#Thank you for sending me this ask
aliencatwafers · 27 days
Imagine Wafers sneaking outta the house very late at night just so she can gather little earth trinkets outside or her dear Brisa~
Yesss! She totally would do that! Wafers would go out when theres no hint of starlight so she doesn’t have a trial following her (thankfully Shroob eyes have night vision). She would gather things like starfish skeletons, crystals, geodes, leaves, and bat fur for Brisa as Brisa is asleep or sick. Wafers then arranges the trinkets in a little box with a honeybun and leaves it by Brisa’s bedside before dawn.
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elbdot · 2 years
Hey, your work is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing it with the world the way you have, even in this wretched climate so inhospitable to art and artists. You do a lot of good by existing and sharing and creating. Thank you!!!
ADKJGFJGJDKJGF OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 😭😭😭 Yeah the whole AI-stuff seems very grim and depressing, but luckily I see more and more conventions, corporations and publishers putting a stop to it by not accepting any AI-generated work and I'm sure more companies will follow this motion and update their guidelines accordingly, for only "human-made" work to be accepted.
I don't say much on the topic because I just don't like to put my attention to it, so this will be my only comment on the subjet, but I absolutely applaud all those who are actively fighting against it, because it's definitely a necessary fight against art theft and to make sure there are guidelines being created to handle this new technology. We can't make it disappear, but we can set up rules and give it proper management.
This may sound naive but I am actually very optimistic that this will be handled and settled in a couple of months. Or maybe a year or two. I don't think AI can replace artists in any way. Because in the end, artists are not a hivemind you can study and simply copy and paste, because every artist is an individual. They're all unique with their own minds, their own styles, their own ideas and concepts and every single person brings something new to the table.
Sure, AI can steal and copy a person's art style. But they cannot copy what's inside your mind. They cannot predict you. They can just copy what you have already created, but its YOU who came up with it. And if you're a comic artist or a storyteller of any kid, they'll never be able to tell YOUR stories.
They'll never replace you because they cannot be you. Nobody can be you. Only you can be you. And that's why you'll never lose your worth, because nobody can create the things you create in YOUR way. Don't let the outside world tell you otherwise. You are so worthy just for being here. You bring so much joy just for being and sharing what's on your mind. Don't let anyone make you feel like you're replacable, because you're not. So thank you for being here too! :DD
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persephones-journey · 11 months
WHAT DID YOU DO????? OMG 😭😭😭 I NEED MOREEE 😱😱😱 >> https://archiveofourown.org/works/45255499/chapters/128055637#workskin
I’m not going to lie…
I was WAITING for someone to come and demand answers….
And the truth is… my brain, while high on coffee, got an idea that I just couldn’t say no to…
Stay tuned.
I am writing it right now….
It’s going to be good.
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ssreeder · 1 year
I am obsessed with your Liab series and watching the moulin rouge recently I couldn’t help but thin of your rod when listening to ‘ come what may’
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
I want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more
Listen to my heart
Can't you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change
Winter to spring
But I love you
Until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you
Until my dying day
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no moutain too high
No river too wide
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you
I love you
Until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you,
Until my dying day
I feel like it fits your Zukka perfectly
OH MY GOODNESS!!! Thiis does fit perfectly!! WOWWW…
It has been so long since I have seen this movie but the song fits the boys so well, thank you so much for sharing I have officially added it to my ‘the boys’ playlist :) You’re amazing & I am so glad you’re enjoying LIAB!!! I hope you continue to enjoy :)
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impishtubist · 2 years
I'm here to bring you something (hopefully) 🌟new and shiny🌟
I KNOW you're very much into Sirius and his hotty hot young boyfriend Charlie. 10/10 yes! But! Might I propose:
We don't know much about Benjy from canon, but I think it has potential and I'm becoming a little obsessed. Thoughts, my dear Imp?
