to even get to know anyone on campus.
That changes when she decides to go to the college’s JcJenson’s (In Spaaaace) coffee shop.
The alarmed went off for another minute, until a tired hand knocked the clock to the floor, killing the sound it produced.
The hand belonged to that of a tired young woman, who slowly rises from her bed.
She knew that going for a seventh round on Fnaf was a stupid idea. Scowling so early in the morning.
Swinging her legs over her bed, she begun her usually routine.
Going to her closet to grab something simple to wear for the day.
That simple attire literally being her black t-shirt and black jeans.
Still she hauled herself to her tiny kitchen apartment and just threw two waffles in the toaster.
While they cooked, Uzi went to work on making sure that she had all she needed for her classes.
She kicked herself for having classes until the end of the week.
Still she just wanted to get through her second year quietly, just as she did last time.
After breakfast, Uzi went to the door, donning ber jacket and beanie. Her backpack snug in her back.
Making sure she had her keys and wallet, she walked down the steps out of her apartment went to motorcycle parked at the edge of the lot.
Pulling off her beanie, and placing on her helmet, she revved up the bike, and headed off for the campus.
(That’s all for this part, hope to have two up soon.)
Thanks for reading.
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shinyshade8026 · 5 months
J ramble arrives!
Here is what you guys voted for!! Spoilers for episode 7!
Here is a screenshot of J and lets get into it!
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J has really been a strict rule follower, as we can see from the pilot as well as her lines in episode 5. But we see her break the rules for one person, Tessa. Other than V, Tessa is J's best friend, probably her first as wall. Because of this, they were extremely close. When the gala massacre happened, J's body was the one used to lock Tessa in the room and condemn her to death.
If we speed through to when they are disassembly drones, the only memory J doesn't remember is her being the reason Tessa died, in fact, she doesn't remember Tessa dying in the slightest. I think that the one that J had been comunicating with was 'Tessa'/Cynessa the whole time, but she wasn't aware of this. Once she died and rebooted on the ship with 'Tessa', she fully believed that this was the Tessa James Elliot she knew and befriended. So, believing this, she was fully ready to do anything that 'Tessa' said. She stays back and guards the ship just as told, but when her, returned V, and Lizzy (Yes, Lizzy joins them) get down to the bottom of the elavator shaft and meet the others, the first one J looks for is 'Tessa'.
When she learns that Tessa had died at the gala, and that the one she had been talking to was a flesh puppet, she was in mass denial. She ended up fleeing the Cabin Fever labs in her denial. She ended up just roaming around the area for a bit, not living anywhere until V invited her to live with Her, S, Asmi, and E.
Uzi eventually got J to let her restore any blocked away memories, and upon remembering she was part of the reason Tessa died, she became distruaght again. She locked herself in her room, the only drones able to talk to her and get a response being V, Asmi, and surprisingly E.
J keeps the space helmet that 'Tessa' wore in her room, and she keeps it for the sole reason of memories. The Tessa she knew had always wanted to go to space, and J wishes that she could have done so. J now rarely talking about Tessa, and focuses on her new life with everyone at the household.
J headcanons/notes!
Fluxuating Aro/Ace who is also a lesbian
She owns a JCJenson branded mug which is her preferred drinking glass
She isn't the best with figuring out her emotions, which is why it took her so damn long to realize she liked E
She owns a dark colored sweater that she wears at some point, she has this because Asmi got everyone in the house to have sweaters
J actually has other colored hairtie/ribbons for her hair, she just prefers to use her black one.
Because of E, J now likes the sound of small chiming bells.
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enigmaincrimson · 1 year
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"Definitely far from home like I am... huh..."
There seemed to some time for pondering as she looked over Tessa's gift certificate before giving her an affirmative nod. A part of her was wondering why she was wearing a hat, stickers, and a bow on her helmet, but this probably wasn't a good time to ask those particular questions.
"So... Earth is actually gone then? Not... someone making up some story in order to be dramatic?"
Maybe she was testing for something, but she wanted to make sure she picked that up right.
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chameleon-on-lsd · 2 months
Tatort Zürich E3 - E7 liveblogging
Episode 3 (Schattenkinder)
Love how tessa rides the bike to the crime scene and then doesn‘t get to ride with the car. They could‘ve loaded it, p sure that isabella has a prett normal car and not a police cruiser with equipment in the back, right? Noah ily so much. ‚Uf sim pc hets paar cooli games […]‘ ‚völlig kränk‘ !!!!!! Baby boy, ily Tessa‘s eyebrows are very intense this episode „Noah, es ist spät, hast du kein zuhause?“ xDD „äh doch“ Lmao what kind of reaction is ‚luegsch pornos?‘ from charlie to tessa not reacting right away to a question xd Lol isabelle. But also i love her eating his food in the kitchen. And I forgot his name again „Putain, tessa“ lmao What parking structure is that?? Never seen it before The art dude is wearing a very jazzy sweater. Almost Baby Genius like I love how isabelle‘s red-brown holster matches her red turtleneck sweater Yes, let‘s go party with the suspect Lmao tessa, that was the MOST obvious ‚talking into lapel mic‘ ever. Girlie, don‘t go undercover Aww love how Milan is being a server. What does your catering job include lmao AND THEN TESSA LEAVES THE DOOR OPEN WHILE SNEAKING AWAY. Get that woman some training Lmao tessa. 1A ablenkig. How to distract pretentious art wanker? The Arts!!! Just sing a little ditty (She‘s good tho) Also, another woman flirting with grandjean/ott lmao Holy fuck the tension ???!!!!! They actually almost kiss?? ‚Bini der z schnell?‘ fjalshdlal I FORGOT THAT ISABELLA HAS TO LISTEN TO THAT!!!!! W O W Lmao she just insta-installed something? I like the editing of all the different voice-overs in this one Whew max‘s actor Lmao smoking indoors? I guess the police is altmodisch but come on guys SHARING THE CIGARETTE!!!! (Almost sad that hörk don‘t get to share) !!! I figured out like half a second before the reveal that kyomi is the daughter lol Cries, the dad just looks so happy. No old man, don‘t make me cry, you‘re supposed to be a monster Damn bitch, that matte blue/purple car tho. Holy shit. (Also we do just keep with the suicide plots for zurich tatort huh. Are we this depressed??) Awww, cute tess and isabella moment
Episode 4 (Risiken mit Nebenwirkungen)
Lmao the lawyer with the super sassy ‚unzueläässssig‘ Will we finally get an episode without suicide mention? You live on a boat? What are we? Amsterdam? I already don‘t remember the 3rd title caard Isabelle walks onto the boat, instantly touching 3 surfaces lmao. Cool that she got offered gloves like 5 seconds later tho lol „Also = game over“, gamer boy noah lives on Lmao the boss of the lawyers: ‚chani ihne öppis ahbiete? Gin? Single malt?‘ Guess that‘s one way to do business Lmao just quoting law articles to eachother God, i‘m pretty sure they said it before but the sentence ‚folge dem geld oder dem sperma‘ made me half-choke so loud my cat woke up „der sah aus wie ein jammerlappen“ lmao get roasted hot lawyer (Praise kink!noah unlocked. Too bad I don‘t know who to ship him with and I hate reader insert) God that pharma conference is SO wanky We really just don‘t do subtitles huh? (It was a very easy english phone call but like) Uuuuh, does hit lawyer have a conscience? The pharma lady reminds me of that phony pharma lady. Theranos??Mhhh electro porsche Lmao noah losing his shit at his own doing …why is isabelle riding in the ambulance when the attack happend in front of the house? Where the stay at home mom is??? „Sie weiss bscheid“ and she doesn‘t care???! Aw charlie Still don‘t understand how it took the mom so long to get to the hospital NOAH XDDD (Also how did I not see a field day of posts about ‚tessa ott, du bist so hot‘ ??!) Also their reaction??? Also noah, truly a man of the people, writing fanfic on company time and using company equipment !!!!! Isabelle offering to drive tessa! (Under the guise of her not having a light, shush. Also tessa calling her ‚mami‘ lmao) Also the fucking fact that tessa keeps insisting on driving without a helmet!!! Christ „Du bisch en fucking nobody“ lol DAMN professor doesn‘t fuck around Awww the srf radio show Prime tower has fucking glass security gates inside?? What is actually housed in there?! Noah… that is your best work? I guess if you squint hard enough Jesus christ, everyone be killing xD Help the cringe is cringing ;-; xD
Episode 5 (Seilschaft)What the fuck is this english speech? Why do I feel like I know that actor‘s face? Tessa is not a great friend lmao What. The. Fuuuuuck Lmao isabelle again with the ‚you live here?!‘ inquiries (‚hat ihr tesla kein strom mehr?‘ to ms staatsahwältin) Lmao and the next lady to flirt with grandjean What the fuck was that greeting between fedpol guy and staatsahwältin? The french just for shits and giggles xD they literally didn‘t need to do that Have we ever seen inside grandjean‘s home? Wow. That is fucking horrifying. Thanks for showing it with such a banger of background music Aww isabelle's götti Slowly piercing together the ‚tessa was abused‘ backstory I see ‚Hast du hunger?‘ ‚ich will zu dir‘ different kind of hunger lmao ‚Jemand den du gut kennst‘ Aww bless charlie Christ tessa You‘re such a bitch lmao Of course charlie relapses in this environment Also love how boxing clubs are rife cop show material Noah my scruffy beloved Aaaa and he doesn‘t wanna say something wrong around tessa Poor baby boy. ‚Das staht doch da! ;-;‘ Kerim bby Noah‘s hair is SO good That‘s a fucking huuuuge schrebergarte …which protokoll?? Tessa looks so unkempt this episode lmao Poor bbies Aww she apologized Lmao that girl is wearing double denim as in ‚two denim jackets‘. Why ‚Huere komisch‘ Man that girl loves denim Hello hot police officer Lmao ‚watch.ch/watch‘ Is it.. child SA ? Again?? ‚Schnapped sie ihn und packed sie ihn ade eier!‘ xd Mov.ch/watch Slightly better, still odd Also, casually browsing child SA material in an open plan office? Weird, tessa Whew boy that was a lot ….are we heading into another suicide? I still don‘t know where tf I know his face from Oh hey, another rooftop scene W E L P another one bites the dust (on her own terms) Also lmao the fucking death pose. What was that comic meme? Family guy? Fidjsjskd The Hug. Finally Aaaaa söft Akdkfhdhsksjd De fucking blickwechsel vo grandjean und ott, ih dem softe liecht. The sapphic of it all
Episode 6 (Blinder Fleck)
Warum fahred ihr en vogel gassi? Achso, tierarzt Gross fucking moustache btw A kid case. For grandjean. Whooooo boy Good hair from botj ladies currently …..she would be sitting in her mom‘s piss…. Death is not pretty Oooo. Biker is also dead Bitch loves the forest. And his drone. And birds Lmao ‚ghat‘s?‘ at tessa dying after walking up the stairs How are you holding the child? Oh she is holding you Cries …oh the forstarbeiter didn‘t find the biker duse, they were talking about the others Aaaaand bird!guy knows bike!guy Isabelle, what the fuck was that sentence? Good look, noah (i do miss his ugly ties a bit) Lmaaooooo the fucking american deutsch with the weird r‘s xDD Lmao that fucking bird is just going on a weltreise Oh they were trying to bring it back to the kid, makes sense. And she‘s like?? This biih?! Aww milan Also, to be serenaded by two loving people? IMAGINE Aw isabelle. You‘re trying to use milan. Shame on you Also fully don‘t understand his backstory. Zeugenschutz?? Lol tessa playing peekaboo with the bird Wow… both those extras are doing…rough acting jobs Aaaaa noah outside! xD He left his IT den I don‘t like the banker lady Noah bby, y u so pretty Lmao lars. Way go be fucking creepy. And in danger Awww noah calling bird!guy DAMN. What a fucking outfit from bird guy ….you wanna tell me that tessa follows the traffic laws to a T? Absolutely not Mhhh microwave sketti and fake fanta xD And insta-triggered herself Frau staatsahwältin is so confounded by kids lmao Same tho What do you mean ‚er het nöd chöne cho‘?? He left after seeing the kid (which i kinda expected) but wut Lmao bird!guy keeping on flirting with tessa Seeleverwandt with birds. My guy, you‘re fucked …weird bank things are happening ‚Du kennsch mi sit 2 johr‘….. fully expected a longer time. 2 yrs is… nothing God those actors both look like leather couches …why we gotta see them make out Lmao bird!guy Interesting acting choices from both luca and ada. And with interesting I mean cringe Nice use of ‚police data bases take 2 seconds to find results‘ Awww milan baby boy. His love language is def food He calls her IsabellA right?? Guess that‘s why I was confused at some point with her name And you walked right into that one isabelle Ooooooh. Combat drone?? Amazing Lmao love the drone shots that are super unrealistic. You‘d hear that fucker, you can‘t stalk someone Background person with purple hair! (At least it looked so in the 0.5 they were on screen xD) They use ‚clear‘ as signal for cleaning rooms? Interesting Ada‘s garden is very nice But lol lars and ada are both weird JESUS!!!!!!!! A fucking axt to the head??? That was so graphic holy shit xD That kid has such a creppy stare lmao Damn luca, you‘re going on a rampage Damn mr jail man, you look good Bit of a weird beard but still hot ….the fact that tessa is allowed to go to a person of interest alone is so wild… like she's ready to engage and doesn‘t have a partner with her?? No buddy system??! How would any of this hold up in court? Do we not require that? Kill drone engage! Schön am walche kino verbi xD Aww and the landesmusuem ..how is noah supposed to find it exactly? You go grandma Is luca gonna shoot himself….. Or jump…. Come ON guys Can we have more episodes without suicides/attempts? This is depressing I guess that‘s what we get for tessa‘s failed attempt? Spatort gets spaten flashbacks, zurich gets suicides He‘s gonna juuuuuump Oh wow he didn‘t Aww that was a fun transition of the normal camera going up to the drone overlay
Episode 7 (Von Affen und Menschen) re-watch so skipping through it
Lmao staatsahwältin is such a flirt The sunglasses <3 Severin!!! (Zoo director) He always reminds me of elijah kamski Lmao for an ‚ebenso‘ und ‚sorry ich muss los‘ Nooooaaah, very cute in that hoodie and your fuckass headphones xD ‚Isch öpper hässig gsi‘ xD (about someone shooting 6 times) But god all the non-main actors are SO cringe in this one Staatsahwältin doing her little jig lmao I wanna hug noah$ ‚Warum düüted alles uf sini frau hi, noah? Oh ja merssi für d frag‘ bby boy, they don‘t appreciate you xD ahskkskaja The little moment of tessa tossing the wet paper towel at noah and the little ‚swish‘ sound edit and his smirk ????? I don‘t understand why isabelle and milan don‘t kiss more. They did so before. Why are they back to being coy? ‚Erpressig? Lösegeld? En banane? Um was ghats?‘ noah‘s face xD Lmao and so joyful to share gruesome details about the nail gun kill Zoom and enhance that doesn‘t work! The insta-toss of the phone is so funny THIS ONE ALSO INCLUDES A (staged) SUICIDE!!!! What the fuck is it with zurich So I think only 1 episode has none? Tessa‘s ‚lieber nöd :)‘ to the other police xD Lmao and severin‘s second scene is him hitting a glass and then standing there DaMN that‘s a neat white beard and moustache at the back Everyone hates their putzpersonal lmao That is the second one that gets their work interrupted I like the yellow and green theme of the outfits this episode for noah and tessa ‚noah, c‘est simplement genial‘ ‚ou, je sais :))‘ bless Lmao isabelle being a trash racoon Staatsahwältin‘s outfit is very strange.. Stripey top and tie thing, very wide belt, checked skirt Hello hot undercover cop(s) Yeah tessa, you done goofed. Bad friend award goes to you
Also I feel like we got over it way too fast that tessa was fucking fingerbanged at a club
0 notes
thatwolficorn · 1 year
The rest of my posts about MD ep5 will be tonight (I'm busy today rip) but I can't wait that long to share this one soooo
In the scene where they discover the den of parts in the basement, we see some familiar faces:
On the floor, we can see a head with the teeth from the amalgamation (will be referred to as solver form from now on)
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We can also see more solver form heads and a J head in this shot:
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And finally, we can see N's entire body with his head next to it in this one:
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So clearly, there are multiple of each drone (or at least the one's we're familiar with). This is further backed by Cyn saying that she has "backups" when Tessa says "If that little butler dies for your sake, I swear-"
Either Tessa REALLY likes N, J and V and dresses up multiple drones like them or...
The serial designations could be referring to the model type of each drone, or at the very least different model types exist.
We know there are different models of Disassembly Drones already (there are noticeable differences between N, J and V) so does their model type also determine what wig and clothes they wear?
It's also interesting to note that N, J and V have Worker Drone parts in this episode for the memory sections (V's got WD arms, J has WD legs, N wears a helmet etc). So clearly, they got modifications** before being sent out to disassemble the drones on Copper 9. I'm guessing butlers got recycled into Disassembly Drones rather than making a whole new line of drones.
Also, on the note of there being a dead N in the chair: later on in the episode, Cyn shoves N into the chair, picks up the dead N's head and says "let's reset these memories one more time". N has repetitively discovered something he's not supposed to see (Cyn's solver form*) and had his memories erased.
*Cyn also refers to herself as Solver of the Absolute Fabric (there were other words in there too but I forgot them lol)
We now have Cyn's official (by her standards anyway) title.
**Little note about the modifications that didn't fit elsewhere: they don't have DD headbands here!! Those are their eyes!!! If the digital eyes displayed on their visors are their "real" eyes here, why are they not their real eyes as DDs? Not criticism, just wondering how they see lol
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scrumpledorph-writes · 7 months
Koben’s Coping Mechanism (Auto-Erotic Dehumanization)
Too early to sleep, handled everything else this morning, don’t want to be alone with my thoughts right now. Need to be guided, set to a task, controlled. That’s the only way I can do anything useful. Just a rabid dog that needs to find someone to be leashed by. She used to leash me behind closed doors. It was the only time I could let my guard down, knowing Tessa was in control. Maybe if I let go for a little while and have someone else pull my strings I’ll feel better.
I was planning to bring it up with Brayli eventually, but that’s not going to happen now. Vranki runs a prostitution ring, and I already have a bounty, so what’s one more infraction? Never was able to masturbate satisfyingly; strangulation doesn’t feel right if I’m just doing it to myself – knowing I can make it stop whenever I want.
It’s dangerous after dark, so I should wear the armor out. Feel better with a visor between me and the world right now anyway – helps shut it out and keep my feelings inside. Both blasters too, just in case. Already skirmished with two bounty hunters today, seems like I can’t rule anything out.
Down to wordless communication with the doorman, one nod and the door is open. Glad for it, didn’t feel like hearing any inane commentary tonight. It’s starting to feel familiar around here, and I don’t like that. I’ve fallen far from the Corps, but this is too far even for me. If I’m just going to sink into the depths of criminal depravity anyway I might as well have just stayed in my place with the Corps; no different taking out hits for these people than carrying out kill orders.
Camaraderie, stability, material backing, purpose – all the things I took for granted that I can never go back to now. Just had to shut it all out, the screaming widows, the crying children, the way Jedi’s eyes would fill with pity when they looked at me – even from the other side of a lightsaber. Shut it all out and do what I was told, no room for questions to seep in and take root. I wish I could go back.