OMG HI HELLO! You know the way to my heart: a rare pair featuring SIrius! Thank you for bringing this into my inbox <3
(First of all, since you mentioned it, I'm going to give a self-indulgent shoutout to my 2 Sirius/Charlie fics, Tied To You and take a piece of my heart. I personally think that Sirius deserves a hot young man in his bed okay)
And omg Sirius/Benjy YES. My heart! I love them! I mean, we don't really know anything about Benjy, right? Just that he was a member of the Order during the First War, and that he died. But I do have one very, very specific headcanon regarding Sirius and Benjy. You know how Moody says in OOTP that they only ever found bits of Benjy?
My headcanon is that Sirius found those bits. That he was dispatched to search for Benjy (and I'm thinking their relationship was secret, so Moody didn't know that he was sending Sirius to look for his missing boyfriend), and all he found were pieces of him.
Beyond that, I think theirs was a wartime romance. I don't think they were together in school, but they knew about each other, and then they got together when they both started working for the Order. It was a whirlwind, it was fiery, it was passionate, and it ended much too soon.
When you say you are becoming obsessed............are you writing some Sirius/Benjy for me?????
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mollymarymarie · 2 years
amiga, honestamente, remus no necesita ningún tipo de magia para poner una multitud de rodillas, con una sola mirada de ese hombre todos estamos en nuestras rodillas
Oh my Godddddd 😂😍😍🤤 I love you. You are me.
This was what Google translate tells me you said and I feel like this is pretty accurate lol:
"friend, honestly, remus doesn't need any kind of magic to bring a crowd to their knees, with one look from that man we are all on our knees."
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babygirlwolverine · 2 years
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This is my cat, Neville Chamberlain. His favorite thing is cuddling and his second favorite thing is making new friends. He is sending you cuddles.
Oh my GOD Neville Chamberlain is so cute I’m gonna start crying he’s absolutely adorable and so so precious my heart is gonna burst!! I love him!! Thank you, cute lil Neville, for the cuddles! This just made my entire night like i cannot stop smiling he’s the cutest little bean ever!!! I’m happy to be his new friend!! <3333
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So, this is me both shooting my shot and saying hi. I'm one of the two people who located the Ramsay Fiction tracks (Cody, and I found Don't Touch Me) last year and since then, have been on a hunt to both clarify a band timeline and see if any of the band's other pre Fix Me stuff can somehow be located. So far, I've figured out the Wikipedia page needs updates, that a song title people assumed belonged to one track actually belonged to another (Push You Up), located a music site that was all about bands across the west coast of Canada that went kaput outta nowhere... and ideas for new leads, but uncertainty if I'd ever hear back from anyone. I've also wanted to discuss the band itself with more people as I'm a super geek who loves everything Josh has ever put out (albeit I do find that I have hot takes that not everyone agrees with). Still, it feels like there's nowhere to talk MT anymore with anybody. Like, a good chunk of the MT fan twitters are dormant, Reddit is decent but not great for everything and the one place you'd assume would have a thriving Trencher community (Discord) is also pretty much dead. Do you think that a revival in the community could be started once a new album is on its way? >.< Or any ideas as to how maybe spark interest in a new place for MT fans?
Hi! I just want to start of by saying,,, you are doing the Lord’s work for reals 🙏🙏 I always knew Ramsay Fiction put out an album and I’ve been scouring the internet for years to listen to whatever people have found and I so appreciate your work 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
And ofc,, this is the perfect place to geek out about Mtrench !! I honestly haven’t been on other social media to talk about this band so I personally can compare, and I feel although we are pretty small here on this small corner of tumblr, we are kind of active. I try to be active as much as possible but it’s definitely been a little more active recently so I’m glad that’s happening. And so with a new album, it will DEFINITELY be more active once the new album comes in. I want to hear what you guys think the new album’s theme will be !!