I already had an execution stayed to join the Storm Corps, what’s one more? Start over from a private, claw my way back up – back to the Purge Corps, back with my old squad. I pulled them through a few tough scrapes. They’re probably all dead now, cut down by some maniac with a chip on their shoulder and the power to pull you in half with their mind. Killed because I wasn’t there to save them, because I was too selfish to follow orders. Good Soldiers Follow Orders is what my old drill instructor always said, and if all I am is a soldier then what does that make me now, as a deserter?
I’m just a discharging grenade too defective to even detonate properly, throwing off shrapnel at everyone who gets too close. Why even bother going on? Maybe all this hurt will scar over and I’ll try it again with another woman, and then I’ll hurt her too. I shouldn’t get someone’s hopes up like that. After I’m done here I’ll just find some vagrant who could use the credits and kill myself so he can turn my corpse in for the reward. Finally make somebody happy at least. Someone’s tapping on my helmet.
‘That thing noise cancelling or something? The boss has been ready to see you for like a minute lady, don’t waste her time.’ ‘Affirmative.’ I’m wallowing so deeply in my own stupid little world I can’t even follow protocol anymore. I’m too compromised to soundly evaluate all this right now, I’ll circle back to it after I’m done here.
‘Trooper! Wasn’t expecting to have to work this late, but for someone who gets results like you I’m happy to crack open my jobs list.’ ‘I’m here to requisition one of your prostitutes.’ ‘Really? You sure look like you’re dressed to kill another apartment block of upstart rivals, but if you say so. What’s your fancy—young, old, tall, round? I can’t quite say I’ve got everything you could ever want, but you certainly won’t find a better catalogue without leaving the system.’ ‘Someone who won’t shy away from hurting me.’ ‘A little on the nose, but I think I have just the one. Oh, and for next time, you don’t actually need me just to book a session – I’d never leave this chair if that were the case. Every booth is hooked up to a database of all my girls.’ ‘Noted, I apologize for disrupting your evening.’ ‘No harm done. Like I said; for you I’m willing to go the extra mile.’ Betraying her for someone who takes the threat of the Empire more seriously is going to sting.
‘You sound like you could use a premium suite, so I’ll set you up in A1, best in house. First hallway, all the way to the end, on your right. You can pay her when you’re done. Have a good time Trooper!’ Simple enough directions. Didn’t bother asking about specifics, but I can’t imagine there are too many women who are willing to do what I need done. I’m sure Vranki’s been at this long enough to pick out good matches. ‘Oh, it’s you.’
The Twi’lek from my last job?! What’s she doing here, why did Vranki have to pick her? There’s no way she could have known, I’m sure she’ll amend this if I just explain. ‘Vranki must not have known our history, I’ll-’ ‘No mistake, she knows. She was all smiles while her men were rolling into the other side of town, offering me a nice secure contract – one that undercuts my old prices – after you killed the only people who were looking out for me. You want someone to hurt you, right? I can do that, I’d do it for free if I didn’t have to get you off while I did it.’
This is a bad idea. Tessa just had fun hurting me, but I was far too useful to risk actually killing. Just that look she’s giving me is spelling out how much she wants me dead, but it’s also really attractive. Damn it. ‘It would be easy to kill me and call it an accident. I need some insurance that won’t happen.’
‘Vranki’s no rube, you think she didn’t account for that? Here, a vitals monitor. Put it on, if you dip too low the doctor will be here in under a minute to bring you back. Now are you going to keep insulting my credentials, or do you want to be punished?’ She’s good, I can feel goosebumps. ‘Yes ma’am.’
‘Good, now get out of that suit. Doubt anything in this room could hurt you through that.’ I haven’t been naked in front of another person in a long time. Even Tessa usually liked me to keep the helmet on, and I was upgraded to a private shower while I was in her service. ‘I hope you’re not bothered by my body.’ ‘I’m bothered that it’s you, but you look...really hot, actually, much as I hate to say it.’ ‘I do?’ ‘What the fuck did the Empire do to you; washboard abs, statuesque height, perky tits, thick cock, and insecurity issues? Yes, you’re built like a custom order pleasure droid, now quit rubbing it in.’ Is that how people outside the military feel about my body? Even Tessa was never that lurid about it.
‘So, how do you want me to hurt you? We’ve got the works: whips, collars, chains, electricity, a heating coil if you don’t mind needing bacta after; or just a good old fashioned knife that’s just dull enough to really feel dragging across your skin.’ Wow, she’s sounding like an interrogation specialist right now. No way I can tell her about the inquisitor tricks Tessa used to be able to do, choking me without even touching me or using her lightsaber. Best keep it vague.
‘A collar sounds ideal. My old girlfriend would hold a blade to my neck when she was especially aroused, but I always preferred the tactile sensation around my throat over the implication of a knife.’ ‘Got it. Now humor me with a little bit of psychoanalysis, always like playing kink shrink: you want to kneel at my feet and maintain eye contact while I collar you because it’ll make you feel like a good little loyal hound?’ Wow, she’s good. Really, really good. It would take a real interrogator days to get that deep into my head.
‘Yes ma’am.’ Snide laughter, almost scarily accurate. Is she an ex-Jedi in disguise, using her powers to read my mind? I’m glad it’s not my job to kill them any more, because this is better than I could have ever hoped from a stranger. ‘Well then, for how much of a bad dog you’ve been, you get the choke chain. I’ll be sure to make it extra tight, just the way you like it.’
Cold smooth metal chain link digging into my neck. One of the weakest, most lethally vulnerable parts of the body and she has me under complete control by it. Did she put this thing on ice, why does it feel so pronounced? My breathing is already ragged and we haven’t even begun. ‘You certainly look like you’re having a good time, perked up like that down there. Just one more click of the leash, and now all that’s left is a little test.’ She put a lot of force into that tug, I can feel the metal digging in. I hope she can pull harder.
She’s on top of me now. Objectively I doubt she’s even half my weight, but I may as well be under an AT-AT. ‘Not even pulling at your collar, that’s a good dog. The Empire got you so well trained and disciplined, all you needed was a new master, is that right?’ Her voice is sickeningly, mockingly saccharine. She knows what I’ve done, and now she can take her revenge. Another tug.
‘Come on now, speak when you’re spoken to.’ ‘Yes ma’am!’ Another tug. ‘Is that all you can say? Answer my question.’ I can barely think about anything other than how good this feels, how am I supposed to come up with an answer? Just say whatever comes to mind – if it’s stupid then oh well, she already hates me.
‘I need a mistress to pull me around by the collar! I’m an attack dog who only knows how to hurt and kill, the best I can hope for is to be pointed at people who deserve it!’ Her hand is shaking now? She’s locking the chain really tight, I must have struck a nerve. Getting a bit hard to breathe.
‘Well, at least you admit it. Doesn’t that feel better? No hiding behind armor, or a paycheck; just telling me flat out you killed them because someone told you to. Are you too messed up in the head to be held responsible? Just one of those “real” victims of the Empire we always hear about; a traumatized veteran who needs to be coddled?’ ‘Y-yes ma’am?!’ This doesn’t feel good any more.
Can’t call that a tug, more like a full body wrench. That actually hurt. ‘Wrong answer, doggy. You’re not so pathetic you can’t even make a decision for yourself, are you?’ I am. My life’s been on rails since it started, I don’t know what I’d do without them. Starting to cry, but at least I can blame it on the choker if she brings it up after.
‘Yes ma’am! Before the Corps I lived my life by a slavemasters orders, then by a sergeants, then by my girlfriends, and now I just do what I think the Storm Trooper Field Guide would recommend!’ Her glare is getting less intense. ‘That’s...really how you live? I’ve gotta break the roleplay here, you’re serious?’ ‘Yes ma’am.’ Why’s she unlocking the collar, we’re not done yet.
‘Wow. I don’t think I can keep doing this.’ She feels light again. I could pick her up and throw her against the wall so hard she’d break. ‘What do you mean, isn’t this your job?’ ‘Yeah, and I was having fun with it. I figured you were just some war criminal piece of shit leaning on the “Oh boohoo I got fucked up in the military” excuse to be an asshole, and I was gonna have my fun and take your credits and we’d both fuck off and never see each other again, hopefully, but now...I mean, we were doing the dog thing, but after hearing all that it actually kind of just felt like I was kicking an abused dog, y’know?’
She’s incredulous. I’m so horribly broken it’s a joke to normal people. She can’t even stay mad at me for killing her friends, it’d be like staying mad at a droid. ‘I see. How much do I owe you?’ ‘Forget it, that was like five minutes and you didn’t even put it in. Unless – like don’t get me wrong, we can have some normal sex if you want, but that just felt like I was hitting way too close to home.’
Normal sex, even when I submit completely to somebody else I still can’t do it correctly. ‘No thank you. You were very good at your job, I hope it works out for you. I’ll put my armor back on and go.’ ‘Right, uhh, hope you feel better some time, I guess.’ That was my second failure at trying to feel better, I guess the only thing left is to fall back on old habits.
‘Oh, Trooper, that was quick. No judgment, of course, I just figured you’d be spending-’ ‘I need a job.’ ‘Oh! Well, I won’t question it, what’s your fancy?’ ‘Someone I’ll feel better after killing.’ ‘Well, I don’t quite know what your moral compass is, and it’s a bit late for a heart to heart, but I do have one guy who strangled one of my girls to death about a week ago. I’ve had folks asking around about him, and it seems he’s either brave or stupid enough not to have skipped town. You sound like you’re wound up enough to punch a hole through a durasteel wall, so go poke around his address. If you find him, feel free to take some liberties in making an example of him so everybody knows not to mess with my girls. I’ll scale your pay to the quality of your work; floor of eight hundred, ceiling of two thousand. Sound good?’ ‘I’ll take it.’
There’s a sandstorm kicking up. Too heavy to pilot the speeder, so it’s time for a twilight march. The weather seal on my suit should keep sand out, even at these speeds. It’s almost nice. Makes me feel invincible while everyone else clutches at the edges of their cloaks and scurries inside. I’m not even cold.
Little homestead on the edge of town. Bigger than mine, can see extra rooms jutting off of the main one. Maybe I’ll see about buying it at auction after I kill him. Better not actually, this one’s too close, far too easy to find. When he opens the door, punch him in the throat and grab him, I still haven’t decided how to make an example of him. ‘Good evening, do you need some shelter from the storm?’
Wasn’t expecting a woman. ‘Does Klim Thompson live here?’ ‘Oh, that’s my husband, are you one of his old army buddies?’ Don’t remember anybody with that name. She doesn’t seem to know why I’m really here. No point in dancing around it. ‘A week ago your husband strangled a prostitute to death. I’m here on behalf of that prostitutes employer.’ Shock, disgust, fear, anger; a textbook response. Haven’t had to deal with a situation like this in years.
‘Can you wait out here for a few minutes while I talk to him about this?’ ‘No.’ She has the good sense to step back at least, not like she could stop me. ‘Klim! You should have cut and run, now come out and don’t make this any more traumatic for your wife!’ ‘Alright, alright, I’m coming – just don’t hurt her, please.’ ‘I’m a professional; you’re the only name on my list.’
‘That’s all well and good, how much do I owe you for damages?’ He thinks this is about money. Thinks that woman is just a piece of cattle he can buy retroactively. ‘Honey, you’re not saying she’s telling the truth, are you?!’ ‘I really didn’t want you to know about it dear, but yes.’ He’s talking down to her like a toddler. ‘It’s not like you don’t satisfy me, but there are a few things I know you’d never go for, and I guess I just got a little carried away this time.’ He thinks this is just a little misunderstanding. ‘Please ma’am, I’m sure this can all be smoothed over—I’m even willing to talk payment plans; my pension is very generous.’ I already knew I was killing him, but after hearing that dismissive little pitch I’m going to enjoy it.
She’s saying something, but all I can hear is adrenaline pumping through my veins. He’s scrawny, must have been an officer. That would explain the cavalier attitude about all this. They always used to think they were charming enough to talk their way out of everything. My fingers fit nicely around his throat, and that outside wall could use a new coat of paint: blood red would really brighten this place up.
His face splatters well. Took a few hits to get the blood flowing, but now it’s really coming out. She’s watching apprehensively from the doorway. ‘I have to kill him, but you don’t have to watch.’ ‘No, it’s not that. I...I never realized he was that bad.’ ‘Imperials can be very two faced.’ He’s trying to gurgle something out, best start smearing him around, fill in the spots the viscera managed to miss.
‘You don’t get a say in this.’ This feels good. Why is this so cathartic? Maybe I do like killing people after all. I tried to deny it, say that it was just all I knew and I was too trained to choose not to, but if that were it I would have just put two quick bolts in the back of his head. I’m a monster. Just a bundle of hatred and rage hurting everyone around me until the day I die.
No. That’s not it this time. Killing someone hasn’t made me feel this way since Tessa. I’m not just lashing out – I’m defending the honour of a dead woman, and letting it be known that all the other women surviving her need to be treated with respect, or else. I’m standing up for someone too weak to defend themselves. I’m sending a message that this is unacceptable. This isn’t just sadistic malice, this is righteous indignation. Is this what all those rebels meant when they would talk about fighting for a cause?
That Twi’lek was right – even if I can’t help but live a violent life, I can choose who to do it to. Sure I have to take contracts from criminals, but even among the underworld there’s gradients. I’m on my own now, it’s long past time I develop my own principles. I’ll write some down tomorrow. Think I’m just about done here, he’s well past dead at this point, and this wall is looking pretty saturated.
I can hear his wife sobbing. There’s another, smaller voice wailing too. They...are my problem. They’re too emotionally compromised right now, but I’ve always been good at keeping a level head. I should help them come up with a plan of what to do now, mitigate the fallout this will have on their lives.
‘Please don’t hurt us! We didn’t know anything about it, I swear!’ This is going to take some work. ‘The violence is over. I believe you, and I know that this is a lot to have happen all at once. He mentioned a generous pension, was it enough to support you all?’ Dry your tears, muffle your sobs; I can wait.
She’s putting on a brave face for her daughter, but I can feel the desperate helplessness under her voice. I shouldn’t crowd her, try to look as nonthreatening as I can. Hard not to loom when my helmet’s almost touching the door frame. ‘Yes, neither of us had to work. He said he’d go crazy if he was cooped up with me all day, so he spent a lot of time in town, but he wasn’t bringing home any extra money, and he’d always start yelling if I asked him what he’d been doing...’ More crying. Her daughter’s old enough to stand, this has been going on for years. ‘I’m sorry to have revealed this to you.’ ‘No, no it all makes sense now that it’s laid out. He said he wanted the quiet of the outer rim, but it never quite made sense. He had a glowing Imperial career, retired early and suddenly, then uprooted our lives to come live outside of Imperial jurisdiction. We could have easily moved to a resort planet – I should’ve known there was something wrong. How could I be so stupid?!’ I have no experience with comforting people, what would Brayli say to me if I were telling her all this right now?
‘You did as well as you could with the circumstances you had.’ It would have sounded nicer coming from her, but that’s the best I can do. I don’t think that’s a skill I can develop just by doing practice drills. ‘I just want to make sure you don’t lose access to his pension. Submit a death report and state that he received an officer’s pension, that should start the enrolment process for widow’s benefits. Do you know his old identification number?’ ‘Yes, he kept his old name tag framed on his desk. It’s on the back of that.’ ‘Take the rest of the night to recollect yourself, then start that process tomorrow morning.’ ‘Thank you, for...for only hurting him.’
‘Ma’am, this was purely professional. You and your daughter were never in any danger.’ ‘Professional?! I was biting my tongue so you wouldn’t hurt us, but even I can only take so much. You beat my husband against the wall until his head started coming off in chunks! If that’s what passes for professionalism around here, then the first thing I’m doing once I get that pension settled is selling this place and moving back to the core!’ ‘I – That’s not what I meant. I was just trying to reassure you; as long as you don’t cross any crime bosses then you’ll have nothing to fear.’
‘Oh, nothing to fear, just that all my neighbours are psychopathic killers? That really helps, thanks. Go back to your boss, I’m sure they’re licking their chops waiting to hear all about it. Hell, take him with you, I don’t even want to bury him! I’m sure if I tried I’d get attacked by a pack of professional cannibals just doing the business of stealing his body for supper! Fuck off you freak, what the hell’s wrong with you?’ Letting that out probably made her feel a little better, I won’t begrudge her that.
Really running down the list of things to feel good about tonight, but the walk helped clear my head a little, and being told I’ve done a good job has never failed me yet. Cartel exemplification usually emphasizes brutality, I covered that part already – and then displays the body in a public place with clear markings to denote the reason for the execution. Vranki should have everything I need for that. The sandstorm looks like it’s letting up too, so tonight isn’t all bad.
Hey Troo – oh what the – did you drag this guy all the way across town?’ ‘Could you ask someone to bring me out some writing materials, adhesive, and rope? Vranki wants me to make an example out of him, so I was planning to hang him up somewhere holding a sign explaining what he did.’ ‘Yeah, sure thing. Could you toss him around the corner though maybe?’
Taking a while to get those supplies. I suppose being able to produce temporary signage isn’t a high priority for a crime den, it makes sense. It would be embarrassing to have to go on a late night shopping trip to finish the job though. Oh good, here comes one of her guards. ‘Here. Had to scrounge through a couple piles of junk, but we had it kicking around. Not sure what it has to do with a hit, but whatever. Can I get back to my shift?’ ‘This will be sufficient. Thank you, dismissed.’ ‘Geez, you really are a trooper.’
Messaging is easy enough “I messed with Vranki’s girls” unambiguously draws a line of cause and effect. Just need to line his hands with glue, press them onto the board – done, just needs to set. The rope is going to be difficult. The simplest method for this sort of display is a hangman’s noose, but I didn’t leave him with a neck. I guess I can tie it under his armpits, that should be good enough. Just need to hoist him from a lightpole now.
Still not quite sure where would constitute a main street in this town, but trade is the heart of any community, so hanging it where the market meets should make sure the message finds its way around. Never realized how difficult it was to hoist up a body like this. How high should I put it, is it legible that far from the ground? Don’t want it so low people are getting kicked in the head as they walk by. Four meters off the ground should suffice. There, job’s done! Just need proof of the deed, and back to get my pay.
‘Oh cool, you’re not dragging a body this time. Here to collect your pay, right?’ ‘Yes. I think Vranki will be quite pleased with my work.’ I can’t imagine anything setting a more clear example than that. ‘Sure, head on in. The boss must really like you to be willing to see you this late.’
I’m sure he means professionally, but does she? She always speaks in very friendly terms, but I just assumed that was simply because she was care free and unprofessional. It would certainly be easier than dating a civilian, wouldn’t need to worry about her shying away from my line of work. I guess it might muddy finances though, taking jobs from my girlfriend. Emperor, what am I saying, I’ve been down this road and I have no interest in retreading it. I’ll inquire professionally in the interest of clearing the air, but nothing more.
‘Trooper, you’re back! You were sounding almost like a battle droid earlier, are you feeling any better? Seline gave me the broad strokes of your interaction, purely in the interest of making sure neither of us would end up stepping on each others’ toes, doing anything rash. You understand, right?’ ‘I do. The job is done, I believe this should suffice for full payment.’ ‘Well, there’s certainly room to negotiate that, let me just pull the—Emperors Grace! Yes, I certainly think you’ve earned the full two thousand; I didn’t figure you to be the type for Hutt Cartel Slaughterhouse tactics, but it certainly gets the point across. You’re not looking for a more permanent position are you? I think you’d make a wonderful head enforcer.’ She definitely likes me.