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purple-babygirl · 5 months
I have something silly to tell you that maybe get the pressure of hate away from you
Sometimes I imagine I'm friends with Sebastian and that I'm showing him fanfic people write about him
You're the one I show him your writings the most in my head
Sorry for mistakes English isn't my first language
Love you purple
This is hands down the cutest thing I have ever received in my inbox since I've started this tumblr! Nonnie, you haven't only taken the pressure of hate away, you've also made me so so happy💜💜💜 Thank you for including me and my writing in your imagination and I know that Sebastian would be lucky to be friends with someone as kind as you💜💜💜💜💜💜
I love you right back, nonnie love💜💜
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emilyartstudio-s · 4 months
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milk-lover · 10 months
Sobbing uncontrollably reading through a dissertation about the college experience of students with ADHD. It is like reading a report about my life that just says over and over "My experiences are real. My hardships are real. I am not lazy, I am not dumb. My struggles were not my fault, and they were not a moral failing. The failure was with the system, not with me."
Here's a line that got me in particular:
"Hotez et al.(2022) compared the health, academic, and non-academic capacities of a nationally representative sample of U.S. first-year college students with ADHD and without ADHD. Students with ADHD self-reported lower academic aspirations and more feelings of depression and overwhelm, ranking themselves lower in their general emotional health. The fact that students with ADHD scored in the highest 10th percentile for many non-academic traits, such as artistic ability, computer skills, creativity, public speaking, social confidence, self-understanding and understanding of others, compassion, and risk-tasking, suggests that this population has strengths that are frequently underappreciated in academia."
(the paper is a thesis called "Understanding the Collegiate Experience for Students With ADHD" by Gia Long, 2022)
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kimtaegis · 4 months
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JIN HUGS JIN HUGS! for @jinstronaut ♡
cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls, 0613data
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kandismon · 4 months
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totally lore-accurate swanqueen screencap redraws 4/∞
they're on their first date :3c
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lil-lemon-snails · 4 months
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decided to draw some of your guys' tags from my harlequin sun and moon post!!! These guys are so much fun and you're all so funny >w<
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 18 days
having scary dog privileges when going out in public with Bakugo
Except people only avoid him because they’re afraid of getting rabies 😭😭
he’s just so chaotic he has to be infected
(him n my oc r like this cough coiugh cough)
i mean,, look at him..💀 sure, he's scary and big n buff n whatnot but also he looks like a damn dog with rabies the way he walks around shoulders slouched n saggy n with that impossible frown on his face. (plus his little waddle) and if you catch him on a good day he's even scaries cus hes walking upright like he does when he has those big ass gauntlets on his arms and hes just smuch more imposing and scary😭😭😭 (🤤)
and the way he practically snarls foaming at the mouth at the thought of anyone daring to approach you with any typa romantic intent,,very scary stuff indeed. goosebump inducing.
like he's scary in the way hes intimidating and also he looks like a freak😭 plus he's just soo loud when he feels threatened. like if he thinks someone (god bless their soul for even having the balls big enough to walk up trynna flirt) is trynna start something with you hes all GLARESS. the pressure in the room goes hard and when the person doesnt get the hint he will very much start talking for you. he'll lean over your shoulder where he was walking next you and full on get in ppls faces😭😭
"HAAAH???!!! you can't hear or somethin' ?! we're fuckin' busy !"
he'll be so pissed off about the interaction he'll keep mumbling about some "tch,,damn extra..trynna start shit with me.." he'll keep doin this till you kiss his boo boo's better
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I have added a quirky comment here for the last year and a half, however now… I have no words.
jk I have all these words 👇
I know it is very bitter sweet, but this is the end of Reconnecting. Thank you all for coming along on this journey with me. I plan on making a behind the scenes video on my YT sometime soon. Feel free to send any asks you have I want to answer them all!
Please know I am not going to dissapear! I still plan on making content consistently, and my original comic RULE 5 is already underway, and if you’d like I’m certainly not against writing some exposition fics for Reconnecting 💜
Prev (3::8) / This is the End 💜
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