‘No ma’am, official association puts a target on my back, and I’m just trying to make enough money to get by.’ ‘Ah, well, I can understand that. I’d turn you out if you weren’t just so damn good at your job. Was there anything else?’ ‘Yes. I just want to state that I don’t reciprocate your feelings. It would complicate our professional relationship, and I hope you’re still willing to employ me.’ ‘Feelings? Trooper, what in the galaxy are you talking about?’
‘I was under the impression you were courting me. Offering me lucrative jobs despite our brief professional interaction, your flirtatious vocal intonation whenever we speak, and sabotaging my prostitute experience to leave me romantically inclined.’ She’s laughing hard enough to drown out the usual din of this place. She’s falling out of her chair. She’s on the floor struggling for breath. At least there won’t be any professional conflicts.
‘Trooper, please, you really need to warn a girl before you say something that hysterical. Ahem, no, don’t worry – I know I might not run the tightest ship around here, but I’m not in the habit of sleeping with my subordinates.’ More laughter, I get the point. ‘My apologies ma’am. I’m glad to hear there won’t be any hard feelings.’
‘Don’t get me wrong Trooper, I’d love nothing more than for you to sign on full time, I’d be the only game in town by the end of the month; but I see you as a very competent and useful ally, nothing more. You know what? Here, fifty credits, I haven’t laughed that hard in years. Go get some sleep, you seem like an early riser.’ I guess that was a little absurd on my part. I feel a good deal better too, her laugh is infectious. Not as much as Brayli’s though.
0 notes
mrsarnasdelicious · 3 years
Tis a Wild Universe - 4
Warning: Self Insert and artistic liberties!
Yes, this is probably a dead/dying fandom, but I will never let it go. So yeah … I am probably talking to a wall with this fic. Which is fine by me, as long as I can talk.
Charley’s cousin is in dire need of some help, which the bro’s are willing to provide. Especially Modo develops the feels for her. Limburger is interested in the girl for entirely other reasons, especially in using her against our Hero’s.
But eventually Limburger and also the bro’s go back to Mars, taking along two human women and a few plant species to revitalize the red planet. The war wages on and it seems Throttle is finally taking his role at the helm of the ship.
Ch 1 - Finns That Reach Far
Ch 2 - The Reek of Cheese Ch 3 - Poison Tadpoles
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Ch 4 - It’s the End of the Beginning
The rest of the week flies by as if propelled by a Martian speedrocket. Tessa becomes anxious. The mice can’t blame her. What if Limburger wins the court case!?!
The Mice dress up for court again. Charley wears a blue blouse and a black skirt. Tessa, to emulate an innocent aura puts on a white pencil skirt and a lime green blouse. She takes out all her piercings and even puts on a little mascara. “Well, do I look like a good girl?” She spins a circle for the mice. “A bit too innocent for my taste.” Vinnie says. “I do like the skirt.” Throttle says with a husky chuckle. “Yeah, those hips don’t lie.” Modo smirks. Tessa blushes a little.
Everyone is really silent during the drive to the court house. Modo keeps turning in the passenger's seat to look at Tessa. It feels as if this is the last time they will see each other.
Once in the courthouse, a clerk informs the Mice that Limburger requested they not enter the courtroom. “We are here to support our friend, we have all the right.” Throttle replies calmly. The clerk looks rather helpless, but doesn’t want to cross these three helmeted muscular individuals. Tessa heads into the courtroom. Charley and the mice follow her in.
Limburger spots the mice and his face sours considerably. “I thought I ordered you to keep those repulsive rodents out of here!” He shouts. “Sorry, Mister Limburger, but the law of this land states that we are allowed to support our friend, unless the judge himself orders us out of the courtroom.” Throttle says in his most charming tone of voice. Limburger looks like he wants to murder the tan furred leader right then and there. Throttle knows exactly the effect his words have. He chuckled huskily.
“We’ll be here, be brave.” He tells Tessa. Modo leans in to kiss the werewolf on her forehead. “Thanks.” She whispers. The clerk leads her to the stand. The mice and Charley sit down behind her.
The judge is a different one. He calls for order with a firm voice.
“After careful deliberation and testing from the forensic lab, we have concluded that the species of Wolfsbane Miss Lockheart is only toxic in high dosages and is used medicinally in China. Therefore her purchase of this plant is not illegal and no cause for further investigation.” The judge cuts right to the chase. Limburger and Syl look as though they have just been forced to eat something disgusting. The Mice exchange a grin.
“But your honour, she was on the Black Market.” Syl protests. “Visiting the Black Market is not illegal.” The Judge says strictly. “I demand a mental evaluation!” Syl screeches. “The court sees no reason to.” The Judge dismisses her. “Lawrence Limburger will be denied custody. Miss Lockheart is a legal adult! Case dismissed!” The Judge says loudly.
Cheering, the Mice leap over the railing of their seats. Modo takes Tessa by her hips and spins her around. “That went eerily quickly.” Throttle says. “I think the Judge just wanted to be done with this rubbish.” Tessa says, while Modo puts her back down. He keeps one hand on her hip. Throttle gives him a bit of a strict look. “I think we ought to celebrate!” Vinnie says loudly. “I know just the place.” Tessa happily looks up at the mice and her aunt.
Outside the courthouse, however, Greasepit and Carbuncle are waiting. No Goons, fortunately.
Greasepit waits until they have passed them by and then reaches out. His oily hand closes around Tessa’s wrist. Tessa gives a startled yip. The mice whip around. “Let her go Greasegullet.” Modo aims for Greasepit’s head with the gun in his arm. “Not so fast mousey, if you shoot at me, I will take her down with me.” Greasepit grins. Modo lowers his arm.
He walks over to Greasepit. “Unhand her.” He says loudly. A few bystanders look at him over their shoulders. “What is the matter, mousey, too scared to shoot me?” Greasepit taunt. “I promised the ladies I’d not make a mess.” And with those words Modo raises his foot and punts Greasepit full on in the nuts. Whimpering Greasepit goes down, letting Tessa go. Modo puts hand on the small of Tessa’s back. Swiftly he leads her away from Greasepit, to the car.
Tessa navigates Charley to a cute little pub.
The five of them sit in a corner and the mice take off their helmets. “Now let me spoil you a little.” Tessa says. She goes over to the bar. She orders five bottles of Kopparberg ElderFlower and Lime. The bartender sets five bottles on the counter and opens them. Tessa has to do two walks to get the bottles to the table. Her hands are rather small and the bottles on the larger side and it would be an absolute sin to spill Kopparberg. “Hmm, what is this sweetheart?” Vinnie asks. “Cider.” Tessa sits down beside Modo. Throttle lifts a bottle to his beady little nose and smells. “Lime and … Something flowery.” He says. Charley holds up her own bottle and points at the label. “Elderflower, heh, okay.” Throttle says sheepishly. “This is with flowers?” Vinnie sounds almost disappointed. “Just try it bro.” Modo takes a swig. Tessa looks up at him expectantly. “Do you like it?” She asks softly. Modo nods. “I sure do.” He grins down on her. Tessa takes a swig from her own bottle. Throttle and Vinnie both try a tentative sip. “Yeah, it is good.” Throttle admits. “But.. but, flowers.” Vinnie’s ears droop. Throttle and Modo chuckle. “Such a dent to your ego.” Charley mocks.
Soon enough, Tessa retrieves a big plate of nachos with pulled pork. “No cheese, special for me boys.” She cooes. The mice dig in right away. Charley giggles behind her hand.
“So, will you come to Chicago with us?” Throttle asks gently. Tessa looks from the tan mouse, to her aunt, to the grey and last the white and then back to the tan mouse. “It would mean I’d leave behind everything here. The pack, my friends, the stables… The house I grew up in.” She mutters. “That much is true.” Throttle admits. “But you’d have us.” Modo looks down on the red haired woman. “Yeah, I’d have you.” Tessa nods. Her shoulders are tensely set. The last isn’t yet said about this. “Did you see Limburger’s face when he lost the case?” Vinnie tries to change the subject. “Yeah, that ought to teach him not to mess with anyone we care about.” Modo puffs his chest out. One of the buttons of his shirt decides to just entirely give up and pops off. It hits Vinnie square on the forehead. “Oops, sorry bro.” Modo chuckles. Throttle and Charley are laughing loudly, but Vinnie does not look amused. Tessa picks the button off the table. “I’ll sow it back on at home.” She puts it in her purse.
Once at home, the mice shed their shirts. Modo hands his to Tessa. His hand touches hers briefly. They exchange a bit of a grin. Tessa clutches the shirt and once Modo is turned away from her she brings it to her face and inhales his scent. “Buuuusted.” Vinnie singsongs. Tessa almost jumps out of her skin. “Don’t startle me like that.” She huffs. “No worries little red.” Vinnie winks and wraps an arm around her shoulders. “So, you into the big fella, huh?” He cooes. Tessa flusters darkly. “Bugger off.” She hisses. “Ooooh touchy.” Vinnie lets go of her and walks off, likely to tattle to Modo.
“I’m going to the shop!” Tessa says loudly. Modo, having put his chestguard back on, comes over to her. “Can I come?” He asks gently. “S-sure.” Tessa stutters. Tessa toes into her shoes and Modo puts on his boots. On foot they head out to the town center. It is only a ten minute walk. They walk in silence. A silence that wasn’t awkward before, but is now. Modo looks over to the young werewolf, but looks away when she looks up at him. His ears droop, a tiny bit. Tessa plays with the wolf head pendant on her necklace.
“How about bbq?” Tessa asks, bending over to grab a pack of ribs. She is still wearing her pencil skirt. Modo has to grit his back teeth not to grunt in appreciation of what it shows off. “Bbq sounds good.” He does his best to sound casual. Tessa puts some burgers, sausages and ribs into the shopping basket. “That is not enough.” Modo shakes his head. He grabs two more packs of sausages and one more pack of hamburger. “I am sort of surprised you three maintain that spartan physique.” Tessa remarks. “Martian Metabolism, princess.” Modo winks. “Big words.” Tessa sniggers. The two load their basket with everything Tessa judges they need for a nice bbq in the garden, plus a bit extra because Modo doesn’t think it will be enough.
On their way back home, Modo stops in his tracks. Tessa picks up on it after two steps and turns around to him. “What is the matter, luv?” She asks. Modo heaves a bit of a sigh and decides to get over himself and forgo what Vinnie and Throttle said to him a few days ago. “I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me.” He says. “You mean, like a date?” Tessa asks. Modo nods. “Only if you want to.” He murrs. Tessa closes the distance between them. “I’d love to Modo.” She smiles up at him. “How about we go to the Zoo?” She suggests. “Sure, when?” He replies. “Tomorrow.” Is her determined answer.
“Hey bro, what are you grinning about?” Vinnie flops down beside Modo. The grey mouse is seated in one of the garden chairs, enjoying the sun, beaming back up at it. He turns to face his friend. “I am going on a date tomorrow.” He says casually. Vinnie gives him wide eyes. “What? Really?” His voice goes up at least two octaves. Modo grins widely and nods. “Tessa and I are going to the zoo tomorrow.” He replies. “You lucky mouse you.” Vinnie says. Throttle sits down with his bro’s. “What is going on? Keeping secrets from me?” He asks in a teasing tone. “Oh no not at all. You are perfectly welcome to know.” Modo answers. “Do tell, do tell.” Throttle reclines in his seat. “He’s going on a date with little red!” Vinnie shouts. Throttle draws up his brows. “Is that so?” He asks. Modo calmly nods. “Yup.” He replies. “You choose not to heed my advice?” Throttle sighs softly. “As much as I appreciate your advice, brother, I think I know what I am doing.” Modo replies gently. “You’re damn lucky, you know. It took me over a year and here we are, barely two weeks and you go ahead and Mr. Smooth yourself into a date.” Vinnie complains. Both Modo and Throttle laugh. “Like Martian Ladies, Vinnie, Terranian Ladies are all different, some take more work than others.” Modo says smugly. “Yeah and it does seem to me Modo works it a bit better.” Throttle admits. Vinnie gives the leader a miffed look. Modo sniggers to himself.
“Aunt Charley, I need to talk to you.” Tessa says. Charley looks at her niece. The two women are prepping for the bbq in the kitchen. It seemed wiser to them to keep the mice out of the kitchen. Their overeagerness wouldn’t be too safe in close proximity to knives and the stove. “Have you made a choice?” Charley asks. “Not yet… But tomorrow might change that.” Tessa mumbles. “Which is what I need your help with.” She looks at her hands. “Oh, do tell.” Charley comes over to her side of the counter. “I’m taking Modo to the Zoo tomorrow.” Tessa admits, flustered a little bit. “Already?” Charley sounds a bit alarmed. “It might be my only chance.” Tessa says. “Yeah, you are right.” Charley heaves a soft sigh. She realizes Tessa will likely not come along to Chicago. And how this is going to likely hurt Modo. “Sooo.. is that what you needed to talk to me about?” She asks. “I .. I wanted to know … What does Modo like?” Tessa mumbles. “Well, erm..” Charley makes a thoughtful face. “I think you should just be yourself. And wear skinny jeans.” She suggests. “That is no can’t do.” Tessa giggles.
Half an hour later the girls bring out the food.
All three mice are shirtless. Modo has already lit the bbq. “Are you hot shots ready for some grillin’.” Tessa says loudly. The bro’s turn to her, big grins on their muzzles. “We always are.” Vinnie says. “Welp, sit your tails down then.” Tessa puts the salad and the baguettes on the table and places the meats beside the grill. “No no, not today, you sit, we’ll do the grillin’.” Modo says. Tessa puts her hands up in surrender. “Sure sure, just make sure you don’t burn my ear of corn.” She cooes teasingly. “I won’t, I won’t, now sit.” Modo tells her. The girls sit down while the mice squabble over who gets to mind the grill. Throttle and Vinnie soon retake their seats. “Let the family man grill if he so pleases.” Throttle says wisely. Tessa and Charley giggle in unison.
Much more laughter follows. The evening is spent in the garden, grilling, drinking and basking in the sun until it sinks past the horizon. All the meat gets eaten, much to Tessa’s surprise. The Mice tell a great many tales of their escapades on Mars. Vinnie boasts of his prowess in about everything. Tessa believes only half of it. “Does that helmet fit on your swollen head, dear uncle.” She cooes. Vinnie gives her an annoyed look. Charley titters a giggle and runs her fingers over the fur under Vinnie’s chin. That takes the steam out of him for sure. He even seems to purr a little bit. “How about we get someone else’s perspective?” Tessa cooes. “Let Throttle tell the stories, he’s much better at it.” Modo says. Vinnie pouts a bit. “How he is supposed to make himself out to be the very best now.” Throttle sniggers. “Just get to it.” Vinnie huffs.
Throttle tells of Mars, of the war and of the great mice he knew. Tessa is especially interested in his relationship with Carbine. This seems to make Throttle a little bit shy, which is new. Throttle is not at all a shy mouse.
He misses Carbine. More than words may serve him to express. He knows his duty is to remove Limburger from Earth, but he can’t count the times that he has been ready to just leave it behind and go back to Mars. Carrying on a relationship when you are both on different planets is not easy. Throttle knows Carbine will be as loyal to him as he to her.
Martian Cave Mice are very loyal creatures. Family units will fight to the death to defend each other and partners bond for life. For Throttle there is no one but Carbine. There never was and there never will be in case she passes in the war. Throttle tries not to think of the possibility that she will be fatally harmed while he is away from Mars. Of course, Carbine is a strong woman and she knows how to hold her own in battle, but those scum fishes are something else.
It is even a small wonder Vinnie managed to lose his heart to Charley. It would have been just as likely that he would have never moved on from Harley.
Modo regales a few tales about Rimfire and his mother. Tessa hangs on his lips. Modo is quite flattered by this, so he tries to tell as much as he can. To keep her primed.
“I can’t wait to meet her.” Tessa says, in a tone of voice that says she knows she will. Modo can’t help a wicked, wide grin. “That might take a while, but we’ll eventually get there.” He says. “Yeah or your ma is the next that crashes into the scoreboard.” Vinnie jokes. Throttle, Vinnie and Charley laugh loudly. Tessa gives the white martian a confused look.
“When we first landed in Chicago, we crashed our ship into the scoreboard of the baseball station.” Throttle explains. Tessa giggles. “I picture that.” She cooes. “Say, what did you do with that ship anyway?” She asks. “We stripped it for parts.” Throttle replies. “Such a pity, now we are, factually, without a ride home.” Modo sighs softly. Throttle puts a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll find a way, big fella.” He says. “Something with some room for the girls too.” Vinnie agrees.
The next day, Modo tries to make something of himself. Tessa lends him some of her father’s clothes. Surprisingly they fit. They are kind of tight, but that somehow suits Modo. It makes him look a bit more befitting of polite British society, overlooking of course the fact that he is an extra-terrestrial mouse. Tessa is dressed in a colourful sundress and roman style sandals. Modo can’t help but stare. Tessa giggles, taking him by his hand. “Come on you, we have to catch our bus.” She says. Modo allows her to draw him down the stairs and out of the house.
They are only just in time for the bus. Tessa buys them both a retour fare.
Tessa shows her year pass and buys an extra ticket for Modo, with discount, of course.
“I know it is usual, here on Earth, that the man pays for at least the first date, but…” Modo makes a slightly nervous impression. Tessa shakes her head. “Oh no, Modo. Don’t say that, luv. You are a guest here, you are my guest. I have the home field advantage anyway.” She smiles up at him. Gently she takes his hand. “Come, let me show you around.” She says. Modo grins down on her, a playful, lopsided grin. Tessa happily laughs and tugs him along to the first enclosure. Small monkeys screech and hop around in the large cage.
Modo is very interested in Terranian fauna. And Tessa happens to know a lot about the animals at the zoo. She even knows the names of some of the animals. “Did you know this zoo is the only zoo in Europe that is licensed to keep Komodo Dragons.” Tessa informs Modo. “Dragons? I thought they were fictional.” Modo gives her a puzzled look. Tessa laughs loudly. “The Komodo Dragon is a type of lizard. Not an actual dragon. But the people who discovered them were very unfamiliar with such big lizards. And science was very rudimentary back then, so it is likely people at that time still believed in dragons.” Tessa explains. “Much like werewolves?” Modo retrotts. “Touché.” Tessa mumbles. She takes Modo to the Komodo Dragon enclosure. The large monitor lizards are lying about under their heat lamps. “Now these don’t really look like dragons.” Modo says. “They belong to the family of the monitor lizards.” Tessa explains.
Modo only lets go of Tessa’s hand once they sit down for lunch by the tiger’s enclosure. Tessa retrieves them two plates of chips. “Are you having fun?” She asks. Modo chuckles softly. “Are you kidding? I would have fun even if we were spending the day in your basement.” Modo answers. That causes Tessa to fluster. She turns her eyes to her plate. Modo gently cups his chin with thumb and forefinger, his metal touch raises gooseflesh on Tessa’s skin. Alas the sitting arrangement does not allow for anything else. He makes her look up at him. “You are hella cute when you blush.” He says softly. Tessa looks at his wrist rather than in his eye.
“My eyes are up here, Princess.” Modo says teasingly. Tessa’s eyes flick up. The blue is deep and Modo feels himself being sucked in again. It makes him a bit dizzy, he feels out of breath.
Modo leans over to close the distance. The kiss is clumsy. It has been a while since he had last had intimate contact with anyone, and never before with someone who is so anatomically different from him. Tessa does not pull away, though. She experimentally reciprocates. She is new to kissing martian cave mice in her turn. Modo breaks away too soon to her taste. She whines like a pup. Modo looks down on her, still a little bit dazed. “I … sorry… I didn’t mean..” He sputters. Tessa makes a shushing sound. She grabs him by the front of the shirt and draws him in for another kiss. Modo kisses back and seems to make some sort of purring sound inside his chest.
After lunch they continue their way through the zoo.
Tessa halts on a bridge beside open forest enclosures. She leans her elbows on the rail and gazes to the little platforms that Modo guesses it is for the animals that live in the enclosures. She whistles a very specific whistle. It reminds Modo a little bit of the tone he uses to summon his bike. It makes him wish he was back in Chicago.
A fluffy medium dog sized animal climbs up to the platform at top speed. “Heya buddy.” Tessa cooes. “What is that?” Modo frowns at the animal. It’s fluffy with black and white fur, in a pattern that could be called striped, in some stretch of the imagination. It has a long prehensile tail and muzzle that is mostly canine, but also somehow serpentine. “It is a striped Vari. A lemur, cousin to King Julian.” Tessa explains. “He sure looks more gnarly than King Julian.” Modo chuckles. “I like this one better than Julian. I bet he is much softer.” Tessa says.
“How do you think Modo’s doing?” Vinnie asks. “You can ask him yourself bro.” Throttle points. Modo and Tessa enter the garden. “Did you two lovebirds have fun?” Charley cooes. Tessa and Modo exchange a look and smile at each other. “It was wonderful.” Tessa says softly. Modo nods, still looking at her. “Come sit and tell us all about it.” Charley ushers them over to where Vinnie and Throttle sits. “Let me first get a drink.” Tessa protests a little. “I’ll do that, you two sit down.” Charley tells her. Modo and Tessa sit by the other two martians. “Tell us everything.” Vinnie all but demands. “I like Earth wildlife a lot better than Martian wildlife.” Modo says. No way he is actually going to spill the deets to Vinnie. “That is not what I am talking about!” Vinnie yells. “I know.” Modo says with a small smirk. “Had a good time, bro?” Throttle asks. He doesn’t pry, unlike Vincent. “Yeah, it was great.” Modo says. Charley puts two bottles of Koparberg down and flops down in her seat. Modo pulls the caps from the bottles with his cybernetic fingers. He hands Tessa one bottle and takes a swig from the other. “So are you two going to tell us anything?” Charley asks. Modo and Tessa exchange a look. “It was a lot of fun.” Tessa answers, putting her hand on Modo’s tight. Modo feels his face warm up and looks away.
“All good and well, but we have things to talk about.” Throttle says. “Going home.” Modo says. “To Chicago.” Throttle replies, in a tone that tells that The Windy City isn’t really his home. “Yeah, we can’t stay much longer.” Charley says. She has to go back to work and Limburger likely already went back to the US. Modo almost bodily turns to Tessa. “What will you do?” He asks gently. Tessa looks up at him and then looks to Charley, Throttle and Vinnie in turn. “You’d be safer with us.” Modo tries to advocate his case. “Hey! I can handle myself just fine.” Tessa sounds a little bit insulted. “Please, don’t underestimate the Plutarkians.” Throttle tells her gently. Tessa looks away, as though he has scolded her. Modo places two fingers under Tessa’s chin and makes her look up at her. “Princess, all we want is to know you safe. And the closer to us you are, the safer.” He murmurs. Tessa’s cheeks turn pink. “Now tell us, what will you do?” Throttle asks. Tessa worms away from Modo’s touch to look at the leader. Briefly her blue eyes become red. “I …” She bites her lip. The Mice tense up, leaning closer. Modo looms over her. His sole eye looks at her almost pleadingly. This causes Tessa to get stuck in a giggle fit.
“I am so sorry luv, you just look so pitiful.” She hides her mouth behind her hand and clutches her belly with her other. “We are still waiting for an answer!” Vinnie says, a bit loud. Tessa tries to get a hold of herself. “I am so sorry, I just..” Tessa says through a gale of giggles. Once she manages to compose herself, she smooths out her skirt and looks at her hands, which are in her lap still. “I … I’ll come..” She mumbles. “With us? To Chicago?” Modo sounds hopeful. “And whatever else you may go.” Tessa says. She looks up at him again.
He closes the distance. It is only a quick kiss. Vinnie whistles between his teeth. Throttle and Charley exchange a mildly worried look.
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my top softest moments(c) in tsc universe, in no particular order
NB: LB fam interactions amongst themselves are excluded from the list for obvious reasons, lest we want this thang to be several thousand points long
Raphael texting contact “RF” without getting any replies, and then watching Lily and Elliott dance around with the small smile, during “ANY DAY BUT VALENTINE’S DAY” party in Venice
“This manner of marking the passage of time is a marvel,” said Kieran. “When you are done with one kitten, then there is another kitten. By the next winter solstice, you will have seen twelve full kittens! One of them is in a glass!”
Alec asking Juliette to find orphaned Rose at the Paris shadow market and feed her, after the ordeal at the Orient Express therefore setting tlil in motion
thule!maya having tats to commemorate fallen clary, lily and malec
Robert saying the dinner with his son’s family was the happiest time he had in a while
thule!Raphael trying to burn thule!Sebastian alive for killing Lily
almost every single thing Mark said “Your pretense does not fool me, gnome [...] My eye will be upon you” 
exchange between Elyaas and Max about Uncle Jace’s cruel and hurtful behavior towards “demins”(c)  
Kit trying to lull Wilhelmina “silly melon” Carstairs back to sleep, in order for Tessa and Jem to not be disturbed and get some rest
thule!Raphael’s indignation at Magnus’ giving “Santiago” as a middle name to his son
Jamie x spoon
Alec talking to Kit about Jace: “But to me everything about him said "Love me, because nobody else has". It was all over him, like fingerprints.” (c) 
Robert not realizing Elliott was hitting on him
Simon wanting to say “ily” before getting his memories fully back, and Izzy replying “i know”
lalec’s first proper interaction being Alec handing Lily concussed DJ Bat, and Lily not wanting to put him down, despite Raphael’s demands for her to unhand the werewolf, because “shadowhunter gave this DJ to me” (c)
almost every single thing George said George suggesting Simon and himself could raise Max in their sock drawer
every single thing Jem said about Will after his death. every single thing Jem said about Will, period. every single thing Jem said. period.
Michael Wayland’s ghost attending Robert’s funeral
the way kierark treated each other in Wild Hunt
the way Matthew felt it was his responsibility to keep an eye on Christopher with experiments, the same way he was trying to support Henry
Emma carrying Battle of Burren tapestry through the streets of Alicante
Tavvy saying “Jules, carry me,” to giant True Nephilim Julian in order to bring him back to human form
Magnus magicking a cordless coffee-maker for Helen before the Wrangel Island
Jace’s attempts of befriending post-amnesia Simon
Tessa finding amusement in Lily’s names for Jem, getting a general kick out of people finding him attractive
Simon jumping inside the pentagram that contained Azazel, to rescue Chairman Meow
Ragnor still choosing to teach at the Shadowhunter Academy, despite all the despicable ways nephilim-ness could manifest
every single thing Catarina did Catarina choosing to teach at the Academy to honor Ragnor’s memory
Ty sleeping outside of Kit’s room for the first few days after Kit was left with Blackthorns
the way Gwyn was requested to not wear his horned helmet on the date, and complied 
Thomas showing his tattoo, when asked by Alastair, and in return, Alastair “making an odd noise” upon seeing it
Adaon giving his cabin up for kierarktina
“Don’t die” - “I won’t”  - Mark and Ty saying good bye before Mark’s departure to Faerie
Red Scrolls of Magic manifesto including things like “painting foxes blue”, “seek and love children of demons” and “offend not the Great Poison with cruel deeds of poor fashion”
Gwyn coming to warn Mark about Kieran’s upcoming execution
Will stealing borrowing Gabriel’s carriage constantly couple of times
Jace giving Mark his witchlight in CoHF
+ bonus: the ultimate “Sleep, Lily, i’ll watch the doors” this one is more like a bullet to the heart, but still
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winx-reimagined · 4 years
[Tessa's]Tecna's Issue
Unlike most of the other girls in the group; Tecna is socially and emotionally distant. Almost to the point where she's emotionless. Although it wasn't greatly executed, Tecna was supposed to have an arc of opening up and becoming more emotional. The most we get, is her sometimes being cuddly with Timmy and that one time she said the girls gave her an emotional rise or something in the rai dub.
Now obviously, Tecna is associated with technology but other than her Winx transformation it kind of loses interest. It's her hobby and interest and it only shows up like that. She's the fairy of technology, yet she doesn't seem to use tech all too much. For the most part, some of her spells/powers just have "techy" names like her shield, firewall.
But what if she used technology more? It's a strange example, but what if she depended on it more, like when the Winx had their powers taken away in season one and she had no idea what a bucket was.
Alright, I'll cut to chase already. Obviously Winx is strongly connected to the user's emotions; mainly for witches and fairies, so what would that mean for Tecna who is basically emotionless? Wouldn't that mean she's not able to use her winx?
For a lack of better words, she's emotionally disabled. She's not able to naturally tap into her winx nor is she able to transform. Well, for now. On the back of her hands, she has these gray, diamond shaped pieces that connect to a "bracelet", and on the front there's a small circular unit that helps expel her magic.
On her back, there's two long, thing panels that run along her shoulder blades. They're thin despite being full of electronics. These project nanobots, that are stored in the panels, and create her wings. These nano bots also create her winx uniform (can I call it a uniform?) and her shields. If she needs more bots, for whatever reason, some will separate from her uniform, her helmet and, depending on the circumstances, her wings.
Her transformation is activated through the green gemstone on her chest, and alternatively on the gemstone on a headband that she keeps incase of emergancies. It's stuck safely and painlessly to her chest, but because of it she always needs to wear clothes that open up there if it's not loose enough to cover it.
She will eventually be able to transform fully, but until then, she has to depend on her bots.
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need-a-fugue · 4 years
We Grow Together (5)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC
Summary: Relationships can be tough, especially when one person is a recovering-from-being-brainwashed-and-tortured former assassin and the other is an overworked mutant scientist. But hey, every couple has their struggles. Right?
Warning(s): some angst, some emotional and mental turmoil… some bad language words… much fluff
Chapter Summary: The team heads home after their short - and mostly successful - mission, only to be confronted with a new threat heading their way.
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The extraction ends up taking almost eight minutes instead of the intended five. But all three hostages are safely evacuated, and aside from some bumps and bruises – and a broken nose and near heart attack – the team is no worse for the wear. “Let’s call that a success,” Steve says as he peels off his helmet and heads for the cockpit.
Tessa’s bent over in the back, digging through the medical supplies as Bucky comes up behind her. He hands his packed-up rifles off to Sam, who takes them without objection and goes to put them away in the lockers at the front of the jet. Bucky doesn’t say a word as he kneels down next to her, laying his palm on her shoulder.
“There’s morphine, but no fucking ice packs,” she mutters. “Who put this kit together?”
He reaches around behind the box that she’s digging through and opens a small freezer, pulls out a soft, blue ice pack. “Here,” he says, leaning back on his heels as he hands it to her.
She turns to him, brow furrowed both in confusion and frustration. It takes her a second to even recognize what he’s offering. She reaches out with a shaky hand and cautiously takes the pack from him. He leans across her and starts piling the medical supplies back into the box, keeping out some gauze and tape. When he turns back to her she’s leaning with her back against the wall, eyes are closed with the ice pack covering most of her face.
“Need any help?” he offers shyly.
She drops the pack and blinks at him. “It’s broken,” she says, staring at him with puffy, red-rimmed eyes.
He gives her a pained smile. “Yeah, looks like.” He holds up the gauze and tape for her to see and she shrugs her shoulders and leans forward.
“Don’t use too much tape,” she tells him as he gently lays a folded square of gauze below her still-seeping nostrils. “I’m just going to have to redo it when we get back.”
He presses the tape into either side of her nose and cringes when she flinches in pain. “I hope you know you’re not redressing this when we get back.” He folds over another square of gauze and gently pats at the thick split in the skin at the bridge of her nose. “You’re gonna need a few stitches,” he tells her.
“And you think I can’t do my own stitches?”
“Baby,” he breathes out, “after tonight I’m not sure that there’s anything you can’t do.”
She lets out a long, deep sigh. “I’ll have Caroline take care of it,” she says, referring to the PA on the med team. She sets the pack back in place and lets her eyes fall shut again.
He moves around so that he’s by her side, leaning against the wall with her. His gloved metal hand lays on her knee and gives a little squeeze. “I’m proud of you,” he whispers to her. Then, smiling to himself, “I really didn’t know what to expect. And when you were out there with that…” He stops and shakes his head. “It scared me to death. But you more than held your own.”
“Held my own,” she repeats, her voice both nasal and a little sharp. She doesn’t move her head off the wall, doesn’t remove the ice pack, doesn’t open her eyes. “I killed a man.”
Bucky’s fingers tense on her knee and he turns to look at her. “You defended yourself,” he says simply, as though it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Another sigh, this one cracking at the end. “I didn’t need to kill him.”
Steve’s voice sounds from the cockpit, “You guys good?” And Tessa drags herself up from her spot against the wall and over into a seat near the middle of the plane. Sam crosses over to her and reaches around to help buckle her in.
“Thanks,” she mutters through the ice pack.
He gives her a sad sort of smile. “You did good tonight,” he intones. “I know it can be hard, but –”
She throws up a silencing hand. “It’s not the first time I killed someone, Sam.” Her words are clipped and harsh, and he can tell immediately that they’re marking the end to a conversation, certainly not the beginning to one. So he gives her a soft pat on the shoulder and quietly moves up front with Steve.
Moments later she can feel Bucky’s presence next to her as they prepare to take off. But he says nothing. She can sense his nervous energy. “I’m fine,” she mutters.
“That was convincing.”
She reaches her hand out next to her, blindly patting around the seat, then his thigh, in search of his hand. He lets out a small smile as he takes hold of her fingertips, and she twists her hand around in his grip to give him a firm squeeze. “I just need to… decompress,” she tells him.
He brings her hand up to his lips and lays a soft kiss on her fingertips. They smell like copper and when he looks down he sees that they’re stained a deep red and brown from pinching her nose for the last half-hour trying to stanch the flow of blood. It sends a chill down his spine. “You’re shaking,” he utters absently, noticing how her fingers tremble in his grasp.
“Yeah,” she replies, leaning her head onto his shoulder. “I’m buzzing.”
His brow furrows. “Buzzing?”
“In the beginning… when we first jumped the wall… I dropped a guy.” She slowly removes the ice pack and blinks heavily a few times before gingerly touching the dressing on the bridge of her nose.
“Stop it,” he says, batting her hand away as she tugs at the tape. She frowns like a small chided child. “What does buzzing mean?” he asks her again.
“I took on his energy. Basically. And that doesn’t really go anywhere. So when I do that… I feel like I’m buzzing. I just need some time to come down.”
He nods. “Okay.”
She turns to face him, looks him directly in the eye. “I really didn’t need to kill him,” she says suddenly. “The other guy… I could’ve dropped him like the first. I just… didn’t.” She closes her eyes again, leans back, and pulls her hand from his grasp. “I just didn’t,” she repeats solemnly, wringing her fingers together in her lap.
He’s silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. Then, “Redirecting bullets, though…” He lets out a small chuckle. “That is pretty…”
“Jealous?” she asks with a lilt.
He nods, not that she can see him, the ice pack laying over her eyes. “Very.” He reaches into her lap and lays his hand over both of hers, forcing her to stop worrying her fingers. It takes a moment, but he can feel her body begin to relax next to him. “That extra energy,” he starts, heady whisper in her ear. “We could maybe put it to good use…”
She barks out a laugh, the ice pack dropping from her face as she sits upright. “Right now?” she asks turning to him. He raises a single brow at her and quirks his head in the direction of the bathroom at the rear of the plane. “You wanna join the mile high club with this?” She indicates her bloody face, bruised and swollen eyes, nose packed down with gauze.
He shrugs his shoulders. “I’ll focus on the rest of you,” he says, eyes falling down to grace her body. “For the record, that suit is definitely too tight. And I like it.”
She laughs once more, deep and hearty, before curling into him. He smiles as she lays her head on his chest. “Maybe I’ll let you peel it off of me when we get home.”
“If you’re gonna make me wait that long, I won’t care if you let me or not,” he says, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer.
The flight home is fast and uneventful. Every once and a while, they hear some laughter coming from up front as Steve and Sam shoot the shit. They seem to be in a relatively good mood, and that beaming sort of energy helps calms her. As does Bucky’s sense of relief and accomplishment… and peace. By the time they arrive back at the tower, the buzzing has all but left her system.
“It’s late,” Steve says as they file out of the hangar and into the long hall. “Let’s debrief tomorrow.”
“Read my mind,” Sam says with a yawn. “Can I crash at your place?”
Steve looks to Bucky, who’s got himself draped over Tessa, his arms wrapped tightly around her from behind. She giggles as he tightens his grip and tells his friend, “Do what you want, I’m not coming home tonight.”
Steve rolls his eyes and chuckles as Sam lets out an “ooooo.”
“First thing.” He points sternly at the couple, his words strict despite the light smile on his face. “Be in the conference room at 0700.”
“Stop talking military,” Tessa complains as she manages to pull out of Bucky’s grasp. She turns around and walks backwards so she can face the men as she says, “I’m going to the med floor to get some rhinoplasty.” The moment she swings back around, she nearly collides with a giant who turns the corner a bit too fast. “Ooomph,” she breathes out as her hands brace herself on his broad chest.
“Hello friends!”
The men all stop short as they take in the scene before them. “Thor?” Steve asks, surprised.
“Lady Doctor,” the blonde god exclaims, his huge hands coming to rest over hers as they sit on his pecks. “What has happened to you?!”
As he speaks, Clint and Natasha saunter in as well. “Had some fun, I see?” Clint intones.
Natasha comes around the other side of Thor and gently peels Tessa off of the man. “Did you seriously go on a mission without me?” she asks, taking the brunette’s chin in her hand and turning her face to inspect the damage.
Tessa shakes her off and looks back up at Thor, whose handsome face is still showing enough concern to send a shot of electricity through her. A god indeed, she thinks to herself as she connects with his deep blue eyes. “Steve threw me against a wall,” she tells him with an exaggerated frown.
Thor’s stare levels Steve. “You harmed this lady?” he asks, disbelieving.
“I… That’s not…” he stutters out as Sam snickers next to him. “She slipped.”
Nat cocks an eyebrow at him. “That’s right up there with, she walked into a door.”
He gives her a terribly unamused look. “What are all of you doing here?”
“The captain did not harm you?” Thor asks in a low tone meant only for Tessa.
“Of course I didn’t harm her,” Steve says with more than a little irritation. Then, again, “What are you doing here?”
Nat turns to face him, hands on her hips. “We’re here to suit up.” Then, turning back to Tessa, she asks, “Wanna have some more fun?”
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